MAY 6, 1974 01; Till-,@ (IITY COU@;Cli, CII'Y OF VIRGINIA Bi@ACIt, VIRGINIA The regular iiieeting of tlie Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virgiiiia, was lield iii tlie Council (Iliai:ibers, in tlie Administrallion Building, in tlie Borougii of Princ,(,,@s i"Tine, on I'lonclay, I%Iay 6, 1974, at 2:00 p.iii. Tiic iiivocatioji was -iveii by the Revert@nd Ted lvood, Galilee Episcopal C]iLircli, Vir,.,iiiia i3@acli, Virgiiiia. CouTicilnien preseiit: Joliii A. Baupi, Rol)ert [i. Callis, Jr., Mayor Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Vice Nlayor F. Reid l@rvin, George R. Ferrell, Charles W. Gardiier, Clarence A. Holland, G@Lrl@iiid L. Isdell, D. Murray Malbon, and Floyd E. IVaterfield, Jr. Councilman absent: J. Curtis Payiie ITEM ";7073 On motion by Councilniaii @Ialbon, secon(ted by Councilman Ferrell, afid by recorded vote as follows: Ayes: Councilnien John A. Bauin, Rober.- Ii. Callis, Jr., Mayor Robert B. Croniirell, Jr., Vice t%layor F. Reid Frvin, George R. Ferrell, Charles W. Gardner, Clarence A. Holland, Garliind L. Isdell, D. Murray Nlalboli, ancl Floyd E. I'laterfield, Jr. Nays: Noiie Absciit: Councilman J. Curtis Payne City Council approved the i@linutes of the re.aular meeting of April-29, 1974, and dispensed with the readin, of the said @linutes inasmuch as eacli Councilman liad a copy of the sub_ject Nlinutes before him. ITEM #7074 Nlayor Cro,,aiiell introdliced the follolqijl, students on the ',,Iayor's Youth Couiicil, As today iqas 'Yotitli in Gove@,iiiiteiit Day' these students visited with and worked iii thc various City 1)@,,partirients: ANII,tAL CO-@4TROL Mary Arine Del@-ir (P-ayside Junior iligh School) Ronalci Simpson (K,--@llm High Schcol.) CITY ATT07NEY Rogc,r Scott (Bayside Junior High School) Marsha Clieriman (First Coloniil l@igh School) CITY FNGTNEER j@es Eller (Princess Anne ifigh School) CIFY @,IANAGER Bill Jaiiies, Cliairi@,iaii (lirst Coloiiial fiigl@ Scilool) li0l) BIrry, Vice Ciiairnian (Kempsville fii"ll Scliool) Botli 'Latz (Keinpsville Junior Higli Scliool) COi%li%10i'4ITY SERVICES Caiidice Pettiegrew (Keinpsville Junior @ligii School) Kathleen Schwartz (Kellani Hi.@h School) PAPJ@S & RECREATIOi4 Le,-Iie Marshall (Virginia Beach J@iiii(@r ifigh School) Felici@L lioycl (Kej!ipsvilic fli,h Scli @,.Ll) Jolaii Rogers (Vir,inia lo@icii Jujiior li@,,h Scliool) Lyjin 'Asjibacker (Bayside Ifilli Scliool) P LAi'@T I i@ G Peter Simmons (First Colonial Hia.h Scllool)- POLICE Kim Furbee (Princess Anne Iligh School) Rick Roivland (Cox Fligh School) Bill Garrison (Bayside Hi.@ll School) SOCIAL SERVICES Mitzi Keys (Plaza Junior High School) Mr. Bill James, Cliairman of the Nlayor's Youth Council, stated on belialf of the otlier merqbei's that he would like to express to the City 'our appreciation for this second annual 'Youth Day in Governme 1: Today has been a memorable and rewarding experiende for each of us. Tours tiarou.@h the various departments, the lunclieon, and the City CoL .. cil P4eeting lias provided us ivitli a mucli d(.,eper irisight into the running of our City Governl-@ient.' There are several projects tlie Youtli (ouncil has @een working on Project Find (seekin- out senior citizens and informina them of the projects and programs tliat are available to them); 1'een Active Developiaent Project (findin.@ out ivhat programs interests teens and getting them involved in tfiese different programs); and Dialing for Jobs Program (findin', jobs for youn., l,eople during the summer months). To show their appreciation to i%ls. lvill,a Duffield, Admiiiistrative Aide to the Mayor,, tlie @layor's Youtii Council presented to Duffield a gift for the heip and SLipport she has (.,iven them throu.,hout tlie year. 1TE-@l ""7(17S On motioii by Couiicilman Isd6ll, seconc'ed,.by Councilinan Gardner, and by recorded vote as follo@vs: Ayes: Counci.Inten Jolin A. Baiiirt, Robert 11. Callis, Jr, @lavor Robert ii. Crojiiirell, Jr., Vice Mayor F. Reict Ervin, Goor.,e f@'. Fe-crell, Chtrl( IV. Gardnei,, Clarence A. flollind, G@tri@iiid L. Isdell, D. t\lurrL), i@talbon. aiid Floyd E. tviterfield, Jr. iN4'ays None AI)scnt: Councilman J. Curtis Payne City Council approved on second i-eadLn,T tlie rcqltest of @Ir. V. A. Etlieridgc C:ity 1'reasui,ei,, tliat all adclitiorial $15,000 approi)riation 1),@ put iii 1)@idget accouiit '14020-0212A @iiid th@it this Ilif)rOpl-i@LtiOll L)U fuiided by @ill ilicrease iii estiiiiatcci revenue froill tjic Stl-le by $7,500 @ilicl @l clizii-@,or to uriir)[)rop iai S Ll I'l) I Ll -1; o f $ 7 , 5 0 0 .'Fiiis i's iiecossil,y ILIC to clic rcvision iii tli,@ @@,itv clec,@ 5),stcjii aiid @t c-lizliico ill t@lic LLssociateci @vit@i .1673 geiiei-,il I 'II i7 ('7 6 Oii i@iolioii I)y Councillil@ill i)y Counc:ili,,ian flollarld, aii(I by i,ccorded vo t(, as fol I C)@v,@ : Aycs : Couiiciliicii Jolii-, A. Baum, Ii. (@@illis , Jr. , @-layor f"obert B. Croiitivell, Jr. , Vice Nla),oi, F. Reict 1-'i'viii, C;oor,.,e IZ. Ferrell, Cliaries IV. Gardner, Clarence A. itollaiicl, Gai,iLtiid L. Isdell, 1). Murray i@Ialbon, and Floyd E. IVaterfieid, Jr. iNays: None Absent: Couiiciliiian J. Curtis Payiie, City Council @LI)I)roveCl C)TI -,;econd tli(@ rcqtie.,;t of @ir. Cliarles C. Carriiigton, Plaiiiiin- I)ji, ctor, I:r) $1,700 froin tlie Reserve for Coiitiii.@encies to b.cl@ot accouiiL, '@13()10-02-200 (Travc,.l I:-@ponses) This traiisfer is a result of @vlticii 1,7ere iiicurred iii tlic recent jiana@led grotvtli resc@L@'cli. ITE@ll t@@7077 @Irs. George E. Tinnes appeared in fivi)r ol@ the followi-.q.@ Ordinance. Mr. flarry Davis and @Irs. Opal Ayers iii opposition to the original Ordinance. On motion by Councilman Gardner, secojided by Vice @layor Ervin, and by recorded vote as follows: Ayes: Councilmerl John A. Baum, Rober'@- H. Callis, Jr., Mayor Robert B. Crom;vell, Jr., Vice i"layor F. Reicl llrvin, Cliarles W. Gardner, and Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr. iNays: Cbuncilmon Goor@e R. Ferrell, (:Iarence A. liolland, Garland L. Isdell, aiid D. @-lurray P-lalbon Absent: Councilman J. Curtis Payne City Council approved on second Teadiil-u the following Ordinance to amend and reordain Article III of Clial)ter 5 of the Code of the City of Virginia Beach pertaining to aninials and fowl: AN ORDINANCE TO iCl@1--ND A@,T@) iii OF C@.Ti%PJ-E:, 5 0,@' TI[E CODE OF 'J.'IiTl'l CITY OF VIRGIN-LA 13F.A'@'ill VIRGINIA PERT.AINIIIG TO ANII.IALS AliD FC'IIL BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF T[IE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGTNTA: That Article Ill of Chapter 5 of t..'-ie Code of the City of Virginia Bea--h, Vir(.,iniq-, is liereby @iu,-,,-.nded a-liu' @)s fOllO@,7s: ARTICLE III. DOC;S Division 1 Section 5-10. Permit prerequisite to ownership: Permit fee generally. No person shall, without first obtaining a permit therefor. in writing from the City Treasurer, own, keep, harbor, or have custody of any dog over six months of age. Uoon presentation of a certificate of inoculation or vaccination as provided by Sec. 5-15, a permit shall bd issued following payment of the applicable fee. Effe--tive July 1, 1974, the following fee schedule shall. apply: (a) For each male dog, unneutered . . . . . . . . . $ 5.00 Kb) For each female dog, unspayed . . . . . . . . . 5.00 (c) For each male C'Lo-., neutered . . . . . . . . . . 2.00 (d) For each feqiale do@, spayed . . . . . . . . . . . 2.00 (e) Kennel of five to t@@7enty dogs . . . . . ... . . 15.00 (f) Kennel of twenty-one or more . . . . . . . . . 25.00 1 Section 5-11. Term of license; @@"nen perr@lit fee.due and payable A permit, if not revoked, shall run by the calendar year; namely, from January 1, 1974, to December 31, 1974, inclusive, and also each year thereafter, beginnina with January first of each year and ending with December thirty-first. Permit fees on dogs shall be due and payable as follow8: (a) On or before Lhe first day of January and not later than the thirty-first day o-F January of each yeqr,-the c)wner of any do@, si,,-. roonths old or older shall pay a permit E-ee as prescribed in Sectioii 5-10. (b) If a do@. shall become six months of age or come into @he possession of any persor, bet;,7een the ttiirty-first day of October and the tl@irty- f4 rs@- day of Dcceniber of an), year, the permit I-ee for succeeding calendar year shall be paid forth@gich by the aiid sucti perr,.iit shall protect such do@ frori t'ie date of pu--*@i.ase. (c) If a dog shall become six n,,orillis o@@ -,@.,e or come into the possession of any person between tlie fi.rst: day of January and the first day of November of any year, the permit fee for the current c,-leiidar year sliall lie paid forth@,;ith [,y tlic- o@,iner. Secti.on 5-12. Revocation of permit; c-ffect: thereot The Jud@e of the Districr Court m@ly revoke any permit if the person holding ttie permit or fails to coiiiply viitti this ordinance, or any state or locol la@,q Covernin- cruelt:v to ani-r,,.,Ils. A'ly person whose per@,i-t.t is revoked s'liall, wi,tliin teci da@@s tt,.cre@ifter, hutuanely dispose of all animals bein- o,"ned, kept or hzirbored by such person and no 1)art of ttie perriit fc@e !,-,htll be ref,,in@led. Secti@on 5-13. Issuaice, etc., OE P.--La@L licens-- tig Upon issuin, a p2rmit to keed anv Io@, tlie City Treas-@,:@,: issue tG the ovmer a durable tag or idelatificati,on collar, stamped witli an identifyin@ nuriber aiid with tLie year of issuance. bnirqals r,iust iqear i(lentification collars or tas at all times when the ani-mal is off the preniises oi: the o@l,ner. Tlie City T.-easurer shall maintain a record of the iflenl.il-ication of tli-- p.@rinittees and shall make this record available to tli-- public. Effect@ ()C' Any pr-,rsori co,,v@cte,@-' f,,Di: t,,@ Piy PC-rmit fee due and pay,tl)16 U!Irj-@- th s rJ:-vi-sioii i)i--ic)i: Lo fi.rs@-- of Fe',,)rutry of -ary ye@iL,, or as 7i,;isi-on, --n any l o@Tqed bv Liiml shall bc@ fined iiot less tliai-i thc, of tito permit fee required by I.aw to be paid on such dog, nor more than ten dollars and be required 'to obtain proper permit forth@qith and, unless the fire and perm4@t fee is iinmediately paid, the trial court shall order the do.q disposed of by the Bureau of Ani@,nal Control or some othor officer, but the disposi- tion of such shall not relieve the oimer of the payment of the fine or permit fee already due. Section 5-15. Paynent of permit fee subsequent to sunnons Payment of the permit fee on do@.s subsequent to a su=.,ons to appear before a court for failure to do so withiii the til-,ie required sl@iall-not. operate to relieve the o@mer in ques-lion from the penalties provided. Section 5-16. Presentation of Evidence of 4-noculation or vaccination against rabies prerequisite to issuance of lice.'Ise ta@. No license tag shall be issuad un-ler this division for an3, animal unless there is presented to the City 1'reasurer evidence, satisfactory to him, showing that such anii.@l has been inoculated or vaccinated against rabies @,,,ithin ttie -lime ancl as prescribed I)y Sections 5-20 and 5-21. Section 5-17. Effect of failure of dog, to i,7ear collar with taa. Any dog not wearing a collar bearing a license tag of the proper calendar year shall, pri-ma facie, be deemed to be unlicensed and in any proceedings under this di-vision, the burden oL- proof of the fact that such dog has been licensed, or is othen.@7ise not required to wear a tag at the tim--, sliall be on tile owne,r of the do-,. Section 5-18. False sta',-ement to secui-e perrqit Any persoi @,71io shall make a false statement in order to secure a dog permit to xiliich he is not entitlod shall be fined not less than $10 rior more thL,,-i $100. Section 5-19. Records atid reports; dut@i@'s of T)irector of Finance The City Treastrer siiall enter in a permit sales record, the date of t:he sale oi:- tags, iiicltidin- kc-,i-inels, the rii,-,ies Eind acldresses of persons iii alphi',)etic, L ord.er Lo @;olcl. aild keep an account of the -iTiio@int of the r)ernit if,-e pai-d. Tiie Bureau oi- Animal Control shall l@ep a record. of serial !iuni'L)c,@rs in nliinc,rical- order. At the close of ttie fiscal year an aiinua' report of s-j(:Li sales shall be filed by the Treasiirer with tt-ie Direcr-)r of Finance, who stiall audit such records, accotints and unsold dog li--@ense tap,.-,, ,ind authorize the Treasurer to 6esLroy unsold ta,,,s. -2 2 Pib4-@s Section 5-20. Icioculation or vacci,.-@aL!on required -@Generally to qpction 5-24, it shall be unlawful for any person to o@@7n, keep, hold or harbor any dog over the a@,-- of six months within the city, uiiiess such dog shall have b--en vaccinated with a modified live virus (Flury Strain) rabies vaccine, aoproved by the State Departmen-I of llealtli, within a period of thirty months or inoculated within a period of -L@gelve moiths witli a killed rabies vaccine approved by the State Depcirtment of Ilealt',i. If, however, the requirement of vaccinati or inoculation threatens the physicl! @,,ell-I)eing of such d.og, the owner of L,;uc',-l c':og sl@iall- t@,ive a ,-;@ned I)y a licerised. veterinarian -he a-,id o-,.;iic-r ii-iall kc@ep suca dc,,,T in quarailline Lititi.1 Llie- saTe is or SeCt4o@i 5-91. l,o,s broizt-il-- Any person traiisporting a dog i-IiLo the city from so-,ie other juris- di-ction stiall conoly with Section 5-20 @.7itLiin thirty days from the day 'l-ie brings such dog into the city, if sucti dog is to be kept in the city more tlian thirty days. Section 5-22 Impounding of do@ not vaccinated etc. 0 1 Any do@ found in the city not vaccinated, as provided for in Section 5-20, or not wearing an autbenlic vaccination tag, as provided for in Section 5-23, shall be impound--d by the official charged with en, orcing this division, r-or a period of five days, The o@,ner of any sLich dog may secure the release of Iiis dog by producing prodf of o@.7ner- ship and either presenting an authorized rabies certificate or by having such do@ properly restrained until vaccinated or inoculated witilin ten days of ttie time o,4 release and payin@ the costs of inpoundina and caring for such dog. At the expiral-ion of @h@2 five-de-y period, any dog not claimed by i-ts o@qn--r or custodian shall be disposed of by giving it ir ,tho possession of any perso.1 wio @-y b(,- wiII4-i-ig to pay for the cost oi ').I'A vaccination and inooundin.@. If not so disposed o@-, any such d.og shall O'@ be destroyed ina hu,,@-ne manner by the ofi-:icer enforcing this division. (Ord. N. 43@ S 2.) Section 5-23. Attac,@,ent of vaccination tag to dog Is collar A vaccination tag shall be firmly attached to the dog's collar and shall be worn at all times wi@ien the do,,, is not on the property of the o@@7ner or ctistodia,,i of the dog, or in the i=ediate control of some responsible person. (Ord. N. 43, S 2.) Section 5-24. Issuance of inoculation or vaccination certificate Any person causing a dog to be inc)culated or vaccinated as required in this division shall receive frorq th,@ liceised veterin-@rian makj'-n@ stich inoculation or vaccination a certi-fica-le of rabies inoculation or vacciiiation properly executed and si@,n(?d by the licensecl @.7eterinarian in qtiestion, cortil-yiti,, that ttic-, do iii qliestion has bberi inoculated or vaccinated in accordance @vitti the pl:-ov@@z3ions o"@ L'Llis division. (Ord. N. 43, S 2.) Section 5-25. Report to health departiient of inimal bites of I,.unan bein-s All animal bites of hu,.Pan be4-n,,s ,;hall be reported to the City ilealth Department withiii tweiit:y-four lio,@irs aft:er occurrence. Such r(@port stiall ii-iclu-Ile t:he natie and po-,;t of@-ice address o@@ the person bitten, the o@,rier of the biting animal ard a reasonable description of t'(Ie anirial. Ti-te responsibility of so i-t--,@ortin7 is mutually cliar-ed to -i -tttending phys;cians, vetorinar4lans, o, I ors of the bil-ing aiimals aiid I)ersons bitten and itiy cl@tier I)ersoris t-,i@iv h,,ive l@no@,71cdi,,e ol@ this fact. (Ord. @4. 43, S 3.) -3- SCC'@-iDn 5-26. Quaranti,,ic of- arii,@--,Is humali or anir.,als .411 anirals bitiii,, oi: ott-ie@7ise liu-@n bein,s or ls shall ir,,,qediately !)e pla--od under qua@anL:i-ric for , mini-,Pal pei:iod of ten days. Tiie area and conditions o@@ quarantine stiall be desi@.nated by the Direc',-or of Pu'Dlic Health or 't-iis duly authorized deouty. 117hen suita'ole quarantine cannot be mait-i--aiiied by ti-ic o@,7ner, the anital shall be removed to a suita',)Ie Aninal Contl-ol i-acility and tlie-.e be quarantined at the eypense o.L@ th(, o-,.7nc@r. (Ord. @:@, S. 3.) Secti-on 5-27. l@)isposiLi.c)n of ani-i,,;@s SL@s@)@--)Cted oE bein- rabid, etc. b-Lttol-i by l@@ili)id ai:Li-lals sfiall- ;)c or, i@- Li satis@-@tctory to @-TIO @i:C2CCc)- O-- -.,-y -L)e i--V-,Ccq-rl,@--cci in the prescribed inanner atica 'f.,eld uti(IL,-- for a i-Liinirp.,@l pcriod o-L t'lirty days. (Ord. N. 48, S 3.) Section 5-23. Quarantine in event of emergency consequent upon i7id--sproad rabies When in the judl,ylqent o-r the City Healtli Director, an emergency sliall be deemed to exisl- in tfie city or any part thereDT- due to a I z -ion of tie pul)lic, the xqidespread ra-Dies epizootic or t'ie ,)rotecL City Health Director may declare a quarantine in the cit,, or such part thereof as may be so a@,.--ected, and resl-rict all do@s to the o,,7nerIs premises or to the innediate custody some responsi-Dle person, e-ither or both, for tlie durat-@@on of such e@.-,i2,-@ency as is se-L E-orth i.'l sucla order for quarantine. i-',ny sucli quaraiitine shall, remain in full force and efl-ect until modified by the City Ilealth Directo--. (Ord. N. 48, S 3.) Section 5-29. Eni:orcement of Divisio@i by BLireau of Atlimal Control The provisions of this divisiol,. :,,hall be e,-ifo-@ced by the Bureau of Ani-,-al Contl-ol and 'oy sucli o,-her la@7 (,n@-orcin@- officers as the city counci may prescrib--. (Ord. N. 48, S 6.) Division 3 Section 5-30. Permittin- dogs or c-,t-I to run at lar@e. It shall be unlawful for any person oi-7nin,-, havin', control of or harlDorinE, any dol@ or cat N@Yitllin the c@i-ty -10 permit such dog or cat to run at lar,e within the city. Any pe3.-son havin, control o@- or harboring any do- or ca-@ within the c:i-ty shall l@eep such do.- or cat con- fined to tiie Dremises of such person. Tiie words "con@@ined to -,he p.-emises shall be construed to rioan that sucli ('o-, or ca-L shall- be l@0I)t C)n the oi,,,ier's or custc)diati's p::cr-,iises, urile@;s ir,. the custo,-Iy of a--rcsponsible p--rson, o@- in the case ol- hut-)tit-), @;hcil sucia clo- is under t,'i-- contrbl of a resoonsible person. Tti,2 worcl I s,i@ill it,,clude ai7,y person @@711o has a clol,, or cat, or has it in his or @,'.Iio acts -is @LLs 2LIstodian, and .qny person w@,io perillits a dog, or cat to ren,,..ain on or a-oou-L -@ny premises occupied 'Dy him. I Sec--ion 5-31. Sa,@,e - Ir@ipoundin- clc)@,s or cats in violat:ion ojE- Section 5-@)D; di-sidosition of itipounded do- or cat not clait,,ied I'L- sliall be tho clu,-y of ttie Burc,.,i@i of i@aimal Contrc)l @,7ho may T-ind any clol- or cat runnin- @it lar@e iii vic)latic)n c)@@- Scction 5-31) to ti!zo the do, or cat ivito possession i)y tiie cii'L-c)':co-.Cnt- officer, and a record .1ade at tlie tiine and pILice O'E" Sei LifO. IF,!',)Ounc'ted do-s or cats s'Lltll be t@cpL for not lcss than Cive clays rcclaim,--d i3y tiicir o@,.,riers, Dy a p2ri-,iit tag or i)y otlier meatis tic c@in 'L)o identified, Lti,2 Superititendent o)- t',Ie Btjreau of @'Initiial conlrol siiall im.,.iediatcly ;iithin 48 liours of ir.,ipound,.iien-L notily t@.qe o@.iner by Leleplione or inail of tiae iFi,@)ouiidment of the animal. Dogs or cats not claimed by their owners wit[iin f-.*L,@,e days, or suitable new homes after the five day holdin.@ period, shall be humanely euthanized by the Bureau of Animal Control or by an agency delegated by it to exercise that authority. Se6tion 5-32. Same - Fee for reclaiming An owner reclaiming an impounded ,ilimal shall pay a fee of $10, pl@is @@l for the second day the animal @s ir.'Ipounded, and $6 for each addit@,Dnal thereal@Ler tlie i@; imoounde,].. The o,,7ner i,,,ay a]-so be proc@-c-@l,-,d for @,iolaticii o@- this or,-Iinarice aiirj. his porfait m@,,, bL Seci:4-On 5-33. Saric Tr-@nsl---e@- to ano-Lli.-,r persori; fee Any dog or cat und.er the control a@nd custody of the Bureau of ,Aniinal Control and any do@ or cat not redeemed after proper written notice is served upon the owner, custodian or person having a property right in such dog or cat may be transferred to any adult havin.- proper facilit-;-es to care for the dog or cat upon application made to the Bureau of Animal Control, and the payment of a fee of $6.50 to cover the cost of transfer, s--izure and care of the dog or cat. Such person shall comply with the provisions of Section 5-10 1.7ithin 1-0 days of such transt-er. Section 5-34. Applicabil@ity of Sections 30 through 33 Sections 30 through 33, inclusive, shall apply to cats, pets, dogs, and all other aniinals of any typc@ including domesticated or wild aninials held under captijity. Section 5-35. Penalty for violation ot- Section 30 In addition to impoundin@ an ani-mal found at large, the Animal I? Control Officer or police officer rnay issue to the kno@,7n owner of such anii,ial a summons. Such summons shall impose upon the owner a penalty of $10. Section 5-36. Nuisance defined No oxmer shall fail to exercise proper care and control of his ani-mals to prevent them from becomin@ a public nuisance. Excessive) conti-i@lic)tjsor untim--ly barking, molestir,.,g passersby, chasing vehicles, habitLially attaclii-,i@ other domestic animals, trespassing upon school grounds, or trespassing upon priva-le prop--rly in such nia-ner as to da.m.age property, shall b,2 deerned a nu4--,ance. Section 5-37. Possession or control of dog or cat coristi--utin@.a nuisance Any person o@,nin@. or liavin-. in FLis possession or 15nder his control any dog or cat coiistitutin, a nuisance shall be suinmoned before the district court oL- the city to shoxi caLi,@,-, %,7hy such do@. or cat should not be confined, disposed of or reinoved,, or the nuisance other@,7ise al)aLed and, upon proof that tiie do@l, or cat constitutes a pu'Dlic nuisan ttie do, or cat in question shall b,- orkier of th-- d-'@strict cou.-t of th citv, eittier be coiifined, disposed of or refi,.oved, or the nuisance Ottier@qise abated as such cotirt shall order. Sectior,. 5-38. Ilarboring, etc., dog or cat ordered disposed of, etc It shall be unla@qful @or any person to harbor or conceol any c,-,, or c@it @,7hich -has be-,-- @ z , " -T)OSc,.d of by t:[,e Section 5-39. Aninials not to be priz,-@ o-r inducetr@ert No person shall --7.-,re -way any liva vertebrate animal as a prize for, or as an indticement to enter, any contest, l ga,-,Ie or other co,-.petition, or as an inducement to ent--r a place of amuser-lent; or of,@er such vertebral-e as an incentive to enter into any blisiness a,ree,,uent whereby the oefer was for ti-le 1)urpo@-e of attracting trade. Section 5-40. Injured animals in custod,, of Bitreau @t Animal Control Not@,iiLl-is-La-@idi-n- Sectio,-i -)-31, N@7i,f@n :1@-iy @ti-iiiii.-al in tlie cusl.ody of the B-Lireau o" Anim-,l Control iL,3 di@@1).Le(i, or diseased tli-- Siiperinte,@@@e-,it o,' tlie Bure@-u ot Ani-c--.a-l "'c)n-Lrol- ro.,,Iy reoi:tesl the cssiL@-lance of a- vellerinar4laii to treat sai-d anicL,,,il. It --'nc, o@.,,n--r ol@ anini.al is fot-,nd, tti-- o@@7,,ier s'-i@ll @L)e lial)le tor -q-i-l "ees to -Lhe velerinarian @Lor.. treatment provided. Sectidn 5-41. Destruction ot certain injured, etc., ani@als Not%qithstanding Section 5-31, any officer of the Bureau of Animal Control may la@gfully destroy, or cause to be destroyed, any animal in his cliarge or found abandoned or not properly cared for, when, in the judgment ot such otticer and two reputable citizens called to view the same in his presence, such animal appears to be -ravely injured, disabled, diseased, past recovery or unl@it tor aiiy usef., purpose, and should tile tiqo citizens called in as above disagl-ee, they sliall select a third and his decision sliall be fi-nal. Section 5-42. Cruelty to animals a -,iisdc@neanor Any person who (1) overrid.es, overdrives, ov--rloads, tortures, ill treats, aba-@idons, willtull-y intl@@cts inL-iL,i,.ane inju--,v or pain not connec-led' iqitb. bona fide scienti@@i-c cir niedical experimentatio'n to, or cruelly or un,,iecessarily beats, rraims, mutilates, ol kills any animal, @,7hether belon,in@ to himself or another, or deprives any aniT-al of necessary susteilance, @ood @r drinlc, or proper f,,@.elter and pro--ecti-on :Lrom the weather, or causes any of Lhe above things, or being-t'Ll-l cvmer of such anit@,l permits such acts to be done by another, or (2) willfully sets on foot, instigates, engages in or i,-i any i,7ay turt.@ers any act of cruelty to any animal, or (3) shall carr@, or caise to be carried in or upon any vehicle or vessel or otlier@,,ise ,iiy anir,-,al in a cruel, brutal, or inhumane manner, so is to produce torture or unnecessary sufferin- shall be @uilty o'L a misdeiearicr; but r-ot,'iin- in this section shall b"e construed to prokiibit the cieliorning of caltle. SecLion 5-43. Do.@s proliibited on beach--s uri-,il certain pa.-t of year (a) It shall be unlawful for any persoi o@.m@in,, havin, cont@ol of b or harborin, any dog to cause, suffer or perlit such do to e on the PLI@,)Iic sard b--ac@i--s during, ttie period fro,-.i llay 15 tllrough SepLe',Tlt)-_r 30 of e@ich year, suc'l p--@-iod herei@IcLiter cil'@eLl thk, "seLsOD. " , excel)t in a re-lidential district sucti do, fil@iy be perrtitt:ed on the pul)lic s@-,nci I:,eaches in ttie custody or uii(ler t'tle control ot a responsible person di-irin, the season I)et@.7eeii 7:00 P.I,i. @,iid 9:00 A.@,l. t[ic tollo@@7ii-ig dav. (1)) Aiiy porson o@qning, havin, control of or- it@irborin, a do- shall I -,iot cai-i,,,e, sufter or allo@4 sucii ciog to liL'@-er the plil)lic sand l)-o@iches at any ti.i.io diiring tlie seasc)n or ottler@@7ise, and in tli2 ov--nt sucti @log shall defecate on the public sarid beaches aL any ti-nie ttie person ol,.ning, havin@ control of or liarboriiig sucti dog shall itri@tiediltely reiiiove fro,,n the pul)lic- sand bcaches all feces desoosited thorool by ,;ucli dog and dispose of sarne in i sanitary manner approved by @he 'L-lealt@i Departmeiit, such as bv sa,-ii(, in ai.r@-iglit iirapper or cotitaii@,,r @iid plc@cii-i@. same in ,e receptacle. Section 5-44. Enforce,-,,ent of Section l@2, etc., I)y SPCA Huma,,ie Officers Humane officers of the SPC@'. pursuant to Section 18.1-217, Code of Vir,inia shall be vesced with tlie authority of enforcing Section 5-42 1 Of this division. Sectioti 5-45. Penalty Unless otherwidc provided herein, violation of this Chapter shall coristiti-ite a-raisdcri,,@eano.-. Fi-r.sf: l@eading- April 22, 1974 Secoiid Reading: May 6, 1974 Adopted by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach on the 6 day of May 1974. ITEM ff7O78 On motiori by Vic- Mayor Ervin, seconde@i by Counciliiian @klalbon, and by recorded vote as folloVS: Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert fl. Callis, Jr., @layor Robert -B. Cromi@ell, Jr., Vice Mayor F. IZeid Ei-vin, George R. Ferrell, Cliarles IV. Gardner, Clarence A. Holland, Garlaitd L. I.sdell, D. N'urray @falbon, and Floyd E. 1/2Vat@rfield, Jr. Nays: None AbseTit: Councilman J. Curtis Payne City Cou-ncil approved the following street closure relative to a 30' road oii the south side of Laskiii Road in tlie Lynnliaven Borou@h: CLCS A @'c"ID c[T y iA i L -T Ii IA proper r,,)Lice thal, ic,in @aust, Alvin Crandel-1. Ed@iird Sclo@,on, @'rustees of the Co7,gre@lat.-Ion o@' "'irg@.ni@i Feach Co,-,.@-,.n 4 ty Chai-,el, would nake ar),o'@ication to the Cit@, Co,.,,ncil of (@i@'y of Virgi,@ia T@each on Jan.28,1974 I to have the @terein afte- described p--,u-c,-ed 30 foot r(,,a,,'l closed@ vacated and d@-scon'@i.,iued as a TDI-Iblic road jyj Tyrl,.Ii@ii,@n 1:3orou,,n, in the Cit@, o-C Vir,@ii,a beach, @irFini@, aiid s@,id pc @@e@l at t-ie Courthc)L, el Ci@@y of -Vir- riiia BPL@cii, ti;c, C)@@ C r c @,11 1114 ',.,each flcrc,-@@h iri t@ie City c) L; i, c,' sai@, to the Council Plid pursu,,n@,, the stitu-@es iii @;uck,. ci3e-- @;ade in,,! ti-!e -lcuicil, on Ja.,. 28,-974, i.-,4t:h iias more tl,2n ten (10) da,,,-s afte- said ,@nstin@ ol- said not@-ces. Cn Jan.28,197) t,iis Couic@l did apno-'-rit three (3) vie7..,ers to'vie@,i said pronosed 30 foot road sou,ht to be closed vlcated aiid ci.isc nt@-nued and to report in ,riting vhether in t'leir or)idion, iny ind if ary, @)h-,L iriccnven-@@ences @,,culd result -@o-,i dis- continiiing tlie sar..e. anJ said vie,,?ers iinve m2de said re,-,ort in w@iting to the Cotmcil; and the land proprietors affec@@ed -@hereby al.ong said propcsed 30 foot road to be closed, vacated and ctisccitinued have been dk,,ly notified; and 'vTtiTLPEAS, it is the judgr,,ent of @,.ie Council that said proposed 30 foot ro2d should be closed, vacated and disco,,it--@niied. NC-ci, Tfi 7'VCIFII !T l@'Y @ iF Cll- !!CIL c-@' G-TY OF VIRGL,'IA VLRGI;,,IA - SECTIO@@L 1. That the proposed 30 foot road in T-ynniiaven Bc)rcu,.h. Virginia Beach, Virginia e,,-tend@,, -@,-n a sou@ll',@@r3y @,rec@,@--ri fron th,-, sc)u@'i side of @kiii Bavd. as hereinafter d-c--cribed is lio-el.,y closed, vocated an:l discontinued as a public slree', of tlip City of i'ca--h, lir,inia, said z)ro@)osed 30 foot rO2d bein-l- used for public use and t-avel. ALL Ti'AT certain nror)osed 30 feet i-n midth road located in lynn- ',@irginia and more haven Borou.,h, in tiie City of @lir@inia Beach, p,irticul,-,rly described a3 fOllo-,,,S: EL'GI@'i'IT7@ll-l' at a poin@, in the @.i line of laskin 91vd., 1663.8 feet, rore or les3, ,iest o-@ Seatacl- @c@id, ;@hich point is the no-th- east ccrner ol- ttia-@ cer@@aiii piccc (,r ),Ircel of land desigiiated as "Birdneck Co-p. 5.:@) ac,-res on th,4@, (@,?rtai-n pl-@@ enti-tle@i Pla@@ of I.oci'le@, c,@n iaskin -,'i,ne pre- 5 and d@,ly pared by G,@ll op, yLr, ditc.@, @ av 17, 2@i, reccrded ii @,h-- Cl.er@'s Cffic@ o@ @,lie Circili-@ Court, C*@-,r of Virl,iiia Beach, Va. il@ -@ocl,- 17, 3; @,hence sou'herly alonf7, the western sid-- of a prol)osed 30 ro,@d as s@io,,!n on -lat, soutli 120221 c@is'@ 2(Y).7 fec,,"; therice tLiriiin@, and runr,-iti@ in a ror'herly direc@lic).@i the rc,,rt:i side o@ z@iio@ticr @,)rc)T)csed 3@ i.c)ot roid nort',l 7',103,@@' P,,js@ 10 fect to a (,,,i @,he e@F@lfrly E,,@cle of the pro@c)sell 3c@ foc)t i@oad; tliei-@ce tlirii i,.(r aiicl tioi,@hE,@rly 120221 foot ,,,est 20 @.7 @ect alc'i- the eiE;-'Ie@n i,t(@ cf saicl @,)ropo@,ed rc),id to @i (,,@i tne soi-,@'hei@n o@ T.@il;lcin il@vd.,; @hence turni,-ig and runr,-@n, in a -,,cu@lh-:,rly dirc,,C' 11 I I j (' sOL;@', 7@7n3i' i.@est t@ic distince of 30 I-eet alcii,-, "tic @,outheri of Larl@in Blvct. to tle poi-r,,t of b(,ginnin,. Since thc@, i,,,idenin, of @Laskin the depth of @'he i)@-oposed 30 foot road li@is been reducecl from 20@.7 fet to ali@@.-o),ir.,ate2y 157.86 feet sciit'i -rom Llie s-lutti@rn sidf,, of SECTI'@@' 2. Thpt t@iis crdinance shall be in e@'fect from. and after thirty (3c)) davs from the date of it-, alot)tion. Adol)-,cd by the City Council of Virg4@@-aa Beach on Nlay 6, 1974 ITEM #7079 City Council deferred for tiiirty days the following street closure relative to portions of Peck Street, Livingston Street ar-cl Palace Green Boulevarcl in the Lynnhaven Borou@,,,Ii: AN ORDINIOICE VACATING ALL OF PECK S-@,-@E@-T AND LIVIITGSTO@T STREET FROM TFIE @@STERN 30@LDARY OF PALACE GRE-EN BOULE-\!A.@ FO@@';IEPLY EMMETT STREET FOR A DISTZU'CE OF FOUR I-IUNDRED Pl,'D FIFTY (450) F-ET AND THE EASTE@N ONE HUNDRED Til ITay_ SEVEN AND ONE TENTH (lj7.10) FEET OF PALACE GREEN BOULEVARD, FO@IERLY EPIMETT STREET CO-@@MENCING AT THE NORTHF-AST INTERSECTIO@) 01' LIVINGSTON STI@EET WTTH SAID PALACE GREEN BOULEVARD AND TEP,4-.NATI.%'G AT THE SC)UTHE@,q RIGHT OF IIAY OF TIE VIRGINIA BEACI-1-@70'FO!i@ @XPR@-,SS@,IAY, LY!'I@AVEN BOROJGH, VIPGIN@ BE,'@C@l, "",,GINIA. V@TIEREAS, Israel Steingold and MEiurice steingold filed a Petition with the Council for the city of Virgin4-a Beach, Virginia, pursuant to the provisions of Section 15.1-364 of the Code of Virginia, as amended, expressing their desire to'have vacated all of Peck Street and Livingston Street from the Eastern boundary of Palace Green Boulevar.d formerly Emmett Street for a distance of Four Hundred and Fifty (450) feet and the Eastern One Ilundred Thirty-S@@ven and one,Tenth (137.10) feet of Palace Green Boulevard, formerly EmTnett Street cornmencing at the northeast intersection of Livingston Street with said Palace Green Boulevard and terminating at the sou-lhern right of way of the Virginia Beach-Norfoll@ Expressway, Lynnhaven Borough, Virginia Beach, Virginia. WHEREAS, a Board of Viewc@rs were duly appointed, who reported in writing, recommendin,j that said portions of Peck Street, Livingston Street and th(@ Eastern One Hun@-.-ed Thirty- Seven and One Tenth (137.10) feeti of Palace Green Boulevard, formerly Emmett Street commencinc@ at the northezist intersection oi Livingston S-I'reet with said PEIace Green Boulevard and ter@minating at the southern ri.ght of way of the Virginia Beach- Norfolk Express@,,Iay, Lynnhaven Borouqh, Virginia Bcach, Virginia be closed. Beach, virgiii@a, that -,il. of from the Lustorn boundary of P@Ll'ac,@ Grc@eli T30ul@evard -ormerly Erftmett Stroet for a dis-@ance o,,'- Foiir Hundrcd and ri-Fty (450) foet and the Eastern One Ifundred Thi.rty-Seven and One Tenth (137.10) feet of Palace Green Boulevard, formerly Emmett S-Ireet commencing at the northeast intersection of Livingston Street with said Palace Green Boulevard and terminating at the southern right c ivay of the Virginia Beach-Nc)rf()Il, Expr(--sE-,,.,7ay, Lynnhaven Borol2gh, virginia Be,-ch, Virgiiiia, b,-,, @iiid the -aiiie are h&reby vaca-,e(a-. ADOP-IED BY TIIE Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, this day of 1973. Mayor ATTEST: Clerk of tlie Council ITE@@I #7080 The' City Manager iiitroduced to the City Council %Ir. Har@'y Diezel who is the iiew Firc Chief for the City of Virginia Beach. ITEM #7081 On inotion by Councilman Gardner, seconded by Councilman ;Iiaterfield, and by recorded vote as follotvs: Ayes: Councilmen Jolin A. Baum, Robert H. Callis, Jr., Nlayor Robert B. CTOrMfell, JT., Vic-c @',Iayor F. Rei.d Ervin, George R. F--rrell, Charles IV. Gardner, Clarence A. fiollaiid, Garland L. Isdoll, D. il'urray %Ialbon, aiid Floyd E. I'laterfiE,'Id, Jr. Nays: None Absent: Councilinan J. Curtis Ilayne Because of delavs as mtich as 24 inonths iii delivory of automotive equipi,,tent and wator iiieters, Cit, Cc)tlncil atitILorized these itei@is scliodLiled for tlic 1974-75 budget @)e 1)urclia,,,c(l no@,i. This 3-riontli adv@itice order @vill sliorten dolivor)@ tiitic 1)), 11 r.,ioiitlis, arcl eiiil)le tile City to purcliase 74 veiii.cles at stjbsLailtiLl i,.tc)iiet@irv savin,s bcfore tlie price iiicrcase. I City Couiicil further approved a rcduction in tlie 1974-75 Proposed Ol)crating Bud,.,et rcqtiests by $1,317,92S, aiid @ilso al)proved an iiicrease iii tlie 1973-74 operatiiig b@td@,ct by a li.le @ijiiount for tiie follo@viii@ al)prol)i-,i,.,ttions: Geii(@ral 1,@ui-icl $ 1, 1 18, 62 5 & $ C, .1 0 Water I 2(;O 16'.), 30,,) , i i,:,l ;; , ) @),,i ;!)oti, i@ll l'y Couil@: ii ilu 1i, -,;c I)y recol"@,@@i vote @ollot@-,;: Ayos Coltilcilllicii Joill@ IZO[)i i@. (:alli,@, Jr., PI,'Iyor Robel-t B. (@rolfil"Oll, Jr., V@ce Nl@iyor l@. ReiCt i'l@ ill, 1". l,(,rrell, (Iliai-los I'@. Gar@iiicr, Clarc!iicc A. lioll@ii)d, Gai@l@iiii L. lsdc@ll, D. @lurray ',Ialbon, aiid Floyd E. lVatoj-field, Jr. Nays : Nolic Absent: Councilman J. Curtis Payne Ci.ty Council authorized tlie City Man@igoi to enter into standard water and sewer agreements for Woods of Lake l@radfor(I subdivision in the liayside liorotigli. City Couiicil defcri-ecl for oiic week jioi@i@T)-.ttioiis for i,eal)poiiitinent to the Board of Directors of tlie, Tidewatc@i- Ilegioiial ilealth Planning Council. ITE@l #7084 Councilman Waterfield stated that on May 15, 1974, tliere will be a meeting with the IVild Life Service. Tliere is a booklet available aiid eacii Councilman sliould got a copy of this booklet so tlley can review it before the llay IStli ilieeting. ITEM #7085 On motion by Councilmaii Callis, secondod by Councilman Isdell, and by recorded vote as follows: Ayes: Councilmen Johii A. Bauin, Robert 11. Callis, Jr., Mayor Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Vice Mayor F. Reid Ervill, George R. Ferrell, Charles W. Gardner, Clarence A. liollaiid, Garland L. Isdell, D. Murray Malbon, and Floyd E. IVaterfield, Jr. Nays: None Absent; Councilman J. Curtis Payne City Council will hold a closed meeting on Nionday, May 13, 1974, for the purpose of discussing items periaitted for discussion under Section 2.1-344, subparagraph 6 aiid 7 of the Frocclom of Information Act of the Coinmonwealtia of Virgiiiia. ITEM #7086 The City Clerk reminded Council of the Public Iloaring Nlonday, May 13, 1974, at 2:00 p.m., on the Ilroposed 1974-75 Operating Budgot., ITEM #7087 On )notioii by Coulicililiall Gardner' secondc,,d I)y Councilinan Baum, and by unaninious vote, the iiiecting adjouriiecl. zo elt 13. Croliiwell, Jr., Nlayor C.-Lty of Virgiiiia Beacli, Virgiiii a May 6, 1974