JULY 29, 1974 SPECIAL SESSION NII,'4UTES OF THE SP@CIAI, NIEETING 0 F liONORABLE @:ITY COU@NCIL OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA B@-,ACH, VIRGINIA JLlly 119, 1974 @ie Special kleetin@ of the c@)uncil of ti @@ i'@t@ of Viri,,inia ]3each, Vir@inia, @,.-as ileld iii tlie cou"Ici, (-il@il-,IL)ers, i.11 tllc ',(Imiiiistration Buildi.ng, ill -the I i3oroLi-.n of Princess Anne, on i@londav, Itiiv 'O, 1974, iiie invocation was iven by @%lr. Richard J. ;Vebbon, City Clerk cf the City O'f Virginia Beach. Couiicilmen present: John A. Baum, Robeyt ii. Callis, Jr., Robert B. Cror@iwell, Jr., Vice iylayor George R. Ferrel,.], Charl.es IV. @ardner- Joh, R. Griffin, Clarence A. Holiand, J. fienry @IcCoy, Jr., Nlayor J. @urtis P,t)-n--, and Patrick L. Standi.ng Councilme,i absent: Floyd E. Waterfield, Ji. ITENI #7405 @Ir. Richard J. Webbon, City Clerk, read the following publ.ic Iotice: iNotice is @nereon given that the City Council of the City Couiicil of the Citv of Virginia Beach, Virginia wi'l hold a public liearin(., at 2:00 p.m., on Monday, July 29, 1974, in the City Council Chambers, Administration Building, Nlunicipal Cen-@er, Princess Anne Borough, Vir.@inia Beach, Virginia for the purpose of hearin,, those persons in favor of aiid those opposed to the issuaiice of City Bonds and the expenditure of Revenue Sliaring Fuiids and the proce--ds of tlie City 3onds for tlie followin.@ Tot" FY 1975 1974 capi-,al llrc)jccts Otii,@r soi13, ces s u c n- 1975 $1, 000, co 0 4,7P@8,730 1,373,7-7@O 4,22",OOD 21 0 o,") 910,0co 3 103,0,,)o 1,39S,ooo . . . I .@.:. @ 375, OTIO 195,000 825, 000 2, iso 001) 2,11 c 5,072, 000 51 5, 0,@ l'o-@0,000 3, S07, 000 (,-@0, 7@10 Tne foiiowin, persons appear d before City Council reardi.'Ig -Lhis public ii,-- a r i n @., : I @"Ir. F. Reid Ervin - '@Ir. Ervii stated that i@aiiy c,E the subjects lie was @oing to spea',- speak on were .@oin-. to be brou,.ht up by ot:hers, tlierefore, he-lqould yeiid to them. ,.,i r . C I L) @arcier Page, representative of the KemT,sville Senior Citizens u requested Councii to .,ive their full suppoit and approval to the proposed rocreation center. Dick Orendorff, resident of Princess Aiiie Plaz@i, appeared in favor of lie proposed recreation c--,,it,-,r. Cot@llma,-iL!or %IcIntyre, represen,@ating Pei@ibrokc %Ieadows Civic l,eague and Pool, Lll,,(i GPIl@,rai jk ministratoi7 of Vit'giiiia eaci Swiiii Lc@ague, appearod in favor of t'rie proposed recreatiori center. Mrs. Margaret Keister, ropresentin.@ llobilitv on Wiieels, introduced Nlr. I)onai Davi son. i%lr. Donald Davidson appeared in favor of tl)e proposed recreation center. @Ir. Cliaries Dawes - appeared in favor of the proposed recreation center. ,@lornslmi@lary Ellen Cox, represeiiting SEV@IP and Cliairman of the Mayor's t tee on AgLn-,,. @,lrs. Cox appeared in favor of the proposed recreation center. @@'Ir. Tiionas Inglehart, Chairman of the Kings Grant Athletic Association and Optonist Club, appeared in favor of th-- proposed recreation center. @,ir. IV. Russell Hatchett, requesting Council to @ive close scrutiny to any bon issue at tiiis tine, and look toward the future before making too bi., of aii expenditure of money. Mr. @vvilson Chaplain - @Ir Chaplain appeared in favor of first class res@lroon@s at Virginia Beach, but not porlal)les on the boardwalk. iir. Chaplain approved of first class parkin@. @.ara,.es also. Mr. L)ic',- Nlacdonald - Director of the CounciL of Civic Or.,anizations - spoke on tiie olloiving items: @liater and sewer Conventiori center City Jail Princess Anne Branch Library Human Resorces Building Bavside Elealtil Clinic Cominunity Center Par'--ing Garages Expaiision of Social .%Ir. 11. C. Powell, Lynnhaven Inlet Area Civi,: l,eague, appear--LI @efore C-u,,cil a,, spo e on the draiiiag-- probleiiis For Cape Story by -@he Sea. @,irs. Froda Stanley, Senior Vice President of tlie League of @llorpen Voters of "@orfolk and Virginia Beacli, requested Clouric@l to review the revenue sharing to see if the Citizens of Vir,.inia Beach iqill bcnefit fropi tlie allocations. ,@'Ir. Fi,od i@apolitaiio, representing tlie Neptuiie l@estival, appeared in suppor -i til@ prp..,e ..@ention center. 9 -ion, .,Ir. Bill E an, Pr-sident, Vir@inia Beach IniLkeepers Associa@ appeared Fn ta@,or o the converitiori center. @ir. Sari Scott appeared in favor of a convention center for Vir.ainia Beach. @Irs. [t'a er - appeared before City Council o,,t public restrooms and public parKing tacilities. ,,[r. Joel Siiiith, President of Princess Ai-irie lllaza Civic League, appeared before Council requestina. Council to purchatie the Bow Creek Droperty. R-ba iIcClanan - spoke on several items in the Capital Improvement Pro-.rar@l and also on 4S-15 school program. @ls.'fawney Mauller - spoke on the Bow Creok Property, requesting Council to purcliase Bow Creek; also on drainage prol)ler@is in the Plaza Area. Ntrs- Pat Klimcrysisles-- appeared requesting Counci-I to purchase Bow Creek. \Irs. @@lyera Oberndorf, Chairman of the Virgiiiia Beach Library Board, requested 3uncil to expand Windsor Woods and Bayside Branch libraries. ,,r. %lichael K. Fitz,-Irick, General NIana,,er of the Cavilier Hotel, spore I-avor o c..,e on c--nter tor @@t Vir,,:@ni@i Beacli. G. P. DeJardin, represe,-iting the Doiiie C,rpolatioii, spoke in favor of a.co,ivention center for virginia beach. Council thanked the citizens of Virginia Beach for the views they expressed and stated they would vote on this after taking the citizens suggestions and comments into consideration. ITEM #7406 On riotion by Councilman Callis, seconded by Councilman Gardner, and by recorded vote as follows: Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert H. Caliis, Jr., obert B. Croniwell, Jr., Vice i@layor George R. Ferrell, Charles W. Gardner, Joliii R..Griffin, Clarence A. [lolland, f. Henry McCoy, Jr., Mayor J. Curtis Payne, and Patrick L. Stan@lilig Nlays: None Absent: Councilnian Floyd E. Waterfiel(l, Jr. City Council voted to consider matters other tlian that @@or which the special meeting was called (Sectioli 2-12 of the Vir,.,inia Beach City Code). ITEM #7407 On motion by Vice Mayor Ferrell, secontled by Councilman Cromwell, and by recorded vote as follows: Ayes: Councilinen John A. Baum Robert 11. Callis, Jr., Robert B. Cronwell, Jr., Vice @Nlayor Geor@e R. Fei-rell, Cl-tarles W. Gardner, Joliri R. Griffip., Clarenc,-- A. Holland, [. ttenry Mc-Coy, Jr., Nlayor J. Curtis Payne, and Patrick L. StandiiL,, ,@ays inone Absent: Councilrqan Floyd L@@. Ivaterfiel(l, Jr. City Council approved tlie riinutes of tito re,.ular Pieetin, of July 22,-1974, and dispensed with tlic l@cadiiig of said inii@utes iiiasi,,iuch as each Couiicilitian had a copy of tlie subjcct millutes beEore him. ITEi@l #74(18 Or, iiiotion by CouncilEi,@in Callis, second(!d by Councilr'.Ian @IcCoy, and I)y recorded vote as foliows: Aves: Councilinen John A. Bau@@'Robert [I. Callis, Jr., Robert B. Cromivell, Jr., Vice Mayor George R. Fei,rell, Charles IV. (lardner, .Jolin R. Griffin, Clarence A. Holland, J. fienry NICCoy, Jr., "layor J. Curtis Payne, and Patrick [,. Standii[g. @"ays: None ent: Councilrian Floyd i@. iVaterfi--I(L, Jr. Citv uouncil a proved on second readin a trarisfer of 3 1)67 Irc)i,@i I ITE@%l .47409 On motioii by Council@Dian Callis, sccondecl by (,ouji@ilnian Gardner, and by recorded vote as follows: Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert H. Callis, Jr., Robert B. Croriiwe'll, i-,., -@@;.ze Mayor George R. Ferrell, Cliarles W. Gardner, John R. Griffin, Clarenc;e A. liolland, J. Henry McCoy, J-., i'layor J. Curtis Payrie, and Patrick L. Standing. ,Nays :inone Absent: Councilrian Floyd E. Waterfiel(l, J-,. City Cotincil approved oii secord reacliii@l, a traiisler of $3,961 fron Reserve for Contin-eiicies - Mass Transit Operations to Boards and Coinmissions so that the City can pay a bill submitted by Tide@qater Transit for the start-up cost of Vir@.inia Beach bus service. ITEM #7410 On motion by Councilman iNIcCoy, secoiided by Councilman Holland, and by recorded vote as follows: Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert H. Callis, Jr., Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Vice @layor George R. Fcrrell, Charles W. Gardner, John R. Griffiii, Clarence A. Holland, J. Henry McCoy, Jr., Mayor J. Curtis Payne, and Patrick L. Standing. Nays: None Absent: Cou@icilman Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr. City Council voted to establish a Central Absentee Voter Election Place for the Novenber 5, 1974 electioi: State Bc)ard c)f Elections Secretary of Electoral Board Room 101, Finance Building Solith and Richmond, Virginia 23219 0 /City of The governing body of the Ci-@y OL- 3eqcll @@t,y/c i ty decided on July 1-974 To establish a El NOT to es-labl'@sh a Central Absentee Voter Central -,:Dsentee Voter Election District Election Distri-c-I Location of Polling Place: 0-i@L,,7 :lq I I ,C i T--c I i f: t"' 01-, r t 2!.L5-- fo-- the General Election to be held on November 5, 1974. "cr, C@ty 047 -@7irginia Bea Title iiici,)al Cet-iter, @ddress a -2-. ITEM #74,Ll On motion by Counciliaan Gardner, sec@on(led by Councilrlan Griffin, and by recordod vote as Follows: Ayes: Councilmeii John A. Bauii ' Rob(@it it. CIllis, fr., Robert B. Croiil@@eli, Jr., Vice i%l@ayor Geor@le P,. [@e@ r-ell , Charles W. Gardner, Joli-,@l R. Griffin, Clarencl- A. Holland, J. Fleiiry NIcCoy, Jr., Mayor J. Curtis Payne, and Patrick L. Staitdiii,,. i@ays : i'4one Absent: Councilman Floyd E. Waterfielcl, Jr. City Council approved the followin.@ or(linance to amend and reordain Section 33-4.4 of the Code of t'lle City of Virginia Beach relating to notice of chaiige or increase in real e-,,tate assessments: Requested by: City Real Estate Assessor Aiq ORDINATICE To Ai@, D 4aq,,D REORT)AIN SECTION 33-4.4 OF THE CODE OF TTIE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINTA, REIATING TO @7,).rICE OF CIL,%NGE O? TNCREASE I-N RE.A-L ESTATE ASSESSMENTS BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA: That Section 33-4.4 of the Code of the City of Virginia Beach, V-@@r@inia, is hereby amended and reordained as follows: Section 33-4.4 Sa,-ie - No@.ice oi- C'@ian,.@e or Tncrease !Taenever the asse3sment of any real estate is increased or changed by the city real estate assesso@, he shall cause notice to ,,),2 given by mail to each landowner to who,,n tax bills are sent, as sho@@ by the land book3 of "he city, @qhose asse,3:3ment has bee-@i increased. -3uch notice shall be sent bV postpaid mail at least fifteen days Prior to the da-le of a hearin@ to pro-lest s,,h increase to the address o@@ the landoaner as shown on such land books, but the validity of such assessment ghall not be ai:fected by any failure to @ive or receive notice. Every notice shall, among other matt--rs, show the boroughlin w,ii--h the real estate is located, the amount and the new assessed vaiue of land a,.id the new assessed value of inprov--ments. It shall further set out the time and place a-l- -,r@tich parsonli I-qay appear befor,@, the officers making such reassessment or change and present objections there-Lo. Any person who receives tax bills on behalf of the owner or o@,mers of real T)roperty, shall transmit such notice to such oiner or o@qners, if that address be known, i-,mediately on receipt thereof. An emer,@ency exists and this ordinance shall be in effect from date of adoption. Adopted by the Council of the City of Vir.ainia Beach, Virginia on the 29 day of July -IV74. JDB:er For si-@ailar state law see Code of Vir,inia Section 53-792.01 ITEi@l 't 74 1 2 On motion by Council-an Cromwell, seconded by Councilman McCoy, and by recorded vote as follows: Ayes: Councilnen John A. Baum, Robert H. Callis, Jr., Robert B. Croniwell, Jr., Vice i%layor Geor.@e R. Ferrell, Charles W. Gardner, Jolin R. Griffin, Clarence A. liollanl, j. ifenry %IcCoy, Jr., Nlayor J. Ctirtis Payile, @ijid Patrick L. Stan@.lil,4 @4ays Absent: Councilnan Floyd E. Waterfield, J.r. City Council approved the following ordinance to amend Chapter 10, Article II of the Code of the City of Virginia Beach relating to courts: Ai@ TC) A-,,I@i@ Clik-IT7,@ 10, ATITII-ILE IT OF THE rO)E OF T-'I:,: -,'IT" CF V-i,@GI@IIA ",@ELA"I@ii-I T(. 7,E IT !-f-' f@@ EA tl ,L.E COU@4r-'IL OF C i-' OF VI INIA B CT T -it CILiaT)t-er L la L,7 o rg ni -,-l eac" I - @ 4 o o ,7 Se i 0 -7, an@i et i n- L@ @,7c 4 ds c@ld ti,2ipll cou!7t@7 '.@@-ct-ons 1(.-' I 17, a .0-7, 311@) 3 Lituti@-1-1 tli.@re Fore the @,,7or@-, @@-erieral d,i@3trict cou--.it A-@i b-- efloc iv ,,O-,q IOD-,*'-O@@. I c, ?g ITPI @,7413 Oii iiiotion by Councilr,,ian liolland, seconled by Councilman Gardner, aiid by recorded vote as follo@@S: Ayes: Couiciiiiien John A. Bauiq, Robert @l. Callis, Jr., Robert B. Crontwell, Jr., Vice i@llayor George R. I:errell, Charles W. Gardner, Jolin R. Griffin, Clarence A. @folland, f. ti-nry NIcCoy, Jr., @,layor .J. Curtis Payne, and Patrick L. Standiiig. .Nays: None Absent: CoLincilinan Floyd E. ;Vaterfiel,l, Jr. CLty Council apl)roved on second readin@; the following ordinance to -Li,,iencl C:hapter 19 of the Code of the Cit-y of Virgi,nia Be@Lch by ariendin, afid reordaininal Article I of Chapter 11), anci i)V @lldin, -liereto Sect;n!-l 1; by aiiie,-i@lin@ Sectiorl 19 -36 of Irtic Lo t I o i- (,iiai)ter 19, -,iid; i)V ;ici(-Iing a new Article III coritaiiing Sec:tions riimbered 1(1-75 tllr,)71,11 i.9-80 inclusi-ve p--rtaini-,io to 'qousin@: C,- 77 CT _TY O@- \:T--T -@T By -,y 01-1 :'-i,TICLE Ii O'- 'Y Tlr@,OUO@H 1,,,,-30 Itio-LUST;-. -LO I !,G BE IT O?,,DAINED BY TIIE -U()UY--!L O-,'@' CID-' O:,' B7-.,@ ICI-13 Vi-i@GTtlj@ Tha-u Ciiapter 19 of tl)c! Coc-@(, o:),- L7tc-, of 1,L@acii be amended 'Dy amendin, and I ol@ C@,iapt-or 19 @ll'id by adc'Ling there-Lo Section 19-10.1; by aii,@ndi-nS Section 19-36 o@-- !k--ticle II of Cliapter 19; and by aclc'in- a ne@,7 -,'@rcicle III, containin- Secti-ons nu-L@' ered 19-75 -L@- ou,ll @19-@UO inclusi--,Io I -q!! as -Lol,lows: Al'TICL'-- I. In G,2ne-rLl Section 19-1. Definitions, For the purposes c)E- -Lhis Cilla-D@-Or, tl'1'2 fOllO@lin@ 1,70rcis aiid pl@iras(,s shall have thc ticanin,s respective-,,-,,7 to thcr@i @Dy 'ch@@s secti-on: ACCESSO@ly STi,UCTUP7 -7 st-uctu,@-e loc-@'LccJ or,. or p,,rtially on any pr_-riise @7Tiicl-i i@@ lio-L I-;s@ o@@ @@-nLenc'--C@ 'L-o 'L)O LISC-cl Ii-ving or Fleepin@ @D3r hu,.man occupan@s. TI-i: t:@, c! o@- the c -f e @Ll ic a ii i- S -L::,a -L o,@i 0 Ciln-pl-e-.-- 19 o-@ 'L-li-- Code oE C-@@Ly @l-- B-' S E@ -@IT @'itiy I)ol:tiol-i o@ q I o c a u, n (II c r o LiI u avcra@e rl,ivi-ns less o, the l 'j oi ni-n,- c) c@ sc)@i- 0 C5 i-- 7), c r c i-,i c z'@ El o i L) u, 1 -icli L[! 71 c, 1 C) C07E-,"'CI@IL 's L -11111 D@l-"T3 ].4 i'l n -:!-i n coll,@.iti-on oi.@- 27,- y o, '@s P(2c,,- 1-1 ol: C), T)"Iysic,-il (:[Cc-qy o-,: l@c" 0- us--. ]-' )O-@'-, FITO"Y. 0 0,-,1 I.n @"i)Y s o ci. r- C)z SIOL, pin- purposes by 0): rc)::e ',ny cii(-Io@,cd sl@,ice i7i-licil s @i, olly or pa-cl!y used or -Lcnciod Lo u-'ed i-c)@. n or -Dy occu-)@,n-s; p-,-ovi 'ed n,,,, -as Cc- i nc@i s@ ',all :--o@ardeci as of br 12 -itiLended, t6 ')e useil for slcep'Ln,, @oollin(, nnd eatin- Ins)@c 4glI SC,@-.@j4C cS sL a! bo the C)ll-- C) o n o ri s e c s 0 cs -,2T -2,,L 1 1 o- i)y 11 Ll C Cals -,,s O' SC), :L aCC c a i i u PCS L: --(!Ili n i ,--1-' -y - FZ@fTLY. or1oc -),2 r s 0 'Ll S 1c I c,. y -i) 1 ood, ri, rouo OE i)' ood noi-- tll@lu). O(,--: i" 2 s L o--@ i-,ioi:ria@le li@,*n,, -@Li,l cis @@n a cc,?elli Ln - Li n L -L :L %,n F II E (a) Any ('2v--Icc o--- conciti-ci-i i- 4@li f@io-,T 'L)c consiccred li'-.Oly 'L:o caL,s- fi---re ari@ @7i@ iC'L-1 s so st itc) @L),-, danrc,-,--ous to pe-.-.Sons o-l@- -p-@--opea:ty. (b) Tti- c-.-o--Lion, oCon@4 nl,cnce o@ in@7 ,3,Llysi-cal C'i c@ o@ 7@-l-C L r s-0---',-e c o n o n 'o,,, sori o@- , @@ 'ii c@ists a use, ctccLi,-,l-l-,'-ion c) L 01 @D U 3 LL @ i- - -- @ colI -idle O-- C:'Plos*vc 1,1--2 -0- i@; s L.1c cl,'- r,@ o-,- ,3 D OCL-C@ or in sLicLi i --s -@o rsons 0-1. PI-OTD--@:ty. De Ti-ie "o or 0 --i,,:o s Vq aisles, @:,,i'Cs o c)-l- s 7 rl.'- O-. 7 S 0 a s s a y s , us(,,@L -Fo-- OscaT)o oa- !-ialls i@icc@ly ii tlie ev2,l-- 0f-*---@-- -@o yanci- olZ C)CCLIP.-an@ o:c any i-:ire depa-@trccnc or oi tiie s-@- . @'ll 1 Izitclicn rc:-cL:sc o@@ resic!c,-Ic@s 0 Ocl-ter -Eooc@@ is or Ii,,:-an -o.-i-t-z--iii:ion --il@ all O,L-,! L-,Lo-l -Lisli ip2a-@ ail@l L',,7@, L11 o-@iic-- le > - , - L) or or-anic su@,3s"ances that are suL)jccL- to i=@c'i-at-- C'Icciy. lellin,@ U- GUEST. llny I)erson i,@,10 sl-ii-@es l 1, 14 t: 4 r tioL-ii)ermancLit status 'or noL Tio@c tli--n 6--ys. I-LIBIT."IDLI@' -001@l. o--- e,-i--Ios--d s,@cc ul-leet o@, iptc-,i-@OC' ---@osoc: furnacc roo-,is, O.,,-- @:Cj sqLTal:e @'L-Cct, o--- Sl-lc)p-, @,10-L)')" eLi C)-- 1-!n 1 n,,@ '. 0- 7 n s oa7 sL o T)c@--soiis o o vi e.- eL 0 c r-, c v . C! i @c-@. C. is oi- 1),2 -SOL-is -:i.7-vr,,@@ /1 C)o 7 o Z1L c,0 c C) i i c,- @ i Lr 17 UI'I'7 1-- I -i Lo c)- iis C) C) 5: 0,,1 --Ill@ @s a Ki!'Ci[SN. Any room contaiL~in$ any or all of tile fei!el;inS cquip- '~,;~ or area o~ ' ' ' ' ~ ~ ' s' ~- and/or o~kar device for dis'~s;ashins, stove or ocher device for cookins~ refri{~era~ion or other device for cool storage of_food, cabinahs and/or shelves for storage of equipnan~ and u{:ensils, a~H~ cuua~er or ~able for fooJ preparation. small x~tchen or ~'.a alcove containin.~ cooking OCCUPANT. Anyperson, over 1 year of age, living, sleeping, cooking or eating in~ or actually having posse.Jsion of, a dne!!in2: unit or a rooming unit; except that in dwelling units a guest will not be considered an occupant. O:~10~,. Any person who has .~ c~,~e, care or control or a premises or a Dart taereoz v~neune~ v;i~h or ,,zu~zo~ one knowledce and consent of the owner. recorded temperature in the !o~1~ for the prior ten year period. OP. DI~L'~RY WINTEP, COI,DITiONS. A temperature 15° F. above the lowest recorded temperature in une locality soy the prior ten year period. O?PNER. Any person, ~'- ...... ' .... z?--aRl, ~O~-PO'-at. lOD-. association o~" or~anlzat, on holoznS tho te.sal title to any a~,eil~nr os o~,e%l~n% unl~ ~znhln the tiny and any personal reproscnuaaive~ ~rk:stee, conm~A~aeo or guardian having charge~ care or counsel of any dwel!inl or dwelling unit. In the event any proceedings under the provisions o tkis chapter are instituted against any of the parties not herin como!ete charge, care or control of such dwelling or dwel!in;7 unit, such party may file an affidavit statinS the name and addross of the party or parties having charge, ca or control of such dweiiinS or &~e!iin,j unit, and the further proceedi ~s under this chapter shall be against tho party or parties named in the affidavit; provided, that the filinS el such affidavit shall not consti- tute a defense to proceedings under se{rich 19-17. PER~{ISSIBLE OCCUP~.~.~Y. The ma::imu~n number of persons permitted to reside in ad,~ ell_no~ ~ unit or roomzns' unit. ...... ' association or partnership PERSON. Any individual, firm, co~oo~a~zon, I~LUi. BiNG. All provid?9 sas pipes and [as--burninS equipment, waste pipes, water pipes, ware7 closets, sin[ s~ lavatories, bathtubs, catch basins, drains, vents and any other provided fixture together with the proper connections to ~ho ~ater~ sewer and sas lines~ Rarbase disposal units, installed dishwashers and insta!Aed clothes washers. RATPR0,OF i NG. or n~'~... ~c,~o" o~~a~,~,'~ ~o or ,'l[ilc)l-~, a ~,~vcn Sia~ice el tlXl~_l_C:Atl~ ~, O~ ~4~t,~g ,~' '~ aCC C.. }.~., ovlr~ ODL~ilF'i in : ' "' ' " ~ --'~ ., ~ :~-'~- ~C ~S " q';CI~'~1'' , g ~ lilr)orvAous to raL ~;~awAnq and O[i~ICil ..2~ !O a now'eyed.,. ~ ~}}$ the approprzate aLithnr:L ky. on .... uct:~oq wn- cn will preven~ tho in%ross ....... C. _ COi' l,lli, n:Lil'I onrl O-C hl0re t.)~.l_._co TIOU@ i-n- o@ u oi-.e or @orc dormitc)--@ U@'T". @l@, rOC)rl C)f 7@'-Ol P o@ @oo,@s --oi--i'.Iin- -q s o-: to ')e Lis@?C@ i:-oi,. livi.n- iid sleepin-I @l,)Ic cinci 1: e u c of c,:ii:Lon veLliclos an@ eLi-, S @iU-1 TTj-' E i,-Iy corbi-na@-ion oi or consti:uc-L-Lo.,l in--ludin- 'Dui-- In-,, toi-, L-c@ler or o,-iier strucL,-,,- L @ -L ', I !, -@. S 7,esi . L c c,. to @c2 ard 1,7@@. ,7L'I-@ictied Lo -LL-10 -LO C -e LL:L,@ t:u-l ol_- to any u,-.-.. -1@ -ive days. on tlie S@q,-PLe @@or rqo-, c ',@il@,n t' -*@Ly cons--CU'L VT@!iT!l@-,',T!Oi@l. The supply or rerqoval of air i:o and croil natural o-@- ,ne--'cianical (poN,7er (].,-,vi-ces. tlheriev,-r the @@7o--ds "dwel-lin,@l" "c:i@7ei-ling uni-L if it lti:oc)miri@ unit@ i)re,@-,iises" o,, "s-Lruc-Lu,:e" are used iri t,@is Li-i@-@7 s@ail [)e const7-ucd is @,illo,.,,2d by ::ii@ a,,i y p a2:t t:iiereo@-.'l Section 19-2. O-Fficial title. Th-- pro-,,isions o-@ Lhis cliaptcr cons-LitLite and 'oe "TLic, Virinia Beach HousinZ Co@--,e," and may be so citeci. Secti-on 19-3. Purpose oL@ chapl-er. The purpose of the provisions of this chapter is to provi.,-Ic mu,,i standards and requ."Lreo-ients -E-or ',Iousin- and o-@her structur@s in ci-,, -ind in tiie event any lai7 or o-Lhea: or,,Iinance ol@ t:,,ie ci'L-@@ L, I 1-ii-iie.-- stanetare@s 02: Flor(-@ tll-qn are t'LIC provisi-ons O',@ or oi:clitlancc shi@-' S(2(,tioli 19-@. 11c)"Isi-il,7 al- Creat:ed; c i@ll,-iL-icati-01-IS or Thore is h,,@-@eby cre@i'L-eC, a lioLsip.- @)o,@rci o:c- ippeals tc) Sl-: Lo L)c -,)y ,,i--ni-er an(, --o i-, SLI@@"i L)c L-,,12 T 1ti @,7 I'@3 ;-icc, C)Y- p-,:o (ILI:- L',ic c)f Tr 0,1,,_ 71 o 1- C T C r s z C). @(71 ii - aii'l -T7r C, i@ o L; C-'Cl @lf2 r,, r) 1"' L'il 1) L c: lbo board shall elect its own chaicman and vice-c]luirman, and all 'moP. bors, includinil the chairman and vice-chairman, shall be entitled to ~ot,~. except, that the buiidin~ officin! shall be entitled to vote only in the event of a tie amenS the other i.mmbers. A quoruul shall consist of t[l%eo m@~oar S. oecd!on 19-7. Same '.roe'-' -, - procedure; testimony; vote required The housln~: ooaru oz aooeals sm_u]l maec on the cal] of the chairman or vicc-ci~ai~man and may prescribe ..... own wules of procedure. Its meetinT~S shall ca open to '-' public o,~ sna!l be ~nzorma,. No sworn .... oe~ore testiiaony shall be required ana the scaca[:~ents made : ': - the board, ~-~-_~.~.~,~ those of any member of the .... :~o~zc, sz~all not be _epo~a~d or transcribed except at the request and expense of the o~.7ner oz occupant. znvo!voc~. Exceot. in cases of ....... ~:,a~e== ef procedure, tn~ vote of ~,~ least three members of ~' ~ , ~ ' ~ae toard shall be required for~ the Doaro ~0 ~ct OD any m~ox. Section 19-8. Designation of unfit dwellings; condemnation procedure. The o'.eszgna~on of dwelling or dwellin% unzus as unfit for human ua~ condemnation and placarding of habitation and the procedure for st]ch ' .c- - un=~t d~el!incs or dwe].!inq units shall be carried out in compliance with the '= ~ ' ~ollowln~' requirements: "-- (a) Any dwe!linc or dwelling unit which Shall be found to have any o'z Eno zo!!owzng de,'¢e~s ot~alJ_ De .............. as unfit fez human h~ta~lon ta~ housing officer: ~, ~ ~'- ~'~.- .... -~ and p!acar6(-d [oy (1) One which is so dama[~ed~ decayed, dilapidated, unsanita unsafe or vermin-infested that it crea~es a serious.hazard to the healt~ or safety of the occupants or of tho pnblic. (2) One ~hich lacks illuminaaign, ventilation cz sanitation facilities adequate to protect the health or safety of the occupants o~ of the pubi[c. (3) One which because of its general condition or location is uns~nzt~y or otne~.~,._se dangerous to d~= health or safety of the occupants or of the public. (b) Any dwe]_lin~, or dwelling unit: condemned as unfit for human ' ~'--'~: ~-~'~ ~',~nd pzacardea~ * by the housing{ officer shall oe vacated within a reasonable time ao ordered oy ~l{ousin~ ozzzcer. (c) No dwelling or dwellim~, unit which has been condemned and p!ecarded as unfit for human hab'{tation shall again be used for human habitation until written approval is s(cured from and suc,z placard is reuovcd ~y the housgn~ officer. The housin<~ officer shall remove such pla~a-.~d whenever ~.{.;7'llofect or defectS-il?on--which the condemnation and placarding action ~..ere based have been eliminated. (d) No person oaa_~ aec_ace or re, eve the Dtacarm from any dwelling m: (i',;elling unit which has been conde::lu3d as unfit for human habitation anu ?.a~o~ct as ouc'n~ e.,cep~ as proviCed in subsection (c) of ' "~ (e) Uhen any r~-~ln4,,~ ou F-,,~t'I-:-,, unit has [~een u ~l~ ~ic~t_on oy t~le hou,,.,_.k, o~:r]ce~ , he r:iay in thc interest of public ,l._~.lz~:[ ~,na safe"' i:eqnira thl~-owner Jo close such dwellinc or uni{: by boardin2 up all occult.s in~ouch Fwcl!~n~_. .__,~, or dwelling unit in th2~oasement anc~ on the ,..~:'-',.~,t- floor. -' tn~ o:.,eel' or occu~an~ ' '~' '-,P~ dec!a%cd un¥'~t for ntlilan Section !9-9. NoLio~ to :tb::tr; r, uisn~m ~' city may abate when owner fails to (io so. · ''' ' " ~; cnx. o chapte'_c: whenever in tile judsment of ~'' ' ..... ~l,.l 2. nsoeczlon~_.~._c,'~' :~ .... o ~o~]mln~' s~-~nf-o~'' there exists upon ~--~ lafid or p_e., .... o ..... any %~nc Lnzt any conezuzon that constitutes Sued a nL!ZSallQC Or t'aeRa~ce EO L~al_h~ I7,1]_faro slid ~ r ~,_. oa~_e~y unit the should be" ~ ........ or removed J~tuediately~ it shall be the duty eT: ~LlO ~ ....... L.O~ ..... )a un,= ptrson DJ_aced th~ r,,:.~ n-~ a:}ated or such m~e~ to be removed fror:l ~ ,~; 1 ~--.~ ' ,z .... · '- ..... · . .,- T ~-.~ or same will he done by uno c4~-,r -'-- ...... . ~ ' -~' ~ ' ' __. a~ uhe =_ ,once Of SUCh person or cz o~up~.~.= or ~u owner as ~Pe case ma ,, ce. done ac uti,_ expense os ~"cnao.n__,~,' ~' the=~.o,_n~ ox~ s ich.aloe'to~'1~ '~ or removal shall be a lien unon asante are aut~!orlxoc to :30 . n__~_~,~==~.. e ~ .... ~. ~h-~7'i be, ,--~,-o , in .... -s~-:-. for ~: .... ' the office of the ~.':>.~ t?eas<rer...~'-x ......... -' ..... ~" in ~-:,e name oF '-huLe eerson' If tN.e owner of sucl unoccupied la c~ or premises is not a resident o:{ the city and does noL ~aiVO an a~'ent '_n the c:_tlf upon when such notice may be given~ notice rely he /'!van 5y pu,}!:Jcat:[on for not less than five days in any daily no~stapar published ia thc city~ and the cost of such publication shall be co!lact~d as a pau ~ of the expense of ruskinS such removal. 'f '--.~::_' -_r_--21'¢~ -_c2.i ' -' :l_.~-_7l;' - 2 c 0 ._ - - Section 19-10. T_~a__c_t_&on ° .... ,',~'~'~' '~ ~" "' °"-, '- ~' Authorized to make ,_c ~on !9-10.! ,:,.me -- _.u._=3 ........ to ,73ntuct local,.D!aunln~.,, authority pa:La. The : !nspectLon sc.;:v: :es a/ug.;;is;:ra:,}7: may cop,:kmt loon! pJanainI such inspection conduete,i sht:A], on :;[i.l-t', u dollars ($i5.00). S~ction 19-11. ,.~,,~,,~--.t L.I,)=A/~C~..' tO .P:tlZ[Tti'[l ...... ''" L-Qll~._~.~ l]~ fl&£Q- b r cl L, I 1 0 00 nco S--cti-on 1)-12. c C! !La 4ns@2ccic@@ so,, L 7,1 L,@, c,, c t i o I L Ll I 1-io -@':3 0 @l c C)II LLI@- 11 s c (I i ici b i I o @l-ems nece's@,i:y -C) c -c t c r c @o e OLI-@S L; I L l,c cas@- o o S T,)z C)v Col-l t4 CL 0 V,- - givcn @or th-- co-,-rccL:4-on o-- c, -,),i L OT@LO L 0,@ -L 0 thc! dis--reL4-on o@@ -1@L-ic P",ay be to UC-1 SeC,-ion 19_1_3. 4 - p L Pol-c- T'Lie insoec',-ioLi ce--- aLlc7L 1-11- -L suc'ii pol ice -CL .7i'L , inSp- -02: po@7ei:s as are neces@---::y -,-ol-, co.,.2 erl.-:ol.-cC,,a-,nL OL@ c',iap'@or SecLion 19-1@t. Scr:ic of Tlie hou-sin@ o-@:L-i-c2r is 1-ic-,e@L)y aLiJ d,4-rcc'Le@l to TL,,al@,C in- r @7. -s r o o,-,ii ri tlie li2 may I)e,---orm '.!S C--!--@,7 ]-n 0 C J- ii's C@uL,7 o-- laOL-l-L'I C'@c- -@@ty o '--iie occLi-,DanLs oi- s-,ic'- 1 1 ii sand oL- -,!ic ,en--ral T)ti@l--*@c 'L',,ic C)@l- such ins-,)ecL4-ons -Uhe -Lo e:,amine ---vcy LI,17-Ls @LIC@@ 1) C, -1 c c)cc@,panL o--@ evcr,,, e@,@ellin-, d@qollin- Uni-L anc@ un@-!-- o:, tho D-,:son iii cli,-,i:@,e shall -*@,,7e tLle Of@-iccr -C,,-ce acce@s to sL,-c'@i cli-lellin, unit or r LILI-LC diiellin- o o:iii ane such @-i@.ie @or the pu-zDose o@- such 4-nsp2ction, an@- sL,@--vcy. Sucii inspectic)-,I, e@.@,-,.-,ii-Lia-Lion or survey shall no-, have -@@or i-ts Durpose the undue harassr-ient o@- suci@ o@ine- or occupant anet such in-lp2cti-on, e:,a-@,ination o-@ su--vey sliall is@2 LL-10 loist o@@ iticon,;@p.@,-ence -o suci-i or iDc T--i-,Ce so @is -Lo caL L occupc@n'L- consis-leni- lyi-tll an OT--- -L'Lic duties of the c)- FL,,CLI T@ol-i o-.-- s@i---vLy o u-- L)c h ,2 n cic ti' 0 tic, t: L) L)(,, i ic,- n y c m na 1 pr 0 7 o-- n c 2 L ii 1 : LD on "acrti"i tC) c a L ciii ilc, l i0, oT) C-.-7,,3ts o-@: aiiy til,7@e @7hen n S,,),@, c L0 n C) i: t i lo@ st@C'fl C)@7ner or Lo o,- -i-iN7 p,-@ovi-s:Lon c)@ t @l L c 1)c o o 'l- i I ic o I O'- 0 C, I - (2 C)!: 0 L-i-L-cr -o:- !"C' 1) C,, 3- ci o c-'@ia Iii,--lui:lc q SLaZ:,2i-@ekit: o-C L'i,,2 ,:@,cis,,)ns @i'ay is (2 0 n y c t: t1 a 'l- scrvc -'L Lir) on o@,7rcr C) @l (2 n'@- o,-@ c,, C)c -)-i"i L as CLSC-l @-11-,Y I'@llilire; n-@@OVi(IC2@l ;:I)Ct suc'@l -L-,2 e C)@7,i@---@ Or LIPO@-@ ILi C)CC@") lit c, i-s u@):)n ;i-lli !-:c is @@,s lasl '-no-17@i -L- a copy cled no- CONS !CLIO@15 r)j-@ICC@ 1-,1 O--- 7-- c-@ !-f; zce- oa, S@c',-ion sarqe Contents. Suc'Ll noti-ce shall contain aLl out:.14-re of rein--cli-zil action @,',iich, i--- tal@on, @,7ill (:!L-:C-Cct co,-,.ir)lianc<2 @7ith ti-ic, @---ovisio'.Is o@- tl'lis cliaoter and @7it@ll rules ai-ic', a:e-ulatiors a(!.oT)Led nurs@-.--nL i, - I Sec',-,--on l@,-17. Sirf,,c -- ITearin,,. Any perso-,i @L)y @inv no@-4-ce 1-ias 'L)con issLCd in coniicclion I the cn@7o---ccmcilL o.1- cny )rovl S]-on 0-i t-itis o-.-, a-c- any I I re-ulation adop-@ed Du--@suant t@Li--.--eLo -:c,-iup-sL @nci sliall- -be L@raTil@e,-! a on @l-lie insoccL-;-o,-i se-,--viccs i cl Lhat slic@i pe-.--so,,i siiall ccl!on se-,--,@i-ces ,IiS r a 0 r,,q 41 S _l 7 I I c,-i ---a@Ts Ci@,y 'l-hc no-Lice @,7as sezved. u@)on s 1-i@. 2 e i i iiD L: c e- -ei@o such hea@-in-- t !L-@ r,,2r silall- o 1-0 1)2 --ncl -lo S-,Llo@,7 @71, s nL-).-i c(-, siiou-,-(f@ -,-,c, L-@-iod,@ -:*,_ec_,, or T@-i(-, ' 2al-in- sitall i)e co-,ncncc@@, -: , @i 1,1 - i-, not i-ator -Lh@-n tcn C'L,-,ys a@@Ler Llic, ritv oit Lhe p@-titioil @7,,s U,)C)n -iie i-nsnec4L-@i c)n sL2-,:-v-i'_ces ,7nv u@a@-c oi- @@ie -@or a -@--easonaL)IC E uon day i@- iii his ti-ie pei:itic)ne5- has sub,.-,iit:ted a oocl and sLlf-:j:icieLi-I @(-,ason L-c)r- slcl-i pc)s-LpolLii--n-L. Scct:ion 19-10. San@e -- Inspection o@' premises; rant of addi-Lional tir,,ie to cor-@ec-L condition. il@@ter a T)erioc,t O@ Lcii days the riiailin@ or clclivor,7 o-E tile 1--15 Lilc, se-,-,,,ices C C)" IL,c -iall ---etiii c)--- L-ho (lisc c T-@ay b,-! -rantcd to Z-1 L) Z-i L-- ll;iici-i co, t: *1 C) -,q . ICC-'Oii Sarl-- i"Otic-- 'co no-L tilo C,7)iralli-oii t'le 'Cc@Cl c',iys or at tlie e:-pi@a-;on o- cL n ZECI-I@i:@l-o.-icil- noli,cc! i:(-) !)!2 -C)]: occ, O,,7ncr I:o -L C) 0 I@ @io @IL t 4 Cn,@ PL,!C,@ ',-I:i c@n: y LIO@ @L)c@ o@,,n,2r oi- LO -ItIL;e I C; LV @o S1167@ C, y to Fd.L,.Iiro to co/;roct !7herever in this chapter the owner i.s required to make changes in or additions to his property~ either in form or in equipment as the same existe~ before the passage of ~his chapter, and, on account of an owner-'s inability to obtain materials or labor due to Sovernnental reSu!ations or otherwise~ he is unable to make or install such cb,::nses or additions, his failure to comply with hhis chapher shJlk! no~ be ~ v~olation thereof. o~c;_Lon 19-21. Powers of ooaru ~ ..... na~,*_!nc.' ,;It any P-~e'~¢ ~ 3oa=c of anDea!s pursuant to tile .... ~_n:, held by the housin¢ notice set apron in sectzon !~-!i xor a vKulatzon o~ the provisions o'f sect:Eon 19-26 to 19-74, if~"~ should be the judgment of the 'ooaz'd that the owner or occupant, in question_ has_ violated the p~.ovzozono,~ '¢' = of ~'~a~s ~ cha~te~-~ _, the board ulay: (al Gz~.n~ such additional ti.me as may in theJ-~3~n4~m~- ....... o-~ the board DO POcossary or Dipper i~ ergot thok .... b ~*n~'- ¢~, 0~:~:~ o,.~.~ or occuoan~ may r~o¢~, ~7 ..... .~ or remedy the conditions ' -~ ~'-~/ ' the 4 o, ~ ~-- n ~,-,~ .......... u_~_o:., provided, :'-~''~ - ~la~l-]in~znass ap comply wiah the provisions of this chapter; or (b) Direct the -;~ ....... ~ .... ;',-=,--, , ~: ~ -;~ - ~.,s .... L_o~ ~_v,_ ...... (.l.=~_o..~.uo~ to cause a surmmons ' ' ' ....... ¢ ................. ; ....... pafo_e d_e police to be issued :cequz=inS such owner or occupant to appear ~ ,- st.-s~ of the city to show cause why ne should not Da fined for vzo!a=zng this chapter; or (c) Request the city manager to direct the city attorney to institute the neeessary court proceeding in the nnme of the city in proper cases to have the owner or occupant oz' both restvained from further renting or occupyinZ or both such dwe!lins~ dwe!7_i~7l unit or rooming unit until such time as the sane is mnde to comply with tb_e provisions of this chapter and fez such other and further relief as nra7 be proper; or (d) Require the buildinl -' o~-~'-~ - ' ~- ln~p~..~.o.~ )uusuant to the Building Code ox tho city to ~"'-~ ' ' ~ ~.e ac'J!on such as may po focuircd hy law; or (e) Dzsmiss the pzoceedzngs. Sec~__on 19-22 ' '~'~-~-- · · ~._iOCu OZ Cil~p~ei tI[)Or] ,c;ree:nents with others. T,'Jo provisions of this c'hapter :;ha;_l not affect any obligation, responsibility or 1_lability impused C' !ny a,u:eenlcnt between any owner as~:ee:umnt shall relieve any such'ownet: ,~r occupant 02' the respective dt responsibilities and liabilities :t:npused open tha:a by the 3orovlsions o~. this chapter. :ii _OS ~ may be !-~mnd a ndisJuca and viol~tf, cn C)@ c --coun-s for a L 4 C) s C) i-n an act:i_o--i L rc 0 01:, ii-' nces OLIEL Lo ")@2 o]: i-., Q E) c o- c 'p, c -Li I L: Oil la ii(-,al i-' alid L; Vo p@ople --hcll II', @ry CL'SC -::e . . 2 -7 is P-C-,-@ is to -,)e 'n con.-- L @l @a 0 1 1 0 inat"Ce o@@ -OCC c)j@ Cit:y elli-stin@- 1-1 - - i c@ T,, iC C -CcLi-v-- (-'LLC C)I- ',:Ii sI -1 i e-' -I)li -L- -s',Ics aI-o-Iler sta -LI'2 P@O:IOLiC)il arlti Ll , ',-'e 'i sa-F-eLy C)'@- @@--,Ie T)eople 1,17_S 0T-) .0v@ii i @no- sucti o,,hc!:: s o-l- c oc@ -- s tie-,:et),7 PO@qlee@ tc) the e-,tcn-- t'LIC3" i,,iay ',)e In cop,@ ICL 41'@i s c'o, "'i T) c 1: Sec'L-@.on 19-24. Inte.. i:crer,ce X,7itli servi-ces ae@FIinist-@ato@, protii@jitcd. 'Iny pe.--Sol-l @,,!@io si@-,ll OL)s@l:uc- 0, @,i I I-le inST)@,c@;on c,@, aclr.,Iip,ist-fL,tor o-@- any iiis cto o- ic 'i -i , U 00 1: t- u! r, a in @c C.-Ul-Y c;-,' in an,7 re! -n@ a anci upon co@ _aL4 PLM4 S@a--da less tL@n @@en @ollars po@- @T, '!l t,7,0 ciol-i-ors; re,-Llsz:l of en--ry sea::cll IS prov-'@ded 4-n Sect'Lon st,all not be co,-is-L,--Lo,-' @'s ;Dcer@ -Ccr--nco. S--c'L--ion 19-25. PenalLi-es -@or Any DWnCr or occuD-aii'L as herei-i-I Ce@-i-r@ed @,7iio s,-Iall fail . rc--ruse c)-.- n--,-Iec-L to promptly --oTar)@@y in -,II rcsp--(-.LE, Ll-ie p-.--ov--@sions Oi- tlie@ chap--or sliall uoon conv4@cFioLl Lnorco@- b(@ ece-L'--d --uil-Ly O@@ a misecm,,-anz)-@ and sla-,Il be fi-ned no'L- e@:ceedin, one hundrcd o 1 d I ars. Each violation, -1 failLia:c, re@-usal or ne-!,-,c-L and each (!i,,i s co-,i-Li-nuace -@hereof be,,onc.@ I I y I reasDna@ole pca:ioc, Tor coi:)liance (!Ons,-i-,uLe a separate o@l-fcns--. IIP @ TICLE ii. Dutics iii@' SL,c'ci-c)n 19-36. @,ame -- Tailcl@ fLcil4@liris. In co@.=Lercial anct p-, c 7 a-L-t:,ict-ied cl@,-rcc@-1-y tiic-@'o-Lo ancl op,2Lij-,I@@ ti toilet L-1 L sarc! nci L L e CL 'Itcr-, in i i:iannea: 'le lous T@n 'ch2 iny L @,i c % 7 o -@- L) o2: a SU,,')])!Y C) iy P" @llcy o-,: y c@ ii c' u, 1) C) 17iii-cilL L-tilu0 i c 1.1 Ls o@ TI Ill. L c @l 'L, L: i) i i 15-75.D (:) Lead t;',in;:. Any pi?~mentad, liquid substance applied to surfaces bI o~.u~a,' " roller, spray or other m~ans in ~a~c.~ ~ ~ the .... non-viotatile insre?'.ents contain note than one-half per centum {.5%) of lead by weight, ca!culatod as lead metal either as a i[quid o~ as dried filn already applind. (b) Suoocance. Shall. :include ' " poi: limited to lead bearing potty, ceramics, p!~!mbin%, sea].ers~ oa~u~ and similar items. stalrs~ handrails~ ape other appurtenances of a bur!cAnS. !e~ paint. Sectzon 19-76. s~o~z~oztee use of It shall be unlanful for any person in the city to use or apply or 'cause to be used or applied lead paint, as defined in this article, or any substance containinS lead in exccs~ of one-half per centum (.5%) by wei~ht to interior surfaces an"i to those exterior surfaces accessible to chi[dr.~!n of any premises, dwelling, dwo!linS unit, roominS unit or facility occupied or used by children. aecuion 19-77. Hazardous condzczons and notice for abatement. presence of cn~"cr; . ]_ea~ p~[~n,_, or iea~ ocarEn;[: susstance upon any premzses c_~=~o a neazu~ a~zaze to children or other persons he shall issue a ten day notice to the owner or occupant to eliminate the hazard, however, ....... ' - '-' of the insoection ~e_~_~s a~m~n~o~za~o~, =ear,zonal '--~- n~ '- ~.~.,~y suc~ ~ion, Lead u~.a3 may be granted to re~SlTe';-~.~a~e o:' '~-'~ ~----~ p ........ ~._~ he co~-~o!_ .. _e~ely removed zro~'2 any su=~ace t,lh!cil C~ be chewed ........ R~io,-~-.~] peelinS lead paint eaten oy children, loose, czacked~ cal~}oea_.~ ~ or o~n=z =cceso_._s..e lead beari'~ substances shall be completely removed. In lieu of removal of the lead paint, {he accessible surfaces shall be covered vzith an a?~roved~ , durable, pro{ective material. The methods used'for the removal of lead paint shall not present a hazard to health from fumes, dust or vapors by inhalation or absorption throuqh 'the skin cz mucous menbranes aud shall be in accordance with all -2pp!i[ab!e laws, o~dinances, resu!atio~ts aud safety standards and practices of the City of Vi::qinia ~ ~eaca and o:,: state and federal agencies. ~'ohi~ition Of eviction cz o~_~.p~.n~o with children by ~.oune to }}e in violation of section 19-39.f~ evicted, occupanhsw!un children for the ~_n~l~ lease or prior to core octave maintenance. " ~ 19-79. l;very public health official_, hoa~.itai o ~ phy: :.clan, or director o{ a iaborntory, other treatment facllity wi::) diacnosos or suspu-ts the !cad poisonin;; in any par:on shall i;~nadiatcl, .:}tify, in i~s~r,~i, on aorvi{:os adminl[:cr':ahor o2 such fac Notification lnv 2 a i ariy o@-o- v ,3 @l 'cI S @l e L" Lia 'o C! n e,-@ iiol L- or 'De con- El c ii Lil c h diys C)" Socond -ead4-n-: July 29, 1974 -@dopted !)y t@@.le Council c)@- tl,,e '@i-"-y of Virl,inia Beach on the 29 'clay olc July DITY: 6/27/71@ @7/@14 City Council deferred until August 19, 1974 the following ()rdinance closing, vacati@i-@ and discontintiing of a portion of Ocean Avenue and tli-- extension of Cherry Place (A/,@"A (:herry north of Ocean Avenue: CI-IY OF VIRGINIA BEACH (ORDINANCE OF VACATION) AN ORDINANCE CLOSING, VACATING A@@iD DI3-CONITIiNUI@IG OF A PORTION OF OCEAN AVENUE A@@D THE EXTENSION OF CHERRY PLACE (S/K/A CHERRY TREE PLAICE) NORTH OF OCEAN AVENUE WHEREAS, proper notice that Harbour Gate Associates would ma;@e application to the Council of th(@ City of Virginia Beach on June 24, 1974, to have the hereinafter, describ--d extension of Cherry' Place (s/k/a Cherry Tree Place) and a portion of Ocean Avenue closed, vacated and discontinued was duly pos'ed at the courthouse of the Circuit Court of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, on the 12th day of the June, 1974, and at two other public places in the City of Virginia Beach; and IIHEREAS, said application made to the Council and pur- suant t6 the statutes in stich cases rizcie ard provided the Council, on June 24, 1974, which was more than teri days after said posting of said notice, appointed and as viewers to view said ex'@ension of Cherry Place and Ocean Avenue sought to be closed, vacated and disco.@l'@inued and to report in writing whether in thei'r opin,on, any and if -,r,.y, what-inconvenience would re- suit from discontinuing the same, ard said vie,@iers have mad@ said report 'Lo the Council; and W@ic@REAS, the land propri,@toi,s affec'@ed thereby, along said extension of Cherry Place and a po,tion of Ocean Avenue proposed to be closed, vacated and discontinued have been duly notified; and WHEREAS, the City Planning Corr@mission has recommended that said extension of Cherry Place and a po-tion of Ocean Avenue be closed, vacated and discontinued; and W'HEREAS, it is the judgment of the Council that said exten- sion of Cherry Place and a portion of OcE,an Avenue should be closed, vacated and discontinued; now, there,-('re, BE IT ORDAINED by the Counc-il o@ , the City of Virginia Beach: I:- Tha@ the extension of C'nerry Place north of Ocean Avenue and a portion of Ocean Avenue, in the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, as hereinafter described, are hereby closed, vacated and discontinued as public streets of the City of Virginia Beach, said extension of Cherry Place and a portion pf Ocean Avenue, not being needed for public use and travel: PARCEL CHERRY PLACE): Beginning at a point designated as "POINT OF BEGINNING" ona @rtain plat entitled "Physical Survey of Property of Harbour Gate Assoc., Lynnhaven Borough - Virginia Beach, Virginia", dated July 2, 1973, made by Chewning, Hoggard and Associates, Engineers, Planners and Surveyors, Virginia Beach, Virginia, which plat is recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, in Deed Book 1372, at page 574, and from thence in a south- westerly direction along the nor'uhern right-of- way line of Ocean Avenue along a curve to the left having a radius of 550.00 feet an arc distan,.e of 60.51 feet, and from thence running- in a northwesterlydirection between naral@iel lines 60 f et apart (which parall@el Iines con- e stitute the eas'Lern and western right-of-way lines of Cherry Place as extendl-d as shown on said plat) along a course N. 40@ 32' 23" W. as -ar as that certain tract of land constituting the extension of Cherry Place as shown on the plat hereinabove referred to may extend. Reference is made to said plat for a more particular description of said property. PARCEL T Beginning at the p6int where the @,lestern boundary .line of "P,@RCEL OINE" described above, intersects the northern right-of-way line of Ocean Avenue, and thence in a generally southwe,@ter]Y direction along a curve to the left with a radi@,s 0- 550.0 feet an arc distance of 8.61 feet -o a point in the northern right-of-way line of Oce@in Avenue; thence along th, northern right-of-way line of Ocean Avenue S. 79@ 50' 06" W. a distance of 44.26 feet to a point; thence in a generally northerly direc- tion along a curve to the left the radius of wh',ch is 30.00 feet an arc distance of 63.03 feet to a point in the western boundary line of PARCEL ONE described above; thence S. 40@ 32' 23" E. 43.23 feet -2- along said western boundary line to the point of beginning. The boundary lines of this parcel are partially delineated on the plat referred to above in the description of PARCEL ONE; reference is again made to said plat for a more particul@r description of this PARCEL TWO. PARCEL TWO is also shown on an unrecorded plat entitled "Plat Showing Portion of Ocean Avenue to be Vacated, Subdivision of Block 1, Lynnhaven Shores, Lynnhaven Borough, Virginia Beach, Virginia", da-Led July 13, 1973, and made by Chewning, Hoggard & Associates, Inc., Engineers, Planners, Surveyors. 2:- That this ordinance shall be in effect from and after days from the date ol@ its adoption. 3:- A certif-'Ied copy of this ordinance of vacatioh shall be recorded as deeds are recorded, and 4ndex,--d in '@he name of the City of Virginia Beach in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, at the expense of the applicant, Harbour Gate Associates. Adopted by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, on the day of 1974. ITEiN,l #7@@15 Oii iriotion by Councili@ian Gardner, secoi@ded by Councilman Callis, and by recorded vote as @ollows: Ayes: CouncilEien Jolirl A. Bziui@q, l@ober-I f!. Calli,;, Jr., IZ,)bert B. C t,o.-ii@veII , Jr . , Vice i%layoi, Geor ge IZ. FE, rreII , (@iiar les tV.'@@'ardner, Joliji R. Griffiii, Clarence A. Hollaiic', J. Henry l@Iccoy, Jr., Nlavor J. Curtis Payne, and Patrick L. Standitil, ;@ays: None AI)scjit: -Coujicilinan floyd E. lllatel-f@eld, -Jr. City Couiicil votect to @i@,)prove to tlic loari from the General l@@i-.td to the IVorkin@ Capital account o[ tile City GzLrage by $35,000. ITLPL i. 7 4 1 5 On motion by Councilnan Gardner, seconded by Councilman Callis, and by recorded vote as fol.lows: Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert H. Callis, Jr., Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Vice Nlayor George R. Ferrell, Charles W. Gardner, John R. Griffin, Clarence A. Holland, J. Henry McCoy, Jr., Nlayor J. Curtis Payne, and Patrick L. Standing Nays: None Absent: Councilman Fkoyd E. Ivaterfield, Jr. City Council voted to approve to increase the loan from the General Fund to the IVorking Capital account of the City Garage by $35,000. Oil l@,otioii by Vice t\layor Ferrell, secorille" by Counciiinan fiolland, and b), record--d vote as foilows: Ayes : Councilrien John A. Baum, Robert it. Caliis, Jr., Robert B. Cromi%,ell, Jr., Vice Mayor George R. F@rrell, Charles W. Gardner, Johii R. Griffin, Clarence A. Holland, J. lienry INIcCoy, Jr., Mayor J. Curtis Payne, and Patrick L. Stand@n,. ,@ays: o ii -- @,kb s - n tCouncilEian Floyd F.. @V'aterf-icLcl, Jr. City Council approved a teiaporary loa.ji of $85,000 to be nade to the Water and Sewer fund fron the General Fund, to be repaid as soon as adequate water bill.s are coll,,cted. !TEM @'7116 Oii motion by Councilman Gardner, secoiided by Councilman McCoy, and by recorded vote as foilows: Ayes: Councilinen Jolin A. Baum, Robert H. Callis, Jr., Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Vice Mayor George R. F(@rrell, Charles W. Gardner, John R. Griffin, Clarence A. Holland, J. Ifenry iIcCoy, Jr., @layc)r J. Curtis Payne, and Patrick L. Stand-Tig i@avs: None I Absent: Councilnian Floyd E. @Vaterfi-eld, Jr. City Council atithorized tlie establislirient of a netr position in the Co,,iprehensive @%lental Healtli budget fc)i, "Supervisor - Consultation a,-id Educatioii" at pay range 46. Tlie itecessary funds to cover this position have already b_-cn approprjlil(,d. ll'EM -'17,'17 On motion by Councilman Gardner, secoi@ded by Councilman Cromi,,ell, and by recorded vote as follows: Ay--s: Councilr@ien John A. Baum, Robert H. Callis, Jr., Robert B. Cromivell, Jr., Vice tlayor George R. Fcrrell, Charles IV. Gardner, John R. Griffin, Clarence A. Hollan(l, J. Heiiry McCo@,, Jr., Mayor .J. Curtis Payne, aiid Patrick L. Sta,-iciiiig ,Nays: None @llbsciit: CouncilLian Fioyd E. liaterfield, Jr. As su.@gested by tlie City Attorney, City Council appoiitel the %7ir,iiiia Beach Devolopnient Council to i@iake a study of tll? ne@q con,ieiition center I)I@ins. ITEM #7418 T,'ie City Nlana(,er presentod to City @'ou@c',il tlie following report on surfin,@ at Croatan Beacii. @\ir. Scott stated tliat there iiave hC'C,ii lifeLiards at Croatan 13each ev,-,ry day. 1'rasli caiis have been placed oii the bE,,acli, with daily pick-up of litter. There is continiious pick-up of litter by the life-uards in tiie surfing area. VEPCO has.agreed to the placement of ll,,hts in tlie parkin-. area at the Southend of Croatan Beach. Tiiere have been sorite changes in si@ns as far as parking regulations @o, hoping for a better parkin,@ situation. Police enforcement has been increased. Th-- following persons spok-- in favor of surfin.@ at Croatan Beach: Mr. Ray Shackelford, Assistant Director ESA Nliss Evon Johnson Vir,,inia SurfLng Association i@Ir. Jody DeCarlo Lifeguard P,lr. David Bear - Director, Easterii Surfing Association Mrs. Nlaryetta J. White iNIr. Grover C. Wright, Jr., Attornev, al)peared on behalf of the residents of Croatan Beach, and th@ Cr@)atan Beach Association. @Ir. I'O'right stated that all of the perp(@ndictular streets that intersect with Atlantic AvenLie - of Atlantic Avenue from Croatan Road North to Rudee Inlet are (-losed. Tlierefor-, there is no public access to tlie oceanfrorit -roin the street. Tlie people who iive in Croatan, again, feel that they at least, in tlieir own residential neighborhood, are entitled to the same consideration as tlie residents at the ilorthend of Virginia Beach. Nir. Walter Pooie, a resident of Croatait Beach, stated that prior to tiie adoption of the surfing ordinance tlie residents of tlie area did exl)erieiice sonie probleiiis, but tlie probjeins @,;ere not as .,reat as they are tliis year. @Ir. Poole furtlior reqtesled tolepliones ancl puf)lic dressi,-Ig areas. After considerable discussion, City COL,ncil requested t'l-@ Citv lana,er to close the parking area, iviti@ chains, at sundoi,!n; and furtlier requested tlie City Attorney to revie@v tlie Piattel- )n the street closures at Croat;in I'leach, afid ieport I)ack to Coui--,cil on Att,,)u,;', 5, 1974, I T Et',[ 7 z' 1 9 Councilinan Garciiier statcd iii a lette@- (pres--ntecl to Council on July 29, 1974) tliat in ordei, to provil,e better i,estroom facilities for the 1975 tourist season. Counciliiian G.ardner requested tile City @taiiager to make a comprehensive study of the 38 miles of the City's !)each front. Point out ways and mean-@ of providing adequately serviced recreational areas for tlie citizens. Councilman Gardner further stated tliis study can be broken down iiito four (4) areas: a] 2.88 iniles of commercial beach, which composes 7.6 percent of the total b] .61 miles of City owned beach, which is Little Island. This represents 1.6 percent of the total c] 20.81 miles of Federal and State owned beacli, which represents 55.8 perceiit of the total d] 14 plus oi, iainus of beach whcse control and ownership are in question, as to private or public. This represents 35 per- cent. iNlaiiy questions must be resolved, aiaon,l thei-,i are: 1] Legal problems - public beacli vs privat-- oivnership in manv areas. 2] Proper access 3] Adequate parking 4] Possible decrease in tourist tax revenues, etc., in addition to the restroonis. Councilman Gardner reqliested Council t() direct tlie City @lanager to @indertake tiiis criti(:a studv. @lilii@@e riot riecessarily votin@ on this tociay, but to have it brougfit back- uo @Lt tlie nex@@ Cotinci-I rqeeting for di.scussion. ITEi4 #7420 Councilnan Cromwell --@li-iested the Ci.ty i@lana.@er to find out the following regarding Bow Creek: I . What the clubhouse at Botv C-re(,,k can be converted into; 2. What the initial cost may be; 3. How it would serve the neeci-, o[ the people in that area. T'@ie recreation cciiter is niade iiiore coml)lex, no-@ just by a youtil center, but it is also designed to seril,e the handicapped and senior citizens. ITEI,l #74:!l Councilman Cromwell requested informati.on on what the City of Norfolk has experienced on the use of I)arkin.@ garages. ITEi,l #74-1:2 Councilman Cromwell made several cor@iments regarding an editorial wliich appeared in a newspaper regarding the City Jail. ITE@l #741-3 Councilman Standing stated tliat it appears that some of the problems tliat come before Council could be reviewed by some one other than Council on a first tiine basis. Therefore, Councilmaii Standing requested Cotincil to consider appoiiitr@ients to the CiLtizens Advisory 'omriittee. ITE@l #74-Z'4 Councilman Holland requested a resolution be sent to our representatives in Congress requesting that the new federal building liliich is proposed for this area be placed closer to an area that would be accessable to Portsmouth, Chesapeake, Norfolk, and Virginia Beach. I TL-'@,,l It 7 4 2 5 Cotiiicilman Griffin recluested a report froin th-- City s-@aff -re@ardin@ portable facilities ori the boardwalk. @Ir. George L. flanbury, Assistant City i@lanager, stated tliat the staff cotild not recontmend the Lise of portabl.e facilities C)n t,'(-' boardwalk at tfiis time because of vajidalispi aiid otiler I)roblems. Coujicilnan Griffin statect tlia'@ it iias Iiis uiidc,,rstandiiig tliat the faci-lities could be chaitled to tlie boarctwalk to prevent tliese thinas froift happenin,@. CoL,iici@.Iman Griffin Piade a iitotion, secoiidod by Couiicilman Standin, to place 10 poi,tables at a test ai,ea alan,. tlio boardwalk- -The recorded vote is as follows: Aycs: Councilinen Jolin R. Griffin and Patrick I,. Standing @'4ays: Councilmen fohn A. Baum, Robert B. Croi@@iwell, Jr., Vice DIayor George R. Ferrell, Charles W. Gardner, Cl,,irenco A. liolland, J. Henry ',IcCoy, Jr., and @layor J. Cui@tis Pavno I Absorit: Counciliii--ii Robert Ii. Callis, Jr. and Floycl E. l@aterfield, Jr. above @poti(-)p @,.as denic(l. !TE@%l @'74-?6 L;pon j-@lotion by Counciliran Gardner, s--cc)-@ided by Councilman Holland, and bv recorded vot-- as follows: Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Vice Mayor G-or,e R. Ferrell, Charles W. Gardner, John l@. Griffin, Clarence A. lioiland, J. Ifenry @4cCoy, Jr., Mavor J. Curtis Payne, and Patrick L. Staiiding. None ",b s --,-i tCouncilmen Robert H. Ca.Ilis, fr., anct Floyd E. @,;aterfielLI, Jr. I'he i-,ieeting adjourned. lZichard J. bbo@-i, City C16-rT @J.,, Curtis Py 0, 'i@,Y., City of Vir,@inia Beach, Vir,.inia Julv 29, 1974 1 Special Nleeting