SEPTEMBER 16, 1974 oi@ -I'IIE fio@ )"i (I L l'Y '@OUN (I 11, OF 'i til;. Cl'j'Y VII" f\'A SeliFer,the, 10, 19i @l'ile re,,Lilar meeliilc, c-If t'@!" 01 (:ity of Virgin@i@i 15@' acli V@, t,,,iTii @i , i.,as ]ic [cl i " t'] @ (@,ounci 1 TI tilo uil-d.ifi-, in tlie lioroTi-Ill of on 'lond@L Sc,ptlti') r i974, at 2:00 tlle li@ L I pi,esont: jc),,I,. k. Bauiit, ii, tl,,,i is ir. , RoL)@Ir" i". Croiii,,;ell, Jr. , Vice @,cil, Cliiries l@. -jolin T@Z. Criffin, Cl.ai@--n--e P. CurLis Pavie, Pat(-ici@ L,. StiiC[ip@(F Ci I C (@ u i,, c @, lrie ii ab s e,@i tNone I Tl:,Nl 7 5 9 Oii motion by Cotixicilni n (@ardiier, b@, Vice @layoi, and I)y record--d vote ts Follows: A@,es: Councilm(,,ii Joliii A. B-tum, RobeT@t ii. C@Llli s , Jr. , Rob,-,,rt Ii. Crop,i@vell, Jr. , Vice @t@ivor Geor@e R. @'er@-el 1, (:Iiarles 111. G,,rdrier, John R. Griffin, Clarencc A. liolland, J. \IcCov, Jr. , @'layor J. Curtis Payne, Pati-ick '-. S-landi,-i-1, aiid Flo@,cl E. 'lllatcrfield, J-,. a @'s None Absent: @oie CiL@, Couiic@.1- approved thc,, rpinutes of ti@@, ro.,tliar meeting or S,-,ptem-ber 9, 1974, and clispe,-ised @@itli tile re,,i(ling of sLid mintites i,-iasii.uch as ea(::Ii Cotii(-il-,nan 'iad a copv ()f tlie subject minutes be@-ore hin. ITE@,l "75gzl @layor Piyne introduce(i- !Nlrs. Arnette Ne,.,vill-1, reprosentin@, the %rirginia Beacli N--T)tu.@i,-- Ues t 4Ival. I.Irs. N-.@vville extended an invitatiop ,e Council and otlier Cit@, to v"T d l@Ti i 1, @Ill e 'Irs Netqvi LI@,@ statoci t;ia@ 'lie o r@ @,i a a T:)e [)e lleli Ct the C:@v@,ti,2r li@,tel's o,- 0 @i -,i r oi pool an October 5, 191-,' 3 iT)d 6 i).Til. 7 5 ) 4 on o? ',,,o @-'Onald .ilm @'@use r a C@.,.an(le @)f @oninq '@iis- ',IeS4!ential "o i3@,-lct )n c@-rtain prooerty !)eqinnii(I -@@ A @')Oi',It ,,or, -ss Sou@hwest war,, ;,@ri)/e it -,',ie s, cor,ler of '@oad @ind ,Ilbrir,.I' r Li ii-@ c th,- @-6h sicie af n ,)Mpert,, f@pt @.i-@,)ng t@e -@-_:-;@rty line. '@a ,I ';a,i2n - .@ricadaril L COrmiSS"On ',,,,-,,@enda@ion: o@ion iias 5,/ a r2cortied vc)@2 @IF 't@,2 t4,jn, ,i@ ,o @'iis r@ues" as t..e Dro- c;,Iange of is in conf-i :-Yeloti ent ?Ian . ,,4h i ch @,11 I fp. a r,@siden@ial, use --@rinerc4al zoning at 1;@is -io- ,,oul d d4 ot r-sidentii' i- -his ir,?a. I s m-1' i , I D i ck B rown e r , L an d P I a nn e r f 0 r t @,2 @IP -L) I i c a ii t s , @ipp e, a r e d i n @a,,Tor of tlie above petitioll. -@7i -epres-,nti,, the 'i@illiTood Ci@,ic Leaaue ap,)Pared @ Iliam C. B,,ini, , I I ill opposition to the above petitioll. CL),Li-icilrnan NIcCoy riade a iiiotion, secc),@deJ ',:)y (louncilri@Ln CalLis, to appi@ov-- the above petitioi of R. G. Nloore, F. Don@LIO@ Reid, and iin I Re-@ident@@ ,',Ose for a Chan,,,-, of ZoTiing District Cits-s@fication frotq R-6 D4Istri-cl@ to B-1 Businoss-Pesidentia-I I)i@,t ict. l@lie recorded vol-(-, is ,I, follo@vs: Aves: Counciliiian Robert H. @@allis, fr., Clai,eiice A. Holland, aiili J. ilenrlv iNicCoy, Jr. @@avs: Councilrqeji John A. Bauri, Vice @l@i@or Ceorge R. Ferrell, Ch@irles I IV. Gardner, Jolin R. Griffin, Nlayor J. Cirtis Ilayn,.,, Pitrick T,. Sti-ndin@,, and Floyd E. IVatorfi@ld, Jr. A',)stain: Counciliiiaii Robert B. Croiiiwei@L, ir. (@i,@y Council voted to denv the above r)c:Lt@cii o@@ ill. C,. i%lc,,ore, os- f()r @q oF -7c), -1-ilcl Peid, a,,id Ti I?, 7 i'i;triCt Drive, iL,.nniii,, a dil.Laiic(, o'-- i '!).71 Ilon, kc,i,,ip-@vil.le Road, i,tinilin-, Li cl,@staTli--c o'@ '!8L.71 feet alon.@ t,qe -@'ortliei,n ,),'oi),2rty line of 1/2viaicli 350 feet 4-6 t,@c, sicle of Albi@i,lit Di-iire, riiiiiiial a distajice of 151.21 foet tlo!@g Lli(@ E,@stei@ri prol,@,rtv linc., Lng a distaiicc of S81.06 fe --t aloi@,, Llic I;outliern prOT)ertx line. contaiiis @1.175 aci,es. (Co,,intr,,, I Ai@eas) . Kcl,,ip s v i e l@@)rouc,li. @rhe api)llicat@o.'l ivls as 1-he nroposeci clizin,e of zon@'ri,,, dicLiLes a 't) coiiflict tiie K-rinsville Deircio,@)i@,en@ ifi iv;iicii 11, -cesi@icittial use (i 6 tinit,, lier qci,e). zo@lin@, at t.@is location i;o,,ilci disr,lpt tl,.e i-c-@iden'l-ial intorit@@ o@ tli(@ @i e fication @rom Ti on prc,)@)@rty ;,t L pn@114, i !-et 3@l,@re OL ii!S,@i 53c),,tLlt--@;sf of S,,@ipps Corii(@r Roi,.i Lin([ I (itinin, @i cli@,I,@ir -,e of 'D@14. 2@, fec,.t @,.Ion.-, th- Nortliern prc)perty line, c)f 371. O(' i,,3 tii(,, @icle of J,(),@doli Bri(I-e Roaci, riiiiiing @@e c-,,,, I,!S ti@e F-astcr- pz,,pc@@y !ir-e, rtinni-Lig a distari(-,@, @)l 42@,. 50 fee, alon,@ the Sc)uther,i property li@i Litict rtir,,nin, a (,f 1300 f(,@t irioro, or less aloii,, the Eastern pi-op--rty Sj@@id Tl!"'i iot, c@:clitles fr(,in thi, 14. 'a" acre parcel the 11. 5 acres o,@ th@s @-,t fr,@litly -11-8 T@cs;den@al District for %vhici, AL,)-,! ;@L*L@,t i,@'220"' i'l@ i@el), i!@1- CI,ai,,,@ (-)F Zc)nin,, District Classificati,,@i @-2 @Ll 1); tri c t. (Slilp, e r Corn Are-). PRJNCL'SS i\ : T T@l OUC,, A iric)t@ion was pissecl @)y Lfte P'anni'@ig Cuitiz i;@s i n I)y a r@corclc!(! vote c)f 11 Nvitl, 7 voting for tlie iyc,tion an] 4 tl,@, rinticn to appi-ove this request subject to the fo,loviti,,: i" is Ltil@le Stc)ocl zin@l to by th-- applicant tli@it tlic officiil :tian,c@ on tlie :@or rriae)s not bc-@ iiia(le until tlie deciic@ttion of ri l t of ,@ I way 30 fcci, f -,)rn tlie con'crlii,e on Lc)ndo,i Bridge Road is acql-tircd (5-foot dedic@iti(,ii') For the inforination c)f tlio applicaiil, pri(,r ) t',,e issutiicc@ of @@. '[)iiildin., pc-,rrnit, the following viill :)e requireci by fli, ztirrinistcative staff: 1. Standard sitc,, plan iiaiprov ryients in @ccori,-nce,, Ivith tlie Site PIZLN Ordinance to incliide a dretina@e easei-neiit th(@ clitcli on the eastc-rn property line. 2. City viatc@r a-,id se@er requirem--nt is aived as originally re- quested provided septic tai@'-- and well zipp.,-,), @il is rante(I t)y the Healtli Departrnent. 3. The motion by tlie Planning Commi sion recommc,,ncied that tlic declication of a 90-foot ri,h, of way b-- acquireci at such tirre as the center- line c)f the proposed --rovidence-Dam "load is established. S. @V. Smitli r,epr se,-itc)d tlie Lf)pl On r@iotion by Councilpan ilaterfield, sec(),,ided bv Coujicilinan Cror.1,,,rell, and by recorded volle as follo@vs: Ikv0s : Councilinor, Jolin A. B,ll,,lm, Rolie,,:t Ii. CaLlis, Jr., IZobeft B. Croi@l,,qell, Jr., Vice @layoi- ',eoi,ge R. Fer --II, (harle-,; li. (7,,1.-dnct-, @lavo R. Crif@in, (:Iarenc@ A. Hollilic, J @fc,,nry I,cCov, -ir. Li r 5 P @,vii-- ,@L c-@ a 1 1 c,, N@,vs None ',J -o@i Ln, .@cii @-rliction (:otpanv for a Cll,,2.n,,,-- 0 7 -[)istric C.L ai s i f 1 i@ c) T, frairL i\G-1 A,ricilturLil tc) I -@) fiea,,,v iiicltlstri@il ii i r i 13e it urdained by t'i-, cou,,,c i I 0 i@ i-, @:i c n i @i B@, cli, @-i r,@ n i,,t Pct@ti.on of G S Co,,istrttctiori of Zon@ii@ Dis,rict froill @l,ricultur@it lis",@ict, (-o I @ flcavv indT-i@tri@il. Distr@ct oii cei@t@iiii 't)roperty ,t @i point 1407 feet morc, or less Sou'l.fie.ast of Shir),,)-@ Ro@,Lci an(.] t,LtririiTi,, a clist-ziiico of 554.25 leei aloii@, tho Nortlieril of @,fliic@ii 371 .0@) "@ect is tlie Soutli silc OF L'oticloii Brid _qe ',,oa.Ci, rtinnln@ -z distari-:o of@ 1-@80 Ceet more or icss @lloll(,@ tlie @,,istern property Iiiie, I'Ll,iniii@, ,t c!iL@t@tnce o[ 125.SO feet alon, tle Sculhcrn propertv line anct rultii@[i@ @, @,;,@t@t!ice o@ 1300 fcot iiore or alo-q- tlie Lastei-@ I)t'Ol)of@ty 11,10. -,;,,iict c,@clli(les froni t'lis 14.(,@' ,ici-e p@ir@@el tlie 11..5 @ici-cs cl@ thi,-; ai,c-,l @onod R-8 !Ze@@idei,ti-I Di,s--rict. (Sh@pps (@or,zici, Area). Boi@,)Llqll It i-s Liiderstoc)d a,,id Lil,r(2ed t@) 1)), tl@@(, tl)@,.t L'Le ol@lici@,,l ri;tit of way 30 c@t 1-roiii tho @@o,idoii 'Iricllc-, Poa(l is d@d-Lcated (S-foot @Ic.,C'Ljcatioil). For tl-ie iriforniation of tlie -,Ipl)lic,tTit, pt'ic)- to is-5uaiice of a buildin., permit, tlio Collo1/2vin,,, @@ill I)e i-e(itiirc,,(l by tlie aclriiiiistrative st,,fE: 1. Standar(I site plan improv(?,@@ientLi in accor@tance with -Lhe Site Plan Ordinaiice to ijiclude @i drai,-ii@l,e c,-l--;eiii--rit atong the ditcli on t@'le eastei,n propert), line. 2. City ivater aiid sewer r,-,(Iuirei,.IeriL is i@,,,Iived as originally requested pi@ovicled septic talli- and @vell @)[)proval is -rLnted I)y the Heal@th I)cpartment. 3. Nlotion by tiio Planniii, Cci@,i,,iission recoinmendod that the dedication of a 90 foot ri.lit oE bo dedicated at such time as the centerline ol@ tlie proposed Providence-Daiii Neck Road is estLl)lish(,d. 4. Screeniiig on tlie fr')nt port@on oF tile property. ITI@NI #7597 on c)f G @a @'..-,-i-3tr,,iction ;3, (,f i-strict an ironi a @den tial @- istr ic t to al -is tric t r),l z@ -I3roner,@f aL a --i-t z,o.-e less Southeast of (7,orner l-,-.-d r,,inni@-i'@ a C@;3@ance )i 53,3 @:.-et -,.-ore ,ir I--ss along @,@Dr@rn nro-ert7,r "ine of tv@iici !,?O Feot r-.ore )r ;s t'@-a '3ou@ch sid@ o i-@don Brid,e ':@.3 ),d, -unning 'i cllatance , @i I @t5 @ -a @ @o-@ -)r le3s along 'y !-*,ae, .asterl pro-e@. ;:U, a4-, :i cl;.3arca o@ et more or '--s3 -i!Dn@ :,e @ind a -3@ 7 a t rr@o r-- ) r '- 3 3 he -,Va s "a @,l rt.@f 1 @@d Z C c.@ntai@,,i3 11. :3 tcres .-no-@ oc, h i 3mz-zl: )n 4: ,jI 1:3 i,@ht .)f or-ma t 71 @he i @o' ic i @il, 3 3 @,i 3L 71C @t "i; @j i:, -@tanda::ri ii.@@ @iaq 'laa -aace to i@ic7 -ca @D @fe "I'as ar-I L @.- @l @r.AL.1aga @-,i ai.)n, @,ia n t line. 2. C-ity 2@id iewer 11 @VALV@Ct aS orig,.-lalIZ re- @:13z-d nrovided @--i@@c tank and ioorov--al *,s l,rl.,ited "y t',-ie -he rn,3-@ @:-,n @@ the p, 3,nlicl Rion ,rnendect ,,iltt -,lie !C) 1 1@tT,,cl @,,Ltr@@s Pziyn(,, !)Lt 1- i :1@ @@1) s e-,i iN o,@ i (@it)- Cnuncil appi-ovo(i i @i- 'l-C)i o,- G Con-strtic-@ioii (Ioiliot,l), F@)l- ,i o[ c) ci(:.-: S 7(,-'740, 0 ii: f; D S'r' @T 1:@' S 1 F f @@"i "r r @ll o@ll 8 lcs 1 clciit 1', i-s t i- i,: t-1,0 I - 2 '.Idu@ t @' @;,Lt t) t i, i,c t Be -@'t ordLLinei bv t'i" Co@ir 'Ici@ of @ho v ()f Pc,,tition ol@ G S Coiisti,uc-Li@),l Coi-@ll) ii,- -oT- a of Z,)nin, Classification froiii IZ-(@ r;ct to 1-2 IleavA, Inclu@tri@l[ District on c--rta;-n begii,,iiiii,,,, ;,-t noint l@1,D7 feet ot, less Southeast ol- Slii.@ps (lo,,-iier i-un iii ji @i clistance of -@SS iaore or less alon.@ N rtlierri pro,)--it@ line oc I,.@'llicli 190 I-eet MC)ro or less is th-- South sito o,@ Lc)iiclon Bi,lcl,,@c,, !@oa,,I, runiiiii,, -ci clistancc,, c)F 1.2ilz') "oet iioi,-- or less ator,@ he !'@ist--rn liiio, ,-tiiiiii i,, a c@iistallc,-, oF- 410 feet ,.iore or 1--s-@ ,iloi, tl,.e Solitli(@i-,, pi-op--rty liT',o, and runni-n,l a @distaiice of 1197 feel, i@lloi-c, oi, loss ijoiii@ thO 1"'e@ltet'n pfDp--rtV linc@. S@tic, parc--l contai,-is Li. @@ a@ci(,-c; litore or le,@,,; (Sfiip[)s Cortior Ai,ea) Aii,le Borouclh I-@ is understood @iti@l @igrec-,d to by tlie tl,at the offl--ci@@.1 c@lian-,c oii the zonir-,, inap.@ ifill iiot ',)C uiitil tile dedicat*ion of ri,ht 30 feet f roi-.i tlie center' i @, oil l,on o1) id Po, d i o f iiLy n d n @r -i s d e d i- c a t e d ( i - f o o t ct e ci i cl @ i o ii) . @@or tli-- inf@orr,,iation of tlie Lij)plicarit, p@,ioi- to tlie issuiiico of ,i biji-iding pe,-rnit, the Fol-@ow.inc) I)c by tlie adillinistrati,,,e stal@l: 1. Sta@qdard site pl@iii inprove,,ieiir,; in Itccorda.,ice ivith tile Si@e Plan Ordinaiice to ijiclul-- a ci-raina,;@e easemeiit @ilon@. the di-Lcii on the eastern property 11-iie. 2. City @ater and se-t@--r i,--quiro7,,eitt i@iaived as ori,inally reguestec" I provided sept;.c atid @,iel-I @ippr,,,,@al is ',ran-ed I)v tlie flealtli Departr@,ent. ii C L ii @o t i i !l L i ic i, e (Iic Li t i o i i l- @i of @l; @e d--(-'@c@-ited ,i t s,,i c @fl 7) 7 1'r t@ i\l 7 9 0.,1 111C)t i on ])Y Cotinc i lill@,Lri te i@ f i c Id , s Ticlecl b%, Cc)iijtc i. @Lplan GIrdn.- i- @i@,l @t)v recorded ',c L,; f o I Ic)@v-,3 'c@s Cotliici IEI(-,! i 11 @tlt:ii , Roli ei"c C, I @ i. i i, Rob e L C:!ILrl -@ I','. G@-i @fi iloilaiid, J. Honry @[cCov, Jr. , "layor .J. Curtis Stai,,(Iin,, t-,,d I'lov(l E. '@,,iterfiel@l, -Jr. o e o 1 6 , O,) accatirt L I for -)ii, i iE@ 9tiro@t@i F i re @j @v Buildin,s i 0 r @l for @h toc L, j-i r) o c a ,@" i I 1 ' 7 5 'Jil i'lotioii by coulIL:L'li,,iii-i Ca@,-l@s , :@ecuilcte,l ;))' Coititc@lman Gai,dner, @ind by recorded vote a--@ f@olloi,[s: Cotincilnioii J@o!,Ti A. B@iui;i, ii. Clallis, Jr., IZo@Dert l@. Cr,oi@i@ve 11 I ir. , Vi c,.. %,@ 1yor e l@, I:c t t,e, t I , (,tiar les ;;. Garcinc,,r lfoiir@ 11 . Gri '-f iii , C I a i, iic,, A. Ilol laiij , j . IICTIR@' @Ici@oy , Jr . , @laynr J. Cut-tis Paviie, P,,LLi-@Lck L. St @Ln , "I Ti cl F I o,-(l E . IVat(,rf iel d , TI-. @Noiie Absent: Noiio City Couilcil aPI)rovecl cn seco!ld aiip-rol)rizitioll@ 71 be a Coi,.tinITeiicies, and iiicreises of $3,')/'3 @IT @lS 6 - i 11 OS ti,,n@:1 ed reveiiue,@ -1 00 froi,t i,-oderal aTd Stcite soilrces , v e 1,,7 @ot- a budl,ot a jtlstinent For ti ,ie Di@Lig Abuse Troatrl,-,rit Pro.@rl@Ti. IT@',%l 176(' f,) 1, On moti,on by Councilman @,,IcCoy, secoiid,-,c by Coincili,lan Crom,,Vell, aiid bv recorded vote as follo@vs: I Aves Councilmeii Joliji A. Bau,@q, R,.)bcrt, !@. Cro,ii;velt, Jr. , Cliirles 1"'. Gardner, Clarence A. Hollancl, J. L_IRN lil--Co@ , Jr. , Patricl-, L. Stanlill,,,, and Floyd E. Jr. ,Navs Councilpiep Ro@L)--rt H. Cal I @s r . , Vice @layc)r Geo-r.@e R. Ferrel I aTid Joliii R. Griffin AbsLa@ln: Mayor J. Cur@i@s Pf)yii-- Abse,qL: None City Council adopted the follo@vi.n,., rescilution ratifying and confirmiii,l tlie offer of July 5, 1974 to T)ui,cliase Anno Utilities Corporat -i and Ara.uona Ut@lities Corpora-'on fc)- ,i-@e aiqount of @2,200,000 ;@,i o: i oti :-Il@, )er o 0,1 -,o r i@ri @,),i i is @,-Ar l'ICCOY u "I -A 0 -@-c 7LIa pr.; r r) -911 17 c,, p -a i: -,i@ i @ p -1 -z @l -1 n r e,.7 a - a-jo@) ro '-)r a,-,ce,,D--ed t@-La o C) 1,2 i t--y Vi l t ic' @ir@ @3 t -2 rrs -,tid co:ir!4-t---i-ons 3e-. forli,. 7.fi L@,, of 1- i T T'I',--!?I:FO-@RE 3H I'-i' Illly C('@:", FIL A :s--7ACI-I@, VIR-T@ITL@ -ia!-- @- i-ie Cal-i@l@ i-,@- -,-i @--i @,i,3 J,ily 5, 1971+1 to t'n- te@@s t' tie r,@ i ii. Pri-n--ess Ann2 @r.:2c,c)ui-i -')-tilities Co@?o-ra- 1 a,,i,-i. @ur-cessors i@ any, appro;ia the L ra,Lil@ica-lioq a-id o.@ tti@-3 as ;3'.'t F-k)r@Lb iy e-ZeCU ti ',l -' 's - m 1- L I I - LLI-I do-u-enl in Iliei-- and @3c 1-,3 ro b@ q-fi@@ed and atL-ei@,,d - 1- A@lf,@]@@ U-P T-L T@f'T'-'- A@ T j p 7 T 1'.- I f -0)1 o-iA, Pr S@,',@TE OF "t Cl'.PY OF i , @ 5il@ @'i'/ ' 7tll';P a N@)LEi-,, PLib-l-ic j,n and for tho- City and Statc-@ a--oresaid, Lio c-rtify that -,L aiid i L- 9 t)l -,iE,,-mes aro sj-gned to th,-- T, foregoing writing, as Presid---qt and Se,@-atary, respectively ol- bear@-iag date the @1,4 day of 19 @/, personally io,)@ared bc-,fore me in my CiLy and Slate aforesaid and acktiov)ledged th@! saine to be the act and d--ed of said Corporation. G@ 7;-n under my hand this da@, ;,,v 19 Notary Public@ My Co,@mission expires: STATE OF C lI'Y OF t.- it: a No, -iry Piiblic iii and for t:he City and State aforesaid, do certify '@ht',! and wi-iosE,, itames aro. signed to the fore- gc)ing writing, as Pr-sident and SocrE,'@a2-,,,, respecti@iely of --a::j-cig thc-, C-lay ol- day oF l) Given under my han(I tliil; Nc)ta-- ?T@@,@lic My Co-L@ission expi.r--s: Oii i@,otion I)y Cotiici ii C]ar (-Iiier (@nil ric II ,,ic@ III cl I)v vo t e @i,-s f) I -L o@i,,, I @,@ve C@otiricilliicri ioli-L A. BauzR, Robc.@i L 11. ii ., !Zobert B. C: cc)l,l@,vell, Jr i ce @,c)r Gcnr ge l@. t-,,) r II, Char I c,; ',V . Car dner j@,h Ii P,. (:,I.i,f Ei l , Cla en ce A. t lo I la ii,!, liciit,y Jr. , 'ilayor Payne, f:. NLi@@s Nc)ne C i @@-v '@:ounci 1 @ipproved t giot 1 on to i-,,, c- i,,cl 4"Is a,-,ti,)ri of Aiiqust -?c,, 1974, !Loiii 7S-)(,, iri @,iiicli a ijio',-ji)ti ip@@lcl(, Lo (@!@e vacat4@oii, al,& di coiil-illLtu-,Ilc@ 0- tlie f e-c o@@ Cri--rry 'I'rc,3 P--tice (a/k/',i lll@ic l, @,lier ;l ablirs l@lio of I',,-Li,l)our Gate pi-cs--iitation reg@trcliii-I lia,l),)itr Gal@, Itico-porateci w@i-S )@i--Ido bv Mr. Robert Nusbauia, Attor,,iey, i @@'liicli @-t, @@as i-ndicatcql tliat t@,-- corporation lia(i I)Liccliused tlie ill Iool Fait@fl, ,@nd li@ld obl-ai,.ied @i title seircii I)v i-oput@tbl,-! @,,tLorneys, @@,l@ich lia,.i resulte(i @n a title guarantee 'r)ein,, issued. 't'lie Clf--v Aclr,,iinistr@).tiori li@io, accc,@-)tu(l )coperty as bei,-, ite pl.an d i ic, orivlttc, PPd liacl tlil, , -1 L p-- i'mi t s i@hi cla rc--,Ult ecl. i -@l i ' [e coij s t rzi -- t c)@l o I tli e, 1) @j i Ici in,, . T h -- folloiiin@. persoiis @,ppc@ircd re-,,irclin tlic clostire and ind ic@l+lccl L'lat tiiey were conc@,Tr,@,! @.-i t'i a,-c,-,s-,i -o t@e !)each hoilig avai lable tilo pu@Diic : 11. C. Powell I%lr 'rr@icy Nabors @li- ,@ol,-n @,loss i',,fter assurances t'lat t,-te access to tlie beacn wouid be provided, Councilman Cal@li-,; macle a i,.iotion, secolicl3d 1.)) (@ouncilman i@IcCoy, to appzo@,e tli-- followin,., or(I-@na@ice closiji,l Tree Place (a/],/a C,',ierry Piace) Tiie recorcl.-C@, vote is @is Collolqs Ayes: Councilmen @ohn A. B@ium, Rol)ert Ii. Callis, Jr., Robe-rt B. 1-@roiitt,iell . Jr. , Charles 1,'. Gardner, Jn@ii R. Cri ffin , Clarence A. FloIlLind, J. Henry Mcl,@o@, Jr., %Iayor T. @urtis Ptyne, Patricl- L. Staii.-lin@.,, @ind Floyd T7. ',Vi-,--rfield, fr, Na,,Ts Vic(- ',Ia,@oi- - -t CITY Or- VIRG[i'@IA 5"@ACH (10;@Dl@IAIICE OF Af,' ORDI@,!A@ICE -'OS@@IG, l@@@@ID PTS@OIITT'Iiil'iC, 0- . I i F A PORTION OF 00-,'@l AVE@,U@ A,@@-o -;IE EX"E@@SIO@i OF CH'IRRY PLACE (S/K/A C'n'ERRY TREE PLA@,E) @IOP,-]@ OF OCEA@L AVEtlUE WHEREAS, proper notice that lla),bo!,,r Gate Asso--iates would make application to the Council of the Clty of Virginia Beach on June 24, 1974, to have the hereinafter d@@scribl@d ex'Lension of Cherry Place (s/k/a Cherry Tree Place) and a poi,-,ion al@ Ocean Avenue closed, vacated and discontinued was duly pos@,2@,l at the courthouse of the Circuit Court of the City of Virginia f@leich, Virginia, on the 12th day of -Lhe June, 1974, and at two other [ii,,blic places in the City of Virginia Beach; and @IHEREAS, said application was t@,ade to the Council and pL@r- suant to the statutes iri such cases i,,ade dnd provided the Council, on June 24, 1974, which vias iilore than ten deys after said posting of said notice, appointed Geor,.,-- I,. Hanl)ury, l,". Fler@lin, @ , f r and C. Carrin,,ton as viewers to view said exl"ension of Cher@ry Place and Ocean Avenue soLight to be closed, vaca'Ged and. disco@i'-U@nued aid to report in viriting in t@icir an,@, ai@@ ii L',/ re- s@.ilt froi-i disconti,,if,:i@ia @@,e siline, and sa ci vie,v-rs have rpar,e said- Vi@l@@J)E,AS, -,-t pro.,@ri-.tors @,-I-ec'ued the-2by, along said extension of Ch-.rry Place and a P,.- - - @ Ocean Avenue proposed to b.- closed, vacated and discontinued have I)en cu:_,, @,tified; and W'I:FFZEAS, Cil'y Planning r,eco n,,ended L, said extensioti of Che-.,,,@y Place and a i)orlion O,,- Ocean A,I- 9 be @ed, vacated and disconl,.i aiid W@IEREAS, it i, the judgtnent of he Council ilhat said exten- s4on of Cherry Place and a portion of Oc,.;In Avenup should be closr.-,d, vacated and discon,,,-inued; now, therefore BE I-[ OODAI@L"D by th@- Council ci t@ie City o,' Virginia B@,ach: ]:- 1-hat the extension o,' Cher@y Placo nor@'!) of Oc(-,an Avenue and a portion of Ocean Avenue, in the City o@ Vir@,,inia Beach, Virginia, as hereinaf'Ler described, are hereby closed, vacated and discontinued as public Irc@ets of th@, Ci'@Y oF Virginia Beach, said ex(-ension of Clierry Pldce and a portion of Ocean Avenue, not b@ling needed @er public use and -Lravel: PARCEL ONE (CHERRY PLAC[): Beginning at a point desig,,izited as "POINT 01: BEGINNING" on a certain plat entitled "Physical Survey ol- Property of Harbour Gate Assoc., Lynnhaven Borough - Virginia Bedch, Virgini@,", dated July 2, 1973, made by Che@ining, Hoggard and Associates, Engineei's, Planners and Surveyors, Virginia Beach, Virginia, which plat is recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, in Deed Book 1372, at page 574, and from thence in a south- westerly direction along the northern right-of- way line of Ocean Avenue along a curve to the left having a radius of 550.00 feet an arc distance of 60.51 feet, and from thence running in a northwesterly direction be'LWeen parallel lines 60 feet ac)art (which parallel lin-s con- sti'Lute the eas@ern and western righ-u-of-way lines of Cherry Place as extended as shown on said plat) along a course N. 40@ 32' 23" l@. as far as -Lhat certain tract of land constituting the extension of Cherry Place as shown on the plat hereinabove referrecl to nay extend. Ref-@rence is made to said plat for a more particular desciption oT- said property. P,@RC--L (0@l--Al@' AVL-NUE): Beginning at the point %,ihere thi@ ciestern boundary S alor@ga @-i,irve Lo I L, w i L,,i (t ridiL@S0b:), . feLt an arc distan-e of 8.61 fef,t to a point in Fhe northern right-of-@vay line of O(-,ean Avenue; thence along the iiorthern right-ol@-,oiay li,,ie of Ocean Aven;ie S. 79@ 50' 06" W. a diS@@LinCe ot- 44.26 fept to a point; th-nce in a gc,.nerally north2r]y direc- 11-ioyi alorig a cilrve to the left @li-2 radius of tihich 30 on feel to a of above; th,@nce S. 40@ 23" E. 43.?3 feet -L along said t,,,estern boundary line to the point of beginning. The boundary line@ of this parcel are partially cl@lin@ated on 'h@ plctt referred to above in @Ghe description of PARC."IL rel@e-renc@ is again illad,l to said plat for a @-,@r,ticulor de-,criptiol of this PPRCEI- TI-,'o. 's 01") entitled "Plat Sho,,qing Po,,ior of Ocein Ave-nue Lo be Vacated, Subdivision of Rlc,,@k 1, Lynnhaven Shores, Lynnhaven Borough, Virginia BEach, Virginia", dd-Ged July 13, 197'), and made by Che@,in-ing, Hoggard & Associat@.s, Inc., @Lngine,2rs, 1-i'ai@ners, Surveyors, 2:- Tliat this ordinance shall be in effect from and af-Ler ii@_, ays froiii the da'Le of its adoption. 3:- A certified copy of this ordinance of vaca-L-ion shall be recorded as deeds are recorded, @atid indexed in the name of the City of Virginia Beach in the Clerk's O"fice of the Circui+, Court of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, at the expens@, of the applicant, Harbo,,Ir Gatp Pssoc:iates. Adopted by the Council of @,@ie City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, on the 16 day of Septei@1),@r 1974. C--rtified to be a trtic exc--i-pt frojil tiic 1.1illutes OC tlie City Couiicil. of tlie City or VLr@.i,.Iia @ll),)I.o ed Sei)tember 16, 1974 Ri-chard i. City (,'Ierk Gi- i Cf L@@l lic, L I Z! C") Ji i k i., ent Norie @tv L,'Otllaci I @,-Pl)rovccl FOIJO@@in" -!,e ail()un-@ of 6 5 zi '-,-l 0, C' 1 3 71 V ok 3 71 in- 7/, I.Lo7Z, 7 1 - 3 - 7 Z-7 11 9 7 3 n 7 3 C) 1 9 71, 7-, n i --i o. (lo n? 7 7 TI' A. t- L',) 7 l@ 1)3) @17' 3 7 01 @l.- -1 Z. !:Or r c r r7,,2,- ll'i@ll #76@),-) On by Cotli-icilmL'n (:ar(Iiier, 5ocoi,cl,-,cl 1)@ (,oitncilniaii Wtt--rfic,,I.cl, @ijid bv rocorded vote ,Is foliows: I Aye5; CoLtncillllel Jolin A. I'laurii, l@obert @i. C@illi@;, Jr., Robert 11. Jr., Vic:e @l,,iyor Gcor@.-,e )@. (:Iil,IrLes C,'al@dncr, @J(DiiiL P,. Criffiji, Clarepce ,X. Holiijid, 1. i,'cT,ry ',Ic.Cov, Jl@. , Nlavol, I I J. (:urtis Payne, PaLi,ick I,. St@iiidi@@i,,, @i@i(i I-lo),cl T'. l.iLtet,fiel(l, Jr. ay i@,)ne City Couiicil app,-c)vcd oii first rc@idiTi,, @iii ordiii,,iii,-e to I'ld reoi-(Iain or(Iiiian@-e nll,,.Ibei S-)9 rolatiii@, to Vit-@iiii@t Ujiiform @)t@itowide, Buildin., Code: 'L'(D O!, 7 7 T 7 3 -D- 3 v 3- ilf 0-@ I T VI, ,@7@- -A: T;-i -a ?-- D i v iL C)T j 5, --',-,d anA -,o o-s -C)", -1 0 a e e @3.00 and Sei)teiiilier 36, 1974 On iiotion by Vice @ia'vor FeT,roll, soc)n(l,-,d f)), (--ou@icilman and by recorded vote as follcivs: Ayes: Councilmeii Joliii A. B,,iui,,I, Rol)ect 1. -Tr., Rob,-rt T@. T - 0 r L les ;'i . Gardner, 1,@@irv @,lc(@oy, Tr. @llyor I j. CLlrl:i.s Payne, Patricl@ L. @t@ici !-'l ycl l@. Jr. Nays: None Absent: None Cifv Cc)uncil aT)T)rove(i 0-ri s@cor,,! aiii,- L@ILI .-Ic@ oi @"i,@tpcrr 31, o, til,; Cit), o'L B@acii by @iiL@, I'loctic)ns )7-30.1 ,ind 37 .1 .@itin, ti Foe c@,rtai,l --IderL nd fin,,lrici.@t@ L,, 37 O@- T-,f L-ODE CF TH C ET'@ BY ;'-O S C I A,,TD 37-3c).2 Y S !ALT, 3@' IT f"11-: (,ITY @)F 37-3t) . p y r o riualify und@,,,- subs@ctior,, ('o 0 1-1 S 0 r ci i 1 -2 ,l C T'll-2 i3 -,D b- by t'@i@ city @,iatia@,,.z!r or h-@@-s Lo as -.,,2 T@o adi-Lii,,)ist-ca-lor is 'ier2@@)y and e@tip()warei -10 pres--r@l")@.,,, a(LIoT)'L an@, eri@-orce rules aiid -laL4ons, ans@,@r- Lncle,- oal"Ll@ ie reasonably necessary Lo clet,2rmi,,i@ q@,@,li@ica@ions T-or exe,.ip--ion. T@l.i@ adininistra-Loa: :!lay o@@ c2rti4-ied @-ax r(-,t(l--ns and adp-raisal -re-,)C)rts to a@Lid -1@inancial- worth. (b) Exenipt-io-@is slia-1.1 bL- to Lh@ -ollo@,7in,l V-sions: 1) Ti-tle Lo Lii@, orop--rty i-:oy ti-ie lin,2 fee e.,en@.ptioa is sou@hl- musr li)-- held, o-,- partially 1,@ld, -by t,-i@- applicalit --i-L 1--ast 120 ,jays orior to -Li@-@e ,r (lat:@ of line. a e or a; i-C) -,Ll@ I L co@-2 C) sci,edul--cl ci L:(-- c,,-- s ,t ,,7at:@r atic', seT7,-,,r 1-2. 3) The ii, Lo -o @ia;-cr -ind I in@L, is t' I,-, @i i-ca 4) 'i-lic@ t',io ),,viier and i:h(, o@,7n@- 'elat4,i--s liviiiz in the !io,2seiii);r '!iriti- tl@ y@,ar i-,,@-ledi-at--Iy precedi-n, tii2 inst:al.la-@ioli SIL@.l@ cic,@(2-rqined ',7 t'i a n@nis,rator n,D Z: to xco@-d s-;--, t'lic)Lsaii,-' 5 Oa- s,@all Lio,- VL!,J, tha ho!lse to b@ corif s Lo .1- n cu ci i r, - @2 L a !D ST)ouse o@@ (c) Tlia ,D2- s.,Dcs a-,Olyip-, @lc)-- o n 2 a a e,,ID ,a i4- ir,@aii@ie3: 'Liy til@ admi-,ii a-- D]: a C)C @40 -1 @ I cl va2 oz t@l-, prol)@-rt-y -,"D 'Do co-,iriect@d to tll'2 ol@ pe@so,@is re]-a-led to tiae an,-, -ross inco-,ne and their net coT,oin,2d (d) pe--rsor, coil-or--,Is --o t@LI,2 and do-s not Iii,,ii:a t4 0- i-ii 'L-ilis o--dir,,anc,-,, s'oall i:,-- aF, s,'iow@l $ 2 001.01) 0 -i 0 . "i "D 0 . 'c,, 0 (001, Z-, 40,7 5,001.'.0 20'/ (0) t@/@@lve -,,on-lhs ti-ic -,n@i sewer line aiy c)- @@S O.C'l zi ic o n -2, s [-la I L@ Llp,')'l COI/ L- II o@,2 C1,311'rs -4n-, (12) 37-30.2 f.!-kie @ea c, c@r-Lain @-iiancially d;-sa@,iari- L-I,ed -)e@-soris. is f-or 14,ia-,icially -ia -er or ilis @ail a'-- to as r t 'L'ho to 7T, -iir 2 r o c, u -t: n al 0 0,-1 s S@L,Llll 7D 0 ii i'@') C,: t t: o t'-il, l."), ---C)Vis,' c)ns 1) -Litle to ',L-ie T)roT)ert:-,t -c is .2 1 o-- T)ar, ]y i-ield, !)y -;Ie --Ipolica-t It L lo-as-- 120 clays @ric,- to t.4,@ or s,-@ edul,@d cAIL2 ok@@ Co@eS and se@,7e.- line. ins'LallaLion, 7@, 2' T'lle @-a b,2 Co"@;@@" -al a L l t C) 1_1,2 %,at:er nd s-, er line i-s ti-ia sol(-, o:L@ tl,'-e e:-,e M.?tion. 3) o--@ t'Lt2 o,,7,@er @ind the ---elati.v --s liv-*Lzi,@ iii hoiisei-io'-@ di-c-*@n-, t@ne y@ar rv,,adi.a@-@ly prec--din- tlae instillatio-,i )e 1)y L@L-lz! arl:2in- st,-ator not @o el.@ccec! @-ou-r t'@-io-,isard c:iolla-rs @0) . @t) The n2t coi,.@Di-ned f4--iaici-al -7ort:,i o- oi-in-2r o--@ o-.@--ierz3 so.all -iot ma-@l-,er alL o i-Tied rc i 7@),- s o- c-11 (c) T',Ie @@-,-son.-, @ii-ist an,-, -L@c@ occu!-)y Lii2,r ross cot-.i i.-ol---ted to -Li-d and I@L co@,:)in!@d l@it-iere !:!,,2 @erson clai:-tiri@ c,),ilo-ms to L!-ie slanda-,-ds z,-n,l doeb kiul k2,.,@el li-@@-aitatioris coi,L-aiiied it,. L',.iis ordinan-le, t',ie line s:,@,.all be as 1,110 TO-L-;\L l@:_@11'1,2TTON 2@ooi.00 8 0 so its C,--OCL -170uld be to e,@ac2,ptio-,i -1- -14, S then the parson T-7 t,, i n t anC- 'I- o n s - I I r o u ,-i i, a, a o u,,i t: L),- ',:'a mp ion .o 'a 01' ill- tL @",C' D --ia Q c c Any pcrso-i o@-- pe-@sons -@alse-,-y -n 2,@,cmption o-- vi-olat;-n,@, aiy o t:ilis orc7. SL-ta'l 1-1@-It-7 a 17.is- and Lipon Ccnvi---Lion thcre,)- :;'ial-I 7,)y a fi-@ no-, ona dollars in iai.1 no,.-- -(-,-di (12) First -1cac-:i@,,: Sp-ptepll)er 9, 197,[ i, Sr--cond readin(@-: Scptemi)er I'D, 1974 @Icic)pted @:)y -Lile O-,)Unci-l o@@ Ci-i@-y V4- ja O.F -i Beach, Vi--inia, 16 C!-qy "tr. Purl@ess, Attori,.ey, repr,-,soi@-od t t(-,, ap,@'L'@can-L on tlio vote as fc,,Iiu@,s: Aye-@: Counciliii ii Jo@iii A. Bau@ii, Ilo'),-,-, 1. C, Lis, Rob t Jr. , Vice Geor,,,c Gt-rCn(,r, joliii P,. Griffin, C,L,i-i-,iico i@. lioll@aiil, f. ii--nrv ii,., Nlivor -J. @u'ui,tis Payne, Pitr@cl, I,. Stati@iiii, I a,@l Floyd l@. !Vatcr,cioid, Jr. Al) -s @ n t: None C i ty "@ouiic i I app rove d tlie -co I low i ril, u i-(t @ itanco, @v i t ii -i t ipa clo.,;iii,,;, v@icatirig tfid (;aflif',tt I',oL,,i in t,@o @@ei,insviilc Bot-o@,@,ii: 1. Suhjc@ct to ,i 20 fo()r ea the Ai\T (-)Rl)'NAI\,'C@F (:T,O Vl,,(,,\ fT T I I @, G -.N T) DIS C OI'I'i'IN @j i'@ I A 11 1 1 O@,; C) F i,,OAD, Kr,'@@l (@'I'('Y Oi,' VIRCII@'@@'@' W@TERE-A'i, -Cal@e appIi ti t c,, CC)Lt!lc;l I)f I i-,- ,j a tile hereir,@ifler pc)r@@i@)II ct@JL3cci, va, I I . @ Lid a public @tr c:, c)! tlle CL@'Y Of 3@-,Icll w's Ill,ly WHF,',@EAS, thc, land prpri(tt@)t-@ @iffec@ed ther(,t-)y h,-ive bec,,n no@-i'@cci; -ind WIIERE,AS, said applicatioti %,;as t,-iad,,,, t,) t@he (@iLy Platitii,ig Coriiip-; s s i C)tl and to the Cit@- Council atid pursL@a@,t t the s,atul,!s iLi such c@ases and provided; tlie Council a,,)Poititecl Vi,.tW(@rs wh(, l-,av(! reporteci tc, tilie CC)Ull(@ll that no inconven.ienc:e t,) tlie pubi@@: c)i to private iticlividuals would rc@sult from sucli closi@ni,, vacition and (liscutitin@tance; itnd WHEI@E.AS, tlie City Plaiinin, C, @-@imissioLi after pro[)er tl,,)tic(,, Li.@id he-@trin@l, has reporte(i tiereon t-0 t'le (-,ounc@Ll; -ncj WHEREAS, it is Lhe jitd@,-riient )f 'lie C,oincil tliat said port:on of Gartet" Road shoit"cl b-- closed, vtcated and cliscoiitiinliei; now therefore BE I'J' ORDAI@@ED BY TIIE COU-,,f(@ll, 01,' Ti-fl,!- CITY OF VIRGI@',@l,@ S--ctioli 1. th@ cc,,rta;r. i)c.)r ioi of s--iid @treet clescri'De,,l l @c,i I -@)ws closed, vacaL(,@@' n(@, @@s@ si.re,@L of C)I- B,ach, V@rgi..@ia, sa@d certain pc)rliui of s@tid s(,r@e' not bein,., needcr.1 for pu',)Iic iise and trav,,,[: Al@l-, TIIAT GERTAliN pc)i of (@,irntt Roa(i l@ F'I' 11 1 a n CLOS(IREI ,@; @@liowri oLi tliat cert i c,,tif,itled "Ellat of lacli tti Lakes Sub(livision, B,,ro@tl,ii, Vir@'@LLI@la Virp,,iiiii' an,! cic,@cribed -L, foll.ows: 11(@,,,irinirig at a poiit iii ti,,, s,),,,ttherri of way tin(,, of Atidc)ver -R@),Ad @,t @.,i inters(@@-t;o@i witli the. ezi,3"eri-, ril,lt c)f wa,,, line of (3,Lrroll l@o@tci sli(@wn @L.@ a 70' road on tli(@ I)Iat @f th(@ sul)rli,,ision of S,@,.i ion 14, Acredal@ zs recordeel in V, ap BO(@k 39 @it: page 42, and froiti poi@tt of @)C',,irining t-Ltn- n in-, so@ith 31 @ 261 301, st 82 tc) L point at t,h,- of l@c, d aitd tlie 75' casen,.ent: ot, tlie pla@, of indiali l,ake,5 Subdivisioii, "B-1@l; th@@nc(', turnitl,,, dra,Ln@t,.,t easeitien', @,7" 00 2,011 w,@,t- 70. 021 to 'ho wu@stern side ol- saii Garnett- R@)@,LCI; then('c t@irtain,l and rLin,@ii,,il, 31@ 26, @"Oll (,a,-;t 190. 56' tu a poit)t; t,,icnce rLinti@n;@ -,Llon,,, ;i cijrve i@o the left a ral@its of 10' a dist,,Lti(,,@ of 1;. 4@' t,) a point on the soutlier,-i riglit c)f way li@i of Botin(@ydale Road; thence al,),ig a curve to tl-i,@ 1,@f' ',aviri@, a rtdii-ts of 58. 27' a distatice of 93. 01' Lo a point L-1 tlie eastern Ilalf of (-,@.rnett Road; tlaence rii,,@iiing tiortl@ 3 1 " 26' 3011 west a c@'istance of 5(@,O. 34' witliin the existi@ii,@ 70' ri-,ht of way ol Garnett Rotc't t@) t,-ie southern ri,.ht of way l@nc of -Andover Road; t4(,nce turning and runrliri, along a curve to the left i,,,Lvin, a radius of 441. 56, a (iislance of 20. II)' to @l,@ point of begirinllg. Sectio,i 2. That this closure, @@icatic)n and @b-atidonnAent of a portion of Garnett Road ig ,ranted expresse@lly subject tc) the reserva',ion of an easement, fc)r drainage ptirposes by th-- City of Vir@in@a Beach over a str'L@. of land 20' wile along an e.@isting 48 's@-orni draill. Section 3. That 30 d-.tys afler t'iis dale a copy of this Ordinance, certified by the Clerk, be spre@i(! @ip,,L-i 'he public- records in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of t@tis ;iv and indexed in like nianrier as a d--ed to lands. Adc)[)teci by tlie Counc@' )f -he City f Virginia Beach, Vir,,inia, on tlie (-,,,y oi- s be pi,c)vi t') rII rof" ro,@ ci@ til u J-@) L 10',@ ID@' COLtIlCilil!'Lll i"O@Llalicl,, ;Ccc)!I@l@,] cioulicil"I@ill @Liid i,--, co i'd,-,,l \Fote Fo i I o@v 5; es Coutici JC)Illi Jr., @@ic(@ @la%or -C r-rolt (,i-iEEiii, i",!cc:,,)Y, Jr. aiicl a No7ie s ain: CoLiiici li@ia-,i R,)L, o rt B . C 1 1 f ent : Noi,-- C,i tv Cotincil approveci t,,, i Lli follo@qill,@ o r, -'!.ii@,iiice iv i @Iii zi s t i liul@ition tiiat t,ic f iiial. subdivisi oii p l@tt of tii-, ,,r@-a be recO' Liect @ac@@,tii@., 2,icl a poi@ti,)n @),F ip i a@,,; i c', AN @)R@)It,'ANCE AND DISCO,\'.TTNUIF,I' A ROAD, BAYSIDE B(@ROUGII, Cjfy VIRGINIA VIRCI@4IA I,,@IIERF-AS prc)per no'lic.--@ 'l.at iall@e 1,@arm Associates, by counsei, would make application to tt)C City of City of Vir,@inia @.cach, Virginia, to have the hereinafter portion of Wetmore Road, vacated and discont:in@,e-l' as a plit,lic strcel )@ t.@e City of Virl,inia Beact@ @ias dt-l@y post-,ed@ and @,IIIE,'ZE,%S, the land pro,@iieL,@rs affected Lhereb, have been d;il, notified: aiid 1,FtiERF-AS, the said applicalion was riade ro tl,.e City Planning Commission and to the City Couiicil and ptirs-,iant: Lo tli- stati.tes 4n cases ffpde ar,,d proi; 1,@d, -d @7c@4,r 'ia@e Co@iiicil that no inco@i,ie@ience V,) Lti@ !,I)Iic or to private individ,!,Iis woul-d ihearing, has report-@@ r[ic-reoii to t:@ic, aiicl it is the o[ Lhe C@,u@icil thal said porti.o,l of WeLm(,r,2 i'oacl 61io(,].,l be closc,@l, aiid discontin@@ed', now thL@---f(,re i3r-l I't O-PI)ATiN@:D BY TIFE COU@:CIL 01,' ITIE Cf@-Y OF VitzcIl@l,@ !'i,ACii, VIRGTTTTA: SecLic)n 1. Tliat :,@)rt:i,)n c,'@ Wetmoce P, ad d,,@scrit)cc' is as follows in tli Baysi-de l@,orc)u,@@h ,!- itie CIL,I, of V@Ir,inia Beacli, Virl,inia liereby closc,-d, vacai-c,.cl aoL' discoiiLinLi@,d ar, Li s@reeL c)f the City of Virgin 4 a Beacti, Vir',@@'liiia, sai@' corlai;, portic),l )f saicl s@,reet nt@t bei.111- ,@aded fc)r pul)lic Lrav--I: All Lhat cerlai. i p rlion of a street localed iii the l@,ayside Bor .. tlie CiL, of Vir,iiiia Beach, Vi!@,inia, t@iio;qii as Poa-I and describe(I as kolloiqs : Be_@inTlin,@ aL a point o@q t:,ic .iortherly side C, I Tisliart Road a' L's IiiLerscc@i,,Ti with tlie western ,@ "I sid@ of T etmore al:,' i-h ncr2 -,Ioiig the .@,,b@- & Alfi,@d iio-Lliern side (@L Ro,,id S 650 1,9' 40" F, a dista-@ic@ of 20.37 f@t t) its ii)@ers(,ction witla the o,aster,@ ii.dn of Wetm,,re Zjad, runn@n@ t,ience -,Ion-. the eastern sidc of Watir,,re Roacl ',\ li@ 16' 1,9" E a distance of 80.03 fect ti" a pcitit mar,@ed by a pin, and tience contiiauiii@, aic)ng ttic! eastern side of lqeLmore Road N 130 16' 49" E a distaiice o@' 1030.92 fec@t to a poinl iiarked hy an old pin, ald thence contin,iing aloii@, the (@astern side of Wetmore Road @7 140 F,5' 00"EadisLatice of 6z@2,00 f(@eL to a pin, and Lbence continuiii" a'@i@n@ t're easterr, side of @,letinore Roact 1,7 11@o 5,' E a distaiice of 20,54 f(-,et tc, a pin iii tl,,e ilitarsecti(,-,l of the so@irliern line of the property n(@@@@ or formlerly of the School Boacd of tiic@ City OF. Vii@;iiiia Beach, Vir-.inia, witti t;i,- eastern sido of W@triorc, road, and t'cience ruining alon, Lhe soutliern lii,e of Llic pr,)perly now or I form,erl," of tile Sciloc)l i,oard of the City of Vir@.inia Beacii, Virginia, 1\1 S')o @3' 49" ',j a d[slance of 20.29 feet to a pin in the iii@orsec'Lion witti the so,.ithern li,,-- of the prope-rty no@4 or formerly of tlie School Bc)ard of the CiLy of Vii-ginia Beach, Vir@lini-,, with t[ie western side cf Wetiac)rp Road, and tlience runnin-. along Lhe wes-,(@rn side ' lietmore R.a,l S 140 55' 00" "i a distance of 660.76 fe,@L to a pin, aLid thence con- tinitLn, alon@ tlie side of Wetmore Road S 13" I 119"@4 adistance o@ (,@)5.26 @lee,- L(, a piii, ind - (-.,,ce 7CLI i: - c @l ',70 @ C)f-. n s i C) -Lu l@@@.Ld @@ 13" 16 ' ZL):' an old ,)in, ani Llteicc,@ --oiitir@uin(; aloig t-he vies tc-@rn ',l -t d 4 @q L@ince of Ordinancc,, c(,rtificd I)y thc, (Ilcrl@, l,@ spread itpon t-he t)ubl.ic records ill clie Clerlc's Office of rhe Circuit CotirL )f rl,,is CLty @nd indoxed iii li.kc@ niaii,@er as a deed to la,id@, Adopte.,l I)v tiiz, CC)ii;icil ol@ tl,c,. (@ity ,E Vi-r,LniLi ';oich, Virgiiiia, oti t'ne 16 tli d,y of 1974. C @L 01 ty 1, ii Li@o (2) 11 @i ci 1) c c At@ L i cle ii! @il @:1 01 11) l@ C ScotL stit', t@l@tt Llic @tnci tlii,- all @igreeiil,2,,,t iias j 0 It lizis ]'O(ttj,,@sLe(I o@i !,,C ii-, to clai,if%, til @s for L7ic@ ci , i I C 0 @ 11 c i I i-,i a zi Li a ui@l r c q @t o,-@ t e L e i, i),-, t @'i t t i,e,@zirLliit,, ii(2@vs clelivol'y -sor,@,,ice tc) @o@c,ug;l of tile City. '6 1 Oii iji0tio,i i)Y COullcillit-lill i)Y GarcIllel-, ai-ici t)y recordcd iote @L f 0 1 1 O,@,,; : A@,es : CouncilDteji Jojtji A. Bati,,ii, Illoi)ei,t Calli,,i Jr. lzobert B . Croiiiivoll, Jr. , Vi ce @,!,[vL)i Gcorg-- k - !-el I , C@l@,r] os ',V. Garcllie r, Joil'i IZ. Griffiii, Cl.-ireiice A. fiollqll(t, J ftcl"-Y Jr. , 'lavor J. Curtis Payne, Ilat t-ick I,. -Sta,,Cliii@, a ic! Floyd '@@ater@ield, Jr. '@one ays : Abseiit At its infori,,ial iiiectil"', Oii Sci)teinl)er 16, 1974, (:ity Colilicil r(2ceiveci a briefiii, oii tlie I)rot)-oseci agreciiiejit fo@, t@ie AsL-;ociatioii ol- 1',,aTisit (i)',,is) Services CL)Sts ,iri(j [@eveiilies 'oet:wo,,ii til L)isti,icL Coniiiissioll aild Citics of Port-,;@@ioutii ancl Viraiiiia. Tliei,--fore, Citv coillici.L ir(@te,t tc) approvo this zi@recincii@ I? I - subject to aii aclditioiial provisioil I)eiii,@ iiicoi-porated into'tlie I)OU@V I of ttie agr@ei)lCrL@L t7il@it i-eqiii--:e -iii t@-lilti@ll t@evi-l@, of thc-, @ti,oeiiient by botli l'idetiater Tr@Lti I t is)or atioil C:ojiii,tiss@ari aiid the four ciLi,2s, aiid a for@,qalized repc)rt of rocorni,@-endati(,i-,s iden-Lifyin@. cliap-@.es tllat iiiav 6e desired. T T',',! 4 - 0 1 1 iJli r,-iotion I)y Couiiciliiiaii -,3oco:i@tcci IL)v Coitncillilal,@ ,i%y es Couiicili,icn Jo'@iii A. !,LIUTTI, jzoi)(@)I't i C@tlli-,;, Ji-., Pnb er, T@ ,otii@vell, Tr... a Noiio s Oii t: i@ 01-ie @i 0 C i tv o f Vi i ii 1 a @-cli @i ,ts t) O,-,Il iiivi l@e d 1) v t 11 - 0f Cities to SU'r)l@,@it a !)I.o,)Os.,Il EC)'@ a-,i L !)Ossible 1)@@rt@Ci[)a@'it i@'i tiio If 'i)@tii - "ll@@ltol'y ill 0 1-@I]TI sf)c)iisored ',)N, tlie, iict tIt-1)@i:i )ovo 1 Ot)l@,i@ll @)id L)OIllillioil t@ ii@1,; t--ntativ@@iv to co-sponsor l tpp -Lil d 0 t- raitt , , i c,,it Oii @j olir ill tltis re-;earcii or@orted raiii. 'i @ic tjr!)aii T). Ilro@r;iiii i@s a Over t@ie yc,;tr I)oriod, tlie @Iiill '@C li@Lble fc).- a ca,;Ii o' itu@" Si $I-S,000 i ii -Lil'! o !)v ii L i a ri C@t Li i llo!)L,I,,, it. 1 i@@ , J r Rob ert 8 C: i c;ll 1L , J r. , V i c o y o G c o l@. l@o, t 1, ('Iiai'les '@l,. (3arcti,er, '10flil i". C;ri-ffill, A. tiolla@icl, J. lfeiir@ @.lc:(Iov, Jr., @.layor J. Ct.ti@tis Payne, P@itticl@ L. @oiie Cit@' Couticil aclof)tol@ t'le coverin(, a grant frolit t@ic Oi@iiiibus aiiki S@ifc, Stroets Act fui)cls fc)r ti-ailiir,@', @vll,ii*ti,. tlie r,E "' C) L U,'-,f U@@lE@S, t@o2 CriLi-2 Cm,,iib,-,s ani Stc--@ts Act prc,@,i-d--s IL,,ids to assist poli@-;---ai subdivisiois @)@ t@,,e 'vari,)u,; s i--:i i,- tlie traitt;-I,,@ @ til@ir iv@ cc) or I,IIIEREAS, th--re a-e areas i-ii @q'@,iich tlil, C:ouno@i@4@alt,'l ,fice of this City ne--ds sach assist@,lice; ,-@qd it is n@,cessary that each @ol;-ticai su@Llivi-si-on p@ir@i-cii)atin- in t'lle p--o-ram pcovicl,@s a proporlioate s'@'la@--- 0-1 --ha cosL thereof. IqTE-@ , the est4-mated total cost o@' Lhe pro--ra,.a is $!+,90D.00; t',ie esti-mated local co-.tributioi sb.-,l@@ b, $21+5.00. NO@i, TIU:@ORE, BE IT RESOL@@HD BY TTIE ]Ou,"@CIL O@' TILIL CITY 0,7 V,--?,Gl.i,TA B7-ACII: That the CiLy is @oereby -ind clir-c@-E@A to caase sucit in,@ormatio-i or raterials is iL.-Ly b2 iec.-,ssary L:o be )ro,,4-dad to tlie ao2ropriata slat-- Lo pe@-.i- th@2 fo @,i di,, of i@-y- A@,TD, BE TT YUP@L@E@@ R:--:SOLV7D, that @'i@ ol- Ci-ty 0- Ln@ C 3i-- "ri,ii S 0 T ir,,;-nia is A"ID, BE IT IVED, L'itat i;ov-rror c)T-- " @@- ;@l@l, to @ssi-st 7@n til@ a@,p,-nval a-i@l o.- -@.,(!dcd pro-.ra.,as @-ri c)rcl,@r tliat tt@, M,Ty be -)-oLL Led. 0 1 iioti-oi@ b@- cotiii,@ i I i,iiiii a orfielcl, S,@,c i) v L L aii,@ I)y recorded @is ioljc)@,s: I ye C@otiicill,leri ,'o@in t3@tuiii, IZol)e @t: .1. r. 0 ik [Z 1 ", r C l'Olli@,le IJ r. c e C 1, @; c t e, (',It a r I e s 1,@. (3 a@t-Clne r, l@. Gi,if A. liollaiicl, JI(!I' f y llc('Ioy, Jr. .,,I@l),Or i@j o@, f 1 e I (I Nono '--v C,-,@irt il riie al)!)Ii.cL@t:ior, otlic O,--,-,ai PLiT-k VoILIllle--r T:l iiiotioit by CoLlr,,Cili@,,aii (@Ltllis, by CoLliici li,,,iii G,,,,rdliet-, Li,iL@L by recorLle(I @-o@ce @,,-s ,@ ,, c , I i - ,, :C o ii ii c i I IR 0 ii J o Ii ;, i@ . B a t iiii, R c) b c i t @ @ . (@, a L I i ,, , ] r . , Rob e r t @D' C i- 00 1 1 , J r . , V i c e @ I a y o r C, o @) i, , e P . F e i' i o I I , C i i i@ I e s IV . G ci r dii e r ,Toli@-L R. Griffiii, CIL,,reiic A. l'olland, j. lieiiry '@!cCo),, Jr., '1/21@iyoi- J. Cui,tis Pa,,,tie, Patii@,@ j,. '@)taiidiii,, @ii @l Floy,(l t@". i"'@iterfield, Jr. .@ays @oiie ,kbt iqolle Cit)@ Council vot'-d to ai)pi,opi,iate @iSU,Or 0 frojii Surl)lus to the C@orps of L7,,@ineers to advance tiie standar-d fliri@lin, for tjie, program at l@ort story. ITEIvI #7615 0ji iiiotioii @)Y CouliciliR,,,Ln Croiiiwell, soconcloci by (:oLincilmin Standiii@., @iilct i)y recordccl vote is folloi@s: Aves Counciliiieii Jo' ii A. -@auirL, Robei't H. Callis, Jr. , Robert B . Cli@oi.i@,;eil, Jr. , Vico i'layor Geor,,--- l@. Ferrell, Cliarles t@. Gardfiel-, ,Joli,i R. Griffiii, Clarence A. @iolland, J. lienry @',IcCc)y, Jr. , Mayor J. Ccii-tis Payi,@e, -t)at-ic'@@ I.. Staiidin,.,, l@loyd L-. @Vaterfield, Jr. @@ay@ : ,4one AL)sent: Noiie C@ @y Cou@cil VC)t@-,@@ to i,ez3c @iid @ ts [,iot i on of @r 1974 4@ i .-. tinib e i- 7 5 8 5 ,ill ',Iii lCli till' V @tDi)(I " T' !)a,,,i re (7- @o S -s 10- t@io sc,@iooi ,;y@te,7L, tc) repi@ice ,icc,@ a r vi c,, ;irs Ostraiider oii tlio (,Iik,fv co,![!!Ii LLee. 1) record--d vote as lol.loivs: c COLinciliiicii .Ioiiii A. BauiTi, lzobert ii "@tliis, Jr., lzol)ert l@. Ci,oiii@qcll, Jr., klicc ',Izi or -col.,,c R. 1@k,il , Chai,@ o-,; @'i. Gai@ciiie,@ ,Joliii 1". (@riffiii, (:Iareiico A. lleiit,y @.l@icov, Jr., @'@layoT, PIyric, i@LLi 11 Zill ci l@ I oy ci l@ . @@@iterfield, J i-. -@oiie (:i t,,, (.,oilllci 1 i,eapi) o,i @irs . O.,; t raicier t o tlie (:ATV coiiint i t @ ee "t, Ison R. II I'ii) P --ni, e-t @)e,!-o t-e (@o@i iicit -cliii,@ on c) -iv@tv s L r(,,,ts @i ii d rc-@ t i-ooil lit i c@ -@, of l cit -i) c @i cli r t,@@, t', Ltt '@iei e i,,,- to I,(@ a puD !ic, iiear -Lji,, o.,i I)a@-ne st@,i i, ,i I C, tliis at a later ITEt%i -,'61 Cotil-ici-iiiian CzLlli--; i,o(iiios',cd ttic (@itv @l@i .a, 2i Lo fiiijilsli to col).i.c-s oF fiiiaiicial @flie Cit,,, 'laiitgcr -,;tt'cccl til@it till,-- ti@, @ors I)Oc@ii to fu,lii,sl (: Du [tci t @v itii @i "I i I 'I'L'L,l 7 Couiiciliiian C,@iff;ii re,(ILlcste(I iiii-oi@!:ia-L@oi,, @ts tc) lio@@i @recttieiiliv til,-, I utilitv conipaiiie@ @ire ref-LiiicliiL,I, lo,--al Litilitv t@ix t.iiat. h,'Iv(' bcOT" Nlr. G. Dodd, Assista@it to tile C'Iit@' Finance, st@@te@, t n Lt L til e ut i 1 i ty c ol,,ip @ini c s i,c f u ti 0, t Ii i ty i@i o ii tli I Cc)uncilinaii flollaiicl stzite(I that ap)oiii@ii-@jits @ti,e nc@c,dccl. for tl)C @@elfare Board - @,lr. Charles 11. Citri. I'F @ 7 o 2 1 Tiie Ci-ly @lana@er reiiiindoci Council of tli-, c@l,,icolle(I ]Tioeting C)@,l loiiday, Septeinber 23, 1974. L- T,-iotion by CouiLcili@iaii liollaiid, @ccoii@, d by (:OLtncilriiaii @Vater[io.1d, ai,,d I)v recordocl vote as follo@,;s: i\v -- s Councili-iieii To@,,Iii A. B@tuiii, Ilobert 11. Callis, Jl-. , 'Zobert B, I Croiiitv--ll, Jr. , Vice @@f@tyor C;ec)rgc P,. C'flarle.,; @@. Gir nei@, ,Jo@1,L @. Griffiii, Clarence A. liolland, J. t[enry McCoy, @r. , inlavol- J. Curtis Payne, Patrick i,. Stan@iiiig, @ind FloNIcl F,,. @@@at--rfield, Jr. @,,y s inone Absent: i@one CiLv Counci.1 @@ill I)ol(l@ a closed on @loii(i,,iv, 30, l@)7@,! fol- t@,ic f d@-@ctis@ -tt, i-soiineii ziild Section u) i 6(1-e,,ii %Iatterf,) ef tilc,, oi- litf@)-T,,ation A,:t G@ t'-io COT:Illloll,.@ealtli Co,,-iiicilii)a,i CroT,@. l I Ft@itc@d tli it Ilrinccs@ Ait;ie P@ii-1, @,ls well desic@iie,l a,id @@,-as t.;e@- ce i e 1) Li@L) Ic . #7D-24 Oii iltc)t@od by Vice @,I-iyor I:cri-ell, soco,L l,itan Gal-dr-er, al-L.@[ !)y unaii@iliou-@ vor.@, tile @ied. t@y c City of Vir,iiii@j La