OCTOBER 28, 1974 OF C@l'Y O;: VIRGINIA l@i %(,[l, Ok-,tol)e-c 2@', 97@ 'Vlic re@.,,ilar nieetin, oF tli,, (lotincil ol- tlie Cit,7 of Vir,iiiii Betcli, iri tlic .@dmijiistr,,i'lio,,i -@,@irg.l.ll;a, was lic@ld in th,,, CoiLiicil Cli I BLii Idin g , in tlie Ii oroL11.111 of T'riiices @, ',iii o it "loncla 0k:.tober 28 1974, at 2:00 p.i,@l. 't'he invocati oii iras gi ve ii I)y tite Re-, ci-e, Ii(! J . Al t,)n f'@ttts , SIin t A\IE (:Ilurcl, , Vi rg! iii .t ,3eac.11 , 1.@ i t)reser)t: Joh,l A. B,-um, H. Jr., RC)I)f,,t P.. Cror,,it,Tell, Jr., Cllarl--s 1',. Cardiior, Tol@,i T',. GrifFin, Clarc,,nce A. J. [lenry PIcCo),, Jr., @layor J. (:,Irtis Payne, atlj Fl()Iv@l f@. l';aterfield, Jr. Couiicilinen abseit V@ce @!Lt)ror Georl,)c 1, 17or,rell , aiid P@itric'@ J-. L@iiding . ITF,@l @773i On motion by Councilipan Gardner, secoiid(!d by Coulicilman 11CCoy, @incl bN recorded voto as Folloivs: Ayes: Councilm--n John A. Baum, Robert 11. Callis, Jr., Robert B. Croii,.well, -Jr., Charles Gardner, Jolin l@. Criffin, Clarence A. il@olland, J. Henry McCoy, Jr., @,layor J. (@Lirtis Payne, and FIO),D F-,. '@a'cerfiold, Jr. -@avs : None Absent: Councilmen Vice P@1,Lyor Geor,,,c !Z. Fet-roll, aiid Patricl- L. Staiiding City Council approved the minutes o@c thci r--gulat meeting of OctobeT 1-1, 1974, and dispensed with tlio readin-I of c;aid 1'.iiiiutes inasnticii a-s e@,icli Cc)u,-iciln,an Iliad a copy of tlie subject i@iii,Litcs be',-ore IiiT'.I. of Lhe @-@@-arice to oi @, r,@iLlia "Eac'fl tO @reate @n --L,C4 - t -11 @ards 70 t r r -way ip @r--ment3 ,it t-@ '--,atorsection o@ , t r 2@ t j'31 t V ",' y tr ng T'Oth'-n@, he erec-@,d, I - Z:o ',-Ow @n n r C)O 0 t to Z',S 0-1 ;i bi@--YPIO I t i,3 i- on od - c L ia7 -,7 @t i @i 4 ong. 1 7...I t"@- illtersection ri- @?c t @d if -ctird ad , i:', p ro 'I -nce aloiig tile lire t@..,ent7 ("@)) @'8et Jl the -@Ct )n O'ni-,Ig "-aFf4-c in t'zle adjacent lane, _!4-, i@n oz - c t@ance dia,@onall@7 t,, a'-cn @l@l t - I . I g tlIP other r,,", of -w@iv aet @rcTn @l!e neit of irt-@r- oecLj.oTl f ,"--re ar,,j t' enc'? c' t-@ 114@" v@ !)een p-,rT'-d.-d iilLli4-n t@,le ,3 shall- De takan 7OT4 tli- c,,rb 14:ii-, righ--o@-wav llne. e t-nr@,ig- ;3-4 4- r7- d t:h@ 1-1 -,i,,d 1-2 tcts 3, ;-r@ @ '-' -@-a7 @1) t at c- reets el.-ic@,i ot*,-,-,r , al@@e7,,3 ,;i--q eic@l ot@ier, or a@@le@@ wi'zli ctreetb. j-r@ets. @,o fO@@Ce @Ir a iei 'it o@' ell-IV3ti.on -i di d w- @a ed crt ')7 @ri @rr)7i I,,iters-ction a 4ri,ye!4av jn,i 1-ires, a-"' tn ltrp.,q Lw.-iy f-or, t@@e of t@a @o @) f--n l@re --o fo--@ t-,,I,? OT. t),j t @@l pror-- @.,l i@,otioii fjy Coiiii,-, L @,,n (;a r,).Tl-- r, s @@ o ri, vot ., a,,3 roccrcl--d v c,, Co Lilici f oli it A. B TZc)[) e r t. i C,,il I i s , J r Rob e r L L; 1 1, J r. , (@iii i- L @i . "'a rcitie r, J oii ii l@'. C@r r i f fiii, Clarence A. I c, 1 iifid, J liell l'Y lc;:@,y, Ji-. , %Ia\ o J ':ul@ t i s 1) ayii c , ari d Fl o,, l F Jr. @'iav@: iN, on it !%I@ivor Coor 'L@ S e, -@e R. Fei @in(i (lotiiicili@,an ll,,ltrick I,. Cit,, C"otincil voted t, r2fer I)ac'@@ tc) tli(@ C:ol,@il,.iissioil tlie Cjf -"Jo @@l LT! c)ii o t h i t vF @,i i,,-, @L:i i a@ Fl LTt 2, L, r,@ LLitill@@ 'Lo @l L"Is to pi@o z@ v LO @-C(tLil ii '-,2 i7s 0 c tL on,; L @ , l'o-t %'is ioil c@Ic iir"IIi L t ill tL@,' 0 1, tr i @,incTic-i i;ithiii i,.-li@ch @hLi Ii, Lo,,!, Lice@t T) ,t T, ol- -Lo gl,o,.,i@s Ll( Ii @-t to il@ipe,,Ic vi@,ijci oi- t%@o @icl, )Il(@ coill, @@avs c @)i c,, c@, @i v i s i b j, I i t I I)e ,Ief iii,@@l a i,, y!-.i 1) c@ cl 1, c.,, c, i i ti i c h i,! i c o ii c e, a c 11 (I of, a 1) i i (i pi t!i,@ o ri o a (i r i r l@ 1, r@l I c,, @; app rc)zlcii i, ii,, t I i e @@ ti L c, r @,; e f) @i 1-i@LN l)- o@l i.tte(I on sictes )f r @, c t @,; a,,,i a streets Li i c I Stree- i ii-or-,;ectioii@. I 1,2,, ,it ,)r til- t- ii I t C) F ',t j(@Ct(,,l i (til@l-ct @l of oli(-ollt; ii,,tj @l- ill Ilieiic--c i,, tlic,, i' i to iit Z,l I @)II o f - @j y IinL- t@@en-@v c -, t ".@ie I)oiiit ,)f sectloii, inC, thciic,-, @c@ @lic I)o int o@ -s t)(2o;! @@ic ,@,its line, vilioii II "I L I t) 0t @t 'Croii,, tlie c@irl) Iiiie, r)er tlian tlie i- i 'ri c 'l- ;a%, I.1le l,i tlie B-1 t@irou,,Ii t'i L aii@t Districts, sucli vi,@@i)L Li tv be, oll,,@ttc,,cl at intersecticiis oi- c-@ic,'t otilel', all@@,,,s with e,-cli otlier, or oi- Ilc\ls t@itli ;trel"Ls. 2) Iiitersectioris of ciriv ;@V i%,s @@itli str,-,Cts. IN 0 I L 1, fence oi, otlier sti,iictlir -,ili@Lil exce(,,,l @t liei@lht oC tliirty (30) inches @iliov,-tlic Fini,;Ilcd elc-@AT@atioii c)f ,L ctrix,-e,'@aN, @.v@tliiTi @L @@i:; @'@ility created n 0 4i,tei'sc,,c,-Lion te;l @10) feet i@l f CO, t!L of a dri@,e@ay I)c)un,lg,,,v @llct I)ropei-t), Lir,-es, ,tnd r,-,T, (10) t@eet -Llon,, th@,, T).o @eitv li[i @ a@,,@iv Frot'i the drive-,vaN, ivitli tlic en,[,; ,i -@lic ti@o (@2) tcn (10)-Ci@)t lines connected in a -,;trai@lit Iiiie to foi,rq the vi,-;i- bility triaii@,le t!@l,ty (30) incli lici@,lit f @iny portion @,ritiiin tlit,, ;Iriaii@,le s'liall be col,,iputc,,c" froiTi the elevation oF tlic @icii i.s ,)erT)cll- dicLiiar to tli@it I)or-@;oi ol- @@all oi -@tritcttire the ti-i@ingle. ITE@NI 'ff'773' 1 ) Oti motion by Couiic i lifian @,@@aterf 4 eld , s ec@ ndel[ by Coi-,n(-- i Im@iii @IcCoy anci by recorded iote Is follows: A,@,o s Couiicili-,en Jolii i@@. l@ot)et I is , @fr. T-Zober, T L'c@)i Jr. A. aterfield, Jr. C,' i t\- Council i-,,)ved ori s ecoiid re;Lcti!l,@ tiic trtrisl-er of "12,1123 Fr-C)T, P@@sor%,o for Cojit;iig-Incios t@o tlic Clvil i@',fepse to cover cor,iectod ivi,tli OI)el,,,It .Lo ii,@ . "'o un c i Iiiie i, Jc)ji ii A. Ii Lii:[, -S r. , I)obei,t B. C r 'D I , J r C: 11 a r I e (;,,ird,ier, Joliii Z. Gi-i @fit,, (-Iaienco A. J. liciit\- Jr., t@i@LVOC j. (,urtis 13 @i @iio, and i@l-oi(i I Jr. Noll 0 AI)seiit: loi-incili,t-it Vi.co i',Iayor l@. zillcl Pzitri-ck L. C@t-,,- Couiicit aclOI)tO(l tile tlic -L S tt 'l - C e all (I S L I 0 F i c bonds, serios u@ L97@l, o:E the (li4@y oF o v i iii @ f o c -, 11 @ Co i-iii c@, c,, L @i i i@ie 21 t t c @@ c, f At a r,--,.;ular o' the Coti-icil of the City of Virginia Beach, Virgin-;-a, held oii th,@ 28 day of OcLober, 1974, PRESE@,'T Couiic@ Iriial 7o'@In A. l@aunj Cotjiici l@ol)ert 11. C.,,Llis, Jr. CounciliTt@,ii, Ro@)crt 13. Cro.,,ivell, Jr. CoL,,rtci Lri@ii, Cli@irles 111. G@irciner Cou-iciii-,i,iii Joitn '@. Uriffin Couiicilr.i,iii Cl:,trcjice A. tioliand Cou@,iciljl,.afi f. fic,@,iry l@ic(,o),, Jr. i@layoi- J. Ctirtis Payne- Coui@cili@iari 11. '@"aterfield, Jr. ABSENT: Vice @,layor G--orgo R. Fe.-r--Il Couiicilillaii Patrick L. Staridiig the followina resolution was adopted by the affirmative roll call vote of two-thirds of all members of the Council, '-h L@ 7 - I . - ayes ,Td -,i-s recnr,-@@@c'@ ir, t-h@- i-iii,it@-s C)f the rieeting as sho@gn I)elow: Couii.ci Litia--i A. 'L@au@it Ave Couiici ko[)Crt ii. C:Etllis, Ji'. A,, c C o un c i I i i a n i3. Jr. Aye Counci Iiiiaii. C@iarles "'o-,Iticili@iaii JL)ll!l IZ. COIIIlC i j: L;il( A. Ifoll@Liicl y Couiic@-Iiiiaii J. riciiry liccov, Jr. A@le Ay,? CoLtiicij.iiid@i I;Ioy(l L,. 1,Vatc,,i,i-icLd, Jr. Al)-@@ LI-L-L"D i@c On tll-- clay of OcLo@); tile Cc)'Jncil Vi-c,,In@a, IclOptecl a @e- rg of the City Of Vi ini@i Beach, Au tr,,) 7, 1, the issuance solution (,-ntitl(-@cl "",CS',, luti,(in 600,OC)o Pliblic In - Bonds, series a,-id Sale of $11, prc)% Gity ol@ Vir-inia vi-r@ini-a, lierero- of 1974, of the D@t'lils @nd forc- Aur-l-,Oriz&,,', Payment Thereof. ilich tfl2 boncis are to be The purPOses fOr w as rollo-,Vs issued and the -ount for each purpo e ar --nd streals and improve and e@t $ 2,425,000 higl),,,7ays xtensior, of Construction and e 300,000 st-,rface clrainage syst,2m Bulkhaadin, soulh of e::is@ing 75,000 boardwal.k alon-@ oceanfronl-- comprehensive mapping program> including aeri@l,photograDhy, 100,000 engineerin@ and arawinc-, w-)rk site improvements for coir,@nunity 600,000 colle-@e Planning, construction, site im- provements, eolargements and equipping of nunicipal biii-ldings, @ shop, a T)aint and weldin, includina I uild- heating plant, public saiety b produce market and site . - ing I ' ,gian ilady statue 1,253,000 prove-,nants to Nor Planning, ptirchase a,d construction of parks and recr,,till facili--ies, u,in, p @cliase of--- park iand and c L:v 525,000 Tmp ... and extend @,7atcr and se@,ler @. 0- tani@, f--a@,e -inents, enlarg,--,T@ents 1,00o O.,DO schooi facilities $1--L 60,') ')')O Funds noc needed for any ol@ slich purpdses rray be used foi aiiy o,:,.r of such purposes. By order of Lh2 Couricil of- t-lie Ci--y of Vir,,inia Beach, Virginizi. Richa@d J. --@bon @ @,l- Clerk, C@-L@ of Virgivi@, Beac'@a, 2 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZIN" @t'IIE ISSUANCE AND SAI,E OF $11,600,000 PUGLTC I-LrPROVE@TE'NT BONDS, SERIES O-, 1974, OF Tfjl@-, CTI'@' 01- VIRGINIA BEACH VIRGINI@, IILRil"TOFORF, AUTIIORIZED, AND PROV[DT,@l,', TITF T,'Oi@ll DE'CAILS AND PAY@L-WNT Ti,-@F,@"EOII BE IT RESOLVED BY THE OF THE CTTY Oi@, VIRGINIA Bi,@AC-11, VIRGINIA: 1. The issuance of ptibl.i-c jinprovc,.m@--@it bonds of the City of Virginia Beach, Vir,@ini@i, in Lhc@ amouii@. of $11,600,000 liaving been authorize-I by an orclinance adopte(i by the Council of the City of Vir@lini.a Beach on August 26, 1974, to provide funds, together with other funds that may be available, for the following p:.irposes: Iinprove and extend stre--ts and highways $ 2@425,000 Construction and extension of surface draina-e system 300,000 Bulkheading south of exisling boardwalk along oceanfront 75,000 Comprehensive mapping program, including aerial photography, engi.neering and drawing worl@ 100,000 Site improvements for community college 600,000 Planning, construction, site improvements, enlargements and equipping of niunicipal buildings, including a paint and weldin-- shop, lieal@iti, planl, publi . f _- c 1 F' I)Ui @ i@4 n@ p,,7 c -,'i u c o-,Tiark,-,t alid si@e Liitp-@-C)v men@-s to Norwa@.ian Lady statu2 1)253,000 I)lans for coi@,,rLiunity 525,000 ITnprove and extend watec and sewer facilities, incluciin,, sLorq,.,e tanl@, piir,ip stations and,lines 5,322,000 Planning, constrtiction, site in@,prov2- ments, enlar,.,(,-ments and eqijippi-ng of school facilities I 0 @) 1)@O Q-Q Pot-.al @l @f 0 000 3 all oE- such bonas are nereDy autliorized to be sold. 2. The lionds shall -b,- coupon '[)oL -lds @,7iLhotIL: privilege ol@ re,,-,istraLion, ShLill ')c, ci--si-iiated "Publ.ic Improve,-ienL Bonds, Scries of 197,@," shall be datei Nove,-D.ber 1 , @1974, silill T)e oL- tilici (-@f $5,000 each, shall be nii-mberf@(i from @L L() 2,320, irclusive, a@-id shall roature in numerical orde- 'D install-me,-its of $500,000 o-,i Novemb--r 1. in each )- the years 1976 to 1981, inclusive; $750,000 on Novew-ber in each ol@ the years 1982 to 1991, inclusive; alid $1,,00,000 on November 1, 1992, without option of prior re(teniption. The bonds shall b--ar interest @-ron tLieir dzile at such rate or rates as determined at the time of sal@!, payable semiannually on May I and Noverober 1. Botli p--incipal and interest shall be payable a@ the princi-I)al ol@,@ice of United Virginia Bank/Seaboard inational, Norfolic, Virgin4-a, or Bankers Trust Company, N--w York, I\Tew Y r!, at t-h,@ oplion of the holder. 3. The bonds shall be signed by tlie facsimile sianature of the Mayor o@, the Ci,--y of Virginia Beach, shall be countersigned by its Clerk @in(i a facsimile of its seal shall be prin-.ed on the bonds. 'rho coupons attached to the bonci@ slaill @i i,, cl b 'T f7 P, -isii-ai-le s4-,,,@a- tures o@- the Mayor and Clerk. the .7ollo@,iin,., Lo@,i: 4 (FO@l OF BOND) No. $5 000 UNITED STATES 01' K"ER-ECA CITY OF VI-PGIiN.tA @;'@-ACII Public Irnprovement Bolici, @eries of 1974 The City of Virginia @,e@ich, Vir-.inia, for value received, herel)y acknowledges itst@lf inciel@tec' and promises to pay to bearer upon presentatioi) and stirrender hereof the sum of FIVE THOUS@TD DOLLARS ($5,000) on November 1, 19 , and to pay iiiterest thereon from the date hereof to maturity at the rat:e of percent %) per year, payable semianilually on May I and November I upon presenlation and 3urrend--r of the attached coupons as they become due. Both principal of and intere@it on this bond are payable in la@gful money of the United St,.7..tes of Ainerica at the principal offic(@ of United Virginia Bank/ Seaboard National, No.-folk, Vir,.iiiia, or Bankers Trust C,,o-.nDany, .tlew York, Ea@q vork, at the odti-on o@@ th@ illoider, This bond is one of an --ssue of $11,600,000 Pubt.ic Pt by ari ordinance duly a@,opted I)y tfie Coun-cil of tl,,e City of Virginia Beacli on August 26, 1974, ind is issued pL[rsuanL to the Constitution and statutes oL@ the Coninionw,2alth ol'- Virginia, includin, th(,- Chirter oi- the C-@@t--y of Virgini,,:, i',--@,ch (Chapter 147, AcL,3 o," i%-qs@rnbly o-- 196@-), @,Ls iiiended) alid th-- Public Fiiancc, ACL, as to provide flinds, Logeth--r ,,,7ith olher fuiids Ll,.all- @,,,Lv I)e aviilable, for vacc)4,@-, puL)I-Lc -Facilit'los and improvarnents. The fijll faith anci ct---(,it of the city c)f Vir,.inia Beach ,are hereby irreliot@ablv pledcl,ed for the payment of princidtl of and in'L-c-,)est on this bond. All acts, conditions ar,d thin@-s required by the Constitution and statt-,tes of th- Commonwealth of Virginia to happer, exist or be y,erfor-m@d precedent to -,nd in tl,-e issuance of this 'rc@nd 'Liave happened, exist and have been perforrqed, and tlie issue of bonds of which this bond is one, tog--Lher wit'@l @@ll other indebtedness ol- the Citv of Virginia Beach, is @-jillhin every debt and other limit prescribed by the ConstitLItion and statutes of the Commonwealth of Virginia. IN WITINESS IIHEREOF, thc City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, has caused this bond Lc be signed by the facsimile signature of its Mayor, to be countersigned by its Clerk, a racsi-,Pj-le of its st@,ii to be atttcl,-e@l interestcoupons to be authe-n@4.caLed by the facsimile si.,na- COLTiNTERSIGNED: (SIAL) Cle-rk, city of Virginia Beach, Mayor, Ci-ty of Virg-.*-nia -LL VirginiEL V-;-rginia 01 6 (FO@l OF COUP,JN) No. $ @,iay 11-hl2 Cit@y ol@ Vi i-,@inia Beach, On Nove,@b r 11 19 1 Virginia, @@ill pay to bearer --- D,@)l 1 ($ ) iii la@,7ful i,@(;i)--y of Unito(i St-ites of AiD.erica at the I)rincipal oc--@ice of Un@t(3d Vi-r,inia Seaboa-jcd Nati(-)i-ial, -i\lorfolk, V*@,,,-I.ii@ll or Bai-@'@--rs -irus-@ Company, New Yc)rk, York, at t'ic-, optioil of the bein@. the seiniarinuil interesc due on if--s Piiblic Improvement Bond, Series of 1974, dated NoveiEber 1, 1974, and numbered Clerk, City of Virginia Beac f5ayor, City of Virginia Be c@-11 Virginia Virg4-nia 5. The full faith and credit of ,he City of Virginia Beach are hereby irrevocably pledged for the pay- ment of principal of and interest on Lh-- bonds. Ther--- shall be levied and collected annually on all loc@illy -,,,able p-ro- perty in the City an ad valoreni tax over an(] @'Dove all oth,--r taxes authorized or linited by IF@,.,7 suff-.,--eiit, [-o pay SL[ch aq and pavable. directed to --,e bciids "or sile iii accordance wirli t-l@ Notice of Sal(2 attached her(-,to as ExhibiL A. City @lanager, in collaboration with First- ',@curities, Inc., thL@ City's f-Lnancial advisor, iiay iiiake such changes in the No-Lice cf Sale ric)L inconsistent ,viLh the p.-ovisions of th-*Is resollition as they may detenaine to be in the best irterests of L-.Iie City. 7. After the bids ha-vf@ beei receivcd and the -iyor, City Izna e and C rk are boiids awarded, the ',@IL @ 1 8 r IL- hereby autliorized and clirected to take ill proper steps to have the bo-,ids prepared and e,,@ecuted in accordance with their teriqs and to deliver the bo,.ads to the purchaser thereof upon paymetit -Iherefor. 8. Such officers of tlle City of Virginia Beach as may be requested are hereby atithorized to execute an approprinte certificate setting i-orth the expected use and investment of the proceeds oE t:h(@ bonds issued pursuant hereto in order to show that sucl, eypected use and investment will not violate the provisiors of Section 103(d) of the Internal Revenue Code oL@ 195/4, as amended, and regulations issued pursuant thereto, applicil,le to "arbitrage bonds". I,uch certificate shall be in sucli -C@orm as may be requested by @,.nd counsel for the City. q. The Clerk is hereb@l, authorized and directed to see to the in,-@,,iiate filiog of a certified copy of this re- t o C@ L:y a a 0 rllc E@ Vir-@inia Beach a iiollice 6ettin,,, i@,, -ii (I.) ir, brief and general te@,s the purposes for -,?bich tk@ . 13o,-ids are to be issued and (2) the zi-,nount o@@ sucl-, bonds and c!.@ amount for each purpose. 10. This r(,.solut:i,,n slii'Ll e-Efect immedi@tely. 8 The undersigned Clerk o! Lhe City oE Virginia Beach, Vir.-inia, hereby certifies th@it --he "Orec,,o,.ng, constitutcs a true and cc)rrect c,,,Lract from the niiilLiLc.@s of a regular,,Deetin-- of the Co(incil of the city of virgi.nia eac@ 1-i@,ld 23 o@i- lik2 ,,ihc@la t' rc@of @C) far as appli,-,ablc. "o the MLitLL@rs )-ci:c-,rrc,d tc) iii sucli O-.,tract. @q!TNESS niy hand anu' Lhe seal of Lli- City o@@ Virgi-r@-i-a Beach, Virginia, t:liis 2 8 day of OcLoDer, 1974. Clerk, City 6+/- Virginia Beach, Virgini-a (SEAL) j@,xliil@it A OF SAI-@E 1-974 Seaied I)i('!s bc, f@-,r Llie Cotiiicil of- the Ci@l,: ol@7 Virgin@-@t Beach, V;-,--,.li.nia, 1:00 '.aslern S@-aidard on Novembel- 20, 1974, at: LrE, @-@@icc, of tii:? Tre@is,@!rer of @7ir-,inia, Room 101, I'@nazice Build@,i, f,)r t-li@, [)urchase o,-' @ll,'000,@,00 -i@llo--o-,,elpe,@.t -3onds, Se@ies o@@ 1-9'/4, of -,lie Citv o"@ l@zicii 1-1@2 2r@-@eci '@i-,rein, at- -@,7hi-ch LiL-,ie the Dids @,7i-li bc p,,,bl-icly Ti-ie @Dords " be dc@ Lc-@@ @;c v@,,.@'@-ler 1, '1974, @l@-id will serially iii antaual iiisLal@i-c-,c @-s oL@ @500, 00 an Iorc2i-,,ber I i-n each o-@ Lhe years IQ.76 -@o 1981, j,:tcl-usive, $750,000 on @@'o,,7em-oer 1- in c-ac,@ of Lh-2 ye,@rs il@)@-- tO 1991, @ind L; '1,100,000 on Novei@L%2i- 1, 199'-), ,,:71 i-I :)D @on C)@ P-,,7ior 0 Ti-,.c. boti(is 7ill- b-- o@ @@Li- of 00 L19cli 2nd -,,7;-ll be i.n c()upc)n fc)r, @tIoLit- @@E, o@ r2 istra- -lion. Ir,.rer,-,st wi@Ll 'L@e payablc,, 1, bot:h p-rir-,,cip@-,L apd incc-est @,iL-- b2 L !-t Fficci- pal office oL- -tinitod @lir@inia, or Bai-ikcrs @l.'rList YO,71@, Y-r @l he t t c)pt.ion of @--he hold,-,r. @3icidcrs ar@ tc,, Ll-.c rit:c c)r rales f ac @r@,y @)F@ @ii -q, yi-io@, c,@cc-eci ti,e i)@, i@'Ll@, L@,7 @ccrLieCl TtO b i@l '-or ,iDc t,) rc,!(;Ct -lily @)r ;Iii @@i(is @-@cl @o iri-e@Lilari@lli.(@s Li-i ii-,v i)il i,@@I a I 1- 1) i,c!s are rejeclcd, Llie kiill I)c Lo l@ig@der i---o- l@C)S,21 reS@,tLf5@ it) Llici COS" SIICIL cc@, CC) iD(-- 'Dv cle@l;.t _. L 1i,,, II e I o, @,Li@il their i-, t @l i L,,S '@L'h(' Dre@@!i if DC Pl @ts p@! r 1-o c . E ch "i 1 c@ C' 11 loll" Li r l@,- (:l of@, f-y ATi I ic hc3 C ty c-, cashi-er s cbeck Or UrUSL co@T@pan%, a 1-ic, @a y 0 u- 1', c 0,1' -L 1 tv -c) L,!-I,: (-)@(I i City of Vi@ginia L, c 1, i-,: c@, i n il L) ;CcLi(:L, 1- L'i C 4 L a,,iy loss resuiriii@, @f LTii --Ie f@i i- c co,nplv witil L@.@ L,2ri@@s !-ii's f sltccel;s- I (l o'! c pr C, claci no iiite---@ t %ii I L @i c! Tii, th- c'@,eck be -ret@171-,I(2cl I),,- t'ic, C4 L,, i@@, l@ @ Cl -1 - ciu- @c,,i in c,,.se. t L, -- s,,iccc!ssl@ul I)iclc!@:r i-@-ail,s tc) acci fo-- Lii@, @DOIldS ChL'Cl@S Of '-ill L, LCt@-1,2.r ,,i, I @l,,e r-- luril t--pov- of ti,,e I'he I)on(is ')e (lelivc@i-ec' D--cc,,,rbe- 13, '@974, @t :,?icl-imc)nd, c)r, @it the oi)tic)r) O' til- pui-chaser, at T@-@e ';i-naLure @@L, Ycr' o::!@ @hc- e:@-@)CIls-, ),-7 L'LIC 1 I @l.-)OTI Day--iieriL tliereEo-,: @'j@ F@,i@icls o@' @l-,c ci-,y in ScLt@le,,uecit is @,iiade. The unqLiLili,--iect' ol)Lnio,.i ,f @,:illianis, '-@ay & Gibson of VLr,.iii@a, %,' @,)c, @uriiislie(I [-o the s,@@cc--ssful bidder wilho i": CIC@arge, ,,e priiC-@e. c)n t'l@. bact@ oL@ bon(is anci will 'chat: LnL? c,).isLi'-LiLc-@ @,aiid aiid legally b 'Indii-i, o!-,'_, Lioiis 0-F LI'L' 1--iL-V @ilirl it,,,, CLty Cc)u,,Ici-l is authorized and required by "a@q Lo @E-,@@y aci v-a-o-f.-eri taxk2s, @,,,ithout li-nitaLior, zis @o rale or c)n -,II lo--allv ti-,@a@Di-e iii tlie City to pay )--incipil o@ i,,iL(Prcsi on t:',te @i)C)nds. The usu,-,l closin 1)aDers @,iiil also incltid 'L-ig C_r-if4C,qte Sigrie d t@@ offLcLrs si,,@-icd Li,,e boncis sta,L-@- n -,-at no Ii t-i,at-*@,)ii Is pencliri,, c;@, --c, i C),, (-l c! , .2 e r! t: e i U -2 -1 n-L: i.- 11 C Ce s t o r 1 n @i f-@ -z -i IL t--(D -f i L lifi@i 0 c !)icls . @o iii o t--it@t i o! i ik@; 1) I V ti) i-,3 9-3 I 7 1-ity stlto(ll LliLLt ori @0, 1974, Lit li@:00 ,i. tlie-,re iiill be, @i @le'ti!lli c 1 tile (:Ot,lilci I OF t'ci-- Cit'- of iii zi B -,,ii c ii Lo re @,2 i k (@ i-) i C'Ls OII @It I , ()@)O , 000 Z)u!) I t @.iotio-,i by '@:c)uiicil,.qaii Cal "is @:i,a' b,, recordod votc as s CoLilicil"',Ioll Jo'[iii B@tum, Ro!)C)Lt @t. C@illis, Jr., 1,@obcrt Cro7-,,7ell, Jr. , Ciiario,-, ii P. Cri fi;i, Ci rence A. @liand, J. lieiiry %Ic(,oy, @l@i)-o- (@,.lrtis I)ay-.i-., aii,--l Floyd l@. te r t iold, Jr. a@v s i@one A -L)s iit: Couiiciiiiien Vic,-, kl@iyor Geo.-@.c ',. I;eri@cll, anct Patt-ick L. Stlanding City Council adoptod tlic followill", 11-@soluLion vacatin,. five fe--t of of ()Id Donation Nlanor, Se ;Ion Tiro, Bayside Borough: 2 8 C, 7io IlaiiLl Ca 1 1 i 71. '30S 1) c, ,D T4 ,;,2s cp@ I 2 L; ;T L -2 "LL Ori j@,,otion by Couiciljii@tit (;:Irctiler, (lounf--ili@laii ifollaiid, @Lrid bv rocorded voto zis foll,)@,, ,'@yos Couiic.@Iiiie@,, jol,ii A. B..tuiii, [Zot)ct,,@ c iii Li Robert B. Jr., (,'Iiarlu-,; ill@'. Jolll@ P,. (Irifl;l,, Claronce 2". llc)lLanci, J. iteiir\l [:Ioyd .Jr. i@Iays None Couiiciliicv, Vlc(! C o u.,i c LLP t' 0 V -', L 3 2 @@l-; 4 -c c' -1-9 7 1 9 -71 !lo 77 v,@ c! C; i y Oil iiiotioii b@, Couiicil;@l@t'i i@1,; i-,,,,co i'docl @,oto ,is l-,@il o@.4s ,@,-os Coi@.nciliiien Jo'in A. Ro',)c J l' . r5. rc)lil@Voll, Jr. , Cliarle,; @li. (@,,,,rciiiei jolij, i@. @;r-iffin, Clar nce A. J. ffe,,ry Jr. ot, )i ti-@ ancl Jr. "i), 1,4 o@,i e -',.!)seiit: Vice inlayor T,. Ferrel i ii,! Cuuii@ L P@i'Dli@ Safet@ i@uilliic,; stlhject to I f i.L:o o'- tji- C Ii ,,,t -Lad approvedy tlie o i L ITI@,@,l r'773, Oii ii,,o@ion L)y Couiicili'lait li.iaii lioj bv Tecordod vote as folic)@,v@; .t@ves Councilrnen Joliz,, A. 13auin, Rol)c)i,t I "al tLs, "'t)bei't B. Croj,,i@vell, Jr., Cliai-I.es IV. Garclner, jc)llll 1'. Griffin, Clareiice A. lIolland, J. ffenry NIcCoy, Jr. , @,layor .1. (urtis 1)@lyne, aiid Floyd 1:@ @,,@aterfi--.1d, Jr. Navs: None R. lerreli, @ lid COLI@)Cill@,Ln Pat ,@bso,nt: Vice ',Iayor Ceor-.c I rick L. S@andi,-i,@. ,ks tile Housing and Coi,.ii,@tuility Developi-@i-nt Act of 1974 iias ,igned into laiv by Presider-t Ford in Au,List oE tilis vear, aitcl in an effort to siibiiiit an applicatioi,@ ,iliicii-Lidlieres t,) ie reqttirerie@-its of ti'i,-- Act, Ci.ty Council :ipl)t)illted CouTiciLi'@;n Patrick I.. Sta-ridin@., as tfic Council's represeiitati@,e oii tilif, Las.@-- force coi@iriittee. ITL@@A,l Y7739 Oii iiio-lion by Couricilrian Callis, seconJed bv (iouncil,,ian @@!cCoy, aild by r-,corcled vo'Le as Collo@@s: A.ves: Councilmeii Jolii@ A. Paiti,.,i, Rot)oi-t@ @l. Callis, fr., Robel-t B. CrDiit@,@ell, Jr., Cliarl.e,.--, tV. Garciner, Jofi-@ 11. Gi@iffi,-i, Clarenc-- A. tie,-iry @%@tys -@'N on o ty Couiaci L app r,) @@n @LI)p rc),) i iit i oii o' @')'l , 6 2 0 tli,-, I At'Lornev, accouii@@ iiuiitbo, 01050. aii(I !)v o (@@l t -, is !'lo L) l' Ay 0 1) 1- C-, I a l' 1 C', i G @ i r 11 @i c r i- t f i Ti a J. lie-@ll,v l ncl f-, o@ (i Jr. @,l@iy 0 1- ,@ays o f,@ e, Ar) @ eii Vi- ce '@"avor e Fe r@, e City Couiicil ado?)t,2cl @i, j 01) @lu'llorizirt, tile ;!)t Llncl Safe St-zeec--, ,@r to iiia"@e -,,-L oii Eor @t A for 1- O[ @i re(It. 'eliL @ore- I a L t!HEI'-LAS, the Criri-2 OiT,,iiibijs aiid Safe Str I'ct [)t,ovid-2s fLd,2-al funds to assist political subdivisio!,s of t[if-' variOLIS -@L in ift,,provi .ng their resp2ctiie Criiiiin@il Jus-Lice Systeiiis -ill crd-.r to redL@Ce O" C',ilililj@tL in@,@@@-,quacies; arid I,IiiERL-AS, the imp,@Ct of -L Llhe rapid gro@,i-uil ra',.(@ of the Citi, of V-Irginia 62ac,-h places excess viot,@ tas!,s upon the local la@,i etifc@-ce,-,ie@it ag--ncy; aild I-Plil.IZEAS, in oroer to i@ill this void ol@ st@,c%-,s UPC)N pol7lcEi service d2livery, it is proposed t@l-,-t researc@i b@ co@id,,icted '@o d2-il-,'.cp the requii-ed criteria by investigating the type. and volum2 of calls for p,,)Iice service e.,Manating under Val@'IOUS Si'@ua-Lioiis; and I-.'Hr-REAS, it is r?co,-,,,T,,-,nd2d tiia'u s'@-2ps be @La@,on utilizing in'Ler-city cc,-,i- parisoiis aiid develop the fl'.2-Lliodology to predict the typ@- ar,@: quan@,i@uy o@@ damands for pc)lice services in var-@tou@, gre@ith patterrs a-, @@iley d-2velop; and @,,'@EP@EAS, such f,,ethodolo , will provir-le t@,-2 lead-tir.-,e to ascertain budgetary and rcsource exp,,nsion as as alloca'@ion ,ii'L)in cost b-Ln@@-it paraTeters; it is recessary t@,,i'L eac@i politic,@.1 s@:bclivisiori parti--ipating in For,.c,,.,,t4ng Criteria Stucly is ard th e;tiip,,,L,,d local contribu'Lion for -L@ie six-rcionth progrp-@@i :- @4,725; and THERr,7FOP@, 6E IT ESOLVR-.D BY T"IE CD'(@jl(,:L Ot- T[I-L CITY or' VTRr@Tli IA BEA@: Tiia L t@ie Ci ty l,ianaglr s :ij -@i,@@:iorized in di rc-ct(-,d tO CALISO Sl@'C@ in For- ma'L,ion or matei-ials as @ay b@, iieces,,,ii-y to 5-- p@-ov@d@,,l to the @ippropri @c, stel@; a@, enci,2s to per,,ni t tji fol-i@til d tior. an d F-:nd ;@,i of eded by L@he City. i@l"In, BE IT FLJ,,"@TIIF@P @@l--SOI V D, -ile Coi@i@-ilf C4 C) j, gives its assurance that -@e tieeci,.,d as ti) C."y's cost of @pproved ptc)grar,--, @,iill be pi,ov@ (led. ASID, B-c IT FUPTHEP, RC-SOI-V'r-D, th -he C-.overn oF Virg@r@i@ is resp,3ct@u@l.y reques-Led to assist iri t:ie p,,-oi-c)-L, pproval a,,icj of progi-aj@s in or,-'--r ti,,a'L- the public irite@-E@st's o,' this U-ity iia,/ L)r Adopil@-d by the City Council of ttie City of Vii-giriii Beacli, Vir@,,@nia, o.,i the day of Octo@er, 1974. Certified to be a true excerpt of the tiinutes of t@-E, City Cot@ncil of th,, Cil@Y of %lirginia De,,cll, Virgiqia, appi,oved, Oc'@o!)e(, 2P, 1974. :ha@c,i j. @LILbbon, City Clerk C)ii i-,,iotioii by Counciii-.ia,,i C@all.is, second--ft I)y Councill'.1ai @loill@tn(l, 'L-)y reco,ci-ld vote ,is Jr. Cl!iarLc@; 1. ii'. lia@'o r:url,is P,,.Ivl,,c,, atici Flovl Cotirici c@tN, (iouiicil adopt,2(i rosc'ItL-@-LOTI c--rtifyin,., Lliat -irrElli,)e,i iits liavl., I)ecii ill, j 0 C)r @v@ll 11- for tlic relocatic.-t S,',Itil -'iLInecl, Road, cast OF L@iicilor adj Li-@, L iiio i) of along, -rity l@oad, sout"t of Pootil ailcl alon,y i)ro 1)- ciiie ck I'@o,,ld. co,;t , otl@c@r tliait tl)o@,o litiliti-e@, tliz-', @,il,l !)e rolucatol fliiids, is t@ian At a of t,,,, city (7f)l cil of vi-,,i-Iiii B-.ach. VicEiiii-,t, hc-ld 28 @,-y of October 19 7 the c E, I 'LO cO:lft- t o c)'@h e v a O-L Sc),,ith Birdnoc@', Y"O"I @f@, c) Of t() t C)f t 11-1 4 ad Li of TI-cc RO'-d fz'cm 0.@4 @ies sc)ul!l o-- -Llhe intelo- S--CLi-on PLoad desi@tiL,,C-d Pi-o'ec@ Ul@,jc)-Jal j -111, C-501; the City COtLric@-I is responsiblc, fo ar-canga@,nts f(,'r the me-a-@ and/or rela=-tion of u@uil-_@tie@ ard -Lor th@ of any n@v utili-ties; iNg"i, =, P=OL@i2), that th-@ Cit,,, CL,@,Lrcil of Vir@ia. B2@ hereby certi-lies tliat all arra-,i,.,a@@,n@@s h,-,vo be.@n F,,adp o@ @Till be rr@,,D for the reloc,-ti-on aad/or @@-L7,ent of @d utility facil@-ties ,md for tl,,-- @t of-- ar-y ne%v utili@li--s. In the event of @ny i,@tifiable 1-@,la t'Lie @-Oad ccnti-ac-,or for delays oz- interferen@ caased by said utilities, the CitY OE %lir,,@ia B--ach hereby a,@es to @@e responsible for sa-id c"aii,,.s, pro@,,id--Id it iray I(-,,-ally do so and fur-th@-r pro,;id--d tti@,-t the City is aci-,Tis--d i.,i by th,@ li@ y @p at the tirp- of del@-y t@.at the roe-,d conti'actor ir@ten l@ to file a@--laim. Said iitilities axe id--ntifip-d as Utility O,,iner C)f T"I'l@ilicv City --f -@@at-r L4-n,@ Vj3:E;iri-a -,'Iect-Iric aiil Pu..@.r Vir,,iii@D, 1-lectric @.d Pc-.;@- q7, r,a LL@ Cou@i(I i'Iiiiaii Call i,-i tlili-@ !lo k d r @i@, i t o 'L!i,2 t n t 0 Ll,o public, Li@roti@@l, tite til,, t I i t COL!NC 1 , l@,id on @)ctoll,-, l' l@' @-ILI, adol)tecl, by a it@,ijol ity vo@e, @i (.SC) Li c)ri cKpre-@1,3iTi- ,ipprovzil o@ r'lic t)i,oposect con.,;trticl,:;oit of @t ile@, ctin"', I , t is @iliti c t, ti @e Ci ty 'II l@@l I I oii @lo I lacs . fiii,,il Co,ci.s@ioii is to its con,;ti'tictio@.1 @vill 1)(-@ c)ii tii,-, 5 t'@i b @t L lot t o b e (Ic c i le (i l@ y tti c vo t c@ i-.-S [iii ci Ini@iii aum ii o tocl tli tli (-, rc i,f, :i ,e ii I ()I) 1) o@, Ii-oi,, t o tli f-, i@ rol) o@, (,,d L - i,,,e iiii I 1 i on dol. L ar coiis r-uc t i on i r L] @ @l @, -L t-e:i t 1) c @ @l @T -1 n@' i c@@il -,.@iat the oldey voters @ecl tliat tlic o[ froiii ihe riir@il ai,,-,@Ls i)cing iiicai,c@i-;itect is @tiid tiiar Llie iqoiic@@r iioLtIcl b@tt(@l, spent @f tisecl oii ,,@@liool-S an d c r '2 @'C,f 'C LO s Couiicili,an Gril@fiii iiol@oci t'@ilit @is z,- 1'rsul@t o' ttle - -C'-'Ii@L @l @j ')US and after i-i)t)pe@l-l@oii tll 1) c T-1 .,L i I 1) Li I 1 d 1 i,.,, iIi,,, f tli@it tile voters SlIC)t-llc,t h@l, to @@l,)t)oi,t t',e I-ive cloii,,il ture O@i i@iotion by C:ounciiifiaii CLtIJ.is, sec.0i](11'@l I)Y C:Otlnci.irian Gar(J,'Ier, :;,ILt D@ i,ecorde(i vote as Avos Councilmoti Jolin A. B@lur, lzobc 't If (lal I i Jl'. , Robcrt f@ @,roi-iiweli , Jr. , Clial-les @ii . Gardner, Jolii '@;riff iii , Cla3,C]ICO A. ii(@'llatici, -J. Henry l@IcC()V, Ji@. , @lavor J . Cut,tis Payiie, Iiici Flo)-Ct @L-Lerfi--Id, Jr. a s None bscl@-it: Vico ',IaYOf Fet-rcli-, @ll-icl Cot-lilciliTiLin Patrick L. St,iiidill"'. CitY Coillicil will liold a ciosod iricet] on I'lloiida@,, November 4, 1974, "Dr tlie I)t.trpose of (liscussin,, iterfl,-@ periiiitted for discl, or _,;sio, Lnd Section 2.1-344, stj'L)par@t@,,i-ai)h 2(Re@il L-state), c(Porsoiiiiel), and 6 (Letal @,latters), of L-lie l@r-@dOr-I OF Act of tlie Corqmoii,,,ro@ilt',l Vir,inia. II'L@@l "7745 (Dn iiotioii by Couiicili,iaii ifolland, secon@l.,([ by Counci I r.,,aii Cromivel I anci i)y recorded ',,ote Lis 'i-ollowS: j, fleiir),- ,-r. ;V!,Lyor @y.t@s Pa@,i-,e, @,,jid @'-,Iovd Vic:e l@iayoi @,;-,O[ -Y CoL,iicil acljouriied. ty Cio Viil,,i,ni@a