FEBRUARY 14, 1972 Nif OF 'i Ifi@ II ONO;L "i@, 11 01@ V 11@(;IN I@@ 11 \@1],GIN I A l@ cl) 1- [i @,] I .1 , 1 c, 7 2 Ili( rcglilar iiicotilll,' of tllc,, (:Otllicil ol- li@(@ (-itv of \,'irgiiiil 13c,@icli, Vir@iiiil w@is Iic,.ld in the Cc)uijL: 7 1 (:Iii iii!)(, i-s iii Ilie ;\(! iii i ni sti,;tti oji B iii I (Iii) g iii t lie Bo i@ougl) of Ilriiice,,,.,s Aii ii u , o ii l@c , t-li@Li@y II, 1 972, ,it I 0 : 00 a.111. Tlie invocation iv@is ])v tlic ])Cvcl cii@] (:Ii@tries fojics, Kcinp,,;vi,llc Councilineii I)i-osciit: ],,ol)c,rt 11. Jr., IZOI)Crt l@. Croiii@,,,Cjl, Jr. Fraii@ A. DLISCII, F. 1'ei@l l@rviii, (@c,orp(, ]". l@ei,rc,,]I, Cl@irencc A. liollancl, D. @ltirray Malbon, T. (@tirlis I),,Iyn(,, Vi,:,c, 'vor 1,1. 'Feb@iuit, I-loyd E. I%Iatcrfield, Jr., @iiid @layor I)oll@ild 11. l@l@octes. il'i;@l tt420@@ 'On ipotion by Coiiiicili,,i@ii,@ ])Ilscli, ,;econ(led 1)), (loilncililizin Ceorge T:Crrell, aild by rccorded vote as follo@,,s: A),e,; : Courci 1),ieii l@ol)(,rt Ji . Cal.1 i s , Jr lol)(',I-t B . Croiiiwe.] L I ir Fraiik A. Dusch , I . IZei cl I-.rvi i-i , Geo)-ge, I:ei-rell , Cl areiice A. flol laiid 1) . @ltirray @Ialbon , J . (:tlrt is llzlyl)c , Vi c c, 1,@l,,iyc)r @,l. @Fel)aLilt, l@loycl E. 1',Iatorfield, Jr. I @ilicl INI@lyor I)OII@ilcl Ii. l@l@0(1es Nays: None Absent: None Cit), Council approied tlie @@Iiiiiites of tli reglilar i!teetiiig of Februarv 7, 1972, ind tho reading ol- siid @Iiiitites clisTeii,.;cd i%,itli iT)-I-,;-TTlucli .1, Cotiiiciliiian liad a copy of the sul)ject I)cfoi-e him. ITI@,t@l #4201 On motion by Vi.ce @lavor 'I'ebault, secoi)dcd by Councilmar. IVaterfield, and by recorded.voto as fc)llc)i@s: Ayes : Councilineii IZobert fl. Callis, Jr., Rol)ei't B. Cromwell, Jr., Fraiak A. Dusch, F. ]@el(i l'Irvin, Gc,,orge R. I:errell, Cl@irence A. liolland, D. @lurray,-@Ialboii, J. (@tirtis I'@1Y]IC, Vice @,layor Earl @l. Tebault, Floyd E. I%Iaterfield, Jr., aiid @layor I)oii@ilci 11. l@llo@les- Nays: Nojie Absent: None Cit)@ Couiicil IPI)Yoved oii secoiid rc,@idiiig an cxl)ejid@ttire in tlie aillotint of $8,800 as i-ccliiestecl bv i\li@. Tviii 1). (loililni,,;-,;ioller of l@c,,venuo, to efi)lolc)y exti-a I)oi,-,ioiijic,t iii oi-der tc) iii@ikc@ @i,;s(@ssmeiits on autor@iol)iles a3id to moot tlic deadliiic foi- I)roce,.;siiig tlic t@ix tiills. Oti ijiot ioii by (@OLifil@il)il:ill I'@ VII (?,C] vote :).,; (@o @ I o@@ s Ayes: Cotiiicilriic ii J@ Jj Rc)l)c,rt 11, II, Jr. I"Yzi ii @ A . ])(is cli , l@ ]Zc id ]@iv iii, Geoi@,@c, l@(, ri- c,. II , (@l;il@eiicc A. llol I @in(I 1). Nltla,r@ly oi@ 1.@irl @l. @i'ct)@itilt , l@lovd 1: . lilitc@rfi eld , @Ji, aiicl ;!,i,\@oi, I)on@i I (I Ii N@tys : Noiic., Absciit: Noiie (@oiiiicil cilitilol'i-c.(] [lic, ('itv t') ('111c"t tli(, folloi@iii@, cortific@itioiis of tji(, I-esLilts 01- tjlc, Scilc)o I Bolicl l'Ic, I I,(,IldLiln ii tll(, @li iiiii es of tl)e Ci ty Coulic i i II,: !-A l@, i:!,i c IRCII,i' T, @il@: CI'ZI ("t-- EFACII c)n 'LI)L! i-Ot,i o Ic,y2 CITY 01' VII'GTII'IA PI-:ACII SPECli@L EI,ECTIOI; - F,011,1) We, the undereign--d Members of the Electoral Board of the City of Vir,.,inia Beach, cio certify that at a special election he"d o,-, tlie @oth day o',: FeDruary, 1972, in the City of Virginia Be.ich, for the folloL7ing bond issue, to-,,.,it: "Shall- tl-ic (itv of Vir,iiiia Bc@,i(,h, borro@,, an i)c)t tc) i,'illic)n Six Hundrcci Thousc,-iC@ Dollnrs ($1-@,600,000) and issue its -.enera! boids 11-herefor pursu@-,nt to its clicirter tlie PLiblic Finince Act, as c,,neiidcdl to fin@n--e tc),,ctl@cr @qitli other aval-l@,ble co,,,,t o@, cor,.strLctin improvi-n- ,nc' oriuiT)I)jn@, 5@2@,ic)ol I)uil-cliIE@s Ind related fncil'@ties nnd si@es therefor? FOR issu,nce of saicl Lloiids, tlic@,re were c,ist I votes. ACAII,4ST issuance of snid Boncl,", there 10,532 votes. ATTEST: I L c ',: e, t: i It c I Ci.ty o@ Vi2.@-,iliii @ll') i Tic, l@ t @i te F, i,l@ic I,e @l f@tl@ I 1)11 o t \1 rs l@. f pl,, i @@ i 1),@ c, t wli i C, ]i t i iiic, til e i ii d i c,,i t(@cl tli c di I ii T,c o 1 t Ii j@ i1,i C)f I i 1, e @i @, itil tlic @-@i I 111T.0 o f tl) 0 t Oil l@o @l @] @-, -) @i 11 i tl tioil 1) it I(.0ni Iii i@,; i11 to @l II th (2 ob iioxi oti,@ odo rs ciiiiii i i);i t i iiI1, Ii c @@l,j i,c@ @ll,(- ]@l z@ll)etl' i oil PI jilt At tent i oji i,,@i s d iiv i -L c,,l t () t 11 1- 01 I i ,; cicli ll,)s I,,,cli in@tclc 1))@ tlie l@ist sevoral 1) l@ l' 0 1 c] iii (, @i @, i i i- c,, t o c I i iii i ii @i t c t 11 e, odors wliicli li@ive iiot heeii It was ijidicated 1)), l@llio,!(,s tli@it Ii,, lias, a@, of today, receiveci a COI)Y of 'l survey b@@ l' )ti C'@, , Sic 1, 7,1, ;in(I Jo@;t, (,ojislilting ]@ii@llincei,,; for tlie iii I,!Il i cli c@o,,; t i ii @i I)I)rox il!l;l t(',] v @ 2 , 0 00 , Oo we,i-c i,ccojiiiiicnded to I)t@ I (,d to Ii iii@jlc, tlt(, ol)lloxiou,@, o(iors. Mr. Douglzis 'Falbor, @i iiic,,iiibet@ ol- tlie iiidic@it,@(i tliat it was tlie ilitention of tlic,, 111@Sl)(@ t(-@ @i(lol)t the stil)ject I)rol)osal i@,ith tlie iiiteiit of relieving tjic situ@itioli I)Y June 1, 1972. 'rlio reprc,,seiititixes of tlie (Iii,ic r,ocluest.CLI tlie City Council to briiig presstire to bc@ll- LIPON tll 0 t 1) i-oki@@ii J.cg@t.1 Tlicasures i f acti o]) -w@is iiol takeii to eliiilji@tte tlie oclors @@li icii tlicy consider liazardous to tlieii, healtli anci ivell t@eiiig. @4r. 'I'albot iiidi.catccl tli@it every of [oft @@c@til(I I)c ni@icle by IIIZSI)C, to alloviite thc situation as qLii@-]@Iv as po-@sil)le. Mrs. Robert l@acine, rcl)reseiitilig tllo I.e@i@tte of IVoTiicii Votors of Norfolk - Vii,ginia Beach, il)pe@ii,c(l I)efofc (:Ollllci I tlie fact tliit her org@inizatioii liad ob@;ej,vocl tlio flil@irc, of tlie IIRSI)(@ to cliliiiiate tho odors coming fropi tlie, Sanititioji Plaiit ;il@d tirged (]ity Council to take action on I)clialf of tlie riieml)oi,s of licr oi,@,aiii atic)n and residents of the are.a. ITEI\l l,420-/ On motion by CoujiciliTi@in T;rank Dtiscli, -,;(,.,7oiided by (@oiijicilman Ilolland aiicl unainiously approved, tllc Cit\l Colilicil, i-c,@ipl)ojntcd Fue Sadler, (,@irs U@aflies Sadler) , to tlie, l@cgion@] Ife@ittli, @',elfire [)I@LDIling Coujicil for a tcrni of one year, exlliring l-,el)rtl@11-y 28, 1973. @14208 Councilman Ervin noto(I tli@it hc, li@id iiitelit(@d to resent a resolution which would lim@t tlie expciiditlires of tlie Adclitional @2,000,000 uncler tlie sale of General I.mprovemcnts lionds, ivhich it i,@ anticil)@itecl will be approvod by the General Assciiil)].v for ro,,id iiiii)rovc,niciits aiid road develol)lgcnts, hoivover, discussiojis i@itli Iiis follow (@oiiicilpic,ii li;id indicated the neod to designate tli(,, iiioiiey fc)r ro@id ii I)roveflicnts, but to le@,ve tlie fuiid fluid for ciiiei, encv tise if nood,cl. (,oiII) Q: 1 ]]ii @ll) j@i-viii ii) @(I :i j:.@@Iioil i,! eii do d t iii,@ll) il) i ,Iti oil fo l, l'o @(@l] i]@, I)C' I-L 1 @IJilliii ('Ioiii iii L 1.@ L(-lTi TI)c followiiig persoi@,@ I @ir. Jaiiie-; ',Iys. I'li),Ilis flitclicock Mr. Ilati,ic-I St@iii(ling colTil@i@ili@l(@l, @lc(:Ollllcl I ],ir. S@im lloii toil @,ir. 'I@lioii@@is Brovies l@ir. Izo-@c"j, ill-ok"o @Ir. 'llioiiilis K),riis all oxpr ,;scd tll(@il' k,icivs -ill(l tll(' il)l,,,Irellt vie@@.,; of tlie org@triiz,,Iti(,iis tiicy represejit. It l@otilcl I)el,lllit tllo (lit)' Dep@trtiiieiii to coiiiplc@l@, ilic Zolliii@@ c,rl@ii iic@@,@ l@it)d @i.,;o @iiici tlie @laster Zojiiii(, Pl,,Ill I)e I!IOSL I)CIII)iti ]Ii -,;oill(, fc)l@l,@l of colitrol to gitide tlic,. r,,ll)icl prowtli @ilicl (I -(,Iopiiiejit oC tlie (@ity. @ia)7or Rhodes indicat('d l@ll@it 110 @V,'ts coii,- @riied i@itli tlie btird(n l@.,Ilich was bciiig pl,,icod iipoji tllc,. I:it@- in tli,,it due to tlic rapid gTowth of tlie City it is @lifi-i.ciilt to provide an til)-to-(Iite -onin@@ oi-@jill,'Illcc, ai)(I 'ojiing Oi-(Iill@inco @@llile StrilTilIg to process ctiriciit ili@ittci-s. Couiici,liilali flollaiid, Coiiii(,ili!ia)l ij)d Coui-i ilinan Ferrell qtiestioned the effect ()I- ;ucli a @ictioii i,-Iiicli iiijgllt adi,ersoIN effect Industrial ai@.@l @-oliilfi rcial Nlr. A. James I)eT)ellis, I)ir(?,ctor of l@cc)iioinic st@it@e,i tliat he clid riot b(@lievo sucil a motion wolild li,,ive zii) @i(i@,,er,;e c@-i-c,ct i -l@lic torm of tlie apl)lic@itioiis 'InlOl'@ItOriLlrIl" IVas Iiiriltc,,(l to fotir 1I)OIlti@@ if tlio,.;c appliciations ivliicli wore presently in pi-oce!;s for @P1,ITCI) zilicl @qerc hoard ajid co,,npleted. Councilinan Crofliwell indicatecl tli@it iii Iii ol)inion tlie adoption of a nei@ Mastc,,r Zoiiin(, Plaii wolild iiot stop th devc@lop@iont rainp@int ill tlie City as it 1,701ild oilly set fortli tl)e t),p(, of @ind l@incl lise. Grol@.-til wliicli is t]-ic I)riine ill tllis Cit\- , req@l .Li,e sollic otiic,.r illeaslire of coiitrol, soiiie i)cr-,,oiis indicatecl th@@V Fe,@tred tli@'it tlie iiitei,ini period woijld adversely effect ljicilistriil groi@,t@li @iii(I pl@ice tinduc liardsliip oil dovclopment. Mr. Charles C. Carriii,,,ton, Plannijig F)ir(,ctor, noted thit the LUI (Lalid Use Iiiteiisity) Svstem of zoliing ivilicli (I(,.@ll,lliiatos tli(, number of l@ersons or units per acre woiild rostr:iin to ,;oiil( exteiit tlie rate of gro,.@tli. The I'laiiiiiiig I)irector iii(i@c@ited tli,,,ti tli(, (@ity is no@q operating under ti'To Zolii.ng Pi-@ncc-,;s Aiiiio Or(linajico and the Olci City of Virgiii-'L'a 13cacli Orclilizinc(@, I)Otll twelit" @'C@ti-s old. In tlie iiiatter of a studv to establisli @i cost ratio formtila tlie City Man@iger iv@is @iutliorizc@Q] to i-c,,I)ort on tli(, fc@@isibilitv of cont@rcictiiig with Consiilts to furiii-,;Ii (@itN, Coiil)(:il @"itli @l llrc)porlv constructed rcl)ort. -1@ Ii c I City Maiiziger is to rej)o@-t oil iiiatl(, , I)v 1-@cbru@iry 28, 1972. 1 I'he City Attorjioy, @Ir. @l. I)Zljc Iiifli.,;Oli, ol)oji reqtiost of tlie @l@)yol-, inclicated tliat lie fclt tlic,, @iclioli 1)1'0])OSOCI to 1)(@ I)Y tlie City Council IVOUI(I I)e Lil)liold iii court. After c:ti-ci-til ,iii(I cl;scll,@@;i )l) i i t]' '@Ir. C,']"'i'll'tol), illotion i,;as ill@icle I)Y SOCOJICI( @l to: ,;[l s I Cll(l l l@1) I i cl I i oi @Q; Coi- zoniii,@ fol, ',i li@rioct of ;i Al) i- i I1, ',')-/2, :11)plic@itiol)S pre@;eiitlv file,(l i,:itli til(, 1, @i )!Iiri,@ (-.o3ilinission iii Apr:il, to I)c lic,,@i, CounciliiiLiii lioll,,iiid, I)NI Cotiiic iiiov(@d to @iii@ojicl the iTiotioii to: SUSI) licl @ippliclil iojl:; for zonijig clianges for ,i of 4- rno))tlis I)o,giiiiiijii,, IlLtv I , 11)7-) , .1yi-al)plicatioiis prosoiatly filod iii @@pril i@itli the Illtnning Contiflis,;ioii, up t(@ .'.@ ML]ttel's iiicludil)g clel@,-,rrfl@c,iits, to 1)(, @ic,,arcl. Tlie subject rcsolution does ii(@, include ti@;e perinitis for lalill PTOI)Orl) @ ol)Cd . A roll call on tlie aiiieii(liric,,nt resultecl ;i, foII o@vs Ayes : Couiaci linen IZol)crt 11 . C@il I i,,; , Jr . @IZob(3rt B . Cromwell , ir l@rank A. Duscli, F. Rcici 1-@rvin, Georgc, 1,, Ferrell , Claronc-o A. llollziiicl D. NIu@ray @Icil.bon, J. (lurtis ll,,iviie, Vic(@ l-,trl @%l. Tel)ault, Mayor Doii@ild fl. l@hode-,;, ,ind Floyd E. 1%@'il Jr. Nays: Noiie Absont: Noiie 'Flic motioii as amerided iqas adopted. I '[' I @ N] i, I " I @; Ar)plic,ition of ii. co!!(,,l b"! i-ie),, fc,,r @i 7 i r. ROS i ce D[ I ti I cx [)i s i,@- i L,,) Gr- 1 i t i El, i 1 i -1 U,.;(,. Pcr[@ it to a c!@isc)] ill(, s (ir) @ - I s 1C) @l C@-Irtii T) r)@-ODerty I oca'@ed oii 'he cornet- of @lc)ad. Parcel 1 C@iange of Zoniriq fr@n R-[) I to 1 On certain p@t)ert,/ located o!i the Nortlicast corn@.i- of P)otil (,v,@rd @-,id 1).oaci, i%unning a distatice of 39.91 feet along the [@ist si-Ici o" a distance of 349,07 foet along tli- Si('@, of P-lin@ i,, a di,'--,ance o@ 7f9.35 fc,@' i-iore ot- ]c,-ss a-io@)g t@,@ al o@ig t ii C La , t,-,rn e , @-Lil@ll I 1-1,@ 1 0 t4ortherri 1)i@opc,,rty lin-. sl-i @d co@@i @c@'es. Pat-cel 2: Use Permit to oi)c,.,ato a ciasoli@2 s s @@ a " i C).,l On certain 1)rcnertv lo- catcd on tlie '!o)-@L,@le@ist C)f Iii@@@er)eric c@iid Po@iney Pold, a distaiice of 39.91 fe,2t Eist S4 'C@@ j, Tll@ @--;@-,iidence P-oulevard, running a iis- tance of 291.02 fc-et alon(,, Easte@@ii p@-c,-,-rtv ,.!icl a distance of -87.C)@ feet along tlie @ioi@thel-n prol,),@,rty rie. KL-'@",SV 1 L I 1 !)'OPOUGil Ttie Planning Cor-.,liissioii rc,,c@T,.@@@c).nds cippi,o,,,@l of ll,ii,cel I for a ctiance of zoning frcm R-D 1 to tl-l I aiid @,ci@oti (,,ti 2 a t@se pcl,jiiit for i o,,,,solir@2 s -,:) 1 @i statiori for a p--i@iod of 90 @,a,/s DC'il lilifl ol-i 1-i-o;,i tl,.C., Toll S to the cxict loczition of tile i)rojc,,Ctej clov@@'icif i'L rela'L(-,s to this pat,cel of mr. Alleii Gorden @il)pc,@.iriiig c)ii bcl)alf c)f tl)o a])I)ll(@Litioli, @liss Patricia Joyce OI)PO-,;iiig tlie al)pl @c@ition. On motion by Couiiciiiiiail secoiid(,d by Co@iiic@ill)ian Witerfiold, aT',d by recordo(I vote as follows: A),es Councilfliiii l@ol)crt fi . C@ll Iis , Jr . , l@rzink A. Dusch , George R. l@errell Vice i@layor Earl @l. Floyd F. l@@iterfielci, Jr. ?\Iays Couiici leiaii ]@ol)crt B . Croniwol I , @J i, . , F. Rei (I Ei-vi n , 1) . Murr dy Nlalbon , J . Curtis Pa),ne , iiici @layor Doii@i I d 11 . l@liod(@s . Absont: None City Council approve(I a clianpe Of ZOI)iTl@l, on Parcel I from IZ-D I to M-1 I and deferred action oii Parcol 2. COtJNCIL@lA@T WATERFIEI,D LI:FT COLJNCIL CIIANI:@f@IZS. Apl) c, @t r i ii[,' oii i or t])c @l @Ir. Rocco p@i 1, .Jolili Appeariiig to opl)osc, tlie al)l)lic@itioi): Nlr. B. @t. I,'O\Ist( i,, AI)iligdoli @'il l@ilt,@e, Miss Opal A\T(,i-s @Irs. Cecil), P-ir .Ricliii,c] Oii moticii by Cotiiciliii@iii 1-ci@i,ell, s(,c(,T)ded b@- (@otiiiciiiii@iii (@ro@ by recorcled vote ,i,; follc)ivs: Ayes : Couiaciii;ieii IZOI)OI-T 11 - Cal lis , J i' l@of)ert B . Cronii@el I A. Duscli , F . IZeid I:i-v i ii , (@corge l' . J c, 'el I , Cl ai@eiice A. liol Pa),he , Vice Nta),oi, 17-lirl Nl. @Fci)atil t , @iii l@@l@iyor J)Olial d [I . IZI)o(ill@ll Nays: None Absent: CouncilTii@iii l-'Ioyd ]-. IVaterriol 11 ir. City Council apprc)vecl the ,il)plicatioji for Ilarcel A for a cli@l, zoning froiti PlesidC'jicO I)LIPICX t)lStriCt@ I (R-D .1.) with a @.1c)tel and Rost@ttirant SLIPI)IC']IlOnt lo Conlinercial Oistri said p,,ircel cojitaiii--, 2.8 zicres. ljse I)oi'illit to construct @i station oii a portion ol- Parcel A, loc;ited at the Nortlieast Centerville Turnpike @iii(I Iiiterst,,ite (,51, rlinning @t distiiic:e on the North sido of (:eiitervillc, Ttii,i)])ike @ind rt)iining a dist 158 feet along tlie East side of liitcr,@tite 64 and runniiig @i @i 1.31 feet along tli(, N(Di@tlierl) ])ropert) ine. Coiiiiectioii to cit sewer, ivlieii availztl)le, is a coii(litioji @ii)l)roval. City Cotincil approved Ilarcel B as (@en(,ril Comiiierci@l 3 (C-G General Iiidustrial I)isti,ict 3 (NI-T 3) @ts requestod. Oii motion by Couiicilmaii Feri-ell, secoi(led by Vice Mayor 1'eb@ii: recorded vote as follot@.,;: Ayes: Couilcilji)en IZol)ert H. Callis, J,., Robert B. Cromweli, A. Duscli, F.. lzeid Clarence A. IC-)Ilaiid, D. Murray Nlall), Payiie, Vic,.e Nlayor @l. I'cl)ault, @inc \Iziyor Doiiald 14. Rho(l(! Nays: Noiie Abserit: Cotincil,nan ]@lo),d E. IVatcrfielcl, Jr. City Coujacil. deforrod actioii on Parcels, C, D, E, E-1, F, until the last Cotijicil iiieetiii,,, iii \cl@ti,cli (@l@irch 27, 1972). ,n r'arcf,l A: C!i,@rige of ,Iitti a j@!otel, 'I-QLirist @nd lcstaurant i-@,) to Cri@@@ Distric" 3 (C-C, "l)-, sai(I parcel co@itiins S',IDply station on a I)oi,tiori of 1),,rcel I tc--c,@ t o@ Cei,t,rville Tut,npil,e aii(J l@itel'Sta'((' @5'f, @-L@nriiri;'i list:-,,,]c, i- @)O or less on the tloi@tli sicle of Ccnterville Tijrti @i@ici @@"arl-le of 1 5@ fcct along t@)e Eist side of Intc-sta',(, (,!ic] rL@ l@l if-.11 i 131 fect along tlie @lortherri pi-operty I i iie Sa-id pcii-cc-I is tri&il(@tilar iii s@@,iD Parcel B: C@ian(e of zoziiiig @ragi Pe@,idercc- r)l,@x Tlistrict 1 (R-D 1) to General ln(Justrial Disti,ict 3 (',!-I 3); siici p,,rcel Parccl C: CiiingL of zoiiir,@l frori Cor@T@@@t-ci ! @)istrict 3 (C-G 3) to General Iiidustrial Dis,rict 3 (jl-.l 3); siict @,arcel cc)iitciiii@, 21@ acres. Parcc-,l D: Cliarige of zoniiig froiii Desiclo-nce P@ii)le !)i,trict 1 (P,-D 1) to I'lultiple Fafiiily Residence District saici parcel 61.8 act-es. Parcel E: Change of zonirg fi-o!ii Resid,-,i,,ce Du,nlex !)is@uricl'I (R-D 1) to Limited Conilile@l-ci@il District 3 (C-L 3); said peii,cel co@@t@,ii ,. 2.44 act,es. Parcel E-1 Change of zoiiin@l frori Liriited -@Ial District 2 (C-L 2) to Limited Comi,-,ercial Dis@urict 3 (C-L 3); said p@,rc,2- contaitis 1.16 acres. Parcel F: Change of zonitici fi@oqi Ileiden--e nistrict I (l)-D 1) to Liniited Coi-,nercial Distric'L- 3 (C-L 3) ; said cont@ziii , 4.1 acres. Parcel G: Change of zoning frori Resicience D,.)i)lex '@istrict I (R-D 1) to Residence SubL@rhan District 4 (R-S 4); said parcel contaitis i7.5 zicres. Parcel H: C@iange of 7o@iin@i fror,7 l,lultiple Fz,,;,ilv ll,sidence District (R-@1) t() Residence District 4 (R-S @,); saici parcel cctit@ii@s ill.1 Ic@-es. Plats @-iith more detailed in'orniation are ava,@llal-le in the Office of the Department of City Planning. (Barr(,tLs Corner, WooChaven-@lwlight Areas). KEI,IPSVILLE BOROUG[i. The Planning Corroissior, recominends approval of t[iis request, subject to the following: Parcel.A: Approved as requested to General Coiigercial District 3 (C-G 3). Parcel B: ApIDroved as General Con@-ercial 3 (C-C 3) rather than General Industrial District 3 (tl-l 3) as rec,,Uested origincilly. Parcel C: To i-emain as Co@@t,.iLrcial Di trict 3 (C-G 3). Ar,,Dlicant has ,withdra@-in tlie proposod ci-i@,iige to Gereral ITid@@s"i-ial District 3 (@,!-l 3). var(,ei U: Approved as @'orluest.e(i to @IL,,ltipl(, Fi7iily Rc@sidc-,tice District (R-@,I). The 50-foot buffer recoii@@i,eiicie(J by I'latinitig is d2le'ued. Parcel E: Approved as requested to Limi@ed C,) @llercial District 3 (C-L 3). Parcel E-1: Approv(-,d as requc,,sted to Liniitc, -oiii@ercial District 3 (C-L 3). Parcel F: Approved as reques-Led to Liriited Co@@i@rcial D@strict 3 (C-L 3). Parccl G: Approved as r(lquc-@sl@ed to Reside@ice @l)url)@r, [)is t@i,ict 4(R-S 4). Parcel 11: Appro%,ed as recluested to Resi(ic,ilc@@ Dis'Lrict 4 (R-S 4). Approval iS SL!bjCCt to c"'.1y liealt@i DCDart'@(-,)I'; tli(, s(@l)C)C)l S Li i@,, t 4 a)id t@ic, @,st,; s' i sit(' 'c vi@'-d. iiiotioll roy, 'o t4 c@s @,iici tilf) o s v i C, s it)nC)f c)r 3 k'l@.-S to i'ii iI i i,@ I iid -!!! C @l 102 to-.-@iii-iotises "I@ici 11 @u [i Lit@ i-o@ ili i-ili Ti at a point on ti)e s tsi@',, ')i-i@ rC C) I i @l 1 I et or less @ ol@' @l o-l@ Lask.in f@r)ad r(i,,,ning a di c) f L C,5 f r-@ e u -1) I Is t c r) I @ T, o 1) c, r ty I iii@ c f 420 fe t is thc) ll.!@,st sid(-, @)f @-itst (C)ICiii:tl 1)")@, 1 i- iI rl i I I ri of 7-//@ the t,@oi,'Giiern [,i-or)@,rty Gisf,@,ric"@ @'cot a lor)g ti,2 line atid running a cii@tcii,cL,@ ()-l '@76 faloric@ pi-o@)@@rty I i n@2. Said pro- perty con'-ains 13.5 act,es. (La@irc@l r)i f, i, c., L'T'@ BOROLJC,,!] . The Illinning Co[ii@iissi(,,n recoT,-,il@,rids apl)rov@,l ol@ '@;is subject to City ,@!ater and s@-@.!er and a dedicall-io@,, o[ @;,Iy the cet)t@-r line o,, First Colotii@,.l I)oad (15-foo-L I,i @l T@-i,), a(r@,,.@(i to a 60-foc)t C'.,edic@- tiori of @lab-I L@,iic, a@ r-ciur'-@ ti i@y C)C ii i r v i c r-@ s . e v c@ I o: ftirtAie@, Igi-eed to all,.c -i o@ - @') -,' @' 1, 0 o! i,-@ I area E,,s rr-, @,uested by th-2 PlEiiiiiing ",@ic p@@t'Licipitioi in purcliase of a scliool sit@, t@,.e -,oaT-d. .tJpoia mot i oji by Coulic i I I)OIL ,; ec 11 I eC, I)y Couiic i I iiian Croinl.,,e I 1 , and by i,ecorded votc as fc)llow,;: Ayes Couliciiiiiell l@obc@3,t 13. crol!ll@ell 1r@ijik A. ')U')cli , Clareiicc A. liol I ipd , D . Murray llal l@oii Nays: Counciliiicii Ro )r R. Ferroll, J. Cui@tis Ilayiic, Vic 1,1@iyoi- L@'ai'l @l. 1'eh@tult, and George l@c"t 11- C@ill is, Jr. cO yc lei(I Erv n, Mayor Donald ii. lZhodc,,-,;. Absciit: CounciljiiaT) l@l,oyd E. Waterl-ioll, Jr. City Council deniod tlio )pplic,,Ition ol- Charlos flays. COTIITI@ TLMAII" FRANI'L A. 1,El,"I' TIIF Cotl.'@,:Ii- ITL7@l # @l I I Application of Virginia Gatc@i,,iy, Inc., by ThoRias C. 91@oyies, i@ttorney, for a h@aq I -9@of Zoniiio frcri Resi(le@ice Suburb,@,ii D"tri-t @ (R-S 4) to i,lultiple F@,iiiilv Resiclc,ii-c-e -@ s@t i-ct and a Use Peri-i'l- 'o co!,stri@ct 140 aDal,t!@@elit units on- certain property located at [ic@-tileas-I corl,@e, of C;oodnian P@o,@,J 'and Road, ruiining a dis+.ance of feet alot,,Cj t@i 1- sidp of 'i-@,@to@,in running a distance of 847.03 f(2et ilong t@ie Di,oper"y line, i"LAnnii,,@ a distatice of 251.98 feet aloilg tii-- E,,stc,@'ti ty line and r@iiiiing a distance of 1036.57 feet along t@ie '@orth side. ol@ C-.o(',d:@@n (i. Said pt@ope@,ty (,ontaiiis 6.5 acres. (Ne@,isome Fai-iii Area). [,AYSIDE The Planiiing Coi@@i@iission recor;@!@@(,nds approval of i@equest sul)ject to a reduction ft,oni tlie l@,O u@ii@us @@o IC)O units bc).cause of traffic congestion on Nc,@ito@iii Road in oi-dcr @oi- t;i,,, (ic-,ii i-','y to he coF.,potible 'Lo neiglil)oring iiiulti-fai@lil'/ FI-,)I,e@'ties. A@ i)!) i- o vi 1 @@)[@@ject to Ci'Ly @@,,ater and se@-/ei, reouestc.,,i ',)y @,c2(luests o@ dedic@@tion of C)f @@,ay "10 th(@ c;@ti @r @iii,e of xisling 30-foot riglit c)f @iiy alciiq the ioo' i@ore or 1,@ on Road (25-fc)c)t (Icclica'@ioll), E,,I,,ri Z,, of of ,@@y of 2E) frorn t@ir, cent(,i, I i ti() of tfie c,;@i s@ i,),l @,i(iii )f ilt)@q 4bc, ii,ai-e or less frontaqe oti T;,(,, iiiii)i-c)v @@i,@nt@ to ii@cl@,rl@ s t,rI ii,! c!i a riiiniii@iiii el I', I I I n I eiitr@llic(, o-,' 30 i@ @c (@t [i,,, 9- i(@O'L i -i@@,cps is i'@o t ii I t1 1 1 ci:(! @@@i @,) 0)1 i@ i oil bv (@oillic i I @@,; ji i) 1 I oilll( i @jl@ (I l'of @'i vote, @i,l I-ol ](,A@ Ayc,,@ (@,otil@cillll(,Il 1"o@@,(,l I I 1 . (@@t I I i c l@ol,(,II l@@ I I F. I)ei(I (@coi-@,e, 1) . I (' I 1'c II, (@, I A . I o Ii @l II([ 1) @ltir iii I I)()]l j . (:Lirt@is c oi- 'i) !til I , Zill(i 11. Nay,;: None Absciit Coulicililieii ajid A. I)uscli C,it), CoLtjicil def(@ri-c(l F tlic, ,Ipl)lic@itioil of Vir-Iiiii@i Gate@@@iN,, Iiicorpoi@ateci Liiitil. the Cii-si (,c)LIlicil@,iiic,,eting iii Nlarcli 1 9 7 Applicati,)n of Shelb,'@ Palict"to t)y T@ic.,nis C. 1',o,,Ies, @t@lorney, for a Chltlqe of Zoninq frc)ili Residcncc@ S@@@ 3 (P,-' 'l-) to @@uitiple rEIiily District T-C-,T,Fand a Use Pet,,,.iit to c(,n,lt@,uct 26 a@)artT:!"It Lill i @GS on certai n' proper ty I 0- cated at tiie coriicr of ]9th Strect 'Ixtendeci aiid t@loriroe /\venue. Parcel 1: Change of zoning fro@Ti R-S 3 to R-@l: Beqintling at a DOirit 228 feet South of 19t[i Street Extc!i(led and ruiining a dist-in@e of 50 feet alc)ng the @-lest si'de of lionroe Averiue, t,uj,nircl a dis@Lance of 200 @et along @uhe Southern prop(-'rty line, running a dis@Lance of 50 fee@L along thE, @estcrn 'r)ro@)erty line of @,,,hich 25 feet is tlie East side of Jefferson T@venue, a@id r@,-i,ning a distance ol@ 200 feet along the [@ort@.ern property line. Parcel 2: Use Perniit to constr@ict 26 a,Dar@Lment @inits: On certain Droperty lo- cated at thc, South@.iest corner of ]9th Sti-ec-t Extf-n(!ed Prd @ionroe Avcnue, run@-iing a distance of 276 fce-@ along Ilhe @est side of Avc@riue, rurnirg a distance of 197 feet along the i:orthei@ii property line of @;hich 120 feet is the South side of 19tfi Strc,.et Ext-.@ic'@ed, i-,jnni!ig a distaiice of 278 fec-t alot,@g the @iesteril p@,o- perty line of 1/2,ihicii @L@ fect is t@)e Eas@@ side )-l Jefferson Avenue, @@Linning a dis- tance of 200 feet along @Llie Soutliei@n property liie. LYt@l@[iAVEN BOROUGH. The Planiiii-ig Coii@iiiiss loii recor,@nic,@ids a,D'Droval o-F t@iis request sul)jec,.t to Ci-Ly @-i;,iter and se@,,,ei- rc,quested b,,, i-,,2 h'cal th Dcpartrctit and de(fic@@ioq of rigiit of @,:ay 25 feet froili the ceiitei, line of tlie existi-g riti@,,t of @@@ay alona thc,- @@O-@@oot Diore or less frontage on @ioni,oe @ivenue (5-fnc,t d @@icaic,,ti); a dedica@ion of r4lght of vjay 25 feet frori tlie ceit,-2r liri(-, of the exis(li@rn 'iG-foo@, rig@)t of @.;ay alonci 25-foot iiic)re or less cti J(,,fferson (5--@oot dedication)-. and a ciedicatioii of ri-ght of @@@,@y 25 from @t- of t@,e existinq 30-f--ol right of @.,ay along tii(-- 120-foot ii,ore or I(,ss f@@C, i'@,@ge oil 19til Sti-ect (Extcn@eJ) On motioji"by Couiicili)ian l@rvin., secoll@lec, IDN' Coitncjll)ia, Ferrell, and by recorded vote as folloivs: Ayes: Councilmoll Rol)ert 11. C,"llis, -Jr. , F. Reid I-rvin, George R. Ferrel I , J. Curtis Iiid Nlayor I)oll@l I d 11 . Rlio@ies . Nays Robert B. CroTni@el I , Ti,. A. llullajid, D. Murray Vice M,,iyor Earl ,,i. @Fel)ztillt Absejit : Coujicililic,,i) J-r@iii] A. DLiscli @iiid I:Ioyd E. Wzttorfield, Jr. Cit)' Cotziicil deiiiecl til(-' @ll)l)l ic@itioll 01 l';Illett @is liercoll iioted a.,; it does "ot c:oiil-oriii to i:hc ]3c,,,,i(@li L@iiid tiso t f @-C)PI L ii,@ I tcd Di,-,tricu 2 (@-1- to C 2) or, certai!i prol@c@i,ty locatcci a, t@i t,,a S t cc,@ i -r c, i',C)u I c ,,;l rcl E x tc nci c! &, i@@, I'li tCfl@ILIC T@ol-ld , ru tin i i@ c@ clo i 1 @'I r@ @ @ 1) @-c, o r I c c- s a I O!)g t 11@, E@z! s t s i j e Of l@li tc hd LIC d , r@; i i @i !i,i i ci itic c-., or ]c-,ss aic@ng tiie liortli a side ol- Pe@Tibro[@e ,, of @(,',O feet l@lore o!, less aloiig the Fastel-,,, t,@;icc, of 22 feet To're or less along tiie ti'ortiici-n pt,oi)cil@'y @'kr,ea). L@,'@YSIDE DOPC'I-Iii. I en j The Planiiing Co;ili@.i,@ioll !,i-c)val of ;s r ,,,st DI-OViLied tl',e ,ip@)licant 11,@et @;ii@ii align:Tic)@it of SLI',)j@)(,t @Lo Cit@/ @,@c@tE)r atid sc,@@c,r r(,q,,ies,ucli I.,y i @' - fo ic)ii of a 30-- o, right of @,iay alc)i@g L,;@, ni Estat(, Division. F!i c. i c, n,@) s t, c@, (I I),,,/ t ,i (@ R c @! I @)iV4 sio,,i st@,licl i'd i,oziciside irl@)I,ove@-ents alc)ng Ilitci)(luck Appoaring on behalf of tlie Ippli.c@ttioil: Mr. Don L)rcelin Appearing in oppositdoti of tilo appl.ic@ttioil: Mrs. Patiici,a E. Jovce Upon iiiotion by CoLincjliiiaii Croinwell, sec,,iicled by Coui-icilill@in Callis, aild by recorded vote as follows: Ayes : Councilrnen Rol)ert 11 . Call is , Jr . , Pobort B . Croiflwell , Jr . F. Rei d Ervin , Georgc, R. F:errell , Cl,,irc,,iice A . fiolland , 1) . Murra), @Ialboji J. Ctirtis Payno, Vice @,\Iayor l@arl @l. l'ob:iillt. Nays : Nojie Abstain: Mayor Donild 11. Rhodes Absent: Councilmen f@ran@ A. Duscli qnd 17loyd E. Waterficld, Jr. City Couiicil deferred iction on tlie app'i.cation of Ilembroke Meadows Associates for two weeks. Ai"PI ic@,tioi (if E. Cf),",nges o@ 7o,'Iinq i I I cli I at tlie @iortlicast int@,rsc?ctli( of Parcel I Cl):@tine of Z("@i Ctll tL@@- @l .')i7trict to G,..iieral Indu,@tri@tl a 339-sit@, riobilc,, lio,riie parl,, iti@, so!,la(le IL;I:@,)*nq St@@ 'C,'Il a' a 245 f (@ct "c)rtll of Itidiaii Rive)@ f?oad, rtii-iiiii@,, of 11-17 'r,2t alo@i,,l i!i,,- East sicle of l@iest I'@c,ck Road, i,utiiiing a of f.,@et ! or les@, z,,loqn t@)@@ l'oi-Li@ern pl@o- perty rl!nning a O,' If@@@o 4(-,et or lc2,,s t!), Eas-ern prop,,,rty linc,, runiiiic@ c,, dis,,'aiicc, oi@ '177-0 f@l,-, @@iong tii@ @,o(i'l-ii('rn [)ro@)@@t@ty lill.,. of @,,Iiich 71ri fc@et is t@i,@ c)f Indi@iii Saici liro,)erty contlitl,l SI.Vi i3,cl,es. Parcel 2: Cli,@tioc, ()f froi !)i@;tric@u (A-R) to Gcgc.,I,cll @o c(,rstrL!(@t a (lasolii,,(@ stipr,)Iy Coip.;iit,rcial S, z' station: Oii c,-@rtain 1)1,0,-,,I,ty col'ti,@t' of @',@ock Road a,,id Indian F@iver Poad, i,@Ll'@iiirlq a ',t a (". a tc,- 1 @l@l tlie E st sid,., of liccp, P,,Dld, runriirl(i of re or I,,ss alo.,Iq t@,(, @io.-th side of Indi@)n Rivcr (@f "'49 feet @,lojig tile I-asi.erl prol)L-@rty line z@iici ruii@ill@-@l a disi '0@-ic,@ of 34') f@@ @-t alon, tlie !!ortlieril prop('-rty liiie. Said parcel 1.77 acres. Pai,cel 3: of Zo!ii;iq fro.',l P,,@l'iculturil !)istrict (A-,R) to Lifnit('d Coi!,@r.orci al [T@@ I ric@ 3 at z. I)oint 23n f(ct Piore ot, less ce of ror- or less ziloiig the East of ',!Cst lic,.ck Poad, r@irnilig a ci-i,'Ein' 1"orth side of Indiari Rivcr '@o-ad, a of 2@,@, feet aloiicj @CI)c Eastern pi-oli@i,ty I iric, a of !Ii@ i@lor,, or loss alo@in tlie I I t@ortliern p)-o!),Irty line. runnin@., a dis4l-a!icc, C)f "Pi9 t@ic @'c@stcrn pi,operty line. Said pii-c(@l contain,, 3.12 icr,es. P'll;@Cf--SS Bn,@01,,Gli. The Planning Co-l-lission rccor,,,iieiids li)proval of t!iis r(,qur-,.st su@),ic,.ct to tlie api)licant providiii(i a t@,tiffcr 7.on(, t)@t@!e@n tll(-, pro@),-r@", ind "@,e rlol@l 1 c ,s as privatc, in tli@ irea. -s subj@ct to City r(-,quested by tl,,e Tlic@ Es'- ate F)ivis-to,) r(,quests a dedication of i,iglit of t.!,?y 40 feet fro.-Ii tlie cc@tit,@,r lin@2 of L-he (,xisti!iq ri(;!it of way aloiig tlie 1571 feet i@@re or 1(,ss -Froiitao(, (,ii Iridiaii Riv,,r (,,oad (i variable d(!dicatioii), @is s@io@v,,n on ti)e ai)plicaticii; also i.@ deci-icat-ioi of rio,@it o-f @.ie@y 4,9 f(,.c!t fro,,n thc, cc@iiter liti@ of 'L-i-,e c@xistiiig rinl)l@ of @,;ay alan, tfie 11,62-foot 1 (,SS or ft,orlta(IL Oil !@@S i, Idedicatioii) , as Iio@@iti on P,ioi,c .1, t eck (a vz@i b I Eng 'l, i@ s(rc)ot -iiliprovLFicnts @-titfiin the a,,)plicatioi. i, Divisio!i roqu@,s, t t[iL dc-)dica'L-.cd t-igtits of i,@ly S11,111 iticILi(IL, iij to 21, fc@c@t froi@i cc..@itc-,r line @@iti) CC @, G@ il!l(l @Lol,fl tis @D @L.rc, @-iit"iin F,@oE)Osfid arei siic)uld L)c -0 it- povci@l@lit @l.(l pi-()Vi(!Q iiiajor Li-i'l-raiices of 40-1@oot Eritrzlricc@,, Vol- t@,c@ "L 'Lion s@@oL,,Icl coiiforii "o vDii 10-3 st@i;iciir(is zind a So-i] C.Ori:;ervatioii S(,.rvice i,oports II)iat 'L@ic,. ncrtfi@jilst co;-r@er oi t@lis [);,o@)@ i Ly i" it-, Iiiie as pi-eseiited is "toe of "llolie". @!itl)iii li@,L t)lain aiid fias @irid it i,,; roco,,@@121@(iej tiiat it itl i@ll !,.@lis is ;@,)L foy, scll,)ol Mr. C,,ilviii Spaiii oil I)CII@lif 01- flic @IPI)Iic@llioii. Al)l)e@iT-iiig iii opposi.tioi-@, ol@ tilu ill),)l ic@itioll Mr 17 Ilti,l @,@ i j),,; At I o i-ii c), @irs Nf,i r@i i@e Il@c i, ]is @Ir L@t l'o.1; u,' I ;, t i v (, 0 r I :i @ k l@ @. y C@i c Loiguc 3. S@) iii I loll 01 i (:Cc i Iv @ioll@l I cl Oil ]!lot i oil [)v (:otll)c FCL oll(l('(] i (,(:ol,(]Cl k,otc, @1,; Io]I (Iolill(, iI p'C-1), iI C c) Li i i c i Id e f (, 1,c 1 i 1) zi oi 1 o C;,t r (7 i @i of @,@n t Oi r t)y rrovel- C. 2 (CL-2) to C@,@neral Cl@ ),ci II bi L IIu-@ i to t@,,o qasolil-io @ll')PIY pii;@@)s @,i l(@@ t@,d o;i co@,ner of i r, ii i nl i.,, 104 feot iloiig t@ie ;,'oi,'@)i side oi@ l@i.@i,,n l@iv(@.i, rui-inii , ao (4 i ,@ t,-, ri c,-) of 1-7 f(,;-t r:ore or Ic,-ss alciiq t@i.,- East sic'le of a ('1@ 16@ -1@,,.@ct ii)c)r(,, or I(-,ss alon,,i 11-@)Q tlortli(,.@,n p@,o@,2rty c)f Eastet,ii pi,operly i I I i) @,, L' - i@ )L) @,!Ill L"D@PSVILLE -@f Th(, Pliri,,il)lg corTllis,i(@)i (Ieiiial of @ll-is inr)licltion as t@,c@re is a sufficic,,ilt oi t'l-i@ (irc,,i at tlie pr(,sent tine. "riiere c,,-)positiciii c-.;% :c @,lr. Grover Wriglit, Attoriiey;@,@ @ippoiriiip, (@ii I)chzilf of tlie Ipplicitioii @irs. Cocily @lacdoii@ii(I apl)eariTi,., iii ol)po, il@ic)jl of tlic,, applic@itioil. On motioji by Coujiciliii@iii Forr(@ll , secoji(l((l I)y Couiacili.,ian Ilollaiid, and bv recorded 'toto as follo@,@s: Ayes: Couiicilnien It. (@al Iis, Jr. , ]Zobert B. (,romwell, Jr. , l-,. IZoid Erviii, Geoi-ge R. Cl@ircjice A. ll(,Il@ind, D. @ltirray J. Cul'tis P@tyilc@ , Vice I%Iiyor 1:@ir I M. Tel@@tult , aiici Nl@ivor I)onal d 11. 1"hodes N@iys Noiie Al)sc@it Co,,iii--.ilmen l@lo),c] l@,aterf ic! (i , Jr Ind F-ank A. Duscl, City Council deniod t:lio, ai)ovc ipplic@iti(ii of Rosso @ind M@istr@icco. $TL,'@l 11421@ I%pplicatiori of Betty J. Tliomas for a @iin,7@ of 7@!iinq fro@i District 2 (P,-D 2) to @l@il'Liple Fa.i-ily--@ll-@l-si-l@-e-i@c-(@ i ,isL-r-ic-, and a Use Pc,.rmit to construct 24 oi)ar'L-@4@ictit ti,iits on cc,(,(.iifi pro,@,rt@, locat('d oTi-@hC! o-f South CLr.,i at it !C)i,t fe,-,t i:orth of L@ontley Roa(l, rLiniiing a d"stai,c(@ of 21,D fc-2t t'@ie !!,?st sidc, (;f SC)@)tll Gum Avenuo, rL!Il@lirci a of fee- ,In@r t@,e nro,'),-,I@ty linl', rLtrining i clis@canc(,. of z@'lon,,j ,tc.@,n liti@ @ir,,Ii riiiinino a distatice oi' 67,@.75 l"'t "i-lorig oi-,,i@@y Ii Said 1)rc),Li,llv is as I-ots 12 17, C,. il!@t "!o. @, ei-id co;i'llains ').',)6 acres. (Tii@ilia Vill.@'J,-L ',,'@@@'PSVII-LE 1, L Tli(,, Plaiiiiiiiq Cor,-riission 'fioiiJs denial o@ @'ji, @.T)plic,,,tic)n a@ tlie suL ct pi-o;),-@rty is loca@cd iri sin'!;(' tl)2 C, pro:,@,rty i units 1)('t, Icr(-') Pi Al)l)c@irin@,, oil I)cli,,ilf C)i- 1110 @ll)l)l @c@iti(-)]) Joe, 1,Nllc, Attorney. 31, ol)]Io oil o I c, 1, i N, Oil illotioil o Ic@ ;i i)@. Aye Clouiiciiiiiell ROJ)C,I-t If. CIlli.,;, ]l l@C)I)c,]-t 13. Croiiii,;eII, Jr F . l@c i (i Erv i@ll ,Geoi-ge ill. I , Clzlrell,@C', A. Jj,)l I;)Ilcl, Pziyiie ,Vi ce 1NIziyo r 'i'cb@til L t , 'Illl "@l\'Ol' I)OIJ@ilcl 11. RIIO(, Nays None Al),,ciit Coiiiicil.@lieii I:i A. iold, prc)j)erty i.s --itY Colincil doi-lied tlie @;l Liciti(,Il of Bul@t)- J. I'lioill@is @ls the, ; I)o@ng locate@l i-ii i prodol)lillzlt@,lv siiigle f-,,illiilv wliich i prof)osed for loi@-cl(@ll.;itV Ll,,;(7, ill tilc' @l,,@ck, l,yiiiili@,@veii Dovelopniont f)l@ill. l,pplic-.,ition of 1). F@l"d Vii,,ii!li' [!.,illitis fo@@ a U,@@ P"@'I'lit to c):D,,Y,ate a privatc sci@o.,)l o@i ii,,fi @l @)Oillt ic:el i-lore oi, less East of '@@ortli o,@ Fi-i!iccss ru@initig a disL',;Icc., oc f"2@,li c"IL, ide oi-- @l,)ocl,.Yay L@ine, runnin(i i distziric(@ o-C 150 fE(,-,@ Iii(,. Iii,o, riiii;;)i;ig a (ii,ltilic(-' of' 172.2 fc,.Ot ]i,,,' @;tci a Of 150 f('Lt aloii(i t@ic, .60 acre, forl7c-,rly J. ti. llillc-,r 1)@,opcri@,.' KEilPiVI@-LE The Plirinin(,i Col@-,iiis@ioii of t!@is PT)plicallion sut)jlct to City %iiter zlnd so@c,, i, I)Y a@iJ 1)lii!i r(,vie'@l. On mot-ion I)y Couiicjliiian by (1c)tinciliflan @Ialbon, and by recordeci vote as folloivs: Aves : Coujicilmon Rol)crt 11. ]r. . ]@ol)c,,rt B. Crojiii,,ell, Jr., l,. Roid Erviii, (@,c,.oi-ge R.]--errc,,I.I, @lai-ence A. lio]Lziiid, i). \Iurray Malbon, .1. Ctirtis Payne , Vice @liyor Earl @l . @fcl)ziul t , @iiicl I)ojiald 11 . Rliodes . Nays: None Absent: Coti.ncilmon Fr@ink A. Duscli, @iiicl ]@loyd T@. Waterfield, Jr. Ci.ty Cokii)c i 1 apt)rovcd tli c apl)] icati.oii ol IVill i@im 1) . aiid Virginia S . Pliill ips for a [Jsc Periiiii. to a I)riv@tte Scliool , sul)ject to City water ;ind sewor, i@licn avail@tl)lo, aiicl s i to t@eviciv. As set forth in tlie appliczttion aiid recoiiii!tc@iicl;ition.,; of tlic, I laiinijip, Coiiimi ssion hcreon inscribecl. to c, d Cc,@ i i @i I L, i I @rl c@Il@ on tl,,L, !@ortli sil,'2 oi of Czircn fli,i,@e a@id !:ortli I'cl(,@ of Vi r@ii ni a lieicl,l @l 21 @@U f aloll,i t@@(@ i@,,@s*ern proi@oi,ty oi- n'l Y,o-)@r'uy liiie, and vL.,i,,tting a C', , , C) ;@ I @l" @,) @ f 0. 0 @@ I ii ct t @, i @@i'@s'Ll,rit prc)p,-,rt,/ Ii n'2. i,-i-es i:)Ore or oz, s LY@!'@HAVE[,' Ttie Planning a rlodific@)t-i(,,ri of tliis cllangc,. of zoninci and reco,-.,,,iends t!iat L@iFil)l ['C) C'Xt@)@),-!-d -Lc) Eist to @-litli [,,Icott -iiid tt)@t ' @i@ 31"f n 'lii@, c,,!)l icatio,i ;,ort'i of P,o Et d L iL I t.aii.i)l @,lrd t)iit "L!i@ pro,p-rt,,, @outli of tl!e extonsion of @',,veriIL b,@ c;iari- ') I _il;,ited Cor @@@-rcial (C-L 1) as requested. Approval is furtli2r S Lil),ioct to scr,@(,.ti pl@.ntiii(,i bufferin.0 providcd the siilglo failiily 110@isi-,s on [)rivo t)y tiie PI,@T@niii(li D2.r)art:,.@,?iit; the li(,a'lt@i Depirt!-,.@@nt Citv @,,a@er @o @r i;id the Pi,,ision q 11",@ac"s i-L, cdg(, of pave- a stiti, I lat@ all iiiL)iit stirfaciiig Fiid 1),-@ DI@icc@d it a iiii@ii @i@i di-,tan-(-@ of ?.5 fcet from thL, pi,or),, rty I i ro Pli-l, i nri s ',),IC(@'S s I'@OLI I 'i co@l l@ori l-,,) @,l@ tcn f(@,,t L-y f@@et. c.:i-L@,iiices i t @ic-12-.s rold on Vii,gi@iizi f3eacii ;,jld lj,-@ (2' at a of t@iir'l-y fc!ct z-,@ld are Ull@iCCCI)-Lal)lC a dist,,:ic@, of 12.@ fr@,,l tli(, i),-o D(,,rt,,, litip, to tlic,, ciit;raiice -is o@scrvc,.(i. fk pcr@l,,,@i(i@:ct@lz@@r i )t@i-section f;@ic,,uld be Provicied for tlic,, coIlLctor sti,c@@ fp,:Tl @Lj@-, offic@,) zlrc,@ (@n'l L'@@2 c;,,tn,,,ion of Lai@,91 Tvenue. Rigl)t of %@iay -1@c)l' tile of ti-Iis si " c require: 1. A t-iiden-iiig of 'Lli, i,,,arginal iccess r)ad to provide a total i-iidth of 26 feet to include coicre@le curl) aiid gu@L-ter. 2. Construction of a 1(,ft turn lanl, for eastbound traffic on Viy,(,Iillia Beach Boulcvard. 3. A traffic coiitrol si(iiial is reouired at thc,. propos(,d prir,,,ary entraricl, to tlie shoppino coi.i[)Iex. Poniiey Road intLrsc(:-@s Viroinia 1,3each oulc2var(i oii tlie s,)tith side of t@lis il)tct,@,(,,Ction at-c[ th(-, d5@vc,'ot)i,,-tit of t@i2 pror)osed site, as coi@@iercial , sufficient tra-.,fc fIL), to pi,odiice a poten@ial prol)lci@i if not ad(,cluately i-ec@ulated. 'i It sl,,o@ild bc@ noted -@hat th(, site is locitc,(! iii a reqion 1/2qi)ic!) a fl,it t(-,rraiii aii,,i i,, !)V (LXiS-ing f@,ciliti(-,s L 1. whicl,. cannot a,:cuit ol: t'liis fiictor, it is stil,l!r@ittal end apl)rovll of aii stoi,iii l@or Appearijig on belialf of tl)c@ Ipl)licatioii: Mr. r)ouglas Mr. Tlioiii@is K@,rii@ Appearing in opposition or tll(@ applicitioll: @Ir. Lee Kelll)ci,k@, , Attoriie)! Oil inotiol) I)Y (:Otlllcillll@ill l@I'Vill, @@CCOIICIC%Cl 11)' COLIllCilill@ill @l@ilbol), Zilid bv re,cordocl vote @is follo@,,@, Ayes: (:oiiiiciliiiej) I)IOl)(@i'l ti. B. J]-., l@. I'C'id Cleol,gL, l@. \@ico NL'i)@@, o n c, t 17 i 1, A J)t i c 1, ;i i, (i I @l 1IV t t I- f i c@ I (I r . @l@ @l I i iol" i ! @t il)!Il 1 " @@ ] @ I i :@@i 1 I . @, , @ :!Ii,i ('@, @l @i l@ I @@ , @ I @ ; i @@ @ it @@ @ I @@ @ ; @@ I of I'@ f,,,r a col.i:;I(21, c i @,i 1) "ri c-,',, cc)i,ner@ of Old Vii,,i@rii @st (,0.-13 [(,@t alci-i@i 4 i,-@ -i o@ El Of 10 in -11olig tli@ ii,s iiior(, or loss. TI)c! Pljtiiniiil 11 o @!,is felt t() @it@ rcial a Nlr . Edward fludgir)s Jr Attoriiey on beha I f of t@he app] icant requestijig porniissioji to witi)(Ir@tw tll 0 i c@it ioii indicating that Iiis cljeiits were atteiiipl@i'll, I 0 ol,tzliii ,idciit )iial lan(I t,;Iiich iiiiglit clian.,e tlie use of the laiid. Oii motion I)y Councilijiaii I:i,vill, seconcl@@(i I)v Coujiciliiian Ferrell, and I)y recorded vote as follolvs: Ay(,,s : Robert 11 . Ca I I i s , Jr . , IZobort 1, . (,@romi,,ell , Jr. , F. Reid Ervin, George R. 1-@errell, Cl@ircnce A. lfoll@iiicl, 1) . lurr@iy i%lalbon, J. Curtis Ilayne , Vice Nlayor E,3i'l NI. Tebault, an(] @;,),or I)or),ild 11. PIiodes . Nays: Noiie Absent: Councilmen l@rajik A. Dusch and T I oyd E . IVi terf ic Id , Jr . City Counc i I periiii ttecl tli(@ wi tlidrawal of tlie al)pl i cat i.on of Dan D Gallup as licroon notc,(I. AI)pi ication of J. C. @r(i T/A (3s f() - a P-c,@,: it- @or us(,d cz!t, sil(is o@, oi Strc,.c.,t and @i of f(,t,t iilon(i t@l: f-,,L si(ic@ of Ilortli "i (.1i"t,-ict) oi IP,2.6 fc,.-,t alo@ici ti-,,-, ii"orth sid,-@ of Clevc-lz@-(! Screc@t, @i OF I(,,') fc-@t @ilo)l ti-te Ezis'uc'.rn prol)erty liti,) @@,')rthei-;i l@@,o- perty line. I 17 aii@@i @loc., 47, P'iat of Eilclid @,iid 17,SCO f ("L or Icss. (Euclid BAYSIDr@ BO;@OLIGII. Tlie Planning Co:,,@,@issi'on r(,co,,!Ii-,r@tids app,,.-o@,@il @)f th-is rc.,q,,iest su,@joct to a dedica"ic,n of ri-,,'it oc @,@o fn@-,t 4,li-@ lin,2 of tlie existinq @,,,@-foot right of iiav aloil t@i-2 )ot ii,ore or @ro,,itrf@ on @@'ortli i.,,Iitc@idi-ic@ !)oad (15-foot dL@ic@iLio',i) t)Y tl@lo@ @@2,kl E-,L@lte @)iv-ision. H-.altli [..)I)art- iii(., ii stetted tliat tl,, i)rc)@)rl)-'y i,, not ;C)I, s(,@.)tic Engi;,,,,c@i, il L Divisioii rcou,,.slls si !@l@i;i ftir'L,@i(,r sul)jcct to til, tqid(,nip.9 o-f to 22 S,-re.2t ir@@,)rc;ve- Monts to ilicltl@@ (@ui-b iiid sil@ @ll r@ciuir-.d aloiig ll,-@nn Tl,e Coi@,.,@,iissio'.i ,,'E!iVL(i ol@ i)ivisio.-is ronUC)st fol, clirb, ,iri Oil T@i@ co! @'i I ss i on i- u r o- r re co@, ti@,i t r(@s tr; c ,,. i f) 1.),2 1) 1,@- f: 0; i 1. -i (1!) of a,,@ t I ,,s Ei t t@i cor (i@r of @ @'i t c!,@i @,i c 1, (i i@ @ I Cl P v,- I @l! L @2 L @,,) i@ s @i ot @L-c) I r v i s i b i I i -Ly at tliis corner. Apl) c a r i ng o n b el) a 1 f o f t 11 c a pp I i c @t t i o I I Mr. J. C. Pritcli@ird @Ir. Fraii'@ L. @,IL-!tliews Mr. Saiii Ilouston iiiade soiii(, observatioji-,; 'egirding Strects and Siclowalks beijig required. Oii 3iiotion by CounciliTi,,in Cromwell, secoji@led I)y Councilman liolland, and by rocorded vote as follows: A),cs : Robert [i . Ca lli.s , Jr . , Robert l@ . Crolliwell , Jr. , F . Reid ]@,rvip- George R. F6rrell , C] areiice A . Ito I I an(i , 1) . @ltirray @Nlal.bori , J. Cul-tis Ila,,,iie , ViCe Mayor E@irl M. Tob@iult, aiiql '@lavor Donald H. Rllodes. Nays: None AI)sei)t: Coul-icjliiion T@raii@ A. DLIScli aiici @lo),cl ]@. W torfield, Jr. Cit)' Council appi-oved tlie al)plic@iti"oji oi- J. C. Pritchard T/A Keinl)sville Auto S@ties for a Use Pei,ii)it and i@ztive(i @ll I'CCtLlireiiients @ts long as tlie ctiri,c@iit u-,e by tlie cLirr(,,iit appli,c@itit i-; iii cxi-,;telice. @s C s D ii, 2 p r o,) 1, y i' I vc di stiiic,,@ of 2@?t@, i,uriiii(i te,ncc@ ol- 370 fect@ Lid Clist@"lif7,. C)T 20'j fc.,,@t @ilong t;@, i I @@ ) @l @ I @ @I I 1 @ I ki a of 'D- ,, u- alon(j E@-Isterii r r-o c, o 1 c, ,. s LAY @, f Tfie @i i n 9 Co:@;ii c, ti rc , ),!)l I ,f s i" lo') ubicct to t@@e 1 50 -fro:! fol iig (xc zolic, c@n S!icltlo@l @,x O]i I i s f u r,' ii, t@:,j "c 0 a ri.,ii], o' @!,a v li!le o@ tli@ @,i@ o i .11 @oot Ploi@f@ or lc,@s fi,o,,i@L@Age cn icli) Di v i (, i (i n. of sil, oc)t of t)'v, @,,@nt aiid i n;it 0 f I.!,@ don D@,i v,@ @@.re re(ju-irc,,c]. Appe@ii, iiig on beli,,il 1- (@)f Ill LIPI)li(--@ll i (-'ii i s I @ o b C, r tIV. Stoiqart On niotion by Couiiciiiiiaii secoji,!od by CCLIII(:iljflaii llc)lland, and by recorded vote as fol,lows: Ayes: Counciliiien ]Zol)Crt 11. Calli.@, ir., Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., F. Reid 17.rviii, George R. lerroll , C.]Lirence A. lfoll@iiid, J@. @lurrav Nlalbon, J. Curtis Payiae, Vice Mayor Eirl @l. Tcbault, aiici Il@L),or I)oilald Ii. fz]iodes. Nays : Noiie AbsOTIt Couiicilj,,ion l,raiil@ A. J)uscli aiicl )@loy(i f@. IVaterfield, Jr. City Couiicil approved tlic,, applicatioii o] tlie B@iyside Corporatioll stibject to a IS foot dedication iiisto.-icl of 30 fc,,cl@, ,iiid rotention of Residontial zoning on tlie Soiitli portioll of Lot 3(@ @l@, iiidicit--(l on a site plan prepared ])y Baldiqin and Grcg,.,; @ipprox@,11 is ftiltll(,I@ stil)jcct to conform,,ince @@ith tlie additioiial reqliii-eiiioiits of th(@ ilig (@oiiiiiiissioll. ll'EM @1422,' Oii motion by Coujicil@iiaii Fcrrell, secc)n(Iccl by Councilmaii lioll.and, and by recorded vote as follows: Ayes: Cotincilm(in Rol)ei-t 11. (@Lillis, Jr., l@obc,rt B. Croipive@ll, Jr., F. lzeid ]-,rvin, George R. l@errell, Cl@ireiice A. licllzind, D. @lti-ray NIalbon, J. (lurtis Ilayiie, , Vice Mayor E@irl NI. 'J@obitilt, ancl %)@lyor Dojiald It. 1"hodes. Nays: Noiae Ab@,;oiit Councilrnen I:riiik A. Diiscli zirid flovd @. Waterfiel(l, Jr. City Cotiiicil apl)rov(,Cl tlic,, t@tx te[ujid,@ in tll(2 zilliount of ,@2,07@1.74: y @----V. A, Etlier!,': y i, c Name Year ,)f Tt: 1,.,1 I d Base alty I 0 t.011, 71 5 .-O:3 - 71 0 ve 0. 21/2 Tos-pli S.- 72 10. 00 irtli , Al.l)ert A. 72 J) 4 0 it @@5 01,-0 5 - 72 10. 00 Ai-)ii B. Ici berg, ie-anlie 1, 72 /+ 10 - 72 10. 00 Isli , l@'. Kirl,, 72 D T13'@6 01 - 13.- 72 10. oc@ stern Unioii Tc- 71 IP,@'rrI j'kz, I gr,i@ph Co. 1 2 - II-) - 71 72 AP2'-)!, 0 -@ --'O!4 - 7 210. 0(1 Farlaii(l, 14m. T oi-ie, Cliii-lie L. 72 D T 01..04-/2 1 00 rl,ins, 1)@irwood1 73: !'P I I 1.56 4 5 2 -12 2 12.-03-71, 31.2 m-@, Steven 71 IIP 2 8 5 I 0 - -1 2 2 Ci 'All 9 3 H.w @ll i)];," T@ I c UZ,i .1- !@l(:, I!'T Ill @l@,l "Cl@ I'li@ @l Al i'@ I I A.Ll Y, TF TI 10 I i 11 @!@c @R OF All.1 IIT @ill -,I, ililt -1 IF, !@E, I 0 t.,Y [@NOV@![ IDC, Nu (r I ICF--[R OR E -[-OYEE (O;Z fli@ Al F) (IF I il@- (-@l Fy C-,F VIFZ(-IN' PI--ACil FlAt@ T.1 . 1- V. 11 I I I I Arl %[Zy i@4 i (I I I ti! L,Y C)@, l@ I c I L y F : C-[ F'T A@ DI@@(-,L 11. AN D AU- T[i TRAr,4@;A(',l ION V,'[ II(-,H l@, Cr If C@rLi fil-(i fOl' Ci Demp,;(-,,, 1 /2 8 / 7 2 110,. 0 0 'Princess AI)ne Util., 1/2,@/7). 1l@.00 Lc)ll 2 6 1 / 2 E,'l 'i 2 10.00 I,. johnsoi) 4 1/1,0/72 10.00 i'Alv.,ili L. 72 3 5 5 1/17/7:? 10. :,-follllatliii-i ",. @lars@,ii.1 72 Cl) i73 L/31/72 10. :,]Zol)ert 11. Gl,,ives 72 C)) 57)235 1/31/7" 10. .Joseph L. Crig_@s 72 CT) 53903 1/28/-/2 1.0. 'S. L. In-ley 72 Cl) 5,-) z@ 0 7 ]./3 1/7 2. 1 -0. @'c)c)ro. Buildil),,,l -,'2 C I', '-c2 6 1-/7/72 2') .1@@Iiiyiie Brown 2 CD T,@3 0 2/1/7" 10.00 'VI. E. Worslcy 72 CD Z;Zf331 / 14 -/'2 lo.co 'Olive 11. Wi:i.glit 7 2 C, D 1-3 6zi8 I / 1 2 10.00 .(@corg6 A. Berger 72 CD I C(,@93 10.00 ::P]'Yllis S. Slic)ok 72 CT) 21) 1/1.0/72 1/24/72 1(). ()O, -Riyi,-iond ',,I. Pett.A,,ay 72 ci) 6 7 93 1 1/31/72i 10. 001 @ich,arci E. Doil 72 CD 5@631 il/,']./721 10.00@ 'I),O')ert D. @lartin .721 5 (@ CD '170 2/2/@2 @ 10. 00! l,con J. @finers 721 CD 3270 I./24/72@ 1 6. O' @-I 0 s tv i clw ]'u i 1 d in C o 7211 CD 0 /+3 11 1/27/72,@ 10. 001 @illi,im L. Cox 72@ CD 7534 2/1/72 10. 001 Ti@o,@as A. BI-@@cliclor 72 c.T) 3 S,,6 1- /2 5 / 7/ 10. 001 @oe"3c 7) CD 3 2 i1 /JZ@/7 I 2 10. 001 @l(I" id,,e l@ichc)ls 7 CD 47704 i/20/721 1 0. C) J,@-l@ies Le@@@7arcl Cliar rie,- 7 CD l@91-01 L/2z,/7-I'l 10. 001 J,'iir,es Fd@,,,ard Charric@, 7 CD 49]C)7 ]-/24/72 10. col J-Icl@ Greenc,, 7 CD M253@6 @-@/26/72, 1. oo@ Goor,e Sjolin(I I 1 7 CD 30,91@8 @@-/'11/72@ 10. 00@ Roy D. A,@crs 7 CD 2 P, 'i 6 /2 0/721 lo. 001 "./j-/72 Or-i,,3 N. Couch Ulyssc,ss J.,Dixon 7 CD 33/@76 7', cy) T @@@2 '/27/72@ io.od 1-7. W. Ford 7 CD -1455'0 1/31/7 10.0 3- @i I ic, s zi -c 6 0 0 0 t@l-oiii tll(@ ljl ti f0 til c, I @11)@l C) I ii On iiiotioii I)y Coulici cl-olfil"Oll, L] 11 Li 1) r 0 c o r cl 0, (l v o t 0 @i @, f o I I @v Aves C:c@tincilin,@ii r C,, e, i (i F, r v i I I cl r 0 3 i @ 0 ifollai)(1, 1). 'NIurl,,Iv cili@t 1 Itic, Vicc, @l@iyol@ i'@irl M. aj)d Donal(I 11. Nays: Cloiinciliiien Rol)ert 11. f)'. @ilid Geor(,,e R. Fcrrclj AI)seiit Counci li,@en A. I)uscli , @iiitl l@]o@@(i i@'ater f i e,] I Jr. City Cotincil, @ift@of coiisi(loi,@ible disc,ii,@ @ioll, @il)l)rovc,,d @iii expendittires of $6,000 froiii tlio 1968-1@@ )@il)l I C)V( ir@ t lic)@1(i i- uc for tl,c t p purl@ose,,; iTi rep,,iii-ill,y @it RLICICC Inlet. On iiiotion by Councili@iaii floll@ijid, secoii(I d by (loiincilmaii Callis, aiid by recordod vote as follo@vs: Ayes: CoLincilmon I)Iol)CrL ii. (iillis, 11,. , Robei't B. Cromwell, Jr., F. Reicl, Erviii, George l@. l@eri@ell, Cl,,ireiice A. lii)ll@ij)d, J. Curtis T'ayne, 1). I'lurrav Malboii, Vice Mayor l@@irl @l. Ic,,b@itilt, @iii(I ',I@i@lor I)oji@ild fl. IZ]Iodes. Nays: None Absent: Councilnien Fraiil, A. I)LISCII, Flo),d E. IVaterfiel(l, Jr. City Council deferred for ti@o woeks tlt- disposal of tlie temporary ip.arina at Rudee lialot. Mr. E. R. Cock-rell, I:xtensioi-i Agcnt I-or tlie Dol)@irtni nt of \@PI Extension service, requested tli@it $47S. bc iated I-oi- a silary idjlistinent. On motion by Councilman T@@errcll, ecoiid,,(l by Coiiiicilman liollan(l, aiid by recorded vote as follows: Ayes: Cotincilmen IZobert Ii. (@,allis, Jr., Robert B. Croriiivell, Jr., F. Reid F@rvin, Goorge R. Fori-ell, Cl@i,rence A. ll,)Iland, J. CLirtis Payne, D. @furran- M@ilboii, Vice Mayor I:,,irl @l. 'febault, @ijid "I@iyor Donatd 11. 1zhodes. 1. lays: None Absent: (,ounciljitcn Frzii)k A. I)Liscl) an(i 'lovd E. IV@iterfield, J-r. I City Couiicil approved @ill ,Ipl)ropriiition ,[ $475 foi- tho iial)lemcntation of now sal@iry scale iii tli(, Dcl)@irtniciit of- VI)] f@xtcnsion Service. fll'-)2:,' On iiiotion by Couiicjliii@in (@roiiii@ell, by (louiic:illlian MIlbon, ind by recorded voto as follows: A), c,, s : COLincil.men P,()])Ol't 11. I)ol)(@rt 13. Crojii,,Vell, Jl-., F. l@eid I:rvill, George l@. A. J. (:Llrti,; lliyne, 1). @Ialbon, Vicc@ @@iyoi- @l. @iii,l !)on@il(I If. ]@lic)(los. N@iv-,; Noiie I AI)sciit (@,olilici llil(,Il l@i-@iiik A. I)ii@cii @iii@i I I l@,u I er ri (, I (I 'Jr. (:i tv i I zitil@llo 1, i :,,C,(l I )i,, i i f o :i t i ol) @111(i to to ;i 1)1 i @l t if i I I i ol) Noi-tli i i@ c(,]) Fc@i (ii No. P U 36-2a A ]iL,','@,OLUI'IOT@ y 01,, )RIP01,11, 'I'D MtJ@F A A PROPUI@lli) AT 0 CII y 7F WliEREAS, it In th(, (;ttY (@f %irrlni,- 11 -h, Virginia, at thG request of t)@ic, Ci-Ly of @lirgillia iii accoid,. iiiter Bencli ai)d the C'@ty C'i' i,n 1 Ti\(-,INLA fi ti CL@ Name of of LineRr No. of -TI-af-,en-ients on Ilillic@j) i\IC)l Slioppin, Gent(,r 1. on Laskin Road, Vii.,illi@L Beach, Virgini@t h 3, 230 2 114]lt,,p Nortli SlioppiTIL, Center, all as described and shown c),i plan entitl_.d, I Sii,, T] ts as prel)ared by Laii@,ley, Mcl-)oiiztll ;@i),] O\i, 7 ic)w coi@@i-)ietio@i cil tht@t tlie t@iii l@-, ur)cri r.ncl oubjc(.,t to t) 1 . Th@it tiio @irtid in @t@!(@ordallce with the t3l)ecifici,,tic).,i,,@ (Df t), @fl tif factic)n of th(3 Direc'@,)r o" Put@]i@, CA" Tio c(@, t to tliu City of liol@f 011C. 2. That thn wqt(,,T, :10 tli, f)l,Fli to shi,= at tlie n(,,,i, (@i- @lli(@ C'@tv of 14orfol-k to conr3up,@,ort; Iv@ k' 3. Thnt a] 1- ordj @i: Ti,@E L@ of t.li@ o' at,d r3ll rul(is and rer,iilntion,g of Div:;: @i c:,f ni id City, iio@, or here@iftor adopLed and put i@i@lo tli(@ f @i-: i: of' watef Shall app2y to the siipplyil,,[@ thr 4 (i l,r@,posc.,d 4. That tlie na,id of tlorfolj@ I)T)d-,)r no ol)li,,.,Itioll to furnisli more wat(@r then Tio,,l lli(l , wi Lh thc presstire ctiri,ied, will dc@J lvc,r @',to SZ11-@'(,i rTi"@ ;iil(i if tll(' SF,@id ',3UPplying of water ohnll not be il icccrd,,tncc3 wl'@.ii Ser,,,4ce, the said City of Norfollc sl,,Ill not I,,,, field in i,ii 5. Thnt in siipplyilif,, w@,,ter to r@l.onC, thE,, s,@id ].@roposed mains, tho City of Norfolk will 3UI)J)ly 'lie oil-y i@rom -@tr; suri-,lus Su')ply, and that in no event slial-I tht-,rc@ be nny ol)] on the part of said City to E3upply water to ariy con,,u@T(,i@@@ along tll(, Tll-'ins at ,,ny time when, i-n tlie judcoment of the CouiicLl of the C@itv o@@ T@',orfoll,,, the said City fihall not liave sufficient :-@t.,,)ply fpr its corrorite li,-iits, or whenever the supplying of @ti wfiter iriL(,r-f'erc,, @ii@ii the discharge of the duty of said City to @@upply wFi@L@i, to it.,, il@ht,,bitints. 6. Tliat froni and @ift(,,r the Inqtil.@ itioii cf th@ witer m,@in@ and hydrt@nts they slitiLJ. I)ecoT@),@, ti-,,-@ prcplrty LilL@ (;,,, 'y of Vir,,,ini,,t Detich. The City of Virginia Petch @,lilill grlnt t(i tye @@@ity of !;orf(,Il@ tlie right to uso such @ins and hydl',Illts for tlie of wli@,-i,, an(i further grants to the City of Norfoll@ reit@ly and rea,,3oiiEble PC-,3rs to theri. 7. That for any f3-ro hydriint insti-iled tt@ tlie request of the City of Virginia Beach, a rental pa),Pent of Oile Ifundro,@i DDJ-L o ($100.00) a year ar for each hydrant sh@ @ pi,-id to the City of 'iorfoi.k. ADOPTtD BY THF, COUNCII, of the City of Virlinia Beach, Virginia this day of APPR@)VFD: ATTI!@TE: o@- thc, Ccu@-iz, co [ilic il, is (2,1@ to @iiit )i(@l i @l l' 0 11 zi st.,Inda.l,cl sewor 11 ti@ i I IIt Ii @i il cl Ii. l@. I)crrel@l to ;(,I,Vc, l@l iiiii :il l@oad ,tjid Olcl 11@irt, i@; I @tilc, III)oii iiiotion @t)Y COLIII(: i lifi@Ill IIzill)oll , @;c,, @,i] @(,,l Ilcil land, ,iiid t)y recordecl vot(, @t @,; f- I I c)@@ Ayes Robcrt C,,illi@ , l@. IZO i ti I ,i-i@e I I , (@l@i I-eTice Ilol I Ifld 1) . Mlirr@iy 1\@ill)oIII J . (:Iii' tis 1)@t@ ili 1:@i)- I Tel, @iLiIt, ail d @lt),or N@i),,, Noiie @loy(I l@. 1,T@; Absciit Coulicilircli I:Ialil, A. I)i.iscli aii(iI Abst,iin: Rol)ort Croiii@@ell City Council authoi,i c,@l the (-,ity i , @Ir .I'logc,,r Scott, to sigi@ a Stajid@ird Sewer Agi@@,(,iiieiit oi) I)cli:ilf Di- tlio City ivitli INIT. 11. 17. Perr(@,].l to serve ap,,ii-tl,iciit, iii'lits at. I'le.,i@;lirc Ilotise Road anJ Ol.d Ilarris Lane. I '1']: NI t,' 4 2 3 0 Closcd meetiiig st@itciiieiit. On iiiotion by Counciliiiin llollaj)d, socoiiclc,d by (loillici.linan @l'el)atilt, and by recorded vote: Ayes: Robert Callis, Rotiort (@,rojiiwoll, I . Reicl George Ferrell, Clarence Ifolland, D. @luri@ay @igll)on, j. (@iii-tis P@i)@iic@, Vice @layor Earl Teb@iult, ai@d @la,,or I)ojiil(I '@',!,odcs. Nays: None Absciit: Councilmaii Fraiik A. DLiscli ajid I:loyd 1'. W@iterfield, Jr. City Counci-I. served liotice of thei.i- ijitc,,iitioii to liold aii Exectitive Session for the purl)o.@e of disciisili -@ n itters pCrTni tted for di.SCLIS-,;iOll ill closed session by tlie I:r(,edoii of Iiiforii;itioii Act of the CopiiTioi,@k@ealth of Vi.rginia. ITE@,l #4231 Couiicil adjourncd oji iiiotion I)v Counciiii@@il, Callis, scc-olided by Coui)ciliTiarl Payjic, and by recorde(I vote: Ayes: lzobert Callis, ]'Iol)ert Crom-,,ell , I:. Rei(I Frviii, 1). Murr@ty @lilboii, Clarence flollaiid, ). (:tll@tis C@,oi@,c, Fer),ell, Vicc,, Nlaycr Earl Tob,,itilt, aiicl @layor Ii. I'lilodcs. Nays: Noiie At)scjit Counciliiiaii A. J)uF@cli @iii(I I loy(] IV@iterficld Ci@' of Vi i-c@iiii-,l l@r"ICII, V@i i I I (11,1 ill l')72