DECEMBER 15, 1969 SPECIAL SESSI 14INUT@,'S OF' SPECI,4.L l@'EETING De,cember 15, IP69 Tlzp SpeciaZ @,le(,,ting of the HonorcbZe City CoziriciZ of the City of Virg@ ia Reach, Virgi7iia was hc7.d in the Cov@ici@ Ihambers, in the A(7rninistrati@n BuiZding, in the Boro2@,gh oi@ Prin(-6,,@v Anne, r@n :@onday, Deor2mber 15, 1969, at 10:00 o'clock a.m., a,@ opecifie@d -,*n tlie follo-,)i7ig paid advertisement: In accordande with thecde -TA @E 11 EN T of V irglrd,,i, Oecti@ 15,1-912 2mcnded, dtle notice is given that 0,1 flondai,. NIA EA CH S L] N 15, 1969 @t 10;00 Oi, hed by The B@@,h P,,l ii,@,i@g Co-p @i cloci@ 1.. I,. in theCitYCouncilCliamT,@l.z;4@ the Administration Builditi@, ct PHONF 428-2401 CitY Ilall, Princess Anric- Sla- VIRC,INIA BEACII, VIRGINIA tion, Virgiiia Beach, Virgin!a: iCitY COunell wfll hol(i @@ pullilc hearing on theproposed. c@.,irt?r amezidmlnt,; to th(? City CIIU@@R which v,'ill Provf(!e @at t C I 6rb C-Linc r,encral elections ol! thcl seco.,-,d Thlirsday in June. 1970, tl,,-,t c/-) "icharc 4ebb,n Counciiiiien sb,,jl 6e eltet@. for Princess Anic n terms v,,,@ici) pro,;id@ t',,, V i r p i n i a @l c Va. it, thL future'tho ferms of _Ii vtiil r]L)t c@:pfre -, the same time. it L,3 prop,,)E@,,@ that four (4) COuncllmc,,i re@ PL@ASE D.IAC,F '-]S -TUB WiTtl R@.MITTANCE idfrlg f!l t a -he ),,iozZh represent z" @ 1 be clectcd fc,7 four (4) @'elr ttrms; (1) DA-r PAID- COU'leiinien ilifLTi!ng at electe,4 f"r Ilotir, t@T-e@ i3) Col D@ANI@ D., r., th PLib I ic N') ce fo Cc o sh 10 2.,@o @ 1T ye; 26.88 of 1 2/4 be co of t@c jil, rce!--i cei vot e!, Cf tott c' cilt of t T.1 -"TI II 1'ec T. Vot of Col Dur for ectef! 9 Th( e-,rs, 'ATION 9 geni ol' i hj I ion ViP,Gii@IIA B tl'Gse v,h L-ACI-@,w end of pro@,id(, 5-60 Cl),'Irt,2r F Pub I i 0 2 1,@o (h(@ ,@,--@he foZZowing CounciZmen ?,,ere p2,@@@2t: P@ayor Frank A. Dusch, AZbert L. Bonney, Sr., George R. FerreZZ, D. I-lurray MaZbon, Lcc,,)rence L@. @@arshaZZ, John W. A!cCombs, J. Curtis Payne, G. Dewey 1-iimons, Jr., EarZ 11. 9ebauZt, a@id Kenneth IV. IIhiteTiurst. Absent: Alr. I?obert B. Cro @eZZ, Jr., Ilice Mayor AZso present were @,lr. Fichard Guy a7zd !@ir. BeverZy 1@iddZeton, House of DeZegates ReproBentati?)es. Mr. Harry 14arshaZZ, City littorney, stoted that the Pz,,bZic I!earing was caZZed pursuant to ResoZutions ad,,)pted by the Council on I!ovember 24, 1969, with respect to proposed c'nana,,,e in the C7zarier of the City of Virginia Beach. Various interested citizens a,4d2,essed the Counciz concernina the Charter changes under contempzation. The meeting adjounied. Richard J. ",d bon, City CZerk December 15, 1969 An infoyvaz sess-,,*on was hezd after the PubZic Ilearing reaarding the rediptricting of the vot-;,ng distr@cts in the (.,ity of I'@rcinia Bea,2@,.. I.!r. 7ohn James of the, ElectoraZ Boa@,,I, together wit;,, I,,.Ir. SteZZ of the I'Z r,7zing Depart,,,.e@.t, preqentec,-? the foZZowing information: Redistricting fyom 26 to 34 n?@bered districts as shod) on a map @@m@tted. Mr. Harry 1@la2,shall, City Attorn y, stated that an ordinance couzd be pre@a2,ed to properZy adopt tl@e proposed redistricting to be presented at tlzc,, reguzczr meeting of City CounciZ on Decerrber P2, 1969.