DECEMBER 9, 1968 Minutes of tlze Ilo;zoi-ablc City Cotilicil of tlie City of Virgiiiia Beacii, Vi),giizia Decei)zber 9, 1968 The regitlar nieeting of the Council of tlze City of Virginia Beacti was lield in tiie Circuit Cotirt Room, in the Bo),oit.,h of Princess Aiiiie, on Monday, Dece@)i- ber 9, 1968, at 2 o'clock P. M. Council@nen present: Mayor Fraizk A. Dusch,,Vice-Mayor Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Albert L. Bonney, Sr., Geoi-ge R. Ferrell, -D. Mitrray Malbon, Lawrence E. Marshall, John W. McCombs, J. Czt;,tis Payize, G. Dewey Si mons, -Earl M. Teba It, aTid'Kennetit N. Whi telitt)-st. The invocailoiz was given by Revei-ei?(l F),ed A. Rive)z6ark, Virginia Beach Free Will Baptist Missioii. On motion by Mr. Marshall, secoizded by Mr. Fe)-,;-ell, aizd by itna@zinioits vote, the City Coitiicil approved tize Mii2,;ttes of tlze i)7ecting of Nove ber 25, 1968, and the readi2@, of the said Minittes dispe)zsed vith i;zasi 7zich as each Colincil ?en had a copy of the subject Minutes before hiin. Mr. Tizomas C. Broyles appeared befo),e Coit)icil representing the applicant regarding the following matter. On motion by Mr. Simmons, seconded by Mr. IVIalboiz, and by unanin?ous vote, the City Cotozcil of the City of Virgi)zia Beacli approved ttie following application for !@lK@Zo a ch n e o zonin subject to Mr. Pati,ick Standiiig's approval to the dedication of right of way. Appi of Ta-l-,ic@; G. I<cllin-i by T.@@ilias C 13royief3, Attoi:i-icy, @'or a cbaii@c! of 3) to Genc-1-11 Distric', I 1) oi ccrtaiii locp,.@k2d or, th Po(t-cl.,, -Road clilel tlqc l@les" or L,OnOoii Br: u -i@t I\Tor,tl SICIO Of P,:)t@C17S T,@Od, rti dist,i,-icc of '29. 9 clis- Crcc',- and tance ol@ 5@' fec,? -Io-,I, thc li@,cst of ',or!.cl,)n B a 16sLaiicc of 3,c;9. fee" P-loil, the S:)u@,i sicle o, li@@- Virgiiiia B- c r a). Expl-csr,.@,ay. B.@cch Ineiii !rial Pa,@-'@ A 0 i-nen O, oOcnin@l of tliis requert as this con- The'Plaiinin., Corni-iiission reco@-n stittites spot zo ii on t c routh o! thc Vir,ini,% Beacli-Norfollz n ig b E-,pressv.i.ty v;iiich is tlie lo,:ic,-l bo,,indary b--tvicen tiie Virgin!,L Boach In,-Iuoti:ial Park and tho prop@@3:'Iy on tne soutb sirle of the Exp3!css- way. Mr. Les Lam represented three ProPeyty oicne;-s at Pai@k Avenue and 22nd Street regarding the follozuing matter. M@-. Staizdlev Hbivai-d ap,5eared before Council OPPosing the rezoning of Property at Payk Az,,e;zite and 22nd Street. Mr. Loitis B F-ine appcared before Colincil in favo)- of the folloluing matter. Mr. Donald 1 ad,,;, representing Shell Oil Co),izpaizy, appea)-ed@before Colincil oPPosilig ttle zoning in ttie following atter. On motion by Mr. McCombs, secoizdcd by Mr. Bonney, and by un(illinious vote, the City Coitncil aPProved everythi@ig East of C -@@p)-ess Aventle aild defe red everything West of Cypress Aventie fo)' 30 days ill tile follolvi),ig application, for a cilaa-le Of zoning: .Applic,ition of ttic Honor,-blc Council o! the City of Virginia 13cach for @cbanges of zonin@ on 21st SLreet and 22iacl Strcet frorn Pz@cific Aveliue to@tlic Eiitrance to the Virginil Be-,ch-iNorfalk L-,Xpre'ssv@y. More detailed inforn-latioii is zlvailible in ttie olfice of the City Pl@tniiing -Col-ni-nission. Virginia Beach Borou@h. The Plannin@ Con-in-iissioi reconi,nciids approvtl of the Future Land Uso Plan 'or this area aiid -further recoairnejids re7o7iiii, as @i iiietris of accon-lplishing tllc PI-@in. ' Tv,,o Public I-Ici,,rin,s have been held by the Planning Coniniissicn in an effort to fully iiifor,-xi the propoi-ty owners and to give theiii the opporti.,,nity to participate in the plaiiniii, process. The Pla-n, zLs subrnitted, reprerc:its a lo.@ical future lind use along this traffic corriclor. All new colisti-Licticn Liid modifications doiie in conf@:)rn-i-,nce to the plan shall be iii accordan'ce with tlie re- quirei-nelit,@ of the Site Plaii Ordinance. On motion by Mr. Boiiney, secoizded by Mr. Sinimons, and by itna)zimous vote, the City Cotincil approved tlie follozvi;i.@ application, for a Use Permit: Applicttion of the lionorable Council of th-- City of Virginia Beacli for a Use Perynit for rnuiiicipal offices on certain prop--,rty located South of Princess Anne Roacl aiicl Sotl'lh of Court I-louse Drive and West of inorth Lancling Road. Plats and r@ioi7c det-iilecl info@matioii are available in the Office of the City Pla@ng Conmission. (Court House Area). Priiicess Anne Borou@h. Tbe Planning Commission reco.@enc3s approval of this request. cia Sho naker, representi@ig Cavalle - Investment CorP., appeared be re Council regarding tize followiizu matter. M A L @t z@ar(ts, who lives fo in Pecan Gardeiis, appeared before Coiiizcil and stated tizat tlie people in Pecan Gardens are trying to upgrade the a;,ea a)ld do @zot tuant ditplex houses built. The people in Pecan Gardens wiZI go alol?,-' Ivitli Mr. Standii2gs reconimendation. @t er, who lives in Peca)z Gardeiis, appea @ed before Colincil on behalf of rezoning. Mr. Gossick appeared befo)-e Cozt;7cil regarding the following matter; he does not zvant ditplex lio ses bi(ilt. Other people from tile area stood to be recognized against the duplex lioitses beijzg bitilt. On motion by Mr. Payne, seconded by Mr Cro well, and by unanimous vote, City Council approved the follotuing- applicatio)z for Plaitning Commissiolis recommendation to modify this reqiiest to Residence S ibitrban District 4(R-S 4) as this is in conformance with tlie sit)@roiiizdiizg sitbdivisions. Application of the Honorable Council of 'he City of Virginia Beach for changes of zo@in,@ frorn Residence Duplex District I (R-D 1) and Residence Suburban District 4 (R-S 4) to Residence Suburban District 3(R-S 3) on certain property desi-nated as 13[oc'- l throu-h 22; Block Z5, Lots 19 throu@h 36; Block ?6; Bloc,7. 27; Bloc!, 28, Lots 15 throuah 27; Blocks 36 throu@h 62; and Parcel A as shown on Map of Pec--n Gardens. Said pro- perty is located North of I-Iolland Road and E'ast and N'@est of Rosernont Road. Plats and more delailed inforrnatio.@i are avjailable in ttic Office of 'he City Planning Cornriiission. (Pecin Girdens Area). t The Plannin.@ Comrnission recornmends a rnodification of this request to Residencc Suburban District 4 (R-S -4) as this is in conformance %vitli the surrout,din, subdivisions. Mr. Edivin ICellakn abbeared before Coltiicil tipizolding Plaii;iing Co?Ti;i?issioizls reconz7neizctatio@i in Ilie follozvilz,, atter. az motion by Mr. Simnions, seconcied by Mr. Malbon, aizd by ii;zaiiii;?utt6 vote, the City Coztizcil denied the follotving al)plicalio)z for clia7z_-e onin as tile original application of the Bocly Orgaizizalioiz uas acted on in goodfaitli. Tile Commission feel that appeals of legal leclinicalities slio Id be )Yeade to lize Circuit Court as Provicled in the State L4,nctbli)'Ig Legislatioll. ApplicLtiol) o, the Coii@icil 01 tlic CitY Of Vir.lillia Bcicli for a chan,,c of f3!om Linaited Coni.-ncr cial Disti-ict I (C-L 1) -c) Resi- (R-S 1) aricl Ret3icience Subtlrban District Z Spbir--- t 0 t C7 0 on cer'ain p-rop-.r y I ca c n th s,@ tnd IVest sicle o, Great neck Rr)ad, i\TC)3:-Ili 03, S1,02:ehtvcn Drive all prope,.,t; kiovin as the' I)CY YRrni- Plats ztiil nlore clettilcd arc --vzilable in the C)Ifice of t'hc City .-lannin., Co@n2nis5,.ion. Acres 'A3:et). lyinhaven Boroti-h. The I-)lEtnnin.- Cor-,irnissiol eeiaial of this rc:qtte,@,,L as tlie Orillillzt.1 LI,Plicatio,,) 01 thc Brocly C)-.gaiaiyatioii wts tcled o,) ii, go@ faitil. -The Corniiiissioii feels th@tt -,Ppe@@ls of legal teclinicalities Shoulcl bo rnar-le to tije CizcLlit Court n-s I)rovi@,erl iii the St,-te Y-nablin,, Legis- latioli. r. Thomas Eetz appeai,ed on behalf of applicani regarding tlie following matter. rren Ott appeared before Cou)icil in favor of the application. tt On motio7i bY Mr. Si nions, seconded by Mr. Bonney, a-nd by unaninio is vote, .@ill 425 the City Cotincil approved tize follozving application for a cliange @zoni@n-: Applica.tioii of Ott Invest.-nent Corpoi-ation for t@haa, o- of 7,oniti, frorn Re--idence Subrrl)an District 3 (R-S 3) to Lirnitecl Coi-.in-ier ia@l District 3 (C-1, 3) o@i cei-',@.i.n proi)erty locat-6 o,-i the So-,itlicast colner of Vir- ginia Beich P-oty'tejard and Eurc- l@,l Avc.-ue, rLiii-@i@ng a clistpnce of 200. 37 fect alo@n@ the So,,itli sie..c of Viri,-i@@a Bc-2-cli BoulevLrcl, runpin- @ dist@tiicc of 177.17 fect -ilopg tlie P!,@ st@-rn linc, of 20@o fect alon- the S.oitliern p::opc-rty line ai-id a cl4 st--%nco of 185. 76 fect alor@ the E-,tst -@ide of Pure'--a Avenue. (Eurelca Par!, Area). The! Platit,.in@ 'I reco,-@,nor@,-Is c,.en!aI c.,f t',Iis request as 01.1 October l@., City Cc@@ncil tpprov,2c7, til. Vir,inia Be@.ch Jjoulev.1re@ Stt'cly,v,,Iiicli ii-ic7iicate-- th-- citr-,nqcv,,z,.y5 to riiodiv,@@ioias shoild remain- mes G Darden, Departinent of P blic Utilities, appeared before Cotincil on belialf of tite follotving applicatioiz. Mr. Lee Ansell, rebresented My. Jolin Hanley, opposed this permit. There ivas an error in t e advertising of Ilie follozvin@- application. Tize error was corrected aiid people ere notified tizat it ivill be a plimpi@ig statiOI2. Tile Council cliecked vitli Mr. Harry Mars all, City Attonzey, to determine whetlier Coitncil were ithi)z rigiits to pass it. On motioii bv Mr. Boni2ey, sec ded by Mr. Marsliall, aild by naiiimotis vote, T-C @I F?- the City Coiincil approved the follo viizg applicatiol2 for a Use Permit: .Applicatio,i of the. City of Vir@ii-da Beach, D-pirtinent of public Utilities, for a Use Pern)it to con@,txLict a sevza,c treatrnerit plztnt on certaiii pro- perty locatdd iii the ri@lit o",1/2vty c-f D,-,"ch Strect bcgii3iiin@ at a poiiit 30 @@G feet V@lest of @-alm Aveiiue. (Tl,.alia Village Area). Keiiipsville Borou@h. The Pla-nnin&. Corarrit@,siori o@l.tliis reouest. r. Tho@as Broyles repi,eseizted applica@it a@ld presented sketches in regard to tize follozvzng applicatio;i. dilyg read a letter fronz the O-Chool Board statlilg lizat additio?lal school facilities tvottld be iiecessary. I On motioiz by Mr. Si;i?m s, seconded by Mr. Malbo;z, and by ianinioits vote the City Cozincil deferred tize f6lloiui)ig application for e o zotil 30 days at zvfiich ti;ne ii., fo r -ALr. -AriCL /i ol S ipe;,inteizde t, will appear before @Ll, S c o Couizcil wit a repo@-t. Applic2Ltion of ?viarcLs M. Weinstein b), Thornas C. Broyles, Attorney, for a Sba-r-I f zanin,@ frorn Lin,ited Cor@ninerci@,l District I (,---L 1) to MultiPle Pan-lily x@esiclence D,'.strict (R-M.) and a Use Perrnit to collstrLIct 4@7 apartrneiit units on certain prope@ u 6 S @ty locat6d on the So th @ide f La kin Road across fro Vict rn or Road, riirin-in.@@a dista,c, f 1751 fect along the @stern propcrty line, runnin, a dist,,,, of 1240 fec" alon, the Soiith- ern property line, Noithern property line' of the Virginia Beach - Noi-iolk Expressv/ay, runnin@ a clistar,,ce of 1209_,Ie'et alon@. the 17osterr, property line, runiiin, a e-, stance of 1216 fect alon, thc Northern property line o' whicii 80 feet is the SoLithern property line of Laslin Mo re cletailed informatio-,, is avail,,.ble in th,- Office of the City Plannin, Com,@ssion. (Ma@ey Manor - Hilltop Area). Lynnha%,en Borou@h. The Plinnin., -omrnif;sic>n recornrnends ajrproval of t-@s request E;ubject to City wtter ,.nd sca,;er -nd i Mprovcnents ,s requir-ed by the Si-@e Plan Orclinance. appeared before Coii;?cil on behalf of the aPPlicant regarding tke follo ing applicat@. On motion by Mr. Afalbon, seco ded by Mr. Tebatelt, and with unanirnotis vote, the City Coitncil app@-oved tile follolvilig cipplicati for a Use Perni it: Ap lication of Jiilian R. ar)d Am@tncia P. Nc iberii by J. Peter Holland, III p v Attorney, for a, Usc Perrnit for trE,.;Icr &alcc, ort certain property locatcd ozi tll:c Soutli sid=,@ V-ir@.i-nit Bc;tch Boulevard across from Yoviitiii-i Drive, ruinin, a distance of 244. ?,Z fect alor@g the South sicle of Virgiiiia Beach Boulcvard, end runnin, a clistance of 320 feet alon, tlle E,,stcrn property liie, runnin.@ a clistance of Z56 fect alo-ng the Soiithorn property line, runniii- a distance of 39'0 fect alon, tlie IVestern property line. (Maxey IV@,@nor Area). A The Planiiiii, Con-iiyiission recoriarnends approval of this rcquest subject to the provision tli@.t no trailers be allovied outside tho setbacl@ line and irnprovements as rcquired by the Site P12Ln'Ordinance. Mr. Jan?es Pick),ell al)peared before Coiiizcil oiz belialf of tize developer regarding- tize folloiuiti,, ttei-. On nzotion by Mr. Si n?ons, seconded by Nlr. Malbo , aiid by ?In zi@iolts vote, the City Coitncil uplield lize Plannijig Coi)zi)iissioizls reco)nnie dalio regarding the following application for a Use Perwit and a chaitke of zonin@: Application of Bo,.v Creek Inn for a cll3nge of Zo,in@ frorn Residen--c Sub- i urban District 4 (R-$ 4) to Residenre S-@@-rbi @trict - (R-S 4) ,ith a Motel and Tourist and Restaiirant District (T-2) Suppienic-,it and a Use Per t to construct a 40-unit morel on certain prop--rty located oi t@le East sicle of Duplin Street (E,%tended) beginnin, at a point 125 feet South C>f Club I-louse Poad, runnin, a distance of 160-feet alon@ tlie Eas" side of Duplin Street (Extended),-runnin@ a digtance of 370 foct -,Ion@ the Northern prop--rty li@e, runnin@ a distance of 115 feet alon, the Eastern P@operty'line and runnin@ a distance of 225 feet alon, the Southern pro- perty line. (Princess Ann-- Plaza Area). The Plan in@ Cornrnissi n . on reconinends approval of this rcquest s'lbject to City water and se@ver and irnproveinents as required by the S Ordinance. ite Plan @r. Ja@iies Pic,@i-ell repi,esentiitg tlze applic zt appeared before Coitncil regarding t e fo ivi7ig two (21',.zpplicatioizs. By u), in7otis consent of tlie Coillicil 1)2e?izbers the @ollo7,viizg ttuo Use Peyinit applications e@,e considered as one ajid tipoii molioiz by Mr. Simmons, seconded by Mr. Bonney were tolailimolisly al)p),oved. Application of Bow Creel-- Inn for a Use I Perrnit to construct a 4-foot by 9-tobt si@nboard cn certiin propel-ty located on the Southeast corner of Rosernon-t Road aiid Club House Road. (Princess Arine Plaza Area). The Planril-@i@, Conii-airgion recoz-,Irncn,3, @-,,prdval of this request. Applic.Ltic>ii of ],ow Greck Iiin for @i Use Periiiit t6 constr,,2ct @, 4-foo'@ by 9-foot sigiiboalrd on ce).-taiii proper., l@. -z Ii 171, -o-.i- tlic Nortlea,,t cc)rner o' Rosernolit RozLLI nd Cl a ub 14ouse Ro@,d. (Princess Anlic Plaza t@rcp-). Tho Plaiiiiiig @.ppi-oval of tliis reqxics'@-. Mr. Le La- appeared befoi-e Coitncil represe)zting- tize applicant regarding the follo ving matter. On motion by Mr. Pa3ite, seconded by Mr. Malboli, and by linaniniolis vote, ttie Cily Cotincil aPP7,oved tize follozviizg appliccition foi, a @@@c oL@@?zi@n@ Application of Willi-, A. I-luLhes by Lai-ii, Ilucl@i,Ls an(3,Mariii, Attorneys, for a cliin@e of 7 nizi;, 0 , fiorn Rcsidence Subtirbzn Distr'ict 3 (R-S 3) tc) Lin-lited-C-o-i-ii-m-c-r-c-ia-I -District 3 (C-L 3) Oil cei-tain propcrt), located 6-,i t].ie Nortliv,,c@@t coriier o' So@ttli Great D@cck Roacl aiie@ Potters Poad, rlin- nin@ t distatice c)f 170'fee@, Llon, tile licst @;icle or Soutli Grez@,t Nec@- Road runiiiii,, a clist,,nce of 140 fcot iiiore or le@ss zllon@ t4, Nortli ride of Pot- ter. Roacl, rtiniiii@g a dis'Laiice of 167 icet tile ,1,@estern prop--i-ty Ii.nc and rl@ntilp, -, dist" llcc of 1,18 fee" @ilolig tilc Nortlici-ii Z)rc)pc3:ty Said parcel is deri@,ri@.tcd ,s Lo@s 1, 2. and 3, Plz,,t of l,onclon Y@rid,,e. (1@,)iiclon Br-@@c.Igo Arca). Tlid Plaiiiiiii, Cor,7,@n@iE;@@ion r co c' n Is Z'PPI-0@,-Il cf tilik; i.CqLlc,@t PU*DJcct t to aelf-,Clic,).tioli c,, z@5 fcet fl.om tllc CcDfcr linc Of CIRCL t T@eck l'O.Icl zlncl a fledic@tioii of 30 f@,c-.t frorn the cen@er Iiiif, clf Potter,,; Po@acl as by tl-@c Directoi- o@, t'41-- 1)0.1-)ai-tiiicnt o@' Pul lic WorkE,,, J. pele y "I'll" ",@lill i,epi@eseiilecl (il)i@lic(olt '(Igcti-(Iing ltle follolt)illg nzalter. Oil @@zotioiz by M)-. Siiizmons, seco)z(l(-,d by ATi,. M. lboil, a@id bY lin(aziiro svote, tize City Coztizcil (ipl,)roved the follo i;z,,, applicatioi? for a @e oiziiz,, as reco@iz;ne;zded by Plaizpzi@ig Com ission as a ?izodificatioiz of llzis reqlLes7-io approve t e cliaizge of zoiiiiig to Liniited Coiii;izei-ical District 2(C-L 2) vitil a Motcl Tottrist aizd Resictiti,ctiit (T-2) Siipplctize t to a deptiz of 200 feel f@,oi;i Laskiii Road. Ttie reiraincle)- of llie propei-ly is recomnzeizded to rei7iain zinclial2g,ecl. Application of l@-ran!Q AtKinsoti by J. Pctcr llollz,.ncl Ill, Attorri-I),, for a change of zoniii, froin Re@i(.Ience @ubu-bali histx-ict 3 (R-S 3) willh i Motel and Tourist ind, Restturarit District Supplenient to Limitccl Coniriierciz@i District 2 (C-1, 2) -,@'ith a @lotel ,.iid Tourist and Restaur@),rxt (T-2) Su,,)plernei-@t oi) certain property locatecl oil tlle South side of Las.-@'n Roacl begini,-in@ z,,t a point 295 fec" East of Birdiiec'@ Roacl, runiiiii, a dis- tance of 152, 7 fect alon@ tlie South side of Lasl@in R@-Al, runiiiii, a cl i @, tatic e of 4q@5. 7 fect alon.@ tlic Eastern prop,@rty line, runiain-. a clistance of 209. 2 fect tloiig.tl)c- SouthE;rn prol@erty Iii-ic a.,-id runnin, a distaiice of 557. 2 fect along tlie IVeztern property line. (Birdneck Area). The Corril-,iision recoi=c-ncls @, modificatio-.1 of this request to approve tlic of 7,onin, to Lir.,iitecl Coinrnercial District 2 (C-1, 2) v,,It h a t@otel @-nll To, p h o, 'Irif, ztl, -!stturan" (T-2) Supplei-,icnt to a ele t I d R @. zoo fect froi-n L-,Fldn Po@cl. The reni@iinler of tllc I)roperty is rccc)l'n- rncil(loci to rerr.,,-in uil--h-an@ed. r. Joltn Tticke r aPPeared before Cou cil regarding the following n2atier. On motion by Mr. McCo ibs, seconded by Mr. Whitehurst, and by uiianimoits vote, the City Colincil approved the follozuiizg applicatioiz for a sc Perm@. Application of John A. Tucke@- for a Use Permit to construct 5 apartment units (four units riow existin,) on certain proDorty loc.Lted on the Nortb- e,Lst corn(,,r of Mcclitcrr,-neaii Avenue aiid 24th Street, runnin@ a dist,-tnce of 70 feet ilon, tbe East side of i%,'ecliterranean AvenLie, ruxinin@ a di@tancc of 125 reell the Nortli sile of Z,'tla Street, rLi,-inin, a distance 70 fect alon, thc! Eastern propc-ty line, rulinin, i distance of 125 fect alon, tlie Northerii proporty line. Vircinia Be, cli Porotl,-Il. Th-. Plai,nTi@, rccorni@,lc,,-ic!F, of rpntic,,it. Mr Tilornas K rtt aPPeared before Cou cil regarding tize follozving matter. On n7otion by M@-. McConibs, second(,,d by Mr. Wlzitehityst, and by itnanimolis vote tlze City Cozincil approved tize folloif)ing appl calloiz for a subject to'City wale,;- a)zd seive@- and i)nprovet@ients as reqiti 'ed by the Site Plctn Ordiizcozce andflti,tlzer sitbject to 80 pe ce7zt off-street Pa;-Ieiii., on site. Apl)lic-itiol of L. A. Sajicilio, T. C. l',i2:tlsll A.iiItlion S-tncilio ti-id y Sav@,iclos fo:,.- z,. Usc pcD:r,-Iit to conscl.,ct a 100-unit rnotcl oii cor',--iin pro- S@@Ll@LIC r @2: of Atl,@ziti,-, Aveiiu@, an(,l Sc-,,@nth Pcl:'Y IO.CL'ed C)II L -..as' co n Strect, runniiig a clis"aiice o-@ 305 fect a!Qll@ tllc sieic of Atlaii','IC Avc1lue, ruiii-iill-@ 150 fect @llon', Llic Souti@ sicic o,, sovel)tll Strr--c,,t, ri.iniiiri-i C)f 30- fc, t l ,,, Z) -C Z) ti-,e Etr',e3:n p:i-olidrty lilic, ru!ll)in, L distaiicc of 150 fcot @iloi@, tiae I\tol.tl,.oxii P2-opor'@y lin,- of Si,,:'h Strect. Saicl L parccl is c2criZI-IIted @,s Lo,,E-, I tiiz,oiiI@,h 6, 2, Plit of Occ@@li Lo'@ ll,vcs-,- rnciit Co-,nl),iiiy, Via-@iiiil icach P@o3:oii,li. -Tho Pl@tj)iiiii., recoi-tim--r@cls appr(ivtl of thio reqlcst stibject to CiLy %@,z@tor ind sc%vor '13n O@z niotio;t by Mr. McCo27ibs, seco;zd(,,'! by My. Malbo)2, a7id by ?,naiii jolts vote, the City Co tizcil al-)p,;'Oz)e'lize fOll0l i)',g- clt)l)lic(ill,o)'l fo)@ a Use Pe@-),iiit ajid'a @iyiz_@ s tbjecl to City zuater cz)zd sei er ii)zpi-oz,,ei;icnis as i-eqztii@ed by tile Site PI(ni Oi,ciiiiaiice alz(,Ifl@,rilier sitbject to 100 Pe)-ceiii off-sti-ect Pa@-4,i;ig oti Applicatioii of l-,ado Dcvelopmciit Co2:porzttioxi for a cli-@tn@c of zriiiji, froiii Rctiil Dusiiies@, Di,.tric -(-, @l I@) t (B-1) to Mio,,el-liotcl District- atid .1 ljsc Perrnit to con@;trtict @,5 niotel e@'@@icier-cy Linits on ccrtzin propci,ty locatcd c),i the No):thv,/cst @oriier of Pa-cific Aveiiuc azid 2.7tli Street, run- nin, a clistance of 115. 97 fect aloil, tiie Nbrtli siclc of 27tli Street, ruzining a clistalice of 200 feet'aloll, tllc Ive"t sicle of Ptcific Aveiiuc, runniri@ a di-@tance of 115. 97 fect aloli, the Noi-t.@,ern property .linc, rUI)IIiii@ , dis- tance of 200 feet aloiig iiie lvc.,stern pr-operty Iiii--. - Virginia Beach The Planiiiiig Cornniislol tl)p):oval of this reqtiest slibjcct to City viater aiicl @evier aiad iinp2.o%,crncl,,,s as reqLiircd by tlie Site Pliii Orclinance and fvitlaex subject to 100 po):cent 0!1-,@trect parlii)g on -@;ite. On nzolio)z by M . MCCO,@ibs, secoiz(lel b@7 Mi-. Ma sliall, on(I by itnaizimo is vote, lfie City Coitncil al)pi-ove lize folloiviizl, applicalloji for a siibject to City ivaley a d s@wey ii;ip)-oz,,e?i?eizts as reqztired by Sile Plaiz Ordi;zance andfzirllzer sitbject to 100 perceizt off-st eel pa 'leing oi site. .Appficatiori of H,@do Developrnent Corp?r'ation for a Use Permit to construct 54 1-notel efficiency units oil c-ertain propei,ty located on the Northeast corner of Ninth Street -.ncl Pacific Avenue, riiniiiii, a distaiice of 250 fect alon, the Nor'lh side of iqintli Strec@l, runnin- L clisttnce of 140 feet alon, tlie East side of Pacific Avenue, xunnin, a clistance of 140 feet the Eastern property line @tnd rulinin- t distance of 250 fee@ aloii- tlie Northern prol-icrty line. Vi EInia Beac:li Borou@li. r A The PILnxdn., Coiiiinissloii recor@lei)-23 ap,,)roval of this request st-ibj--ct to City %vtt@-r @.ncl scwer incl irnproveiic!iits -S-@ requ @re-I by thc Site PILN Ordin.a.nce and furtlior stibject to 100 por cent off,-street oii rite. Mr. Dttdle Coo er, olvner, appeared before Council regarding the follozuing matter. also appea;-ed before Cotti2cil re-arding ttle rnatt2r. On inotion by Mr. McCombs, seconcled by Mr. Maysliall, and by unani oiis vote, the City Coitncil app)-oved ltie follozvi)zg al)plicatioit foi- a Use Pernill s ebject to City valer a;zd sewer and inip@,ove ?e;its as reqztired by tlze Site Plan Ordi;laizce andfttrtizer s tbject lo 80 PerceTit off-st;,eet paileiii.- on site a;zd on 5roperty o wzed by Greenco Corpoi@atio)z oiz ttie West side of All(iiztic Aveizite as shoio oli tlie site Plmz made a pa;,t of tizis application. A(tditio)tal Parki;z,- over a zd abo e the 80 percent reqztire),iie t sliall be Provicl(-,d by tlze cipplicoitfol, tile coiizt lercial enterpi-ise no in existe ce on tize tvcst side of Atlciiztic At,,e itte. Application of G,.-cen@o Corporztion for Use Perrriit to constrlict a 200- rooiy) niotcl N"itli ficilitics on cc,.i-tatii proporty locztccl on tl)o SoLithcast coi,iier o@ Poac', (31ct Strect) aiicl Ati@,ii,ic Aveiiuc, rlin- iiin,, a (.Iistiiicc c,,f 300 fec'L tlon,, t),@c J,-EL@-t @@iclo of Atlaiitic l@venuc, rL,,Il- niii, a clistLticc of 150 fcc'c LI.oii, tli-- Soutlt E7,icic o@' RotC@ (31st S'Ircct)@ rutitiiiig z,, clistazice c)l 300 fe-t alozi,, ti,-- 1,7astcrn prop--rty lirle @incl runriiii, a dis'L-,tiice of lrO fect aloii, tlic N,)rtli s;Cte c)f 30LI) ctrect. @lizaii@3::L Dcach rC)ro -L ubjcct ii Thr, Plai)i@iiiil!, Ccir,.2-flissioll rccol@ii-i,cllcl,; of tliis :ccc' to City watc2: an@l rccli:,ir,('C, by @iie Sitc E-,Libjcct '@o 80 P'll@3--col"'. C)ff-strco'@. cn r;ilo Z'Ilcl on by C;7.-CCIICO on tllo Tiest AvcnLi, zis @liov,,ii Llic,- pla!i @t of. C',Pi)lic@ation. A,cicli-. tiori,@.1 ovor ibc)vo'tlie C;O slil-@ll I)r Viell@(3 I)Y fc,-@,,- tito 11OV2 i@ll c)ri tlic AtIE.11tic A%@ciiiic, Oiz otio)z by Mr. Marsliall, secoiided by Mr. d by itnaiiimotts vote, ttie City Co )zcil deferred tlie followiizg applicatio;i for@a@e,@ zii7,g- for 30 days. Applicatioi) of Keri)al Rc,-,It@,.Co. ai)cl Sciii)a Proi)crties, In--. fol: cliiii of zoi)in@ froi-ii Ret,,iclcnce Subiii-ban Disti-ict @ (i@-S ,) to Gciiei,ztl Con@m- 2 (C-G Z), frorn Goneral Iiiclusti-i@t). I)itrict I (M-1 1) to MLiltiplc, Fari@ily Pcsidciice J,)istrict aiicl froin Ocncral li@clu,,trial District 1 (hl-l 1) to Residence Sub,,irbail District 2 (i@-S ) ancl t Use Perniit to coristrict 336 tov,,nlio@ises ancl zipa3:tll)cllt linit,, oii certain pro- perty located Soutli of Vi;.-,iiiia I-Deacli DoLilevarcl, East of Clearficlel Ave- uile. Parcel I "o be chai@2ed frorn P,-S 4 to C-G 2: Peginnin@ at z, poiiit on tile -,,til L;id. f@vill'inia l@,cach Boulevarcl a clisfaiice of 400 fect Fast of Clearfield Av--iiuc, runniii,, a distalice oi 17 .5 feet aloi- the Soiith sicle of Virginia Beacli runnin, a dist@Lnce of 10,@'O feet aloii@ the IVest- ern propc,.rty line, runniii, a eistailce of 1030 fect alo n, tlic E@istern'pro- perty line, runnin-, a clistatice of 2@.0 fe@et alon, the Sot-ithern property line. Parcel 2 to be clian5zecl fror,-i 2,1-1 1 to R-,",i and a Use Permit to construct 36 tov,7n iFc,,iscs@n, -t@a @i -nt uiiits: Be@innin@ at a point 10-0 feet East of the ;3oLitliern extreniity of Clearfield Avenu,,, runnin, a distancc of l@,90 fect@alon.@ lbe Northerii prop--rty line, runi-,in@ a distiiice of 1400 fcet aloii., thc Eastern property line of N@,hicli a portioii is the V@estern p,-opei-ty line of Unio@-I Kemps-' vilfe Ili@1) School. rurinin@ a r3istance of 900 fect alon, tlic Southei-n property line of -,vhicli 730 fect is the Nor'lh--rn p'ropcr"y line ol@ the Vir@inia Beach- Norfolk Expi-essway, running a clis,,ance' of iigo fl-et alon@ the IVesterii pro- perty line. Parcels 3 ,nd 4 to be chaii@ed froni M-1 I to R-S 4: Be@innin- at a point on the, Southern extremity of Clearfielcl Avciuc, rLi,-inin,, a distaiice of 150 feet alon,, tlle Northorn property lin--, ruiiii 1-n., a cor,-ibined distance of 1070 fect P-lon, tlic Eastern prope-rty lizie, runn;n@ a clistance,of 1030 feet alon, tlie W4Dstern prop-,rty line as shov,,n oti the niap titled "I-iyout Plan for Kernal Realty Co. ancl Sel@i-ia Proporties, Inc. by, Fran'l- D. Ttrrall, Jr. and Associates. " Iv@ore clet,-,iled inforrnttion is available iii the O!fice of the City PlAni3iii, Conirnissiol. (Clear Acreg - Union Kernpsville Hi,h School Area). Thc Plannin, Corirninsion recon-,inciids Ocrilal of tliis requcrt Is it f--Qls --cl as prcseiitly zoT,.--ci. rticul, r tti.at tho proDc,.rty shotild bc cle%,olop This pl I pro@crty iD locite@cl lti aii ai-ea tiiit it (Ic-sirlble to in- cl.tir,ti-I,il zi-,l @,"li C)!,- ] 2.10 "l- ib,,!, c,, -- t, L@i-li Aiisell 3-ci) eseizled Ilie applicaiil in tliefollolvi)zg iatie;,. r 7olziz z@oiTi@s asleed Coitizcil to go alo;lg ivilli Ptaiiiiiii.- Co@)z),iiissio)i's recommen(lation. On mellon by Mr. Marshall, seconded br Mr. l~onney, and by ~o~animous vole, the Cily Council apl3roved lhe following-~[V~Iicalion for a Use P( rmil suSjecl to Cily zvaler and sewer wzd improvcmcnls as required by lhe Si~n Ordinance and furlher subjecl lo a dedication of ri~fhl of wa~, 55feet from lhe ce~zler linc of lhe i~zilial 30-fool rig'hl of way along lhc' 320-fool more o'r less fronlage on ~ewlo~z Road. Approval is furlher subjecl lo a brich colonial or brick ranch slyle station. Usc ~crzni~ to ...... :-~. located on. tho )~ast ~'' nlng a d~s~a, nce of 3~0 fa~ i~.long I:bc ~Jast side of ~ewtown iload, runnin~ a dlshmc, of 250 fca~'aloag the ': ..... · ....~ a ~o~no,'u_. p:copart[ line, rumi!n~ a of ~ZO fce~ a]on2 t~ic [~as[:crn ):.. ~,~-,~ ..... f-u,- .....~ ]ina ~l~l l'unniu~ a ai,u~ance of 250 feet al. once the ~ .... Al'oa). The P!anning Coil-m~ssion i. cco:~,r,-,ipds a),)ro i, . ' ~ . ~o.Ci~y wa~c~' and Scwe:c and ' ~- i, v~.l of this l'eques~ ~ubject ilni.'-'-~ove~non~s a0 requi:¢ed hy the Ordhi~nca al~(] ft'~her subjec~ to a dedication of right of way 55 feet fron~ tho center linc of em initial ~ ~ - o0-.,.ooL right of v/ay alo~g file ~ ¢ '- JZ0~%OO~ 'lrior e or la~s fi'on~age on ~cv?i'owa Road. ~.ppi'oval is further s~d)joct t'o brick co!onkd, or brick ranch style On mellon by Mr. Marshall, seconded by Mr. Cromwell, and by unanimous vole, the Cily Council a!?roved lhe follozvin~ applicalion for a Use Permil sub~ecl to improvemenls as ~ equired by the Sile Plan Ordinance an'~fuzlher ~bjecl lo the dedicalion requiremenls originally required in lhe applicalion for rezoning. Application of 23cssie L. Codd by ~rcedan, Howard and MacMillan, At.or~eys,~ ' for a U_{e.P~j:j}2j~.for automotive sales and service to include tires, batteries and auto~Jotivc accessories on ce~,~.m piope~.y located on the Vfcs~ side of North Wi~chduck l~oad beginning at a poin~ 350 feet 1note or less Nox'tb of Vir- ginla Beach ~oulevard, running a distance of 150 feet along the West side of N~th Witchduck Read, running a distance of 90 feet along the Southern property line, running a distance of 150 feet ,-1o..o= '~ ~he Wcstcru property line and running a distance of 60 feet along tl~e Northern propei'~y linc, {Chinese Corner-iragona Village A.r ea}. The Planning Commission recomrnends approval of this request subject to i~provcmcn~s as required by the Sitc Plan Ordinance and further subjcc~ ~he dedication requirements omg~nally ' ~ '= · · .. reqmx'ed in thc ~pplicg~on for zonin~, .Mr. dames Pic~krell_ appeared before Council representing the applicant. On molten by Mr. Paync, seconded by Mr. Marshall, and by unanimous vote, the City Council approved lite following' a~plicalion for a Ese_Pe~zn~l subjecl lo lhe si~ advertising, only lhe Lago Mar Developmenl and furlher subjecl lo lhe removal of lhe sig~z ztp~ completion of lhe dcvelopmenl. / ~pplication of ~go }4ar Realty Development Cbmpar!y, Incorporated for a Use Pcrrnit to construct a 2-foot by 4-foo~ signboard on certain proper~ ~qa¥oca~he Southeast corner of Prince'ss ~nnc Road and Sandbridge ~oadf Princess Anne ~orough. The Planning Coram'ission recommends approv'al of this request subject to the sign advertising only the I~go ~v.r Dc~clopment and further subject to the removal of the sign upon · ~ - comp_etlon of thc development. Mr. Ca;,Iloiz Alille)' ctl)Pe(t;-ecl bf-,fo),e Col(ilcil, tile follot i)IO ltiree (3) By tol(ini.moles coilseill of tllc@ Cozt icil, @;zet;ibe)-s lize folloivilig Ili,;,ee U,,;e Perniii al)pl,icalioizs zuere coizsi(lei,ecl as ol7.(, ajid itl)oii ),;iolio; by Mr. P61y)2,e, seco ded by Ali,. Ma)-sticill ive)-c it),ia;zii;zo isly aPP 'oved sttbject tD ttic sig7,z adveytis'izg oilly tlie Gree;z Ri(ii Dez)eloi));zeilt ci;zdftirilic , sztbject to tlle Ye iov I of tlie sig7i UI)O),l COI),?I)Ietio)z of tlie ,Iczt lopme;zt. Appli@.tiozi of Grccn RiLin Corpoi,,ttioii c)f Via-giiiii Beicli for l tsc Pei-i-@lit to coiistrtict - @o-foo" by 10-foot rin@loa@d ol certaiii pzopei:ty loc,@tcd on the Vlcst si-@Ic of liolliiicl Ron-,l at @ pcirit l@'@00 fec" South o! Sou"ll Thc Pliii:iiii,. C,o..ni-nlr,,Ion recoti-i,,-flcnlr , )PI'CVlll of tliir, olzl)jc@ct tc) tlic,. !ii,n cily tll@ C;I-C--:1 I'l@ii ar,,l ftirtiac,-r S1,I)jc,ct to tl),,2 c,f tl,,@ s2-n c,@ th,,,@ A@pi?licatic)ii of G2:ccll Pi:,ii C)f )',oacli fo,-, Usc l@e3:ri-iit to a '10--foot l@y 10-fc)o'@ on c t,@i p p y 1 Icc C!l i-, ro C'Xt oc@, I oil thc @licst cicle 01' llolltji@t 1),oacl, b--,Ini@in,, it % pc)in" 1750 fcc'L !\TC,)2:t'n of Soi:@'Lli l,yiil)li,,.vcn @oacl, (G).-cen PLn Area). Tho PILf)r)iii- reec,i-ni-aencts of tliis 2:cqucEt siibjcct- to the @,,i,.n Gi:@,ci-i -Rull z@ncl fui:'@)ic.@ siibjcc'@ to the rcrno,.,.tl C)f tli@- ri-n upoll of tl)c (Icvclopl-ficiat. A.pplication of Cy-eell Coa-po):@ition o' Vir(,iiii-I Beacil fo@- a, Use Perrnit to constrtict t !O-foot by 10-foot E;if!)@bo-ircl on lc)cz',,'Ccl 011 the Noi-,Ih f3icle of Pi:liicess A@-ii-ic Road ,iicl tlie Sc)uth riee of Prolof,.ecl Provicletice Ro,@d E@-,tenclecl. (Greon PIln Arep-). Tlic Pltnning Con-imissioll recoilil-nel)cls app::O%,,@l of tills recluest rubject to tlic @,ign LCivc,,2:tirin- oiily the Grec!n Pui fu@-thc3.- subject to the reniov,@l of tlic sigil upoll r-or,7,i)letic)il r)f the dcvclopl-li@nt. By itizaninioits coiise I of the Co iticil n7en?bers tlie follo t)ii?g Ituo Use Pernzit applicalions zvere c sidered as oiie izd itpon niotion by M,;,. Bon;zey, seconded by Mr. Ferrell wcre itnanii otisly app oved sitbject to City water ancl sewer and ii prove@ize ts as reqlti ed by tlie Site Plan Oydi ance dfitrtlier sitbject to the c stritclioki of a bi,ick colo;zial or brick roicli style service station. Approval is fiirt er sitbject to a d(-,dication of riglit of tuay 55 feet fro@ii tlie center lin@ of tlie iiiitial 30-foot riglit of zvay alo;ig tize 184. 35feet io e or less frontage oiz Ilolland Road aizd Eclivi;z Drive to be in alig7inie@it vitiz plai s iii tlze Office of the City Engiiieer as reqi ested by Ilie Dir(,clor of lize Departii?c it of P iblic Works. @Applic@ition of Kempsvillc h@leadows, Inc. foi- i Use Per,@t to consti:t,,ct a ga@,olitic@-suppiy st,-@tion on cca-tain property lo -@tc l@-o-n tlic South%,iost corner of Holland Ro:,.cl ai,@d Edkviii Drive, rtinialn, l clistance of 201. 6 feet glon- thc West sicle of Eclwin Drive, runnin@ a clistance of 18@-. 35 fect alon@ tl-,c Soutl-i side of HOIILncl Po,,cl, i-iLii)nin@ di,,t.,tnce of 200 fect alon, tbe NVestern propcrty Iiiie tnd runnin, a diEt,-nce o' 208. 39 fect ilon@ the Southern prooerty litic. (L,-trl@rpur Arca). A The Plannin@ Cc)mrnicsion recorqi-,icncls Ipproval o@' tlais roquest subjcct to City v,,,ttcr ancl sc%vor ind ir4-iprovoiiientr@ requircd by the Site Plan Ordinance and subject to the consi3:uctiozi of z,. brici@ colonial or brick 2-@Lnch style ser@,icc stttioti. Approv,-tl is furtl!cr subject to l cledi- ca'@iozi of rlght of way 55 fcct froiyi the center line cf the in'@ti-,Il 30-foot riglit of %v,-y aloii, tlie 184. 35 fect niore or less froril, L@e on Iloll-,ind Poad and Drive to bc in ili,nment %,,,!th plans ;n the'@'iice c)f the City Eiigincer as rcquesteci by thc I)Ircctor o@@ til@Depa,:,iiict,,.t of Piiblic to col@,,@tI.I.Ict locatc,,l c)ii Llic Sou'Llicast col-rier a J',o@c'@ @,licl 3--civ,,!I) )@17..ivc, z@, cli.,@taiico C)f ?,01. @,,! fcet i).oii, tlic E,,Iqt !31(:,C,. C)@, I)rivc,, riiiailiz), ii eiE3,@-tice c),@ 69,fco', @@lorl, tllc oii 1-@loilaiicl r@oacl, cyf 200, 0.@ fcc'l '11C)II" tllc! ty lil'i" -iiiii-Ilia,, a iac cf 191, ';6 fect @ioi@, tlic Eistcrii pl,o, CDC i Thc Plannii-i@-., of t'nif'- reqtiol;t subjcct tc) City aE,, by4tllc- Si'c@- Pl@n Orekiii,tnce an,i furthc@.- E;tibjcc'@ 'Lo tlic,- of @, b@.-icl@ coic)i-@iil or b5:ick 7.,Lncl) tityle @titioii. is fLi@.@Llior t',I!bj@cc,L to a (1@cli- catioii of c)" 55 fec,,,, froin tilo linc of. tlio- iiii'Lii),l -.'O-@oc)t ri@'jit c,f vv@Ly alc,,-ig tlae 208. 69 tc@ot ixic)@.-c oi- frc)n"@-.-c Oil llollzi@i)d Po-,LCI as j.-cqkic@teC@ by of ti)c Mi,. Ja)izes McGeein aPPeared before Co tncil o) belialf of appliccn2i regarding tlie followiii@, nialter. Oii motioii, by M3-. Boiilley, sec ded by Mr. Fei,rell, and by nani otts vote, the City Coztncil de;iied tlze followi;ig al)plicatio;l fo a X ,IL,aZg,C l@?g a is _,Q@q i s th wotil iizlrod ice a co;;i ic;,cial enterprise iitio a resicle tial coiiz)'nitnily d caitse dcp),eciatio) of p;,operly val tes. Applicatioii of lienry Tucker Pe,,-Ity Co. by J,,incs P. i'v!cGecin, A-ttor 'nry, for a clianlc of -onin,., frci--n PeE@icience Su.-bui:'c),tii Iiistrict 3 (R-S 3) to Lirnited Corninc)-@citl Dir'@ric:t -1 (C-L 3) on c2crt@tin pl,CP-2.-ty on t-lic ]@as@, sir-,e of l@c-nl)E;ville IZC,-@.cl be,,ii)niti,,, It a poirit 13,1. 53 Icet South of Locl@c J---tnc, rtinniri, zL dirtance f IZ:3'.l feet @Llo 0 n,, thc Eaqt r,icle C)l Kenip@villo POacl, runnir@ 1- clist,-zicc of 300 fect z,loii, the I\Iorth- crii proper'@y iiiie, rui@nin, a cliF'Lat,ce of 125 fcet alonc, the I.-asLei-ii propcrty lino @iicl rutining a di,@tancc of 300 fect tlic Soi-,thcrii prop--rty Iiiie. (Bcllciiiy Cololiy Ar@-i). Tbe Planziiiig Colm@ssion reconii-ncnds clc,-ii-I of tliis request as tliis would introduce a comrlorc!,Ll enterprise iiito a residentia-I community and cause clcpxcciation of propcrty valties. ai motion by Mi,. Ferrell, seconded by Mr. AIarsliall, (tizd by in ijjiolis vote, o ed tlie follozviii,- applicatioii fo)- a Use Pe'Y iit sztbject to lize City Coz zcil app ov tize sigti ad?,,ertisiTz.- only tlie Colle@,c Pci k Developnieni aiidfitrtizer sitbject to tlie renioval of tlie sigii itpoiz coiiiplelio2i of Ilie developnleiil. Application o@' Cclci-nari Inc. for @ Usf@ Perrriit to erect ,. 13-foot by 40-foot si,iiboaz-d o@l ce:t-',,Lin proper@ly located oii thc SoLi'li -@ide of ,Provie,ence ro-,Lcl bo,iinin@ tt a point 909 fco"' Eist of N,'ilifal-y I-lighv,/,-y. (Knob I-lill - Colle@e PLrl,- A@rea). 'Tlie Plztiiiiin, Coi-niiilr3s!on i-ecoi-n Mcncls Lpprovll O' this rcqtic,,t subject to thr-- si,,n @iclvcrtisiti, ol@ly tile Colic,e Ylirl, @cvcloi)mcnt ancl furtlicr subject to'the of tllo 'i"Ii tipoii co2i@-,)Iction of t'@)c dcvclopnlcn@'. By iti a,, ii;lolts coilseiii of tlie Cozt)zcil til(! follolvi7ig folti, Use Pei,illit ive'),.e coilsicl(@l"ed as o),ze cli, i(I)o@l b d 11101ioll by M),. Fer,;, I/, Scco ded y M,. Boiz;?ey ii)ei,e cleiiied cis //?e i)zt,;-slrtie iocl(,I, sysleiiis sliotild be 1))-olecled fl'O);' o@tleloo," adt cril'silig ct)z(l effoi,l )i(l(lc to eizliciiice lize aclsllietic abpea, -atice of llle City of B(@acli (,7jzd to p']'Olecl llic v(tlites ctcljace t lo iliese lici@,,,ic)ii of r-;, ic,,Inan @init to ct 6-I.c, by IZ-foc)'L ()!l tllc I'loi-'Lh cf poiy),. ).o fec F- C) tlic Vil-r@iii;a 1, Clic,@ Gi'y l,i)@o. (Collc,,c ):,a?. c,'@ tlii@ rcqi-icst aE; the @hozilcl l,'@ f2:o3ri olitcoor aild cffoa,'L r,@Lt6c t:o c@ll,n;iiicc @lic c,'@ tlic Cit-Y of Virfzir@,*@z), @,I,cl to 1)3,-ol(,Ct tllc,, iclj,:Lcel)t to tlicsr-, ro@,,cls. Applic@ttioll C)f I-a3 ilic- fc)" a. l@eriiiit to c ecl-- by I?-foo'@- c)ii cc!z.L,@ill p,-'opci@'c,, SOil,h -idc ol I PC)il@t 10 fcel o@, tile vir@ "i, l@@ c Chcsz,@p@,o@c Ci"y l,ine. The c the C)rrlrnis@-ioia (10-niL@l of tl)is recluest -,s liatorf"t@tte. road shotilcl br-@ O@,ltc!Dor P-ncl ello@t to tlio appc-al-@,,Ilce C)! tilc city 01, all(-l to protect the p-,ol-,e5:'@y v@IlLic, -' icljac(Dnt to tlicl;e Appli@,tio!i of Colorn@,n Fvrnis, Itic. for a TJP,-- Perrnit to erect t 6-foot by 12-fo6t si&,nboarcl on cc2.'@,t;n pxopc,,-',y lac@@'c cl@ tll NIC,3.-tll side o@' Intc3:state 64 bcgiiiiin,, @t a poizi'c 150 fect West cf p;-operty now or for@-exly Ilelclic Jolic@@. -(Collcge Pirl@ Area). The Pltnni-,i, Cc)-.-,-irzaisriozi 2.,ccornnioncls eeiiiil of tlis 2-,cque@,t ts tlie inte,rrt,ite ro,-,cl ShoLild bc, pro',act-d frori clitcloor aclv--x-tising a-ncl effort rn@c-le to enla,@ncc t'ic Lost',--tic @ippe@-rir-,co of tile Ci@Ly of Vir,iiii,- Boach aiid to P--,-otec@, the prop--@-Ly values aclj-@iccn@, to tliese ro-trjs. Appiic.@@tioxi o-r Farnis, Inc. 10--- Uf-,c I?cl'rl'Tt to l 6-fc)ct by IZ-foc,,' Oil pi-o,@0-2.-'Y l@l i7i-- I i--, SoLiL)i 6d- bc,,iiiniia,, zit IC) fc,-t o@ IIOV/ C)r fori-iioi-ly l@cleiic PLrl-, The of tliis I'C(IILICS@@ a,, tlic '- I CrL! interrt,ite i!c,--tcl rfiot,,Icl be pa:o' octc,,l @o2i-i oiitdc)o).- I, v in, cf1c)"'t to eiiii.,-Iicc tno aos-'io." @t IC of tlle City of I'lcz,,cli to 1)5..O,lec,L tll- to t,jlcsc. r oi cl r. O"VC Pich(-Itl Yep ese;zted applica@it )-(?,,ga di,)zg tile follozuiizg @iiatle Y; 171riCl, read a lette f)-oi;i @Ir. E. E. Brickell, Scizool Sliperinteizde)zt, A lilies in tilis area. O;z itiotio;z by M;,. Bo i ey, soco;z(lc!d by M),. M(ilbon, cold by to alii zoits vote, tlze City CO?Iilcil (Ii)/) oi,;,@(i tl,,e follolviii., tl[)Pli('ctlio;i for@(i i_,(.Lpj@ o@izill,@sitbject lo City toate;, (iiid seiv-@,;, -@ld o (le(licatioii of 35f(,etfrot@z lize cc)ltei@ line of Baxter Roa(,' as req?,,@?sled by tlte Di;-ectoi- of tiie Depa;,I)jzeiil of Pieblic @Voi-ks. C)f cav.,Ilicr Conii)any by O@,icii B. @P-iclrctt, I,-ttoi-iicy, for a chtii,e. of zoiiiii,,, froai-i ).,lc5ior--nce, IDLiplcx Dit;Lrict Z (P,-)D 2) to M@ul,Liple c)n cori-tiii pj:opcyty loc,-.tocl on tlic 1\10i't'll g3iclo o@@ Potd Lt x pc)irL 1?75 fect i-nc)rc C)5,- les,@, O! Princc,.s.,,, Anric Rc)@icl, runi)in,, ,, cli,;t,@ncc of 397 fect @lon, tlic,, No@tli rido cf Ba@--tcr ruiiiiilig a (listance of l'u53 feet @ilonr., tho EEt,-Lerii px!ol)C,@3.,Ly lil)c, @i o@, 11.90 fcot tlic I\,C)l.tllcxll p--@,opcrty Iii-lo, ruil- ning t c,f 1653 fect along the propel:ty line. Saicl 10 L):o I,o'l 17, tlic Eastorii pc,3:'Iic)il of Lot- 18, LC)tf, Z,! in,,l 11/2!Llp of A., W. Coiiiiclz, Y-.ap BoD!@ 9, )?a@e @,3. .(I@cnipsvillo The Conitriif-,vi.ol-i i.-eccn-iinci)cls ZZ,,T)Prov,@l Of this ):-cqur,,,t subject t6 City v/,iter an(:t r@cvicy ztiicl @ etcclica'Llon of 35 fcot tlic-ceiiter line of Baxter Poacl ae, recliior3tecl by the Dixector of the Pcparti-lierit of Piiblic Works. Mr. Ja ies Pickrell appeared before Cozt)icil representitig I e applicclill regarding I c follolvilig api5licatio)i and asked tlzat it be defer ed for 30 days. On 2ollo;i by Mr. Cro 7Y)CIl, secolided by Mr. Marsizall, aiid by tiliani@l?olts vote tize City Cotipicil cleferred llie folloti)iiig al)plication for a cli Of z-on for 30 days. @pplication of Virginia Natiozial Baii'--, Tru@tee,, of George W. Robbiiis, Jr. Estate by Kellain azid Attorricys, for a cliaii,e of 7,onin2 frorn Ref'.1clence Subur bLn District 4 (R-S @-) to L:ln-,itc-cl -C;-o-mr.,i-erc-ia-I District 3 r (c-L 3) on cei-tfin property located on thc I\',orth--ast corner o@@ Bradford Poacl and Rtitherford Road, formerly -ar'risli Roacl, running a r3ist-,ince of 217. 57 fect aloii- the East side of Br@,ciford Roid, ruiiiiin@ a clist,,nce of 606. 97 feet aloil@@ the North sicle of Ri-it@erford Poad, forrnerly Parrish Roacl, rtin-,iing a clistance of 185. 75 @eit alon@ the Eastern property line, running a distaiice of 701. 6@ feet alon@ tlic Ncrtl@ern property liiie. Said lots are clesinatecl as the Westerii porti@ of Lot aiicl,,tll of Lots @3, "@4, 45, 46, 47, 43, 49 and 50 as sliov,/ii on tlie-Plit of Bradford Park. (Brid- ford Park Area). Th c Plirniii, Co.@niissloix recomniencis i,,@proval of thif, request sibject to City'@,iater ancl re@,icr -,nd inipyovemor,.ts -s required by the Site Plati Ordinaiice. On motion by Mr. Marsitall, seconded by Mr. Cro ivell, and by uncr,2i iozis z,,ote, the City Council approved tlie folloi@ing ai5pZication for a Us'3 Perinit sitbject to City water and sewe'r d iitiproveitients as reqtti;@ed by tlie Sile PICOZ Ordinance andfttrtlier s tbject to the provision tlzat the setback reqitirewents as established in tize Zo)ii;i,- Oi-di@ici@ice be observed regardii2g oittside stora,,Y,@ and display. Applicatioii of Vikiii,,, Iviariiie, Inc.' fcr a Usd Pel:iliit to opci-a@tc boit sale's and servicc@, on cci,tain proi:,c,,ty locat ed oii @he I,,Iortil sicie of Shore Drive zlnd tlic South silo o.f IVest Str-,tford Roacl, runnin,, a'distzlnce of 1/18 fect @ido of Shc)rc Drive, runnin@ a clisttnce Of 192. 5 fect alon@ 11, tlic Noi,th tt-t4 zT b tah,o outii -icl c 9 c Of l@rcst Stratfcrd Road aiid ru'nniiig a distLLiice of 135. 66 fee' t aloii@ tilc I,,restorl' Prop(,rty line. SaiJ ptxcel is triili_,tilar iii shape. Said @10t@- are (Icsi.natecl a-, Lot., 6 ancl 7, DIOCI@ 33, S,,ti40, *B, Plat f Ocein Ptrl@. (Occaii Parl@ AreL,,). The. Planniri, Col-n recoi-ni@enls Il@,Drovtl c)f this requcst rul)jcct to City v"ator al)CI SCWC3: Z@licl jini@rovoincii'l.,; is reclui2:ocl I)y the Site Ill-'n Orcliza,@,ilicc @iiicl I I ,ubject to ti-: p o@,i@ c 22 ;loll thit tlie ret';@z,.ck ro-,Iu , irc mon"s -S in tllc Zonin, Oi:clill@Liice be ob,,Crvccl out@@iclc iii,,l cliipl@,y. Lee Gi oycl (ippeai,ed befo7-e Co@tizcil aii(i )-cqz@csted )-czoiziizg iii tizefollolviil,,- maliej,. On iiiotioiz by Mi,. M )-s7iall, seco;zclo(l b), 11;,. C)-oi)iit@eZI, (tizcl by it)z(tili)i7olis vote, i e City @oitizcil app;,oved the folloit;i;ig (Il')Plic(lfio;zfo?- a o sitbject to a dedicalion of 30 feel froiii tlie ceyzte;- Iiizc o -f Fe),)-y Plct)ilatioil Roa(l aild a dedicatioi? of 40fc)etf)-o i tlzc ce;zte;- li;zc of HCI3@@ood l@oar7 a;zdfiti-Iliei@ sllbject to City iv(tle;, (in(i sciver a d as )-eqzti)-cd b)? t@'le Site PI(tii Or(li)z((izce. 'Applicat,@.on cf llLY@c@C)CI Slioppir)@, Cen'@,--)! by J,--e A. Gi (fo,-Ct for o! 7,c),)inj 2 (C-L ?,) to Li-initccl Cor, - rii-rcial 3 (C-L 3) Oil tl)C Sol-ith S;dc of H@ty.,bocl Pc,@cl the IVest c,,f r@iiiiiin, Idi-.@,tnce of 1100 fc,,c'@ tloia@ t@'10 NVC@,;t f',ioc of )3(i,,ilev@.@cl, run- t rlistince C)i IIZO fect @lor,, of Prc).Dc)secl lioiacygl:ovc @.Rozxcl, rtiiil)llll@ a eist@,nce o@' 1015 f c 1 Pla @lor- ti-@- iCa@':,t SieLc Of F -y n- .,tation R@0, eist@@trcc c,-r 870 i--ct tl)e E;iet-- of lliy - goc)cl P\o-acl. cirith @l'crx.%ce Viil,,@e A r c z,.). Tbe Pl@innii,, aDprc,\,al C'@ tliir ro,,iliest f3t,,,,)ject to a e@6cliczt,ion of 30 fe-I frcln tlic cl Fe--@i@y Plai-,"atioi Izo@-cl and a cle(ii tioii of -'@O ca foo'@ froi-@i t'y,.c center iiii@- o-r li-oygco@l ard further @@iibjc!ct to City Vi@tter ancl scvic27 and t@s required by the Site Plan OrCiiiance. Mr Thoma,; B@(?iz aPPeared before Cott;zcil o)z belialf of lize applica)zt in tize follozvi;ig matter. It tuas dc-cicled to defer, tlzis cipplicritio;z fo 60 clays in oi,cler that the horse be allotved on the propei,ty willi Pe)-ioclical iiispectio;zs fo@- liciza)@ds. On motion by Mr. Mcirsha7l, secoizclod by M)-. Ci-oi;zzt:ell aizd by iinanimo s vote, the City Cotiiicil def,@i-red Ilie follozvi@ig al@i@-lication foi- 60 da@,s. Appli'catioli of Loi-iis J. Ind hla3:y A ' Osterhotif: foI7 a IJ,'c Pcl'rrit to constz,uct -a hor@,e s,,-blc on certain property locit-@8 o@n tl2e co-2:ner of Plea,@ure liouse Po,:.cl -iicl Old Fiarris rxoad, rLn-.iin@.a e,!S,1,2nce 61 80 fect alon@ t, @ lVc t sfde C)f Plcasure 1',Ouse Poad, runnin.1 a ]i--tlnce @.' 300 fec@, alon, th,- SoLith -,i-ris Roid, rur@nin@ a clistincec)r lzs f sicle of Old H, @et El n, ti-- . 0 @ - We@'ern ProPcr"y line, ruiiniilg -1 clis-aiice cf 3C)C) f,et -%Ion@ tho @o,-,'hern propea-',y line. (C;hes,ipe,il,e Beach Area). The Planiiing CC)rni-nis,ion recomrnoncls clcnl--l of t,.is rcquc!st as the housin@ of larre far@ -,inlinals is inappropriate by reason of hc,-I@,h, oclor, and lo,, size izi tbio re-@ideitial 'trea. OnniotionbyMr. Boizney, secondedbylvlr. Fe;@7-ell,7izdbyzinaiiiiiioitsvole, the City Coii@,2cil app,),oved the follozuiii., abplic,,ition fo;- a Vsc Per@@-,, it,: Applic@itioii of'3.1,ive3:toti-on-t n-i L ho-Eli@Eib-1,11 Ac cic @, of ance fol: , USC Perinit to opcrate an of cltncr-@ oii p,-o@ert@, ic)catcl Cli 1 t@ic l@yrcst of Suj)laysicle Drive be@niiii3, at -t I)c)irit 5?7 fcot rnc,3!0 or less Of liicli@,ii Rivor Roaci tnci 74 fcot WesL o' Sun:,yricl@! )--)rive, YL,,Iz-,!I), i @isi@iice of 30 fect a:!C)I)., tlic Soti'llir-@i-n P.@opcrty lilic, ruiat)in@ a ir!ist@ nco or I - ICC, Iloll, ti,-, IV,,t,,, t I L proj@--rty Iiiio, ru2l!lir,@ @ clistlii)cc of 30 fc@-t t@@e I)r()PC2.-ty lilic, ruiii)iii, a o! 30 fcc-' -).c)n, the Eartciin line. (lal@eville '[,'states L Ilillt,e Al-@a). Tho Plaiinin, Coiali-,iis"@iol.1 rccoliii-aci,-cl-@ ap 1)i-o%,al o@ this Mi,. Ricii(i;,(,l Git@ ;,ep;-cseitied llie (1,I)Pliccl),Il )-Cga;-diii@, lkc folloiuiii,, i?ialler. O)i i),ioli,@oiz by Alr. Alai,-slz(zli, secoiz(led by Mr. C,o)71zt)cll (ijid by ttizcti ii)iolts vole thc City Colt)lcil (li@i)i-oved /lie folloit)i)l," al)l)lic((IiOjz fol- clzcl;z ) d a sitbicci lo Cil)@ luale), a)zd scive)- a)?(l ii)zPP'Ove)iie)zls as i,-eqltired by tize Site PI(iii, 0),,,Iiii,(iizce. A.13plicz@@tioii o,' Te@-a@-y c)f Virrlii)ia b@, zli-@d Gt7,y, Attorneyc,, for zt cl)al),o o,' fro)7,i l,;]-iiitcci 3 (C-1, 3) to J--,irta:ict a to COIIEtruct 9). Oil vs e@-cluciii-@, L E,,tr!ID 75 fect L,), 200 fect, ziiet P,)ocl@ Z3, Secti6n 2, as sliown oil PI,@t of li@ai)oi-, Scction 3 by J-'. T,irrall, Jr. tncl Pai-@el C,: Locitecl L@outh of st2!cet, E,%st of l@iii@ Geor,e Roacl ancl I'lest of Cozistilixtion Dri%,e, Pai-col P@: J,ocatod on tl-ic South E;Ieic c)" S'@i:cct on the )-7,ast sirle of Coiistitiitioll Drivc @iiicl tho @'Tcrt f,,Ieic of Schuylcr Parcel L: J,c)cat(,.cl oia tl)c Nortb E;Ietc (Df Ft).-cet aiicl the F@,st sicle of cc),Is,@itutioli 3)2..ive. 23, Section Z: Louited on tile Sou'Lli sicl-,@ of Parcel 1-1, Y-ast o-f Con- @it it@i i-th of Joi@n Jay @- nc ancl @liest of Schuyler Rotcl. More cletailocl it)fc)a:rnation is avtilible in the Office of the City Plai)iiin@ Cominission. (Peiiibrc-l,-e Area). Tho Planning Con-irnissioii recoiiirnencls appxoval of this reqliest subject to City %vater Ind se%@ver ancl improven-,--nts -1@ requirecl by tlie Site Plaii Orclii@ance. Mr Eclivi@ I ellt7iii aPPea ed before Coll7icil represe ling t e applicaizt and asked tlzat the application be approved. On motioiz by Mr. Bo)zney, seconded by M;,. Ferrell, aild by uiza;lii;zoits vote, tize City Co ncil al5l@roved the folloiuing application for a ch(tiz@e of zoi?ing subject to City ater and seiver and inip),ovewients as req ired by tlze Site Plan Ordi a;zce mzdftti,tlier s ibject to feizcing d la dscape scree ipig of all oittside storage (7),cas. Application of Vlilli@tni P. Oberndorfer by* '@ellim and Ycllirn, Atto3:neys, for a chan@,- of 2,,onir-,@ fro2n Resiclence -cuburbin District 1. (R-S /,) to Gcnc2-al Iiidurt2,ial Lis,Lrict 1 (Ivi-l 1) ozi cert@,in proper'y locitcd on 'he W c s t s 1 cl c o@@ 11 ol la r@ cl R C. I d b c @ i n n i n @ l t @ p 0 1 ii t 7 1,@. @ 3 f c c t S o u tli 0 @' B a x t e r Ro-a,l, run.,Iln@ L rlisttnce f 50 fect P-lon, the of lioll,@nd 1,oad, runnin-. -t dirt-ailce of 57 feet tlon-. tlie Sotatliern prc)pcr"y line, run- nin4- t distance of 272. @.0 fect P-lonZ tl)c @liestcrn property linc tnd rLi,.nin@ a eisttnce of 72 f -et alon@ tlic Nortiiern prooer"y Iiiic. (I-:irkspur- Holla'nd Tcrrace Area). the Plinnin, CoiiTni,,slon rccoi@ni--nds tuoro@, I of tflis rc-qu--st slibjcct to City %vitcr axid alicl Is rccltiir c] by thc Site Plaii aticl flirthcr -,ubjcct to f,@nci-., -,'ncl 1-@ridsca-@,c screenin, of oul- Mr. Har;,y Mct;,sliall, City Alto;-)ie)?, P;-eseitte(I tiie City Cleile itie fo7lozviiig O;,Cl(,)- CO)Ifil@) ii;zg bctllol coitizlfoi@ );iixe(,l alcoliolic bez)er(lges. In Eli-- Cj-,:c@iit Court c,,@ tlie Citi, of Vil"L!illln on the 22nd day of November, 1968 on tlic 22n,-J cj,,-y of th,@r, l@,O -1@f v6@c,-- for Ci@ty of Vi-rgirii-@i Vi-rl,,,i.ni.a for a @El-cc'cioli ut@c7i2r tcic, Virgiiii-n COCE of 1-95@l, Scc-'@-i-oit 4.--)@.12. 0 R@R It tc) tlic- Llizit tlic, b@ill-ot@., i-ii thc- el.er,tiori h(---,3.(j cn th(, 5tli dDy of -)n tl)c, qt-iosti@)n, "@jay Y!)ixcd 191-coliol,ic bLve@-@igcs I)e solcl iri tl-,@c, C)f by rcstaurarits lic(,nc@ed uiiclcr ChEi-,)'L-cr- 1..1 of Title Ii of ttic, Code of Virg@i-n,*n", @inve b,@en co,intod, icttii--ns iii@-cir-, and c.-nvassc,@i .is in ottior clectioiis, and the reslilt,- certif5-ed b,y tFe -r el.ectio-,i to the Ci,cuit Co@i)-t of ttic, City oi@-Virgini-@, B:,ech, it bcing the Court ordering such election, rncl it fLirthei@- aPT)Cari-l-,Z- froin saicl Ccrtil-i.citc- L@tat the rcst-ilts of sal-d election ST-1c,@-7 t'aat 25,531@ votcs @,,eye, case Fo- th,- sal.e of Eiixec3 alcoliolic bever@?@.Cls ancl ttiat 9,792 votes i,7ere ca@@t s-,icli sel-e, @nd t'n@@t @l majority of sucli vo-Les were in favor of sucli qele, ttiis Cotirt dotti no,-,q eriter an orrjer nrol-l-aini@,ng till- aforesai-d results of .$aid election. it is furtL-ler oi:de@-ed that a dlily ce-rtifi-ed COT)Y ol@ this order shall be transfiitted to thr@ Virgiiii@9 Alcoholic Be-\7e-,,a3n- Coiitrc)l Pc)c-@rd E,7"' t-- ",,ie Coui,@--ii o-,- t"IC@ Cit,,, o_c Virgi.ni.a Beqcli i)t-irsuint to Section 4-98,12 of thc, Code of Virgi-ni@l of 1950, as A Copy T.@sl(-,': Jc),fi,)@ @. C'- zic )', ,,: ... k@ --.@ -A -,. - ........ D. C. I vojI.-S V-,, n 1, C) v c 1 l,",' A,D., c @l, c 1) @iy Ti, 1 4 of cc-),;@, o:F, V.,'- 5: -iii ? votc,,: 5 four vo'L-es (@Z92 C ]@ c@ r s 0 1 i@ c e, o i@ L I A c- '.C -'i- 2@ c Li i. 1- C o r L c) i: V j- i 1-1 i,,) B,,,Icll,@, ttic, 7cli d,ly oi I;C)vc,,,(,,I)cr, 19,1@8. We, ti,@e or- t'-le Y@Icctio@i h,?Icl i --n tti(? saicl Cl'.@@.y of virE@,i-i-iiq Fencli, Llil- f rs 'L Tt-i(-se,@,iy th,,, f Mc)licliy iri Novcilber, 1968, (3o c(-',)-vify til,,I,L- loo-ove i-,,. @i trle iricl cortc?cl Ab.,tr@,,cll- of Votc@s c@,ist at: s@,i(71 --For tl-ie E,,alc, o@ bevei--z,,ges. Givcn Litic3cr day al)o-,,e %7r!-ttcn, Com-,nl-ssioncx:s Alt Cl C)I- Ci-I @'Llit C Lirt Of Vi-l:gi B c Vi lov O@@ice o[ ttic ircl'it Court of Beach, I\ r '111,) c, r 7tll, 19-08. 1, JOLlll V. Pe@-itr(,Sr, Clei.-@ o@ t-hc, CircLtit C-nurt of Vi.r@inil Be,@Ch, do here-,@y certi,fy th,7it tLie forego3-n@ is @i LrLie col)y o,- tfic) Abstr@ict of VOtes givell 8'1- t'ne El@ction lbc)vc) as cerL,'-:Fied, siftied end itrested accorc)lng to @ticl clel)osited in ny O.,@fic@. A IN TES'I'liIOITY I ha@,e hereto Set I)aricl @)ncl )fEixcrJ ttle seal of said CoLirt. Cl.erl, c 1, t COL! t'L- O:F V i r i,] Cli . Oiz ?@iotioiz by K!;-. AIcCoiiybs, seco)ICICCI b)' A )@. AI(t)-slicill, aii(I by tt,;zaiiii?ioits volc, ilie City Coiincil (il@p,;-ot,e iiie appli(-aiioizsfoi, )-cal esl(ile l(ix refi(it,,ls tol(iliTz,,, $2, 559. 55, TO'fAL 1966 1967 1968 AMOUNT 1. Dean T. Patty $79.20 r Lots 9 & 11 $ 79.20 Bll,,. 42 2. Robert C. & $158.40 $112.46 $270.86 Rosemary I. Kahler Lots 9 Blk. 42 3.11 @Abraham @ICK001 $ 13.20 $ 13.20 Car listed as 64 instead of 62 4. Myron G. Hatch 1968 Dodge Charger $ 36.00 $36.00 purchased Jan. 22, 1968 I have reviewed the ab,ve applications for real estate and personal property tax refunds in the bx..iount indicated. The re- cor.ds submitted substantiate that the claims are allowable under Section 58-1142, Code of Virginia and approval recornmelided. 1964 1965 19& 1967 1968 1. Grayson @l. Whitehurst @$168.80 $185.68 $185.68 $185.68 Lot 3, Sec. I 2. Bush Development Corp., et al Bik 88 - M3 Lots-6, 10 & $1,833.71 2Oxl4O RRR/W Total amount of $725.84 to Grayson @l.' Whitehurst. Total amount of $1,833.71 to Bush Development Corp., et al. I have revie@,7ed the above applications for real estate tax ref-unds -in the amount indicated. The records submitted substantiate that the claims are alloiqable under Section 58@1142, Code of Virginia and ap- proval is recommended. On niotion by Mi,. McConibs, seconded by M@-. Marsliall, (aid by unani)')zoits vote, the City Coitncil approved the follozving O;-di)iaizce aittliorizing all Saiizts' Episcopcil Chitrcli to hold a certaiii Parcel of real estale i i llie city of Virginia Beach in excess of foitr acres. AN ORDINANCE AUTIIORIZING ALL SAINTS' EPISCOPAL CHURCli TO ITOLD A CERTAIN PARCEL OF REAT, ESTATE IN THE CITY OF c tq VIRCINIA BEACII IN EXCESS OF FOUR ACRES. BE IT ORDAINED BY TIIE COUNCIL OF TIIE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA: That All Saints' Episcopal Churcli, Virgi.nia Beach, Virgini.a, is hereby iuttiorized, in accorciance with Scction 57-1.2, Code of Virginia, as aieended, to o@qn and use, for churph purposes, the followino. described parcel of property in excess of four (4) acres in th2 City of Virginia Beach, to-wit: Beginni.ng at an iron pin situate North 31' 541 2Z[" West 10 feet from the sotith-v7est intersectioii of Adam Keel.ing Road and the e):isting 30 feet R/W of Woodside i,ane (formerly Woodl-iouse Lane), rutiniilg thence along the north side of the proposed 50 foot R/W South 50* 13' 06" West 204.20 feet to an.iron piii: thence continuing aloiig said proposed R/W line South 70@ 26' 31." West 334.28 feet to an iron pipe-, thetice conti.nuitig along thc north si-de of said pro- posed R/W line South 70' 261 3111 West 83.78 feet to an iron pipe; thence turning and rutining North 01' 371 06" East 572.61 feet to an iron pipe in the south sicie of the R/W line of Adain Keeling Road-, thence turning and runtling along the south side of said R/W line South 88' 22' 54" East 78.12 feet to an i.ron pi'-pe; thence conti.nui.ng along thc, south side of said RA@ line south 881 22' 54" East 137,15 feet to a V.1l.D. Monument@ thence cotitinuing in a sotitheasterly direction 252,81 feet along a 256.48 feet radius curve to the right with the R/W line of said road to a V.1l.D. Monument; thence continu- ing al.ong said road R!W line Sout'a 31@ @D4' 24" East 205.85 fect to an iron pin, the point of beginning, and containing 5.00 acres, more or less, as shown oil two surveys, to-wit: The first entitled "Survey of Part of Property of J. C. and Helen 14. Addington to be conveyed to Diocese of Souttiern Episcopal Church, Virginia Beach, Virginia, dated June 20, 1966, prepared by A. H. Frost, SLirveyor, CLS 486, Chesapeake, Va.; the second entitled "Survey of Part of Property of J. C. and Helen M. Addiiigton, to be conveyed to Diocese of Southern Episcopal Church, Virginia Beach, Virginia, prepared by A. H. Frost, Surveyor, CLS 486, Chesapeake ' Ya.11, which said plats are duly recorded in the Clerk s Office of the Circuit Court of the City of Virginia Beachi Vi.rginia, in Map Books 71, at Page 16, and 73, Page 3, respectively." Adopted by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, on December 9th 1968. Oiz, @7zotioii. by Al),. Fe;-)-cll, se(-oi 'Ie(l bA' ill)'. Si?@i)ilo@is ctizd by iiii(iiiiiizoits ote, llze Cily Coitizcil at)p -ol@e,,l ilzc follolf,i)z,). O;-cli;zciizce viezvci-s i)i co)z;zectioi ivilli lize closi)z., of ('n ;-ocid i;i Little ll(tz)e@i. 7'ile vie t)ers a;,e to cpoi,l bctcle Jaiiii@try 13, 1969. ORDINANCE APPOINTING VIE@QERS I@, CONNECTIOI ITITH 'EllE APPLICATION FOR THE CLOSING Ai\D DISCO':\TINUANCE OF A PROPOSED STREET WHEREAS, HIJBERT C. CRAY, JR. and JA,,IES R. HANSON have given due and proper notice in accordance with tlie stat:,t,s fo, s,ch cases made and provided that they would on this day apply to the Council of the City of Virginia Beach Virginia, for the appointirent of Viewers to view the b,low described property and report in writing to the Council wliether, in the opinion of said Viewers, any, and if any, what, inconvenience @qould result "rom the discontin,i,g of the said,street and have filed such application with the said Council. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED, by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, that Chl:,Ies S. Kilev, A. l@orth Pet:ty, and D@ivicl B. Norinan be and they hereby are appointeci to view the below described property and report in writing to the Council whether in their opinion, any, and if any,-what, inconvenience woulcl result from the discontinuing, closing and vacating of a certain proposed street situated in Lynnhaven Borough, in the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, being described as follows, to-wit: An unimproved road or right of way intersecting Little Haven Road, 50 feet in width and approximately 550 feet in length, and being that portion of the circle shown on tlie "Re-plat Showin@ Subdivision of Little Haven", dated November 2, 1947, and shown in the Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of the City of Virginia Beach in Ilap Book 21, at Page 65, I:ying to the North of Little Haven Road, said unimproved road dividiu@ the I\Iorthern portion of Lot 24, as shown on said plat from Lots 18, 19 and 20. And each of the said Viewers shall be paid the sum of $10.00 each for such services which total sum shall be paid by the applicants herein. A Oil I)IOliaii by Ali,. Bo;z)iey, seco)z(led b@l Al),. M(i;'Slicill a;,zd b@) itit([)Iil)2olis vote, tile City Colt2icil (IPP,;-oz)ecl Itic@ folloloi ig I?csolitlio;i 70(ill of flo-I(IS to I;zditsl;,icil Dc!z)clop)iieizl Aittlio7@ity for (icqitisilioiz of Rctili-o(t(l p)-ope),Iy al Liltle Creek. R E S 0 L IJ T I 0 N 're, t,,, t' 2 WHEREAS, the Cicy of Virginia Beach Industriai Development Authority is the successful bidder to buy a certain tract of land in Bayside Borough, now owned.by the Penndel Corporation, a subsidiary of Lhe Penn Central ilailroad, consisti.ng of approxi-mately 183 acres; and WIIEREAS, it is of the utniost importince that ttiis valuable property be acquired, developed for its higliest and best use, and that the said Industrial Development Authority-have sufficient.funds to accomplish such purposes. NOVI, THEREFOIIE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF TIIE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA: That, tlie City Manager is authorized to execute, in the name of the City, such agreeir@ents with the Ci.ty of Virginia Beach Industrial Developnient Authority as may be necessary to accomplish such purposes. Further, BE IT RESOLVED, that this Council hereby agrees to advance, to the said Authority froip City funds, such monies as may be reasonably necessary to proniote the purposcs herei-nabove set forth. Adopted by the Council of the Cl.ty of Virginia Beacn, Virgi.nia, on the 9th day of December, 1968. Mr. Gioi.,e), ii apl@c?a;-C(l bcfo;,e Coii;zcil Ilie follozvijz(, L ai n7olioiz by Mi,. McCo@@ibs, seco;z(ie(l b), M;,. Bo;i,;ic3,, ivilli ),eco)-cleel vote (IS follolvs: Aye: M(tyor Frct;zle A. Ditscli, AZbert L. Bo)iize),, Si,. , Geo),@,e R. Fe;,Yell, L vi,"Icc ,T E. Marsliall, Jolin W. MCCO)@ibs, J. Cit),Iis Pay@ic, G. Deivey Sin7i@,ions. Na3): Vice-Mayor Robcri B. Ci,-o)iz ell, D. Alit;,;,ay Alalbo;z, Lal M. I'cb(itilt, Kennetli N. lize City Coiti2cil d(?izied tlie closi)ig of a poition of 12iii Street. 0 z ?voiio;,i by My. Fe -rell, seco;zded by Allr. McCo)izbs, (I by U)Ialzimo s vote, tl7e City Co@,(,;icil app;,oz)ed llie follobvi)zg Resolittioiz i,egai,di;i@ff tlze alley belbf)een 51st Street cii7,d 52nd Sl 'eel. R 1, 0 L U T I 0 Iq Tc t I rlicre ha,,; hcretofore been recorded by plat a dedication of a 20-foot alley bc,,t;.7e, 11 51st 0-ii(i 52nd Streets west of ltlantic Aveniie; atid WIIEPEAS, this il.leyw,-,y his ricver beeii iltil)rove-d to supl)ort tr,qffic; ancl, 14HIlREAS, it is no-,,, the opiiiio-ii of this Council- ttiit saicl all-ey shoLild be iniproved. NO@,l, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY -ZHE COUNO-IL OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRCIIIIA: That Council desires the alley be iiii,)ro%,eci thrc)'LlghoilL its lengtli be@.7een 51st atid 52iid Strects, ancl, ptirsuant to Secti.oii 15.1-368 of the Code of Vir.@ini.a, the Director of Public Worl@s shall. caiise to be ascortainecl wh@-1-t !-f any, -,,ill resi-ilt to a!5uttiii, property owners. M'Y-C@112g@hQ-j@e al.)Pea -ed before Cozi,,icil ;-epresenti;i - Doizcild Reed to obiclin V, a rebate of $600. 00 Paidfor ivate)- t(tp fees. On vt,,)tion by Mr. Mai,sliall, secoizde,,l by Mr. lilhitelzitrst, tvitli i,eco),(Ied vote as follolvs: Aye: Mayor Frank A. D sch, Albert L. Bo)iizey, S;-., Geoi-ge R. Ferrell, D. Mitrray Malbo , Lazu7@ence E. Marshall, Joli,@l W. McCok)zbs, J. Clirlis Pa e, G. Dewey Simmons, Earl M. Tebaztlt,, aii7,i l@en zetli jV. Whitelliti,st. Not voting: Vice-Ala@@oi, Robei'l B. Cronizvell, J),. Titis matter ivas deferi,edfo;- 10 d(-,ys pendiilg ill esligation. A7'TIIIS IIAIE NIP,. SI)IIAIOVS ASI@ED 10 BE EXCUSED FOR A DOCTORts APPOINTML,'A@TAA7D DID.NOT V07'1@ OAr FUPI'ilL,R A4AI'I'L,RS. On @izoiio)i by Mr. -T,'e@-;,ell, seco) ded by Mi@. P(iy)ze, toilli i,eco;,ded vote as follows: Aye: Mayor Fr(tizk A. D isch, Vice-M yo;, I@obcrt B. Cro (,,ell, JY., Azbcrt L. Bo2iiicy, Sr., Geo,),@,,-e l@. Fc),rell, D. Mtirray Malboiz, L ivre;ice E. Alarst,@all, Joilli W. McCoi7?bs, J. Cit'lis P(ty;2e, Ea,),l Al. Tebaitlt, Kcpzi?etli.N. Wliitelzz(,i,st. Abseii,t: G. Deivey Si,'il,,;@07is City Co?@izcil app;,oved Vii-,,i;zia Electric a) Pobvei, Co;,np ;zy reqitests for all easeniont of iglit of ay fo;, the place zent of aii coicizor o;z tlze nortlzeast co 'lier of the Bayside Police jid Libra?,y site, as sliozt7i on VEPCO Plal No. RIW 26987, On wiol@oiz by Mr. Croi)?,tuell, -secoilcled by Bo; iiey, ivilit i,eco)-ded vote as folloivs: Aye: M(iyoi- A. Ditscli, Ilice-Alayoj, Robe)-i B. Croiizzvell, ii,. Albert L. ney, Sr., Geo -g-e R. Fer;,ell, D. Mit r(ty IVIctlboiz, Lcitf)re;zce E. Al-arshall, JBoolin W. McCoinbs, J. Citi-lis Payize, Eai@l A4". 2'ebaitlt, KeizTzctlz.N. Iflziler'z?,,rst. Absenl: G. De ey Sin?itions City Co?,uicil approved llie resoliilio;,z reqliestiizg the City of No)-folk to @itake a conizectio7i andfiti-nisli t)ater tlz -otigli a p@'oposed ivat,?, , syste)ii loctied iiz Greeii Run Planned'Uizit Develop),iieiit, Pliase I, Sectioiis L-1, L-6 aizd L--7 A Rl,,SOLUTIOiN REOUI,-S'I'INC, CT"Y C)r, NOI, OLK 0 MAKE A CONINEC'I'ION AND 'ZC) l@'U i@l, l@I V l@Ell, THROUGH Tt 1, 02.'l I A-PROPOSEI) WATE!K SYSTLM, LOCA- 'I'En AT GREFN RUN IA WHEREAS, it is proposed by the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, at the request of the Green Run Corporation, to extend proposed water mains in accordance with the existing contract be"ween the City of Virginia Beac',,i and the City of Norfoll<, in tlic Grecii run Pl@inneci Ulit D,v,lol)mcnt, Phase I, in tlie "t; fcllo%vu: No. o f L Dahlia Drive J?" 1, 912 2 Green Garden Circle 12" 1, 715- 1 Green Pun Boulevard 843' Ginger Crescent 61, 4801 2 4" 9451 -- Geranium Crescent 611- 2, 165, 2 Gladiola Crescent 61, 1, 505' 3 Off Strcet Neighborhood Ce,,ter 8" 1, 351- 2 Alon., Canil (Geranitim Crescent to Lynnhaveii Road) 611 520, A31 as (lescril)c L-7, DI'VI N (I @tnci sliown on plans ell"tlcci Cl@)@-E, RUN PLANNI,-D UNIT SANI'I'AI(Y Si, f 'wi@l@S AND WATLI@ a.,3 I)rcpalca I)y Ncwvillc aiicl Tztlbot, .lllccrs, hoi-aby ifi, recluo3ted to Tialce a co,-ii,,oc@@-io,n of @,!,.O ma',,Is wilh tho present rnaiiis of f3aicl Ci-@y cL-@ '-@he sa@.d dos'@@ration, and upon co,-,ip"o@lion o.@ the :L-is@@allation o@- the propo,,cd to supply wato-r tO 'coristur.ors residl@ng thereon, c:<p-ess3.y unde,-.5tood &.nd a@eed ,that tlio 6upplying o@@ said wa@,o@- by @@he C-*-@@y o.' i@orl'orc shal3- bo upon and Dubjoc-'--, to th6 folaow@, to@,is ard co@ldi'cions: 1. @hiat t.qo said wc,.cr rrxins rhall in acco-rdanco with tho specifications ol- tlie said City c,.@ Nor@-oll, and to the satisfac@@l-on of @@ho Diractor of Public Works of @aid C@-ty, a@,@ -Io cos,- to the City o.- Nor@@Qlk. 2. That tlio wator so suppliod throu,,h li@l.no to consunors sh@ 1)0 nt tlio iat,io rtt@le nowp or horo@IfLov, ch,,ii,@(icl liy tlio C.Lty (')f NorfoD-*k to CO))Clltil@(Il'il Ioyc,l,(l tllo titt@l.(l (;.,@ty 3, C)@ Ci.ty (,f ill I 1,1.1. n@,,l rc,@lc@@ions of tho Divirion of Watc,,-,- Sliplily o.- saicl City, now or harcai-@,- adop-led and WLit in@lo offee-@, to @@he of wa@@er shall apply @@o the supiylying o.- wa@@er throu.@h the sa@@d @oposed C 'orf o@ -'on to 4. That the r,,,tid ity of l@ shall t,, urOz@- no obli.,,a.@ furnish r@iore @ia@@er @lhan 4.ts as now laid, w* h '-@he pressure carricd, will deliver ir,@lo sa,*-d nains, and if the said SCPplying of water sh@ nd'@ t-- in accoi-"@ance wi,@@'i thc@ z;-Ic,-da-d service, @,@,e sa@@d City o.- Norfolk shau. no@-@ 'oe hold raspors@@b'.e in FLny wa,,,. 5. Tha-@ in supplyin,. wa@-@or to co,,isuTo,,,rs al6ng "he s aid proposed 1-@ szlrpl.us supply, and the City of Nor.@olk will supply the salla only @-ro,-.i that i-n no event 5hpIl there @- ilny obli.,a@@ion on tlle par-@ of said City to oupply @ater to ary consu.-,iors alon., the nro-jos,,d nains a'@ any '@ime V,-,en, in the judge,-nont of the Council of @'he said C-@--@@y ol- NorfoL',, the said Ci@@Y shall not have s@ficient sun ly @gr use its coi-pora-,e whenever the supplying of said water shall in-'@erfore with @@he @@schaxge of the duty of said City to suppl-Y watel- -@o i@'s ova inhabl@arts. 6. That fro,-a aid after the ins@Ialle,@@ion o-@ tl-e wate,- r@,ains and hydran-@s '@@,ey shall become @@he pro@@ty ol- -@'@ie City o@- V@'@r.,Ln'@a @@each. The ^@i,@@Y 6f Vir,inia Roach shall. @.o the C---@Y o.- iNo--.,olk the ri,ll@ to use E;uch mains and hydiants fo.- @@he suT),)Iy o--@ wa@le-, and @-u-,@@her gran@@s to tho City o@' NorfoL,c ready ard reaso,-@ab'-,, accese, to 7. Tha@@ for rny @@ixe ,t reques@@ of '@he City o@- o- VirEinia @ac@, a ron@cl pa@r 6 l@ @ C-0 Ifod Dol@t,@s (@100.00) a yo for each hydran@@ paid @@o -@he C@@@y r,.- AD,OriM I-)y THL COU',401L of the C@-@y of Vir rch, Virgin'@a this (I day of 19C A O;i ?)?olio;z b@, Alj-. Pa@,)ze , secoiz(lc(l by M),. jualbo;z, if)illz ),eco @(IC(l, vole as s: Aye: Ma@,o;, F;,aiile A. Diescli, Vice--AIciyoi- Tiobe;-l B. Cioitz t)ell, Jr. , Albe,;,[.L. Bo)iiie@@, S . , George R. Ferrell, D. Mit,),i,(iy M(ilboji, Lcizvi,e)zcc -L. ZI Johiz W. McCoi),,bs, J. Czt,),lis P(tA,ite, AT. 7c@b(iitlil Kc; ;zelii N. IVititeiiu-,,si Abs@it: G. D,-,wey by co)iimoiz (@oiisc;zt of lite Coit)zcil n e ;?bci,s@ lize follott@in,,,, lhree (3) al)l)licatiolis were consi ei,el cis o)ie a) tl Z(PO)7, @iiotioji by A13-. Payize, scco;i,,Ied by Mr. Molbon ere (tl;l);-ot)ed. 1. Pete Kc)',-al_-i dos rcques-L.s permissic)n -@o move a one story brick residence 29'x63' frora Lot 25 & 26, Sunii@,orook, Virginia Beacli Boulevard, Bayside Borough, to Lot 95,. Fair Mcado@,,s, Elam Avenue, Bayside Borough. Esti-niated value after move and renovations, $19,000. 11. Robert and Frances Etheridge request perini-@--ion to move a ono story frame residence 24'x34' from Chafin and Kennebeck Sti--eet, @lorfolk, to parcel on Princess Aiine RoEicl, 2 miles West of Courthotise, Princess Aniie Borough. Estimated value ,after rnove and ronov-@itions, @8,600. III. Gabor, Inc. requests pe---i,,iissior, to (love a one story t r"sid,@n,@ 26'x34' frorii 1229 Str(-,ct, Chosapeik-C, to Lot 43, resubdivision of Lots 49 and 50, Oceana Gardens, Dozior L:)iiL,, i,yi@lihEivo@i rorou@iii. EStiTila',-Cd va.Lue aftor niovc-, an(a reiiovatiolls, $10,000. On n?otion by Mr. Wllitellu -st, seco)Zd(,d by MY. McConibs, wilti r(-,corded vote as follows: Aye: Mayor Frcozk A. Ditscti, Vice-Mayor Roberl B. Cro@)zwell, Jr. , Albert L. Bo;zney, S)'. , Geoige R. Fei,rell, D. Mt,(r@-a@@ Malbon, Lawre ce E. Marsliall John W. Mc,-Co)i?bs, J. Citi-tis Pay;ze, Earl M. Tebaitlt, l@eiznetli N. Wiliteh?trst Absent: G. Dewey Sitiit@ions t-e tl 'i City'Council app -oz)ed a reqltestfroi W. W. Connell, Jr. I City Real Estate Assessoi,, for a lya)zsfe of $500. 00froiTt Acco int 801 (Office Eqzeip ?ent) to Accoitnt 313 (Stalioneyy, and Office Sttl)plies) to cover tlte cost of Printing of notice of cliaiz,--e in assess zeizt, i)z con2pliaizce toilli ttie City Code. Mr. Scott, City Mai (iger, Yead a lette7,- of resig7,zation fro@n Fraizk T. It"illia;izs froi),i tlie Scizool Bo(t;-d. O@z zotioiz by Mr. Witileliterst, secoizded by M,@-. Teb ult, a d with reco),ded vote as follozvs: Aye:Mayor Fraizk A. Ditscli, Vice-Mayor Robe -t B. Croinwell, Jr., Albert L. Bo ey, Sr. , Geoi-,,e R. Ferrell, D. Mti-vr(z!f Malbo;z, Laivrence E. Maysliall, Jolni W. McCo ibs, J. Citi-lis Pa37te, E'ap,l M. Teba't(It, Ifennelli N. Wliijehzt'Ysl. Absent: G. Dczuey SilTi@)'10)zs re @,i Mi'. Williaiiis ;-esig7ialio;z ivas accepted aizd My. Jolin S(tliilo7zs ivas appoipited to fill his ter;Tz. Also retpl)oinied to tiie Scilool Board it@ere: George Lyo@i--3 years, J. W. Bitffi;zl,,toiz--3 ea;@s, d K. L. icti-d--3 yeai's. M)'. Joscplz C(I)I(I(,Ia c(ppea;,e(I befo;-e Coitizcil slaiiiig liiat City Clia),Ier (19. 01) crc,.a4,es tlie PI(ti7iii)lg C0171)lzissioii, ci;zcl he (loes iiot (t,,, -ee iviiii lize piocedl(,;,c ill lvlllc' ttie Pl,,,ii2i g COI)I zissio)l it)as Cli(i)IUCCI. The Cily Attoyney, Mr. H(ii,;,y Ma),sliall, rea(l the Ordii aizce est blis1iii7g tfic T@ neti) Plcti niiig Co@)iii7ission of t)ze@;ibers iiislead of 15, cffecliz e J(I) lially 1, 1969. On motioiz by Alr. Cro)nzuell, seco)zde(l b@, ATr. M(t@;,stiall villi reco),ded vote as follolf)s: Aye: Mayoi- Fi@,,oik A., Ditsc7t, Vice-Mayo), Robert B. Cr6@),ilvell, J7-., Albert L. Bo;z)iey, Sr. , Geo),ge R. Fe),Yell, D. Ali,,;-i-ay kl lbo)z, Lazv ence E. Mays all, Joli W. McCo@@,,bs, J. Cui,lis Payiie, Earl M. Tebai(lt, l@e; nelli N. Whitelturst Abseiit: G. Deivey Si)jznio;ls t e City Cottiicil app oi)ed tlze O;,diiiaizce as ead b)@ Mr. Marsliall. NO. ----246 y O--P ';'o p@ l@' -i'IV To 2 OF THE CITY Co@(,)E. BE IT DRIDAIN,,',D BY @IE @-OUN'-'!I, O-P' TFE CITY OF VIIIIGINI@, Bil@,,' HI VIP,GTi\IIA Tli,@,t, e-@@@@cctive a-L midiii,,h'L-, Dece-@ubcr 31, 1960@, tLle Plannin@- Co,@-ii-ssioii of tlle, C',ity c)- viy@in" B@-ac,i, Virqirii-, estnbl-.isi-iod by- 'Orclin,irice No, 8. enacted, j@,nuaxy 1, 1963, is C'isestal)!.ishee @-Ine, th@@ ternis of all r,,,3,n'@)ers hereto"orc ,I)ooi-nteci thereto are terr,,Iinoteel at the hou-r ,,nci C'taL-e hereiiiabc)ve set fo,,th; 2. Thet, the Vir@.inia Beach Ci-Ly Co,!te is hereby amencied by the a.ddition to Chp@D-Ler 2 thereof i new Article XIV, as follo@.7s: "Article -,-,Iv. Plnnnin, Co7@@,lis i n st @l s a ancl eff Sectioii 2-128. Plannin, col,@.Ilission. Fffective at 12:01 a.m@. January 1, 1969, there is hereby esteblis'iicl'@ 3 ,)UYSUnnt to Section 19.01 o" the @'h@,rL-er of th-- (,ity OL the Plannin@ Co@i,,iission o@ L' e Cit-y o- Vi.r-inil, n Beacti. The PI,@nnin,, Co.,@@i -ssion be comoosed o,, 11@ne m ltl',)ers, qu,qli:c-ic,,cl, iri Iccc)-,.ce@nce i@7*-h the pi7o,,-,isiot)s 'of tie Co(le o@L Via:,ini, as araenee @ I by ttic, O@ouncil O' t'le City o' Virginia E;,ac1l, for terins of four years; excep-@ that, in the cnse oL- initioi appoint- ments tv7o sliall lie @ @or a ter@n oi on2 ye-nr, t@qo for a ter-,n of two years: two for a terin ol- three y--@rs, @ind, tliree,for .9 term of four yenrs; an@i further, prc)viciec" that any appointtnent to fill a vacancy -itiori o- a terin sh 11 b for he occurri,n, prior to the e-,,cDir, r a e t unexpired portion o@- snio, Section 2-.129. G,-ounes for R@ii()vpl. In odd@tion to the @-r-outic's for rernov@l of any Conii,-,-sionei- fro,n ofi-ice is s@t forLI, in S@ctior', 15.1-@,37, Coc@e ()f Vir-in,'Il I I-ailtire to otten6 thi:ee con C!CLitive meetin-s, callc,,@. o-,: r'c,,ular, of ttic Plinn-tn, Tc) s n 0 i t s@ LL: i c s , C, 1 1 s @i r@'L,@ 'l) y t !-i C i yCC)LIlicil 0 y i.@ y ,-f iii 'c. C) f Lh D @. j: c-, c t c) ,-i o r) c' 'L) y i y E7 P I S Li C othe2: 3. Al@ niatters pen clin-. before the Pl.aniii.n@. Co=:i-,sion as presently coristituted, as of Dece-iii,@-or 31-1 P-i:e liercby trarisferrcd to ttie Pl.annii-ig Coiiifii-ssiot-i crcated iii Par,@g--,apli 2 above. A(lopted by tlie Cotiicil c)f ttle City of Virgirti@, Beach, Virginia, on the 9th d@qy of Deceiiiber, 1968. M(tyor F aizk A. Dl(scii at),,)Oilzte(I llic) follozvi7ig to se@-Z,,e oiz llie Pla i2iiig [la ')'Y Mole 4 )lea;@ te),n i J. R. Alphiii 4 yca;- tc),i)i J. A. [Ioll(ind 4 yea;, le;,i)l C. W. Beai'd 3 ),eai- te -i)i [Icr ian, Bojiney 3 ye ct,)- te 'i)z @l-il teri;zs effective Rtissell A. Brozun 2 yea@, te i't@i Jaiiiia;,y 1, 1969 Roy 2 yeai- tc i,i7i Wal 1 ye a;, terni Wil@ I yeai- teriii On otion by Mr. Marshall, secoizcled b@, M@'. Boi@izc@@, it@,itli reco)-cled vote as follolos: AY,,L,. Mayor Fi-a;,il? A. Ditsc , Vice-MaA,o;, Robe;-l B, Cyo2izzvelz, JY. Albe I L. Boizney, Sr. , Georgc R. Ferret'l, D. Aliti,r(zy iltalboiz, Lait:)-elice E. Marshall, Jolin W. McCo)nbs, J. C irtis P pze, '.Ea;-l M. Tebai(It, Ke).,@ieth N. Wllitehurst Absent: G. Deivey Sitpinioi s the City Coitncil approved the above to se@'ve o;z tize Pla)?@zi;zll, Co inissio effective Ja;7 tal-y 1, 1969. On motio7i by Mr. Marshall, secon(led by iWi-. Boit)zey, zuitiz recorded vote as follows: Aye: Mayor Frank A. Ditsch, Vice-Mezyo;, Robei-t B. C)-oi)iiuell, J,;,. , Albert L. lttJ go Bon.ney, Sr. , Geo;,ge R. Feryell, D. Miti@ra@, illalbo@i, Laic@-cizce E. Mai,hsall, ITC, Jolziz W. AIcCombs, J. Czti,tis Payiie, Ea;-l M. Tebaiilt, Ife;z;zetiz A. tVIlitehlirst Abse t: G. Dezoey Si iiiiopis tize nieeti7ig recesse(I zintil 11:00 A. M. oiz Tliit;,sday, Dece;iiber 12, 1968, at tlie Sclzool Board Co?zference Roo2ii.