AUGUST 12, 2003 SUMMARYCITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH SUMMARY OF COUNCIL ACTIONS V 0 I M B L C M E S L DATE August '12, 2003 D C A R C A W PAGE 1 I J L D N R H N I E E O A D D E M U L W Z U N N O O E I E S O AGENDA E R E A X R V D V O O ITEM # SUBJECT MOTION VOTE L ES N F E T A N D I BRIEFINGS A CONVENTION CENTER STATUS Dean Block, D~rector, Dept of Pubhc Works B TAX CREDIT PROGRAM Steven Thompson, Ch~efF~nanc~ai Officer C. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN Robert J Scott, D~rector, Department of Planmng IIflll/ CERTIFICATION OF CLOSED CERTIFIED 11-0 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y y y y y IV/V/ SESSION VI-E F MINUTES - August 5, 2003 APPROVED 9-0 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y A Y A Y G/H PRESENTATION: Removed from Agenda by Consensus REVENUE SHARING IN LIEU OF TAXES - Back Bay Wlldhfe Refuge/Mackay Island I MAYOR'S PRESENTATION RESOLUTIONS IN RECOGNITION: 3 AWARDEES 11TM SPEC. PLYMPICS WORLD SUMMER GAMES ACHIEVEMENT FOR EXCELLENCE IN Patnc~a A Phfihps, FINANCIAL REPORTING - GFOA D~rector - F:nance J/K-I PUBLIC HEARING: No Speakers FARMER'S MARKET LEASES a. Bergey's Dairy Farm, [nc b Chapman's Flowers/G~fls c Country Butcher, Inc d Creekmore's Place e Hare Farms £ Holland Produce g Reflecuons of the Heart h Secret Garden ~ V~rg~ma Garden CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH SUMMARY OF COUNCIL ACTIONS V 0 M B L C M E S L DATE August '12, 2003 D C A R C A W PAGE 2 I J L D N R H N I E E O A D D E M U L W ZU N N O O E I E S O AGENDA E R E A X R V D V O O ITEM # SUBJECT MOTION VOTE L E S N F E T A N D L-I Ordinances to AUTHORIZE LEASES at ADOPTED, BY 11-0 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y y y y y Farmer's Market. CONSENT a l_~onard Bcrgey t/a Bergey's Dmry Farm, Inc. #14 b Judy Chapman t/a Chapman's Flowers and G~fts f#3/4 c Beverly Hard,son t/a Country Butcher, Inc. #12 d Elsie Creekmore t/a Creekmore's Place #7/8 c Dawd Hare t/a Hare Farms f#13 f Mark Holland t/a Holland Produce #5/6 g Laurie Moscr ~a Reflections of the Heart # 10 h Laurie Moscr t/a Secret Garden # 11 ~ M~chclc Shcan t/a V~rg~ma Garden #23/24/27 2 Ordinance to ABOLISH the Youth Services ADOPTED, BY l 1-0 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y y y y y Coordtnatmg Conumttee CONSENT 3 Ordinances to AUTHORIZE acclutsttton for r-o- w/easements by agreement or condenmat~on a Water/samtary sewer/drainage re repa~ to ADOPTED, BY 11-0 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y y Stumpy Lake transmission ma~n CONSENT b New san~tary sewer pump ~tat~on s~te to replace ADOPTED, BY 11-0 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y y y the ex~st~ng Pembroke Manor South Pump CONSENT Station #354 m Central Business D~stnct 4 Ordinance to AUTHORIZE acqms~t~on of Block ADOPTED 10-1 Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 6, TOWN CENTER from GALIOTOS FAMlLY/Ixansfer $2,250,000 for ~nffastmcture 5 Ordinance to AUTHORIZE Agreement with ADOPTED, BY 11-0 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y y y y SPSA for "Whtte Goods" recycling facd~ty/Lease CONSENT Option for a "Yard Waste" faclhty at Landfill H i CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH SUMMARY OF COUNCIL ACTIONS M B L C M E S L DATE August 12, 2003 D C A R C A W PAGE 3 I J L D N R H N I E E O A D D E M U L W Z U N N O O E I E S O AGENDA E R E A X R V D V O O ITEM # SUBJECT MOTION VOTE L E S N F E T A N D 6 Resolution to AUTHORIZE Working ADOPTED, BY l 1-0 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y y y y y Agreement CRIMES w~th CONSENT Chesapeake/Hampton/James City Coullty/ Newport News/Norfolk/Poquoson,/Portsmouth/ Sm~thfield/S uffolk/York County/Wflhamsburg 7 Ordinance to AUTHORIZE encroachment into ADOPTED, BY 11-0 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y y y y portions City's r-o-w by DAVID H./JEAN H. CONSENT KLEIN for bulkhead/replacement of deteriorated bulkhead with rip-rap and sand tn Kempes Lake at 204 Oakengate Turn (DISTRICT 2 KEMPSVILLE) 8 Ordinance to estabhsh CIP re Back Bay ADOPTED 11-0 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y y y Waterway Access/ACCEPT/APPROPRIATE a $150,000 federal grant/AUTHORIZE Cooperative Agreement for an access facflay 9 Ordinances AUTHORIZING compensation ADOPTED 11-0 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y y ~ncreases for City Manager/Cay Attorney/City Assessor/City Clerk 10 Ordinance to ACCEPT/APPROPRIATE a ADOPTED, BY 11-0 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y y y $95,806 Federal grant/S245,342 from other sources CONSENT m Commumty Serv~cesMH/MR/SA special revenue to fund services to chents 11 Resolution re ~ssuance of M,It~-Famfly Housing ADOPTED, BY 11-0 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y y y Bonds not to exceed $5,500,000/Refundmg Bonds CONSENT of $7,500,000 for CP Atlantic, L.P. (Atlantis Apartments Project) 999 Atlantis Drive 12 Resolution ASSIGNING admlnlstxat~on of FOIA ADOPTED, BY 11-0 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y to C~ty Attorney CONSENT M/I Ordinance to AMEND Sec DEFERRED TO 11-0 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 111/225 1/601/901/1521 of CZO to allow Bed 8/26/03 and Breakfast Inns as a CUP in certain Apartment/Business/Resort Tourist D~stncts/AMEND conditions for Bed/Breakfast Inns CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH SUMMARY OF COUNCIL ACTIONS ¥ 0 M B L C M E S L DATE, August 12, 2003 D C A R C A W PAGE 4 I J L D N R H N I E E O A D D E M U L W Z U N N O O E I E S O AGENDA ER E A X R V D V O O ITEM # SUBJECT MOTION VOTE L E S N F E T A N D 2 GREGORY NELSON CUP re bed/breakfast at DEFERRED TO 11-0 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y y y y 2420 Arctic Avenue (DISTRICT 6 - BEACH) 8/26/03 3 OCEAN BEACH CLUB, COZ from RT-I to ADOPTED, BY 11-0 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y y y Conditional R-T-2 for multi-use CONSENT retad/convent~on/meetmg facd~t~es at Atlantic Avenuc/34~ Street (DISTRICT 6 - BEACH) 4 RIGANTO, L.L.C. COZ at Sandbndge Road/Pnncess Anne Road APPROVED AS 11-0 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y y y y PROFFERED Parcel ! from AG-I/2 to Conditional R-20 (185 2 ac) Parcel 2 from AG-I/2 to Conditional P-I (90 8 ac) CUP APPROVED AS 11-0 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y y y CONDITIONED (1) Open Space (2) recreational/amusement facdlt~es of outdoor nature (horse stables/riding nngs) 5 SAIR ENTERPRISES, INC DEFERRED TO 11-0 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y y y MODIFICATION of a CUP re auto serwce 8/26/03 station (approved February 13, 2001) to remove a canolw/auto storage usc/expand approved auto repatr/a car wash at 3096 South Lynnhaven Road (DISTRICT 3 - ROSE HALL) 6 FORT WORTH DEVELOPMENT, INC. APPROVED/ 6-5 Y Y N N N N Y Y Y Y N CUP re multl-famdy Condo m B-4 Shore Drive CONDITIONED/ Comdor Overlay D~smct at D~nw~dd~e Road AS REVISED and DuPont C~rcle (DISTRICT 4 - BAYS[DE) CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH SUMMARY OF COUNCIL ACTIONS V 0 ~ M B L C M E S L DATE August 12, 2003 D C A R C A W PAGE 5 I J L D N R H N I E E O A D D E M U L W Z U N N O O E I E S O AGENDA E R E A X R V D V O O ITEM # SUBJECT MOTION VOTE L E S N F E T A N D 7 VICTORY CHAPEL CUP re church at 6644 APPROVED/ 10-0 Y Y A Y Y Y Y Y y y y Indian Paver Road CONDITIONED BY B (DISTRICT 2 - KEMPSVILLE) CONSENT S T A I N E D 8 GATEWAY CHRISTIAN SCHOOL CUP re APPROVED/ 11-0 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y y y y y a private school addition at 5473 CONDITIONED, V~rgmJa Beach Boulevard BY CONSENT (DISTRICT 2 - KEMPSVILLE) 9 CUSTOM STONE COMPANY CUP re a bulk APPROVED/ 11-0 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y y y y y storage yard at 2621 Quahty Court CONDITIONED, (DISTRICT 6 - BEACH) BY CONSENT 10 Resolution to REFER to Planmng Commission REFERRED TO i 1-0 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y y y y y proposed amendments to Sec 111/233 1/1501/ PLANNING 1511/1521 CZO re CUPs for sale of alcohol COMMISSION TO tn RT-1/RT-2/RT-3 INCLUDE OTHER ZONING AREAS WITHIN THE CITY, BY CONSENT N APPOINTMENTS 11-0 Y Y Y Y Y Y y y y y y BEACHES AND WATERWAYS COMMISSION APPOINTED - 3 Year Term 07/01/03 - 6/30/06 Rodney Voelker CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH SUMMARY OF COUNCIL ACTIONS ¥ 0 M B L C M E S L DATE August 12, 2003 D C A R C A W PAGE 6 I J L D N R H N I E E O A D D E M U L W Z U N N O O E I E S O AGENDA E R E A X R V D V O O ITEM # SUBJECT MOTION VOTE L E S N F E T A N D 11-0 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y y DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY REAPPOINTED - 4 Year Term 09/01/03 - 08/31/07 Robert E. Fentress Robert F Hagans, Jr. APPOINTED - 4 year term 07/01/03 - 6/30/07 Max C. Bartholomew, .Ir. S. Paul M~chaels Jerry Mdler Ehzabeth "Boo" Twohy (Additional four to make eleven m accordance w~th new State Code effective 7/1/03) FRANCIS LAND HOUSE BOARD OF 11-0 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y y y y y GOVERNORS APPOINTED - 3 year term Unexpired to 12/31/03 Plus 3 years 01/01/04 - 12/31/06 Eugene Lannmg HAMPTON ROADS PLANNING 11-0 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y y y y DISTRICT COMMISSION (HRPDC) REAPPOINTED - 2 year term 09/01/03 - 06/3-/05 James L. Wood (Changed expiration date to June 30 since all other HRPDC appointments expire ~n June) MINORITY BUSINESS COUNCIL 11-0 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y y y APPOINTED - 2 year term 06/01/03 - 05/30/05 Prescott Sherrod Alonzo Brandon PARKS and RECREATION COMMISSION RESCHEDULED B Y C O N S E N S U S CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH SUMMARY OF COUNCIL ACTIONS V 0 ~ M B L C M E S L DATE August 12, 2003 D C A R C A W PAGE 7 I J L D N R H N I E E O A D "D E M U L W Z U N N O O E I E S O AGENDA E R E A X R V D V O O ITEM # SUBJECT MOTION VOTE L E $ N F E T A N D PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD 11-0 Y Y Y Y Y Y y y y y y REAPPOINTED - 3 year term 09/01/03 - 08/31/06 Patrick R. Deans Charles E Flowers Sandra J. Tamter M~ssy Jackson (Student for ONE YEAR 09/01/03 - 05/31/04) APPOINTED 09/01/03 - 08/31/06 Ernestme M~ddleton M~chael Cloud Butler REVIEW AND ALLOCATION l 1-0 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y y y y COMMITTEE - COG REAPPOINTED - 3 year term 09/01/03 - 8/31/06 David S Redmond SHORE DRIVE s, DVISORY COMMITTEE 11-0 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y y y y APPOINTED - 3 year terr~ 07/01/03 - 06/30/06 J~m Arnold TIDEWATER REGIONAL GROUP HOME RESCHEDULED B Y C O N $ E N S U S COMMISSION N/O/P ADJOURNMENT 10 07 PM