APRIL 16, 1992 MINUTES M I N U T E S VIRGINIA BEACH CITY COUNCIL Virginia Beach, Virginia April 16, 1992 Mayor Meyera E. Oberndorf called to order the SPECIAL SESSION and PUBLIC HEARING of the VIRGINIA BEACH CITY COUNCIL for the 1992-1993 FISCAL YEAR OPERATING BUDGET in Green Run High School, on Thursday, April 16, 1992, at 7:00 P.M. Council Members Present: John A. Bauin, James W. Brazier, Jr., Robert W. Clyburn, Vice Mayor Robert E. Fentress, Harold Heischober, Louis R. Jones, Paul J. Lanteigne, Reba S. McClanan, Mayor Meyera E. Oberndorf and Nancy K. Parker Council Members Absent: William D. Sessoms, Jr. (Daughter is being Confirmed) 2 Item I-B.I- 1992-1993 FISCAL YEAR ITEM 35525 OPERATING BUDGET The MAYOR read her LETTER stating the purpose of the SPECIAL SESSION: " In accordance with the City Charter, Section 3.06, the City Code, Sect,,ion 2-21, and by the authority vested In me as Mayor of the City, I hereby call a SPECIAL SESSION ot the VIRGINIA BEACH CITY COUNCIL in the Green Run High School Auditorium, on Thursday, April 16, 1 992, at 7:00 P.M. for the purpose ot holding a PUBLIC HEARING of the 1992-1993 FISCAL YEAR OPERATING BUDGET. Respectfully, s/Meyera E. Oberndort Mayor" MEYERA E. OBERNDORF MUNICIPAL CENTER MAYOR VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA 23456-9000 (804) 427-4581 March 10, 1992 HONORABLE MEMBERS OF CITY COUNCIL In accordance with the City Charter, Section 3.06, the City Code, Section 2-21, and by the authority vested in me as Mayor of the City, I hereby call a SPECIAL FORMAL SESSION of the VIRGINIA BEACH CITY COUNCIL in the Green Run High School Auditorium, on Thursday, April 16, 1992, at 7:00 P.M. for the purpose of holding a PUBLIC HEARING of the 1992-1993 FISCAL YEAR OPERATING BUDRET. Respectfully, 4-a Meye,a . Oberdorf Mayor MEO/bh cc: James K. Spore, City Manager Leslie L. Lilley, City Attorney Ruth Hodges Smith, CMC/AAE, City Clerk Pam Lingle, Director of Public Information Virginia Beach City Council Received Notice Councilman John A. Baum Councilman James W. Brazier, Jr. Councilman Robert W. Clyburn Vice Mayor Robert E. Fentress Councilman Harold Heischober Councilman Louis R. Jones Councilman Paul J. Lanteigne Councilwoman Reba S. McClanan Councilwoman Nancy K. Parker Councilman William D. Sessoms, Jr. - 3 - Item I-D.l. ITFM # 35526 1992-1993 FISCAL YEAR OPERATING BUDGET Mayor Meyera E. Oberndorf DECLARED A PUBLIC HEARING: 1992-1993 FISCAL YEAR OPERATING BUDGET The following spoke expressing their concerns relative various issues: Cheryl Tokac, 1904 Eastborne Drive, Phone: 721-2773, President of the Virginia Beach Education Association. Mrs. Tokac urged the funding be restored in the 1992-93 School Board Budget. Greg Benshoff, 3998 Roebling Lane, Phone: 486-1910, represented the Virginia Beach Professional Firefighters. After a Budget study, conducted by the International Association of Firefighters, it was determined funds are available for a 5% increase in the general pay plan. By City policy, a $5- MILLION, plus additional General Fund Reserve amounts, are transferred to the Capital Improvements Program each year and the City also carries a large General Fund Reserve Balance for "rainy days" and "to secure a higher bond rating". This amount was over $48-MILLION for the last fiscal year. Budget cuts in overtime accounts will not allow firefighters to be paid for holidays which they are required to work. The firefighters normally work a 56-hour week. John Zimmerman, 1273 Belvoir Lane, Phone: 523-9409, parent with two daughters in the City's school system. Mr. Zimmerman spoke in SUPPORT of proposed 1992- 93 School Board Budget and 5% pay increase for teachers. John Fremeau, 949 Carriage Hill Road, Phone: 468-2800, spoke in SUPPORT of the Virginia Beach Professional Firefighters. The firefighters normally work a 56-hour week. Budget cuts in overtime accounts will not allow firefighters to be paid for holidays which they are required to work. William Carson, 921 Queen Elizabeth Drive, Phone: 463-7479, teacher and parent of two kindergarten students. Mr. Carson spoke in SUPPORT of proposed 1992-93 School Board Budget. Janis Hurd, 4744 Boxford Road, Phone: 467-2758, citizen, parent and teacher. Mrs. Hurd spoke on the issue of pride in the City's school system and in SUPPORT of proposed 1992-93 School Board Budget. Beth Counce, 570 Kempsville Road, Phone: 474-8430, First Grade Teacher at Kempsville Elementary School and a moonlighting employee at Spinnakers Restaurant in Lynnhaven Mall. Mrs. Counce spoke in SUPPORT of full funding the proposed 1992-93 School Board Budget. Taffy Inman. 1328 Crane Crescent, Phone: 491-2927. PTA President, represented Ocean Lakes Elementary School. Mrs. Inman spoke in SUPPORT of fully funding the proposed 1992-93 School Board Budget. Debbie Dear, 1032 Backwoods Road, Phone: 473-8687, parent of four girls, two of whom are in the school system. Mrs. Dear spoke in SUPPORT of fully funding the proposed 1992-93 School Board Budget. Mary Riley, 3720 Virginia Beach Boulevard, Phone: 431-0114, Co-ordinator of the Resource Mothers' Project at Family Services of Tidewater. Mrs. Riley urged funding of Resource Mothers' for 1992-1993. Jack Carvil, 528 Edwin Drive, Phone: 499-0816, Chairman of the Library Board. Mr. Carvil spoke in SUPPORT of fully funding libraries. - 4 - Item I-D.I. ITEM # 35526 (Continued) 1992-1993 FISCAL YEAR OPERATING BUDGET Jim Myers, 2912 Wood Duck Drive, Phone: 721-2279, resident of Sandbridge. Mr. Myers spoke in SUPPORT of the continuation of the Bookmobile services in suburban neighborhoods located far from existing library facilities. Mr. Myers read into the record a letter from Mrs. Miriam Wilson, Retiree in Sandbridge, in favor of the Bookmobile services. Carol Windmer, 5161 Thatcher Way, Phone: 471-6260, citizen, teacher and parent. Mrs. Windmer spoke in SUPPORT of fully funding the proposed 1992-93 School Board Budget. Leslie Paul, 4124 Clintwood Lane, Phone: 463-0478, "Mother Earth". Mrs. Paul spoke in SUPPORT of fully funding the Clean Community Commission and in OPPOSITION to the deletion of the Co-ordinator. Ellen Ferber, 2697 International Parkway, Phone: 430-2642, represented the Samaritan House. Mrs. Ferber spoke in SUPPORT of fully funding Samaritan House. Judy Schorr, 2697 International Parkway, Phone; 430-2642, relinquished time to Tammy Jobb. Tammy Jobb, 2697 International Parkway, Phone: 430-2642, present resident of Samaritan House, abused mother of 4 children. Mrs. Jobb spoke in SUPPORT of fully funding Samaritan House. Troy Price, 333 Pike Circle, Phone: 426-2993, Eleven-year old in Fifth Grade at Cape Henry Collegiate School. Miss Price spoke in SUPPORT of the continuation of the bookmobile services in suburban neighborhoods located far from existing library facilities. Miss Price submitted a petition containing 195 signatures in SUPPORT of the bookmobile services. Said petition is hereby made a part of the record. Bob Manzione, 2025 Falling Sun Lane, Phone: 426-2280, President of the Municipal Employees Association, composed of 650 members. Mr. Manzione was in SUPPORT of a 5% increase in the general pay plan to both City and School employees. Mr. Manzione was also in OPPOSITION to the budget cuts in overtime accounts (affecting both police and firemen). Michael Pace, 4705 Columbus Street, Suite 100, Phone: 499-1841, Attorney and Member of the Board of Samaritan House. Mr. Pace spoke in SUPPORT of fully funding Samaritan House. The proposed $19,000 cut in City funding will force shelters to be closed. Trenace Riggs, 3417 Monticello Drive, Phone: 420-0179, citizen, parent and teacher. Mrs. Riggs spoke in SUPPORT of fully funding the proposed 1992-93 School Board Budget. Robert Engesser, 5290 Vestry Drive, represented himself. Mr. Engesser advised the Supreme Court ruled in January 1991: "Wages are not income." The Supreme Court also outlawed debtor's prisons. Seminars should be conducted throughout the City during the budget preparation period. Diane Green, 4516 Good Adams Lane, Phone: 360-0467, taxpayer, parent and teacher. Mrs. Green believed education should be the top priority in Virginia Beach. Mrs. Green spoke in SUPPORT of fully funding the proposed 1992-93 School Board Budget. Brenda McCormick, 417 - 16th Street, Phone: 491-2887, represented Mother's, Inc. The City has not provided any funding to Mother's, Inc. Funds should not be sent to Norfolk that are needed in Virginia Beach. 5 Item I-D.I. ITEM 35526 (Continued) 1992-1993 FISCAL YEAR OPERATING BUDGET Jeff Cantrel 1, 417 - 16th Street, Phone: 491-2887, advised 1% of the City budget should go for poverty programs. The Beach Health Center and Tidewater Legal Aid should be funded. The City employees should receive their 5% salary increase. John 0. Parmele, 1316 Yawl Point, Phone: 481-1259, private citizen, grandtather and City Council Candidate. Statement of Mr. Parmele is hereby made a part of the record. Mr. Parmele requested a c,loser examination of the General Fund and the Category "Other Charges". Both City and School Employees deserve a tull 5% pay raise. Mr. Parmele requested the top City officials to give up 2% of their annual salary for the next Fiscal Year. Joyce Whitmore, 832 Westminister Lane, Phone: 486-4230, teacher. Mrs. Whitmore spoke in SUPPORT of fully funding the proposed 1992-93 School Board Budget. Beth Taylor, 5008 Thatcher Way, Phone: 427-8301, President of the Fraternal Order of Police Lodge No. 8. Mrs. Taylor spoke SUPPORT of a 5% Increase in the general pay plan to both City and School employees. Mrs. Taylor was also in OPPOSITION to the budget cuts in overtime accounts. Senator Ken Stol le, Post Off ice Box 9144, Phone: 427-0560, fifteen year member of the Fraternal Order of Police and former City Employee of 11 years. Senator Stol le advised City Employees should be viewed as a whole and awarded for their efforts In an equitable manner. Lou Pace, 1908 Hunts Neck Court, Phone: 468-0925, candidate for City Counci 1. Mr. Pace bel ieved al I City pmployees should be treated equal ly and receive a 5% salary Increase. Mr. Pace referenced Page S-1 of the FY 1992-93 Operating Budget and advised the City received over $13-MILLION in revenue which was not expended in 1991-92. Langdon Long, 2909 Pinewood Drive, Phone: 486-8838, Para Legal and Court Advocate for battered women. Mrs. Long spoke in OPPOSITION to the $19,000 being funded to the City of Norfolk for the shelter. Samaritan House offers safe sanctuary and should be fully funded. Maury Jackson, 1125 Ditchley Road, Phone: 428-1470, Chairman of the Clean Community Commission. Seven City Employees received "Take Pride In America" awards in Richmond today, Apri 1 30, 1992. Mr. Jackson spoke in SUPPORT of fully funding the Clean Comunity Commission. Liama Dean, 353 Garrison Place, Phone: 340-5654, teacher, taxpayer, voter. Mrs. Dean spoke in SUPPORT of ful ly funding the proposed 1992-93 School Board Budget. Ron Wilhelm, Sr., 933 Woodhue Court, Phone: 468-5905. Mr. Wilhelm advised both he and h I s w i f e are C I ty emp I oyees. Mr. W i I he I m spoke i n SUPPORT of a 5% Increase in the general pay plan to both City and School employees. L i sa Guthr i e, 1405 Petre I I Court, Phone: 422-60 88, parent and I I brar i an at Fairfield Elementary School. Mrs. Guthrie spoke in SUPPORT of school media services. Mrs. Guthrie said libraries should be the "heart and soul" of the school. Mrs. Guthrie spoke In SUPPORT of fully funding the proposed 1992-93 School Board Budget. Joy L. Griffin, 3320 Daytona Drive, Phone: 463-7626, Resource Mother. Mrs. Griffin reference her article In THE BEACON. Her job Is to provide supportive help to expectant mothers, so they, in turn, may have healthy babies and educated to be the very best caretakers. Mrs. Griffin urged funding of Resource Mothers' for 1992-1993. Bettye Barnes, 910 Poughkeepsie Court, Phone: 430-2640, abused wife and mother of two 9-year old twins, 12-year old son and 14-year old son. Mrs. Barnes spoke in SUPPORT of fully funding Samaritan House. 6 Item I-D.l. ITEM 35526 (Continued) 1992-1993 FISCAL YEAR OPERATING BUDGET Robert Dean, 1204 Shawn Drive, Phone: 427-6606, candidate for City Council. Since 1989, Mr. Dean has been Chairman of civic organizations for the Virginia Beach Clean Community Commission. In 1991, over 5,000 citizens contributed 60,000 hours of their valuable time, which equates to $1/4-MILLION in cost savings. Mr. Dean spoke in SUPPORT of fully funding the Clean Community @isslon and In OPPOSITION to the deletion of the Clean Community Co- ordinator. Betty Hotchkin, 540 King Arthur Drive, Phone: 424-1618, teacher at Brandon Junior High School. Mrs. Hotchkin advised School Employees were not provided the option of early retirement. Mrs. Hotchkin spoke in SUPPORT of a 5% salary Increase for both City and School employees. Suzanne Frailing, 1633 Notley Drive, Phone: 474-4382, student. Miss Frailing spoke In SUPPORT of the full funding of the Kempsville Playhouse. The School Board budget did not address safety for students by alleviating the violence in schools. There being no turther speakers, Mayor Oberndort CLOSED the PUBLIC HEARING. 7 Item I-E. 1. ADIJOURNMENT ITEM 34952 BY CONSENSUS, City Council ADJOURNED the Meeting at 9:30 P.M. B.,,e,ly eH!@ Chief Deputy City Clerk Mth Hodge-s Smith, CMC/AAE Meyera E. Oberndorf City Clerk Mayor City of Virginia Beach Virginia