HomeSearchMy WebLinkAbout010808 Citizen Survey010808 PropertyMax011208 SPSA012208 Blue Ribbon Revenue012208 Chesapeake Toll Study012208 I-264 Study012208 MBC012208 VBCPS Division Report Ca012208 VBCPS Efficiency020508 Economic Dev Strategy020708 VOLUNTEERS021908 ABA Wrap Up021908 Facilities Management022608 Public Improvement Bonds030408 Historic Houses030408 Striving for Excellence031108 Health Care031108 Town Center031208 APZ1031808 Assessment Review031808 Residential Reassessment032508 Biennial Budget CIP040108 Real Estate Assessor040808 041508 Public Works040808 Public Works Budget041508 Compensation041508 Economic Development041508 Facilities041508 Healthcare Planning041508 Historic Properties041508 Public Works041508 Strategic Growth042208 ComIT042208 Convention Center042208 Libraries042208 Parks and Rec060308 ENERGY PERFORMANCE CONTR060308 GASB45060308 Stumpy Lake060308 TECHNOLOGY UPDATE061008 Employee Health Coverage061708 Burton Station061708 CBPA Phase I062408 5K Loop062408 AdMobile Villanueva070108 ASMNT OF URBAN LANDFILL070108 Cell Towers070808 City Auditor070808 FALSE ALARMS070808 GREEN RIBBON REPORT081208 TECHNOLOGY UPDATE081908 Cell Towers081908 ODU-VB Operations081908 Pembroke Transportation082608 Go Green Challenge090208 Elizabeth River Watershe090208 Housing and Neighborhood090208 VBDHS091608 2008 VBOP100708 HOMELESSNESS100708 Indoor Sports Facility100708 Ocean Regional100708 WORKFORCE HOUSING101408 RASAP101408 Resort Area Strategic Ac102108 CENTRAL BUSINESS DSTRCT102808 Clean Waters102808 CLEAN WATERS TASK FRCE102808 Community Legislative Ag102808 Housing Economic Recover102808 MBC102808 MINORITY BUSNESS COUNCIL111808 Five Year Forecast111808 TECHNOLOGY UPDATE111808 Town Center111808 Town Center Phase IV111808 WILLIAMS FARM112508 Green Ribbon Committee112508- GREEN RIBBON COUNCIL112508 Uranium Mining120208 PRINCESS ANNE COMMONS120208 Sewer Use120208 SGAs120208 Va Musical Theatre120908 AUDIT PRESENTATION120908 CAFR120908 ComIT AuditFY2008-09 BUDGET & CIP