HomeMy WebLinkAboutFEBRUARY 9, 1987 AGENDA ITEM NO. I II/A/1 III/C/l/ 2/3 IV/F/1/b IV/F/1/f CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH SUMMARY OF COUNCIL ALTIONS DATE: February 9, 1987 PAGE: One SUBJECT SPECIAL EXECUTIVE SESSION COUNCIL OONFERENCE SESSION CITY COUNCIL OONCERNS Council Goals and Strategies BRIEFINGS: Teacher Salary Mandate Calculation Classification and Executive Pay Plan Redwing Lake Hydraulic Study A.C./Virginia S. Browh: CUP: shelter for farm employee on North Landing Rd., Salem Rd., at 3320 North Landing Rd., (Princess. Anne Bor. ) Turner and Associates: CUP: Children's World Day Care Center on Lot 14/Section 6/Wesleyan Pines, on the east side of Diamond Springs Rd., south of Virginia Tech Court (Bays/de Boro ) Joseph A. Falk: CUP: automobile repair-sale/installation of tires on South Military Highway/ Providence Rd. (Kempsville Bor.) Porpoise Enterprises: CUP: off- site commercial parking on NW corner of 19th St./Cypress Ave., 18,276 sq. ft. AND, U.S. Fiberglass Products, Inc./ Porpoise Enterprises: CUP: sale of sailing wave riding boards/ equi~ent/accessories at NE :orner of 19th Street/Cypress Ave., Block 37, Virginia Beach Development Corp., 26,136 sq. ft. (Virginia Beach Bor.) A. Stanley Mundy Co.: CUP: recreational facility of an outdoor nature (golf driving range) on Parcels 466 and 466A South Birdneck Rd.,/Beautiful St. (Lynnhaven Bor.) Sot/rios A./Martha Karageorge: COZ: Frcm B-2 to I-1 on Chestnut Ave./Bonney Rd. Block C, Rosemont (Lynnhaven Bor.) MOTION TO Rescheduled Rescheduled See Formal Session Approved/ conditioned Approved/ conditioned Approved Approved/ conditioned Approved/ conditioned Approved/ conditioned Approved PASSED 10-0 10-0 10-0 10-0 10-0 10-0 10-0 Y Y Y CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH SUMMARY OF COtTNCIL ACTIONS AGENDA ITEM NO. IV/F/2/c IV/G/1 IV/G/2/ a/b/c/d/ e/f/g/h/ i/j/k/l/ m DATE: February 9, 1987 PAGE: Two SUBJECT Ordinance appointing viewers in petition of Pacific Associates Corp. for closure of a portion of an alley between 4th/5th St. RECONSIDERATION: Kempsville Lake #1 Partnership/Michael S. 'Malbon: COZ: From R-8 to PD-H2 as a modification to Ocean Lakes Land Use Plan at 895 Old Dam Neck Rd. (Princess Anne Bor.) P~CONSIDERATION: Steven H. Davidson: CUP: single-family 'dwelling in AG-1 on Princess !Anne Rd./Pungo Ferry Rd. (Pungo Ordinance to AMEND and REORDAIN Article 1, Section ill/Article 2, Sections 210, 216/Article 9, Sectins 911, 921, 931/Article 10, Section 1001 of the CZO pertain- ing to Billboards Ordinance granting a franchise to Sandcastle Motel, Inc. to operate an o~n air/boardwalk cafe' Ordinance to authorize acquisi- tion of real property/easements Ifor Water and Sewer CIP Projects: Bayside/Diamond Springs Road - CIP 5-981 Credle P~ad CIP 5-997 Indian Lakes Boulevard CIP 5-978 Kempsville Suction-Phase II CIP 5-939 Newtown Road CIP 5-979 Hawkins Lane CIP 5-306 Sandbridge Road CIP 5-712 Small Line Improvements - Contract 10 CIP 5-304 Southern Points CIP 5-011 Lakeview Park CIP 5-021 Lakeview Park CIP 6-932 E].izabeth River Shores CIP 6-929 Croatan Beach CIP 6-933 MOTION TO Denied Approved Deferred (6 weeks 3/23/87) Adopted/ Amended Adopted Adopted PASSED 10-0 10-0 10-0 7-3 10-0 10-0 Y Y Y Y AGENDA ITEM NO. IV/G/3 IV/G/4 IVlGI5 IV/G/6 IV/G/7 IV/H ADD-ON IV-I ADD-C~ CITY OF VIRf~INIA BEACH SUMMARY OF COUNCIL ACTIONS DATE: F~bruary 9, 1987 PAGE: Three SUBJECT Ordinance to appropriate $2,900 Adopted for the Clean Community Program/ SECOND increase revenue fram the READING ICo~.~onwealth by a like amount Ordinance to appropriate $70,000 Adopted Ifor lease/purchase of a motor SECOND grader for' the Public %~rks De. pt. READING MOTION TO Pe%FFLE PFRMIT K.B.H. Men's Club Adnisions Tax Refund - $53.91 License Refunds - $5,859.73 Mayor announced City Council will not purchase 24th Street pror~rty TRT Hanaicapped facilities for transportation Miss America to be honored by City Council ~rch 16, 1987 ~P Cc~mittee ',~ill schedule workshop for CZO September 28, 1987: City Council Meeting Date Carried forward from Info~aal Briefing: ~sdwing Lake Hydraulic Study ADJOUR~4ENT: 4:15 PM VIRGINIA BEACH CITY COUNCIL ALL SESSIONS MONDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1987 CANCELLED GEORGE B~SHINGTON/ ABRAHAM LINCOLN HOLIDAY PHS Approved Approved Approved Reserved for VML attendance/ meeting will be considered for cancella- tion or rescheduling at a later date PASSED 9-0 10-0 10-0 10-0 10-0 B A L K O Y Y B R A E U S M Y *Parker Abstained H E I R C C C H J L O O A B N N E E A R S N A Y Y Y y IA y y y BY CONSENSUS M O S S Y O B E R N D O R F Y P A R K E R Y