HomeMy WebLinkAboutMARCH 16, 1987 III/G/l/ .e zzz/~/2/ III/G/2/ c CITY OF ~IA BEACH ~ OF OOUNCIL ACTIONS DATE: March 16, 1987 PAGE: One SUBJECT COUNCIL fX/qFER~CE SESSION CITY COUNCIL CONCERNS CITY MANAGER' S BRIEFINGS: Additional State Highway Funded Projects Enviromuental Office Discussion PRESENTATION: MISS AMERICA, Miss K~llye Cash Resolution to National Guard re: Sandbridge Beach Nourishment Galilee ~pisoopal Church: CUP: church addition on Pacific IAvenue/4Oth Street (Virginia Beach mor.) Providence Menonite Church: 03P: church addition at 5363 Old Providence Road (Kempsville Bor. Bethel Pentecostal Holiness Church: O. JP: church addition at 1814 Indian River Road (Princess Anne Bor. ) Henry/Joyce Swanner: CUP: single family dwelling in AG-1 on Robinson Road/charity Neck Road (Pungo Bor. ) Joe Covingon, Jr.: OOZ: frcm R-5 to A-1 on Newtown Road/Muth Lane (Bayside Bor. ) Alert Vinciguerra: OOZ: frcm I-1 to B-2 at 5759 Primness Anne Poad (Bayside Bor. ) Amurcon Oorporation of Virginia: ~OZ: fr~n R-8 to A-1 on Chimney Hill Parkway/Holland Road (Kempsville Bor. ) Ordinance for discontinuance/ closure/abandonment of portions of Five Forks Road in petition I of Bayville Farms Associates (Bayside Bor. ) lAND, Bayville Faxms Associates: OOZ: frcm R-6 to B-2 on Shore Drive/ Baylake Drive (Bayside Bor. ) Ordinance to AMEND Sections 216 and 1014 of CZO: Billboards/Sign I Regulations { IF {I IE {S B IT {H I I I {R {C ~l {C E IJ I I 1ol IR IP Approved/ conditioned Approved/ conditioned Approved/ conditioned Approved Approved/ conditioned Approved conditioned Approved/ conditioned for compliance by 9/21/87 Adopted IA B IR lo IN lO IA IM ID IR IK lU S IE IE IE IA SIR IE 'PASSED 10 IM S {R IY S }N S IF {R 11-0 11-0 11-0 11-0 10-1 11-0 9-2 10-1 IY IY 1¥ I¥ IY I¥ Y IY IY II II Il IY IY IYIYIY Illll Illll Illll Y IY IY IY IY { I Y {Y I I Y I I Y IY IY I I I I Y IY IY IY IY I I I I I I I I IY JY IY IY IY IY IY IY IY IY I I I I I I I I Y IY IY I I I I I I IY IY IY IY I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Y my IY IY IY IIII illl IIII I I I I I 1 I I I I I I Y IN IY IY I I i i I I Y IY IY IY IY IY IY IN IY IY IY II IIII II IIII II IIII II mill IY IYY IY IY IY IY I I I I I I I I I I I I I I IN IYIY IY IY Il II II Il Y IY my I I I I I I I Y IY IY IY IY IIII IIII IIII ZZZ/H/1 III/J/P- CITY OF VIRSINIA BEA~ ~ OF OCt~qCIL ACTIONS DATE: March 16, 1987 PAGE: Two P~solution approving plan of financing of Westminster- Canterbury of Hampton Roads, Inc. $25,000,000/concurring with the induc~nent resolution adopted by the Industrial Develol~nent Authority of the City Resolution declaring end to ~nergency (January 12, 1987) at Sandbridge Ordinance to amend the Cbde by ADDING a new Section 2-90 I pertaining to Service Awards INew positions/authorization to seek a Cbnstruction Management Engineer fc~ the Department of Public Works Ordinance to transfer $630,000 to Birdneck Elementary School to cover unanticipated construction costs Ordinance to transfer $2,610'000 to (lm~outer Traffic Signal System Expansion to allc~ acceleration of work Ordinance authorizing Deed of Lease on 30.681 + acre parcel of undeveloped land on the west side of South Birdneck Road/north of Bells Boad/opoposite of Owls Creek Lane intersecticn to be utilized as an executive-type Igolf course IResolution recognizing Gc~e~r/ INatior~_] Guard for services Iduring New Year's Day Storm 1987 I Ordinance to authorize l acquuisition of property in fee I simple for r-ow for Lynnhaven I Parkway-Phase V/t~nporary and Ipermanent easements of r-o-w, either by agreement or conde~-.,-~tion Ordinance to authorize acquisi- tion of property in fee simple for r-ow for Lynnhaven Parkway Phase VII/Lynnhaven Parkway Bridge over Salem Canal Project/ I temporary and permanent eas~nents ieither by agre~nent or condemnation MOTION TO Adopted ~dopted Ordinance Withdrawn No action taken Approved (8) ~w positions/ authorized Construction Manag~nent Engineer A~opted ~dopted Adopted ~dopted I IN lc H I lC IR E IJ IL IN PASSED IO IM IS IR IY IS IN IS IF 10-1 P A R K E R 10-1 Y IY IY IY 9-2 10-0 11-0 10-0 IY 10-0 IY Y IY IY IY IA IY IY Y IY Y IY IY Y IA IY IY IY IY 10-0 IY IY IY Y IY IA IY IY IY IY DATE: March 16, 1987 P~E: Three II"I/J/3 I Ordinance to transfer $50,000 l to a grant for Sugar Plan I Bakery, Inc. III/J/4 IOrdinance to appropriate $19,000 I frc~a Pendleton' s unreserved fur~ I balance for additional oonstruc- Iticn oosts/purchase of a phone I syst~n in conjunction with the Ornstein House MOTION TO Adopted S~COND READING Adopted B IL IA 9-0 10-0 x~x/a/5 Ordinance to appropriate $117,000 Adopted frcm the State to enhance SECCND trainir~j for fire fighters READING Ordinance to authorize encroach- Adopted ment into portion of r-o-w of Club Head ~Dad to R. G. Moore Building Corporation ~ BID Warbler Construction Co., Inc. $53,902.45: replacement of 2-inch (substandard) water mains in 48th S%reet/West Holly R~ad/ 55th Street Extended with larger zxx/JI81 I~oo1~ Ps~m~ a/b/c Kiwanis Club of Pungo Raffle Multiple Sclerosis Society Raffle St. Matthews Hcme and School Guild Bingo/Raffle III/K Tax refunds - $30' 123.88 Proposal: Recreation Reservation at Waitehurst Grove Reconsideration: CUP: approved Iby City Council 7/14/86 Ike & Don, Inc. (Mini-warehouses) 8/11/86 Acquisition, Inc. (Mini-warehouses) Boulevard (Bayside Bor.) AD3OURNM~qT: 6:35 PM REVISED CITY OJ3NCIL SESSION SCHEDULE MARCH 1987 March 23rd - 2:00 PM March 30th- 7:00 PM Approved Approved Rescheduled Approved Approved advertising for 4/6/67 10-0 10-0 10-0 10-0 11-0 10-1 I I~1 IF Elsl N lc IH T IH IE ~ Io I~ E lB [L S IE IE I Iol IM Is l R lC IE I lC IR IP J IL IN IA 0 IA IM ID IR N I~qIo Io IK ~. IAIs IR I~. S I~ Is IF IR IY I¥ IY I*' IY IA IY IY IY IY I *Heischober Abstained I Y IY Y IY IY a IY IY IY IY Y IY Y IY IY IA IY IY IY 1¥ t111111 IIII111 IIIIIII Y IY IY IY IY IA IY I~ IY I~ I I I I I I I I-I III111111 IIIIIIIII IY IY IY IY IY IA IY IY IY IY IY IY I I I I I I I i IY IY I I I I IY IY IY Y IY IA IY IY IY IY I I I I I II11 IIII IIII IIII YIYl¥1YlY IIII III1 ¥ IY IY IY IN IY IY I'