HomeMy WebLinkAboutMAY 18, 1987CITY OF VIRGINIA B~ACH AGflgDA ITfM NO. I/A ii Ic/l l 2 1/2 1/a l/f DATE: May 18, 1987 PAGE: One ~ OF OS(lqClL A~T, ICtqS SUBJECT CITY COUNCIL CC~CERNS CITY MANAGER' S BRIEFINGS: msma smm~ mm me. AY Pure/ SOUTIqEASTERN EXPRES~Y CONCEPT AND OPERATION OF 27{E HOV LANES CONTROL cflqTER BUILDING AND PARKING ~ AT INDIAN RIVER ROAD PRGC~TIONS: Virginia Beach Tourisn Week - May 17-23' 1987 Hurricane ~wareness Week - June 1-7, 1987 MO~ION TO Salem Baptist Church, Mission of IKempsville Baptist Church: Ichurch and religious education Ibuilding on Salon Road/Ware Neck [Dr. (K~npsville Bot. ) I Pd~2flqSIDERATION: Ordinance for Ithe discontinuance/closure/ l abar~ormaent of a p~rtion of ITncmpkins lane in the petition Iof Sigr~t fhterprises, Ltd. I (I<~npsville Bor.) (Approved, I subject to Ccmpliam2e of I cor~itions on May 4, 1987) IOrdinance for the discontinuance/ Authorized I closure/abando~aent of a portion I Final Iof ~/nt~lan Dr. (formerly Denver [Approval lAve. ) in the petition of Hudgins land Associates, a Virginia I Corp. (Lyr~haven Bor. ) Ocean Ranch M~tel Corpc~ation: (liP: co~t~_rcial parking lot (temporary) on 3107 Atlantic Ave. (Virginia Beach ROr. ) Approved/ conditioned conditioned I subject to Ccmpliance by 11123/87 I Approved/ I cond it ioned I I Approved T. E. Foster: VAR: to Sec. 4.4 (b) of the Subdivision Ordinance I at 3916 Richardson ( Bayside Bor.) Old Donation Farm Partnership on I Deferred the southeastern terminus of Ito 6/1/87 P~abroke Boulevard (Bayside Bot. ) to Sec. 4.1(b) (1) of the Subdivision Ordinance to Sec. 4.4(b) of the Subdivision Ordinance to Sec. 5.2 of the Subdivision Ordinance open space prcmotion non-ocnanercial marina (dock) I I IL _PASSED lo 9-O 8-1 9-0 8-0 I MIs A IA IY I I I I I I I I IY IA IA Y IA IA I I IY IA IA I I I I I I I I I IA IA IA C IH I lC HIE IJ IL E IE E IA IS RIY S N S Y IY Y [Y [Y Y IY I I I I Y IY IY YIY Y IY Iol El RIP i RIE F R Y ¥1YIYIYIY IIII Y IY IY IY IY IY IY IIII I IIII IIII III1 I Y IY IY I¥ I¥ Y IY CITY OF VI~INIA BEACH ~ OF ~IL ACTI~ DATE: May 18, 1987 PAGE: ~vo AGENDA ITeM NO. I SUBJECT "III/G/ IO~dinance to AMEND Article 2, MOTION TO 1/g I Section 233 (c) of the CZO Ipertaining to recreational I campgrounds III/H/1 I Ordinance authorizing the trans- Adopted ifer of $1,300,000 frc~a Princess IAnne High School Renovation Pro- I ject to Salem High School Project III/~2 IOrdinance to appropriate $25,200 IApproved Ito operate a "Pilot" D~y Camp for FIRST I Children of Municipal ~uployees I READING 1II/I/1 ~ Resolution endorsing/supporting ~Adopted It he continuation of the Virginia lB each Clean O~muunity Tenth Year I Program AND, requesting the I Virginia Department of Oonserva- Ition and Historical B~sources, I Division of Litter ODntrol, lapprove a grant of $20,105 If or said progrem III/I/2 I ~dinance authorizing/directing IAdopted Ithe City Manager to execute Iwater/sew~r oost participation l agreements with Old Cskhill Farm Associates for Old Donation ! Parkway Extended III/I/3 Ordinance authorizing/directing Adopted the City Manager to execute a sewer cost participation agree- ment with Oceana Investment I Group for Beacons P~ach Deferred to 611187 III/I/4 Ordinar~e authorizing/directing Adopted the City Manager to extend se%~r service along Old Providence Road III/I/5 Ordinar~e authorizing/directing I Adopted the city Manager to apply for Community Develol~nt Block Grant Funds for the Thirteenth Prograu Year in the amount of $2,365,931 III/I/6 Ordinance to adopt a Displace~nent Adopted Policy Statement for the C~£;~-~unity Develol~ent Block Grant Program to remain in coupliance Iwith policies of the U.S. Depart- Iment of Housing/Urban Develot~uent 111/1/7 I Ordinance to transfer $43,000 IAdopted Iwithin the operating budget of I the Department of the U.S. I Deparbment of Deta Processing to Ipurchase archival quality Imicrofilm camera III/8 ITax refunds - $ 900.39 IApproved III/9 I License refunds - 1,220.11 IApproved PASS51D IO 7-1 6-0 8-0 8-0 8-0 8-0 8-0 8-0 IF II I IE ~S IR B IR IO IN lO a IE lB IL IN I 10 M lB c IE c I~ p AIM ID R N I0 10 IK IY IA IA IY IY IY'IY [Y IY IY I IIIIII IIIIII IIIIII Illlll IA IA IA IY IY IY IIII IIII IIII IIII IAIAIAIY III III III I I I I I I I I YIY Y I I I I Y IY IY I I I I I I A IA IA I¥ *McClanan Abstained *Parker Abstained A IA A IY IA IA IA ¥ Y I I I I I I I I I I IA IA A IY IY I I I I I I I I I IA IA A Y IY I I I I I I I I I I AIA A IA Ia IA Y IY A IA I~ IY IY IA IA IA IY IY Y IY I* IY IY Y YIY Y IY I I I I I YIY Y Y ¥ IY Y IY Y IY Y Y YI5 Y IY Y I~ I I I I I Y IY Y IY I I I I I Y IY Y IY I I I I I Y IY Y Y YIY Y Y Y IY IY IY Y IY IY IY CITY CF VIRSINIA BEA~ S%I~qARY OF ~IL ACTIONS DATE: PAGE: AG~DA III'/J/i I APPOIxXlIMI~NT ADD-ON III/M May 18, 1987 2hree SUBJECT Fact Finding fkxnnittee - Ocean Lakes JUDICIAL C ~NTER Interim Financial Statements - IJuly 1, 1986 -March 31, 1987 IAnnouncenent of the Association I For 2he Preservation Of Virginia I Scheduled 6/8/87 [Antiquities: Southeastern Chapter 15/24/87 -3:00 PM - PASSED IF II IE Is IN lC B IT IH IA lB IR Io N L IA IE lB IL O IM IS IR IY Io lC IR IJ IL IN N IN O IO EIA SIR SIN Lynnhaven House AEklOURNMEk~ 7:58 PM BY CONSENSUS P A R K E S., IF IR