HomeMy WebLinkAboutJUNE 15, 1987 AGENDA IT~4 NO. i/~ zi/iii/ iv/~./1/ 2 zii/G/ 1/a III/G/ 1/b imi/G/ III/G/ 1/d IiS/G/ ~ii/G/ IIT/G/ i/9 III/G/ i/h CITY OF VIRGINIA BEA~ ~ OF COUS~IL ~TIONS DATE: June 15, 1987 PAGE: One SUBJECT CITY COUNCIL CONCERNS PRESENTATIONS: MISS VIRGINIA BEACH Jennifer K. Johnson C~3.EBRITY GUESTS: Rita Morer~ John Wesley Shipp Michael Greer MOTION TO Catholic Diocese of Richmond, IApproved/ IC/O Marion Manor, Inc.: (~3P: Iconditioned Ihousing for elderly (hc~e for ladults) 5345 Virginia Beach I I Blvd. (Bayside Bor. ) I I i IJennifer J. Justice: C~3P: IApproved Ibicycle rental at Atlantic Ave./ one year I/5th St. (Virginia Beach Bor.) I ISouthland Corporation: CUP: lautcmcbile service station in Iconjunction with a convenience store at 496 South Independence Blvd. (Kempeville Bor. ) to 7/6/87 VAR: to Subdivision Ordinance for Norman/Shirley Andal on Princess Anne Noad/Pocahontas Club Nd. (Pungo B~. ) VAR: to Subdivision Ordinance for W. F. ~dgins III, at Whitehurst Lar~ing Nd./North Sunland Dr. (Kempsville Bor.) IRaymond/Weezie Davis: COZ: frcm R-8 to O-1 at 4794 Baxter Nd. (Kempsville Bor. ) Willi~ Everett Tolso~F. T. Stant: COZ: frown R-6 to B-1 on Princess Anne Nd./S of Green Meadows Dr. (Kempsville Bor. ) City of Virginia Beach to AMEND Master Street and Highway Plan re: General Corridor Concept Plan Map element/other elements: Euclid Nd. frcm Cleveland St. to Independence Blvd. Dorsett Ave. frcm Cleveland St. to Virginia Beach Blvd. Indian River Nd. frem Ferrell Parkway to Indian Lakes Blvd. I Hilltop Loop: Village Dr. frcm Laskin Nd. to Donna Blvd. Doma Blvd. frcm First Colonial Nd. to Laskin Nd. I Approved/ conditioned Approved/ conditioned Denied Adverti se/ schedule for 8-10-8 7 PASSED 9-O 9-O 8-1 5-4 6-3 9-O I I lEI I IEIsl IN lc IH lB IT la IE IA lB IR Io IN I~, I~ IE lB IL K lU IS I~, ~. OI~Is ~ Y IY Y IY Y IY I I I I I IY IY Y Y I¥ I I I I I I I I I I I I I IM IR lc lc JIL O IA NIN ~, IA SIN Y IY I I I Y IA IY IY IY I I I I IY IY I I I Y YIA Y IN I I I I Y IY IY I I I I I I I I I I I I I A IN IN I I I 1 A IY I I I ¥ IN IY IA IY I I I I IY IY IY IY I Io lB IE IR P IN A MID R olo K sl~ ~. S IF IR Y YIA A A YIAI' I I I I NIA ~ Y IA Y IY Y IA % CITY CF VIRGINIA BE~H SOI~I%RY OF COUNCIL ~CTIONS DATE: June 15, 1987 PAGE: R~o AGENDA IT~4 NO. SUBJECT Hilltop Loop (currently Bonney Palace) fron Laskin Nd. to First Oolonial Nd. 19th St. fr~n Birdneck Rt. to Baltic Ave. Buckner Blvd. frcm Independence 7-13-87 Blvd. to NDs~nont Nd. Estates Dr. fran Dam Neck Nd. Extended to London Bridge Nd. Culver Lane fran General Booth Blvd. to Estates Dr. Princess Anne Rd./Seaboard N~. north of Pungo Princess Anne Nd/S of Pungo Ferry Nd. Sections III, IV and V of the Principles/Policies El~nent of the Master Street/Highway Plan be AM~N]DED Relationship to Capital Improv~nent Progr~n Effect of Inclusion in the Master Street and Highway Plan Major Right-of-Way Improv~nent Policy and Sec. VI be ADDED relative access III/H/1 Nmsolution to Virginia Department ~opted a/b/c/d of Transportation for inclusion in the State's Six-Year Improve- ment Progr~n budget the follc~- lng projects: Military Highway - Norfolk City Limits to Chesapeake City Limits ( six-lane [ultimate eight-lane] divided highway - 1.63 mi). Landstown Road - Holland Road to Princess Anne Road (four-lane [future six-lane] divided Ihighway - 1.14 mi). I South Plaza Trail - Princess I Anne Road to Ir~ependence Blvd. I (four-lane divided highway with I separate bike trails - 4200 ft). I Salon Road - Ferrell Parkway to I Lynnhaven Parkway ( six-lane Idivided highway with bike trail - 12500 ft). III/H/2 I Nmsolution of the. Oouncil in klopted/ Iconjunction with all cities of amended Hampton Roads, re: Phase II of the study by the Governor's Cc~mission on Transportation for the Twenty-First Century (COT-21) III/~3 Ordh~ance to AM~WD and R~ORDAIN IApproved Chapter 18 of the Code by ADDING IFIRST la new Sec. 18.89.5 pertaining to IREADING I Business License Tax for Mail I Order Sales. M(7£ION TO PASSED 9-0 9-0 B IT HIE A lB IR O IN IL IA IE B IL K IU IS E IE O IM IS R IY Y YIY YIY J IL IN IA O IA M ID IR N IN O IO IK E IA S IR IE A ]Y IY ¥ IA A IY Y IY IA A IY CITY OF VIRGINIA BEAC~ ~ OF COUNCIL ACTIONS DATE: June 15, 1987 PAGE: Three AGENDA IT~4 NO. I SUBJECT I MOTION TO III/I/1 I Ordinance authorizing a deed of IAdopted I vacation and quitclaim vacating I la portion of a drainage/utility I l eas~nent across property of I I Terry/Peterson Develo~nent Corp./ ITerry/Peterson Associates III/ I I Terry/Peterson Associates, IV I III/I/2 I Ordinance to authorize a cost I~dopted Iparticipation agreement with I IWebster ~qnith Associates I III/I/3 IOrdinance to authorize a cost IAdopted Iparticipation agre~nent with I I G oldie Associates I III/I/4 I Ordinance to transfer $27,000 I~dopted 111/I/5 III/I/6 Iwithin FY 86-87 Operating Budget I I of the Department of E~ta } I Processing for replac~nent of I I Ck~nputer Equi~ent I Ordinance to transfer $45,000 to I~dopted Bayside-Diamond Springs Water/to I award the construction contract I to Carter-Bell Corporation I Ordinance to transfer $58, 000 for ~dopted ~replacing a Pumper Tanker Truck I for the Fire Department III/I/7 I Ordinance appointing viewers in Ithe petition of Baker Newtown I Asscciates for the closure of a Iportion of Hampshire Way, I(Bayside Bor. ) III/I/8 IL OW BID: Hunt Contracting Cc~p. 15298, 157.50 for relocation of Sanitary Sewer Pun~ Station 64A London B~idge Construction Contract (CIP 6-954) III/I/9 III/J fMS VEHICLE PE~4IT Central Virginia Ambulance Service, Children's Hospital of the Kings Daughters, ALS I City of Chesapeake Fire/fMS, ALS [Medical Transport, Znc., ALS INightingale Air ~mbulance, ALS Nc~folk General Cardiac Diagnos- tic Unit, Advance Life Supp~t, ALS Norfolk Paramedical Rescue Service, ALS Tidewater Ambulance Service, ALS License refunds - $3,617.89 APPOIN~4ENTS: ~dopted Approved {Approved I N~ scheduled IF II B IT IH PASSED IO IM IS IR IY IS 5-4 M c IF. C IR L IN a IM ID N Io IO A IS IR N Is IF RI~. IY IY IY IY IN IA IN IN IN IA I~. 9-0 7-2 9-0 9-0 9-0 9-0 9-0 ]Y Y IY IY IY YIY Y IY Y IY Y ]Y Y Y IY Y IY [Y Y IY IY Y IY Y IY I BY CONSENSUS Y IA [Y ]Y Y [A [Y IY Y ]A [Y [Y Y IA IN [Y Y Ia Y IY Y YIA Y Y A Y IY YIY A Y Y A 15 Y Y IA ]Y Y IA IY Y IA Y CITY CF VIRGINIA BEAm SUMMARY OF C(~E~CIL ACTIC~S DATE: June 15, 1987 PAGE: Four AGENDA ITMM NO. I SUBJECT MOTION TO I PASSED III/K {Truck fbver Ordinance/Street {Staff to ADD-ON { Repairs--Slurry Seal/Bock pave- {review/make ADD-ON I I ment resur facing I r ecc~mer~ations Princess Anne Noad/K~mpsville I Schedule for Noad Intersection Public Hearing 17/2/87 @7 PM fbunc il Chambers ADJOURNMENT: 6:33 PM JULY 6, 1987 CIP WORKSHOP 10:30 AM I I I I I IA IL 0 B A U M I IH IN lc I I I I I IM IR lc ~1 lC E IJ IL R Io IN Io IA IM E lB IL IN I~ Io SlE EIEIA S S IR Y S N S I I I Iol I IBI I lEI I IR IPI IN laI D IR I~ R IE Ii