HomeMy WebLinkAboutJULY 13, 1987CITY OF Vi~INI~ BE~H SUMMARY OF COUNCIL ACTIONS DATE: July 13, 1987 PAGe: One AGENDA ITMM NO. I/A II/III/ c/1 IV/F/~/ a IV/F/l/ b SUBJECT CIP WORKSHOP Southea stem Expre ssv~y BRIEFING: Capital Improv~nent Progran D~rden Properties, Inc.: COZ: Frcm A-2 to B-2 S of Virginia Beach Blvd./ E of Groveland B~. (Lynnhaven Bor. ) Susan H./J~r~s O. Davis: Isingle fanily drilling in ~-1, I Knotts Island (Pungo Bc~.) M~f ION TO I Approved/ I cor~it ion~d IV/F/l/ I Kempsville Church of Christ: OJP: Approved/ c Ichurch addition at 5424 Parlia- Iment Drive (K~npsville Bor. ) IV/F/l/ I Cape Henry Hardware, Inc.: OJP: d Ismall engine repair (lawn l equit~nent 1440 North Great Neck INd. (Lynnhaven Bor. ) IV/F/l/ ICharles J. Cralle: O3P: auto e IV/F/1 f IV/F/l/ g Irepair facility (fast lubrica- tion center) on Baker Nd./Newtown Nd. ( Bayside Bor. U. S. Auto Sho~ase, Inc.: motor vehicle sales 3909 Va. Beach Blvd. (K~npsville Bor.) conditioned I Approved/ conditioned I Approved/ oonditioned Firestone Tire/Rnbber Cb.: ~3P: Itruc~motor velzicle rentals on IHolland Nd./Bosemont N~. (K~npsville Bor. ) Approved/ conditioned Approved/ conditioned IV/F/l/ IAmoco Oil Cb.: OOP: car w~sh on IApproved/ h I General Booth Blvd./Old Dan Neck I conditioned INd. (Princess Anne Bor.) I IV/F/l/ ICity of Virginia Beach: OOZ: to IApproved i lestablish a Historic/Cultural I IDistrict at Pembroke Blvd. I I ( Bayside Bor. ) I IV/F/2/ ISt. Nicholas Catholic Church: IApproved/ a ICUP: church addition at 644 Iconditioned I North Lynnhaven Nd. I I (Lynr~%aven Bor. ) I I Bobert S./June M. Lindsley: OJP: IApproved/ conditioned Peferred back to Planning Cgmmission for review as to O-1 IV/F/2 b IV/F/2/ Iday care center 1640 Michigan lAve. (Lynr~ven Bor. ) M~trovest, Inc.: ~C~: frcln A-1 to B-1 at N~se~ont/Alabama Nds. Pecan Gardens (Lynnhaven Bor. ) PASSED I I I I 11-o IY 11-0 11-0 11-0 11-0 11-0 11-0 11-0 11-0 11-0 10-0 11-0 I I IFII I IEISl IN lC IH lB IR O IN IL IA IE B IL U IS E IE MIS I I I I I Y IY I I I I Y IY IY I I Y Y YIY I I Y IY IY IY IY I I IY IY IY Y I I I I JIL O IA NIN E IA S Y IY Y YIY Y Y [Y IY I I I Iol I IBi I El RIPI N IA I~ O OIKI! S R IE It N IS F IR 15 I I I I Y IY Y IY I~. I I I Y IY Y I] I I I Y IY Y ~. I I Y IY IY ~ I I I Y IY I I I IY I I IY I I I I IY I I I IY IY I I I Y IY I I I I I I Y IY IY I I Y IY I YIY I I I I Y I* IY IY IY Y IY IY IY IY I I Y Y IY Y IY I I I I YIY I I Y IY IY I I I Y YIY I I I Y IY IY IY I' I I I YIY Yl' I I I I I I YIY Yl' I I I I YIY Y Abstained I I Y IY IY I I I Y IY Y IY I I I I I FI ~ OF COU~IL ACTIONS DATE: July 13, 1987 PAGE: Two AGENDA IV/F/2/ ]Booth Hill Associates: O3P: bulk IDenied d I storage yard on General Booth I Blvd./Dam Neck Nd. (Princess IV/F/2/ Dove Oonstruction Cbrp.: OOZ: on IApproved e D~n Neck Nd . /General Booth Blvd. IR-5 on portion (Princess Anne Bot.) Frcm AG-1 to R-5, 129.79 acs. Frcra AG-2 to R-5, 66.8 acs. ~VlFI~I f AI)D-ON City of Virginia Beach AMEND Master St./Highway Plan regarding General Booth Corridor Goncept Plan Map Element/other el~nents: ~dd Buckner Blvd. fron Indepen- dence Blvd. to NDs~nont Nd./ fr~n Nps~nont Nd./to Holland Nd. as 4 Lane Undivided labove 5 ft. I~ntour/ Ideferred Ibalance of Iproperty to 18/10/87 I Approved Add Estates Dr. fr~n Dan Neck Nd. Extended to London Bridge Nd. as a 4 Lane Undivided A~d Culver Lane from General Booth Blvd. to Estates Dr. as 4 Lar~ Undivided Realign Princess Anne Nd. in area of Seaboard Nd. north of p~ngo Realign Princess Anne Nd. in area south of Pungo Ferry Nd. Sections III, IV and V of Principals and Policies El~nent of Master St./Highly Plan I Pesolution to confirm City IAdopted Oouncil's action in reclassifying certain properties south of the I ~Gr~en, L~ne/CLty A~t0rney to pr0ce~d u~n ae~e~e I Resolution directing the Planning ~opted O~r~aission to consider ame~,ents to Sections 111/233 of the CZO, pertaining to recreational canp~rounds Resolution authorizing oontract for Ind~nnity Type Health Insurance Plan for Municipal ~nployees Adopted I IH IF II ]E IS B IT IH la B iR IO H [ ~C IR E IJ IL IN N [O IA [M ID P A ] Eli IL A IE lB IL IN IN ~O [O IK IU IS IE IE IE IA IS IR PASSED I0 IM IS iR IY IS IN IS IF IR I~. [Y IY IY IY IY IY [Y IY IY IY I] 11-0 10-1 11-0 11-0 I[ll IY IY Y IY IY Y IY IY IY Y IY Y Y IY Y Y ]Y Y IY IY Y Y IY Y IY Y IY Y IY Y IY 11-0 AGENDA ZT~. ~V/~/3 iv/s/5 IV/G/6 ADD-ON ADD-ON Iv/W1 CITY C~ VIRGINIA BEAC~ SUb~igRY OF COUNCIL ACTIONS DATE: July 13, 1987 PAGE: ~hree SUBJECT [ M~ION TO I Resolution, re: Princess Anne [ Rt./K~npsville Nd. Intersection, lauthorizing the City Manager I TRAIqSFER of CIP Project 2-834 [frcxa a funded status in the FY- 186-87/90-91 CIP to an unfunded I status in the post FY 90-91 CIP Icategory, I TRANSFER of the obligation lappropriated balance of CIP I Project 2-834 to a newly advanced [acquisition a~d earmarked for IllOian River ~ CIP 2-065 Ordinance to ~ the Ccrte by ADDING Sect. 6-31 pertaining to ~ark Fishing Ordinance to AMEND Sec. 36-57 of the (1Dde pertaining to Charter Bus Parking/Stopping Ordinance transferring $50, 000 for Title Examinations to deter- mine what Real Estate Interests [may be necessary to have Sand- Ibridge Beach declared as a Idisposal site for deepening/ Idredging Ncrfolk Harbor and IChannels, as ~11 as Baltimore I Harbor Project I I Authorization to enter into an lagreement with Sverdrup Gorp. to Iprovide oonstruction manag~nent lengineer services for 161 Public IWorks CIP Projects ($2, 973, [37.) I~solution authc~izing an agree- Iment with Virginia Dept. of I Transportation to undertake all Inecessary title and legal ~Drk land appraisal of rights-of-way for Ithe improvenent of 3.070 Mis. of Va. Beach Blvd. within Va. Beach frcm 0.017 Mi. E North Bosonont Nd. StatiOn 261+01.73 to 0.270 Mi. E North Great Nd., Station- 423+00.00 and designated as Route 58, Project 0058-134-101, PE-101, N~-203, C-503, B-602 Besolution of Appreciation to Willi~n Cashman - Planner IAdopted as Amerded Adopted 3dopted l~topted [ Approved ~dopted I I [Adopted Ordinance to AMEND Sec. 2-108 of [Adopted the Code pertaining to proba- I tionary period of ~raployment I I I Is IA IL IK PASSED lO 8-2 11-0 10-0 10-0 10-1 11-0 11-0 11-0 I I IF IT BIR A IE UlS M IS HI I I ~.1 I I II I IM s [ IR lc c IH I lc HIE IJ IL o IN lo IA I I I Iol I IBI lEI I IR IP I IN IA I~ B IL IN IN Io Io IK Il E IE IE IA S IR IE l! R [Y IS IN S IF IR I: IY IN IY IY IY IY I* Y IY Irq I~. [Y YIY Y I I Y[Y Y Y YIY Y IY Y IY I I I I I YIY YIY A I 1 I Y IY IY IY IA Y IY IY Y IY I I I I I IY Y IY Y Y [Y IY Y IY I I I I I I IY IY Y IY I I I I I I I I I I I I Y N Y YIY I I I I IY Y IY Y IY Y IY IY Y I I YIY Y Y I I I CITY C~ VIRGINIA BEAC~ ~ OF COJNCIL ~TIONS DATE: July 13, 1987 PAGE: Four AGe,IDA ~ ~o. I Su~CT I ~o~ ~ IV/H/2 IC~dinance to ~ ~c. 2-213(b) ~of~ ~e ~~i~ to investi- ~ g atio~ ~ t~ent/~j ~ent of ~a~ ~a~st ~ City iv/a/3 Ordinance to AMEND Sec. 33-111 of the Cbde pertaining to street closures I I I I ~dopted Ordinance to a~cept/appropriate Adopted 15992,000 to allc~ engineering SBCOND Idesign of nine (9) neighborhood READING Iwater projects IV/~5 I Ordinance to accept/appropriate IAdopted I $180, 000 to Larkspur Sewer, for I S~]OND lengineer lng design I READING IV/~6 I O~dinance to transfer $25,000 to IAdopted I St~Inpy lake Fire Station I IV/~7 I Ordinance to transfer $23,000 I Adopted Iwithin Public Works to purchase I It~o pirie-up trucks I IV/H/8 I Ordinance granting franchise to I Adopted I Kona Koast Oarp. to operate an I I o~n air/~dw~k ~e' I IV/H/9 I Ordiinance appointing viewers in I Adopted Ipetition of Pace (bnstruction I I Corp. for closure of a portion of I Back Acres Noad (Lynnhaven Bor. ) I IV/~10 I Tax refunds - $8,055.76 IApproved IV/I/J/ I Cancel/Reschedule Meeting of Cancelled 1 I Sept. 7, 1987 "lABOR DAY"/Sept. City Oauncil 128, 1987 '~IRGINIA MUNICIPAL Sessions of lumcuE" 9/7 ~ 9/28/87 IV/J/2 I Interim Financial Stat~nent: A~cepted for IJuly 1, 1986 -May 31, 1987 the record ADD-ON IGeneral Assembly Legislation Iprovides new COnflict of Interest Ilaw August 1, 1987. City' s I I Ordinance null and void as result. I City Oouncil will determine Staff Ipositions to be added to dis- I closures required, August 10, 1987 ADJOU~: 7:15 PM CITY' COUNCIL VACATION RMCESS July 20, 1987 July 2 7, 1987 B IA IL I IH IIE IF II IE IS IN lc IT IS S IR Io I I I I I IM IR lc ~1 lc E IJ IL I 1 Ioi IBI lEI IR IP IN IA N Io IA IM ID IR I~ A IE lB IL IN IN IO Io U IS IE IE IE IA IS IR IE I PASSED IO ~M IS IR IY IS IN IS IF IR I' 9-2 IY IY IY IY IY IY IY IN IN IY I~ 11-0 11-0 11-0 11-0 11-0 11-0 11-0 11-0 10-1 I I I I I I I I YIY Y YIY I I I Y Y iY Y IY IY YIY Y I I I IY Y IY IY YIY Y Y I I I Y IY Y IY I I I Y IY Y IY I I I I [Y IY [Y Y [Y BY CONSP_/qSUS BY CONSENSUS I I I Y IY IY I I I Y Y IY I I I I I I I 1 I I I I YIY YIY Y I I I Y IY IY Y IY I I I I I I I I Y IY Y IY I I I YIY Y Y Y YIY Y I I I YIY Y I I I YIY Y I I I 1 Y IY IY IY IY I I I Y IY IN Y IY