HomeMy WebLinkAboutAUGUST 3, 1987AGENDA ITEM NO. I/A ~l~vl F/l/a ~vlFI~I b IvlFlll c ~vlF/~! d IVlF/l l e ¢vl¢/~ l f ¢v/¢/~/ g CITY Ci~ VIRGINIA BEACH ~ OF ODUN~IL /~"TI(XNS DATE: August 3, 1987 PAGE: Cne SUBJECT CITY MANAGER'S BP~IEFING: R~d Wing Drainage Basin Study CITY COUNCIL CONCERNS: Charter Change: Direct Election of School Board Charter Change: Charter Bor~ L~nits/ Borrowing Authority RSCONS IDERATION: application of Willis Everett Tolso~F. T. Stant: ~0Z: from R-6 to B-1 on Princess Anne N~./Green Meadows Dr. (Kempsville Bor. ) MOTION TO Iof Meynard St. in petition of Mitchell E. Dunbar (Kempsville ~or.) Approved/ modified R-6 to 0-1/ ~o~titioned Ordinance for disoDntinuance/ Deferred closure/abandorlnent of a portion Ito 9/21/87 l if mt in I cclnpl iance by 19/21/87 - I administratively Idenied I Ordinance for discDntinuance/ I Final closure/abandonment of portion IApproval of ~ell N~. in petition of I S.A.S. Associates (Bayside Bor.) I I O~dinance for discontinuance/ IApproved/ closure/abandonment of pcmftion I oor~itioned of 20-foot lane bet~en Virginia lupon Beach Blvd/18th St. beginning at I ccmpliance by Park Ave. in petition of RDbert Herman/Jack B. Jaccbson (Virginia Beach Bor.) E.S.G. ~hterprises, Inc.: COZ: From AG-2 to R-6 lAND, Fr~n AG-1 to R-6 on Holland N~ ./Barberry La. (Princess Anne Bar. ) 12/8/88 I I I IApproved/ conditioned PASSED 11-0 First Virginia Land Trust: Fr~n I-1 to A-1 CUP: for m~bile home park on Baker N~./south of Norfolk and Southern Railroad r-ow ( Bayside Bor. ) coz: I Approved/ oDnditioned Thomas E./Gwendolyn E. Nass: VAR: to direct access to a Ipublic st. at 2741 Spigel Dr. (Lynnhaven Bc~. ) IApproved/ I conditioned I I I I I 11-0 11-0 11-0 7-4 10-1 9-2 I I al I I El I IF II I IE si I IN c la lB IT HIE A lB IR O IN L IA IE B IL K Iu Is E IE O IM Is R IY IY Y Y Y IY IY Y Y IY IY IY Y IY N I I I~ IR lc lc Jif. ol~ ~ NIN o ElS S s I~ls Y I¥ Y IY YI¥ Y Y YIY Y I I I Y IY IY Y ]Y Y IY I I Iol IBI lEI IN IA DIR OIK RIE F R I I I I I ~ 1¥ Y I~. I I I I I I I I y [y y Ix. N NIN N IY IY YIN ¥ CITY CF VIRGINIA BEAC~ ~ OF ODUNCIL /~TI~S DATE: August 3, 1987 PAGE: Two AGENDA ITm NO. I SUBdECT IV/F/l/ ILynnhaven Cne-Oxford Limited h I Partnership: VAR: to sidewalks Ion both sides of minor streets I within c~uaercial/office Ideveloia~ents on South Lynnhaven I N~./Lynnhaven Parkway I (Lyn~laven Bor.) IV/F/l/ IVirginia Beach Properties, Inc., i VAR: to minim~u lot width of corner lots in R-6 District on Daniel ~nith Rd./Lawrence Dr. ( Bayside Bor. ) IV/F/i/ Kimmell Autc]notive, Inc., T/A j ITread Quarters: (~3P: for auto- Imcbile repair (~lstallation of Itires) at 1352 Kempsville I (Ke~upsville Bor. ) I IV/F/l/ ICLayton W. Forbes~ Jr.,/Myers T. k Forbe s/Etta H. Turner: COZ: frcra B-2 to A-2 on ~ell Rd./Bradford Rd. (Bayside Bor. ) IV/F/i/ Ordinance to AMEND Article 9, 1 Sec. 933 of the CZO pertaining Ito sign regulations in B-4 Resort Comnercial District tv/s/1 IV/W1 ~v/W2 INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT REqFUNDING REVENUE BOND: Colonial Mill Asscciates - $1,200, 000 Ordinance authorizing permits/ l agreements with oceanfront lando%ners to have Sandbridge Beach declared by the C~rps of 5hgineeers as a disposal site for deepening/dredging the Norfolk Harbor and Channels/ Baltimore Harbor/other Federal Navigation Projects Ordinance to AMEND Sec. 6-123 of the Code pertaining to wind- surfing devices [Approved/ conditioned Denied Approved t~ year s/ conditioned Denied ~opted Deferred for Cbur~il Chmmitte e to meet with interested citizens and Ibring back lwith Re- I consideration Iof July 6, I Pdoption of a Icede a~en~- Iment reference I Lynr~aven I Inlet I B IA IL PASSED lo 10-1 11-0 11-0 11-0 11-0 lO-O 8-2 11-0 B A U M F E N T R E S S IH I S C H O B E R I I I I I I I Io I IMI lB IR lc I IE HI lC I IR E IJ ILl IN' N IO IA. IM ID L IN IN i0I0 E I~. IA IS IR Y IS IN ISIF IY IY IY IY IY IY IN IY I¥ IY1 IY YIY I I I I I I I I I I IYIY IY I I I I I I I I I I IYIY I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I IY I I I I I'z Y YIY Y IY I I I I I Y YIY Y IY I I I I Y IY IY I I I I I I I I Y IY IY IY IY IY I I I I I I I I I Y IY IY I I I I I Y IY I I I I I Y IY IY I I I I I I I I Y IA IY I I I I I I I I Y IA IY Y Y I I I I I Y IY IY I I I I I YlY Y I I I I YIY Y I I I I NIY N Y YIY AG~DA iv/I/~ iv/i/2 iv/i/3 IV/I/4 IvlIl5 iv/i/~ IV/I/7 iv/i/s iv/i/9 IV/I/lO CITY CF VIRGINIA BEACH ~ OF COUNCIL ACTIONS DATE: August 3, 1987 PAGE: Three SUBJECT [Nesolution authorizing permits/ [agreement with SVJTA for 1987 Job Tra~%/ng Partnership Act S~,er Youth Eraployment and Training Progran Ordinance authorizing Police Mutual Aid A3reement Ordinance to AMEND Art. II Sec. 5-31 of t]~e Oode pertaining to Bird Sanctuaries (ADDING: Lake James Subdivision, Kempsville ~or.) Ordinance to AMEND (hapter 2 of the Oode by AMENDING Sec. 2-215 (b)/Sec.2-215.3 pertaining to [procur~nent Ordinance to accept/appropriate $3,090 in additional state aid funds into the Library Depart- ment's FY 87-88 Operating Budget Ordinance to transfer $44, 576 for matching funds for additional State resources for additional preventive medicine services Outinance to transfer $11,427 for purchase of a telephone system for Pavillion LON BID to Sovran Leasing ODrp. for an interest rate of 6.36% for lease purchase of a paging system ($177,177) for Rnergency Medical Services/a motor grader ($69,000) for Public Works/ Refuse Disposal/modular building ($69, 300) currently used for the Alcohol Detoxification Facility LCIq BID to Asphalt NDads and Materials O~., Inc. $387,371.25 for minor City-wide oDnstruction [projects for various City [ ager~ie s DUN BID to Brown Building Corp. $288, 600 for replacement of structure that served as a oc~munity meeting place for the citizens of Seatack MOTION TO I lB IT IA lB IR IL IA [E IK lO IS HI ] I El I II [ IM S [ IR lC C IH[ lC H[E [J IL O IN lO IA M B IL IN IN O E IE IE IA IS R [Y IS IN IS I ol RIP N IA O IK RIE F IR [Approved FIRST Alopted ~opted [ Approv ed Approved [Approved 10-o 10-0 10-0 10-0 10-0 9-0 10-0 10-0 IY IY IY IA IY IY IY IY I* ] *Cberndorf Abstained [ I I I I I 1 IY IY IY I I Y IY I I I I Y IY I I I I I I I I I I I I Y IA IY I I I I YIA Y I I I I I I I I I I [ I I I I I I Y IY [Y IY IY I I I Y IY Y ]Y IY I I I I I I YIY YIY X I I I I ]Y Y IA IY IY IY I I I Y IY IA I I I I I I I 1 Y IY IA I I I I YIY Y I I I I YIY [* Balko Abstained ]Y [* ]Y IA [Y ]Y *Ba~n Abstained ¥1Y [Y Y Y IA [Y ]Y IY Y IA Y [Y I I I I I Y IY IY I I I YIY Y YIY Y Y Y Y Y Y Fl' CITY C~ VIRGINIA BEACH SU~4AR~ OF ODUNCII. ACTIONS DATE: August 3, 1987 PAQE: Four AGENDA . ITSM NO. I ~;BJECT MOTION TO IV/I/ll ILON BID to Oontractor's Paving IO3., Inc., $2,589,026.96 for Idesig~construction of a four- Ilane arterial highway frc~ IH311and Nd. to Dahlia Dr. and lad~ition of tw~ lar~s to esta- Iblish a four-lane arterial from ~Dahlia Dr. to Lynnhav~% Parkway, Iproject also includes a bicycle trail along its entire' length ~v/~/~3 ~v/x/14 1 RAFFLE PFA~4IT: Messiah Lutheran (hurch License Befunds - $8,027.26 Tax Pefunds - $8,143.26 Public Hearings for Bor~ Referen~n ADD-ON 1/2 ~v/L I NLC/VML participation by IVirginia Beach City Oouncil IM=3abers-~4eeting 8/3/87 Atter~ed Iby City Staff representatives lin Washington, D.C. I~ereraony for Special Ol~npics 18/3/87 IA~3OU~: Reces~ to Ekecutive Session (Public Held Property/ Legal Matter) @6:14 PM, after which adjourned at 7: 20 PM I Approved I Approved I Approved I Approved schedule B PASS~ Io I M 10~ 10-0 10~ 10-0 ~E ElS RIo E lB IL IN IN s IE ~E IE IA S IR IY IS IN BY CONSENSL~ E IJ IL ~R P A Lq [0 IA [M ID OlO SIF IRl' Y IY YI YIY YIY Y Y IY Y IY IY Y IY YIY Y