HomeMy WebLinkAboutAUGUST 10, 1987CITY CF VIRGINIA BE~/~ SL~9~%RY OF COUNCIL ~"TIONS DATE: August 10, 1987 PAGE: C~e AGENDA ITMM NO. ~/A I:i:::l IVlF/lla SUBJECT BRIEFING: Juvenile Court Tide~ter Health Care, Inc.: OCZ: Frcm R-4 to O-1 on Old Donation Parkway/Fir st Colonial N~. 38.6 ac. (Lynnhaven Bor. ) IV/F/1/b James R./M~lody J. Priest: CUP: hcrae oocupation (beauty shDp) on ILot 7, Indian River Estates at 11009 Mineola Dr. !Kenpsville Bot. IV/F/1/c IW. J. Moore, Jr.: CUP: single Ifanily dulling in AG-1 District on Indian River Bal./Winston Ave. 39.62 ac. (Princess Anne Bor. ) :V/F/1/d IV/F/1/e IV/F/2/a :V/F/2/b Armad~Hoffler Develotxnent Co.: CUP: two (2) satellite dishes at 5555 Greenwich NDad (Bayside Bor. ) Ordinance for discontinuance/ closure/aba~do~nent of portion Iof Hampshire Way at ~Stern Iboundary of Newtown Nd. in Ipetition of Baker Newtown Asso. (Bayside Bot. ) RMCONSIDERATION of Turner and Asso.: CUP: for day care center (Children's W~rld) at Diamond Springs Rd./Virginia Tech Court IWesleyan Pines 1.247 ac. ( Bayside Bot. ) Mitchell L./Li nda S. Dunbar: CUP: autc~m~oile repmir, ~uclid Place at 4856 Cleveland St. (Bayside Bor. ) IV/F/2/c IGeorge M~Cadden: O3P: bulk storage yard on Davis St./Va. Beach Blvd. (Bayside BDr. ) IV/F/2/e MOTION TO Appro~ ed/ conditioned Approved/ conditioned I subject to IFAA I Approved/ conditioned lupon I ccmp~ iance by 12/15/88 Deferred I to 8/17/87 Approved/ conditioned Ito 8/24/87 ALWAT Aso.: COZ: Frcm R-8 to I-2 at 4883 Bonney Rd., 1.065 ac. (Kempsville B~r. ) Denied Dove Construction ODrp.: COZ: Fron AG-1 to R-5 - 129.79 ac. Frcm AG-2 to R-5 on Dan Neck Nd./ applicant's General Booth Blvd., 66.8 ac. Iconcurrence (Princess Anne Bot. ) I Ordinance for discontinuance/ I Approved/ closure/abando~nent of portion Iconditioned of Brian Ave. at Va. Beach Blvd ./ upon Broad St. in.petition of Richard !ccmpl. iaq. ce C. Fentress [Bayside Bot. ) Iby 2/15/88 Indefinitely with PASSED 8-3 9-2 11-0 11-0 11-0 11-0 10-1 11-0 8-3 11-0 9-2 K IU IS IE IE IE IA O IM IS IR IY IS IN I I I IY IY I IY IY IY IN YIY Y IY YIY YIN Y IY YIY N El RIP M DIR o OIK S RIE S FIR NIY N Y Y Y YIY X I I I I YIY Y YIY Y YIY Y YIY Y YIY Y Y IY IY Y [Y [Y NIY YI' I I I I I CITY CF VIRGINIA BE~ ~ OF COUb~IL ACTIONS DATE: August 10, 1987 PAGE: ~i%vo AGENDA ~ m. I ~CT IV/F/2/g IApplication of the City to AMEND IMaster St./Highway Plan, re: I General Corridor Conce~t Plan I Map El~ent and other el~ents: A~d Euclid Road fron Cleveland Street to Independe~e B~vd. as 4-Lane UnOivided maj or ool lector zv/s/3 XV/S/4 MOTION TO Deferred Indefinitely kid Dorsett Avenue fron {Approved Cleveland Street to Virginia Beach Blvd as 4-Lane Undivided I major collector Change Indian River Road fr~n Ferrell Parkway to Indian Lakes Blvd. from 4-Lane Divided with Bikeway major arterial to 4-Lane Undivided major collector kid Hilltop loop as 4-~e Undivided mai or collector: Village Drive fron Laskin Road to Donna Blvd. Donna Blvd. fron First Colonial Road to iaskin Road Hilltop Loop (currently Bonney Palace) fr~m Laskin Road to First Colonial Road Add 19th Street fron Bird~=ck Road to Baltic Avenue as 4-Lane Undivided major collector Ordinar~e authorizing issuance of Bscreational Facilities Bor~s of the City $32, 850,000 subject to 1987 Referendt, n Ordinance to accept/appropriate $165, 000 from U.S. Department of HUD for R~ntal R~habilitation {to 9/21/87 {with Staff Ibriefing on I alternatives 18/17/87 I Approved Approved Approved FIRST READING Approved FIRST READING Ordinance to accept entitl~nent Igrant from U.S. Department of HUD/appropriate apprc~. $2,160, 000 for Con, unity Develolm~ent' s ~hirteenth Prcgra~ Year Ordinance to authorize an agree- ment with Virginia Beach (lmmmanity Develol~nent Corp. to orovide overall revitalization {of low/m0derate inccme neighbor- Ihocds, to encourage private investment for TARGET areas/ involve the community in the I revitalization Approved FIRST READING B {L PASSmD {o { I s-3 {Y I { 11~ {Y I 8-3 {Y 10-1 IE IF {I ElS SIR N IY Y IY Y E {J L{N Y{S YIN { Y YIY Y IY IN Y {Y {Y I Y {Y IY I I Y {Y {Y Y{Y YIY M C C L AIM N{O AlS NIS { { I YIY { { YIY YIY Y l lo lB IN D Y I I 1 Y YIY 1 Y IY IY I { Y [Y IY I I I I YIY R It o a E {I I { I I I I Y {¥ II { YIY ~ I I I I YIY ~ Y IY CITY flF VIRGINIA BEACH ~ OF COUh~IL ~TIONS AG~DA ~T~ NO. I ~V/S/5 ~V/G/6 IV/G/7 IV/~l rv/~2 TV/H/4 ZV/H/5 DATE: August 10, 1987 PAGE: ~hr ee SI3BJECT I MOTION TO {~nthorization ~or an ~reenent {.ZS/pl:{rcrved {with (SP~) on City o~d {pro~ty at ~~ I I ~ ~d~ce ~ ~pro~ia~ ~ $2, 766,250 ~ ~s~nt ~ad- FI~T 1~ IV to ~d ~ty's shoe of ~G m~s f~ ~r~ts to {~j ~ent r~~/f~ilities l~t~n wi~ ~ ~s~ {~f~e ~sf~ ~on I {~d~ce ~ ~s~ $235,~0 ~o~ ~ H 19~-87 app~iat~s wi~ {various departments to match I appropriation s/expenditures I I Ordiniar~e designating certain {appointees/employees to file a Idisclosure statement of their Ipersonal interests specified on I the form set forth in Sec. 12.1-639.15 of the Cbde of I Virginia Local Goverrment {Cbnflict of Interests Et I N~solution requesting Virginia I Department of Transportation to linclude in the desig~construc- Ition imprcuements for High I Occupancy Vehicle (H. O. V. ) lanes la long Interstate 64 frcm Nc~folk- IVirginia Beach Expressway (Route 144/Interstate 264 interchange to Ithe Interstate 564 interchange IOrdinance to AMEND Sec. 21-273 Iof the Code pertaining to I susper~ed/revoked License ICrdinance to accept/appropriate 153,090 additional State aid I funds into the Library I Department' s FY 1987-88 I Operating Budget I I I Ito 10/5/87 Adopted C~dinance to transfer $1,200, 000 I Adopted to Atlantic Av~ue Improvements to allc~ acceleration of oDnstruction schedule in connection with Atlantic Avenue D~nonsration Project Ordinar~e to transfer $456,250 to Virginia Beach Blvd.-Phase II frc~ Ferrell Parkway-Phase lB Adopted Ordinance to transfer $100, 000 frcra various sources to replace the water/sewer systems at the Parks/R~creation Office cGnplex B IL I~< m. ssm Io 10-1 11-0 11-0 11-0 11-0 11-0 11-0 11-0 I I IF IE IN IT BIR AlE UlS ~Is {H E I S C H O B E I I I I I IM Iz lc HI lc E IJ IL I I I01 Iml IR IP IN IA N I0 la IM ID IR L IN IN I0 lO IK E IE la IS IR IE R IY IS IN IS IF IR IY IY IY IY IY IY IN IY IY IY] I I I 1 I I IY Y IY IY YIY I I t I I I I I IY Y IY IY IY YIY I I I IY Yl¥ I I I I I YIY IY Y IY I I I Y IY IY I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Y YIY YIY Y Y mYY IY I I I I I I I I Y IY IY Y IY YlY Y YIY Y IY IY Y IY I I I Y IY Y IY IY I I I I I I I I I I Y IY IY IY IY I I I Y IY Y Y Y IY IY IY IY I I I YIY ¥1Y Y I I 1 I I AG~DA IT~4 NO. IV/~7 ADD-ON CITY C~ VIRSINIA BF~2H ~ OF ODUN~IL ~"TIONS DATE: August 10, 1987 PAGE: Four SUBJECT Plaza Recreation League Seton ~buse License refunds- $8,708.79 APPO~: Bicenter~%ial (1Dn stitution Celebration fknm~ssion Establishment of Public Hearings for Bond R~ferendu~: Juvenile Cburt Facility B~solution to A~END the City fharter Sec. 2.02, ADDING Paragraph "F' to authc~ize the lprotection md replac~ent of trees on private property AND Ito present the question to Iqualified voters on 1987 R~ferer~u~ Charter A~_~dment to al lc~ Direct Election of School Board RS~ESS to 5kecutive Session 7:00 PM (Personnel) AD30~: 7:05 PM Approved IDr. James E. I~lvin Ito replace Dr. Brickell Roder ick Zano Ito replace Carol Garrison ~opted Schedule ~dopted ]and ~osed the I question for Ithe I Referend~n, I approval by qualified voters Discus sion B 11-0 11-0 11-0 11-0 11-0 B A U M E IS IR T IH E IJ R ~O N IO E lB IL IN S IE IE IE S ~a IY IS lO C IR P L IN A A[M ID R N IO IO K A IS IR E N IS IF IR IY IY [Y IY ]Y IY [Y [Y [Z [Y Y [Y IY Y IY Y [Y IY Y [Y IY Y IY Y IY [Y Y YIY Y