HomeMy WebLinkAboutAUGUST 17, 1987CITY CF VIRGINIA BEACH ~ OF ODUNCIL ACTIONS DATE: August 17, 1987 PAGE: One AGENDA ITeM NO. IV/G/1/a IV/G/l/= SUBJECT 25TH ANNIVERSARY CCMMIqTfEE - Status Rmpc~t VIRGINIA BF2~H CITY JAIL MUNICIPAL PNDPERTY ACQUISITION ~ertificate of Participation INDIAN RIVER ROAD - Six-Laning t~3BLIC HEARING: Issuance of ~3creational Facilities Bonds of the City in the maximum anount of $32, 850, 000 I subject to approval of the IQualified Voters - 1987 Bond Referendum MOTION TO Reo~nsideration of Turner and Associates: CUP: for day care center (Children's World) at Diamond Springs B~./Virginia Tech Oourt, Wesleyan Pines ( Bayside Bor. ) Frank T. Willians: VAR: to Sec. 5.5(a)/(b) Subdivision Ordinance 160 days to that all lots have direct access 110/19/87 to a public street on Nanneys Creek Fd./¢harity k%ck (tango ~.) Princess Ann~ Ocumons I: COZ: on North Landing B~./George Mason Dr. (Princess Anne Bcr.) Fr~n AG-1 to O-1, 30.9 ac. Frcm A~-i to B-l, 1.9 ac. From AG-2 to B-l, 5.3 ac. [AND, I From AG-2 to O-1, 2.8 ac. IV/G/1/d [K ir tier-Care Learning Centers, I Inc.: CUP: day care center on [General Booth Blvd./Hubbell Dr. I (Princess Anne Bor. ) [action of I approval I (~274~) of 1~/8/87 I I I De fer red Approved/ Conditione~ with Parcel 3 of 30.9 ac. r~noved Approved/ Oonditioned IV/G/lie ~nendments to CBO: Art. 12, Floodplain Regulations Art. 14, Wetlands Zoning Ordinance Art. 16, Opastal Primary Sand Dune Zoning Ordinance RESOLUTION- Industrial Develclunent Refunding Bond Atlantic Resort Associates $4,000,000 im2lopted PASSED 7-3 8-O 9-1 6-4 7-O 7-0 I IN lC H [B IT iH E IA lB IR IO N L Ia IE lB IL K IU IS IE IE O iM IS a IY Y Y[Y Y [Y * Ig Y IY Y IY Y IY Y IY Y ~ I IY Y IA IA IY Y Ia a IY R [C lC J IL OIA MID EIA SiR sin s * IY A IY P A P R [E K[R E IR F IR [Y Y IY IA IN N Y IA IN Y [Y A IY Y iF Y IA Y IY IY AGENDA zv/Wa ~v/W5 CITY OF VIRGINIA BEAC~ ~ OF ODUNC~L ~IONS DATE: August 17, 1987 PAGE: Two SUBJECT' I MOTTON TO :B~solution authorizing an agree- I Ad'opted ment to provide an Rnployee Assistance Prog ran I P~solution proposing the General I/k~opted Assembly ~M~qD Sec. 6.05:l/repeal As ~mended Sec. 6.05:2 of the Charter of the City re: i sssuance of Bon~s Ordinance autnc~izing issuance of Bor~s for Juvenile Domestic R~lations District Cburt Facilities for Virginia Beach, in the maximun amount of $7,500,000, subject to the Affirmed yrevious I action for IWhole Ju~ ic ial I Center @ [approval of the Qualified Voters, $30-Million 1987 Referendun. IT his Ordinance r~ved fz~m the frcm the 1987 Referer~um and seek increase in fee structure thru General ~mbly Ordinance authorizing issuance of Recreational Facilities Bonds of the City in the maximL~n arount of $32, 850,000 subject to Ithe approval of the qualified Ivoters, 1987 R~ferendum Ordinance to AMiD Sec. 21-279 of the Cbde pertaining to drivers license restrictions violated I/~opted SHiOND Adopted Ordinance to transfer $62,394 for a custodial services contract at the O-=ntral Library Ordinance to accept/appropriate $165, 000 frcm U.S. HUD for Rental Rehabilitation Ordinance to accept an entitle- Iment grant frc~ U.S. HUD/appro- Ipriate $2,160,000 for Virginia Beach Cc~munity Development' s ~hirteenth Progran Year Ordinance to appropriate $2,766, 250 to N~s~mont R~ad- ~nase IV to fu~d City's share of cDsts for improv~nents to ladjacent roadways/facilities in cDnnection with the Landstown 9efuse Transfer Station I ~dopted I l mo~ed I I I~o~ed S~OND PAFFLE PERMIT: I Approved W~nan's C~ub of Chesapeake Beach I I Tax refunds - $6, 114.47 IApproved I I I I lB IA IL II< PASSED IO 10-0 10-0 9-1 9-0 10-0 10-0 10-0 10-0 10-0 10-0 10-0 I I IF IE IT AlE NIs El I s l I~ ClNI HIE IJ I I I Iol 1 M IBI I C lEI I c IR IPI L IN IAI~ o IN IO IA IM ID IR I~ B IL IN IN IO lO IK I~ E IE IE IA IS IR IE I~ ~ IY Is Is IS IF la I% IY'-IY IY IY IY IY IA IY IY IY I% IY IY I I I I IY I I I IY I I I IY I I I I I IY IY I I I A IY IY Y IY 1 I I Y IY IY I I I Y YIY I I I Y IY IY I I I I I I I Y I I I I Y YIN Y IY Y IY IY I I I I YIY I I I YIY I I I YIY Y Y IY Y I I Y IY I Y IA IY I I I I I I I I I I I I I I A IY IY IY I~. I I I I I I I 1 I I I A IY Y AIY YIY a IY Y IY I I I I A IY IY IY I I I I I AIY YIY I I I I I I A I~Y IY I I I I I I I I I I AIY YIY A IY Y IY I I I I AG~DA ITMM NO. zv/~/8 ~v/~ AED-ON ADD-ON IV/M CITY OF VINSINIA BEACH SUMMARY OF ~OUNCIL ~rIONS DATE: August 17, 1987 PAGE: ~hree SUBJECT License refunds- $7,574.69 Bor~ B~ferendun fkmnnittee Ckmnnunity Corrections Besource Board Develot~nent Author ity Disaster Group Pt3mpton Boads Air Pollution Oontrol District Comnission Mosquito Oontrol Oommission Public Public Library Wetl ar~s Board Direct Election of Virginia Beth School Board Report of PIANNIN3 REVIEW PROCESS C(~MITrF~ ADJOURhMENT: 8:05 PM Virginia Beach City Council ~] ] Sessions Scheduled for Mondayl Se~r 7, 1987 Monday, Se~r 28~ 1987 Have Been Cancelled MOTION TO I Approved Wil lian A. Schlinx3en Confinned Rs appo in~hnents Billy A. Franklin (Ma~or) Joknson (Ma~Dr) John L. Perry (Circuit Oourt) Michael R. Rucker (Circuit I~t) Richard I Taylor (Sheriff) 12 year term 19/z/87 - Reappointed V~M. Cunninghan ~in~n w. 14 year term s/31/9~ Re scheduled Re scheduled Re schedul ed Re scheduled Reappointed ~rd A. Barco ~/18/87 - I~/~o/~ 5 year term B IK lU PASSED IO IM 10-0 10-0 10-0 10-0 10-0 E IS IR TIM E IJ E ~B I~' IN S IE IE IE S IR IY IS C IE~ C IR IP I L IN IA ~P AIM ID IR IE N I0 IO IK IR A IS IR IE IR N IS IF IR IY YIY BY CONSEb~US BY CONSENSUS BY COB~I~S US BY CONSEh~US [Y [Y IY IY Y IY A IY Y IY I~