HomeMy WebLinkAboutAUGUST 24, 1987AGENDA vl~ll V/G/lla V/~/1/b v/~lllo V/S/1/d CITY C~ VIRGINIA BEACH SL~I~%RY OF COUNCIL ACTIONS DATE: A~gust 24, 1987 PAGE: Cne SUBJECT BRIEFING: Historical B~view I CERSMONIAL PRES~qTATIONS: PROCLAMatION fbmmunity Associations Day Sept~nber 2 6, 1987 VIRGINIA BE~CH LIFESAVER AWARDS Terri Cannon David Foxwell Wocdy Gibson Todd Jones Patrick F. Kavanaugh Wesley Weidr ick RESOLUTIONS IN Rh]COGNITION Dr. E. E. Brickell Miss Carol Garrison Alan Givens MAYOR'S O~MMI~I~E ON THE AGING AWARDS -S VJ T A- Summer Youth ~plo~ment Michael P~sk Kimberly Spruill PUBLIC HEARING: Juvenile ar~ D~nestic Relations District Cburt Facility Bonds in the maximum amount of $7,500,000, subject to the l apprc~al of the qualified voters IC3%NC~'.~.FD due to the action of ICity Ooumnil on August 17, 1987, Ito r~nove the subject fTf]n the 1987 Referendt~n I Geor~e NnCadflen: (~JP: bulk Istorage yard on Davis St./VA. Beach Blvd. (Bayside Bot. ) T & J Partnersh~: f~JP: nursing home on 2055 Indian River Nfl. (Kenpsville Ecr. ) J. L. Caffrey: VAR: to Sec. 1(4.4(d) Subdivision Ordinance Ithat all lots have direct access Ito a public street at 15th St./ Baltic Ave. (Va. Beach Bor. ) Kenneth L. Seay: VAR: to Sec. (4.4. (d) Subdivision Ordinance that all lots have direct access Ito a public street at Croatan [Nfl./SecDtan Nfl. (Lyr~haven B~r.) Appprcued/ conditioned ~pr~e~ condition~ Referred back to Planning G~mmission with Iopposition to be notified PASSED 10-1 11-0 11-0 IY Allowed Withdra~l 11-0 Y YIY A IE M S Y alY S N S Y Y Y NIY YIY Y Y Y IY Y IY lo ]E D 0 R F Y Y IY I~ Y IY ]Y AGS~DA IT~4 ND. IV/G/e CITY CF VI~INIA BFACH DATE: August 24, 1987 PAGE: Two SUBJECT Michael H. Levinso~Earl M. & Margaret H. Fuller: COZ: from O-1 to B-3 on 4468 Bonney R~. (Kenpsville Bot. ) I Approved/ oor~ itioned Lillel Farms, Inc.: ODZ: from Denied R-8 to B-2 on Kempsville BR./ Virginia Beach-Chesapeake City I Line (Kempsville B~r.) I IJohn H. Gimbert: CC~: fron R-2 Denied I to R-5 on 5748/5744 Normar~y lAve. (Kempsville Bor.) INational Beach fbrp./George F. Alloyed land Frances M. Phillit~: ~OZ: on Withdrawal I Pinewood BR ./Pblly BR., Linkhorn I Park (Virginia Beth Bot. ) Ifrcm. R-1 to O-1, 1.886 ac. I from R-3 to O-1, 2. d44 ac. IRresolution providing for holding I~dopted I an election to determine I N~solution/ iwhether to reques~c the General I~pproved IAss~nbly to AMEND Sec. 6.05: 1, It~o questions lAND, REPEAL Sec. 6.05:2 of ~2%e Ifor 1987 (]~arter of the City re: Issuance I Referendum of Bon~s, 1987 Referer~un Iballot/vote does not reflect personal views of individual ktopted Pe solution As Ameded/ should be requested to AMEND the lapproved Bmsolution providing for a Nmferendun on the question of whether the General Assembly Charter of the City to provide for the direct election of the School Boar~grant limited Itaxing authority I question for 11987 I P~ferendum lvote does not I reflect I per sonal view~ of individual Oouncil Mamber s frcm ~enda for further information Bopta~] As Amended Ordinar~e to transfer $7,000 within General ~hnd to provide for part-time Clerk Typist Iposition in the Office of City I Clerk I Ordinance to AMEND the Code by IADDING a new Section 21-129 Ipertaining to vehicle equipnent I (truck covers) I I I I IA IK I lEI IEISl ~ IR IO IN A IE lB IL I I IO IM R lc lC IR J IL IN o IA IM ID N IN IO IO U IS IE IE IE IA IS IR P A R K E PASSED IO IM IS IR IY IS IN IS IF IR 11-0 IY IY IY IY IY IY IY IY IY IY I~ 11-0 11-0 10-0 11-0 11-0 11-0 I IY Y Y Y I I I IY Y IY IY IY Y IY IY *Parker ~b stained Y IY IY Y YIY IY BY CONSEh~US Y IY IY I YIY Y I I I I Y IY IY Y I' I I YIY Y * Y IY Y IY I' YIY Y YIY Y YI~. CITY CF VIRGINIA BEACH SUI~MAR~ OF ODUNCIJ~ ACTICI~S DATE: August 24, 1987 PAGE: ~hr ee AGENDA SUBJECT I M~£ION ~O xv/~/i ADD-ON tv/,t/~. tv/;/3/ a/b tv/~t/4 tv/~/s tv/~/6 tv/~t/7 ~v'/J/9 ¢v/o/1 o ] RSOLUTIONS IN RB2OGNITION: I~. E. E. ~ickell I Miss Carol Garrison IAlan Givens IM~yor's (bmmittee Cn ~he Ring ]C~dinance declaring certain Iproperty EXCESS/authcrizing a Isubdivision plat and other Idocuuents to oDnvey said pro- Iperty to Virginia Electric and ]Power C~upany (Fosemont Forest) IOrdinance to authorize omst Iparticipation agree~uents betv~en Ithe City/R. G. Moore Building I~brp. to oonstruct: I Ocean Lakes water projects I Ocean Lakes sever projects I Ordinance to authorize a cost Iparticipation agreement between Ithe City/Kempsville (hurch of I God to construct sewer projects I O~dinar~e to authorize temporary lencroachuent into portion of Ir-ow of a 25' strip surrounding I Lake Joyce to RDbert J. ~tkinson I(Bayside Bot. ) I Ordinance appointing viewers in lA, opted Adopted Adopted ~opted Ipetition of (harles F. B~rroughs, Jr. for the closure of a portion of Five Forks R~. (Bayside B~r.) Ordinance to transfer $148,916 to co~er construction costs of Croatan Beach se~r/to ACCEPT it he LOW BID to Precon Gonstruc- t ion OD. in the anount of $937,916 LC~ BID to East (bast Corporation Approved 15588, 073.25 for Resort Center I Streetscape Improvements I BINSO PERMIT: IAragona Pembroke Little League APfO Ii~IMENTS: DISASTER GRE/3P Approved Appointed: ODuncii Fbmber s Albert W. BalkD Nancy K. Parker At Large Citizens J~nes Hertz Walter Vargo B IA IL IK ~ass~ Io 11-0 ii-0 IY ii-0 IY li-0 I I I I ii-0 IY I I I I I ii-0 IY I I 1 11-0 IY 11-0 11-0 I IIE IF II I~. Is IN ]C IT IH B IR Io I I I I I I0 I IM lB I~ lc IE HI lc IR ~. IJ It. I~ N 10 IA IM ID P A R K E A I~. lB IL IN IN Io Io U IS IE IE IE IA IS IR M IS IR IY Is In Is IF IR IY IY IY IY IY I¥ I~ I¥ IY I~ [ Y Y Y YIY Y IY IY Y]Y Y Y IY IY I I I I YIY Y I I I I I YIY Y I I I I Y IY YIY Y Y ¥1Y YIY YIY Y IY YIY I I I I Y YIY Y YIY Y Y IY Y IY Y Y Y Y Y]Y Y Y I I I I I Y IY Y IY I I I I I I I Y IY Y IY Y Y IY Y IY I I I YIY Y YIY I I YIY Y ]Y Y AGENDA ITeM NO. DATE: August 24, 1987 PAGE: Four CITY CF VII~$INIA ~ ~ OF (XX~CIL ACTIONS SUBJECT }~N~FFON ROADS AIR FOLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT COMmiSSION LYNNHAVEN BOAT RAMP COMMITTEE IN lc H IT IH E MOTION TO I ~ppointed I John Salop I Jack ~hitney I Alter~ate 12 year term 19/1/87 - I ~ppo inted: Albert W. Cbuncilman Lynnhaven Borough John L. Perry Councilman Bayside Borough Robert MattJ~ias ~%tergovern- mental Relations C. ~al L~mbert Director Public Works Hsrold Whitehur st Director Permits and Inspections Judy (bnnors Ocean Park Rs sial ent Rpn Mmkela ~reat Neck Association Civic League ~ward Barco Wetlands Board ~mett Waterman (hairman: L. C. Herring, Jr. I Virginia I Feder ation of I Anglers John Richa~tson 1 Virginia Beach Tcmorrow C. H. Dorchester ~t~a~s/ ~viromnent I I IA lB IR lo N o I~, IA IE lB IL N IK Iu I$ IE IE I~ I PA~F_JD lo IM IS IR IY I 1~-O IY IY IY IY IY IY ¥1Y Y Y 11-0 I Io lB IE IR P L IN A AIMID a N Io Io K A Is IR ~. s ~ Is IF IR IY I~ IY IY IY IY Y IY Y Y AGENDA IT~4 NO. ADE~ON ADD~DN AID-ON ~N CITY CF VIRGINIA BEAC~ SL~Iv~%RY OF COUNC/L ~TIONS DATE: August 24, 1987 PAGE: Five ST~JECT I ~rION TO VIRGINIA ~3NICI~AL LEAGUE [appo~ted I Voting I Delegate - [Vice Mayor [ M~ yer a E. I Cbernd~r f [ Alternate I Delegate [ ODuncil Lady I Parker I URBAN S~2TION I (hair ing Ithe Cbmmitte e I Vice Mayor I M~yera E. ODerndc~ f Alternate Delegate (buncilman Albert W. "F' to authorize protectio~ [replacement of TREES on private [property Besolution to ~uen~ Charter [~dopted Sec. 2.02 to ADD new subparagraph As AmerCed [ Resolution [ Apprcwed Iquestion for I 1987 Iballo~vote Idoes not [reflect Ipersonal views of individual (buncil Members [City's Travel Policy 1987 Referendu~u 24th Street Park Discussion of ODuncil M~mber' s travel Discussion of method of adv~tising/ data available to Public Sched ul ed further consideration for 14 or 21, subject to Staff review PASSED 11-0 11-0 I I IF [E B IR A IE S [ IR [C[ [E[ H[E IJ IL I IN IA o IN Io IA IM ID IR B IL IN IN I0 I0 IK K Iu IS E I~. I~. IA IS IR IE o IM Is R IY IS I~ IS IF IR IY IY IY IY IY IY IY IY IY IY IY YIY Y BY COS~FA~ US Y IY YIY Y YI' ML~Mk~RY OF OOUb~IL ~TIONS DATE: August 24, 1987 PAGE: Six AGENDA i~. ~v/~ ADD-ON ADD-ON SUBJECT 11988-97 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT P~M (CZP) Cbuncil Workshop 10 AM 8/31/87 Oouncil W~rkshop 10 AM 9/09/87 Public Hearings: FIRST READING 2 PM 9/14/8 7 St~OND RM~DIiq3 2 PM 9/21/87 Ordinance to ~mer~ Code Sec. 36-57 re: Charter Buses Parking/Stopping Dm~rtization of Non-Confonning Signs/Billboards ADJOJ~: 1:15 AM Tuesday, ~ugust 25, 1987 VII~INIA ~ CITY ODUNCIL ~r z. SESSIONS SCHEDULED FOR MON~kY, SEFCMMB~R 7, 1987 AND MONE~ff, SEPT~4BER 28; 1987 HAVE BEEN I IFII I IEISl IS lC IH MOTION TO Iklopted As /~ne~2ed Report distribute~ further oonsideration to be scheduled 10-1 IA lB IR Io IN L IA IE lB IL K IU Is IE IE O IM IS IR IY BY CONSENSUS IY IY IY ¥ IY I I I I I I I I I I iBY CONSENSUS I I I I I I I I lo I IM lB IR lC IE lC IR J IL IN 0 IA IM ID E A S N Y Y P A R 0 I0 IK S iN Y IY