HomeMy WebLinkAboutSEPTEMBER 14, 1987 CITY C~ VINSINIA BEACH ~ OF (XXKk~/IL ;~TIONS DATE: Sept~m%ber 14, 1987 PAGE: Cne AG~qDA SUBJECT IV/D BRIEFINGS: I Indian River RDad Alignnent ~City's Hunan Services Plan I Oonflict of Interest Statutes Cknmon~alth' s Attorney Aoceptar~e of Bids: ADD ON lessee to effect the financing for acquisition of land surroundir~ the Municipal Center, City of Virginia Beach Issuance of W~ter/Sewer Syst~n R~venue Bor~s of the City, maximin ano~t of $5,500, 000 Issuance of General Cbligation Bor~s of th~ City, maximu~n amount of $24, 800, 000 for various Public Facilities/ General Improv~uent s FY 87-88/91-92 Capital Improve- ment Progra~appropriation of $107, 077,790 for 87-88 Capital Bud3et subject to funds being Iprovided frcm various sources IV/~l/a IPrincess Anne (~Tons I, ~: I frcm AG-1 to R-5 on Glebe R~, 122 ac. fron AG-2 to R-5 on Princess Anr~ R~./Glebe R~., 7.266 ac. IV/H/1/b zV/~l/c MOTION TO oonditioned John S./Sbnie W. Waller: ~OZ: {Appr~ed/ frcm R-6 to B-2 on Euclid N~./ Iconditioned Kellan N~., Pooohontas Village, I (Kempsville Bor. ) [ First Church of Christ, Scientist Approved/ OOP: church addition at 1341 I~or~itioned ~skin m~. (Lynnhaven Br.) I I IV/~l/d {Virginia Beach Church of God: {Apt~oved {OOP: church addition at 836 { I Regency D~. (Lynnhaven B~r.) I IV/H/1/e IChtherine M. Mehrig: O3P: h~ne IApprov~d/ Ioo~upation (day care center), IoDr~itioned ICarolanne Farms at (5524 Hill { I Gail R~. (Kempsville B~r. ) I IV/H/1/f IChevron, U.S.A., Inc.: O3P: gas IApproved/ Ipunps/car %ash c~ Dis~aor~ Springs cor~itioned I ( Bayside Bor.) I 11-0 11-0 11-0 11-0 11-0 11-0 I IE IE IS I~ lC L IA IE lB IL K UISIE E O ,M IS R Y IY IY Y IY Y Y IY Y IY IY I I I I I I IY IY Y IY Y I I I I I I I I IY IY Y IY Y I I I I I I I ~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I~ I~ lc HI lc E IJ IL 1o INA] O {A sin olo s I~ s IF IR I I I Y IY Y IY Y YIY YIY Y I I I I Y ~Y' Y IY Y I I YIY YIY Y I I I YIY ¥ I I I I YIY Y I I I YIY Y Y IY IY DATE: September 14, 1987 PAGE: AGENDA IT~N NO. i SUBJECT IV/~/g ]~Inoco Oil Go.: (IJP: gasoline [ Blvd (Lynnhaven EDr.) IV/~i/j [Williau D. Bobinson: CUP: auto [sales/service at 1852 Virginia I Beach Blvd. (Lynnhaven Bor. ) IV/~l/k IVirginia Rlectric/Po~r Go.: CLIP: Substation (Public Utility Transformer Station) on Lands- town Ri./Princess Anne N~. (Princess ~nne Bor.) [ service statio~car w~sh on {~on~itioned IVirginia Beach Blvd./North I [ Birdneck B~. (Lynnhaven Bc~. ) I IV/H/1/h INonn~ E./Barbara F. Scruggs: IApprcwed/ I(IJP: autc~ncbile service statio~ Icor~itioned Icar wash on Centerville Turnpike/ IKampsville Ri. (Kempsville Bor.) I IV/~l/i IPrincess ~nne ~hrf & Tra~tor, I~pproved/ I Ir~.: fliP: small ermine repair Ioor~itioned I ( repair of lawnmc~rs & la~ [ I tr~tors) at 2973 Virginia Beach I I cDntitioned I sorltitioned IV/~2/a N~ tl~ited ~thodist Church IApproved/ di sclDnt in uanc e/clo sur e/ab anion- I clDnditioned ment of certain roads lupon (Princess Anne Bor.: Iccmpliar~e unnaned road at intersection Iby 3/14/88 with Nimuo Church Lane to inter- I section with Fathews Green I (12,959 sq. ft.) I Iportion of Princess Anne N~. e. I of intersection of Princess Anne I Ri./Msthews Green to intersection of Princess Anr~ Ri ./Nimuo church ia. (12,456 sq. ft.) N~ Church La. at General Booth Blvd. to nc~thern boundary of Princess Anne R3. (29, 568 IV/H/2/b I Pace Gonstruction Ccrp. disoon- It inuance/cl osur e/abandorInent of I pc~tion of Ba~k ~res N~. at intersection of Walauan ia. (15,147.502 sq. ft. ( Lynnhaven Bor.) ~V/H/2/c Di ~ontinmnce/~ osur ~ ~audo~ ment of pcrtion of Dwyer N~. at intersection with Dam Neck Ri. ( 2.553 ac. ) in petition of Dc~uinion Building Cbrp. ~v/a/2/a Deferred for c~upl iance by ~/~4/as Deferred adiitional 180 days for I c~mpliance by 13/14/88 Ursula Jones: CUP: animal hospi- I Approved/ tal on Diauond Springs Ri./ IoDr~itioned ~hell Ri. (Bayside Bor.) [ PASSED 11-0 11-0 10-1 10-0 10-1 IF I inCH[ [T H E [J A[E lB IL IN U IS [E ]E IE M IS IR IY IS I Io C IE C IR P L IN A t a IS ID R I~ N Io Io K I] A IS IR E I] N IS IF IR I~ IY"IY'IY IY IY IY'IY IY IY I I I I IY I I I I IY IY I i I I I I I I I I IY IY I I I I I I IY IY I I I I I I I I I I Y IA IY [Y I I I I I I I I I I I I Y IY IY Y IY I I I I YIY Y Y I I I I I YlY Y I I I Y IY IY I I I I I Y YIY Y [Y IY YI¥ Y IY YIY Y IY Y IY IY I I I I I I I I I I Y IY YIY Y I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Y IY IY Y I' I I I I I I I I Y IY IY Y Y Y Y Y IY IY I I I I I YIY Y Y IY IY Y Y Y Y .Y Y CITY C~ VI~INIA BEACH ~ OF COUNCIL DATE: September 14, 1987 PAGE: qkree AG~A ~ m. I S~CT IV/~2/e IREN~WAL of (lip apprcwed by City I MOTION TO IV/~2/f IV/I/1/a ~v/~/41 alb/c IQDuncil September 15, 1986, in lapplication of C~audine S. Cauper for autfIacbile repair center: Laskin Nfl ./First Colonial Nfl. (Lynnhaven B~r. ) Ordinance to A~END Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance: (1) Article 1, Section III - Definition of Campgrour~ (2) Section 2, Section 233(c) - Recreational C~npgroumt s B~solution approvir~ issuance of Indistrial Developnent N~venue Beth Shalom Home of Virginia $137, 600* *a portion of $45,000,000 issuance to HenrioD Industrial Development /~thority Ordinance authorizing iss~nnce of ~ater/Sewer System ~venue .B~nds of the City in maximua a~D~t of $5, 500, 000 Ordinar~e authorizing issuance Iof General Cbligation Bords of It he City in maximuu e~aount of $24, 800, 000 for various public I facil itie s/general improv ~nent s I Ordina~-"e authorizing a lease to ~First Union Gcramercial Cbrpora- I tion to serve as a lessee to leffect the financing for a pro- Iject involvin~ the acquisition of land surrounding the M~ic ipal Center Ordinance to transfer $220, 000 to QDnstitution Drive for acquisition of property/authorize the City Manager to purchase said property Ordinance to ~4END anti Pd~CRE~IN Sect. 4.4 of the Subdivision Ordinance pertaining to lots and lot lines Art. 5, Sec. 573(d) of t2~ Ccm- prehensive Zoning Ordinance pertaini~ to side/rear yards IEISl 10-43 I CUP/future ]extension Imay be I administrative ~opted FIRST READING Approved FIRST ~RK~DING Awarded Bi~ ~o~ed Ordinance Pflopted lc o IA E IA sin I I I Iol I IBI N IA I~ M 00IK ~ S RIE ~ S FIR '~ klopted 10-0 10-0 11-0 8-3 11-0 10-0 7-4 IY ]'Y IY"lY-IY IY IY I Y Y Y IY Y IY Y IY IY Y [Y IY Y iY I I *Heischober Abstained N N IN N IY Y IY Y Y YIY Y Y N Y Y IY IY Y Y IY Y ]Y IY Y IY IY YIY Y t CITY C~ VIRGINIA BFOg/4 ~ OF COUNCIl, ~TIONS DATE: September 14, 1987 PAGE: Four AGENDA SUBJECT ~v/J/5 a/b MOTION TO I Art. 6, Sec. 602(c) of the Ccluprehensize Zonir~ Ozdinance Ipertaining to side/rear yards I(~dinance to adopt the FY 87-88/ ~pproved IFY 91-92 Capital Improvenent FIRST Pro, ran/appropriate $107,077,790 READING If or the FY 87-88 Capital Budget Isubject to f~ds being prcuide~ frcm various sources Ordinance to /~4END the Code: Sec.: 18-55.1 pertainirq to Insurance Prerequisite f~r Tow Truck Services ~v~/2 Sections 21-378, 21-422, 21-423, 21-424, 21-426, 21-427 and 21-429 pertainir~ to Tow T~ucks Bmsolution requesting the General Assembly to designate certain portions of v~t~r~ys within Virginia Beach as scenic rivers B~solution to provide P~alth Care Ccwerage to Virginia Beach City Mnploy~es who retire prior to a~e 65 with at least 25 years Iof service credit IVy/3 IV/K/4 ~v/k/5 iv/~/6 C~dinance to AMEND Sect. 5-31 of the Co~e pertaining to bird sanctuaries ( Timberl ake ) C~d~%emce to accept/appropriate $20,694 in State Grants into the FY 87-88 Operating Budget of the Library Depar~uent I Ordinance to authc~ize temporary lencrochuent into portion of r-ow Iof Dan Neck Station Boad to Bel- Air, Incorporated/King' s Way Cc~poration (Princess Anr~ B~r.) Raffle Permits: Straight, Inc. Catholic Fanily & Children's Service St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church Green Run High School Athletic Booster Club ~opted ~o~ed ~ormed Approved FIRST READING I 8-2 IY IY IA lB IR I0 N IKIU IS IE IE ,M IS R IY Y [* IN IE 0 IA [M ID E IA P A t R I~ olo YIA [Y [Z ll-~D 7--O ll-~D 11-0 11-0 11-0 11-0 11-.0 *Heischober ~bstained on proj~ ~2-007 and mte~ AYE on all other iteus Y IY Y IY IY Y IY Y IY I* I'Henley, M~Clanan, Cberr~torf Aye on all Sections, except I ~21-422(a)/~21-426(a) I I IYIY x YIY Y YIY Y I Y[Y YIY Y Y I* Y I* IA Y YIY I Y Y YIY I Y Y IY IY AGENDA ITEM ND. IV/K/7 ADDON IV/N CITY CF ~INSINIA BE~H ~ CF COUNCIL ~CTIONS DATE: September 14, 1987 PAGE: Five SUBJECT I MORION O~rtificate of Public Oonvenience Approved ar~ Necessity: I ~hcore Limousines, Inc. I License ref%nds - $11,445.52 I~pprcwed Confirmation of MRS. BARBARA HICKEY, representir~ Nc~folk ~eneral District Court on the COMMUNITY CORRS~TIObIS RESOUNCE Confirmed for the Nmcord Discussion: Night M~etings of Virginia Beach City Council Bmquest for Reconsideration of cor~itions in the application of Virginia Beach Marlin Club, Inc. ((harles O. B~_el) for a O3P for la public marina on Winston Salon IAve./Mmditerr~ean Ave., ~ha~ow- Ila~n Heights (Virginia Beach [ADJOURhM~NT: 7:35 PM ICity Mayor to Iprepare (~ae st ionnaire Scheduled for2 PM ~ B 11-0 11-0 10-1 ********************** * ~ SEVI~TEI~/I~ * IT A IE E I I I I IM S IR lC C ~1 lC H E IJ IL O N IO IA IM B IL IN IN IO E IE IE Ia IS R IY IS IN IS Illlll I ~C~~ ~ C~~ IY Y Y Y Y IY lo] ]B ] IR IP [ D IR[] RIEI Y NIY Y * "ODB~TITUTION E~Y" * * Cu~ _~--O_ rating * * BIC~qTENNIAL ~I~ION c~L~.mRATIC~ * * UNITED STATES CF AMERIC~ * ********************** 28, 1987