HomeMy WebLinkAboutSEPTEMBER 21, 1987CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH ~ OF COUBIIIL ACTIONS DATE: September 21, 1987 PAGE: fine AGENDA ITSM NO. I II/I II ~V/F/i/2 ~V/S/1 / ~/b/c/~ IV/H/1 ia IV/H/1/c IV/H/1/e SUBJECT CIP WORKSHOP CITY COUNCIL CONCERNS PROCI3kMATION$: March of Dimes Week October 5-11, 1987 Spina Bifida Month October, 1987 t~3BLIC HEARING: PROtOSED INCREASES IN T~ OPERATING BUDGET FOR FY '87-'88 Purchase Cc~mitments in FY 1987 that have not been delivered/ invoiced - $10, 228, 271 School Textbook Fund $1,348, 801 School Grants F~nd $8, 211,255 School Cafeteria Fund $9,708, 873 MOTION TO Mitchell E. Dunbar for discon- tinuance/ closure/abar~onnent of Iportion of Maynard St. at intersection of M~ynard/ Cleveland Sts., (Kempsville B0r. ) City' s r~eed I for roadway ~ayville Farms Associates for I FINAL d iscontinuanc e/closure/abandon- I APPROVAL ment of portion of Five Forks I R~. on Snore Dr., West of Baylake Dr., Bayville Farms, Ir~., ( Baysid e Bor.) Henry Martin: CUP: home occupa- tion (direct mail business) on 2304 North WDlfsnare Dr. (Lynnhaven Bot. ) Michael S. Malbon: CUP: day care center on Culver La./Ashmore Dr. (Princess Anne Bot. ) Wayne. Beagle: COZ: fron R-6 to A-2 on Pleasure House R~./Machen Ave. ( ~ayside Bor.) IV/H/1/f I Viu3inia P.I~ Adninistrators, I Inc.: COZ: fran A-1 to O-1 at l SE/NE corners of ICbnstitution Dr./It[nsdale St. I(Payside Bot. ) FINAL APPBDVAL I subject to 15-yr limit on 60 days to 11/23/87 Denied Denied I Approved/ I cor~ itioned PA ~P]D 11-0 11-0 11-0 6-5 10-1 i0-o I I I 1 I IA IL O IF IE IN IT AlE M IS IY YIY Y Y Y Y Y Y YIN N Y Y N IY Y IY I I si HIE E IE Y Y Y N Y I I 0 IA tM NIN 0 EIA S SIN S IY W IY Y Y Y Y Y IN Y IY I I Y IY Y IY I I Y IY IY I I I I IO lB D O R F YIY Y Y P A R K E R Y ~ y -~ Y Y Y ,Y Y IY CITY OF VII~GINIA BEACH ~ OF COUNCIL ;~UrIONS DATE: September 21, 1987 PAGE: Two AGENDA ITEM NO. I SUBJECT I MOTION IV/[~l/g IYargaret A. Drunmorrt/James R. & Inp~ov~/ I Marguerite D. Johnson: COZ: frGn 1 oonflitioned lAG-2 to B-2 on ~nipps ODrner Nfl./ I Hol]_arfl Rt., Ship,ns Bridge I(Princess Anne Bor.) IV/H/1/h I Alternative for ultimate trans- I klopted Iportation plan of ~J~e Indian alternative River Bfl./Ferrell Parkw~y/Infli~ la Lakes Blvd. corridor: zv/H/1/i zv/z/~ IV/I/4 Indian River Foad Phase IV CIP 2-065, Ferrell Parkv~y Phase IC CIP 2-063: Four lanes dividefl on Indian River B~ad Six lanes dividofl on Indian Lakes Blvd., but no oonstruction now Seven lanes divided on Ferrell Parkv~y, four lanes to be constr uc t~ now Application of the City to AMEND IApprc~ed/ the Master Street/~ILgh~y Plan Imodified re: General Corridor Concept Plan Map El~nent: Mpve ahem with r/w acquisition for Indian Lakes Blvd. and Ferrell Park%~y Ordinance to adopt FY 1987-~88/ ~dop'ted FY 1991-92 Capital Improv~%ent SECOND Progr an~ accept/appropr iate READING $107,077,790 for FY 1987288 Capital Budget, subject to funds Ibeing provided fron various sources Iordinance authorizing the J~ftopted l issuar~e of Water anti Sewer S~OND ISystem N~venue Bonds of the City READING in maximun anount of $5, 500, 000 Ordinance authorizing issuance ~dopt~t of General Obligation Bon~s of S~OND the City in maximun amount of READING $24, 800, 000 for various public facilities and general improv ~nent s Ordinance to accept/appropriate Ppprov~d $10,228,271 for FY'88 for payment FIRST Iof purchase orders brought for- I READING Iward fron FY ~87 I I I~ I IF II IE IS IN JC Is IT IH IA lB [R IO I I I I Io I I M lB I IR C IZ I HI C IR PI E IJ L IN A I] N IO A[M ID R I~ N Io Io IK I~ ~ IS IR IE 1~ N IS IF IR I~ IY IY IY IY IY IY IY IY IY IY J) IL IA IE lB IL IN IK lU IS IE IE IE PASSED IO IH IS IR IY IS 10-0 lO-0 10-0 11-0 11-0 ll-0 ll-0 Y A YIA YIY FlY Y I* I I I I I I YJY Y Y IY Y IY Y Y YIY *He ischober abstained Ion Project #2-007 YIY I I I I I IY IY IY IY YIY Y,Y YIY Y Y Y Y Y YIY ~ YIY ~. Y Y ~. Y Y ~ FlY ~. YIY ~ I I I I AGENDA ITf/M NO. ~ v/~/5 / ~/b/c/ zv/J/1 ADD ON ~v/k/1 ~V/F~/3 CITY OF ViRGINIA BEACH SUF~I~RY OF ODUI~2IL ACTIONS DATE: September 21, 1987 PAGE: %hr ee SUBJECT [ MOTION C~dinances to accept/appropriate [~ppro~ed $19, 268, 929 for FY '87-~8 School FIRST Board Grants/Ehterprise FUnds: READING Textbook N~ntal Ftmd ~adget- Si, 348, 8oi School Prograns funded by Special Categorical Grants- $8, 211,255 School Cafeteria fhterprise Fund [~dget - $9,708, 873 Ordinance to AMflWD Sec. 5-9 of the Code pertainin9 to vicious animals Ordinance to AM~qD Sec. 37-47 of the Code pertainir~ to water rates Nasolution approving issuance of Ir~ustrial Development Revenue Ocean Ranch Motel (brporation $4, 500,000 Resolution expressing awareness Iof/concern for the AIDS prcblem/ [its support for tJ%e formation of Ia R~gional AIDS Task Force II. solution authorizing a prime I lease, lease agreement/trust [agre~nent in connection with the I financing of acquisition of pro- Iperty surrounding the Manicipal Center Ccmplex Resolution endorsing Vice Mayor Cberndorf' s reelection as Chairman of gVlL Urban Section Ordinance to accept/appropriate $20, 694 in State Grants .into the FY 87-88 Operating Budget of the Library Department Ordinance to authorize encroach- ment into portion of the r-ow of City's property known as the waters of ~road Bay Man Made Canals/Treasure Canal, to Oliver and [~yra Farinholt Ordinance appointing viewers in [petition of Signet f]~terprises, I Ltd. for closure of a portion of I%hompkins La., (Kempsville Bor.) I I Is IA IL FA SSED IO 11-0 I ;~lopt~x~ ;~/optex~ ~dopted [/~3.opt~ Ddopted ~dopted i~lopted il-O [Y [Y li-O IY I Y 11-0 IY [Y 11-o 11-0 11-0 11-0 11-0 M IS HI SI c IH olN E[E RIY I I I I I IM IR lc Ic JIL o IA EIA sin E R P N A ] M D all S a E I] S IF IR Il IY IY IY IY IY IY IY IY IY IY I! Y Y YIY Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y YIY Y Y Y Y Y Y Y YIY Y[Y 1 I l Y Y Y Y[Y Y Y Y Y Y Y IY Y IY I ~ I Y IY Y IY YIY YIY Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y ] Y Y CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH SU~4AR~ OF OOUNCIL ACTIONS AGENDA ~vl~l~l zv~/5 ~v~/6 IV/K/7 zv~/a ~V/L/1 IV/N DATE: Sept~nber 21, 1987 PAGE: Four SUBJECT I MOTION TO IC~d~nances appointing vie~rs in IApproved Ipetition of ~btor City Associates I for closures (Bayside Bor.): portion of Broad Street portion of Jersey Avenue I Ordinance appointing vie~rs ~ ~prov~ Ipetition of Sol W. fbhen for closure of a portion of Croa -tan N~. (Lynnhaven Bot. ) Tax refunds - $7, 020.61 License refu~s - $3,332.28 RAFFLE PER~IT: Extension of ~ree~ent of Sale of Purchase of Oceanfront Park Site - 24th Street tnt2[1 December 31, 1987 BUREAUCRACY CONCERNS: Reverend George T. Stallings, Rh.D./l~mvererfi Benny 1-15mpton t!MERGENCY SHELTER FOR THE HQMF~ .ESS M~. Mary Thurston - M~thers, Inc. AIIIOURhMENT: 7:08 PM Appro~ ed 1 Approved Appr c~ ed I Motion to I approve lost ItO n~ ativ e vote 10-1 11-0 11-0 11-0 5-6 IN A IE uIs M IS HIE R IY I I IM lc JIL NI~ E IA SIN I Io IE I~ A P MID olo S IR E IR S IF IY IY IY IY 1Y IY IY IY IY IY'"'I'~ Y Y IN Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y FlY I I I I I Y YIY Y Y Y NIY YIY Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N N