HomeMy WebLinkAboutOCTOBER 5, 1987CITY CF VIrgINIA BEA~{ DATE: October 5, 1987 ~AGE: Cne NG~A ~-~ I CITY COUNC IL CONCERNS i/iii/ /1 II/F/2 I {Vi~inia ~[u~icit~ I~ (%q~L) ~t~ev~ment Awa~s Rime Solvers Award- N~solutions of N~cognition: Detective Michael Der%~nt Detective James MmKinr~y Princess Anne Cc~mons I: {application to establish ~a I Histc~ical/Cultural District on Iproperty north of 5brth Landing N~. at intersection of Ja~es M~dison Blvd./George M~son Dr. (Princess Anne Bcro) MOTION TO Appr c~ ed II/G/l/ Betty C. Ghent: VAR: to Sec. Apprc~ed/ 4.4(b) of Subdivision Crdinance conditioned which requires a minimum lot width at the rear of the Irequired front yard at 800-804 {I~ ~bve Dr. (Kemi~ville Bor.) II/G/l/ IVirginia Beach Properties, Inc.: ~pprc~ed IVAR: to Sec. 4.4(c) of Sub- Idivision Ordinance, ~hich Irequires a minimum lot width in Ithe R-6 District at Daniel .quith I R~./Lawrence Dr. ( Bayside B~r. ) II/G/l/ {C~ ~ F~hc~, Inc.: (]3P: {private scPool (addition) at 1320 ~iill E~ M. (L~aven ~.) Il/G/l/ O~dinance for discDntinuance/ {FINAL closure/abandorment of a cul-de- I APPROVAL sac at Paker N~. in petition of lupon waiver Donald E. Perry (Bayside B~r.) Iof first I condition Ire: conveyance II/~l Resolution referring an AMENEMENT ~dopted to Sec. 944.1 of the CZO: re: Isign regulations in B-5 R~sort I Cc~mercial District to the I Planning Gcmmission II/I/1 I Ordinance designating certain Deferred lappointees/employees to file a to 10-26-87 .disclosure statement of personal .interests specified on the fonm set forth in Sec. 2.1-639.15 of the Ccde of Virginia fbnflict of Interests ~t iii/I/2 Ordinance to AMEND the (bde by ~PEAL~G Sec. 6-123 pertaining to wir~surfing devices 11-0 10-0 10-0 10-1 10-1 11-0 { { {L K O { {F B IR A IE U S M S YIY Y Y I~l I I EI I I II I IM s I IR lc clNI lc HIE IJ IL Y IY Y IY Y IY Y IY l'Perry ~b stained I I I I I YIY Y Y Y Y IY I' IY I I Io I lB I IE I IR PI IN Alt R I~ KI} S IF IR I% o IN IO IA IM ID B IL IN IN O Io E IE IE IA S IR R IY IS IN IY Y Y YIY YIY Y Y ¥1Y YIY { *He ischober ~b stained IY Y {Y Y IY Y {Y IY YIY Y I I I I I Y YIY I I I I I I Yl' Y Y IY Y IY I I I CIT~ C~ VI~IiTIA ~ DATE: October 5, 1987 PA~E: Two AGENDA z~/~/3 ~1~1~1 Yb/c J)D ON ~T~/J/6 rT'r/k M)DON SLI~4AIlZ OF ~IL ~rIONS SUBJECT MOTION I Ordinance to accept/appropriate 1510,228,271 frcm FY '88 for the Ipa~ent of purchase orders Ibrought fc~ward from FY '87 Ordinance to accept/appropriate $19,268,929 fc~ FY '87/'88 School Board G~ants/t.laterprise Fun~s .- Textbook ~ental - $1,348,801 SchooL Programs fun]ed by Special Categorical G~ants- $8, 211,255 School Cafeter ia ~hterpr ise - $9, 708, 873 ~q~ed SDCOND READING ~do~ed SD2OND READING Resolutions of Recognition: Detectives Derwent/M2 Kinr~y Ordinance to AMEND Sec 10-1 of the Code pertaining to establish- ment of election districts/ Ivotin~ places Ordinance to TRANSFER $323, 344 to close out c~mpleted Capital Projects for FY ' 86/' 87 ~opted LOW BID: M2Kenzie (bnstruction Apprc~ed Cbrp. $1,106, 300 for Boardwalk I rev ira 1 i zation/Ocean front Iconnector parks projects IL(~ BID: A & W ODntractors, Inc. IApproved 15127,196.70 for water service to ~residents of Kempsville (blony Icurrently served by wells, with- lout City ~ter service/~ho have Iobtained 51% participation for Irequesting City ~ter service Bembroke United Church of fhrist Kiwanis Club of Lynnh~en Tax refunds - $2, 373.91 Travel Article in BEACON - 1014187 Direct Election of School Board Appr ~ ed Discussion Scheduled for City (bum:il Meeting of 10 / 12/87 I I~ I IE I IE IS I IN lc lB IT IH IA B IR I0 I I I I IR lC U l lC E IJ IL uloI~ IL IA IF. lB IL IN IN IK lU IS IE IE IE IA PA&SED I0 IM IS I:R IY IS Itq 114) 11-43 114) 1143 11-0 11-0 11-0 11-0 11--0 E R N M O S S P A t D al~ o ~1~ R EI~ F I~ I: IY IY IY IY IY IY IY IY IY I¥ l: I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I IY YIY YIY IY Y IY Y IY I I I I I IY Y Y YIY YIY Y Y I I I Y IY Y IY I I I I IYIY Y Y [Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y ~Y BY CONSES~US Y Y YIY Y I I I YIY Y Y Y YIY 1 I I Y IY Y IY Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y AG~DA III/L/2 CITY CF VIRGINIA BEA(~ ~ OF ODUNCIL ACTIONS DATE: October 5, 1987 PAGE: ~hree SLBJECT P4~2~EST ~DR R~CON~IDERATION: application of Virginia Beach S.P.C.A. for a CUP for aa animal }xDspital, pound, shelter and kennel, on HDlland Nd., Land stown Nd. (Pr ince ss Anne ladv er tising l for 10/26/87 I Bor.) (Approved by City ODL~acil I ~/~/~) TWO. fY-FIFTH ANNIVERSARY I Authorized CRLE~RATION CCMMITTEE fuading ICity Manager I to schedule I Appropriation I Ordinance Ifor 10/12/87 I ($150, 000 I incl ud ing Ibudgeted I"~dopt A Sc}~ol" Program, ICity Cb~cil Idirected by the Virginia Beach Iwill sponsor School k]ministration I ODurthouse I Elementary IWayne Beagle CCZ: denied 9/21/87 I Scheduled I for 10/12/87 ~ecision to or not to Reoonsider ADJOURSMSIqT: 5:25 PM B IA IL IK PaSSFm Io 11-0 8-3 I I IF IE BIR AlE M Is I~1 El zl si cl~ SlE olN B IL EIE R IY I I I I I IM IR lC lc JIL I I Iol IBI lEI IR IP IN IA O IA IM ID IR : N IN Io Io IK E IA IS IR IE S IN IS IF IR I IY IY IY IY IY IY IY IY IY IY I YIY YIY BY C~~ BY CO~~ N Y