HomeMy WebLinkAboutOCTOBER 12, 1987DATE: Octd3er 12, 1987 t~%GE: a3e AG~nA F/1 IV/G/I/a Best Management Practices Indian River Boad Report Amortization of Signs CITY CO3NEIL CObl;ERNS M~TION TO ~3BLIC HEARING: Increased Water Rate (Water purchased ~r~n the City of Nc~ folk) Tidewater !~_~e Center of Hilltop I Apprc~ed i CUP: auto repair (quicklube) an I First Colonial R~./Laskin N~. I (Lynnhaven B~r.) I IV/G/1/b [Nancy W. Weller O3P: hotel/ motel ~ L~av~ P~y/~ ~it~n~ ~11 ~. (L~~ ~r.) [V/G/1/c ~xon ~rp. ~P: a~ ~ice ]~~/ s~t~n wi~ c~ ~s~~ie~e ~it~n~ f~ ~ore at Virg~ ~h I (L~~ ~r.) I [V/G/1/d [~eat ~ck ~r~i~s: ~~/ [C~: ~ R-5 ~ B-2 on ~r~ ~it~n~ [~eat ~ck ~./~11 ~ ~. ~P: m~i~~s/~k st~e on ~ ~t N~ ~./ ~r~ ~lon~ ~. (L~m ~. ) vis~1 /H/4 Ordin~-nce declarir~ E~CESS PROPERTY: sale of Oceana Transfer Station to SPS~authccizing Idispose of same IC~dinance to TRANSFER $511,411 I f rcm c~npleted capital projects Ito Southeastern Expressway for l advanced a~quisition of Potter I Property-Oceana Blvd. IC~dinance to TRANSFER additional 15125,000 fr~n Neserve fcr Cbn- Itingencies to City's ~%venty-Fifth I Anniver sary C~lebration I Ordinar~e to TRAN~ $38, 649 I frcxa within Juvenile Prd3ation ~for a~qui sit ion of vertical ~ filing system IC~dinance to AOCE~r/APPROPRIATE 151,473,000 to Public Utilities I for increase in the rate of Iwater pu~hased fra~ the City of ~Norfolk ~opted I FIRST 11-0 I I I I I IA IL IK O Y Y 11-o IY I Y I I I I I I s-3 IN IY I I ~ I I I I I I I 11-o IY I Y 11-0 11-0 6-5 ll-O ll-O [Y IY JY Y IY IY I IH I I I I lEI I I IF II I I IE IS I IR lc IN lc IH I lc JT IH IE IJ IL ~ IRIO IN Io la A IE IS I~, U IS I~. I~. ~ IS R IY YIY Y Y YIY Y Y Y Y Y Y Y ¥1Y ¥ Y Y Y YIN Y YIY Y YIY s IN Y Y YIY Y N Y Y I Io IE IR P IN A ~ID R olo K S R E S FIR YlY Y YIY Y NIY Y Y Y Y YIY Y Y YIY N N N Y YIY Y Y IY Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y AGENDA IT~4 ND. v/W7 [viii3 DATE: October 12, 1987 PAGE: ~W~ SLB~ECT ~ MDTION TO C~dinance to ACCEP?/APPRO~TE I~pprc~ed $30, 000 from the sale of property FIRST to NDse~aont I~Drest Area Park Site READING C~dinance to authorize encroach- ment into pc~tion of r-ow of !39th St. to Oceauview Virginia O~dinance authc~izing an agree- ment with PHE~ for Urban Preser- [vation/Infill Cuauitments with Ireservation of $2-Miltion for ~ortgage finar~in~purchase of single family d~lling ~nits Crdinance to TRANSFER $85,387 ~within Ccmuunity Diversion Incentive Program to meet program needs On~inance to TRANSFSR $500 from ktopted Reserve for (bntingencies to Police Chief's Division for reimbur~ent of legal expenses incurred by City employees in Ithe perfDrmance of their duties ICrdinance to authorize encroach- Iment into po~-tion of City pro- Iperty kno%n as man-made canal to I Lon~ Creek to David G., SF ./ Joan E. Bennett ~LO~ BID to Vico ODnstruction Dpproved Ccrp. $70, 190.75 for %ater ser- Ivice/fire protection to residents Iof ~lnitehurst Lardir~ Nfl./hhite I I~. Rfl./Westlord Dr./Jack Frost I ~BINGO/RAFFLE PER~ITS: ] Approved IL IK mssm Io 11-0 6-5 11-0 11-0 Filipim Wcmen's Club of Tidewater, Inc. - Bing~R~ffle (hurt Stella Maris- Raffle to 10/19/87 Tax refmds - $466.16 [;~pproved D~rect Election of Virginia ]Ddopted Beach School Board [Revised I Proposal A ~RS~UEST FOR RB~flk~IDERATION of IDenied I Wayne Beagle: COZ: from R-6 to Iby negative IA-2 c~ Pleasure HDuse R~./Machen Ivote on [Ave. ( Bayside B~r. ) [motion to I(Denied by City Cbuncil 9/21/87) lapprove IM~terial/cost for Staff p~epara- [tion of Referer~um data on one Iquestion for the ballot 11-0 11-0 11-0 11-0 11-0 11-0 IF II IT IH B IR IO Hi lC IR N IO IA IM ID P A R K E A[E lB IL IN IN IO lO U IS IE IE [E IA IS IR M IS IR IY IS IN IS IF IR IY IY IY [Y [Y I'Y IY IY IY Y YIY Y Y Y YIY Y Y Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y Y Y YIY Y ¥ YJY YIY Y Y YIY [Y YIY Y Y Y IY Y Y Y Y Y [Y[Y Y Y Y Y Y Y[Y Y !Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y Y Y DATE: October 12, 1987 P~GE: three AG~A ~BJECT I MOTION TO IR~C(lk~IDERATION of Michael S. IScheduled I Malbon CUP: for a day care center for 2: PM (Princess ~mne BDrou~h) denied 111/2/87 Iby City fbuncil 9/21/87 I ADJOURNMHNT: 5:28 PM 6-5 ~K 0 A IE M }S S I IR lC C I~ ~C HIE IJ IL O IN IO IA IM ID IR I! B IL IN IN IO IO IK I] E IE IE ~A IS IR IE I] R IY IS IN IS IF IR I~. Y IY']Y IY"IN IY IN IN IN IN