HomeMy WebLinkAboutMAY 8, 1978,,,INUTES OF TIIE IIONOltAIILE C1TY COUNCIL OF TIIE CITY OF VIRGINIA 13I~ACI[, VIRGINIA May 8, 1978 The re?,u]ar meeting of the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, V~rg~nJa, was called to order by .Mayor Clarence A. IIo]land, ]n lbo Conference Room, in the Administration Bu~ld~ng, on Monday, }lay S, 197S, at 1:00 p.m. Councfl Members present: John A. Baum, Robert B. Cromwell, Jr. , Georg~~ R. Ferrell, Mayor Clarence A. Itolland, J. Henry HcCoy, Jr., Counc:lwoman Meyers E. Oberndorf, J. Curtis Payne, Roger L. Rmggs, Vice Mayor Patrick L. Stand]_ng, and Floyd E. Watorf~eld, Jr. Councm] Member absent' John R. Griff~n ITEM #12084 Mayor Ilolland entertained a motion to permit Co~]nc]l to conduct an · nformal sessmon to be followed by an executive sessmon for the pur- pose of dmscusslng the following. 1. D~scuss~on or consideration of employment, assmgnment, promotmon, demotion, salary_es, d~sc~pline or reszgnation of publ:[c offmcers, appointees or employees of any public body. 2. Discussion or consideration of the condition, acqu~s~_t]on or use of real property ~or public purpose, or other dlsposkt~on of publicly held property. On motion by Vice Mayor Standing, seconded by Councilman Cromwell, and by recorded vote as follows' Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., George R. Ferrell, .'4ayor Clarence A. Itolland, J. Henry ~icCoy, Jr., Counc~l- woman ~leyera E. Oberndorf, J. Curtms Payne, Roger L. R.~ggs, V~ce Mayor Patrick L. Standing, and Floyd E. Waterf~eld, Jr. Nays · None Absent' Councilman John R. Griffin City Counczl voted to proceed mnto the executive sessmon following tl~e ~nformal meeting. ITEM #12085 The City Manager stated that last week there was a dzscuss]on of the Sandbr~dge area and the amount of taxes that were collected, other i hah normal real estate laxes, due to rentals. The owners of the rental property have trzc-:d for some years to do something about the trash b-~ns zn the front of the homes. One of the problems w~th the b~ns ]n the front ~s th:tt the ma~n rentals change over from Saturday to Sunday, and the p~ople would have to be putting out somc, one e]se's t rash. Because of the a~nount oi iu]~ds collected in Sandl)rrdge, the C~ty iecls ti]at ~t would be beneficial a~[l .]ust~fl(,d to l~c]'ease the collect]on Sandbrldge from the regular twice-a-week collection to three-times a week collect]on, (~n]y ~n the tour]st season. Tt]ls service will be ~n]ttat.,~d on May 27, 1978, and terminate September 9, 1978. ~'lth thl~ ~ncr~ase ~n serv]co, however, the C][v wo~[d ]~l<e to · mpoqe upon tl~(, cit~(~ns ~n Sandbrtd~o aomc stand;trds roi' tho traa}~ l)~na. ITEM #12086 Mayor Itolland informed Council that he wrote to the Chamber of Commerco requesting they appc~nt a committee lrom the Beach Borough to be a ]zaison commztteo for the City to see that trash · s p~cked up on the beaches and streets. ITEM ~12087 The C~ty Manager stated that the Governor's Off~ce called and requested the use of the Council Chambers on Tuesday, ~lay 16, 1978, at 2 00 p.m., to hold an open sessmon wroth the public. Th~s matter wzll be publmshed ~_n the newspapers ~nvzt~ng the publmc to attend, and all Council members are ~nv~ted to naw~ lunch wroth the Governor. They will be receiving formal invitations. ITEM #120SS The Czty Manager stated he did not have an opportunity to brief Council on the emergency co,nd~t~ons on Friday, May 5, 1978, when the 36-~nch water l~ne broke. The City ~.'!anager commended the c~ty employees in the Public Ut~litmes Department for their participation ~n this emergency. ITEM #12089 A fmlm was presented to Council on the "D~scover America" Award received by the Department of Econommc Development. ITEM #12090 At 2'00 p.m., C~ty Councml reconvened in the Councml Chambers with the followmng members present' John A. Baum, Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., George R. Ferrell, Mayor Clarence A. Holland, J. Henry McCoy, Jr., Councilwoman Meyera E. Oberndorf, J. Curtzs Payne, Roger L. R~ggs, Vmce Mayor Patrick L. Standing, and Floyd E. Waterf~eld, Jr. Council .~Iember absent' John R. Griff~n The ~nvocat~on was g~ven by the Reverend Mark Stone, London Bridge Bapt_zat Church, follow, ed by the Pledge of Allegiance. ITEM #12091 Mr. Harry P_zncus appeared before Councml requesting an amount of $800 be given to the V~rg~n~a Beach Volley Ball team to permit them to attend the championship games in Texas. V~ce Mayor Standing made a motion to a~spropr~ate SS00 to the V~rg~n~a Beach Volley Ball Team so they can part~_c~pate ~~n the games on May 12 through the 14th. There being no second, the motion dxed. Vice Mayor Standing d~d ~nform Mr. P~ncus, however, that he had discussed th~s matter w~th residents ~n the community, and he _--feels that the money can be ra~ed throu?,h communzty donations. On mot)on by C¢)unc]lp,an Fo~'rel], seconded by Coullc1]{~all McCoy, by re('orded x,c,t(, a~ follow~;: Ayes Counci]men John A. Baum, Robert B. Cro~nwe]l, Jr. , George Ferrel], Mayor Clar{~nce A. ]lolland, J. tIenry McCoy, Jr., Council- woman Meyera E. Oberndorf, J. Curtis l)ayne, Roger L. Rxggs, V~ce Mayor Patrick L. Standing, and Floyd E. Waterf~eld, Jr. Nays: None Absent: Councilman John R. Gr~ff~n City Council voted to approve the m~nutes of the regular meeting of May 1, ]978, and dzspensed wzth the reacl~ng of sazd m~nutes znasmuch as each Council Member had a copy. ITEH ~12093 The Cztv Clerk read the follow~n~ Publzc Notice: Not,ce is hereby g~ven that the C~ty Council of the C~ty of V~rgin~a Beach, V~rg~nia, w~ll hold a regular meeting ~n the C~ty Council Chambers, Ad~n~n~strat~on Building, Munzc~pal Center, Princess Anne Borough, Virginia Beach, V~rgxn~a, at 2:00 p.m., on Monday, May 8, 1978, for the purpose of hold~ng a Public Hearing on the proposed budget for the C~ty of Virg~nza Beach for the f~scal year beginning July 1, 1978 and end~ng June 30, 1979. The budget, together ~v~th the proposed Revenue Ordxnance, w~ll be reviewed by the Cxty Council on Mond~ty, May 8, 1978, ai 2:00 p.m. , at which time persons w~sh~ng to appear in support of and those opposed to the adoptzon of the budget may publicly express their opinions. Persons w~sh~ng to address the City Councxl regarding this matter should register with the C~ty Clerk, Room 311, City Administration Building, before 5:00 p.m., on Wednesday, ~Iay 3, 1978, by letter or telephone (427-4304) or register at the Clerk's desk ~n the Council Chambers before the meeting opens. Persons registering should indicate the budget matter upon which they w~sh to speak. Mr. F. Re~d Ervmn y~elded to Mr. Doug]so W. Aydl~.tte, Pre.~mdent oi ~he Fraternal Order of Police. Mr Aydlette - spoke mn reference to th~~ polzce portzon of the bud,,,~+ Mr Avdlette stated that during 1977 the V~r¢,~n~a Beach Police Department answered 110,452 calls for assistance, and requested a 10% pay ~ncrease on July 1, 1D?8. Mr. F. Re~d Ervxn - requested the budget hearings begmn earlier, also be hand]eot department by department wxth each Cou~c~l Member graven a · --- synopsxs of each department's request. Approved of the request by Councxlmen R~ggs and Payne regarding the salary study oi c~ty employees, and requested xt be expanded to a management study. Further stated that the Police Department be granted a 10% pay ~ncrease. Mrs. Viv~an H~tchcock - stated she has dzscussed w~th the ~,~ayor and C~ty Manager the matter x~hzch concerned her, that was the mazlmng of personal property taxes. Mr. Irving A. Douglas, K:ngs Poznt Czvic League, - stated he had four points whmch he wanted to brxng out: (1) Increase in £und~ng, (2) xmproved performance of cmty employees; (3) ~ncrease zn budget for contractural services; (4) School budget increase in salaries. Mr. J. Lavra - requested the Polzce Department be given a 10% increase on July 1, 1978. Doctor Brmckell, Supermntendent oi Schools, appeared before Council regardzng the budget of the School Board, and mnformed Councml that if the budget were cut mt would have to come from salarmes as that makes up 82% of the Sct~ool Board budget. Doctor Br~ckell stated he has elmminated four pos~tmons; (1) directorshmp, --- (2) clermcal positions. Councilwoman Oberndorf stated that all employees should recemve a 10% mncrease in July, ho~ever, for police and fmre an extra 3% for hazardous duty, and requested a Salary Wage Study. City Councml thanked the public for attendmng thins publmc hearing, and stated that the fmrst readmng will be on May 15, 1978. ITEH#12094 On motion by Councilman Ferrell, seconded by Councilman Cromv~.ell, and by recorded vote as follows' Ayes: Councxlmen John A. Baum, Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., George R. Ferrell, Mayor Clarence A. Holland, J. Henry McCoy, Jr., Counc~l- woman Meyera E. Oberndorf, J. Curtis Payne, Roger L. R~ggs, Vmce Mayor Patrick L. Standmng, and Floyd E. Waterfmeld, Jr. Nays · None Absent. Councilman John R. Griff~n City Council voted to approve the following ordinance to authorize the acqu~smt~on of property mn fee s~mple for r~ght-of-way for Kempsv~]le Road/Ind~an R~ver Road ~ntersectton, Project ~2-713 and the acquxs~t~on of temporary and permanent easements of r~ght-of-way, e~ther by acqu~r~c,n or condemnat~o~ ~n order to proceed w~th construction of the Inct~an Iltxer, Road/Kempsv~lle Road ~ntersect~on project. (Kempsv~]le Road Phase I). RequesLed by: City ,~lanager/Publ~c Works AN ORDINANCE TO AUTliOR]ZE ACQUISITION OF PROPERTY IN FEE SIIIPLE FOR RICHT-OF-WAY FOR KEHPSVILL[ ROAD/INDIAN RIVER ROAD INTERSECTION, PROJ[CT ~"2-713 AND TIlE ACQUISITION OF TEMPORARY AND PERHANL[IT EASEHENTS OF RIGHT-OF-WAY. EITHER BY ACQUISITION OR BY CO~IDEMNATION. WHEREAS, in the opinion of the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, a public necessity exists for the construction of this important road- way to provide transportation and for other public purposes for the preservation of the safety, health, peace, good order, comfort, convenience, moral and for the welfare of the people in the City of Virginia Beach; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA: Section 1. That the City Attorney and/or Deputy City Attorney is hereby authorized and directed to acquire by purchase or condemnation pursuant to Section 15.1-236 et seq. and Section 33.1-89 et seq., Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended, all that certain real property in fee simple, including temporary and permanent easements of right-of-way as shown on the plans entitled, "Kempsville Road Phase I." These plans being on file in the Office of Real Estate Department of Public Works, Virginia Beach, Virginia. Section 2. That the City Attorney and/or Deputy City Attorney is hereby authorized to make or cause to be made in behalf of the City of Virginia Beach, to the extent that funds are available, a reasonable offer to the nwners or persons having an interest in said lands, if refused, the City Attorney and/or Deputy City Attorney is hereby authorized to institute proceedings to condemn said property. Section 3. That an emergency is hereby declared to exist and this ordinance shall be in force and effect from the date of its adoption. Adopted by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, on the 8 day of ~' , 1978. APPROV~) ,CS 10 CONTZ.%,,'.TS S ~ L JAR: kg 5/1/78 cb. \\ ~-. ',-. , \,,, "- ~-.. /t ~ " e IZ, ~.i. \',. -.~ I/'"~ ? t/ ! /: ..... ~... ·//,, //'/,' i i t %. The following bids have been re(e~ved for thC, Seatack Area, Phase III, Water System and Sanitary Sewera~4e Facilities, Contract I in the Lynnhaven Borouoh Carter-Bell Corporation $514,755.00 D. J. W. Construction Co., Inc. 619,687.85 Engineer's Estimate $502,007.00 On motmon by Councilman Ferrell, seconded by Councilman Cromwell, and by recorded vote as follows' Ayes' Councmlmen John A. Baum, Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., George R. Ferrel], Mayor Clarence A. Holland, J. Henry McCoy, Jr., Councml- woman Heyera E. Oberndorf, J. Curtms Payne, Roger L. R3~ggs, Vice Mayor Patrick L. Standing, and Floyd E. Waterf~e]d, Jr. Nays' None Absent' Councilman John R. Griff~n Cmty Councml voted to approve the low bzd of Carter-Bell Corporatmon, · n the amount of $5]4,755.00, for the Seatack Area, Phase III, Water System and Sanitary Sewerage Fac~l~tmes (Gravmty Sewerage System and Force Ma~n); and further authorized the Czty )Ianager to execute the necessary documents. Fundmng for thzs project ~s to b.q provided bY the Community Development Funds. Contract I ITEM #12096 The followmng bids have been received for the Seatack Area, Phase III, Water System and Sanitary Sewerage Facmlmt~es, Contract I'[, in the Lynnhaven Bo rough' Gavco Corporation $ 98,000.00 Luke Construct men Company, Inc. 120,700.00 Crowder Contractmng Company, Inc. 143,400.00 Engineer's Est inmate $100,000.00 On motion by Councilman Ferrell, seconded by Councmlman Cromwell, and by recorded vote as follows' Ayes: Counczlmen John A. Baum, Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., George R. Ferrell, Mayor Clarence A. Holland, J. Ilenry McCoy, Jr., Councml- woman ,',~eyera E. Oberndorf, J. Curtis Payne, Roger L. Rmggs, Vmce Mayor Patrmck L. Standing, and Floyd E. Waterf~eld, Jr. Nays' None Absent' Councilman John R. Grlffmn C~ty Councml voted to approve the low bmd of Gavco Corporation, ~n the amount of $98,000.00, for the Seatack Area, Phaae III, Water System and Sanitary Sewerage Fac]_l~t~es (Pu~i) Station), anti further authorized the C~ty Manager to execute the necessary documenls. Yunct~n~ for t~]~ pro- ject ~ ~ l)~ l~rov~ded bY the Com,nun~ ty Development ~un(ts. 2097 The following b~¢ts have b(.~en received for tt~e Thalla Creek Water]:ne Cross~n.q - Bays~de Borough: A. Stanley Mundy and Company $37,000. O0 A. Stuart Bolling Company, Inc. 42,165. O0 Crowder Contracting Company Suburban Grading and Utilities, Inc. 52,800. O0 72,149. O0 Engineer's Estimate 41,000.00 On motion by Councilman Ferrell, seconded by Councxlman Cromwell, and by recorded vote as follows: Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., George R. Ferrell, Mayor Clarence A. ttolland, J. Itenry McCoy, Jr., Counc~l- woman Meyera E. Oberndorf, J. Curtis Payne, Roger L. Rmggs, V~ce Mayor Patrick L. Standmng, and Floyd E. Waterf~eld, Jr. Nays: None Absent: Councilman John R. Grifiin City Council voted to approve the low bid of A. Stanley Mundy and Company, zn the amount of $37,000.00, for the Thal~a Creek Water- l~ne Crossing; and further authorized the C~ty Manager to enter · nto the necessary agreements ~n order to ~mp]ement th~s pro3ect. I TEmpi #12098 On motion by Councilman Ferrell, seconded by Councilman Cromwell, -- and by recorded vote as follows: Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., George R. Ferrell, Mayor Clarence A. Holland, J. Henry McCoy, Jr., Counc~l- woman Meyera E. Oberndorf, J. Curtis Payne, Roger L. R~ggs, Vkce Mayor Patrnck L. Standing, and Floyd E. ~aterf~eld, Jr. Nays: None Absent: Councilman John R. Grmff~n City Council voted to approve the following tax refunds ~n the amount of $243.96' ~t)!{ }'AYIILI~T ].)at(, <-?:)-75 DE IT ORDAINED BY TIlE COUNCIL OF TIlE CiTY OF V]R(:[~IA BEACtl, VIRGINL\- That the following applicat. 5ons for tax refundn upon certlficatioa o[ the · Treasurer arc hereby approved' Totalin[~ $136.98 TAX TYPE TICKET LXONERA- DAI E - YF[G{ OF *fA_~_X N~IBER _?iON NO. PAID PENA'f,%T INT. TOTAl, etti, N. V.& K. R. ney, Vernon n 11. Whitehurst id S. Beckner Jr. 'id Farley · a M. Mann nis D. Capps . ja & Benito Martine: tit~;artinez nci~ ,~. Johnson 'is Vol£va ght C. Eddy ncis Pomnitz 1978 '1976 1977 1978 ~978 1978 1978 1978 1978 1978 ].978 1978 1978 1978 RE~ ~g~ RE2/ REI CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD 45236 5566 5687 8553 · 79015 84256 65338 113721 83988 83987 60656 40856 26649 24059 · 11-8-77 6-9-76 12-1-76 6-10-77 1-31-78 1-31-78 4-13-78 1-17-78 1-10-78 4-7-78 4-7-78 · 1-12-78 2-17-78 1-10-78 1-3-78 i 3.26 9.52 9.52 9.68. 7.50 7. 6 .z 06 7.50 7.50 · 15.0~ 15.00 7.5O 7.50 7.50 7.50 The--hove abatement(s) total lng 36.98 ~.~":c approved by the ouncil of ti,' Ci[y of Virginia Beach on the 8 y of MQy t:Ichard J. Webbb~t, City Clerk ,/ JOHN T ~ATK1NSONT~easurer · , Approved ~a~ to fo~: . BL IT ORDAINED ];Y 'file CO[[HCIL OF 'IHE CIl~f OF VIt',CII:IA BEACtl, V1RCIHLA- That the following applications for tax refunds upon ce~-tificarion of the · Treasurer are hereby approw~.d' NA ~Jham, Charles D. E. & A. J. NewtonIIl iiam E. Llewellyn ban Mintzes Pardue ,erine K. Williams ~, & i. R. Hinn ~. Towle e R. Howell aard B. Gore ., rd [ ay ,Ir. aeth & L. L. Patton nas E. Laber TAX TYPE TAX NqoP~IBER TION NO 1977 1978 1978 1978 i 78 1978 1978 1978 1978 1978 1978 1978 PP CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD Totaling $106.98 TICKET EXONE[Lt- DATE PAID PiiNAL'I"f INT. 106743 57585 131235 114455 113747 12764 53051 57228 76227 42608 41966 1978 The..~bove abatement(s) totaling 06.9g were approved by ~he ounctl of the City of Virginia Beach or~ the g day of May m 132 10-24-77 1-].0-78 1-30-78 1-10-78 1-10-78 1-6-78 1-4-78 1-10-78 1-30-78 3-3-78 3-10-78 1-19-78 1-23-78 1461 TOTAL 9'.48 7.50 7 ..50 7.50 7.50 ,7.~0 o. ' .so ' · 7.50 . · 7.50 7.50 · 7.50 ' 15.00 1,~-,~,~ ,,', 7,a~:~ pF,';,e,-ty locdtec' on tt,e Sc)uth s~de of Lo;'Jon Brldqe Ro~d btg~,, l.~,,t, at a polr, t 303 feet mor~: or less East of Sh~pps Corner Roa~, I'unn]i~g a d~sLarce of tl48.21 feet along the South side of London I.~r~d§e Ro,~d, ru~F~no a distancP of 1383.Z5 feet iii a Southwesterly direction, running a d~%Lance of 425.5 feet ,n a Southeasterly direction, running a d~st~nce of 7/9.80 feet in a Southwesterly d~rectlon, running a distance of 14~8.9[{ feel in a North~esterty direction, runn]n2 a distance of 1/83.2 fe~t along the Western p~'operty line, running a d~stance of 344.2~ feet ~n an Easterly a~rection, rur~ng a d~sca~ ce of 252.38 feet in a Southwesterl.~ d]rect]o~, running a d~stance of 345.18 feet ]na Southeasterly direct]on an~t running a d~stance of 129q.22 feet in a Nortl]easterly d~rF. ctlon. Said parcel contains 87.87 acres. PRINCESS ANNE BOROUGH. Planning Commission Recommendation- A motion was passed unanimously by the Planning Commission by a recorded vote of l l to approve this request. For the information of the applicant, prior to the initiation of the intended use. of, the land, the following will be required by the admini- strative s~afF' 1. Standard improvements as required by the Site Plan Ordinance. 2. City water and sewer. 3. The developer will be required to build a pump station and gravity sewer to serve thl~ property. 4. Right-of-way dedication and construction of two lanes of the proposed four lane highway for London Bridge Road Extended and Dam Neck Road will be required. · 5. Dredging or filling will not be allowed without the proper permits. '=' Further, this ordinance shall be effective upon satisfactory compliance to the conditions imposed in th~s motion, and it is understood and agreed to by the applicant that the official change on the zoning maps will not be made until the following conditions are satisfied. 1. A dedication of right-of-way 30 feet from the centerline of the existing 50 foot right-of-way along the 1148.21 foot frontage on London Bridge Road (a 5-foot dedication). 2~ Dedication of the necessary right-of-way for London Bridge Road Extended and Dam Neck Road. e A 3OF, foot Jraina.qe easement for Oanal #2 and a 100 foot drainage easement for Canal ~4 w~ll be ;,ec~sary. On motion by Councmlman Payne, seconded by Councmlman Waterf~eld, and by recorded vote as follows. Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, R~)bert B. Crom~;ell, Jr. , George R. Ferrell, Mayor Clarence A. Holland, J. Henry )IcCoy, Jr., Counc~l- woman qeyera E. Oberndorf, J. Curtis Payne, Roger L. R~.~gs, Vmce Mayor Patrick L. Standmng, and Fl~yd E. Waterf~eld, Jr. Nays · None Absent' Councilman John Il. Griffin City Councxl voted to defer for szxty (60) davs the above petttzon of Iloger H. and J. Beverley S,~wyer for a Chan~e oI ZontnK ])~strxct Classification 1rom AG-I Agriculture D]str~ct Lo I-1 Lz~;ht Industr~a] D~str~ct on certain property located on the South s~de of London Brtci~'~e Road be~x~nn~n~: at a point 305 feet more or less Fast of Sh~PI~a Corner Road, running a d~stancc el 11,~8.'21 feet along the SoutI~ si_de of London Br~up;o Road, runn~n% a d~olancr. ()~ 1323 "5 feet ]na Southwesterly d~r- ect](~n runntn~ a dtstance of 4o5 5 a d]~,tancc ~1~ 1,15k;.98 fo,or in ,l 24orthx~c,~l('~'Jv ITE~[ #12100 Petition of Southeastern Vi,-ginia Investors and Ca:~eron A. and Evelyn A. Munden for a Change of_Z_o_n]_.'],S ~strict Class~ficat~o,~ .... fr(,m R-3 keFidential District to ~-5 Res~dept~dl lllSl'rlct on certain property begin~ng at a point 3~370 feet more or less Soui~east of the intersection of Ha;'pers Road and London Bridge Road, running a distance of 625 feet more or less along the Eastprn pro',}~,+',~ line, running a distance of 7~;0., feet along the SoutheFn property line, runniiig a distance of 360 Feet along the W(:stern property line and running a distance of l!O0 Feet more or less along the Northern proo~rty line. Said parcel contains 10.8 acres. PRINCESS ANNE BOROUGH. Planning Conmission Recommendation- A motion was passed unanimot~sly by the Planning Commission by a recorded vote of l l to approve this request. For the informatiol~ oF the applicant, prior to the initiation of the intended use of the land, thc following will be required by the admini- strative staff' · i e Sta;~dord improvements as required by the Subdivision Ordinance. City water and sewer· 3~ The de-eloper m~,st pro,;ide g,~avity sewer, pump slation, and water to this site by exte,;ding a water' l~ne f~om False Cape Parkway or the Forest Hill S;~bdivIsion. e Particip~tion in the installation of traffic signals and other traf- fic control measures will be required. . It is recor, mended that no fillii~g be permitted ~ithin the 100 year flood plain which is to ~he existing 5 foot contour. e The dedication of right-of-way and improvements for Seaboard Roao Extended will be required w~th development. e Establishmel~t of the centerline of Seaboard Road before construction and dedication of that particular parcel as needed in the roau system. Further, th~s ordinance shall be effective upon satisfactory coml,liaqce to the conditions in,posed lll this ,.ot-~on, a~ld it is und~.~rstood and ~gre~d to by the applicant that ih, office.! changp afl the zon~r~g maps will n,3t ne made until the following conditions is satisfied' A 300 foot drainage easement is required for Canal #2. Very truly yours, Chairman rocor(led vol,~ a.~, lei lows Ayes' Counci[m(~n ~Johri A. Baum, Robert B. Cro~nwell, Jr., George Ferre]l, ..l,'ayor Clar~.nce A. Ifol]and, J. Henry ~lcCoy, Jr. , J. Curt Payne, Roger L. l~iggs, Vice Mayor Patricl: L. Slanding, and Floyd Waterf~old, Jr. Nays: Counc~lworqan Meyera E. Oberndorf Absent: Councilman John R. Gr~ff~n City Council voted to approve the following ordinance upon petition of Southeastern Vzrginia Investors and Cameron and Evelyn A. Munden for a Change of Zon~n~ D~strict Classifzcat~on from AG-1 Agriculture Dmstrict to R-5 Res~dentmal D~strmct' ORDINANCE UPON PETITION OF SOUTI!EASTERN VIRGINIA ZO578341 INVESTORS AND CAMERON AND EVELYNA. MUNDEN FOR A CHANGE OF ZONING DISTRICT CLASSIFICATION FROM AG-1 Agricultural Dmstrzct TO R-5 Res~dentmal Dlstrmct. BE IT ORDAINED BY TIlE COUNCIL OF TIlE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA, that: Petmtion of Southeastern Vmrginia Investors and Cameron and Evelyn A. Munden for a Change of Zon~n~ Distr,~ct Classification from AG-1 Agri- cultural Dmstrict to R-5 Resmdentmal Dmstrmct on cer~amn property be- gmnn~ng at a pomnt 4230 feet Southwest of the ~ntersect~on of Harper's Road and London Brmdge Road, running a dmstance of 29G0 feet more or less along the Northern property line, runn~_ng a distance of 360 feet mn a Southeasterly d~rectmon, running a distance of 780 feet mn an Easterly d~rectmon, runnmng a d_~stance of 970 feet more or less along the Eastern property lmne, runnmng a d~stance of 3031.20 feet along the Southern property line and running a distance of 1525.23 feet along the Western property line. Sa~d parcel contains 112.80 feet more or less. Prmncess Anne Borough. For the information of the applicant, pr~or to the ~nltiatzon of the intended use of the land, the following will be requmred by the admlnmstratlve staff. 1. Standard improvements as requmred by the Subdmv~sion Ordinance. 2. C~ty water and sewer. 3. The developer must provide gravity sewer, pump station, and water to this s~te by extending a water line from False Cape Parkway or the Forest ttill Subdivision. 4. Participation ~n the installation of traffmc s~gnals and other traffic control measures w~] l be required. 5. No f~!ling wmll be permitted within the 100 year flood plain which is to the ex~st~ng 5 loot contour. 6. The dedication of r~ght-of-way and ~mprovements for Seaboard Road Extended w~ll be required w~th development. 7. Establishment of the centerl~ne of Seaboard Road before cons~ru('t~,,n al~d d, (t~¢'at~on of that particular parcel as needed tn the r~ad ~vatem. Further, this ordinance ~hall be effective upon satisfactory colnt~]~ance to the conditions ~mposod in th~s motion, and ~t ~s under~iood and a~roed to by the applicant that tl~e ofllc~al cl~:tnge on the zoning maps w~]] ,~t be made unta] tho iollowtng condtt, aons :tre safest ted. ]. A 300 foot dra~n:tge easoment ~,% required for Can:ti #2. This ()rdanance s;l~al] l)e e[lct:t~v{, ripe)Il (l:tto of a(t~)ption. ITE~! #12101 '--Petition of Southeastern Virginia Investors and Carneron and Evelyn A. Munden for a Chanqe o_f_ ?.on!n~__District Classificat~oq from AG-1 Agri- cultural District to R-5 Residential District on certain property begin- ning at a point 4230 feet Southwest of the intersect]on of Harpers Road and London Bridge Road, running a distance of 2950 feet more or less along the Northern property line, running a distance of 360 feet tn a Southeasterly direction, running a distance of 780 feet in an Easterly direct]on, running a distance of 970 feet more o~' less along the Eastern property l~ne, running a distance of 3031.20 feet along the Southern property line and running a distance of 1525.23 feet along the Western property line. Said parcel contains 112.80 acres more or less. PRINCESS ANNE BOROUGH. Planning Commission Recommendation' A motion was passed unanimously by the Planning Commission by a recorded vote of ll to approve this request. For the information of the applicant, prior to the initiation of the intended use of the land, the following will be required by the admini- strative staff: 1. Standard improvements as required by the Subdivision Ordinance. City water and sewer. Tile developer must provide gravity sewer, pump station, and water to this site by ex%cnding a ~,,dter line from False Cape Parkway or the Forest Hill Subdivision. me Se Participation in the installation of traffic signals and other traf- fic control meas[~res will be required. · It is recommended that no filling be permitted within the 100 year flood plain which is to the existing 5 foot contour. 6~ The dedication of right-of-way and improvements for Seaboard Road Extended will be required with development. 7~ Establishment of the centerline of Seaboard RoaJ b~fore construction and dedication of that particular parcel aS needed in the road system. Further, this ordinance shall be effective upon satisfactory compliance to the conditions imposed in this motion, and it is understood and agreed to by the applicant that the official change on the zoning maps will not be made until the following conditions is satisfied: A 300 foot drainage easement is required for Canal #2. Nays' Councilx~oman Meyers E. Oborndorf Absent' Councilman John R. Gr~lf~n City Council voted to approve the follox~,tng ordinance upon petition of Southeastern Virginia Investors and Cameron and Evelyn A. .~Iunden for a Chancre o~ Zon5no District C'lasszf~.cat~on from AG-1 Agricultural D~str~ct ~o RL5 Residential DCstrnct' ORDINANCE UPON PETITION OF SOUTItEASTERN VIRGINIA INVESTORS AND CAMERON AND EVELYN A. ~!UNDEN FOR A CHANGE OF ZONING DISTRICT CLASSIFICATION FRO~I AG-1 Agrzcultural D~strict to R-$ Residential District ZO578342 BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF TIlE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA, that' Petition of Southeastern V~rg~n~a Investors and Cameron and Evelyn A. Munden for a Chan.~e of Zoning D~.;tr~ct Class~ f~cat~on from AG-1 Agri- cultural District to R-5 Residential District on certain property be- ginnmn=o at a point 4230 feet Southwest of the ~ntersection of Harper's Road and London Bridge Road, running a distance of 2960 feet more or less along the Northern property ]~ne, running a distance of 360 feet in a Southeasterly direction, running a distance of 730 feet ~n an Easterly~ d~roct~on, running a distance of 970 feet more or less alon~ the Eastern property l~ne, running a distance of 3031.20 feet along the Southern property l~_ne and running a d~stance of ]525.23 feet along the Western property line. Said parcel contains 112.80 feet more or less. Princess Anne Borough. For the information of the applicant, prior to the initiation of the · ntended use of the land, the followmng wmll be required bv the adminlstrat rove staff' 1. Standard improvements as required by the Subdivision Ordinance. 2. C~ty water and sewer. 3. The developer must provide gravity sexver, pump station, and water to th~s s~te by extending a x~ater line from False Cape Parkway or the Forest Ilmll Subdivision. 4. Participation ~n the installation of traffic s~gnals and other traffic control measures w~ll be required. 5. No f~]l will be permitted within the 100 year flood plain which J s to the ex~stzng 5 foot contour. 6. The dedication of r~ght-of-wa¥ and ~mprovements for Seaboard Road Extended will be required with development. 7. Establishment of the centerl~ne of Seaboard Road before construction and ded~ cat ]_on of that particular parcel as needed in the road Further, this ordxnance shall be effectxve upon satxsfactor¥ compliance to the conditions ~mposed ~n th]~ motion, and ~t ~s understood and to by the applicant lhat the offtc~al chancre on ll~e zoning maps ~11 not be made unt~] the fo]]ow~n~ oonrl~-t~(~n ~ ~atzsf~c(t' 1. A 300 fo(~t drainage ea.qo~nent is retluxre¢t lor Canal =2. · This ordinance{? :,hall l~e {~ffect~v~, ul~on (tat{, of adoption. o,.~ tt~e Sth d:~y of (~jkx'___ , 1978. Petltl~,n ,,f !L'ssltc~ al~d Acso. iatT',, Inc.. ';~,t F: ~ ...... /c'~, ' '~i,~ct ~]~):~ct en certai'.~ ~rope~'ty ~,c,~nmng at a pn]l~t i5'~ ,~et L,. ,,, of the interse:l ~or~ ,~f Lc'vel L]rLen Boule. yard and Drew Dr~,e, r[~n~ng a all-L~nce of 375 feet al~nq tbe Westcrn property line runn]~O a distance o[ ~' along the No~ti~e'rn p:operty line, runnlnrI a d]~t~ce of 5~1.1/ fee2 along the Eastern proper~y l~ne, r~,~n]ng a dl~la[l(.e oF 108.89 fee~ alo~]g the l~orth side of level Groen L~o'~lcvard, runnqq9 a distanco of 150 fcc~ [,:ore or less ~n a Nortl~westerly direction and running a dista,,ce of lSD feet mDre --~r less i~ a Weste~'ly d~reciio~. Said parcel cuntains 2.508 acres. (Level ,teen Area). KEHPSVII. LE BOROUGH. Planning Co,,mi ssion [~ecommendation' A motion v'~s passed unanimo[~sly hy the Planning Commission by a recorded vote of l i to approve th~s request. For the infornlat'~on of the appl-~cant, prlor to the ~nitiatior, oF the intendod use of the land, the following will be required by thr-~ admini- strative start- 1. Standard imp~'ovements as required by the Site Plan Ordinance. 2. City w~ter and sewer. , The entrance ~nto this proposed development is to align with Percheron L,~ne. COUNCILMAN CROMWELL LEFT CIIAMBERS Mr. Richard Browner represented the petitioner On motion by Councilman Ferrell, seconded by Councilman McCoy, and by recorded vote as follows' Ayes: Counczlmen John A. Baum, George R. Ferrell, )iayor Clarence A. Holland, J. IIenry McCoy, Jr., Counczlwoman Meyera E. Oberndorf, J. Curtis Payne, Roger L. Rzggs, Vzce Mayor Patrick L. Standzng, and Floyd E. Waterf~eld, Jr. Nays' None Absent' Councmlmen Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., and John R. Griffin City Counczl voted to approve the following ordznance upon petition of Lasszter and Associates, Inc., for a Change of Zoning DJ_strict Classzf~cat~_on from B-1 Bus~ness-Res~dent~a] Dmstrmct to A-1 Apart- merit D~strzct. ORDINANCE UPON PETITION OF LASSITER AND ASSOCIATES, ZO578343 ~T INC., FOR A CIIA:~GE OF ZONING DISTRICT CLASSIFICATION FRO,q B-] Busznes$-Ros~dent]al D~str~_ct TO A-1 Apart- merit Dxstr±ct BE IT ORDAINED BY TIlE COUNCIL OF TIlE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACtt, --- VIRGINIA, that' Pet~tzon of Lass~ter and Associates Inc for a Chan~.e of Zone_ Dzstr~ct Clas,~]f~cat~on £rom B-] Bua]n(~ss-Res~d()ntzal D~str~ct to A-1 Apartment D~st]'~ct on certain prol)c'rty be[~i]n~n~ at a potnt 150 feet Norlh of the Intersection oJ ]~evel Green B()u[evar(l and Drc;% Drive, running a distance o~ 375 feot alon2 lhe Western prol)erty [~ne, running a d~atanco ol 8G foot a]on[~ th[) Northcr]~ ])r(>portv ]~nc, runn- ing a d]~l;tnr'e of 531.17 foot along l]~e Eastc~rn })roporty l~ne, mn~ a (1]~la~]('o o l 138.89 f(~(~t a]~n[~ tho North ~[(to oF Level Green Jk)t]]evar(l, ]'t]n]i]n~% a (]]stanc(~ of 150 fc,(,t moro or Grcon Ar(,a). K('mi~s;v~] 1(' ~,lt~]](l,,(l ~'-,(. ~1 II~, l:t~rl, 11~, 1,,1 l')x','~]]l', wi I I 1)(~ ~','~t~]'('(1 1-~% Ord~ n,c~c~~. 2. C~ ty water and ae~er. 3. The entrancce ~nto th~s propose~t developmont ~s to align tt,±th Percl~eron Lane. This ordinance shall be effecizve upon dale of adoption. Adopted by the Council of the C~ty of V~rg~n~a Beach, Vtrsin~a, on the 81-h day of ~Iay , 1978. ITEI:~ #]°]03~ Petition of John T. Kelly, Jr., E[AI.S, for a (]~an[je of 7~n~ Distr~ct Classification lrom R-5 Residential D~str~ct ~_, D-2 ('on~,,L~n~ty-Bus~ness D~stri(L on cer+a~n property located at the ~' .~outheast ~nter~ect~on of Prince's ~n~e Road and Baxter Road, ru~ning a al,stance of 20d.~7 feet along the Eas~ s~de of Princess A:~ne Road, running a d~stance of 1241.09 feet along the Southern property line, rur~lng a d~stance of 150.3~ feet ~n a North~r~y d~rectlon, runn~no a distance of 288 feet in a Westerly d~r- ection, runn~q a distance of 239.6 feet in a ~o~'thwesterly direction, running a d~stance of 145.20 feet ~n a Northeasterly direction, running a distance of 290 feet iq a Northwesterly direction, running a d~stance of 394.92 feet along li~e South s~de of Baxter Road, running a distance of 367.87 Feet ~n a Southeasterly direction, running a distance of 550.10 feet in a Westerly direction, runn~r~g a d~stance of 10~.50 feet ~n a North- westerly direction and runn'r~g a dist,',nce of /6./1 feel along the South s~de of Baxter Road. Said parcel contains 8.68 acres. KEMPSVILLE BOROUGH. Planning Commission Recommendation' A motion was passed by the Planning Com~niss~on by a recorded vote of l0 for the motion and 1 abstention to deny this r(.~quest, it was felt that the proposed zoning is inappropriate for th~s site given the surrounding land use pattern and site configuration. CHA.,BERo COUNCILMAN CROI~WELL RETURNED TO - ~,~ o. Mr. Edwin Kellam, Attorney, represented the petitioner On motion by Councilman McCoy, seconded by Councilman Ferrell, and by recorded vote as follo~vs' Ayes' Councmlmen Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., George R. Ferrell, Mayor Clarence A. Holland, J. Henry McCoy, Jr., J. Curtis Payne, Roger L. Riggs, and Floyd E. Waterfmeld, Jr. Nays' Councilmen John A. Baum, Councilwoman Heyera E. Oberndorf, and V~ce Mayor Patr]~ck L. Standing Absent' Councilman John R. Griffmn City Council voted to approve the following ordmnance upon petmtzon of John T. Kelly, Jr., oral, for a Chan~e of Zoning D~str~ct Class~fm- cat~on from R-5 Reszdent~al Dmstrmct to O-10if~ce D~strmct (modified from B--2 Commun±ty-Bus~nesa D~str~ct). ORI)INANC].] UPON PI;TI'I_]ON OF ,]C)l'l,~ T. KEIJ,Y, JR., Z0578344 ETAL, FOR A CIiAN(',E Of ZO!qliq(', DISTRICT CATION FI{O~ R-5 Rea~dontia] D~str~ct 'J'O O-I Off~ce District (n~(~(l~e(t fro;~ B-2 Commun~ty- Busmness District) BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF TIlE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEAC!t, VIRGINIA, that' Petit]on of John T. Kelly, Jr., ETALS, for a Chang~e of Zoning Omstrlct ClassJ fmcat~on from R-5 Residential Dnstrmct to B-2 Communmty-Busmness Distrmct on certain property located at the Southeast ~ntersect~on of Prmncess Anne Road and Baxter Road, runnmng a d~stance of 203.37 feet along the East smde of Princess Anne Road, runnmng a dmstance of 1241.09 feet along the Southern property lmne, runnmng a d~stance of 1G0.38 feet mn a Northerly dmrectmon, runnmnF~ a dmstance of 288 feet ~n a Westerly directmon, runnmng a dmstance of 230.6 feet mn a Northeasterly direction, running a dmstance o~ 290 feet ~n a Northwesterly d]rectmon, runnmng a dmstance of 394.92 feet along the South smde of Baxter Road, runnmng a d~stance of 367.87 feet mn a Southeasterly direction, running a dmstance of 550.10 feet mn a Westerly dmrect~on, runnmng a d~stance of 204.50 ieet mn a Northwesterly d~rection and runnmng a dmstance of 76.71 feet along the South side of Baxter Road. Samd parcel contamns 8.68 acres. Kempsvmlle Borough. For the informatmon of the applmcant, prmor to the mnmtiat~on of the · ntended use of the land, the iollowzng will be requmred by the admmnmstratmve staff' 1. Standard mmprovements as requmred by the Smte Plan Ordmnance 2. C~ty water and sewer. 3. A 12-inch water l~ne ~s avamlable along Princess Anne Road and an extensmon along Baxter Road to servmce this site would be necessary. 4. Partmc~pation ~n upgrading the exmstmng traffic s~gnal wmll be necessary. 5. Improvements wmll be requmred along Baxter Road including pavement wmden~n[~, curb and gutter, s~de- walks, and drainage £acmlxt~es. 6. A variable dedication of r~ght-of-way along Baxter Road. This ordmnance shall be effective upon date of adoption. Adopted by the Council of the City of V]_rg~nma Beach, Vzrg~n~a, on the 8th day of _~h!.v' , 197S. ITEM Petition of Marc Jacobson for a ['bant_e_ of Z~,...,~nq D~str-ict Class~.l~cation from I-1 Llg'.-~t Industrial Distrirt so i~-2 C~:~,,'~nlty~us~ness Dlstr~ct on certain property locmted at the Soutl~east corner of Ilewtown Road and Arrowhead Road, running a distance of 160 feet more or less along the South side of Arrowhead Road, running a d~stance of 187.95 feet al~ng the [astern property line, running a d~,stance of 230 ~.ee! more or less along the Southern property line and r~lnning a distance of 152 feet more or less along the fast side of Newtown Road. S~d parcel contains ./1 acre. KEMPSV[LLE BOROUGH. Planning Commission Recommendation: A motion was passed unanimously by the Planning Commission by a recorded vote of ll to approve th~s request. For the information of tile applicant, prior to the initiation of tile intended use of the land, the following will be required by the admini- strative staff: 1. Standard improvements as required by the Site Plan Ordinance. 2. City water and sewer. 3~ Improvements will he required along Newtown Road; this includes pavement widening, curb and gutter, sidewalks, and drainage facil- ities. Further, this ordinance shall be effective upon satisfactory compliance to the conditions imposed ~n this motion, and it is understood and agreed to by the applicant that the official chef,ge on th~ zoning maps w~ll not be made until the following conditions are satisfied: · A dedication of right-of-way 30 feet from the centerline of the existing variable riqht-of-way alo~g the 152 foot frontage on Newtowq Road (a variable dedication). 2~ A dedication of ri~,ht-of-way 30 feet from the centerline of the existing 50 foot right-of-way along the 160 foot frontage on Arrowl~ead Drive (~ 5-foot dedica'[~on). Mr. Bill lies[er repr~._~ented tt~e l)etlt]c)ncr On motion by Counct]man ?IcCoy, :_.econded by Counc~]r,,tn Ferrell, and by recordcd vote as fo]]oyes: Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., George R. Ferroll, Mayor Clarence A. Holland, J. J{enry McCray, Jr. , Council- woman .~Ieyera ~. Oberndor[, J. C~lrt~s Payne, Roger L. Rlggs, V~ce ~layor Patrick L. Standing, and Fiord E. Waterf~eld, Jr. iq a y s · N o n e Absent: Councilman John R. Griffin City Council voted to approve tho. fol]owln[f ordinance upon petition of Marc Jacobson for a Change ol Zon~n~ Dlstr~ct Classification from I-1 Light Industrial District to B-2 Com:~unlty-Buslness D~strlct: ORDINANCE UPON PETITION OF }IARC JACOBSON FOR A CHANGE OF ZONING DISTRICT CLASSIFICATION FRO.~! I-1 Light Industrial District TO B-2 Con~nunity- Business D~str~ct Z0578345 BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF TIlE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACIi, VIRGINIA, that: Petition of Marc Jacobson for a Change of Zoning District Classtficat~on from I-1 Light Industrial District to B-2 Community-Business Dtstr~ct on certain property located at the Southeast corner of Ne~;to~n Road and Arrowhead Road, running a distance of 260 feet more or less along the South side of Arro~vhead Road, running a distance of 187.95 feet along ---the Eastern ,property line, runninll a distance of 230 Ieet more or less along the Southern property l~ne and running a distance of 152 feet more or less along the East side of Newtown Road. Said parcel contains .?1 acre. Kempsv~lle Borough. For the information of the applicant, prior to the mnitlation of the intended use of the land, the following will be required by the administrative staff: 1. Standard improvements as required by the Site Plan Ordinance. 2. City water and sewer. 3. Improvements will be required along Newtown Road; this includes pavement widening, curb and gutter, sidewalks, and drainage facilities. Further, this ordinance shall be offoctive upon :;atmsfactory comp]~ance to the condzl~ons imposed in this motion, and it ~s understood and agreed to b) the applicant that the official change on the zoning maps w~ll not be made until the roi_lowing condllzons are satisfied' 1. A dedication of r~ght-of-way 30 feet from the center- line of the existing, variable right-of-way along the 152 foot frontage on Ncwtown Road (a variable dedication). 2. A dedication of right-of-x~av 30 feet £r~m the center- line of tho ex~stinR 50 foot right-of-way along ~,~o 1G0 foot frontage on Arrowhead Drive (a 5-foot (ied~cat~on) This ordinance shall be effective upon date of adoption. Adopted by the Council of the City ol Vtr[~lnla Beach, V~rgtu~s, on tt~e Sth day of ~_.~4[t_k' , ] 978. · ITEM #1210:3 Petition of Seven E Company for a Chanre of Zon]r'_,~j [;~strict ('lasslflcat~on from R-8 Resident ial D~st~'~ct to AL'i Ap'~sl~s~]¢t~-r[~"-~..,~ ~ct on ~c~ td~n pro[~erty located on the East side of E~vell Road beginning at a point 8UO feet North "- of Baxter Road, running a d~stance o~ 5L~l feet alor~g the East s~de of Ewell Road, running a distance of 750 feel along tt~e [~ortt]ern p~'ope, rty line., running a distance of 561 feet along the Fastern proper~y li~e and running a disia~ce of /50 feet along the S(,,thern property line. Said parcel contains l0 acres. KEMPSVtLLE BOROUG~I. Planning Commission Recommendation' A motion was passed unanimously by the Planning Coinmlssion by a recorded vote of 10 to approve this request. For the information of the applicant, prior to the initiation of the intended use of tl~e land, the following will be required by the admini- strative staff' 1. Standard improvements as required by the Site Plan Ordinance. 2. City water and sewer. 3. A sewage force main will be required to service ~his site. e Improvements will be necessary on [well Road along the frontage of this site; this includes pavement, curb and gutter, sidewalk and drainage facilities. A minimum 24 foot wide street will be required on Ewell Road from Baxter Road to this site in order to provided access. 6~ [he necessary downstream drainage improvements and easements will be required with development. 7. At the time of site plan review, if a 60 foot right-of-way is warranted, the additional dedication will be required. Further, tt~is ordinance shall be effective upon satisfactory compliance to the conditions imposed in this motion, and it is understood and agreed to by the applicant that the official change on the zoning maps will not be made until the ~ollowing condition is satisfied: A dedication of right-of.~way 25 feet from the centerline of the existing ~0 foot ri.q~t-o~-w.ay alan? the 581 fco~ f~ontage on Ewell Road (a lO-foot dedication). Mr. V. A. Ethermdge, Jr. , Attorn~y, repreaented the petitioner On motion by Councmlman ,~.IcCoy, seconded by Councilman Baum, and by recorded vote as follows' ,._ Ayes' Counczlmen John A. Baum, Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., George R. Ferrell, ~layor Clarence A. ttolland, J. IIenr¥ McCoy, Jr. , J. Curtms Payne, Roger L. R~ggs, Vzce Mayor P.'ttrick L. Stand~ng', and Floyd E. Waterr~eld, Jr. Nays' Councnlwoman Meyera E. Oberndorf Absent' Councilman John R. Gr~ff~n Cxtv Councxl voted to at)l)rov@ thc £ollow~n?, ()rtl~n~tnce upon ORDINANCE UPON PETITION OF SEVEN 1,; CO~IPANY FOI~ A CttANGE OF ZONING DISTR1CT CI,ASSIFICATION FROM R-S Resmdent~al D~strict TO A-1 Apartment Dtstrmct ZO5783-16 BE IT ORDAINED BY TIIE COUNCIL OF TIIE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACII, VIRGINIA, that: Petition of Seven E Company for a Change of Zonzng District Classifi- cation from R-8 Res l dent m al D~str~ct to A-l Apartment Dls~r~ct on cer- tain property located on the East smde of Ewell Road begmnnmng at a pomnt S00 feet North of Baxter Road, runnmng a dmstance of 581 feet along the East szde of E~el] Road, running a dmstance of 750 [eez along the Northern property lmne, running a d~stance of 581 feet along the Eastern property l~ne and runn~n[,, a d~stance of 750 feet along the Southern property lmne. Samd parcel contamns 10 acres. Kempsv~lle Borough. For the ~nformation of the applicant, prior to the mn~tmation of the intended use of the land, the fo]lowmng w~ll be required by the admmn~ strat zve staff: 1. Standard mmprovements as requmred by the State Plan Ordinance. 2. Cmty tvater and sewer. 3. A sewage force ma~n w~ll be requmred to service this site. 4. Improvements will be necessary on Ewel] Road along the frontage of th~s state; th~s mncludes pavement, curb and gutter, s~dewalks and dramnage faczl~tzes. 5. A mmnmmum 24 foot w~de street wmll be requmred on Er, eli Road from Baxter Road to this s~te mn order to provide access. 6. The necessary downstream drainage mmprovements and easements wzll be requmred wxth development. 7. At the time of smte plan review, mf a 60 foot rmght- of-way ms warranted, the additional dedlcatmon w~ll be required. Further, thins ordinance shall be effective upon satmsfactory compliance to the conditmons ~mposed ~n th~s mot]on, and ~t ~s understood and agreed to by the applmcant that the o~i~cma]_ change on the zoning maps w~ll not be made unt~] the fol]ow~ng condition ~s satisfied' 1. A dedmcatmon of rmght-of-way 25 feet from the center]ine of the ex~st~ng 30 foot r~h~-of-way along the 581 foot frontage on Ewell Road (a 10-foot dedzcat~on). Th~s ordinance shall be effective upon date of adoption. Adopted by the Council of the Cmty of Vtrg~nza Beach, V~rg~n~a, on the 8th day of .May , 1978. #]_210G BaxLer [,.cad a~d V~rginia E',cctr[c ~nd Power Ca,~qJ~n¥' t',,wtr [_~e bCglnn~h9 a porn, iJgO f~'eu n',ore or l'~ss West e[ Incl,,peak,lc, ce [.o]levar,!, run~}ng a disgap,-e of '~eR./ feet ~',~lq the Nort!~ si '~ '." [,c o~ [~axter Red, u. run, distdn.~: ct ~F]~.b8 feet al~,~j tt~e Western prepeY~9 1,ne, Yu~l]~g ~: di~i-,~nce .~=4. , a o}]g th~ r~o, thern P~OF,(,'iv., 1;n( ~i runainq ~. distance of, 500 f~'c~ along the Eastern F, rope,'ty l].le. Sa~l ?,irc. el cont.]ils 4 acrzs more ~,~ less. (K~,,~p~ville ~. aJows A,'ca). KLMF'Sv~,[E bORO'JGti. A motlen~,'d. ¢ passed una~im,]~siy by the Planning. unh~,,~,~ssio,'~" hy a recordeJ vote oF l i to appi'ove tt~s ~eqaest. ['or l;,,:: info;'mati~n of the applicant., prior lo ti,e initiation of the intenued use of ~.,he lanJ~ ~h.e following wilt [)c ~e<!,.}i~ed by the admini~ strdt};',~ staff' 1. SLa~.d~rd 3},~r'oveme,~zs as ~equired b.;, tile Si[e Plan O-dinance. 2. City watcr c,hd se~er. ¢ Im[,.ov~:,~£.,t ' will bc ne~?ssery alor,q th.e B3nn?y Road Cot~rl~cte, r os well as B,~ ,tr~, F~t'~ ~;. Li'~,. ~n-~[~des, l,a','e,,:, nL anr~ p.'.,-,.,,,, nt widening, curo and gutter, ~'idewalk, a,d drainage, facilities. 'ltie ~,e~.,':s,&r} dow,lotrca~,; dr~Jli,2ge lhlj~rnveP~lltS a~ld ea~.ement?, will be rcquircd with FurtnF~'. t~,is ordi,,an~e shall be effect ive u;)~)n ~Lisfac~ery compliance to tl,e cor, d~F.i¢,ns i,,,~os~d in tF],, motion, .~nd ii rs un:~l'sto.~d -~n,~ ~greeJ to by t;,e ~ppi;ca~ ~t~,t Linc oF~ ~c]al than.ge o~ t,,e zonin§ maps will ~oL be m~de ~,n~i! lhe f,)i!o,,~i,~g ce~diLio~, ';s so~.isfieJ' A ded]cat~,(,n of right-ct-way 30 ~£et from the centeriine of the e'~i'~ir, g 3} ,.ct rioht-c,f~way cqd a resei'vation of an ad,titional 15 fLc~. along ~e 354./ f~ot f~onLabL on Baztel' Road (a 15-Foot deai- c,~tlon and ~ 15-foo~ reservatio:~). Mr. N. R. Welch apt)eared reg~rd]~,g h~s petttton Mr. John Waters appeared in oppo.~ztlon to tl~e above })~t]tion. On motion by Counczlman HcCoy. seconded by Councilman Waterf]eld, and by recorded vote as follows' Ayes' Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., George R. Ferrel!, Mayor Clarence A. I]ollapd, J. IIenry McCoy, Jr., Counc~l- woman $Ievora E. Oberndorl, J. Curtis Payne. , R()o,,~b, ~ L. Rlggs, V~ce Mayo]' Patrick L. Standing, and Floyd E. Waterf]eld, Jr. Nays None Absent' Councilman John R. Grlif~n C~ty Counct] voted to approve the, followlnp; ordinance upon peLttton of W~l,'b 1)~10 ])r]v~n[~ (',~rl~c, rat~,,n for 't Chancre (,t Zon~n~ l)]sl-rtct C]a~a]t[cai [()n from 1{-8 Rcsid(-,nt]al ])]stricl, t() B-2 Communilv-'* ])_l ~;l r LC L. ORDINANCE UPON PETITION OF WELCtl PlI,E DRIVING CORPORATION FOR A CIt&NGE OF ZONING DISTRICT CLASSIFICATION FRO~! R-8 Residential District TO B-2 Communzty-Buslness D~strlct Z0578347 BE IT ORDAINED BY TIlE COUNCIL OF TIlE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA, that: Petition of Welch Pile Driving Corporation for a Change of Zonin% D~str]_ct Class~£1catxon from R-8 Resxdent~al District to B-2 Community Business District on certain property located at the Northeast intersection of Baxter Road and Vlrglnxa Electrtc and Power Company Line beglnnxng at a point 1350 feet more or less West of Independence Boulevard, running a distance of 354.7 feet along the North side of Baxter Road, running a distance of 483.58 feet along the Western property line, running' a distance of 394.70 feet along the Northern property line and running a d_~stance of 500 feet along the Eastern property line. Said parcel contains 4 acres more or less. (Kempsv~lle Meadows Area). Kempsville Borough. For the ~nformatlon of the applicant, prior to the initiation of the intended use of the land, the following wmll be required by the admmnistratlve staff: 1. Standard improvements as required by the Site Plan Ordinance. 2. City water and sewer. 3. Improvements will be necessary along Baxter Road; this includes pavement and pavement w~denmng, curb and gutter, sidewalk and drainage facilities. A waiver has been granted for the improvements along the Bonney Road Connector as the property does not border this road. 4. The necessary downstream drainage improvements and easements will be required with development. Further, this ordinance shall be effective upon satisfactory compliance to the conditions ~nposcd in ~hls motion and it is unde~'slood and ak, re~d to by the applicant that the official change on the zon_~n~.' maps will not be made until the following condition ~s sati.'~f~ed 1. A dedication of a var_~.able width rxght-of-way s~nce the City has already acquired all but th~s amount of the r~ght- of way along Baxter Road (5- foot w~de). Th~s ordinance shall be effective upon date el adoption. Adopted by the Co~nc~] of the City of V~rg~nla Beach, Virginia, on the 8 day of May , 1978. ITEM ~12107 Application of Welch Pile Driving Corporation for a Cond~[ional Us~ Permit '-- for a bulk s~orage and building contractor's yard on certain I)rop~rty located at the Northeast intersection of BaxLer Road and Virginia Electric and Power Company Power Line beginning at a point 1350 feet more or less West of Independence Boulevard, running a d~stance of 35~.7 feet along the North side of Baxter Road, running a distance of 483.58 feet alonq the Westero property line, running a distance of 394.70 feet along the Norlhern property line and running a dista~ce of 500 feet along the Eastern property line. Sa~d parcel contains 4 acres more or less. (Kempsv~lle Meadows Area). KEMPSVILLE BOROUGH. Planning Commission Recommendation: A motion was passed unanimously by the Planning Commission by a recorded vote of l l to approve this request. For the information of the applicant, prior to the initiation of the intended use of the land, the following w~I1 be required by the admini- strative staff: 1. Standard improvements as required by the Site Plan Ordinance. 2. City water and sewer. e . Improvements along Baxter Road and the B.qnney Road Connector; this includes pavement a,d pavement w;dening, curb and gutter, sidewalks, and drainage facilities. The necessary down~.tream drainage improvements and easements. . No sale or processing of scrap, salvage,'or second-hand material will be permitted. 6. A fence o~' wall not less than 6 feet in height si~all completely enclose thc storage yard except for the necessary openings for ingress and egress. 7. A buffer is to be provided along the Western property line. e No storage of heavy equipment will be permitted until the buffer is provided. Mr. N. R. Welch appeared regard~_ng h~s ~pp]ica%~on Mr. John Waters appeared mn oppositmon On motion by Councilman McCoy, seconded by Councilman Wsterfzeld, and by recorded vote as follows: Ayes' Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., George R. Ferrol], Mayor Clarence A. IIol]and, J. Henry Mc;Coy, Jr., Counc~l- woman Meyera E. Oberndorf, J. Curtis Payne, Ilog()r L. R~ggs, Vice Mayor Patrick L. Standxng, and Floyd E. Watorfneld, Jr. Nays: None Absent: Councz]man John R. Gr~ffin C~ty Council voted t() a(lopt lbo lo]lowlng resolution upon al)l)lncatnon of W(,l(:h I)tle 1)rzvtng Corporat,~on for a C()n(tut~()n:~l Urge P(,rm~t For a bulb r)tora~l;(, yard and toux ld].~t; con tr:tctor'¥ yar(l ....... RESOLUTION UPON APPLICATION OF WEI,CII PlLL DRIVING CORPORATION FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PEJ~'IIT FOIl A bulk storage yard a~td bumld~ng contractor's yard R037S176 BE IT RESOLVED BY TttE COUNCIL OF TItE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACIt, VIRGINIA, that: Applmcatmon of Welch Pile Drmv~ng Corporation for a Conditional Use Permit for a bulk storage and bu~ldmng contractor's yard on certamn property located at the Northeast ~ntersect~on of Baxter 2oad and V~rg~nma Electric and Power Company Power L~ne begmnnmng at a point 1350 feet more or less West of Independence Boulevard, running a d~s- tance of 354.7 feet along the North side of Baxter Road, running a d~stance of 483.58 feet along the Western property l~ne, running a dmstance of 394.70 feet along the Northern property l~ne, running a d~stance of 500 feet along the Eastern property l~_ne. Samd parcel contains 4 acres more or less. (Kempsv~lle Meadows Area). Kempsvmlle Borough. For the information of the applicant, prior to the mnmtiation of the intended use of the land, the following wxll be required by the admmn~strative staff: 1. Standard improvements as required by the S~te Plan Ordmnance. 2. City water and sewer. 3. Improvements along Baxter Road, th~s includes pavement and pavement w~¢len~ng, curb and gutter, s~dewalk and dramnage facilities. A waiver has been granted for the mmprovements along the Bonney Road Connector as the property does not border hbxs road. 4. The necessary downstream dramnage improvements and easements. 5. No sale or processmng o~ scrap, salvage, or second- hand matermal w~ll be permztted. 6. A fence or wall not less than 6 feet in hemght shall completely enclose the storage yard except for the necessary openings for mngress and egress. 7. A buffer is to be provided along the Western property l~ne. 8. No storage of heavy equipment w~ll be permttted until the buffer ~s provided. Thxs resolution shall be effective upon date of adoption. Adopted by the Council of the City of V~rg~n~a Beach, V~rg~n~a, on the 8 day of __~Ma_a_~__, 1978. ITEM #12] 0~; Application of Virginia Beach Robo, Inc., for a t~c,,]~!~_llonal Use Pgr:,n_Lt tor an automobile ser¥~ce station and car wash far.~.l~tles on ce~[a],~ prop(.rty located at the Southeast intersection of Indian River Road a~:d M,~cDonald Road, running a distance of 195.66 feet along the qouth side of Indian River Road, running a distance of 150 feet along the Eastern pro~L~erty line, runn]~g a d~stance of 117 feet along t~e Southern property line, running a distance of 148.66 feet along the East side of I:,acDonald }tOdd and runn;nq around a curve a distance of ~,4.54 feet. Sa~d parcel contains .6 acre. (Indian River Estates Area}. KEMPSVILLE BOROUGH. Planning Commission Recommendation' A motion was passed unanimously by the Planning Con, m~ssion by a recorded vote of l l to ap[z~ove th~s request. For the information of the applicant, prior to the initiation of the intended use of tt~e land, the followi~g will be req~red by the admini- strative staff' 1. Standard improvements as required by the Site Plan Ordinance. 2~ 4~ City water and sewer. No 'water produced by activities on the zoning lot shall be ~-ermitt£d to fall upeq or dra~i~ across public streets or ¢idewatks or adjacent properties. Parking at d minimum of 3 spaces for each car wash °pace within the fac ~ 1 ity. Mr. Tzmothy E. Barrow represented the applicant On motSon by Councilman ~[cCoy, seconded by Councilman Ferrell, and by recorded vote as follows' Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert B. Cromwe]l, Jr., George R. Ferrell, J. ttenry McCoy, Jr. , Councilwoman 5Ieyera E. Oberndorf, J. Curtis Payne, Roger L. Riggs, V~ce Mayor Patrick I.. Standmng, and Floyd E. Waterf~eld, Jr. Nay s · Non e Abstamn' Mayor Clarence A. Holland Absent. Councilman John R. Grmff~n City Council voted to adopt the follo~ng resolution upon application ---of V~rg~n~a Beach Robo, Inc., for a Conditional Use t-'~-rm~t for an autom~)b~le service station and cac wash ~ac~lzt~ea. RESOLUTION UPON APPLICATION OF VIRGINIA BEACtt, ROBO, INC., FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR AN automoba_le service station and car wash facilities RO578177 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF TIlE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA, that: Application of Vmrgmnia Beach Robe, Inc., for a Conditional Use Permmt for an automobmle service station and car wash facilities on certamn property located at the Southeast ~ntersectlon o~ Indian R~ver Road and MacDonald Road, running a distance of ]_95.66 feet a]on[{ the South smde of Indian Rmver Road, runnmng a dmstance o~ 150 feet along the Eastern property lmne, runnmng a d~a;tance of 117 feet along the Southern property line, running a d~stance of 148.66 feet along the East smde of MacDonald Road and runn_~ng around a curve a d~stance of 44.54 feet. Said parcel contains .6 acre. (Indian R~ver Road Estates Area). Kempsvm lle Borough. For the lnformatmon of the applicant, prmor to the ~nzt~atlon of the · ntended use of the land, the fol]ow~ng w~ll be requ~_red by the admlnmstrat~ve staff: 1. Standard mmprovements as requzred by the S~te Plan Ordinance. 2. City water and sewer. 3. No water produced by activities on the zoning lot shall be permitted to fall upon or dra~n across public streets or s~dewalks or adjacent properties. 4. Parking at a m~n~mum of 3 spaces for each car wa~';h space within the faczl~ty. Th~s resolution shall be effective upon date of adoption. Adopted by the Councml of the C~ty of Virginia Beach, Virg~nma, on the 8 day of May , 1978. Iq'EM #12109 Petition of St. St~pt,en~on Ik;llr, ess t~~~:t/a~ propert, y ~ocated I.~0 Feet ~:'ort:~ of- Be,~ut~ful Street beginning at a point glo Fef-t West of South []~tdr,Eck Road, running a distance of 640 ~ege~ alonq t,,e Southe,~n pro~rty I~ne, running a d~stance of 590 ieet n.ore or less alor~9 distance of 785 feet more or less alo~,g tt,e [,~oftl~crn prol~e,'fy l~ne and running a d~sta,~ce o~ 4,10 feet mere o',' less alon9 the Eastern pru;~erty l~ne. Said p;,,~c~'l centaur,s g acres more or less. LYr~:NHAVE~,; [lO,20UGH. Planning Cor, n~iss ~on Recomrr~endation' A motion ,,vas passed by the Planning Commission by d recorded vote of 7 for the motion and 4 agair, st to approve this request w~th a modification to A-3 Apartment l)isi'~' ici.. For the inforn~atioi~ of the applicant, prior to the initiatio~l of the intended use of tl~e land, the following will be req, lred by the admini- strative '~tai ~' 1. Standard improv,oments as required by Lhe Site Plan Ordinance. 2. City wgt6r and sewer· Further, this ordii~,~nce st~all be effective upon satisfactory compliance to the conditions in-posed in thi~ hlOtlO~l, and it is unde~ stood a;~d agreed to hy the applicant that the o~fic~al change on the zoning m~p,s will not be made until the followin9 condi;ions qt'e satisfied' · A dedicati¢~n of riqht-of-way 45 feet from the cent(l'line of the existi~9 60 Feet right-of-way alol}g ~he llO foot f~'ontage on South Birdneck ~oad (a 15-Foot dedis~,tion). 2. A 300 foot drainage easement for Canal #1. The following persons appeared ~n favor of the above petmt~on. Reverend Earl Burton Mr. J. T. Davis Mr. Edwin Kellam, Attorney Mr. H. C. Ben3amzn After considerable discussion, V~ce Mayor Standing made a motion, seconded by Councilman R~ggs, to approve the above petmtmon of St. Stephenson Holiness Church [or a Chan~;e of Zon~n[4 D~str~ct Class~f~cat~o~ from I-1 Lmght Industr~aJ D~str~ct to A-3 Apartment D~str~ct (n.~d~f~ed from A-~ Apartm,~nt D~str~ct), subj~ct to the follow] n[~ "l~und]ng must be acquired from HUD w~th~n one )'ear; and if the [und~ng ~', not received ti~e owners vol- untarily agree that the C.~ty may revert tl~e property back to I-1 (Light Industrial D~slr~ct) a~d the own- ers will submit a letter to that effect to the City Attorney to be made a part of t}~is applzcation. The letter will be submitted within 30 day.~ from adoption of this ord~3nce." The recolded vote ~s as follows' Ayes' Cot~n('tlmen R()bcrt B. Crontwe] 1 , Jr. , Geo] gc R. t'cr]-oll, ~lax'or C]arence A ttolland J Curti:~ l-'avn~~ ]~()g~.r L R~',~ Vice Mayor Patrick L Stand~ng, and FJoyd E. l~,~erl~eld, Jl. Nays' Councllme~t John A. Baum, J. tIenry llcCoy, Jr., and Councm]- woman Heyera E. Oberndorf Absent' Councilman John R. Griffin City Council voted to approve the following ordinance upon petit]on of St. Stel)henson IIoliness Church for a Chancre or Zonlnff. D]str~ct Classification from 1-1 Light Indust~'lal-Dxstr~]J to ,,\-3 Apartment District (modified from A-4 Apartment D~strxc. t), sub3ect to the following condition "The funding must be acquired from tIUD within one year, and if funding Is not received, the ex, hers of the property must forx~ard a letter to the City Clerk xndlcat±ng they xvzll voluntarily revert the property back to I-1 Light Industrial D~strtct ORDINANCE UPON PETITION OF ST. STLPHENSON ttOLINESS ZO578348 CtIURCH FOR A CHANGE OF ZONING DISTRICT CLASSIFI- CATION FROM I-1 Light Industrial D~str~ct 'FO A-3 Apartment District (modliied from A-4 Apartment Distr~ct) BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACtt, VIRGINIA, that' Petitmon of St Steohenson Itel]ness ~hurch for a Change of Zonzn~ District Classification from I-1 Light Industrial D~str~ct to A-3 Apartment District (modified from A-4 Apartment District) on certain property located 130 feet North of Beautiful Street beginning at a point 910 feet West of South Blrcireck ]load, running a dlslance of -- 640 feet along, the Southern property line, running a d~stance of 590 feet more or less along the. lCestern property ]~ne, running a distance of 7S5 feet more or less along the Northern property l~ne and running a distance of 440 feet more or less along the Eastern property line. Sa~¢l parcel contains 9 acres more or less. Lynnhaven Borough For the information of the applicant, prior to the initiation of the intended use of the land, the followln~ w~ll be required by the administrative staf~ · 1. Stanciard Improvements as required by the Site Plan Ordinance. 2. Cmty water and sewer. 3. Funding must be acquired from HUD within one year; and ~f fund~n{~ ]~ not roce~vcd, the owners oI property must forward a letter to the Cxty C]crk indicating they will voluntarily revert the perty back to I-1 L~;;ht Industrial District. Further, th~s ordinance shall bo effective upon satisfactory compliance ---- to the con(t~t~ons ~mposod ~n this mot2on, and ~t ~s understood and a~reed to bv the applicant that the oli~c~al change, on tl~e zon]n,,~ maps wz]] not be made until the following conditions are satisfied 1. A ¢l('dlcati(>n of rlgl~l-(~f-wav dS feet from the center]lne o[ the ex~st~n~ 60 loot r~l~t-of-way along the 113 foot fronla~,o on South B~rclnccl.: Road (a 1S-foot dedication). 2. A 300 loot dra~na;~o ea:;omont for Canal el IT~_M #12110 P(tit~oq of F~delity Am~-r~can Proper t -; es , I~c., for a D~strict ('las,~fic~ti(,n ir¢'..m R-8 P, es~dential P~strict to i~-2 D~,s~ncss D~strict on c~,'t,]~n properly located on the last s~de of L','ch'n Road beg inn~n§ at a po~t 150 ¢£eL mol-e or less Soutt. of Shore Drive, runninq a d~s~a,'~ce of 50 feet along the Fast s~de of Urchin knad, ru~n~g a distance of 1SO t-eet alo~,¢ the Soubi~ern properly l~ne, runn~uq a d~s~ance of bO feet alenq the [as~crn property l~ne and running a d~stance o~ 150 feet along ti~,.: Northern l~operty l~r,e. Said patrol contains ?500 square feet LYNNHAV[N BL ROUuH Planning Commission Recommendation- A I-.otioil was passed ur~anir, musly by [he Planning Commission by a recorded vote of l0 to approve ~h;s request. For the information of the a?plica~t, prior to tl,e initiation of tt~e inte~d.,_'d t~se of the land, the following will be required by the adn,]ni- stratiN(: staff' SLandard improvemr:nts as required by the Site Plan Ordin,nce. 2. Cily wat~:r aqd sewer. lmprove:,len~.s will be n~ce;sary oq Urchin Roaa; this includes pavement winening, curb a,d gutter, s';dewalk ,arid drainage f~cillties. COUNCILMAN CROMWELL LEFT CHAiJDERS Mr. Edward T. Caton, III, Attorney, represented the pe~mtmoner On mot ton by Counczlman Ferrell, seconded by Counczlman Payne. and by recorded vote as lollov, s. Ayes. Counc~ln~en John A. Baum, George R. Ferrell, 'Iayor Clarence A. Holland, Councilwoman Mevera E. Ol~erndor[, J. Curtis ])ayne, P. oger L. Rzggs, V~ce Mayor Patr~cl, L. Standzng, and Floyd E Waterfzeld, Jr. Nays · None Abstain' Councilman J. IIenry McCoy, Jr. Absent' Councilmen Robert B. Crolawell, Jr., and John R. Gr~ff~n []l ty Councxl voted to ap})rove the following ordinance upon pctxtzon )f ]~(lel~tv American Properties, Inc., for a Change Slash] f~c:tt]on lrom R-8 Ros]doni~a] D~str~ct ~o B-2 D~st rlct. ORDINANCE UPON PETITION OF FIDELITY A~IERICAN PROPER'I'IES, INC. , FOR A CHANGE OF ZONING DISTRICT CI,ASSIFICATION FROM R-8 Iles~dentlal Dlstr~ct TO B-2 Community-Business Dnstrmct Z0578349 BE IT ORDAINED BY TItE COUNCIL OF TIlE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACt!, VIRGINIA, that' Petition of F~de]~ty American Propertmes, Inc., for a Change of Zonzns D~str~ct Classification from R-8 Residential D~sir~ct to B-2 Com~,~n~tv- Buszness D~atr~ct on certain property located on the East s:de of Urchin Road beginning at a point 150 feet more or less South of Shore Dr~ve, running a d~stance of 50 feet along the East smde of Urchmn Road, runn±n a d~stance of 150 feet along the Southern property lmne, running a d~stance of 50 feet along the Eastern property line and runnmng a dmstance of 150 feet along the Northern properly lmne. Sa~d parcel contains 7500 square feet. Lynnhaven Borough. For the mnformat~on of the applicant, prior to the xn~t~at~_on of the ~_ntended use of the land, the followmno-o w~]l be required by the admmn~stratmve staff. 1. Standard mmprovements as required by the State Plan Ord~_nance. 2. Czty water and sewer 3. Improvements ~vill be necessary on Urchin Road, this lnc]_udes pavement w~den~ng, curb and gutter, s~dewalk and drainage facilities. Th~s ordinance shall be effective upon date of adoption. Adopted by the Council of the C~ty of Virginia Beach, V~rgan~a, on the Sth day of .~lay , 1978. i'F_; I '~1211] Petition of Rober[ ti. Braithwaite, Jr., for a Chanme of 7~nlnq Dislrict __ ClassificatIon item I-1 light lndustr-~al District to ness Dlstr~ct on certain property located on the West sade of .Sou:h Birdneck Road beginning at a poant 1300 feet more or less North of Bells Road, running a distance of 1027.83 feet along the West s~de of South Birdneck Road, running a d~stance of 1179.60 feet in a Southwesierly direction, running a distance of 1530.21 feet in a Northwesterly d~rectlon, =---unn~ng a d~stance of 1700 feet along the Western property line and running distance of 1334.52 feet along the Southern property lqne. Saqd parcel ontains 43.85 acres. LYNNHAVEN BOROUGH. Planning Commission Recommendation' A motion was passed unanimously by the Planning Commission by a recorded vote of 11 to approve this request with a modification to AG-1 Agricultural Distirct. For the information of the applicant, prior to the initiation of the intended use of the land, the following will be required by the admini- strative staff' 1. Standard improvements as required by the Site Plan Ordinance. 2. City water and sewer. ® A sewage pump station will be required for this site with the possibility of a tie-in with the 42 inch H.R.S.D. force main in the VEPCO right-of-way. 5~ Participation in futt,'ra traffic siBnali--' ~ioq is needed; specific requirements to be determined at the time of site plan suLn:~ttal. Improve,hen,s will be necessary bn Sou~h Birdneck Road; this includes pave',nent wide~ing, curb ai~d gutter, sidewalks, and drainaoe facil- ities. ~ Further, this ordinance shall be effective upon satisfactory compliance to the cond;tions ir~,posr, d in This Inolion, and it is understood and a,~reed to by the ag!,lican~ that the o~icial ,~-u~ on the zoni~lg maps wi!~ not be made u~til the following conditions are satisfied- · A dedication of right-of-way 45 feet from the centerline of the existing 60 foot right-of-~..,cy alon¢l the 1027.83 foot frontage on South Birdneck Roa~ (a 15-foot dedicaeion). Mr. V. A. Ether~dge, Jr., Al torney, represented the petitioner Mr. Robert H. Bra~thwa~te, Jr., also appeared ~n £avor On motzon by Councilman Rzg?;s, seconded by Counc;llma:~ 13aunt, and bv recorded vote as follo~s. Ayes Counc~]r,,,en Jo}~n A. Baum, Robert B. Cromwell, Jr Geor,.e R Ferroll }layor C]ar(-,nco A Ilo]land, J Ilenrv 'IcCov, Jr.. Councxl- x~c)m:tn .Xloyera L. Ober~c!orf, J. Curt~,~ Pavne Roger L R],-~'~ Vace )las, or t~atrlcl: L. Stalidin~,,, and Floyd E. Watorfa(,l(1, Nays · None Ab.,-,el~t · Counc~lm,qn ,Joh~ R. Gt'~ffrn BE IT ORDAINED BY TIlE COUNCIL OF TIlE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACII, VIRGINI,\, that: Petmt±on of Re)bert ti. Bramthxxaxte, Jr., for a Change of Zoning Dlstr~cl Class~f~cal~on from I-1 Lmght Industrial l)zstr~ct- AG-1 Ag~'~cu]tural 1)~str~ct (modified from B-2 Co~nmun~ty-Bus~ness D~str~ct) on c',erta~n l~roporty located on the West s~(le o~ South Bzrdneck Road be~znn~ng at a 1)o~nt 1309 feet more or lea~ North of Bells Road, rt~n2n~ a dLstgnco of 1027.83 feet along the West szde of South B~rdnc, ck Road, running a d~stance of 117f).60 feet ~n a Southwesterly dzrectTon, running a d~stance of 1530.21 feet · n a Northwesterly d~rect~on, runnxng a dxstance of 1700 feet along the Western pfc)perry l~ne and runnzng a dTstance of 1334.32 feet along the Southern property l~ne. Sa~d parcel contains 43.85 acres. Lynnhaven Borough. For the mnformatzon of the aPl~]_~cant, pr_~or to the mnitiatzon of the intended use of the land, the following wmll be required by the admznmstrat2_ve staff5. 1. Standard mmprovements as requzred by the S~te Plan Ordmnance. 2. C~ty water and sewer, when requzred by the State ttealth Department 3. A sewerage pumping statton w~th the possxb~l~ty of a tree-mn with the d2-]nch force main ~n the VEPCO r~ght-of-way, when requmred by the State ttealth Department 4. Part~cmpatmon mn future traffic s~gnalmzatmon ms needed; specmfmc requirements to be dotermmned at the time of site plan submmttal. 5. Improvements w~l] be necessary on South B~rdneck Road; th~s ~ncludes pavement w~den~n?,, curb and gutter, s2 dermal ks, and ¢tramnage faczl -Ltl es. Further, thins ordinance shall bo effectzve upon satisfactory compliance to the conditions ~p,~l~o~d ~n th~s mol±on, and fi ~s ~der'_~tood and agreed to by the applicant that the olftc~a] change on the zonmn% maps w~ll not bo made until the follo;,~.mng condtt~ona are satisfied' 1. A dedication of rzght-oF-way 45 feet from the center- lmne of the exmsl-mn~,~ 60 foot rzght-of-~ay along the 1027.S3 foot frontag~~ on South B~rdnock Road (a foot dedmcat~on). 2. A drainage casement for Canal ~el w~]] be determined at the s~te plan rev~ow. Th~s ordmnance shall be efiect]v(; Ul)On date of ariel)then. Adopted by the Council el the C~ty of Vz~'g~n~a Beach, V]rgmn~a, on 1,1~(, St h {lay o [ ...... ,~I~X , 1972. IT],]M ~12]]2 ---- Applicat*on of Robert It. Brqithwail~-:, Jr., i¢', a ~.~.n_d~t,o:,.al Use I'err,,lt for a golf course, drlv~rlg range, n~lnlatUrc ~:~l~ tours~' , ~,J re( r~'.~at~.qnal buildl,~,9 o,~ certain property loc~l..,d, on tl:e dost s~de of South B-~rdqeck Road b~g~nning at a point 1300 feet more or less I!orii~ of Bells Road, running a distance of 1027.83 feet along the West s~de of Soutl~ Blrdneck Road, r~n~ng a distance of 1179.60 leer 1~, ,~ South;~'este. rly direction, running a dist6ncc of 1530.21 feet ~n a Norti~;<esterly direction, running a distance of 1/00 feet along the Wp,,Lern property l~re and runnin5 a distar~ce of 1334.52 feet along th~ Souther~ property l~ne. Said parcel contain~. 43.85 acres. I. YIII~HAVEN BOROUGH. Planning Commission Recommendation- A motion ;-,.'as passed unanimously by the Planning Commission by a recorded vote of l l to approve this request. For the infor~'aalion of the applicant, prior to the initiation of tile intended use of the land, the following will be requ'ired by tile admini- strative staff' 1. Standard improvement~ as required by the Site Plan Ordinance. 2. City water and sewer. 3. A sewa§e pump statio~ will be required for this site with the possibility of a t~e-.in with the 42 inch It.R.S.D. force main in the VEPCO right-of-way. 4. Participation in fuLdre traffic signalization is needed; specific requirer, ents to be determined at the time of site p la;~ submittal. 5~ Improveri~ents will be necessary on South B~rdneck Road; this inlcudes pavemer~t wid~n~nu~ curb and gutter, sidewall, s, and drainage facil- ities. 6. A 300 foot drainage easement for O.anal fil t,ill be required. Mr. V. A. Ether]dge, Jr., Attorney, represented the applicant Mr. Robert H. Bra~thwaite, Jr., also appeared ~n favor On motion by Co un c: ~ l ma n li±.'4g.~, .~econ¢led by Councilman Baum, and by recorded vote as follows' Ayes' Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert JO. Cromt~e]l, Jr., George R. Ferrel], )!avor Clarcnce A. IIolland, J. IIenry )IcCoy, Jr., Counc~l- ~,oman l~Ieyera. E. Oberndorf, J. Curtis Payne, Roger L. R~ggs, V~ce ,~Iayor Patrick L. Standmng, and Floyd ]]. Waterf~eld, Jr. Nays · None Absent' Councilman John R. Griffin City Council voted to adopt the fo]low]np, resolution upon appl~catton of Roloert 11. Bra~thwa]tc, Jr., for a C()nd~t]ona] [T~(~ Perm-it iora golf COllrY,(), d]'l V1 11° rallO~, DIIRI;I[ tlr(' ~o] f COtll'q(~ and rocr(~al-]oll[ll bill 1(t] nc~ RESOI, UTIO.N UPON APPLICATION OF ROBEFIT H. BRAITItV;AITE, JR., FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERi, IT FOR A ~olf cot~rao, dr~v~ng range m~nzature golf course and recreational building. R0578178 BE IT RESOLVED BY TItE COUNCIL OF TItE CITY OF VIRG1NIA BEACI!, VIRGINIA, that: Applmcat~on of Robert It. Bramthwa~te, Jr., for a Conditional Use Perlq]t for a golf course, dr~vmng range, mmn~ature golf course and recreational building on certa~_n property located on the West s~de of South D~rdneck Road beginning at a point 1300 feet more or less North of Bells Dead. running a d~_stance of 1027.83 feet along the West smde of So~th B~rdneck Road, runnmng a d~stance oi ]179.60 feet ~n a South~esterly d~rect~on, running a d~stance of 1530.21 feet mn a Northwesterly dmr~ct~on, running a d~stance of 1700 feet along the Western property l~ne and runn~nK a dmstance of 1334.52 feet along the Southern property l~ne. Samd parcel contamns 43.85 acres. Lynnhaven Borough. For the ~nformatmon of the applicant, pr~or to the mn~tmat~on of the mntended use of the land, the followmn~; w~ll be required by the adm~nmstrat~ve staff: 1. Standard ~mprovements as requ_~red by the S~te Plan Ordinance. 2. C~ty ~vater and sewer, when requmred by State ttealth Department. 3. A sewerage pumping station wroth the possmbil.~ty of a t~e-~n w~th the 42-~nch force mamn mn the VEPCO rm~ht-of-way when required by the State Health Del~artment. 4. Partmc~patmon mn future traffic signalzzatmon ~s needed: specifmc requirements to determine at the t~rne of s~te plan submmt tal. 5. Improvements w~ll be necessary on South B~rdneck Road; th~s ~ncludes i~avemont v'_zden~n~,, curb and gutter smdewalks and drainage facmlxt~es. 6. A drazna~e easement for Canal ,~1 wxll be determined at the szte plan review. Thins resolution shall be effective upon date oi adoption. Adopted by the Council of the City oi Vtrf;tnza Beach, on the 8 day of May , 1978. ITE?' ~l~,113 Petition of C. Randolph Zel,nmr for a £_h~_n_ge of Zoning D~strict Olass~f;(rt]on from R-5 Residential District to B-1 B~s~ness-Res~d~nt~al District on cer'ta~n p~operty located on the West side of Sandp~p(r Road beginning at the Western extremity of Porpoise Road, running a distance of 80 feet along the West side of Sandp~per Road, running a distance of 126.2 feet along the Southern property 1}ne, running a d~stance of 80 feet along the Western property line and running a distance of 126.2 feet along the Northern property lipe. Sa~d parcel contains .23 acre. PRINCESS ANNE BOROUGH. Planning Commission Recommendation- A motion was passed unanimously by the Planning Commission by a recorded vote of 11 to deny this request. It was felt that approval would both initiate and encourage a str~p commercial development pattern in this area. On motion by Counc~[man Payne, seconded by Councilman 1faterf~eld, and by recorded rotc as follows. Ayes. Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., George R. Ferrell, ;Iayor Clarence A. ttolland, J. ttenry )IcCoy, Jr., Counczl- woman Heyera E. Obe~-ndorf, J. Curtis Pavne, Roger L. Rrggs, V~ce Mayor Patrzck L. Stand~ng, and Floyd E. Waterfneld, Jr. Nays' None Absent' Councilman John R. Gr~ff~n Cmty Counczl voted to permmt wmthdrawa] of the above pet~tzon of C. Randolph Zehmor for a Change of Zon~n2 D~str~ct Classification from R-5 Reszdent~al D~slr~ct to B-1 Bus,ness-Residential. D~str~ct on certain property located on the ;~est s~de of Sandpxper Road beginning at the ~'estern extremnty of Porpoise Road, runn:ng a d~stance of 80 feet along the West side of Sandpzper Road, running a dmstance of 126.2 feet along the Southern property l~ne, ~'unn~ng a d~stance of 80 feet along the Western property lmne and rttnnmn[~, a d~stance of 126.2 Ieet along the Northern property l~_ne. Sa:d parcel contains .23 acre. Princess Anne Borough. On May 20, ]974, C~ ty Count] 1 apl)i'¢)v~{l a cllal~.,4e of zonqng [rom 1{-5 Rosideniial D~strlct to O-10J i'~ce l)~:qlrict on s, ix ~ndivqdu:t] parcc]~. of ]and alon~ lh)llaild Rea(t, north c)J Ldwln Dr~xe, sut).]cc.% t() %lac clo~l-- ication of right-of-way for the !Iolland Road ])i'().]ect. S~ncc that t~_m,,, one oF tho slx prop()rty owner~, has m:~(lm tho a])pr()pr]at(~ de (l ~ cat ~ on , thereby satisfying the rerlu~rement. ]towever, ~ v]exv o[ lho urgencv oi the Ilolland Road project at that trine, zt was necessary [o purch,tsc the r~_gl~t-ol-way item the other five property owners. It is not nc)w possible for those five property owners to satmsfy Councn] 's condition whmch ~s a requms~te to havmng their zoning change, even though Councml has shown a desire ~o have th~s pro- perty designated for off~ce use and even though the property ~s now suited for offmc_;e use. Therefore, Councilman Ferrell made a mot]on, seconded by Councilman McCoy, to delete the required dedication ~n connection w~th the chan%e of zoning xn the names of Fred D. and itattme G. }lol]oway, Ordinance #ZO574044; Roy A. and Elv~n D. Remd, Ordinance ~Z0574046, Cornel] and Casandra Freeman, Ordznance -7ZOSTd0dT, Robert and lt~]dred O. Perry, Ordinance dZO5740.1S; and Clarence L. and Elaine B. Walke, Ordinance ,~ZO5740dg, and further aut}~or-~_ze the D~rector of Plannzng to change the zonmng ~nap accordzngly. The recorded vote ~s as follows: Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., George R. Ferrell, Mayor Clarence A. Itel]and, J. ltenry McCoy, Jr. , Counczl- woman }Ieyera E. Oberndorf, J. Curtis Payne, Roger L. R]gg~, V~ce Mayor Patrmck L. Standzng, and Floyd E. Waterfie]d, Jr. Nays' None --- Absent: Counczlman John R. Grxffmn Cmty Councm] voted to delete the required ded~calmon ~n connection with the change of zoning mn tho names of Fred D. and llatt~e G. Hol]oway, Ordinance #ZO574044, Roy A. and Elv~n D. Re~d, O~'d~nance #ZO574046; Cornell snd Casandra Freeman, Ordinance #ZO574047, Robert and Mmldred O. Perry, Ordinance -~Z057404S, and Clarence L. and Elamne B. \¥alke, Ordinance #ZO574049, and further authorized the Dmrector of Plannmng to change the zonmng map accordingly. ITE}I #12115 On motion by Councilman Waterf~eld, seconded by Councilman Ferre]l, and by recorded vote as follows. Ayes' Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., George R. Ferrel], llavor Clarence A. llolland, J. llenry .XlcCov, Jr., Counc~]- woman ~leyera E. Oberndorf, J. C~rL~s Pavne, Roger L. R~gg.s, V~ce Mayor I~atr]ck I,. Star, ding, and Floyd E. ~/aterf~e]d, Jr. Nays: None Absent' Counczlman John R. Gr~ff~n --- C~ty Council voted to adopt the [o]lox~n~ report of the Committee on the use of Vo]untee,rs: MAYOR'S COMMITTEE ON TtIE USE OF VOLUNTEERS FINAl, REPORT AND RECO[~[ENDATIONS Members of the Committee Mr. John Griffin, Councilman Mr. R. Bradshaw Pulley, United Community Fund Mrs. Mary Russo, Volunteer Mrs. Dorothy Wood, Volunteer .Mrs. Phy]]].s ]I~tchler, Director, Personnal Department Mr. Edwin S. Clay, III, Assistant to the City Manager for Public Information and ]{uman Resources City of Virginia Beach, V~rginia April 24, 1978 I. Introduction II. Goal Statement III. Municipal Philosophy Toward Use of the Volunteer IV. Recommendations A. Structure B. Implementatmon V. Appendices A. Overview of National, State, and Local Volunteer Initiatives B. Summary of Departmental Use of Volunteer Questionnaire C. Chart of Volunteer Expenditures and Contributions I. Introduction On October 3, 1977, the Virginia Beach City Council agreed to the establishment of a Mayor's Committee~ on the Use of Volunteers. The Committee had as its charge to determine if volunteers could be more effectively used withzn city agencies. Initially, the Co~nittee sought to respond to two major questions: 1. What has the expermence been wzth munzcipal services volunteer programs in other cities? 2. What are the needs and attitudes relative to municipal services volunteers among City of Virginia Beach department heads and supervisors? In an attempt to obtain answers to these questions, information relatzve to local government volunteer programs was secured from f~ve Volunteer Information Agencies, eight local governments, and two states. A survey was also conducted of V~rg~n~a Beach department heads for their reactions to the utilization of volunteers. (This information in detail is contained in Section V of this report.) Based upon the information and data obtained and codified, the Committee met several times to [levelop a plan for the more effective utilization of volunteers within the municipal corporation. The resulting draft plan was forwarded to all city agencies, the UCF, ,-- the VAC, and TCC for review and co~nunent. The consensus of those agencies who co~ented was that the original plan was too heavily structured and rigid. According].y, the Committee agreed and the ~n]tial proposal was greatly modkfied. The proposal was streamlined and smmplified. The revised proposal was then sent out for a second departmental, etc., review. On Wednesday, April 12, 1978, the Con~ttee met w~th Department Heads to receive their comments. Three sources, therefore, have created the recom3nendat~ons contained in th].s report: national and local data, departmental cormments, and Committee consultatmons. Me~'~bers of the Co~zttee belzeve that these recon~endations are realistic, workable, and most importantly, can be implemented now w~thout addmtional city expendztures. II. Goal Statement Mazntenance and/or expansion of municipal services (throuch the use of volunteers) without exD~nd~ng personnel costs was the goal of the study conducted by the Con%~ittee. Implementation of this goal zs detazled in the reco~nend~tion prepared by the Couun~ttee. III ~unicipal Use of the Volunteer: A Philosophy Four assumptzons are basic to a philosophy regarding the use of volunteers in municipal servzce: A. There are certain departmental tasks that can be effectively accomplished by volunteers. B. There is wmthln V~rg~n~a Beach a volunteer resource pool of adc~{uate s~ze ~nd w~tI~ tl~e ze~4,~zs_~te expertzse. C. The city departments are able to recruit these volunteer workers. D. Because of the unique requirements and responsibilities of police and fmre volunteers, they wzll be excluded from thzs proposal. The aim of the Vi[g~nma Beach City Volunteer Proqram is to expand and enhance ex~sting city services through L]t~lizatzon of volunteers ~n servmces delivery. Implicit ~n this state- ment of purpose ms tl~e ~ntent to use volunteers to supplement and complemeDt rather than rep]ace city staff. Heads of departments w~ll ~nsure that such is the case and assure departmental staff that volunteers pose no threat to their job security. Failure to promote this assurance could result ~n lowered staff morale and fr~ct~on between staff and volunteers. Staff orientation sessions on the status and utilization of volunteers should be undertaken to avoid this situatzon. The Vzrgznia Beach Czty Vo].unteer Program wil endeavor to recruit volunteers from all segments of the city's modulation whenever and wherever such recruitment is feaszble. Representation on the Volanteer Policy Board will be awarded those groups, agencies, and ]nstitutzons having kev program roles or larqe numbers of program participants. =~ord volunteer workers the same Department staff should a~ respect afforded regular city emDloyees. Supervisory personnel will insure Chat the volunteers are assicned tasks that are meaningful and potentially reward~nc. Recognition for exceptional performance will be readily given the ~nd~vidual volunteer, as complementa£y recognition ~s the volunteer's salary. A forn~al recognition of all volunteer program participants w~l] be accomplished annually via the city's civic recognition dinner. IV. Recommendatio~ts In order ~o maximize the present use of volunteers by city agencies, the V/rc]nla Beach C~y Vo]unteo_r_~_ Progra'~_ is reco~.~mended. Th~s program, based upon the "volunteer pl]zlosophy" contained zn Section III of this report, would serve as the catalyst for thc develo[~ment of po!zczes and procedu~-cs regarding the use of volunteers w~thin city government. A. Program Structure 1. Department-Volunteer Counczl The basis of the Vi~CVP should be the Department-Volunteer Council. Membersh_~p would include two indiv_[duals from each c~ty agency us[ng volunteers who would serve on the Councml - the departmental volunteer coord[nator and a volunteer who would represent all volunteers ~n the department. Those departments not currently using volunteers would be represented by the department head. Initially, the departmental membershzp would be as follows: 1. Two representatives from using departments (12) A. Mental Health B. Social Services C. Health D. Parks and Recreation E. Agriculture F. Publmc Lmbraries 2. One representative from non-usmng departments (9) G. Planning H. Fmnance I. Data Processing J. Eco]~omic Development K. General Services L. Personnel M. Permits and Inspections N. Pubimc Works O. Public Utilzties A representatmve from the Human Resources section of the City Manager's Off~ce would serve as the coordinator of the Cou:~c~l. Th~s individual wo~d be assistcd the Mayor. Thus, 23 people would be elzgzble for membershzo on the Co~mmzttee. Portrayed grat~hlcally, the Councll would assume this form: DEPARTMENT-VOLUNTEER COUNCIL City Manager ~ _l i ~ __ , IAssistant to City blanager ~%ayor 1 Volunteer D E F G H I J K L M N 0 Advisory Committee [-- -- ----- · , ___ ___ ~ - ---- ---- Technical Committee 2. Council Duties The sharing of informat!on concerning recruitment, orientation, training, evaluation, and recogi~]z~g of volunteers within city agencies would be a prime fu]~ct]on of the Council. In addztlon, the Council would recommend and develop polmc~es and procedures for the maintenance and expansion of current volunteer programs, plus assist in the initiation of new programs for those non-us].ng agencies desirzng to do so. When appropriate, the Council would request assistance from non-municipal agencies such as the Voluntary Actzon Center, Unzted Way, Tzdewater Communzty College, State Office of Volunteerism, etc. Operational procedures, 1.e., frequency of meetings, formation of sub-con~.]zttees, should be established early zn the Council's exzstence. As a clearznghouse, the Council should strive to keeo all members informed of volunteer activities witt~zn the city, their ~ndividual agencies, and across the country. It, through the chazrman, should keep tile C~ty Manager apprised of the volunteer efforts, programs, etc., within the city, and report annually. 3. Council Chairman The Chairman will preside at meetings of the Council and act as its secretary. He will maintain all offzc].al records of the Council and his off,ce w~ll provide ~hatever clerical asszstance zs needed. IIe w~ll work closely wmth the Council-Volunteer ~n all phases of Council act~vzties. 4. Council-Volunteer To be appointed by the Mayor, this individual will serve as the liaison between City Council and the city's volunteer program. Th~s person will str~ve to keep informed about non-czty volunteer programs - ~.e., hospital volunteer programs, etc., and relay such ~nformat~on to the Counczl meeting whenever the Coordinator ~s unable to do so. 5. Committees Two major comn~]ttees are needed: a Technical Committee, composed of th~se e~nployed by the City; and an Advisory Committee, composed of those volunteer representatives. Each committec w~ll serve al, a vehicle for the developn~ent of zndiv~dual and group polzc~es. After development of by-laws and working procedures, it is anticzpated that various other spec~al_~zed committees wzll be established, z.e., recruitment, public relat.%ons, etc. B. Program l~p ! ementat ].on Of this proposal adopted by City Co~ncll, ii ~_~ suggested that that the following schedule be ad~pted: A. Mayor appo].nts the "Council Volunteer" to the Department-Volunteer Council B. The City Manager requests deparlment heads to ap~o~nt their representative to the Department--Volunteer Council. C. Department heads report their nominations to the Chairman. D. Volunteer-us±ng department heads arrange for election of departmental "volunt{~er" to membership on Department- Volunteer Council, report resutts to Chairman. E. Chairman c~_~lls initial meeting, attended also by members of the Mayor's Committee on the Use of Volunteers. F. City Council disolves the Mayor's Co~]ttee on the Use of Volunteers of this f~rst meeting. G. Department-Volunteer Council develops an implementation program, ]..e., a schedule for the development of a work program, by-laws, etc. V. App~ndice~ Sznce 1971, ACTION; The National Center for Voluntary Act_~on (NCVA); and Voluntary Actmon Centers (VACs) have been the three most visible and do].-~[nant forces zn t]~e foreqround of voi'~ntary actzv~ty throughout the Nat?~on. ACTION, a federally-sponsored program, provides grants and tech- nical assistance to local qovernments, znst~tutnons, and community servzce agenczes for z]nplementat].on of volunteer programs. The Natzonal Center for Voluntary Action (NCVA) was es%ablzshed in 1970 as the przmary National focal po]_nt for the prov]smon of informat].on and te¢'h]~.~cal assms~ance to private sector organizations concerned wi. th utzlmzzng volunteers. On the local level, throoqhout the country, Volunteer Service Bureaus have historically rccruzted and referred volunteers to non-profit, coPanunity service organizations: ho%gever, by affiliation with the NCVA many of these bureaus are now known as Voluntary Action Centers (VACs). VACs serve as clearinghouses for ~nform_~t~on about volunteer opportunities; promote and develop volunteer orograms; provide technical ass~snance; and train public officials undertaking volunteer programs. Since the inception of thc VAC concept in 1970, the NCVA and ACT1ON have worked together closely to develop a v~able network of VACs throughout the country. A survey by the NCVA revealed that VAC sponsorship and affiliation ~s d~verse. ~h~le the ]naDor~ty are independent agencies wJ th their own board of d.~rectors, some VACs are part of the local government, or full members o= la,~-ger ~ Cross. organizations such as the Un,ted Way, Junior League and .Re~ The VAC serving the Norfolk area was formerly the Voldnteer Service Bureau. It was formerly a component of the ~!ea]th- Welfare, Recreation Plann].ng Council, funded by the Unmted Com~unzties Fund. Now, z~ wmll serve V]rg~nma Beach, Chesaueake, Portsmouth, and Norfolk. ~ II. Successful Local GovernmenL Volunteer Proqrams From the myriad of volunteer activities throuqhout the country, five local government-~.n~t~ated volunteer programs havznq docamented levels of success were selected. Three of these oronrans are limited to c~zy departments. They are: New Orleans, Louisiana; San Leand]_o, Ca!zfornxa; and Ila,aison, New Jersey. The remazn~ng two p~ograms serve ments. They are: L~von~a, }iict~tgan a~d Los Angeles, Ca!]fornma. A. DESCRIP'2''''~.~..,,, OF 'iU~q~iPAL~,.. VOLU>iTEER PP, OGIG\MS - SERVING CiTY DEPARTMENTS ONLY 1. C~ty: New Orleans, Louiszana Population 593,000 Form of Government: Playor-Council Program: Vo!un%cers ~n Cover~,~ent of Responsibility (V£GOR) Impetus for VIGOR was a nee~t to compensate for severe budget resi:r~ctio:~', and to ir:volvo citizens ].n the wor;~lngs of government. VIGOR '.vds not des3~nea to place volunteers zn regular jo]~ sletc, bu~. to mount ore]cots wlth]_n c~ty departments that call ~-' ]' = r eo ~or %, ,l]led manpo~,er ~_o_ which the~e %;ere ne-thor job slots nor budgt, t. From 1973 to t97~, 1,93! volu~tce:-s worked in ]5 munic~ departments contr~h~t~ng 120,1%2 hour's;, amounting ho in Civil Sc. rv_tce pay oqat,~alent~. Volunteers are of varied ethnic grouFs, talents, anc~ rat~ge ~n age from ]un~ors tn high school sen~or c~tmzens. Purpomted to be the fmrst pro(iran ef mrs tyl e in the Un,ted States, t}~e VIGOR concept was develol,ed by a con.~mne6 group of c~tizens, educators, and c~ty admznmstrators. Implemented in February 1973, tl~e first year's budget was $27,000 w_tnh the city providing S9,000 of this total plus space, tel~ , epnone and equipment, while the remainder ca~,e from a private foundation and local group of contributors. Staff consisted o-~ two paid staff, a professional coordinator, a clerk-typist, and an administration staff made up entirely of volunteers. The con~nunlty's professional volunteer recruitment organization- ~ "A United Fund Subsld.arv" - "The Volunteer and Information Agency, _~ ~ was included in the initial recruitment activity. Volunteer placements in city gover'~ment range from research to citizen education to person-to-person service to clerical a%d. Through on-going }ob development, a volunteer may choose the placement best suited to his time, comm~itment, and interest fron. a bank of over 150 available volunteer posltmons. In addition to indi¥idual participation, local groups have become involved in on-going and innovative government pro3ects. For example, a women's organization working nights helped the Police Department computerize arrest records. A women's sorority helped the Fire Department ]Dy co]~npillng fire incident data and transferring data to large and small maps for use in planning fire- fighting facilities. VIGOR has also implemented new programs that were develo'oed, supported, and staffed by volunteers. They include: the 24-hour V.D. 're lephone Information Service, the ~$ork Sentence program for first offender m~sdemeanants; the Clear-A-Date Calendar propect, a comprehensive schedule of conm%unlty events; and the Tokens of Love project ~,~hJ_ch reimburses VIGOR volunteers with bus tokens for weekly service of 3 or more hours. Mention should be made of tile forerunner of VIGOR, the "Answer Desk, a successful City Hall-based central information and referral service that was establtshed and run by volunteers and is now under the ausptces of a Human Relations Committee which was formed by City Council. . ~_ . ~ ' California Population 69,000 2 Clt\'i. San Lea.nero, Form of Government: Councl!-?ianager Program: Volunteer Services Program The San Leandro Volunteer Program began in its Recreation Department ~.n !959. I~ 1963, with the position of Volunteer Corod.tnator m-t,~e fuil_-tzr~c, tl~~ program expanded to other clt'~ depart~qents. In 1975, direction was qlven thts procra~ thrt'_~z% the formation cf a ildn~i ~" - ~<~sources Commission and a Human Pesollrce~ De~}artment to staff thc Com~iss~on. Present s=a=fing of the Volunteer Program includes general supervision by the IIunan Resources Coordinator with op~ratzens handled by a 3/4 time Volunteer Serv]ce Aide. Volunteers are used to enhance and extend services - to supplement and not supplant paid staff. Annually, approximately 400 volunteers contribute over 20,000 hours of servlcc. The bulk of adult volunteer.~ Pnd :nany youths perform clerical functions. Peak time is su~mer. T]~e Recreation Dc~artment remains the c~reatcst user of volunteers wl~h bet;'een 200 and 300 youths and adults contributing 15,000 to 18.000 hours annually. l,~ ]976, t',, V~)lur~tc',. Scrvlc..'q Proqram ~,, con]unct~on w~th the J~'~. ~t]e DJ.'-~ ~()n o~- ~'lc Sa~ ]~cJnclvo Pcllcc, I)ueartnent deve]o~J-~d a s~x-~,cnLh P~]o~ j~veu~lo Volunt~cr work ~)ro~,'am, and at no cost t() the cxLy, juvenile m~sdemcanants centr=buted 1,116 hours of servzce. 3. gAt_i? Borocqh of Madison, N~w Jersel~ Population 17,000 Program: Mayor's Ta]~e~t ~3ank The "Tale~L B~nk" ~s a f~l~ listz~g the ~an~es, qualif~cat]ons, and expc:riences of expert citizens who have volunteered to assist the munic].pal government in studying and f~pd~ng so!ut~ons to various questions. The request for volunteers was enclosed ~n the Borough's watLr and 1]_gl~t bills to 5,300 homes. The concern was to reach prof_ess~onal ~nd:viduals ~nterested ~n ~nvolvement in municipal af!a~rs, but not ~ntercsted in d£vot~ng the t~me and effort required to obtatn elected pos~t~cns, and ti~ose reluctant to accept comm,~ttee or board assignments w~th a duration of several years. Individuals have provided expert advzse ~n consulting capacitze' while ad t~oc committees hsve conducted studies of utility bAll~ng procedures, purchasing procedures, Borough [tall space allocation, penszon plans, health bene£~t plans, and a municipal cable telev~szo: system. As of Novel%er 1973, 156 citizens had volunteered, and of th~s number, 33 participated ~n s}}ecial ass±gnments prov~dmng information and guidance to the Mayor and Council on n~ne subjects. B. DESCRIPTION OF HUNICIPAL VOI. UNTEER PROGPJ\}~S - SERVING CITY DEPARTMENTS AND COt!~UNITY AGENCIES 1. Czty_: Livon~a, Michican,___ Population 115,000 Form of Govcrnmant: }'[ayor-Counc.~l Program: Livonza Off,ce of Volunteers Energies (LOVE) The Livonia Off~ce of Vo].unteer Energies was created as an adjunct of the Mayor's Administrative Services Department zn June, 1974, through a one-year, non-renewable ACTION Grant. The off,ce was charged w~th coord~natzng volunteer activities, inztiat~ng programs where community needs exmsted and as a referral service for L]vonza res ]_dents . In 1975-1976, 971 volunteers contributed 22,144 hours to 83 agencies (czty departments included) effect~ng a cost sav~ngs amounting to $98,626 ~n equivalent Czv~l Service pay. Of thus total, as far as can be d~scerned, direct city dcuartment benefits were in the n£~ghbcrhood of 6]7 volunteers, 8,665 hours and $40,203. In June 1975, the total budget of $25,000 was prc~'ided from tl%e General Fund of the City's Adm~n~stratzve Servzces Deoartment. In ~ay, 1976, the C~ty of i.i\.on.,_a ~ncor})ora~ed t.~e LOVE offzce into tile city govern~ent structure as the Department of Con~munzty Resources. The original office staff consisted of three persons. In 1975, this staf~ was auo ~ ~m_nted by two CETA ~nterns followed by three college sen]ocs se~v~]~g 3nternsh~us. In addmt~on to the full-t~me and voluntee~ staff, the LOVE off~ce ~s supported by an eleven-mentber advisory con~m;ttee, of wh'~ch the 'la,,or ~s a member. A close relationship ~s ma~_n~ a] ned ]05, the LOVE off,ce wroth the Volunteer Action Centez (VAC) of I, letropo] ~Vdn Detro't. LOVE's most significant accomplmshments are: the establzsh- ment of an lnformat[on/Compla.]nt Center; !{mq}] School Intern - program; volunteer prcb0t~on¢,rs; }iealt.h a~ds; A!oot-A-Park: Neighborhood Youth Volt~?,_~ c.~ o.; r-_n~,,n~n~_, ty c'crdens: ar, d ouo~ortatzve~ ' friends ±n suspected cases of ch].ld abu,;e and neglect. 2. _C!tl'_'.___ Los Anq~_~J e~, Cal~f~-nla Form ot Governmont: [~ayo~ -Council Progra~: City Volunteer Corps (CVC) PopulatJ_on 2,816,000 In February of 1974 the ~layor of Los Angeles, by letter, contacted 2,000 former Peace Corps and VISTA volunteers seeking their participation in a pilot volunteer p~ogram. Receiving over 150 responses, the f~rst volunteer projects were started with initial funding and coord~_nation provided bI, tl~e Independent Foundation, a national organizah~on of former Peace Corps and VISTA volunteers. In the summer of 1974, a one-year, mon-renewable $50, grant was awarded by ACTION under the title of "Cit~,/County/ Regional Government Volunteer Program Coordinator (CCP.)." Present funding, which expires ±n [[ay, 1977, was obtained from a Special Volunteer Programs grant from ACTION. Additional funding is anticipated from a d~fferent ACTION prog~-am component. The CVC is not ready to be institutionalized ~nto a city department, therefore, a persistant problem is the continual reliance upon locating and securing additional grant ~unds. The C~ty Volunteer Corps recruits and places skilled volunteers ~nto program organization and development assignments. It is administered by the Deputy Mayor through the Mayor's Division of Human Resources and reports monthly to the Mayor's Office and the City Council. Approximately 1,000 volunteers have participated in this program. Making use of computer technology, CVC keeps an updated directory of over 1,300 agencies need~nq volunteers. A volunteer's skilis/znterests bank consisting of 28 categories is computerized onto a monthly printout which facilitates the matching of available volunteers with needs of cmty government officials and community agencies that seek help from the city. The volunteer opportunities are usually short term, well-defined prolects that can be done w~thin the volunteer's locale. Efforts of the volunteer are teamed w~th efforts of the [~ayor, a City Council person, or c~ty department official to insure the availa- bility of adequate resources and the con~.~tment to render a volunteer's work consequential and successful. Special benefits that can be arranged for CVC volunteers are: academic credit for college students, release time for employees of some private corporations and government agencies, job references from documented volunteer work, and identification of salaried professional level, jobs available in the Los Angeles area. In addition to the CVC, other departme~ts withLn the Los Angeles City Ha].1 conduct separate volunteer programs. Although it does not coor¢~lnate these programs, the CVC does share volunteer referrals. Other city volunteer programs and the needs they address are as follows: - The "Las Angelinas" volunteers host special events foz the city a~d tours through City Hall. - The Department of Recreation and Parks and the C~ty Library both recruit and place volunteers for their own needs, mostly as recreation aids, l~brary attendants, and visitors to shut-ins. - The RecIeation and ?arks Department also sponsors a Retired Seniors Vol~ntcer program (through ACTION) tl]at recruits and places retired sen]_ors in various c~ty and communz ty aqel~cies. - Some city departments, especially Planning, have developed college intern programs. C. Summ~ry Of the foregoing programs, the range of VIGOR placements within the city departments is probably the most varied. In addition to the City Hall ±nformation and referral services which was established and run by volunteers, and the development of special projects - the volunteer placements wzthin c~ty deoart- ments range from clerc~al to legal assistants and researchers. The San Leandro "Volunteer Services Program" places volunteers in all city departments; but, unlike VIGOR, most of the functions performed are clerical. However, volunteers are used extensively zn the Recreation Department. Los Angeles' CVC, unlike preceding programs, recruits only professional and skilled volunteers - n~a~nly for specific short- term pro3ects. Although administered by the Deputy Mayor's Office within Czty Hall, CVC does not coordinate volunteer placement mn other cmty departments. The Department of Parks and Recreation and the Library recruit and place volunteers to suit their zndivzdual needs. The Department of C~ty Planning also developed its own zntern progrsm. The Borough of Madison's "Talent Bank" is s~milar to Los Angeles' CVC in its recruitment of professionals only. The professionals are used as consultants to conduct s~udzes~ ' for the Borouqh, as needed. A~_~endix B. Survey Results: V~rg~n]a Beach Departmenta Of the seventeen municipal departments, fifteen completed the questionnaire (88%). Those departments not reporting - Public Works, Personnel and General Services - when contacted by telephone indicated that they d~d not use or plan to use volunteers on a regular basis. In 1976/1977, ten departments (58%) used volunteers; in 1977/1978, the same number. There were 958 regular volunteers being used, while 37]. were seasonal, and 143 part-time. Collectively, the value of the devoted time of regular volunteers totals $7,270,072.73. In addition, seasonal volunteers contribute $81,795.80, wh~le part-time volunteers gave $91,127.11 ±n t~me. Support costs, i.e., the cost of volunteers to a department in staff ti]ne, supplies, etc., totaled $180,608.39. (Departmental details follow.) 70% of the departments using volunteers have a formal orientation and training session for the volunteer. During the reportzng per~od (1976/1977), over 359 hours of orientation and/or training was undergone by volunteezs. Evaluation of volunteers occurs ~ 50% of the departments using them, while 66% of the deF, ar~,.-,n~s provmde special recognition of volunteers. P, ecru~tmenk of volunteers is as fo 1 ]ows: Through staff 9 Word of Mouth 9 Media 7 Schools 6 Voluntary Action Centers 3 Private Agencies 4 Clients W~th~n Agency 5 Other 4 Adopted by the Councml of the Cmty of V]r~mn~a Beach, Vmroomnma, on the 8th day of May , 1978. (/) 0 ~D I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I --a I I I I I I I I I I I I I I -,~ I I ~ I I I I I I I I I I I I i I --~ I I DO I I U'I I I i ....~ I I I I I Q.,~ I I I I L: .., I-~'1 --t I-.-4 C) U~ 0 , t C% 1 0 ..% 0 '-'h 0 c- C'~ 0 ,-'-~ U'~ 0 '"5 0 0 ;J 0 h' ITFM Pl2]](3 On Inot~on by Vice Mayor Standlni,,, secondod by Councilman Bau~,~, and by recorded vote as ioJlo~s: Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Geor.,~e R. Ferrell, Mayor Clarence A. Hol]a~d, J. Ilenry McCoy, Jr., Counc~]- woman Meycra E. Oberndor£, J. Curtis Payne, Ro~er L. R~g~.s, V~_ce Mayor Patrick L. Stand~.ng, and Floyd E. l~aterl~eld, Jr. Nays. None Absent: Councilman John R. Grii£tn C~ty Council voted to approve th(~ follow]_ng ordinance to amend and reordaln Chapter 2 of tho Code of the C~ty of V~r~]n~a Beach authorizing ~nvestlg-at~on and settlemenl of clatms and ]~l;~gat~on concerning llabzl~ty against the C~ty of V~rg~nza Beach, V~rg~n~a, its appointees and employees: AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND AND REO! OA1N CIiAPTER 2 OF [HE CODE OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH AUTHORIZING INVESTIGATION AND SETTLEI~ENT OF CLAIMS AND LITIGATION CO!!CERNING LIABILITY AGAINST THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA, ITS APPOINTEES AND EMPLOYEES VIRGINIA: BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, , The Director of Finance is authorized to investigate, settle and adjust claims against the City. The Director of Finance Is also authorized to investigate, settle and ad3ust other liability matters referred to him by the City Attorney which are not in litigation. Any such settlements shall be taken from the self insurance fund and other amounts as provided by City Council. The City Attorney is authorized to settle litigation concerning claims against the City, its governing body, or any member thereof, its appointees and employees, when such proceeding ms initiated against ~t or them by virtue of any actions in furtherance of their official duties. Any settlement, cost or expense of such proceeding or 3udgment awarded against the City, its governing body, or any member thereof, its appointees or employees shall be taken from the self insurance fund and other amounts as provided by City Council. on the Adopted by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, &;t!~ day of .~.Iav , 1~78. ~r:u ~'1 117 'Oil mot2on I)V Count] lman Cromwell, secondo(l by C()unc]lman and by rc('ordod vote ',ts £ollov, s: Ayes' Councilmen Jo]~n A. Baum, Roberl II. Cro~mve]l, Jr., Coorge R. Ferre]], llavor C]ar~'~ce A. Ilo lland, J. llenry }IcC~y, Jr. , Cot~nc~l- woman ~,Iovora t'1 Ol~e, rpctorf J Curt-Is ])avne Roger L Rzg~'~ Vzce Mayor t~atrtck L. Stand~ng, and Floyd I,',. ~al, erf~eld, Jr. Nays · None Absent: Co~mc~]_man John R. Gr~_fl~_n City Counc~] voted to adopt the fo]low~ng resolution authorizing the C~ ty Manager to collect the taxes of Penn Ce.~tral Tra~-~portat~on Company under the U. S. D~str~ct Courts Plan of reorgantzat~on and resoluLzon ro~cmnd~ng resolution R-77-317: RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING Tttl CITY MANAGER TO COLLECT TH[ 7AXES Of PF_NN CENTRAL TRANSPORTATION COMPANY UNDER TItE U. S. DISTRICT COURTS'S PLAN OF REORGANIZATION AND RESOLUTION RESCINDING RESOLUTION R-77-517 The regular meeting of the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, was held in the Council Chambers of the Administration Building on the 8 day of .~Iay , 1978. RESOLUTION WHEREAS, Penn Central Transportation Company filed proceedings for the reorganization of the railroad in the U. S. District Court; and WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, adopted Resolution R-77-517 on November 21, 1977, approving Penn Central Transportation Company's plan for compromise and agreeing to relinquish any claims of taxes due and owing for any period prior to and including December 1, 1976, including interest and penalties upon a cash payment by the trustees of Penn Central of 50% of the amount due and owing which said plan for compromise was in l~eu of the City being a creditor under the U. S. District Court's Plan of Reorganization; and WHEREAS, prior to the adoption of the said resolution the City was advised that the 50% would be a cash payment of 50% of the total of the base tax and interest due and owing. However, subsequent to the adoption of the said resolution the C~ty was advised that the cash paynlent of 50% was based only on the base tax and did not include the accrued interest. Furthermore the plan for reorganization, as amended, provides that on the date of consummation of the plan an initial cash payment of 26.4% of the total base tax and interest shall be made plus an additional 8.8~', on December 31, 197P,, and aua~n o'n December 31, 1979. Tt~e renlaininq 56% of the amount of lhe cla~ln (principal and ~nterest) ~s to be satisfied with Series C-1 Notes for conveyed property or Series D term notes for retained property. If Series I) term notes are issued they will bear interest at 7% per annum and mature on December 31, 1987, which maturity date may be extended up to five (5) years if the Valuation Case Proceeds prove insufficient to pay them off in full. If Series C-1 notes are qssued they are to be redeemed from Valuation Case Proceeds as defined in the U. S. District Court's Plan of Reorganization for Penn Central Transportation Company. WHEREAS, it has been recommended that the City Council rescind the re- solution adopted on November 21, 1977 and adopt a resolution giving the City Manager authority to make or cause to be made on behalf of the City of V~rgln~a Beach all those acts necessary to enable the City of V~rgin]a Beach to collect the City's claim for taxes under the U. S. District Court's Plan of Reorganization of Penn Central Transportation Company. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA' That Resolution R-77-517 is hereby rescinded; and FURTHERMORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH VIRGINIA, that the City Manager is hereby authorized to make or cause to be made on behalf of the City of Virginia Beach all acts necessary to enable the City to collect the City's claim for taxes under the Plan of Reorganization of Penn Central Trans- portation Company. Adopted by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, on the 8 day of May , 1978. On motion by Councilman P,~ggs, se. eonded by Counctlman ?errel], and by recorded vote as follows. Ayes. Councilmen John A. Baum, _Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., George R. Ferre]l, Mayor C]ar~nco A. IIolland, J. Henry ~,IcCoy, Jr., Counc~l- woman ~Ievera E. Oberndorf, J. Curtis Pavne, ltogor I~ R~os~ , V~ce Mayor Patrick L Stancl~n,, and Fl(>vd E Waterf]eld, Jr Nays. None Absent' Counc±lman John Il. G~']fI lll C~ty Counctl voted t~) al~l~'ox, e iii'.~ f()]]()w~ng orcl]nanco l() amend and roordaln Soct].(~n 6-5 ol tho Cod(' OJ Ih(, OJ tv oI Vi ]'~l Ill a I$('a~'.h, Requested by' C~ty Manager/IRC AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND AND REORDAIN SECTION 6-5 OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA, PEF',TAINING TO BICYCLES, ETC., ON THE BOARDWALK BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA' That Section 6-5 of the Code of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, is hereby amended and reordained as follows' Section 6-5 Bicycles, etc., on boardwalk. (1) It shall be unlawful for any person to operate on the boardwalk along the Atlantic Ocean at any time any pedal-powered vehicle that is muscle powered, having more than two wheels and any wheel diameter greateF than twelve inches. (2) Furthermore, it shall be unlawful to operate any bicycle upon the boardwalk along the Atlantic Ocean at any tinge where the City has designated a bic)~cle_path. Notwithstanding the for.e.going provisions, the prohibition a~ainst operating bicycles upon the boardwalk shall not apply to City employees or memDers of the V.!rginia Beach Patrol while performing their official duties. Any person who violates the provisions of this section shall be guilty of a Class IV misdemeanor. the 8 Adopted by the Councll oF the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, on day of I~I~y , 1978. JDB 'er 4-17-78 i , ITI,M 5121±9 recorded vote as [ollow~' Ayes' Councilmen John A. Baum, Rr)l)(,rt t3. Cro~'uv(,ll, Jr., George R. Ferrell, Mayor Claronce A. Ilol]and, J. tten~'y ~lc('oy, Jr. , Councnl- woman )leyera E. Oborndorf, J. Curt~a 1)ayne, Rr)ger L. ]2~gs, Vtco Mayor Patrick L. Standing, and Floyd 1;. Watcrficl(t, Jr. Nays. None Absent' Councilman John R. Grifl~n C~ty Co~tnc~l voted to approve thc follo:vlng ordznance to amend and reorda~n Chapter 7 of the C¢)(t(~ ¢,1 1. i]e (:~ty ol V~rg~nta Beach, Vtrg~n~a, perta~nzng to B:cycles AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND AND REORDA!N CHAPFER 7 OF TIiE CODE OF TItE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA, PERTAINING TO BICYCLES. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA' That Chapter 7 of the Code of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, be and hereby is amended and reordained to read as follows' ARTICLE I. Definitions. Section 7-1. Definitions. (1) "BicycleI' - A device having two or three wheels in a tandem or tricycle arrangement, of which one or more wheels is over eighteen inches in diameter, upon which any person or persons may ride, propelled by human power through a belt, chain or gears or by a helper motor rated less than one brake horsepower, which produces only ordinary pedaling speeds up to a maximum of twenty miles per hour, provided such bicycles so equipped with a helper motor shall not be operated upon any highway or public vehiclular area of this City by any person under the age of sixteen years. (2) "Vehicle" - Every device in, upon or by which any person or property is or may be transported or drawn upon a highway, except devices moved by human power or used exclusively upon stationary rails or tracks. (3) "iiighway" - The entire width between the boundary lines of every way or place of whatever nature open to ~he use of the public for purposes of vehicular travel in this city, including the streets, alleys and publicly maintained parking lots in the city. ARTICLE II. Equipment Requirements Section 7-2. Brakes. Every bicycle when operated upon a highway shall be equipped with a brake which will enable the operator to make the braked wheels skid on dry, level, clean payvement. Section 7-3. Lamps. Every bicycle when in use between qunset and sunrise shall be equipped with' (a) A lamp on t[te front whic}~ shall cl,,~t ~ white l lghl visible in clear weather froln a distance of aL leasL five },undo'ed feet to fee front and w~th a red reilt, clor on teac rear w[~c:h sh.~ll ne v~q~I)le in cleur weath~r fFom a d~st~,ncc of at l(,ast tt~ree h~,~Ir,.d feoL to [;," ~'ea~' t;l~,-n dll ,--, tly in -r,o~t 0f lawll~i ur'pc,' (b) A lamp emitting a red liqht visible in clear weather from a distance of five hundred feet to the rear ma~' be used in lieu of or in addition to the red reflector. (c) Reflective material of sufficient size and reflectivity to be visible from both sides for six hundred feet when directly in front of lawful lower bean,s of head lamps of a motor vehicle, or, in lieu of such reflective mater~al, with a lighted lamp visible from both sides from a d~stance of at least f~ve hundred feet. ARTICLE III. License and Registration Section 7-4. Registration required; Period within which registration required; Bicycle dealers required to have registration applications available. (a) It shall be unlawful for any person who resides in the City for longer than sixty days to operate or use a bicycle upon any of the streets, alleys, lanes or public highways of the City or upon any public path set aside for the exclusive use of bicycles unless such bicycles have been properly registered as provided in this article. (b) Any person acquiring a bicycle shall have such bicycle registered within fifteen (15) days after the acquisition thereof. (c) All persons engaged in the business of selling bicycles shall have application forms for registration available to all persons buyir, g bicycles. (d) A person engaged in the business of selling bicycles at retail shall not sell any bicycles unless the bicycle has an identifying number permanently stamped or cast on its frame. Section 7-5. Application for registration; Issuance of registration card and decal; Attachment of decal. (a) The registration of bicycles, as required in Section 7-4 shall be upon written application therefor made to the Treasurer of the City. Upon proper application and the payment of the registration fee provided ~n this article, the Treasurer of the City shall issue to such applicant a registration card and also a decal bearing the license number assigned to the bicycle, and the name of the City. Handicapped applicants shall so indicate on the application form and a special plate or tag for the handicapped shall be issued upon proper application and payment of the prescribed fee. (b) The decal issued shall be affixed to the bicycle in a conspicuous place on that part of the bicycle frame onto which the zeat post is fitted. (c) No person shall remove a decal from a bicycle except upon a transfer of ownership or in the event the bicycle is d~smantled and no longer operated upon any street in this City. (d) It shall be unlawful for any person to attach any such decal to any bicycle other than the one for which the same was issued. Section 7-6. Record of registration. The Treasurer of the City shall maintain a complete record of all bicycles registered pursuant to this article, shorting the name, address, and phone number of the owner or the parent or guardian of owner, the make, style and frame number of such bicycle, the nLi~,.ber of the decal issued therefor and a record of all bicycle lice~se fees collected by h~m. Section 7-7. Transfer of ownership. Upon the sale or other transfer of a licensed bicycle, the licensee shall remove and destroy the decal. Section 7-8. Rental agencies. A rental agency shall not rent or offer any bicycle for rent unless the bicycle is licensed and a decal is attached thereto as provided herein and such bicycle is equipped with the equipment required in Article II. Section 7-9. Mutilation, etc., frame number; When the owner may supply frame number. (a) It shall be unlawful for any person to remove, change, alter or mutilate any bicycle frame number. (b) If a bicycle has no frame number, the owner must place or cause to be placed a frame number thereon for registration purposes. (c) If the frame number of a bicycle is obliterated or illegible, the owner must show proof of ownership in order to register the bicycle. Section 7-10. Record of secondhand bicycles bought or sold by secondhand bicycle dealers. Every person engaged in the business of buying, selling, exchanging or trading in used or secondhand bicycles shall keep a record of all such transactions including the make and frame number, and the name and address of the person from whom purchased or acquired or to whom sold and delivered, as the case may be, of each bicycle purchased, sold, or e~changed and these records shall be open for police inspection. Section 7-11. Purchase by secondhand bicycle dealer of bicycles from minor under eighteen. It shall be unlawful for any person engaged in the business of buying, selling, exchanging or trading in used or s.~condhand bicycles, to.purchase any secondhand bicycle from a minor under eighteen years of age. Section 7-12. Procedure upon presentation of evidence of lost, etc., decals. When any decal issued under this article is badly mutilated, lost, stolen or misplaced and cannot be found, upon presentation to the Treasurer of the City of satisfactory evidence of such fact and proof of ownership, the Treasurer shall issue another decal and shall change the registration of the bicycle in question accordingly. Such issuance shall be upon payment of the fee provided in Section 7-13. Section 7-13. Fees. When a bicycle is registered pursuant to this article, there shall be paid the sum of one dollar. When a decal is issued to replace orethat has been mutilated, -3- lost, stolen or misplaced, as provided in Section 7-12, there shall be paid the sum of twenty-five cents. Such sums shall be paid to the Treasurer of the City and shall be used for the purpose of defraying the costs and e×penses incident to the registration of such bicycles and for carrying out the pro~']sions of this chapter. Section 7-14. Inspecting bicycles. (a) A uniforn~ed police officer may at any time upon reasonable cause to believe that a b~cycle is unsafe or not equipped as required by law, or that its equipment is not ~n p~oper adjustment or repair, require the person riding the bicycle to stop and subn~it the bicycle to an inspection and such test with reference thereto as may be appropriate. Section 7-15. Disposition of unclaimed bicycles. Disposition of unclaimed bicycles shall be in accordance with the provisions of Section 2-54 of the Code of the City of Virginia Beach. ARTICLE IV. Operation. Section 7-16. Compliance with traffic signals, etc. (a) Every person riding a bicycle on any street shall comply with all traffic signs, signals and lights and with all directions by voice, hand or otherwise, given by a member of the Police Department of the City. (b) Every driver of a vehicle shall exercise due care to avoid colliding with any pedestrian or any person propelling a human powered vehicle and shall give an audible signal when necessary and shall exerc'~se proper precaution upon observing any child or any obviously confused, incapacitated or intoxicated person. Section 7-17. Hand on handlebars. No person shall ride a bicycle on any street without having at least one of his/her hands upon the handlebars. Section 7-18. Bicycle parking. (a) A person may park a bicycle on a sidewalk unless prohibited or restricted by an official traffic control device. (b) A bicycle parked on a sidewalk shall not impede the normal and reasonable movemenL of pedestrian or oLher traffic. (c) A bicycle may be parked on the roadway at any angle to the curb or edge of the roadway at any location where parking is allowed. (d) A bicycle may be parked abreast of another bicycle or bicycles at any location where parking is allowed. (e) A person shall not park a bicycle on a roadway in such a manner as to obstruct the movement of a legally parked motor vehicle. Section 7-19. Riding on sidewalks. It shal~ be illegal for anyone to ride a bicycle on any sidewalks within the city except on s~dewalks in certain areas that have been designated as bicycle routes. All sidewalks adjacent to or within residential areas are hereby designated as bicycle routes. Section 7-19.1. Exempting handicapped from section 7-19. Nothing contained in Section 7-19 shall apply to any person who is handicapped and who has a City nulr. ber plate or tag for the handicapped attached to his or her bicycle in the manner prescribed by Section 7-5. Section 7-19.2. Bicycles, etc., on Boardwalk. Refer to Article I, Section 6-5 of the Code of Virginia Beach. Section 7-20. Riding on bicycles. (a) A person propelling a bicycle shall not ride other than upon or astride a permanent and regular seat attach~.qent thereto. (b) No bicycle shall be used to carry more persons at one time than the number for which it is designed and equipped. Section 7-21. Riding out of lanes, alleys, and driveways. Every person riding a bicycle out of a lane, alley or private driveway across a sidewalk or side~alk area shall first bring such bicycle to a stop before crossing such sidewalk or sidewalk area. Section 7-22. Clinging to vehicles. No person riding upon any bicycle, toys or other devices on wheels or runners, shall attach the same or hi~iself to any moving vehicle upon a roadway. Section 7-23. Riding on roadways and bicycle paths. (a) Every person operating a bicycle upon a highway shall ride single file, as near to the right side of the highway as practicable, exercising due care when passing a standing ~'ehicle or one proceedinQ in the same direction. (b) Bicycle Lane. The City ,VanaQer may designate a lane for the e×clusive use of bicycles. A motor vehicle may enter or cross this lane for the purpose of access to adjacent property but a motor vehicle shall pot be driven or parked in this lane. Section 7-24. Hand si gnals before turning. A signal of intention to turn right or left when required shall be given continuously during not less than the last 100 feet traveled by the bicycle -5- before turning, and shall be given while the bicycle is stopped waiting to turn. A signal by hand and arnl need not be given continuously if the hand is needed in the control or operation of the bicycle. Section 7-25. Reckless, etc., riding. No person shall ride a bicycle recklessly or at a speed faster than is reasonably proper, or in a manner so as to endanger the life, limb or property of the rider or of any other person. Section 7-26. Bicycle racing. (a) Bicycle racing on the highways is prohibited except as authorized in this section. (b) Bicycle racing on a highway shall not be unlawful when a racing event has been approved by the City Manager on any highway under the jurisdiction of Virginia Beach. Approval of bicycle highway racing events shall be gra~ted only under conditions which assure reasonable safe~y for all race participants, spectators and other highway users, and which prevent unreasonable interference with traffic flow which would seriously inconvenience other highway users. (c) By agreement with the approving authority, participants in an approved bicycle highway racing event may be exempted from compliance with any traffic laws otherwise applicable thereto, provided that traffic control is adequate to assure the safety of all highway users. Section 7-27. Penalty for violation of chapter. Any person who shall violate any provisions of this chapter shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and, unless otherwise provided, upon conviction thereof, shall be fined not more than twenty-five dollars ($25) for each offense. Adopted by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, on the 8 day of ~I~y , 1978. Dhy/cj 4/11/78 4/17/78 APPNOV~'m AS TO COi'~_NT$ , \ / '~ ', / -6- ' ITEM #12120 On motion by Councilman Ri~s seconded by Councilman Ferre]l and by recorded vote as follo~s' Ayes Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., (;eorge R. Ferrell, ..'.Jayor Clarence A. Itolla~d, J. tIenry ?IcCoy, Jr., Counc~l- woman ~,Ievera E. Oberndorf, J. Curtis Payne, Roi,~er L. R~_ggs, V~ce Mayor Patrzck L. Standzng, and Floyd E. Watorf~e]d, Jr. Nays · None Absent' Councilman John R. Grzffin C~ty Councm] voted to approve the following ordinance to amend and reorda~n Chapter 22 of the Code of the C~ty of V~rg~n~a Beach, V~rg~n~a, by deleting therefrom Section 22-171, pertaining to b~cycles. AN ORDINANCE l0 AMEHD AND REORDAIN CHAPIER 22 OF THE CODE OF THE CIIY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA, BY DELETING THEREFROM SECTION 22-171, PERTAINING TO BICYCLES. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA' That Chapter 22 of the Code of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, is hereby amended and reordained by deleting therefrom Section 22-171, pertaining to bicycles. Adopted by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, on the day of May , 1978. ITEM On motion by Councilman R~ggs, seconded by Councilman Ferrell, and by recorded vote as iol]ows: Ayes. Councilmen John A. Baum, ]lobert B. Cromwell, Jr., George R. Ferrell, Mayor Clarence A. Holland, J. IIenrv ~cCov, Jr., Counc~l- woman Meyera E. Oberndorl, J. Curtms Paynim, Ilo2er L. II:ggs, V~ce Mayor Patrick L. Standing, and Floyd E. ,falerf~eld, Jr. Nays: None Absent' Councilman John R. Gr~ff~n C~ty Council voted to approve the follow~_n2' ordinance to amend and reorda~n Section 6-d of the Code of the City of Virginia Beach, V~rg~n~a, perta~nlng' to dr~v~ng motor vehicles on boardwalk, etc.' AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND AND REORDAIH SECTION 6-4 OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA, PERTAINING TO DRIVING MOTOR VEHICLES ON BOARDWALK, ETC. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA: That Section 6-4 of the Code of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, is hereby amended and reordained as follows: Section 6-4 Driving Motor Vehicles on Boardwalk, etc. It shall be unlawful for any person to drive or otherwise to operate any motor-propelled vehicle, other than a wheelchair, upon the boardwalk or any desi.qnated bicycle path adjacent thereto along the Atlantic Ocean; provided, however, that this shall not be construed to apply to city employees on official business. Any person who violates the provisions of this section shall be guilty of a Class IV misdemeanor. Adopted by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, on the 8_th day of .Mz~: , 1978. ITEM #]2122 Mr. Raymond B. Graves made a presentation to City Council concerning the lack o[ adequate housing ]n the C~ty for minority, med~mum and loxv income citizens. Ite was critical of the City for the lack of government sponsorod public housing. Mr. Grav~os observed that there w~re no black faces on the City Council, he was informed that the C~tv of Virginia Beach contains only a very small percentage of black people lp relation to the total population, hoxx. ever, representatives of the black population have filed for City Council seats, but have been unable to obtain enough votes to be elected. Black persons are employed throughout the entire C~ty system. ITEU #12123 Mayor tlolland informed Council of a letter received from Donald H. Bowles, President of the Chesapeake Beach Civic Leag'ue, regarding the zoning change request of C1vde Collier. _-- Mr. Collier appeared to request a reconsideration of a previous motion approving A-2 Apartment Distr~ct rather than A-S A]~artment District. Mr. Collier stated that he cannot build apartments on the A-2 zoning, however, he could on the A-3. After considerable discussion Councilman Ferrell made a motion to postpone this matter for thirty (~0) days, however, there being no second the motion lost. ITE>I #12124 The following is a list of Abstract o~ Votes received from the Electoral Board AtJSIT,,I~C£ OF I'OTES cast m thc Gmrt,~d/C~ty "d .M_ir_ginia Bea_ctl__. , V~r~ma, at thc _Geneazal ch'ction held on ~__~a~_2 ,19_28. FOR Member CitZ Council Ba~side_Bmr_aug h Names of Candxdates Total ",totes Beet. wed ( In Writing ) Total Votes Becewcd ( In F,gm es ) Nu,nber of Chalh n~cd Votc~ Inch,ded In Total Knox R. Burchett James T. Fralix, Jr. Cl~rence A. Holland four ~een Fo~_thausamd nine_~nundr_e~__ twenty- s ix ~e~_tho~xsa~n~. fo~2~- h~ndr~d twenty-three E igtlt_~ho~ls~~ive hulld_r_~x}_ ( a ,_5f~4 ) ( 4 ~_2_6 ) (~0:423 ) ( ) Bosher George Cross R~~_klezhice~ .. Jr. w RITE~ ~ V~TS_S ( One (1 One (1 One (1 ) John W: Munfomd One (1 ) Arthur G. Riddeil One 1 }'c, the undcrsw, ned Eh'ctoral Bethel, upo~ examination o/ the official records deposaed unth the ClerI, of the Ctr- r u 7ourl of the clccl~on on May 2 __, 19 7. 8 ., do hereby ccrt~/q, that the above ~s a true and correct Abalract of Vo!cs cast at sa~d clect~on and do therefore detcrmine ar, d declare that the following rccett ed the greatest number of votes cast in satd clcchon. Clarence A. Holland for the offzce of City Council Given under our hands this 4~h dat,] o/ May ,19. 78. A co.,~y tcste: Chairman Member Secretary Secretary, Electoral Board ,,I~blnACF OF VOTES ~,~ ,,, ,he C.o~.s~/~.,ty of ... V-i-rginJa-Boach at the General ch'~hon hcld on May 2 ,19. 78 FOR Member City Council Namc~ufCancLdatc~ Henry HcCoy, Jr. WRITE-IN VOTES Arthur G. Rzddeil, Or. herarick 1,!.__~2.. Meredith~ Reynolds Ae~her Jr. Kerapsville Bor2u_gh Total Votes ];cc e,ved ( In F~gm cs ) 15,384 Total Votes Rec'ewed (In ~Vritn~g) Fifteen thousand three t~-ah-d~re-d--e ig h ~i~o~ ( (__ Two thousand five hundred fifty -four ( 2,554 ) One 1 One ( 1 ) One 1 One ( 1 ) One 1 T~,ZO ( 2 ) One 1 One ( 1 ) Two 2 o~- ( 1--) One 1 Gne- ( 1 ) One 1 upon examination of the o[],cml records deposited with Nu,aber of Challenged Votes Included In Total the Clerk of the Ctr- cmt Court of the clect~on on ....... Haft 2 ____., 19_78 , do hereby cet l~/t/ that the abote ,s a true and correct Abstrart of Votes cast at said clcctwn and do there/ore determine and declare that thc follownng recewed tile greatest number o/votes ca.st ~n sa~d cleclton: Henry Mc' v: ~ ,Jr for the office of Cit_y. Council under our hands t/us 4th day o/ blay , I~ 78 A ,y teste. x<.. Sccrctary, Electoral Board Al;Si ii,'xCI' OF VOTES caat m thc (~mt~//C,ltd of a~ z _G~_~e2Z~] elcct~on hehl on ~__t~_ : Vir~g mnia Beach ,1~ 78, Member City Council Lynnhaven Borough Na~ne, of C,md~dates Total Votes Be(eh ed (In \Vntmg) Total Votes ltece~x ed (In Figmes) Nund~rr of Ch~llc,~,ed ~'otcs Included In Total _2D2~-~ _R~__~ in SeN_en_t_hQ_~Bd_ _~s 5_¥__h und r ed fifty-five ~~_~ >lerr~ ~k __. ~e_ven~een t~ps~nd one hundred ninety-three .~~-~~S (__7 ,, 655) (17 ,_i_9_3) ( ) Boshsr One ( 1 ) J~_hn_.~ h aa; Two ( 2 ) Car_l__Car~.rad S_cl!13~t er One ( 1__ ) Se~t_y ~_~C~Le n One ( 1 ) ( ) We, the andcrstgncd Eh'.ctoral Board, upo,~ cxam,nation of the off,cia! ~ecords deposited tc'.tt, the CIcrk o/th~' Ctr- cu~t Co:trt of th,2 clechon on ~2,y 2 __, 19 78, do herebtj ccrt,f{l that thc abocc ~ a true and coat,ct Abstract of Votcs cast al aa~d elcctton and do therefore delcrmme and dcclarc that the following rece~vcd the greatest number of vote.5 cast ,n sa~d eIecl~on. Donald W. Merrick for the off,cc o/ City Codncii Git et, under our handv th~ day o/ May ,I978 Chatrman L(SEA Sccrctary, Elcctor,~l Board A,~'t{ACT OF VOTF, S cast ~n thc ~mm~t/City of a~ ~ Ceneral elcctmn held on ,May 2 Be_ach __,, 19 78 FOR Meraber City Council Pungo Borough Names of Candidates D_ Holland Total Votes Received (In Wntnlg) Total Votes Recc~x cd ( In lO,gm (:s) Fifteen thousand four (_15~fi_f'74 ) hundred seventy-four Or~a_thou$~Jl~__~_e_v_cn h~dre~ ( .. 1__7_00_0__) Nund~c; of Chc,!lenged Voles Included In Total S avan__tha_u~and~n, ine-hnndmad- (. forty-nine 7: 94L) ) ( ) ( ) ( ) _.--__ ( ) _ %Ve, the unde~atgned ElcctmaI I?,oa~d, upon c~.aminat~on o/the off.:ml ~eco~d~ deposited wtth the Clerk o/the C~r- cu~t Court of thc eh:~t~on on --Ma-y--2 __., 19_78 ~ do hereby certify that the above ~s a t, ue .nd co~ect Abstract of Votes c~st at ,aid elect~on and do therefore determine and declare that the follou.nng ~ecewed the greatest number of votes ca~t tn sa~d electron' Barbara M. Henley /or the office o/ C;vcn under our hands thts 4th day of May , 19 78 A copy teate' ! Ch(llt Ill(ltl Mere ber Sccrr'tary Scct ct~:ry. Electoral Board A1JST£tACT 01; VOTES ca6; ~n the (~rnrT//C~ly of at ,, __Gonc2._al clect~on held on . ALir_~in i a Dcach Ma~ 2 ,1978 , Vlrgl,,~a, FOuR Member City Council At Large NamesofCandxdates Ernest T. 3uchanan, Iii Reid Ervin __JDhn Lavra Total Votes Becc~ved (In \V~tmg) Total Votes l~ece,vcd ( In Figm cs ) ....Ei_ght hundred ninety-seven ( 897 ) Nunaber of Challcn~ed Vote~ Included In Total __J~as/~_ ~A%~_Lawr enc e ~y D. _ Patrick L. Standinq __ Sixteen th_____ous~_n_d__ si__x__]!u_nd~re__d (_1_~6~ 67_1___) seventy-one ~Lee tho~san~_~J n_e__hug~_re_d__ ( 3,9__4_3.~ ) forty-three Thr~e thousa/l~u~_~hllriat~d (__ 3 .,_7_32__) thirty-two ' ' a~ =: 7~_8_54 Sa_v_en__th~uo~an d_ej.g nt__rz%m.,r~ ( ) fifty-four Thr~_tho~nd t1.~o hundred (__~_) eigh-cy-three twenty- s ix ( ) _ See othe~ side for write-in EQtes ( ) We, tile undersigned Electoral Board, upon exa,nmation of the official ~ecords deposttcd w,th the Clerk of the Ctr. cu~t Court of the eIccnou on May _2 , I9 7g__, do hereby certify that the above ~s a true and co~rect Abstract of Votes cast at said elect~on and do therefore determine mid declare that the folIounng recewed the greatcat number of votes ca.vt m said clect~on. Reid Ervin Patrick L. Standing for the oOwe of Czty Council Given under our hands flus _4 th ...... day of .' ~q tcste: , May , 19. ,7._8_. Chairman ~Iember Secretary Sccrctary, Electoral Board AT LARGE WRITE-IN VOTES Morel l One F. Christian Widmer Two Charles Duncan F. T. S ~ant Burchett One One One R. P. Stenzhorn Three Bosher Mar~ha Cox One One V. A. Etheridge ~r~r~. Peg Bell ? er M. Scott Two One One Mrs. Rita O'Connell One Eugene Echols Shirley Mulderrig Arthur Glick One One One A. F. Kohn Two Arthur Merrick Ronald W. Sawyer Merrell Two One I TJ :.I On m{~t]on by Ct)unc~lman Ycrrell, s(~conded by Counctltmn ~'IcCox-, and by acclamation, the meeting adjourned. R~chard J. %¥ebbon, C_]_ty Clerk ,7 },layor Clarence A. liol]':.nd. . City of Virginia Beach, Virginia May 8, 1978 h CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH MUNICIPAL CENTER VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA 23456 ]. HENRY McCOY, Ir., D,D.S., Kempsville Borough MEYERA E. OBERNDORF, At Large ]. CURTIS PAYNE, Princess Anne Borough ROGER L. RIGGS, Virginia Beach Borough FLOYD E. ~/ATERFIELD, Ir., Pungo Borough RICHARD] WEBBON, City Clerk The City Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, will assemble in the Administration Building, Princess Anne Borough, Virginia Beach, Virginia, in Regular Session, at 1:00 p.m., on Monday, ~y 8, 1978 for the purpose of conducting public business and will hear and act upon the following it~ns: 1. Call to order by the Honorable Clarence A. Holland, ~yor, in the Council Conference Room. 2. Roll Call of the Council. 3. Motion to recess into Informal Discussion and Executive Session. Upon conclusion of the Executive Session, City Council will reconvene in the City Council Chambers. 4. Invocation will be given at 2:00 p.m., by the P~verend Mark Stone, London Bridge Baptist Church, Virginia Beach, Virginia. Please remain standing for the Pledge of Alleginance. 5. Roll Call of the Council. 6. Minutes of the Regular Meeting of ~y 1, 1978 to be presented for acceptance and approval. 7. PUBLIC NOTICE: PUBLIC }IOTICE Notice is hereby given that the City Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, will hold a regular meeting in the City Council Chambers, Administration Building, Municipal Center, Princess Anne Borough, Virginia Beach, Virginia, at 2:00 p.m., on Monday, May 8th, 1978 for the purpose of holding a Public Hearing on the proposed budget for the City of Virginia Beach for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1978 and ending June 30, 1979. The budget, together with the proposed Revenue Ordinance, will be reviewed by the City Council on Monday, May 8th, 1978, at 2:00 p.m., at which time persons wishing to appear in support of and those opposed to the adoption of the budget may publicly express their opinions. Persons wishing to address the City Council regarding this matter should register with the City Clerk, Room 311, City Administration Building, before 5:00 p.m., on Wednesday, May 3, 1978 by letter or telephone (427-4304) or register at the Clerk's desk in the Council Chambers before the meeting opens. Persons registering should indicate the budget matter upon which they wish to speak. Richard J/lWebbon 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. Ail matters listed under the consent agenda are considered to be routine by the City Council and will be enacted by one motion in the form listed. There will be no separate discussion of these items. If discussion is desired, that item will be remaoved from the consent agenda and considered separately. a. Letter fromm the City Manager reconlnending that City Council approve an ordinance ~o authorize acquisition of property in fee sirmple for right-of-way for Ker~psville Road/Indian River Road intersection, Project #2-713 and the acquisition of Temporary and permanent easements of right-of-way, either by acquisition or by condemaation in order the proceed with construction of the Indian River Road/~psville Road inter- b. Letter from the City Manager recd,,tending that City Council approve the bid of Carter-Bell Corporation, in the amouunt of $514,755, Contract I for water syste~, gravity sewerage syste~ and force main facilities for the Seatack Area, Phas~ III; and, approve the bid of Gavco Corporation in the amount of $98,000, for Contract II for a pur~p station, Contract II. (Lynnhaven Borough) Funding for this project is to be provided by the Connunity Development funds. c. Letter from the City Manager recontrending that City Council approve the low bid of A. Stanley Mundy & CO., in the amount of $37,000, for the Thalia Creek Waterline Crossing (Bayside Borough) , and further authorize the City Manager to enter into the necessary agreements in order to iaple~ent this project. d. Letter frcm the City Manager r~ing that City Council approve the request of Mr. John T. Atkinson, City Treasurer, for tax refunds in the amount of $243.96. Letter from the City Manager transmitting the reoo~t,tendation of the Planning ~ssion for approval of the application of Roger H. and J. Beverley Sawyer for a change of zoning frown AG-1 Agricultural District to I-1 Light Industrial District on a 87.87 acre parcel located on the south side of London Bridge Road, east of Shipps Corner Road (Princess Anne Borough). The applicants have requested this matter be deferred for 60 days. Letter from the City Manager transmitting the r~dation of the Planning Cc~anission for approval of the application of Southeastern Virginia Investors and Cameron and Evelyn A. ~vnmnden for the following d~anges of zoning on two adjacent parcels located south of the intersection of Harper Road and London Bridge Road (Princess Anne Borough): a. Frc~ AG-1 Agricultural District to R-5 Residential District on a 112.80 acre parcel. b. Frc~ R-3 Residential District to R-5 Residential District on a 10.8 acre parcel. Letter from the City ~unager transmitting the reccranendation of the Planning Conrmission for approval of the application of Lassiter and Associates, Inc., for a change of zoning from B-1 Business-Residential District to A-1 Apaz~'~nt District on a 2.508 acre parcel located north of the intersection of Level Green Boulevard and Drew Drive (K~mpsville Borough). Letter from the City Manager transmittJ~g the reconr~_ndation of the Planning Conmission for denial of the application of John T. Kelly, Jr., etal, for a change of zoning from R-5 Residential District to B-2 Conr~unity-Business District on a 8.68 acre parcel located at the southeast intersection of Princess Ar~ne Read and Baxter Road (Kempsville Borough). Letter from the City Manager transmitting the r~dation of the Planning Cc~mission reconm~nding approval of the application of Marc Johnson for a change of zoning from I-1 Light Industrial District to B-2 Ccm~mmitv Business District on a .71 acre ~qrcel located at the southeast corner of Newtown Road and Arrowhead Drive (Kempsville Borough). Letter from the City Manager transmitting the recomendation of the Planning Con~ssion for approval of the application of Seven E. Company for a change of zoning from R-8 Residential District to A-1 Apartment District on a 10 acre parcel located on the east side of Ewell Road, north of Baxter Road (Ke~aspville Borough). Letter from the City Manager transmitting the recoranendation of the Planning Commission for approval of the application of Welch Pile Driving Corporation for a change of zoning from R-8 Residential District to B-2 ~ty Business District on a 4 acre parcel located on the north side of Baxter Road, west of Independence Boulevard (Ke_~psville Borough). Letter from the City Manager transmitting the recommandation of the Planning Co~,~,~ssion for approval of the application of Virginia Beach Robe, Inc., for a conditional use permit for an autc~obile service stati~c~ and car wash facilities on a . 6 acre parcel located at the southeast intersection of Indian l~iver Road and MacDonald Road (K~t~sville Borough). Letter frt~n the City Manager transmitting the r~dation of the Planning C~,~,~ssion for approval of the application of St. Stephenson Holiness Church for a change of zoning from I-1 Light Industrial District to A-3 (n~Ddified from A-4) Apartment District on a 9 acre parcel located north of Beautiful Street, west of South Birdneck Road (Lynnhax~_n Borough). Letter from the City Manager transmitting the r~tion of the Plann~%g C~¢.~ssion for approval of the application of Fidelity American Properties, Inc., for a change of zoning from R-8 Residential District to B-2 C~,,~nity Business District on a 7,500 square foot parcel located east of Urchin Road, south of Shore Drive (Lyrunhaven Borough). 24. 25. 26. 27. Letter from the City Manager transmitting the reoc~mendation of the Planning C~ssion for approval of the application of Robert H. Braithwaite, Jr., for a change of zoning frc~ I-1 Light Industrial District to Ag-1 (nodified from B-2 Cor~mlnity Business District) Agricultural District on a 43.85 parcel located on the west side of South Birdneck Road, north of Bells Road (Lynnhaven Borough); and, approve the request for a conditional use per~it for a Tlf~ c~urse, driving range, ~iniature g01f course and recreational building 0n s l, of PlUg ssi0n for denial of the almplication of C. Randolph zehn~ for a change of zoning fro~ R-5 Residential District to B-1 Business Residential District on a .23 acre parcel located southwest of the intersection of Sandpiper Road and Porpoise Road in Sandbridge (Princess Anne Borough). %~e applicant wishes to withdraw tt~is application. Letter from the City ~nager reconn~nding that City Council delete the required dedication in connection with the change of zoning in the names of Fred D. and Hattie G. Holloway, Ordinance #Z0574044; Roy A. end Elvin D. Reid, Ordinance ~Z0574046; Cornell end Casandra Freeman, Ordinance #Z0574047; Robert and ~,lildred O. Perry, Ordinance #Z0574048; and Clarence L. and Elaine B. Walke, Ordinance ~Z0574049; end authorize the Director of the Department of Planning to change the zoning map accordingly. Letter from the City Manager reconm~nding that City Council adopt the final report submitted by Councilman John R. Griffin, Chairman of the Mayor's Co~anittee on the Use of Volunteers. Impl~nentation of the program, if council concurs, will begin with the appointment of the Council Volunteer Representative by ~Jle Mayor. Letter from the City ~3nager recormnending that City Council approve an ordinance to amend and reordain Chapter 2 of the Code of the City of Virginia Beach authorizing investigation and settlem~ent of claims and litigation concerning liability against the City of Virginia Beach, its appointees and employees. Letter from the City Manager recemmanding that City Council rescind the earlier resolution adopted on November 21, 1977 accepting the Tax Compromise Plan from the Penn Central Trensportetion Company for payment of delinquent personal property end real estate taxes and adopt a Resolution authorizing the City ~l~nager to collect the taxes of Penn Central Transporation Company under the U. S. District court's plan of reoganization and Resolution rescinding Resolution R-77-517. Letter from the City ~nager r~ding that City Council adopt the following ordinances: a. An ordinance to amend and reordain Section 6-5 of the Code of the City of Virginia Beach, pertaining to bicycles, etc., on the boardwalk. b. An ordinance to amend and reordain Chapter 7 of the Code of the City of Virginia Beach pertaining to bicycles. c. An ordinance to amend and reordain C~apter 22 of the Code of the City of Virginia Beach by deleting therefrc~ Section 22-171 pertaining to bicycles. d. An ordinance to amend end reordain Section 6-4 of tile Code of the City of Virginia Beach pertaining to driving motor vehicles on Boardwalk, etc. Old business, deferred from the previous meeting, including any report of the Mayor or Conmtittees named by Council. New business, including any presentations by council Members, citizens and organizations. 29. Motion for adjournment. MINUTES OF THE HONORABLE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA May 8, 1978 The regular meeting of the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, was called to order by Mayor Clarence A. Holland, in the Conference Room, in the Administration Building, on Monday, May 8, 1978, at l:00 p.m. Council Members present: John A. Baum, Robert B. Cromwell Jr., George R. Ferrell, Mayor Clarence A. Holland, J. Henry McCoy, Jr., Councilwoman Meyera E. Oberndorf, J. Curtis Payne, Roger L. Higgs, Vice Mayor Patrick L. Standing, and Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr. Council Member absent: John R. Griffin ITEM #12O84 Mayor ttolland entertained a motion to permit Council to conduct an informal session to be followed by an executive session for the pur- pose of discussing the following: 1. Discussion or consideration of employment, assignment, promotion, demotion, salaries, discipline or resignation of public officers, appointees or employees of any public body. 2. Discussion or consideration of the condition, acquisition or use of real property for public purpose, or other disposition of publicly held property. On motion by Vice Mayor Standing, seconded by Councilman Cromwell, and by recorded vote as follows: Ayes: Councilmen John A. Ferrell, Mayor Clarence A. woman I~eyera E. Oberndorf, Mayor Patrick L. Standing, Baum, Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., George R. Holland, J. ttenry ~cCoy, Jr., Council- J. Curtis Payne, Roger L. Riggs, Vice and Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr. Nays: None Absent: Councilman John R. Griffin City Council voted to proceed into the executive session following the informal meeting. ITEM #12055 The City Manager stated that last week there was a discussion of the Sandbridge area and the amount of taxes that were collected, other than normal real estate taxes, due to rentals. The owners of the rental property have tried for some years to do something about the trash bins in the front of the homes. One of the problems with the bins in the front is that the main rentals change over from Saturday to Sunday, and the p~ople would have to be putting out someone else's trash. Because of the amount of funds collected in Sandbridge, the City feels that it would be beneficial and justified to increase the collection in Sandbridge from the regular twice-a-week collection to three-times a week collection, only in the tourist season. This service will be initiated on May 27, 1978, and terminate September 9, 1978. With this increase in service, however, the City would like to impose upon the citizens in Sandbridge some standards for the trash bins. 5/8~78 ITEM #12086 Mayor ttolland informed Council that he wrote to the Chamber of Commerce requesting they appoint a committee from the Beach Borough to be a liaison committee for the City to see that trash is picked up on the beaches and streets. ITEM #12087 The City Manager stated that the Governor's Office called and requested the use of the Council Chambers on Tuesday, May 16, 1978, at 2:00 p.m., to hold an open session with the public. This matter will be published in the newspapers inviting the public to attend, and all Council members are invited to have lunch with the Governor. They will be receiving formal invitations. ITEM #12988 The City Manager stated he did not have an opportunity to brief Council on the emergency co,nditions on Friday, May 5, 1978, when the 36-inch water line broke. The City Manager commended the city employees in the Public Utilities Department for their participation in this emergency. ITEM #12089 A film was presented to Council on the "Discover America" Award received by the Department of Economic Development. ITEM #12090 At 2:00 p.m., City Council reconvened in the Council Chambers with the following members present: John A. Baum, Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., George R. Ferrell, Mayor Clarence A. Holland, J. Henry McCoy, Jr., Councilwoman Meyera E. Oberndorf, J. Curtis Payne, Roger L. Riggs, Vice Mayor Patrick L. Standing, and Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr. Council Member absent: John R. Griffin The invocation was given by the Reverend Mark Stone, London Bridge Baptist Church, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. ITEM #12091 Mr. Harry Pincus appeared before Council requesting an amount of $800 be given to the Virginia Beach Volley Ball team to permit them to attend the championship games in Texas. Vice Mayor Standing made a motion to appropriate $800 to the Virginia Beach Volley Ball Team so they can participate in the games on May 12 through the 14th. There being no second, the motion d%ed. Vice Mayor Standing did inform Mr. Pincus, however, that he had discussed this matter with residents in the community, and he feels that the money can be rai~ed through community donations. 5/8/78 -3- ITEM #12092 On motion by Councilman Ferrell, seconded by Councilman McCoy, and by recorded vote as follows: Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., George R. Ferrell, Mayor Clarence A. woman Meyera E. Oberndorf, Mayor Patrick L. Standing, Nays: None Absent: Councilman John R. Holland, J. Henry McCoy, Jr., Council- J. Curtis Payne, Roger L. Riggs, Vice and Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr. Griffin City Council voted to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of May l, 1978, and dispensed with the reading of said minutes inasmuch as each Council Member had a copy. ITEM #12093 The Citv Clerk read the followin~ Public Notic£: Notice is hereby ~iven that the City Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, will hold a regular meeting in the City Council Chambers, Administration Building, Municipal Center, Princess Anne Borough, Virginia Beach, Virginia, at 2:00 p.m., on Monday, May 8, 1978, for the purpose of holding a Public Hearing on the proposed budget for the City of Virginia Beach for the fiscal year beginning July l, 1978 and ending June 30, 1979. The budget, together with the proposed Revenue Ordinance, will be reviewed by the City Council on Monday, May 8, 1978, at 2:00 p.m., at which time persons wishing to appear in support of and those opposed to the adoption of the budget may publicly express their opinions. Persons wishing to address the City Council regarding this matter should register with the City Clerk, Room 311, City Administration Building, before 5:00 p.m., on Wednesday, May 3, 1978, by letter or telephone (427-4304) or register at the Clerk's desk in the Council Chambers before the meeting opens. Persons registering should indicate the budget matter upon which they wish to speak. 5/8/78 Mr. F. Reid Ervin yielded to Mr. the Fraternal Order of Police. -4- Douglas W. Aydlette, President of Mr. Aydlette - spoke in reference to the police portion of the budget. Mr. Aydlette stated that during 1977, the Virginia Beach Police Department answered 110,452 calls for assistance, and requested a 10% pay increase on July 1, 1978. Mr. F. Reid Ervin - requested the budget hearings begin earlier, also be handled department by department with each Council Member given a synopsis of each department's request. Approved of the request by Councilmen Riggs and Payne regarding the salary study of city employees, and requested it be expanded to a management study. Further stated that the Police Department be granted a 10% pay increase. Mrs. Vivian Hitchcock - stated she has discussed with the Mayor and City Manager the matter which concerned her, that was the mailing of personal property taxes. Mr. Irving A. Douglas, Kings Point Civic League, - stated he had four points which he wanted to bring out: (1) Increase in funding; (2) improved performance of city employees; (3) increase in budget for contractural services; (4) School budget increase in salaries. Mr. J. Lavra - requested the Police Department be given a 10% increase on July l, 1978. Doctor Brickell, Superintendent of Schools, appeared before Council regarding the budget of the School Board, and informed Council that if the budget were cut it would have to come from salaries as that makes up 82% of the School Board budget. Doctor Brickell stated he has eliminated four positions~ (2) clerical positions. (1 directorship; Councilwoman Oberndorf stated that all employees should receive a 10% increase in July, however, for police and fire an extra 3% for hazardous duty, and requested a Salary Wage Study. City Council thanked the public for attending this public hearing, and stated that the first reading will be on May 15, 1978. ITEM #12094 On motion by Councilman Ferrell, seconded by Councilman Cromwell, and by recorded vote as follows: Ayes: Councilmen John A. Ferrell, Mayor?Clarence A. woman Meyera E. Oberndorf, Mayor Patrick L. Standing, Baum, Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., George R. Holland, J. Henry McCoy, Jr., Council- J. Curtis Payne, Roger L. Riggs, Vice and Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr. Nays: None Absent: Councilman John R. Griffin City Council voted to approve the following ordinance to authorize the acquisition of property in fee simple for right-of-way for Kempsville Road/Indian River Road intersection, Project #2-713 and the acquisition of temporary and permanent easements of right-of-way, either by acquisition or condemnation in order to proceed with construction of the Indian River Road/Kempsville Road intersection project. (Kempsville Road Phase I): 518178 -5- Requested by: City Manager/Public Works AN ORDINANCE TO AUTHORIZE ACQUISITION OF PROPERTY IN FEE SIMPLE FOR RIGHT-OF-WAY FOR KEMPSVILLE ROAD/INDIAN RIVER ROAD INTERSECTION, PROJECT #2-713 AND THE ACQUISITION OF TEMPORARY AND PERMANENT EASEMENTS OF RIGHT-OF~WA¥~ EITHER BY ACQUISITION OR BY CONDEMNATIC~. WHEREAS, in the opinion of the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, a public necessity exists for the construction of this important road- way to provide transportation and for other public purposes for the preservation of the safety, health, peace, good order, comfort, convenience, moral and for the welfare of the people in the City of Virginia Beach; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA: Section 1. That the City Attorney and/or Deputy City Attorney is hereby authorized and directed to acquire by purchase or condemnation pursuant to Section 15.1-236 et seq. and Section 33.1-89 et seq., Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended, all that certain real property in fee simple, including temporary and permanent easements of right-of-way as shown on the plans entitled, "Kempsville Road Phase I." These plans being on file in the Office of Real Estate Department of Public Works, Virginia Beach, Virginia. Section 2. That the City Attorney and/or Deputy City Attorney is hereby authorized to make or cause to be made in behalf of the City of Virginia Beach, to the extent that funds are available, a reasonable offer to the ~ners or persons having an interest in said lands, if refused, the City Attorney and/or Deputy City Attorney is hereby authorized to institute proceedings to condemn said property. Section 3. That an emergency is hereby declared to exist and this ordinance shall be in force and effect from the date of its adoption. Adopted by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, on the JAR;kg 5/1/78 8 day of May , 1978. APPROVED AS TO CONTENTS CITY EY 5/8/78 ~/'8/78 ITEM #12095 The following bids have been received for the Seatack Area, Phase Water System and Sanitary Sewerage Facilities, Contract I in the Lynnhaven Borough: III, Carter-Bell Corporation $514,755.00 D. J. W. Construction Co., Inc. 619,687.85 Engineer's Estimate $502,007.00 On motion by Councilman Ferrell, seconded by Councilman Cromwell, and by recorded vote as follows: Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., George R. Ferrell, Mayor Clarence A. Holland, J. Henry McCoy, Jr., Council- woman Meyera E. Oberndorf, J. Curtis Payne, Roger L. Riggs, Vice Mayor Patrick L. Standing, and Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr. Nays: None Absent: Councilman John R. Griffin City Council voted to approve the low bid of Carter-Bell Corporation, in the amount of $514,755.00, for the Seatack Area, Phase III, Water System and Sanitary Sewerage Facilities (Gravity Sewerage System and Force Main); and further authorized the City Manager to execute the necessary documents. Funding for this project is to be provided by the Community Development Funds. Contract I ITEM #12096 The following bids have been received for the Seatack Area, Water System and Sanitary Sewerage Facilities, Contract II, Lynnhaven Borough: Phase III, in the Gavco Corporation $ 98,000.00 Luke Construction Company, Inc. 120,700.00 Crowder Contracting Company, Inc. 143,400.00 Engineer's Estimate On motion by Councilman Ferrell, and by recorded vote as follows: $100,000.00 seconded by Councilman Cromwell, Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., George R.