HomeMy WebLinkAboutFEBRUARY 6, 1978 MINUTES OF THE HONORABLE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA February 6, 1978 The regular meeting of the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, was called to order bv Mayor Clarence A. Holland, in the Conference Room, in the Administration Buildiii , Princess Anne Borough, on Monday, February 6, 1978, at 1:00 p.rr,. Council Members present: John A. Baum, Robert B. -Iromwell, Jr., George R. Ferrell, John P,. Griffin, Mayor Clarence A. Holland, Councilwoman @leyera E. Oberndorf, J. Curtis Payne, Roger L. Rig.-s, Vice Mayor Patrick L. Standing, and Floyd E. @@',aterfield, Jr. Council 7@lembers absent: J. Ienry I.icCoy, Jr. ITENT #11741 Mayor Holland entertained a motion to permit Council to conduct an informal session to be followed by an executive session for the purdose of discussing the following: 1. Discussion or consideration of employment, assignment, appointment, promotion, demotion, salaries, discipline or resignation of public officers, appointees or employees of any i-)ubi-ic body. 2. Discussion or consideration of the condition, acquisition or use of real property for public purpose, or other disposition of publicly held property. 3. The protection of the privacy of individuals in personnel matters not related to public business. 4. Consultation with le.-al counsel and briefing by staff members, consultants, or attorneys pertaining to actual or potential litigation, or other legal matters within the jurisdiction of the public body. On motion by Vice @,layor Standing, seconded by Councilr@itn Griffin, and by recorded vote as follows: Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., George R. Ferrell, John R. Griffin, Mayor Clarence A. Holland, Councilwoman Meyera E. Oberndorf, J. Curtis Payne, Roger L. Riggs, Vice Alayor Patrick L. Standing, and Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr. ,Nays: None Absent: Councilman J. Ilenr@7 IleCoy, Jr. City Council voted to proceed into the executive session following the informal meeting. ITEM #11741- CC)UNCILMAiq MCCOY ENTERED MEETIiiG AT 1:05 p.m. D,Iayor Holland stated it would be beneficial to the City to write a policy regarding travel for Council and department heads. Nlayor Holland requested Council to write their proposals regarding these guidelines so they can be studied to finalize this policy. Councilwoman Oberndorf stated thatshe has sent a letter to the Mayor and the City Manager regarding the guidelines. 2 / 67 8 @ regular @ting of the Council of f-he City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, was held i-i-i the Council Ch@rs of the stration Build-ing of the City of Vircjinia Beach, Virginia on the 6 day of February -, 1978. on rwtion by Vice Mayor Standing and seconded by Councilmaii Baum , the foll@g Pesolution was adopted. RESOLUTION , it is the opinion of the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia that certain changes need to be made to the Charter of the City of Virginia Beach; and in order to @e these changes legislative action is required by th-- General Assen-bly of Virginia to ac@lish these purposes. PE-, BE IT RESOLVED BY TM ODUQCTL OF THE CITY OF VI@INIA BEACH, VI=NIA: 1. That the General AsseTrbly of Virginia is requested to mke the following changes to the aforesaid Charter: Section 9.01 - @sition of the Departmnt of Law The Departrmnt of @w shall consist of a City Attorney and such deputies and assistant city attorneys and other enplayees as n-ay be provided by Gc>uncil. Se@on 20.01 - Courts of @oord, the City as part of the second judicial circuit; circuit court generally The City shall be a part of the second judicial circuit. The Circuit OC)urt of Prinoess Anne CoLmty shall be known as the Circuit Cc>urt of the City of Vi.@a Beach and shall have the san-e jurisdicticn in the City of Virginia Beach as provided by general law upon circui-t courts of cities of the first class. 2.. Mmt a public hearing on the proposed Charter @dm--nts was h,,-ld at 1 P.M., or as soon thereafter as it could be held, on the day of C. Lk 1978, pursuaiit to Section 15.1-912 of the Code of Virginia (1950) as @ded, and the City Clerk gave notice of such public hearing at least ten (10) days prior to such hearing by publ-*-cation in a newspaper of general circulation in the City. BE IT I@SOLVED that the City Clerk is directed to forward a copy of this resolution to each r o,f the General Assembly representing tlie City of Virginia Beach, Virgiriia. Adopted by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, on the 6th day of Februar3,, 1978. 2 /6 /7 8 COUNCILA,AN @,,ICCOY ENTERED MEETING AT 2:27 p.m. On motion by Councilman Waterfield, seconded by Councilman Baum, and by recorded vote as follows: Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert B. Cromlvell, Jr., George R-. Ferrell, John R. Griffin, @,iayor Clarence A. Ilolland, J. Henry fAcCoy, Jr., Councilwoman Meyera E. Oberndorf, J. Curtis Payne, Roger L. Riggs, Vice Mayor PatriCk L. Standing, and Floyd E. IVaterfield, Jr. Nays: None Absent: None City Council voted to approve the following ordinance to amend and reordain Chapter 13, Sections 13-1 and 13-2 of the Code of the City of Virginia Beach and to prescribe election eiistricts and voting places within the City of Virginia Beach: AN ORDINMCE TO AMEND AND IEO@ CRAPTER 13, SECTIONS 13-1 AND 13-2 OF THE COIDE OF THE CITY OF VI@INIA BEACH AND TO PMSCRIBE ELECrI()Ill DISTRICIS AND VOTING PLACES WITH]ai THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH BE IT O" =BY THE CC)UNCIL OF TIHE CITY OF VIRG@ BEACH, VI@IA: That Sections 13-1 and 13-2 of the Code of the City of Virginia Beach, Virg2.nia are hereby @ded and reordained to read as follows: Section 13-1: There are hereby established in the City of Virginia Beach the following el@ion districts and their respective voting places, as set forlh below: ELECTION DIS=CT VDTING PI.ACES Virginia Beach - A 40th Street and Pacific Avenue Virg@a Beach - B Virginia Beach Junior High Schoc)l Virginia Beach - C Cooke Elenimtary School orn Linkhom El@tary School Seatack Seatack Volunteer Fire De t Oceana Knights of Cc)lurrbus Hall 235 First Colonial lbad Little Neck Kingston Ele = tary School London Bridge London Bridge Baptist Church Trantwood Trantwood El@tary School Great Neck John B. Dey El@tary School Cape Henry Research and Enligh t Building Plaza Lynnhaven El@tary School Windsor Windsor Woods El@tary School 14alibu Malabu Elerrentary School Aragona - A old Dc)nation El@tary School Aragona - B Aragona Elwmtary School Chesapeake Beadi Chesapeake Beach Volunteer Fire Dep t - I I - Shelton Park Sheltc)n Park Elerrentary School Bayside Bayside Elmmtary SchOOl Davis oc)rner Bettie F. William Elenientary Sdiool @ville Point of View EleiTentary School ead ead El@t@ SchOOl Tarkspur K@ville @adows El@tarY Sdlool Woodstock Woodstock El@tary SchOOl Landing K@s Landing School Kenipsville High Kenpsville High School Thalia Thalia Elenientary School Mount Trashmre mount Trashmre Vi-sitors Center Courthouse - A Holland El@tary SchOOl oc)urthouse - B oc)urthouse Volunteer Fire Station Brocks Bridge Barnes Store Sigma Blanton's Grocery Store Creeds Creeds Volunteer Fire Departn'ent Capps Pleasant Ridge Barber Shop Blackwater Blackwater Fire Station Central Absentee Voter city Hall, Circuit Cc)urt, RDom 6 Election District Section 13-2: The geographical boundaries of the election districts as set forth in Section 13-1 are hereby established as delineated on a certain n-ap prepared by the plaming staff of the City of Virginia Beadi alnd captioned "Election Districts," whidi rW is hereby approved. The Clerk of the Cc)uncil shall endorse on the aforesaid the date of Council's approval thereof and file the original rrap with the ndnutes of this day's nieeting and shall cause exact cc)pies thereof to be filed with the General Pegistrar of the City of Virginia Beach, the Clerk of the Circuit Cburt and the Plaming De t Adopted by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach on the 6 day of Februarv 1978. 2 / 6 / 7 8 ITEM t-11756 On motion by Vice Mayor Standing, seconded by Councilman Ferrell, and by recorded vote as follows: Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., George R. Ferrell, John R. Griffin, Mayor Clarence A. Ilolland, J. Henry McCoy, Jr., Councilwoman Meyera E. Oberndorf, J. Curtis Payne, Roger L. Riggs, Vice Mayor Patrick L. Standing, and Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr. Nays: None Absent: None City Council voted to approve the following ordinance authorizing a temporary encroachment into a portion of right-of-way along South Atlantic Avenue. The request was made by Gary R. Pope for the temporary encroachment for @vater lines along South Atlantic Avenue: AN ORDINANCE TO AUTHORIZE A TEMPORARY ENCROACHMENT INTO A PORTION OF THE RIGHT-OF-WAY OF SOUTH ATLANTIC AVENUE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA That pursuant to the authority and to the extent thereof contained in Section 15.1-893, Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended, Gary R. Pope and Barbara B. Pope, owner of Lot 12, Block 28, Croatan Beach, Virginia Beach, Virginia, is authorized to construct and maintain a temporary encroach- ment into the right of way of South Atlantic Avenue. That the temporary encroachment herein authorized is for the purpose of installing water lines to enable construction of a building unit on said property, and is more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a point at the Northeastern most intersection of the driveway and South Atlantic Avenue and running thence West to the property line. Said line to run under said proposed driveway. Said Lot 12 is more particularly described of that certain plat entitled "Resubdivision of Part of Croatan Beach Princess Anne Co., Va.," dated June, 1954, made by C. A. Bamforth, said plat being recorded in the Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia in Map Book 37 at Page 11. Provided, However, that such authority and permission so granted shall terminate when City water lines are installed to service Lot 12, and within sixty (60) days after the date that service is available, said owner, his heirs, assigns and successors in title, shall connect to the City water and said temporary encroachment will terminate. 2/6/78 - 1 3 - And, Provided Further, that nothing he-rein contained shall be construed to relieve said owner, his heirs, assigns and successors in title from liability for any negligence on their part. Adopted by the Council of the city of Virginia Beach, Virginia, on the Sixth day of February 1978. SULLIVAN & CUBINE A tt.,.@,. t L.. 3830 Vigii. B@.@h Bl,d. Vilgi.i. B@.@h, V.. 23452 2 / 6 / 7 8 1 5 - It is expressly understood and agreed that said encroachment will terminate when City water lines are installed to service Lot 12. Within sixty (60) days after the date that service is available the parties of the second part, their heirs, assigns and successors in title, shall connect to City water and said temporary encroachment will terminate. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, the party of the first part has caused this instrument to be executed by its City Manager and attested by its City Clerk, all as of the day, month and year first above written. c@ @Ge.@e L. Hanbury Cit'y Manager ATTf City Clerk Barbara B. Po@e STATE OF VIRGINIA CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, to-wit: I, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the City and State aforesaid, do hereby certify that Gary R. Pope and Barbara B. Pope, husband and wife, whose names are signed to the foregoing writing, bearing date on the day of@ 1978, have acknowledged the same before me in my City and State aforesaid. GIVEN under my hand this day of 1 9 78 . N & CUBINE My Commission Expires: Notary Public B@.@h Bl,d. V.. 23452 )/6/78 1 6- STATE OF VIRGINIA CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, to-wit: I, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the City and State aforesaid, do hereby certify that George L. Hanbury, City Manager, and City Clerk, whose names are signed as such to the foregoing writing bearing date on the day of, 1978, have this day acknowledged the same before me in my said City and State aforesaid. GIVEN under my hand this day of 1978. Notary Public My Commission Expires: @SITLLIVAN & CUBINE Att.@.@,@.t L.@ 3830 V@gii. B@.@h Bld- Vi@gi.i. B..@h, V.. 23452 )/6/78 -1 7 - ITEI-I t-,11757 Mayor Holland commended the City highwa@7 crews for the excellent job of removing the snow and ice from the City streets. ITEM @-11758 City Council listened to a Presentation made by a group of citizens oPposed to the proposed North Virginia Beach Drainage Project, which is scheduled for bid opeiiing on February 9, 1978, and presentation to the City Council for approval during the March meetings of Council. Explaiiation for the odposition to the project was -iven by representatives of Arthur B. Strack and Associates of Florida, who indicated that while the project met engineering standards the theory which was to provide for the runoff of the water had not been tested either by experience or model testing units. I @lesidents of the area expressed concern over the estimated cost of the project verses the need, based upon experience derived from previous storms, they also indicated that they felt that it would be more appropriate to complete the sanitary sewer svstem and the water system before undertaking the surface water drainage system. Representatives of the North Virginia Beach Civic League indicated that the matter had been discussed at several public meetings, and that the project as presented, while not specifically endorsed, had met the approval of the civic league, when the league considered the report of the Mayor's Comnlittee, regarding public improvements in the North Virginia Beach area. City Council indicated they would take no action to change this project in that no one has presented a more feasible and less costly alternative. ITEM #11759 On motion by Councilman McCoy, seconded by Vice Mayor Standing, and by recorded vote as follows: Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., George P.. Ferrell, John R. Griffin, @layor Clarence A. Holland, J. Henry McCoy, Jr., Councilwoman Meyera E. Oberndorf, J. Curtis Payne, Roger L. Riggs, Vice Mayor Patrick L. Standing, and Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr. Nays: inone Absent: None City Council voted to appoint Councilman J. Curtis Payne to fill the vacancy of Pobert H. Callis, Jr. on the Tidewater Transportation District Commission; and further requested that a Resolution of Appreciation be prel)ared for Dresent,,.tion to ',,Ir. Callis. ITE@l @11760 On motion by Councilrnan Ferrell, seconded by Councilman Griffin, and by recorded vote as follows: Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., George R. Ferrell, John R. Griffin, @.iayor Clarence A. liolland, J. Henry McCoy, Jr., Councilwoman Meyera E. Oberndorf, J. Curtis Payne, Roger L. Riggs, Vice '@layor Patrick L. Standing, and Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr. Nays: None Absent: None City Council voted to adopt the follo%ving Resolutions of Appreciation and requested that they be presented to the following: James ',i. Buffington - School Board Henry 0. Pezzella - School Boar@ Doctor E. E. Brickell - Tidewater Community College Board of Trustees Doctor John Mapp - Seliool Board Sam liouston, Sr. - Planning Commission 2/6/78 RESOLUTION OF APPRECIATION TO JAMES W. BUFFINGTON WHEREAS, in tlie otdimfty couA4e o6 evenu theae @u ptobeem6 o6 6uch magnitude and compzexity that the ab a o6 the aveaage individuat caniiot cope with the demana made upon theiil time and expeaienc@ to compzetety and 6aiAty adjudicate the matte," unde)L conside,@on, and; WffEREAS, in the tapid and unptecedented expansion and devetopment o6 the City o4 ViAginia Beach, Vitginia, and in the tesuzting need to ptovide pubtic seavices and jaci?iti@ to meet the deman@ Jo,% se&vicez it W" in- evitabZe that the pubfic schoot 6ystem woued Teceive the impetus o6 such devetopment in the 6o4m o6 incae"ed student enAoUment, e@ged and new zchooZ con6t)Luction, incaeozed schooz peuonnet, aU o6 which te,6uZted in an incaecued bUAden on the taxpayea, and; WHEREAS, Jame6 W. Bu44ington, an "tute bu6ine6zman and bankea, a dedicated pubzic seavant, a pcvlent, and an advocate o6 the pubp-ic scitooz zy,stem was cat,'-ed upon to seave on the Vi4ginia Beach Schoof- BoaAd in 1963, and h@ subsequentty eaved @ Chai)tman o6 the ViiLginia Beach Schooe Boatd ,6ince 1966, d@ng which peaiod o6 time the ptobteni6 o6 kaciat 6tAi6e, in- 4Y-at,ion and expansion o6 the 6acititie,5 have been succe,4,s6uety managed to the bene6it o6 the stude@@ , and tjie pubtic. NOW, THEREFORE, @ an exptez,5ion o6 the high e6teem in which Jam@ W. Bu64ington a hetd by lia 6efeow citizey@ and co@tea9u", the City Cotincit doeA heaeon ptesent this R"oeution o6 App@e@ation and ditects tho-t it be peAmanentty @ecoaded in the minut@ o6 the City Councit. Ma Adopted by the Coun@ o6 ttie City o6 Vi@iktict Beach, ViAginia, on ttte Sixth _ day o@ FebtuaAy 1978 1 9- RESOLUTION OF APPRECIATION WHEREAS, Henry 0. Pezzella has served on the Virginia Beach School Board for a period of years, and given of his time, talents and wisdom in resolving the many difficult problems with which the School Board has been presented in this era of rapidly changing economic, cultural and social circumstances; and WHEREAS, by his thorough understanding of the problems has guided the School Board in resolving their problems to the benefit of the school children, the citizens of the City and the public in general. NOW, THE-PEFORE, by adoption of this Resolution of Appreciation, the City Council does exDress its appreciation to Henry 0. Pezzella for his faithful service to the community. @larence A. Hoiland, M.D. Mayor CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH MUNICIPAL CENTER 'R.A.@t city" VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA 23456 MAYOR CIARENCE A. HOLLAND, M.D.. R.y@id@ B .... gh 1. HENRY M@COY, J,., D.D.S., B@,..gb VICE MAYOR PATRICK L. STANDING. At L.,g@ MEYERA E. OBERNDORF, A, L.,V JOHN A. BAUM, 8 .... gh 1. CURTIS PAYNE, P,i.@@@, A.@, B.,.@gb ROBERT B. CROMWELL, J,, A, L.,g@ ROGER L. RIGGS, Vi,gi@i. B@.,b B.,..gb GEORGE R. FERRELL, A, L.'s" FLOYD E. WATERFIELD, J,., P.@g. 8 ... @gh 10liN R. GRIFFIN, Ly.@b..- B.,..gh AGENDA RICHARD J. WEBBON, Cil, Cl@,k The City Cc)uncil of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, will assemble in the Administration Building, Prj-ncess Anne Borough, Virginia Beach, Virginia, in regular session, at 1:00 p.m., on @nday, February 6, 1978, for the purpose of conducting public business and will hear and act upon the follc)wing i@: 1. Call to order by the Honorable Clarence A. Holland, Mayor, in the Council Conference Rcorn. 2. Poll Call of the Council. 3. Mtion tc) recess into InfonTal Discussion and Executive Session. Upon conclusion of the Executive Session, City Council will reconvene in the City Council rs. 4. Invocation will be given at 2:00 p.m., by the Reverend Father R. E. French, Church of the Ascension, Virginia Beach, Virginia. Please renain standing for the Pledge of Allegiance. 5. Roll Call of the Council, Public Hearings and consideration of Public Business: a. Public Notice It is the intention of the City Council o@ the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia to adopt a Resolution changing the nomenclature of the City Code regayding the composition of tlie Department of Law and the titles of the personnel therein and the identifica- tion of the Circuit Court of Princess Anne County as the Circuit Court of the City of Virginia Beach in the second judicial cir- cuit. It is proposed to adopt the following Resolution at the regular meeting of the City Council, on Monday, February 6, 1978, at 2:00 p.m., in the City Council Chambers, Administration Build- ing, Princess Anne Borough, Municipal Complex, Virginia Beach, Virginia. Ricffard J. W bon, City Clerk 2 0- R E S 0 L U T I 0 N WHEREAS, Doctot EdwoAd E. BAickeU h" 4eAved on the Tidewo-teA Community Co-etege BoaAd o6 T)Luste@ 6ok a peaiod o6 yeau; and, WHEREAS, he hLu given 6utty o6 hi6 time and ab@e6 in 6ounding and devetoping the 4ystem o6 Comm@ Cottegm, and in p@cueaa the TidewateA Community Cottege in ViAginia Beach 6oiL the bene6it o6 those p@on,5 desiaing to 6@eA theia education in otdea to hetp them to become moie vatuabte to thmetve,6 and to the economic and cuttwut envitonment in which they tive. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Councit o6 the City o6 ViLginia Beach, Vitgi@a, by adoption o6 thi6 R@otution dou extend to Dor-toit EdwaAd E. BtickePt th@ app)Leciation 4ot his e66o@ in behat6 o6 his 6alowmen. c- Mayo,t C@ence A. Ho and, M.V. 2 1 - R E S 0 L U T I 0 N WHEREAS, D,%. John Mapp h@ zeaved on the Vitgi@ Schoof BoaAd and h" given, o6 h" time, tatent6 and othea abZ"e,6 in &@o-eving the many di66icuP-t p@bZem6 which have con6,tonted the Schoot BooAd in t@ ew o6 changing phitosophie6 con- c@ng education, and WHEREAS, by @ und@tanding and advice to the SchooZ BoaAd many o6 the pto- bterm have been te,6oZved to the bene6it o6 the 6chooZ chitdaen, the citizen,6 o6 ViAginia Beach and the pubeic in gen@. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Coun@ by tlie adoption o6 thi,6 Re,6otution doe,6 exp,kaz t6 Dt. John Mapp its app)Leciation 6ot his e66o@ on behat4 o6 tlie Citif o6 Vi,,Lginia Beach. Mayot C@ence A. 2 2 - RESOLUTION OF APPRECIATIO,@ TO S,QA HOUSTON, SR. WHEREAS, in ;die tapid and unptecedented devetopment o4 tjie new City o6 Vitgi@a Beach Stom the co@oEidation o6 PAincess Anne County with the smatt ,te,6o,tt city o@ ViAgi@a Beach, the,%e have been many ptobtems devetol.)ing which have teq@ed, in otdet to zoeve them, cteat, eogicat and tea6onabte thinking, and the ab y to exptain v.,ithout bi@ ot pouticat itnptication tjte decisions mozt bene6iciat to the gen@ pubzic co@ist@ with existing taw and otdea, and; (VHEREAS, Sair Hou5ton, S@., a genttemeyt o6 ostute mentaeity, peA- sua,sive peuonafity, with a tho@ough knotvtedge o6 faw and a high se@e o6 ,te,6pon-sibitity to pubzic taust has given 4,teeey on' tLa time and tatents o6 a membea o6 the ViAginia Beacli Pfanning Com sion, the SEVUFP Committee and @'he Advi,6o)ty Committee to tlte VijLjcinia Beach Commttnity Devetopment Au- tfio@y and to vaAiou,5 othea otganizatio@v6 devoted to the bette@ent o6 the city. NOW, THEREFORE, o-s an expkession o6 appteciation 6ot the seAvice,6 which Sam HoLoton, St. , h@ tendeaed to '@ 6ettotv @zens, the V@ginia Beach Ci,ty CouncU doe,6 pte,5ent tJ@ Re,6oP-ution o @ Appteci@on to Sam Houston, St. , and @ect6 that it be enteaed into tlie peamanei@y )iecotded minute,5 o6 the City Councit. Mayo,t ctaaence A. Ho@nd, M.P. Adopted by the Councit o6 the City oo Vitginia Beach, Vikginia, on the Six,th day o4 Feb)Lucfty lq78. ITE@l @-11761 -23- Mayor Holland stated that the Toll Road has been a subject before our Legislators regardinf, the reduction of commuter tolls. It did pass the Senate and now must go to the liouse of Delegates. Alayor liolland asked if the tolls are lowered will tlie City be able to get the on-off ramps, the 6 lanes and will the liighwav Department continue to maintain the Toll Road? The City D,,Ianager stated that it was his uiaderstandin- that if the State did a,)prove the reduction of commuter tolls the Highway Department will still maintain the Road, and will continue with the improvements. ITEM #11762 The City Manager stated that Doctor James B. Xenley, Commissioner of the State Health Department, has notified him that Doctor George C. Sjolund will replace Doctor William Crawford as Director of the Health Department in Virginia Beach. ITEM 1-11763 City Council deferred consideration for one week on the appointments of the two-member comrrittee to study the salaries of the five officials appointed by City Council. ITEM #11764 On motion by Councilman Griffin, seconded by Councilman @IcCoy, and b'7 unanimous vote, the meeting adjourned. I City of Virginia Beach, Virginia February 6, 1978 h 2 / 6 / 7 8 - 2 - Mayor Holland stated he is appointing a three man committee consisting of Councilman Robert B. Crormvell, Jr., as chairman, and Councilmen Roger L. Riggs and J. @ienry McCoy assisting Coitneilman Cromwell in studying these proposals to finalize this policy. ITEM #11742 tlayor Holland stated that each Council Member should have received an invitation to the Legislation Dinner, and each Council Member is requested to attend if possible. It will be held Tuesday, Februar@, 23, 1978. ITEM #11743 Mayor Holland stated that last week he brought up the possibility of the local option on the one percent sales tax. This was generated by the interest shown in the four-City area, primarily by Dlayor Thomas, and the City of Norfolk is not interested in it being local oDtion. The local option is something that would be available to the City of Virginia Beach, however, since the last of the bills were to be introduced in the General Assembly on Friday, i.t would not be of any benefit to the Council to discuss it further. ITEM #11744 Councilwoman Oberndorf stated that last week I,,Iayor Holland handed to Council a letter from Senator A. Joseph Canada regarding an anti-litter bill, Senate Bill 35. Some research has been done and it was found that the Commonwealth of Virginis spends $1,133,511 per year in litter clean up, and the City of Virginia Beach spends $210,236 per year. These figures were broken down to street sweeping roadside clean up and beach clean up. The beach clean up for labor alone costs $9-5,593.24. Councilwoman Oberndorf further stated that Oregon's Governor stated that their anti-litter law has proven to be a tremendous savings to the citizens in the state. Councilwoman Oberndorf read the resolution to Council, a cody of which is on file in the Office of tlie City Clerk. ITEM #11745 LO-IS ON 13th STREET - declaration of excess property The City Manager stated that on the informal agenda for Council information is lots on 13th Street being declared excess property. The City D4ana.-er presented Council with a Plat showing 13th Street, and approximately how much property the City has acquired over the years. Bids on the excess property will be brought before Council on February 13, 1978. ITEM #11746 JUVENILE RESOURCES REGISTER The City Manager stated that Ms. Willa Redding, Administrative Aide to the Mayor, has established a special CE-,A-Six Project to put to- gether a register of all of the resources available to the youth of Virginia Beach. Ms. Reddin.- stated that after the final draft has been completed, the directory will then be forwarded to the Juvenile Plan Coordinator in Virginia Beach who has obtained a grant from another source for the printing of the directory. It will be available free of charge to the youth of Virginia Beacli and anyone else who wishes a copy. Ms. Redding introduced Garland Bradshaw, who will be working with Ms. Redding on this project. 2 / 6 / 7 8 - 3 - ITEM --11747 The City @Janager stated that @irs. Phyllis A. Iiitchler, Director of Personnel, informed him of a back log of City employment applications. The City Manager stated he would like to initiate a policy whereby the City will no longer receive full application forms, however, the applicant will be requested to fill out a 3 x 5 card. For the year 1977, there are approximately 11,804 applications on file, and due to certain guidelines the City must maintain the applications for two years, therefore, in the Personnel Office there are 25,000 applications on file. ITEM #11748 At 2:20 p.m., City Council reconvened in the Council Chambers with the following Members present: John A. Baum, Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., George R. Ferrell, John R. Griffin, Mayor Clarence A. Holland, Councilwoman Nleyera E. Oberndorf, J. Curtis Payne, Roger L. Riggs, Vice i@layor Patrick L. Standin,,-, and Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr. Absent: Councilman J. Ilenry @IcCoy, Jr. The invocation was given by the Reverend Fatlier R. E. French, Church of the Ascension, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. ITEM #11749 On motion by Councilman Griffin, seconded by Councilman 'tvaterfield, and by recorded vote as follows: Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., George R. Ferrell, John R. Griffin, Mayor Clarence A. Ilolland, Councilwoman @leyera E. Oberndorf, J. Curtis Payne, Roger L. Riggs, Vice Alayor Patrick L. Standing, and Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr. ,Nays: l@one Absent: Councilman J. Henry @IcCoy, Jr. City Council voted to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of January 30, 1978, and dispensed with tlie reading of said M-inutes inasmuch as each Council @.lember had a copy. ITEM #11750 On motion by Vice @@,ayor Standing, seconded by Councilman Ferrell, and by recorded vote as follows: Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., George R. Ferrell, John R. Griffin, @layor Clarence A. liollan(l, Councilwoman Meyera E. Oberndorf, J. Curtis Payne, Roger L. Rig-s, Vice Mayor Patrick L. Standing, and Floyd E. Iliaterfield, Jr. Nays: None Absent: Councilman J. Henry McCoy, Jr. City Council voted to approve on second reading the following ordinance to appropriate funds in the amount of $56,000 for the purpose of upgrading the marine patrol unit by acquiring three additional vessels and repairing others: 2 / 67 8 - 4 - AN ORDINANCE TC) APPROPRIATE FOR THE PUPPOSE OF UPGRADING THE PATR'DL UNIT BY ACQUIRING THFEE ADDITIONAL VESSELS AND @AIRING OTHERS,AS @ED the policing of the beadi area is a respc)nsibility of the City of Virginia Beach, and , a Marine Patrol Unit is necessary to assure the policing of the water portion of the beach area, and , the Marine Patrol Unit does not have a sufficient number of vessels to patrol the water areas for which it is responsible. NCK, RE, BE IT O@D BY THE OC)MCIL OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VI THAT funds in the amunt of $56,000 be appropriated to the Police t frcin rlatedsurplus for the purpose of acquiring three additional patrol vessels and repairing two existing patrol vessels. FIRST READ-TNG: January 30, 1978 SECOND READING: February 6, 1978 Adopted by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach on the 6 day of February 1978. GGD:JDB:er 2-1-78 2/6/78 ITEM #11751 On motion by Vice Mayor Standing, seconded by Councilman Perrell, and by recorded vote as follows: Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Ilobert B. Cromwell, Jr., George R. Ferrell, John R. Griffin, Mayor Clarence A. Holland, Councilwoman Meyera E. Oberndorf, J. Curtis Payne, Roger L. Riggs, Vice @.layor Patrick L. Standing, and Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr. Nays: None Absent: Councilman J. Henrv McCoy, Jr. City Council voted to approve on second reading the following ordinance to appropriate funds in the amount of $50,163 to make certain traffic pattern changes by making one-way the side streets between Atlantic Avenue -,ind P,,ici ric Av(@nii(? froi,@ F)tli Si,rc@(@t to 10th Str(,(,,t: AN ORDINANCE 'IO APPROPRIATE FLJNDS TO MAKE CE@ TRAFFIC PATTERN CHANGES BY MAKING CNE-WAY THE SIDE STREETS @ ATTANTIC AVENUE AND PACIETC AVENLTE FROM 5TH STIP= TO 40TH ST= the De t of Public Works has submitted a proposal to alleviate the parking inadequacy at the beach front by changing the side streets between Atlantic Avenue and Pacific Avenue from two-way to one-way traffic patterns, and @, this proposal also recomtends changing the parking fee fr(xn ten cents to twenty cents per hour, and , changing the traffic pattern and increasing the parking fee will require alterations, repla@ts and additions to the existing traffic signal and sign systenis and parking rreters. NOW, RE, BE IT 0 D BY THE CC)UNCIL OF TBE CITY OF VIRGMIA BEACH, VIRGINIA: THAT funds in the anount of $50,163 be appropriated from Unapprc, priated Surplus to the Deparbnent of Public Works for the foll@g: T'raffic Signs - Replacenent and Additions $12,135 Y,odifications to Traffic Signals 2,196 Additional Parking Meters 5,846 Modificati-on of Existing Parking Meters 29,986 TOTAL $50,163 FI@T MMING: January 30, 1978 SECOND WMING: Februarv 6, 1978 Adopted by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach on the 6 day of February 1978. 2 6 7 8 ITEM #11752 -6- On motion by Vice Mayor Standing, seconded by Councilman Ferrell, and by recorded vote as follows: Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., George R. Ferrell, John R. Griffin, Mayor Clarence A. Holland, Councilwoman Meyera E. Oberndorf, J. Curtis Payne, Roger L. Riggs, Vice Mayor Patrick L. Standing, and Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr. Nays: None Absent: Councilman J. Henry McCoy, Jr. City Council voted to defer for one week the petition of Sun Oil Company of Pennsylvania for the closure of a portion of Old Providence Road, in the Kempsville Borough of the City of Virginia Beach: ITEM @-11753 On motion by Vice Mayor Standing, seconded by Councilman Ferrell, and by recorded vote as follows: Ayes: Councilmen John A. )3aum, Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Georl-e R. Ferrell, John R. Griffin, Mayor Clarenr-e A. liolland, Councilwoman @,leyera E. Oberndorf, J. Curtis Payne, Roger L. Riggs, Vice Mayor Patrick L. Standing, and Floyd E. IVaterfield, Jr. Nays: None Absent: Councilman J. Henry McCoy, Jr. City Council voted to approve the following tax refunds in the amount of $572.85: 2/6/78 7 - AN ORDINA14CE AUI-ilORIZIt'G TAX i(El--IJNDS Date-1-24-78 A @ p A t S ZS ,JPCI',4 APPT.TR T TI PER 0, AND UPUN CERTIFICATIO!Q o@, 'fi',E FOR PAY14ENT BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF TIIE CIT-Y OF VIRGIT;IA BEACII, VIRGINIA: That the following applications for tax refunds upon certification of the Treasurer are hereby approved: 572.85 Totaling $ T EXONERK- DATE VANE YF-AR :)F TAX @,LBER "ION 10. PAILD) JPENALTY INT. TOTAL llace D. Barbee 1978 CD 114812 1-10-78 7.50 W. Gardner 1978 CD 15008 1-11-78 7.50 ant W. Reid 1978 "D 147386 1-19-78 3.00 1978 -,D 119655 1-19-78 15'00 ert Wilbu-rn 1978 '@D 27733. 1-9-78 15.00 lland-Road Water Co. 1977 PSTP 12 6-10-77 138.00 ank'E. Butler 1978 -@D 10248 1-6-78 '15.00 10249 15.00 10250 15.00 yn.6 A. Seymour 1978 '@D 23285 1-5-78 7.50 o@psbn, James E. 1977 PP 90794 :@)-6-77 9-2.88 a@dt, Leroy C. 1977 PP 10269 '@-10-77 88.92 own, RObert C. 1977 PP 85.05 11977 LO-26-77 ard M. Potratz 1978 -@D 28503 L-11-78 7.50,- llen M. 14urphy 1978 @-D 55979 -11-78 7.50 Construction Co. 1978 -D 29201 .-12-78 7.50 inda & Samuel Mobley 1978 D 14374 --10-78 7.50 ames P. Holt 1978 "D 116007 1-12-78 7.50 teven R. Borek 1978 -,D 62156 ],-18-78 15.00 eorge R. Edwards 1978 -@D 65769 1-17-78 15.00 totaling a-s to by ON Treasurer Approved as t chard J. We n, t@ e k @l-son, City Attorney 1/6.f7g -6- ITEM #11754 The City Clerk read the following Public Notice: it is the intention of the City Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia to adopt a Resolution changing the nomenclature of the City Code regarding the compositioli of the Department of Law and the titles of the personnel therein and the identifica- tion of the Circuit Court of Princess Anne County as the Circuit Court of the City of Virginia Beach in the second judicial cir- cuit. It is proposed to adopt the following Resolution at the regular meeting of the City Council, on Nlonday, February 6, 1978, at 2:00 p.m., in the City Council Chambers, Administration Build- ing, Princess Anne Borough, Municipal Complex, Virginia Beach, Virginia. On motion by Vice ilayor Standing, seconded by Councilman Baum, and by recorded vote as follows: Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., George R. Ferrell, John R. Griffin, Mayor Clarence A. Holland, Councilwoman D.leyera E. Oberndorf, J. Curtis Payne, Roger L. Riggs, Vice Mayor Patrick L. Standing, and Floyd E, Waterfield, Jr. Nays: None Absent: Councilman J. Henry McCoy, Jr. City Council voted to adopt the following Resolution to the General Assembly for the purpose of requesting two procedural changes to be made to the City Charter: (1) the addition of the title "deputy City Attorney", and (2) that the City shall be a part of the second judicial circuit: 2 / 6 / 7 8