HomeMy WebLinkAboutDECEMBER 19, 1977
-t.@y.at 'R.A.@t city- VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA 23456
MAYOR CLARENCE A. HOLLAND, M.D., B.y@id@ B.,@.gh HENRY M,COY, ],., D.D.S., K,.p,.ill@ B.,@.gb
JOHN A. BAUM, B.,..gh J. CURTIS PAYNE, A@.@ B.,@.gh
ROBERT B. CROMWEI,L, I,, At L.,g, ROGER L. RIGGS, Vi,i.i. B@.,h B@,..gh
JOHN R. GRIFFIN, Ly@@b ... @ B@,@.gb AGENDA RICHARD f - WEBBON, Cil, Cl@,k
The City Council of the City of virginia Beach, Virginia, will assenble in the AdirdnistratiOn
Building, Princess Anne Borough, Vi-rginia Beach, Virginia, in Regular Session, at 1:00 P.M.,
on Monday, Decenber 19, 1977, for the purpose of conducting public b-iness and will hear and
act upon the follcywing ite-:
1. Call to order by the Honorable Clarence A. Holland, MaYor, in the Co-cil Conference Roarn.
2. Roll Call of the Council.
3. Motion to recess into Informl Discussion and Executive Session. UpOn cOnClUsiOn Of the
Executive Session, City Comcil will reconvene in the City council s.
4. Invocation will be given at 2:00 p.m., by the Reverend David L. Henry, Bayside Baptist
Church, Virginia Beach, Virginia. Please r standing for the Pledge of Allegiriance.
5. Roll Call of the Council, Public Hearings and consideration of Public Business.
6. Minutes of the Regular Meeting of Dec 12, 1977 to be presented for acceptance and
7. Consent Agenda:
All matters listed under the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine by the City
Council and wi.11 be enacted by one mtion in the form listed. There will be nc) separate
discussion of these i@. If discussion is desired, that item will be remved frcin the
ac)nsent agenda and considered separately.
a. City Council is requested to app-ve On second reading an ordinance to appropriate
est@ted revenue to be received frcin the State De t of soclal Services' Pur-
chase of service program. Estirnated Revenue lfbtal
From encles ations
Mental Retardation/t)evelop.
Disability Prograrn $27,000 $27,000
b. Letter-from the CitY Manager reccm-ding City comcil accept the low bid of M. E.
Wilkins, Inc., in the amount of $745,629.56 for contract i and the lcw bid of Van
de Riet Construction y, I_., in the --t of $95,800.00, for Contract II
for the gravity sewerage system, force @s, and pump station at Lake Smith T--,
Phase II, Contracts I and II (Bayside Borough); and further, authorize the City Manag-
to enter into the necessary agreements for the @l@tion of this project. Funds
are available.
c. Letter frcm the City Manager r ing City Council approve the request Of Mr-
V. A. Etheridge, City Treas--, for tax refunds in the amunt of $4,075.26.
d. Letter from the City Manager r 9 City Council approve the request Of Mr-
V. A. Etheridge, City Treasurer, tc) charge off uncollected taxes in the amount of
8. @tter froin the City Manager transrdtting the r dation of the Plarming ssion
for approval of the application of The Lymhaven united methc)dist Church for a Coriditional
Use Permit for a church to be located on a 3.549 acre parcel located on the south side of
Little Neck Road, w-est of Harris Road (Lymhaven Borough).
9. Letter frorn the City Manager transmitting the r ation of the Plaming CcnTnission
for approval of the application of Amoco Oil y for a Conditional Use Peridt for a
self-service gasoline station on a 16,000 square foot parcel located at the southeast
intersection of Indian River Road and South military Highway (Kemspville Borough).
10. Letter frcin the City Manager transndtting the r tion of the Plarming CCMTLission
for approval of the application of J. C. Aspinwall, Jr., for a Conditional Use Perrdt
for the expansion of a rdni-warehouse on a 4.05 are parcel located on the west side
of South Lynnhaven Parkway, north of Holland Road (Princess Ame Borough).
11. Letter frcxn the City Manager transndtting the r ation of the Plaming @ssion
for approval of the application of Harry E. Thorns for a Conditonal Use Permit for a
residential kennel on a 5 acre parcel located on the north side of Landstown Rc)ad, east
of Salem Road (Princess Anne Borough).
12. Letter frcm the City Mmger transrdtting the r tion of the Plarming Comu'ssion
for approval of the application of Manas Corporation for a Conditional Use Permit for a
@ature golf course on a 3.9 acre parcel located east of Lynnhaven Parkway, north of
Holland Road (Princess Anne Borough).
13. Letter fr(zn the City manager tranmdtting @ r tion of the Plaming @ssion
to allcw withdrawal of the application of The Kenpsville Chapel for a Conditional Use
P@t for a church on a 1.84 acre parcel located northwest of the intersection of
Overland Road and Overland Court (Kempville Borough).
14. Letter fr(xn the City Manager transmitting the rec tion of the Planning ssion
for denial of the request of Greenhill Enterprises, Inc. for the closure of three por-
tions of McKinley Avenue between 25th Street and 26th Street.
15. Letter frcm the City Manager tr tting the reccnuendation of the Plarming ConTnission
for approval of the application of @ City of Virginia Beach for the closure of a por-
tion of Washington Avenue (Lynnhaven Borough).
16. Letter froin the City manager reccmTL-nding City Council authorize the City Manager and
the City Attorney to liquidate and dissolve the P A Corporation so that the full owner-
ship will be with the City of Virginia Beach and operations will be in the Depar@t
of Public Utilities.
17. Ttter frcm the City @ager r ing City Council authorize an increase in the
n@r of positions for the Persormel Departn-ent to handle uneniplo@t sation
clahm for the City. (This recluest does not require the appropriations of additional
funds, but it is necessary pursuant to Section 2 of @ Appropriations ordinance which
limits the number of enployees in the Persom el Department to 17).
18. Letter frorn the City @ager recomtiending City Council approve an ordinance to
reordain Chapter 23 of the Code of the City of Virginia Beach by ing Section 23-27
and by adding thereto Sections 23-27.1 and 23.27.2 relating to petit larceny and conceal-
mmt of mrchandise.
19. old business, deferred frcrn the previous meting, including any repor-t of the Mayor or
cciTmittees named bv council.
20. New business, includincr anv presentations by Council rs, Citizens and Organizations.
21. Motion for adjou@t.
December 19, 1977
The regular meeting of the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, was
called to order by Mayor Clarence A. liolland, in the Conference Room, in the
Administration Buildin@., Princess Anne Borough, December 19, 1977, at 1:00 p.m-
Council Members present: John A. Baum, Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., George R. Ferrell,
John R. Griffin, Mayor Clarence A. Holland, J. lienry McCoy, Jr., Councilwoman
Meyera E. Oberndorf, J. Curtis Payne, Roger L. Riggs, Vice Mayor Patrick L. Standing,
and Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr.
TTEM #11571
Mayor Holland entertained a motion to permit Council to conduct an informal
session to be followed by an executive session for the purpose of discussing
the following:
1. Discussion or consideration of employment, assignment,
appointment, promotion, demotion, salaries, discipline, or
resignation of public officers, appointees or employees of
any public body.
2. Discussion or consideration of the condition, acquisition
or use of real property for public purpose, or other disposition
of publicly held property.
3. Consultation with legal counsel and briefing by staff
members, consultants, or attorneys pertaining to actual or
potential litigation, or other legal matters within the
jurisdiction of the public body.
On motion by Vice Mayor Standing, seconded by Councilman Ferrell, and by recorded
vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., George R. Ferrell,
John R. Griffin, Mayor Clarence A. Holland, J. Henry McCoy, Jr., Councilwoman
Meyera E. Oberndorf, J. Curtis Payne, Roger L. Riggs, Vice Mayor Patrick L.
Standing, and Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr.
Nays: None
Absent: None
City Council voted to proceed into executive session following the informal
ITEM #11572
The City Manager stated that in past years Council has not held a meeting between
Christmas and New Years, and in order to continue with that practice Council will
have to vote on cancelling the meeting of December 27, 1977; the City Manager
further stated that if it meets with Council's approval cancel the meeting of
January 3, 1978 and hold that meeting on January 30, 1978.
A vote will be held in the formal session.
1 2 / 1 9 / 7 7
- 2 -
ITEM #11573
The City Manager stated that as Council is aware, the City has held discussions
in the past regarding the side yard setbacks in areas that have buildings in the
R-8 and R-9 districts and also in the A-1 and A-4 districts.
At the present time it's 10 feet on one side and five feet on the other.
Discussions have been held regarding 7-1/2 feet on one side and 7-1/2 feet
on the other. Ten feet on both sides has also been discussed, however, builders
have indicated that this would hurt them tremendously. Therefore, Mr. Hanbury
stated that the staff has come up with eight feet on each side witli a two foot
easement on each side giving everyone ten feet, which would allow recreational
vehicles to get in the back of homes.
Mr. Hanbury stated that if it meets with Council's approval, he will bring it
before them on January 9, 1978 for a formal vote.
ITEM #11574
The City Manager requested permission from Council to appear before the House
Appropriations Senate Finance Committee. A hearing is being held on January 5,
1978 regarding the Supplemental Retirement System.
ITEM #11575
At 2:20 p.m., City Council reconvened in the Council Chambers with the following
Members present:
John A. Baum, Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., George R. Ferrell, John R. Griffin, Mayor
Clarence A. Holland, J. Henry McCoy, Jr., Councilwoman Meyera E. Oberndorf, J.
Curtis Payne, Vice Mayor Patrick L. Standing, and Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr.
Council Member absent: Roger L. Riggs
The invocation was given by the Reverend David L. Ilenry, Bayside Baptist Church,
followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
ITEM #11576
On motion by Councilman Ferrell, seconded by Councilman Waterfield, and by re-
corded vote as followed:
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., George R. Ferrell, John
R. Griffin, Mayor Clarence A. Holland, J. Henry McCoy, Jr., Councilwoman Meyera
E. Oberndorf, J. Curtis Payne, Vice Mayor Patrick L. Standing, and Floyd E.
Waterfield, Jr.
Nays: None
Absent: Councilman Roger L. Riggs
City Council voted to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of December 12,
1977, with the correction that Senator Canada's last name was inadvertently left
out of the minutes, and dispensed with the reading of said minutes inasmuch as
each Member had a copy
1 2 / 1 97 7
- 3-
ITEM #11577
COUNCILMAN RIGGS ENTERED MEETING AT 2:30 p.m., after the reading of the consent
On motion by Councilman Cromwell, seconded by Councilman Payne, and by recorded
vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., George R. Ferrell, John
R. Griffin, Mayor Clarence A. Holland, J. Henry McCoy, Jr., Councilwoman Meyera
E. Oberndorf, J. Curtis Payne, Vice Mayor Patrick L. Standing, and Floyd E.
Waterfield, Jr.
Nays: None
Abstain: Councilman Roger L. Riggs
Absent: None
City Council voted to approve on second reading the following ordinance to appropriate
estimated revenue to be received from the State Department of Social Services' Purchase
of service program
Estimated Revenue Total
From Other Agencies Appropriations
Mental Retardation/Develop.
Disability Program $27,000 $27,000
WHEREAS, the State Department of Social Services, under the provisions
of the Social Security Act - Title XX, is authorized to purchase social service,
through a local Department of Social Services, on behalf of eligible persons, and
WHERFAS, the Virginia Beach Department of Social Services estimates the
purchase of service for eligible persons, from the Mental Retardation/Developmental
Disability Program, in the amount of twenty-seven thousand dollars ($27,000).
That funds available from the State Department of Social Services' Pur-
chase of Service Program be accepted and appropriated as follows:
Estimated Revenue Total
From Other Agencies Appropriations
Mental Retardation/Developmental
Disability Program $27,000 $27,000
That the appropriations be financed by $27,000 Estimated Revenue from
the State Department of Social Ser-vices' Purchase of Service Program.
FIRST READING: December 12, 1977
SECOND READING: December 19, 1977
Adopted by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach on the 19
day of December -1 1977. 12 / 1 97 7
ITEM #11578
The following bids have been received for the gravity sewerage system, force main,
and pump station at Lake Smith Terrace, Phase II, Contract I (Bayside Borough)
M. E. Wilkins, Incorporated $745,629.56
Central Builders, Incorporated 811,469.00
A & W Contractors, Incorporated 841,128.50
Engineer's Estimate $784,567.00
On motion by Councilman Cromwell, seconded by Councilman Payne, and by recorded
vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., George R. Ferrell, John
R. Griffin, Mayor Clarence A. Holland, J. Henry @IcCoy, Jr., Councilwoman Meyera
E. Oberndorf, J. Curtis Payne, Vice Mayor Patrick L. Standing, and Floyd E.
Waterfield, Jr.
Nays: None
Abstain: Councilman Roger L. Riggs
Absent: None
City Council voted to approve the low bid of M. E. Wilkins, Incorporated, in the
amount of $745,629.56, for the gravity sewerage system, force main and pump station
at Lake Smith Terrace, Phase IT, Contract I ( Bayside Borough).
1 2 / 1 9 / 7 7
ITEM #11579 -5-
The following bids have been received for the gravity sewerage system, force main,
and pump station at Lake Smith Terrace, Phase II, Contract 11 (Bayside Borough):
Van de Riet Construction Co., Inc. $ 95,800.00
Hunt Contracting Corporation 107,226.00
Crowder Construction Company, Inc. 115,300.00
Engineer's Estimate $ 90,000.00
On motion by Councilman Cromwell, seconded by Councilman Payne, and by recorded
vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., George R. Ferrell, John
R. Griffin, Mayor Clarence A. Holland, J. Henry McCoy, Jr., Councilwoman Meyera
E. Oberndorf, J. Curtis Payne, Vice Mayor Patrick L. Standing, and Floyd E.
Waterfield, Jr.
Nays: None
Abstain: Councilman Roger L. Riggs
Absent: None
City Council voted to approve the low bid of Van de Riet Construction Company,
Incorporated, in the amount of $95,800.00 for the gravity sewerage system, force
main, and pump station at Lake Smith Terrace, Phase II, Contract II (Bayside
TTEM #11580
On motion by Councilman Cromwell, seconded by Councilman Payne, and by recorded
vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., George R. Ferrell, John
R. Griffin, Mayor Clarence A. Holland, J. Henry McCoy, Jr., Councilwoman Meyera
E. Oberndorf, J. Curtis Payne, Vice Mayor Patrick L. Standing, and Floyd E.
Waterfield, Jr.
Nays: None
Abstain: Councilman Roger L. Riggs
Absent: None
City Council voted to approve the following tax refunds in the amount of $4,075.26:
12 / 1 9 / 7 7
6 -
ii 0,
That the follot,,-iog zfpli.c,,ILi(ilis for tax refunds ilpon certi.ficalion of the
Treasurer are hereby iij)@,rovecl:
Tc)tal-i n@ $ 7
2.. 01)
Semai-is, Dorotliy 77 @/@742 11 .-29-'/ 7
-15 1 O'@
-73 2.00
Faha:jg, Fi.@-i-)k l,". 7 "t 2
7 75 3 0
'i i7 5 01 6 - 'l, 0 - 7 7 31 8 1,
lzir 6 -,@@-95 -76 9.6. 1.11)
COIITIC'@l-l.y, y
7 I
9 7 7 'i. 11 ],C, - 7'/
@-lil.son, Sco(,'- 1%'. C, 6 - i 7 7 9.
r,ox, 9. 11 0
i 1- 7." 0 @'Ci-26--77 5@.73
Holmes, Paul 197-il)@ ".@/942 11 - 28 - 77 2.00
Francc,@, 1 '@l 7 6 ') 8 3.') 11 -3 - 7 7 86.69
Expre-s\,,ay Bus. P,,,rk l@,7,u @-;431 10-21@-77 8 il . /1@ 1-@
The above z@.bate:ie,,it(r@ i-,otal @l-,ig
,Cart-ific,d as to piyuient;
N;ere il,'
@4075,26 I)Y
the Counci.]. Tf the cit,,@ of Vir@nia
Bea Lie Igth rlay of @mb@,--.
tpproved as t orni:
.,rd J. bon, City Clerk
'T)ale b ii--,on, CI.LY tLtorley
- 7 -
ITEM #11581
On motion by Councilman Cromwell, seconded by Councilman Payne, and by recorded
vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., George R. Ferrell, John
R. Griffin, Mayor Clarence A. Holland, J. Henry McCoy, Jr., Councilwoman Meyera
E. Oberndorf, J. Curtis Payne, Roger L. Riggs, Vice Mayor Patrick L, Standing,
and Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr.
Nays: None
Abstain: Councilman Roger L. Riggs
Absent: None
City Council voted to approve the request of the City Treasurer to cbarge-off the
following uncollected checks in the amount of $74-50:
WoLil'i lil<c@ of ti,@ cot'l,cil. cf tii@, Ci@", @-f
Ch@,-cl, (iite: 3/:,@'@/77 3. -,)O
1256 II)it(@ iii. i,n. 8c@ivise,(]
'a. I
Vi. 2"li56 ptt7.i@iit hi--; iiot rc-.t'd.
er,ild 1,;cCoy, Sr. Clic-(,]-, 6/14/77 2(,.00
t. 1, l@x 3!i4 B to lo(,@"it(,
ertfoi:e,, l@. C. 279,44
E. ]@,. Cartioy 1)@!I)t. Cliccl, (late: c@,/2/77 4.00
l@o o@.i cl)eck.
@,,,Isliin,,@ton, D.
-(,Tice S. Ilillory Pi-,-ling Clicc:l@ d,,ite-. 7/22/77 3. (;o
06 Corl)nt St. Apt@ 3 to loc"Ite
arc,.nttiin, Ila. l.)k@@14
i.cli,iel J. @forris P;3rki.i-,E.,, l'-,@cket Cli(,cl@, d,,itc,.: 8/5/77 3.00
21 "@.e. il@6 Up.,,iblc to locate
lorfoll, Vq. 23507
tary B. Ri-gF',.i.ns Pai,icin," Ticl@cf-- Chc-@cl@ date: (,/10/77 5.00
12 llest:over Ave. i'@4 Uiie@Llc-@ to I-ocatc,,
orfolk, V@i. 23507
ich,2rd I,. Trenary P,,irl@iiig Tici@et Ch-ck date: 8/36/77 5.00
1367 E. Tariner Creelc r)r. Lett(,r rc,.t'd. niovod, ilo
orfolk, \la. 23513 forwardiiig adulress.
cdde 'Zlionipson Parl@ini, Ticket Ctiecl, date: 8/1.7/77 (@.00
904 Fdiiiaiistone Ave. ljnible to I.ocate
ichmond, @a. 23226
andra L. Gentry Porl-n & Rearea,,-ion CI)eci,, date: 9/27/77 11.00
408 AnLii,)riy W@@yne Ct. llove.(! otit of state
a. Beacti, Va. 23462
ita l@. Stqll@,qort,'i City Decal C@ieci@ d,@te: 1/26/77 15.00
145 S. l@,id(ling A\,(@. l.'@2014 IIC)Vc(l out of city
a. Be@icii, Va. 2-il@52
12 1 9 / 7 7
ITEM #11582
Application of -1@ie !"etiic)@ist, CiiLji-ch fol- a Cc,,i-i,,Iitioiial
Pei-rF,it foi- a c:iiiji-cli @@i cei-t@iin c,.i-i the Soi@uli side of 1-ittl-e-
a @-)oii-it 2@-)C) C)r ic@ss @@cst of !!(ii-i,is Road,
a dist@ai,ice ol@ feet @ilcinc, pr@)!DE)-ty Iii,,e, riinning
a dist,,,i-icc, of 60.79 i-eet ii,, a -v di@-,@@ction, I-LIT'liig Zi CliStOT-ICe
of 257.40 fee'L-. in a dii-cctioli, a di,ItL@i-icc of 101.50@ @ec,,t
iii a South@,--rly cirectioii, i-tini@ilig ii d@s'L.aiico of 263.50 @eet in a Soutli-
iyestei,l), di@-ecti(,i-i, rujinii-ig a dis'L,' i-,cc of 535 fcet alo!ig tlie @@(,s't.Li,n
proi)c,rty line, r@iiinirig a distaiice of iOl@67 leet iri Lri Easfct-ly directior@,
rutiriirig a disl,3nce of 50.39 f(,et iii a dii@ectic)i), runniilg a
dis'Lai-ice ol@ 40 @@.et in a,,j Easterly direclioii, i,iiiiniiig a distfirice ol 44 feet
moi@e or less in zz. @@c,,rtnei@-ly aiid i-Li-iii-ing a dist&ncc of 3110 fect
nici@e or less alonq tlie Sou'Lh sidc of L-',',t r l@eci Roaci . @aid p@i-cel
corit,ii ns 3.@@49 aci,es. LY!@@@ii'ikVEI,l
A n@tioii eils pissed u,-iariiitiously by tlie Plaiiniiig Co,@,;iissiorl by a recordc-c!
vote of 10 'L.o iii.,pi-ove tliis requc-,s"..
For the inforiiiation of tlie pplicatit, pi@ic)t- to tlie initia'Lion of t@le
interided use. of the laiid, t.@l(-, follcm@l,-iiig @,jill b,., requii-ed 1)3, t@ie FidTil@ii.-
strative staff:
1. Standai@d impi,ovciiients as @-eqtjired [)y t@l,, Site Plan Ordinaiice.
2. Sufficient ai-ei foi- a drainfield or coniie-Iticn to tlie proposed col-
lector lirie beiiig installed oii Little t@@ock, Road.
3. No dt-edgijig, filling, bulklie-adirig or othei, w&terfrotit related acti--
vities tlic pi-oper pei-;i@.its.
4. Tlie of ;@iiig al-ea E!, a. of I sp@@,(- 5 or
beiicli spicc@s @lli @@he iyia"ti ati(iil,oi-i ti iii.
5. A dcclic@ti(,n of line of t@ie
I @ L @y 30 feet froiii tiie-' ct@ll'@2r
exis@@iiig 30 @oot and cjf Fln @leet
aloiig tlie. foc,t fi-c;ii@ioge on 1-it'@'le @,c!c@, Poad (a 15 dc-dica@liori
and a 3 foot resei-v@ition).
Mr. Clark Laster, Attorney, represented the applicant
On motion by Councilmn Griffin, seconded by Vice Mayor Standing, and by recorded
vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., George R. Ferrell, John
R. Griffin, Mayor Clarence A. Holland, J. Henry McCoy, Jr., Councilwoman Meyera
E. Oberndorf, J. Curtis Payne, Roger L. Riggs, Vice Mayor Patrick L. Standing,
and Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr.
Nays: None
Absent: None
City Council voted to adopt the following resolution upon application of The
Lynnhaven United Methodist Church for a Conditional Use Permit for a church:
7 7
Application of The Lynnhaven United Methodist Church for a Conditional Use Permit for
a church on certain property located on the South side of Little Neck Road beginning
at a point 250 feet more or less West of Harris Road, running a distance of 145.22
feet along the Eastern property line, running a distance of 69.79 in a Southwesterly
direction, running a distance of 257.40 feet in a Westerly direction, running a dis-
tance of 101.50 feet in a Southerly direction, running a distance of 263.50 feet in a
Southwesterly direction, running a distance of 536 feet along the Western property
line, running a distance of 101.67 feet in an Easterly direction, running a distance
of 50.39 feet in a Southerly direction, running a distance of 40 feet in an Easterly
direction, running a distance of 44 feet more or less in a Northerly direction, and
running a distance of 330 feet more or less along the South side of Little Neck Road.
Said parcel contains 3.549 acres. Lynnhaven Borough.
For the information of the applicant, prior to the initiation of the intended use of
the land, the following will be required by the administrative staff:
1. Standard improvements as required by the Site Plan Ordinance.
2. Sufficient area for a drainfield or connection to the proposed
collector line being installed on Little Neck Road.
3. No dredging, filling, bulkheading or other waterfront related
activities without the proper permits.
4. The provision of parking area at a minimum of 1 space per 5 seats or
bench seating spaces in the main auditorium.
5. A dedication of right-of-way 30 feet from the centerline of the
existing 30 foot right-of-way and a reservation of an additional
3 feet along the 330 foot frontage on Little Neck Road (a 15 foot
dedication and a 3 foot reservation).
This resolution shall be effective upon date of adoption.
Adopted by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, on the 19
day of December 1977.
1 2 / 1 97 7
ITEM #11583
App l ic at ;o ii of @,fi@')CO Oil Coiiiia;I), f(i@ a Cc) ridi tio ii,,. 1 Lise P,2rrpit t ol, @l sel l@
sei,@,icc, sliil,.iori on @it 'Llie So,,jtheast
int.Lrs(,,,[.@,)Ti o,- P,@vc@r I-ui@iiiii-@l a@
distaricc,. c,,l I 0 -) . (I @, f c 1 o n g LI:,,, Fast s ;dr, of S c) Li 4 )j @', i I i @'. a Ii i 9 h @@ a@, ,
r u n n -i n q a 6 i s t @. n c @ o " I e t @l 1 0 ri r t 1) L; l@, e I :! p i, o p c) i- t y I -1 n e u ii n i i,, g
nii@ g
a dis'L@.IIC'@ Of IC)?.Ol @oe@ tlie I.I@ , s't,i [)ropc@i't), 1 i iie , iu In a
dis'l-a!ice ol- 120 fc(-,'L- i til,, SLli@!j c,@f kl\,Cr F,,oad and i-@iniii;ig
a dista!-icc@ oF -)2.88 @'c)@t in a Sou',Iil,.'C".'Lel--Iy Sa@d p(ii-cel
coritaiiis 1c"000 squar(--,@ i@(-,et i@@o@-e or l@,@@IPS\IIL.LE
PlanniiiQ Con,,,iissioii
A motioii @,ias passe(I by Pli:)iiiii(i Cc,::i@i@issicn Li.@, @i tecot-ded VO,LE Of @ fol-
the aiid 3 ziQFiiis' to af)prove tliis t-c,(i-jcst.
Foi@ tlie info@-mation c)" tl)e ii)[)Iicarit, prioi- to tlie initiatiori of the
itit(,.iided us,, of tl,(' llild, tlie following v@ill be i-couired b@, the adniini-
strative staff:
1. Standii-d iaipo@,en@enLs as @-c-,cltiii-ed by thL2 Sitc). Plan Ordinalice.
2. City water and sc@vier.
3. CoiiipliEirice with Ai@ticle 2, Sectioti 22,'l of the CorTipreliensive Zolling
Or-dinance pertaiiiino to P,,Litc)riiobile Service Stetions.
4. T@..,@ cut-b cli@s al-(? to he @,IIC)'i!cd ori Fiver pi-ovi(@@-d is
a o@, 114 iii @.,@@d@Lii @iiid for in-only aii(I
oLit.-onl.\" 'LrE;i f lc,
5. t@ppl-o\,al of a, to t@;e &t,ca I-CL, of @-0,00k@
fec-t foi- @,titoiiiol)i ]e sc,.r\,ico 1/21.E:Lioiis.
Mr. H. Calvin Spain, Attorney, represented the applicant
On motion by Councilman Ferrell, seconded by Councilman McCoy, and by recorded vote
as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., George R. Ferrell, John
R. Griffin, Mayor Clarence A. Holland, J. Henry McCoy, Jr., Councilwoman Meyera
E. Oberndorf, J. Curtis Payne, Roger L. Riggs, Vice Mayor Patrick L. Standing, and
Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr.
Nays: None
Absent: None
ITEM #11584
Al)l)l ce, ' ic,,,i of C. II, Jl-. f ot- @l Cc,,Ici,', Usf,. P@i-iiii-t fol, the
PI'C@:,c2l ty oil til(, 1 1 E'.
of Sout,@l 1-
a P,,)il,)t 10,)9 fe@t jrore 01, less
c,,f (if /0 @-lie sic@e of
@c,3.@)9 feet i -t
d L
c! i r c. @Li o n i i i i ri c, ii (i i c. o f
E. + I It C@, 0 r il@ a SC)LJ'L@IL
d i 1- e c t i1 , 1, t) 11 11 i n i s e c) @ 130 i!il')@-(-) 01- less ill l
dii-ecticn --iiJ i@tij o, dist@;ic@:! of 2@r, a)@ lc@ss iri a Sc)Litli-
eas,@ei,l@, d@i-ection. @-,aid p@@,] ccl coiltailis r.,.05 ici,es @ioi-C, o)- less. r@le
Lakes Ai-ea)- PRIt@CL';,'; A.' ", l@ 1- @op,,-I'LIGLI
A motion @i@s passed L)@, t@le hy a i-ecorc!E,)d votc, of 9 for
t@ie arid I abst(@iitioli 'L C, @,,lil)tove ti)"s @-,,@qLJeSt.
For the info-riia'Licri c,f tlie @ippl;c@,i-[t, pi-ioi- to the irii@lia'@iori of tl)e
irilenl,llc@d tise o@, tilic, '@lie follm@,,ing h(.@ requii-E,.d Ly tli-@
strative stal@f:
1. Standard site as requircd by the. Site. Plaii Ordinarice.
2. Cit3i @,.,ater aiid se@,@er.
3. Adequat@-ly sizpci d@,aii@@-,ge e@,scf;ients aild drii'nage pipes are to be
providc,d @,loiiq tlie noi-t@ierri aiid @.;cstei-n boliiidaries of this pi@oject.
4. Revision of ti)e sub@iii'utcd site plin to ii@dicate tlie required 15 foot
se@,I)dck@ along liollz,,iid Scliool l@i,opei-ty line.
5. Pro%,ision of a 6 foot solici pj-ivacy fence ad-,;zicerit to all pi-operties
zoned A-] Apcii-tiFeiit Di,-,ti-ict.
6, /,,11 ligiii,ing sli;.Ill t@c-, 'Lil,c) *ic)@. a@),d
7. 0I)e 4C)@) fer@t ol@ offic(' Lrc@,.
Mr. Sam Scott represented the applicant
on motion by Councilman Payne, seconded by Councilman Cromwell, and by recorded
vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., George R. Ferrell, John
R. Griffin, Mayor Clarence A. Holland, J. Henry McCoy, Jr., Councilwoman Meyera
E. Oberndorf, J. Curtis Payne, Roger L. Riggs, Vice Mayor Patrick L. Standing,
and Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr.
Nays: None
Absent: None
city Council voted to adopt the following resolution upon application of J. C.
Aspinwall, Jr., for a Conditional Use Permit for the expansion of a mini-warehouse:
I ) / 1 9 / 7 7
ITEM #11585
P,Di)l icat i',)tl C),@ @c, @)sr, for @3 i-cs d@ii-
ti F, 1 @@,ci)rel oil ccr' (.C s4@,,, ol@ al@ds'L-c@;n
bc,(@ i iin i at E; of S- a of
s L E o
fec,t aloi a 'L@ic-, I @i t i -iI. e;, i
C) ii c ri,@ S@. i p ;-Is
Plannirig Co@,@;iiissic;ii
A motioi@ PI;@ll!l@,ici Cc:i@ i-o-cordp@,
vote of 10 to zip;,,ro@f, I'lli@ v@itil f-.1,@Licle 2,
Sect i oii 2 2 1 of t 1 r@:,i @,e 7, c@! ii ci O;-(i ininj to fi@i-iiir@,l
Hosp i ta 1 s , PC!Llrids , Si-i,-, I 'L ('@i-s Co@@l.,TIF.I-c i a@i-icl s i c@r.@i-i L- -1 :i I !,(,Tine I s
Mr. Harry E. Thorns appeared regarding his application
On motion by Councilmaii Payne, seconded by Councilman Baum, and by recorded vote
as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., George R. Ferrell, John
R. Griffin, Mayor Clarence A. Holland, J. Henry McCoy, Jr., Councilwoman Meyera
E. Oberndorf, J. Curtis Payne, Roger L. Riggs, Vice Mayor Patrick L. Standing, and
Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr.
Nays: None
Absent: None
City Council voted to adopt the following resolution upon application of Harry E.
Thorns for a Conditional Use Permit for a residential kennel:
CONDTTIONAL USE PERMTT for a residential kennel
Application of Harry E. Thorns for a Conditional Use Permit for a residential
kennel on certain property located on the North side of Landstown Road beginning
at a point 821.04 feet East of Salem Road, running a distance of 293.78 feet along
the North side of Landstowii Road, ruuning a distance of 758.25 feet along the
Eastern property line, running a distance of 299.03 feet along the Northern pro-
perty line. Said parcel contains 5 acres. Princess Anne Borough.
Approval is subject to the following:
1. Compliance with Article 2, Section l@23 of the Comprehensive Zoning
Ordinance pertainidg to Animal Hospitals, Pounds, Shelters, Commercial
and Residential Kennels.
This resolution shall be effective upon date of adoption
Adopted by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, on the 19
day of December 1977.
1 2 / 1 9 / 7 7
- 1 4 -
ITEM #11586
for a
AI)p@lic@@tioi-i cf fol, a
q,)If co[ir sc oi, C,,,rte, ii-i i)., I'@ i L(-@f I @i @cet oi- i ss c
mi I -
of @vc Ii Qi l@1) 1-1@1 Dc, i lit Ic-.,ss t\lot-4Lii Of
Hc,li@in(i c! @ s @:lc c, o "'e,
n e (i i s i i c 6 f t I"C 11 c r:, C, ri
c, o
a (i S' 'c
a d i s t i,tice 0 41 0 1
Plaiirli,;g C,,)rl7llis@iori
P, M',)tioi-i @,@as P@ S ' (@d LITI.-, r I r,)c) LI S -1 Y i)@", PIQIil-, ii,5 Co. 7rni s i on by a rcco i d d
\, o t e o f I 0 -L 0 @, p p ro,,, c u @, i s I-E, q ,j o. s t .
For ti h e i i i @o i@j:i zi t i 0 i-t 0 f t 1, e a 1.) j, I c prioi- to tlie i[i@tiation ol tlie
inten@@d use c,,f 't.lie land, the L)c by ti-ie a(,'Illitli-
stl-at;ve stai,:
id c
1. Standcii@d as I)y Pl n 0 . il@aiic
2. Cit,@, 1/2qa-te@, and, se@,,,ei-.
3. pat,@,irig at a c)f: 1-112 sl)@.cc@.s per 1)01(-).
4. Pro@,ision of a @i a cl d i t i o ii z,, I fiO foot d r a i ii a e easement along the
nortliei-ii pi-opei-ty lille.
S. The ent)-ance to tiiis 'acility on Lyniiiiaven Pat@l@way is to align @qith
Riverberid Road.
Mr. Tommy Kyrus represented Manas Corporation
On motion by Councilman Payne, second@d by Councilman Waterfield, and by recorded
vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., George R. Ferrell, John
R. Griffin, Mayor Clarence A. Holland, J. Ilenry McCoy, Jr., Councilwoman Meyera
E. Oberndorf, J. Curtis Payne, Roger L. Riggs, Vice Mayor Patrick L. Standing, and
Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr.
Nays: None
Absent: None
City Council voted to adopt the following resolution upon application of Manas
Corporation for a Conditional Use Permit for a miniature golf course:
CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT for a miniature golf course.
Application of Manas Corporation for a Conditional Use Permit for a miniature golf
course on certain property located 15 feet more or less East of Lynnhaven Parklqay
beginning at a point 1350 feet more or less North of Tiolland Road, running a dis-
tance of 441.94 feet along the Western property line, running a distance of 265.68
feet along the Northern property line, running a distance of 533.96 feet along the
Eastern property line and running a distance of 410.51 feet along the Southern property
line. Said parcel contains 3.9 acres. Princess Anne Borougb.
For the information of the ap?licant, prior to the initiation of the intended use
of the land, the following will be required by the administrative staff:
1. Standard improvements as required by the Site Plan Ordinance.
2. City water and sewer.
3. Parking at a minimum of 1-1/2 spaces per hole.
4. Provision of an additional 40 foot drainage easement along the
northern property line.
5. The entrance to this facility on Lynnhaven Parkway is to align
with Riverbend Road.
This resolution shall be effective upon date of adoption.
CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR the expansion of a mini-warehouse
Application of J. C. Aspinwall, Jr., for a Conditional Use Permit for the expansion
of a mini-warehouse on certain property located on the Ve-st ide of South Lynnhaven
Parkway beginning at a point 1030 feet more or less North of Holland Road, running
a distance of 70 feet along the West side of South Lynnhaven Parkway, running a
distance of 539.59 feet in a Northwesterly direction, running a distance of 393.65
feet in a Southwesterly direction, running a distance of 430 feet more or less in a
Southwesterly direction, running a distance of 430 feet more or less in a North-
easterly direction and running a distance of 225 feet more or less in a Southeasterly
direction. Said parcel contains 4.05 acres more or less. (The Lakes Area). Princess
Anne Borough.
For the information of the applicant, prior to the initiation of the intended use
of the land, the following will be required by the administrative staff:
1. Standard site improvements as required by the Site Plan Ordinance.
2. City water and sewer.
3. Adequately sized drainage easements and drainage pipes are to be
provided along the northern and western boundaries of this project.
4. Revision of the submitted site plan to indicate the required 15
foot setback along Holland Elementary School property line.
5. Provision of a 6 foot privacy fence adjacent to all properties
zoned A-1 Apartment District.
6. All lighting shall be directed towards the interior of the lot and
shielded from adjacent properties.
7. One parking space per 400 square feet of office area.
This resolution shall be effective upon date of adoption.
Adopted by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, on the 19
day of December 1977
12 1 97 7
1 5 -
ITEM #11587
A;-, c@,I.i c'n C)f T lie ii I L:sp Pe, 1-::ii a
c l@., i, i c 1) c) ii c,; r @L 11 p 1, D., @, I t I c) I 1 i, t? s t i n s t i I I 0
6! i c e n,,- C, 2 e t c@ ri n
tl), s ci , o f 0 I e. f: d I!,, E@ 1) f t
a 41, ec-.!. i ii a Sql,
Ci 4i@ec t. i ct-, i-Ljiin 1!( a n' i rice c,,f I I C. , 5 @cle iii ai
ruiinir.o zi c;;-Il@i:,,,:E? of IF@@) I,?e[i i ri E, S i i 0, i- i i n n I n c; i
d i s l@ a ii c e of 200 @r@o'u LI), t@ r: S@ id p@@l-ce I
cc)llta-i i-is I . C', @,,,@,es
I'laniiing Co:ii;iiissi,)Il
A r,.i,)tion @.ias p@ss-,cl L-li@ Piin;iiri@, Coriir,@issioil b@l a i-ecoi-c)'Cd
\,c)te cf 1 1 to zi I @@'i 'LI I 0 1 t
On motion by Councilman McCoy, seconded by Vice Mayor Standing, and by recorded
vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., George R. Ferrell, John
R. Griffin, Mayor Clarence A. Holland, J. Henry McCoy, Jr., Councilwoman Meyera
E. Oberndorf, J. Curtis Payne, Roger L. Riggs, Vice Mayor Patrick L. Standing, and
Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr.
Nays: None
Absent: None
City Council voted to permit withdrawal of tbe above application of The Kempsville
Chapel for a Conditional Use Permit for a church on certain property located at the
Northwest intersection of Overland Road and Overland Court, running a distance of
256.42 feet along the West side of Overland Road, running a distance of 219.77 feet
along the Northern property line, running a distance of 173.44 feet in a Southerly
direction, running a distance of 116.5 feet in an Easterly direction, running a
distance of 150 feet in a Southerly direction and running a distance of 200 feet
along the North side of Overland Court. Said parcel contains 1.84 acres.
(Kempsville Heights Area). Kempsville Borough
12/1 9/77
1 6 -
ITEM #11588
On motion by Councilman Payne, seconded by Vice Mayor Standing, and by recorded
vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., George R. Ferrell, John
R. Griffin, Mayor Clarence A. Holland, J. Henry McCoy, Jr., Councilwoman Yteyera
E. Oberndorf, J. Curtis Payne, Roger L. Riggs, Vice Mayor Patrick L. Standing,
and Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr.
Nays: None
Absent: None
City Council voted to deny the following ordinance closing, vacating and
discontinuing three portions of McKinley Avenue in the Princess Anne
Borough of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia:
proper notice that Greenhill Enterprises, Inc. would
application to the City Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia,
to have those three porticns of McKinley Avenue, which portions are more
particularly described in Exhibit A attached hereto, closed, vacated and
discontinued as a public road of th@ City of Virginia Beach was duly posted
at the Courthouse of the Circuit Court and at tvo public places in the City
of Virginia Beach, Virginia on the day of
19 and,
WHEREAS, said application was made to the City Planning Commission
and to the City Council and pursuant to the statutes in such cases made and
provided, and,
WHEREAS, it is now necessary for Council to appoint Viewers to
report to the Council what inconvience, if any, to the public or to private
individuals, would result from such closing, vacation, and discontinuance; now
1. That C. 1 Lambert George E. Tinnes
and are hereby appointed Viewers to report to the
City Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia as to what incanvenience,
if any, to the public or to private individuals, would result from such closing,
vacatic,n, and discontinuance of those three portions of McKinley Avenue as
more particularly described in Exhibit A which is attached hereto.
This ordinance shall be effective upon the date of adoption.
Adopted by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia an the
th day of November 19 77
1 7 -
1. Pursuant to Section 15.1-364, of the Code of Virginia, 1950, as
amended, your Petitioner respectfully applies for the closing, vacating and
discontinuing of those certain portions of McKinley Avenue as shown on Schedule
"A," which is attached hereto and made a part hereof.
2. That no inconvenience will result from the closing, vacating and
diaccyntinuing of said portion of McKinley Avenue. Your Petitioner requests
that viewers be appointed, as prescribed by law, to view said portions of
McKinley Avenue and report in writing, what, if any, inccvnvenience will result
from said closing, vacating and discontinuing.
3. That on the 27th day of October 1977, a Notice of this Petiticrn was
posted at the Circuit Court of the City of Virginia Beach and two public places,
a copy of said notice is attached hereto and made a part hereof.
7 7
Beginning at a point at the Northwest irtersection of Good Hope Road and
McKinley AveLiue, which point is known as the point of beginning; thence
running S 71- 27' 00" E 50.02' to a point on the Eastern right of way line
of YxKinley Avenue; thence turning and running along the Eastern right of
way line of McKinley Avenue N 160 55' 46" E 89.65' to a point; thence turning
and running N 700 52' 46" W 50.04' to a point on the Western right of way line
of Mr-Kinley Avenue; thence turning and running along the Western right of way
line of McKinley Avenue S 160 55' 46" W 90.16' to the point of beginning, said
parcel containing 0.103 acres more or less.
Beginning at a point at the Northwest intersection of McKinley and Dana Lane,
which point is known as the point of beginning; thence running S 71 0 271 0011 E
50.02' to a point on the Eastern right of way line of McKinley Avenue; thence
turning and running along the Eastern right of way line of McKinley Avenue
N 160 55' 46" E 196.70' to a point; thence turning and running N 710 27' 00" W
50.02' to a point on the Western right of way line of McKinley, where it inter-
sects with Forest Glen Road; thence turning and running S 160 55' 46" W 196.70'
to the point of beginning, said parcel containing 0.226 acres more or less.
Beginning at a point at the Southwest intersection of Champlain Lane and
McKinley Avenue, which point is known as the point of beginning; thence running
along the Western right of way line of McKinley Avenue S 160 55' 46" W to a point
where the Western right of way line of McKinley Avenue intersects with the Northern
right of way line of a certain 50' drainage easement; thence turning and running
S 710 27' 00" E 50.02' to a point on the Eastern right of way line of McKinley
Avenue; thence running along the Eastern right of way line of McKinley Avenue
N 160 55' 46" E 98.34' to a point; thence turning and running N 71" 27' 00" W
50.02' to the point of beginning, said parcel containing 0.113 acres more or less.
- 1 9 -
ITEM #11589
On motion by Councilman Cromwell, seconded by Councilman Ferrell, and by recorded
vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., George R. Ferrell, John
R. Griffin, Mayor Clarence A. Holland, J. Henry McCoy, Jr., Councilwoman @leyera
E. Oberndorf, J. Curtis Payne, Roger L. Riggs, Vice Mayor Patrick L. Standing,
and Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr.
Nays: None
Absent: None
City Council voted to approve the following ordinance closing, vacating and
discontinuing a portion of Washington Avenue in the Princess Anne Borough of
the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia:
proper notice that the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, would
-ke application to the CitY COuncil Of thecity of Virginia Beach, Virginia,
to have the herenafter por-tion Of @@ey Avenue closed as a public road
C)f the City of Virginia Beach was duly posted at the Courthouse of the Circuit
COurt and at @ public places in the City Of Virginia 13each, Virginia on the
day of 1 1977;
, the land proprietors affected thereby have been duly notified,
, said application was rrade tO the City Planning ssion and to
the City Council and pursuant tO the statutes in such cases rmde and provided, the
CO-cil aPPOinted Viewers who have reported to the Cc)uncil; and
, the City Planning ssion after PrOper notice and hearing,
has repc)rted th-eon to the Council; and
, it is the jud@t Of the COuncil that said portion of y K le
.c in y
Avenue be closed.
That that POr-tiOn Of ey Avenue as described On the attached plat
be closed for public use.
That 30 days after this date a COFY Of this Ordinance, certified by the
City Clerk, be spread upon the public records of the Clerk's Office of the
C'rcuit COur-t Of the City of Virginia Beach -d i-ndexed in like @er as a
deed of lands.
AdoPted bY the Council of the CitY of Virginia Beach, Virginia on the
19th _ day of 1977.
12 /i 9
2 0 -
Petitioner, City of Virginia Beach, respectfully represents:
1. That pursuant to the provisions of Section 15.1-364 of the Code of
Virginia, 1950, as amended, the said petitioner applies for the vacating,
closing and discontinuing of a portion of a certain road situate in the
Borough of Lynnhaven, City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, and described as
All that certain portion of Washington Avenue containing
0.203 acre as appears on that certain plat entitled "Plat
Showing Dedications on Parcels 'A' & 'B-3' By The City of
Virginia Beach, Virginia For 19th Street Right of Way" Scale
1" = 100', Date. 6,/21/77, Lynnhaven Borough, Virginia Beach,
Va., prepared by Engineering Services, Inc., 305 Birchwood
Park Drive, Virginia Beach, Virginia 23452, and recorded in
the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of the City of Virginia
Beach, Virginia in Map Book at Page
2. That no inconvenience will result to any person by reason of the said
closing, vacating and discontinuing of this portion of said road, and petitioner
prays that this Honorable Council appoint Viewers as provided by the aforesaid
statute to view the portion of the said road to be closed and report in writing
to this Council on or before , 1977, whether, in the
opinion of the said Viewers, any, and if any, what inconvenience would result
from the discontinuing of this portion of said road.
3. That on the day of 1977, notices of the
presenting of this application were posted at the Courthouse of the Circuit Court
of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, and at two other public places within
the said City, as evidenced by the affidavit attached hereto, and a copy of said
notice, and the landowners along and adjacent to said street desire and request
the said portion of Washington Avenue to be closed
Respectfully submitted,
1 2 / 1 9 / 7 7
- 2 1 -
WHEREAS, the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, has given due and proper
notice, in accordance with the statutes for such cases made and provided, that it
would on this day apply to the City Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia,
for the appointment of Viewers to view the below described property and report in
writing to the Council whether, in the opinion of said Viewers, any, and if any,
what inconvenience would result from the discontinuing of the hereinafter described
portion of Washington Avenue in the Lynnhaven Borough of the City of Virginia Beach,
Virginia, and have filed such application with the said Council.
That C. Oral Lambert, Robert J. Scott, and Gebrge E. Tinnes
are hereby appointed to view the below described property and report in writing to
the Council on or before , whether in their opinion, any,
and if any, what inconvenience would result from the discontinuing, closing and
vacating of that certain portion of Washington Avenue, located in the Borough of
Lynnhaven, City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, and described as follows:
All that certain portion of Washington Avenue containing
0.203 acre as appears on that certain plat entitled "Plat
Showing Dedications on Parcels 'A' & 'B-3' By The City of
Virginia Beach, Virginia For 19th Street Right of Way" Scale
1" = 100', Date: 6/21/77, Lynnhaven Borough, Virginia Beach,
Va., prepared by Engineering Services, Inc., 305 Birchwood
Park Drive, Virginia Beach, Virginia 23452, and recorded in
the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of the City of
Virginia Beach, Virginia in Map Book at Page
1 2 1 9 7 7
- 2 2 -
!TEM #11590
On motion by Councilman Cromwell, seconded by Councilman McCoy, and by recorded vote
as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., George R. Ferrell, John
R. Griffin, Mayor Clarence A. Holland, J. Henry McCoy, Jr., J. Curtis Payne, Roger
L. Riggs, Vice Mayor Patrick L. Standing, and Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr.
Nays: Councilwoman Meyera E. Oberndorf
Absent: None
On December 15, 1977, closing of the acquisition of P A Corporation took place
and stock ownership is now in the hands of City Council. It is now necessary to
dissolve the Corporation so that full ownership will be with the City of Virginia
Beach and operations will be in the Department of Public Utilities.
Therefore, City Council voted to authorize the City Manager and the City Attorney
to liquidate and dissolve the Corporation; and further adopted the following
resolution stating that Geor.@e L. Hanbury, II and J. Dale Bimson are hereby
elected as directors of the P A Corporation to serve until their successors
have been elected:
ui tl),:' CiLy )f
Virp,inia w;in hr,],j ii, CL,Lllcil
1.9t]i day of
01) O-Di@ic)n @'YC n Cromi-7ellilj by Councilman liccoy
tllc' fc-linwill[,
R r@ -15 0 L 13 T T 0 l@
tilt? ci -.y 04.
vi @Fi r. i.@i !).Rs all
thc, oLiLNIin(',Illl:. L@ni t-81 P A rtcck
co@-pc)r;it@1011 whir-1, is Lilt! o,--Rcl: L
Tne., LI)L-rtting
ULility sy&L(!,.@ ii) Ll:t! City.
IT BY OF Tily., 01-ly
'I'baL L. llinbLii:,V. 11 @nd J. D.-Ilr, EJ:Z:;Ln lie@-UbN,
VICIC'te(l Lo (ii,"e@Lor!, c,.f P A Ccii-r.-, . La !4(117Ve unlil
tlieir N@@cesuor!; have becn @.leCLed; nn,j
IT IS @,f
of Cc,,nplci:c,. LuL',n7i L:id
dir,:ci-.r tte Ci Ly tll@ City A
u-rit,C,ll c:c)nrcnt tti !;ur-h ail,,i :;urli (,Llivr
as may ba ineceu-0rv tC@ eiiuct rtie
(a) UPL@'I C,,( LhC! l@lati Ly t',Io CiL C)f "'il:-
c,illia Lh@ A Corl);, EIIL
propc!r A
a L c C@O' 1,@lraL@@On il)t,?IIL
2 3- 2
satisfy and discliarge its liabilities ay)d oblipations, and
dO all Other acts required to liquidate its business and affairs,
-d. after payinp, or aduquately providinp, for the payment of
all of its obligations, distribute cl)c-, remaindl,.r of its assets,
in cash or in kititi, Lo the Cicy of Virf-,inia Beach, providcd
tlilit the assunptioii by the City of Virrinia Beach of all or any
portion o@' tlie oblI.&ati-onq of 11 A C(,Yp. in coi)nc!ction with
aqrcts so distriblited to the City of Virrinia Beich sliall be
dee,-icd adequate provision for the c)bligations so assumed.
(c) As sooii as practicable after such final distribution.
tlie proper ol@ficers of P A Corp. shall execute and file with
the State Corporatioii Cor=.ission of \Iirgiiiia articles of dis-
solution in the for,.n required by law, and thc officers, direc-
tors and ttic.City of Virginia Be.@icii, as sole stockliolder of
P A Corp., will take such further action as -my be nccessary
under the laws of Virrinin to complete the dissolution of
P A Corp.
12 /1 9
2 4 -
Consent of Directors
Pursuajit to Section 13.1-41.1 of the Code Of Viy-
gini@i, the un6ersi,,ned, I)eing all of the Directors Of P A Corp.
do hcrcb,,, consent to the @lollowing ictiori 'is of December 19,
PESOI,VFD, -@hat the followiiig persons a-e hnreby
elcclcd to ser,.,c as off4-cer,, of the CorT,@ration iii
the positiolis set appoSiLc thcir nares until their
successorn are clected:
President Georrc- I,. 11--nburv ii
Secretary J. Dale Bii,)son
nd furtlier
Rr@ 0 ''ED, ti,-t t!iL Fo@ii-d rL@coT,,iiiL@iids ullat tlie
Corporation be dissolved plirsuant to tl)e following
Plan of Co,-@,plcte Liouidation and
Dissolution of 11 A dorp.
(a) IJPOI) fol-r..il ipproval of tlic Plin b\, the City
of Virrinin Beacii, Vir;,illia, thL Sol('. Stoc'@tiolder
o '@' PA Co@-p tlil- 1)roT)cr of f icei-s of 11 A Corp. shall
execute aiid filc wizti the Stqte Cor;)@)r.-itior)
sion of %'irgiriia a ,41,nterenL of intent to dissolv@
in tlic form recuired @v and of'icers rh"Ill
then cause notices thereof to be riailed to the CxLent
reqtiired by law,
(b) ThereafLer P A Coull. shall collect its assets,
pay, sati!;fy aiid @iscliarge its liabilitiu,, and obli-
paiions, an@ do al.1 ot!ier )cts i-co'iiircd to lia.uidate
iti; ind aii(i, I@ter pavin- or
adcqtiately provici@;i@,, -or tl)e T).,A-@rcnc of n).l of its
oblip,,,Itions, Lho of "to t!,sets
in cash or in ki.nd, (.c, thc-. C,@ty o' 'irtiiiizi Beicli,
rc)vidcd VhziL the !ic Git;v VirFinia
Eeacli of ill or an'. t);,rtioll cZ tlie obliga,'@ions of
P A Corl). in irretr, rc) (listri-
buted to thL, CILN, o" bo (ieei,-cd
adequatc provisic)n for tlic,. so
(c) A,; sooti i, ,rtlr sticii fiti@il dis-
t,cibtitioz) tll(, officer,@ C)',- l' A Cor,,). slizill
exectite A;;(l i--ile- wi::Ii [,.ic Ft,,kte Cor@,Lrivioii
riisr,io:l (,f Virf',@n,,@;i of in the
form ro,!tircti t)%, ;iii(] tlic LEficc,,-r, Iii-ecto--s
and Will llil@@ -,ich fu-,,t:,I(.%: zict:ic@ll al
may I)C kill,IC.r Llie I;,W@; of Virt,411i,3 Lo co..n-
pIL,Le tile clissciuri,),,i of 11 A Co)'P-
aiid ftirl)icr
2 5 - 2
RPSOL','@'D, tbat the foref,,cing Plan Of Co.--iplete Li-
quid@ition @itid DissolliCion be presellt ri e !-
to t), Olp,
@tc)cl:li@,ldL.r of t'ic- Corpo-,'zil,:ion for iLs coiiscnt in
and rurtlier
PJ@@SOLVF,D, tli-rt-., subject Lo due appro\,al by Lhe
Stoc),Iiolc3c-r tfic propcr officer.,; of tlie CornoraLion
are z@ncl, to ex(,-Iatc!, fil'e, record,
certif), aiid deliv(@i- a st@ite,-c@nt of '@iitent to
dissoi.@,c, de-c@d,, Irti.cles rf dir-
,i;id il, :.,Uch oriior and firthor docu-
ir.CT)ts and 'IrLl to tal-,e ill such
action a:; tliev oi, a-iv of tlicr,. T..Iv dce.,n iiecessarv
or adx,4sable WiLli rc@.@l,cct to aiiv and all of the-
foregoii,E, T@attcrs.
Dated Decetiber 19, 1977
2 6-
COnsent of Stockholder
Pursuant to Section 13.1-28 of tlie C ode of Virpinia.
tbe undersigned as soic! Ft,,c'kliolder of P A Corp. does liereby
congent to the followin P, Plan Of CO;rplete Liqtiidlt;,, aiid Dis-
solutioil of P.A Corp.:
Plan or- Cor@P]c@t:c, Liqiiicl,,tion
njid Dissoluciori C)t P A Coi,-p.
(4ri) 8@proval of tbc Plan ty the City
of Virrin@,i r)c!,Ich, thc.- rcle ';t7.(,c@,holdcr '
of P A Corp, , the prc,,.,er cfficerr of P A Corl), shill
execute and file w-@'t,@ tllc Sta[:L C,,'-T)CraLioii
Mission of %lil,fin;a a state,-tiit of .,ntczit t:o c,,is,,olve
in tht, fort., rc-,c,,tj@-red I),,, law, -iiid riich off iccrq sh, 11
theii c,,iusc.. ilot,.cc!s thc-, :cOf Lo be t,9,liled to the
CXtOI)t requi-ed bv law.
(b) Tiiereaftpr, P A C(,-@p. ,hal,l collcct itr
Assets, Pay, sazisfv ;tn(i dischar@e i-,-; liabilitils
and qnki C:o Ill OLher acls @-eq-,iired to
liquidaLe its tu5ilicl,,,q Illd Iffairs, @ind, aftor
payinp, or adcou@tely p,@c,vi(iin@, for thc! pa@@-ent of
all O@@ its 0 ii@.7 s, dislribiitc-- he
0:[ itE. a:;!;(,ts, in ciii or iii l-,@.nd, tc, -,!ic CitN, of
ViriFnia peach. P,-Oviet@kI L'iit tlic a,,sii:iT)tion bN,
the Citv of of ill or in@, T)Orti-on of
the oblii,,.,iLi.on,; o@ l' A Corn. in coniiectioi witli
assets so distril)ljtc@(i tt, thc' CitY c)f V)-rpiiiiza Beich
stiall I)c dee,.@ed a@,ecu,,te i)roviqion 'or the obliga-
tions so ar..@ILncd,
(c) As soon as prac,,-icablc.- after rticti final dir,-
tribiltio;i, the pi@o!-c-r orficers of P A Corp. sliall
execute and f4-l-e w@,tli t@,,@ @;t.'Ite Corpoi-ar4@ot) Cc,,,,@i-
sioll t@f
I a of d;-!;Solution in the
fOrt,l r(,,j.k,ircl ',y 1.3;@, ,ilid the o"ficcr@
alid Stoc@,lit)ldci- will tl:,.(, sucli further action as
may be necc,,,;,iry till(fer til,' of %'irginia Lo com-
plcte tlie diSgOluLion of P A Corp.
Date: Dece;Qber 19, 1977
-2 7 -
TTEM #11591
On motion by Councilman Payne, seconded by Vice Mayor Standing, and by recorded
vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., George R. Ferrell, John
R. Griffin, Mayor Clarence A. Holland, J. Henry McCoy, Jr., Councilwoman Meyera
E. Oberndorf, J. Curtis Payne, Roger L. Riggs, Vice Mayor Patrick L. Standing,
and Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr.
Nays: None
Absent: None
Due to the increasing volume of unemployment compensation claims for the City,
City Council voted to approve the request of the Department of Personnel that an
additional budget position be created for a Personnel Aide to handle these claims.
This request does not require the appropriation of additional funds, but it is
necessary pursuant to Section 2 of the Appropriations Ordinance which limits the
number of employees in the Personnel Department to 17.
ITEM #11592
On motion by Councilman Waterfield, seconded by Councilman Cromwell, and by recorded
vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., George R. Ferrell, John
R. Griffin, Mayor Clarence A. Holland, J. Henry McCoy, Jr., Councilwoman Meyera
E. Oberndorf, J. Curtis Payne, Roger L. Riggs, Vice Mayor Patrick L. Standing,
and Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr.
Nays: None
Absent: None
City Council voted to approve the following ordinance to amend and reordain
Chapter 23 of the Code of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, by amending
Section 23-27 and by adding thereto Sections 23-27.1 and 23-27.2 relating to
petit larceny and concealment of merchandise:
1 2 / 1 97 7
- 2 8 -
That Section 23-27 of the Code of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia,
be and hereby is amended to read as follows:
Section 23-27. Injuring, etc., property - Generally.
If any person, unlawfully, but not feloniously, take and carry away, or
destroy, deface or injure any property, real or personal, not his own, he shall be
guilty of a misdemeanor.
And, that Chapter 23 of the Code of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia,
be and hereby is amended and reordained by adding thereto the following sections:
Section 23-27.1. Petit larceny defined; how punished.
Any person who:
(1) Commits larceny from the person of another of money or other thing
of value of less than five dollars, or
(2) Commits simple larceny not from the person of another of aoods
and chattels of the value of less than one hundred dollars, shall be deemed guilty
of petit larceny, which shall be punishable as a Class I misdemeanor.
Section 23-27.2. Concealing or taking possession of merchandise; altering price tags;
transferring goods from one container to another; counseling, etc.,
another in performance of such acts.
Whoever, without authority, with the intention of converting goods or
merchandise to his own or another's use without having paid the full purchase price
thereof, or of defrauding the owner of the value of the goods or merchandise, (i)
willfully conceals or takes possession of the goods or merchandise of any store or
other mercantile establishment, or (ii) alters the price tag or other price marking
on such goods or merchandise, or transfers the goods from one container to another,
or (iii) counsels, assists, aids or abets another in the performance of any of the
above acts, shall be deemed guilty of larceny and upon conviction thereof shall be
1 2 / 1 9 / 7 7
- 2 9 -
punished as hereinafter provided. The willful concealment of goods or merchandise
of any store or other mercantile establishment, while still on the premises thereof,
shall be prima facie evidence of an intent to convert and defraud the owner thereof
out of the value of the goods or merchandise.
Any person convicted of a violation of this section, when the goods or
merchandise involved in the offense is less than one hundred dollars, shall be guilty
of a Class I misdemeanor.
This ordinance shall be in full force and effect upon the date of its
Adopted by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, on the
19th day Of December 197 7
12 / 1 9 / 7 7
- 3 0 -
ITEM #11593
On motion by Councilman Ferrell, seconded by Councilman Waterfield, and by recorded
vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., George R. Ferrell, John
R. Griffin, Mayor Clarence A. Ilolland, J. Henry McCoy, Jr., Councilwoman Meyera
E. Oberndorf, J. Curtis Payne, Roger L. Riggs, Vice Mayor Patrick L. Standing,
and Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr.
Nays: None
Absent: None
City Council voted to adopt the following resolution cancelling the regular
Council meetings scheduled on December 27, 1977, and January 3, 1978, and to
meet on the 30th day of January, 1978, which is the 5th Mondy in January:
R E S 0 L U T I 0 N
City Council resolved to cancel the regular Council meetings scheduled
on December 27, 1977, and the meeting of January 3, 1978, as required by City
Code, Article 1, Section 2-1, and to meet on the 30th day of January, 1978,
which is the 5th Monday in January.
ITEM #11594
Mr. John V. Fentress, Clerk of Circuit Court, appeared before Council requesting
Council to permit the employees of the City to a half a day holiday Friday,
December 23, 1977.
After considerable discussion, Councilman Rig.@s made a motion, seconded by
Councilman Griffin, to permit the employees of the City to have a half a
day holiday on Friday, December 23, 1977. The recorded vote is as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., John R. Griffin, J. Henry McCoy,
Jr., Roger L. Riggs, and Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr.
Nays: Councilmen John A. Baum, George R. Ferrell, Mayor Clarence A. Holland,
J. Curtis Payne, and Vice Mayor Patrick L. Standing
Abstain: Councilwoman Meyera E. Oberndorf
Absent: None
Due to a tie vote the motion was lost.
ITEM #11595
Vice Mayor Standing stated that Council had received a letter from Westminster
Canterbury regarding the homes for the elderly. In the letter they have requested
a taxemption on property taxes.
Vice Mayor Standing stated that the people living in the homes would not be
getting the tax exemptions, however, the people who own the property and
permit the people to live in the homes would be getting the tax exemption.
After considerable discussion, no action was taken on the request of Westminster
Canberbury for a tax exemption.
ITEM #11596
Councilman Riggs requested a referendum be placed before the general public in
the Councilmanic election in May of 1978, regarding the repealing of the "Blue
Law", and requested the support of Council on this matter.
1 2 / 1 9 / 7 7
- 3 1 -
ITEM #11597
On motion by Councilman McCoy, seconded by Councilman Payne, and by recorded vote
as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., George R. Ferrell, John
R. Griffin, Mayor Clarence A. liolland, J. Henry McCoy, Jr., Councilwoman Meyera
E. Oberndorf, J. Curtis Payne, Roger L. Riggs, Vice Mayor Patrick L. Standing,
and Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr.
Nays: None
Absent: None
City Council voted to reappoint the following to the Mental Health and Mental
Retardation Services Board for terms of three years, beginning January 1, 1978,
and terminating December 31, 1980:
Mrs. Raymond Breedon, Jr.
Mr. Alan B. Comess
ITEM #11598
On motion by Councilman Payne, seconded by Councilman Cromwell, and by recorded
vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., George R. Ferrell, John
R. Griffin, Mayor Clarence A. Holland, J. Henry McCoy, Jr., Councilwoman Meyera
E. Oberndorf, J. Curtis Payne, Roger L. Riggs, Vice Mayor Patrick L. Standing,
and Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr.
Nays: None
Absent: None
City Council voted to reappoint Mr. James L. McKown, Jr., to the Virginia Beach
Planning Commission for a term of four years, beginning January 1, 1978, and
terminating December 31, 1981.
ITEM #11599
On motion by Vice Mayor Standing, seconded by Councilman Waterfield, and by
recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., George R. Ferrell, John
R. Griffin, Mayor Clarence A. Holland, J. Henry McCoy, Jr., Councilwoman Meyera
E. Oberndorf, J. Curtis Payne, Roger L. Riggs, Vice Mayor Patrick L. Standing,
and Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr.
Nays: None
Absent: None
City Council voted to reappoint the following to the Virginia Beach Planning
Commission for terms of four years, beginning January 1, 1978, and terminating
December 31, 1981:
Mr. Everett Irby
Mrs. Charles Purrington
ITEM #11600
On motion by Councilman Baum, seconded by Councilman Waterfield, and by recorded
vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., George R. Ferrell, John
R. Griffin, Mayor Clarence A. Holland, J. Henry McCoy, Jr., Councilwoman Meyera
E. Oberndorf, J. Curtis Payne, Roger L. Riggs, Vice Mayor Patrick L. Standing,
and Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr.
@;ays: None
Absent: None 12 /1 97 7
- 3 2 -
City Council voted to appoint Mr. James E. Snyder, Sr., to the Virginia Beach
Planning Commission for a term of four years, beginning January 1, 1978, and
terminating December 31, 1981.
ITEM #11601
On motion by Councilman Payne, seconded by Councilman Cromwell, and by recorded
vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., George R. Ferrell, John
R. Griffin, Mayor Clarence A. Holland, J. Henry McCoy, Jr., Councilwoman bleyera
E. Oberndorf, J. Curtis Payne, Roger L. Riggs, Vice Mayor Patrick L. Standing,
and Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr.
Nays: None
Absent: None
City Council voted to appoint Mr. Norris W. Shirley to the Virginia Beach School
Board for a term of three years, beginning January 1, 1978 and terminating
December 31, 1980. Mr. Shirley represents the Princess Anne Borough.
ITEM #11602
On motion by Councilman Riggs, seconded by Councilman Ferrell, and by recorded
vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., George R. Ferrell, John
R. Griffin, Mayor Clarence A. Holland, J. Henry McCoy, Jr., Councilwoman Meyera
E. Oberndorf, J. Curtis Payne, Roger L. Riggs, Vice Mayor Patrick L. Standing,
and Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr.
Nays: None
Absent: None
City Council voted to appoint Y@r. Robert H. Callis, Jr., to the Virginia Beach
School Board for a term of three years, beginning January 1, 1978, and ending
December 31, 1980. Mr. Callis represents the Virginia Beach Borough.
ITEM #11603
On motion by Mayor Holland, seconded by Councilman Cromwell, and by recorded vote
as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., George R. Ferrell, John
R. Griffin, Mayor Clarence A. Holland, J. Henry McCoy, Jr., Councilwoman Meyera
E. Oberndorf, J. Curtis Payne, Roger L. Riggs, Vice Mayor Patrick L. Standing,
and Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr.
Nays: None
Absent: None
City Council voted to appoint Doctor Duncan Wallace to the Virginia Beach School
Board for a term of three years, beginning January 1, 1978, and terminating
December 31, 1980. Doctor Wallace represents the Bayside Borough.
1 2 / 1 97 7
- 3 3-
ITEM #11604
On motion by Councilman McCoy, seconded by Vice Mayor Standing, and by recorded
vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., George R. Ferrell, John
R. Griffin, Mayor Clarence A. Holland, J. Henry McCoy, Jr., Councilwoman Meyera
E. Oberndorf, J. Curtis Payne, Roger L. Riggs, Vice Mayor Patrick L. Standing,
and Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr.
Nays: None
Absent: None
city Council voted to appoint Mr. Wiley French to the Tidewater Community
College Board of Trustees for a four year term, beginning January 1, 1978,
and terminating December 31, 1978.
ITEM #11605
on motion by Councilman Waterfield, seconded by Vice Mayor Standing, and by
recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., George R. Ferrell, John
R. Griffin, Mayor Clarence A. Holland, J. Henry McCoy, Jr., Councilwoman Meyera
E. Oberndorf, J. Curtis Payne, Roger L. Riggs, Vice Mayor Patrick L. Standing,
and Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr.
Nays: None
Absent: None
City Council voted to appoint the following to the Pendleton Project Advisory
Council. No terms were specified.
Mrs. James E. Johnson, Jr.
Mr. William D. Bridges, Coordinator
Pendleton Child Service Center Advisory
Council; Doctor of Continuing Education.
ITEM #11606
On motion by Vice Mayor Standing, seconded by Councilman Waterfield, Jr., and by
recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., George R. Ferrell, John
R. Griffin, Mayor Clarence A. Holland, J. Ilenry McCoy, Jr., Councilwoman Meyera
E. Oberndorf, J. Curtis Payne, Roger L. Riggs, Vice Mayor Patrick L. Standing,
and Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr.
Nays: None
Absent: None
City Council voted to appoint Mrs. Arthur Barco, Jr., to the Library Board for
a three year term, beginning January 1, 1978, and terminating December 31, 1980.
12 / 1 97 7
ITEM #11607
On motion by Vice Mayor Standing, seconded by Councilman Ferrell, and by recorded
vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., George R. Ferrell, John
R. Griffin, Mayor Clarence A. Holland, J. Ilenry McCoy, Jr., Councilwoman Meyera
E. Oberndorf, J. Curtis Payne, Ro@.er L. Riggs, Vice Mayor Patrick L. Standing,
and Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr.
Nays: None
Absent: None
City Council voted to appoint Mr. San Houston, Sr, to tbe Community Development
Corporation. No term was specified.
ITEM #11608
on motion by Councilman Griffin, seconded by Councilman McCoy, and by recorded
vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., George R. Ferrell, John
R. Griffin, Mayor Clarence A. Holland, J. Ilenry McCoy, Jr., Councilwoman Meyera
E. Oberndorf, J. Curtis Payne, Roger L. Riggs, Vice Mayor Patrick L, Standing,
and Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr.
Nays: None
Absent: None
City Council voted to appoint the following to the Virginia Beach Court
Advisory Council:
Mr. David Belote Mr. David C. Fuller
Mr. John L. Perry Mrs. Joyce McKeever
Mrs. Richard F. Broudy Mr. Douglas Blankenship
ITEM #11609
On motion by Councilwoman Oberndorf, seconded by Councilman Ferrell, and by recorded
vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., George R. Ferrell, Jobn
R. Griffin, Mayor Clarence A. Holland, J. Henry McCoy, Jr., Councilwoman Meyera
E. Oberndorf, J. Curtis Payne, Roger L. Riggs, Vice Mayor Patrick L. Standing,
and Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr.
Nays: None
Absent: None
City Council voted to reappoint the following to the Board of Plumbing Examiners:
Mr. J. Calvin Lilley one-year term, beginning
January 1, 1978, and
terminating December 31, 1978
Mr. Guy G. Narter two-year term, beginning
January 1, 1978, and
terminating December 31, 1979
Mr. E. Donald Wynne two-year term, beginning
January 1, 1978, and
terminating December 31, 1979
Mr. Dwight P. Jones One-year term, beginning
January 1, 1978, and
terminating December 31, 1978
12 /1 97 7
- 3 5 -
ITEM #11610
Council requested the City Clerk to prepare a Resolution of Appreciation for all
out-going Boards and Commissions members, and a letter of notification to all
new appointees.
ITEM #11611
Vice Mayor Standing requested the City Clerk to prepare a Resolution of Appreciation
to Peabody's Warehouse for the beautiful job they have done to the main entrance
of the building.
ITEM #11612
Mayor Holland stated that it bothers him greatly when Council has an executive
session with a Constitutional Officer, the Treasurer-Elect, and then reads about
it in the paper, and when placed in the paper in that manner its done very un-
ITEM #11613
On motion by Councilman Payne, seconded by Councilman Ferrell, and by unanimous
vote, the meeting adjourned.
Rlchard J. bbon, City Clerk 14ayor Clarence A. fiolland, M.D.
City of Virginia Beach,
December 19, 1977
1 2 /1 97 7