HomeMy WebLinkAboutAUGUST 13, 1973 MI@1'rF,S OF TFIF, Ci'@ (IOINCit, OF 'IT]l@' Cl,j-y nF VIR NJA VTI'CTNIA , Cj August 13, 1973 I'he regtil.ar meeti.n.- of the Coimcil of the Citv oF @'irfinia Beach, @Tirpinia was held in tIAe Council Cliambcrs in tlie Aniiii-,;tration Builcli3ig in the BorouFh of Princess Anne, on @londay, Ati.@st 13, 1973, at 2:00 1).m. Ilic invociti,on iv-,is given bv tlie l@evorend Bariiett K. Uiouro?,ood, ?@\ew Jerusalem C,hurcli, Virginia Beacli, Virginia. Cotmcilmen present: Jolin A. Batun, Robert 11. Callis, Jr. , Mayor Robert B. Cromwell, Tr. Vice Mayor 1,@. Reid Erviii, (-@eor@e IZ. Ferrell, (.Iiarl(!s l@. Garc@er, Clarence A. fiolland, D. Niurray Nl@ill)on, J. Curtis Ilaync,,, J)onald ii. Min(le@,, anO. Floyd E-. tvaterfield, Jr. Councilmen al)sent: None ITE@M #621S On motion by Councilman Garclner, c-;econded by Cotuicilman Mall)on, and by recorded vote as follows: Ayes: Cozmcilman John A. Baum, Pobert 11. Callis, Tr. , Niavor Pohert B. CroimTell, Jr. , Vice @layor F. Reid Ervi.ii, (-,eorl@e R. Ferrell, l@'. Carclner, Clarence A. Polland, D. @lui-ray Malbon, J. Curtis Ilayiie, Donald 11. Rhocle@;, and Flovd F.'Waterfield, Jr. Nays: NoTie City Comcil an roved tlie, @,li@ni-ites of the Regular @leeting of AlLigu--,t 6, 1973, and the @p reading of said Nlinutes dist)ensed with inasmucli @is eacli Cotmcil)iian had a copy of tlie sulijoct @linutes before Iiiip. ITFM #621@6 fkpplica'lion of Lyniiliavrn t@lot(--l Ot@veloi)ment Corp. Co. for a Channt,, of Zoninq fron, Residence Duplc-,x District 2 (R-D and ')esidence r upl x@Dii-t@6f 2-CI-D 2) witli a @lotel , Tourist and R(-,staurz,,nt (T-@@) Su!lplemnt to Limited Coiiimercial [lis- trict 2 (C-L 2) and a Use PeriTiit to construct' 40 motel efficiency condoininiuirs on certain property locatc,.d at the i@,orti)@,lest cornpr of Pa@,e Avenue and Jadc, S@@reet, runninq a distance of 99.82 feet alonq t@ie @iorth side of rage Avenu,,, runninq a distance of 501 feet along the Eastern pro,)(,rty line, runninn a distance of 125 feE,t alotiq tlie tiorthern prop(-'rty line and rurirlinq a distatice of 5n7 fept alonl tlie Western property line. Said parcel contains 1.3 acre. (Lynnhaven Shores Area). LYIII,'IIAVEi'll P@O[IOUCH. Planning Cor@vission Reconmiendation: A motion by the Planning Commission was passed for approval of this request subject to tlie following: 1. Parking sf)all be nrovided at a ratio of 1.5 spaces per uriit if the units shall be greater tllai,, El,)O so(iar(@ feet. (Plarining) 2. Water and set.,,er line fees required. (Put)llc litilities) 3. Standard site pl@iri rcquiret@ionts t(i ijicluJ(, pav(,@i(@nt widenitiq, curb and gutt(!r, si(Jewalks diid sturi@i driitis as n(,c(t@@-,@iry @iloria Pan(,. iklvenue.. a. A 15-foot (it'allid'ic@ r)r(Y)cr;-,V I iric, shall be dedicated to t@ie Ci-@Y of Vir-niqia i)@@ac@i all s"orm drain con- structed frozii !),,,Y. (iuririn fir,lt PI)e,s,-, of coiisl@@ructi(,ri. (irait,,a(Ic,.- @L tliis sitc@ s@!iall I)e coll(,ct(@d on-site and disc@@ar(@l to Lii,2 i,,ziy. t.,. rA city i i-Ifv@ltiorl Of 1, f. @'et pot ft)n,iard of t@iL,. (,-tl@)ot c(,,,)t,)!l@, sli;i @i I I,t,, c@,t@ Y',i,:: t@ ii at h(@ hiy " ile. I)i,ovided ori t@,ach. 4. Cit@@ viater an(i sciq(@r. (fir-,(Ilth) 5. P,(@oi!i!ieid develop(-,rs provide recreation and open space. (Parks and P(,crL,ation) 6. Suggest participation i,,i sc!iool site acquisition. Mr. Tosepli V. Anderson and @Ir. flenry F. Ilervick @ippearel cn behalf of tlie aT)Plicant. On iiiotion by Vice @layor F. Reid Ervin, seconded hv (@,ouncilman Nf,).ll)on and by recorded vote as follows: Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert Fl. Callis, Jr., Mayor Rol)ert B. Croim%,ell, Tr., Vice Niayor F. Reid Erviii, (,e()j-e P. l@errell, (-hzirles l@. G,,t-rciner, (:Iarence A. flolland, D. @lurray N@albon, J. (:tirtis Pa@,ne, I)onalci 11. Miocle-,;, and Flovd F. Waterfield, Jr. Nays: None City Council approved t)ie above applicatioji of lvmiiaven @4otel DeveloT)ment CorT)ora.tion, Company for a C:hanVe of Zoning f-rom Pesidence ixiplex T)istrict 2 (IZ-r) @) and Re'sidence Duplex District 2 (TZ-D 2) wi tia a Nlotel , Tourist aii(I Restzitirant (T- 2) SuT)Dlement to Limited CoTmiercial I)istrict 2 (C,-I, 2) ancl a ljse Pcrmit to constnict 40 Tnotel efficielicv condominiums on certain property located at tlie North,,,est corncr of P,,ige Aveniie an(I Tade St@eet, running a distance 99.92 feet alonl, the Nortli si(le of Pa@@e AvenLze, nmnin@ a distance of 501 feet along the l@astern property line, rimnill(, @i dist@ince of 125 feet along the @lorthern property I.ine and rmning a distance of 507 feet along tlie IVestern T)roT)ertv line. Said parcel contains 1.3 acre. (1,@iiven Shores Area). LynnhaAen lorough. Approval is subject to the followiiig stipulati.ons: 1. Parking shall be provided at a ratio of I.S spaces per tmit if the units shall be greater than SOO square feet. (Planning) 2. Water and seuer line fees reqtiired. (Niblic ljtilities) 3. Standard site plan reqtiireinents to include pavement iqidening,, curb and gutter, sidewalks and stonn drains as necessary along Page Avenile. a. A 15-foot drainage easement alon.@ eastern property line sliall he dedicated to, the City of Virginia Beach and an adeqaately sized sto-r,! drain constnicted from P,9,@e Avenue to the bay. This drain shall b-- installed during first pliase ol construction. Siirface drainage at this site shall bo collected on-site, anl discliar@,ed to the bay. b. A city standard bulkhoacl with a top elevation of 12 feet not forward of the 6-foot contour shall be cojisti-ticted along, tlie 1)@iv ,;icle. c. Seventy-five foot turnl)acks shall be constnicted at the termini of this bulkhea(l. d. A thirty-foot pedestrian and veliicle easemejit from sliall be provided on beach. (Engiiieering) 4. City water and sewer. Glealth) S. Pecommended developers provide reCTeation and ol)en ,pace of 15%. (Parks and Recreatioli) 6. Suggest participation in school site acquisitioii. ITFM #6217 Application of Ceorne F. Darden, Jr" for a Ct@an(lp. of 7onino from Residence Sul)urban Llistrict 3 (P,-S 3) to t'liltiple Fa@!ii and a Use Permit to construct C)6 towntiouscs and 25 @rtartr,@,nts (i.,Iidrise condomitlilim T@i t -sTT@-cortain Pror)orty t@,c)ginnin,,i at a 1),@.ir@t 175 f(,et mom. or less i@ort@. of Tiiunderl)ird Drive, rurinitig a d-istance of fc,.(!t alonri the Ilest side of First Colo.,iia@l POid, runninn a dist@i(@c@? of fc,,t,t aloni t@,.@ @!ort!lrrn pro- perty linl@, rliniing a distarice of Tf%,,@t zilot,.,i ti)e "IF.sterii pror)(@rtv , e y lin,@ a-id r:.Jnning a di@',,,@,,cl- ()f l@21.1,1@ f,@Qt t:i,,-! !)ro,, r+ litie of wliicil foot is '-,[,c@ !',or@L!i of Priv,@!. ','.aid parc,@l contains 15.4 icr(,s of lari(i i,,n(i acr@ cf! ,,%r total i tiq ','4.9 acres. (t@ioodhurt-Slocl)y iiolloi,i /'@rea). Pl&r)ning Coriiiission Pccor@,i,,,ridation-. P, iiotion by tri(@ Planninn %las f-r (if@iiial of t!lis realiest as @Ir. 'Fim Bai,roii @ippe@ir(:-,d on I)cl,zil I of tlie @ti)!) I icmit. Mr. Edivard liudgins, AttorTiey, zui(I @'Ir. l@'i I 11 @illi C. (ii I L in ol)po,;ition to tlie al)plicaiit. On motion by Vice @layor T7nrin, -,ecoiiclod I)v (@oiLincilin@iii @l@ilbon and I)y recordecl vote as follows: Ayes: Councilriien Jolin A. BatE@, IZobert If. (];illis, Jr. , Niavor Rolei-t B. Cromwell, Jr. , Vice @layor 17. IZeid Frvin, (7eor@,,c,, IZ. l-,errell, (@arle,,; l@'. (@,irdner, (Ilarence A. Ilollind, D. Murray Malbon, J. Curtis P,@ivne, I)onald ft. l@liodes, aiid l@@loyd 1". llraterfield, Jr. Nays: None City Council denied the above i cition of (;cor?e, l@. 1)@ir(len, Jr., fo-r a ChaTiL,,e of Zoninq from Residonce Suburban I)istrict 3 (R-S 3) to @lLilti@)le FTiily Rcsidence [)istrict and a Use Permi@-t to constnict 66 toiqihousos qncl 1-5 cii),irtiT,,cnts (jtiidrise condotqiiiiiim units) oia certain p@ol)c,,i-tv begiiining at a I)oiiit 17S Ifeet more or less North of Uituiderbird Drive, running i (listince of 673.01 fc,,ot @ilon.@@ tlie l@'est sioe of Fist Colonial Road, running a distance of 1440.87 feet al.oii, tlie Nortlicm T)Yopc,,rty line, ninniti@, a distance of 1087.29 feet alon,@ tl)e lqestern I)T()i)ertv Iiii(? gncl Tumin,@, a (listatice of 1221.18 along tlie Sotitliern proi)c@rt@, line of wli*Lch 148.32 fcot i@,; tlie North sioe of nitmderbird Drive. Saicl T);ircel coiit,,tins 15.4 ,icres oi I;ind and 9.5 acres of water (Sandee Lake), totaling 24.9 @icr--s. (iloodlitirst-Slc@opy flolloi@ Ai-e@i). I,,,,nnllaven Ilorough. ITF,,'M 116218 Applic,ition of t@arie B. for i of 7ciririn fropi Residence Suburban District 3 (P.-S 3) to Limited -3--(-C-C 3) on ceri--ain prooerty local-.ed on the t4est side of i,rcat f'eck Ppad, at a noint 5@il.31 feet Soutli of Southern Boultvard (-I,orTiLrly Ocean Po@id), r(,iitiing a 'distance of 50 f(,.et alonn the West side of C@reat @:pck Road, rL@ni-iini a distance of 14P., fr!et alonq tlie @outhprn property lin(,, rt@ntting a distaice of r,(! fc.,et alonq t'i(,. l@lest(.,,rn property line and rtinnitig a distatice of 14[i fcc@t al nr, tlie ':!orthern T)rc@,r)erty litic. Said parcel I,, l,notin as Lot 4, B. F. SLI@division, Lo!l,@o'n @ridc,,@,, and contains 7400 square feet. (London Bridge Area'). LY"@@'11.,',VE, BI)P,,I',JGII. Planning Corillission Recomendations: A motion by fhe Pla,@ining CoiTmission was passed for approval of this request subject to the folloviing: 1. Standard site plan requiremnts to include: line. a. A 5-foot drainage easemetit is required along the southern property b. The ditch alonq the southern property line is to be piped. (Enqineering) 2. A dedication of riglit of viay 55 feet fro.,m the centerline of the existing 30-foot right of %iay along tlie ','O-foot more or less frontaqe on South Great @,'C'ck Road (a 40-foot dedicatiofi). (Roal Psta@It) 3. City viater atid sei,.,or - not arr)rt)v,@(i f,)r ser)tic tanks. (H(,'alth) 4. Building i-aust conform to conmercial f)uilding code. (Zoninq Enforce!nent) @ir, lqhitehead appeared on belialf of the applicaiit. On motion by Councilman Malbon, seconded by Councilman Rhodes and by recotded -tote as follows: Ayes: @layor Robert B. CroTmiell, Jr. , George R. I"@ei-rell, ClareTice A. Ifolland, F). @lurray Nlall)on, Doiiald Ii. Rhodes, ancl Fl.ovcl F,,. Ilaterfiel(l, Jr. Nays: Couicilmen John A. Bain, Roi)ert Ii. Calli s, )r. , @Tice Alavo)- F. Reid Ervin, ,j. C,,urtis Payne, and Charles l,,'. (@,ardner. C@ity Council ipproved tlie ',Il)ove 'ID lication of @laric B. lvhitehea(i for a Chaiige of Zoning ,p from R@i(lence Stit)iirban I)istrict 3 (R-S 3) to l,iniiiecl Copncycial District 3 ((7,-L 3) on certain prol)erty Ioczite(i oii tlie IVOst si(Ic oF (;ro,.It Necl, Roa(l, bef,,inning at a noint SOI.31 fcet (;OLltll Of ,;Otttltc,,rn I;oiilox,,ird (foiiiierly @ (:e.,iii Roa(l) , numinp a (list"Ince of SO feet along tlie l@ost si(lo oC @t-cat Nccl,, f@o@i(l, i-iiiinil)@, a (li-,;t@iiice of 148 feet @iloii@T tlie Solitlioni prol)erty Iiiie, rtuiniii@,, zi (li@,t:iiice of @C) l@,,,t ziloji@ tli(@ l@estern proportN7 liTi(:,, ,ijid rimiiiii@, a (list@uice of 148 I-oet @ilong ilic Noi@ili@,ti@ il)i,c)i,)crtv line. Saicl 1)Nrcel is kno@,ii ,is l,ot 4, 11. 17. O@@ciis @III)Clivi-@ioli, l,oliloll l@l coiittins @-,IOO s(Iii,-ii,c, feet. (l,oji(ion liri@l@,e Ayc,,,i). 1,N Tlllll@ll!('11 l@OrOLI@'li. i!; to tllc tu Iii c . O,(! ,II C)II @ tlie soiitliern pi-opertn Ii lie. A S- c I @ i'c,(ILllr alon@, tlic- v lili@, i,-i to t)e piped, -,O,Itllern I)i,o,@ort, 2. Adeclic@itioli of ri@lit (If l@@ly SS feet from tlie coilterline of tile existing- 30-foot ri p,,Il tof iriy @ilon@, tlie S(@-Foot more Or less oil soutil Creat Necl, IZo,,id (a 40-foot decli-cati on) . (Real l@,lst,,itc,) 3. City i%,ater ,-Uid seil:et iiot approvo(l fc-T Sel)tiC TMIRS. (I lealth) 4 . Biiil,diDp, COTIfO]-nl tO COTTnea-ciiii bu7lldin@ co(le. (Zoning, FjiforceTpent) I'Flj@l #621.9 Applicati,,,zi of tlie !(?r.LjsalcFi U.@,irch by 'i@. Tho,@rooood for a [Jse 1)" t,, , t)ro,)ci-@; at a r)oint 10", feet r,,i-t tr) a @,n c@,,,, 1.1 i'l@st of L(,;@,;streLt @v@,@l @jild a of Ilonq So,,ith si(ici of [@ri.@ '>tr@et, i of fcc'L alonq t@l(-@ riastern T)ro,,)erty line, rLin'@iit,.(,, a dis'l.-@tc@ of f-cc@t iloi,.,,l Soutlicrn pro')E,'rty line and ru@l,.,,ing a @,iE-:tance ci- " @,lc)n(i h I I .3 fe-t I ,p property line. Said parcel is l@novin as I-ots 201, @@i-id ')l, I'l@.t of rouglz,.@@, Parv, and contains 1'1,900 square i f@c,ot. (Seatack Area). LY""Pf,@VEII Planning Cor@irission Recorq..,Iendation: A riotion @,y the Planii,,lri Corriission i,.,as passed for approval of ttiis request subject to thc 1. Standard sil@o plan requircrionts to it@clude-. a. Curb and sic!,,,!alls, pavet-,(.,.tit widening and storm drains as required along the frorita(!e on Erie Street. b. A 5-foot drainage easem@nt is re(iuired along the eastern property line. c. Off-street narking sliall be provicif@d in accordirice with zoning ordinance-, par@ing lot siiall be pavcd arid proi,cct-ivo- (CG-9-) concrete curbs pro- vided. (Engineering) 2. D(,dication u. 25 feet fi,oi. t'he centerline of tlie existing 39-foot rigii-L. ol@ k@i-iy [Tiore oi- 1,1@ss fronta@,,, on Eric Street (!D-foot dc-@dication). E-,tat@@) The Reverend Barnett K. Thourogooa appeared on beh;ilf of his oivn application. On -ti- by Vice @layor F,-in, seconcled by Councilman @talbon and by recorded vote as follows: Ayes: COuncilmen John A. Baum, Robert ii. Callis, Jr. , @layor Robert B. CTOTmvell, Jr. , Vice Mayor F. Reid Ervin, George IZ. Ferrell, Charles W. Gardner, Cla-.ence A. Ilolland, D. Murr@ty @Ialbon, J. Curtis Payno, Donald Ii. Phode.,;, and Floyd T.. IVaterfield, Tr. Nays: None CitY COuncil approved the al)ove application of the Neii Je-nisaleTn Church by Barnett K. Thourogood for a Use Permit to operate a cliurch on certain property beginnin@, at a point 100 feot IVest of Longstreet Avonue and running a dist,,ince of ISO feet along the South side.of Eric Street, running ,i distvice of 90.7 feet along the Eastern prot)erty line, running a distanco of ISO.I.3 feet along the Sotithe m I)ropertv line and rtinnin a dist ce g, an of 82.3 feet along tlie IVestern property I.ine. Sai,l pircel. is Rno@@,n as Lots 29, 50 and 31, Plat of Douglas Park and contziins 12,900 sqtilir(, i-eet. (Seatick Area) Lynnhaven Borougli. Approval is subject to tlie follo@ving -,;tii)tilations: 1. Stmdard site plan requirewnts to i.nclucle: a. Curb and gtitter, sicici,:alks, pavemcnt wiclening and storm drains as required aloiig tlie froiitage on Frie Street. b. A S-foot draiiiage easciwiit is required Ilc)3ig, tlie eastem prot)erty line. C. Off-street parking slizill t)e Provide(i in ,c,-c)rclince @vit]) -,,,,ing or(linLnce; parkini,, lot sliall bo paved iii(I I)i-otective (C(@-2) coiicrete ctirbs i)rovi(led. (f@',Tigineering) 2. Dedication of riglit of 25 feet fTOIn tlie cejitori.iiie, of tlie, exi.sting @0-foot riglit of iviy qlong tlie 150 foc)t iiiore or less fi-OI)t:il@c on l@rie ',treet (10-foot (leclication). (]',Cal. J7state) 0110 1 i r Ti 't: i Oil of t-, fro;li (C-L cii -1c,.rtai ,i !@ret r'( ii@-@iiini @,lt'@ I o), lf,,Ss Soutii 1-@,,!@i'iaven !,@o@id, ri!iltli a (Ii!;tanci-- @,lotig t'i,2 @Drtil sir', f run:ii@,, a runniti,i z, distirc,,? d a dist tiice of 7'@0. -)o fc!c.@@ tilp@ @k (i r arcel co,,-!!-Iaips 8 acres t,,om. or It-,ss. ((Iroc@ii !',.in ;',,rea) . il@@' I C, @'S l@'!@ .,E Planning Commissiot) I)econ.,Ic@n(l,@tion: A mtion by the Plati:iin,,i Corinissioi for (,Icnie.1 of tliis r(,,quest as tfil proposect cliange of is @,i) cmiflicl ilil@@i @@0-0,-Lynrliivcn @iov(,,lon- @,,,jdy VII)iC'l Li t@, 1.0 iier @ir. Grover C. IVright,,Attomey ippearecl on beliilf of the applicant. On Tnotion by Councilman Gardner, seconded by CoLmcilin,,ui Pivne and by recorded vote as follows: Ayes:. Councilmen John A. Baiim, Rol)ert It. Calli-,;, Jr. , inlayor Rol)ert B. CroTmvell, Jr. , Vice Mayoi- F. Reid E-rvin, Ceor,,e R. ],-errell, Charles IV. Cardner, Clarenco A. liolland, D. @turray Malbon, J. Curtis Payne, Donald ii. lzhocles, tnd f:loyd T.,. l@Taterfiel@l, Jr. Nays: None City Council cleferred for ninet), (90) days the I',Opli.cation of R. L. Mmi.er and I%Iilliam W. Robertson for a (7hange of Zonin@ from ',IultiT)le Faiiiilv R(,,sidence T)istrict (P-N@ to Lirnited Commercial District 2 (C-L"2) on certain proj)er'ty I)e@inr)ing at a point 1800 feet more or less IVest of South LyTmhaven Road, nitining a distance of 543.20 feet along the Nlorth side of Ilolland Road, r'miing a distance oF S66.14 feet alono, the IVestem proporty line, running a clistance of 495.90 feot alojig the Northern property Iiiie and rmiiing a distance of 790.50 feet aloiig, the l-,astern i)ropei-ty Iiiie. Said parcel contains acTes more or less. (Creen Rtin Arei). Princess @iiie Po rc,Ll@@ll . #6221 Application of Charles Veatch Associates for a C@ianqe of 7onitiq fro.,n Residence Duplex @)istrict 2 2) to i.imit(,d Coi@Tr,)erc-ial C@ 3) on certain property located @'iorth of Sl,,ore @)rive at t!ic- ititt@rsectiori vlith Surry Poad and Dupont Circle, running a distanci of @41.71 fc,,@'6 tlonq t@"(@ @@'P-st sici,2 of '.)Ur)ont Circle, running a distance of "@',7.67 feet alotiq t@ip iiortli sid-- of Surry Road and running a distance of 150.57 feet along the FAst sid@. of '@oano@,e t@.V(,.nue and running a distance of 308.51 feet alonq tlie Sout@i side of j(,,ffersoii Boulevard. Said parcel is known as Lots I t!irough 14, '@'loc',- 015, Section 3, Plat of O,-ean Park and contains 1.907 acres. (Ocean Park @rea). BPYSI DE -BOIIOL!Gti. Planning Cornission ilecommendation: A motion by the Planning Co7.nission was passf@d for denial of this reluest as there is adequate undeveloped con@,rcial propcrty in tlie area and this request would -he an intrusion into a predoriirlal)tly siiiqle fa@.-iily irea. Furthcr, th(,rc is inadequate access to Sliore Drivc@ as a coii@ii(,rciiil use. Mr. Grover C. Wright, Attornev appeared on behalf of the applicant. I Ms. fudith Milslie appeared in opposi.tion to tlie apl)licant. motion by Councilman Jlolland, seconclecl by Cotuicilpi@in Mall)on and by recorded vote as Ilows: Aycs: Councilmen John A. Batim, Rol)ert 11. ,Callis, Jr., @flvor Pof)ert B. Crolmrell, Jr., Vice Mayor 1. IZoid Ervin, (-,ec)rpe JZ. I:orrell, (-h,,irlcs 117. (;'arcliier, (@larence A. l@oll.,Uicl, 1). Nftirray @iall on, J. (7urt.is PqN@jic, Flov(l F-,. I'@aterfiolcl, Jr. N,iys: Nonc Cit \' ('CLIJICil (IC[C,rrt'Cl fOT tl@(-) k'-', ti lo @11)@)] i I zIt OF (Ii @'catc!i A@so ci Ites for @i (-,Ii ,Lnge of '-()nin@, frot,'l i(lence 1)@ ii)] o-N: 1)1stII (1@-T) 0 J,imi te(] (:o]Tlmerci@'l District 3 ((,@-L -)) oii cert,,iiii l@i,oi)crty IC)C@tte(I @Nol-tli of ,;]lore I)I'i\,e at tlic inlei-sectio!l witli Surr\, Road and I)ul)oiit (Iii-cle, miniii(, t (list.@tjic, of 241.71 f@eot aloiiq tlie ;@est side of @tii)oiit Circle,, r-LiT-aiiii@, i @ista7@)ce',)f 37.(17 f-Cet ;Ilnni@ -Ilic., NTortli ;ide oF Stirrv Ro,id Ln(I riuinin,@ a distance oF ISO.57 f c,,,, aloiip, tlic, 1:@ist ide o@ Ro,,,tnoko Avenii(?, Ino. nmijig a (list,,uice of 308.Sl roet :iloiitll tlie @oiitli si(le c)f Tefferson Bouleiar(l. @aid parccl is knoi,,n as Lots I tliroii,ii 14, 2.;, @oction B, PI,-tt of Ocean f'Nrk ,Md contaiiis 1.907 acres. (Occztii !lark Area). B,'IY@;i(t@@ l@)rotlpll. @10222 Ap,,)lication of S@-,,im Worl(: c)f Tii,-.,iil-,2r t,y rickptt, ',ttorney, for a of 7oning frci,,i (r(-S 4) tj4-11 a "@)te.1 and Tolirl .st@- ".,',@trict 3 (C-L 3) on cpr-Gairi pro,)erty h@r,iil;liri@i at c,-F :',@rtf, and ruilniriq a of al@,@-,(l .;,')rtil of @@;iore L)rivc.,, runriiii(i a dist,,r,,@l, c),- 511) @3@1c)nn t@i,% !)r(,,r),'rty line, runninq a distancl@ of ilrng t!io I,,i @l@,rty (La'!,e Joyc(-..), and runnin@ a distzthce of "(@et alo@-ic r)rc,..pertv Said parcel contains 1.5@UO acres. (S@@ore Drive EstaLp-s P,!@,YSII)E Planning Commission Pecot-.iendatioti: A notion by the Planninq Co.@-.iission @,iis passeci for denial of t@.is requcst as the pro-,,@osE,.d cl@anae of zo@ii@i@i is in conflict 1,,it@l P,?,.Yfroiit I)ovelonment Plan that rcfiects a low residen,.,ia."@' land ust@ of tilt, are). Mr. Owen Pick-ett, Attorney appc,,tre(i on behalf of tlie aT)pl@cant. M-r. S. H. Agles, President, Chesapeake Beach Civic appeared in opposition to applicant. On motion by Councilman Ilolland, secotided bv Councilman Gardner anJ by recorded vote as follows: yes: CoLmcilmen John A. 13aum, Robert 11. Callis, JT. , @4ayor Robert B. CrormTell , Jr. , 'ice @layor F. Reid Frvin, (-,eorge R. Ferrell, Charles @V. Cardner, Clarence A. liolland, ). @iurray @ialbon, J. Curti-s Payne, Donald It. l@iodes, anci Floycl F,,. @',Iaterfield, Jr. Nays: None City Council denie d the above anplication of Si,!im I%Iorld of Tidewater bv @,Ten B. Pickett, Attornev, for a Change of Zoning from ResiOence ';ttbitrl)an I)istrict 4 (@-S 4) i@ith a Niotel and Tourist (T-1) Supplement to i,iinited CoiTnercial T)istrict 3 (C-1, 3) on certain property I)eginning at a point 1100 feet more or less East of Nortli Creenijell Poad, and running a distance of IS3.20 feet along the North side of Shore I)rike, runnin,@ a distanco of 108.S3 feet along the @@ortliern property line (Lake Joyce), and ninning, a distance of 530 feet along tlie l@estem property lin(@. Said parcel contai.ns 1.560 acres. (Sliore Drive Estites Area). Bayside Boroiigjt. ITF,M #6223 Application of Inn@ee!)ers, Ltd., by Edviard Catoii, Pttorney, for a Channe of Zonir,,n froi,,i flote-l-@lotel Dis,'-rict ('1-11) to 'etail @r,,tsii.@ss Iii,trict b- cFn certairi property located bc@t,,,i(,c@n 14tii Str(@et an(.' 15t'i Str,@@et aiid @,,tlantic Avotiuc and Pacific Avenue, rtinninq a dista@,ice ol' 31-)@) f@t alon@l t!ie ;,orth side of 14th Street, ru,,ininn a Iist,,ince of 20-,1 feet itlo@iq tile last side of Pacific AvL,nu-,, running a distaiice of fc(-,t along tli@' SOLItli sidr, of 15th Strect, and run,)it)g a distatice of C-fr) fc,@.,t alon@, tlic! i!cst si@,o of Atlir,+.ic i@,venue. SIid parcel is knov,,n as Ploct, A, of Slia;Tirock a@id cciiltains square fc.,c.,t. VIRC,IIIIA BLi\Cll BOROUGli. Plaiiiiing Co@-,imission Pecorl,,I('ndation: A motion by thp- Platiriirig Co,-,wiiission was passed for at)proval of tllis request sub- ject to the followitig: 1. Statidard sitc@ plaii r(,quirc@mctits. (Ell-!illof,rlnq) 2. Satisfactory traf-lic plat) sliall he out @iitli tho, Plannitici ,@part- m,@iit I?rior t,o Couiicil Mr. E(Iward CatoTi, Attorney, ai)T)careci on I)elialf oF ilic @ij)r)licaiit. On motion by Cotmci.lrnm Callis, secon(le(I by Councili@i,,iri @ialboi) aiicl by recorclc,.d vote as follows: Ayes: Councilmoii Jolin A. B.,ttui, IZol)ort 11. Cll Iis , Ii-. , NIivor Roliert B. CroTm@oll, Jr. , Vice Mayor F. Re:i,d Frvin, Gcorge IZ. I;eri,c,.ll, C@,h,@irl(,s I'T. Cardner, Clarence A. flollanci, D. Nlui,ray @Ialbon, J. Cilrtis P,-iyne, l@nal,d 11. Rhode@@, ancl Floy(i l@@. '.%Iaterfielcl, Jr. Nays: None City Council approved the above applicatioii of Inn@ce'r)ers, l,td., hy Edi,7ard Caton, Attorney, for a Chanpe of Zoning from Nlotel-flotel 1)Lstrict to Retail Tlusiness District (B-1) on certain 1)i-oi@ert), locatecl I)eti@c,,on 14t@li Street @ii(I IStli Stroet ancl Atlanti.c Avenue and Ilacific @venue, rtuiiiing, a dist@ince of 300 feel, 11.ong tlie Nortli side of 14tli Stiect, running a distajice of 280 feet aloiit,, tlie Eist side of Pacific Avenue, runniiig a distance gf 300 foot along the Sotith sid(, of ISth Street, and nlmii.ng, a distance of 280 fee-@ along the IVest sicle of Atl@intic Avejiue. @aid parcel is kno,,,n as Block A, Map of Shamrock ,itid cnntains 84,000 -sqii@ire, feet. Virpinia Pea:cli Borough. Approval is subject to the folloiving stipulations: 1. Standard site plan requirements. (Fngineering- 2. Satisfactorv traffic plan slial.1 be ivorked out i,:ith the Plannin@, DepartTnent prior to Council action. IT@l #6224 Application of @lic@iael L. Gr(2ss for a i'rirt.!it to o-)erat,,? a day-school on of "l st @@r,@ot and !le,.ii -Lerranpan certain property locallo.-i at the '@ort@,,,;@ 1;@ @.,,r 1. i Aveil.ue, rtitinirig a disttice of 70 feet alonq @lt;2 !@ortli sidc of 21st Stre t. runn- inq a distance of 130 fec@t along tlie,. !',,st sid,, of f'@@diterritif@ari Avenue, running a @istance of 70 f(,,et along t.'.ic "orL;@(@rn pro,,)@,rty line and rtinning a distaticp. of 130 feet along tlie 1-les*,(@rn !-)roperty linr!. Said i),irc,21 is kiio,,in as Lots I and 3, Bloct, 47, Plat ""o. 6, Pl,@t of Vir(iitil;i ;:.;eacli "),,,v clor),Mcnt Co. and con'6ains 91(',O square feet. VII@Irli@!IA U!-p,'H BC,@', UGII. Planning Comission Recor,,-!.elidation: A motion by,tlie Planning Cornission iqas passed for denial of this request as the proposed use is located in a hin!)Iy cotiqested area and is cotisidered a safety hazard to ttie c@iildren using the faciii-Ly. M-r- Robert Steinhilber, and @Ir. @lichael (,ress ar)pe@ired on behalf of the applicwit. On -tion by Councilman Callis, seconded by Councilman Gardner and by recorded vote as follows: Aves: Councilmen John A. T3am, Robert 11. Callis, -Jr. , Nlayor Pohe-rt B. Cromwell, Jr., George R. Fbrrell, Charles l@. Gardner, Clarence A. Tiolland, F). Ttirray 7,4all)on, @nald ii. Rhodes, and Floyd E. IVaterfield, Jr. Nays: Vice Mayor F. Reid F,,rvin and Councilman J. (@irtis Payne. City Council denied the a@ove application of Michael L. (-,ress for a itse Permit to operate a day-school on certain property locatecl at tlie Northwest corner of 21st Street and Nlediterranean ikventie, nming a distance of 70 feet along the T\'ortli side of 21st Street, running a distance oi- 1.@O feet along the ll,(@st sido of @lo(literrinein Akenue, nmin@ a distance of 130 foot @iloniz tlie l@lestern I)rc)T)erty line. Said Parcel is kmo@,,n as Lots I and 3, Blocl,- 47, Plat No. 6, Pl@at of Vil-@,,inia licacii Development (@omr)xiv and coiitains 9100 scluare feet. Vir@!,inia Ileacli lloroLi,,Ii nt r ri@ at Z" poiti'l- 4,11) f@!c:t or less of or I I.,It,st of t[io @!orti-, rn cxL@,@ @,,itv of r@,-) @,l @qd l'il@l, i 5,@.' ce O'@ f(,C,t aloyii tiln Eist si,!, r I!idiF,@i !;l r oa(i i .l i,? aloiig t)iv @@ic)rt!)(-,rn line, rurniiiq a ji "itc(,, of C,-l(,t property lin, and i e@ist@,nc(, of 1 i rt,2. Said riarcel ';C.42 lc.@iarc foet. Plaiining Coililission Rcc@iendation: A mntion by t[il, Plannirig Cot,@,ission ita7 @or i@proval or this rc-,riiest su5li,-Ict to t@@idard plan On niotion 1)@ CoLmcilman Ilollan(l, soconded by CoLuicilinLui 1',Iaterfic](I and I)y recorded voto as fol@oiqs: Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert 11. Cal.lis, Ji,. @liyor Rol)el,t B. Crolm%,Oll, Jr. Vice Mayor F. Reid. Ervin, Ceorpe IZ. Ferrell , Charl.c,,, 1%'. @arclner, Clarence A. -Holland, D. Murriy @ialbon, J. Curtis Pavne, Don@ild 11. Phocies, ati(i Floyd Y@'. Waterfiel(l, Tr. Nays: Noiie City Council approved the al)ove application of the (@ity of Virginia Beach, Department of Public Utilities, for a ljse Pei-init to construct @t sewage pi-mping station on certain property beginning at a point 440 feet more or less Noi-tli of Bayville Road alid 170 feet inore or less West of the NoTtliern extromity of 13@iylake Road, and r=j.ng a distance S3.25 feet along tlie East side of Indiwi liill Road, tinning a distance of 82 feet alonf the Northem property line, nming a distanco of SO feet along tlie Eastern property line and i@ing a distance of 63.67 feet along tlie Soittlieni prol)orty line. Saicl parcel coiatains 3642 square foet. (Baylake Beacl) Ai@ea). Bayside Boroug:h. I'M,l J!6226 0 A!jplication of th(, City of krirr!i,,iia Of P@j@,lic f r a to c(@r!!7,trtict !lro!)er-Ly loc,, t d at intt@rsectiol) of Last rficlcl @veriu,@ and I-liriston Place. (Loch flaveii Park-ocea.,i Park BAYJID,- Planning Com-mission Recomendation: A i,,lotion by the llla.,Ini,.ig Coiii@,,Ission wis pasr@(@d for approval of this request subject to standard site plan requirer@ients. (Ilngine-IrinU) Oii motion by Councilman Gardner, seconded by Councilman Rhodes and by recorded by vote as follows: Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Rohert 11. Call.is, Jr., @favor Rohert B. Cromwell, Jr., Vice Mayor F. Reid Ervi.n, Geor@le R. I-errell, (liarles IN'. Gardner, Cl.arence A. @iolland, D. @,h-irray Malbon, J. Curtis Payne, I)onald It. T@iodes, and Floyd E@. Ilaterfield, Jr. Nays: None City Council approved the above apl)lication of the (-,ity of VirFi.nia Beach, Department of Public tjtilities, for a IJ,.;o Permit to constnict i se.@@,aFe ptunping, station on certain property locate(I at tlie Soutlicast intersection of Flzist Stratfor(I Roid, Chesterfield Aveiiiie ajid l@linston Place. (L,ocil ilivell Park-Occ@ llirk Areas). jla\lsicie lioroiigli. li@i 116227 Application of th(, City of Virr,,inia @ioacii, of Pul)lic litiliti(,,s, for a [;'se P(,r)-,iit to cotistruct a ,tll@Licy" oi c(-,rtain )ror@ertx,, f(@,(,t 01 I @@,ti o,-i ri vr @ini ri(i a (Ii s La@,c;l of 40 feet a'loiin t!i@ @!@st !;il@ 0,17 SC)LIt"i ,.i dist@,ic@, of @C,.40 -1 ) @ 1 'I (i i S' ;-l ci if @ , ) q fc,(@t tii(@ ! @) " f- !, E@, I ( ri tli(, r"Ircci i,, @i:; l@I(@ I@@,;t,lt@rn [)orlio,,i of L(@it ?I. I'lat of i@rna). LY;:,'- Pl(iiiiiiiig Conz,.iission A f@@v tlir@ pl.@qrliylf@ 11@-s reqtj@@t stil@jc,.ct Oii riotion by (loillicilmwi sc@coit@le(i I)y (Ioll!lcjllll@ill @uicl I)y i,(@corctecl votc, as f01 lo@vs: Aves: CoLiiicilii,,c@n Jolin A. B@)tn, Rol)ort 11. Call i,) , Jr. , @l,,iyor Pohort 11. (Iroim@ell, Jr. I Vice @liyor F. l@cid I-rvin, (leorge l@. ('Ii@irles @l. (lai-(Irier, (,Iaro3)cC' A. lloll;incl, 1). @ilirray Mall)on, J. Curti@s Ilayne, I)OII@ilcl 11. ]@io),cl W@itorfiold, Jr. N@t),s: None Cit), Council approved the abovo ai)l)lication of tlie (@,itv of Vir@,inia Tleacli, I)epartment of I)tlt)lic Utilities, for i (ise Pentit to consti-tict a ,;ei@a@@o r)tni)inp st,,ition on cert,,iin T)rol)orty begiiuiing at a poijit 66.66 fc,,ot Sotitli of I'l@iTitiition T)rive, nn(I runninf, a stanco of 40 feet alon@, tlie, l@Test of Sotitli tVolFsnare F)rive, @itip, a distance @.49 feet alojig tlie Soutlierii I)rol)erty I.iiic, an(] i-Liiiniiig a (ii.stince of 59.66 feet along ,,io I%lestem property Iiiie. Sai(I p@ircel is knoi,,ii i,,s tlie Sotitlic stern portion of Lot 21, I'l@it of I%Iolfsii,,tre Plant@itioii. (Il,'ol Fsnire Illiiiiit i,,)T-@ .\re,,i) .lvnnlitveti @oroi-igli. 11'@l lt6228 Al;,)li@a(@ion of thP@ Uiti of Virci-,iii P)eac@i, of Pu'@lic Utilities, for a Us@. P(@ri-,i@. to construct a s@ -.il@ioti on certain prol'erty located o n tWo side of T@iilia I;rivo, Lai@@ in(] Cra@.)tro'e Lane knovn as tlie Soutliv,,cst portioti of Lot 3 of Tlialia @'or@@i, rll!l@lin(i a distaiice of 5,0 feet alon(-- tfie @!ortit si@Ic, of Ttialia Prive, ri-i!iiiila a distince of 4l.j2 fett alonq tlie Ilesterii property lir@e, ruriniiiq a dist@inc(@. f@ct alonn t@,,2 7ior,@@,@@rn pro- perty line aiid ru@i,ii@ig i dis@,@itice of 40 f@e@@ ,If)iig tlie Eastprn pro,)erty line. (Tlialia Area). KETIPSVILLE BO@@@'J"ll. Planning Cormiission Rocornendation: A niotion by tiir2 Plzknniv,@l Cci,,.-,nission t-,,as 1),iss(,d for ar)proval of this request sub.iect to s'6an(lard site plan r@@luirements. Mr. A. J. Chewning appeared !)cfore City (@,ouncil refardin@ this application. fJe stateci that lie did not oppose the sewer construction btit di(I ol)j-@ect to the prOT)ose(I location the pumping station as lie folt tliat the T)roxijflity of the station to Iiis T)roDertv )ulci be detrimental to the value of his liome; an(I tliiis tlie placin@, of the -,tation i,,a-,; i violation of tlie btiildiii@,, cocle. Aftor (liscussicn: On motion by Comcilman Rho(les, seconded by Cc,,mcilin@ Ferrell and by recorded vote as follows: Ayes: CoLmcilmen Jolin A. Baum, Robert 11. Callis, Jr., Mayor Robert B. Crolm,,ell, Jr., Vice @layor F. Reid l@rvin, Georpe R. Ferrell, Cliarles W. Gardner, Clarence A. Holland, D. @furray Malbon, J. Curti.s Payne, Don@ild 11. Mio(les, and @loycl F-,. Waterfield, Jr. Nays: None City Council. approved the above application of the City of Virginia Beach, T)eT)artinent of Public Utilities, for a Ilse Permit to constrlict a sewal,e piuTinF- station on certain property located on the North side of Thilia Di,ive I)eti%Teen Shacloi,, l,ane uicl Cral)tree Lane knoivn a-9 the Southivest PoTtion of Lot 3 of Uialia North, runnina a distance of 50 feet along the North side of Thalia I)rive, rutinin@, a distince of 41.32 feet along the Western propertv line, runnin,@ a (listince of 40 feel@ alonf tlie Northern property line and riu-Liiinp a distmce of 40 fect alon!@ tlie Ea-,;tern I)roperty line. (Ilialia Area) . Keml)svill.e Borotigii. On motion by CoLuicilirizin Ferrel.L, secoiideci I)y CoLijici illi@in I)avne @ulJ by Tecor(led iote as follows: Ayes: Councilmeii John A. Batun, IZobert It. Callis, ]r. , NI@iyor IZol)ert B. (7,rorm@el 1, Tr. , Vice Mayor F. Ried lirvin, Ceorge R. Ferrell, Charlcs l@. Carclner, Clarence A. ITolland, D. Murrty @,Iilbon, J. Curtis Tl,,Iync, I)onild ". Plioclcs, inci Floycl l@. Waterfiel(l, Jr. Nays: None City Courici.1 approved on second readin,@ tlie reaT)T)rol)riati,on of unext)ended balances represented by outstanding purchi,;e or(lers for i@Iiich invoices h@id not been received on Jme 30, 1973, into tlie Fiscal Yc@ir 1974 ot)erating liti(l@,et. 'Fhese reappropriations slioulcl be made from tlie surplus of the respective ftijids aq folloivs: (-,eiicral Ftmd 865,621 Water C, Sewer Ftui(i 376,990 Vir--inia I'loLch @pecial. Reveniie ],-und 4,721 School Operatin@, 472,667 Total. Reappropriations $1,719.399 ITI-,@m #6230 On motion by Councilman Ntalbon, seconcled I)v Vice @l@ivor Frvin and bv recorded vote a-,; folloi,is: Ayes: Councilmeii John A. @aum, Pol)ert 11. Callis, Tr. , @!,avor T?obert P. Cromlell, Jr. Vice @layor F. Reid Ervin, (-,eorpe R. Ferrell, (I,,arlt@.,; "'. (-Ia-rdner, (-.Iarence A. flolland, D. Murray @Ialbon, J. Curtis Payne, T)onald 11. Rho(lc,;, aiicl Floyd f@.*lVaterfield, Jr. Nays: None City Council approved on secoiid reading a transfer of @6,7S4. frolii ReseT-Ve for Contingencies to Account #6134-140 (Compensatioii of Jii-stices of tlie Peace) for the appointnieiit of one aciditional. fu.11-time Justice of the Peace. TTF@L P6231 On motion by Comcilman Carclner, seconded by Cotincilmin Rhodes and by recorded vote as follows: Ayes: Councilmen Jolm A. Baum, Pobert H. Callis, lr. , @lavor Pobert @. CroTmiel@l , Jr., Vice @layor F. Reid Ervin, Ceorge IZ. Ferrell, (7,ha-rl(@-,; "'. (,a-rdner, T). N4urray N4albon, J. Curtis Payne, Donald 11. Rhodes, and Floyd E. @Vate-rfield, Jr. Nays: @@one Abstain: CoLmcilman Clarence A. I!olland. City Coimcil approved on second readin,-, the amount of @.@77,840, fo-.r ttie ret)lacement of bullbeaci I)etiTeen 42nci and 46th @treets al.on@ til(, nce@iiifront. Tlie fimcis are to 1,e made available temporaril.y frorn the surplus acco@mt tuitil I:ecieral fi-inds are receinred to cover tliis bulklieaci @-eplacemeiit. I I I i I e 10 I I I On iflotion 1)), CoLmcilmaii 1)@iyrie, secoiicied @,y ('oi,iicilpi,iii @ii-clner inci l@v i-c,,corde(I vote as follows: Ayes: CounciliTien Jolin A, Biin, l@ol)ert 11. (@,allis, Jr. , Tl@ivor Rot)ert TI. CroTmvell, Jr. Vice Mayor F. Reid Enin, (@,eorge P. Ferrell , l@. (!;ir(Iiier, (I.@irence A. liollajid, 1). Ntirray @l,,ilbon, J. Curtis Pa),ne, I)onalcl 11. aTI(i l@,. ll,'aterficl(l, Jr. Nays: None @ity CoLmcil approved tlie folloiqin,@ Or(linan(@e to @eiid @iTi(I reorclain Soction 2-132 of lie Codc, of tlie City of Virginia Bcach relatiii@ to ;trel-i@ li@ries. AN 0 "c) TT,TAT@CT, TO All'@ I SEC" IC,," 91- 1 ' )2 01@- TT"', 0; 1). c@' CTTV OF ',I@l-ITNIA Il,AC'l Rl,'I,,',Tf"'Ic Tc, "Ti)ET., T NAMES BE IT ORDATNE.@T) T@Y T T E COUNCTI, Or' 'r!-TE CITY OF VI-RGINIA BEAC',IL VIRGINIA: That Section 2-132 of the Code OC the City of Virginia Beach is amended and reordained to read as follo"Is: It is the responqibility o@@- t:fie T)i.rector of Plannin@ 0 to review the name,; of propo,@ei T-I(?T.7 r,,treets to ensure that no conflict exi.stq .,i-tli exi , t iT Ig 7 , or previoli-l@ approved street names. The names of ex@Isting @treets shall be as they have bee,-i, or fro@n f-ime to t@ime iiia@, be chati-ed by resolution of the Couiici.1 upoii r(--coiiihien,"ation o--F the Plannin@. T.)epa,--tiiient a@lter notice !ia-, beeti -.iven to the adjacent property o@qnerq. An emergency exists and this ordinance shall be effective from date of adoption. Adopted by the Council of the Cit@, of Virginia Beach on the t-day of o@t @,li-V 1973. Oi) iiiotion by (@olincilmaii Gai-clj)ei,, seco@id(@(I I)y CoiLlicilIllm @lall)on ,ind by recor(led votc 'is follows- Ayes: Councililien Jolin A. B,itun, Robert 11. Callis, Jr., @lavor Rol,ert -B. C,]-olmiell , @Jr. , Vice i@l,,ivor F. Roicl Frvin, (- oi@pe IZ. Ferrel , , , ; v @rdjior, Clarence A. Ilollan(l, @l@ Chi r 1, e I . (, D. @turray @falbon, J. Cui-tis J),)yne, Don@t](I If. l@oles, and l@lov(l Waterfield, Jr. Na),s: None City Cotilicil apj)roved tfic follo@';ijig, tztx TefLinds in tlio amotint of @1,777.44, "0. D-,le Birisozi Ctty Attorncy Dite 3, lq73 -,D,!: ?!r. '@. A. E-dicrie_7e, Tre-i--.urer CT.- Application for Tax @ufu@lds: r-c f ta@cn -ctal-'n& 1777 . l@4 certified Eor payment, U5 set forlii beiow: V. A. Etheridre. Treisurer Tax Type Datc ..Ticket ation pa alty C!: t Name Year o f T.,i,- Number No. v@@poi--t, RtidoIT)h M,,Iry 1973. PP 178@2 9()52 -5/3@ 42.06 vis, Oliai:les J. @lary C. 1973 RF 12799 I/ 1751 6/2( 30.98 sser, L(,,xqi',g K 1973 RE 2F,633 1/: 1-7 -53 6/1@@/73 18'3.60 183.60 I-soii, Jqnies C. Riitb 14. 1.97-3 RE 57-207 I/ 1785 6/20/73 5 . 4 It 8 5. 41@ lson,- JImes C.' Rtith 'ii. 1973 R T,-, 5720r, 1/1 178/@ 1 r)/20/73 8.9.32 P-P, . 32 rl, son, Fh,4roii 1 1,1)73 fZT,, /@003!+ I/ 17@@,'! 6 /2 0 /73 624.00 62/t.00 fe P'ed. one, Phillip E. T ALS R, CH rfoll( Feci-Sav lio n 72 RE 4786 1538 6/10/.72 1.91.57 191.57 12/5/72 191.57 191,57 1971 kE @1731 1539 r)/10/71 152.24 152.24 1,2/1/71 182.66 182.66 ,)nd E.. Velline@ 1973 CD T7025 1/2/73 5.00 5.00 L fnr re(titi,l.of t6t I '717 Ill",l @16-?@4 On riotioii t)y Cotmcilin,,in Car(liaer, secotidecl I)v (.otmci lfol.l.@ui(I uicl I)y recorded vote as follo@vs: Ayes: CoLmcilmen JohTi A. IlaiuTi, l@obert 11. (lallis, -Tr. , PIayor Poliert B. (-,romvell, Jr., Vice @l@ivor F. Peid T-,.rvin, (-,eoi-fle T@. Ferrell, (-,arclnei-, Clarence A. Ifolland, D. Murray Malbon, J. Curtis I'aN,-jle, Donal.cl 11. Rhode@;, an(] I'l@ov(l l@,. I%raterfield, Jr. Nays: None Prior to July 1, 1973, tlie state's share of salar'v of tlie Siiperi.iitendent of Scl)ools was pai,d directly to him witli ilo record of tliis Terlecto(I I)y tlie city. At tlie l@ist session of the legislature, S ction 22-37 of the Stato (@o(le was amended so that the state's slizire miist lio@@ I)e 1)aid to tlie Citv tji(I tlle?l clisl)tii'sed to tlie Stiperilitenclent. Now the City's records will l@oflect total sala,-Y. The Si@)erintendent',s salarv foi, 1973-74, inclticlinp, the state's sliare of @7,182, is $39,400. The figure of @2 810 shoi,,n in tlie tppro@,,od city bud@et is incc)rrect by $16,590. In order to adjust the bud@et, tlie City CoLmcil of tlie (-,itv of Vi@,inia Beach, Virginia approved on August 13, 197 -msfei- of @@),408 from j@cc@unt No. 12090-400 a tr, "School l@usses" and aT))ro-ted -,in ad(lition 1 ,iT)T)roT)yi,,ition of @7,182. @ie-re will also @l be an increase in estimated revenues from tl)e st,at(, of @7,182. #623S On motion by Councilman Cardner, seconcled by Vice llayor E@n @d by recorded vote as follows: Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Pobert H. Callis, Jr. , klavor -Pob'ert R. crotmlell , Jr. Vice Nlavor F. Peid Ervin, Ceor@,e R. l-,errell., ciai-les 1,@, (3'ar(Iner, Clarence A. Ilolland, D. Murray @Ialbon, J. CLirtis Payne, Donald 11, Miocles, aTi(I Flov(l )-l. Wate-rfield, Jr. Nays: None In order to be in line with tlie Outreach bu(lpet a-op-rovecl liv the T)epartment of Jtistic'e and Cr-*Ime Prevention, iTl-iich was increased @16,767'to permit the Dnip Oiitreach enter to employ tiio (2) nei,, Flotline coordinators, City Council apt)roved on ',tigust 13, 1973, an appropriation in the amount of @16,767 as fo@1,0@@s, to adiust irpi,,ard the Outreacii budget approved by the City from $67,586 to $84,35.@: Appropriation Amount of Accounts Adjustment 170 CoTripensation of Office Assistants @11,994 204 Postage 30n 208 Electric Current 400 214 @lembership Dues and ,;tll)scriptions 740 217 Priiiting 200 220 Travel Expenses and Traininp Scliools son 249 GrotT @lospitalization In-,;urance 3S 304 Cleaning @laterials itid Stipplics 1,400 510 Errployer's (bntrihution Retirejnent 366 S13 Employer's Sliare Okll 732 sis Employer's Insurince (@oiitract ]00 Total. T)nig Abuse OLitreacli Center cts16,767 I]Tf',l 1162,'@6 On inotion by Clotincilmaii Mall)on, secojiclecl by (@otij)cj Iiiiul MIC)CIes @ill(i by recorclecl vote as follows: Ayes: Councilinen Tohn A. litiim, Robert 11. Cal Iis, @Jr. , @favor Pabort B. (-.romi@ell , Jr., Vice @layor F. ]@eid Ervin, (-@corpo R. l@errell, Cliii@l -,; IV. ("ai,@Inei-, Clarence P, Iloll,@id, D. N@irray @lalt)on, J. Curtis lla',Inc, lk)nald 11. l@lioics, Ti(I floycl E. Waterfield, Jr. Nays: None As the City has received sipned aQreements frOM ',ITIT)roximatc,,Iy 91% of tlie residents along Seldc,n Road, Custorn Road tncl T)art of @lillwooci Poa(l iii CYeat fleck F-,states, and alonq Great Neck Road north from Nlilli,-oocl Pol(l recltiestjii@, tl)at s,-,i@er Iiiies be instnlled in t'jis area, Citv Council atitliorizocl tli(., prel)aratir)i of t)lans aTici tlie iii.,tallation of tliese seKer lines. ITT',,Nl "6237 On motion by Vice @layor Ervin, seconclecl I)y Cotuicilmin Balun uid I)y recorded vote as folloIN's Ayes: Cotmcilmcn John A. Baiun, Robert 11. Callis, Jr. , ?,@aA,or Robc,,rt B. (-rormrell, Jr. i Vice Nlayor F. Reid Ervin, (-,eor@e R. Ferrell., (liarle-@ l@'. (-@arcbier, (-,Ia,-renc(@' A. liollan(l, D. @lkirr@iy Malbon, J. Curtis Ilavne, Donild It. Rliodes, and ]@oyd F. lqaterfield, J-r. Nays: None The City has received signeo agreements from 6.7 resioents on @outh Sandfiddler Road, Sandbridge, for the extension of wator lines into the area. Ilie esti-Tnated cost of this extension is $33,SOO, and tlie signed agreements represe3it fees a@otmt to @',,S,200 (7S% of the estimated cost). There are additional lots along this proposed extension that, ivlien connected, will increase the total lines fees to at)proximately @43,200. The Citv has also received si@ed agreedionts fr()m 19 resiclents of anotlier section of South S,,indfiddler Roaci, in the saj,,ie pencral. for tl)e extcji-,;ion of i@Tater lities. Thc estimated cost of tlii-s oxtension is @18,200 an(i ',he sitiod aire(@m(,iits rel)re-,;ent fees amounting to @7,200 (40@6 of the estimated cost). 'More aro ad(litional lots along tliis proposed extension that, ivhen connecte(I will increase the total. line fees to approximately $26,000. The lleal.th Departinent reported to the City @iana@,ey's nffice th,,it ocean side lots in this general area are r)resentlv lmdergoing sevore erosion, and, in orjer to contintie tlie issuance of septic @k permit's and trie full utilization of tl)e-,;e lots, thev recom- mnded the iiistallation of these t,,ater lines. Therefore, on the cotnbined basis of silmed agreemei-its and the ileal.th Department's recomejidations, City Council atithorize(I the in-,;tzillation of bbtli of tliese water lines. IMI #6238 1 On motion by Councilman Cardner, seconde(I by Coiinc@i]Tnan Payne ind by recorded vote as fo I 10IN's : Ayes: Cotmcilmon John A. Biimi, Pobert 11. Callis, Jr. , @lavoi, Pobert B. Crormvell , Jr. I Vice @l,,iyor F. Reid Ervin, Ceorgl- R. ]@errell, Chtyles l@r. (-,ardnor, (-,larencc,, A. Ifolland, D. @turray Nlalbon, J. Ciirtis lliync,,, Donald if. Rliod(,s, an(i l,'loycl E. lvaterfield, Jr. Nays: None CitY Cotmcil al)proved tlie loi,, hicl sulimitted I)v Cer@tral lltiilclers, Tnc. in tile Mount (-)f $346,838 for I%Ii.ter COTItract @ITS, @,,Iiicli consis't.,; of ,i 16" main froiti tlie l,an(Isto@,,n t)oostcr statioii tlon,@ Lan(l-,;toiqi, tioll@iti(i gn(i OL(I ,)otltll 1,VT)Iili@iveri Ro,,i(I to tl)e he@lulin@ of new Soutli l,viijiliaven IZoa(l; ,tiid ziiitliorizo(I tlic ('.itv to (?xcctite the no@c'essir'v contracts for tliis work. ]@,tuicis ire @iv,,iilzll)le for tliis i@lol(ct. On iiiot ion by CouticiliTian (@-il I i,;, sec@011(l 'Cl by Coluic, i I 1 @in I'@ol lmicl iici bv recorde(I i,ote @l F, follo@@: Ayes: Coimcilmon John A. Batui, Rol)ort ii. Callis, @Ti @lavor l@ol)ert B. Ci@onii@ell , Jr. , Vico Nlayor F. l@eid Ervin, Georpe R. ]7erfell, Cli@i3-le@ 1%'. (@arcliier, (@lareiice A. Tlolluicl, D. NlLirrLy Nialbon, J. Curtis ilzi\liie, T)onal.cl it. Pli(,)(1cs, %-icl @]oN,(l F. IV@iterfiel(i, Jr. Nays: Nonc Citv (@,oi-uicil apl)roved tlie folloiiing, adiTi-,"ni.,trative 1)iidget and iT)I)ronriatecl @26031. "rom stirtilus fillicls Is the Cit\l of Vir@,,@,iia Be,,ich'.,@ @;liare of tl)c, total I)ti(ILet of the i.dei@ater Transportation Di,@tl,lct ColT@l',,,;,,;ion for tli,,, fiscal yeai@ ejiding Jtme 30, 1974. -,@dministrative BLICIC@et July 1, 1973 Junc 30, 1974 Personnel Costs Director .$21,666 Pro@ram Develop,-,ient Analyst 15,000 Secretary 6,250 $42,916 Employee Benefits Frin.ae Be-.iefits $ 5,150 Movin.@ Expenses 2,000 $7,150 -OTAL Personnel Costs $50,066 Administrative --,<oenses Office Space (Rent) $ 3,208 Insurance 500 Office Supplies 900 Posta--e 600 Te lep'oo-,ie 1,000 Travel and Allo@qances 15,800 Dues and Subscriptions 500 Office Equior,,ent 3,000 Pri-nting Press Work 800 Copying -1- 700 $22,008 Public l-,iformation $10,000 TOTAL Administrative Expenses $38@008 Contract Services Equip,,nent Maintenance 150 Legal Ser-vices (arrears) 2,000 Lc-al Services 3,600 A.dit Services 800 Consultant Services 5,000 $11,550 TOTj\L Contract Scr-vices $11,550 Contin ecie,,, $ 4,500 $ l@,500 TOTAL BUDCET $104,1.24 i'62-10 Onniotion by Coiinci Iman Fei,r 11 , secoiicl(-,(l by CotLic, Iniqn Batim ancl by recorcled vote as fol.lo@qs: Ayes: Councilnien Jolin A. liain, l@oliert 11. Call,is , Jr. , Nlqyor lzc)l)ert B. Jr., Vice, Mayor F. Re i (I Frvin, (@,cor,,,e R. l,c,,rrell , Charl,,-s 1%'. (7@ardiier, Cl.arencc A. I lollan(i D. Nlurray Nialboii, J. Curt:is I)OIIIld Ii. aiid Flov(l l@. IVaterfield, Jr. Nays: Noiie City Cotincil denied the applicatiOTI OE tilo, l,o@,al Oi@(lor of @loose, i.odf',e #1998 to hold Bingo Games @ind/or Raffles it 904 Atl,,intic ,k@enii(, I)cciiise of tlie triffic prol)l.em existing in this area and tlie lack Of OFF-StTOet p@irkin@@, aiid tlie objections raised by tlie surrotui@linp liusiness IT@l P6241 On motion by Councilman Holland, seconcle(I I)y Councilman Rhocles md bv record,ed vote as follows: Ayes: CoLincilmen Jolin A. Batn, IZobert It. (:alljs, Ir. , @layor Rol)ert B. Croin@Nell , Jr., Vice @layor F. Reid Ervin, George R. For3-ol I , CI).irl es l@'. (7,arclnei-, Clarence A. f follano-, D. @4urr@ty t%lalbc)n, J. Ciirtis Pa),ne, I)oiialcl 11. PJincle,@, @in@l l-,Ioycl l@. l@literfi.old, 3r. Nays: Noiie City Coiincil approved the application of the Diamond Springs-Gardenwood PaTl@ Civic Leapue to ILold Bingo Games and/or Raffles at S656 fl,,iden Roacl; the apt)roval. is subject to the completion of the specifications set fortli on tlio zipl@lication I)y the Fire Ins@ector, after iviiich the permit will be released. IT17M #6242 On mtion by Councilman Gardner, seconded by Coi-mcilman @4albon and by recorde(I vote as follolqs: Ayes: Councilmen John A. BaLn, Robert H. Callis, Jr. , @layor Robert B. Jr. , Vice Mayor F. Reid Frvin, George R. Ferrell, Charles (7,ar(I-ner, Clarence A. Ilolland, D. Yurray Malbon, J. Curtis Payne,. Donald 11. ]@oOes, and lloyd E. Waterfield, Jr. Nays: None City Council approied the reqtiest of 14olidiy TransT)ort, Ltd. for a terrvorarv chanre in its currently autliorized rotite schedule to accomo0ate tlie Annti@il Fast (,oast Stirfing Contest to be hel.d at Caq) Ilendleton. #6243 Vice @layor Ervin requeste(i tli@it Pir. l@. IV. I)irec-,tor of CoTmitmit-y Sei'vic(,s prepare a list of tlac pi-ojectr@re(litirin@, tlic ;ervices oF tlie l@n @Vilicil pTiorities might exist iii viciv or tlie coii(li@tion,@ wliicl). it is inticii)@ited the IIRDSC will bc irm)osiii,@ in tlie v,,Lri.oti.,; I)olitical ,iil)-(Ii-tisions, p"IrticlilnrI.N, after consideratioii of tlie al)provals wliicli ('itv (@otmcil li@is piven for tlic construction of condomiiiiiims an(I @tj)@irtrt)CTItS cnii'c,,iinin,,@ 100 or more people wliicli under state. lai,, mtist I)C ",'ICcel)tccl,, I)v foi, ,;ervices. @liny of tlie proT)o-,;ed bui.ldiiip,s are eitber on the draiviti@ I)onr(].s or i:) the process o@ constniction. ITTAI #6244 CoLmcilmaii Bain noted tliat lie ha(l i)laced infoi-P,@ition in the form of a letter re@'arding Nicliol.son Creek ancl Ili@ilia Creek before tlie (@it@, Col-uicil, @d that ]Iis intentioi was to iniprove tlie disl)osal of flc)o(i ivaters irr(,gardless of tl)e api)licLnt in(i that he I)ol)el tlyat t]10 T)roi)o-,;ecl CZO woli](I incltile st)ecfications whicii 1,7ould I)etter control draina-e in tlie ejitire city. ITe in(licatc,,l tliat Jie I)elieve(I tliat clarafi- cation from the Citv @lan@i@,or, @Ir. Poler @T. Scott, conceriiin, iiis statc,,mc,.nts regarding tlie siibj@t Nicliolson (@reek woulci be iii or(ler. ITI,@M #624S Mayor Croimvel,l noted that Coimcilman Car0iier 1).,is I)een the siih'lect of a neiv-spaper article iiliicli noted tliat lie had inadvertent]), voted. for tlie approval of a I)i.nFo permit for the "Virginia Beach Civic Ballet" of i@hicli hi-,; wife is T)resi(lent. lie had pi-eviotisly abstainecl from voting on any rnttter in i,,hich ]io o-r fiis famil.v had even a remoto interest. Ilis vote had been recoroed in the unanir,.ntis apr)roval gjven l@v City CoLmcil to a group of applications for I)i.ngo T)erfrdts I)cin@, consiclered as a unit. @layor C,-roTmrcll sui,gested that the newst)al)ers sliould he more cit,ciLnsr)ect in their criticism of Cotmcilmen iNFho f-rom his oi,,n experiences of seveii years stiffered. from unjust connonts. ITEM #6246 On motion by Councilman Ferrell, secondeo I)y Coimcilman Pavne md bv recorcled vote as folloi,is: Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Rol)ert 11. Calli,,;, Jr. , @laydr Robert 13. CroTmell , Tr. , Vice @layor F. Reid Frvin, George R. Ferrell, Ch@irles IV. Cardner, Clay(,nce A. JTolland, D. @lurray @ialbon, J. Curtis Pavne, Donald I!. lzhocles, and Flov(l F,. l@!aterfield, Jr. Nays: None City Council noted its intention to hold a closed meeting, on Nbiidav, August 20, 197.@, for the purpose of discussing iteiTL; permitted for discussion iinoer Section 2.1-334, Sub-paragrapli 1 and 6 of the Freedom of Infoi-inatioii Act of tlie Copnonivealth of Vir-,inia. ITBI #62@ On motion by Councilman I-orrell, secondod by Coimcilrian Callis, anci utianinio@s vote, the meeting adjotirnod. Rolic,.rt B. Cror,,nvell, Jr. , "ayor lz,- r "@(I . Citv of Vii Virpinia At,igust 13, l@)73