HomeMy WebLinkAboutOCTOBER 1, 1973
01: \@ill('i@NIA VIRGINIA
October 1, 1973
Tlie regulir rioct@Lji@, of thc Coiiiicil o( tlic City of Virginia Beach,
Vi.rginia i,:,,is holcl ii,@ tlic (@ouncil Cliaiiii)(r@, in the Adininistra-tion
BuildinF, iii the IloiOLlgll of Ili-i.licess AiiiLe, on @ionday, Octobar 1,
1973, at 2:00 p.iii,
Tlie iii-,,ocation i,:.,is ,@iveii b), the Revereiid Carl D. Bieber, Tabernacle
Baptist Cliurch, Vi.rgii-iia B(@@icli, Virginia.
Councilinon presciit: John A. Baum, RoY)(,rL 11. Callis, Jr., Mayor
Robert B. Cromi@oll, Jr., Vice llayor l@, l@cid Ervin, George R.
Ferrell, Cliarles i;@ CJarence A. tiolland, D. Murray
Malbon, J. Curtis Ila@,n(?., I)oj,.,,,ild ii. PIiote@, and Floyd E. I%Iaterfield,
Councilip.on absent: Nojic
ITENI #63@)O
i@pplicativ,@i of RL,@,Fol i Cii.l!:Iaitl f,j, to constr@rct "125 additional
ur:it, @i@ to c a
,crot(- Et r staur nt
a sullsidiary use to the
tlc)tel oti I c,,ca t,@
y a.,@d South side of 18th Street
On tfle East side Of Avcrll@(-.
Parcel 1 : Use Per;;lit co!istrtict 4f,) notll units, totaling 80 units
on certain property Eit till 'Icu'l@lieast corncr of 18tli Stri@et ard Atlantic
I,vc,,iue, runnir,@7 i Cf IL)@; a s e 0
I fc@@t 411; E st id f lit antic Avc-nuc,..
i,unning a distance c;f 1,7@
", f,@2t tile Sc)utii sidc of 1P)@lh Street, runnin(i a
distatice of 105 f(,(,
tt@e rls+cr,i prr.),npr,'y lino runiiiig a distai,,cc@ of
154 fc,,t alorg t@,o. iii-Ol@Qrtlll line. Sai(i parcel contaitis 16,lyO squarc
Parcel 2: t,s(, Porl',Iit to construct 2@l".5 ino@lfll units and a Use Permit to operate a
restaurant, ready-to-,@,,Par sl-;Cps, beauty stinp, @cutinile S!Iop as a subsidiary use
to tile liotel on cc,.r'@ait) nro,@icrty Iccitcd On t@l,, tiortheast coriier rf 18th Strcot
and Atlaiitic Av(@llue, rur,!@in(i a dist,-@i)c,@ of 2,j@-, ,f,,,et along t[ic East side f
L, p
rn , ai@tarice- O'f 154 fecl along ttle f-'orth sid of I th
i@tlantic ikvct)@)e, ruilni 0
SI.rc-ot, runiiii'-' a dist@,tic(-, of 2,-jt@) i7ec.-'u along @,h2 Eastern property line and runn-
ina a distance-'Of l@4, fec@t alorq til(@ @lort@,(@rn property line. said parcel con-
tainS 31;724 square fel-t.
I C.0 c]
P@ircel 3, A sun([ ck it t@@ f(-,ur-lh f r 1 , l@i,')O square feet Piore
q P,=Iv-c@,]-, 1 alcl 2 i-, on ti)c., sitc i)lan availa@ile in the
or leSS CC)nnectin
of City Pipplicant has ii,,Ddified
sai(i requ(-,st to a total IC,8 ii@ot(-,l tinits.
Planninc Coinrissic)n Rccol!,@,ie;,ic!ations:
A r@,(jtion by the Platini,i,,, Cr;-;r,!ission pa,,,sed fc)r approval of this request
subjcct to ttie follc)
1. A r,'(,.'Iific3itinn ii-, @,C,Iorl,lanc(, %iitil tlie aliplicant's rcquestto approve
a total of It@3 motel uiiil@s is follcvls:
a. Parcelc@ 'D @,ricr()vci 115 t!041'el units In addition to tile subsidiary
uses requested.
b. Parcel,\2 to c,@)lirovc, a tf),L 1
include the existirq Llfi!'LS. La or '-,13 r,,(itel units on tllis property to
2. Statidard s ite pl@i@,i
3. tlit(,r a,,(.1
'o !@Llititic Avcriue watcr r)aiii.
4. City V!Ztt(r ari(i
in Pii@cLl 3 lliall he re-
,,)rvc,d f(,r "ity t,,ii'lil t-,
T"i@ following persons appeared in favoi of the above applicatiofi:
@Ir. IZussell Chap]-aijt
Nir. Wilson Chapiain
',Is .
Suzanne Cliaplain
During consideration of t'ne aDDlication of Russell Chaplain, City
Council requested information from Nlr. Cliaplain as to the proposed
liei@ht of the building being considered, Mr. Chaplain stated that
iie building was desil@ned to be one t,urclred and ninety feet (190)
Council asked Comiiiari(i,@r Kirkwood @f @iroposed lieight @4a@, @vithin
t7@le Iiiiiits proscribed by the Fe(leral A, @atiori Administration (FAA)
for tiic fliglit patt,@rii@@-, ;ii tliis ire'., r @'i i,kivood noted that
tiie FAA limitatioiis ot-i t@iie iieigit L )i bui I'diti-s in ' ile Oc.@,alia- Virginia
iieaca fli.,'nt pattern is two hundred anci ten Ecet (210) above (@ISL)
rqean sea level.
On inotion by Councilman Malbon, seconded by Councilman Rhodes, and
by rccordeci vote as follows:
Ayes: Counciimeii Nlayor Robert B. Ci-omwell, Jr.,-George R. Ferrell,
D. @Nlurray Nlalbon, J. Curtis Payne, DonLid H. Rhodes, and Floyd E.
@Vaterfield, Jr.
l@ays: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert H. Callis, Jr., Vice @layor
F. Reid Ervin, Cliarles W. Gardner, and Clarence A. Holland
Absent: None
City Couricil approved the above application of Russell Chaplain
for a Use Permit to construct 325 additional motel units, totaling
365 units, an a Use Permit to operate a restaurant, ready-to-wear
shops, beauty siioit, outique shop as a subsidia-ry use to the liotel
on certain property located on tlie Nortfl and Soutli side of 18th
Street on the East side of Atlantic Avenue.
Parcel 1: Use Permit to constru(zt 285 i7,,otel units and a Use Permit
to operate a restaurant, ready-to-wear shops, beauty shop, boutique
shop as a subsidiary use to the hotel on certain property located on
t'le iiortheast corner of 18th Street and. Atlantic Avenue, running a
distance of 206 feet along the East side of Atlantic Avenue, running
a clistance of 154 feet along the North side of 18th Street, running
a distance of 206 feet along the Eastei-n property line and runnin@ a
distance of 154 feet along the Northern property line. Said parcel
contains 31,724 square feet.
Parcel 2: Use Permit to construct 40 additional i-,iotel units, totalin@
80 units ori certain property located at the Southeast corner of 18th
Street and Atlantic Avenue, running a d@stance of 105 feet alon@ the
East side of Atlantic Avenue, runnin,, a distance of 154 feet aiong
tlie South side of 18th Street, runnin@. @t distance of 10S @-eet alon@.
tlie Eastern property line and runnin,,, zi distance of IS4 1-@---t alon@.
tfio Soutfierri property line. Said parcc,l cojitains 16,170 sqiiare
e t.
ll;trcel 3: A suiicleck at tlie fourt@.Ii floc@r level coritainiii@.@ 1800
s(iuai-e feet more or iess coiinecting [',,ii-cets I and 2 as sliolin on
tii@-, site plaii availab.Le in tli-- Depar,tmejit oF Citv Planning. Virginia
i3(2acii @'orough. Applicant lias fitodified @aid re(ju@st to a total of 168
ii,,ot--l units. AI)proval is subject to tic Eollowin,.@ stipulatio-is:
1 k inodificatioii iii accordanc:e tvitfl t,'-ie applicalit's request
to approve a totel of 168 motel imits as follows:
a. Parcel 1 to approve a totel of S3 motel utlits on this
property to include The existing ililits
b. Parcel 2 to approve 11S mote-(. units in addition to the
subsidiary uses requested.
2. Standard site pl.L,, fbq-LLirlaents. (Engineerin@.)
3. IVater and sewer agreements; no connection to Atlantic Avenue
water main. (Public Utilities)
4. City water aiid (@iealth)
S. Air ri.,hts over ]8t!) Str--et @is i(.1@(,.a@e,,l i[@ 3 sliall
be i-,served for "i@. (,'ii-.y uit.;., Ilreem,:aiit can
be @vorked out.
ITEM #6391
On motion by Councilman Ferrell, seconded by Cbuncilman Ga@dner,
and by recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen Joiiii A, Baum, Robert ri. Callds, Jr., Nlayor
Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Vice @,layor F. Reid Ervin, George R.
Ferrell, Ciiarles @'i. Gardner, ClareRce A. Hoiland, D. Murray
l@Ialbon, J. Curtis Payne, Donald ii. Rhodes, and Floyd E. @Vaterfield, Jr.
iNays i'4one
Absent: None
Siiei-iff Jolin E. Marr requested additional funds for the purchase
of a large outdoor freezer for use at the City Jail. This request
has been certified by the State Department of Welfare and Institutions.
T-li,-refore, City Council approved on second reading an appropriation
of $2,370 from the Reserve for Contin@encies, to be distributed as
folloivs: $2,270 to Account @@856 (freezers) and $100 to Account
,@320 (building materials and supplies)
ITENI #6392
On motion by Councilman Callis, seconded by Counci-lman Malbon,
and by recorded vote as follows:
Ay--s: Councilmen John A. Baun@, Robert H. Callis, Jr., ilayor
RoDert B. Cromwell, Jr., Vice inlayor F. Reid Ervin, Georae R.
Ferrell, Charles @V. Gardner, Clarence A. iiolland, D. Murray
Nialbo,i, J. Curtis Payne, DonaidH. Rfiodes, ;in(I Floyd E. '@@aterfield, Jr.
i@ays : inone
Absent: inone
Citv Council approved a correctioii of t 'ie @liniltes of August 13.
197.D-, by tiie insei@tioii of all iterq iv'iich @,Tas accideritly olliitted,
iii iiiiich City Council gave t"ie Ashi-,iac Company periaission to construct
16 iie@v units in addition to the t@@o u-@lits pl@esently
oii tiie property, iiiakin,@ a total of IS uiiits iii accordance @vith
tile decision @iven @)y, tlie City Attorn--y at tlic Co@incil ii,eeting
oL@ September 20, 1973.
Ayes: Coiiiici liii(,Il To] I
0 r
kc)bcrt ],. Cromtlc.Lj Goor@,c R.
l@errol.1, Cliarles lic)] (i D. @llil-)',Iv
'llikl Floyd E.
Nlalt)on, J. Curtis I)olii,lcl 11, i'l-lo@les,
W,ttcrfield, Ji,.
Nays N one
Absent: None
City CoLincil authorized tlic City ClorR to sul)stitute in the
Minutes of August 27, 1973 tlie Ordill@ilice closing,
vacatiiig and discoi-@tiiiuiji@@ a portio@, C,'f Ila(:ific Avenue, etc.
I'he substitutioii i') i-equil-od iii ord,@t- to include in the Ordinance
certai.n specificatiolis ill@icle ill t!)" C:oLiiicil itiotion NV)iicli were
not iriclu(Ici iii tlic c)i-ii.,,inal Orclinaiicc.
would make app'@ication to the City Council of the City of VirginlE
Beach, Virginia, to have the Yiereinafter described portion of
Pacific Avenue clc)sed, vacated -,nd discontinued as a portion of
Pacific Avenue in the Virginia Beach Borough, City of Virginia
Beach, Virginia, was duly postee@; and
WHEREAS, all- the owners ab,-itting said portion of Pacific
Avenue- have requested the said portion to be closed; and
IqHEREAS, application was nade to the City Planning Co@s-
sion and to thc City Council and, pursuant to the statutes in such
cases made and provided, the Co@incil appointed Viewers who have
reported to the Council that no inconvenience to the public or
to private individuals would result from such closing, vacating
and discontinuance; and
WHEREAS, it is the jud
gment of the Council that said'portioni
of Pacific Avenue should be closed, vacated and discontinued;
Section 1: Tlaat the said portion of Pacific Ave nue described
as follows in Virginia Beach Borough, Virginia Beach, Virginia,
is hereby closed, vacated and discontinued as a public thorough-
fare of the City of Vii.-ginia Virginia, said portion of
Pacific Pvenue not beiiig needed for public use and travel:
TiTAT PO@TIOT@ of, Picifj.c Av,@iiue nc)rth of 40th Street
runiiiii(i alon(; th@ w(?.st side of the property
Of yc)ur I'@,til
r,,Inna.n,l a caist@tncc,. c)f 37G.50
fact L3ic:cl c)@ I'acii-ic ivenue 20 feet
3.n ciofcril)(@d on
Company for Williams and Tazewell & Associates,
Architects, Virginil Beacil Borough-Virginia
Beach, Virginia" irade by @larsh and Basgier,
Consultilig Engineers, Surveyors and Land
Section 2: It is, however, understood that there shall be
no ingress or egress into the property hereby vacated and
abandoned from the east side of Pacific Avenue for residents or
occupants of the condominium apartment complex known as "Oceans
Condominium". This vacation and abandonment is further condi-
tioned on property owner constructing the condominium complex
as proposed by the site plan submitted to the City of Virginia
Section 3: That Thirty (30) day's after this date a copy of
this Ordinance, Certified by the Clerk, be spread upon the public
reco@ds in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of this City
and indexed in like manner as a deed to lands.
r?Oyl--S. M@K-.Y,
Oii iiiot:Loii by Couiici lifi@ill st@cc,@i(IoLl by (@(.)tjnciliiizijl Ferrell,
aiid by rocorded voto @ts
Ayes: Couiacilnicii Jc)liii A. l@auiii, Rol)ort 11. Cal.]:@s, Jr. , @layor
Robert B. Crontivell, Jr., Vice Niayoi- 1:@ l@eid Erviii, Goorge R.
Ferrell., Charles G,,ti@diier, Clarepc(, A. tiolland, D. Nlurray
Malbon, J. Curtis Donald H. Idiodes, Ind Floyd E.
Waterfiold, Jr.
Nays: inone
Absent: None
City Council approveJ tlie followiii@ Oi-,Iinance to amend and reordain
Ordinance Number 47@l yertal.nijip, to tli(, I)roduction, sale, etc. of
ol)sceiie items:
Z,74 PLI@', f.'IllillqG Tk,)
That Ordinance NunfDor 474 be amended and reordained by deleting
Section 4 and by chanc,4n, Scction 12 to rcad as follows:
Section 12. @--oceedin- against bodk alle,,,ed to be obscene.
(1) lihenever he lias reasot-iable caus(, to believe that any person
is enga.@ed in the sale or commercial distribution of any obscene book
any citizen or city attorney may institute a proceeding in the Circuit
Court of the City of Virginia Beach for adjudication of the obscenity
of the book pursuant to SS13.1-236.3, Co@le of Virginia, as amended.
An emergency exists an(i tlii@, ordiniince shall be effective from
6ate o@' adoption.
Adopted by the Council of the City o.L- Vir,inia Beach, Virginia,
on the day of o l@173.
i olli d
o,, niotion by (@o ircilli@@-
and by recordod votc @is
Ayes: Counciline", Joilli Jr., @layor
Robci-t 13. Crolill,:Oli, Jr., i@L J@rviii, George R.
Fori-oll, Cliayic,-; D. @lurray
@Ialbon, J. Curtis Pa),i,@., J)c,,@,,lcl ii. @iiicl Flo),d E.
Waterfield, Jr.
Nays: None
Abseiit: None
City Couiicil approved tli tax r.@ftir,(IS ill tl-ie amount of
: @Ar. !)ale B;--soLi Citv Attn-nct
SOT)tcnl)f,r 19, 1973
: tir. V.
: ApplicaLion for Tax @ueuiicis;
rc-@,.;nd -f tz:@zs rctzling
rtified for payment, as seL forL!). beiow:
-V. A. Etheridse,
,i p@ t t' it
7" cl,,c a ion
Rame P@iid Bztse alt
YT.--l Nunbcr No. y est
YT r -f
eh st Graysoi M. RE @'kO56O@' 5 5 - 3,1 -7 3 191,65
fnr refixii(l, or
ippL@--,tLiult ful: ,Ix
2-7 8 5 3
fn ---
certifiCd for paymerit, ii3 set f,,)-Lil
@@V. A. Ethcridc-,e, Trc:l-stirer
Tax Type Ti ckc!t ,ition
Ilame Year of Ti-, Paid Base alty C@t
e ]-man Leroy 1973. RE 040440-6 I'C)'69 6/15/73 24.00
aslivan lierbert' 1970 R T, 8/1,)7 (1/10/70 61.50
TAL T/A ETC 1/2 & 2/0,
1971 RF, 8408 @/7/71 6.1.50 123.00
1/2 & 2/
ommonwealth Firkincial.,Corp,
/o Lloyd B Graii- 1973 P,,, 10629 1 / 21 5 /20/73 93.1.3
ardner Mary E
B.,Mortgage Cor 1973 RE Olc'@722 112 18091 ()/14/73 38.40
nvv nodlicitt *n-, fnr rcr ... ),I.,,f
A; 7-
Oil iliotioli 1))' Col@lici I)y (:o@ijici-Iiiiail F-errell,
@iiid by recor,ic,(] vot,, fol@Ici@s:
A),es : CoLiiic-i Iiiieii Jt)llll ]'lob ort 11 . Cal I i s , Jr. , llayor
]@obert B. Croiiii,,c,@ll , @-, l@. , Vi CO i (i 11, George R.
l@errell, Cliarlos IV,. (@Lli-dnor, liollaiil, D. @lurray
@Ialbon, J. Curtis I)oii@ilLI 11. alid 1--loyd E.
lVatcrfield, Jr.
Nays: None
Abscnt: Noiie
City Council approvec, tlie lot@ bid of Ct,o,,.,dcr Cnntracting Company,
Iiicorporatod, iii tli arrolijit of $8,9,-.';O.00, for tlie Baylake Beach
sanitary sowei'a,,,c syste,Tii 1)roj.ect, an@l 1-tirtlier authorized the City
@lanager to eiiter intc., a coiitr@ict i@itli CrL)wcler Cojitracting Company,
Incorporated. Funds are avail@il)lc.
ITE@l U63@16 (a)
On motioii by Counciiiii@iii Gardiier, se(--oii,led I)y Councilman Malbon,
and by recorde(I ,,otc @is follo@vs:
Ayes: Councilmen Joliji A. Baum, Rol)et-l 11. Callis, Jr., Mayor
Robert B. CroEiivell, Jr., Vico '@,or I:. llc@ic', l@rk,ill, George R.
Ferrell, Charles W. Cai-diior, Clai-cnc(.@ '@. fic)lland, D. Murray
@ialbon, J. Curtis P@iyiil-, Ilonald It. l@i)C)JC'.@, and Floyd E.
Waterfield, Jr.
Nays: None
Absent: None
The low bid on the sanitary sewer porti@oii c)f tlie contract was more
than 50% above the Citv's consul,-u4ng crigiiic!orls estimate. Therefore,
City Couiicil rejecte(I tlie bj,ds and Ltut@iorized the City Nianager to
instruct the consultiiig engiiieers to review the I)roject design to
see if a re-design niiglill ro.,;ult in a-.iy cost savilig, and thereafter,
at the earliest possibl(, tiine, to advc@ti.,;c- for new bids.
Oil mot-.@Loii bv Coui@@@ili@i@iii SO@,(,Il(ted by Coujicilman @,aterfielcl,
aiid by roco@ded \@L)tc a.,i folloi,,S:
Ayes: COUIlCillitC.TI Joiiii A. i@@luin, IZol)crr Ii. Callis, Jr., M,@lyor
Robert B. Cromivoll, Jr., Vice @%layoi- f@. Reid Ervin, George R.
Ferrell, Cliarles tV. Garlncr, L:Iai-eii(:e A. flollind, D. Murray
@Ialbon, J. CurtiE, I)ayne, I)onzil(i il. I)Ili,)cles, aild Floyd E.
Waterfiold, Jr.
Nays: None
Absent: None
City Counci.1 approved tlie lo@,T bid of l@oanoke Iron and Bridge
Works, Iiicorporated, i)i tho aiiiount of @'39,200.00, on the liolding
Facility (jail) equitlinent for tlie fl@ti)lic Safety Building. City
Couiicil further autli@)i-izcd the Cit), @@Iiiiiigor to enter into a contract
with Roanoke Iron ajid Bridg,-, l@or@-, ln(orporporated. Funds are
On motion by Counciliiiaii Riiodes, secoiic@ed b), Councilman Waterfield,
and by recorded vote as follo@@s:
Ayes: Councilm@n Joliii A. Bauin, Robert H. Callis, Jr., Nlayor
Robort B. CroiRwell, Jr., Vice Nlayor l@. Reid Erviii, George R.
Ferrell, Charles Ii. (@,ardner, Clarencc, A. Hollalid, D. @furray
Malbon, J. Curtis Pavii , Doiiald Ii. l@lic("es, and Floyd E.
Waterfield, Jr.
Nays: None
Absent: None
City Council approved a l@affle Ilermit for the Easter Seal Society.
ITEM #61-qQ-
Mr. Harvey D. Eluto appcared before City Cotijicil regarding the
problems of liallowceii T)ran@sters, Nir. Eluto requested Council
to authorize Nlr. Scott to iiiake a @,ti.idy of tlie problem. Mr.
Eluto also offered several solutioi,.@@ !,.-, tlio problems.
1] The educatioji of parents and @Iiilclrell
2] Recreation centers in the (,itv to spoiisor chaperoned
Halloweeii partics.
3] Sufficient statutes availal)le to punisli persons who
are found giiilty of ptittinp ol-,jects in halloween
41 Metliod of appreliension. flave parents go with child
on Halloween.
5] Outlaw H'alloweeii altogetl,,er.
Mayor Cromwell inforti@ed Nir. Eliito tliat Council would look into
tile probleiiis.
I I'L-'@l # 6 4 1 0
@layor Cromwell reiiiijiclod COLI]ICil Of tlic itiectin_g Octol)er 2, 1973,
at 7:30 for the di-c;ctissioii ()n tli@-, Conipr(@liensive Zoning
Oi,dinance, and to liold o;)cii @is ivoll.
il 0 1
@fa>,oi- Croiiiwcli ir. Gcor AssisLaiit City
Plana,ui,, of tjle (@.riiiiiiial
.-Jtistice @](@cting, to 1)0 lield
ill tlic Oceanfy,c)jii@ Cavali@,@-, at 7:00 on I:riday, October 5,
1 9 7 3.
Vice @layor Erviii iiifoi,m(,(l Council Ii(., had filc,,d in the Office of
the City Clerk a stateiii(,iit oji propc,,ty holdings, and liow they
are af-fected by tlie Coiiii)reliensi.ve Zoiii.rig Orclinance, and also a
finaiicial statemc,.rit for tlie ),ear.
ITL'M P6403
Councilman Waterficld noiiiinated Mr. Iloward Salmons and Vice Mayor
Ervin noininated Cliarles Purringtoii to tlio Wetlands Commission.
Councilman Ferrell macle a iiiotion to close tlie nominations, which
was seconded by CoLtnciiman fioliand, @in(I I)y recorded votes as
Ayes: Councilflieii Jolin A. l@z@um, Rcl)ctt H. Callis, Jr., m@yor
Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Vice M,,tyor [@. Reid 1-1i'vin, George R.
Ferrel.1, Charles IV. Gardiiei-, Clareiic, A'Holland, D. Murray
Malbon, J. Curtis P@iyne, I)onald H. I'lliod@s, and Floyd E.
Waterfield, Jr.
Nays; None
Absent: None
The nominatioiis were closed.
City Council tlicn voted on tlie iiomiiic@05 by recorded vote as
Mr. Hoivard Salmons: Councilnien Mayol Robert B. Cromwell, Jr.,
George R. Ferrell, (,iarence A. flollaild, D. @lurray P4albon, J.
Curtis Payne, and Floyd IVaterficid, Jr.
Mrs. Charles Puri,iiigton: Couiacilmon @@ohn A. Batim, Robert H.
Callis, Jr., Vice %Iayor F. Reid Fr@,iTi, Charles W. Gardner, and
Donald H. Rhodes.
Mr. Howqxd Salpions was appointed to tlio Wetlands Commission
ITEM #6.104
Mayor Cromwell autliorized Mr. Richard J. Webbon, City Clerk, to
send a Letter of Appreciation to %Ii-. Kenneth Whitehurst, Sr. for
the work he did on the IVotlands Con)iiii,@sion.
October 4, 1973
@Ir. Keilneth N. Whitehursi-, Sr.
Back Bay Station
Virgiiiia Beacli, Virginia
Dear Keiinoth:
It has beconie my honor tO CxPress to you tlic appreciation of the
@leiTibers of City COuiicil Of the CitY of Vir@,inia Beach for the
valuable service wliicli yoti liave reiidered to tliis City as a member
of tlie I'lVetlaiids Board". 'I'his bo@ird liis t'le very difficult task
of preserving our marsialiiids, meadoiTs and tidal areas for posterity.
As a member of tlie "iictl@ii)ds Board" you liave practiced courtesy,
tact and good jtidgeiiient in tlie matters wliicli have been presented
to yoti. Tile City Couiicil approciat0s 70'ir efforts to preserve
our natural resources.
Sincerely yours,
Richard J. IVebbon
City Clerk
By Direction of tlie City Council
Minutes of-October 1, 1973
Oil liiotioii [)v Couli, 1 1!1:;Il 11(@ i t@nuiici ij)lljl an@,
re COrde(i vo,l(,
Ayes: CoLinciljiicii i J l@. Yol'
I'Iol)ert Ii. Ci,oiii@vel I ill, (,'eol "t@ l@
].'crreII , (,Ii a les (@,i i Ipe ('1@ircII c(. lo -I 1;@;@j , 1'.
NI@iii)oii, J. C@irtis [@IoN,d l@.
@laterfiel.,I, Jr.
Nays : Nloiie
Absent: Noiie
City Couiicil note(! its iiii @ii' -oi) to lio!Ll a clc)scc, irectil-Lg on
l@loiiday, O,,:.tober 8, @l')7 @l items
@ 1 5 @ c r t
poi-initteLl f or dis - (l,@ @@ i 01@ l@@l I(! I i 01) 4 , @,-il)l)@tragrapli
I and 6 of the i )ii @f tlic (1, "'ItiTiollwe"'lltil
of Virgiiiia.
!'l l@ ,,! 11 0
On motioii b,, CoLilicLIF,@@t@rl 1:1@i I 011, -,Ct@) i Ilolland,
and by unaiiii,ious @k)t( i.,@tive. Ses@ion.
011 T,.Iot Li oii by Cotircl.i@it'ji@ ii,), ('c,. iii-@c,, i.iiiLLi) Rhode., , and
by unaiiinious vot,-,, tlic, ii!o,,l
-c ii-i -w, e-] -1 -J rM a y o r
City of Virgiiiia l@(,,acl)
October 1, 1973