HomeMy WebLinkAboutOCTOBER 15, 1973
October 15, 1973
Tlie regular meeting of tlie Council of tile City of virginia Beach,
Vi.rginia ivas held iii tlie Council Cliaiiibers in the Administration
Building iii the Borotigli of Princess Anne, on Nlonday, October 15,
1973, at 2:00 p.m.
Tlie invocation was given by the Reverend Byron Halstead, Baylake
Metliodist Church, Virginia Beach, Virginia.
Councilmen present: Jolin A. Baum, Mayor Robert B. Cromwell, Jr.,
Vice @,layor F. Reid Ervin, George R. Ferrell, Charles W. Gardner,
Clarence A. Ifolland, D. Murray Malbon, J. Curtis Pa),ne, Donald
Ii. lzliodes, and Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr.
Couiicilmen absent: Robert 11. Callis, Jr.
ITEM #643S
Oii motion by Councilman Ferrell, secoiide(I by Councilman Rhodes,
ajid by recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Mayor Rohert B. Cromivell, Jr.,
Vice i\layor F. Reid Ervin, George R. Ferrell, Charles W. Gardner,
Clarence A. liollajid, D. Murray Nlalbon, J. Curtis Payne, Dronald
H. Rhodes, and Floyd E. IVaterfield, Jr.
Nays: None
Absent: louncilinan Robert H. Callis, Jr.
City Council approved the Nlinutes of the lzegular Meeting of
October 8, 1973, and tlie reading of said @Iiiiutes dispensed
witii iiiasmuch as each Councilman had a copy of the subject
@linutes before him.
ITE@l #6436
Application of Pendleton Poitlt Associates for a Chano of 7on n from
!e i Q
Resi(lence Diblex District 2 (R-0 2) to General Com;--@arci-aT l@s r@ct 3 (C-G 3)
and frorn Residence DuDlex District 2 (R-D 2) to tlultiole Faniily @esidence
District and a Ose.Pcr@qit to construct 702 ai)artrent units I'lith Drivate
boat slios on certain- -@ro-De-Fty@ocated on the East.side of South Birdneck Road
beginning at a noir@t 1000 .feet rqore or less SOutil of Bells Road, runnl'ng a
distance of 1150.35 feet along the t4,festorn oro!)erty line of i-lhich 747.-3 feet
is tlie East side of South P,@rdneck Road runnino a distance of 3345.15 feet
along t@ie Porthern r)ro,)(-,rt,,, line and rti@nina a @istaiice of 3253.39 f-et along
the Southern prooertv line. Said parcel iS bounded partially by Owl's Creek
and Cam.D Pendleton and is ti,iangLIlar in shar,)e.
Parcel 1: Chanqe of zoninq from R-D 2 to R-t@ and Use Permit to construct 792
aDartrient ulli'ts (rj2.99 acres).
Parcc,l 2: Change' of zoninq from R-t) 2 to C-r. 3 (3.44 acres).
Plats %iith more detailed inforination are available in the Office of the Dcpart-
0 g
ME'nt Of City Pliiinina. (C,@:11.0 Pendleton Arc&). Ly,@t@HAVEll BOR UG
Planning Coi@i,-nission PCcoriiii,@@@i(lation:
A motion [)y t@l(I Planning Co:rmission t@,,as passed fo@ appt,oval of this request sub-
ject to the follo@iing:
1- Relocation of all t,csidcntial o,lits C 7, R ?onp- 3.
2, Thc! ovet,all (f-n-@ltv Of 1.@ s' a )p ied to the gross
act,c,ig(@ incltl(lirl(l lha aci [e a!
t acrc,Tio,@ if, C 3.
3 Stiii(itlr,-, tO c@ i',) @ild
4 The eritrinc- )'lSI, Fir,!nc,.I, Road is -uo be a standard "T" irtersect;o,),
i e@. no tr@iffic @ritig)
Aii cast-@.@cst s-cr the (-ast end of t@.e property is @o
'be d-dicated to the Ci@U,,, of Virqirli,, Ccach'(Fn-l-
" oot right of way, fully improved in
accordance wit@i VirLlillia Beac@l Ci-Lv Standards).' (Engineering)
6. A north conn-ectni, street is to be dedicated to the City of Virginia Beach
(60--foot right of @.iay, 4'7LIlly iM,.-)roved in accordance with Virginia Beach City
Standards). (Enqinecrin,,)
7. A 150-foot drai'na@ge easement alona the eastern and southeastern prooerty
lines is required for tlie Seaside t!eck Canal -1 (Rudee Ciiannel Tie). (Engi'neering)
8. A 50-foot drainace easeinent is required along the northern and southern
pro,oertv lines on a runo@f ratio basis of contributing area. (Engineering)
9, If traffic signalization is deemed necessary by the Engineering Division
at the entrance to the si'Ue, the developer viill bear the cost. (Engil-leering)
10. The area sho@,in as board@ialk on the site !)Ian submitted i-iith the request
shall be bulkheaded in accordance @,iith City standards. (Planning)
11. A oarking t,atio of 1.5 shall be provid@d. (Planning)
12. A aedication ol- riglit of way 45 feet from the centerline of the existinq
60--foot right of ,-iay along the 747.33-foot niorp or less frontage on -)outh Birdneck
Road (15-foot dedication), (Real Estate)
13. City water and se@,ier. (Health)
14. Recommend a larger site for active recreation be provided. (Parks and
15, Suggest participation in school site acquisition.
16, The soils ad,iacent to the dug canal in the eastern portion are salt marsh
mud fill over "soft" marsh for a dis"ance of 75 to 100 feet from the canal. This
is very unstable soil condition and ther,- is no provision for bulkheading in the
site plan, I.,Ihen acfditional load (som- bijildings arC PI'O'Dosed) is placed on this
area it could settle and slide further out or create iiiud waves. (Soil Conservation)
Nlr. Jolln Jaries appeared oii behalf of tlie applicant.
Mr. Joseph Preziotti, Jr., Niarsh aiid Bas@ier, appoared on behalf of the
Vice Mayor Ervin made a motion, seconded by Councilman Gardner, to
deny tlie above application of Pelidleton Point Associates for a
a"'e of Ion n' from Residence Duplex District 2 (R-D 2) to
G, .eal C..", e,@,al District 3 (C-G 3) and from Residence Duplex
District 2 (R-D 2) to @lultiple Faiiiily Resideiice District (R-@1) and
a Use Permit to construct 792 apai,tment units with private boat slips
on ertaiii property located on tlie E-ast side of South Birdneck Road
begiiining at a poiiit 1000 feet more or less South of Bells Roadp
running a distance of 1150.35 feet along the I'@'esterli property line
of which 747.33 feet is the East side of SoutJl Birdneck Road, running
a distance of 3345.15 fcet along the Nort)iern property line and running
a distance of 3253.39 fcet along the Soutfierii property line.
The recordea vote is as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen Jolin A. Baum, Vice Nlayor F. Reid Ervin, and Charles
!V. Gardner.
Nays: ivlayor Robert B. Cromi,,ell, Jr., Councilmen George R. Ferrell,
Clarence A. liolland, D. @lurray Nlalbon, J. Curtis Payne, Donald H.
Rhodes, and,Floyd E. Ilaterfield, Jr.
Absent: Councilman Robert Ii. Callis, Jr.
The motioii for denial ivas lost.
ITEi%l ii6@l,-)o (;i)
Councilmaii Malbon a ir,(ltioii, secojided by Councilman Ferrell, to
approve tl)e above. application of Pendl ton Points Associates, and to
upliold tlic reconi-,Iell(l@itiolis of th.o Planiiij)g Coiiiriission witli the excoption
they tliey reduce tlie nunil)cr of units from 792 to 7S6. Councilman
liolland offered an amendiiiciit to the iiiotion by reducing tlie number of
units froni 792 to 692, aiid by i-ecordo(I vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Bauri, @layor Rol)ert B. Cromwell, Jr.,
George R. Ferrell, Cliarles l'y'. Gardner, CLarence A. Holland, D.
Murray @Ialboii, J. Curtis Payiie, Donald Ii. Rhodes, and Floyd E.
Waterfield, Jr.
Nays: Vice Mayor F. Reid Ervin
Absent:. Coujicilniaii Robert fi. Callis, Jr.
City Council approved the above application of Pendleton Point
Associates for a Cliange of Zoiiing from Residence Duplex District 2
(R-D 2) to General-Coiiiiiierciar-)@i@trict 3 (C-G 3) and from Residence
Duplex District 2 (R-D 2) to @lijltiple Family Residence District (R-@1)
and a Use Permit to construct 692 apartment units with private boat
slips oii certain property located on tile East side of South Birdneck
Road begiiining at a point 1000 feet more or less South of Bells Road,
runiiing a distance of IISO.35 feet aloiig the Western property line of
which 747.33 feet is tlie East side of South Birdneck Road, running a
distance of 334S.15 feet aloiig tlie Northern proporty line and running a
di.stance of 3235,39 foet al,)iig tlie Sotithern property line. Said parcel
is bounded partially by Oivlls Creek and Camp Pentleton and is triangular
in shape.
Parcel 1: Change of Zoning from R-D 2 to R-M and Use Permit to
construct 692 apartinent units (62.99 acres).
Parcel 2: Change of Zoning from R-D 2 to C-G 3 (3.44 acres).
Plats with more detailed iiiforniation arc available in the Office of
the Departnient of City Planning. (Cainl) Pendleton Area). Lynnhaven
Borough. Approval is sul)jcct to the following stipulations:
1. Relocatioji of all residential ujiits outside C & R Zone 3.
2. The overall density of 12.6 units per acre shall be applied
to the gross acreage including that acreage in C & R Zone 3.
3. Standard site plan requiremeiits to incltide curb aiid gutter,
sidew"alks, pavei@tent ividoning and storm draiiis as necessary along
the frontage on both sides of Soutli Birdneck Road in accordance
with tlie ultiinate road section. (1@,iginecring)
4. The entrance on South Birdneck i@oad is to be a standard "T"
intersection, :i.e. no tyiffic isl,,tn,ls. (Engineering)
S. An east-west stroet witli a cul-de-sac at the east end of the
property is to be declic@ited to the City of Virginia Beach (60-
foot ri2lit of wa),, fully improved iii accordance wit)i Virginia
Beacli City Staiidirds) (1@ligineering).
6. A north coiiiiector street is to I)e dedicated to the City of
Virginia Be-acii (60-foot right of fully improved in accordance
with Virginia Beacli City Staiidard-s). (Engiiieering)
7. A 150-foot drainage (,,,@emert @il,-)ng tlie eastern and south-
easterii propoi,t@@ line is roqtiire(I f,-)r tl)e Seaside Neck Canal
#1 (Ru(lco Chaiincl Tic) (Lng:iiiocri,)g)
8. A 50-foot di-@iiii@tgc ca,,;ci-,iciit j,; coqui.rcd aloiig the nortliei@n
and soutliern pi-operty Iiiie oii a run,)ff ritio basis of contril)uting
9 if traffic sigiialization is cle(@in(,d necessary by tlie Engiiiecriiig
Division at t@I)c eiitraiice to tlie sitic, the developer will bear tji(,
cost@. (Eiigiiieci-ijig)
10. Tiio area slioivil as boardwalk oji the site plan submitted witli
,the reqtiest sh@i.11 be bull@lieaded iii @iccordance with City standards.
11. A parking ratio of 1.5 shall b(! provided. (Planning)
A dedication of right of way 45 feet from the centetline of
the existing 60-foot ri@I)t of ivay ,ilong the 747.33 foot more or
less frontage on Soutli Bir(liaecl@ Road (15-foot dedicatioll).
(Real Lstate)
13-. City water and sewer. (Ilealth)
14. Recommend i l@irger site for active recreation be provided.
(Parks and Recreatioii)
15. Suggest participation in scliool sito acquisition. School
Board recoinmends tlie,, applicajit be rcqllired to participate in
scliool site purclia@;e, in tlie amount of $42,403.68, this figure
is based oji tiie average bedroom ntinibor and may be adjusted at
tlie time the builcling periiiit is issl,ed to reflect actual bedroom
16. The soils adjaceiit to the dug canal iii the eastern portion
.are salt marsh mucl fill over "soft" niarsh for @i distance of 75
to 100 feet froin t"ie canal. i'his is very unstable soil condition
and there is no provision for bu'.kl)o@idin,, on the site plan. Wlien
additional load (soine buildings prol)osed) is placed on this area
it could set'lle aiicl slide further out or create mud waves.
(Soil Cojiservatioji)
I'FENI #6436
Councilmaii iloiland offered an amendment to tlie above motion which
was seconded by Councilinan IVaterfield, to amend stipulation #14,
that a minimuin of 24% olien space be provided for active recreation,
and also that a reductioii of 13% in tlie IujTlber of units be distributed
betiveen the mid-rise aiid townhouses, and by recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Couiicilmen Jolin A. Baum, Mayor Rol)ert B. Cromwell, Jr., Vice
Mayor F. Reid Ervin, Gcorge R. Ferrell, (-,Iiarles W. Gardner, Clarence
A. liollaiid, D. i%lurrav ilalbon, J. Curtis Ilayne, Donald H. Rliodes, and
1',Ioyd E. lvaterfield, Jr.
Nays: None
Absejit: Councilman Robert Ii. Callis, Jr.
City Couiicl@.1 approved tlie above application of Pendleton Point
Associates for a Chaiig(, of Zojiii froin P,(!sidence Duplex District
2 (R-D 2) to GeneTal- oiiiincrcial f)istrict 3 (C-G 3) and from
Resideiico Duplex Distri.ct 2 (IZ-J) 2) to Milltiple Family Residence
District (R-,Nl) and a Use Permit to consti-uct 692 apartment units
witli private boat sl-l)-S o-ii c-or-tain prol@eity located on the East
side of Soutli ]3irdiieck foad I)eginiiiiig at @i point 1000 feet more
or less Soutli of Bel,].s Roa(l, ruiiniii,@ a cli,,;tance of 11SO.35 feet
along tlie @'vestern prc)pc,,rty line of ivhicli 747.33 fc,.et is the I-ast
sidc, of Soutli Birdneck ]Zo@il, ruriiiiii@,, a distilice of 334S.15 feet
aloiig tlie Nortlicrn prot)ert), Iiiic a.nd rtiiii@ing Li di.stance of 3253.39
foot aloiig tlie Soutlierii property lilic. @Lti,d parcel is bounded
1).irtially 1)), Oivi's Crec@ll- @ijid (:aiiij) I)cii@llctoii ajicl is triaiigular in shape.
I'@ircel 1: Chaii.,o of zojii.iig from ]Z-1) 2 to an(i a ljsc Ilerinit to
coii,-itruct 692 al)aftjiieiit ujiit.,; (6-L.@)9 act-c--;).
]':it,col 2: Cliilipc of Zoiiiji,@ ft@oiii ]',-D -- t( C-G 3 (3.44 acres).
illall s %vi tli iiiore clc,t @-lilo cl LLrc @iv tii@tl@le in -,I)c Of f i@e of
tl@e 1)0I)a I'tilic lit of (-i t)@ I'l i@cia@llc%toii Area) l,ynnh,-@vcn
!)Iorougli. Approval ii sulijcct to tlie foiio@,inl,, -@tipulations:
1. I'lic reductioii of 13'@, iii tlie I'll"@iber @f uiiits bc distributed
between the riid-rise ciiid toivnhouses.
2. Relocatioii of all re.-,,idential tinits olit@;icle C & R Zone 3
3. 'Fhc overall deiisity of 12.6 uliits per acre shall be applied
to the gross acreagc ilicluding tliat @icreage in C @ R Zone 3.
4. Standard site plaii i,eqtiiremonts to include curb and gutter,
sideivall,d, pave)iieiit widc,,iiing an(i storm clrai.ii-S as necessary along
the ftontage oii both ,,idcs of Soutia I'Iii,,Inccl@ IZoad iii accordance
with the ultiriate road section. ceriilg)
S. 'The entrancc on Sotitli 13irdneck Pc,,a(- is to be a standard "T"
intersectioji, i.e. no tr:lff ic islaii(i:;, (Engineering)
6. An east-west street witli cul-de-sa( at the cast eiid of the
prol)crty is to I)e dedicated to tlie Cit\ of \Iirginia Beach (60-
foot right of wl),, fully iinproved iii i(@cordance with Virginia,
Beach City Standards). (I;iigineeriii@@)
7. A north coiiiiector -,;trect is to I)e (tedicated to the City of
Virginia Beacli (60-foot ri,ll)t of flill,v improved in accordance
iqith Virginia jicacli (:ity I;tan(lards) -1--Ingincering)
8. A 150-foot drainage c;i@;emeiit aloiig the eastern and south-
easteril propert@, Iiiies is rocluired f-oi@ 'lie Scaside Neck Canal
Vl (Rudce Chaiiiiel l'i-C)
9. A SO-foot draiiiage casement is recliiired along the northern
and southern piopert@, Iiiies on a ruii@)ff ratio basis of contributing
area. (Engineerin,,)
10. If traffic si @,ii,,ilization is deci,.ie(I necessary by the
Engineering Divisioii at tlio entrance to the ,,ite, the developer
ivill bear tlie cost. (E@ngiiicering)
11. Tlie area sho@@n as boirdwalk on tIlC SitE' plan submitted with
the request shall bc,, l@ulklie@idcd in accor(l@iiico ivitli City standards.
12. A parking ratio of I.S shall '[)c provided. (Planning)
13. A ctedication of rig@it of way 4S feet fi-om the centerline of
the existiiig 60-foot riglit of way along tlie 747.33-foot more or
less frontage on Soutli Birdiieck I'lold (I S- foot cledi cation)
(Real Estate)
14. City water aii@l sciqcr. (fiealtli)
15. Recloiiimend 24@ opeii ;I)ace be provided for active recreation.
(Parks and Recreatioii)
16. Scliool Boarcl recomiiiciids tlie applic@int !)e required to
participate iii scliool site purcliase in tlie aiiioiint of $42,403.68.
Tliis figtire is based oii tli averagc I)e('i,oom ntinil)er and may be
adjustect at tlic tiric tlie I)uilding I)erriit is issued to reflect
actual bedrooiii n@iiiibei-.
l@7. Tho soils idj,,iceiit to tlic dug c,,in,,Ll in tho eastern portion
arc salt riiar-,;Ii i@@ucl fill ovci- "soft" litai,sh for a distaiice of 7s
to 100 foot fr(iiii the caii;il. 't@iiis is v(@ry uiistai)le soil conditioii
aiid tlicre i,-; iio 1)i,ovisioii for iii tlie site plan. IVIien
@ic](1@itioll@ll lo@l(I I)Ilil(liii,s ,ii(, is p] cc,,d on tliis
area it coulcl sctt@le ,iiid slido fiirtli@i@ out oi, croate rnud wavos.
(Soil Coii,,erv@itic)ii)
ITI@NI l-'6.137
Ai)r)lication of t4illi,@ti tl. !IcClinan, Jr., for a (-hann@ of Zonjno ft@om One-Familv
Residence District (P,-I) to "@ilti,)le F@3i,iilv f)esi@d-et-ice -ElFs-fric-t (R-3) and a Use
.Permit Ito construct 10 to@-inhotises on certain r)rop@rt,y located on the 1.4est stde-
o@-')Ycific Avenue beciinnin(I at a r)oint 300 fe@et @'lorth of 36th Street, running
a distance of 176.2 f('-et alona tlie @Laster,.i )rol)ertlv line of iihic@i 125 feet is
the !-!est side of nacific Avenu@, runninn a distance of 244.16 feet alonq the
Southern 'nronertv line, runnina a distance of 215.5A feet along the East side
of Sea Pines Roa@ and t-unning a distance of 125 feet along the @!orthern property
line. Said 'narcel is !,n,)@m as Lots 'q and S, Plat of Linkhorn Park and contains
0.643 acre. VIPrl@IIA PEAC,@f
Planninq Colamission Recon",endation:
A niotion by the Plannina CommissiC)n iqas Dass@.d for aoproval of this request
subject to the follo@-iing
1, @lodif'v the rentiest for 10 toiinhouses to 8 totinliolises.
2,. Standard site nian rE,,quircme;its to include curb and gutter, sidewalks,
pavement ,qidening and storrn dreiii,, as recuired alonq Sea Pines Road. (Engineering)
3, OI)QN s,r)ace shall @e i)r-ovided. (P,@,r@,s Erld Pecreation).
4, Su(igest oarticioati 'n in school
a site acquisition.
Mr. Jolin Preston apl)eared representing tlie @ipplicant.
Counciliiian @Ialbon made a motion to uphol(I tile recoinmendations of th,
Planning Cominissioll bv redticiiig til 11,11
also a 15@6 e 111)@'r of units fr,, 10 to 8, and
open sp@ice on tlio abo@,e app] i(-ition of liilliani iv. McClanan
for a Chaiige of zolli f"oin Oiie-Fiiiiii) l@(,,iideiice I)istrict (R-1) to
@luitip icience ')istrict (i@ 7) and a Use Permit to corlstruct
10 tow rtiiii J)rol)erty locatcc on th6-Nest side of Pacific
Avenue begiiiiiing at a I)oiiit 300 feet Nortl,. of 36th Street, running a
distance of 176.2 feet @ilong the L,'astcri )roperty line of l@hich 125
feet is tlie West side of Pacifi.c Aveiiiie, runn@n,., a distance of 244.16
feet along tlie Soutlicril propoi-ty lino, runnitig a distance of 215.54
feet along the I",ast si(le ol- Sea Piiies IZo,@', aiid running a distance of
125 feet aloiig the @ortlierii pi@ol,.erty 1 ;!I(,. S@ii(I par-cel is known as
Lots N and S, Plat oC I,.@ii@liorii flarl, ccnta@iis 0.643 acres,
Councilman Gardner off@oi@ed a substittate i)iotioii, seconded by Councilman
Baum, to reduce the iiutit)er of tiiiits from 10 to 6 units, and also the
applicant be r-lquircd tc) p@irticipate ii). school site purchase in tlie
aiiiount of $588.59. recorcied vote o,-i @he slibstitute iiiotion is as
Ayes: Councilnieii John A. ISaujii, @lavor f3. Croiiivell, Jr., George
R. Ferrell, Cliarles l,"@. Gardtior, Clarc,ll,-(@ ',. llollaiid, D ' PIurray Malbon,
J. Curtis Payne, Doiiald IJ. llliodes, ajici @l )yCl ]:. l'y'aterfield, jr.
Nays: None
Abstaiii: Vice Mayor F. Reid Ervin
Absent: Councilman Robert 11. Callis, Jr.
City Couricil appro@,ed the sul)stitute. motion to approve the above
apl)lication o@- IVill@@iin 1'1/2. @lc(:Ianin foi@ a (:Ii,,inge of Zoning from One-
Family l@esideiico Di.,itrict (]),-I) to @ILI]til@j@,@illily Resid@nce District
(IZ-3) aiid a Use Periiiit to constrlict 6 toivi,,Iiouses on certain property
located on tlie lvest Fido of Pacific AVOTITIC begiiiiiing at l point 300
fcet Nortli of 36t]i Street, i-unnijig a of 176.2 feet along tlie
J:,istern I)ropert@, li.ne of t,,Ilicli 12S feet i@ the I'v' st side of Paci@ic
AvenLie, riiiij)-Lllg d CliStalice of @44.16 fcot tlong tlie Soutliern propert),
Iiiie, ruiinin@ a distaiice of 215.,54 (-cct tlie I:ast sicle of Sea
llijies Ro@id @iiid ruiiniiig @, di,@taiicc (?f 12-@ feet @iloiig tlie Northern
I)rol)erty Iiiie. Saicl is kiio@,ii @,s :q @iii(I S, Plat of LinR]Iorn
1',irk @iti(I contziiiis 0.6,i.@ ,Ici-c,,,;. i;oroupli.
6 4 3 7
CiL), Couricil tilell votccl 011 tjl(,' ilia
ill Mo niado I)N Couiicilinan t@ialboii,
I;ecoiided I)y Counciliiil,@ii ti,,itei@f-ield, an(I I)v recoi,dod vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmell joliii A. BaLiiii, @llayol' I'lol),-'I't B. Croniwell, Jr.,
Goorge R. Fcrrell, Cli@tl@ics t@-. (@ardner, (@l@trence A. Holland, D.
@furray Nlalbon, J. Curtis Piiyiie, Donald 11. l@hodes, and Floyd E.
IVaterfield, Jr.
Nays: Vice Nlayor F. l@eid Ervin
AI)sciit: Councilman Robert Ii. C:allis, jr.
City Coujicil apprc)ved tile above applicatj(,n of IVill.iam W. @IcClanan,
Jr., for a Cliange of Zoiiing frojii One-F@iiiiily Residence District (R-1)
to Multiple 1" l@ly l@@-,,den@e I)istrict (P- -@) an(I a U-.;e Permit to
colistruct 6 townliousos on certaiii prol)(2rtv locate(i n the IVest side
of Pacific Avenue beg'
inriiiig zit a point 3f!() feet North of 36th Street,
running a distance of 176.2 feet aloiig tlie Eastern property line of
whicli 12S feot is tlie @vest si(le of Pacific Avenue, running a distance
of 244.16 feet alon@ tllo Soutlierii propoity lille rujining a distance of
215.54 feet along tl'lo I'ast side of Sca I)ines Ro@'d and running a distance
of 125 feet aloiig the Nortlic@rn property lific. Said parcel is known as
Lots N and S, Plat of i,iiild)crn 0.643 acres; Virginia
Beacli Borough. Approv,'Il iS SLlbjCCt to til,@, follolving stipulations:
1. Modified tlie i@e(luest for 10 towl)ll@),lsc,,b to 6 townhouses.
2. Staii(lard site ]@laii re(juiremc,ntf t) include curb and gutter,
sidewalks, pavemeiit wideniiig and stor,i drains as required along
Sea I)jnos Road. @j@ii@,iTicerilig)
3. Recominend 15% oj)en sp@ice be pro\,i,led. (Parks and Recreation)
4. School Board recommeiids the apl)lj,:ant be required to participate
in sclaool site purcl)ase in tlie amoui)t of $588.S9. This figure is
based on the averzige number of I)cdi,ooil and mav be adjusted at the
timo the building permit is issued to reflect the actual number of
II'l@NI #6438
Application of Stanley S. I!otvard for a Use Permil to construct 12 additional
apartment units, totaling 29 apartment uiiits, with private boat slips on certain
property loc@ated at I-lediterranCdn Pvetiue and Wiiiston Salem Avenue and also beginn-
ing at a poirit 255 feet I-Ilest of i%ledit(-,rranean Avenue and running a distance of
157 feet along the Soutli side of Terraces ivenul; said property is now or formerly
Winston Salem Avenue and is botinded on the East by llediterranean Avenue, on tlie
West and South by Lake Rudee and Lots 9 and 10, [@llock 30, and on the @@'orth by Lots
1, 3, and 5 through 11, Block 31. Said riq@iest iilso includes all of Lots 12, 13,
14 and 15, Blocl, 31, Plat of Shado@ila@-in Heiqhts. Said parcel contains 30,800
square feet. Plats @-iitli niore detailed informatic)@i are available. in the Depirtment
of City Plan'ninq. (Shado@-,,Ia@,in Hoiqhts Area). VIRGI'4IA BEACH BOROUGH.
Planning Commission Pecoin.'Iendation:
A motion by the Planning Commission i-ias passed fc)r approval of this request subject
to the following:
1. Modified the request to two additional alartnients with private boat slips,
totaling 19 al)artiiients.
2. Staiidard si-@e plan requireiiients to inclucle pavement widening, curb and
gutter, sid(-,vialk and stoi@.,,l drairis as necessary alono all adjoining riahts of %-iay.
3. Necessary peri@its for bijlklieadiiig, etc,., sliall be obtained as required.
4. Suqgest participation 4n school site acqtlisition.
5. Additional recreation facilities has beert reqi)ested by Parks and
Recreation DeDartTent.
6. Dredgitiq froni marsh has been placed on higli land; no bulkheadina is
in place; buil@licading sliall be d,,)iie before fil-@ t,o pr(,vent eroding fill and
silting of water. (Soil Consc,.Y,vi@L.ion)
t t Ll, f roill
l@Lir(I r
tile @11)1)1,iCItioll.
Oil liotioli b), CounciIiii@iii (;@it-dnc,,r, secollclu" I)V COLI"ciliiiaii Ifolland,
;ln(I 1))" recortle(i vote @i,; folloi@s:
Ayes Cotincilmen jo]ln A. l@aLIl',I, ayor I ot)c@i t B. Crolnw 1, j
Nl,tyor F. lzeid F,,rvin, (@,ooi@-e IZ. Ferrell, (liai-les IV. Cael r', Vice
rdner, Claience
A. liol@laiid, 1). @furray Nl@Lll)on, J. Curtis I'@lyne, Doliald H. Rhodes, and
Floyd l-,. IVaterfield, il@.
Nays: inone
Absent: Councilniaii Robert Ii. Callis, Jr.
City Council approved tlie witlidrawal of tlie al)ove application of
Stanley S. Howard for a ljsc Porm@'t to coji-,truct 12 additional
apartmeiit units, totalin@- al)artinent uj)its, witli private boat
slips on certain property located at Nlecliterranean Avenue and Winston
Salem Avenue aiid also bepinning it a poijit 255 feet West of Niediterranean
Avenuo and running a dist@iiice of 157 feet along tlie South side of
Terraces Avenuo; said prol)erty is now (,r formerly IVinston Salem Avenue
and is boundod oii the I'zist by Mediterraiieiii Avenue, on the West and
Soutli by Lake Rudee and Lots 9 and 10, Block 30, and on the North by
Lots 1, 3 aild S tlirouqh 11, Block 31. S@iid request also includes all
of l,ots 12, 13, 14 and 15, Block 31, Pl@it of Sliadowlawii Ileights. Said
parccl contains 30,800 squ;ii-c feet. Pl@it@@ ivitli more detailed information
are available iii the I)cpii-tiiicnt of City Planiiing. (Shadowlawn Heights
Area). Virgiiiia Beach Boro,,Jgll.
ITENI #6439
Application of Virginia Beach Lavinmot,,,er and llelding, Inc., for a Use Permit to
operate a bicycle rental on certain pronerty located on the NorthFa-st corifer of
Atlantic Avenue and Virqinia Reach Boulevard (17th Street) on prol)erty of Sea
Escape Motel. Said parcel is 10 feet by 20 feet. VIRGINIA BEACH BOROUGH.
Planning Commission Recommendation:
A motion by the Pla@ining Cominission was passed for approval of this request sub-
ject to the following: area shall be confincd to private property.
On motion by Counci.Iman 'falt,oii, secoiide(I b@, Cotinci.Iman Rhodes, and
by recordod vote as foill);Vs:
Ayes: Councilmeii Jolin A. 13aum, Nlayor Rohert B' Cromwell, Jr., Vice
Nlayor F. Reid Ervin, Georgo R. Ferrell, Cliirle, l@. Gardner, Ciarence
A. flolland, D. @lurray Malhon, J. Curtis Payne, Donald H. Rhodes, and
Floyd L.waterfield, Jr.
Nays: None
Absejit: Councilmaii Robert Ii. Callis, Jr.
City Council approved tlie ai)ove applicatic);i of Virginia Beach
La@%,iiiiiower and I'v'elding, Iiicorf)oratecl, foi- a tjse Perriiit to ol)erate
a bicycle rental on cei'taii) liropert), iocat(,d- n the Northeast corner
of Atlajitic Avenue and Virgiiiia Beacli BOLII(,Vard (17th Street) on
property of Sea Escape Nlotel. Said t)arcel is 10 feet I)y 20 feet.
Virginia ]3each Borough. Approval i.s subjo(-t to the following
1. The area shall I)c confinod to pi-iiite property.
2. Shall be iii a fonce apprc,xiiiatoly 3 feet in height.
v., . . . . . .
c@)t, r fc
0 of 17,n ,-f,nt 11 olg
a di f,,(,t I t,,e 'a!;tern
n @out!@rn pf'or,(,rtv lin2.
,)ron, i, t,,,, line
I f I:-
Said parcll fr@(,t. LY
Planning Cornissir)n
'i riotioli t)Y tile Planilinn, ion ,'rr a@i@.rov 1 of t,@is re(itiest.
Nir. Cullen and Nlr. Cohen appeared oil tile @tl)l)licatic)n.
On motiori by Cotincilinaii Cardiier, socoiidod by C,,ncilman Malbon,
and by,recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilnien John A. Baum, Mayor IZol)ert B. Cromucll, Jr., Vice
@layor F. Reid Ervin, George R. Fcrrell, (-,Iiaries W. Gardner, Clarence
A. Holland, D. @,lurray @Ialbon, J. Curtis Ilayne, Donald 11. Rhodes, and
Floyd L. Waterfield, Jr.
Nays: None
Absent: Councilinan Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr.
City Council deferred until Noveniber 5, 1973, 1973, the above
application of Steel Pier lzesta@iraiit, Incorporated, T/A The Bearded
Clam, for a Use Permit for dancing and live entertainnient on certain
property loc ted oil tlC solitheast Corn,, f Atlantic Avenue and
Second Street (unimproxed) ruiiiiing a di-';tance of 150 feet along the
East side of Atiantic Avenue, running a distance of 150 feet along
the South side of Second Stroet, running a di.,;tance of 150 feet along
tlie Eastern property Iiiie @ind rtinning a distance of 150 feet along
the Southern property lijic@. Said parccl cont@tins 22,SOO square
feet. Lynnlaaven Bor'otigh
ITEM P(,441
"Pplication of B. !@,. Coii,)any for a @ise PIrt-,it to constrtict an automobile repair center
o,,i c(@rtziiii prot)crty at a @,nore or Icss last of P3irdnccl, Road,
aiid be-inninq at a roi
1/2 it f,-@t -)oul@li of Virni,4a 'eicl) ",Oulovard, running a dis-
tarice of @0.01 f@", @:orti@orn t)ro!?@r'L,v liiic, ru@ininq a distaticl, of felt
aloiir, Eastern litic,, ruti-iini a distanco of foct alonn the Soutii@@rn
I)ro,,,@rty line,. and rt!nni-- of loi@, f,,,,,t @llonq t;-, '!estern pronerty line.
Said parccl contai:is 2,),@ S(7,Ll,,irc, feet rior(-@ or 1(1/2ss.
PILiiiiiin,. r , issio, p@ f@,-,idation:
'I @ co,"
A imtion iqas passed ')Y the Platiiiinq Cot@.,lission for a,,)proval of this request su-hject
to til(@ folloi:iiiq:
1. Standard sit@ plan re@!iir(I.-i.-nts to iiclttl- curlrl, outtor, pavt,-ent
rl.(,r(.,ssary alo!ig tt;)- fro!ite,,)e of adjoi
and stor @linn rig!it of %!ay.
oii tile 1,] ic,-iti 01'.
k7ice i@lavor 1'rviii a mc)tioll,
I)\ Cotincilman Gard,,er, to
@ll)')r(5ve tile '])Ove al@l ii,cjtioll of i,,itli tlie stil)ulation
of a 50-foot dedicat'i)(-@i-, of ri,l@lit o f @@ a)- @ilon,. tlie liestern border of
tlie propert@l, and b%, lecorded vcte as folloi@s:
A),cs Coulicilnien Joiiii \. Baui,,,, Nia@@or Rol)ert B. Croniwell, Jr. , Vice
Nlayor F. Reid Ervin, George R. Ferrell, (')iarles IV. Gardner, Clarence
A. Ifolland, D. %Iurrav 1\lalbon, J. Curtis ila),ne, Donald H. Rhodes, and
Floyd E. IVaterfield,'Jr.
Nays: None
Absent: Councilman Robert 11. Callis, Jr.
City Council approved tlic above applicatioii of B. M. Company for a
Use Perinit to construct aii autofliobile re,)air center on certain
property beginning at a point 1231. fect iiore or less East of Bird-
neck Road, and -t)eginniiag at a poiiit 200 feet South of Virginia Beach
Boulevdrd, runiiing a distance of 200.01 feet along the Northern
property line, running a distance of loo @cet along tlie Eastern
property lino, runiiiii@. a distaiice of 200 feet along the Southern
propcrty line and running a distance of 100 feet along the Ivestern
property line. Said parcel contains @0,()OO Square feet mo e or less.
Lynniiaven Borougli. Approval is subject -o the following stipulations:
1. Standard site plaii roquii,ei-@te7its to iiiclude sidewalks,
curbs, gutter, pavopiciit widoning ,iii(I storm drains as necessary
along tlio froiltage of adjoilli,ng l@iglit of way. (Engineering)
2. A 50-foot cledication of riglit ol way along the Western
border of tlie property.
3. City water aiid seiver. (ficaltlij
ITEM #6442
of 1-@ i@
poact for a r", from @',ultiple Family f@(',si-
tO 3) o)l cr--rtain
locai.,,d on tlie c,-,' r@oad --oid an,4 l@'ictor load, containinq
acrcs i-:,)re or
Parcnl 1- On ccr,.iin )ro-@rty loc,,f-,fl,d cr t@le corn(,r of ilillton @o,;id and
l,asl,,in @oad, oi alO;1'7 t!@' "St sici- Of road,
ad t@ iir)re or Icss'
a ;@Ortil si(In of Lasl:in @.oad,
O'F lictor 0 d, and runninq a
@liFil(,,@i,@, of ll',)7 foct 1,1 'I u
n, t!l,-,
P,,arccl 2: r)tT c(@rtain locatod or) t;le ccr@,.,@r of Victor Poad and
of 7f,.f.4 fr,@'t 'Cr", sile of [-,,Gkin ro@,d,
2 7 t; Vi c*lor r@irninq a
(iistz@iicc@ of 77.j-j f,.,@t al@,,i@ a distance of
5 @ .1
0- ale;,,cl t!;;,
!@otiori @,,as f,
of ".@is request as the
.)f co-,i@?rcial
in "@;f! $'or (12volor@inr, Li@e
I @'6 1 1 l
ci cin @f r n
i, i ct 4 to t--;!
@it a noir,+ -,ore a
o-F l@@ fc!tt @,c .;icle of rtinninf,, i clistancf! of 8 f
thL@ i.-astt@r @@r'y li@o, ru7l@iii a of t@.e Sc,,:@';-rn
lin-,- I dista,!-Icl- c,.,@ fet cilon(i, t@, Eastni-n p.@ro,)Orty lin@.
S,i-icl P;Irccl is is Lot r,, Su@-,divislo,,i of Tract @'!o. 43, A. ti. Col,iic',,s Kenpsville
Farl; aid contii!-,s f(nL or T,,@rrace-Lar@,.sr)ur
i','. !@PSVILLE
Planninti Co,,Pission Reco.@,nda-tion:
A riotion @y the Pla@init@q Co,,@71-issiot) t@iat ra,lsoJ for Onnial of tliis requ@t as the
r,@flect, a (1 to I d@,.,ellinfl units per
acre) oyi tliis lhi,, r)ro,)(@,3ct; c@,aiiq,2 of -c-niii(i @-jould pprpetuate furtlier
Mr. Getald Rubinger appeared representing the applicant requesting
Resi(lents from the area dppeared requcsting the above application
be denied.
O-,i motion by Councilman Rliodes, seconded by Councilman Gardner,
and by recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilnien John A. Baum, Vice @layor F. IZeid Ervin, George
R. Ferrell, Cliarles @V. Gai-dner, Clareilce A. flc)lland, D. Murray
Malbon, J. Curtis Payne, Don,,ild H. lzhodes, and Floyd E. Waterfield,
Nays: Mayor Robert B. Cromwell, Jr.
Abserit: Councilman Robert Ii. Callis, Jr.
City Council denied the above applical@ion of Clarence L. Walke
for a Cliange of Zoning from Residence Stlburban District 4 (R-S 4)
to Limi@tod Co,@iiiiercia-f-District I (C-L 1) oil certain property beginning
at a point 134S feet niore or less of Baxter Road, -running a distance
of 120 feet aloiig the Soutli side oE liclland Road, running a distance of
162.8 feet aloiig tlie Eastei,n property line, running a distance of
120.16 foet along tile Sotitliern prope'rt@ line and running a distance of
168.91 feet along the Eastern property line. Said parcel is known as
Lot G, Subdivision of 1'ract No. 43, A. W. Cornicks Kempsville Falzm
aiid contains 20,000 squ@ire feet jiiore or less. (Holland Terrace-
Larkspur Areas). Kempsville Borough. Tlle application'was denied as the
Keripsville I-)evelopmelit lllan reflects a residential use (1 'o 6 dwelling
units per -,qcre) on ti,is proporty. This I)roposod change of'zoning w(:)uld
perpetuate furthcr strip coinmercialization on Holland Road.
ITENI @,641S
;)@,rc!i fnr a t to b@iild an additlon to
,@,dlic,@@ion oF ,'t. 7io
a,.i rxislir,,,i @'-iurc@'i rin cert@iin. r)rn,,2rtN!
It a P,,)int feet rore or less
Fa-@t of JE,at@o@,rd -@c,,ad aid rtilli@ilin a distince o-i- 441.9@ fcot alono the North side of
Pr,lnce,"s ',,nne @oad, rtzii@ii@ir@ 0, di@@aiice of 119.77 fO@t alonri thc Eastorn proderty
rur,E!inq a distanc- of l@o@t ilono @@nrl,.hern r)ror)r,.rty liri, an(j'runninq
a dist,!.-,ce of 2@,', f(@!al@ -ro!y,rlv ]ire. P@,T@,c@@s A@;,-[
Pl,i.ir.in(i COmisSioll
i@ 17-10@l-ion L)Y til@ ple@' @,las @ii5sed for ir)proval of this request subiect
at tit@, ra-i,,, riF o@)(@ off-str(,.,:!t sz,.aco for
of r f
f:i i r i r @,ri ct
iii Ci ir'(".tiin @o r-i,@L-Y i,,,ater.
!,Ii,. fllmer 13. Casoii an@l @lir. I'@erbel-t 11. Siiel2,1 appearcd on belialf of
tlie applicalit.
Oii inotion by Councilill@ii). Payne, seconded I)y Coujicilman Ivaterfield,
and by recorded vote as fol@lolvs:
Ayes: Coulicilmon John A. Baum, Nlayor Robert B. Cromirell, Jr., Vice
@layor F. Reid Ervin, George IZ. I:errell, Charles W. Gardner, Clarence
A. liolland, D. Nluri-ay inlalbon, J. Curtis Pa),ne, Dojiald H. Rhodes, and
Floyd E. I'Vaterfield, Jr.
Nays: None
Abseiit: Couiicilman Robort Ii. Callis, Jr.
City Council approved the above application Mt. Zion A.M.E. Church
for a Use Permit to build an addition to an existing church on
certain property begiriiiiiig at a point 1615 feet more or less tast
of Seabbard Road aiid ruiiniiig a distance of 441.99 feet along the
North side of Princess Anne Road, running a distance of 189.77 feet
along the Eastern property line, running a distance of 332.4 feet
along the Northern property line ancl runniiig a distance of 204 feet
along the l@estern property line. Princess Ai)ne Borough. Approval
is subject to the folloiviiig stipulations:
1. Parking shall be provided at a rat@io of one off-street
parking space for every five seats in the church as required
in the Zoliiiig Ordiiiance. (Planning)
2. Standard site plan requireinents to include sidewalks, curb
gutter, paveriient wideniiig and storm drains as necessary along
frontage on Princess Aniie Road. (T-'nginecring)
3. Dedication of right of way 45 feet froin the centerline on
Princess Anne Road (2S-foot dedicatioil); the motion for approval
waived the dedicatioji requirenient fronting the cemetary which is
a part of the cliurcii property.
4. Approval for a(lditional septic tank field after connection
to @ity water. (liealth)
ITEM #6446
@-@,lication o)f !!Ljtc-rt L. for a of 7 i@q from Posidtince Duplex
@"i s Lrict I I oi c@rtaiii property
3t l !)Oint f?,", or le ,r
:; -@ F@ast of 'i ive, rutiriin(i a distance
of 2'3 f@@,@ alotil t!,@ :@orti; sicie of @oad, rt!-iiiriq a di,@ti,ice of 29r) feet
a distaric- (,,f f(,,(.,t alonq the
2 rv Of fr,@t 310no ti,@,, -Lis@orn pro-
Icres iiore or ],!ss.
Plan,-.ing C@.-..-lission
r) 10 0
t.'Is ,)assod bv tl-,O 'lar,,iinn C.Or, iss n f r d,,Piil of tliis rcquest as the
i"; Of t!@,Ll D.,')i;lion tl-,at t@,@re. is l,ii-l@fici@nt iiii.-jovelop(!d co@..@rcial pro-
,Nlr. Ii. I,. Johlisoji Oil Iii.,; O,@'ll Lll)l)licil,l @on
@Ir. joliii Petor.@oii, of tlie l,ar@sptir t-ivic Lc,,,]@,,ue, appeared
in oppositioli to tlic abovc il)pliclltioll.
On motion by Councilman l@liodes, secoiided by Couiicilman Ferrell,
aiid by recorded vote a-s folloivs:
Ayes: @layor Robcrt B. Croiliivell, Jr., Councilmen George R. Ferrel.1
Charles IV. Gardner, Clarence A. Hollaild, D. Murray @Ialbon, J. Curtis
Payne, Donald 11. Rhodes.
Nays: Councilmeii John A. Bauin, Vice Nlayor F. Reid Ervin, and Floyd
E. Waterfield, Jr.
Absent: Councilman Robert H. Callis, Ji.
City Council approved the above application of Hubert L. Johnson
for a Change of Zonin@ froni Residence Duplex District I (R-D 1)
to Limited Coniinercial District 1 (C-L 1) on certain property
beginning at a poiiit 1050 feet more or less East of Edwin Drive,
running a distance of 233 feet along the Nortli side of Holland Road,
running a distance of 200 foot along tlie Western property line,
running a distance of 249.51 feet along the Northern property line
and ruiining a distance of 200 feet along tlie Eastern property line.
Said parcel contaiiis 1.1 acres illore or less. (Larkspur-Timberlake
Areas). Kempsville Borotigli. Approval is sul)ject to the following
1. Change of zoning froni R-D I to C-L 1. (Planning)
2. Standard site plan requiremejits to include sidewalks,
curb, gutter, paveitient ividening and storm drains as necessary
along Holland Road. (Engineering)
3. A dedication of right of way 55 feet from the center line
of tlie existing 50-foot right of ivay along the 233 foot more
or less frontage on liolland Road (a 30-foot dedication).
(Real Estate)
4. Wat.er and sewer agreements (Public [Jtilities)
5. City water and sciver. (Healtli)
TF,,@l @q614 7
catic),) Of !',Irli,
lir@ll at a 1--,)Int 10 f,@t,
LI ' i -1 @-, , "@,
@@Ist o" @-Ijad, of I t@(., "ortli side of 33ru,
Street, r,@ii,illlg a Of
f , r@roperty li:ie, r,,Inni,.Ila
distai-,cc, of I(,@9 fe,,.,; @@ic t
t @ll @@ i,tl,,-rn r,y ,.)d rurnin-,7 a distance of
Is k,,i@,i,,l -as Lots 4 and 5,
ii.),) of Part@ ir,( a (Linkhorn Park
i@.rea). VI@ ili,@IA .1 contairis 14, O sn,,i r fept.
Plannitig Co,,nission '.'@c,),-,rii@ndatlo;,i:
P, i7?otion tias passed by tlie Planninl Corifiissio-I for denial of this reqllest as tile
r,@ucst is in excess of a use uiiii.s) f-irinttd @o the applicant on
la,iuary l@,, l@,,73 on t@:i, parc,,,l of lard. *I'ii,,@ 1,@ach Eorr)t,ii@i D@v(,Io!lpiullt Plan
rnflects six to t,..,elv@ d@icllirQ 1171-it-S p,,,r acr(,; t@ie propo@led requost reflects a
d-nsity of -25 d%,.,elli;lq u)iits 1),.@r kcre.
Mr. Grover C. Wriglit, Attorney, represented the applicant.
On inotion by Councilnian Gardner, seconde(I by Councilman Rhodes,
and by recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Mayor Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Vice Mayor F. Reid Ervin,
Council;nen George R. Ferrell, Charles @V. Gardner, Clarence A.
Holland, D. Nlurray Malbon, J. Curtis Payitc, Donald Ii. Rhodes,
and Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr.
Nays: Councilman Jolin A. Baum
Absent: Councilman Robert H. Callis, Jr.
City Council approved the above application of Harlis E. Powers
for a Use Permit to construct two additional townhouse units,
totali 9 8 units, on certain property beginning at a point 50 feet
East of Holly Road, ruiining a distance of 100 feet along the North
siu'e of 33rd Street, running a distance of 140 feet along the Eastern
property line, running a distance of 100 feet along the Northern
property line and ruiining a distance of 140 feet along the Western
property line. Said parcel is knoivd. as Lots 4 and 5, Block 106,
Map of Linkliorn Park and contains 14,000 square feet. (Linkhorn
Park Area). Virginia Beacli Borough. Approval is subject to the
following stipulations:
1. Standard site plan requirements to include sidewalks, curb,
gutter, paveiiient wideiii.ng and storm drains as necessary on
frontage of all adjoinijig rights of way. If 20 foot lane along
the ngrtliern property line is to be used for ingress-egress, it
is to be asplialt paved from the eastern property line of the
site to flolly Road. (Engineering)
2. Sewer not ivailable by gravity 8" water line on liolly Road.
(Public Utilities)
3. City water and sewer. (liealtli)
4. School Board reconimends that the applicant be required to
participate iii scliool site purchase in the aiiiount of $470.80.
Tliis amouiit is based on tlie request for two 2-bedroom towlihouses
and may be adjusted at tlie time tlie building permit is issued to
reflect any cliajiges.
ITL@l 1:6el48
of TI,!, Inc.,
f"t or I,:,ss
@rt!i of l@.-)i I f,-,,
of S,)titii L,,@i:iiiavLn a f Ilollrl t'-,,- iiortliern
prc,r,orty I i ii,@, di s ti'i!C!@ @@l @" I
'r - !loll(! '.1@,s@,,4,rn ron@rty lin@
and runnino l distarc,@ of 113f',.I'7 fr,,ct alon@ t@- Souill.@rn nron@rt,/ ]in!-!. Salt,
parcel contains 21).7 ecr2s. Said Darcel is kn,),!n as Pli@,,sc I1, Sectic)n 11 of
"T.he LaV,(,.s" nropcrty. P?17,clss
Planning Comission P,(,)coi-,,endatiori:
A riotiol tias 1)assed @y the Plarning Commission for appro,@al of this request su@,-
Jccl' to tlie follo,.@,,in@l:
1. Standard site plan requircr,,,2nts to include:
.a. Side%@alts, curb, gutter, pavement viidening and storm drains as necessary
along South Lynn!),,,Ivcn ,-,Oad.
b. A tidal ca!,.al t.,xteldin(i ultii,,.ntplv frori the Lvnnhaven Canal to Holland
P,oad sliall @,@ rc@uirrd a,ld tti@ vxact location-,ind size of the canal atid torres-
Pondino easc,,-,i-,,it is to i,,-, dott,.rli@,cd by the Divi@,ion of t@ City of
Virqinia tll.2 ,-Ievclor)er l,a resnonsil)12 to d@-si@in tlie canal such that
it iiill be of slifficicni. .ize to drain liolli@-ld 'ose, Cu!netlick and tiast Farm.
C. T!ie east-@,@est collector strn,-t sf,all t,,2 a Virginia Beac@l standard
(,I-foot rin,)t of t..,ay a curl), @,u@@tor, side@,iills and storm drains as necessary.
2. C@odication of rinht of f(,et fro,,n tlie centerline of ttie existinq
variable ri,i!i@t of tvay @Lli@ 6?1.7@-foot rror(, or less frontage on Sotith Ly-,-iihaven
(3,1-.,@Oot d-dicatlo@i). (@c,.al 1--s-Lati)
3. @,latnr and S--@ier aire,.Ments and connectioii to City soter and t,@ater.
(Public [,'tiliti(-,S)
4. Cor@.ir)lios iiit@i ovt,2rall recreation plan pt-(?viously approved by Council.
(Parks aid ['(-'cre.@atio.'I)
5. Particip-atio,'l i:t @cliool site purchase in the ainount of "29,r,,62.40; this
fi-nure is based on t"ie rcc,--i;,st for fortv 2-b(@dror.)ri a!)artri,@nts a'
nd 16.0 3-bedroo.,.q
i.ricirtnents anc.,' Play be ,it tfi(@ til-,,ic- t!!L 1,@uilditig pcrmit is issued to re-
flect aiiy clia@ices. (1@cl@ool Board)
Mr. Walter J. @lonahan, Talbot Wermers Associates, represented the
On motion by Councj-lman Payne, seconded )y Councilman Waterfield,
and by recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Coulicilmen Joliii A. Baum, Mayor Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Vice
Mayor F. Reid Ervin, George R. Ferrell, Cliarles W. Gardner, Clarence
A. @iolland, D. @lurray @Ialbon, J. Curtis Payne, Donald H. Rhodes, and
Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr.
Nays: None
Absent: Councilman Robert H. Callis, Jr.
City Council deferred for tliirty (30) days the above application of
Tlie Lakes, Iiicorporated, for a Use Permit to construct 200 multi-
family units oii certain property eginning at a point 1100 feet more
or less Nortli of liollajid Road, running a distance of 628.76 feet along
the West side of Sotitli Lynnliaven Road, running a distance of 12SS feet
along the Northerii property line, running a distance of lOS4 feet along
the Western property line, and runnijig a distance of 1136.37 feet along
tlie Soutlierii property line. Said parcel contains 20.7 acres. Said parcel
is known as Phaso 1, Soction II of "The Lakes" property. Virginia Beach
of r @t (T@!v c2,.r c
7. -i l@c of ['road S'roc-t,
I n,,i a dist,@!lce (,f l@", L
t! t S i run.,ii@ii a
,iist@iric(, of @@)7.@') f(,,,-
@,@@id rti!l,?iii(I a distance
of lr,,o f@,,t alciii t'i@'@ [@ast @'n irci@2r@,, Ii S, ir rc 1 is
i d ,@ 1.0 as Lot [k,
- "ra7@ona Villao2, @c@l-ion 13 aid contzii@i!; @371-11.) square fect more or
Block 39,
less. (Aragoiia Villano
Plannin(,, COrnisSio,-l Reco,@,"CIldatio
rol,ion Iky tho Plt,,ininq Cor@,-!i@sion iias passed for a,,)Proval of this request
subjnct to tlie follo,,.!I;lg..
1. The aroa sliall !)c f@,i,cc-d to provide for safc,@y of childrc.,n. (Plan.'Iina)
2. I!aiv(,.d tlic of curl.), gul-ter, si(IF@-,,alks and storm drains on
2road Str,,,at and 'Irlil
On motion by Councilman Ilolland, seconded by Councilman Rhodes, and
by recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Batim, Mayor Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Vice
Mayor F. Reid Ervin, George R. Ferrell, Charles W. Gardner, Clarence
A. Holland, D. Murray @Ialbon, J. Curtis Payne, Donald H. Rhodes, and
Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr.
Nays: None
Absent: Councilman Robert Ii. Callis, Jr.
City Council approved the above application of Linda B. Wright for
a Use Permit to operate a day care center on certain property located
at the Soutileast corner of Broad Street aiid Opal Avenue, running a
distance of 87.5 feet along the South side of Broad Street, running
a distance of 100 feet aloiig-the East side of Opal Avenue, runnilig a
distance of 87.5 feet along the Southern property line and running a
distance of 100 feet along the Eastern property line. Said parcel is
known as Lot A, Block 32, Aragona Village, Section 13 and contains
8750 square feet more or less. (Aragona %'illage Area). Bayside
Borough. Approval is sttl)jcct to the following stipulations:
1. The area shall be fenced to provide safety for the children.
2. Waived the requirenionts of curb, gutter, sidewalks and storm
drains on Broad Street and Opal Avepue.
AT)plication of Norfolk First Church of the I\Tazarene for a Use Permit to
construct a churcii on certain T)roperty be@innin@ at a poinCT4. 36 fect East
of Donation ]:)rive, and running a d;5t,,,nce of 3@,,'g, O@@ fcet Llong the South
side of V ishart Iload, runnini,, t distance of 66,t. @2 fect along the '@astern
T-)roperty linc, runiiiii- a (listatico of 468. 38 fcet along tlie Southern property
line aiid runnin-. a dist@itice of @il9. 95 feet alonv, tt,,e N@ estern pronerty line.
Said parcel contains 6. acres. (Old Donation @%@anor Area). BAYSIDE
Planninl,, Cornvnission Recorn@iic-.nd@itioii:
A niotion by the Plannin,, Comn)ission mr-,ts nis@,ed for denial of this request
as it m,as f(ilt t)icre is alr(-ady @t f-,@tifficieiit nuxi-iber of churches in the area.
i@,irrcn i,oxi,!ortliy i-cl)i@esentin, tlie apl).,iclilt.
Oii motioii by Cotincilmaii flolland, seconded by Couiicilman Baum, and
by recorded voto as follows:
Ayes: Couiicilitieii John A. Baum, Mayor Robert B. Cromwell, Jr.,
Vice Mayor F. Reid Ervin, George R. Ferrell, Cliarles W. Gardner,
ClaTeiice A. @lolland, D. PILirray @Ialbon, J. Curtis Payne, Donald
H. Rliodes, and Floyd E. @"'aterfield, Jr.
Nays: None
Absent: Councilman Robert Ii. Callis, Jr.
,-City Council approved the above application of Norfolk First Church
of the Nazarene for a Use Permit to construct a cliurch on certain
,property beginning at poiiit 84.36 feet East of Donation Drive,
and running a distance of 389.08 feet along tlie South side of Wishart
Road, running a distance of 664.22 feet along the Eastern property
line, @unning a distance of 468.38 feet along the Southern property
line and running a distance of 819.95 feet along the lvestern property
line. Said parcel contains 6.442 acres. (Old Donation Manor Area).
Bayside Borough. Approval is subject to the following stipulations:
1. One off-street parking space per five seats and the
maintenance of a 10-foot planted buffer strip between all parking
areas and adjacent residential lots. (Planning)
2. Standard site plan requirements are to include sidewalk,
curb, gutter, pavemeiit widening and storm drainage as necessary
along frontage on IVisliart Road. A 50 foot dedication of right
of way is required along the sotithern boundary line to align
with Drum Castle Court to the west. (Engineering)
3. Twenty-four (24) inch water line located on Wishart Road.
Eight (8) inch gravity sewer located approximately 100 feet
west of site on Old Dona-lion Drive
4. A dedication of right of wav 30 feet from the center line of
the existing 30 foot right of way along the 389.08 foot more or
vi less frontage on Wishart Road, (IS-foot dedication) (Real Estate)
S. City water and sewer. (Health)
6, Architecture shall b-e in kee@ing with the area.
7. A cul-de-sac is to be added.
ITEM #64Sl
On motion by Councilman Ferrell, seconded by Councilman Rhodes,
and by recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen Jolin A. Baum, Mayor Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Vice
@layor F. Reid Ervin, George R. Ferrell, Charles W. Gardner, Clarence
A. Holland, D. Murray Nialboii, J. Curtis Payne, Donald H. Rhodes, and
Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr.
Nays: None
Absent: Councilman Robert ]i. Callis, Jr.
After rendering liundreds of man-hours of time to a recent commercial
sh@ctivitY, the auxiliary police of the,City of Virginia Beach were
compensated with a $ISOO clieck that failed to clear a local bank due
T.-to insufficient funds. Therefore, City Council approved on second
reading aii appropriation iii tlie amount of $1500 to the auxiliary
police witli the understanding tliat tliey will attempt to recover the
funds previously inentioiied, and tliat any funds recovered with be
rcl)aid to tlie City.
ITE@L #64.@2
Oii motion by Councilnian Rhodes, seconded by Councilman Gardner,
aiid by recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Couiicilmen John A. Baum, @Nlayor Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Vice
Mayor F. Reid Ervin, George R. Ferrell, Cliarles IV. Gardner, Clarence
A. @Iolland, D. Murray @Ialbon, J. Curtis Payne, Donald H. Rhodes, and
Floyd E. Ilaterfield, Jr.
Nays: None
@bsent: Councilman Robert H. Callis, Jr.
City Council approved on second reading the following Ordinance to
amend and reordain Article IV, Chapter 22 relating to City Motor
Veliicle Licenses and providing for refunds under certain conditions:
equested by: City Manager
That Article IV of Chapter 22 relating to City Motor Vehicle Licenses
is hereby amended. and reordained to read a,,; follows:
Any person holding a current license plate or decaicomania who
disposes of the vehicle for which it was issued and does not purchase
another vehicle may surrender the license plate or decalcomania to the
Treasurer with a statement that the vehicle for which the license plate or
decalcomania was issued has been sold and request a refund for the unused
portion of the fee paid..
The Treasurer shall refund to the applicant one-half of the total
cost of the license plate or deca.Icomania if application for such refund
is made on or before the first day of July of the li.cense year. No refund
shall be made when the application therefor is made after the first day of
July of the license Year.
This ord.inance shall be effective on and after January 1, 1974.
rst Reading: October 8, 1973
ovcond Reading: October 15, 1973
Adopted by the Council of tbe City of Virginia Beach on the 15th
dav of October P1973.
ITE,',l #64S3
City Council deferrcd for sixtv (60) @lavs the following Report of
viewers relative to a street closure - 61d Providence Road in the
Keiiipsville Borough:
On motion made by Mr. seconded by
Mr. and by vote, the following
ordinance was adopted:
WHEREAS, it is the judgment of Council that certain portions
of the said streets should be closed, vacated and discontinued:
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED, by the Council of the City
of Virginia Beach, Virginia:
Section 1: That those portions of said streets and appurtenant
land located on the parcels hereinafter described in the City of Virginia
Beach, Virginia, are hereby closed, vacated and discontinued as a public
street in the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, the said street and
appurtenant lands not being needed for public use and travel:
ALL THOSE certain pieces, parcels or tracts of land,
a portion of wbich consists of the now abandoned and
former right-of-way of Providence Road in the Kempsville
Borough of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, and
being more particularly known, numbered and designated
as PARCEL I-A, PARCEL 2-A @'D PARCEL 4-A, as shown on
that certain plat entitled "PLAT OF PROPERTY FOR CHESAPEAKE
1" = 50', dated February 14, 1973, and prepared by Baldwin
and Gregg, Engineers-Surveyors-Planners, Norfolk, Virginia,
which pl.at is attached hereto and intended to be read
as a part liereof for a more particular description of the
said Parcels.
Section 2: That this ordinance shall be in effect from and
after 30 days from the date of its adoption.
Adopted by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach,
Virginia, on 1973.
ITENI #6454
Oil motioii by Council,iiian Gardner, seconded by Couiicilman Waterfield,
aiid by recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Coulicilmen Johii A. Bauni, Mayor Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Vice
Mayor F. Reid Ervin, Goorge R. Ferrell, Cliarles W. Gardner, Clarence
A. Holland, D. Murray Malbon, J. Curtis Payne, Donald H. Rhodes, and
Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr.
Nays: None
Abseiit: CounCilman Robert H. Callis, Jr.
City Council approved a Bingo/Raffle permit filed by the Virginia
Beach Lodge No. 1998, Loyal Order of Moo-Se, Incorporated.
ITEM #6455
On motion by Councilman Rliodes, seconded bv Councilman Holland,
and by recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Mayor Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Vice
Mayor F. Reid Ervin, Charles W. Gardner, Clarence A. Holland, D.
@lurray @falbon, J. Curtis Payne, Donald H. Rhodes, and Floyd E.
Waterfield, Jr.
Nays: None
Abstain: Councilman George R. Ferrell
Absent: Councilman Robert H. Callis, Jr.
CitY Council authorized the City Manager to enter into a standard
water agreement with flunting Estates, in the Kempsville Borough.
ITEM #6456
Mr. Thomas C. Broyles, Attorney, appeared before City Council
requesting reclarification of the street closure ordinance at
Oceaiis Condominiums.
The City Manager read Section II of the Street Closure Ordinance:
"There shall be no ingress or egress
into the property hereby vacated and
abandoned from the East side of Pacific
Avenue for residents or occupants of the
condoininium apartment complex known as
'Oceans Condominiums'.1,
Mr. Scott stated that the designer anticipated a service entrance
tliat would be utilized by a small number of service vehicles per
day, and this is the point that needs clarification.
Mr. Broyles stated that the total building was designed so that
the only access from Pacific Avenue was going to be the service
vehicles. The building permit has been issued.
Councilman Rhodes asked if there was any connection between this
service entrance and the parking area. Nlr. Broyles informed
Council there was not.
Nir. Scott stated there liad been considerable discussion between
the staff on this matter, and they wanted to be certain their
interpretation met witli the interpretation of City Council.
Mayor Cromi%lell stated if no one had any objectiolis to the service
veiiicles tlien the staff lias directioiis for liandling tliis matter.
ITENI #6457
(Jji iiiotion by Counciljiiaii Ferrell, seconded by Councilman Waterfield,
and by recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen Jolin A. Baum, Mayor Robert B. Cromivell, Jr., Vice
Mayor F. Reid Ervin, George R. Ferrell, Charles W. Gardner, Clarence
A. Holland, D. Murray Malbon, J. Curtis Payne, Donald H. Rhodes, and
Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr.
Nays: Nays
Absent: Councilman Robert H. Callis, Jr.
City Council approved the folloi,,ing reappointments to the Industrial
Development Authority.
a] Mr. Noland Chandler
b] Mr. Kermit S. Land I
C) Mr. Alfred W. Craft, Jr.
ITEM #6458
As the terms of Mr. William E. McClurg and @ir. Wilfred P. Large on
the Building Board of Adjustment and Appeals expired, City Council
authorized Mr. Scott to contact these Gentlemen to see if they wish
to be reappointed and report back to Coulicil in two weeks,
ITEM #6459
On motion by Councilman Waterfield, seconded by Councilman Waterfieldp
and by recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Mayor Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Vice
Mayor F, Reid r@-rvin, George R. Ferrell, Charles W. Gardner, Clarence
A. Holland, D. Murray Nlalbon, J. Curtis Payne, Donald H. Rhodes, and
Floyd E. IVaterfield, Jr.
Nays: None
Absent: Councilman Robert H. Callis, Jr.
City Council approved the following reappointments to the Welfare
Advisory Board:
a] Mrs. Louise Allen
b] Marion Bright
c] C. W. Cashman, Jr.
d] Charles H. Curl
e] H. 0. Freeman
f) James K. Kontopanos
g] M. W. Derring
@ir. @l. li. Derring is replacing @irs. k. B. Tynes, who resigned her
Vice @la>,or Ervin requested tliat City bc given an opportunity
to act on tlie appraisal of Bow Creek ai,,d requcsted tlie City Manager
to plit it oji the fornial agenda for Noxember 5, 1973.
ITE@l #6461
On motion by Councilman Hollaild, seconoc;d by Councilman Payne, and
by recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Couiacilmen Jolin A. Baum, Mayor Rot)ert B. Cromwell, Jr., Vice
Nlayor F. Reid Ervin, George R. Ferrell, (,'Iiarles W. Cardner, Cl.arence
A. liolland, D. Murray i\lalboii, J. Curtis Pa),ne,' Dcnald H. Rhodes, and
Floyd F,. 'ivaterfield, Jr.
Nays: l@one
Absont: Councilman Robert 11. (,allis, Jr.
City Council noted its intentioii to liolci a closed meeting on Monday,
October 29, 1973, for the puri@)so of di,(-,ussing items permitted for
discussioii uiider Section '..1-344, Subp@,i,l,,Iral)ll I aild 6 of the
Frec,clom of Inforniatioii Act of the CopiiTinji@,e@iltli of Virginia.
ITI@iNI #6,161@
Oii moti,on by Counci.lman Payne, econded l@v C()tiiic-il@nar@ Waterfield,
aiid b), uiianimous vote, the meeting adjoi@ined.
Ric n, City Clerk Ro@e t 13. @ro,,,,Il, Jr., Nlayor
City of Virginia Beacii,
October 15, 1973