HomeMy WebLinkAboutNOVEMBER 26, 1973
November 26, 1973
The regular meeting of the Council of the City of Virginia Beach,
Virginia, was held in the Council Chambers in the Administration
Building, in the Borough of Princess Anne, on Monday, November 26,
1973, at 2:00 p.m.
The invocation was given by the Reverend Fletcher Hutcheson, Bayside
Presbyterian Church, Virginia Beach, l@irginia.
ITEM #6S47
On motion by Councilman Callis, seconded by Councilman Waterfield,
and by recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert H. Callis, Jr., Mayor
Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Vice Mayor F. Reid Erviii, George R.
Ferrell, Charles IV. Gardner, Clarence A. Holland, D. Murray
Malbon, J. Curtis Payne, and Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr.
Nays: None
Absent: None
City Council accepted the certification that Mr. Garland L. Isdell
has received the Oath of Office from Mr. John V. Fentress, Clerk of
the Circuit Court, to fill the unexpired term of Mr. Donald H.
Rhodes, Councilman from the Kempsville Borough.
State of Virginia . ........ . . .. city .... . .... ........... tO-Wit:
Garland L. Isdell
. ... ...................... .... ... .... ...... ....... ......... .... .......... ... - ------- do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will
support tl)e Constitution of the United States, and the Constitution cf the State of Virginia, and that I
will faithfully and impartially discharge and perform all the duties incumbent upon me as_.._@ member
of the City Council to fill unc:,Dired term of onald....H
-t&fm -iiiidiiig 3G,-- In,/,4 ------- - o@.d the
@ccoru'ing to the best of my 6'oility. So help me God.
V. Fentress
. . .............. ...... . . . . . .. . . ................ .... . ... ......... --------- and fo@ the
- ---- --- -CiLy ---- --- . . ...... ..... @-..O f--@ .......... Vir-, inin.. Ecach-.-.-- in the State of Virginia, do cerfify
thc,t-.---Gar.lan.d..-L--.Is dell. - @.@ .. . .... . ..... .. - ----- .--..-23-rd---..-dayof--.Nnxtpmb@r
personally appeared before me in ... . ... ciforesaid and took and subscribed
the above oath.
. .......... . . .
ITEM #6548
On motion by Councilman Waterfield, seconded by Councilman Callis,
and by recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert H. Callis, Jr., Mayor
Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Vice Mayor F. Reid Ervin, George R.
Ferrell, Charles W. Gardner, Clarence A. flolland, D. Murray
Malbon, J. Curtis Payne, and Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr.
Nays: None
Absent: None
City Council welcomed Mr. Garland L. Isdell as the person
elected by City Council to succeed Councilman Donald H. Rhodes
and to represent the Kempsville Borougli.
ITEM #6549
On motion by Councilman Ferrell, seconded by Councilman Waterfield,
and by recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert H. Callis, Jr., Mayor
Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Vice Mayor F. Reid Ervin, George R.
Ferrell, Charles W. Gardner, Clarence A. Holland, Garland L.
Isdell, D. Murray Malbon, J. Curtis Payne, and Floyd E.
Waterfield, Jr.
Nays: None
Absent: None
City Council authorized Mr. Richard J. Webbon, City Clerk, to
write a Resolution to Donald H. Rhodes for his outstanding work
as the Councilman from the Kempsville Borough.
ITEM #6550
On motion by Councilman Malbon, secon(led by Councilman Holland,
and by recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert H. Callis, Jr., Mayor
Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Vice Mdyor F. Reid Ervin, George R.
Ferrell, Charles W. Gardner, Clarence A. Holland, Garland L.
Isdell, D. Murray Malbon, J. Curtis P;iyne, and Floyd E.
Waterfield, Jr.
Nays: None
Absent: None
City Council approved the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of
November 12, 1973, and the reading of said Minutes dispensed
with inasmuch as eacli Councilman had @i copy of the subjoct
Minutes before him.
ITEM #6@;51
On motion by Councilman Ferrell, secoiided by Councilman flolland,
and by recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert H. Callis, Jr., @,layor
Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Vice Nlayor F. Reid Ervin, George R.
Ferrell, Charles W. Gardner, Clarence A. I'@olland, Garland
Isdell, D. Nlurray Malboji, J. Curtis P;ivne, and Floyd F.
Waterfield, Jr.
Nays: None
Absent: None
City Council approved tlie Nlinutes of the Regular @feeting of
November 19, 1973, and the reading of said Nli.'Iutes dispensed
with inasmuch as eacii Councilinan lia@l @,. copy of tlie subject
Minutes before hitq.
ITL'M #61@')2
Application of John 11. & 'Jinifrr(! W. Burqess for a trailer variance on certain
Droperty beqinninq at a point 3400 feel, more or less West of tiorth Landing
Road and 1700 feet more or less South of I)rincoss Anne Road. Said parcel con-
tains 7 acres more or less. (Variance rec.7.Lt@st(@d from 2r,,,),) fect from the
nearest dwelling to 1000 feet). PRI@'ICE'zS SORrll!r,.H.
Planning Commission Recorwiendation:
A motion by the Planning Commission tyas nassed to ao'Drove this request for a
oeriod of two years.
On motion by Councilman Payne, seconded by Councilman Watei@field,
and by recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert H. Callis, Jr., Mayor
Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Vice Mayor F. Reid Ervin, Geo-ge R.
Ferrell, Cliarles W. Gardner, Clarence ik. fiolland, Garland I,.
Isdell, D. Murray Malboii, J. Curtis P@,@@ne, aiid Floyd F,.
Waterfield, Jr.
Nays: None
Absent: None
City Council approved tlie above applicatioii of Johii M. and
Winifred W. Burgess for a trailer variatice on certaiii property
beginnixig at a point 3400 feet more or less West of North Landing
Road and 1700 feet more or less South of Princess Anile Road. Said
parcel contains 7 acres more or less. (Variance requested from
2SOO feet from the nearest dwelling to 1000 feet). Princess Anne
Borough. Approval is for a period of two years.
ITEM #6@,53
Application of Robert L. Barnes for atrailer variance on certain property beginn-
ing at a point 2700 feet more or less South Of Pleasant Ridge Road and runninq
a distance of 745 feet along the East side of Mudd
y Creek Road. Said parcel con-
tains 25.78 acres. (Variance requested from 2500 feet froni the nearest dwelling
to 50 feet). PUNGO BOROURH.
Planning Comission Recommendation:
A motion by the Planning Comission was passed to approve this request for a
i)eriod of two years.
On motion by Councilman Waterfield, seconded by Counci@.man Gardner,
and by recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert Ii. Callis, Jr., Mayor
Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Vice Mayor F. Reid Erviii, George R.
Ferrell, Charles W. Gardner, Clarence A. Holland, Garland L.
Isdell, D. Murray Malbon, J. Curtis Payne, and Floyd E.
Waterfield, Jr.
Nays: None
Absent: None
City Council approved the above application of Robert L. Barnes
for a trailer variance on certain property beginning at a point
2700 feet more or less South of Pleasant Ridge Road and running
a distance of 745 feet along the East side of Muddy Creek Road.
Said parcel contains 2S.78 acres. (Variance reqi.tested from 2500
feet from the nearest dwelling to SO feet). Pungo Borough.
Approval is for a period of two years.
Application of M & M Investment Corr. for a ljse Permit for off-street parking
for which no fee is charged on certain propefty- eq@ning at a point 70 feet
:,,forth of 20th Street and runninq a distance of 130 feet along the Eastern pro-
perty line of which 60 feet is ihe west side of Arctic Avenue. running a distance
of 210 feet along the @@forthern property line and runnina a distance of 130
feet along the Western property line and running a distance of 210 feet alonq
the Southern property line of whicil 100 feet is the t4orth side of 20th Street.
Said pamel contains 19,(@00 square feet. VIRNINIA BEACF! BI)PI)IlrH.
Planning Commission Recon,,iendation:
A motion by the Planninq Commission was Passed for approval of this reques+. sub-
ject to the following:
Standard site glan reouirements to include:
1. Sidewalks, curb, qutter, Pavement wideninq and stom, drainage as
necessary along frontage on Arctic Avenue and 20th Street.
2. The 20-foot all(zy is to he asphalt paved along thp northern property
line with CG-2 curbing.
3 . Parking area is to be asphalt paved with CG-2 curbing along the
peminate, 2-112 feet off of the nroperty line. (Fnqineering)
Mr. T. A. Boyce represented the applicant.
On motion by Councilman Callis, seconded by Councilman Gardner,
and by recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert fl. Callis, Jr., Mayor
Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Vice Mayor F. Reid Ervin, George R.
Ferrell, Charles W. Gardner, Clarence A. Holland, Garland L.
Isdell, D. Murray Malbon, J. Curtis Payne, and Floyd E.
Waterfield, Jr.
Nays: None
Absent: None
City Council approved the above application of M & M Investment
Corporation for a Use Permit for off-street parking for which no
fee is charged on certain property beginning at a point 70 feet
North of 20th Street and running a distance of 130 feet along the
Eastern property line of which 60 feet is the West side of Arctic
Avenue, running a distance of 210 feet along the Northern property
line and running a distance of 130 feet along the Western property
line and running a distance of 210 feet along the Southern property
line of which 100 feet is the North side of 20th Street. Said parcel.
contains 19,600 square feet. Virginia Beach Borough. Approval is
subject to the following stipulations:
1. Standard site plan requirements to include:
a. Sidewalks, curb, gutter, pavement widening and storm
drainage as necessary along frontage on Arctic Avenue and
20th Street.
b. The 20-foot alley is to [,e asphalt paved along the
northern property line with CG-2 curbing.
C. Parking area is to be asl)halt paved with CG-2 curl)ing
along the perminate, 2-1/2 feet off of the property line.
I'CEM # ()555
Application of Holideky Home for the Anefi for a tjse Perrnit for an addition to
an existing home for the ageJ on certain properfy-biT@T-i-rTnq at a r)nint IF,.o feet
mDre or less t4orth of Bayside Road, running a distance of 619.91 fopt along the
Eastern property line of which 523.9 fpt,,t is the West sil@ of Diamond Sprinas
Road, and beqinning at a Doint 140 feet more or less West of Diamo@.d Sorinqs
Road, running a distance of 352.6P feet along the Southern Droper@y line of
which 227.68 feet is thp. !@!orth sidc, of Sayside 'load, rlirlina a distance of
518.84 feet along thp, l@@esterr. property line and runninr,, a d@stance of 3@7 fect
along the ,@lorthern pror,@rty linp. (Diamond Sprinqs Area). BlYsInE BORP@Ir.,!!.
Planning Commission Recomendation:
A motion by the Planning Commission was nassed for approval of 1--llis request sub-
ject to the following:
1. Standard site plan requirements to includp:
a. Sidewalks, curb, gutter, 12-foot Davement widening and storm (irainage
as necessary along frontaqe on Diamond Sprinqs Road.
b. Sidewalks, curb, qutter, r)avement widening and stom drains as nec-
essary are required on Bikvside Road.
c. All parking lots and driveway areas are to he 1)aved and encompassed
with protective CG-2 curbina on the perimeter. (Engin(--ering)
2. Eight-inch gravity sewer located on Diamond Sprinqs Road; 700-foot or
ten-inch water line extension south on Diamond Springs Road from Aragon Road
required for City water- water agreements require--d. (Ptiblic Utilities)
3. Dedication of riqht of way 30 feet from tl)e centerline of the existing
30-foQt right of way along the 227.68-foot more or less frontaqe on Rayside
Road (a 15-foot dedication as shown on the application). (Real Estate)
4. Not approved for additional septic tanks-, addition and existinn units to
connect to Ci@y sewerage. (Ilealth)
Mr. J. R. McKenry represented the appl'Lcant.
On motion by Councilman Holland, seconded by Councilman Malbon,
and by recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert Ii. Callis, Jr., Mayor
Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Vice Mayor F. Reid Ervin, George R.
@errell, Charles W. Gardner, Clareiice A. Holland, Garland L.
Isdell, D. Murray Nlalbon, J. Curtis Pavne, and Floyd E.
Waterfield, Jr.
Nlays: None
Absent: None
City Council approved the above application of Holiday Home
for tlie Aged for a Use Permit for an addition to an existing
home for the aged oii certain property @eginning at a point 160
feet more or less North of Bayside Road, running a distance of
619.93 feet along the Eastern property line of which 523.9 feet
is the West side of Diamond Springs Road, and beginning at a
point 140 feet more or less West of Diamond Springs Road, running
a distance of 352.68 feet along the Soutliern property line of
which 227.68 feet is the North side of Bayside Road, running a
distance of 518.84 feet along the West(@rn property line and
i-unning a distaiice of 327 feet along tlie Northern property line.
(Diamond Spriilgs Area). Bayside Borough. Approval is subject
to tlie following stipulations:
1. Standard site plan requirenteri-@s to include:
a. Sidewalks, curb, gutter, i2-foot pavement widening
and storm drainage as necessary along frontage on Diamond
Springs IZoad.
b. Sidewalks, curb, gutter, I)avement widening and storm
drains as necessary are required on Bayside Road.
C. All parking lots and driveway areas are to be paved
and encompasse(I with protective C(I-2 curbing on the perimeter.
2. Eight-incli gravity sewer located on Diamond Springs Road;
700-foot or ten-inch water line extension south of Diamond
Spriiigs Road from Aragon Road required for City water; water
agreements required. (Public Utilities)
3. Dedication of right of way 30 feet from the center line
of the existing 30-foot right of way along the 227.68-foot
more or less frontage on Bayside Road ( 15-foot dedication
as shown on the application). (Real Estate)
4. Not approved for additional septic tanks; addition and
existing units to connect to City sewerage. (Health)
ITEM #6S56
On motion by Councilman Ferrell, seconded by Councilman Gardner,
and by recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert H. Callis, Jr., Mayor
Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Vice Mayor F. Reid Ervin, George R.
Ferrell, Charles W. Gardner, Clarence A. Holland, Garland L.
Isdell, D. Murray Malbon, J. Curtis Payne, and Floyd E.
Waterfield, Jr.
Nays: None
Absent: None
City Council approved the following sl:reet name changes:
a. South Rosecroft Street to Rosecroft Street
b. Portion of Holly Boulevard between Slst and 52nd
Street to Tirnanog Cove.
C. Orkney Court and Bluemont Court to Hunt Club Drive.
ITEM #65S7
On motion by Councilman Malbon, seconded by Councilman Holland,
and by recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert H. Callis, Jr., Mayor
Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Vice Mayor F Reid Ervin, George R.
Ferrell, Charles W. Gardner, Clarence A. flolland, Garland L.
Isdell, D. Murray Malbon, J. Curtis P@tyne, and Floyd E.
Waterfield, Jr.
Nays: None
Absent: None
City Council adopted a resolution cert@ifying that the 373
reproducible mylar maps at the scale of 1"=2001 presented
this date are a true and exact copy of the zoning maps
adopted as part of the Comprehensive Z-oning Ordinance No.
482 on October 29, 1973 and shall henceforth be known, designated
and cited as the Official Zoning Map of the City of Virginia
Beach. The maps with the following changes, presented
incorporate zoning changes made during the trarisition and correct
drafting errors and omissions. A reproducible microfilm copy will
be stored in the Planning Department and ManagemeDt Services
Central Files Bureau as a permanent record:
1. William W. McClanan - a use pernit approving 6 townhouses
should be given the R-9 classification.
2. Stanley Howard - a use permit approved on November 19, 1973,
for 38 apartment units on .82 acres for a density of 46 units
per acre. Adopted with A-1 classification, should be the A-4
3. Residential area South of Taniger Trail and East of
Cardinal Road. Was adopted with R-3 designation but with
an R-4 color, lots plotted 15,000 square feet, should be
R-4 classification.
4. Residential area West of South Witchduck Road and South
of Amberly Road. Had an R-4 classification with a R-5 color
the proper classification should be R-S,
5. Parcel of property East side of Constitution Drive has
been improperly plotted on the maps for some time. The
zoning line should be extended 170 feet to the east.
6. 0-1 property South of Princess Anne Road - when maps
were advertised it was not included in the existing
Historical and Cultural district. This has been corrected.
7. Two Albic applications for use permits were iinproperly
1. Property on West side of Atlantic Avenue shown
as H-2 designation, shoul(I have been B-4.
2. Parcel on the East sicle of Atlantic Avenue was
shown as B-4, should be H 2 classification.
8. Residential area between Fiv(@ Forks Road and Westchester
Road was adopted with R-4 designation with a R-3 color. Sould
be R-4 classification.
9. Residential area - Reynolds I)rive and Chambers Lane
has no letter of designation, should be R-3 classification.
IT@'M #6558
On motion by Councilman Baum, seconded by Councilman Holland, and
by recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert H. Callis, Jr., Mayor
Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Vice Mayor F. Reid Ervin, George R.
Ferrell, Charles W. Gardner, Clarence A. Holland, Garland L.
Isdell, D. Murray Nialbon, J. Curtis Payne, and Floyd E.
Waterfield, Jr.
Nays: None
Absent: None
City Council approved on second i-eading a transfer of $2950. from
Account 803 (Books) to Account 801 (Office Equipment and Furniture)
for book shelves and card files for the Virginia Beach Brancli
Library at 22nd Street.
ITEM #6S59
On motion by Councilman Holland, seconded by Councilman Gardner,
and by recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen Jolin A. Baum, Robert Ii. Callis, Jr., Mayor
Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Vice Mayor F. Reid Ervin, George R.
Ferrell, Charles W. Gardner, Clarence A. liolland, Garland L.
Isdell, D. Murray Malbon, J. Cijrtis Payne, an(I Floyd l,..
Waterfield, Jr.
Nays: None
Absent: None
City Council approved the following Ordinance to amend and reordain
Section 5-8, Paragraph (f) of the Cocle of the City of Virginia
Beach relating to establishment of bird sanctuaries:
Requested by: Councilman Clarence A. Holland
That Section 5-8, paragraph (f) of the Code of the City of
Virginia Beach is amended and reordained to read as follows:
(f) The subdivisions known as Lakeview Shores, Lake Smith
Terrace and Lake Smith Terrace West in the Borough of
An emergency exists and this ordinance shall be effective from
date of adoption.
Adopted by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach on the 26th
day of November 1973.
ITEM #o.560
Mrs. Edward Belcher appeared in favo- of the following Ordiliance.
On motion by Councilman Ferrell, socotided by CouncilmaTi C..ardner,
and by recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen fohti A. Baum, Robert H. Callis, Jr., ,4ayor
Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Ifice Mayor F. Reid Ervin, George R.
Ferrell, Charles W. Gardner, Clarence A. flollaiid, Ga-land L,
Isdell, D. Murray Malbon, J. Curtis Ilayne, and Floyd 1;,.
Waterfield, Jr.
Nays: None
Absent: None
City Council approved the following Ordinance to amend and reordain
Chapter 31 of the Code of tlie City of Virginia Beach by addj-ng
Article IT, Erosion. an(3 Sedi.ment Control@
That Chapter 31 of the Code of the City of Virginia Beach is amended and
reordained by adding the following:
1. Change Chapter 31 @.itle to:
"Soil Removal, Excava,',-ions, Erosion and Sediment Control"
2. Title existing Chaoter Contents:
"Article 1, Soil Remo@tal and Excavations"
3. Add to Contents:
"Article TI, Erosion and Sediment Control"
31-12 Policv
31-13 Definitions
31-14 Erosion and Sediment Control Program
31-15 Regulated Land Disturbing Activities
31-16 Plans Required
31-17 Monitoring, Reports, and Inspections
31-18 Appeals
31-19 Penalties, Tnjunctions, and Other Legal Actions
31-20 Projects comaienced before adodtion of conservation
standards and specifications @iot affected
31-21 Separabili',,,
31-22 Effect4ve Datp-
4. Immediately following Section 31-11, add:
"Articl C TI
i@ , Erosion and Sediment Control"
Section 31-12 - Policy. The City Council has determined that the lands
and waters comprising the watersheds of the City are great natural resources; that
as a result of ero S4 on of la,-ids and sediment dpposition in waters with4n t,@e 'Atater-
sheds of the City, said $Naters are be@ng pollu-ed and despoiled to such a degree
that fish, aquatic life, rec,ea-Lion and other uses of lands and waters are being
adversely affected; that the rapi@ shift in land use from agricultural to non-agri-
cultural uses has accelerated the. processes of soil erosion and sedimentation; and
further, it is necessary -o establish and implement, through the Division of @-ngi-
neering, Department of Com!flunity Services, hereinafter referred to as the "City
Engineer", a City wide coo,dina@ed erosion and sediinent coiitrol program '@o con-
serve and to protect the land, water. air, an(i other natural rpsoiirces of the City.
Section 31-13 - Definitions. As used in this article, unles,, the con-
text clearly indicates otherwise-
(a) "Land disturbing activity" shall mean any land change which
may result in soil erosion from water or wind and the move-
(e) "Erosion and sediment control program" or "control program"
shall mean the provisions and requirements of this ord4nance
which shall be employed in the form of an "erosion and sedi-
ment control plan" to regulate land disturbing activities
and thereby minimize erosion and sedimentation within the
(f) "Plan approving authority" shall be the Division of Engi-
neering, Depar,-Inent of Commthnity Services, hereinafter
referred to as -@he City Engineer, who shall be responsible
for determining the adequacy of any conservation plan sub-
mitted for land disturbing activities on a unit or units
of land and shall approve such plan if the plan is determined
to be adequate; provided, however, that the review procedures
employed by the Ci@-Y Engineer in determining the adequact of
such conservation plan shall either be the review procedures
set out in the City's Si'te Plar Ordinance and related admin-
istrative regulations; or the review procedures se@ out in
the City's subdivision ordinance and related administra@ive
regulations; as may be a.opropriate to the appl4cation t@or land
disturbing activity.
Section 31-14 - Erosion and Sediment Control Program.
(a) Council of the Ci,-\( of Virginia Beach shall establish minimum
standards, guideli;es, specifications, and criteria for the ef-
fective control o- soil erosion, sediment deposition and non-
agricultural runofi- iqhich must be met on any control program.
To assist in the development o' the prograrr. the Council of the
City of Virginia Beach shal' seek the advice and approva' of @'he
Virginia Soil and Water Conservation Commission, @iereinafter re-
ferred to as the "Comm4ssion" and may seek the adv-ice of othe,-
appropriate State and Federal agencies, such as the State Water
Control Roar@.
(b) To iml)lement this program, the City Engineer and other pertinent
agencies as City Council may direct or request sha@ll develop
standards and specil@cations for erosion an(i sediment control;
which standards and specifications shall be adopted by City Coun-
cil, and from time to time ma -v be amended by City Council. The
standards and speci@ications or carryinq out the i)rograrn shall:
(1) be based upon relevant physical and developmental infor-
mation concerninq -Ghe watersheds and drainage basins of
the City, including, but not limited to, data relating to
land use, soils, !iydrology, geology, size of land area
being disturbed, proximate water bodies and their char-
acteristics, transportation, and public @acilities aric!l
(2) include such survey of lands and waters as may be
deemed appropriate by the City Engineer or required
by any applicable law to identify areas, including
multijurisdictional and watershed areas, with crit-
ical erosion and sediment problems; and
(3) contain conservation standards for various types of
soils and land disturbing activities, which standards
shall incii-Adp, c,41--ria techniques, and methods for
the control cf erosion and sediment resulting from
land distijrbing activities.
(c) The program and standards and specifications shall be made avail-
able @or public nsoection at the Office of the City Engineer.
Section 31-15 - Regulated Land Disturbing Activities.
(a) No person may engage in any land disturbing activity after the
adoption of the conservation standards and specifications until
he has subyiitted to the City Engineer an eros4on and sediment
control olan for such, land disturbing act@vity anr-l such plan has
been reviewed and apprc@@,ed by the plan approving authority ac-
cording to procedures as set out herein in Section 31-Il (f).
(b) Upon submission of an erosion and sediment control plan to the
plan approving authority, t,',qe authorty shal-,, within forty-five
days, approvp a.,iy stich 1)lan ;f it determ4nes that the plan meets
the City's conserval-ion standards and specifications and if -@he
person respon,!,@'I",e @o,@ rarrying out the r@lan certifies that @c
will i)roper7 p(-@r@orm the ero,.;ion a@il sedimen'l- control meastires
included in 'he P!Rr, and will conforit, @.o the provisioris ',)f
(c) The plan approving authority must act on all plans submitted within
forty-fiv@ c@a@,s fi-orn receipt thereof by P--'t@er approving said plan
in writing cir b@f
;-@app--o)f,nc said plan in ttrit@@ng ancl givina the
specific reasons -or it@, c@i5;approval. When a Dlan @ubmitted for
apD-o@fal under this ordinance is found, ur)on review, to be inade-
qLia@e, the r)lan appro%iirg ai@tho-ity shall si)eci@y such modii-4cations,
ternis, and cond4tions as will Permit approva' of the plan ar,d com-
mu,iicate these. requirements to 'he a,pplicanl- as herpin required.
l@ no action @s ti!<en L)y the p-@an approkti-.c aulliority with-r '@e
t4me si)eC4 4 1
@@@e plan ;hall be deemed ai)Lroved 3.n(@ .,he
per,on authorized ',(' proceed with the [)roposeu ac@'@."Ill"tY.
(d) An approved olan ma-v be c@anged by the plan a,pproving authority
in the followirg ca@,es:
(1) where inspection, has revealed the inadequacv o' 'he olan
to accomplish the erosion and sediment cortrol@ objectives
of -he olar, and arnro@r;ate mod4-9ica+icrs to correc@-. -11(:
deficiencies o.' the plan are agreed to b,y the f:, an approntinq
au+lhority and the Person responsible for carrying out the
plan; or
(2) where the person responsible for carrying out the
approved plan finds that because of changed cir-
cumstances or for other reasons the approved plan
cannot be effectively carried out, and proposed
amendments to the plan, consistent with the require-
ments of the ordinance are agreed to by the plan ap-
proving authority and the person responsible for
carrying out the plan.
(e) Any person ownina, occupying, or operating private agricultural,
horticultural, or forest lands shall not be deemed to be in vio-
lation of this ordinance for land disturbing activi-Lies resulting
from the "ill@ng, planting, or harvesting of agricultura', horti-
cultural, or forest crops or products. Such person shall comply
with the provisions of this ordinance when grading, excavating,
or fillinci.
(f) For the purpose of subsections (a) and (b) of this section, when
land disturbing activity will be required of a contractor per-
forming cons'@ruction work pursuant to a construction contract,
the preparation, submission and approval of an erosio@- and sediment
control plan shal7 be the responsibility of the owne-.
Section 31-16 - Plans Required; Security for Performance. Unon the
effective date of the adoption of this ordinance and the conser@iat4on standa,ds
and specifications, no permits for activities involving land disturbing ,ti,,itie,
may be issued unless the applicant therefor submits with his application the ap-
proved erosion and sedimen- con"rol plan, as well as certification that suc@i Dian
will be followed. Prior to issuance of any permit, the City Engineer will requiIre
from any applicant a -easona@)le performance bond, cash escrow, letter of credit.
or other legal surety, or iiy combinatior -Ghereof, as may be acceptable to the city
Attorney to ensure -ha- e Prgprr.,,v rneasiires -lould be taken the Citv at the ap-
plicant's expense should he fail within the time specified to initiate appropriate
conservation action which may be required of him as a result of his -land di@@urbing
activity. Within sixty days of the completion of the land disturbing activitlv such
bond, cash escrow, letter of credif. or other legal sure-Y, or the unexpended or un-
obligated portion thereof, shall be refunded to the applicant or terminated, as
the case may be. These requ-@,rements are in addition to all other vroviq@;)-@ ,@ law
relating to the issuance O@ IIACH DermitS And are not intended to o@hertkfise af'ect
the requirement for suc@ permits.
Section 31-17 - Monitoring, Reports, and Inspecl@ions.
(a) Land-disturbing ac-@ivities where permit is issued. With respect to
approved plans for erosion and sediment control in connection with
land-disturbing activ4@ies which involve the issuance of a grading,
building, or other perrrit, the plan approving authority shall pro-
vide for periodic inspections of the land-disturbing activity to
ensure compliance with the approved plan, and to determine whethe-
the measures required in the plan are effective in controlling
erosion and sediment resulting from the land-disturbing activities.
Notice of such right of inspection shall be included in the permit.
The owner, occupier or operator shall be given an opportunity @.o
accompany the inspectors. If the plan approving authority determines
that the permittee has failed to comply with the plan, the authori@y
shall immediately serve upon the permittee by registered or certificd
mail to the address specified by the permittee in his permit applica-
tion a notice to comply. Such notice shall set forth specificl."l.@.1
the measures needed to come into compliance with such plan and shall
specify the time within which such measures shall be completed. If
the permittee fails to comply within the time specified, he rnay bp
subject to revocation of the permit; furthermore, he shall be deemed
to be in violation of this ordinance and upon conviction shall be
subject to the penalties provided by the article.
(b) Other regulated land-disturbing activities. With respect to approved
plans for erosion and sediment control in connection with a!T other
regulated land-disturbing activities, the plan approving authorik-Y may
require of the person responsible for carrying ou- the plan such mon-
itoring and reports, and may make such on site inspec@4ons a"p, 1,.)tice
to the resident owner, occupier or operator as are deelled nece@.;a-y to
determine whether the soil erosion and sediment control re-
quired by the approved plan are being properly perfo@med, and k@fhetlier
such measures are effective in controlling soil erosion and sediment
resulting from the land-disturbing activity. Such res"der'- ' owncl-I
occupier or operator shall be given an opportunity to @@'he
inspectors. If it is determined that there is failure to @lith
the approved plan, the plan approving authority shall serve ne-icc upon
the person who is responsible for carrying out the plan at -1- @@.,Ir,,ss
specified by him in his certification at the time of nbt, I@-
proved plan. Such notice shall set forth the measures need@'
pliance and the time within which such measures shall be com,'--l@c!
Upon failure of such person -Lo com,oly within the speci 'f4e@' ',e
will be deemed to be in viol6l'ion of this ordinance an(! @i.,@on
shall be subject 'Lo the penal-uies provided by @.h,'@s
Section 31-18 -. ;AppeAl@
(a) It is hereby provided that the City Manager may waive any
of this ordinance upon a finding b.@t him, after considera-io,
ommendation from the City Engineer, that a li-Leral enf(.,,rce--nt
result in unnecessary hardships, provided that the spir,','@ ol-
nance shall be observed and substantial justice done.
(b) It is further Provided that any decision of the City ManagPy
modified, reversed or affirmed @y -Lhe City Council upon ar)n-al
developer aggrieved by such decision when such appeal iS flpd
thirty days of such decision.
(c) Final decisions under this ordinance shall be subject to re,@io;q the
appropriate @ourt of record, provided an appeal is filed tkitlir
days from the date of any wri@@,en decision adversely affecting
rights, duties or privileges of the person ergaqing iii or @-,c,
engage in land d4sturbing activities.
Section 31-19 - Penalties, Injunctions and Other Legal Actions.
(a) A violation under this ordinance shall be deemed a misdemeanor
and upon conviction shall be subject to a fine not exceeding
one thousand dollars or thirty days imprisonment for each vio-
(b) The City may apply to the appropriate court of record for in-
junctive relief to enjoin a violation or a threatened violation
under this ordinance, without the necessity of showing that there
does not exist an adequate remedy of law.
(c) The Commonwea7th Attorney shall, at the City's request, take legal
action to enforce the provisions of this ordinance.
(d) Compliance with the provisions of this ordinance shall be prime
facie evidence in any legal or equitable proceeding for damages
caused by erosion, siltation or sedimentation that all require-
ments of law have been met and the complaining party must show
negligence in order to recover any damages.
Section 31-20 - Projects commenced before adoption of conservation standards
and specifications not affected. Nothing in this ordinance shall affect ail.@/ Project
commenced prior +.o the adoption of this ordinance by City Council.
Section 31-21 - Separability. Should any section or prov4sion of this ordi-
nance be declared by the courts to be unconstitutional or invalid, such decision
shall not affect the validity of the ordinance as a whole, other than the parl@ so
declared to be uncons-Litutional or invalid.
- Effective date of this ordinance. This ordinance shall be in
effect from the 28th day of November, 1973.
!TP,M #6561
Mr. B. M. Stanton appeared in opposition to the following Ordinance
On motion by Councilman Gardner, SeCOT)ded by Councilman liolland,
and by recorded vote as follows:
Aves: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert H. Callis, Jr., Mayor
R@bert B. Cromwell, Tr., Vice @ayor F. Reid Ervin, Georgc R.
Ferrell, Charles W. -ard-ie-@-, ClareTice A. tiolland, Garland 1,
isdell, D. Murray Ma@@bon. Cu@tis Payne, anci Floyd
Waterfield, Jr.
Nays: None
Absent@ None
Citv Counci-I approved tlie following Ordinance establishi-'Ig site
plan regulations for tlie Ci,-v of li@rginia Beach, procedu-es and
requirements ip rela @@n to site r)la3l@, i)enaltioq for x(-io!atioT),
of such regulatio,i@-,:
Section I - DEFINITIO@'@,
1.1 City Agent - T,'@e Division of Fngineering, Department of Community Ser@tices,
hereinafter referred to as the Ci@y Agent, is hereby charged w4th resdonsi-
bili@y for coordinatin.ci -he processing of site development plins. ,@cc,,)rd-
ingly, the City r-ngino@,r -@s qranted the authority necessary to coordillate
the review process; @nc' cach r4ltv Paency's review comments are to be made
in writina in such fnrm -Follow@nq such Procedure as may be prescrided
by the City cnqineer. de @ par". of t@'ip T)ermanen", s@te d,,@-
velopmeni-. olan
Prov4ded, however, thal. I-.his grant of authority shall not be construed to
give to +.he Ci-L'Xf Engineer a veto over any other ci@i agency's revle,,,l com-
ments, insofar as the comments relate directly to their operatire flinctions
as defined by the Cl-@y '-Ode. Whenever necessary, thp Offic@ of @.h@
Manager shall arbitrate con-Flicts.
1.2 Adequate - The term adeqtiate shall rnean standards and/or si)ec@,@ications as
set forth in recoqnize,' eng,neer,rg codes and requlations, a, approved ard
recognized by national Pngineeririg orgarizations, exceot whero suc@ sta@i-
dards conflict with '-Lhe Cit@/'s ,;tandards and specifica@.,.ons as at,nro,(ee
by the Council of the City of V4rginia Beach, in which case e
sliall control
1.3 Agricultural ljse - Shall mean any use devoted to the bona fide prodL,'ct4lon
for sale of plants and an4mals useful to man, as more specifically d(,filed
in Section 58-769.5 of the Code of @firginia, as amended, and tinde- tiof,
unit@Orm standards as may be Drescribed by the Commissioner of Agr-@rt,!Iture
and @lommerce, or those uses @evoted to and meetina the reou@,ements and
qualifications for r)ayments or other compensation-pursliant to a so@, con-
Ser@ia-@ion orogram under an ?greem".t i'4ith an agencv of the Federal go,t@rn-
1.4 Developer - Any person who desires or intends to improve or construct anv
improvement upon property as described, defined, and covered by this ordi-
1.5 Dwelling Unit - A "dwelling unit" is a room or room,-; connected, toqellher,
con,stituting an independent hoiisekeeping U-nit for a family, and
a single kitchen.
1.6 Dwelling, One-Family - A building containing one dwelling unit. The term
is general, including such specialized forms as one-family detached, on?-
family semi-detached, and one-family attached (row houses, townhouses,
patio houses, and the like). Mobile homes, travel trailers, housing mounted,
on self-propelled or drawn vehicles, tents or other forms of temporary or
portable housing are not included with the definition.
1.7 Dwelling, Two-Family - A building containing only two dwelling units.
1.8 Dwelling, Multiple-Family - A building or group of buildings, other than
a hotel, each building containing three or more dwelling units.
1.9 Gross Acreage - The total area measured in acres within the boundaries of
a zoning lot. The area of a zoning lot shall be the total area with--,'l
the lot lines of the zoning lot, including utility easemen-s but exclusive
of rights-of-way for ingress or egress in favor of others, of easements -or
major drainage channels, and of major bodies of water.
1.10 Landscape Design - -,he olanned treatment of land, structures and flora com-
plimenting building constrtiction or land development.
1.11 Parcel - A Diece, r)arcp-', lot, trac'u or site or other dimenion of "and.
1.12 Site Development Plan - De-Lailed drawings indicating all buildinq construc-
tion and land improvements includinq landscape treatments whi,-h ma,@
qtiired by the Zoning Ordinance, or under the provisions of a li@e
issued pursuant thereto, or by any other ordinance of the Citif 04 @74-g@nia
1.13 Zoning Lot - A lot or any portion thereof, or contiguous lots of the same
ownership within a singlp zoning di.,trict which are to be tis,-O, (ic@vc!@,r@,
or built upon as a @init.,
2.1 After the effective date of k-his Ordinance, the develooer of anlv oat-ce, de-
siring -O pu-u it to iasf.' shall ;ubmit a @ite Dlan to the Citv Ager-@.
2.2 The 1-ollowing s4te usps, including a.dditions, alterations or ch,,nap!-, i@ the
following uses, shall P-qt)-@re si-,,e nlar review:
A. Any structurp- or 4To-o,tement oermitted by the Zoning Ordinance as a
orinci.,-)al or !,Is(,, ir anv distric", Aith -L,he 47.)Ilow@nu
1. 4gricultural usp-s, as defined in this ordinance.
2. Single or -@Wo--fp,,mily homes previously approved as a subdivision
in accordance tq4l-h the sjbdivision ordinance adoptec June ?2, -q7O,
and aq amended.
Section 3 - PROCEDURES
3.1 Pre-application Conference - Before filing application for approital of a
site development olar, the developer may confer 'Afith t@e City Agpnt and uc.@
other agencies of the C'ty as he or the Agent- deems advisable concern--Inc th,@
general proposal. Such action does not require formal application, fee@,
or filing of a site development plan, and is not to be consilrued zt, andlica-
tion for approval in co,,np@)tinq time limitations in re'@ation
3.2 Procedure for Site Development Plan Approval:
A. The developer shall cause to be prepared a site development plan with
other material as set forth in Sections 4 and 5.
B. After the site development plan and related materials have been sub-
mitted, it shall be reviewed and processed by the City Agent and other
affected City agencies for conformity to this ordinance and other
applicable regulations. The City Agent shall act upon the site de-
velopmen" nl,3r,, and related material as submitted by the developer, or
as modifieci @y @'he site development review process, wi@'hin 20 worl,ling
days, unless ex-(.'nsive modification to the plan or extenuating cir-
cums-Laiices requiy,e additional time, and if approved, shall certify its
appro,(, @ and s@a@e -he conditions of such aporoval, i- aly, or i@'
disapo,oved, sha,.-' -@,d@ica-lp i-Is disapi)roval and the rpasons '-,.herp-for.
C. The action of the City Agent shall be noted on all copies of the site
developmen+ plan to be re-Lainecl in the record, refereiced and attached
to any changes or condi'ionc detertriined. One such copv shall be re-
turned to the develod-r, and others retained as requirpd fo- -ecor(Is
or furt,@er actior o4' -,he DeDartrnerit or other affected agenc4e o +-he
D. Building pemits shall be issued in accordance with approved site de-
itelopment plans. A copy of the approved site plan shall ,-), retained
in the records o@ the building inspector's office and a--l building ane,
occupancy Dermi'-,, shal@ Or@Orm to the r)rovision, of said. s4te de@felon-
,rnent t)'@an.
E. 'a) Approval ol@ the site de@telopment plan shall be void unles,,; a bu-@Ild-
permit has h@@.n issued or usf-, of the land has commenced withip 180
clavs fror, @he date of approval. Upon request, rpvalidatior of thp-
@e )la, r,,), r,-anted "o, an additional 90 days if :actors
'@he or4, ol,?r r(,v;ew are the sairie,; iqri-ten
,iot4c, is re CC4 ved by tlo r4t,,, AgE'rl prior
xrirat or@ f,@ 1,@ dav
(b) A stoo work ordp., [)e otit on the pro.iect if any improvements
require.d or, th(-, approv@d sito development plan are not ad,@e,(-'Cl
to durin(z -,he development of the sit(,,
4.1 Nine copies of a site plan, prppared, ,.,tamped and endorsed by a registered
engineer, survevor oy- nt.,er persons duly licensed by the Commonoealth of
Virginia to pract-l,ce is -Iiich, shal-@ be subn,,itted with every applicatio,, for
approval, and shall cr)nta--In the following information:
A. Property and Ownership Informatior
1. A location map a-L a scale of not less than one inch equals
1,600 feet qith the site i)lan clearly marked on the location
map identifying the location of the property.
2. Present recorded property owner and map book and page reference
and deed book and i)age reference of the site property.
3. Owners, lot numbers and map book/page reference of all adja-
cent properties.
4. A boundary survey of the parcel prepared at a scale of one inch
equals fifty (50) feet or larger; no sheet shall exceed 24 x 36
inches in size. The survey shall include the acreage and/or
square footage of (-he site and indicate all boundaries by course
and distance,
5. Iron pins 3/8 inch in diameter and 36 inches in length shall
be shown and installed at aTl lot corners, points of tangents
and any angle point along a given course of the parcel.
6. All propert.@,t information shall be certified by the engineer or
surveyor ol- the project.
7. Existing zoning.
B. Existing and Required Site Features and Improvements
1. Streets and easements, their names, riqhts-of-wav status (public
or private), numbers and widths. Type-(class) a-nd width of pave-
ment, curbs, and sidewalks.
2. All property line and property line curve data or centerline and
centerline curve data ircludi@ig radius, delta angle, length of
arc, chord and tangent shall be shown on the site development
3. Utilities of i-,,Il types.
4. The Topographic survey, showing the elevation of streets, alleys,
buildings, @,tructures, water courses and their names. The topog-
raphy shall be shown by adequate sdot elevations. The f;nished
grade for "he Pntirp si+le shall be shown and the Droposed first
floor Plevation of all buileings shall be a minim'um of one foot
above the elevation of (a) that recorded as the maximum elevation
of the flood water of record or (b) the intermediate flood level
as determined by the U.S. ArRy Corps of Engineers or (c) the flood
level as determined by the Department of Community Service-s, which-
ever is greater. All elevations shall be certified and referenced
to National Ocean Survey ('USC and GS) datum 0.00 mean sea level.
All horizontal (iimensions shown on the site development plan -,hail
be in feet and decimals of a foot. All bearings in deare--s,
minutes and seconds.
5. Number of floors, dimensions, and location of each buildina ard
proposed use for each building shall be indicated. If a rnulti-
family, townhouse, or hotel development is submitted, a specific
schedule showing the following information shall be included on
the face of the plan.
a. The dwelling units and/or lodging units per gross acre oF
the project.
b. Breakdown of the n@imber of bedrooms.
C. Percent of parcel devoted to recreation.
Provided further, if the breakdown of number of bedrooms should
change prior to the issuance of a building pemit, th-,-- @iiilder
o, developer shall notify the, City Agent by !e-Lter of such change,
if -he number Of L@ni-Is doe@ not increase and if the dimen,;ions or
posi-Linn of @he hu-,Iding structures do not, change then additional
site olan aporoval will not be necessary.
6. All off-street Parking and parking bays, loading spaces and walk-
ways indicat;nn t ne of surfacing, size, angle of stalls, ilidth
of aisles an(! a specific schedule on the face o- tfle ite plan
showing the number of parking spaces p-ovided and -he number
quired in arcordance with the Virginia Beach Zoninq Ord;nancp.
7. cxisting and oroposed storm drainage easements and the direction
of d.-a4nage @'oii in streets, storm sewers. vailey gutters, s',rPams
and ditches. indicate all contributing areas 4n acres for ;to,,-Irl
d-ainaqe calculations. Drainage area maps and dra--@nage calcu@@a-
tions shal' be submi-Lted to the City Agent upon request.
8. All Pxisting and proposed v,!ater, sanita@v sewer faci-14@ties indi-
cating r)4@- -,i7eS, .-\nps ar-d grades shall be- shown, Connection-c
i,,ltC@ exist,4,iq or pror.,.)sed rprtral ,,,a-er and sewer Sy L h -1
be sho,,@,tn,
9. Provision and schedule for the adequate control o- erosion and
sedimen-.at4on shall be in accordance with the Cit,@,'s Erosion and
Sediment rontrol Ordinance as approved by the Council of I.hp @4t@y
of Virgin;a @each on No@tember 26, 1973.
10. Landscape design and land use buffer plan in accordance 14ith the
desiqn @-tandardF, of the Denartment of Plarn4,lg, as ai)proved b@, the
coun(--il @ !-,he of @fircirii. Peacli- shall be required.
5.1 All improvene,@'.@, req,,i,ed ).,, this ordinance shal'@ bc, built to thp City@s
standards and as ar)nrov,,,r' by the Council of the Citv of Vir-
ginia Beach, and sha-f! be @,nstalled by and at the expense of the developer.
No occupancy i)erm': @s will !)e issued iintil con,-,.rvcl'ior,, has been ir,.spected
and accei)ted b 1,
@@, 1hp
5.2 Where the adopted Master Transportation P7an of the Ci@y of Virqinia Beach
indica@les a proposed @-ight-of-way greater than that existing along the bo,Ar.-
daries of the site development plan, such additional rig[it-()-F-wik@l @-e
dedicated for highwa,Y ourposes when the site plan is adproved. Where a site
development plan i@ located on nublic streets of less than fifty @50) feet
in width, addi'lional riah@,-of-wa,,t shall be dedicated so that the nublic
street or right-of-way shall be a minimum of twenty-five (25) feet from the
existing center line. If determined by the City that t@le nublic street
to be a sixty (60) foot right-of-way, a minimum dedicalion of th-@.-tv (30,.
feet from the center line shall be req'Ltired. All b!iilding sethac!,.-
be measured from the new right-of-way boundary.
5.3 Two copies of the recordable Dlat and general or special warranty deed
with a title certificate clearly describing all right-of-way and easement
dedications are to be submitted to Real Estate Division of the Department
of Community Services for processing and recording before the site plan
approval process is complete. The width and nature of the easements and
right-of-way shall be determined in conference with representatives o@
he Engineering, Utilities, and Real Estate Divisions, Department of Com-
munity Services.
5.4 Fire hydrants and water distribution systems shall be provided by the de-
veloper in accordancp- witli standards of the Department of Community Ser-
vices in areas where cenl-ra@, or r)ublic water systems are available.
5.5 Transitional buffers shall be placed between noncompatible land uses, and
landscaping shall -@e 3@(-,quired within and at the perimeter of vehicular use
areas, in accordance with the standards of the Department of Planning. The
type and exac" Tocation of these buffers shall be as determined by the Zon-
ing Ordinance, or under, the prov4sions of a use permit issued purskiant
thereto, or by e,.ny other ordinance of the City of Virginia Peach.
5.6 (a) Where a prODosed school, park, playground, open space or other public
use shown in an officially adopted element of the comprehensive plan
is located in whole or in part 4n the property to be developed, @,eser-
vation of such area shall be required.
Any reservation of land for public acquisition and use required under
this provis4on sh,@ll bp )toid if not execu,'-Ied within five vears froni
t-he date of final approval of the site develoi)ment plan; provided,,
however, tha- tlie Cit', r
i I.ouncil acting through an amendment to the
officially adodted comdrehpnsive plan may release such rpserved @and
at an earlier @ate if 'it -is found t,o be no longer necessary to t"'P
public purpose.
The developer shall be required to show in dotted Tines on the final
site developmen' plan hoii he will develop such reseri/ed areas ir. the
event '-.hat the municir.)al-'@,-@t fails '.n acquire the. reserved property.
Requi 'red reserva-,kons sha@ll not exceed twenty percent (20'/,"i of the
total "and a,@a of the proderty to be developed, and thr- comdensation
due the developer @hall be an expressed element of a site de,,elonmen,@
r)lan agreemer)t !)(,tvieen -Lhe deve@loper and the Ci@,/.
(b) A percentage of -he gross acreage within all multi-family develo Dments
shall be devoted to recreation and/or useable open sl)ace, as pres,-ribed
by the Zoniyiq I)rdinance.
5.7 Provision for storm-surface drainage shall be in accordance witii t@lL@ d.P-sign
standards of the Department ol@ Communil,@ Services indica@l;nq location, si,le,
types and grades of all sewers, drainage structures, ditche,.; eith'?r existing
or proposed and connec@Llion to existing drainage system. Disocs@@ltion of s,-.orm
or natural water@, both on and off -@he site, shall be provided and in @@lic@ a
manner as not to have a detrimental effect on the property i@ othe,,, n, @,he
public right-of-way.
5.8 Richt-of-@Afay improvemet,-G, hall @ncludp i)avement ,videning, curb, guttpr
and sidewal!<, in acrpr(,.,,ince i,,,-h the standards of the Department of Com-
mur@ity Serv-'@(-P.,;. i,,@i(,n due to exis@@ing conditions or -ili@ con-
@ i-@ I I - 2asibl,, 'o construct at th e the
striac@ion orr@,4p@:. e 5
s es-
il@ -G'ie i:,ro ement arn- defe
O,,,-, @oa!-, be @laced
V S i V
arp c(@vero u i
@n,(@ nt@, p t,
n no ca,@p@,ishal
F),) en
7COT',, L:, ti a, an ci 'iarid]
7' t@,
@ec,t i A PA
Section 9 - PENALTY
9.1 Any violation of the provision of this ordinance shall be punishable by
a fine of not more than $100.00. Each person shall be deemed guilty of
a separate offense for each and every day or portion thereof during
which any violation of any of the provisions of this ordinance is com-
This ordinance shall be in effect from the 28th day of November, 1973.
ITEM #6S62
On motion by Councilman Malbon, seconded by Councilman Ferrell,
and by recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert fi. Callis, Jr., Mayor
Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Vice Mayor F. Reid Ervin, George R.
Ferrell, Charles W. Gardner, Clarence A. Holland, Garland L.
Isdell, D. Murray Malbon, J. Curtis Payne, and Floyd E.
Waterfield, Jr.
Nays: None
Absent: None
City Council authorized the City Manager to enter into a standard
water agreement for Kings Grant, Part '@, Section 12, in the
Lynnhaven Borough.
ITEM #6563
On motion by Councilman Ferrell, seconded bv Councilman Gardner,
and by recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert 11. (,'allis, Jr., Mayor
Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Vice Mayor F. Reid Ervin, George R.
Ferrell, Charles W. Gardner, Clarence A. Flolland, Garland L.
Isdell, D. Murray Malbon, J. Curtis Payne, and Floyd E.
Waterfield, Jr.
Nays: None
Absent: None
City Council authorized the City Manager to enter into standard
water and sewer agreements for Woodshire Apartments in the
Kempsville Borough.
ITEM #6364
On motion by Councilman Malbon, seconded by Councilman Isdell,
and by recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert H. Callis, Jr., Mayor
Robert B. C-romwell, Jr., Vice Mayor F. Reid Ervin, George R.
Ferrell, Charles W. Gardner, Clarence A. Holland, Garland L.
Isdell, D. Murray Malbon, J. Curtis Payne, and Floyd E.
Waterfield, Jr.
Nays: None
Absent: None
In order to have sufficient funds to purchase four trucks that
were included in the FY 74 budget of the Public Utilities
Division, City Council approved a transfer in the amount of
$1655 from Account 634 (Machinery) to Account 631 (Replacement
of Automotive Equipment) and $1330 from Account 634 (Machinery)
to Account 831 (Automotive Equipment).
ITEM #656S
Mrs. Gwen Wood appeared before City Council requesting the following
parcels of land in the Eureka Park-Pinewood Gardens area be zoned
back from Industrial to residential:
1. Parcel 1: The property was formerly zoned R-M, it has now
been adopted as B-2.
2. Parcel 2: The property was formerly M-1 3, it is now
1-1 classification.
3. Parcel 3: The property WaS f'ormerly zoned R-M, it has now
been converted to the I-1 classil'ication.
4. Parcel 4: The property was zoned R-NI, it has now been
rezoned to the R-6 classification.
S. Parcel S: The property was zoned R-@t, it has now been
rezoned to the B-2 classificatiori.
6. Parcel 6: The property was zoned C-L and has now been
rezoned to the B-2 classificatiolt.
Vice Mayor Ervin made a motion, seconded by Councilman Callis, to
refer back to the Planning Commission parcels 1, 3, 4 and 5, and
by recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert H. Callis, Jr., Mayor
Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Vice Mayor F. Reil Erviii, George R.
Ferrell, Charles W. Gardner, Clarence A. Holland, Garland L.
Tsdell, D. Murrdy Malbon, J. Curtis Payne, and Floyd E.
Waterfield, Jr.
Nays: None
Absent: None
City Council referred back to the Planning Cominission, for their
consideration parcels 1, 3, 4 and S, @@s tliese were not strai-ght
ITEM #6566
On motion by Councilman Callis, seconded by councilman Ferrell,
and by recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert 11. Callis, Jr., Mavor
Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Vice Mayor F. Reid Ervi.n, George'R.
Ferrell, Charles W. Gardner, Clarence A. floll,and, Garland T,.
Isdell, D. Murray Malbon, J. Curtis Payne, aii.d Floyd E.
Waterfield, Jr.
Nays: None
Absent: None
City Council noted its intention to hold a closed meeting on
Monday, December 3, 1973, for the purpose of discussing items
permitted for discussion under Section 2.1-344, Subparagraph
I and 6 of the Freedom of Information @kct of the Commonwealth
of Virginia.
ITEM #6567
On motion by Councilman Ferrell, seconded by Couricilman Gardner,
and,,y)unanimous vote, the meeting adjourned.
.@Ic y Clerk Robert Cromwell, J,., Nlay.,
City of Virginia Beach, Virginia
November 26, 1973
Cl@l@\' COtINCil@
0 1: I
OF ']'Iii
(:II,y 01:
I)occiiiber 3, 1973
I'lic regular iiioctill@@ of tlic COLIIlcil Of tllc City of Virj,,i,iiia 13eacli,
Virgiiiia was licld ill tllo Collllcll Clitilil)cr, iii tlic Adiiiiiiistratioll
Buildijig, ill tllo Bol-ouii of Priiicess Aniie, oii @ionday, I)cccml)cr 3,
1973, at 2:00 i)-ill.
Tlie i.iivocation wa-s @ivc,,n by tlie Revei-ond IVard L. Doiiat, Thalia
@lothodist Cliurch, Virgiiiia Pcacli, Virgillia.
s Mayor
Couii'cilmeii pre,,,eiit: Joliii A. Bauiii, Rol).Ort Ii ' Cal.li. , Jr. ,
Robert 11. Croi-,i@vell, -Jr., Vice @',Iavor 1. l@cid l@rviri, Geor,e R.
Forroll, Cliarles 1,@. Gai-diiei-, Clai-eiic(, A. Ilollaiid, GarlaiiO. L.
Isdoll, D. Nlurr@iv "I@i]@oii, aiid l@lo@'d I . l@aterfi--ICI, Jr.
Councilmeii absent: J. Curtis Pa),nc
ITE,Nl #6S68
On motior, by Couiacilman IVaterfi.eld, seconded by Councilman Isdell,
and by recordod voto as folloivs:
Ayes: Couiicilmon Jolin A. Baum, Robert 11. Call.i-s, Jr., @layor
Robert B. Croiiiwell, Jr., Vice @layor 1-@. Reid Ervin, George R.
Ferrell, Charles l@. G@irdner, Clareiice A. liollaiid, Garlai-id L.
Isdell, D. iklurray @Ialbon, and Floyd I:. @Vaterfield, Jr.
Nays: None
Absent: Cou:icilinan J. Curtis Pa),no
@layor IZobert B. Croriiwol.1, Jr. read tlic follo@viiig Resolution of
Approciatioji to tlie lioiioral)lc,, Doi-,al,d 11. I'liodes for his outstaridin@.
accoiiipli.sliiiieilts as tlie forrier Couiicilin@iii froin tlie l@lempsville
IN THE PROCESS of scrving the public to the b(@st of @,is ability in this fast developing Eirea
by the use c)f his talc,,nts, knoNyledf,,C ana educ,,Ation, gn(i by civing unspirin-@ly of iiis time and ener7;es
the Ilonorablc@, Dolluld 11. Rliodes, @is Co@,nciliiiaii, rt@prc,, the Keriij),,ville i3orou.-Ii, and as @,@layor,
reprcs(,.nting tlie City Of virltil)ia POach, has e,,iniecl tlie ics I fellow Coun-
.p?ct, ho,.ior and good wi 1 of his
cilmen, of Iiis associates and of Iii,. many friend3 frorn the pliblic.
NOW, TIIEIIEFORE, I'hc,- City Couiicil of The Cit3, or Vir,@inia Beacli, in recof,,nition of Iiis accom-
plishments and as evitionce of tlicir good wislif@s to Iiini wliile qerviiig the. Comiionwealth of Virgiriia -,s R
member of the Ilotise of do ht@roon (lirt@ct tliat tlii!, 1"(.',SO]ution of Apprc,,ci,-,tioll be entcred uon
th(, of tlil City C,),,ncil of tlie C,ity of Vii ,,tid i ccl@y herool be duly presented to tlie
Ifoiioral,le Doiiuld 11.
0 31 ]';l 0 t i 0 1 1 1))' C 0 11 l@ C, i 1 I I ',l I 1) o 3 i s c c o: i (I Ql b y C o L) i I c ],,i a ii 1- c i, 3- c I
'111(l 1))' recorded irote its
Ayes: C o u i i c i I i,,,, c i i J o: i:) A B i u iii R o 1) c i@ t I I C a I I i s , J r 1 Li @, o r
Robcrt 11. Croi:i@vel I , J Vicc j@,l@'.YOI' 1,@. I'leicl l@rviii, George R.
Ferrell, Cli@irles @@. G@ircliicr, Clarcilc A. Iloll@iiid, Garlaiid I,.
lsdcll, D. Nlurra), @lall)oii, aiid I:Ioy(J I.. l@,iterfic)(11 Jr.
Nays : Noiie
Abseiit: Couiiciliiiaii J. Curtis Paylic
City Council approved tlie @',Iintitos of tlic rc,,,,Iilar illeetilig of
Novcmber 26, 1973, iii(i tlie rea(iiii, of said ilinutos dispeiised
witli inasniucli as eacli Couiicilinaii liaci a cc)l)y of tlie subject
Niiiiutes bcfor(2 Iiiiii,
ITE@,i #6570
In the matter of tlie apl)licatioii of Nlr. Slican regardi.ng th&
variance of tlie sul)ject proporty, Cit)@ Couiicil was advised by @Ir.
Pickroll, undor tlie iie@@ Conil)reliciisive @'oiiiii., Oi,diliance, no alterition
would be recluired as the liel@ zoiiin@, I)crriits tlie adjustiients of the
nufliber of froiit feet froiii 150 fect to 135 foot providili@ tliere is
spocific square footago i@ available t() periiiit construction of the
Mr. Grover C. I%Iriglit, Attorney, ropresc@ntiiip, tlie residents of the
arca, sul)mitted a plat of tlie sul)division of lot 12 in Linkhorn
Park claimed tliat sufficieiit land above tlie six foot coiitour liiie
did not exist wliicli ;,7ould cliange the area available for develol@rqent.
Mr. A. L. Wood appcared as a reprosent@itive of tlie Civic League
in tlie area protestijig tlie subdivision of tlic I)roperty as set forth
in tlie petition.
On iiiotion by Vice @\layor Ervin, seconde(I by Councilniali Gardner, and
by recorded voto as folloivs:
Ayes: Councilnien Joliii A. Baum Robert fl. Callis, Jr., @layor
Robert 13. Crojiii,,oll, Jr. , Vice, ;la),or F. Reid l@rvin, Georl,c t@.
Cliarles l@. Garclncr, Clarciice ;\. floll@iiid, Girlaiid L.
lsdell , 1). @lurr@iy italboii, and Flo),d T:. IVaterfield, Jr.
Nays: I\Iojae
@@sciit: Couiicilinaii J. C.LAr@is Payiic,
City Couiicil deiiiecl tlie al@ove al)plic@itLoii. for variance.
Oil ]Ito t i C)II @t)Y CoLiii(, i li,iaii rlile i-, ed 1))' (@C)II11ci l@itaii 1-03-rel I
and 1)), i-ccorcled vc)tc Is '@-ol IC)@@s:
A),CS : (:Oullcillllcll 'jo1iii A. l@lol i@t 11. Cal I i -;, Jr.
IZobert Ii. Crojiii@.,ell, Jr. , @Ticc ',Ii),oi l@. l@eid l@@i'vin, C;eorl,,,e R.
l@erroll , Cli@irlos l@". Cardiicr, Clireiic-c,, A. Iloll @ii@cl, Garl,,iiid L.
Isdcll, 1). ',Iurr;l), illill)Oll, 1:10)-(! 11. 1"'atci-field, Jr.
I\Iays Noiie
Abscnt: CouiicilEiaii J. Curtis Payn(,
City Couiicil af)I)I-Ovcd oii secoiid rc@idilig a triiisfor of $16SS
from Account 634 (%Itcliijicr@1) to Ac(@otiiit 631 (1)@eplacenielit of
Automotivo Equil)i@ic,,iit), and @1330 fi-oii, Accoujit 634 (,Nlachiliery)
to,Account 831 (Autoiitotive ]@(juipilielit).
ITENI @6572
City Council.defery ed a street ClOSLire relative to a portion
of lVinstoii-Saleii Avciiue iii tlie Vir,@iiii,a Beach Boyougli.
ll'E@l #6573
City Council deferred a street closui,c relative to portions
of Peck Strect, Livi,ngstoii Street iijid I'alace Green Boulevard
in the Lyiiiihavcn Borougli.
On motion by Counciljiian Gardi)cr, socoiided by Couiicilman Ilolland,
aiid by recorded vote as folloivs:
Ayes: Councilmeii Jol)n A. Batiri, Rol)ert 11. Callis, Jr., Mayor
Robert B. Croini,;cll, Jr., Vice Nlayor f:. IZoid Ervin, George R.
Ferrell, Cliarle-,; Gar(Iner, Cl@ii,c,lcc A. Hollaiid, Garland L.
Isdell, D. Nlurray 'Ilall)oii, aiid Flo),,l E. Waterficld, Jr.
Nays: None
Absent: Councilnian J. Curtis Paync
City qouiicil approvcd oii firsli roadiiig tlie follolling Ordiiiance
to aniciid ajid reorclaiii Sectioii 29-3 of tlie Co(lc of the City of
Virginia Bc,,acii reliti.ng to sei@,er coiinection aiid iiistallation
I,Icqtie:@t(,cl I)V: City
SECTIC)'I,l 2c;-3 OF 'I'i!7 COI)!,', OF T@IF, Cl'iy
OF VIT@C!"@IA BF-,'@Cil TO Sl,-@@iEl
CONi4)@,'CTI(I:@ A14i) F@-'S
That Section 29-3 of the Code of the City of Virginia Beach,
Virginia is amended and reordained to.read as follows:
The follo@qing*sewer connecti.on and installation fees shall be paid:
(a) Connection to a city sewer line (tap fee):
4" tap $ 80.00
6" tap 100.00
Tap in excess of 6" Cost of labor and
materials plus 15%
of such cost
(b) Property owners share of li-ne installation cost for line
installed or purchased by City (line fee).
(1) Single-family residence first 100' of frontage or
portion tliereof . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $575.00
Each foot of frontage in excess of 100 . . . . .. . 7.15
(2) 14ulti-faniily dwellings aild motel.s and hotels.
First 12 iinits per acrc,; per unit . . . . . . . . $175.00
Next 12 units per acre (i.e., 13.24); per unit 350.00
Next 12 units per acre (i.e., 25.36); per unit 525.00
Ail units over 36 per acre; per unit . 575.00
(3) Trailers, per spa^-e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175.00
(4) Nursing ancl convalescent 1-ioilir?s, per room
@(cilculzit(2d at 2 becis @- 1- 'room) 125.00
(5) Professioiial 3nd ol@fi.cc, 'i)ui,lc3l.n@,s, per office 125.00
(Tlii@ fee Iial,l T)rofessi.on-
al offices (dc)ctors, de,,i,,-ist,,;, 1,1@,ers, etc.) ire
specificilly i@iliere office
space is not so divijc@cl i.-@itc) J)rofe.SS4-on-
al offic(-,s, inclucliii,@ I)a@il@s iii(i ot@ic,.r offa.ce areas,
tlie fe(:-@ S'll;lll 1)0 oiic l,iin@irc,cl (iollars
per six l,iiiidre sqti@. C) 17 I)Liilc'j-n@ aret.)
(6) iZet-,,Iil sto)-(@s ancl ccnt-(,'@-S, ))er s(iuare
foot oi* fl(ic)r spzicc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .08
7) Ind@is tri,,il tu rii),@ wlioleszile ind cli-stri-
buticii cic)@,-estic use fee 'p(,r square
foot oE floor space . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .08
lqarc@houE,,c@ s@,ace or oth,-,r rciatecl. fnci3.ities @..Iliere
sqLial:c fc)()trl-(2 T@el-
e@@cE?eds four hundrcd
sciuare fect r,,ilio
.stic ,ise fee to be based on
two hLinC@rc-,d clollars I)er four emplovees; provid@d,
that tlie mininiuni f-ec@ shall be two liundred dollars.
(c) Property o@..,ners share of line installation costs when
sewer lines are installed iii pai:t by private parties and in
part by tlie City. Fees in this @6ction (c) shall only apply
where the pro'pcrty to be served is a portion of the original
property for w@iich the sewer liries were installed by private
parties. Further, fees in this section (c) stiall not apply
where coniaection is made to lines purchased by the City of
Virginia Beach.
(1) Single-family residences, each . . . . . . . . . $150.00
(2) Multi-family dwellings, includina, motels and
hotels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
First 12 units per acre; per unit . . . . . . . 100.00
All units over 12 per acre; per unit . . . . . 150.00
(3) Trailers, per space . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100.00
(4) Nursing and conval-escent honi--s, per room
(calcul-,ted at 2 beds = -i- roo,.n) . . . . . . . . . 75.00
(5) Professional and office I)uil.dings, per office,
or per 600 square feet, n@, described in para-
graph (b) (6) of this sec!tiori .. . . . . . . . . . 75.00
(6) Retail stores and shoppiiig centers per square
foot of fl,oor sp@ice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .03
7). :Industrial manufac"uring, x,7hol
esale and distri@
I,.So foe per
foot of flc)or space . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .03
14arelio-,a-le or ollhcr rcl-,ited ficilitic,.s,
where s(luire foota-e per e:rol.oyee four
hundrod @,.qiiare feet ri@ic) c!c,,:,-estic use fee to
be basod aii fifcy clol.1--Ir!@ Y)el- four Cfltplovees,
providc,,d, ttiit Ctic i:c,c, stial.1 I)e two
hui-idrc,cl doJ-Iars.
(d) Special line fee for seasonal-ly operated camp
site parlzs coyinect-ed to iny or intc@rccptc)r: '
Iler ciii@1) @l),ICC@ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73.33
Provj-(Ic(l tii@it to -;@icli fe@, t@lic sti-3-1
(,ntc,r -izitc@ 11 ('i t:,,-
tli,,it ;ill- -tirii tlit, T)@)rk i.@
.Coilvc,rt(@(I to
ol@ (c@ of t": t o' i
(e) Spccial se-,.,,er line fee for iriclustrial- 1-isers of process
water when cotinected to any @ain or Interceptor:
Where process water is usec ' tlie line fee for the total
water use botti Drocess aiid do:,.cstic shall be based on the
follo;qing schedule, except that it shall not be I-ess tiian
provided under parq,,,rlphs (1)) (S) or (c) (8) of this section,
wliietic,ver niay bc! I@)plicable.
0 to 20,000 gallons' T)er day - $150.00 per 400 gal.
20 001 to 25,000 gal/day 3OC/gal.
to 50,000 @a /@iav '22.,(,/gal.
'50 001 to 75,000 g-?I/ea @ll@/@al.
All over 75,000 gal/day 4q./,al.
In order tG obtain this soecial rate, the o@qner shall
pay an original fce based oia t@E@ estim",@ted flow for the
first year and sh,,ill enter into a contra--t with the city
whe,rein the oi-mer siiall a@,ree to pay fec!s for additional
flows not previotiFI.y paid for a.,, clctc.,ritiined by arinual
average metered flow.
(f) In cases of complexes of btiildings, and in cases not
specifically provided hereinabove, line fees shall, where
feasible be determined by the equivalent nuniber of resi-
dences at four liundred gal/day @ind four persons each and in
accord with paragraphs (b) (1) ind (c) (1) of this section,
as the case may be. Vlhere such detc@rmination is not feasible,
the rate shall be dctermined by the director of conmunity
services and approved by city colincil. in no case shall any
-line fee be less than that for one si.ngle-family re@idence.
(g),, I\lo buildi.iig permit shal.1 b(@ issued nor shall any water or
sew6@r tap be installed for any T)ropert:y until fees provided for
in this section shall have been paid..
(h) In tho case of existill IT coiiliract agree-,nents bet@.@Een o%,7ners
and the city regarding fees and @j---iver of fees, such igreeraents
shall roniaiii in effect.
An emergency exists qnd this ordinance shal-I be in effect frofn
date of
Firpt readin,@
Second reading:
t,dopted I)y tlio (:(itincil of tli,, C@ty c)f Vir@-,iiiii )@each, Virinj,,i
on tlie day of 1973.
C)II iiioti 01) I)Y Co@11IL:,illLl@i II '@l@i I l'oII, s ccc,,Ii @ii, 'i I)Y Cot@.jlci Ji,lan l@cl,rell
Lilld by %@OtC, @1,;
Ayes Coillic-.Ilfliejl Joliii A. 13@itijii, Rol)cl@t 11. Cal.lis, Jr. ,
iZobort r, . (@i'oi,,ilqel I , Jr. , Nli(-c @c!id Fr%,in, Geoi,,,,c l@.
l@cri-e,l 1. , (:Iiar les @,' .IIo3 11C)l I licl
Isdell, 1). i@lurra), @izi ii)oii, @iii@l I:Iovc! l' .@@'atorficld, Jr.
Nays: Noiie
Absent: Councilinaii T. Curtis Payiie
City Couiicil approved on fii'st readiiig the folloivijig Ordinance
to autliori ze tlie r of tiic Cit), of Vir@i.iiia Betcli to
refund.'cortai.ii busi"ii ss liceii.@c taxe.,; cc)lloctecl uiiclor Soction
20-58.1 (Repc,,aled) ol the Codo of the (ity of klil-gillia l@eacli:
COLLI,'CTLI'D U',iD7-:-@ SECTIO'I 20-58.1 (REPE,@LED)
That, pursuant to Section 58-1152.1 of the Code of Virginia,
1950, the Treasurer of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, is
hereby authorized to refund all business license taxes collect ed
under SecLion 20-58.1- (repealed) of tlie Code of the City of Virginia
Beach, Virginia, not to exceed Tlqo Hundred Sixty-Five Thousand
])ollars, upon proper application by the taxpayer and proper certi-
fi.cation by the Coninissioner of the Revenue as required by la-.,.
This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from the date
of"its pas@ig'e.
First Reading: Deceiiiber 3, 1973
Second Reading:
Adopted by tlie Coiincil of tlie Cit@y of V5.rCInia Beach, Virrinia,
on tlie _ day of 19 73.
01) illoti oil l@ Coil ])c i II !j) I ,(Ic I 1 I,%, cotill,: li@ili]l G@i I-c!i]cI- ,
a 1) r c c o i,," c @l v (i i-
A), c@ C o ti i 1 Q iii c ii .1 o 1 i i) A P zi t i l@, , P, ol) c l@ t @i I I @l 0 1-
11,01) rt i') @J I Vic(@ @@l@i),or
Cli@3rtos @V. (@@irdiier, Cl;ij,c,iice A. liolliii@l, G@irlaild L.
D. @l@ii,r@iy ali(I l@ION,Ci l@.
i Noiic
Abscnt: Couiicilmail J. Cui,tis Payiic
City Coulicil. approvcd tlie foJ.Ioi@iii,,, tax i-eflinds i.1) tl)e anioulit of
N'ovcml,,er 27, 1973
F RO@l,. !lr. V.; k. --tticr@dr-c, -,cczisurur
-@CT: ApplicaLioTi fuE @--x R,,Euii,:s:
c f , z; t z;,z z: 9.80
certified for paynient, as ser furtLi below-
V. A. Ethcridizet Treasuror
..Ticket al.:lon
F-,id Base alty est
Year of Tz:- Nuriber tio.
ouis C Wil.liams 197 3 CD #35870 4/9/73 15. 0
effords Edi,,ard V 1973 -RE YiO26558 1798 7/31/73 4.80 .24 5.04
Ellen F 1/2
u@ @r Robert G 197jP RE@ 7','007467 1771 6/13/73 @.96
1 Llie Baldwin 1973 RE ",@007458 1772 6/13/73 4.80
1973 RF 7@@007z@61 17 7 3 0- / 1- 7 -4 7.20
1973 -Ir')07459 1774 6/1-)/73 7.20
1973 P\E,
i i"'007464 17 7 5 6 / 1 3/ 7 3 6. 24@
1973 PE '@007462 1 1
1-7 7 6 6/1-3/73 8.16
1-973 RE @tOk@74@57 1777 @/1-@,/73 6.1)0
1973 RE @"'-OO7zt65 1778 6/1@/73 4.80
1.973 '-TE ","007456 1779 6/13/73 2.40
1973 RE -1100-ili63 17 0 6/1-@/73 7.20
1973 IIIE j, I
IiOO71,60 I -i 1 "/'7 3 4.80 59.76
i 0
f i cd for l@ayi,lent, o!; seL bci w:
A. Etlicrie.@@c: Trcasur,,r
Tax I: 0 D,,i t c
l@ame Year o @ T,,i -, Base alty ei: t
l,u c! r
t)- Bernard 197 3 CD #5 5.24
15. 0
co Rosalie 1973 RE i@'051992 1686 6/11/73 7.4
ederick F Ecirer 1973 CD I't@14626
1973 CD @r'146 39 30.0@
jack Inc. 19731 RE @r'0006 10 1864 6/13/73
ntagna Joseph'Al 19731 PE I 'IO 36 166 1909 6/15/73 41.2@
Regina M
tIlIq t6t
ve P.PolicAti"P., f@@ re 7@l
ITEI,L t,6S77
I)v COIIIICIII,Iiji Carctjicr, secoll(I"cl I i Iiii@iii 1, ol
by re@o rded vote, @is
A),cs Coulicill'@ic',!' Jollll A. l'ol@c@i
Robert I),. crolii@@ell, )r., \Iice l@layor l@rviii, Gcoa-@@o IZ.
(:Izircjic@, A. 114)llz'Tl(l,
Feri,cll, (:Il@l I s
Isdcll, 1). @lurr@l)@ old, ]r.
iNav,;: Noiie
Absciit: Cotiiicillii@iii Clii-tis P,,iyi)
C i t)' (@ 0 ii I I (- i I ',l (I C) 1) t@c cl t I I C', 1-0 I I ()@@ i@', 1), t i @l I I'L 11 o r i z i l@ t 11 0
1) i 1- o c t o 3- 0 f l' I i t 0 c 11 @l l' c, @l f c t i2ltcr(,StCQI I)Crsolls for
01) I i oil I?,@ (,,)ti; t @iii
itjiti t))- reco @,ot@
A y : COLIIIC r ll,'I@ 0 l'
I'lol)cl.t J@. C1,U]@l@,'Cl 1, , ii'. , Vicc,, j@. ;,(l 111'@lil.),, 1'.
l@ol'i@cl 1, Cliir@l c@, i"'. (;,Ij (:I,,i j-,2i)lcc, liol l@ilicl, (,@ll-laild I,.
Isdcll., D. @itii,r;iy @\l@l Zill(I I:lc)) @i i-,. c@@'fielcl, Il@.
@Tays : INOIIO,
Absciit: Coujiciliiiaii J. (@kirtis 11 a)@ i,, c
I'lic City recei@,ed ilotic-e froin tlie Stit(, l,il@i-,iry Bo@ir(I tliat tl)o
Cit)' liill roceive ill St@ito ii@i for ]:Y 74. Tlierofoi-e,
City Couiicil @ll)l)roi,el tl)e, request of ti@@C, I)ii,cctor of Ilublic
Librzii,i s tli@it ostiiiiited r i,ei)iic-,; iii \Q otll%,t 632 (State Aid to
Ptit)lic,l,ibraj,ic,,s) bc, ilic@l@o,@isc(i bv @IS,118,@,, @iiid ftirtlier approvccl
aii aclditioiial iii lilc,, ziiii(,Liiit to the budget code
803 (hooks).
ITE@L #6579
On inotion by Counciliiiai) I:eri,ell, secojiclcd I)y Councilmaii @falboll,
and b), recorded vote @is l@olioivs:
Ayes: Counciliioii Joliji A. Baujit, Ilobert 11. C,'-Illis, Jr., @layor
Rol)crt B. Croiiii@ell, J]'., Vice l@. I'leid I-.,rvin, Goor,,e R.
Ferrell, Cliarles 1"'. Gardiier, Clareiice, i@. liollaiid, Garlajid L.
Isdoll, D. @lurray i\lalboii, aiid Flo)@(I l@. 1"atei,fielcl, Jr.
Nays: Noiie
Absejit: Couiiciliiiaii J. Curtis Payne
City Couiacil autliorized tlie Cit), to eiater into an
agreciiioiit i@itli tlie @o3-foli.- Soiitlierli col,[Pall), for tllo
inst.ill.atioii of certain iii)d(!rgi@oLiii@l iin,)i,ovei,ieiits at SOLItherii
ITEI,l ',,05 0
Oii motion b), CotijicilEiaii Jsdoll, secolided I)y Coiincililian Gardner,
and by recorded vote as folloi%,s:
A),cs Couiicil.nicii Joliii A. Bauiii, Rol)ert @l. C@illis, Jr. , @layor
Robert B. Croiiiive, I 1, Jr Vi ce \Iayoi, i@. Reid Ei'viii, Geor-e R.
Ferrell., Cliarles 'i%'. Gardiicr, A. lfoll@incl, C'@arlai-ad L.
Isdoll, D. @lurr,,i)@ @ialboii, aiid I;lo)-(j 1'. @@atc,)-field, Jr.
Nays: Noiie
Absciit,: Couilci.lliiali J. cul'tis 11a),Ilu
As inoi-c tilziii 8o" or tllc ]@o-,;i(lciits of Stroot @iiid iloffiiiaii
Ax,eiiuo iii l@lizal)etl) l'ivci, 'I'crricc ])."ve sigjlc,(l a@,reeiiielits for tllc
extellsioii Of iv,,itci, @it @i cost@ or @9,000 (tlie
,sigiicd agreciiioiil,,; zi@lioll3it to @ o I
's 0 0) Cit)' (',C)tli)Cil alitlioi-izecl
tlie exteiision ol@ tlie tv@iter iiiies.
Tliis @@otilcl bo iii cxl:(,Ilsiol) of 1) C_,,; 01, 11 C'(] 1))- tll o@ (@i tN' Of
illto tll(' ('it). C)f Vil-@ ' I
@@] 11 I l@@, @cli ]\I-tcl, tll(@ cxtcll:@i(Ill
tl)c i lit (']It i oil I i 'LC) C tO Ile(2L] tll(2 IIIIC,'
to tlic,, (:it)' of- 1) C', I 0 v i cl c, (I
t o C) t i 1, i@ c s i @[ c,, I i ti) N. i L@ i t v o fIi
Cli@i i'l cs l'i (@;t 1-d@', r, (:1 i @"CIi ce !lo j I ii @(II
I sdcll 1) . ".1@l ll;C)II , @111(i L' C,,a,f i el c] J]-
Nays : Noiic
AI)sciit: Coliiicilmali J . C@irtis
City COLIIlcil fornij]@1), z@dc)l)te(i tlie crc@@@i @ii @tjid sodiiiieiitati,on control
standards and sl)eci.fic@tloils as ainciidc,,cl.
On riotioii b), Couiic,-ili:,.@iii (@,,ircliicr, ;ccoii,,l cl I)N, Councilriaii 13aiii',I,
and by recordcd voto as.-Collo;@s:
Aycs: Counciliiien Joliii A. P)atiiii, Rol)ci-t Ii. Cillis, Jr., Mayor
Robcrt ]@'. Ci,ol.,il@ell, Jr., Vice Nl,,tyoi@ l@. @,eid E@rvin, CCorge l@.
Ferrell, Cli@irles !,,'. Gir@iiicr, Clii,eilce liollaild, Garlalid L.
Isdoll, 1). @luri'ay @,lal.l)oii, aii(l I:lo),cl 11. Jr.
Nays: Noiie
Abseiit: CoLiiicilman J. Curtis Pa),Iic
City Couiicil aclopted the, follol%,i*no pro@,isioiis to t@)ie engiiieerin,@
stand,,,trds aiid spccificatioils ivitli excc,,I)Iioll of tlie, laiiciscal)lll@@
aiad btiffea,iiig stai,,(-Lar(Is:
Tbe following changes to the TDror)osed revisions to the Citv's
Engineering SiDecificitic)ns and Star,(iai-cis h-,ive bc-en igreed to
by City staff z,,r,d representati-,,e-- of clie Ticlewater Association
of Hc)me Builders:
1. On page 1 of FO-@.ctsiARD, rewor,-' the first paragraph as
follo@,ls: TI-iE,,se sp(@cifications an@ st:andard drawin@,s are StLndard
for all v7orl-, on or in p@iblic pro,-ert,,,, paldlic oFiseTients, or pUb 4C
rights-of-way, ard @ill conll--Pc@@-- I)v th(3 City 0.1 Virginia
Beacl,. Property p,-ivatel-y owneci @;liic,i Fiirsuant to adproved r)lans
of develoF,-,ient is to bf, (jc-,dic,-it(-,6 .o @hc@ City for pu-@--)]-ic
public easQrien-Ls or o@- to be maintain d by
the City or @in -?,ssociat'--on sacii aF@ a owners as@,ociation,
shall be deered pul)lic ,)rop(@rty in d(,-e--ir@j-n4-ncj tlie zipplicab-'Ility
of theso
shall,not b@ e@.cluded f--Gm Cit%, fc)r co@,iipliance with the
2or,.in,,j ).nd
ComT-)r6nen@ i.v@ to mittei-s of acces,@,
;s r 3
inqr(-,, anc, ai-,,,, otlic-,r arir-,cts affecting
the piiblic domii-n. Th(' aiitl,,orii:y i-c)r regiilati.ong i-,
estFibliE;'Iied by ac'oT)t(,i resoluti-o,.- c)f tlie City ('oi-iiicil aild the
ordiriaiicc,s of tho City.
2. On page li under (D) 2) liro 2 after "Vir(iinia'!, M@-thnc7.
L)f Coiirlilci,@i,@@ C'--' @in,
2 " i
i-c,,co),,iu(l t c, i,@ I-,) I I
A)7 c, c,
C'II Cli@li'lOS J,.
iNays Noiic
AI)sciit: Coliiicilmali J. (:Lll-tis I'@iylic,
Cit)' Cotilicil foriii@ll,l)' @IJOI)tC(l tllc@ iiid sedilic,,iitatioll control
staridards and sl)oci.fic@it@ioiis as aiiicjicle(l.
Oil riotioii b)' Coulicili@,,Lti) secoii,,I@cl I)%, Counc-iJriaii BItll'.I,
and by recordcd votc
Ayes: Cotincilpion Joliii A. IZol)ei,t Ii. CIllis, Jr., Mayor
Robci-t B. Ci-oiii@ell, J]-., Vice @1,1@@or l@. @,ei(i E-rviii, Ccorgc
Fcrrell, Cliarles 'i"'. A. Ilollaii(l, G@irlaild L.
Isdoll, D. @luri-ay PIall)oii, ati(I l@lo)7d il. Jr.
Nays: Noiie
Absejit: Cotiiicilman J. Curtis Pay@ic
Ci.ty Couiicil adol)ted tli(,, folloi@in@ p3-ovisioils to tlie ongiiiecrin-.
st,and.,irds Iiid spccific@itioiis ivitli exccl)tioii of tlic, laiiclscapiiil,
ajid btiffei-iiag stai-@da3-(!S:
The following changes to the r)rodo-ed rovisions to the Citvls
Engineering S@ecificatic)ns and Starc,3arcl,- Ii-,ive bc-on agreed -to
by Cit@, staff E,,rd representa-li@,es of tlie Tidewater Association
of Home Builders:
1. On page 1 of FO'ZE@eTARD, reword the first paragraph as
follows: Thesc specifications Ln@ standard drawin,-,,s are standard
for all v7orl- on or in p,,iblic pul)lic easements, or publ4C
rights-of-w,i@,, ard ill contrE,,c'@-,- @,-,:arCiec3 @i)v the City o-. Virginia
Beacli. Property privitel-y ownc-,,c3 %,@ilich -@ticsuant to anproved r)lans
of develofmcn, is to b@, dedicat(,u to th(! City for pui:il ,1-ic iise-I
public easerients or p@2-,,)Iic or to be miintained by
tbe City or an -cisscci,-t'l-on @1.9 a owners as@,ociation,
sha'Ll be de(,ned pul)lic i-,aoyirtv in tlie cit@plicFb-'@l-ity
of tllose oii T)rcT;@-rt,,,
shall not bl@ e@,clucl,!Cl ior cc),,iipliance wit-ii the
a.,I(,-. z,-, to rz,,tters of iccess,
inqr(-,@,s anc, -,z
the piiblic (loinii-n. Th(-, i--,--qulationg i@
e.st@LI)IiS@'IC'C3 by acloi-,to resolu-'@-o@l@ ol- t@i City Couiicil and the
or(liriai@ces of tlic City.
2. On pa(,ic,, 1, iir@@O@er (D) 2) lire 2 aft('@r "vi- rq inia's M@-t-.hoO,
of C'oiirll)ct@ii@i C:I,@-
(19:-@2)" ,-o -.h(2 C),-- thc., Aspli@kit
3. On p-licjc,- 17 iiiiclr@r (1) 5) Iii-,, I @l@t(,r t'@c, N,,ord@- "?\ 6"
concrc,t@ (V!)'-, Clc;- '@1)" i)),;(,.rt tliicl@211(-"i (,Cjqc,
4. Cin ?7 @ic'(1
I)i r(.ctol, of I),,i @i cti,@it (%17@-b
O;) I o:-
Oii 1,@iotion I)v
Aye,-; I"itliit,
I I C: 11 i 0 a
1) 01) c, 1, I1, C rc)]@l@; ce N. or
Fe", ('11 t L) c, ]c tllc l@3 olig
Oii tl)j ff! lic" Clal ]lcl
Nays: None
AI)seiit: Couiicii-iii,lln J. C@iirtis Paylic
Cit)' Otlllcil al@l@l-o%-ccl tile, s@llary sui-ve,,, I)reselit ed by tlie Director
of Ilei-soiaiiel, cffecti,.,c l@O'Di@tiary 1, l@)74.
Vice i@la),or Ervin stated tliat t)ic 171!i c@f Dccciill,)or @vould be a bettor
ti@lite to cliscuss Jlo@@ Ci-cel@. It ivas tlie, Vicc @llayo)-Is iiiiderstaiidiii,,
that tlic staff @@,is ,oill(, to tall, to @%lr. Colici) an@l tlio Planiiin@.
I)epartiiiciit to see l@iiat SI)CCific plili@ iiiade.
Tlic Vice @la),or iskccl 1.1r. 11@ijil@ury, A-,;si@t@int Cjtv @lanaper, i.f Coulicil
could, iTitli ilr. Colifiriii wj-tii "Ii-. Garci,,i tliat tlie delay is
goiiig to I)c accei)t,,i-[,] c, ai,,ci li@i,ve staff dis(7tisE; tliis l@itil 1.1r.
Colien to revici%r )iis I)rolic)sal so ivo i@il I liave it iii soille forin.
Mr. I%Iriglit stated I)c liacl iiiforiiiod Cc@iiiir-il (@arlier tliat ti.ine ivas
iiecded to devolop -,;oine, I)Iiiis. Nlr. furtlier stated tliat all
he kiiew i@as tllit tlic Civic Lea,,ue oi, i-cs@clc,,iits iii tlie area totall),
rejectod tlic coii@cl)t otlier tlicn tlio (:otiiici.1 ptircliasiiig tlie elitil-C
piece of properL)'.
Vice @,lavor Erviii stited tliit ,)jico tlicn liicl tl)c ajl)araisil,-; Cotincil
could @lion ordor a ptil)lic refeic,,iidui,l to settle tlio fact as to
ivlic,,ther or not to I)iircliase tlie pi(:,ce c)l I)ropert),.
@Ir. lyriglit statod lie i@.,o@ilcl ijiforui @,lr. (,oliell to proceed ivitli the
developiliciit of
ITE,,l @@'o,@, 8
@Ir. Callis responclc,(l to tlie 3iews article o3i Cliinii(@l 10 concernirig
rc',Plclli@,lillicilt o[ s@ll,,cl on tl)o, I)Oaclics. Nlr. C,,illis statcd tliat tlie
Cit )' SI)O@ilcl 1,1 cffc)rt tc) iiifol-lii li@C, of Otl)' @ittoi-,Il)t
to rcploiiisll tlio I)e@.cli, ajid lio@q tliis i @; fuiided; tlie iiceci for tilis
aiid is bi,oti,,I)t iii 1)), flic@, totirist iliLlu@@ti-N
Coulicillit,]31 liollaiid Li@,ked @ii,. ilaiil)tir), i f soiiic@tliiii,, can l@e done
to liavo C)II I)C)tll @;i(ICS ol j@irst (: C) Ic)i)ial ]',oad I)y
tli(2 l@'ii-st (:oloiiial Ili@,11 Scliool. CL)IIII( lioll"Ill(I ],C(tiicstccl
tl)e (IUC to tll@
,\Ii-. li@iiibiir), lic, li@)(I (I(,I)LIrti@iciit I)Llt du('
to "i b@3cl, li@ive lio@ I)III 11 T@l L] i) @l
@lic 1,
ti @t O
try iii to 1)@ive o I @i cli i, I cl 1, 1) 3, tc 0 1 i) @l s
C6uiici I iii@iji l@errel I ta t(@cl 1, (@ liacl i,(, t, ed s oN@e rz, 1 cal I al) oti t
PCOI)I,C SIIC)Otin@o CIIICI@s ill l@lic I,;itclici@icil, lloi,iit, 'I'lialia (@rc,,O,@
ai-cas of tlic@ City. I'lic ll(,i'@l)l)ors @l),' clisttil-I)C,cl @it)Ollt -LIlis
aiid stil,@Vcste(I cillic,r tlie St@ite G@ii,(-- or tlio City
cll(,Cl, Oii tllose cc);Ill)l@lilits oil
Counciliiiiii '6,;atei-fielci st@"it((l tliat tlic@ I)rol)],oiii liid becii di--,cussod
by Cc;6iicil aiid tlie Of(Iiiiaiice oii Bii@@, 1;@ii.-Icturi.cs does not cover
i,Tild foivl .
Vico @l.,iyor l@rviii stitcd tli@it since tli,), cliiiiii),,ited tlie aroa
kiio@qii @is l,yiinliaveii l@@v @i]icl 'Ilso iiiaic)i 'Lr,,tcts of 50 acrcs or
DIOrC Llll(iOl' oiic NiiJ tliat tlic job of Cilfol@Cilig
aliiiost ilill@ossil)lc 1-0)- tllo ))C)Iico
ITI@j@l ;@6,11)2
Vice @la),Or Erviii CC)IIcel-llecl abotit @i neivspal)oi@ article oil
Grecia Ruii rcgai'diii@, tlie. 1'rilLil alici Vic-e ',Iiyor
Ervin coiiiiiiejided tlio staff fo3- rei@ritiiig tlie Ciiliforiiii
Ordiiiajico iii ordc,.r to try to get arc)Li@i@l -,;oiiie of tlie prilicil)als
supportcd 1)), Vir-iiiia l,aw. Ilr. Fri@iji rectuestcd tlie ordilialice
I)e brouglit back to Couiicil for cons](i,ratiol).
ITE@l 1'6@)93
Coiijiciljiiaii Bauiii st@ited lie @va-,; concc),ii@d al)out tl)c iiuinber of
))ogs in tho Blacl@@@,-ater l@oi-oiigi), B@iiti,i sugpested
tlie Cit), @ia3la"Crl-@ offdcc, I'laiiiiiii,l aiid Cit),
Attol-lic), @.' ork i"itl) @'Ir. I)i,cl, Cocli-ol I o of soiiic rcgul@itions
could I)c ivorked oiit ajid to reliort 1),,ic@, to Cit, (:oLilicil.
ITE@l V6594
Oii niotioii by CoLincjliiiiii Ferrc,,ll, secoli(]Cd by Coiincilpiaii Gardiier,
and by r6cordod votc as follot@s:
A),cs Cotiiicilril-ii )oliii A. ]'Iol)oi-'t !J. Jr., @la@,or
Robert P,. Croiiii,,,cll, Jr., Vic-c IlltN,or F, @@eid (@eorc,c R.
CIil-ciicc C@irla;i(i L.
IS(lell, 1). Nliiri,zi)r ali@i I:lc)y(l J..
Nays: Noiic,,
Absciit: Counciliii@iii J. Ctirlis I)ayi)c,
City COLI]ICi@l iioteci its iiatciitioi; to I)old @t c@los;(,d mectill,, on
I)cceiiii)(,i@ JO, 11)@13, J-oi- tlic, of clisclis-,;iji@ items
I)Crlllitt('(t for @;(,C-L loi@ @!.I-3,1.1,
I iii(J 6 ol- tli I:j@c,, @lol:l ol- li@foa,l,l:@t t,,] .',Ict C)I- tIA"', Colliilioii@@c@@iltli
Oii lli(,,Ilioll I)v (@otilic i (1@il !@ccol,lc,(i 1)@, 11011,11)(1,
t) of k! i i i@ i ii @ii )i 1,