HomeMy WebLinkAboutDECEMBER 12, 1973 IJ IL (tilliii i e c c ii 1, r C OC) 3- c i- l' c I (111@] 1-1 i I cl I I 1) . @lur f-@i C,@ L! Cloiiiic i IjTt,,ii al),;, ;ill iii G(.,ntl c@m@-n: Tli(:,@ iremb,,rs c)!- CC)I-LI,i E',T'PC>i i-, c@@(I b@, Coi-incil t@o s@:ucl- s Ii -1 E@ i I I)ot fi c, @; f"i thLi@@-I th@,y arc, c a n to 'fhc@rc@fo--c, iri ti@r@ c c-) -f C i- t-y (-, f@ 'V'i I-(, n i-,i SecLio)@. 2-9, 1 @iei-c.l)y Fittc,.nciLr,c-,@ at a s-peci-al iiiceti,i.,j c)ll 4:00 p.m. It is r(-,quc-@s@,-cl, t@izit Cc)iin(--il @,o@ it t@ill-,,',- tD @,() into executi@,o sessioij to hear. @.fic, @,jlnv7 t f tc, meet and discus-@ ,-@-th Tliis is a very impoi- In@l wc-, liope tllit, Ll,l Counci.1w,cia will @-iblc,, t@c) l,c, l@UI'I)@)';C@ of t]],@! @,@o ll(,;Il tl ic,, rcl)oi-', of tl)e sl)c,,c-ial to to 'to Cl@') o]-, C', t 0(ii 11 @t 1, i i@,(i of ck 11 1 I L Ab@;c, ii t (@otil,( ii l@i ii (i i- UI)Oil 1- @ls,;ejlll)j ill@@ i3l I)II') l e@,@ i 11 li@@ I C)l@ @l,, ?, co(litc, i Ill ell I)re's c, lit C ou]), r s I- "!,l 0 l' lzc)l) ci,t j@. Crc)i@.@@, @j i \1 i 11 GCo 1- 0 I,. r i@o 1 Cliar 1, (1@@ @-@i ii(, C 1 o I @111(i Isclel I AI)s cii t: Co@ljic i I 1,1(@ii 1). !til \I@l I !)Cj,@ , (:I,I-t I'a y ii c, ,,tnd l@lo,@d Oii iiic)tioii by Coi@')C. i;oll,,Illcj, aii(I by i-ecordc(@@ \@oi " Ll, lo@,.'S, tlic Y('l@c)l-t 01- tlic Ayos cc)ullciljll n jc)lljl J"@,IL!fT! I)IOI) -l I I i Jr @l-IN Or Rol)ert 1, . C:I-Olll@,'(@i I , Jl- Vi c @l@] l' IZ. l@crrell , Cli@rl c@, (@@i @ilid G:] 1- I i ii(] 1, . I s de I I . @@ay s : 1\10110 Ab s c,,iit CouliciliTicil 1). (@t)i,tjs I'ayiie, tjici l@lo),(] I'lic iliciiilcrs of tlie Sl)eci@il J)'oiidiii@', ".011 @@,@IC)II is as follc)k,,S: @Ir. Wriglit Cli@tii-iiiai) of tlic ]3oard Virginia Natioilal i@alti, Mr. (,. Powell I)avis, )'i @;iclc@lit 'riie lnvc@st)ii(@@,i-I Cc)il)oi,@it :oi@ c)f Vir@,lijiia @ir. CIC)Ijcll, lelit Tlic I'coplcs of- Vi) illill@@. @ly. ]@arr), Ai)tlioii\ I)ro@; cl C'3i I @l ii l@ o @Ir. A] f i, c, (I r@a f t, S cit @ o \'@ce. Ili,e,;ideiit I ii c I i @ i I 'I'llO Of 'Ill(-, lic,i-@@cill @iiid ONilLi@it, iii tl@ i 1)(@ii 01) fil@@ o,,t tilc of-f-ic" of @lic, REPOP@T ()F SPE@l('C!@l.-I CITY 11, OF Your C)f tlie pr,,)I,)er f i n a nc i ng o f n,-! C-@ d c- c f z@ C, @:i, 1-L c, v@:i, t@, C,@ L_@, f V i Z 4 .1- C) _ gl.nia BL@ach, with particular I,,,-,ing u@)o@-, C-i;.@,.rter cl.-@.ngL@s set-ti'-Ig bonding li-mit@,-tj City -,egiiJ-atL,(3 the oxisting C:;.ty oi (,ity bc)@d,@ in relati(-.,.n to its assessct,,@ ,,zilue i-@rue wich (@c,,nsequeriL cffect-lip')I@ the interc,-st r@it L@rid C)4 1-1, . It is our @l-'E@lillg L the C.!@ ;,s to bc, cor@x,-,era---d for tlie, progress wbich it h@is iri adi,-)g -L-hc,, riting of tlie City over tlic past 20 years l@iat 'LL bc- L,,Iviise -,o tz,3-c, stops ,vhich could concc@i.vz:tl,,Iy be ',-c tlie City' credit r-,il@-ing and result in a reductioi-i in inves'.@ol confi(l(@nce in obligatic)ns of tlie City. With ttlic, iii T,.iind, @,-e E r.-e incli.ne,71 to recommend Z'zl alteriiate to the s--ecoi-,iric,,nJ-ut@ions C)i (,@e ac3.irL@@iiiELrativc,, s-laff whicli, as we understai-icl i-t, ccu,),@, wit-ti tl- @ ;,aic-l.ioii of the City Council now or in the fuliire, resilii.t in borrowings on tTi@, part of the City which could tlie credit r@ ',,ing of tlie City. Because of tl@- limj-',-a'lions b@,.L;( d up@)n tlie prese-itt City Charter, it has been necesscnry for the City t@( rE-,ques-@ am(,-ndircnLs to -L-lie Charter in all recci,.t ses@;ic)ns of tl,( lc@g@LslEiturc,.. It is our understanding thit c)nl, o t e- i.y in t 11 I c lie State has similar restri-ctions and we do not feel th,-.t these restrictions are conducive to sound f inar)cial I)Iaiini-i-jg, ilo-- feel they Fi,,sure present or future bondholders tihzd-@ thr-, City .iiaii,.L&in its pi.-esent fin-@inci,-il condi-.'@-ioii@,. Co,i@;cqu(,-nLly, @,ic- rc-cc).m-nend that this policy be discontinue(@. In oraer to crc,,,it:c-, aii @.iveniic, fo@ pl.z)nniylg -,inci at the P@cjo 2 sz-ame ti)iie give @d invc@@;t-or,@ 6f Virginia T3each t@o tlic-, c)f pic-sent zand -@utut,@--, qu-,Ility, w,-- @@nat LIL,-3 'l- @l@ -ef C'it@, be j),moiided t:o all-ow the C4ty to c) sc-11@-- CT 1- @-upporting indc.@l,',-.c T@rti(21@ V II, Chal3ter X o tlie Consti-tu'@iori o;- t,.@cici mount v,'nic2i will not 1-0@Y, of va.ILI@--, nor e.,,.cc@ed 6% of true valul-, c)f zil'] ),,c!al @i-i Eii,@ iiT,.-.L,@-diate bz,,fis, this would prov:Lde ari n@&,rc ;.n ol@- $31 million. As time progresse.@,, @@ol:tld rc.aucing its do-bt through payinent o:E (-),-i ou-1, I)ond i.,;sues, @ind presumabl-y, its F@n(l- 1--Le v@i @l,- o@ rcal T)ropertv i,7ould continue to increase on a colisisi-(-,IIL Llii)@; afford:!.ng the Ci..ty greater borrowiiig c-,-,pacity to fina@c@ orde-rly qrowth. Howe.,.,er, ill ordc,.r to j-mpress up@-)p tlie ii-iveFztol- ajlcf 1--lie CC)rl,,iiuiiity th(@ seriousiiess with which the City gu@irc3s its fir-iLin(,i@-1 cc)noi-@ion, we reco=end that the amendment '@--o the City Ch,,rt,.t-- al@,o prc)@,7ide that any futiire requests by the Ci,t--v to a,-,teiid its Cli;@,-te-r in alny itian.ner so as to allow greater borrowi.ng capacity v@il., prior to sucl) request by the City to the, Generz,.I. A,.,;cmbly, be zLpi.,i c)vc-,d by m@,jority votc i:,.i a public referendum. It woi).l@t a,,Dp,,-3ar ',@r@at sucl-i z-n amendment would resulL in the Citv'- contiiii-i-@Ing tc) s@,it@i-@tically compare favoral)ly with other "A" and "I@" rate@,' iiiunicill@,,Iit'c.-@ th@oughout the Stato. Ile think tliat the wr,,,ild bc, fzt,,c)r..-Lbl-y re (@.@t.ved bN7 investors I and, hopefully, ',-he rati.ng serv4-coE,, to P- great degree affect the interest rate..- @).t @,jhj.ch gcner@.1 f7,ell. -.Et should 1-@ noted tliat these a:c@@,tr:@ctio.,i@, j)ore hars!i thin thos@, appl@-(-.,d to any otlior city Llie StiL(@ C)f r@ting; 110\,,evcr, we feel -,hat this I,,I@ wc)ii]@i nc)t 1)0 !:)ii": vc@ry F@trongly underl-j,,i-l@c, lt[,, City,@, t--o @,c)i)nci fin@iiici@il. I)I@i)ning. ,lj Attached tr) th@-@@ @@-,po@it th-@ effecL. of thc-, Cii-y rf Vir@,,-*(.-nia maiz rati.o oi- iiet bonded debt to values @@iid v,@lue, riet bc)iidecl ctl-bt E)er ca3.:)i-t-a and rzitio 01- copit,-2 1).!,, capi'l-l@l iricome compared to o',-her c]-Iiies. The Coiricti-i7.tc@o i@, @.lzrticula-iy to i-ts men-Lber G. Powell Davis and Iiic; fi=t, T'l,c@ Cor-@@@@-L:@,t-Lon of Virginia, for their detailed s-tudy o:@--- tlie su@:7h Cliirter changcs may have on thr@ abilit@,7 of t-1,@@ Cl,:@tty of Vi:,-girj- B,@z@ch to main+--zlin its rating and thus a favo@lc o, -- nds. Re.,j,,,Lctfully submitted, W. lli-ight HZ42:rison, Chair.,nan G. i'o',qell Davis SIG@N,El) By @T-ar,icis Crc)uch Baray Antliony C), I,!PD Al-fr(@d Craft At:t-ttiir I). T'i Ciii I-Lt J @1/2 t,!)!)C)ll Cit)' of Virj,iiii@l i3c"@icii, Vir lilia Dcc(,,iiibey 12, 1973