HomeMy WebLinkAboutDECEMBER 17, 1973
@iliN[JTLS O@' 'I'IIL@ CO[fi'@CTI,
OF 'Iiii@
(11'1'Y 01; Vll,,Gli'@IA BEA(:If, @'IRGI-'@IA
Deceinb,-,r 17, 1973
@Flic i,e,,ular ineotiiig '@c,,@-,Incil of titc City of Virginia Beach,
@vas helcl iii tlic Couiicil Cliai,lbors iii the Administration
Bullcliii,@ iii tlie ilorougli of friiice-,;s ;%iiiie, oii lloiiday, December 17,
1973, at 2:00 p.pi.
iiivocatioii iqas c.,iveil by tile Reveronl I'liomas ll,ood, First Baptist
Cii,,ircii, Virginia Beacii, Virgiiiia
Couiicilmen preseiit: Jolin A. Baum, Robert If. Callis, Jr., Mayor
Robert B. Cromw--ll, Jr., Vice inlayor l@. l@eid Ervin, George R.
Ferrell, Charles IV. Gardner, Clare,@ce A. @,'olland, Garland I,.
Isclell, D. @lurray @,falbon, J. Curtis Ilayrie, and Floyd E.
IVaterfield, Jr.
Couiicilmen absent: Noiic
ITEM #6625
Op- rnotion by Couiicilrqan Ferrell, secolided by Councilman flolland,
and by recordod vote as follo@vs:
Ayes; Councilmen John A. Bauni, Robert Ii. Callis, Jr., Nlayor
Rol)ert B. Croniivell, Jr., Vice illayor 1-@. lzeicl Ervin, George R.
Forreil, Ciiarles l@. Gardner, Clareiice A. fiolland, Garland I,.
Isdell, D. Murray Nlalbon, J. Curtis I'@tyjie, and Floyd E.
@;aterfield, jr.
,@ays Noiie
,kbseiit: l@,olie
City Council approved the Miiiutes of tlie re-ular meetiiig of
I)eceinber 10, 1973, ancl tlie reading of szlid @linutes dispcnsed
i@i'lli iiiasmucli as eacli Councilniaii liad @t (--opy of the stlbject
,,Iii,@utes before liiiii.
ITEM 0662o
Oii i;iotion by Councilnian l-,crrell, secojided by Councilman Gardner,
aiicl by recorded vote as folloivs:
Aves: Counciliaeii Jolin A. Bauin, Robei-t 11. Callis, Jr., Mayor
B. Cro,nwell, jr., Vice i@layor l-. ]'--id Erviii, George R.
Ferrell, Cliarles I'@. Gardiicr, Clarejic A. llol,Land, Garlaiict L.
Isdoil, D. i%lurriy @lalboi,,, J. CurLi-@ IIPyiie, an(I Floyd E.
o ii
actol@tccl tile R@-,soLtitioil I)re,,;Oilted to
'i)@r @Oberiidorf for lic2i- @,,oi@'N iii tlie public
til)@at'ics of I)rcscl,,tcd a
000 . a@vai-(I, 1)r(-@.sciitoci tc) Itoi by i%lt . Cl@l f Foi,d t@@il kiioi, o F
to C 1 ZI)7, 1 1 1 , f)i I'C@cto l@
0I)CI-lid(,if- ti@Lit aiic)tiicr
t@@is sciit I)\- tlie C)f- t!ic
l@ E S 0 L U T I 0 N
T,,@HEREAS, Meyera Oberndorf has served as a me,.@,--r
of the Virgiziia Beach Library Board for nore than four years,
and as President of the Board @-or the past two years; and
WHEREAS, it is thi@ough hei leadership and support
during her tenure on the I,ibrary Board, that longer hours
of library service were pi:it inlt) prictice, the book budget
has been greatly expanded, chil,dr@,ri's services have been added,
handicapped services have been institu-ed, bookmob@-le services
have been expanded, and state ai.d in sul)port for libraries has
increased; and
@7HEREAS, because of her outstanding achievements in
supporting local library useage, the Virginia State Library
has appointed her to coordinate thei.r statewide program '-Io
increase public intecest in and awai--exless of library service.
As additional recognition of her acliievements, the 700
trustees.com',Drisinq the state organization of Library Trustees
have elected her as their president; and
I,IHEREAS, Meyera Oberndorf has been selected by Ford
Motor Company to be honored for her exceptional contributions
to her community and is one o@- the -@welve men a-'Id women from
across the natiori who travelled to Detriot, Michigan to
receive the Citizen of the Year Towii Crier Bells frcm Henry
Ford II. Each citizen of the year received $1,000 to donate
to the organization of their choice and Mrs. Oberndorf will
donate this award to the Virginia Beach Department of Public
Libraries for the purchase of a microfilm reader/printer for
the Bayside Library branch.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLIED, that the City Council
of the City of Virgini.a Beach desires to reco@@ ize and commend
t4EYERA OBEP,-LIDORF for lier dedi.cation to the improvenent of her
coimunity and for her concern for others, and -lo further express
deep appreciation fo@- the selection of the Virginia Beach Public
Library as the benefici.ary of her Ford Motor Company award. @
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Clerk is directed
to enter a copy of this resolution on the minutes of this day's
Given under my hand and seal this 17th day cf December, 1973.
ITE,\l 7'6627
Oi@, iiiotion b>@ CouiiciLptan @l@ilhoii, s(2co',ILlcd i)v (@oitncilili@Ln lerrell,
aiid by recorcled vot@@ as follows:
Couiicilmoli Robei@t 11. (:allis, Jr., @layor
Rul)-Irt B. Croiiiwell, Jr., Vice i%layor F. Rei.d F.riin, George R.
Ferrell, Ciiai-los Garditer, Clarence A. ilolland, Garland L.
Isdell, D. i',Iurray i@Ialbon, J. Curtis Payiie, alid Floyd L.
i"'@iterfield, Jr.
l@d)'S :Noiie
Absent: Noiie
Ci.-ly Couiicil approved tlie Nlinutes of t@ie SI)ecial Meeting of
Decor@iber 12, 1973, and tlie reading of said Minutes dispensed
ivith inasmucli as eacii Couiicilyitan liad @t copy of the subjcct
@lijiutes before iiiin.
ITEiNI "6628
Oii motion by Councilmaii Ferrell, seconded by Councilman Isdell,
aiid by recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilinen Joliii A. Baum, Robert ii. Callis, Jr., Mayor
P,o-t)ert B. Croniwoll, Jr., Vice i@,layor F. Reid Ervin, George R.
Ferrcll, Charles li. Gardiier, Clarence z@. liolland, Garlalid L.
Isdo,ll, D. Nlurray PIalbon, J. Curtis Pa,vne, aiid Floycl E.
l@ays @4one
Absent: Nolie
City Council approved on secon(I readin,, the request of the School
Board that City Couricil accept tlie dee(t ancl authorize the
acctuisition of property For tlie scliool site in Fairfield for
$120,000. of @vhicil $20,000 i,s an added appropriatioll.
ITI,,'@l P66'-19
Oii iiiotion by Couiicilmaii Payne, secoiicle(! by C:ouricilman lvaterfield,
aiid by recorded vote as follows:
Aves: Coujacilmen Joliii A. Baum, Robei't Ii. Callis, Jr., Mayor
Robort B. Cromiiell, Jr., Vice @layor F. l@eid Ervin, Geor@e R.
Ferrell, Cliarles Garcl,ier, Clarence ilollaiid, Garland L.
Jsd--Il, D. @lurray Malboj,l J. Curcis Pa)iie, and Floyd E.
@'@atc,,rfield, Jr.
NLis i\loiie
Council @ti)l@l,ovci oil :Fii--st t[i,, 'L-c)ilowilig Ot'dinalice to
ajid roorcla:lia @ect@,)n 2@@ 7@- of tli(@ of tlie City o[ IT@l,,,inia
@ii- i, V@r T) a TI tC) i S S ULIfl@C 0 1C i t" 0 C
1 _@i @ relati iLt t I)CIliclo liccii-S"
r@io;iihers oF tli voliititor fir,-, etc:.:
ii' T 1 C 1 j, 0
1 S
V 1
BE I'f O@@DAI,,"@,'i" C@)uilll--IL 02 (;'F V-V T, @li C
That Sectiori 22-72 is an-I rco-@dainc@ 0-s i:ollows:
Section 22-72. Issu-aUICC Of licOnSe of volunteer L@ire
departments, TCSCUO SqL!-nds, auxi-liary Policerv.@n and oilitar,7 )ersonnel.
City autoniobile iiceilso ta,-,s shall be issu@d to acti,O me@"Ders o-@
the v-nrious volun@--er :E,*-re rlcpir,L-,Icnt:s, rescue snliads arid LC) auyiliary
policemen of the city i-n -qccc)rc-,,al)ce @,7-ith ttic-, fc)llowin,, provisions:
(1) The city treasu-.er s-Liall -J-ssu- a city automooile license
tag to each me2iber of th2 V@i-ri,,s ,,Dlunteer fire deparlm@-nts
and rescue squads @i[id to of the city ,.7ho sllall
sul3qlit a letter fro@m t[.I-, Cief O--
,t 7- -- f (-@ sc t i v L, @- i r cclepar-tm@nt o-r
r--scue squad, or, in tile case of -i i ry poli .@'le , I I
a u,,: ce, n fro-,n -,lie c'iie@
oD[ police, statin@ tilit he is c@iv- 1,
0 n@Oer Of -','e or
rescue squad or is an au,,iliary oli-cem-2r,.
(2) No -Lee s'ti-al@ 'De requirr2d of sucli iiie.--,qbcrs Of voi-Llr,-p fi@e
I --er
departnien-Ls or resci,e squacls or o@ auxiii -y polic -n.
(3) E,,cli st-,ch of a fire 0-@ rescu,-
,-c:L,,aci and au-,,iLiary POI-ice,,-,,,On -It L,, t Of isstance, a,ree
t,ie t2:easui:er tO ':Otu-rll tO 'cl:casLlre@r the city auto.-,Iobile
Ii-cense ta- issued to -Ilk2 Or
suc@.,i or auxiliary policei,@ari v
na Li e.
(4) Tli-- ci-lieL- o-@ cac@@i vc)ll-i,iLeer E-:7Lr@, aiid i:e,,3cue squt@',
ti-12 c'ii-L-- ',)f ;Ilril-l the, o@
j!@ 1)@@ 00-
IIPC)'l pi-@,,'Il@@'C,@l:@lc;-,)[l Lc, Ll,@?
!-c! iii v
@l 0
personncl ci-Ly lic@,nsc ta-s fo,- i@,entific,--tion purpcs,@s. For -Lhe
iS@UanCe Di: SUC[I ta-s' ti-ic tr,-aslirer Fi-iall collect a cliar-c of one
to cover -@he cos" ol@ the issuance.
First Readj-ng: ,(j 17,
Second Readin-:
Adooted by tlie council of the City of Virainia Beach, Virginia
o,i the day ol-- 19
'd Tic
Counc 'L r@Aall -r,
r"@OtioTi )Y 1-dll-
by CcoTded votc as fo[LOWS:
Jr -
(:,)ullciliiieii Joill-, A. @ au,,' IRol) rt @1-
es' I Vice [@layor laii(i
iloil at d,
i@obert B. CrorI\Vol
Cliarlos Cllarc,n(
@itirrqy @,lalboji,
,@ays Noiie
Absent: t\lollc the Gcneral
)t,,i tlo follo,vin, l@e;OlLlt Lon requcst'll@ v of 'VirginiaL
C:it)@ Council adol I the Citi
Assembly to a,,ieid Section 7-02 O,E- Chartcr 0,
,@@tLi-cipa-L services; and
@@REAS, in order to provide the necessary municipal services
and to provide orderly gro@,7th within each co@,unity, the Council of
the City of Virginia Beach requests the General Assembly to amend the
Charter of the City of Virginia Beac@ll to allow the accon,.plishment of
-these goals;- and
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Counc4@l of the City of Virginia
Beach, Virginia:
1. That Section 2.02 o@- the Charter 6f the City of Virginia
Beach, Virginia, be amended by the General Assembly of Virginia by
adding,the section below to read as follc)ws:
The City Council may develop adpropriate formulae
for collection oi: fees or acceptan--@ o@- dedications for
the acquisition or location of schoc)]. sites, parks and
playgrounds and other public i-,@rovements. Tlis fee or
dedication may be exacted on ali new residential units at
the time of application -4or a y@residential buildin@
permit. Such re-ulation shall set forth and establish
reasonable standards to determine ti,e proportiona',-e share
of total estimated cost of ultiwate public irriorovements
required adequately to serve a related and cop-mon area
where and if fully developed in accord ,,7ith the adopted
compreliensive plan.
2. That a publi-c hearin@. on the proposc,d Charter amendments
shall be field at 2:00 P.@t., on Januarv 7, 1974 ptirsuant to Se6tion
15.1-912 of the Code of Virgiiiia of 1950, @is a@-Delided.
3. The City Clerk is h,-,reby dir(2ct@d to give public notice of
such public hearing ptirsuant to sild Scct:ic)i-t 15.1-c"l at leasl ten
da@i,s prior to slicli hetrinz.
01- Ll,e ccitit,ci-l of (,i-ly oi@ iiczlch,
Virgiiii@'l, @qzls ii(--Id iii Lhc@ Co@@lilcil ol'- tlie City Oil tile
dl-Y of It, L%,C) o'cl.oc'@@ P.@.-I.
Oii inotion bv ancl sccoiid(,(l by lir.
the follo-,.,ing resolutioii .,@is u@-iarii.nio@i-,;ly adol)Lccl:
R 1- S 0 L U T I 0 N
IqHE@E!@S, it is the opinion of th,@ City of Virginia Beach that
cerCai:ii qucstions slioul-d be placed orl the ballot for purposes of an
advisory referendu:,,; apd
WHEREAS, iii order@to this prov4-sion, enabling legislation
necds to be obtainel from the Ccneral Ass,-,-nbly by amending the'C harter
of the City of Vir.,inia Beacli to allo,.,7 the acconiplishment of this
THEEIEFOI'E, B'V- IF-RESOLVED by-the Coui-,cil of-the Cit-y-@-Vi-rginia---
Beach, Virgini-.a:
1. That Section 2.02 of the Ctlarter of the City of Virginia Beach,
Virginia, be amended by the General Assembly of Virginia by adding the
follo@qin- scction:
"The governin," body of Vir,@inia Beacli iray by resolution,
or, if a pet]'-tion sinc,.d 1)y a nu,,@l or o]: qualifici volers
in Virgin@-a 'L')@ach equ@,@Iiii,, @.ien'l-y pcr centum of the
votcs c-,sL in Beic@n ac tt-,c, last prosid,2rltial
electioii is filcd t@,,? Ci-ty s'Liall call for an
adviso--y referen(l@-n thc- scnsc,. of the voters on
thc cluestion T)rOr,,O'-;e.1 -Ln t@lie re@olLiLio@,l o-- petilioll, a
I t
the ne).:t s@icceedinl,, regt-,Iar eleclion. Tiic referendun,
shall be caiic,',-,ctcd in accordance @,7itil tle provisions of
SS24.1-165 of tile Code OL@ Vir-inia.@,
2. That a public liearin, oii tli(-@ proposcd Charter amr-nclmcnts
shall be lield at 2:00 P.111., on J-,nuar,@ 7, 1974, pi-irsuant to Section
15.1-912 of -@lic Code of Virginia of 11)50; -,as
3. Thc Cit@, Clerl-I i-s iicrcby @-o t,ivc,. I)i-iblic notice of
,,;Ilcti I)Lli)lir- to sjii.(l @;@ct:4or, 1-5.1-91-2 at lelist teii
(I , I y @; 1) z i C) ,- t 01 c
Oi, C) II t))T (,otin c i iii Lti) @lztl L)OII, @l V @@ic Li,
@Lli@l liy i-ccorcle(I vole a@ follo',@@:
i@yes Cout,lcj Ir,.ieii Joliii Bauiii, l@,,,bo r,t Ii Ca t I i-,; , Jr - , "I@)'Or
!@ol)crt l') . Croiii@v@ll , lr. Vice Pl@tvur Re, i t [@rv Ge i ,e P
I:ei,rell, Cliarles k,;. Garctiioi,, CILLi,ojiL:e ill. ifolLLiicl, Carland f,.
Isdeli, 1). Nlurray @l@ilboii, J. CLirti.s I'@ivii(2, a,@i-11 Floyd E.
@@@Litorfield, Jr.
l@ a)@ s i@one
A@@)-;eiit: Noiie
Cit), Council approved tlie follo@viiig r@tinaiice appoilitill@. @,ie@,;ers
i@--lative to Oceari Ro?,d -strept clostte in tl,,e Lvn,iliaveri Boi-ou,h:
CLOS-IN'l-, VP@CZ'@"L@('7 and
OC@'@4 PO,,,D, F@@@0 -150 -@,11@T
OF 70@,D EXT,@4S!O-,4 T@, 1 @,7 R@ 106. 89
FEE'T + or - TO Ti,E
OF ---'@liE PE@"ITT(.).,:f','!@'S LI@@D, i,@s S;O,@,@@ @1,I)NI 'Iti@@
01,' T 'S F@lici
I S OF @,;C,'Oi@D I@,l 'CH C'- P@T"S OT,-T@l(',E
0,7 THI@ CIRCTIIP COU--,@T 0,7 TijF' Cl@i@z ,)i' @71F<C-INI[A
BOO@. 7, at '@2.
I,' - -T 1.
TC, - IT'he !!A-Y
BEACi,, VT'@l
Yo,,i-- I etitioner, if- T)
res,,)octfully rer.)-
resents as f(@J.lo-1,7s@
1 . ','Ilat @Dursuanil- -- , th@ @)rovisio.,is of Secl,ioi 15.1-364
of ta(- 1950 C'ode c)f Virgini-a, as @\mL@ided, th- Pe-@i-tioner aoolies
for tlie vacatina, closinc., and discont@-nuance of a certain i.,n-
developk,(.@, ro,-icl nr str--et, %,71,ic-i ;s r.,.or--, @)ar-@ic,ilarl,7 described
as @ollo@,is-
certain road Or st-@(I-Ot
at a poii-i- T-or@' @stern
corn-r o' L-)t 3@", .Lil j in a "est@,riv
of c@ 7
tli(@ 7or@lic,ri ',)ol,l@ rv T, t
4@ IC2-tli at !--lie
3 @, I
"orLl,, 2-,tern )oi-nl
L I -- I : - 40, iiid rui-iniia,,-
-lortl- 4,) c) t c) ':)f, bc)i:,tidar,, o4-
tli(l ,a; I e@ 'uri Lng
a,-i@, i-@i rina ail(!
it ,i -i,,, C, ri i,,ii r t
11@@ t i c a@ Ii o"@ -
@i ti f;( @i
7@. -tlod
u@ )r,
F @l,,,
c,,,,r i-,i coIIti
'111 OF
stre@t )T- t,'Iat t'lis 'lonora@,01,@
-ounci I @iv i to vie%,, this @ancle,;PI-
or roi@ clc)s-d, I@d reOC)rt ill
@;riting fc) ttic (:oinC-I.L on or hef,-)re- t@ie da,,, of
1973, wh,2th--@ in t@,a opinion of @aid viewol-S, ariv, and if any,
what, inconv,,niencD @,,ould restilt frot)i tli(, (liscoTitinll,3nce ol@ said
street or road heretoi'ore descri-')ed.
3. Tha'- c)i-i the @Jay Of
1 1973, Notices
of the ,-resenti-nq of this I.,_DpliC@At4 on w--r-- posted at -he Court-
hotise of th-- Circuit Court of th(@ City of Virginia Beach,
Virainia, ancl on the pr--nises to be closed, and at the City
flail 2@nne@,, 19th S-@r(-,(-,L and ArctLc ivenue, Virginia -,eacii, @lirctinia,
as e-@,,-@clenccd ',.)y -1h,@ T,.ffida.,,@it @.it acllcd 11-rel-o, a copy o@-
said -..,@otice.
z@ That 'he Petitio--ier is the fee Sim-ole 07 ner of all
land alona and ad@ac--nt to and affec-@ed Dy said unca0veloped
street or road to be close@., the e,lcep@,'-on ol- the Nc)rfol,'@ &
lotit'q--rn Pailroad. and consequ-nlly your Petitione-- is the sol--
lanclo-@llner a-Ifected -by -1h@
'@E@'T 1). S-,4ITH
2 1 7
notico, in fu- s.-,c',i ca@,,e@, Ir@rd
roi i (ae
L) tc)
'-'ity @iirj,' nit, for
@ppol@-n-Ime@i-- o7 Vie@;ers to vic@%, t'ie descri@,,)-d -rDpert,,,
and re,?ort iii @vrilir@g to -,ho vh@-h-er, in -@h,@ c),)i@i@-,)n of
said Vic@,ers, E,.nv" E,,ncl if anl7, ,,7!ia@, j-rcon@7--ie-rlc,2 -,.7null
resul.t fro.-. tli-- O,.@-sco,itinuir,- @,,f the '!ier-@ina-_Cter @-,Lescri-@,ri 'cl).-
develolned -@-orty (40) foot s-@re,@@- oi- roid, an(:,, has 1-iled s,-Ich
a,D,,)lj-cal-ion wi-'Iii the sai-d col-i@ici "
There@-or--, F,- TT ORD@%l@,f@D -,Y T-E
'!'ha-, Goorg(@ L. fianbtiry Charles C.
CarriiigL(@ii and V7illiafq IV. Fleming, Jr.
are hereby a.@T:)o4@nted to vie@" @,,@lo@.@,7 descri.,:)--d ,orooerty af).d
report in writing to th-- -lounci,l on or befor--
19 whether i-n their o,,Di-n-',(,.n @iiy, @@nd i:f @,@@@at incor-
venience @voul@ res@ilt I-rorp t-lie di-,cc)!,,Ilin,,)in,-T, closincj
vacallin@,, o- a certain uninipro@,ed -Or,'V (40) foot str--et or
road, located iii tii(,- <ei,@.risvi-ile T@oroC,,j of -L . I
!-i t. e j- 0 @7i
' c V -@-@nia
Beach, V.@ @giiiia, E,-ild ,qore desc-i!:)ed as
ALL TTI,@T cer-@a@-n @,.ndpvelo-)ed ro,@0. or @@tree-I
@)e@i.nning it a ooinl- at t.,ie liorl@he-as'-e@
cot-@-.--r of T@ t 38, ttionc-- ru@,i.,iiiicj i,l a. -,,f--sterl,,,
cl-irp-ct@o@i alon(i @,7)rth,@rn ')c)undary 017T
31), '9, &-icl 40, en@ [@ie-'l @'4orth at tlie
o" 40, i@@l @-unnicl(-
@---v f@et tn boun@,arv
Soi-,t,c,-n ti-i@,l ti@rn.i-n@
a,i,l r,-,@nin, fiinir,@d @-i7@ j@-@O
'L y 0 1
1-cet t() a
nc, --,)rty
T)@) ,'Lt,f
tl,,,at c.--c-a-1.1, !,a, e,,@llitl-eCt "-Iondor,
lai(i c@it b%,
f t 'lolict
L @i 7,
@T LI@'i
ITE@',,l #66,i2
01, motion I)y k'ice Nlayor l@rvin, seconde(t by Couiicilman @-falbon,
alici by recordcd votc as Eollows:
A)-cs: Councilmen Jolin A. Baum, Robert ii. Call.is, Jr., Mayor
f',obert B. Cromkrell, Jr., Vice iNIayor F. Reid Ervin, Geor@e R.
Ferrell, Charles W. Gardrier, Clarence A. Holland, Garland L.
Isdoll, D. Murray i%lalboti, J. Curtis Pa)-lie, aild Floyd F,.
!Vaterfield, Jr.
Nays: None
Absent: Noiie
City Council approved the folloivin@. Ordinance appointing viewers
relative to a portion of Cherry Cotirt 5-Ireet closure in the
Ly-,inilaven Borouall:
REAR OF I,OTS 96 and 98, PLAT O@- NORTH P E T I T I 0 N
Petitioner , FART, W. L@EEGAN, respectfully represents:
1. That pursuant to thc@ provisions of Section 15. 1-364 of
the Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended, tlie said Petitioner applies for
the vacating, c:losing and discontinuan(@e of a certain portion of Cherry
Court, situated in tlie Borough or L,yniihaveii, of the City nf Virginia Beach,
Virgiiiia, ,ind clesci-ibed ag follows:
Cliei@r I
,)i Court runiiin,, t@r(,ni Clierry l,ane to the
rear of I.,ots 96 ati(t @)8, [)Lzat of I\'C)I-th Al,,.mton
beizil, iiior-e pat,ticul,,Li-ly (I oil "Subclivision
of I)r,n,)ectv I)arceL Ic),! at(,(l in AlLttitoti, t,yniliaveri
Boy.o[],,Il, Vit'gitiii J3c,,ac@li, Vii-giiiia, inacle Cor
A,Iai-iaii 1 1. Wyatt", I)Y W. P,. (;allop, SUT'-
vey,)Y@, atici rol@ii(i in f,li ('Ier@'s oCl'i(-o, of tlic,
(@,ol-ty't of ('it@ of@ Vil"'illi@l
llook 7 @ at 19.
2 -t,[3at tio tc) a,"Y P-'rsoil by r@a-,,)n
of tlie sai(i c@lositt,", vacatioii an(I (iis(!ontinLiaiice of tlie saicl I)or'Li@)r,, of
Chei,rv (ourt, Lin(J Petitioiiers pt,a,y Ita[ tilis tfc)@ior-al)to C@oun(@il appoint
Viewers as pi,ovidc',Cl by the afore,;@iic! statitt(-, to vielv this portion of (,@herry
Court proposed to be closed and r-epc,t-t in wri@ling to this Cc)uncit on or
before the day of 197; wliether, in the opinion of
tlie sai(I Viewers, aiiy, and if any, @v;,iat, inconvei-iience i@,@ouid result from
the discoiitinuaiice of the said portion of Clierry Court heretofore describecl.
3. That on the ci-,Iy (:)f 1973,
N S EL-L, DL'7-'-L@z, Notices of the presenting of this appli(-,atiol were posted at the Courthouse
A CA@-4A@,A
171@l EY@ A 7 Ll
of the Circuit Court c)f tlie City of @Iii,@inia Beach, Virginia, and on the
premises to be closed, and at the Citv Hall Annex, Bulletin Board, 19th
Street and Arctic Aveiiue, Virginia. Beach, Virginia, as evidenced by the
Affidavit attached hereto, and a copy f said Notice, and the land oivners
along and adjacent to said poi-tion o[ (@herry Court desire and reqllest the
said portion of Clic@rry Court to be clc)sed as shown I)y attached letter.
11. 11. liut-iter Clarke, Attorney @or
E:@,r-I W. F<eeg.,,n
WHEREAS, EAIZI, W. Kl,'EGAN, has given due and prc)per
notice, iii accordanc@(@ with tlie sl:atute,@ for sucli cases made and provided,
that he -,vould ori tliis day apply to t@ie (@ity C'ouncil of the City of Virginia
Beach, Vir,-iiiia, for the appointment of Viewers to view the below-described
property and report in writing to the (@ouncit whetlier, in the opinion of saicl
Viewers, any, and if any, what, inconvenience woiild result from the dis-
continuing of the hereinafter desci,ibe(i portion of Cherry Court, in the
Borough of Lynnhaven, of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, and have
filed such application with the said Council;
That, George L. Hanbury, C. C. Carrington, W. W. FleE ilng
are hereby appointed to view tlie belovi described property and report in
writing to the Cc)ltncil on or before whether in their
opinion any, and if any, what inconvellience would result @froni the dis-
continuinl,, closing and vacating of that certain poi-tion of Cherry Court,
located in tlie Boroucl@h of Lynnhaven, City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, ancl
described as follows:
Cherry Court running rr-()m Clierry Lane to the rear
of Lots 96 and 98, plat or Nortli Alanton being niore
particularly described oii "Subdivision of property
par(@el located in Alanton, l,yiinhaveii Borough,
Virgin@zt Beacli, Virl,itiia, niade for I\Iarian H.
IV,yat@" iiiade by W. 13. Gill.op, SLirveyor, ancl found
iti tlie (@Ic,,rk's offi(,,e of tlie Cit-cuit CouE,t of the City
of Vi i-girii@i Bea(,,Ii, Virgi,iia, ill -t@tap 13ool@ 7,1 at
'Joll I 1 LL ,!Ii L
vi c, c
C: I.oj.l@,
-L rdiic C) Li
cila rle-@
I o%,cl E
D. @lurrliy @lall)ol
City Coulicil deferrccl for 30 days a @trect CIOS"TE re' at@ v0 to
@ 11 tlie K psvi 1, I iiiatt--r
old provideiice Road ' Or,
vvas deferred from oltabor 1S, 1973.
City Coulicil @approved tlie follo@viiig @treet closure -elative to
Ot,ieii Street in tlie @,aysi(le Boi-ou,,!I:
q _l Mp
WHEREAS, it is the judgment Of Council that a certai,
portion of the said street should be closed, vacated and
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDI@INED, by the council of the
CitY of Virginia Beach, Virginia :
Section 1: That the por-@ion of said street located
the parcels hereinafter descri-bed in the CitY Of Virginia Beach,
Virginia, is hereby closed, vacated and discontinued as a publi,
street in the City of Vi . .
rgin.La Beach, Virginia, the said street
not being iieeded for public use and travel:
ALL THOSE certain parcels or tracts of land,
a portion of which consist-3 of the now abandoned and
unimproved righ-@-of-way -),- Owe, Street in the Bayside
Dorough o@, tlio city of V:@r,@in-'Ia Beach, Virginia, Ind
being more particularly kn@@@,in and designated as @7en
(60') Street (uniinproved), as shown on tha'- certain
plat entitied "Plat Showin,3 Portion of Owen Street
Bayside Borough VicginiEi B@@ach,, Vi.rginia, Scale 1"@- 601,
da@@ed October 26, 1973, tn,@ prc,)ared by Rouso-Sirl,ne
AssnciEtles, T,td. Slir@,o,' incl -nginecrs, Virginia
Beach, V4,ccri-nil", whic, I pi-@ic is attach(@d hereto and
@ -1 I
,LnLend@2d @() ]:)e r(,@ld as a p,,rt li@r,@of for a Inore
,),irtj(,,t] ir d scril), ion c) c lie s,-iid Par(,cl.
- 2 -
Section 2: That this ordinance shal-1 be in effect
fro,n and after 30 days from the date of its adoption.
Adopted by the Council of the City of virginia Beach,
Virginia, on December 17 1973.
7 0 1-
i C) !IW for tlie 0 t ti,@, c llt t CoLtIlci I
@,,,(lopte(i -hc acivi,,;,)r@ co,lll,,Iittccl-@
Virginia@ @vas held in Lhe couc,,cil
d@iy o-F Deceinbei, 1 19 73 , qt two o'clocl@ P.1-@l.
Oti motion by @ir P@ivne and seco-,ided 'Dy ,[r. Gardner
the follo,@,7in,, resol@::@---.-. ulilinimuus adopted.
R E S 0 L U T T 0 N
IffEP,F-AS, the Charter of the City of Vir@inia Beach provides the
purpose for which bonds or notes @-y be issued and provides the authority
for issuance of borids; and I
WHEREAS, it appears to be in tlic best interest of the City oi-
Virginia Beach that Sections 6.03, 6.0"@ and 6.05,be repealed.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of
Vir@inia Beach, Vir-inia; that
1. Sections 6.03, 6.04 and 6.05 of the Charter of the City o@-
Virginia Beach, Virginia,be repealed.
2. The Charter of the City of Vir@inia Beach, Vir-inia, be
amended by the General Assembly of Virl-inia to read as folloi,7s:
Section AUDiOi-ITY FOI, ISSU.,i,'@CE OF BO',,,,TDS AND '\'OTES.
The ounc.L i-,iay issue i-)onds ancl notes i-,i the man,-ier provided
-by @Ibneral lai,7, provided that the issuance o.-L bonds shall be
aut'norized by an -ordir,,On'-e aeor)te(I -t)y -L-,.7o-thirds
of all nieribers oi the Council and orovided j@urther that the
total indebteciness of t'P.@, Cit@7 @s Lete--mined iii accordance with
the provisions Di- Article VII-, Se(,tion 10 o@@ tlic Constitution
shall not at any tiine e:,c(-Ied (-,) 10 per centl,@ of the assessed
val!iation of tile real esta@@e in tti-- C@lty subject to taxation,
as -st-io;.7n by t'ne l@st preceedin- assessT,-,ent L'or taxes, or (b)
6 per centu-,n of the total oz@ t@,lic Lppraised val-ues 1,7ilich @.@ere
used in deter@i7-nin@ such assesseci valuLit4-on. iqo-Lwiths@-,,ndin-.
any oti-ier provisions of l-q@v for tile amcndr,-,2n-L o@- cliarters ol-:
municipal corDora-Lio6s, '-he fore@oin- li@.itations on tlie anount
of indeijtedn--ss o-l- -Li-ie City sb-F@ll '.Ic)'@ be incr--.isecl until such
increas-- sliall liave beon approvocl aL: an -lect:ion hold in acco---
dance with Section 15.1-911 o@- th,@ Cocie o@@ Vir-inil.
3. A public hearin, on ti-ie p@-opc)s,--,(It C',iar'@-er amei-idLqents@sliall be
,acid at 2:00 P.M. on Jatiuary 7, 1974, purruanl to Section 15.1-nl2 C)@
the Code of Vir@iiiia o-@ 1.950, c@s
4. Thc, Ci-@y Clert,, is hcrc-,!@y di-lc-,ct:ecl to pu,)14-c notico of
sLic:li public pursu,!,,iL Lc) SecLio:t Li-- leasi: t(-,n clayf, @)rlor
L.) sucli
0 i@, '110 Oii b@ (@OLII,,c i Li@1--lll u r C L 0 1(1 lll ,l !)V ltICLI)I;@ll 1--erroll,
1) v re cor c[ecl vot 'Is I ol I O,,v
A Counciliaen loli!i A. Paujii, Rob@,-t ii. Callis, fr. , i'Llayor
i,'o 1) r tB . Crom@@oll , f ,. , Vicc ""layoi- f- . l@eid Ervin, George R.
Cliarles @l. Carc[iier, Clarciice @folland, Garland L.
D. ',,Iurray J. Curti@, Ila@rie, and Floyd F-,.
i,@iterlield, Jr.
@@' @t)- s :None
Ai),,eiit: lnore
City Council adopted t@tic folloiving resol.ution requesting the
ViT-inia State Game (,orriTtissioti to reta@n tlie Game fleadquarters
loc:ated in the Bacl, gay 'iildlife Refual,@:
Reque,;t@-,d 'Dy: Counc4-lman r-loyd E. Waterfield
The rea.ular -neeting ol- the Cn@ancil of the City of Virginia Beachl
Vir,,4nia ,qas held in the Council Chambers ol@ the City on the 17th
da,j cf becember @ 1973, at two o'--Iock p..M.
On moti-on by @4r. Holland and seconded by iNIr. Ferrell
t'ie resolu-lion iqas unanictiously adopted:
R E S 0 L U T I 0 @7,
'@7HEREAS, for nu-,nerous years a Ga,@,ne Warden Headquarters has been
lo--ated in the @iack Bay Wildli@@e Re@@Uge; and
ll;!ERa,kS) the local.:Ion of sucli he-a@'quarters has provided invaluable
@3er-jic.e to the citizeis of the City or- VLrgi-nia Beach and to the
C@)@,nonweal-th of Virl,-in-la.
THER,--FORE BE IT RESOL P@j I)v th-- Couicil of the City of
V@.-.-@i,iia Beacli, Vir-inia:
That the Council of --he City of Vir:,Iinia '3each reques-'s the
State Came Co-,@,nissio,-i to retaiii the Came Headquarters located
iii L@2 Back Bay Wi-ldl-*Ife BeFu--e.
BE IT FU@TH-VIR RESOLV,@--D tha-@ the C4-t,@ Clerl,- is directed to forward
of this resolution to t,ie Dirp--Lo- of the Vir@.inia State Ga-,-qe
@)ii iiiotioii I)Y (iouliciiiitliii Ila),iie, secoiic@ec I)N (:ouiicjlriati Gardiier,
1)@, rccor(le(I voto ,is follo"@s:
Cou@i iliiien Joiiii illol)eit it. Cillis, Jr., @lavor
il. Croini@c@ll, )l klice INI@iy,)t@ I;. 1',,*L@l f@Irv@ll, Gooi-,,c R.
Cli@Llies t". (!;triiier, ('Iarc,ic@, lioll@itici,
(tli'til ;inct 1:1@ %d F
Oii iit,)tioii by Couilc.i tiliiii itol Lail@t, ;ecoiic'od by Couiicl litlaii @l@, Lboii,
aiid -oy recoi@ded voto as follows:
Aves: Counciiiiieri Joliii A. Baujii, Rcl)ert ii. C,,illis, Jr., @layor
i@ob(2,rt B. Croiii@vell, "i:., %!ayor F. l@eid Ei-v;-n, Geor-,c R.
F rroil, C'tiarles ;V. GarLiner, Clarence @foliand, Garland L.
I-s@ioll, D. @lurr@ty Nlalboi,,, J. Curt@,; and Flo@'d E.
Abseiit: inone
City Council adopted the follo@,Tiiig resolution concerniii@ a
possible State and Federal graiit foi tlte purcliase of tlie
Ba)@ville Farms Ilark, and furtlier autlioi,i,-ed the Ci,ty intanage-r
to take the necessary action to co,@piele this .,rant application:
R E S 0 L U T I 0 N
WHEREAS, the Bureau C)f Ou!-door Recreat"on, U. S.
Department of Interior apd the Vi@cj@-nia Ccr,,,mission of Outdoor
Recreation provides f,2deral and state funds to assist political
su]Ddivi-si()ns of the State of Virgin:@a in acquiring and de-
velopir-g open space and park lands; and
WHEREAS, there are urgent ne--ds within the City of
Virginia Beach to acquire and develop open soace and park
lands be-lore rapid urbanizati-on ip- areas of high need make
such a6quisition impossible; and
WHEREAS, an area dee,7@ed OF high priority by the
City of Virginia Beach is within -,hr@ Bayside Borough Area
Dresently undergoing rapid urban@-zation and with rapidly
diminishing open space availability; ani:
WHEREAS, in order to atta-n funding assistance froir.
-@he Bureau of outcloor @ecrea-@ion, D(?part@nent of Interior and
the Virginia Co,,@,ission of ,)utdoo-- T'@@creation, it is necessery
that each political sub(ii-visior. @i proportionate share
.)f the cost ther,--@c, ; and
WHEREAS, th@ prop,,Dr@.ioia@-.:, r)rcjecl sh@i--e is funded
percentum (501) by the Bure-iu 0(itd(,or -ecr,,atic)ii, L;. S.
)f twent-,7-f@,.,- -)@rc@@,i-Itim (251) ly t@,,e
of Outdc)or P.,.-@(,ri@atic,@ and t,,vo-nty-five
(25,-.@@ 1),, t@-t- ippli-cai--l @,,al-,d@-vision; a:id
R-creation, U. S. f)o-parti.,.ent of Tnt,,rior monies are not
available, the Virginia Commissiori c),@ Outdoo@- R creation
will assist tli(, City of Vi-,ginia De,(ch i.n the amount of fifty
@-)o_-cen'@u@@ (50%) tow-ards th-- total cc)st estimated to be $500,000
for the proposed Bayville Farms Par'l- acq,-Iisition.
T'@lat, tlie Ci-ty Manager is hereby authorized to cause
such information or materials as may be necessary to be pro-
vided to the appropriate state and @@ederal agencies to permit
-@he formulation, approval and, funding O-' the Bayville Farms
Park project.
AND BE TT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Council o@- the
city of Virginia Beach gives its assurance that the funds needed
as the City's proportionate share of the cost of the approved
program will be provided.
AND BE I-@ FURTHER RESOLVED,@that the City of Virginia
Beach will abide by all app'@icable state and federal regulations
g,overning such expenditure of funds provided by the Bureau of
outdoor Recreation, U. S. Departi,.ent of Interior and the
Virginia Co-mmission of outdoor Recreation.
AND BE !T FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Bureau of outdoor
izecreation, U. S. Department of Interior, and the Virginia
Commission o@- Outdoor Recreation is respectfully requested
to assist in the prompt approval ana' funding of the Bayville
F'arms Park project in order to enhance the stapdard of rec-
I-eational @iijoyiiiei,.t for all- our c,,j.tizeni-y.
y C-, i @,ic La L (2cl ii .L v t'
Ct) C Iii -,c! "liLLI
disciii,l) ti
0 Ll)out til@@ situatiL,,l@ iii til- i 1 arca. r . a TI.
5 @ateql that lii-s ai-ca iiad becii 1) y i),, s 0 @-c r "L i t i @ts I @ti LS
%vater and soiqcr,,i@,e @-@ cc)llc:criiod@ 'Ir. ill i ai@is stated tliat tile
ll'-';t@illatioll of se,)@@ic taiils L,; Q tlt of tlie ctiiestion as t!le
ojies iii the ai-e@t ar(-, I)acking u,) oii@t t, @s @in[il Eor
iN[r. Rogor NJ. Scot-@, @tated lie liad rcceivcd @i call
frojii tlie Couiicil of Civic Or,,aiiizatioits @iid,icatiiig the neecl fo-r
cai,of Lil I?
study of tliis area ;vltfi re@.ai-ci--; to tlic ov,,,rflo@, of
soptic tanks and tlie iiced of water. Scott ftirtli@-,i, stated
Lliat tliis contract t)ein-. proposeci for tliis area is liot a syste.@
witliin tlie neigliboorliood but is a ni@tjci, Irulk inain, this will
iiiake i@ater geiierally available to tile, area.
@'ice @%layor Erviii asked 'tir. WillianIs ii- he @-Iras awaic tilat services
for water and sewer i.s based on aT)plic@tt@olis fileci i@ith tlie Citv
and signed by 51% of the property o1/2nci,s. Vico '@layor F-,rvin sai@
lie hoped Mr. @@illiains understood tliat (@ouncit did not purposely
by-pass his neighboi@liood.
Tlie Mayor requested @Ir. tvillial@'is to contact Mr. Scott's office
and get tlie required lorms and also to wail for %Ir. Ot@ens of
tlie Ifealth Departnient to make Iiis repo t,
Mrs. Given liood also aupeared witli ',Jr. ""illiains and stated that
her group represented the London Bridge Baptist Church and
at tlie past Council of Civic Organizations litectill@, a resolution
was unanimously passed tliat it wouid not cost the people in the
iieighborliood for the ipstallation of i,,ater and sciver. Mrs. lqood
submitted petitions sigiied by tlie meribers of the London Bridge
Baptist Church.
On motion by Councilman Gardner, secoji@led l@y Vice i%layor Ervin
and by recorded vote as foilows:
Ayes: Counciliaen John A. Baum, Robert Ii. Callis, Jr., l@layor
Robe,rt B. Cromwell, Jr., Vice Mayor F. I',cid l@rvin, George R.
Ferrell, Charles W. Gardner, Clarenc z@. lfollaiid, Garland I,.
Isdell, D. DIurray Maibon, J. Curtis I'al@@ne, ard l-,Ioyd E.
lVaterfield, Jr.
iNays: None
Absent: None
City Council approved the low bid o" Steivart Construction Companv
iii the amount of $334,709., for the coilstruction of a 16-inch
water main from the NJagic Hollow area @ilong ne1/2q South Lynnhaven
Road to Virginia Beach Boulevard, and furtlier authorized the Cit@-
iNlaiia@er to sign thc necessary contr,,ict,@ foi, tliis @,rorl-,.
ITEM 46639
On Mo-lion by Councilman Gardner, seconded by Councilman Holland,
aii(i by recorded vote as f(illows:
Ayc,s: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert L!. CaLIlis, Jr., Mayor
Robert B. Croluaell, Jr., Vice Mayor F. I?eid Ervin, George R.
Fo,--rell, Charles W. r'larence A. Holland, Garland L.
Isdoll, D. Murray Malbon, J. Curtis Payne, and Floyd E.
Waterfield, Jr.
Nlays: None
Absent: None
City Council approved a transfer in the amount of $18,562 from City
Dredcje Budget Code 920 (Construction of Dike System) to City Dredge
624 (Replacement of Pipe). These funds would provide 1200 feet f
floating dredge line and allow th, dredge to utilize spoil areas
that have been inaccessible because of distance.
ITEM #6640
On motion by Councilman waterfield, seconded by Councilman Malbon,
and by recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert H. Callis, Jr., Mayor
Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Vice mayor F. Reid Ervin, George R.
Ferrell, Charles W. Gardner, Clarence A. Holland, Garland L.
Isdell, D. murray Malbon, J. Curtis Payne, and Floyd E.
Wat--rfield, Jr.
Nays: None
Absent: None
City C-ouncil approved a transfer of $12,446 from the project
personnel budget to the contracted servi,es portion of the
budget under the new police HTT program. This transfer is
necessary so that tactical services can he Contracted for
management service throughout the fifteer--month period of the
ITEM #6641
On motion by Councilman Isdell, seconded by Councilman Gardner,
and by recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert H. Callis, Jr., mayor
Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Vice Mayor F. Reid Ervin, George R.
Ferrell, Charles W. Gardner, Clarence A. Holland, Garland L.
Isdell, D. Murray Malbon, J. Curtis Payne, and Floyd E.
Waterfield, Jr.
Nays: None
Absent: None
Cil-y Council authorized the City Manager to enter into a three-
pdr"ly sewer agceement aniong Huntington EsLates (Kempsville
Borcii,jh), Kempsvil-le Utilities Corporitio@i aiid the City of Virginia
O,, ioc)tion by Councilr,@ian Malbon, second@d by Councilman Ferrell,
aiid b@, recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Councj.lmen John A. Baum, Robert H. Callis, Jr., mayor
F@obert B. Cromwell, Jr., vice Mayor F. R@,id Ervin, Georqe R.
F'errell, Charles W. Gardner, Clarence A. liolland, Garland L.
Isdell, D. Murray P4albon, J. Curtis P@tynci, and Floyd E.
;Vater,@ield T@.
Nays: None
Absent: None
City Council approved the following seveti taxicab companies for
the@-r 1974 Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity:
Diamond Beach Coastal
Don's Yellow Airline Limousine
Coastal Cab Company was the only one asking for an increase.
ITEM #6643
Councilman Gardner stated that on the forthcoming trip to
Fairfax, Virginia, the Planning Commission will be invited. The
meeting will be held January 10, 1974.
ITEM #6644
Vice Mayor Ervin informed Council he had called Mr. Bolen requesting
he leave the bike trails and hiking trails open in Seashore State
Park due to the good weather. Mr. Bolen stated they would leave the
trails open and also arrange the gate at 64th Street so bikers and
hikers,could reach the trails.
Vice Mayor Ervin further stated now would be a good time for Mr. Bolen
and his staff to meet with City Council to review the plans for the
False Cape State Park and also the new plans for Seashore State Park.
ITEM #6645
on motion by Councilman Payne, seconded by Councilman Ferrell,
and by recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert H. Callis, Jr., mayor
Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Vice Mayor F. Reid Ervin, George R.
Ferrell, Charles W. Gardner, Clarence A. Iloiland, Garland L.
Isdell, D. Murray Malbon, J. Curtis Payne, and Floyd E.
Waterfield, Jr.
Nays: None
Abs--n': None
Cjtv @ouncil noted its intenti.c)n to hold i closed ToeeLing on
Janti,ar,', 7, 1974, for the purpose of discli@@sing items permitted
for d4E;Cussion unclor Sect:ion 2.1-344, sLibi@ar@Lgrlph 1. and 6 of
the @@'-c@edom of Inforipat-i.on Act o@ -,he Coid,,ion@,,,ealth of Virgiiiia.
Th,@@ "@,i-y Manager reittindc,-cl "ouricil o[ tlt(-, to be, hel.d on
27, 1971.