HomeMy WebLinkAboutDECEMBER 27, 1973
OF 'I'flE
December 27, 1973
Tlie re,ular meeting of tlie Council of tlie City of Virginia Beach,
Virg,inia, ivas hold in tlie Council Cliai,,ibers in tlie Administration
BLLi---Icliiig in tlie Borou,,,Ii of Princess Aiine, oii ';'Ionday, Deceinber 27,
197i, at 2:00 p.m.
Tlie invocation was giveii by the Reveren(i Emory S. Ellmore, Princess
Aniie ',.Iethodist Churcii, Virgiiiia Beacli, Virginia.
CoLincilmen present: Jolin A. Baui@@, Robert H. Callis, Jr., Mayor
Rol)ert B. Crom@,rell, Jr., Vice i,,Iayor F. lzeid E-rvin, Geor@e R.
Ferrell, Cliarles l@'. Gardner, Clarence A. Holland, Garland L.
Isdell, D. iluri'ay @IalboTi, J. Curtis Payiie, and Floyd E. l@,aterfield, Jr.
Councilmen absent: None
ITEP4 #6648
Oii i,.iotion by Councilflian Ferrell, second(@d by CounciliTian Isdell,
ar.d by recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen Jolii,@ A. Baum, Robert 11. Callis, Jr., Mayor
Rol)--rt B. Cromwell, Jr., Vice Mayor F. l@eid Ervin, George R.
Ferrell, Charles GardiieT, Clareiice A. Holland, GarlarLd L.
Isdell, D. ',Iurray %Ialboii, J. Curtis Payiio, and Floyd E.
"@aterfield, Jr.
Nays: None
AI)soiiL: inone
Cit@@ Couiicil approved tlie @',Iiriutes of tlie lzegular NIeetin@ of
Doc---ll,t)or 17, 1973, a,-id tlie re@icling of s@iid miiutes disp-onsed
ii-@asmucli as eacii C,'otiiicilman iiad a @opy of tlie sul)joc-L
before iiirt.
I 'F @ 1 6 6,11)
Api)l@c,ition of Cc)@ino- @,iiJ @-oy Co!isti,@ict@on @or Vii C)n
I i to c str,,)c' I'@8
tc)@-iii[ioii,,;es for poifill "@l,) on
@)-op,-,t,ty locate@d Foaci, @oi @@,t@ly @,nd
or i@, il@), @', aft@l @'ti(i all c@F P,-Ioc!,@s -I/ all-,i -13,
c),@ Pc@c,@r@ Gardeiis. PIE@,ts @iitli c! -4@a i 1 c@LJ ii fc) i-r' utioti are av,,ilE.I)le i@i @Lh@- @J'i-i;@2
oF tlie f)epa@-'Gi-,ient of City Planrlitic. @pf,ca@t G@,, r'd@@ns @ki-eo. PRit'@CESS @,i@'!E BDE-,
PI,@niiitig Coiii,@iiission Rrco,@Iiii@tidcition;
A Tlotion @,,,as pcissed by t-he Planniiig Coi,@,r,issicin for ai)pl-oval of this re(,,Uest sib-
ject to the follo@@iing:
1. The applic,@tit shall re-subclivic-le '@h,, p--rcel of latid in qtiestion -L,@2ting
cut-i,ent frontage, @,ard ati(i average IoL reciLjire;@l,,,nts for @.oll!nf,@ltises a@@,d
iiiat densi,y shall be c-stcblished in coiicei- @iitii zinitig require,,,@ients and lot
),i el d.
2. Off-street pai-f@ing shill [)e require(!.
3. Interior sti,L,,.@Ls shall t)e iiiipi-ov,,d @!r,,d dedicateJ to the City.
4. The 29tli Sti-eet cornectoi- shall be ii,@iproved atid clodicat-..d to tie ,-iith @Liie
Gi,i er Jofinson p@-operLy.
5. Recreatioti sliall be i-Eserved i,, p@,c.,scribe(I hi, tlie Subdivision
6. Stziticiird si'Le pl@tii req(iii,@-igun@Ls @o i!icILicle:
a. Side@.!all@s, storni d@,ains as
ticl@C(,Ssoi-y C)!l ili @'ir7i]ls of @.iay.
1). A @0-foot c,-isc.;IiLti-L is tlie pro,,)-2)--,,.,
Ii 11,2 cel, an t@l" (iiLcIi @irill is L@ic
c,istc,.-ri Iiii@.
*F Iiis [) I-f) ;('Ct sl 11 I i to, ti @l',i SLI! -1
C. revie@,i.
d. A ,@@ctic)ti i@ to I)L, cc)nstt,ucled or)
29Lfj Strc(,t, to -tli(2 i@fi ol (i . i: ,)!'i
7. I'@i, i ii i t o y i
11) I i c i I i i
!l @@C II o) I Sil"
@i L i, i
Nlr. Walter Monahan represented the above application.
Mr. Carrington, Plannin, Director, stated it was iii his opinion
that with the passing of the new Compreliensive Zoning Ordinance
no action was needed on the applicatior of Connor and FOY
Coiistruction for a Use Permit.
City Council took no actioii on the above application of Coiijior
and Foy Construction as a Use Permit is not required for
totvnhouses under tlie ite@,,, C mpreli,,2nsi@,,e 70iiin,, Ordinance.
ITF,,@',l @66@O
of fr(lill i)L!@-cloj)rncllL -
IIC)Ltsilig (Pi)-if) t,, I,-
" (,C)Il,lllLllljty l'it.@iliss I)isti-ict on zi @l-acre rnore or
lcsE', I)arcel C)f l@,Ll@d IOC@tte(I @tt tlie oi Ilicl,@peri(l@@jice! 1-3oulc%,ard
F.'.@texidc!cl ai,c] 1'1:(,T),),iC!(] [1011.111(l l@c,@,(l tll@Lt v@ts ei-roi,c@OLIS)y poStCCI
as I)ai-t of ti,,,, I)C@VL'IOPII@Cl@t @ill tlle tinic it was api)roved
by City Counc:il on June 14, 1971.
On motion by Councilman Ferrell, seconded by Councilman Gardner,
aiid by recoi@ded vote as follows:
A),--s: Councilmen John A. Bau'l, Rob---r H. 1.
3. Reid Ervin, @-cr--
C'@llaries W. f-'@ar-Tc3 i',. -,,'olland, Garlard L.
isd@ll, D. 1,@lurray Malbon, Curt4-s Payne, F'-oyl E.
-liaterfield, Jr.
Nays: None
Absent: None
City Council approved the above resolution requestin@ a cliange
oE zonin@. from Planned Developjqent - liousing (PD-11) to B-2
Conimunity Business District on a 4-acre more or less parcel of
land located at the intersection of Independ--nce Boulevard
Extended and Proposed Flolland Road Bypass that was er-roneously
posted as part of tlie Tiinberlake Plannod Development at the
time it was approved by Citlv Council on June 14, 1971.
ITEM #6651
Oii ifiotion by Vice lla),or i@rviii, secoliciod by Councilr@ian Gardner,
aiid by recorded vote as follows:
A@-es Coujicili-licn Joliii A. Baum, Rof)ol-t @l. C@illis, Jr., @layor
"@ol)ert B. Cro,-Ri@cll, Ji,., Vice @layor l,. lloid l@rvi.n, George
F i-i,ell, Charlcs 1"'. Gardjie.-, (@Lareiici, A. liol.]-,,tr@d, Carland L.
l@d,,,I,I, L). @@lurr@Lx, J. CLirti-,,; ,Liicl Ilovd L..
i t,, Couiic@l ,idol)teci tlie rc-@olutio- rc(it:estilig
11 'UP (i i 1,1) r-oid Lo
T'cie rE2,ular m,,eting of t'L-@e Cot@IciL l)-@ ch@2 @il,y ol@ -Vic,@,i-nia
V,l@-r-inial was @ield in tt,,-- Cour@cil Cli@tm'L)ers of tie "@lmiriis@@-raLioi
Bu;-Idin, o.: the City of V@Irg4-nia Beach on Monday, December 27 1973,
a@ 2 0 1clock p.iu. .
On motion by i@ir. Ey@vin aid sl!cc)nded I)y iir.
Gardner tti@ tollowi-n,, resgii-,ti-on was adopted.
R E S 0 L U T I 0 iT
WHEREAS, the A. B. Dick Company proposes to construct a warehouse
and office facility to distribute offi,-e machin--ry and li.ke materials,
and to repair same within the boundaries of t,ie City of Virginia Beach,
Vir-.inia; and
1411EREAS, access ri@@'-it-of-way to s-,i-d site will be duly dedicated,
but, as yet, is uni..mproved, and is described as follows:
Beginning at the centerline of the Norfolk & Southern
Railroad tracks and the Weste-n side of -,he right-of-
way of Witchduck- Road and Droceeding in a Northerly
direction along the said righl-of-way a distanze of
630 feet n@ore or less to a point; being the point of
beginning and the centerline of the proposed 60 foot
road, thence turning left aiid runnizig in a Westerly
direction a dis-lance of 1,7'-)O feet more or less to
the end.
T'iae said 60 foot road coursin@-, a portion of tiie proper-
ties of the School Board of tlia City of Virginia Beach
and Selria Properties, Inc., as sho,.qn on a certain draw-
ing prepared by STANDIN,@-, B.,\FL@O@i, STELL, PLALNLNING
10,73, SCAI-E i" = 100', said d@-awing attached and made
a part of this description for furth--r reference.
WHEREAS, funds for the improvemen@ of said industrial access road
are now available from the "Industrial Access Road Fund"' Virginia Depart-
ri,.ont of H4-g'@i@,iays; and
WHERI-,-AS, in order '-'or the City of Virginia Beac.i to qualify for
.,aid industri-al access funding, it is iccessary for CiLy Council, City
V'@rg4-nia 3ea,@',q, to adopt this resc)ltlrioi cxDressii-@ i-ts recomenda-
ie the existence
@-Ic@is re@a.-din@ sai-c! pro c-, an,], gi-ia-,anteeinc,
right of way @nd cha adj,,is L,,iiaiiL of the util@ Lies w, ic. may b--
ThaC the City Council, City ol@ Virginia Beach, does hereby express
i-Is to Lhe State Hi,,hway Commission in the forr.,, of a
request to said Commissio-,i that it progrant the ad-,ninistrative procedures
nec--ssary to carry out the funding of the hereinabove described indus-
trial access road out of funds available from the "Industrial Access
Road Fund" so that egress and ingress to the proposed industrial site
of the A. B. Dic-k Coaoany rqay be accomplished; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City or- Virginia Beach hereby
guarantees the right-of-way and the adjustment of utilities from funds
other than industrial access funds and will further provide information
as to Lhe source of such funds.
ITEM #6652
Oii iiiotion by Councilman Malboii, seconded by Councilman Waterfield,
and by recorded vote as follolvs:
Aves: Councilmen Jolin A. Baum, Robert 11. Callis, Jr., Mayor
Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Vice Mayor F. l@eid Ervin, George R.
Ferrpll, Charles Gardner, Clarence A. @follaiid, Garland L.
Isdell, D. Murray i%lalbon, J. Curtis Pa>,iic, and Floyd F.
Waterfield, Jr.
:@ays: None
Absent: N6ne
City Council adopted the following resolution requesting the
State iii,@hway Coi@imission to acquire riglit-of-way for Birdneck
V:-r 1
:,i-ni@i ,4a,.-; ,ield iT tlie (,'aunc o@ t:@ie Ci@
,J @q,7 0 Decen@bor 191-,3, at L@qo C),Cl c'@ p . t-,.
@Iii mo-4,oci @,lr. I%talboli a.,iJ I,,z @fr. lVaterfieLd
-ollo@qin, -,.,7,as ao,)Led:
T@,.iEREAS, Section 33.1-39 ol@ -,,'ie Code of Vir-linial as ame-,ided, by
t'tie 10.70 session of the General Assembly, auttiorized the Stalle Hi-hTway
Go,"i-.nissioner to acquire rights of way foc the co-,istruction, reconstruc-
tion, al-leration, maintenance and repair oi-: publi-c hi@.h,lqays within
muni-cipalities o-'l projects which ara con3tructed with State and Federal
particiuati-on; and
@,THEREAS, Section 33.1-39, as ar@iended, fur-,her provides that the
State liighwav Com-,iissioner -mav exercise suc@i authority only upon receipt
of o@@ficial request from th-- city or tmil i-nvolved.;
;@iO,41 THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, t,,aL the Ci-ty Council of the City
of Virginia Beach hereby requests the -@tate Hi-h@qay CorL-,Iissioner to
acquire the necessary riahts of way for Oroject UOOO-134-106--PE 101,
@,IT,q 201 - C501 (Birdneck Road) Federal -Projec-I EHS-t-5-DO4(11) withi,.i
the Corporate limits of said City a@ld to coniey the title to such right
o@,- ,Iav to the City of Vir@,inia Beac'ii -,ji)o-I co,-pletio-,i of the project.
T',ie City of Virginia Beaci, a@rees to -r,@,i@,,iburse the State Hihi,7av Depart-
m--nt @or fifteei percent (15@/) of all costs incurred in the acquisition
and conveyance of such ri@hts of wav and it is understood that such
acou- sitions @7ill ' e liandled by the CoLm,@ ssioner under established
policies and procedures and his decision in all inst-@nces shall be @inal.
ll'E@l '@46653
O" '-,lotion by Councilriian @Vate,field, seconded by (@Ouncilman j,dell
@,,d by recorded vote as follolvs:
A es: COuncilmen Joil, A. Bauin, Robert H Call'
R@E)ert B. Cromt%rell, jr., is, Jr,. Mayor
Ferrell, Vice Lvlayor I:. R@i
Chai,jes -vi Gardrier, d Er -n, George R.
Isdell, D. Nlurrav ' Clarence A. Hollav@
I I-lalbon, j. Curtis Pa>-ne, I'd, Garland L.
!Vaterfield, Jr. aiid Floyd E.
,@ays: l@,one
Abse.it: None
City Councj@ approved or' second reading
2 -72 of he
to amend ana r ... (lain Sectiorl the f@110wing Ordinance
Virgiiiia BeacJl relating 2 t COcle of the City of
member tO issuance
s Of VOlunteer Fire Departmen of ("'ty mOtOr lice,,, to
ts, @t,.:
Al,i '70 *f-'LND AND S,-CTII)@i ")-72
REI-ATI@@IG --@) O,-! C'TY Vi-.HICL'.,' L I C-DE
TC) iF--ilBE"S OF VOLU@@',TE,@ ET'-'.
P-:-- 0-2,D-%!'IEtD '13Y COUT@@CIL OZ@' -T'@ 017 VIIZGI@ITA B'@-,i',H,
That Section 22-72 is amen(lel-I and reord-dined as C-ollows:
3ection 22-72. Issuance of license --o m2iTfoers oL- volunteer fize
deoartments, rescue squads, auxiliary police::ien and military personnel.
City automobile license tags shall be issued to active members o@-
-,"fte various volunt--er fire departments, rescue squads and to auxiliary
policemen o@@ the ci-@y in accordance wilh tlie followin@ provisions:
(1) The city treasurer shall issue a city auto,-,Io-oile license
ta@ -@o each ac-Live metn-oer of the various volunteer fire departm2nts
and rescue squads and to auxi-liary policelen o-r the city T,7ho s'nall
subrait a letter @@ro,.,.i tiie --'niel- of- Iiis respective fi-re ciepartrient or
r--scue squad, or, in tlie case of auxi-liary polic--rnen, from the chie@@
of Dolice, statin" t',aa-L he is an ac,live me,-ioar of -,he departm--nt or
r-,scue squad or is an auxiliary policenen.
. (2) No @-ee shall be required of such me,@oers of volunteer fire
departments or resc,,ie sq,,-iads or o@@ auxiliary policemen.
(3) Each sucli r,-.e-riiber oZ a volunleer @-cire d--partment or rescue
squad and au.@iliary policerien shall, at the ti-,ne o@- issuance, a@.ree
@,v;-th the treasurer to return -lo the "reasurer the city autoriobile
license ta, issueci to tlie me-,nDer or au.:il@i--ary polic--nan, if and @,Then
st-ich riem@Der or auxiliary policenan I.Decc)mes iriactive.
(4) Tiie chie@@ of-- each volunteer --Pire departrient and rescue squad
an(-, tile cb@ief of pol@,-ce sliall suomit to t',ae treasurer the names of
and poli-cemen wilo ecome inactive.
Upon P---Csen-Lation to the -L-reasul--@r of proo@@- tliat owner of t',Ie
Pobile is in -,.iilit-ry se -v@,-c, a, d is in @lle city solely bv
@eison of ,iilitary ,)@dei7s aiid tiial@ tii@ ln-,al residence is a state C)I-'Ller
Vir-ini-a i rer is auL@.,,@or;-zed lo issue to such military
9--@sonnal city liconse La,.s -@@or purposes. For -11,Le
issi-iance of sucii ta,s, ttie treasurcir s',,all collect a cLiar@e o@@ olle
doliar to CoVer tile cost oF the issuaiic@.
Fi-rst: Readin@: December 17, 1973
Second Reading: Deceriber 27, 1973
Adopted 'Dy the council of tile City of Vir,,inia Beach, Vir@inia
on tlie 27th day of December 19 73
City Council deferred the following tax refunds in the amount of
'TO- -Ly Atz,?rncv
1.2 BL,7sori C,
1),ite December 17, 1973
C-,- Api)licdtien for Tax
14-2--4cn= f2r rzf.@-@4 of z. c t 9
- I ;z z; z; @rg 511.74
certi@@ied for payment, as set fortii below:
A. Etheridee, Trea-,;urer
1: a
Tax Type
.Ticket ation
ame Year of Ta-, Paid B-,se alty
@ry Melviri liebe-I CD #2559 -1 3-7 3 7.50
lades Geor,e A 1973 RE #004517 1891 6-2
0-73 32.88
Doro-,'t,.y J Ill 2
oist er, T, S J, 1973 @RE #044826 1980 6-20-73 410.40
/'o Trus,'-- ',)ert I I I I I I
a a t
i 1973 3 0 5 9 10-19-73 10.50
I 197 3 -0 - 7 6 -7 3
e 1 @L,,, -r I I,/ 2 2/,)1
197 @-S rp )7,'3.23
2c) - 3
131 7 3. 5 5
t,-@ t a 1 r!,-.
t ----------
ITENI #6655
oi,. notion by Couiicili,.iaii Gardner, secorid@-,d by Councilman Baum,
and by recorde(I vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert H. Call.is, Jr., ',layor
Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Vice 7layor F. Reid F-rvin, Geor@.e R.
Ferrell, Charles IV. Gardiier, Clarence A. liolland, Garland L.
Isdell, D. Murray ilalbon, J. Curtis Payne, and Floyd E.
l@,@aterfield, Jr.
,@avs: None
Abseiit: None
City Council adopted the followin@ resolution anie-riding Section 2.02
of the Charter of the City of Virginia Beach calling for an advisory
referendum taking the scnse of the ioters on the question proposed
i-n the petition at the next succeeding regular eloction and calling
for a public hearing on the charter ar@iendinent to be held at 2:00 p.m.,
January 7, 1974:
i@,; L L, C) I C:zirlan@l
fs@lel L, 1). illurra,l@ PIai@L)oii, T. (Itir@ds I'@iyilu, Lilid @lo@'(1 F,.
i@,, oiie
Ahsciit: inone
C@-ty Council autliorizecl tlie Citv klani@.,et, to entor ir,-to Standard
,,vater ana sewer agreements tqith liatei-@.at@e Two -)ubdivision, in
tlio Lyrinhaveii Borou.,Il.
ITENI #665'i7
on iiotion by Councilman Waterfield, seconded by Councilman Isdell,
aiid by recorded vote as folloifs:
Ayes: Councilmeii Jolin A. Baum, Robert 11. Callis, Jr., Mayor
Robert B. Cromivell, Jr., Vice Mayor F. l@eid Ervin, George R.
Ferrell, Charles W. Gardiier, Clarence A. Holland, Garland L.
Isdell, D. @lurray Malbon, J. Curtis Payiie, and Floyd E.
Iliaterfield, Jr.
Nays: None
Absent: None
Ci-uv Council approved the loiq bid of L. J. lioy, Incorporated, in
the aniount of $363,639., for the construction of Fire Station
iiuiiiber 10 (Woodstock Station), and furtlier authorized the City
?,[anager to execute the necessary documents for tliis project.
Th4ls bid is within the architect's estij-.iate and funds are available.
ITE@l #6658
On irotion by Counciliian liolland, soconded by Councilman Gardner,
aiid b,y recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilnien Jolin A. Baunt, Robert It. Callis, Jr., @layor
Robert B. CromiToll, Jr., Vice Mayor l@. Reid Ervin, George R.
Ferrell, Charles l@. Gardner, Clarerice A. Holland, Garland L.
Isdell, D. i%lurray Nlalbon, J. Curtis lllyjie, and Floyd E.
;.'aterfield, Jr.
Nays: None
Absent: None
Citv Council approved the low bid of Vii-ginia-Carolina Contractors,
Iiicorporated, in the amount of $507,89S., for tile construction of
saiiitary seiver lines in tile Baylale Peacli area. Tliis bid is lc)tqcr
tiian tlie engineer's estij,,iates, and partial funds are available,
tlie rer,,iainder to I)c iiiciuded iii tti(@, 19-4 cliarter bond issue.
,@it@i I
Cit)- Council furtiiei, az-itlioi,izod tlie (@,itlv @,faiiagei, to execute the necessary
doc:@iiients for tliis project.
I'I'F 0 6 5 0
Oii i-,@oL@on by ('ounc[Iiiiait sccoiicl(.,cl I)v Couiicilj.'Iail floll,,irid,
jii@i by rocoi-dod vote as fo.Lloivs-.
Couici Imen Jofiii A. t@atiiii, l@ol) -i t Ii. Call i-@ , f I-. , @l',Iyor
l@c)!)c,,rt Crom@,-el L , r. Vi ce %I@iyor F. l'o i (I F@,'rvin, (@cor@.e l@
!-(@i Clitrlcs til. A. lioliaiid, G@Lrl.apd I
i'lurray Pa.viic,, @ijici -i@Lo@'d l@.
c iiitt@i),, oE a,@i al)i)lic@itioll for
autliori-ocf til ,t 11) i
@--coiicl )@car fLInCIiillll OC tli@-, Jtiveiiil.e l@ase(I Clc!itor
Oii iiiotioii bv Couriciliitaii l@ourell, 1),,, (:oitji ili!iail
aiid I)y recorde,,i vote u-@ I-olioiis:
A) e,3 Couiicily-,ion Jolin A. Bauin, Poboi-L @N!avor
fzoi)(@rt l@. Croni@vell, Jr. , Vice PIavor P. l@@id l@rvin, IZ.
Ferrell, Charles 1%'. (,ai-diter, Clarcjic,, A. llollaiic!, (:,arLaitd L.
Isdell, D. inlurray i@Ialboii, J. Curtis I'@iviie, ctli(l Floyi E.
@ I None
Absent: None
City Council approved tlie waiver of t@atcr an(i seiver lille fees
in tiie amount of $975., for Llie pronosed expanded tourist
i,iformation center at tlie Doiae. Tlie Chamber of Coriiinerce i@i.11
be required to pay tap fecs and the building permit fee, totaliil,.,
$ 2 9 5 . 0 0
ITEP-1 #6661
Councilman Callis, seconded by Councill,.ian @Vaterfield, nominated
tlie following persons to the Virginia Beach School Board:
Doctor Roy lv'ood
Nirs. Reba Kelberg
@ir. Leland Hood
Nlr. W. Taylor Jolinson
Councilman Isdell, seconded by Councilman-Holland, moved that t',Ie
iiojiiiiiations to the Vir@inia Beach School Board be closed, and the
recorded vote is as foilows:
Ayes, Councilnien Jolin A. Baum, Robert ti. Callis, Jr., @layor
Robert B. Cromivell, Jr., Vice Mayor F. Reid Ervin, Geor,.e R.
Ferrell, Charles @ll. Gardner, Clareiice A. Ho@Llajid, Garland L.
Isdoil, D. i%lurray Malboii, J. Curtis Payfle, atid Floyd L-.
,@'aterfield, Jr.
Nays: None
Abseiit: None
Tlie nominations to the Virginia Beacli Sc'lool Board are closed,
City Council then voted oii tile above noiiiinees:
Ayos: Couiicilmen Joliii A. Bauiii, Ro@Dert ii. Callis, Jr., klayor
Robert B. Cromivell, Jr., Vice i@layor f@. lzeid Ervin, George R.
Ferrell, Charles IV. Gardiier, Clareiice A. f'ollazid, Garland L.
1,;dell, D. @,lurray i%ial@L)oii, J. Curtis Ilayric, ;Iiid Floycl E.
@V@iterfield, Jr.
@@avs: -
Abseiit: Noiie
(:it)@ Council appointed tlie follo@viiig persoils to tli Virginia Beach
Scliool Board, territs bogiiining Jaiiuir% 1, 1974 and ending Deceiiiber 31,
1976. Tliese are three vear teritis.
Doctor Roy 'O."()oct
i%lrs. IZet)a Kcll)cr@,
@Ir. 1, lan@@., iloc)cl
@Ir. Taylor jolli)son
All are @@itli tlic, eKcct)tioii oi- 'It-. Tolijison.
I'I'El\l N6662
CouncLliRan Bauni, seconded by Councili@lat,l Callis, noi@t.@iiatc@d the follo1/2iing
porsons to tile vir.illia Bcacii Planiiiiig Commission:
F,,,,crette Irby
Nlrs. Charles E. Purrington
@Ir. Sapi @ioustori, Sr.
Nlr. James L. NIcKo@@r., Jr.
Councilman Gardner, secoiided by Councilillaii ivialbon, moved that
tlie nominations to tile Virginia Beach Plaiinin,, Commission be
closed, and tlie recorded vote is as folloivs: '
Ayes: COUncilmen John A. Baum, Robert [i. Callis, Jr., Mayor
Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Vice Mayor F. Reid Ervin, George R.
Ferrell, Charles IV. Gardner, Clarence A. Holland, Garland L.
Isdell, D. Murray i%lalbon, J. Curtis PayTie, and Floyd E.
Waterfield, Jr.
Nays: None
Abscnt: inone
Tlie iiominations to tlie Virginia Beach Planning Commission
are closed.
CitN, Council tlien voted on the above iiomiiiees:
Ayes: Councilmen Jolin A. Ba.um, Robert fi. Callis, Jr., Mayor
Robert B. CromtTell, Jr., Vice Nlayor F. Reid Ervin, George R.
Ferrell, Charles Gardner, Clarence A. flolland, Garland L.
Isdell, D. Nlurray @Ialbon, J. Curtis Payne, and Floyd E.
vVaterfield, Jr.
iNays: None
Absciit: Nbne
City Council appointed the following persons to the Virginia
Beach Pianning Commission, terms beginiiing January 1, 1974 and endin,@
Decer@iber 31, 1977. These are four year terris.
i%lr. Evei,ette li@by
@Irs. Ciiarles E. Purrington
@ly. Sar,,i Ifou,-;ton, Sr.
Nlr. Jaiiies L. @,IcKown, Jr.
All are new appoiiitpiejits.
ITL@.%l #06(,3
,%Ir. @Valter i@loiialian appeared before C4ty Council on the proliosed
Boiq Creek proposal. ,Ir. -%Ionalian stated three altcriiatives:
1. To buy the property for opon space mijriicipal use.
2. Develop, under the present zc)nin,@, 420 single family
3. Provides housiiig but also retains the majority of the
property as open space - @olf cotirse.
Mr. Monahan stated that "here are sone I)rimary factors particularly
to access. It's in an area that's alre:idy built up so tliere will
automatically be some problems as far as @etting in and out of the
area. The two main factors are:
1. Physical character of the site, the topo,.,raphy, etc.
2. The way iii which the course is now layed out, the
existing course and the potential for the ne@v course.
3. Probably the most important item from the Planning
standpoint would be the visual relationship of units,
both types of units, condominiums,-sina.le family housing
you have now, and the golf course.
Mayor Cromwell stated that the main thiii,@ he was interested in
was that the property would remain open space or a golf course.
The @layor further stated it was also the primary concern of the
i%lr. Joel Smith, President of the Princess Anne Plaza Civic Lea@ue,
appeared also on the property and stated he thought it would b-e
a good alternative to have the 400 hoifles, but the public is
faced with three things:
1. Multi-family - 1000.
2. 400 or so sin.@le family hollies
3. Bond referendum
@Ir. Smith stated that the residents of tho Plaza have been pushin@
for voter approval oii Bow Creek. Nlr. Smith furthci- stated that
if we waited too long to study all of the proposals the oiiner
iRav decide to accept the first offer to develop tlie 400 sin@le
fa;aily homes.
i%li,s. iNIcClanan appeltrecl before City (:ouncil @Llso reqltestin@,
tlie City ptirch@qse tliis proporty foi, o@)eti -,;ptce.
0 i 4
@@ice Nlayor Erviil. requested inforillat:ioll ori tlie Doyletotvn area
probleiii, aiid asl,,ed if tlie people in tlic area had returned
tticir applicaticiis fc)r i@ater and sew-,r.
t%lr. Scott stated tliat tlie Ifealtli Departilient had cliecked ten (10)
i@ells and found ei@ht (8) not coiitaninated, oiie near contamination,
aTid I contaminated. @ir. Scott ftirthei, stated that the @lealth
Department iras goin@. ahead with a full investigation of all of
tlie other irells in the area. N[r- Scott informed the Vice Nlayor
tliat the applications had not been returned for water and seiier
ITEM #666S
Councilman Callis introduced inirs. Vera Ilenderson, President of
the National organization of llomen (NOW). Mrs. Henderson
requested Council to endorse a resolution on the Equal Rights
Amendment to be presented to.the General Assembly in 1974.
The Resolution reads as follows:
"Equality of ri@.hts, under the law,
shall not be denied or abridged by
the United States or any State on
account of sex."
City Council deferred this until January 14, 1974
ITEM #6666
On motion by Councilman Ferrell, seconded by Councilman Gardrier,
and by recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert 11. Callis, Jr., Mayor
Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Vice Mayor F. Reid Ervin, George R.
Ferrell, Charles W. Gardner, Clarence A. Holland, Garland L.
Isdell, D. Murray Malbon, J. Curtis Payne, and Floyd E.
IVaterfield, Jr.
Nays: None
Absent: None
City Council noted its intention to hold a closed meeting on
Monday, January 7, 1974, for the purpose of discussing items
permitted for discussion under Section 2.1-344, Subparagraph
1 and 6 of the Freedom of Information Act of the Commonwealth
of Virginia.
ITEM #6667
Oii motion by Councilnian Callis, seconded by Councilman Ilolland,
aiid by unaniiaous vote, and meeting adjourned.
I or
IZicliard @Vebbon, City Cler@ 'i@obe,rt-Y. Cromwell, Jr.,@y
City of Virginia Beacii,
D,-,ceiiit)er 27, 1973