HomeMy WebLinkAboutJANUARY 21, 1974
OF 'I'lli: Ct'ry
vit'GI,@l!\ j@Li Vll'(@1INIA
iLtiiuLii->, 21, L 9 7 4
'Uiie re-ular nicetin, of tlie Counc@l or Liie City of Vii-,,iiiia
Beacli, Virginia, @,ias lield iii tho Couilcil Cilambel-S iTt tl,le
,kdiiiinistraLion Buildin@, iii tlie i3c)cou,,'@ of Priiice-ss ,knne,
oii @ionciay, fanutry 21, 1974, at 2:0() i'.Ill.
@l'ilO iTIVocation @,ias givcii t)y thc Rever(,,@id Cfiarlos H. -Joiies,
Keiiipsville Bapt4.st Cliurcii, Virgiiiia @,c@,cli, Vir,.inia.
Councilmeii Present: Joliii A. Bauiii, Po',)c,rt H. Callis, Jr., @layor
l'obert B. Croritvcll, Jr. , Vice ,4ayoi@ F. Reid Ervin, Charles I'!.
Gardner, Clarence A. flollancl, Garlaii(I I,. Tsciell, 1). Murray
i,laLbon, aiid Floyd E. lvaterfield, Jr.
Couiicilinen abseiit: George R. Fe-rell @ind J. Curti-,; Payne
o,i i,,iotioi by Councilinan Gardner, secon(led bv Coulicilrian Isdell,
aiici by recorded vo@le as follo@%,s:
Aves: Cou-,iciiirien John A. Bauirt, Robert Callis, Jr. , @layor
,ohert B. Croiitiveil, Jr., Vice inlavoi- Peid Frvin, Charl--s "i.
Gardner, C;Iarence A. ilollaiid, GarlaTici @.. lsiel.1, D. '@,lurrav
iNialboii, and Floyd E. !,.@@iterfield, Jr.
i@avs Couiicilrteli (@ourge R. f@c3rrell ,Lnd J. Ctirtis [layiie
City Council approveci tlie @.Iiiiutec-; o@ tlie rc,.ular meeting of
,Taiiuary 14, 1974, and dispensed ivitli tiie i-eadin@ of said
,',Iiiiu-'es inas,,iiucli as eacli Cotincilinaii liad a copv of Lhe stibiect
i,linutes before liim.
I'I'E @,l - 6 7 L 0
o r, b,,, P es!) I i '@ i o n c, f t@ t., r, o ra b I e0, C 4 1 , C i ty
f",@ Virliiia D-ach, for -i
t,)f Zcnii,n Oistrict Clas3if-'Icat-lon Distric@, @'o
ri@cz 'i @iort@.crr., temirus ol@ @@orth
-!i,ail and cf li@qs Lakc, of 17@@.@
a ,lrjn(, @'or';iern
Riv;-r), dis-@a!-,c2 @@,7@.27 f@et
r i@,;
['110 '0110@iin,., perso@i -,ii)oke tlie al)ove petition-
j,liiior Konn--,til Sly,@
c Garv 13urcliaifi
fanies Peck
@ir. Grover C. l@ri,.,ht, Attorney, ref)t,e-,@enti,ng the resident,
0 E011c)wijig porsons sl)okc iii oppo,;il@on t, the above petitioil:
fi. Calvin Spaill, Attorrley, rcl)i-esentin I)alby and lvhite
I'l@@esL]ilellt Coiiipany.
Oil !notion by Vice Mayor Erviri, secoitdc(i ',)y Councilman Gardner,
aiid by recoi-ded vote as follotvs:
Ayt,s: COuncilmon Jolin A. Bauni, Robert H. (:allis, Jr., Vice May,r
F. lzoid Ervin, Cliaries W. Gardner, Garlaiid I,. Isdell, D. Nlurray
,'@lai@@on, and Flovd E. ',@aterfield, Jr.
,@ays: inlayor Robert B. (:roriit@ell, Jr,, and Councilman Clarence A.
@,I)sont: Councilineii Goor,,,e R. Forrell iricl J. Curtis Payne.
@ir. P. ii. 0-@traiidl-t- i@eprcsottect
Llit noti cii by Co un c i J s-,con, l,-,c! I)y "@oun c ilr,,iall @io Ila ii@,,
@iid by recordcd vote as foilotls:
Ayos: Counciinten Jolaii A. Bauiii, Rol)orl H. Callis, Jr., @@ilayor
Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Vice Nlayor F. Reill 1'rviii, Cliarle-,;
Gardner, Clar--iice A. Hollalid, Girl.ii@d i.. I-,iclell, 1). @luri@a@-
,%Ialbo,, and Floyd ',iaterFicid, Ji,.
-@ays: None
Absent: Couiicilmeii George R. Ferrell @Lnd J. Ctirtis Payne
City Council approved tlie follotviii@ Oictina,-Lce upon petition of
IZ. L. @.,Iunier and @Villiaiii Roberts'on for @i Cfiange, of Zo.'Iil,
District Classificatioll froni A-1 Ai),trtiTien- District to 0-1
Office District:
OIIDLNANCE UDON P,@-TII'lo,\, ol@ Z174006
@UNIER AN[) I;il@Lli-@NI W.
l@'RO@l A-1 AI)artr,,i@,nt District TO
0-1 Office I)istriot
Be it ordaiiied by th C unci I
0 0 1 Of t@ll (-ity of Virginia Beach, Virlinia:
Pctitioll of R. L. @'Junier and @Villiail, IZobertson for a Clian$Ze of
7 oll'.'Lng District Classification fi@ot-i A I Apartinoiit Districr. to 0-1
0 fice District o,, e@r-,aiii PrOPel@t\' begiiiriin@, at a poii[t 1800 feet
P.iore or less @Vest of SOLT-@H Lynnli@@.v'cii l@oad, runniii,@ a distance of
543.20 feet alono t'rie @@orth side 0, itol
I 1 land Road, runiiing a distalic-
of 566.14 f--et aloiig tiie @icsterii pic)i)@@rty rui-,iin,, a distance
L@ 495.90 f I r
o --et aloii.@ tlie @@\loi-t@,iorn prot)erty line a id unn:Lii@ a
distance of 790.50 feet alon., tiie Lasterp, pro,)erty litle. Said
p@trcel contains 8 acres fl)ot,e or ic,,;s. (Groen RLI,-I Area). Princess
li@zic Boi,ou,,h.
is subject to tlie followii@,, ti,)ulati oils
1. Site i.inproveiii-itts and d,2dicat Lons arc roquired in accordance
with tfie Site PLari Oi-ciiiiaiice. (i iigineering)
2. A dedication O'l- r@glit of 45 f,3et fropi tiie celite-riine
of tilo ex.istil-.g 30 foot of @,,@ay alon,, the 543.20 feet
illore oi- ie,-;s fruntLi(,,e oii tiolt@,ii(t @oad (ci -)O f-oc)t d--di(:at@on).
(Ilcal l@s tltte)
3. tl)'atei- aild sc,,,,@ i t(@ ill:- fiN, clevclot)er. '@@atet- aiicl
liite fee,; arict sei,,-el,
re qti i r,-, d. (11@ I)li(z ljtilitic"
4. Cjtv @,.rid io@,.For. (II (@;i I -, ii)
.y and L ra -or a C,,,,ance of strict
i-I issific,-itioF, fr(.-,@i ;@-5 @osi,ier@tial Dis@@ric@, to A.-@- 'loartm@t@L)is:Frict-on certain
-ck 3oad and the @'lorfolk
rr,)D2rty a', 'lort@iwes-@ c)f Creal, Pi-
-ailroid rig@,,t of ruirin,,, a dis@a,-ice of fee-t along the ';lest
r, -i -@ @(,P@ alono the @,lort.@ side of the
o f C-, r o,@ i@.,d, rurri-c,. f 7,
)rlol k ar,.,! Sou@l-(@rn @,iilrcid R.-,itit rf tl,, nnin@ a distanct, ')@ lICi fee-L. alorg
y, r@,
-rf@p@@r@ly I i,ie ir,,d a o, 644.90 feet along the Soullh
k Ex,,)r-ssi@/.,.y anc@' rurni@ig a distarce of 2C@4.24 feet
c-rorertv I i;@ia. Sii-il @.ircel contai:,s 5.1/@ a.-.rcs. (Lardon Britl,-e
7,,otion @;as unar@4@!:ously by the Planning Corrissior. for a r,;odil-ication of
t'@lis cliar-T,@ o@ zo.-,inc, -Uo Cci@@i-'unity @L.,sine-'s ;-'istrict ratiier @than A-2 ApartTert
t-- -,)Ilcvii.19
L)is@Iric@@ :is (.)ri@lipally re,Lies@@ed subi-@t '40 reculref.,,ents of the
@-i4nistrativ@, s'--,aff @or tlil, infrr,,a-ion of applica.@@'-
7;, 1 1 1 - 1.
1. Sit,l improv--rien@'s ar@(i Oedi@,tions arc, requireci iii accordance wit.@ the
k-'r,,Ii@iince to irc'Llje a S,:!-fort de,-Iica@uion cf ricl,.t of ciay alonq tile
-rl@, for -L@.- - 11 Ro d.
@r@),),r@-v lin,@ :-,)r a fu ure off 10 a (Engineering)
'@,,dica@-ion o@ of @.,ay E-5 ',,-@et frr,,i,i t@e contirline of thL- existina
ot riq'@t y s front,
I a @le 31@2.@-.2-foot -:or@ or @l(-@,s Po on Great "eck
City Council approved tlie folioliilil, Oi-dinarico upoii petition by
P,esoiution of tlie i'@onor,,tble,
(-,; -y Council appi-ove@l tile follo@@@,ili,,, Ot:liii,, n@e, 1)), uf)o,i
PeLitioli of tlie @ioiiorat)l,-, Council, (:it C)f @lir,,inia I'le@icit, @C)r
C:Il@tii,,c,, of Zoiii-iig froi:t A-1 @l,p,ittn@olit
I)i i@ict to IZ- @@ l,es ici lit @,il D,Ls trl -t :
01'@DINA,@CE [11)0,N 01@ Z17zt,005
tlONOIZikBLP-@ COIJN(:il@, (:I'IY
01@ VERGI.N-IA B@,AC@l, FOT@ A
Ciii@GE OF ZONTNG 1).iSTI@@Cl'
Ap rtniet-@t f)@strict '1'0 R-2
Rcsideiitial Distyict
Be it ordainecl by tlic Couiicil of tile City of Virgiiiia Beacli, Vir.,iiiia:
Petition by Resolution of tlie llonoral)lc Couiicil, City oL@ Vir.,inia
Beach, for a Clange of lonip@g District Classification from A-1
District to R _2 R, iieti al DistTict oft certain property located
at the Nortliern tei-iiiinus of i\lortli Plaz,, Trail and North of Kin,s
Lake Drive, running a distaiic-e of 1708.2 feet alon,, the Easterli
property line, runnin., a distance o,' 2(,9.29 feet along tlie Northern
property line (Branc',l of Lynnliaven Riv@r), ruinin,- a distance of
872.27 feet alon,.@ the @@estei,ii propei@ty line (Ki,-I@'s Lakc) aild
ruilning a distance of 1518 fee-, alc)ii(l@ t@he Soutfiern propertv line
(kiiigs Lake). Said I)arcel is kiiowti @is Grant, Part 2, Section
8 aiid contains 30.75 acres iiioro or les@@. Plats ,,,ith iiiare detailed
iiiformation are available iii tlie OfficQ@ of the Plannin,l D-Iparti,.ient.
(i@iiigs Grant Area). Lyniihaven Boroll,.,!I.
Approval is subject to tlie folloivili,@ S,ipillations:
i. Open spacc of 1.5 acres rect@iiied. (Parks @ Recreation)
.2. City water available in the acljac:eiit doveloped area.
Privat-- sewer riay bo feasible @,itIL stajidard sewer al,re--j-,ient.
(Public Utilities)
3. The area below the Iltoo of baiik" con-sists of sloping
faighly erodible soils. Tlils foll(,ws -L-lie ivoods linc in
general, except along the castei-n I)oun(lary. Tliero is also
an area of wetlands between tlie s-@-ream leadin,., into liebd--ns
Cove and tlie "toe of slope" in tli@ iiorthei,ii portioii. This
critical area coiiiprises4about 27 t)ei,cent of tlie propertv.
(Soil Coiiservatioii). I
I T E@,i @ 6 7 i I
"@o'jer'-Ic)n for a Cha7inp of 7onitiq
n ai,,i reo-
I C, 0
@,.issi i-ical-if)TI frcjii ;'k-I ;'@par-@,-ent Di,.;Ilric cerl-
i@1--@,@i,@ri,!Q all a poin@ fnet i-,rz@
r r@@,
clis'L-@r,,ce of sifle of a
.14 F@2c'- 'fest,,2rn liti@, rtinrlitiq l
@y line. or
.)y fer ar--rrv,.il n@ @ill@ll
7,1 1 i,]; I
ioti oc ri.@@ o@ @r v
ci 0,@
@,@(I s@- er Iine I'-,,@s
Grover C. fr. , AttOr"c@, , r,-,t)r--sonted tlie applicant
o@@l :Iorion by Vice iNi,@iyoi, l-,rvii,, secoiicled b@ (,ouncililian i@talboil,
aii('@ recorde(I @,oto as follo@is:
A,,-e6: Counci liyteii Toliii A. B@iLiii, l@o,)crt Ii - Czillis , Jr. , Itayor
R@b--rt B. Ci-oi-ii@@ell, Jr. , Vice @[aN or l@. izeid Ervin, Cliaries IV.
G@ird!i r, Ciat-eiico A. flollanci, Garlaii@l I.. Isdell, 1). INIurrav
,%Ialbon, and J. Curti.s P@l@Iiie
avs @4one
Absolit: Councili@iaii Geor,,e IZ. Ferrell ,Iiid J. Curtis Payne
Citv Council approvod the following Ordinance upoii petition of
C,irltoii E. Seay aiid Laura R. Seay 'I'rust for a Chaii-O of Zonin@,
District Classification fi-oin R-5 Residelit@al District to A-2
ADartneiit District:
OP,Dli'@Ai@CE UPO@@ PETITIO,@' 01; Z174007
ICA'FION FROivl R-S Residential
District TO A-2 Apartment
Bc it ordained by the Cotiiicil of the City oF Virgin;@a Beacll, Virginia:
Petitioii of Carltoi E. Seay and Laura l". Scay Trust for a Cliange of
Zoiiijig District Classificatioii froei P,-S Restdential District to A-2
Apai-ti,ient District on certain propertv located at the Northwest
iiit--rsection of Great Neck l@oad and tlie iNorEolk aiid Soutliern Railroad
Ri -tit of Way, running a clistante oF 328.02 Feet alon.@ the IVest side of
Gre,it Neck Road, runii@it a distanc-- of 760 'E-eet alon@. tlie I\Iorth side
of tlie Norfolk ajid So,,itherii Railroad of Way, runnin@. a distanco
of l LO i:oet alor,.g tlie Ivesterri propertv line and ruriiiin, a clistance of
644.90 feet along the Sotitli side of tlie Vir,,,Inja Beach-Norfolk Express;,Tay
and ii-inning a distance c)F 264.24 fo,lt the Northern property line.
Said parcel contairs S.17 acres, (Loncton Brid,,,e A-ea). Lynnlia,,,--n
Appi,oval is subject to tii-- following siipulations:
1. i@lodificatio,@i fi-oi!i A-2 AI)artiiiejit District to B-2 Coiiimunity
liusiiiess Distri,ct.
2. Site iiiproveiiieiits ,,ind dedic@ition-,, Etre required in
accoi-aance witli tlie Site Plaii Or@diiianc(@ to include a SO-foot dedica,tioll
oE of @,,Liy aloi-,g tli,-, t\lortherii 1)t,ol,crt@- line For a futlire off-
rLtj,.il) for the l'oll il@oaci. (Eiigine(@i iii(,, i
3. of of @vav F'S ec@t fi@oi,i tlie ceiitei,liiie, of tlie
0,@ i, i jig SC) fo@'t, I'@iglit o@- tti,@ 328.C)@ Coo" f'.ioi,c or Le-@,@s
f I Oil @L@',e 011 l@,)@tcl (a tlii t-t @, 1 oot telicLtL i oii) . (Pe@il
Ill @l '7
@',r a )f 70niriq
t ii @l ic.'- oil c- r-iil @r,)-
r -.,v rin@inti at )f
al@ni) tr,@, @-iest si".2 of 'ilco )f 327
ich f,7p i s Fir-,@
t ,@ I
arci .12 f-2e- is -I couti si@L c-@ @xpr,@,ssway @cC,2ss
rilritiirr, a IistipC,2 (,,f f--et @i ;@,v@tiue and
a dist@,iice of fee@- -Lf,-!e c-o,-Ier"y I i r. e. . C',lrc@l i@-
as L(,@'s 4 iic! 5:17ti P.,,-t of Lo+s 1 I k@ I Olan of
coiit,2i n
I ilv-,
]er a -l
Col liSSio@l ;,,l -4@, ;
-4n -issc-d urarir,.,otisiv k)Y ti,.c for ii-@roval of t-is re(,.,Jes@L
@:ol n itas
su@,,i,,ct to the foIlL,,@ling r-,P.uirc--t@@en"s of t'l,@ a-Iriiinistritii@ staff for tf,.a irformation
Sit@ @l.-d-1catiol-s arF-- r,@@uirf-,d ir, iccord,,-:ce wit,@ ti,e Si-@le
2. "i6@' City .;a@er i!,ain is located oyi cota,@i Lyrnhaveg @,cad. @3'1 S,,@,ier
-h@, sit,
3. City tia@er anc,' se@.iar.
Vc-rv @/niirs,
T. Par@,.er, Jr.
zi i ri7,j
oi@ i"o@ioii 1)) CoLilicill@l',fl S,-,Cofitc L', 't)v !toll-aiiLt,
i@,l 'L)v re coi,ctcd vo @e @is Fo L lo,.qs
cou,-!I(:Lllitc@ii -Joitii A. i3aui-,i, IZal) I Lii. cLtIlis , @i l' @',Iayor
r B. @Jr. , Vice 1%layor t@. IZeid Erv@iii, Cha@-les l,,.
i i- d iLoi@, CILi,eiico A. ifc)l taiicl, GarL@iii@l j,. rsdel.] , f). @luri-ay
aild I:Ioyct I-,'. @,ia-Lerfielcl, Jr.
AL,seiit: Cou,,iciinion Geoi-,,o P. Ferrell ztiid J. Curtis Paylie
C.it@, Couiicil ai)proved tlie Eollo@ving Orclinajice upon petition of
Carl N. @Nloore for a C'tian@.e of Zoninq Dlstrict Clas-@ification
f,-oiii AG-1 District @vitli flistoric and CLiltural
1)@.@"i,ict Re@.,ul@itioiis to 0-1 Officc I)istrict witli fl@storic and
CLtlturil District Re,ulatioiis:
ORI)iNANCE tipo@'i OF Z174009
FiCi@T10i',' FRO,%L A(I-I A,.,ricultural
District ivith Iiistoric and
Cultural Regulations TO 0-1
Office District ivith I-listoric
and Cultural Re,,,ulations
iie it ordaiiieu' by tlie CoLincil of t'll-- City oF Virginia Beach, Virginia:
Petition of Carl N. @Nfoorc for a Cliait,.,e of Zoning District Classification
fi-oi@,i AC-1 A,,ricultural I)isti,ict witli iiistoric and Cultural District
!Zo,,ulatiolis to 0-1 Office District kitli Historic and Cultural
Rcgulations on certain property locate,l a-t the Southeast corner of
i@or-Ili Laiiding Road and IVest Neck Road -f-tini@ing a distance of 690
f--et along tlie East sido of IVest N-Ick iload, i-unninl a distance of
480 feet alon- tlie '@ortliern property li.iie of i,,hicli 389 feet is the
South side of Nortli Landiii@. Road, ruiining a distance of 7S2.27 feet
alc)i@, t',Ic Eastei-n prot)erty line. Saici parcel is ii-regular in shape
aiiu contains 3.964 acres. (I)riiicess Aiiiie @lunicil)al Centei@ Area).
@li,i.@icess Anne B()rougll.
Appro,,,al is stibject to tlio followiiig sriplilations:
1. Site ip.1proveincilts and dedications sliall be required in
accord.LLnce @vitli tlie Site Plaii Ordinance. (Engineerin@.)
2. A dedication of ri@.ht of iTay 45 feet from the centerline
of the existin@., '30 foot rigiit of @@ay along tl,le 389-foot niore
or less fronta,.,e oii i@ortli Landiri@. l@oad (a 20-foot dedicatioii)
an@t a dedicatioii of ric.,Ilt of k@ay @13 feet From the centerline
of tlie existip.., -)O-foo-@ riglit of @,ay alcn. the 690-foot r@iore
or loss fi@onta_@o oii @Vest Nbck TZoa@[ (@i 30-foot dedication)
(Real Estate)
3. 16" i,,ater iiiaiii @s loc,,iteci ott @@'ortli Larl(-Iin,.) Roacl; no
s--@@er. (Pziblic ljtilities)
4. C"ity ivlt-@ot @iti,l @,11)
Couiici. Liitoji A. l@zL@iiii, (,:,tl Iis, Jl@.
,,,!)ert Ci-oili@vell, J C. , k,7ico it ,
(:,@iccljic r, Cl.ar,-,iice, A. ifoliziiid, GLII' I @ill@l I @@le ti, 1).
@'@'@tterf @c,,Id, jr
,@@ivs @'oric
;@1),;en t Coutici-ii-li i,, Goor-,,,e 1". l@ori,e I I @iiict j . Curt:is I'@1),n--
C@ty Couricil appro@,ed ttic folloiviii,.- upop. pe-,ition of
I)oiiiia Goodson foi@ zL Ciiaiicl,(,, of Zoni.ii,_, !)Lstrict CL@iss@fication
froiii l@-8 ResideiitiLtL 1)7i-i7 rict Di-st Lct,-
ORDINANC-E 01: Z174008
DO,N.NA GOODSO,@ f,'Ofll A Clf@,"14CL@
l@ICATION FRO@L R 8 l@esidential
District to 0-1 OfEice District
Be it ordained by tlie Couiicil of th,-, City @,l Vir@.,Inia Beach, Virginia:
Petitioii of Donna Goodson by J. H. @@ob--rtsc)n for a Cliaii.@e of
District Classification froi,,i IZ-8 l@csid ntial District to 0-1
Office District on certaiii proderty be,,innill@ at a point 150
feet South of Gator Road, runn:@Ln,, a di@-tatice-of 150 fect alono.
tlie IVest side of Soutli f,ynnhaven Ro@td, runnin,, a distance of
@27 feet along tlie Soutlier,-i propet,t@, ILne of wliicli 75.SS is
tlie North side of First Street aiid Sl@.42 feet is -,he South
side of Virginia Beacli-l',Iorfolk Fxpr@ss@lay l@ccess Rainp, runnin@,
a dist@ince of 35.39 fect alon@ tlie t:ast side o[ %Iorrison Averlue
aiid runnin, a di.sta@ice of 300 fect Lloii,., tlie Nc)rtlicrn property
line. Said parcel is known as I,ots - @Lnd 5 and P@irt o[ Lots 6,
10 and 11, Block 4, Plan of Lynniiaveii, atid coiitains 0.75 acres
i,-iore or less. (Piiiewood Gardens-LVT)IIII@tven "@reas). Lynnhaien
Approval is subject to tlie @olloi,-in,. slipulations:
1. Site iniproveiiierits aiid dedical.oiis are required in accorclance
with tlie Site PlaTi Ordiiiaiice. (F;ji.,@Liieering)
2. 16" City water iriain i5 locatecl on Soutli Lynnhaven Road. 81,
sewer availal)le to site. ( t, L[! @ I i c Ut i I i t i es
3. Citv water rid se@@er. (Heal,ii)
ITE@l "(@7@4
@ I. , 1, L m
ior. o-@ Lirl 'i. for a Cz,ar,.7e 7@,,
Cis@r;c- Clds3ification fr-
',@ricul@ural "';s@ricP wit@,, icl atio,;s to
@-iistrict ':4;s@Loric and Cultur:il, on cortair@
c,-t t -a 11- +c,. Se. L" @L @s@ c,)rrpr of a
ruil-!ir,,i a c!i,,@arce 01
fc@,t atorq tl@e @)r-c,,r-r@Ly cf is so,.,jtll sif;- of
diclanc@ c' 7 @7 ff;@t @-i nnq zh@ z-,Is@'lern
n i 7 f) @'y -lc,,r of
nf, S'-,3fF"
in 3cc-r@li,@ce @i4,
@t- riri@@t t c - cr-I in f t 1 r
r 4,i@
ti a i !-,a
1 t rc ic
ITI;@l,l I/'0715
Oii ,iiotion by CoLiiiciliiiall Bauri, secorideci b), (1@oulicilman Gardiier, and
[)y recoi@ded vote as follow-@:
A@,es: Couiiciiiiien Jolin A. Baum, Robort If. Callis, Jr., Vice @Nlayor
I:. Roict Lr@,-in, CliariE@s @"'. Gardner, G@iriand L. Isdell, D. @jurrav
i,tali)oji, ai,,d Flovd L. Waterfield, Jr.
,@ays Councili,@ion %Iayor Robert B. Cr-c)r,,i@,el@l, Jr. , and Clarence A.
AI)sciit: Councilineii Geor-e IZ. Ferrel.1 and J. Curtis Payne
City Council denied the followin.@ Ordiiiance designating property
loca-@ed in tile Princess Anile Borou,,,Ii oF the City of Virginia
Beach for ceinetei-y 1-,se:
DE-@ ff,,'qATI@IG P,,ZO@!i,'RTY LC,-'ATED
@-ITIE@LL S, Ifo..Ioqiari -@iro-@, FLineral- -tiollie, In--., a Virginia Corporation,
owner oF- certain propert-.7 descri-bed riereinafter and d-sires to
c,.,ita@)ii-sli a c,2,.,-LieLerv o--i @aid oroperty; Ind
thL@ said liollonan 13ro-,7n -f,@iineral Home, Inc. has now pend4-Tig
,a@ -i-),ilicatioii @t)2.-or-- th-@ Ci-ty --rel@,1'2Stin, a cond.i-lional use oerlai-@
Li-ie estab!4-.@@ime,-it: o" a cemeter,,r upc),,i sai-d p-op--rty; and
S@ctio@i 57-2@@) oF t'r,@-a Coi(- o,7 -\iir@inial 1950, as amended,
71 Cl 11
a. ordi ,ice by the Citv au'Lhorizi-ng tlie establi-shmen-L
,O!- 71 c2metery t@D t@lie addi.ti(.)@-iai z,)ni@ig ordinance duly adopted
iq @ai Ci@y;
qii, @,.ily in forl-e
,i !no. i,3 (i@ t@,,,2 Cjdt,
L, t7 (-,c o
@ @l,I@ ','7 U ;t; 3 ') ;- 4 ',irj @. @-, ; I @l!l @@ /- - @ @,@ ,;- -i ) -;@i, ,- @v clp,;C,- '@) -i 'l i,,
I -
"i I@ i "
I , -o -:@i4,
L I -
-it: a i--i
a' (tha
c)rla p i-at recorded in che
Oflice of the Circuit ll,our,,- )j,- @ity 0 Vir, i B,-ach
V"r@i-nia, iii @,[,ip liook 6, @'t PIgk'- R'@, I -ic' P04,,It i@s Solit@ 52
I", :a,-nutes 57 seco-ds -@a,it 147@).2z@ @,i:?az3LIr@d alofi.Q said dividi--,i@,-
J-i ro,-a th@ easter@-i 14,
I-le of -@he r,-Ia@- of -,,iav of l@-,indtot-7n Road; and
th-- poi-,it )-" begi-ii,-iing thus run-@iiti,, South 52
13 E:,,iriutes 57 seco,-ids Ea3t: 390.00 feel@ Eo a Doi-i-@; thence North 29 de@rees
51@. @-,iinutes 16 seconds '@a,,it 26.92 f!eet to a poi,,it; tlien--e North 31 degrees
53 --i-nutes 47 s-,concIF, 313.05 ',-o a poi,-t,, tl,-ence South 63 dp-,rees
I'-' ,.iinutes 48 seco-,ids 1057.20 feel, -lo a poi.,i--; theiice So@j--h '00,
d2-@rL@2s 49 rqi-nu-es 56 -1--cond3 P-ast 33-3.00 feel to a point; thelice due
702.34 @L@--et to a i)oirt i-,i the I)our-d@ry 1 4n e o f e
I),f,)oorr-y no,17 or oT- Jon (-. ',IcC-rude@; the.-ice aloi-i, sai-d boundary
-@-:,.e ol-: Sol-itli 30 dcgr@,es 53 -,iiiiuL-,s 52 secoids West 1273.59
:@eL to a po4at;
I thence South 83 de--.rees 2,'@ M.@LnuLes 06 seconds West
5-7".38 feel to a DOi,-It; th--nce Sout',i 33 dL,,Ir-2--s 18 minu-'es 57 second.s
1221.57 @ee,- to a poitit; Lherice @4orth 13 d.e.,rees 42 minutes 06
,;e,2onds -@,lest 633.43 feet to a po@Iiit in tie eastern bou,,idary line of -@he
propertv no-.q or for-,ierly Sam Sadlar, et al; thence alon@ said boundary
li.le of Sadier, tnorth 26 degrees 38 ni-nutes 10 seconds East 1265.09
Eee@ to a point; ti.@nce @urning ard ru-'Ining Sout@n 63 de@.rees 21 mi-nut2s
4" seco,-ids East 100.00 feet to a point; thence South 88 degrees 18
D-3 ,,e--o.-ids E@-st 303.26 f---2t to a ooi-,it; thence North 68 degre2s
.inut-s Z@- second.s East 273.57 fee- -o a point; thence North 59
de-,rees 53 riinul.es 13 seconds E,@ist 137.71 @@eet to a point; thence -North
-)7 de@rees 4@o mi-nutes 03 seco.,ids Eist 130.00 fee-- to -he point o@-
said trac" coitainin,. -1.@')4r- ac,--s, accol-din, to surve,7.
OT Thl-- for,?@oi.-tig pr()p--rt@,, @'s 51'07,Tpl c-,i a survey ent4--,led "Pi,-ie
@ri-n--ess Ann.-@ Borou@,i, Vir,,inia Beach, Vir@inia,"
2,-nori-al Card,,z-@@, I
a c,-Dpy of Iqliich i,-, @n- -@i-le @,7ith the CJ.TUli:3,3iOrl Of th@ Ci-ty Of
Illi_r-@inia i3@ach @,iitt-i th.2 appli--at:io-,i ol@ liollo,-qan-Bro7,Tn Funeral Home, inc.
,,,r the ise perflit above-mentioned.
AI)O'@'L"-, by the Council of tho City o@ -@3,2a--h, Vi-r-ginii
1 1(1,1 1 0-d.) @,,rc-.qn -,--u,!erII r a f,,c% , f -ii@,q ii @ -r i@z - s 3 i
in ti frot @i @,qr 'i tri,,- t t@) l@ @,@ @@c- i Ft@C. i-er @,i i ro -
b2ninning at i poin@ @7,@r, :]C)rt@ ir ]@ss C-@@uth cf of
r,, i n i i ia i -, t ai c e o c- 7 e a I 1, n r I t h c r t h e r 0
r,@!,nir,, i dis-
@,t aloni @las!@@r!, -r(@@Lrty rt:nni,,@l a OF 750
@(@g t@ie SL@l-iti,@2rri -,rol,@,r'@y li,,ie of
@;,.,@@rn pro,@)er"y 14re. Sai@@, @arc@@, 7.-- Pla@@s -,or@
@,assed by a voie o-- 7 lo .it', on,@
tio,,i, to deny this in vi@-.,,@ c o $@ t,".@, resi@'er,@'s o
,Nlr Jaines Pi ckre Li , Attoriley tl,,e aT),)Iicant
i\ir. Bruce TIills, Attorney, represel@@ d tile residents of tie area
@,lio are opposed to tlie applicatio!l.
On riotion bv Councilm@an GardTier, secojiloc'L l@y Vi.ce @layor Frvin,
aiid by reco@ded vote as follows:
Aves: Councili,len John A. Bau,.n, Rol)ert H. Callis, Jr., Vice Mayo-r
F. Reid Ervin, Cliarles -,V. Gardner, (-@ai'land L. Isdell, D. @,luri-av
i,lait)o,i, and Floycl E. t'@'aterfiel(l, Jl,.
,@lays : Mayor Robert B. Cronivell, .[r. , @,iiid Ciouncilpian Clarence A.
Absciit Couiacil.rnen Geor,.,e R. Forrell iiicl J. Curtis Payne
City Council denied the above petit@Loii of liolionian Brown Funeral
@iouie for a Change of Zoniii2 District Classification froi,,i AG-1
A-ri'cultura District to 0-i OfLico )Ltrict on c-@taiii property
be@innin, at a point 2780 fcot ii@ore or less Soutli of tli-- inter-
section of l,andstoivn Road aiid Ifollaiid @@oad, ruiining a distance
of 46 7. 0 2 f e--t aloiig tlie 1"orthern I)t,c,p,@rtv I itie of -@vhic',l 10 2. 56
fe(,t is tlie Soutli side oF ifolland RoLd, runnin@, a distance o'@
674.78 feet aloiig tlie Eastorn propei,ty liiie, runiiin, a distanco
of 750 feet along tlie Southerri property line ancl running a distance
of 861.07 feet alon,'@ the Westerii property line. Said parcel contains
7.82 acres. Plats iqitli i-!iore detailect inforriatioii @ire available in
the Department of City Planii@ng. Prin(-ess Anne Borough. l@lle
al)plication was denied as tl,,e proposod use @@as not coripatible ivitli
ti'-ie area, aiid of tlie opi)osition of tlie resiclorl-ts of the area.
licitic, of
,n c(,.r,- ------
f7 r t-- f
d i t
re r.,,? r
t" t iii@
@i(', 0
Cou@ic@ii@1(211 .;O,!Iit ;@k Ii@t@tIF"i lz()!) '21
t'eid l@'rviii, Cliarics l." GIrd,-ic r a r I ii d 1, I s ct,-, L I D
@ilict 17loyd I,. Jr.
a)-s i@layor Pol)ort i@. Jr., @itid Couiiciliiian (@lar(,,jice A.
i IOII @Lild
@'L) n t Couiiciliii--n G,--oril P,. l@errell @tiid J. Curtis Payiie
City Couiicil denieci tlie al)ovo application of liolloi,,iari Brown Funeral
iloiii-, for a Conditiolial. tjse Ileripit to ol)crate a cerietary on certain
pro@orty beginni g@@t a poiiit 3050 feet 1',iore or less North of
Priiicess A,-,ne Road aiid running a distaiice of 3146.87 feet along
tjio @ic)stern property line of wilich 178 feet is the East side of
La.idstown Road, rui-@iiing a distanco of @-1718.S,l feet alon@., the i@orthern
pi@op,-,rty line and i@unrii.ii,., a di.stance o@- 1166.56 feet along tile
!3astei,n propei,ty liiie of iriiicli 227.77 feet is the liest side of
iiolland Road, runnin-. a distance of -@073.54 feet alon.@ the Southern
I)rot,)ei@ty line. Said pai-cel contains IL7.32 aci-es. Princess Anne
Boro,igli. I'lic application was denied dtie to the opposition of the
residents of the area.
ITE@t #67L8
Oii riotion by Counciliian Ervi,-i, secoiideci by Councilman i\lalbon,
a,id by recorded vote as folloivs:
Aves: Councilmen Jolln A. Baurii, Robort ii. Callis, Jr., Mayor
Robert B. Cromtvell, Jr., Vice %Iayor F. l@eid Ervin, Charles W.
GLirdiier, Clarence A. tiolland, Garland Isdell, D. Nluri,ay
\Ial'i)oil, and Floyd I;. ',@aterfield, jr.
a)-s Noile
Absejit: Councilnieii George R. Ferrell ;ind If. Curtis Payne
Cit@ Couiicil adopted a Resolution bv Cotincil upon recommenda-Lion
of tiic Plannin.@ I)epartiiient to chaiigc tli,, -,;treet narie of tha-
p(-)rtio,-i ilo@,! Kiiown as Boiiiiey Road, extetiding @,lort'i of Princess
jkjiiic) Road to the inter,,,cction of So,,tl-li @6iitcl,ctuck Road and
Boiiiiev Road to Soutli l,v@itchduck Ro@icl.
a CCLI @C ;l n of t, - Pl ni-
to c@a@,qL- t!,,E, s"re,@t of ti-,,i" P!,rlion rio,,q K-ro,,in as @rney
o I I I
xterdin,2 i.@orth Princess A,,iii,-- @oae@ to ,,he 4n-ers@@c+ion of Sou'lli
4 :'@-d tO S LI-L
ITF,',l @@67i9
'@Ir. Petei@ Agelasto, 111, api)ear-d beco,-o City Council regardin,
t@le closure oE Ocea,,i Avenue. @li@. A,,elisto @@as reqliested to
t@itii (@ounciliiiaii Callis aiicl Vic-- \Iavol@
iii f:i otioii b@ COLtlicili@iLti @ioll@,Lild,
[)v recol@@Accl V(jt(?, ,ts
c (:ouiiciliileii J,)Iin L I E@l;,i 0 1
c 1 t 3. Vice oi !,,2 i L! i- v i n (@h a t@ I c,,;
A. I 1 t , 1) \1@L
j) i ri d 1',i oc! 1-1 I c@ I
o i i c
t (lo Li@ic i ti'le 71 ,;,,o i @@c@ c I r, -, I 1icl I I t L! 1)
-qo I
CitY Councii approv-od oii secojicl re,,icliii,@ ful[ds in the a@, uiit o'
$2300 be traiisferrel fror,@t Accouiit Soi -(Office Equip,,,Ient an(I
Furniture) so tliat $L2bO is transferre(I to Accouiit 817 (Photo-
grapliic Equipiient) aild $1050 be trafisfcrred to Accou@i- @08
(i,ledical Equipi,,ient) .I'Iiis request iias beeii subi,,Iltted'and
approved by tlie State i)!),,ision of JUStic, and Cr@rie Prev-ntioii
siiice the Pendleton Project is finajic@-d totally @)y St@tte-a,@d
Federal Funds.
ITEiNI 1,61'-?l
Oil riotion by Councilman Gardner, secoiiu'ecl hy Couiiciiman i%lalbon,
aiad by recorded vote as follo@vs:
Ayes: Councilrlen John A. Bauin, @@,layor i@ob,,rt B. CronltTell, Jr.,
Vice i%layor F. Reid Ervin, Charles l@. G,,irdner, Clarence A.
Hollaiid, Garland I,. isclell, D. @lurra), ',Ialbc)li
Nays: None
Abseiit: Counciliiteii Robert ii. Callis, Jr., Cleorgc R. Ferrell,
J. Cui,tis Payne, aiid Floyd 1,@. @vater"ie,,d, Jr.
City Council approvod tlie @ollowin@ Orclinance authorizin,, the
coiiveyance to the City of Chesapeake, Vir,.,iflia, of certain
City oivned sci,,erage lines in Kempsvillc! BoroLig@@i in considerati,n
of iiiaintenance and servicing of saiu' liies by the City of
U @ -@'i i T H Y
F C -', I @,E V I " C, 1 T 0 F
-i@ @7
G-,- LI
i<F'I?S'JT E
-L 3 'OU"-'i OF
IN -Iv il-
f@'\i - @\@D 1"I"- OF SAI@) LIN'-S
'@iHE-@T-7AS t i c v V r ,i i a 3 e- L, I , V r @ i n a , -a , i d ti 1) e C i t y f
p()Ili-cy for L-tie T)ro-
j,,i oF s@-we-.i,,e @iTsp,)S-31 IL),.r the Cily o'@ -.,I-2sapeake to
,_4 C,tj O.- i-,-i c--rL"ai-n loca@l-ion3 i-n the
"@ll-)_3-,T; LI@ C) f t: 7, 1, Cit)r o-F Vir@@-kila B,@ac@l, ,7hicti are deemed
B7- IT OR,@),-TiNE-) @y @ll, @OUIIC41 o@- ::@e C;Ly of Virginia Be,3ch,
T@l@,t @-or al-id in of Ci-ty of CLi--sa-
ina'@-*In@ pr,)Vlslocl 7@,-)r "'t,e r rioval a@id disposition of
from cei7Lain are@s loca-L@d Lb.E, Ci-ty of Virl,ini-a Beac@,
-,E!reina't:er s@, for"ri, Llie Ci_;-y oT' B--,icli dc),s reb- co--
I 1- I I 1 2 @2 7 11
V2y @@iL'Ll ',,.:arra-ti@-y an,,l l-,sl- Cove@-iants of Title t,,)
e t:
,,i--y of all its :rle inter s in se,,vz2ra,e
Is LIOW ip,3 iri "@1) 1 1, iri t@i@ Ke.-nps@),!-I'---
of L'Lia -,Lty ]io-acii:
j,@dc!r soutt,.-i@,7arC] fro@
to th@- @nt@rsecLiorl @,7ith
2. i@1c)ii,r in a-,id ),-:Vc-- @@ro7ii ; 'S intersect:, oi wirlL
@ast:7,7-,ird @-0 Lii- e,-Id iid @7@@ragi! line.
0 n l @-ii ti I "I jE, o) -c 1-1 u 2 s els
W!i Lil
Id Roaci t
s',,Ialt ,-ev -@L t@l@- -ity ti--@ @i,:i
cv i -it"er C)f i
-ID-@DS --he -i Ly 0
,:h@ I-esid2ncs @':i e @, -,i vi k,2
cati bE, s@-,rve,,i econo-ically @ly Citu ,)I- Vir-.inia 1-3each.
T@@ils conveyanca i,3 i,.tad@ wit--Ii Lli@, th@-@ che CiL:@7 of
-."@@sapeake @,7LI1 @,erv-@ @-ill. pr,-),derLi2@3 c)@i@igllous to @@@-te se,,ier lines
c:),,i,ieyed herein, ba,- tl,!C )E wi@@-1- noL b,2 liaf)le
or responsible fc)i- ii-airitenance c)F s-3-,qp-- -ac@lities I-oc3ted on private
p,-ooerty for wnicti no c.-i.3e:ren, has b@e@i -rcrited to tlle City of Chesapeake.
T@iis coiveyance is made wi-@lh E-,,irLIler un(71---@sLandin, th-at t'cie
C',.@1--v of Chesaoe@,!,e @,-iall ',iave of t:he sewer lines
c7,r,veyed herei.n in ,,,)od ,onclition, fijrt-her t@nit L@le City ,Df
ti--S@qDe-ak-- s' alI- hav@, th@ righ, Lc) -@or @ts services suc@ia cliar,-s
I re '-i -k! r,in -i s c@cl- b7 C
51, i-risl -s4-detit,@ ol@ ti 2 Ct y o@ ;.;i Beac, erv t
J-ik-- s,-,@-v@ces.
i- ,,i--sapeaKe as inipasas on
Section 2: Tha@- tv ,34-7 t i , -City o,--- Vi,-@;rlia Beac'ti
@,id the City Clerl,@ o" L,Ae CiLy of Beach are hereby au@.orized
Lo @,i@n, s2al, ci2i.,@ "e-@ i a-@),3r@ved as L:o forr-@ by
ec T- 3 s ia@. @@a ii 2 t@ec t from a@-id af L,@r
f p i 0
@l't 'Jeacii, r,;,,Il
I,' 2 1, st @IJILiarv
o n 0
COLtlIC Iiiie II Ro[)er t ii. CaIIi @f r. Gcor,,, e R. Fer reII ,
(]Ltrtis Pay ii , aii(I l@lo yd F@ . jel d , j r,.
Ci.@@), C:ouncil aciopted tlie, fOllOwil".1 l'o-sc)lut@oii to accept offor
to [@Liy Boiv Crcok CI,-LI pi@),o rcy sul)j, -ct to th'2 coliditions of
th,2 OfEer a@id to al),@i-ovzll I)y tho qu@ilified vo'@cr-,; to finance
s Licli p u r cli as 0
re-lular -,,,i.2eting o-F the Cou,-tci.' of the City of Virgiriia Beach,
L '-.,ia, @gas held in 'he Council. C' of L:he City on the 21st dav
C u,. ry, 19-4, -qt tt,,o o'clock p.@,.
01, motion i)v ',Ir. Fr,i,
I I aqd seco,'Ided by Mr. Gardner
ollowi.,i@. esolution T.,7as unanimoLt'-!:y adopted:
R E S 0 L U.T i ") N
tlie owner oE Lhe prooertv now or formerly known as
,@l' f --P FAS I
Bo@,j Ci:epk has o@-f,?red to sell the prt)pe-,ty to t-he City of Vir-.inia
@?,2ach as set @Lc)rt',l i-n a la-,ter da@led 23, 1973 from the
counsel ot@ t,'Ie o,,Mer; and
-IHEI,@EAS, Cilv Council- is of tll-- op4lnion t-,a such purchase
11- etiable its availa@ il.iry L:o -L'rie a2-ii,-ral p,,iblic as a
ac, coiirse aii,@ -ecrea-Lional EaciliL,I;
"CIIEP, FO,@r- I',c !)y f: -- "@ouncil of 'z,ie City of Vir,:,inia
T@iat t,i@ o@-L-er of Se,@i----,.iber 28, l@G73 i@3 accepted su@!'jject
--oid,it4-on3 o-@ the o,-cfer and suo
jecr to apl,)roval bv the quali-
,,,o-ers to Durchas@ )!- t:h-? 3o,,i Creek -Ilul) property.
ITE,I,l F6723
Cit\, Couiicil deferred foi@ oiic tvcek @i s@,rect clcsiire relItive to
,tit ufiiai@tecl street soutii c)f IZO@tcl in tlie Bays@de Borouil'
had becii frol:t l@l, 19-/4:
,)Ii @io@ioli I)v VIL@L@ @@ia@,or @:rviii, sOco7@@l-@@ t)\'
:I% i'OCOI'Clecl @,ot@,
CoLilic i il!lc:,@i 'Joll rl ')Ot)c "t ii - (1@! I L i r. , @iavol@
c-, t I , J @i'viii, (:hai-Les
;@@i) I it (@o Liti,: i,, cc) 1 e c l@ i it,,
C;!', (:OLIII@il Foi- t@@o t:ji I-o'
101@tti@-0 to a O!
ANi) I)IS('ONTf-\ @"ING A i@IOP,'T@10T,\ ( i,
']'f-IF, 130L)IOUGff Oi@
IN 'I'fTF@ C"'I'V 01,' VII@(@IN[A ['I,IACII,
WHEREAS, pr@oper notif@e that EARI, W. KEEGAN would naakc-
applicatiori to the ('ity Council of tlie Cit,Y of Virgiiiia T3each, Virginia, to
have the hereinafter dcscribed por'Lion of ChE@i-ry Court closed, vacated and
discontin-Lied, -,vas duly posted; and
WliEREAS, application wLs niade to the City Planning Corlimis-
sion and to the City Council and, pursu.,int to the statutes in such cases made
and provided, the Council appointed Vic-,vc,,rs wlio have reported to the
Council tliat no inconvenience to the pul)lic or to private individuals would
result from such closiiig, vacating and ('Liscontinuance; and
WBEREAS, it is the juklgiiient of tlie Council that said portion
of Cheri7y Court should be closed, vacateci and discoitinued;
NOW THEREFORE, be it @)RDAINED by the Couricil of the
City of Virginia Beacli, Virgiriia;
Sectionl: Tliat the said portion of Cheri-y Court described as
follows in Lynnhaven 13orougli, Virgini2 Beach, Virginia, is hereby closed,
vacatecl and discontinued as a public tlaoroughfarc,- of the City of Virg;.nia
Beach, Virginia, said portion of Clierr,, Court not being needed for public
use and travel:
Cherry Cc)urt runrling froiii Cherry l,ane to the
reat- of f,ots 96 and @)8, pl@it of North Alariton
bein', irtorc,. pay-ticularly (I(@scribeci on "Subdivision
of parc(,l locate(] iii Alantoti, L,Ynlihav(,,n
liorot@,-,Ii, Virgiriia Vit@ginia, 1I)acle for
Mariaii 11. @Vyatt", ])Y @kI. 13. ( a]IC)P, Sur-
ve,y@)r, an(I foutid in tlie offi.c!e of tlie
CirCLlit C@(@Lirt Of til(' (it% oi@ \it-1,@i@,i,-t Be@i(!h,
'iVI@@p Hoc)l@ @it, P@t c@ 49.
Sectioti-2: That tliirty (@',O) days aftel, this date a col)y of this
Ordinance, Cei,tified by t@e Clcrl@, be sl)read upon tlie public records in the
Clerk's C)ffice of tlie C'ircuit Court of tlie City and indexed iti like 3rianner
as a deed to lands.
Co,iiici.L deforrcl fc)r @ixty (60) c,@ty-3 'l-b-e foLl.o,,viii,, stroet
ILS -,ir rel"Itive to O@c@tii l@o;Ld iii tiic, Lyniiiiav,-,ji
ro i-i @'i
I 'I'l I "' 66
Oii iiiotion by Couriciliiiaii @laiboii, secoi,cle(I by Counciljiiin "aL-Irf iel.1,
@tii(I I)y recorcled vote as follo@vs :
A@ es : Counctlmeti Jo'ln A. Bauni, l@ob-@rt 11. C@illis, Jr. , t@lavor
Rol)ert B. Croniivcll, Jr. , Vice @,layor F. Rcid L,'rvi,l, Charles @V.
Clarence A. Holland, Gariancl !,. Isdell@, D. @llirrav
@llialbon, a@id Floyd L,. jr.
11, LV 5 None
Ab-,;eiit: Councilmon Geoi,@.e R. Ferrell aiid j. Curtis Payne
City Council appi@oveci the folloivin@, t,,Ix refunds in the amount of
$ 16 6 . 0 4
D,i te Janugry 16, 1974
".r. V. A.
Di)licat@c.,x for -ax
of 166.04
certified for payment, as set -
furtii bclo
V. A. Etheridz!e. Tr,2isurer
Tax Type D-nte
@.Ticket .2 tion
Name Year of Ta2 Nu,,iber Paid Base alty csl
iki RestaLirant 1974. CD T 6@95 1-9-74 15.00 15.00
brelia Beach 1974 CD T 6352 1-4-74 15.00
e.-vice -Inc, T 6353 1-4-74 15.00
T 6354 1-4-74 15.00 45.00
lue Water :kpart 1973 PP #8'4055 1102611 11-13-73 12.60 l@2.60
ysoki Robert J 1973 PP Y,@80901 102621 12-11-71- 33.08
a-@terson Roberti 1973 1 PP 1 #055736 10 2 5 "'i 6-20-73, 19,36 39.36
oody iol"l- L973 PP #050521 11025,;l 6-,1-73 21.00 21.00
T- t
I T17@\1 @6727
C)@i iliotion by Couricilillari @Ialbon, secoiiclc(l 'L)y Couricilinan Callis,
by rocorded vote as follo@Vs:
Ayes: Counciliiier) Jo'in A. BauiR, Rot)or-I ii. Callis, Jr., inlayor
Robei't B, Cromwell, Jr., Vice Nlayor F. Reid -rv:i.n, Charles l@.
Garclncr, Clai-eiice A. Holland, Garlaild L. Isdeoll, D. iNluri7ay
,%Ialbott, ancl Flovd E. ',Viterfield, Jr.
i@ays :inone
Absent: Councilmen George R. Ferrell and J. Curtis Payne
As the Virginia Beach City Public Schools is preparing to
coiiduct the 1974 Triennial Scliool census and since tlie census
i@ill be a door to door @titerview with ail households in
Vir,,inia Beach, City Council approved $10,000, which is 20%
Of tiie total cost of tiie census and furtlier authorized the
solicitation of tliis additional inforiqation.
ITEM P,6i728
Oii iriotion by Councilman @iatei,field, seconded by Councilman Baum,
and I)y recorded vote as folloiis:
Ayes: Councilmeii John A. Bauiq, Robert Ii. Callis, Jr., klayor
Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Vice ilayor l,. Reid Ervin, Cliarles l@.
Gardner, Clarence A. Holland, Garlaiid L. Isdell, D. Murray
\Ial'uon, and Floyd F,. Waterfield, Jr.
Nays: inone
AI)scnt: Councilnicii George R. 17errell and -J. Curtis Payne.
City Council approved tile Followin,@ Resolution requesting certain
Federal monies under tlie P@ablic ifi-gh@vay Sal@ety Act for the "upgradiilg
of hiner.@ency Rescue Veiiicle Units:"
T', L- S 0 L U T 1-0 N
WHEREAS, the Piib"ic Eligli@vay Saf,-@Ly Act providcs Fecleral riionies
to assist political siit)divisicng of tlie vari,)us states in irilprovin,., and ex-
pan(iing enicrg(@nc," services wi.tfiin the spectrurii of public hi-.h@vay safety;
WHEREAS, the sttbject act provi(le@; assistance for the provision of
ei-nergency medical services and related Ielivery; and
WI-IEREAS, the services of the Volunteer Rescue Squads have pro-
vided emergency meclical care of excellent quality to the citizens of the
City of Virginia Beach; and
WHEREAS, there exists an urgent need within the City of Virginia
Beach to provide its citizens with an expelient means of delivery of erner-
gency rnedical services; and
WHEREAS, an urgent need to repla(7e inadequate and obsolete rescue
vehicles exists; and
WHEREAS, such prograrn entitled "LJpgrading Einergency Rescue
Veliicle Units" -,vill provi,cle emergency life support services deemed most
necessary to assist those in need, i
THAT, the City Cotincil of the City c,l Vir,,,inia Beach endorses the
application of tte "Ei-nergency Rescue Vehicl(@ T'nits" to the Emergency
Pvtocli,-,at Servic:es 1),,P@ir-tnient )f t@i(@ SLtte Pt@,j@c fli"@l@VLY Sifety Divi,sion
for tlie Ltp,@l-acliri@, @,f R,@,@iciLcts, V,3!iict(@ Unit,@' in tti,@ C@ty C)f
Virginia Beacii, Vir,,inia.
BE IT FUR',l'tff,,,R RESC)L,VFD, tii,@t the City Mtta,,,er is her(@')y al-
ttiorized and direct,@d to c:ause sticti inFc,ri,,ation or iiaaterials @s rnay be
n6.cessary to be pr,)vicled to th,@ appropriatc@ a@.,,!iicies to perinit t@le fortr,,u-
lation, approval, and funclin-I of the sutdjc,:t "Up,,,radinl Eniergency Medical
Service Rescue Vehicle ljnits".
I 6 7 @, 9
On motio@l by Councilman Gardner, seconcled by Couiicilman Hollaild,
and by recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Couiici Inien Jolii-i A. B aum, Rob,,@,rt H. Cil Iis, Jr. , Mayo-
Robert B. Cromwell, Ji,., Vice Mayor F. Reid Frxin, Charles @V.
Gardner, Clarence A. ifolland, GarLaiad L. l.sdell, D. Murray
,\Ialbon, and Floyd [-. tliatc!rfi.cldl Jr.
Nays: None
Absent: Councilmen George P,. Fei@rell aiid @. Curtis Payne
Cit),' Council authorized the City Nlanager to enter into a tiiree
party agreement ariiong Contractors Pavirig CoT,,il)ally, tlie City ol@
Vir-inia Beach and Princess Aniie [Jtiltje,-; (:orpor@itiori, coverin')
tlie iiistallatiori, operating @ind oi@norsliit) of tlie Bo,iney Road
force i,@iaiii in tlie Kei,-ipsville BOTOLI@@'@l.
ITE@l "6730
Oii notion by Counciliitan @Vaterfield, se,--ondod by Councilr@,ian Gardiier,
aiid by recorded vate as follows:
Aycs: Councilmen Jolin A. Baujit, Robert 11. (@,allis, Jr., Mayor
Robert B. Cromwell, -Jr., Vice NI@iyor F. Rei(t Ervin, Charles
Clareiice A. floilaticl, Garlaiid [,. l@dell, D. i@lurray
,%ialbo.,i, aii(i Floyd E. I'@zitoi-fiold, Jr.
Ill)sollt: Cloujicili@ieii Ill. l@crrel I @inl f. Cui-tis I'@lyiie
i cy Colincil apj)oi li@ed tllc COIIC)',Vili@ to tlie Vi r@, @nii Beach
Ill)lllllLtili,t)' '@leiital @,tiicl %ietitztl Serv,i.ccs 'iotrcl fol-
of 3 -jaii,,t@@iy L, '@1)74 aild endiii
1)@,L:(,ilibc,r .7,1, 19 7(@
,%Ir. Ai@iii P,. C@oritess
I)oL:tc)i- A.
@il L I i Jeii], i
I (::ii L is, J L, c
co@,icei-n(,(@ @IIIC) it Lli@@ [LitLil
of oui (Ii-,y. @ly coiic rii i ; d@ i- ,cted 'r) -
tlio rzi-c)id
V:ii-@,ini,,i lias oxl)ei,;.-;tccd ove@@@ tli@-,
last teii 'voars, I)laciii,., irif
Oii tlie Cit,,,'s a',)ili-t@cs t@) provi-(!,-, sorvice-,,
foi- it,;
Iii vici@ of tlie projectioil,-; @oi, an ilicrease
iii tlie n@itioiils populatioii oF Ltil acldj.tioilal
S4 niillioii people by tlie eilcl of tliis c ntul-Y,
ive caniic)t realisticallv coitsicier a
policy as a viablc 1)lari. Ori tlie otlier haiicl,
ive shoul(i not tolerate Llfli)!,if,itccl aiid @t,iiiana.,e(i
,.,roivth. tVe iiiust take toc@ of our pre-@ont
situation in order to iiitel.ligeritlv plari for
tlie futltt,e (@roi@tli - a futui,o I)Ianned tc)
provicle for a liealthy allci .,;afe elivironment.
Grot@th can bo mana,.ed. i@laiiagecl groivth is not
incor,ipatible i,,ith econoill-.LC .rowth, and in fact,
the econoinic well-bein- of a commuliity is
dependejit oii its pliysical Irowtli being mana,,ecl
careftilly and wisely. A ni@itia,,ed groitli policy
inust relatc to the coriritilii',@y's al)ilitv to .,row
and to t'Levelop its land re,;oui-ces I .
Because of tfie above coiiceriis, Couricil!iali Catlis noved the,
followin-. riotion, w'flicli @qas socondecl bl,@ Vi.ce @layor Ervi,l:
1. The City Nlaiiager is directecl l@o i.nventory existir,@.
zoning districts wit',Iin the Cit@@, determiiie how r@iucli
vacant land exists iTi eacli zoniri. classificttion, tlie
number of dwellin,. units al1c)@'TeCL, aild tlie nuril@er of
outstaiiding use aricl buildin@. poriii'lts in eich classi-
ficatiori in every area of the Cit@'. At the same tirie,
the full administratioii is directed to studv all svstemsl
capacities sucti as water, se,,ier, )ff-sito draina-e,
scjiool ind traiisf)ortatiorl to detoi-niine iF existin,7
capacities are adequate to alic)@@ @@ontinlied developiiient.
The staff is also directed to Iiial,,@ze the Curreiit
Capi-@al Iniprovei,,iont Pro,.raiii to cle'@@rr,tine if i-.ionies
are adequate to satisfy ob@,iou,-; doficieiicies.
2. I)uriiig this study period, 1 lll()ve that -onin@
applications for single and niulti faiiiily use, afid
subdivisiOTI plats 110t to be proc--,;.@ecl For fixty (60)
days from this date.
3. 1 iiiove that tlic City %Iana,er inniediately direct tlie
Plannina Department and other aff,,@ctoi City departTRe @ t s
to study, to atial.yze and to pi-ei)al- t i-oport outlinin@
various iiiaiia,,ed ,ro@vtli tecliniqti-s @ind sti-atelT@es. (in
developiiag aiternat@vc pl@iiis foi, @onsiclcrati-oll, cre@,ti@re
laiid tise approaciies sucli as T,oticto@Lji County, Vir-iiii,,t; aild
Rafliapo, Now Yoi@k; @is i@ell as tlie "ccli@-@iq,,ie-s a,)plic,,d in
Claliforitia and [@loi-id,@ -SIIOLlld I),: Tlle
i,estilt@ii, toci)ii@qi-ic@ Col- cofill@ol, tji@iiti@l, @iiid -,;ecl,,iciicc of
Euttii,e @,ro@@th iiiu@;t he Iii;iit,-,cl @,@ @i illit)rovel@iciit
I)iaii tii@it caii @)-@ ii,,I@)I.eiitoiiecl o@ict @t pct,iocl o@C
tii@ie. 'f'lie ,iiici of- c,,@icit tecli3iique
I)c listo,,! f-ui e,,;tal)l;@Iii-n@
tlie City's
@l I)I@lf] !-or tli@it
I I 0 (I t C) I 1 ill@ ftit, Ll C 0 :c,! ol) l."tit to
of- C', l' A.C U.@ l 11 @l t Ii @, c t t o 1, s I I ico@ @;
l@ it@iiii tlii rty divs t@lic t@L t to
@t pi-
,)ol't Col (,')(Iltci L', iii(tiiico iri !io of
i I Ii.Lt!ii J. Vau,,, 1,@LiII i@ --p r e,,i c ii tii,li [,ii V@l,,,@in@a Bc,,acli )@-ssoc@ates,
@Lt@c@s,-;cd CoLiiici L rt2,.,ardiriq tlie aCtol)tin@, the nolion pri.or
tn i viii actc,,Iu@ito l,ul) Ii c, iioti ce
L. A. S@incilio - i-cprescritiii- tli,-, l'i(low@iter i3uilclers and Larasan
'@oi,@oratioii, exprcssed cle--,,) conc@ctn over the iiiipositiori oF a
i'lioi@-loriuin oi, subdi,@i@i,il iviticli could t,e-;ttlt in the l@ly-off
oc i)ersoiiiiel iii tiic bui.lcliii,, iiidus'cry t@liose payroll is one of the
in tlie City.
.%I-c. (:@i-ovor C. Jr., Attorne), - representing hipiself and real
estate interosts requested a clarifical@ion of tlie terms of the
r)i,oposed motioii inLLicating that the public wisties to know the
lituaiiiiig of c--rtaiii plir@ises in the Ordiriaiice.
@ic. Ii. Calvin Sj2ain, Attorney - represcntin@, Iiimself and real
estaLe interests indicated to Council tlic problems which the
c,--onoi,@iy would @ace due to an extended r@toratorium on building
Nlr. Herbert Kraiiier, Attorney - representin,., himself and Tideivater
.Builders AssociaE-ion, iiidicated tliat I)Iaciiig a moratorium on
subdivision plans and site plans @vould place a financial hardship
upon him as well as many others.
@Ir. Dou.,las Talbot - representing his firm and clients, indicated
tliat in his opinioii tlie information requested by City Council of
the Planning Departriont could not be assembled iii sixty (60)
davs which would result in the extension of the moratorium on
sLtbdivision plat review at great exp--nse aiid loss of business.
Ntr..Jack Robertson - Pr--sident of tlie Virginia Beach Board of
P,ealtors noted tne failure of the City to @ive anple liotice to
tiie public and int--rested parties as to their intentions with
regard to tlie inoratoriuyit oii subdivisioti plan r(,viciv and indicated
tlia-L, it was believed the actio,-i @vas taken I)v City Council ilithout
du@ regard to tlie eefect on businoss iitd ei.-Iploye--s.
After the discussion, Councilman Holland, seconded by Councilman
,@talbon, made a motioii to postpoiie a CoLinciL vote on tlie i@lotion
previously presented by Councilmaii Callis, as previously set
Eoi-th and discussed. I'lie recorcled @,ot-- is as follows:
;,@yes: Councilmen Mayor Robcrt B. Ci,oiii,,@ell, Jr., Clarence A.
iiollaiid, and 1). Nlui-r@ly \Ialboll.
@,@a@vs Councilifieii John A. i3auiii, Rob,-,rt @l. Callis, Jr., Vice PIayor
17. i'oid Frv@ii, Cliarles @'i. Garciner, C,@ii land L. Isdell, and Floyd E.
crfield, Jr.
Co(incL!t@icii IZ. l@cri,ell @ilid I. Clirtt--@ Pa%ln
lit, ;@ic)tiaii to I,,o-stl)ojie
Vice 'Aayor Ervin tlici,, preseiited an ar,,.endment to the original motion madt,
by Councilman Call[s, which amendment reworded item two of the original
motion to read as Jollows:
"During this study period I move that zoning
applications for single and multi-family use
and subdivision plats, except subdivision plats
for property on which physical improvements
have been made as of the date of passage, January
21, 1974, not be processed, to be in effect for
sixty (60) days from this date."
Councilman Callis accepted the rewording of his motion, whereupon
City Council, by recorded vote, adopted the following amended motion:
Ayes: Councilmen John.A. Baum, Robert H. Callis, Jr., Vice Mayor F.
Reid Ervin, Charles W. Gardner, Garland L. lsdell, and Floyd E.
Waterfield, Jr.
Nays: Councilmen Mayor Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Clarence A. Holland,
and D. Murray @albon.
Absent: Councilmen Ceorge R. Ferrell and J. Curtis Payne
1. The City Manager is directed to inventory existing zoning
districts within the City, determine how much vacant land exists
in each zoning classification, the number of dwelling units
allowed, and the number of outstanding use and building permits
in each classification in every area of the City. At the same
time, the full administration is directed to study all systems'
capacities such as water, sewer, off site drainage, school and
transportation to determine if existing capacities are adequate
to allow continued development. The staff is also directed to
analyze the Current Capital Improvement Program to determine if
monies are adequate to satisfy obvious deficiencies.
2. During this period I move that the zoning applications for
single-family and multi-family use, prelitninary residential
subdivision plats, and preliminary residential site plans and
sybdivision plats; except subdivision plats for property on which
physical improvements have been made as of the date of passage,
January 21, 1974, not be processed, to be in effect for sixty
(60) days from this date, and this does not include re-subdivision
for a single lot.
3. I move that the City Manager immediately direct the Planning
Department and other affected City Departments to study, to analyze
and to prepare a report outlining various managed growth techniques
and strategies. (In developing alternative plans for consideration
creative land use approaches such as Loudoun County, Virginia; and
Ramapo, New York; as well as techniques applied in California
and Florida should be considered. T-he resulting technuqies for
control, timing and sequence of future growth must be limited to a
capital improvement plan that can be impiemented over a prescribed
period of time. The advantages and disadvantages of each technique
should be listed for Council's consideration in establishing the
City's growth policy.
Explicitly, we are asking for a@plan for planning that is
designed to link future development t@t@e-availability of
services and tlie cost Lo provide these, services.
4. Within thirty (30) days the staff is directed to provide
a progress report for Council's guidance in the timing of its
growth p@licy formulation.
ITI:@,l ',()7,i2
Oii iii0t;oll --)v Couiicili-laji Gard,lei-, -,,ocoitlod b@, Counc@Llilian @iollaiid,
Lill@' bv recor@ted @,oto as folloiv-@:
@@,e-,; Counc ili,.ieii ini,,, Robei-t ti. Callis , Jr. , @@layor
i'lc)!)ert '3. Ci,oni,,@ell, Jr. Vice, ilayor l@. Reid Ervin, Charles IV.
(@ai-diier, Clareiice l,". tiollanc,, Garlaii(t I,. Isdell, D. [\Iurray
and l,'Ioyci T:. Ivaterfield, Jr.
,\@ivs: i\4one
Al)-,;ent: Couiicilyaer,@ (leorge l@. Feri-elL @ind J. Clirtis Payne
(.ity Council jiotod its i.fitelitioii to lioid a closecl iiieetin@, January 28,
1974, for tlie ptirpose o[ discussing itcms per7,litted for discussion
uridor Sectioii 2.1-344, subparagraph I @kiad 6 of the Freedoi'.l of
Iiiformation Act of ttic Comniontvealtli of Vii@-.inia.
ITE@l #67.-)3
On inotion by Councilmari Callis, seconded by Councilman Isdell,
aiid by unanimous votc, the i,,ioeting adjouriied.
Ricliard f. @"'ebbon, City Clerk Robert B . Crojii@vell, Jr. l'-Wyor
Citv of Virginia Beach,
jandary 21, 1974