HomeMy WebLinkAboutJANUARY 28, 1974
Janu@i@'y 28, 1914
The regular meeting of tlie Cotincil of the City of Virgini.a
Beach, Virginia, was lield in tl,,e Couiiil (:hambei-s in the
Administration Buil(l','l , irl t,li(@ BOrOL4@ll )I- Princess Anne,
on Monday, January @18, i@)74, @it ':()O
The invocation was gi-v(,n t,,y tlie Rever,,ti,,l (@arl D. Bieber, Tabernacle
Baptist Church, VLt'g-ir.@@i Beach,
Councilmen presefit: Johi) A. Baujii, Rr)l,ler,t Ii. Callis, Jr., Mayor
Robert B. Cromwell, Ji., Vice ',Iayoi l@. Reid Ervin, George R.
Ferrell, Charles t@. C@ai-dner, C"areii,:c k. lfolland, Garland L.
Isdell, D. Murra,v aiici Fl(,yl WaTerfield, Jr.
Councilmen absejit: 1. @',urtis Ilayri(,
Mrs. Margaret ',I. @,@ ist@,@' aPI)eac,,! @:ity Council regarding
a group of citiz@@,;@@ r@,, @il c,@'g,@lilizatioii known as MOW
(Mobility on Whc(.'@-
I I K,, the following
Mr. Keith P@,@@
ReverenJ Po'-, itt@ll ive of thu Mini,sterial
Mr. Rober@
Colonel Ant 17 @@i i)
Mr. Alai,,
Mrs. Keis"er t@: 'r) ti e (@it@ councjl
mobility on Wheels (MOW) to an organized group of citisens with mobillty
problems due to physical limitations. We desire to bring our needs to
your attention and enlist your support for ti@e prevention of new buildings
being built with architectural barriers and ti,,! correction of exinting
architectural barriers,
Examples of architectural barriers are cited below. It will not benefit
our cause ti g.neralize. It is hoped there will be no misunderstanding
about the etamples given. There are many inaccesgable areas throughout
our clty because of architectural barriers. The physically handicapped
have needs and citizenship rij@tits which can be net through your awareness
and action!
A. C:L,,ii Rights.
We want to pursue normal, independent productive lives. This can
be possible with your help and planning. Arciittectural harriers and in-
adequate specific planning to meet the needs @)t tlie physical handicapped
ibit our independence and objectives,
1. Voting precincts - usually located in public schoole, fire'houses.
etc. (physical barriers; curbing, steps, parking problems, etc.)
2. Physically handicapped children segregated to special schools'
due to barriers atid transportation,
B. Pubitc Buildings - A.S.A. (American Standard Association) given
specifications for new and remodeled publicly funded butidings. State
legislation on architect:aral t,,irrit@rs was passt-, 6/2i,/70 - jegal Act:,
Chapter 539. These al np,,, @l, be iwy)-.o,niented,
EX-PI-8 of buildings with architectural barriers;
no ramp. 1- New Circuit Court House - V'Irginta seach (under construction)
2. Virginia Beach Hospital - only a few rooms have facillties large
enough to accomodate a wheel chair, Parking lots have no spaces
reserved for handicapped petsons. rhese spaces need to he near
entrances to the building and the spaces need to be extra wide
so that car doors can be opened completely.
3. Linkhorn PlementarY Schoo)- (votinti precinct) - not ac.C .... bl,
to wheel ctiair voter. (p@,Ysical @,arriers).
4. Plaza Ji-. iltgh F@chool - P-lanetarj@JM t,,(,,t accessable to @eei chair
althovgh ftinds w@.@t. us
5- KemPsvil'40 Library @ea,.L@, p,?,b.',+/-MB @ontinue With ?tot b,l,,).
6. Post Off i -e - f,cndon Eridlze
7. A.B.C. Sir,re F--,Irifir s 3lat
8. Social Seri,rit- R@ill,tivig - Va@ l@,@ h Blvd,
9. D.M.V. ii@ 3.
10. Redwing Pi@.r@ agnping areas provided
are inade(@i@.@t(, t @itcai)ped,
C. Commerc:Lal Bu@liings witt, sarri-irs; r--ent obstacles to living,
1. Shopping rentet-
2. 'Jan'.cs
3. Doctor's vf@ices
4. Savings 6 loan t@Gociaticit,
5. Telephone Buildlng arfd bcoths
6. Departments storeg, vartpt,, si.@re etc,.
7. Drug stor@.,,.
S. Theaters
9. I%estourcnts
10. rrocery Ftores
11. Apartment b,,ildtngs
12. Hotels ac,,ki @lote3 i
All of the area !,ii,elient obstar@,", when no planiiing hao been
dons for the exceptio@tal I)Llbl'@C @,ith special E)et-is, There are Individual
states making great ctri@'@-s t(,@,ard the goal .,i rieeting the needs of handi-
capped persons. For extprLe, i,,i C)klahoma, bi,.,.h lulsa and Oklatiom-i City
hava N~yor's Connittas for r~nova! of architecture! barriers and state
leg!slation !n regard to specifications for buildings, schools,
re~tion areas, etc. The elites have reserved parking for whee! chair
~ocally, to citq · few examples0 some consideration Of nots ts balsa
A. ~ontgomery Ward's at Janaf has ra~ps a~ all entrances.
R, P~brook Nail has a fe~ ra~ps.
C, Jolly Ox Restaurant - Virginia Beach, has ramps for entrance
and lmnd ~rips in the bathroom.
Va, National Bank - Laskin Road - has wheel chair r~p.
Rock Church - Kempsville - drive in ~mtrance
F, Prince of Peace Lutheran Church - Kings Grant has a complete
ba~ter free sanctuary ,mder construc~ion.
G. Special automobile license tags for handicapped frou the state
have been a help. Gas rationing can present a great problem to a handi-
capped lmrson because public transportation i~ prohibitive; yet needs ara
essential - so~e priority should be considered.
Councilman Cai ~l~ ~u!,m~ ? ,~, , i' · ;n~ lmenJ~nt for clarification
· " ua~u~ 21, 1974
regarding Item
"During this De~ ::' :~ove tb;t t',. on~n ~pplication~ for single-
. . · . 4 1 subdJwision ~lals
family and muJt~ ~xm:t[. u:17. rr, ~ ' r" ~'~,~:~en:~a .
and preliminary ~ ' '~ '' '~I ~ t<. { . ,~, subdi ~t. , except
subdivision pint ~ +or -,-:: ,~': ~ r 'i, f~¢~,_a~ improvements bays
been made as of ~h~ ' .~e ,,, ' ~;,~ i~v . 1974, vet he pro
~ ~ '.'~-~ this d.~,. and this
cessed, to be i~ ~'~' : ~ )~ ' ,' .... '
does not inclu~,' ~c-sut~.i:;:,;~ ; ~ l~ ..
On motion by
recorded vote
!t,! v ',;Ladilma~t (,2rdner, and by
Ayes: Councilmaq .oh. '\. '" t ~ . t a~l .~, .Jr. ~ ~ce Maw)r [:
Reid Ervin, t ~'. ,', '
Waterfield, ~r
and D. Murray bl~iuen.
Abstain: CounciJ'a:tn ; eor~o, ~ i *
Absent: J. Curt ,', Pa 'ne
City Council apl:: ,'~t tiw
January 21, !974
On motion by Councihr m Watcx4iel ;e~ot~dcd b, Councilman
by recorded ~olc a~ f
Ayes: Counc5 lman ;o 2n A. B t ;;. ~z ) ~t i:. <ail [5 , Jl'. , Mayor
B. Cromwell , .Y~ , J~{;txe ' ; E~vir. CbaTles W. Card,tar,
Clarence A. i~cl ,nd, ~irl:?;,; i Il. :i ! F!" : ~ ~'::lt,",'~ ,
Nays: None
Abstain: Count
Absent: J. Curtis Pay'ue
City Council approve< the ~*-'nute..s. t.5 amended, of the regular meeting
of .January 21, 1!!74, acd 7i~pens~d ~qlln the reading of said Minutes
inasmuch as each Comcitm n had ~ ~ .py ef the subject Minutes before
Mrs . Ann fili@)a rd,
iieicli Chapter of the
petitioiis Counci" presenting
i tlie f,)ll,-i@ving in
connc-ctic,.[i iT 11-
F,,? (ember-
I:o l@iilkjic-tct InJet
e i
f, t@ -1 40
OTi motion by Vicc, @l,,iyor Fr,@; n, !,v )u7icilmaii Malbon, and by
recorded vote as follows@
Ayes: Councilman @ohn A@@ !Zobert 11. a'-Iis, -Jr., Mayor Robert B.
Cromwell, Jr., Vice Mayor 1. ilei-@t ETVi3l, '(orge !Z. Ferrell, Charles W.
Gardner, Clarence A. tfo' j,'], I @tT),i I D. MLrray Malbon , and
Flovd E. Waterfi.el(],
Nays: None
Absent: Curtis l@al T)"
City Council app@-oi,,(-,d 'ii t,) (i i 'I@k @ic@, ;ippointing viewers relative
to a street closui,c 1 @loll , )oint and Five Point
Road in the LynTih a,, c@ n
,@ci lias given due and proper
not;-,7e, @e @tituto@ fo,-, such cases made and
provid,@(.@, ',:i@ y appl,, to the C:i ty Coiincil
of t iie t -@cr thc,, @ippointrnent
of @-,(,d p@OU),@ity aijd report in
@@p@--)ior (@f Paid Vi.ewer.9,
any, esult ffrom. the dis-
contiii,. -@,l
r. (-@t @- ri tho Lynnhav(@rl
Borc,,igi@ ard has file(I
l@Y TI'T, ---T-TNC,'L OF TIIE CI'.'Y
I0 F V I
Thii@ -,,arLcs C. Carrinpton
are h e r, L@ low d(,@,ril)ed 1)r,7.@ fr@-y and
repc)rt- i cr I)c@f@Dre
Wil@ I wl,,at -@r)(@onv(,,T-iicnc--(@
would. i "@lo@@i,iq a @-I j-acat @r,,g of
said stl,.2@%'
(@f l,k,ni,liaN7,11, Ci,ty OC
F,,p@arites Parc(@is
'-Ic@irit Road
1 '-)7 4.
Petitioner, Robert F. Sutherland respectfully represents:
1. That piirsuant to the provisions of Section 15.1-364
of the code of Virginia, 1950, as amended, the said petitioner
applies for the vacating, closing and discontinuing of a certain
unnamed road in the subdivision of Rose Hall Shores situate in
the Borough of Lynnhaven, City of Virginia Deach, Virginia, and
described as follows:
A 30 foot unnamed road whi.ch separates Parcels
A and B, at the corner of Holly Point Road
and Five Point Road, in the Subdivision of
Rose Hall Shores, Lyrinhaven Borougli, Virginia
Beach, Virginia
2. That nc inconvenience will result to any person by
reas6n of the said closing, vai-,ating and discontinuing of said
street, and peti-lioner prays t,-iat Iiis Honorable Council appoint
Viewers as provided by the a-@o-esadd statute to view the said
street to be closed and repc)rt in writing to this Council on
or before whether, in the
opinion of the said Viewers, a@iy, and if any, what inconvenience
would result from th(, discoiitiiuing of the said street.
3. That on the 15th day :)f Jarluary, 1974, notices of the
presenting of this application werc- post(@d at the Courthouse of
the Circuit Court of the City Df Vdrginia Beach, Virginia, and
at two other public places wit,'Iir@ the said city, as evidenced
by the affi.davii@ attached h(-'reto.
Re@,pectfully submitted,
i,ow(,l L K. Claxk(,,
Couris@l for Appl.j(,.@iiit
ITEM #(i741
On motion by Councilman Malbon, seconded by Councilman Waterfield, and by
recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilman John A. Baum, Robert -H. allis, Jr., Mayor Robert B.
Cromwell, Jr., Vice Mayor F. Reid Ervin, -ueorg(@ R. Ferrell, Charles W.
Gardner, Clarence A. Holland, Garland I., It:,doll, T). Murray Malbon, and
Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr,
Nays: None
Absent: @J. Curtis Payne
City Council approved tlie following Ordin@irice appointing viewers relative
to a street closure - 30' road on the s(.,@it@, -@icle of l,askin Road in the
Lynnhaven Borough.
(30) FC(@T
ROAD , LYlii,,,f;AvE,i VIPGll@'IA
TO: The @layot- t'@e Honorable
of the Ci'@,@r :)@ "@irginj,3
Your r)ct-@ti(tic@r, the Coii@@regar,-r,, c,f @hE,, "irr,i,,iia Beach Commlinity Clapel,
bY its' truslees, j(hn A-@l@,4r@
and 1',Iward Solor,,.on, heretcfore
appointed by C-r r',, "@ir@,i-llia Buach, li"rf,,ii-,ia
on @'@ay 22,
2. The ct,.,ns TI,,E' p@@ic's 3oceted on the west side of the
proposed 30 f@c-, @ind a SCICO@@C @"e-) cf latid located cn the east side of
the proposed rcad, 01@ Lhe scuth side of Lagkj-ri
Boulevard. 7t r or, tl@at certain paat desipn@4ted
"Plan of i@cp(r@,,,
it, A,,Ine County,Va", datc,,d
May 17, 194 l(@, 's C-fl@CE Circui-t Court, Ci@@V cf
1- I A "herc i.s shcun on said plat a
Virginia B ac@@, C) c -i.
propol;ed 30 Tr C, C, I
C.lc!d @'l@e!'IY (ijr,@ction frc , t,h s ut: side of
1-1f,l,dn E'lvcl. 23@". r!
d f'eet on t@he western side.'
Since recordinf, t ld,,,d nd the distince
on the east si@ie of 3@ has a de,-)ti,. of
closed is sh()I,,,n in red
On a Cc',-,Y (,f tt'@ @r tc, nc@ iT 1,@y be descriteci r,,,orc,,
specil@icall,@, a@
ALL THAT certain proposed 30 feet in width road located@n
Lynnhaven Borough, in tlie City ol@ Virginia Boach, Virgi@iia
and more particularly described as follovs:
BEGIlli@-IING at a point in the southern line of laskin Blvd.,
1663.8 feet, more or less, uest of Seatack Poad, w'licii point
is the northeast corner of that certain piece or parcel of
land desdrnated as "Birdneck Corp. 5.,@ acres on that certain
plat ontitled @lat of ,)ror),rty iocated on Laskin Blvd.-in-
Princess 4nne County
, Ila." -,Drepired by ';,. D. Ga3lop, ccounty
surveycr, (3,?@@ed l@-av @@7, 19L45 and dul@, recorcled in thc Clerk's
(iffice of th@, Girciijt -,curt,, CiLy o- Virginia Beach, Va. in
'@,a@ @l@@,k 17, pLF,,c, 3; thenc., riinrid.ng southeray along the
vesl,,,rn s; de of a nr(,,)oced 30 f ( c)t road as shcwn on said plat,
sou @ @i @ 2 @ @2 ' cast, 108. 7 fet; tlc@,ice turninc Ind ruxittinf, in a
nc,,rt@i,,,rll,,, 'irect@@on '!ic n(@rth si(le of another proposed
3 C) i ir i,.a s, @-; f,lct t,@ a point on the
@cle z@r(@p@j @,cl 3@ f()(,t i-oad; tfie@,@o turning and
f'cet eastern
4 @jf T' @t r(;id l@,@ @, ?oint ci@ :,,cLtliE,,rn
,@iji ri@nri,n7 i.n a S--Uthcrly
o' f,-t Ion, the
1 fo 'i
t@i, r, i-lit of@ l,e@
@i, @i( T,t,li of ihe pro,,,of,(',d
Yim@ite -.,y
15@@, ,fc@ot soi:tli r(,m i) E@ @cii @i,er,,i si@le of @a--kiii Blvd.
2. Your c,,@)rts @,@@e i@rt@ or, e-Icii side of thE@ proposed 30 foot
road whicl,. --*@i '@)e
3. The 3(@ 'oot- rc,?@@ 3(, 1-@ht 'c be closed is no@ used for public
use, tr,?vel cr at@,,@ .1" i-@ be@n u-ed as a public thoroughfare.
4. In ectdc,,@ I of the Code of Virgi-nia 1950, as
amended, pelit@c)iier has ciused nctic,@ of ttiis application Petition to be
posted at the Circoi @o@ rt, City of Virginia Beach@Virginia;
City Fall, Civi- @rii7,cess @@n@ F,, 'r'o2,ough and City liall Annex, Virginia
Beach Borouv,@ @@,jly o- @Tirginia at least 10 days prior
to the dat-e t@i, @etit-4,,,, be rriade to the Council for the
appoint,m(,,it ce,@ ra f @ l,"@ :r@ !@t ..v. Pn t@xeCLII.ed ccpy of said I,-otice and
Afficl,avit h e b 8 a
'i-ed @,r,@@ith as Exhi it B nd C
and asked @@o i- a "ti cii.
ii C@ i@i iccc)r@lince ith Section 15.1-,164
w I
of the Cc ic c riot Ics@i Ihan 3 nor more bil-ii 5
viewers 1e 1,@) V-*CW 7,.i@. .,rin@,)r,,ed prot.)osed 30 fc)ot road as
dc@scr4l7ed al@ i:rlt l@IF, vliel.r,.er iii their ooinicn.any, and if s),
wn,,)t @ nc@ r,ven@,- :-.-,e f Y", ),i ,,@c c@in(i vacating of the prop@,ed
30 foot rcad, @ini i f sai A vd rt ti"@t 1,,0 @nconvenience wou3.d result
therefrom, yoi@r ',-@is liororat,2e Council wi!3 adopt an
ordinance. clir,7,tiril@ th(, v@ic@t@oii c@f said urninE,'d proposed 30 fc)ot road
s(,ught tc, be
-11@e,qpectfii@ly submi ted,
Date: J@in.@, I
l,'Al IT, ALVII-,, CRA@@.DELI,
1) ('T,C-.@C f
C I i@ IT VL -CH
RC li,@
P.O.P,ox 32 @l C(! CliA@,! L
500 bank r@f
L,'Orfolk, V4@rp.,j@i4@@
ITEN@, #0-42
On motion bv Councilman lf(-.@, 'ari(l, secoti(Ici !,v Cotincilma.n Tsdell, and by
recorded voie as fol'low,;: I
Ayes@ Councilman John A. 15@ium, '@obert 11. (lallis, Jr., Nlayor Robert B.
Cromwell, Jr., Vice Mav()r @ @eic@t Fr,,,iD, (@eorg(@ R. Ferrell, Charles W.
Gardner, Clarbnce A. 11@' laii,l , (@@A r' aticl. i , 1 del' , D. @turray Malbon, and
Floyd E. Waterfield, ir,
Nays: None
Absent: J. Curtis Payii(,
City Council approxed I:)],Iow@Ll,,g streel closure 24.77' wide unnamed
street on the soutli Df ;n Borougli which was
deferred from J@iriiiai,v 74.
City of' t"@,
r :@c!T c! s Lrt2c, c)-
c@141-IC@2 an(i
st-,,,ct ol,
@T ST,
VT'@l 1 7@,-
De-,Ch Community Chapel, by its
trustoes, t; in ac--ordarice wi-th the statutes for
such cases f t 4 w@-,i@ld a.')@)ly to the Council of the
City oi' of viewers to view the
in the
".@ie Counc@@- iqlietlier,
opini@-ri @,f t ,i ,.)nveni erice wcii'd resu It from
30 @oot r,id, an,,i has
4 t on
be aT,d the,, are
r-,y ;in@' i-e,)crt Li) @r@..ti-ng
-,,,er, i,he- r a,,iy
and v,@-@@
Ioc@tc., i-ii
or parcf,,l 01-
on Iiat c@r'p@iri
i-)r ac @i l@,
Va. in
a z@(;,
C, -,
i I
I @ I
I i
i I
1 i
I f@'t 96743
On motion by Councilman Holland, seconded by Councilman Waterfield, and by
recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilman John A. Baum, Robert 11. Callis, Jr., Mayor Robert B.
Cromwell, Jr., Vice Mayor F. Reid Ervin, (,eorge R. Ferrell, Charles W.
Gardner, Clarence A. Hollane@, Garland [,. 'sdell, D. Murray Malbon, and
Floyd E. Waterfield, Tr.
Nays: None
Absent: J. Curtis Payne
City Council deferred for a period of two 12) weeks the following street
closure - Old Providence Road in the Kemp@x'ille Borough which was deferred
from December 17, 1913@
I)fl,;CONTI,@@-ul,@ @ PO@','I'T(@:@ OF OLD
PROVIDENCI,' PGAD %%';) AJ)J,'@Cl@TT 1,A@,-])S
(,V Ti[E Cl@Y
C)I' VIRG"I@l2@
WHEI@EAS, it is thc- judi@r,@:!l,L of Cc)tlncil tll@it certain portions
of the's@iid sti(@ct@; @liou.Id be clc)s,@@(1, @ia(@,itc@,@ aiid di.@contin,ed:
NOW, Tlll,'IRT@,I'ORF, B" IT I)v the Council of the City
of Virginia Beac@ti, V@rgii@ia:
Sectj,,ii I 'riiat tlia@;e pr,i t 'ons of said streets and appurtenant
land locitcd oil lici c "ri;4f 1, r 6(,s -ribed iij the City of Virginia
Beach, VirL,,inii, ,,r@ iier(,by clc,@;(@cl, v@,( atcd aiid discontinued as a public
street in tlie of VirE,,inia Lhe said slreet and
appurtenant laii,i@ iic,t I)eing !,,r ptillic, ti@3L@ ;ind travel.:
ALL 'J'ilOSE certairi l@;('c(;, or ti-cicts of land,
a 1)ort ioii of wliicli (,f tlie iiow al)an(loned ind
ill tlic@ Keiiipsvill.e
of titc, ,f il Vi,rgiriii, al)d
b(,-,'iiF, I)art Inc] (lesigiiited
@is I'Ak('F'I, 1 A, I'Al'@(:' I 4-A, as sl,(,%,,n oii
ti @,t rt @lill I)I@@t 11,; 1 2,@ 'i, ni@ 170!z Cill'@API@-.1"KE
A@ ', @Ti i@(; i @-I f A I'TO"'Al@ BA"'K
Kil'il',';@!11,1@l@ qcli I 0
',O', 'I"It"Cl ]@i, 197@l, b), l@@ildi@iii
l@ ( ,j, 2@ ,I @l , i@i, 1 i @ ,I, , o I Virgiiiia,
w @l i t i ;i t t; , 1 Ti 11 L , i i (I c- (l I
'ICS'CR ,,-icii )f LI)c@
Section 2: That titis orcil-iiaq,-e st,all be in effect from and
after 30 days from Lhe date of iLs adoi)tion-
Adopted by tlie Council of tile City of Virginia Beach,
I'I'E,kl P (, 7,14
On motion by Counclliiizin Water@ield, secoiided bil COUTIcilman Isdell,
and by recorded vote as follows@
Ayes: Counciljiteii Joliri A. Baum, Robert Ii. Callis, Jr., Mayor
Robert B. Cromwel',, Jr., Vilce Mayor @'. Reid Ervin, George R.
Ferrell, Charles W. (1@irdner, (:I@irence A. Holland, Garland L.
Isdell, D. Murray Mali)on, and Flovd ,. IV,,Iterfield, Jr.
Nays: Noiie
Absent: Couiicilll-iili J Cur'lis I'@iyii@
City Couricil appi,o@/ecl a l3iTigo P(@r)iiit @il,i)ljcation for tlie Sertoma
1'rLNI P,@@745
On motion by Coiiriclliiiiri @@latcrfioi(-!, -ecOT@ded by Councilmin Isdell,
and by record-d vote as folioi@s:
Ayes: Cotinciimc,,; A. 1,@aum, R,)I,ei't It. (,'allis, Jr., Mayor
Robert B. CromwE@'l, Vice i@c-,id l@i'vin, George R.
Ferrell, Char@@es (-,ai'diier, @loilard, Garland L.
Isdell, D. Nlucral,, Ii )ii, a@ld t,@tcrfield, 'Tr.
Nays: None
Absent: Coiin P.,-Avj
City Council @l i-Iii-Igo PC!'ii::t@ -apl)licatioit for the Salem Civic
League - ilriii,7ef@
On motion by fotiii,l ::)i)dcd bv (:ouicilman Batim,
and by recorded
Ayes: Counci t ip.( i@ o A aiiii), ko' c Ca I I i s , J r. , Mayor
Robert B. Croinwc @,@i ce @4a,,Io l@eid Ei-vin, George R.
Ferrell, Charl-e@ A. lioll'and, Garland L.
Isdell, D. Nlu-ra@ @@ater@icic], Jr.
Nays: None
Absent: COLIDC!
City Council tlie (itv to (,nter into a standard
water and sewc@r @t 1-ii(: @jl,,ar,2 'r@)wnhouses iD the
Lynnha,ven Borc)u@ll
On motion by (@ou c@ iiiia@@i f@ei,rcil, tid@d by (,olilicilman Isdell,
and by recorded vo--- follos:
Ayes: Councilnieri JL)hii A. B@auyp,, Callis, Jr., Mayor
Robert B. Croniwell , @ii-. , (@eor@,,c t@. i:c i i-,,l L , Cliarl es W. Gardner,
Clarence A. Holl@,,;iii, D @ @ILI rra), Nialbon, and
Floyd 1'. Watei,f-ic',@@,
Nays: Vice Nlay.)i !:, 1, i i 17 ri) i ri
Absent: Counc i I ii@ @j!@ 1 i'L., r t i a, n,
C i ty Cotin c i I i,v 11 c F i I f f @@:)TQTIC li@t a t @ Oil t o r e t a in th e
Ci tv I s p re s en l@ i ii,- i v;, al) i 1,1 ii c o I i c Y.
ITEM #(@748
Vice Mayor Ervin discussed with City f--ouncil a subject which had
previouslv been discussed concerning advertising for recommended
members to a Citizens Advisory Commiitee. Pending action on the
matter, the Planning staff has been i,equested to present at the
next Council Meeting, February 4, 19-,@4, a proposed plan for the
implementation of a Community Goals Irogram.
ITEM #(49
On motion by Councilman Ferrell, sec(iided by Councilman Baum,
and by recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmer, John A. Bauin, Robeit H. Callis, Jr., Mayor
Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Vice Mavor 1. Reid Ervin, George R.
Ferrell, Charles W. Gardner, Clarence A. liolland, Garland L.
Isdell, D. Murray Malbon, and I'@loycl 1. Waterfield, Jr.
Nays: None
Absent: Counci-lman J. Curtis Payne
City Council noted its iritention to ])old a closed meeting February 4,
1974, for the purpose of discussing items permitted for discussion
under Section 3.1-344, subparagraph I and 6 of the Freedom of
Information Act of the Commonwealth cf Virginia.
TTEN! 9 -rO
On motion bv Counc@lmaii Ferrell, seconded by Councilman Gardner,
and by unanimous vote, tlie meeting adiouriied.
Ric n
City of Virginia Beacti,
Januarv 28, '19,-4