HomeMy WebLinkAboutFEBRUARY 11, 1974
low bid - Luke Construction Company
bulkhead and boardwalk
item 6785
change of zoning
Downs, G.W.
01 to I2
Bendix Road
item 6774
C:ouiicilnien absejit: Coui)cili@ieii Robel't [i. Caili-,,, Jr., and Mayor
ITE,Nl #67b6
On iitotioil by Councilman Gardner, secon,-Icd bv Councilman Isdell,
and by recorded vote as @olloivs:
;@ves: Councilmen Joliii A. Baum, Vice @l yor F. Reid F-,rvin, George
R. Ferrell, Charles 111. C@ii-diier, (Ilai,eiicu A. Hollaiid, Garland L.
D. Niurray Ni@ill)on, J. Curtis Payjie, and Floyd E. IVaterfield, Jr.
iNuys: None
Absent: Counci I i@,leii lzol) ert H. Cal I i s , j r-. @Lncl i%layor Robert B.
C'.itv.Council approved tlie Nlinute@ oE the re,,ular ineetin, of
F-I)T,Li@try 4, 1974, alicl dis[@enseci wit'i t@, read@n-. of said
inasn@ucli @is cacil Councililap. h@i@l a copy of tlie sul)ject
Nli,,iLites before hii-,i.
ITEi\l "'67C@7
V@ce @,lavor Ei@viii statcd for tlie betieeit oE tlie prc,@ss ttiat CoLincil
,,@as considerin,,, a lo-al iiiattei,, iri tlie I:xccuti1/2,e Session, iihicli
is !)eing carefullv revic@qed by the City Attoriiey. Also, liave in
coi,-,;ultation @vith tlie Cit), Attoriiey @irictlier Liw fil'IR wilo arc,
exi,orts iii tlie r,,,attei, ivliicli poi,t iiis to til question, or possi.ble
qL,,e@tio,q, of oi@nersh@i) of 1)ublic pi-ol),-,Ity.
@@layor Frvi.n fi-irtlici, stated tiilit i-L colild be 1)1-ojildi.cal to the
(li@1%,'s ca,ie lo C'Liscit,,;@; tl,,e riattcc at tliis til'ic, blit as saoii t-s it
i-, rosolved @,ic @vill iit@iko I)ullic ("OLiicil'-,@ acl@ori c)it tliis mLtter.
("al,riti-ton, PI.Lii,iiii@ D@cuc:tor,, @,11 -,d i res ul @It @i o ii i ii r@ e (I , (i
L u iii @ L iiite a zoiii c Ii -t ii,,, e o ii @t 4 (, 5ac l@ J)dl col of L@ilicl f rol,,
0 1 Office I)isti-icr -lo @@ L I'le ori
l,i@,f)crtv loca-@ecl 01@. t@le i cl e@ 0r 06--) t-00t
of il@@irra ,t@isett I)rikc@, adjl(-ciit tc, t'ocifittii@a,-)
'I" 1 ac:tioli is iiccesszi@@)@ to C()rrc@,,-t @l Oil ',Iic C@-70.
"iiL proporty was previ.c)tisly -c)il 11 ii ill i ted co@iij-!ierc i @Ll 111111-r t'le
old Ordiliance aitcl @,as cotivet@ted to uii(Ici@ the
iie@@ CZO records.
(@Ti iiiotioti by Couticiliii@Lri Ferrell, @ecoi,l--cl b), Councilnian Isdell,
@@nd I)y recorded vote t-,; follo@@s:
Avcs : C(Dunciliiien Johii A. BaLti,.i, V@ce @l;tyor F. Reid Erviii, George R.
F@rrell, Cliarles W. Gardner, Clai@eiice @. liollaiid, Gartancl I,. Isdell,
1). @lurray Nialbon, T. CLII@tis P@1Y]le, Lit(! @loyd L. I%atorFio.Ict, Jr.
iNays: None
Ahs eiit Councilineii Robert 11. Cillis, and @lavor IZobert B.
Ci@oiiiivell, Jr.
Cit)T Council approved a r--solution to i,eadvertise to refer back
to the Planning Coi,,ii-@tiss@ion a parcel o-, larici frof@l 0-1 Office
District to B-1 Business-Residential D4,stl-ict on property located
oii tlie East si.de of liol.tand Road, 665 @eet @'@ortli of. \Iarra@.ansett
I)rive, adjaceiit to Pocaliuntas Vill@t,,,e, 2..165 @icres of laTIC1.
0 7 i) 9
@er .f ficition
n 0 t "r., r a C@!a-no, n
Pesident"al Distric, to @,O,-2 r,@ Qro-
I I I @, I @, I 1,
@,t a Of)ir,'- ICI-21, r,,@r,? or !:,-,s o@': S@,ell 'load
l dis',ance ol- fa@t
a @is@arice o@ 37@.-O fe!et ilorg @as@-
-i:-j il rg e-n rr!7@rty 14n.- atid rlj,,In@,ig
@!4s'@-ance al@ 42-1 feet alo-iti
-Foe 6.71
nc @r--e: 4 n -
11- j@t@r) .
)tio@i @,ass-'2d- !Anaqi,- Isly by 'Ll@e to ',2ii@i t@.is req:jest
@@cii i-i 7:n,? pr@@er+.,,/ .o@s no@, @,ave lc'oulf2vard ard th?re
cG,@,,ercial -rorer@,,i t@@,- @ar,,.a.
Grover C. @irio@ht, Jr. , Attorpe,. rc@)i,oso,,ited the apl)licalit.
Garia,-id Layton, Attot'ney, appc,,,qrccl Lii f vor of the application.
Oii i:iotion by CouricilITIan Ilollaiici, -,;ecoiicl--cl i),, (-,ouncili@l@in NI@ilboil,
by record'2d vote follo@@s :
A@,c-s CoLinciiiiieii Joliii A. BiLirii, Vice @l@i%lof t:. Pei,,l P,.
[@(3i-rell, Cli@Lrles l@. (,'Iai-oitc,@ flot (;Llrlaiid f,. Tsclc,.Il
J. is Payli , -ilict l@loy,l
t t 11 . (:@( I Lis J t'. ;i,,it i- Rt)bort 1, .
(:Otlllc@ I al)l) t,ove"! Col J o@ iii, LII)C)ll poti,tlo:l ()f
j), P@iii-fill, a OC ori@ll,@ 1:1,,Iss-
; i - a , @ t)TI @ i oill f@ - [@e, @@ i dc@itt, i @i 1) i @ @, i i :l L,,, j@ - -1 tv 13Lts i n,, @s
@) i @: i I c-- -1 .
Ol't)"iN'ANCE UPON PJ@il'l'[Ol@ 01; Z0274010
ROBL@R'I' D. RtJF'r@f-@, JI@., I:Oi@
l@csicleiitial I)istrict ']'O B-2
(-oiiimuiiitv I)isti,ict
Be it orclained by tlie Cotincil of tlie City 0- Vit'ginia Beacii, Vir.,inia:
Potitioii of Robort D. RLirfi,n, Jr., for a ChLinge of Zoninq District
Cla@;@iFicatioii front R-8 Residential I)istrL-ct to B-2 Coinmunity Business
D@s,rict oil cerlain properly be,,iiiiiiii, at a po@nt 1000 feet riore or
less Nortlieast of Shell l@oad and runnin,,, ii distaiice of 732.22 feet
aloiic, the Sotitli side c)f @orLhar,,tptort 'T@oulevai'd, runiain@. a distance of
87@o.90 foet alon,., tlie Eastern prol)erty line ard running a distance
of 424 feet along tjic @iortli side of Sliell l@oad and runnilig a distance
of 453.10 feet alon,,, the @Vestern prol)erty Iiiie. Said parcel contains
6.71 aci-es. Sajo Farms Arca). Bavsido Boi,out4li.
6, 1)74
T@i !,:)rcrablQ Ci'@Y COu"Cil
City Pla4
'I'lle SLIbicct c 11 i-@ts Of Iv 6.71 Licros Iricl is
acen t to SLI@)@; tait L ial CO i@tiiic-c@i@II -C) t-110 a l@Lf e
re s ideiit @al zone to [ii(, e@ist . -l' L-, c-' --Ii -- r a, t e
-@uffici@-,ilt ti,@iffic to @;lcl,@aso tile i,e@ik 'tio@Lii@ lo@Ld oii i\lortitar@iptc)il
Boillovard to 13SO t-0 t'11(2 "IC,;i,,Il clil@lacity
of 1300 cLrs .
Approval is sul)ject to tlic folloi@,@iii,, til)ILIZltiolis
1 Staitctat-d -site piaii i-ovic,@
2. RequiTerqeiits el the D--pzti,tT,.iciit of (:ojni,liunity Services
ITF,@l @6-;/'O
r,m 0
AldiT,L- ]. Coffi,,an, Jr. a d P,@n,,iDop, @-). C,)-@ an f r a C@,anqe of Zoninq
.6 , rom 3 @rl @l,l l@-isir,.ess District ',O 1-1 al
Ll,str4,ct C]3ssi@ica@-io @ @ -2 C,-,-u 'Iv -, jst i
,-Iis@@rict on certain p-O.Per"y beginning a" a coint 35@. feet r,,ore or less I'i[)rt'least
oF '@'rok Line, riinnir,(,, a dis+aice oF 713.6,9 aloqg -Lhe Eas@, side of Northaipton
Soulevard, rur.@nin(T a distarce c)f 461.3@ along -1@,L C-astern property iire and
rur,n -i,ern pr.
ing a dis@@ance oi@ 31,9.3 feet t e Sou@'. @perty lin@a. Said parcel is
t@riangular in s@iape and contai@is I.-@2 (@-ayv4l]12 r-ar@iens .4r@a). EI'IYSIJE
.,@as passed upaiiiii(,,usly by the 'Plarnirg C(,iir-iission to iiodify th@*s requ-sted
change o@@ zoning to 1-1 Indu-,,4rial ,District or,, only ',hat portion of tiie 1)ro'oerty
'-@ zi , Pxistiiig @@@illboar@i str!,@tures and tbe re.Tai,,iing i)ortion o
,,,i t ,iou"d allew th 'he
property shall retaiii cL.,rr@r@-4 "0-2 C@n"'uni@y El.@siness District zoning classij@,ca-
'l- i,, r. .Th-a following oT- t@@ i-l',-iinis'Gr@itiva staff are list,,d @or
in-Fc@rr,,3ti,,)n of ti,le a,t)l
1. S@lirdard sit@ @lan @-3 in t@.,2 Sill.-@ )Iar. Ordir;ar,.ce.
2. ",-iter lin- e,(@LrS40 f S;t,
@ @.,icu],J rt@f'iuire utiliti2s ,as@--
ij-- lit4 S
,.nt ac,-Oss privat@
3. t .qa ra r ea h
I ds t@ir 11
',,atural ex @i q@i r.7. r ty. (Soil Cons,,rva'lcn)
:,,ecl a letter requestin@
Carriiigton statell tliat his o@, re@el,
@@ithdrawal of tlie ai)l)lic,,Itioll of A'Cl@lic .1. Coffman, Jr.
,klr. Garland Layton rcqliested tliis @j,,)plication either be denied or
ivithclrawn, witli prejudice.
oii motioii by Counciliiian lfolland, -,;ccoiiciect I)NI Couiiciliiian Payne,
and by recorded vote as follows:
@;,@y @-, s :Ciotiiicilrien Joiin A. BaLti,,, (7,cor,@c, IZ. Clai-eiice A.
flollar,d, Garland L. TS(lell, D. @,lall)on, T. Curtis Payne,
FloN,(] E. @@laterfi (@Ici, Jr.
V ice Reicl t@rviii, @Li!,@ (@l,a, Garclner.
ell t (iounciliiiai,, !Zoi)@,rt if. @l;)ci [%Iiyor l@ol)crt
Cc)Liitc.il appt,()I@@e(I tlie c)t Llic, potiticri of Alcliiie T.
aiic-l I)Oiiclope 0. CO: iTi @ i ii 1 o - ; t (-,i i a ii @, @ 0 f Z 0 11 i 11 ,@
!)i-@tr t zi s s c @t t i o ri i 1,C)ITI B - 2 (lo: i it i l@y rTE-I;t-rL(:71F to
L I@l i,@)tl.ict oil c"I'@ be(,iiiriiii, @i t i
@ltln I
[)OLtlt teC@ 11101"' 01' t r L n,,
t@tilco o 1- 1 3. 6 9 1(@ot ztloit,@ tlic,
propert, tin
4@)l . 3.5 [col
i @ @li SoLi@I)or.'l pt'o!)CrL%l
cli,-,;taTice c,( 349..' 1,@ @l 1 0 t
@;iici pai,cf-,] 1,; ti-i@IDL,'Ill@ir @ll C)Ilt@lill'; 1.2-1 zicr@@ .
@i)! s i @l c@
Cof,@man for a a of Zorina
@on of Jr. ard P"le',O)istrict
l i'@,cit;on -pr@m P-,-, @esidencial Lp-e D.
o L i-I r,-d u s @r Yi-
i@c to.,i cprta4n-,)r-oper'y located at th- @f@uthe,;Ist int@ersection of licok Lane
-d ar,,d I'lorthan,@pton Soul@var,@, runni@iq dis'- of 116.43 feet along t@,e
of 12- I LLir-e and liook Lane Extended, r,tirninq a dista,,Ire of 467.65 f et
the ,',Irrthern ope-rty lin.@ of t,4hich 3@@0.15 f@et is t@,@@ South side of ,@orth-
-on Bc, a]" a the Southern oroperty
ulevard, rur,.ning a distance of fee -n
aiid r!innirg a --Ilstance 0.@ 716-o4 fe-2t along the Easigr,-) Qrop@-rty 14np. Said
CO-,i',ai,,is 1.21, a-'res. (B@Lcht@od-.Sa,/ville Cird@ns ilr-i @AYSIDE BORCUGH.
@"i z f)tion ..ias plss(,(' @ir.apii1ously by the Pl@,,Ining Cor.,nission to
of zoii,.-ig to 1-1 Ligh@L Industrial Ois-.rict on c)nly tha
-p@rty that t@iculd allow @-L exis'@ing billboard Structure ard t
oroperty shall re'_-ain the currently 2-5 Rf,5idential Distr
Th,2 --olloiiing requ4rcnents al@ th a,-;niinistrat-lve staff
of t,',,e appl,cant:
1. Stand3rd sit! plan ii,-provements as requi-ed in @@he Site Plan Ordinance;
:IrCeSS pernii-t@d to i,,,Outo 13. (Engiieerinq)
2. 'later lit)@ @x"ension @iould requi re i 4,@0-foot utilitics eas-@,ent acr ss
property; would r2ouire sara as It',,p fnrc,oin@, ava4lable. (Public
City @@i,;it2r a] th)
4. ;'Iatural l-'rainaqeway thr--ti-,h @-he pro-erty. (SOil Conservatlon)
.\Ir. Carrington sta@ecl tliat iiis ofi-ice r-eceivecl a letter reqliesting
i-l-itlidraival of tlie, application of Alcli,,,@ '. Coffiiiati, Jr.
;'Ilr. Garlarid Lavtoii requested tliis ai)i)liclition either be denied or
i,,i'clidrawn, witli prejuclice.
CiLy Council app,-ovecl tiio iiitlidrzitv@ii oC tlie petition of Aldine J.
Co,@fiiiati, Jr., and Perieloi),, D. Coffiiizir@ Cor a Change of ZoninL'
I)is,rLct ClassiLication frofn R-6 Resi.d(@iitial istrict to I-T Li,,Ilt
trial District O-n--cei@tain proi)ci,t@,, located at tlie Soutlieast'
Nortliainpton Boulevard,
,,,torsectioii of tiool, l,ano l@xtendecl alici
rup,,iing a distajice of 11.6.43 feet alonl, the East s@de of Hook
f,aTic and Hook Lane E@xteiaded, runiiin,, a distince of 467.65 feet
alloii@., tlie inortliern propc,r,ty liric of ilii,,-h ISO.15 feet is tlie South
si-@le of Northainpto.-a Boul,,vai@d, runnid,- a distance of 486.96 feet
Liloii@, tlie Soutliern profdort), Iiiie @iiid i'Lirinin- a distance of 116.S4
loet ilong the "asterii property lirie. @ai.d p@i-t@cel contains I.?l
'cr@_;, (Beecli@vood-Bayiille Gardeiis Al-c@t). Btyside, f3orougll.
9 i f) @l
Cl@a-,s if 1-@i'4 on '@)-I C,@fica 5 "a L
or, pro.@lqrty a-t. -, p)@@i,,t @@e@t Ea:;z Craysofi @oad, i-unnir.9
,i !jis@L--nce ef feet, a"ong @,--@.e @@orth sidp ,@f "orri; Av.,2n,!P., ut,@iing a dista,-.c-
nf i7'C).@,3 fiet aloncj t@.e sid2 of tl,,.e Vir@,,i@!ia
running a dis,,ircf2 cl@ 23.'@',,' f-,@et a';org p-o-,erty line a-@d Y,unnii,g
7i of 11-1.4,'
Pi l@@@,iing @or@nission
@A ::o@lic)q @las by a V')t-- of 1-1 -lo " by Plirni,ig Cernission to a,)prove trls
r2-ti-@st subject to the follo@4inj requircments a,- @ic.rlinis*lr3tive staff for
rForl7@ation of -ha ap@lic3nt-
1. St-ardard sitl, @,lai ii,.-,.orov-ren"s as r:@uired iri t@-I Sit@- Plan @rdinance.
P,@,Ji--,allip@n of r4 ,;,+, of ,ay @15 fr,@)r, cent,@rli.,ie of +-'Ip exislling
of @"ay alo,,,,i the on '@rris dedication). ('@Lal
3. Ci+,,,, s,.,,qer, ("eal t@.)
i%l t . Frank E . But lei@ I f I , Attorncy , rel) t,e-se@-iteu, tlie app lication.
On ifiotion by CounciliTtaii secontled by Cotincilm@in M lboi,
a@i(J by recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilineii Geoi,ge R. Ferrell, f). t@lurray @,,Iall)on, aild J.
Curtis Payno.
i\Tays : Counciliiien John A. Bauni, Vice ',Iztvor F. Reid Ervin, Charles
Gardiier, Clareiice A. liolland, Carlait@ I,. Isdell, and Floyd E.
!VaLerfield, Jr.
Abseiit: Councilniaii Rol)ert 11. Callis 1, [i-. I anj i\layor Robert B.
Crom@vell, Jr.
City Council voted to dcay the a'[)oi,,e peti.tion of Frank E. Butler,
@lli and l@. Leigii Ansell for a Cliaiige ol- Zonin District Classificatioli
0-1 Office District to I-T-Li.,Iit lridustrial District on certain
property be--innin., at @i point 638.20 f(@et East of Grayson Road,
i-uiiiiing a distance of 150.36 Eeot alc)n,@ tlie Nortli side of @lorris Avellue,
rLi,-iiiing a distance of 172.53 feet along tlie lves" -,;ide of the Vir@inia
Beach-Norfolk Expressivay (Route 44), i-uniiiii@., a distance of 23.39
fc--t aloii@ tlie Nortlierii 1)roperty litic @tiicl r u nniii- a cli-stance of 171.43
Fec,,t ilong tlie @'v'estern prop,,rty line. Kepirsville Borou.@h.
@l'i,.e property is adjacent to the Be@icli-i@ol@Folk IcxDl@essiiay
and contains two billljol@rd-s for ,vliicli @t u.,3e poi@mit iias issued on
,\Li,,,ust 10, 1970. Tliose !)illboards @@ould I)e jioji-conforiiiing in any
--Clilll[@1) district siiice Secticii 21,6 (e) @Liid (C) of tlie (@oiilprehen-si@,-e
.,,)@iin, Oi,diiiaiice de-,;i,-iiates thc,, Vir,,),iiii@i BcLLcli @orfoll, L@ l@
j@@ a Ili@"Ill,:LIY Speci@,,[ Si,,,n R(-, ti,ic@@ioiis. I il i S P I-o,Fi '@io II of
T;i-@ Ordinaitce 1)rohii)i t-,; I)i,lll)oards @,r,, (lisl)l@tvod o3), a rciital,
@@ise or otlici@ I),ISI @l c, t, el I li@ 01 0 ierite@l to@,,Lir(I
_S 'OT,l J) 'ill I 'CCt-(' - I r
I ,10
't'h u i, c o,-, iid i n,'@ p r, c) i t i e s a,-,, zoiiect 0-1
siri,,,Ic fiiiiii)@ Ilic KeF,:i)-,;vil.Le f)cv,,,Lot)i-:Ient I)Iiii
resi(lejiti@il @,i s c --; i t I t 6 uliLt,-; poi- ;tct@e.
is no i@@tter @tii,l sc@, i- to @,01,V@, Ill.,@ @ite. tlie i'@in@le
allo@cd iii tl)c I t I)IO"o
of zoiiin@,
lead to @iii ii@coj:il)@itibL(,, l@itt@l it@C, tilci@Cforc, tile
I Ti-,% I ", 0 7@7 2 ( a )
C@o,i@Lciliiiaii Cardiior, socolidocl by Couiici.li@iali 13aull, friade a ifiotion to
recojisider tlie al)l)lication of l@rank I:,. liutloi@, Ill and 1','. Loi,li
Aii@ell for a Chaii-le of Zotiiiig District Cl@issi-f@ication as the
derii.al sliould be placec[ in tlie afTLri-illitli-vc, Po-si @1011.
Ayes: Councilmen Joliri A. Bauin Vice @l@Lvor F. IZeid Frvin, Cliarles
'@V. Gardner, Claronc A. !Iolla-ri@, G@irlait@ t,. Isdoll, D. @,ltirray Nlalbon,
J. Clitrtis Payiie, ancl Floyd L@. ;Vatei-fi-id, Jr.
Nays: Cottncilj,,ian Geor@,e R. Ferrell
Absent: Couiiciljitaii IZobert If. Call:is, Jr., and Mayor Rob--rt B.
Croiii@voll, Jr.
Citv '@'ou.ncil voted to recoiisider the application of Frank E-.
BLItler, III and tV. Lei,h Ansell for a (:halige of Zoning District
Classification fro. 0-1 Office District to
District on certain property begiiininl ;it a point 638.20 feet
East Df Grayson Road, runnin@ a dist@ince of ISO.36 feet alon@ the
@'orth side of inlorris kveriiie, runii@ing a distance of 172.53 feet
aian@, tiie l;est side oC tlie Vir-.inia Tio@,ch-NorColk Expressway
Route lf44), ritiining a distance of 28.2@ fcet alotig the Norther-'l
prooei,ty line aiid running a distance oi 171.43 Eeet along the
I'@7estern property Iiiie. Keinpsville Bol- tigh.
ITEi@l #6772 (b).
Couiicilnian Gard(ier, secoiided by C:o,,inciliiaii Isdell, inade a notion
to deny the application of Frank E. Butler, ITI aiid IV. Leigh
foi- a Cliange of Zoniiig District (:Ia-@.-3i[ica-cion frorli 0-1
Office Distri to 1-1 L@g-ht nclustri,,,]-.
Ay,2s: Councilinen Jolin A. B,-iuin, Vice Nit@,or F. Reid Ei@vin, Charles
@". Gardiier, Clarerice A. flollaiid, Garla7id ],. Isdoll, and Floycl E.
@',-,tLcrfield, Jr.
a)T s Councili-@icii George R. Ferrell, 1). ?4tirray %Iail)oll, and J.
CLirtis Ilayne
Cit '@, Council approved tlie denial ok@ the above application of
Fi-anl, E. Butler, Ill and V,. Lei,,Ii Ansell i-or a Chan@e of Zonin2
1)@sti,ict ClassificLition froi,,i 0-1 OFfi(:e Distric I-I Li,
Til(Ttt7 L ial Distri@@u@certaiii pt,ol)ert@ I)e,,infiing at a point 638.20
@@lot Elast of Gi,ziysoii Roacl, rlinniii@, Et dist@iiice of J.SO.36 feet @iloii-
tlie @@orth Side o' ',,Iorris Aveiiue, ruyliiin,T a clistaiice of 172.53 leou
aioi,.Z the I'@'e-st side of tlie Virgiiii@i i@eacli-i@oi-foLk Expross@l,,Ly (i@outo
@;411) i@uniiiii,, a distl-tnce of -18.29 '-e(,@ tlie ',,ortlicrTi propel,t)-
and ruiiiiin,, a di-it@iiic of- 17t.@'.@ @'lloii,,, the ;Vestern pi,o@ert),
@,ejiips f),o I ou
Ilvl 7 3
70r,.i t)n "@v 'or a
iic,, ii'-4ct C'as-4
i@,avy irdu5triai
o, @ @l,-
-a ',e@ in. n !,,ig ati t t r r 1-?s3 es+ 04
2@'U ')out@i oF -lornek/ rlizin@i,-Ig a "anc,-, c,
the P-a:;t,.rn a ,,ice of l@'8.7- f-oet
uro,,-ert,y line and rti-Ininn ad 413 @,ance
feet alorg t@.t@ a @.ista@ice 0.@ @,C@,3 f@-et
or less alonl t@-I prooerl,y con@-@air,.s 1.5 -acres
)r loss. ",E,,',IPSVILLE
Ccr-@n ,@ s s i r@n @ ec.,@; r@.@encla t i @on
i nassed unani.-.ously '-y t6o Plarninq Co@nission -Lo approve @his r,?ques"
vias . .1-
si@"i)ject @o the oF s@laft@ f^or tiie I'nT-orra-
n o@ the ,pplicaf,t:
1. Standard site p7an i-orovenen@@ as rt?(,,@ r- , 4 n t! - Sit,, Plaf,, ilrdi@n.,-irce -o
inclij,"p- a 5@)-foot dra,*@n-2t-le alona- t@.e sduthern Droperty li;-@e and a
d r, 4 T.)ag 2 easer,,ent along @p castern p.-oper@"y l@!r,2. (E.,Igineering)
@Ir. Fraiak F,. Butler, 111, Attot-nev, re,,),-es nte(I the applicant.
Oii motioii by CouricilTitan Ferreil, se-c)i,ded l)-X Coulicilman Isdell,
a,id by re--orded vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Bauri, Vico, l-layor l@. Reid Er@,in, George R.
Ferrell, Charles l@. (,ardiiei,, Clarcnce A. tiollancl, Garland I,. Isdoll,
D. inlurray Malbon, anci f. CLirti-,; I)AVTI'
Nays: Noiie
Absent: Councilman Robert 11. Callis, Jr., and @l@iyor RoberL B.
Cromwell, Jr.
C@ity Council deferred utitil Februai-y 25, l@)74, the petition of Gee's
;'@'cidin@ Corporatioii b)7 Fi,ank E@. Butlci, Ill, Attorii v, for a Cflange
of Zonin,_@ District Classification fro!-,i 0-1 Office District to@-2
tteavy Industrial District on cei'tain property at a point
303 feet inore or less I%Iest of Bcndix [Zoacl and 20L) feet South of
Boiiney Road, runniiig a Llistance of 600.S6 feet alon,, the Eastern
property line, runiiirig a di-,;tajicc of 108.7@@ feet alon,., the Soutliern
property line rvir-inia Beach-Norfolll- Expres Vay) and runnili@ a
distaiice of 604.64 feet along tlie 1"'e@terii I)ropertN line and runnina
a distance of 108 fect iiiare or l@,,;s aic)n,@ the Noi@thel't, property line.
Said parcel contains 1.5 acres r[iore oi- ICS-@. KeT:ipsville Borou-Ii.
I 'I' l@,%[ @14 0 /i
n. of C. -rps,3 @.4. i,@d @y
T@ t 1 i'ast o@ -n(lix
-i L
2(10 f
-i i,7,n,3 -Li.@ @r- t,,/ I i fe?' i,,or@ or
@i o r; r
s ,o t@ii r@,@,n
r ,!4r @l;ln
i3tl- @,u r iiv @'OP 1',@ :tr)t) " @calit
al)pc.,@ircd foc iii-@
G@iti, ss 1)
,)II 110tiOiL 'Dy COtillc@i 1711,111 l@ori-cll sccoit( (@d !),@ Coit-,i,@i,ljn@iii @'@,itcr[ield,
@iiiC@ x@ecord,@(I vote as (-olloas
A\,,cs CC)L,,Ilcilr@icii V@i c @.!,tyoi, F. fzoi,ci l@i-vin, G(,,oi,,.,o R. Ferrell,
@"Larence A. loll@ind, (i.@irlaiid L. Isdoll, D. 'ILlrr@ly lll,,tlbon, J.
Paviie, ctiid t'LoVct j:.
.@ays Councilinen Joliti A. Bauiii aiid Cli ii-le,-i @l,. Garclner
n t C(Dunciliiian llobc,,rt 11 . Callis , @r. , aiid T,1/21LLYOC P@ol)crt B
Ci,oi@l@@ell, Ji,.
C@lly Council approved tlie followiiig Or(lin,,nc-e upoll petition of
Gatress li. L)o@ins ancl Gericvic)lle G. Dowjis for a Cliari@,e of Zonin@
District Classification froin 0-1 fficc@ District to I-2 Heivy
Iiidustr@al Dist-ict:
Office District TO 1-2
fleavv lndustrial District
Be it ordaiiied by tlie Council of tlic City of Virginia Beach, Vir.@inia:
P--titiop- of Gatress Downs and Genev@elle G. Downs by Frailk E.
Butler, 111, Attorney, for a Change of Zcyning District Classification
from 0-1 Office District to I [leavy [tidustrial District beginning
at a poi-nt 411.52 feet liest of BeTIdi,@ Road and 200 feet South of
onney Roacl, ruiiniii,@ @i distance of 606.64 feet along the L-astern
prol-;erty line, i,unnin,., t distanc-c of 1()6.25 feet along the Soutilern
property line (@Tir,,,inia 1'eacii-Not-Colk Fxi)rcs-,;way) running a distanc,-,
o'7 581@.25 feet alon,., tlie Western prol)crty line arid ru-@iniii-. a distanc-e
of 170 feet i,,ore oi, less alotig tlie property line. Said
pai@cel contaiiis 2.2. acres inore or ciiiosville Borou@lh.
Approval is subject to tlie Eollot@in, stipulations:
1. Standard si-@e plan iriproveiiiont:3 as reqliir--d in the Site
Plan Orclinanco. (Enl,,ineeri.ng)
2. City @vater an(' sewer (k@lion IvaiLal)l.e). (liealtli)
3. Dedication of r@@glit o[ way -equir(@d to 1/2,iidc!i Boiney Road,
riot to exceccl 2S fc.-e.@. @t-ofli tlie pi-,,sL@nt existin, right o@, @,-a@,.
n ia
s r vs
.12 f@ t
a cj@-C@
(!is! r! r',--
)f l@, i-@") pi,
.7"s V
Lo t@l@?
'@ici L' 0 1 @i
A@ c-s (,@u Lill C i li-@icit c r 1, c t @'Lll I'@l @!,L I 1) oL @lit@t
tis i'Llyll--
Couiicilin,li J(,@@ @i A, r I:. Reid Ervtii, Ciiaries
Clarciice A. ifollaild, I,. Is,.Icll, a.,id E.
c I d , J i-.
i) s ii t C o 1-1 ii c i i ni e I i I 1 o f) -, i@ t i i . (:@ill L-; r, alicl ',I@ivoi- 1 ol)er" B
C corii@vo I I , J
CiLy Council voted to de@riy tllc al)ovo n--,tition oF Fala Corporati-oii,
a @,@irl,inizi Corporatloji, for @i Cliaii@_@c o[ Zoning D'L-strict (@lassi@@ication
rc)m 0-1 Offico District to 1-1 L fill(iti-;t-
l' a rtain
I)i-ol)oi-ty be,iiiniii,, at a I)oint SSO feet rgor(2 or less E-,,tst of Grayson
lZc)ad, ruiinilig a distance of 99.1?- feet along tlie @@oi-tli side of Katie
Brown Drive, ruiiniTlI.T a clistincc of 90.,)6 feet aloii-. tlie @',@est side o-L@
tlie Virgiiiia Beach-iN'orColk Expi,cssiv@i@ IlZotite Y44), ruiin@n- a distance
of 41.21 feet aloii,,, Llic! NorLher-@i prol)et-t)- line and ruiinin,., a distanco
of 102.75 feet alon,., t,@o, lino. Kempsville Boroti@h.
ITEi%l @67-IS (zi)
Councilman Gardner, seconded by Counciinaii ll,aterfield, iiiide a motion
to recaiisider the applicati.on ol@ FalL --'oiporation, a Viriiiia Corp-
ora-uion for a Change of Zonin,, Distric-t Classification @@roi,-i 0 1
Office District to L it I i@Ll , as t e eiiial shol-ild be
placed in the affir,@ative positiorl.
Aves: Councilmon Joliii A. Bauiii, Vice %I:ivor l@. l@eid Erviii, Cliarles
@v. Cardiier, Clarence A. Lolland, GarialiLl J,. Isclell, D. @lur-ray
i%lalboii, J. Curtis Payne, and Fioyd L@'. -Jr.
,@ays : Councilniaii George R. Fei,-rell
Absent: Councilniaii Robert fl . Calli@,; , Tr. , aiid inlayor IZobert B.
Croriii,Tell, Jr.
City Council voted to reconsider the, aj)plication ol@ Fala Corporation,
a Virginia CorporatioTi, for a 'la ,e O' l , ct Cla Latio,,
n,, lo in, D 'Sti -5s!fl
-1 Office District to 1- i J, "
fi,oiri 0 :,,It Dit r, cer "'r,
p,operty beglnnin- aL a point SSO fc,,-L iiiore or less e@ist of Gra@,son
Road, ruianing a distance of 99.12 fe,@t along tlie North side of katie
T@ro@@n Drivc, i-unniii,,, a distinc,,, of ')O.ot) f--et alon,,, th-- ',,;est side of
tJi-- Vir,.inia beacli-I'4orEoll, Express@,@ty @IZoute. #44), ruriniii@ a distance
of 41.21 feet alon@. tiie Nortliern pr()[)e,tv li,ne Ind runnin@ a distlince
of 102.7S foot alon, til,-, ',ve-,,tern ,)ro@)el,Lv line. omps@,ille BoroLi@,,,I.
ITE"! ;;07@'-D (1))
Couiicilnian Gardner, s,-,co@idecl by CoLincl'ij,taii Ill,-qje a iliotio-,i to
the applicLtioll OF COI'Pot,;ltioll, --i
I-oi- a Change of Zon."Ti-I 1)@strict LcLitic)ia fi-oi-i 0-1 O@fice
I)istri t@t@j
c C o u i i c i I i ri U, i i -j 0 i i ,". !3aujii, V -L--c@ l@,rvLf-.,
C,@ii,dner, !,'Ii ls(lell, @ind '@lo\,ct E-.
;i (IOLIIICil]nCTI 1:01'1,'@ll, 1), .3.
(2, ii t Coillici.l!,,I,,Iil !,Iol)ot.l i@. t@oi)ort "i.
o I i i i @t 1) , 0 v c', t 1 1 c- d'-@ I I i i I 0 1 0 i) c,, t t i o,-] t@l 17@ili
o-I o@@ co i) L@@ct L. 1-171 ,J't
;t @l t@Oill SSO I oi- I fl@ist )L
C)i 9@).I-l @ilon,l @lortli s*Lte ot- KLtic
)f @ttoll,@ tlie @"o-St of
t@l,- Vil@@,illi@L (ilolito @44), ruriiiiii@l, Li cii-;tani@-c
c.@ IL.2L f,,cl al@)ii,-, L@no iiil r,lil,nill(I zi di-@tlilice
I 0
0 t c 1, 11 ) 1, C) i t i
WHEREAS, proper notice ttiat EARL W. KEEGAIN would ma-ke
application to the Ci@@ Council o@ the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, to
have the hereinafter described portion of Cherry Court closed, vacated and
discontinued, was duly posted; and
NVHEI@EI%S, application -,vas rnade to the City Planning Co
sion and to the City Council and, pul'suant to the statutes in such cases made
and provided, the Council appointed Viewers who have reported to the
Council ttia@L no inconvenience to tlie public or to private individuals -,vould
result from such closing, vacating and discontinuance; and
WliEREAS, it is the judgment of the Council that said portion
of Cherry Court should be closed, vacated and discontinued;
NOW TIIER'r-E'OIZE, be it ORI)IIIL\IED by tlie Council of tlie
City of Vir,,@inia Beach, Virginia;
Sectionl: That tlie said, por,'Iion ol@ Cherry Court described as
follows in Lynnllaven Borough, Virgi ni-- Eeach, Virginia, is hereby closed,
vacated and disconli@ltied as @L r)ubi.@c tlioroughfare of the City of Virginii,-
Beach, Virginia, saicl portion c)f C'ottrt not beiiig needed fc)r public
use and ti,avel:
Chert-3- (-,'o!irt C'li(,rry i,ane to the
reai, c)[' Lc)ts 9G @Lticl o@@ ot,tii Alaiitoll
L,c@ iii @,, @ c, plir', ti Ii,@(I oII "SLI@l),Ii%,i s@on
Ii o l'o 1,1 1 , Vi l@( i r@ i,--,
veyc) L', c,f titt,
Section 2- That thi@ (@,O) clays afler this clate a copy o@
Ordinance. C I,,, ti'le Clcr@, I)e spread up@,),i the puL)Iic recurds in @Lhe
Clerk's Office of tla-- CircuitCou,@L o@ the City ;,nd inde-%-ed in lil@e @--lainer
.i as a deed @o ln-n,@@.
I'f@;ll @@6777
,:,-iti, of C,,.Ii
fn rf-,,onwealtii Fi,ancial --r @y 3. --iCN2"t, A-@-,,)rne,@/, @,:)r a C@arqp
ii rict frcr-i @@sii-ntiii @istrict to A-1 ,'1/2car'@,ent
on cer2L-ain proderty beqinning at a @oi@it fee@, or less Jou@@h of
6irdn-c@, Doad, ruiiii-g a d4-,@"arce o" l@C,4 fee" P,,cre or @iess alo,,,g the siile
'Dooth Boiil@va-i-d, a distirce rf 325 foet rol-a or IQSS a@ior,@. 'he
prop@rty lin,3, riinii-9 a oi- f-@!,t alD@iq -',he !,Ipsttrn '.)rO-
r,2rty lin-., at,"i run,-iirc, , distac,.c2 of 159.31 F-P' alD@,q t@,-, 'Ic,,r@.hern !)ropar'Ly
Sai-@' parcel cor,'@ains 8.5 ac-es rore )r les,3.
g Co.-nission
passed ur!aniil,,)usllv by th@ @lorTpissio.,i -@o rodl@,, tilis req@-,-2st to
i .@sid@-ntial To@qnheuse DIstric@l- r i'-l A,-)ar+rent District subject @,O li',e
r--qiji-erents -If -,he s',-@aff F-1@- t@--- "rforration of '@i,? aopli-
1. StarOard si+le olan a,@ r,cuircci ir, t@e Pl,.in C@r,4i!lance.
2. -@n east-Y,@est @filly i@@,,rovpd
r)f i.@,3y -is r,2r@,dir2,@,
la-i,cel (,.7niin eri@,,
01@-7,-h this
3. Cilty
-4. of @) Icr-.,; of I i-d slia'l t@, r2qjir.-.@0, f,@r rc.,cr-,ali,-,nal rtjr7oses
z-1@,)irg oil th@-@ ca.;t -it- s,,'-;-s
0,7.co@,,encled that ii,,(@
I t@is is constr,,c- n of I
cf @'51,61
C+, 2
r s i-ay ,),e @,@,liustad @@ -L'@e if,ci @tm, is is issue@' to re @-I 2c
Mr. 'ti. Calvin Spain, Attornoy, @-ep,-c,.L;Etited th,-, applic@int.
Councilnian Payne requested a deferral :)f this application.
Oii inotion by Councilinari Payiie, secoiicl @-I hv Couiicililian Gardner,
aiid by recorded vote as @ollows:
AN,cs: Counciliiieii Jolin A. Baum, Vice. %1.1,,Ior l@'. Reid Ervin, George
I'@. Ferrell, Chai@les @V. Garcliier, A. lioll@ind, Ga-rlaii(l-l,.
fsC,oll, 1). Nlurrty -J. Clirt-'s aiid Flo\Tcl ':. '@"'atei-field, Jr.
s c ii tCoLtiiciliiiztji Roi)ci@L 11. (:@t"i i", ii atid Ni@t@loi@ Rol) .-rt B.
@-@ity COUILC!I del-oi.!.ecl for iiiiiet@, (@,O) @l;@y--i tile tl)OVC peti'cioii C)f
I vc
,:ollil,lojl@ Liltii l-'j.iiaiicial 11'orpoi-,iti,ori, !)y Ok@,e!L @. P*tckett, @kttorliev,
cil,li@,e, of Zoiiii)ll lic@ition froni IZ-3 t@c@;icleiitiLit
i)oi,iit ,"@O feet litol@e ol@ IC@s @ Lltil C)@ SCI',tlli l@irctlic@cl, !'IoaLl, rtiniiiiL,I,
@list@111(c oL ]()()Z'@ (-Oct iqol.e or tt,,@; @iLoi!@,, tlio -,;ide of
or lus,-i @iloii,,
Eeet al,)tt@)
-c ,o c@i
f@@) L ')II 011 .
c)f C@'i@i-onwpalti@ Finaicial -orp., by C,,@n -'. Pic'@ett, Alltorney, for a C'nanqe
k, 41 -
,Iass,",@ication @ro-m P,-G 71--si,!.--ntial Dis@-ict to A-1 A,,artrent
r, car-,airi roi)ert@,2q@nning a@, a .@iiit 470 feet imre or less South of
'@ir(!npck Road, ruining a distance o@ 'Pl@;) fe@' alo,-ln the t4estern pro-,--rty
li,@i? 0-,17 ,,illich IE,,12 f2et is t!,.L, Fast sidd oT' @,,neral Coctli Boulevard, ruining a
of @60.73 @eet alonj th@ @.outh,,rn property line, riiining a distance of
@eet '@.he Eas-lern Property li-e a,ld runnirfi a distanc,@ of 1"4.23
f,--@ a,o,.g t@2 oroperty line of @q@.,*Ich 209 -feet is "@p South sirie of South
7xoad. Sa-i@' parcel co,,itains 41.'-' .,cres ard excludes a parcel containing
ronosed for 6-1 Res4d2nt4al PRIIIRE-S Ai,',IIE BORCUGli.
rnir@ Cormissicn "@ec@,lend@atlon:
was rassel L.,-aniT:lously bv t,,i-. Plarninq Cormiission to rodify this request to
isideiit-lal Dis@Iri,-t rather t' in i@-I Ar)art7er,@, District subiect to the
require!-.lents of t@,e idministraliv,@ 3- ff fcr
;o I "a the infom,,ation of the applicant:
1. Star.@lard sit,@ plan iT-@.orov,@.ents :is r-Lquired i!i t.@ Site Plan Ordinance.
2. ;nnroved t@),,)-foot d--d-.ca+@,,' right of tiay is required to loop
-h,, ite -,o@,-i b)irenec@, to '-er,2ral C@.Doi.,h '-Iouievard. (Engineering)
3. Ci ard sey?er. f@ @l @al
e@ .A of -@, @Icros o@-- lan,l rec,,!jir--J f-3r recreatioral purposes
@C)r @,o,osed zonirig :)n -@ast !li'es'@ s-lies ol@ reneral Booth @@oulevard.
ai:d '?ecr a-lia
P-@@@icatior.. of of ,.ja,y 4-0 fe2.-- Frcn t'@le ccnterliie of the exi@@ting
6. Peco.-,.re@idod 'L@,at @i,e 2@),nlicant k@2 rc-nuire.(l to rarticip,3te in school si'Le
1) lll,,,is is @),ised on con truction o@ 494
in th a@@oint . f $2@,,14R.7@); s
,its an@, r@,y @U,- a,-' :us-,@d tl, t'-@ pc-r,@i4t is issle-d @lo
o,-, -lotion by CoLlllQiiiiiap@ Pavne, secoi,cie(i by Counc@Intaii Gardner,
I)y recordoll voto as folloi@s
Ay s: Councilhiell John A. Bauln, V'Lce @,@@iyor F. Reid Ervin, George
R. 1: rrell, Charles @V. Gardner, Cl@irence A. Holl@ilid, Garland L.
isdell, D. Murray Malboii, J. Curt! [1@l@ne, and Floyd E. tvaterfield, Jr.
@,aN,s :
,\i)sont: Cotiiicilpiaii Robcrt fi. Calli.@, fr. , aild @lavor Robei-t B.
C"roi@@vell, Jr.
C@t), council clererred for n@llet@, (90) (lays tlie above petition Of
1)) O@,.@eit B. Pickett, Attorncy,
Fi-ti@Lncial (,orporatioll, 1-8 Residential
Chaii,,,e o[ Zoiiin,-, I)istric:t fi@om l'
a at
i -,trict to A--l i@patT@,e,, F) istrjct 7) ert@lln proi)ert), bogiiinin(,
I)o@iit, 410 '@- et )I: tess Soti@l@ 01- S,)ii'lli Bii,@Iiieck !load, ruiiliiii-.
Ii@t@ince of -100 feet tile of @@iii-cli
i)o -LI1 l@otilo@,,arcl, runnill, @L
@-I feet is tli@ L@ast- sicle of c) I
@-ztiicc Of S(,e,.78 Cc t ,aiofll cl@Ll ruiiniii- @@,
c tlie )l ilierri I)roP v lino,
ic and
LLilice Of @-@ z@, I f c( t alon,) pro,[)el-ty Iii
,I, Il@ ,01.ttiotl I)i,oT)el-t@ i[lic of @vli@cli
'i@;taiicc Lf 12-)'I.-3 i c, c, t 0 il,-@ i, I I
L-Ctiieck lzoal. @;aL@t parcel colit'@ILTI:;
')i) f-cet is til,@ SOL,tll (@F Sotttil Bi
'.3 1),@0j,'Osc(l fOr 11-1
f, . rorwea .,-,Inc'a
n -Iric ,o
la s,
a@-I a
a di@taT:c@ -0,
.,-!inning a dist-,ncef I-orp- or l@s@
-14 @,@@t !,;c)r
,-e @j-?Stprn pr,)-,,erty I ine,
eOr lss tiie @lort@;eri Prorer*ly and
@44 f@let @@lor2 a 0
cl , )r I n( -ern pror)@-rty 1. iii@ a@,d
cp0@'4 2f T.@,.re @ss a JOT)( -i2rn n"ner,y
n las
cOnta4ns or 3out,' sa
@cres r,;c-e or less. @lccsS' e, id
I 0 ti,, r, pa,.seti by t e p tr!.T,)issioii lo ar,,-@-ove re,-,uest
sL:@j,,Ct to thP,
'ioi-, of@ t,@.2 aDplican,@: staff for the
1. S-landard sit@. )Icln a,, requir-,-l in t@e Si@e Plan 'Irdinance.
2. ;l fLIly im@roved 6@1-7-oo@L, J-.dica+ef! rig@it o,, tiay is r@.ulr@d ti loop
tfie throtjqh t)@a si,@ fr-,,,i '@oith @@o-ad to I..-nlral 3octh -pofilevar,,'.
1 ',Y t r er. ,3 7
A ilf 8 acres of land I br@ -f-or r@creational @urposes
)r or,)pos@d zon! g ciiara-@s an(,, of C,@rc-ral Boot;i
(;,-Irl-,s a!-@d i@,ecreation)
S. to !r) sch,-ol site
-1 s e,4 .1 rtiction ol 23
i.,i tila arioliit o'@ -);499.1-1; ;F f),i c r@, s +
@,l ar. d ray k@e i,4,,Ij [IS L
a'- lit i, lssupd
o riilect any
Oit motion by Councilnian Payne, sec,)nd @d 1)@@ Coiric:iljlian G@ll,dier,
an(i by recorded vote Ls follo@vs:
Ayes : Councilrien Jolin @'. Baujii, Vicc i'layor l@. Re id Frviii, Cear.@e P,.
Ferrell, Cliarles P;. Gardner, Clareii(@o A. Hollaiicl, Garland L. isdeil,
D. Nlurrav i@Ialbon, J. C:urtis Payiie, @tri(i Floyd 1-1. Jr.
j','avs None
Absent: CouncilinLin Robert 11. Caliis, Jr. , ancl @la)-or Robert B.
(:i-ty Council deferred for ni.nely (90) da'vs the above petition of
CoT,ifiiont,iealth Fiiiancial (:ot@@)oratioii, b), Oiven B. Pickett, Attorney.
f@c)l, a C-lian2e of -nitig Disirict Cla-@@i Cicition fropi R-8 Residei'tial
I-T)-jT r@L ori cert@l:-Ln I)TOpertv
at a point i@100 @'cot itiore c)t- Ic,,;s Sotit,@ Of so Litli f@irdnec,@
1,@ a
@iiid 115 fe(@t i!ioie oi, lc,@@ '-,t of (7, e ii e i, ct IBooth 13oulevtx@cl,
rL,,iiniii., @i di-,;taiic of i7'-j feel i'@io l' o i- @iloiig tlie @Vesterri J)l@operty
Li7ie, ruiiiiitig a (lis,'@iiico or 444 Feet in()i-e oi, atori,, tlie Noi@thei@n
t)i-(,@)ei-ty line aiid I'Llfilliri@, a dist@ince o] @i@14 fee,,' iii,)ro C)I, lcs@,i zliorl,@
L'astorii @ilicl of- 512 foot iio-e ot-
z[ i Oil ,, t @ic @-;O u l@!l @-(@)PU rty I i ii t I @i c,-, Icolitli i ii-@
f,.Iore o,, less. Anne
Tr. . I)ircctor of (:or,.iniuni-tN Services,
sLated tlao staff ha(l revei@ved tliis site aiid s@it)ject tO @Ldequate
site I)Iari provisions for 1)@irkin,., arc,,, Iild so ori, @@e find ilo
acLvcrse affect to tlii,3.
,,),i irotion bv Counciiiii@in Foi,rell, sccoiicl(,.d bv Counciljiian Gardner,
aiid by recorded vote zis @ollo@,is:
A)@es: Councilineri Joliii A. Baum, Vice Mayor F. Rcid Ervin, George R.
F,-,rrell, Charles @V. (,'@irdner, Clarence A. ilollancl, Garland L. Isclell,
D. @Nlurray Nlalboii, J. (,urtis Payne, aricl Floyd E. @Vaterfield, JT.
Nays: Noiie
At)seiit: Councilmaii Rol)ert ii. Callis, Jr. , aiid i%layor Robert B.
C@roinwell, Jr.
Citv Council approvc,,d tl-,c follo;vlng Orclinance autliorizina. encro@ich-
Plelit by the oii@,ier or ass@-nees of the pror)erty kno@vn as the
Vir,,inia Bea--Ii Steel Fisllin,., Piei- loca@t(-,d oq the cast side of
Atlantic Avenue:
That ttie owner of the I)rol)ei-ty @,enei-allv known as the Virginia
Beach Steel f,'isliing Pier located on tlie east side of Atlantic Avetiue in the
City of Nlirginia 13cacli, Virgitiia, an(i al)titting tipon sucli public recreatioli
areas to the east of tlie prc)perty line as sh wn on. thf@ attached plat entitled
"Kev Plan Aciditions to Steel Pier Gall.ei-
y I'@ r,,,a(l(, by Eclwar(-t R. Roehiii.
Arcliitect, Virginia Peach, %lirgin@a, (ILit(,d Dc,,c(,,tiibE,r 12, 1973, revised
,January 17, 1974,a,,i(i J nuary 23, If)7 1, 1)(,., atli is hez-ebv, @tutliori,,,ecl an(]
I-)erriiitt(,d (1) t() tiie pre;,,eittlv (-,ticro2cliin, @tr,u(@Tures a,'3
"llov@ll C)II tli,@ 1)]@it, iti, upoti ;All(l ()v(,i ;ttct) I)LtL)Iic re(@re@ition LtreLli,
witlii@-, lirliit@lli,)Il,,; (ill ti)(@ ite(i lintil sucli stt,uctilt(@s -ii-e
rlc,,@tro@c-,cl @tti,l (2) tc, ( oti@@ti @l(,t "itt(i @ii@iit,t@iiii itil ill'oti 'Ill(l o@-(,T.
siicli wii-Iiin t@i, lit@ ii@@ o.@i tlie att@i,e@l(,(i I)Izit,
i 1, i @iri(I @vo,)(I le(, I
,lie new c@ it,, ar-t@ , 1,@ @)ut(!o@. @ @Ac(@i. i,ise(I iti cot-,necti()n
with tti(-, caicl I)ie@- @iii(i i@estaurant @tic) n c)ti tlie attacli@,@l f)lat,
proviciect, howev@-L', tliat st,icti iuLI)oi-it%l @@nCi p,@rf@ii.3sioti so ,IranteJ cit,lall be
held by tlie s@ii(I o@vner or assignees @itii (le(,Ti@ecl to L)e merc@ly a license and
shall be revocal)le, at tlie plfasure of ti@( City Coun(,-il of tlie City of @@irginia
Beacii, Virginia, a id I:Ilat upoti i-evo(-@l.ti(),l @ill E@ncroacliments iti, Lipoq or ov(@r
,,uch public streets stiall be rerrioveci @Lt ffie expense of sucli owtier or assigns
and provided, furthei,, that nothing [iE,@r(,in (,,c,)ritained sliall be construe(j to
relieve such ownet- oi- assigtiees froti) liability for ativ negligence on the part
of such owtier.
Apprc)ved by the Council of trie City of Vir-,,ini@i Beacti, Virginia,
on the Ilth ciay of @'ebt-@iary, 1974.
c:il. d-, t -@ ri, @[ "IlIt i I l@c21) 7 1 , @L ti (@ rd illLizlc,2 clo,;!, ii
an(i @l I)oi,Lioi@ ol @)id Provi@Lence RO@id Lncl,
laiids CC, a,;t of C@)riier iri the Keiiii)Sville
1- O! i,i
OQ I'@,oI by @i,-, second,@@ by
'I'(l f,y L@,e folic@.iir,
WHERE,kS, it is the judgment f C,,,,,il that certain portions
o[ tlie said streats shoLLId be closed, -@,ica-@ed aeld Ijs,,,ntinued:
t@IOU, THEP@EFORE, BE IT ORDAI-NED, by the Cou-,icil of th, City
O' Vir@.inia Beacti, Virginia:
Section 1: Tli-,t t:fiose por@ioils of -,;aLd street:.,, and appurte-@iant
land located on the piircels hereinafter dc.-;crib-d in tlie City OF Vir.,inia
Reacli, Vir.@inia, are liereby closed, vacatld apd disconlinued as a public
street in the City ol@ Virginia Beact-,, @"ir@-inia, the said Street and
app,-,rtenant lands iict bein@. needed fc)r pl,blic @,f3e a@d Lravel:
ALL THOSE certain pi-eces, pare-Ls or tracrs of I.and,
a portion of which cozi.,@ists of Lli2 no-,4 @@bandoned and
former right-of-@.j-,y of Provide@c@, Pc)a(i i"ii tlie K,@mps@,iii-
BoroLi,.[i c)F tl)e City of Vlr,@Ei4a T'@e@,cli, VLrginii, and
bein., mor,@ particularly n@@!@berz?tl and (lesien@ILLd
@i,,; I'AR(@El, ]-A, PAT@C@lf, 2-@@l- 4-,@,, z@,5 slic@,n on
glat '@PL@@r 01@ I'ROPI,@P@TY Y'Op, CI!7@,,,PEA@IE
ASSO(@r,@T- @,7
'4, 197-1, @ll)Cl pr@p;t,:,@ci Iy
is ,tLL@i l@;,@l @[i @,,;o
of tl@@2
,@@l i -@', t@. @ - t @ .
S, ioil L, f r,) ii
AdopLed by Lh@@ Cc,,,L@c ii of tit@ C; ty (ii V Ln it @@,12 icla,
Wi.r,.inia, on 197"'.
ITENi i'@6782
On motion by (@ounciii,-iaii @auni, seconded !)y C@,uiicililan GLi,dner,
ajid I)y recorded vote a.,; follows:
Ayos: Couqcilmen Johii A. Baum, Vice '@llivor F. Rcid Erviri, Geor@e R.
Ferrell, Charles IV. Gardiier, Clarence 'lolland, Garland L. Isdoll,
D. @lurray llalbon, J. Curtis PAYTIC, @l,,Id t@loycl E. Vvaterficid, Ji-.
.@ays :
AI)sent: Councilman Rol)crt 11. C@illis, @r. , and ilialvor Robei@t
Cl@ont@qell, Jr.
Ci-ly Council adopted the followino Resolution requestin, the
G--iieral Asseinbly of Virg@nia to allow tlie City of %@@irginia Beach
to designate certain areas of within the City on wl-iicii
bicvcle ridin,.@ is allo@4ed:
i@,,;teci b,,: @Jolii-i A.
lo rol-,@,,].ar ..ie zi,,, c) th@? ('ou@-c C) ]i@2 o F a
he -1 -i o @-, @-i Ly litil
Feb ru@
)n !-)y t)aui-,i ',)v Gardner
a ,S L !,T T
y O;-
ITE@4 #6783
O,-i j-,iotion b), Councilnizii ',,Ialbon, seconded by Councilmaii Ferrell,
aiid by recorcled vote @is i-ollo@is:
.,,N' us Counciliiien Jaiiii A. i@aum, Vice i@layor F. Reid Ervin, George R.
Ferrell, Charles l@. Gardrier, Clarence A. fioll@tild, Garland L. Isdell,
D. @lurray @Ialbon, J. Ctirtis Payne, aiid Floyd l@. W@iterfield, Jr.
.1,@ivs None
Abseiit: Couiicilinan Robcrt H. Calli,s, Ji-. and i,layor Rob-.rt B.
Ci@oiii@vell, jr.
CiLv.Council adopted the folloi@ijig Resolution requestin.u tile
F@(1-i@al Energv Office to adjust ti,@e ifiaiidatocy allocation prograill
t,) accoiiimodale fast -,roi@-@li ar--as sticli is Vir,.inia Be @icii
2 @i
ITEi'll "@t,74
,),-i inotion by Councili-@ian %Ialbon, seco,,ided 'oy C:ouncilinari Isdoll,
a3id by recorded vote as Follotvs:
I os: Coun(:iljiieii Jolin A. Bauin, Vi.co M@ivor l@. IZeid L-rviii, George R.
I:errell, Charles W. Gardiier, Clarence ilollan , Garland L. Isdell,
@,lurray ',Iaibo,,i, J. (7urtis P@iyiie, al@d Flo)-LI c@,. '@'i@arerField, Jr.
!7ays i@one
.i'@bsent: Couiic@Irii,,iii [@obci,,c It. Call;-@, Ii,. , @ind la@,or Ro[)Ol-t B.
iiio, P@i@)lic Utiliticc; I)i@,-isi(in relioi--, t:li@it @v@iter ;ii@ter-,; ai,e bc;ti,lT
at tli ritc, of 300-400 pc@i, 1)oiitli. clit-i,ent invontorn'
;iieter.,; is less tli,,ifi 200 @Liid tlie@, f()I, of
is cxhaustecl; @tp,)10',-OCI L $7-D,00(1
iiicro@ts(2, iii tlie to cco,-Iiit
a;iL[ @t $75,000
in \ccotiji-, 77),@,
L t L
A. Vi@,,,
CIai, i@ Ilai(l, (@@trlaiiLl ls(iell,
J, Culti-,;
(@ouiici Iiill,,ti,. i: . @v@ate i,fi J r.
oil t: Couitci t iiiai@ i't if . Cal L is , t-. , @@n@t N,Iayor Rol)ert B
C:itv Council apl)l,ovcd @lic lotT I)id of Lti' 'e Coiisti-tiction Cortpanv
c r'tic colistrttct.@on of a bul,@licad tjid I)oardivalk bet@veen 'I'Iiird
@i,iul !@'ourth St-cots. I'lie bid of $130,4,'-@ is for the bullliead
aiici $44,800 is Cor tlie !)oar(li,@alk, @@c)tal@ng $17S,225.
C@ly Couiicii al)prove@, tli-- request tli@'it Oceaii 'Ferrace Colidolliiniulit
$192,747.50 witli the Citv Ti-ca,;urer ('@'175,225 for contract
@itlard, and S17,522.50 foi- cnginecrin,., @ttid coritingeiicies).
1"ic sun of $68,S9-).75 (tlie City's sliarc@ of tlie construction of 364-
fee@t of bulkiiead aiid a 7:-)-@Eoot tieback), plus any unused portion of
t@io 10@@ engineeriiiq and contingencics @,,ould be refunded to Ocean
Tery,ice Condoriiniuiii kvheri inuiiicipal fttn(I are available and a
rel)a@,nient is autliorized by the City CoLiTicil.
City Council furtlier autilorized the Citv ilanager to enter into
tlie @iecessary conti'acts for this colsLl,uction; and further approp-
riated $68,S93.75 as tlie City's portioit of the contract.
ITENI #67@@6
Oii iitotion by Councilfliaii IViterfielci, ;econded I)y Councilinan Gardner,
ajid bv recorded voto as follows:
Ayes: Councilr@ieTi Johii A. Bauin, Vice @layor F. Reid Ervin, George R.
l,errell, Charles -tV. (,ardiier, Clare,-ice "@,. flolland, Garland L. Isdell,
1). Ilurray ',,Ialboii, J. Curtis Paync, aiid l@@loy F. @'laterfield, Jr.
@-q'ays.: i@one
Al) s eitt Counciliiian Robert 'r,'. Callis, Jr., aiid @layor Robert B.
Ci-oiiiwell, Jr.
City Council au-Iliorized tlie City @laiiager to acquire two Civic
Defeil-,;e lielicopters arid further appropilated $25,000 frofn
Rosoi,ve for Cojitiii.,encies @@or the i-,i,,iinteiiance, training, equipiicnt,
aiici preparation oC tliese lielicopter-,;.
ITT,Nl #67@,-/
l,li. i;illiam IV. Fleipiii,,, -fr., Directoi- of Coini,,iunity Services, gave
a report to Couricil tliat had been requested bv tlio NaLional Audobon
Socic@ty, @vitli refet,ence to tlie bul.!,Iicacl perillit issued to tlie @@lorton
,iay Corporation.
17Lei,.iiiig ,,tited tlie sLLiff liad rovieicd tjio circuiiistaiic-os relatili.@
to til@it bulklicad applic@i,ioii aiicl iio iiiil)rol)r@ctics @@iere found.
I:icllliiig Euitlier til@it tile (@,Oolotic @@ii-vey
iii cILt s'lioii is 2.,@,
9 1)
@itoin,,is C. a i-e-sic@ciit C:Olollv, a,)[)Cal@ocl
Ci'cy (@olilicit 111(i @t@ILC,,(l lie Iii@le, foi, soiiieoii
Up Ltllll Si)c@L" ifl fa,'Ioi, o[@ tl,,c @ill'i tlic (:itv o@ Vi@t-,,iriia
@11ILt tO -,.-lop to zitt o( @s cc)[It@i,ti@lillv
i. --3 Zt 1 d @11)0 Ll rt, !:Lil 11 Ii i ';Ii i ii iti@, jilal,k til@'t
@li,, ii0i'lloll LOI!.
iv ('11 till@
ZI l@;i C-1@ @t @l j[@-, ot- c@i@,ic,. ;i@il
li@) to I;itct-
f@lotio@-i I)v (@oilli@i li@i@Lli ll,t I !)of@ s
rclect vot(2 @i@; f@ o
@10 Liri I i@tei, . I c)ii ii A. V@ci, l@i y c) i- F. @@eicl jl:r,,,in, P,.
Itti r iav b or]
o@ a--rf i elct, j r'.
@@vs i\l C) n c
0 lit C oun c @ I i@taii Ro @) e r t 1. (, a I I J r. , aii d %lay o r Pob e r @ B
("toii,lllvcll, Ji-.
@:ity Council atithorized an expciicliluz,e oF @l-)S,000 to tlic Vir,,,Ilia
13-,acti SQ:hool Board to allc)@v I)octoi, -@ricke@j to tfi@-, bi@l for
'c,lic @c)rtla Landi,ig Eleiiielitar), ScIlool.
fTil@,l @6789
On riolion by Couricilm-aii f@errell, secoiided by Coui)cil-@iian Isdell,
aiid by recorded vote as follows:
A@@es : Couiicilnien John A. Baum, Vice ',Iiyor F. Reid Ervi-n, George R.
Fe-rrell, Cliarles 1,1. Gardiier, Clarence A. iloiland, Garland L. IS(lell,
D. @furray @,lalboii, J. Curtis Payrie, a-@icl l@lov(l E,,. I'@aterfiold, Jr.
i,avs l@one
Abseiit: Councilmqn Robert 11. Calli,;, Jr., and Nlayor IZobl-rt B.
Cromtvell, Jr.
City Council adopted tlie follo,lqing lZos,,)Il-@tioji re,.,ardin@, tlie
R E S 0 1; I J 't' i
WHEREAS, tlie need exists for an cJ fective anLI econoriiic
iiteaiis whereby the City oF Virgini@i i@ia,,, rcdtice "i-oadside
litter" and solicl ivaste, and
!VHEREAS, a law adop-led by tic SLal-- of Oi-egon lias proven
efEective in reduciii, i@tter and t.),ablic expen e in solving tli--
problems by tlie imposition of a "I)ot'lt@ la@,," tvhicil providos for
a reltind value of iiot les@ tlian fivo c@!iit-@ on ill I)ovcra,@e con-
t@iiiici@s unless the bevei@@@t,'@e contaiiicr j@ u-@eci bv i@iore than one
of tfie iitai,k t@, iii c-,is,@ ilic 1, fulid X,@tlue is t@@o
A. JOSCI)II C"Lil@l,[@i @)l, Vil@,*Llli@l ancl Cllive I,. I)IiVal
i i-f ax 1) l@@is s @i c 0 t @t I i 1)1 I @t i- t @D til @,it a,lol) te(,L
'-.ite St@ite of 07-(@,,nil, @tiil
tic@ (@ ri,io lltoii t @l 1,(1 L c)(, @,c 1,@i Ii o t lic I O(: @i
l@(2 of- of tlie
'lotiii@i I -L L v o i@
i t C)I- I'@le i'lO[)o,-;c,,,'
I @ 6 7 @) 0
V"Lce @layor F. lleid l@rvin statod a lcttc@r @vas received by Couli(-@l
fi,or.i the Great Neck -1@st@tL-s area reclue,@tiiig a resoltiti.on to
iii,ike that area a Birli o@lilc-ui.tary aiie, tc;l@,-,d tlic City Atto,-ney to
prepare the resoluti-on For tlie n,-,xt Co,ii-,cil i-.ieetill" on Fobruary 2@3,
19 /- 4.
I'I'F,I,l @- 71)i
Vice @layor @@rvin stLted that betiveeit olir I)uildin, code, f@iliall,luni
liousin@ aid other rel,ulations we liave slifficient-coptrol over
sti,@ictures of qll types ivitli the excc,,I)tion of billl)oards, a@ld
tlio ojies being erect--d iri rocent iiioii'lli@ are unsi@.htly and so.,@e
iii iieed of paint.
Tiie Vice Nlayor requested tlie staff to coiizsider aiid report back to
Council on two items: 1. Impositioit of str,ucture requirements
Lo m 1,0 sure tliese signs are consti,uctcd prol)orly; and 2. To see
tfiat they ai,e given a coat of paint. q'iiere should b- some minirium
recluireinents to ma.kc @,Tliat billhoards wc, hav-- attracti,,,e and safe.
ITE?vl #679?-
Couiicilr,tan D. @lurrav italboii reintroduced %Ir. Tlio-mas C. Fer@ersoli.
@Fergerson state(I that di,ed,,iii,, oTi ilie Laslerri brancli was aPT)roved
icii,, before the wetlaiids act i@as t)roii,.Iit itito effect, and lie liop--s
CoLincil will keep in ri,,ijid that tlic ca.slei-ii I)raiicli col-,i-s under the
"('@randfather Clause".
i@Ir. Fergerson fitrther stated tliat clue i@o erroneous actiori taken
by tlie D--partiRent of Sport Fisheries wlien tiley reELlsed to allot@,,
tii,-, spoil areas tlie City had gotten to@,otlier. Tliey ivero above
ilican lii-@li ivater wliicli is what tlie la@,[ LO(tLlired at that tirie, aiid
tiic Corps of Engi@Icers tLIrned tliis do@,;ii due t,) tliat objection.
l'Ir. Fleiiiijig stated lie @vas goiti@. to ii[,,Lk(@ a i-eport oii tliis witli@,@i
I-lic ne)ct cc)uple of @@ el,-s.
I'E,',l 7 @) 3
('c,,i-iiic-i linan George R. l@ei,rell statod th@it the residen-'s of Queens
liad roquested @vater and sc!@@er iii 1-liat are,-i. As itioncy lia-,;
approl)ri@Lted I-oi, tliis, (:oitnciLili,-ii [@c@r-rcIL requeste@i a
l' 0 @ll'es -@ rci)o i@t f ro iii ti) c ty Nlalia i'
I'fE@l '@671)4
oii i-@iotion by Coil,-iciiiii-,tn Ferrell, seconcled by Counc.-Llman Gardner,
by recorded vote as Eolloivs:
Aves Council.nien Jolin A. Baum, Vic Nllyor F,. Reid Ervin, Geor@e P.
'Orrell, C@arles @V. Gardner, Clar,-,iice @. liolland, Garland L. Isdell,
1). I'lurray i%lalbon, J. Cultis Payrie, Lt@,id Flo),d E. ilaterfield, Jr.
AI)sent: Councilman Robert H. Callis, Jr., and lvlayor Robert B.
C,Ity Council iioted its intention to hold a closed meetin@. February 2S,
19@@4, for tlie purposo of discussing itetils permitted for discussion
Liiider Section 2.1-344, subparagrapli 2, 6 and 7 of the Freedom of
L;i@@oi,i-.,iation Act of tlie (,omnionivealtli of Vir-inia.
ITE,NI lt6l-@)S
I'lie City inl@ina@er ro,-,qiiidod Council tliat February 18, 1974, is a
lc,.al lioliday and there i%,ill be no Co@tilcil meetina., but will
request a iiieeting o-,ie (lay next week tc) discuss the tliirty day
rtniciit ol Plannin@'.
,@lrogress report fi@oei -,tie Depa
ITEM @6"96
Oii motlion by Counciii-@ian Gardner, secoiided by Councilman Payne,
a.,i dby uiianipiotts vote, the rieetin@ acl.joitr-'Ie@.
Reid Ervin, Vice @lavor
City of Virgiiiia
-@ol)rtiary 11, 1974