HomeMy WebLinkAboutMARCH 18, 1974 MINtJ'I'I:S OF TIIE [IONORABLI' CI'IIY (:O[Jpl(-il, OF TFIE CITY 01' VIRGINIA BEACII, V.IRGINIA March 18, 19i4 I The regular meeting of the Council of the City of Virginia Beach,. Virginia was held in tlie Council Chambei-s in the Adininistratioji Building in the Borougli of Princess Annc@, on Monday, March 18, 1974, at 2-:00 p.m. The invocation was given by Mr. Jack Gibbert, Preacher, Haygood Church of Christ, Virgiiiia Beach, Virginia. Councilmen present: John A. Baum, Robert 11. Callis, Jr., Mayor Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Vice @layor F. Reid Ervin, George R. Ferrell, Charles W. Gardner, Clarence A. @folland, Garland I,. Isdell, D. Murray Malbon, J. Curtis Payne, and Floyd E. Waterfiel.(I, Jr. Councilmen absent: None ITEM #6899 On motion by Councilman Ferrell, seconded by Councilman Isdell, and by recorded vote as follows: Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert @l. Callis, Jr., Mayor Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Vice Mayor F. Reid ]@rvin, George R. Ferrell, Charles W. Gardner, Clarence A. Holland, Garlaild L. Isdell, D. Murray Malbon, J. Curtis Payne, and Floyd l@. Ivaterfield, Jr. Nays: None Absent: None City Council apptoved the Minutes of the regular Meeting of March 11, 1974, and dispensed i,,itli the reading of -@aid Minutes inasmuch as ca@h Councilman had a copy of the subj'ect @tinutes before him. ITEM #6900 Petition of Diamond Sprinns Cornor,3tion for a Ch@nnf,. of 70,-Iinci District Classi- fic@ition fropi 1-1 I-i(,!it li,,,Itlstrial @is"rict to ori cor@lain FFop,c-rfy- locited on tlip- @'est sido. of S,)rin-@s it a poin'u 817.04 f--et Scuth of @lvck, Ca.@al and acrn,s frc,,.m Ar,3,,)n running a distance of !,28 fect alorn the Eastern prCrl,,rtl lin,-, of %:@iich 27,- fect is tlie ilest side of Dia-ond Siri@i.-s Poi(l, rtirning a f(,.Qt alorri tFe Southern property rll:iniiio a of i@,,t r@or(, or ltss alotri th(@, I!estern prot)crty linc. -:aid parccl co,,itains 5.2,' i,,crc.-s. (Dic,:,.ond Spi,ir,,gs Area). BAYSIDE LC;',OUGII. Planning Conission Recornendation: A motion %ias pass(,d uniniti,ou-,Iy Ly the Plannin(i to @llr)rove this rc-quest. Ttic applicant his voluntirily aorc,,(,d to ub,@il a letttr to tl-,r, Cl,airlan of the Planninq Co,,i@iission to 1)(! fori,,arti@d t() tlic,, (@oj),Cil l,.,-it ii of l@@ arirt!-@,,nt Ullit'.; t"Ould t'e @Llilt ori ii@;o. -roi@-rtv r@itlier ti@,,@ t@nits uriclor tli@. A-3 !,ri,rtT-iEnt [,)Is-@rict l@:c, Z,,re thc- renuire.-- P)ents of t!ie a(Iriinistrative staff for the in-lo@nf,,itir)n of tlil @i,,)t)iicant: 1. Stind,,trd site Plin iil,)rcvfrient-, is in Sit(, Pl,,n ')r@in.).nc(,, to include a ;10,0-foot Ic@ft ttit@@t a I ln,..ic,@t ti,irisition is t@cq!l-it@cd (in Diar.,)t)d S,@riiiqs l@oa(l. 2. City %@ater atid s(:N(@r. it Ii) 3. Idi-oirc.,inii sii@ill I :T) i;@c, soils t!!e iir(,a identified by "top of of] ti'l@ Stit'V(@y ol il, . R(,cf)! i--n@-(i t Mr. Donald H. R@odes appeared on belialf of the ziprliciliit. On motion by Couiicilinan llolland, seconded I)y Cotinciliiiali Ferrell, and by recorded vote as follows: Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert 11. CIllis, Jr., @layor Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., George R. Ferrell, Clarence A. Garland L. Isdell, D. Murray-Malboii, J. Curtis Paync, @ind Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr. Nays: Vice Mayor Ervin and Councilm@ill (-Iardlici@ Absent: None City.Council adopted the following Ordiiiance upon peti.tion of Diamond Springs Corporation for a @ _Zoni District Classification from 1-1 l,ight Industi-ial Disti,ict to A-3 ApartiTiont District: ORDINANTCE UPON PETII'ION OF Z0374019 DIAMOND SPRTNGS CORPOI@AI'IOT,\T FOR A CIIANGE-OF ZONIN@', DISI'RICT CLASSIFICATION FRO,%,[ 1-1 l,i lit Industrial District to A-3 Apartment District Be it ordained by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia: Petition of Diamond Springs Corporation for a Change of Zoning District Classification from I-I Liglit Industrial District to A-3 Apartment District on certain property located on the tvest side of Diamond Springs Road, beginning at a point 817.04 feet South of tl)e Van Wyck Canal and across from Aragon Boulel,ard, running a distance of 428 feet along the Eastern property lint, of which 278 feet is the West side of Diamoiid Springs Road, rtinn'ng a clistance.of 669.66 feet along the Southern property line, i@unning a distance of 580 feet more or less along the Ilestern pro,)erty lille. Said parcel contains 5.23 acres. (Diamond Spriiigs Area). BAYSIDE BOROIJGH. Approval subject to followiiig stipulatioris: 1. Reduction from 108 units to 102 uiiits. 2. Standard site plan improvenients as requ;red in the Site Plan OrdinanQe to include a 200-foot l(@i-t tut'n lane with a 100- foot transition is required on Diamond Springs Road. (Engineering) 3. City water and sewer. (Healtli) 4. Protection shall be given to tht@ highly erodible soils below the area identified by "top of balik" on the survey of the property. (Soil Conservation) 5. Recommended that tlie applicant le required to p@irticipate in school site purchase in tlie ainount o,,- $6 746.04; thi.5 figlire is based on the constrtictioli of 126 al)a,,tme@ts @iiid iliav t)c @idjusted at the time the buildiig i)eriiiit is to rel-I.e(-t any ch@inge. ll'E@l #6901 P(, ,tition of Joliti J. I.'Oodard, ",arv T. @.!or,(,Iard, Clai".0 phili,l) Piis,o and liiry C. l@!!S'o fOl- l Cli:lii@L' (if C -1 tl P l'O from B-1 Pusin,,tss Rosi(ir@,itiil I)i-,;tr@'.ct p,-,rty benii,!Iirlq Z',t a C) 0-11 evir@l, runnitig a distll)cl of 370.'Il@i ic ii 1-@0.(@3 L ,i i (i o ec! fc,p.t is tl)e E,'@l;t @ , of [11;,Isure. Pc),d, l@Ll,i n,@ o! f t alonq tlir, @@rt!ierii l@ro!,c a E,3stc,.rn pror@(,rty li!)L (@f f(f@, Eilonn @L; Sou t.!,,Y,n prol)erty Iiii@. cont-i-ins 10.7 )re ri, I s . ctDins Corticr Planiiinq Co:@:-.iis,@icri A motion %!a@ [)y tii,@ Plinn-iTiq to irpy,ove ttii,l sul),I-ct to tli- o)- tlie a(iriinis-k,ative 5 L L,,tff for tl)c iiiCot-i""a- tioti of tii,- apl)licent: 1. Standirti sit(-, nlin iiirrovcmpnts as rf,(,uirc?d in th(,. Site Plan Ordin-,,iiico to inclu@c i ftilly i:iT)rov@d (l,dic7ite(i rirht of %i,-Iy to 01 i(in viitli Thurc,,jgl-.(,,ood P,o4ld a;id f-ros-L 2. City t.,ttci, and tll) -in 3. t!@3t t@i@ I i t t@ r ciiiir(@,l to ;@,irticir-Ite in sc@,@l @lite c on cL)nstriict4@)il o,,@ '-3 ptircii,i@e iii th(, of s i r s it t ti t!"@ is l,sued rf,- Mr. Calvin Spain, Attornc,7 appeared oii behalf of the applicant. Mr. John Cousins, Representing the Tliorougligood Civic League appeared in opposition to the applicant. On motion by Councilman floiland, seconded by Councilman Waterfield, and by recorded vote as follows: Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert f@. Callis, Jr., Vice Mayor F. Reid Ervin, Goorge R. Ferrell, Charles tV. Gardner, Clarence A. Holland, Garland L. Tsdell, D. Murray @Ialbon, J. Ctirtis Payne, and Floyd E. Waterfield, fr. Nays: None Absent: None Abstain: Mayor Robert B. Cromwell, Jr. City Council deferred for thirty (30) days tlie above petition of John J. Woodard, Mary T. Woodard, Samuel 1. White, Ifarriet White, James McGeein, Elaine McGeein, Mischa Rafal, Bevalan Rafal, Thelma J. Kayer, Philip Russo art(I Nlary C. Russo for a Chanjze of ZoninR District Classification froiii B-1 Business Residential District to A-1 Apartment District on certain propei-ty beginning at a point 350 feet more or less Nortli of Inclopendeice Bottlevai'd, running a distaTice of 370.28 feet along the IVesteril prop(,rty line of which - 220.08 feet is tlie Eas-@ sido Of l'ieUSUrC tiOLi-,@e Road, running a distance of 965.4 feet along the Nortliei@n property line, running a distance of 770.81 feet alorig the East-.rii prol)erty line and. runriing a distance 6f 846.4 feet along the Southern I)ropcrty line. Said parcel contains 10.7 acres more or less. (Robt)ins Corner Area). BAYSIDE BOROUGH. ITEM #6902 Petition of Clayton L. and Eiva 11. Rudolpli for Cnastline Properties Corpora- tion for a Clian7e of 'n,ilr,! Cla!ni-Ication fro.,n R-7 Residential District to A-4 Apartment Dist@ict on c,-,r-ta-in pr-ope--r-ty-loc-ate(I an the Soutl,.west corner of Terraces Avenue and ',@@cditerrancan Avenue running a distaiice of 100 feet along the liest side of I!e(literrinean Avenue, run.'Ilnq; a distaiice of 75 foct along the Southern property line, runnin@ a dist;ince of l@O fc(-t ,ilo@ng the lestern pro- perty line and running a distance of 75 feqt along ti@e ,-,t)uth side of Terraces Aver.ue. Said parcel in 1-nown as Lots 2 and 4, Iloc7k 31@, Plit of @lladowlaim Ileights and containg 7500 square feet. (Sliadowlawn l@eiglits Area). VlrGIIIIA BEACII BOROUGIT. Planning Commission Recommendtion: A motion was passed ujrianiniotigly l,y the Pl@inninr, to eenv t:l)fs reqttent as tlie I'@@ach Borougli I)eve'-Ol)m,!Ilt i@lan refi.ects !;!Tl@le use (I to (, l@,?r Icr@2) )@l , @ l@ 11 @.'C);@iii i@C@ Lil i-IlLfi@@ion Into an fiir@,@Iv ;; ,@,cpcv tir(,. i,r,)tertloTi c,,,,.Ld not perly I)e provided -Iua tc, t!,fi V. A. f (I C pli T 'l- @Ir Grovor C] . Ilr@. y,, fit, @'kt,, OT)I)@ S i t icyl) to t@(IC appl.icant. On inotion by Cotin,,7i,li@@ill and by recordect vote as f@jilr)ws: Ayes: Cotincil,iiieii -Jeli,,) A. B@iuyii, B. CromwelL, Jr., Vice l@IVC)l j-, T@ @d c il, p. F 'Ic e I isd 11, 1). Charles I%'. Gardiic,r, ar(?, A. fio Murray Malbon, j. Ctil'til.; f iold, iii Nays: None Absent: None City Counci i deni,@d ilir-, lll)c)v(,,, i,c',t i t ioi@ I:iy-oii I,. aT3,1 F-riiii @l. Rudolph for Coast, i 11 (, @'t, z) r e (@b,,inge of Zc,,I) t Di s t r i c t C 1, s -, i f i cjo, i,oji@ 11-7 @E, @ i@i@ A p@a tmonf 1) @T@- C' 0 t t -01 I)rot,ert@, 1 t @@i tlie ',outhwe,t corner of Tcrrace.@ 0 1: di,@tance Of 100 feet along the a distance of 75 fect @il @l@ 1 t)e, I Lni)@'tig a C, -e oll- ]00 F(,,,t rii distanc ;i @ c @ili T!InTij]lg 'j distance of 75 f@et Sai(I parcel is known as lo@t@ c ,iic ow-awl,, !feights and contaiiis ",5c@f, 1 3:,! @ r t:@,i t Area) 1/2' I t@ '@' 1 @'4 [ A BEACII BOROUGff. Petition of Dale Cox f(.,r ProTe@itit@-@ @)-r.OTatiOt, ft)r a Ct @,3 n@e of 7(@n i n P,, Digtrict Classification f"r@Ti t(, A-4 Apartirert T)istrict on certain property ic)cated o-, tli@ l.'eit oide c,,,.- Avenue beginning at a point 100 fee@ Sokith of I'@@Lraces Pv,,iiua, a (Ii,,,tance of tro feet along the West side ol@ t@,.tl@lr!Pal t, vC@nlIE' , r@;@iii n,, i @ii@,tnnce of '5 f"-t PlfnR the Southern propcrty cuiining a dictatie )f feet @ii.ong t@,e V@estprn pro- perty line and rtinr@InQ a of 75 f,,ct (,nk@rtv lill('. Said parcel is known a@ I 3, @"I@cc;@ @ll c,, @ir.@l contains 7500 -q@,@re f@et. Planning Commission A motion was passed unanti@louqly ,,v thp to der,-@ ttiig request as the Beach Borouph illai, rellr,r@Lr 4.inlily resi(tential usc@ (I to 6 dwelling units T,,,r ,,,l @;11,(i irOi -ould te @in intrusion into aii existing StT- r! f 'i cotild not pro- perly be provi.,Jed c-@Lic t r ti,, ,i, a @l Mr . V . A . E ther i ,i Mr . Gr.-,)v(?r C (TIJ 'o o:l applic@int. On motion b), m.111 @i r(! ne I and by ro,:orde@ Aye s: CoLiric i iiiici) @T I Ij I @,!,-iyc)l, Pcl)('rt, B. Croniw 11, ii-. i i@ Chailes Murrav J I Nays: Noiie AI)sent : @oiic I City Cotincil dollied tlio @ibove petition of I)ale Cox for Coastline Propei@ties Corpor@ition for a Chango of Zoniiig District Classification from R-7 Resideiitial District o A-4 Ap@@rtmelit District on certdin- property located on the West side of Mediterraiiean Aveiiue beginning at a point 100 feet South of Terraces Avenue, i,unning a distance of 100 feet along the West -,;ide of Niediterranean Avenue, running a distance of 75 feet along the Southei,n property line, running a dis- tance of 100 feet along tilo Western property line and rlinning a distarice of 7S fect aloiig the Nortlicrn propertv line. Said parcel is ktiown as Lots 1 and 3, Block 31, Plat of Sll'adowlawn Ifeiglits and contains 7SOO square feet. (Shadoi@lawn Ifeights Area). VIRGINIA BEACH BOROUGH. ITENI #6904 Petition of Anthony S. and Anita 11. Iloward for Castline Properties Corporation for a Cliance of Zonin7 District classification from R-7 Residentinl District to A-4 Apart-ment-Dist-ri@ n c8rta-L, property located on tlie North side of Terraceg Avenue be-ii ing at a po f,, in int 195 feet Went of I!editerr,n,,n Avenue, running a dis- tance of 60 feet tli(-' Nortli c](10 of Terracea AFeitue, running a distance of 100 feet along the Western property line, runnin@ a distance of 60 feet along t@ Northern property line and running a distance of 100 feet along the 1-:antern pro- perty line. Said parcel is known as Lota 13 and 15, Block 32, Plat of Shadow- lavri Heights and contains 6000 square feet. (Sliadowlawn Feights Area). VIRGINIA BFACH BOROVGH. Planning Commission Recom-ndation: A motion was passed unanimously by the Planning Commission to deny this request as the Beach Borough Development Plan reflects single family residantial use (1 to 6 dwelling units per acre) on this parcel of land and would be an intrusion into an existing single family area. Emergency fire protection could not pro- paTly be provided due to the inadequate water supply available. Mr. V. A. Etheridge, Jr., appeared on be@ialf of the applicant. Mr. Grover C. Wright, Attorney, appeared in opposition to the applicant. on motion by Councilman Callis, seconded by Councilman Gardner, and by recorded vote as follows: Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Rober@@ 11. Callis, Jr., MaYO'r Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Vice Mayor F. Reid Ervin, Geor@,, R. Ferrell, .Charles W. Gardner, Clarence A. flolland, Garland L. Isdell, D. Murray Malbon, J. Curtis Payne, and Floyl E. Waterfield, Jr. Nays: None Absent: None City Council denied the above petition of Anthonv S. and Anita H. Howard for Coastline Properties Corporation fol, a Change of Zo@n District Classificatioil froin [Z-7 Residential Di,-;trict to A-4 Apartment Di trict on certain property located on the Nortli side of Terraces Avenue beginiiing at a point 195 feet West of Mediterranean Avenue, running a distance of 60 feet alon,, thc North side of Terraces Avenue, runniiig a distance of 100 feet along the Western property line, ruiifiiiig a ciistaiice of 60 1-cft Ilong the Northern property Iiiie and runiiing a distanc(,' ol 100 i-eet along the Eastern property line. Said p;ircel is known @is I.ots 13 and 15, Block 32, Plat of Shadowlawn ficights ,iiid contains 6000 sq@iire feet. (Shadow- lawn liciglits Are@i) X'I[Z(@INIA BL@ACII l@Ol"(-,tJGII. ITE@l #690S Petition of Deanis F. I'(,T;.ard for Co.-.istline Pr(,,@crties Corporation for a Chant,.c of Zonine District Cla-si.fication from R-7 Rc-,@Aidential District to A-4 Apart- ment District on certain property located on the 'w'orth side of Terraces Avenue beginning at a point 255 feet '.,eat of itediterranean Avenue, running a distance of 60 feet along the North side of Terraces Avenue, running a distance of 100 feet along the Western property line, running a distance of 60 feet alorg the Northern property line and running a distance of 100 feet along tlie Eastern pro- perty line. Said parcel is known as Lots 17 nnd 19, Blocl@ 32, Plat of Shadow- lawn Heights and contains 6000 square feet. (Shadowlawn Heights Area). VIRRINIA BEACH BOROUGII. Planning Commission Recomendation: A motion was T>assed unanimously by the Planninv, Commission to deny this request as the Beach Borough Develoyment Plan reflects single family residential use (I to 6 dwellin@ units per acre) on this parcel of land and would be an intrusion into an existing single family area. l-.mergency fire protection could not pro- perly be provided due to the inadequate vater supply available. Mr. V. A. Etheridge, Jr., appeared on behalf of the applicant. Mr. Grover Wright, Attorney, appeared in opposition to the applicant. On motion by Councilman Callis, seconded by Councilman Gardner, and by recorded vote as follows: Ayes: Councilmen John A. Ba6m, Robert H. Callis, Jr., Mayor Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Vice Mayor F. Reid Ervin, George R. Ferrell, Charles W. Gardner, Clarence A. Holland, Garland L. Isdell, D. Murray Malbon, J. Curtis Payne, and Flovd E. Waterfield, Jr. Nays: None Absent: None City Council denied the above petition of Denni's F. Howard for Coastline Properties Corporation for a,Ch@netoflonin2 District Classification from R-7 Residential Di t,,_,t . _q Apartment District on certain property located on the North side of Terraces Avenue beginning at a point 25S feet West of Mediterranean Avenue, running a istance of 60 feet along the North side of Terraces Avenue, running a distance of 100 feet along the Western property line, running a distance of 60 feet along the Nortliern property line and running a distance of 100 feet along the Eastern property line. Said parcel is known as Lots 17 and 19, Blocl, 32, Plat of Shadowlawn Heights and contains 6000 square feet. (Shadowlawn fieights Area). VIRGINIA BEACH BOROUGli. ITEM 96906 Petition of Stanley S. and ',qoel E. Ilowird for Coastline Properties Corporation for a Change of L7onin.@.District Cla--sifi.cition from B-4 resort Comnercial District and R-7 resi@ential District to A-4 Ap@irtirent District on certain property lo- cated between Block 31 and Block 30, Plat of Shidotila,,m licights running a dis- tance of 50 feet along tlie l@est side of l@lediterrane@@n Avenue, running a di3tance of 132 feet along tlie Southern property line, runtiing a distance of @15 feet along the Western property line of which 60 feet is the boundary of Lal-,c Pudee and running a distance of 185 feet alonf, tlie iortl,.ern property line. Said pircel is a portion of that property fortnerly I,.nown as l'inston SIleiii Avenue wliicil ig not currently zoned A-4 Apartniont District. (Sliqdoi,la,,cn fici-@its Arei). VI-',Gl"IA BEACII BOROUGH. Planning CmTniagion Reconnendation: A motion was passed uiianiriously by the Plannin,7 Cornission to deny thin reluegt .qq f ir<! (@ticn nnt to %,atc-r av i t i Mr. V. A. Etheridge, Jr., appeared on b(@lialf of tlie applicii,t. Mr. Grover Wright, Attorney, appeared iri oppositioll to the applicant. On motion by Councilman Callis, seconded by C6uncill@l,'In Garclner, and by recorded vote as follows: Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert H. Callis, Jr., Mayor Robert B Cromwell, Jr., Vico Mayor F. Reid Ervin, George R. FerrelL, Charles W. Gardner, Clarence A. liolland, Garland L. Isdell, D. Murray Malbon, J. Curtis Payne, and Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr. Nays: None Absent: None City Council denied the above petition of Stanley S. and Noel E. Howard for Coastline Properties Corporation for a oning Disttict Classification from B-4 Resort Commercial District a d R-7 Residential istrict to A-4 Apartment District on certain property located between Block 31 and Block 30, Plat of Shadowlawn Heights running a distance of SO feet along the West side of Niediter- ranean Avenue, running a distance of 132 feet along tlie Southern property line, running a distance of 8S feet along the Western property line of which 60 feet is the boundry of Lake Rudee and running a distance of 185 feet along the Northern property line. Said parcel is a portion of that property formorly known as Winston Salem Avenue which is not currently zoned A-4 Apartnent District. (Shadowlawn Heights Area). VIRGINIA BLACII BOROUGH. ITEM #6907 Petition by Resolution of the Honorable Council, City of Virginia Beach, for a Change of Zoning District CinsF,,ification from B-2 Community business District to A-1 Ap r@t ent District on certain vroperty beginninr at a point 135 feet more or lose South of Pinewood Drive, running a distance ot 360 feet more or leas along the West side of tiorth Lvnnhaven Road, runnirl a distance of 250 feet along the Southern property line (',;orfolk and Southern Railt,,ay Iiifht of 14ay), running a dis- iance of 220 feet -r@ore or alon,7 tht'. 17(lqt.,?rn Tro.,,rty ll.pc tnd runnl,.n!7 a dis- tAnce of 200 feet more or leas along the Northern property line. Said parcel contains 1.35 acres more or less. (Pinewood Gardens Axe&). L 1 VEN BOROUGH. FU=ing Commission Recommendationt A motion was @sed unanimously by the Planning Commission to deny this renuest as it is the consensus of opinion that the existing zoning classification in appropriate. Mrs. Gwen Wood appeared on behalf of the applicant, representing the Pincivood Gardens Civic League. Mr. Calvin Spain, Attorney, apl)eareq in opposition to the applicant. on motion by Vice Mayol- Ervin, secoiide(i by Cour@cilman Malbon, and by recorded vote as follows: Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert Ii. Callis, Jr., Nlayor Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Vice Nltyor F. Rci(i Frvin, Ch,,irles W. Gardner, Clarence A. llollaii(l, G@iri@iid L. ls(icll, ii. MLirrav @falbon, J. Curtis Payne, and Floyd E. ivaterfield, Jr. Nays: Councilman l@@rrell Absent: None City Couiicil adopted the following Ordinanco upon petition of the Honorable Couiicil, City of Virginia Beach, for a Chan@e of lc,,' in, -2 Community Business I)ist 'i, District Classification from B _t t. -1 Apartment District: ORDINANCE UPON PETITION OF Z0374020 THE HONORABLE COUNCIL, CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, FOR A CHANGE OF ZONINIG DISTRICT CLASSIFICATION FRO@L B-2 Communi.ty Business District to A-1 Apartment Disti-ict Be it ordained by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia: Petition by Resolution of the Honorable Council, City of Virginia Beach, for as h@ange of Zon in District @mlasstidficartio@ from B-2 :L ss ct to A-, Apar en st . Community Bu ne Distri lct on certain property beginning at a point 135 feet more or less South of Pinewood Dtive, running a distance of 360 feet more or less along the West side of North Lynnhaven Road, running a distance of 250 feet along the Southern property line (Norfolk and Southern Railway Right of Way), running a distance of .120 feet more or less along the Western property line and running a distance of 200 feet more or less along the Northern property line. Said parcel contains 1.35 acres more or less. (Pinewood Gardens Area). LYNNHAVEN BOROUGH. ITEM #6908 Peiition by Resolution of the lionorable Council, City of Virginia Beach, for a Change of Zoning Distrl,ct Classification from I-I Light Industrial District to A-1 Ap@r@ent District on certain property located at the Northwest corner of Eureka Avenue and Soutliern Boulevard, running a distance of 555 fcet more or lesa along the Laotern property line of which 230 feet more or leas is the West side of Eureka Avenue, running a distanr-e of 530 feet more or leas along the North side of Southern Boulevard, running a distance of 440 feet more or less along the Western property line and running a distance of 460 feet more or leas along the Northern property line. Said parcel contains 4 acres more or less. (Eureka Park Area). LYNNHAVEN BOROUGH. Planning Commission Recommendation- A notion was passed unanimously by the Planning Commission to deny this request as it is the consensus of opinicn that the existing zoning classification is appropriate. Ms. Ellen Sneed and Mr. I. R. Snyd6r appeared on behal.f of the applicant. Mr. Tom Wood appeared in opposition to the applicant. on motion by Vice Nlayor Ervin, seconded by Councilman Malbon, and by recorded vote as follows: Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert Ii. Callis, Jr., Mayor Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Vice Nlayor F. Reid Ervin, George R. Ferrell, Charles W. Gardner, Clarence A. Holland, Garland L. Isdell, D. Murray Malbon, J. Curtis Payne, and Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr. Nays: None Absent: None City Council adopted the following Oicljn,,in,-,, @iluji of the Honorable Council, (@ity of Virginia Beacii, foi zi (Ili@in@c-of Zoniiig District Classification froni I-I Light Ilidusti7i"IL i@st-r-],Ct to A-1 Apartment istrict. ORDINANCE UPON PETI'I'I(-)N OF Z0374021 TIIE HONORABI,E COUNCII,, CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, FOI@ A CfIANGE OF ZONING DIS'FIICT CLASSIFICATION FRO@L 1-1 Light Indtistrial Disti,ict to A-1 Apartment Disti-ict Be it ordained by the Council of the Ci.ty of Virginia Beach, Virginia: Petition by Resolution of the flonorable Council, City of Virginia Beach, for a Change of Zonin, District Classification from 1-1 Light industrial District t. A-1 Apartment Dist ict on certai.n property located at tlie Northwest coriici- of Eureka Avenue and Southern Boulevard, running a distance of 555 feet more or less along the Eastern property line of wliicl- 230 fect inore or less is the West side of Eureka Avenue, running L dist@ince of 530 feet more or less along the North side of Southeril Boulevard, running a distance of 440 feet more or less along the Western property line and rtinning a distance of 460 feet more or less along the Northern propertv line. Said parcel contains 4 acres more or l.ess. (Eureka Park Area). LYNNHAVEN BOROUGH. ITEM #6909 Mr. Gene Sneed appeared in opposition tc the applicant. In the matter of the petition of the flonorable City Council to reclassify the property described in the following petition, after due and careful consideration City Councilupon iiiotion by Councilman Malbon, seconded by Councilman Gardner, and by recorded vote as follows: Ayes: Councilmon Johii A. Baum, Robert Ii. Callis, Jr., @layor Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Vice Mayor F. Reid Ervin, Geoi-ge R. Ferrell, Charles W. Gardner, Clarence A. Hollancl, Garland L. Isdell, D. Murray Malbon, J. Curtis Payne, and Flo)rd E. Waterfield, Jr. Nays: None Absent: None Moved to classify the property as R-6 Residential District, it being a more di*@t conversion from the original zoning classification. I)i@e, -@- Petition by Resolution of the Honorabie Council, City of Virginia Beach, for a Change of on@iiil District Classification from R-6 Residential District to A-1 Apartm n@t District on ccrtain property beginning at a point 230 feet more or leas Nortli of Southern Boulevard, runnin@, a distance of 230 ft,et riore or less along the Weat side of Eureka Avenue, running a distance of 285 feet rore or less alon- the Southern property line, runnin- a distance of 325 feet Tiiore or less along tlie Wentern property line and runniiig a distance of 390 feet rore or lest3 along tlie liorthern property line. Said parcel contains 2.15 acrcs more or less. (Eureka Park Area). LYNIIIIAVRI TO-i@OUGH. PlaTming Commission Recommendation: A motion was passed unani-.musly by tlie (,omrirrion to deny tlii:@ reqtteet an it is tlie consensus of opinion tikat the exit,ting zont.tig cla.,,Iiification is appropri.ate. @t # 6 Ms. El len S nee d @iii(i Mr . IV @@ Lly (,ook -il, ,)I- the applicajit. Mr. Grover Wright, Att@orlicy, appearel ii ol-1),,sitdoii to the applicant. Tn the iiizitter of tlie petitiori of the @l('i C)rl@)!(@ C-litv C:oLincil to reclassify the prol)erty clescribed i!i ft)!!(,@Iiing petition, after due and careful considerL,.ti()n City iii,oi) Tr,.otioll by Coulicilman Malbon, seconded by i Iiii,,In (-,ardn(@ @iiil 1,@, i ec,)rded voto as follows: Ayes: Councilmeii Jolin A. B@ium, Rober" fi. (.@,illis, Ji,., Mayor Robert ,B. Cromwell, Jr., Geor@,e f@. Ferrell, Cliarl(,s @@. Gardner, Clarence A. Holland, Garland L. Ts(lell, D. Mtii,T-ay J. Ctirti-s Payne, and Floyd E. Waterfiel(l, il. Nays: None Absent: None Abstain: Vice Mayor Ervin Moved to classifv the, I)roT)ertv as B-2 I-lotiniiri@t@@ Business District, it being a more @vert conve@sio'n from tlie @r-.giii Ial -oning classification. Petition by Reiolution of the Eonorable Council. City of Virginia Beach, for a Chanc.,e of 7.@n District Classification fror@l B--2 CorTunit7 Businesa District to A-1 Ap r@t ent Dls@c@t @,-l certain property locnted at the Southtyest corner of Virginia Beach Boulevard and Eureka Avenue, t-kinnin@ a distance of 180 feet more or leas along the qoutil side of Virpinia T,,ottlevtx(l, runninf, a distance of 180 feet more or legs along the Went side of il'ureka Avenue, rurlring a distance of 390 feet more or less along tlie Southern lrol@,,r@v line runnin!,, a distance of 250 feet nore or lesq alon57. 1,7(,qtern nrone@-t,@ linc. @@.,iid parcel ct)ntains 1.41 acres more or less. (i@@-ircka Park Area). LOP,,OUrli. P3.anning Commission Recommenda,-.ion: A motion was passed uiianlriousl@.v ',,y Lie Plat)nltig -,'Ormlrsiori to deny this request aa it is tlie consensu.,@ c.@f that the 7on-L-,(' clas.3ificatlon is appropriate. Tlie following stli)lil 11 @ol, 1. Buffer' Q@iall be the South side ol@ the firof@ rty@ 2. General t[@e arc@'. I'f'EM #691.1 On motion by Councilm@@.,l @Nlzilbon, secon@IC,@l !)y t@OL!TlCilmari Isdell, and by recorded vote ,i@; 1-@)llows: Ayes: Couiicilmen Joliti A. Batiri, Roboi-t Ii. ii., M,,ivor Robert B. Croinwell, Jr., Vi,,e I:. Rei-@l fli-@ ;ii, (leoi,ae R. Fer@ell, Charles W. Gardner, Cl@,rerice tk. ifollanl, G@irl,,iii(i L. ls(lell, D. Miirray M,,ilbon, j. Curti.s Paviie, and Fl,@y,i Jr. Nays: None Absent: Noiie City Council voted to prepare the nece.,;@,trv to chanpe the zoning district cl;issifi(@ation fi,c)iii i-l- lncliistri@ll District to A(I-I A@,ricti-ittir@il Di,,;ti,ict ofi @t of lind loc@ited on tlie West si(le of !@oridoii liri,lge of@ @k(lvellttlre 'Frail known as Pai,,.: 't' c)i- tii@-, l@eslil)(liv s@ol) o@- lot l@-I ai@,l @@ttb- division of Lot 13, I.olicioll 11,1@idge 2,5 icres inore or le-,s. I 1'1' I P 6 9 1 On moti o ii by Couiic i l@ina[i Gar d iici@, se (-c@,i(le,"' t)y ricil in @j [i @ -1@ieII and by recorded vot-(@ @,is follows: Ayes: Council men J oh n A. )iaLlIn, Rollt,'I't 11. t@.iII Jr '.I;iyor Robert B. Cromwell , Jr. , "@@ice Mayo, F. P(@id f,,@rviii, Goo:,,Ic Charles W. Gardner, Cl@irence A. Garlaild L. Tscic,,Il, D. @Nitiray Malbon, J. Curti.s Piyn(@, and l@lovd l@. JT. Nays: None Absent: Noiie City Council approved on s,-,cond readiti,,, the re,iucst of the Citv Attorney that funds totaling $2718 ')e tyinsfc,ric@l from IZOServe for Contingencies to /k(--coiint #21S (,.-riiiting of tlie Code). These funds, in addition to the $2SOO currci)tll provided, are ileeded to caver curren" t)illiiigs from the C:itv I)tiblicatioiis Company for editc)rial work, pi,inti@ig ,ind furnishing O@'S c-,ol)ies of supplelliental pages to tlie City C@od(,,. ITEM #6913 On motion by Councilin@iii. G@it'diier, se(-oii(le(i I)y Coi,,ncilmall lfolland, and by recorded vote as foltows: Ayes: Councilmeil John A. Baum, R,,)Liei't f,, (-'ailis, Tr., Mayor Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Vice, Mi,,,L)z l@, Roicl @7r@?;n, (,eore R. Ferrell, Charles W. Gardner, CI.arei)cc,, A. Ilollai,,@l, (,ariariCt L. Isdoll, D. Murray Malbon, J. Curtis Pavi,,-,, aiil l@lo,,,,i Nays: Noiie Absent: None City Council approved ,)n SE@cond @,n a(l.justment in the funding of the Library Departiii@@,@ll !Like as f'o'@lows: The Librarv Departm,2ii, has t@een notlfie(i bll- ttic: lirgirlia State Library tl,@at it ivill ece-1/2,e i,-i F@-s,:@l, 'i'ea-,, 19',4 federal aid in the aniount of $1@L,@306 @-c"r t-tic" PlirL:Il@is,@, C'14C)II,@,)Willg il-,-,nis Budget Code N!-i e, f Amount 801 1 Card (@:,t Unit 370 801 1 799 80i @ecret.-@L; iL 56 801 1 256 80, 1 506 801 1 803 91693 817 1 745 Total @12,506 In ordei, to obtaiii this Fecleral Aid, (@okiiic:il @Lpproved on second reading the of e-,timttc.,d r(,v(,Tilles I-#650 - Librarv Grants Fed('.Yal) !)v $1@,SCit) an(I mide tlie @o-,I@)win,,, ,ippropriations': 12010 - Dona-t7ieri-, c)f P@,,)Lic 801 - oti..ice il@,,@,i@-@,@11.2rit: @i,i, $ 2,068 803 - 9,693 817 - 745 Somo of the above iteri!; al)T)@Dared in the 1 ()@14 75 bu(I@,,Ot 'I'Cquests of the l,il)i-ary I)epartiiielit !)Ilt Itave I)C'('Il ie 1 el@c,l @ l'olli tilcse I,C(luests in favor of making tlie j,"i-cliase @-rolli 1-unds @it t@i-,; timc. on -motioii by Coujiciiiiiill l@" rrell, @Ly "(-,iincilmaii Gardiicr, and by recorded vote -As Ayes: Councilinen Joh ii A. ill@itim, Rof)e3-t i'. (:a,Iis, Jr., Mayor Robe rt B. CroiniveII , Jr. , Ge(-lr,!e 1FeIreII ri c@,s W. Gardiier , Clarence A. Ho ll:ind, C, arla ii@' 1 N!@,i J. tirtis Payne, and Floy(I E. Nays: None Absent: None Abstdin: Mayor C,-ofliwe','@. City Council approved ttle followiyig Crli@)a,')c@, lo convey certain property to Fxprc,ss,,,:.jy (-Icr@.struction : A'i 7 Al@f l,"@OPERTY TO ,-',;N WHEREAS, the here@i@alt-cr ,@-ope.,-tv ;-s no lonaer necessa@-7 and the City ol- t@1,1@ land and i3 I,.ereby declared excess; a@id WR-LR S, tlie n-@ @,ame t,.) Expressway Const--uctiot Corporation. 'ZliE,@w-FO-RE 0-@i)AINI-11, @i C)F TIIF CI'IY OF VIRGIINIA NOWI VIRGINTA: BEACH, That, ttle City b,':! ar@(' lic- 's authorized to execute a deed and cdnvey un,,-L (,orp,.)r Lic,,.l t@le followin-- desc--ibed properrv: Beginrii.ri- :i L: i),, @ (it oi -@)r .1@-i dt-, @-)f Edwin Drive an 'D@l 1-I "i@ (,ast o, thence N-42-00-OC-,i'., bein,, the poirit c,@, @ir,, arc of a cu-ve ,,i-th @scanc@ @-F --t. .inj a delta '03 th- Lt. N-L8-oO- oo-- I a c)@ S-'I-24-49-E, dista,@ce t 1 3- IZ--E , a d;-s,ancc, c)@, t!--. to @i, kii- OF @e@inning An emer@ s, a' ef -ect,*ve from date ency E-xi F,,. of adoption. #6935 On motion by Counci-iiiian Feri-till, seco;-,d('J by COLInCilmari (,ardrier, and by recorded vote as io-il,'wS: Ayes: Councilmen Johi,. Rober-t@ fl. u-aliis, Jr., Robert B. Cromwell, jr, Nlayor l@. Geor,,,'e IZ. Ferrell, Charles W. Gardner, A. lioll@i@icl, G,@rlajicl L. Isciell, D. Murray Malbon, J. is ilayi,e,, an(i I i-,. W@it,erfield, Jr. Nays: None Absent: None City.Council approve(i the followi.ng Stree ' t Clostire - Ol.d Providence Rodd in the Kempsville Borotigh, whicli @as del@ei-i-ed from @,larch 11, 1974. 1) T L t!iat cert@iin por tions of ti)c siid st,, o(,, 1)0 cl@ (liscoll@liliLic(]: Nc,tq, 'i@@ bv ttic@ CC)ullcil of the City of Vir[,,inia S t I of s@11<1 slreet,s iincl appurtc@narit larid u] cts@l@, T cic"Cril)e(i In tilb City of Virginia znci discontiiiiieci as a pul)],ic st rcet ill tlii@ a tl@c' szlid sLi-c,c!t ani ztp,,)Urt elll;lt- li@ L'L(-Ll JI'l U,@c Zlil(i Lravc@l: r,.aiii p@c@cc )'r( c'l@ 0- Lract@, of l,aild, a l@c@i t i (;T,@ c@ 11 C( )I@ t@ s 3pd tlll-' lc!lppsvil,le C'f t ]l(, C if of 2,q I-A, z"s C,ll r i r) r @il I Vi t f ITEM #6916 On motion by Councilmaii Ga-dner, secoiitle@l by Couiicillitan lfoll,,illd, and by recorded vote as follows: Ayes: Councilmon John A. Baum, Robert H. Callis, Jr., @layor Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Vice Mayor F. Reid Lrvin, George R. Ferrell, Charles W. Gardner, Clarcii--e A. Holland, Garland L. Isdoll, ]i. Nliirray Malbon, J. Curti.s Payne, @in@j Floyd Wal.crfiold, Jr. Nays: None Absent: None City Council al)proved on First Reading a,,) ordinance establishing fees and charges for rental of boats, pedal boats and to establish fees for fishing privileges for the lakes of @;lount Trashinore: AN OPDIFANCE STP@BLIS-ill!iG FI@ES A@ID CHA-RCES FOR DENTAI- 07 7@CATS, PEI)AL L@OATS @ND TO ESTABLIS'l FIT,,S FC'2, FIS-,'T-@c- PRIlil4ECES Fell, THI-7 LAKI,'S OF ',@IOUNT TIASI'"@'IC)Rr- PAR"' BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF -LHE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA: Section 1. Rental and Fees a) Pedal Boats Rental. - $1.35 per half hour. b) Boat Rental - $1.65 per day c) Fishing (Boat or Bank) - .55cts pei person per day, ages 13 through 59. Ages 60 and uD and children under 12 years are exempt from pa,'inent of L@isiiing fees, all other rental Eees ,qDply, "d) Fishing P()Ie - .55, p(?r per,,,,,)n pcr d@av. e) The above prices iiiclude all @-tate Sal-es Tax and City Amusement i'@ix. Section 2. The Depart,@r@ent of Parks, Recreation and Phil,sical Education is hereby auttiorized to adopt ru@l-es ,ind regulations governing the use of the lakes. Tiie rules and regijl,-Ations shall be subject to the approval of the City Maiiaier. First Reading: March 18, 1971 1 q, Second Reading: @/@izc II _Adopted by the Council of the City of Vi.rginia Beach on the day of Nia I 1974. For state I.,iw a@@ to authority of the citv to sucli of Vir@,inia, S(@ct:ioii 11@EM #6917 On motion by Councilman Gardner, socciid(,d by Cotiiicilman Waterfield, and by recorded vote a.s follows: Ayes: Councilmen John A. Batim, Robert ii. Callis, Jr., Vice Mayor F. Reid Ervinj Charles W. Gardner, Clar(@nce A. liolland, J. Curtis Payne, and Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr. Nays: Mayor Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Councilmon George R. Ferrell, Garland I,. Isdell, and D. Miiri-ay Malboii I Absent: None City Council approved the following ordiiiance to amend and reordain certain sections of Article XVI, of Chal)ter 22 of the Code of the City of Virginia Beach relating to the c)peration of certain mo,tor vehicles on private and public property Requested by: City liinager Chief of Police AN OPI)INANCE TO AMEND AND REORDAIN CERTAIN SECTIONS OF ARTICLE XVI, OF CHAPTER 22 OF THE COD-V' (;F THE CITY OF V'@RRGINIA BEACH REIATING TO TIIE OPERATI('@,N OF CERTAIN MOTC)R VEHICI,ES ON PRIVATE AND PUBI,IC PRCJPERTY BE IT ORDAINED BY TITE COUNCIL OF 'IIIE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH) VIRGINIA: That Articl.e XVI, Chapter 22 of tt)e Code of the City of Virg4.nia Beach is amended and reordained to read as follows: Article XVI. Motorcycles, minibi@es, etc., on private and public property. 22-273 The requirements and probibitions of this section shall apply to private property and public ')roperty which is now not held open to the public for any vehictilar usc, an(i ,ihich is not subject to the provisions of the 14otor Vehicle Codc, of the Commonwealth of Virginia. 22-274 It shall be unlawful for any person to operate or permit to be operated any motorcycle, mini.bike, trailbike, motorscooter or other forin of two, or more, wheeled Lransportation propelled by in ternal combusti.on engine, upon the private property of another without the owner's wri-tten permission, evideiice of which must be carried on the operator's person during such operation, or upon p@,I)Iic property which i. , not field opt@ii to t-,'ic, )u'olic for ve@tii.cular use. 22-275 The provisions of Section 22-2-74 a@c)ve stiall not apply to emergency vehicles, government vehicles, or to persons driving upon such property with the writ'len consent of tt,.e,. c-,71ler or person in lawful possession of such real property or to the owner himself, his family., employees, agents or lessees. This ordinance shall be effective thirty (30) days from the date of adoption. Adopted by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach on the day of 1974. ITEi%l "116918 On motion by Councilman Ferrell, seconded by Councilman Gardiier, and by recorde(I vote as follows: Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert 14. Callis, Jr., Mayor Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Vice Mayor F. Reid Er-,,in, George R. Ferrell, Charles W. Gardner, Clarence A. lfolland, GIrland L. Isdell, D. Murray Malbon, J. Curtis Payne, and I,'lovd E. Waterfield, Jr. Nays: None Absent: None City Council approved the following business license and tax refunds in the amount of $2,318.9S: ZCT: Appl,*cit,@-.11 for -.ax ------- 200.20 cerLif,@-ed fo@ p-lymclit, ati sec forl@ll bclow: iru n V. A. Etheridie. Tre. r r Tax Iype Ditc )tamp .. Ticl@,at -ation Year of Ta@. Paid Base alty cEt Numbor nald L Stillman 1974 IIC l19@8 3-5-74 3.5 ttle Gailord R-- 1973 'RE 029135 1996 6-12-73 16.8 Cheryl G 1st Half t Church Chii-st 197-3 RE 058953 2044 16-14-73 ci @-tist st & 2nd 11-16:-73 62.4 vin S Upson 1974 CD i# 921 1 -3-74: 15.0 nders James ETAIIS I undry methodist 19731 RE I '@ 0454291 2073 12-5-73 fe-@ed S & L 2nd Half 80.0 gh E & Brenda 1974 CD 5321@6 1-21-74 7.5 rady Jr. eodore L Lindsa, 1974 CD 8977 1-30-74. 7.50 7.50' ert N Grant 1974 CD T-7466 1-24-74 ve npolicnti,;tin fnr re. ft .... I.(iF ccrLified for i)ay,,ient, -3 ec l@uc L:i i 0,.4: V. A. Ettierid;!c-,. TrL,.I-@tlro-r Tax -J:y@'L f i Name Y@-Lr c)f P,,id Base alty est Ll Tzi: t Carson Lovit-L 1974. Cl) l,'-63r,) 7 -4 -74 15. 0 6 D Cummings 1974 CD @")719 -29-74 15.0 lman J&mes L 1974 CD l@- 21-74 15.0 53li76 I I - I A. Duplain 1974 DT @"09)42 :1-4 -74 2.0 odes Stephen, 1973 i@, ',LO C, 7 7 10@3@ (,-20-73 144.90 144.90 pp nray Builders 5 - 7 3 157.70 117, 711 1973 io@@,)0148 2 C,@'D @2 C. 2i,d h@il@f Trgville Bldg 1974 -C 1) 31.20 terials Inc. ke Conrad Corp 1973 11 ot,)-Ollo 20631 '2-5-73 295.68 295.6 2 cl hp-l,f o Louis Sanches n tual Federal wman Ray 19T3 PI' I 0 2 6 7 -20 - 7 3 i 25.201 1 i 5 2, 3r,,- 1,0@-,66-@ -2,, 7.1 ?P 73-" 18.90 54.60 73 Pi i@ O,-,. 2 3 o, 2 (,,,q -2o-73 10.501 n s James R 1973 P'? @10 1 91 3') I 6-L3-731 11.58 l,"i 2 7 C, t 3 -7 3 29.94 41.52 73 i #019137 ttetn Union 1973 @l- S -,TI i@-13-73@ 7 3 i 6 1027 -2, ncus Charlos L 1973i ?p 1,310..6 @don Robert L- i 1970 pp @-'-12-73 8.40 .42 8.8 'O 17 l@027' well Blanche G ;'1973 RE I 188 l@)-29-73 11.8 o Bruce E Melch(@r 1st: & 2n@ ITEM #6919 On motion by Councilman Gardner, secolided by Councilman Ferrell, and by recorded vote as follows: Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert ii. Callis, Jr., Mayor Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Vice Mayor F. Reid Ervin, George R. Ferrell, Charles W. Gardner, Clareiico A. Ifolland, Garland L. Isdell, D. Murray Malbon,, J. Curtis Payne, and Flo,,d E. IVaterfield, Jr. Nays: None Absent: None City Council adopted the following Resolution expressing objections to the construction of (600) six hundrc,,d units of tjnited States Navy housing at Fort Story, Vi.rginia. A ri c tic, il of- L !ic,, c-@f @"i Vi r@l, @ @i la %qas lielcl iri tlie @@th L)I- Marc@l On moti-on bv '.,'r. Girdiier aiiii secoli it?d by 'Ir. Ferrell the follo,.7i.n,- resol.ution acloptod. R E S 0 L TJ T I 1411ERE-4S the Councl.1 oF 1:@ie City of' !3each, Virginia hag been informed of t@@le intent of U,-iited Sli'lcs Nav,,, to constrlct six liulic"rerl (600) units of hou@ii-,@!, Cor its personr)c@l .74-thiii @.'.'Ie United States Arny Installati-on at Fort Storv locate,@ wiriin tlie Citv of Vir-iiia Beac@, and WHEREAS tlie Coui,,cil. of thc City of %!.rginii )'cach @,;isties to cooperate in this as in every cll--c, ilit'Ll Ul-iitt@-I @tat@,s and is sympatlietic with the Navy's neecl fol.- liousin, it ne@,erliieless feels tfiat there are compellin,. reasons iiiili',-ate Ll,.e loc@ition of such liousin@ within the con fines ol@ Fort Story, amone ,ire the following: 1. The Ener@,@ Thc, loc,-it-ioi- of N@iv@; pc-,rsonnel in large nu-@aliers at a point so far fro@-i ttiell.r pl.-IC@-S Of @,7or'l- ,7hen no public trans- portation exists will place a furcher ori the energy supply alrbadv criti-cal 4ii ti-tis arr-@,t. 2. Thc- Arl v(2, q e -c(-, t: o,-i tli(, @nvi,,-c), @ion t Thc@ coistructic@,,@ of 600 additional botisin- in iTi arc,,' of ct;, titility c,rvices are a)readv lpckin, i,i,il l 0[! t!l(, i.n i t P,,i,3 - Lic 11 @@ q k k 1- 0 1 C 3. Tiie of A,,; A ,i s@ic)rte,e of rc@croat:ion;il. j@,icil,i ti(,s @7i ttlii,@ til,, i-t I j 1 propert@, suitable fc)r clevel-opiric@-it Eor 'i@lie Courcil h,-ls been and remains hopeful- tliat all or a sul)stantial portion of Fort Story will ultini,itely be desiE,,iiateJ surpli-is Uiiitc@(,l SLates property enaliling tlie acquif,*@Lioi) of Lhe site as a stat(, or local park and recreati-onal area to inure to the bcri(2fit of an(] i,,n;prove the qu-Ility of life of all tlie citizeils of t'@12 City tlioge eiitployed in ti-ie United States l@avy. Tile Cot-i:ic-il @--cls tli,2 construction of anv addit:i.c)i-ial perriiinont installatioiis ivitl)i.@i Fn-l@@ b,,,-ory @jill ,,c@rv(@ to Jelay or provetit thc- of thc, liiiu' iii tliis ni-qiiiic-. ai)ci Ori I)t2 7clo p,',I(@ti t- o C t@l),, ii q tl)" 1 C,11 @-7il "i@TI '.'-Ort IT.it.ional Shri.ne 'ITI@ @i-,o,lrist ,,! ti--ctint): Fort @Oll-()ry is cc)nti@uous to Seashore State Parl@ i,:Iiicli op('.rlLe.,3 at -till capl(,.i-ty throtl,.hoiit its operatir.- year and ttirns av!ay ttious.,n,]Fof i-iould t@e visitor- because of a lacl@ of space. The establ:-sl@@i!-@eiit of a 1-arge ar(@,a with nm,7 schools, etc., on the periinoter of tii'L, pirl-, @@411 not oill), precli-i(!(,' the ult;-r@,.ate -,-o@7tli in size o.f tlie pirk, but @,7ill to destr(y its preserit desiral)ility as a recreational area. tiic, Fort is t@.,-, site @,.@ii(@re tl-ic first Enlish settlers set foot i-n tli- tliii@-ed Stite,,@ ,i@ @.7e3.1 a, other sites of historic interest @,71iicti the Couii--il @@iould lilce to ;ee prese,-rved as near as possi.ble in their ori,,in@il sta"p. t@,,c-, Foy-t is tlie ori,gi,,iil 1-i@!lt- house, the historical si-.nificance of i@@liic'Li is ricogiiized in the or-ficial seal of our city, and the location therec,t@ in a pe-rk settinc, would be most appropriate and desirable. Six hun-@red (600) i-iriits of housin@, are not somethin.@ which @,7ill help to (3o tiis. NOT@i IN CF FO'17G(-'IITG TV- IT @ESCT-,@D That the Council of the City of Vir.-iiiia Beach be, ancl the same hereby are, unanimously opposed to the censtruction of any permanent military installati.ons ol@ @4hatc,@,c,.- nattirc at Fort Story, and, in nirticular the cc)ns,ruction of 60',) uii@ts or- @oti@in7 tlie St--at(,q are not opposed to the location of said t-ousing at some other appropriate site and are ,7illin,., to N,7oi-k @,7itli tlie Un-i":ed State.,3 1,@avy to locate a :SSuitable site, and BE IT FIJPTIIE'.Z RESOI,Vill) that a copy cf tl,,is resolution be delivered to tlie Presiietit of tlie United States, tic Secretary of Defense, the Secretiry of the N@ivy, I--',ie Sfcretiry of Art.'Iy, t!ie Chi.ef of I\Iaval Ci)craLioiis, til(-, Cilie@@ o@-- C)T.- of tlie FifL'I Naval I)iscrict, I Detiator Ilarry F. !3yrd, @,c@iktor !Iilliain Scott, Congress.,nan G. l@li.lliain @,Tliiteliurst, Co,-ilressiii,,iii "ol)(,rt D--ii-iicl, 'IT)CI ,3uch otlifrs i,,3 itiay Certified to be @i triie oxccl,l)t fro,ii tlie @linutc,s of tlie City Council of tllo City cf ii-giiii@i l@c@ikil, @tdol)lc,,! kial-cli 18, 197,1. ITEM #6920 On motion by Councilman Malbon, seconded by Councilman Ferrell, and by recorded vote as follows: Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert 11. Callis, Jr., Mayor Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Vice Mayor F. Reid Ervin, George R. Ferrell, Charles W. Gardner, Clarence A. flolland, Garland L. Isdell, D. Murray Malbon, J. Curtis Payne, and Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr. Nays: None Absent: None City Council approved a transfer of $2,700 from Account 631 to Account 831 in the budget of tho General Services Department. Due to an error of code in the FY 74 budget. ITEM #6921 On motion by Councilman Waterfield, seconded by Councilman Gardner, and by recorded vote as follows: Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert Ii. Callis, Jr., Mayor Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Vice Mayor F. Reid Ervin, George R. Ferrell, Charles W. Gardner, Clarence A. Holland, Garland L. Isdell, D. Murray Malbon, J. Curtis Payne, and Flo;d E. Waterfield, Jr. ,Nays: None Absent: None City Council authorized the City Treasufer to make full refunds to qualified volunteer firemen and poli,-emen who purchased 1974 City decals, and authorized the City Treasurer to issue City decals to those disabled American veterans who qualify under the State Code for complimentary State license pl:ltes. ITEM #6922 On motion by Vice Mayor Ervin, seconded by Councilman Payne, and by recorded vote as follows: Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert 11. Cal.lis, Jr., Mayor Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Vice Mayor F. Reid @r,,,in, George R. Ferrell, Charles W. Gardner, '@-larence A. 1. ll,.,id, Garland L. Isdell, D. Murray Malbon, J. Curtis Payne, and Flovd E. Waterfield, Jr. Nays: None Absent: None City Council approved the low bid of Poi@ers Regulator Company, in the amount of $LS,SOO for the installation of Pneumatic Tube System in the new Public Safety Building, and autliorized the City Manager to sign the necessary documents for this i-istallation. On motion by Councilman Ferrell, secondcd by Councilman Payne, and by recorded vote as follows: Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert [i. Callis, Jr., Mayor Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Vice Mayor F. Reid Ervin, Geoyge R. Ferrell, Charles W. Gardner, Clarence A. Holland, Garland L. Tsdell, D. Murray Malbon, J. Curtis Payne, and Flo@,d E. Waterfield, Jr. Nays: None Absent: None City Council approved the low bid of Central Builders, Inc., in the amount of $18,000 to make a 12" water tie-in on Constitution Avenue and Virginia Beach Boulevard. Council also authorized the City Manager to execute the necessary documents to have this work done under water contract #18 now in effect. ITEM #6924 On motion by Councilman Ferrell, seconded by Councilman Isdell, and by recorded vote as follows: Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert H. Callis, Jr., Mayor Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Vice Mayor F. Reid Ervin, George R. Ferrell, Charles W. Gardner, Clarence A. Holland, Garland L. Isdell, D. Murray Malbon, J. Curtis Payne, and Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr. Nays: None Absent: None City Council approved a standard water agreement and authorized the City Manager to execute the necessary documents for Timberlake P.U.D., Phase I, Kempsville Borough. ITEM #6925 On motion by Councilman Holland, seconded by Councilman Baum, and by recorded vote as follows: Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert 11. Callis, Jr., Mayor Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Vice Mayor F. Reid Ervin, George R. Ferrell, Charles W. Gardner, Clarence A. liolland, Garland L. Isdell, D. Murray Malbon, J. Curtis Payne, and Flolvd E. Waterfield, Jr. Nays: None Absent: None City Council reappointed the following persons to the Library Board for unspecified terms: Mrs. Lilliam Bibla Mrs. Frank Burnes Mrs. Lettie Dozier Mr. Ralph ffoskins ll'EM #6926 On motion by Councilmaii Holland, seconded by Cotilicilman Baum, and by recorded vote as follows: Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert Ii. Callis, Jr., Mayor Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Vice Mayor F. Reid Ervin, George R. Ferrell, Cliarles W. Gardner, Clarence A. Holland, Garland L. Isdell, D. Murray Malbon, J. Curtis Payn(@, and Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr. Nays: None Absent: None City Counci 1 reappointed Nir. William Cox to the Board of Plumbing Appeals for term of two years: ITEM #6927 On motion by Councilman Ferrell, seconde(i by Councilman Gardner, and by recorded vote as follows; Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert H. Callis, Jr., Mayor Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Vice Mayor F. Reid Ervin, George R. Ferrell, Charles W. Gardner, Clarence A. Holland, Garland L. Isdell, D. Nlurray Malbon, J. Curtis Payn(@, and Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr. Nays: None Absent: None City Council appointed the following persons to the Historic Review Board for terms as hereon specified: Ternis beginning March 18, 1974 Mr. W. Russell Hatchett one yeiir June 30, 1975 Mrs. Catherine Miller one year June 30, 1975 Mrs. Swindell Pollock two ye;irs. June 30, 1976 Mr. Edward Ruffin two ye;irs June 30, 1976 Mr. Gil'Dert L. Smith, iii two ye,irs June 30, 1976 ITEM #6928 On motion by Councilman Ferrell, seconde(I by Councilman Waterfield, and by recorded vote as follows: Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert H. Callis, Jr., Mayor Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Vice Mayor F. Reid Ervin, George R. Ferrell, Charles W. Gardner, Clarence A. Holland, Garland I,. Isdell, D. Murray Malbon, J. Curtis Payn(,, and Floyd E. Waterfiel-d, Jr. Nays: None Absent: None City Council appointed the follow ing per@;ons to the Personnel Board for a term of tliree (3) years beginning @larch 1, 1974, ending 2-28-77: Mr. Claiborne Bryant Mrs. Phyllis Hitchler ITEM #69119 Councilman Ferrell suggested that a re,.;olutioii be presented to Sgt. Charles Ifarris for his service oii tlie Persoiiiie.1 Bo,,ird. Councilman Waterfield seconded the motioji, and Council unanimously zigreed. I'FE@l #6930 Vice Mayor Ervin stated that since tlie General Assembly had extended additional bonding authority to the City Council, it would be the City Maiiager's job to recommeiad certaii) capital funding fdr projects in the C.I.P. Vice Mayor Ervin noted that sewer projects in the C.T.P. should be put in some kind of chronological order to prevent future disputes of priority. ITEM #6931 On motion by Councilman @Vaterfield, secoilk"ed by Councilman Holland, and by recorded vote as follolqs: Ayes- Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert Ii, Callis, Jr., Mavor Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Vice Mayor F. Reid Ervin, George R. Ferrell, Charles W. Gardner, Clarence A. Tiolland, (@arland L. Isdell, D. Murray Malbon, J. Curtis Payne, and Flov(@ E. Waterfield, Jr. Nays: None Absent: None City Council will hold a closed Tneeting @)n Mondav, March 1974, 1 for the purpose of discussing ite,-@is perm;t-ted for discussion under Section 2.1-334, subparagrat)h @l, 6, aii(i " of the Freedom of Information Act of the Com-inonwc!alt@, of @l;rginia, ll'EM #6932 On motion by Councilnian Iliolland, secoiidcl bv Councilman Isdell, I and by unanimous vote, the nieeting adjourned. Rich Cit)' Clerk @Ro@@e t@g-. Cromwell, Jr., Mayor City of Virginia Beach, Virginia March 18, 1974