HomeMy WebLinkAboutMARCH 25, 1974 SPECIAL SESSION
March 25, 1974
The regular meeting of the Council of the City of Virginia Beach,
Virginia was held in the Council Chambers in the Administration
Building in the Borough of Princess Anne, on Monday, March 25,
1974, at 2:00 p.m.
Tlie invocation iTas given I)y Mr. Richard J. IVebbon, City Clerk-,
Virginlia Beacii, Viri,,iiii@i.
Councilmen preseiit: Joliri A. BaLlm'Robert fl. Callis, Tr., @layor
Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Vice @layor F. Reid Ervin, George R. Ferrell,
Charles W. Gardner, Clarence A. liolland, (;arland L. Isdell, D. Murray
Malbon, J. Curtis Payne, and Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr.
Councilmen absent: None
ITEM #6933
On motion by Councilman Ferrell, seconded by Councilman Payne,
and by recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert H. Callis, Jr., Mayor
Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Vice Mayor F. Reid Ervin, George R. Ferrell,
Charles W. Gardner, Clarence A. Holland, (;arland L. Isdell, D.
Murray Malbon, J. Curtis Payne, and Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr.
Nays: None
Absent: None
City Council approved the Ntinutes of the i-egular meeting of March
18, 1974, and dispensed with the reading of sad,d @tinutes inasmuch
as each Councilman had a copy of the SUbjE@Ct I'lillutes before him.
ITEM #6934
After considerable discussion by the City Council upon motion by
Councilman Baum, seconded by Councilman Payne, and by recorded vote
as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert H. Callis, Jr., Mayor
Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Vice Mayor F. Reid Ervin, George R. Ferrell,
Charles W. Gardner, Clarence A. llolland, (;arland L. Isdell, D. Murray
Malbon, J. Curtis Payne, and Floyd E. Watc,rfield, Jr.
Nays: None
Absent: Noiie
City Council adopted the following Resolution pertaining to trailer
F S 0 T, 0
tj@0. v cc"' 7
granL(@c-I by thc Cit@' C Ztlld PJ
20-5 of tlie Code of Princess Anno Coitnty; and
lillr,,IIEAS, soine of. thesc trailer variances iqere approved for a
years; and
period of on.e or t@qO ncess Anne County)
r.F-8,S,- ScctiOn 20-5 of the Code Of Pri
'n reheiisive
ariances, has b,-,cn repealed by ttic, COP
concernj-ng trailer v
Vir@.inia Beach) Virgini.a; and
Zoning orc)inance f the City O@
il of the
I*ILII@ I it is the desire and intent.ion of the Counc
city of Virginia Beach to remove suct, time li.mitations on such
varIiances for trailers ancl @ive the trli-1crs the status of non-,
conformina uses as permittcd under tti-- Co@-,iprcliens ive Zoning Ordinance.
1. That the Council of the City Of Virginia Beach hereby
posed under any trailer variances
deletes anv time ii.mitations im
previously granted by the Planning contr@ission or city Council and
that such trailers are no@i considered non-conforming uses as
establislied under tlie Coinprehensi-ve Zoi@ing ordiiiance.
2. Tllat tll(, cit,, cic,,I- C'@ to advertise sucli
@I@ ;s clircct
resolution for a public licaring purSuailL to 15.1-431, @.odc, of
Virgini,i, as amended.
ITEM #6934
Attorney, as
Councilman Waterfi,ld requested information from Mr. Bimson City
quirements toS hether the Resolution j,,t passed containe ro-
for kirti,g, and what effeci
o,i the 'requirements of the Fire such skirting would h,,e
After discussion Attorney Bimson indicated that he would prosviidet,iagt
the iiext COuncil Meeting, an amendment which would ap rl s u ion just
which could be ad,pted at that tilne as a part Of tho-izcyotot
ITI@',[ t6935
Oil iriotion LY Coulicilmon Callis, seconded by Council)naTI l,d,il, and
by recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Roberi H. Callis, Jr., @layor
Robert B. Cromwell. jr. I Vice Mayor P. Reid Ervin George R. Ferrell,
Charles W. Gardner: clallnce A. Holland, Garland @ Isdell, D.
Murray @falbon, J. @urtis Payne, and Floyd E. Ivaterf'ield, Jr.
Nays: None
Absent: None
CitY Council adopted the following Resolution pertaining to the
People to People Program:
A meeting of the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia,
was held in the Council Chambers on the 25th
day of March, 1974.
On motion made by Mr. Callis and seconded by Mr- Isdell
the following Resolution was adopted.
R E S 0 L U T I 0 N
WHEREAS, the "People to People Program" was inaugurated by
the President of the United States in 1956 to establish greater friend-
ship and understanding between the people of the United States and
other nations through the medium of direct personal contact; and
I*MREAS, all succeeding United States Presidents have endorsed
said program, to be conducted for the exchange of ideas between the
people of the United States and other nations; and
WHEREAS, the City of Virginia Beach, through its Council, does
x ognize and endorse this program with the hope that it will lead
to a lasting fril-ndship between the people of Virginia Beach and Moss,
*40rway; and
through the generosity of the people Of MOss, Norw,y,
a bronze replica of a figurehead known as the Norwegian Lady of the
NO-egian Barque "Dictator" was erected in 1962; and
WHEREASP t'he statue commemo,ates her lost crew and ship that met
Lth disaster off the shores of Virginia Be @-h in 1891 as well as being an
historical remi,der of the windjam,,r age.
Now, THERLFORE, BE IT F SOLVED, by the City C,,,cil Of the City
Of Virginia Beach that this co ... il on behalf of the People Of Virginia
Beach, does hereby extend an invitation to the government and the Ipeople
Of the C'ty Qf MOss,Norway, to particip t with Virginia Beach as its
sister city fOr the purpose of creating greater mutual understanding
between the people Of our two gre,t ities and nations.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that copies Of this Resolut
ion are to be
.sent to the Mayor and Council 'If the C'ty Of MOss, Norway, The Town
.A-@@-iliation Association of the United States, In,., and the Embassy of
ITEM #6936
Mr. Joe Ackaway appeared, representing tlie First Colony Telephone
On motion by Councilman Payne, seconded by Councilman Waterfield,
and by recorded vote as follows:,
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert H. Callis, Jr., Mayor
Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Vice Mayor F. Reid Ervin, George R. Ferrell,
Charles W. Gardner, Clarence A. floiland, Garland L. Isdell, D.
Murray Malbon, J. Curtis Payne, and Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr.
Nays: None
Abseiat: None
City Council adopt(,d tli(,, follo@l,ing Resoliition pei'tainiiig to the
telephone service provided by tlie First Col.ony Telephone Coinpan),
at Sandbridge:
A meeting of the Council of the City of Virginia Beach
was held in the Council Chambers on 25th day of March , 1974.
on Motion made by Mr. Payne and seconded
bY Mr - Waterfield the following Resolution was
R E S 0 L U T I 0 N
WHEREAS, The City Council of the City of Virginia Beach has
been advised by the residents of Sandbridge, that telephone service
provided by the First Colony Telephone Company at Sandbridge is
below an acceptable standard; and
WHEREAS, charge for this service is greater than the
competitive company offering superior telephone service in
Virginia Beach; and
WHEREAS, Sandbridge residents are mostly restricted to four-
party lines which have no limitation as i--o frequency of use nor
length of calls; and
WHEREAS, maintenance is delayed and the reception and trans-
mittal is of poor quality; and
WHERZAS, no public telephones are available in the Sandbridge
area, causing undue hardship to renters who do not have access to
a telephone;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the
City of Virginia Beach, does hereby requ(@st tbe State Corporation
Commission to hold a Public Service Hearing on day of
1 1974, and request tlie First Colony Telephone
Company to give reasons why they should ilot be denied continued
fra,nchisc in the Sindbricljo ziroi.
ITEM #6937
On motion by COUnCilman @falbon, seconded by COuncilman Isdell, and
by recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert H. Callis, Jr., Mayor
Robert B. Cromwell. Jr., Vice Mayor F. Reid Er vin George R. Ferrell,
Charles IV. Gard,or: Clarelice A. Holl,,d, Garl@iilcl TI. Isd(@ll, D.
@turray @Ialbon, J. @tirtis P@i),De, an(I Floyd F,. I'@'aterfiold, Tr.
Nays:. None
Absent: Noiie
City Council approved on second r.eading, a transfer of $2,700 from
Account 631 to Account 831 in the budget of the General Services
ITEM #6938
on motion by Councilman Payne, seconded by Councilman lfolland, and
by recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert H. Callis, Jr., Mayor
Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Vice Mayor F. Reid Ervin George R. Ferrell,
Charles W. Gardner, Clarence A. Holland, Garland @. Isdell, D.
Murray Malbon, J. @urtis Payne, and Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr.
Nays: None
Absent: None
City Council adopted, on second reading, an ordinance establishing
fees and charges for rental of boats, pedal boats and to establish
fees for fishing privileges for the lakes of Motii)t Trashmore Park:
71 11 ,, 17, 77@:a
BE IT O!Z,)Af-@"Ei) Tlii@ OF T-,!,F@, CITY ()P VI@-@@.CI,,TIA il@,AC'i)
S(,cti.on 1. Rent@-I I C,s
a) pcr
b) Bo-at Rei-i-L,--il. $1.05 per J@,,y
C) 1"i-s !-ii li@ P(-'3- I)C,.@-soil
3'e'tr@- irc-,
otlicr re@)t,,ii
d) Fisliin@ Pole .55@@ per lea- dr,@y.
e) Til.-,
S(,C-Iion 2. T'lie Dcpart@)iient oi-- @,,ccrc@,ition Pli@@si.cal
Educatioil is hereby ,iuthorized to adopt rulcs and reaulAtions governin.@
the use of the lakes. The rules and re@ulations shall be subject to
the approval of the City @@lrlapcr.
Firqt @larch 18, 19-4
Second @ealing: @larch 25, 1974
Adopted by tt-ie Council of the city of Virginia Beach on thle
25th _ day of March
1. For state law as to authority of the citv to establisti
sucti char,es see Code of Virginia, S-1-ction 15.1--O")6
On niotion by (ouncilnian Waterfield, secon(@ed by Councilman Callis,
and by recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilinen John A. Baum, Robert H. Callis, Jr., Mayor Robert
B. Cromwell, Jr., Vice Mayor F. Reid Ervin, George R. Ferrell,
Charlcs W. Gardner, Clarence A. flolland, Garland L. Isdell, D.
Murray Malbon, J. Curtis Payne, and Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr.
Nays: None
Absent: None
City Council adbpted tlic folloiviiig ordinance establishing a rei@ard
of $100 for information lcpding to the a@)pre-lic'Tlsion aiid convictioti
of any,person iilio ivroiigf,,illy sil)hons, di'@iiii,; or otlier@,Tise reroves
gasoline oi, aiiy otlier i@Liel fro;ji any motor @,ohiclo:
Requested by: Councilman Floyd E. l@aterfield, Jr.
S(,.ction 1: re@,,iarc! of one Itundre,-] ($100) i.s @ereby
of.@ere-J :1--o,.- Lite @ipprenension and conviction
of any person who x@7rongfully siphons or drains or otherwise removes
gasoline or a-ny other ftiel from any motor vehicle.
Section 2: This ren,,ard is not offere,@ to any law enforcement
official in the performance of his dutie.,;.
Section 3: Tnis ordinance stiall be effective from and after
the date of its
Adopted by the Council of the Ci@y of Virgini@l 7('-,Ich on the
25th clav of March 1"7/4
ITE@f 116940
On motion by Cotincilman seconded by Councilmaii liolland,
and by recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmeii John A. Baum, Rol)ert H. Call.is, Jr., @Nlayor Robert
B. Cromivoll, Jr., Vice Nlayor F. Reid Ervin, George R. Ferrell,
Charles W. Gardner, Clarence A. flolland, Garland L. Isdell, D.
Murray Malbon, J. Curtis Payne, and Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr.
Nays: None
Absent: None
City Council approved the following tax refilnds in the amount of
@i 062.97.:
-a.e Bir.-,son C4-y
m: @ir. V. ii. Ec*,ierid@e, -i-.-casurel-
Date @f-qrcli 14, 1974
jecl@: Appli--at:ion @@or @@efuno's
,@Ollowing applications for .-efund of taxes to-,aling 924.72
cert-'.@@ied -@or payment, as set forth below:
A. Etherid-e
8259 0
ernon 1974 CD 39383 0
&P 1973 PP 063874 0369 6-13-73 131.28 131.28
Pincus, 970 RE 822 2059 12-6-72 100.,62 5.03 2.68
Ha,-Ian 1st &2-.id 100.62 1 5.03 9.
1971 RE # 839 2060 '12-6-72 100.6@1-5.03, 3.
1st &2nd 100.621 5.03 6.
1972 RE 868 2061 12-6-72 105.52 5.,.,8
105.52 5.28 675.90
Ifr ed T 1973 RE 051006 2074 12-5-73 21.84
2nd half
Bryant 1974 CD 72455 1-29-74 15.00
Wilder 1974 TR 4640 3-9-74 3.50
J Broga 1974 CD 54949 1-23-74 15.00
Realty 1974 CD 55854 1-24-74 7.50
er. 1974 CD 54951 1-23-74 15.00
Z.I,,)lications for e d 0.
,lents totali,-ig t-
6: Dale B:L-nson Ci-ty Atto@--iey -L.
rom: @ir. V. A. Etheridge, Treasuter Date ',Ifarch 13, 1974
ubject: -';)plica-@ion for Tax Re4-:unds
he followin@. aoplications for refu-,id o-4 ta-.<as to-lali-,ig $ 138.25
nd ce--t-@.@@ied for payment, as se-, lortli below:
A. -ther-dge
iTypel -,ax
e 4 -11, 0
11 x of T @i n @3 t. @ei -n otal
us JBernar- 74 CD 65473 1-14--/4 7.50
,y CScott 74 CD 74407 1-30-74 7.50
Reynolds 1974 MC 15 1-8-74 1.50
Pauline 1974 CD 57792 1-28-74 7.50
beth H. 1974 6D 7760 1-28-74 7.50
D. Nabors 1974 CD 9712 1-31-74 15.00
s M Taylor 1974 CD 63798 1-9-74 15.00
n C.arter 1974 CD 62082 1-4-74 7.50
T er 1974 MC 469 1-23-74 3.00
t W. 1974 CD -7985 1-31--74 16.2D-
t L @lott 1974 CD 25497 1-16-74 15.00
tion f9@4 CD 30637 1-29-74 7.50
Ms, Inc.
Davis 1974 CD 30562 1-29-74 7.50
ozen 1974 CD T-4324 1-30-74 20.00
ages Inc.
ove @inplicatior,,s for O@ ta@<es approve,'
D@i te
OVL aDat,-,-.en-,s totalii,
Ap,),-o,,,,,,i by Ci t-.@l C,)u-,icil
J. @
,, @, :, @@l.
I'I'I:Nl #6941
Oii motion by Councilinaii Ferrell, seconded by Councilman Isdell,
and by recorded vote as Folj,ows:
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert 11. Callis, Jr., Mayor Robert
B. Cromwell, Jr., Vice Mayor F. Reid Ervin, George R. Ferrell,
Charles W. Gardner, Clarence A. ffolland, CIrland L. Isdell, D.
Murray Malbon, J. Curtis Payne, and Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr.
Nays: None
Absent: None
City Council apt)roved tlie folloi,:ing appointment of viewers for str6et
clostirc - 20' l'ortioji of Ilro,,-iclei--c Rozic', iii tli(,, Kei@pF,@,,ille Boi,ougli:
TN TI]E@@ or
Petitioner, City of virginia Beach, respectfully represents:
1. That pursuant to the provisions of Section 15.1-364 of th6
Code of virginia, 1950, as amended, the said petitioner applies for the
vacating, closing and discontinuing of a Eortion of a certain road
situate in the Borough of Kempsville, citl of Virainia Beach, Virginia,
and described as fol.lows:
ALL TTIAT CERTAIN oortion of Providence Road designete(I
OF VIRGINIA BEACH," coxitaining 0.074 acres, as appears
on that certain plat enti-tled "PLAT SfiOWING PORTION OF
DRIVE, VIRGINIA BEAC:H, VIRGINIA," and recorded in the
City Clerk's Officc-, of tl)L, Circuit Co@irt: of the City of
virginia Beach, Virc@inia, in Map Book 102 at page 18 and
further described as follows:
To find the point of beginning, start at a pin at the
inters6ction of the southern right of way of Indian River
Road and the northern right of way o@- Providence Road
and proceeding North 44" 46' west alotg the said right
of way of Indian River Rozid a di.stanc,@ c)f 317.50 feet
to a pin at tlie western most propei-ty line of now or
formerly Robert Thomas7 thence turnin,i and proceeding South
330 51' West, a di-stance of 165.38 fe@t to tlio-, POINT OF
BEGINNING: tbence, proc(@eding Soutli 33@' 51' West a distance
of 21.56 feet to a p,)iiit7 tli(-,.nce tiirn@ng -@)nd lroccediiiq
North 770 40' Wo-st @i ,Ii,.3taii(-,e of 16,0. 16 f(@et along th(@
dedicated right of @viy r,)f ilrovi.(3on(-,(@ ]@@aci to l point,-
thence turnin7 ancl 7 tl,, '
T"o r ""r) 13' .11" 1,71@;t
distance of 21.34 fc@,t t--o l point,- tl@,,iice tiirnin(I and
prococ@ding Souih 77'-' 10' T;;i@,t -i r)f l(@O.-I I c,,@ t
2. That no inconvenience will result- to any person by reason
of the said closing, vacating and discontinuing of this portion
of said road, and petitioner prays that tliis Honorable Council
appoint Viewers as provided by the afor(-'slid statute to view the
portion of the sai(I rozi,,3 to bo closc-d and report in writi-ng to
tliis Council cii or be@lo,o 1974, v,,hether,
in the opinion of the said Viewers, any, and if any, what incon-
venience would result from the discontinu4ng of this portion of
said road.
3. That on the _ day of 1974, notices
of the presenting of this application were- posted at the Courthouse
of the Circuit Court of the City of Virgir@ia Beach, Virginia, and
at two other public pl.aces within the saie City, as evidenced by
the affidavit attached hereto, and a copy of said notice, and the
land owners along and adjacent to said stieet desire and request
the said portion of Providence Road to be closed, as shown by the
attached letter.
Respectfi-Ily submitted,
WHEREAS, the City of virginia Beach, Virginia, has given
and proper notice, in accordance with the statutes for such casci
made inci provid--@(1, tliat it @,,,oulcl on tbis cl@,iy a,,,ply tc) the City
Council of thc@ Cit@, oi- f(-@r the app@'@l,,
ment of Viewers to view tlie bel-ow describc,d property and report
in writing to the council whether, in the opinion of said Viewer
any, and if any, what inconvenience would result from the dis-
continuing of the hereinafter described pc,rtion of Providence
Road in the Kempsville Borough of the Cit@, of virginia Beach,
Virginia, and have filed such application with the said Council.
That, George I,. lianl)iiry, Charles Carrington, and
William Ii. 1-@leming, Jr.
are hereby appointe('j to view the below de@@cribed property and
report in writitig to the Council on or bei'ore
whether in their opini-on, any, and if any, what inconvenience wo,
result from the discontinuing, closing ancl vacating of tliat cert.-
portion of Providence Road, located in th(@ Borougll of Kempsvil.le,
City of Virginia Beach, virginj-a, and des(,ribed as follows:
ALL TIIAT CF@.RTATN partion of Providen(,e Road designated
OF VIRGINIA BEACII," containing 0.0-14 acres, as appears on
that certain plat entit]-ed- "PLA9' SIIOWING PORTION OF
OF VIRGINIA BEACTI, SCALE: l."=40', J7\NUj%RY 31, 1974,
DRIVE, VIRGTNIA VTRCINIA," -inci rc-,corded in tlie
City clerk's o@@fi-ce of the Circuit Cotirt of the City of
Virgii)ja Bcacli, irginii, in Map 102 It page 1.8 and
furt)-ier descri@)(3,1 a-,; foll-ows:
To find the point of beginning, start at a pin at the
intersection of the southern right of way of Indian River
Road and the northern right of way of Providence Road and
proceeding North 440 46' West along the said right of way
of Indian River Road a distance of 317.50 feet to a pin at
the westc,.rn most proiderty I.ine of now or formerly Robert
Thomas; thence t@,l-ning ancl South 330 51' West,
a distai@--c of
.o thc, i or NING-, tli--rice
procc,oding Soi-iL]@ 5)' zi .@1.56 feet -lo
a point; thence Li@rtij@(,, ancl 770 4-1 ' @N;@st
a distance of 160.1(S feet-, -,ilong tlik) right of way
of Providence Road to a point; thence turning and proceeding
North 320 13' 41" East a distance of 21.34 feet to a point;
thence turning and proceeding South -i7O 40' East a distance
of 160.81 feet back to the POINT OF IF'GINNING.
Wahab appeared i@) f@I@,-
On iflotioii Counciiii@iii Co@,nci Linan Gardiler,
and by recorded vote is
Ayes: Councilmen Jolln 13a i,,i, Rob(,,I,t fl. (@@;,Ilis, Jr., Mayor Robert
B. Cromwell, Jr., Vice @lztvo- [;. Peid Er),,iri, George R. Ferrell,
Charles W. Gar Tier, A, l'oll@InO, ()aland L. I,dell, D
Murray @falbon, J. Curti t n c) v,@ Waterfield, Jr.
Nays: None
Absent: None
Cit,Y COuncil deferred f.,,@, @i pc,i,icd of ojie (1)' week the following
StTOOt closure - Oceall. ]3circ)ugli wliich wa,,3
deferred froiii Tanuary 11
0 9 4
On motion by Vice Mayci- i'@" b% C(lin-ilm@in Gardner,
and by recordeci vote, a@
LS Councilireii jol),- (a,- @-L@, Jr., @kfayor Robert
Cromwell, !-., Vi,-(
"@@-)rge R. Ferrell,
I dell, D.
,..arles W. Gard.Tlei@, s
Murray Nlalb,-)T,,, I ,@-,t I @,iiei,field, Jr.
Nays: No,,ie
Absent: None
City Council adopleci
re,,oll!ti,)ii pertaining to streets:
A meeting of the Couricil (,f the (,f Virginia Beach, Virginia
was held in the Council on t-.tie -.23t@ day of March 197'
On motion hy Mr. Fi,AFL3 and ,3c-cori(i(,d by Mr. Gardner
the follox4in,,, resol.ution -,,j
WHEREAS, @,i 5@i r)n f)'@ l@ave b,-,ei,, put to record in the
former Couiity il@ @iice: i \111 -1
of Virgini,a Beac,h Or for dedication for public use
certain streets, a!.le.ys and public way'; as indicated on such subdivision
plats; and
WHEREAS, the c)f Virginia P@c!a(h, pursuant to Section 2.02 of
the Charter of t-fie C.-y @lirgiriia :,@iay exercise all powers
possessed by coristi.Ll@21-it frrmey-- polit.ic-il subdivisions.
WHEREAS, it is aii(i 4@(it7crl@iol-L of the Council of the City
of Virginia Beach, acce- ptiblic use all those certain
streets, alleys an(i tliat @p- -t@ i)een put to record in the
Virginia (formerly
Clerk's office c)@ C:4-I @,i cVii:i!in c
Princess Anne ('our!ry, Vi..?-ginia.)
1. That ali allevs and p,,blic wavs dedicated to public
use as indicated on 1)1,.3,t:; recorded in the Clerk's
office of thp Citv of 'vi-r:,ir,.-Ia Beach, !,',r@inia (formerly Princess Anne
County, Virg,*-nia) ncL formal action of the
two former political
of Virginia Beach or by
acts of acceptance !iLc@i @t,,,F,@rovc-meitr @i,i(J rep@,iir by public authorities
or by i.nferen,-,e from L'@se Of are hereby forrrally
accepted for pu!).'Li.c
On niotion by Cotilcill,@)@ill 11(311ai@(1, by CouT'cilTraii Gardner,
and by recordecl v ot('
Ayes: colillcil@@l,,,
B. Cro,Tlwcli J,,.
I dell
IV@iter@-ield, Jr.
Nays: None
Absent: None
CitY CGtl'lcil ado[@te(I closilig, 'Vacating and
discontiilLiilig a
in tfle c; in London Bridge
,ty of virg !A
D I C,
it @i D.
Cj'Y of virjinia
Virgi,iiia, t@
t r
t f'oi i,,)
07 7 @!T'
C 1,1'
t foot strect or
of 4,
o 4 t;i-@)i turning iiortli
Ei L )ui@ ol- riiniiing
;i,' T,-Ity-nine
cj, @l
SP@'. AND LYLE c' i @aL)
IS AT LA@ t c cf Circtiit (.c)uft of
VIRGINIA BEAC. BLVD @i Y,,4-n;-a , 4-.1 @7ao 7'@oo3,
BOX 2121
INIA BEAC@ l@ 2.12
o. the
Vi; 3 in a li-,@C,
T3(,act,, a:3
ITEM #694S
On motion by Coujiciliiiaii Ilaviie, secon(le(I b,, Councilinan Waterfield,
and by rccorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, IZobert Ii. Call.is, Jr., Nlayor Robert
B. Cromwell, Jr., George R. Ferrell, CharLes W. Gardner, Clarence
A. lfolland, Garland L. Isdell, D. Murray i,lalbon, J. Curtis Payne,
and Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr.
Nays: None
Absent: None
Abstain: Vice
Cit)' Colincil @l!@pj-c)ved @l bici F(-,T, tlie ptiiipiij,, statioii,
subiiiitt(?,d by Iluiit Colitii@ ill -il(, @l@l,)@)t,nt of '$'99 540.
1 1 1
The City Manager was atitlioi,ized to executc tlie necessary documents
to implement this projec@t.
ITEM #694S (a)
On motion by Councilinan Ferrell, seconded by Councilman Isdell,
and by recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, RobeTt ',,f. Callis, Jr., Mayor Robert
B. Cromivell, Jr., George R. Ferrel.1, Charles W. Cardner, Clarence
A. Holland, Garland L. Isdell, D. Murr,.iv %talbon, .3. Curtis Payne,
and Floyd E. Waterfie@ld, Jr.
Nays: None
Absent: None
Abstain: Vice Mayor Eri,in
City Council approved the low bid of Steward Construction Company
in the amount of $141,968.SO, for pipe work, including water mains,
sewer lines and force TTictins.
The City Mina,er @ititlioi-i-ecl to exec,@it(, the nece-,;sary documents
to implement this proje(it.
ITF,M #6946
On motion by Councilman Malbon, seconded r@y Couiicilman Isdoll, and
by recorded vote as foll.ows:
Ayes: Colincilmen John b',. Paum, Robert CIli
S, jr., @layor Robert
B. Cromwell, Jr., Vice, @'Layc)r F. Reid Ervi), (,corge R. Ferroll,
Charles W. Gardner, (@lareii(.-,e A. flollapd, -,arland L. lsdel.1, D.
Murray Malbon, J. Cui@tis P,,iviie, and l@lovd E. 1%,,iterfield, Jr.
Nays: None
Absent: None
City Council appro,,,od tlie loi,-, bid of l@. B. Nlore(litli, 111, Inc., in
tlie ainount of $113,797., for tlie sewlp
,e piitlp st@ition and off site
water and sewer forco f i@ tll(, C iii,.iuiiity (@,ollege
Tlie City Nlanager ailthorized to exe(-itt, tile no,(7essary documelits
for this project.
I'FENI #6940
On motion by Colincilillin Ferrell , secoii(ICII by COLI31C-ilman GardTler,
and by recorded vote as follo,,:
Ayes: Couilcilmen Tohn A. Baum, Robert if. Callis, Jr., Mayor Robert
B. Cromwell, Jr., Vice @layor F. Reid Ervin, George R. Ferrell,
Charles W. Gardner, C"arence A. Hollaiid, Garland LiiIsdell, D.
Nlurray Malbon, i. Curtis Payne, and Floy6 E. Water eld, Jr.
Nays: None
Absent: None
City Council approved tlle lolv bid for off site water line ar@d seiqer
f6rce maii), stil)nlittcd
of $54,657.85. "v V(@o Collstruc'ic" C'Omj),]'])' in the Linotint
I'li-- City alltIlor],e@l, to Ilie liecossary documents
to implenioiit tilis pl.ojc@ct.
ITEM #6947
On motion by Councilmap. Gardner, seconded by Councilman Ferrell,
and by recorded vote as folloi@s:
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert H. Callis, Jr., @layor Robert
B. Cromwell, Jr., Vice Nlayor F. Reid ET-vi,,i, George R. Ferrell,
Charles W. Gardner, Clarence A. liolland, [:arland L. Isdell, D.
Murray Malbon, J. @urtis Payne, and Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr.
Nays: None
Absent: None
City Council approved the sal.ai-y scale foi correctional officers
to be established at $6,144, with an incrcase to $6,720 upon completion
of the Law Enforcement Officers Trairfing @tandarcls Commission School.
ITEM #6948
On motion by Cotincilman IV,,iterficld, seconc](@d bv Cotiiicilman Gardnor,
and by recorded vote as foiloi@s:
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert H. Cal.lis, Jr., Mayor Robert
B. Cromwell, Jr., Vice Nlayor F. Reid Ervin, (;eorge R. Ferrell,
Charles W. Gardner, Cl,,trc@nce A. flolland, -irjltld L. Tsdell, D.
Murray @Ialboji, J. Curtis Pavne, and Flovd IV,,tcrfield, Jr.
Nays: None
Absent: None
City Council authorized, stibject to the co.,.ctirrence of the State.
Compensation Board, two cooks' positions i!i tlic Citv JIil b@idget and
two baliffs' positions in tlie '@I)eril-f's of -ic(., lilicl,
,@ @ tI'lic full(is
required to SLIPPOrt tllCSC f@or tli, of tliis fiscal
year total $8,694 ($5,79@ 1-i-oin tlie ;tat(, iii,l $2,897 froiii tlie Ci.ty).
City Council also iiiade zi total appropriati(-ji of $8,694 to the following
$4 480 to Accoti Ti'@@ 25 (Coiitl)cns@tti oil
of Deputy Sliei@iff)
$4,214 to Accoiint #@144 (CoiT,.Iiensation
of Nlatroiis, J@tilers and Cook)
City Council approved a transfer of $2,8@)7 froin Reserve for
Contingencies and estimated rcvenues froji the Commonwealth Account
#1034 be increased by $S,797, the State'@i share of the cost.
ITEM #6949
On motion by Councilipan Payne, seconcl,,,d l,v Councilman Holland,
and by i-ecorded %,oto ,Is fo
Ayes: (@()uncilTii(.,ji Jolin F',ol'lcrt 11, CIltis, Jr. , @irivor ROI)@@
B. i-v @l 2,g c,, P, . ell,
Charles IV. Gardiaer, l Gai@lL,ii@' L. Isdelll D.
Murray Ntalbon, J. Curtis Payiie, and 1--lo),( E. @Vaterfield, Jr.
Nays: None
Absent: None
City Council approved aii increase to the Comprehensive Mental
Health budget by $66,305 for the State's contribution, to be offset
by a like increase in estimated revenue.
ITEM #6950
On motibn by Councilman Ntalbon, seconded by Councilman Waterfield,
and by recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert Ii. Callis, Jr., @layor Robel,@,
B. Cromwell, Jr., Vice Mayor F. Reid Ervill, George R. Ferrell,
Charles W. Gardner, Cla-rence A. flollancl, '@arlind I,. Isdell, D.
Murray Malbon, J. Curl@is P@iync, and Flc)yc@ E. IVaterfield, Jr.
Nays: None
Absent: None
City Council approved a transfer of $1,925 from Account #140 (Compen-
sation of JP's) to Accoiints #204, 214, @117 and 220 to cover certaill
operating expenses.
On motion by Councilman @Ialbon, seconded ',)y Councilman Waterfield,
and by recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Bauln, IZobert fl. Callis, Jr., Mayor Robert
B. Cromwell, Jr., Vice Nlayor F. Reid Er@,ill, George R. Ferrell,
Charles W. Gardner, Clai@ence A. lloll@ind, @@;)rllnd L. Isdell, D.
@lLirray Nlalbon, J. CLirtis Pivne, ancl l@lev@l l@. I%Iaterfield, Jr.
Nays: None'.
Absent: None
,City Council approved tlic followin@ adjiistilic,nts to accomodate cert]
salary changes apl)rov,,,(l bv the Citv CoiiTic;l on l-,cbruary 1, 1974:
General Fund ('I'i-,Illsfer f,@,,
Con-lingenci.es) $54,027
D,rug Abuse Outreac;'i Fund
(Unappropriate(i S@irplus) 108
Working Captial Y@uiids
(Unappropriated Stirplus) 20,436-
Total Appropriati,n Ad-ustments $74,571
ITEM #6952
'On motion by COU]Icilman Isdell, secol)(Io(, by Cotilicilman Ferrell,
and by recorded vote as f-ojjc)i@s:
A),es:. C:oLtiicilipeil Joliii A. B@,i, c)i@ I I i; ,iyor RolDert
Ti , Tf
Jr. , @-i,,:C! '!@i, C)r F. I-@r@in, (@,-,orge R. Ferrell,
Cliarles I'll. Gardner, (:Iireiice A. llollaiicl, GarlaiiJ L. Isdell, D.
Murray l@ialbon, J. Curtis Payne, and Floycl E. Waterfield, Jr.
Nays: None
Absent: None
City Council authorized the City Treasiirer, Mr. V. A. Etheridge, to
charge off four checks totaling $555.47 @,vhich he determined would
be impossible to collect.
ITEM #69S3
On motion by Councilman liolland, secondecl by Councilman isdell,
and by recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baunt, Robert H. Callis, Jr., Mayor Robert
B. Cromwell, Jr., Vice Mayor l@. Reid Ervin, George R. Ferrell,
Qharles W. Gardner, Clarence A. flolland, Garland L. Isdell, D.
Murray Malbon, J. 6urtis llayne, and Floye@ E. Waterfield., Jr.
Nays: None
Absejit: None
City Council approved the Bingo application submitted by the
Chesapeake Beach Volunteer Fire Department.
ITEM #6954
On motion by Councilman Isdell, seconded ')y Councilman liolland,
and by recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert fl. Callis. Jr., Mayor Robert
B. Cromwell, Jr., Vice Mavor F. Reid Erviii, Georic R. Ferrell,
Charles W. Gardner, Clare@ce A. Ifolland, (@arland ],. Isdell, D.
Murray Malbon, J. Curtis fliync, and Floycl i@. Ivaterfield, Jr.
Nays: None
Absent: None
City Council authorized the City Managoi- to enter into a standard
water and sciver agreeirioi)t i;itli Parli,,inielit Village, Kompsville Borou@h.
ITEM #6955
On motion by Councilinan Gardner, seconded by Councilinan Holland,
and by recorded vote as fol.lows:
Ayes: Councilmen Jolin A. Bauri, Robert ti. Callis, Jr., Mayor Robert
B. Cromwell, Jr., Vice Mayor F. Reid Ervin, George R. Ferrell,
Charles W. Gardner, Clarence A. Ilolland, Garland L. Isdell, D.
Murray Malbon, J. Curtis Payne, and Floy,i E. Waterfield, Jr.
Nays: None
Absent: None
Citv Colincil aclopted tlic, fG]Iowiri,, l,,c5,ol,-ltioji coiiceriiing certain
Graiat reques-Ls iiii@ILr tlic C)Iill@il)t),s and SNf-c Streo'L-s Act of
R E S 0 L U T I 0 N
.;,,IIEP,EAS, the Crir,-,-- Omiibus -nd Safe S',-reeti; Act of 1963, as anended,
Dro,.,ides Federal funds to assist pc)litical subd@.visions of tlie various states
in i7.proving -,heir respecti,@e criminal justico ;ystems in 6rder to reduce or
el@;@.--inate inad--quacics; and
'AliEP,EAS, thcre exists inadequacies within the Law Enforce@-.nt secior of
Cri@-,,inal Jusl.ice system of tliis Ci-,Y; and
@1/2HEREAS, there e--ists a need in improving training of tlleir 'police forces
in order to reduce or elimiiat-I inadequa--ies; alid
1/21[ER-PAS, the subject trainin.@ programs wil" cost a total of $li,477.00,
o,@: w-@iich the City's proportionate share amounts to $573.00; and
HHFREAS, it is necessary th.at each politicil subdivision participating
P-C@raT,,. a -)rono--!')71-ate o@ t@@ r-DS-, t@
That the City llana.@er is hereby authorized and d;-rccted to cause such
irlor.-,ation or r@aterials as may be necessary to be provided to the approp.-iate
s-late a.cencies to per,.nit the for,-itilation, aT),nro@,,l ard fu,-,di-,i@ o-@ those
F-0.@ar-S needed by tlie City.
ITEM #69S6
On motion by Councililian (,ardner, seconded by (-ouncilman Holland,
and by recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Bauiii, Robert H. Callis, Jr., Mayor Robert
R. Ferrell,
B. Croiiiwell Jr., Vice \Iiyor F. Reid Ervin, Georgc
Lrles W. G'ardner, Clarence A. Holland, Garland L. Isdell, D.
-ray Malbon, J.' Curtis Pa),ne, and Floyd E. Wate-i-ficl.d, Jr.
Nays: Noiie
Absent: Nollic
Cit Council adopted the folloiviii,, Resol.titioll concerning a T)ilot
program of the Adult Offender Statistical Traiisactions SystelTi
WHEREAS, th-- Crirre Ornnibus and Sa@@e Streets Act pro@des feder--l
divisions o,@ tlie various states in @inprovin@ their
--mds to assist pol@@tical sub
res.pec"i-ve Criminal Justice Systems ii,@ ord--r to rel,-,ce or eliminate inadequa-
s; and
areas in :,,hich the adult offender sector of the Crim-
WHEREAS, ther,e are
-inal -ustice System of t',ie Cit-)r of Virginia Beach T,@quires such assis.tance; apd
a u,tomated data proces-
IVHF-RF,AS, iL is de',--rrrined that -,he appl@ca'ion f a
sin, iechniques initiated within the spectrum of the adult offender sector of our
C;rirfii'n,,l Justice System -ould enhance the e@dl@,nt delivery of equitable jus-
tice; ancl
WHEREAS, such adaptation of ADP rnethodology: would promote continuity
of iue process; and
W@P-EAS, such continuity of process will 2-esult i@i i, cr-ased cost ef@ec-
tive ne s sto the entire system; and
WHEREKS, it is necessary that eacl,. politica-I su'Dd;-Vision participatin,@ in
the program provides a proportionate share of the cost tllereof -
W@R--AS, @'he est;niai,zd totzLI cost of th, Adult Offcnder Statistical Trani;-
actions Systern Pro@ram is $234, 166, tnd the --s'limatc-d II-)cal coiitribut4on for
tlie two year p-,o,ra@-n L-@
T@@- FORE, BE !'I' 1"ESOL"'i@7,D B'@' COCjNl--!L OF -@HE C;!'[Y
That the City lvlanager is hereby authorized and directed to cause such.
i@.or'rnation or materials as may be necessary to be provided to the appropriate
state a@Iencies to p-rr,--;i tlie @o@,nula-,;on, appro/al a 71d @und;n, of t'nose pro,ral-ns
needed-b y th-- CiL-y.
AND BE IT FURTHER RE SOLVED, that the Council of t1/2c! City of Vir@.inia
Beach gives its assurance that the funds needed as the City's prooortionate share
of tke cost of appro-,r.ed pro,@rams wiil be providad.
AND, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Governor of Vir.@inia is re-
spectftmy requested to assist in the prompt approviil aqd fundin@ of needed pro-
grams in order that the public interests of this City -.nay be best protected.
ITE,',l #69S7
Councilman Baum indicated that he would like an explanation of
the various programs of Fcderal Aid iii wilicli tlie City of Virginia
Beach is participating uiidor the Federal Safe Streets and Crime
Act as well as other programs concerning law enforcement.
After discussion, City Mana@er Scott, advised Council that an explaination
would be made in the immediate future after the meetings set up
for the planning items and the hearings on the budget for the fiscal
year 1974-75 had been held.
ITEM 1!6958
On motioii b), Coujiciljn@ill ('o,,incil.D,,an Gardner, and
bv i-ccorded votc,. !is f-),
Ayes: Councilmen Johii A. Bailm, IZobert H. Callis, Jr., Nlayor Robert
B. Croiiiwell, Jr., Vice Nlayor F. Reid Ervin, George R. Ferrell,
Charles W. Gardner, Clarence A. Holland, Garland L. Isdell, D.
Murray Malbon, J. Curtis Payne, and Floyd E. IVaterfield, Jr.
Nays: None
Absent: None
City Council appointed the following persons to the United Drug
Abuse Council for unspecified terms:
Mr. James McKenry, Attorney Mr. A. C. IVoodruff, Attorney
Reverend Mark Stone @Ir. Brantley Basnight, Attorney
Ms. Barbara Wiley
ITEM #69S9
Vice Mayor Ervin suggested that the revers(@ side of irater bills
be utilized for inforinational purposes regardiiig.City activities
in an effort to iniprove pitblic relations. it @,,,as indicated
by the representatives of the wate-r Department, at this time thei-e
is so inucli concerning tlie pi@ol,,or billiii,., tlia' @t i@ould l@c 1'.iore
effective if such use of the bills be withheld pending bringing
the bills up to date.
ITEM #6960
On motion by Councilman Ferrell, secoiided by Councilman Ilolland,
and by recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baiim, Robert 11. Callis, Jr., Mayor Robert
B. Cromwell, Jr., Vice Mayor F.,Reid Frvin, George R. Ferrell,
Charles W. Gardner, Clarejice A. @lollancl, Garland L. Isdell, D.
Murray Malbon, J. Curtis Ilayne, and Floycl l@. lvaterfield, Jr.
Nays: None
Absent: None
City Council will hold a closed MeetiTig, on Monday, April 1, 1974,
for the ptirpose of discussing items peri,iitted for discti-,sion iiiidcr
Section 2.1-334, sLibpai'agril)h 2, 6, ,iii(I 7 of tli(@ Frecdoni of Iiiforriaticii
Act of the Commonwcaltli of Vii-ginia.
ITENI @iO9(,l
On ilioti.on by Couiicilman 17ot-rcll, I)y (@otincjim,,iii lioll@I]ILI, @ilid
by uiianiinous vote, the MectiliF 'L(l@jouilie(
l@l'i,,trct j. @vet)i)oii, t