HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPRIL 8, 1974
@lli@tJi'l@S OF 'rii i: Cl'rY CO[J.@CIL
Cl'f@' 01" VIIZGINIA
April 8, l@)74
@i'lio rc,,pul@ir illectilig of the Couiicil of tlie City of Virginia Beach,
Virgiii@ia, was lield iii tlie Couiicil Clialiibers, iii tlie Administration
Buildiii,,,, in tlie Boroti@@li of Priiicess Anne, on Monday, April 8, 1974,
at 2:00 p.m.
Tlie j.jix,,)catioii wa.@ @l,ivcn by tlie I'levorcnd lyi,oii lialstead, Baylake-
@%lel@jiociist CIii-ii-cli, Vi i,@!Tija Be@icii, Vir@@iiii@i.
(:o@lf!( i ii,icll) A. Ca-llis, Jr. , Vice
c@ j i (,@l ;;i i, 1(3 s 1: . G @i r dlic r
1).ilurr@i)- @lil.boii, J.
(@oujiciliiieii absent: @layor Robert B. Croiiiwell, Jr.
ITI:@l #6@ 91
On iiiotion by CouiiciliTian Milbon, secoii:ied by Councilman Gardner,
and by recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Counciliiieii Jc)]iTi A. flaum, l@ol)ert H. Callis, Jr. , Vice Mayor
F. Reid L-rviii, George R. Ferrell, (:Iiarles W. Gardlier, Clarence A.-
liollaiid, Garlaitcl L. IsdoIJ, D. @ltarray i@,lalboji, J. Curtis Payne, and
Floyd l@. Waterfield, Jr.
Nays: None
Absent: Mayor IZabert B. Cromwell, Jr.
City Council approved the Minutes of the regular meeting of
AI)ril 1, 1974,-and dispeiised witli tlie readiii@ of said @linutes
inasiritich as each Councilinan had a cop,@ of the subject @linutes
beforo Iiiiii.
ITEM #6@)92
Vice @la),or L-@rviii read the folloiviii,, Resolution of Commendation
to eleveii Gold ;Nletal Ilinners, and tivo Silver Medal State Winners
fi,oin Virginia Beacli Vocational-Technical.School, for their
accoiiiplisiiiiients iii tlie 1974 State Olyi;ipic Skill Contests.
Oii iriotion by Couiicjliiiaii Payne, and seconded by Councilman Gardner,
and by unaiiimous vote, the resolutioii of commendation was adopted:
R E S 0 L U T I 0 N OF C 0 It M E N D A T I 0 N
VqHEREAS, it has been brought to tlie attention of the City
Co,ancil of the City of Virginia Beach that the Virginia Beach
Vocational-Technical Education School has, in two years of oper7
ation, attained excepti-onal goals; an(i
WHEREAS, through the enthusiastic pursuit of the high ideals
--he Vocatioial Clubs of Arr,.ex-ica Pledge to becoine a
le by eir.T-)loyees
whoc@r@ rvicl@, @ll- be @.s honc)rab
-,ici In o- rcward upoii the solid
t,,,e I,, c,@ thc@ Ii-rginia Ber@,cli
i c, @, t-,.i ()C) ',-c) have @.i@-thin its
eleven @,Tid twc) 0-.L]-,,er b.elal State winners from
t*i-- 1974 Statc, Olympic Skill Coritests frorL tlie folic)wing catagaries:
Commercial Art Betty Credle First Place
Offset Pririting Rick Rodamar
Radio & TV Repair John Roberts
Nat. School Display John Roberts
Air Conditioning
& Refrigeratioil Stev(-- Angel
Autobody Robert Traino
Carpentry George Crosson
Commercial Art Mary Schafer
Diesel Mechanics Kenn,ath Gordon
Offset Printing Bill Eger
Welding, Arc Nathan Gray
Auto Mechanics Kenneth Jones Second Place
Machine Drafting Matt Francis .1
WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of virginia Beach congratu-
lates these thirteen state winners and wish them further success
in the National. Coinpetition in Juile, 1974.
NOW, THEREFO.@ , BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the
City of Virginia BP-ach cormnends tile staff and the students of the
Virginia Beach Vocatio@nal-Technical School for their enthusiasm,
t-heir professionalism, and their success; and further, recognizes
the prodigious need for Vocational-Technical Education in Virginia
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Clerk is directed to
include a copy of this resolution in the minutes of this day's
GIVEN under my hand and seal this Eighth Day of April, One
Thousand, Nine Hundred and Seventy Four.
Petition of John J. Vlr),@c.'ard, @lary T. t,!oodard, S,,tiiuel I. @@!liite, Harriet 14hite,
Janies t,icGceiri, Elainc@ @icC.,@ein, t,iisc[ia Rafal, i'@c@,alan RafEil, Thelnia J. Kayer,
Philip Russo and Mary C. Russo for a Chanae o-f Zoninq District Classification
fro;n B-1 Pusiness Resid(Ititial Districf ',-o @-I @r@,,ar,rr,,,en7FDisti,ict on certain-pro-
perty beginniiig at a poirt 350 feet niore or less t@orth of Independence Boulevard,
running a distance of 370.28 feet along the i.lestern property line of which 220.08
feet is the East side of Pleasure House Road, running a distance of 965.4 feet
along the Northern property line, running a (]istance of 770.81 feet along the
Eastern property line and running a distance of 846.4 feet along tlie Southern
property line. Said parcel contains 10.7 ac-es riore or iess, (Robbins Corner
Ai-ea). BAYSIDE BORGU@@-@l,
fllanning Cop.@-,@ilssion 11,
A Pi-,;Sc-d to appi,cive this rec,.ue@,i
subj ec t to ti i,-, foII o@; i ri r@ t c riuii c@ilic tits of tlie duli,i iiiist cat ive s taff for the infori@ia-
tioti of tfie aijplicant:
1. Standard site plan improvements as required in the Site Plan Ordinance to
include a fLIlly iMprOVc.(i 50-foot dcdicated riglit of way to align with Thoroughgood
Road and Frost Lane. (Erigineering)
@2. City viater and se@Lier. (Health)
3. Peconiiiended that tlie applicant be r c,-jired to par'licipate in school site
purchase in the aMDLI!I-u @,-i $6,111@3.11@; tliis is basei on constri.;,-tion of 138
apartments and may be @,cij@isted 'tt ti-,e tillic @uil,,Iiiig !)eritlit is issued to re-
flect ziny cl-ieir,,ges.
Mr. ii. Calvin Spaiii, Attorney, represciitecl the applicants.
Mr. Cousins, President of tlie Thorougligoocl Civic League, appeared
in approval of this apl)licatioii.
Mr. Spain stated the civic league has agreed to the A-1 zoning,
subject to tlie followijig conditions whicli are to be recorded to
secure tlie protection of everyone:
1. The pr operty, witli the exception of one office building
to be constructcd on Pleasure House Road, would be used for
towiihouses for sale.
2. The maxiEiuiE density, with reference to the townhouses for
sale, will be teli (10) per acre.
3. All streets withill the area will be public streets, no
private streets.
4. Laiidscaping easements will be provided along the northeastern
boundary line, which is adjacent to the existing Thoroughgood
subdivision, botli residential and commercial, and along the
southeastern boundary line wliere tlie existing subdivision stops.
Tlie easements will be twenty (20) feet along the Thoroughgood
coinmercial, forty (40) feet along the Thoroughgood residential,
and tweiity (20) feet alon@. the solitlieastern side (there is a
161 laiie tliat conies out to Independojice Boulevard, and provisions
will be made for that). l')ie casements will be developed into
a berni systeiii appi-oved by tlie Plaiiiiijig Department.
S. Tlie restrictioiis will carry a five year limitation ori
them. If the pi@olierty is iiot developed, according to the
plan, at the ciid of five ye@trs tlie civic league or the City
of Vi.rgiiiia l@e@icli ivill liave the riglit to request that the
property be to tlie cata,,-ory of B-1
O:! !;!C)l ioil by (Ic@iliicili,i,,@ll ti,@)IJan(l, I)y Councill@izili Payne,
a;id 1)), recorct(,@l vote a-, iollo@vs:
Aye-s : Counciliiieii Jc)ltii A. l@@LUill, IZC)I)crt ti. Callis, Jr. , Vice llayor
f,'. I'loid Ervi.n, Geoi,ge 1,
1. ]:Clrell, Cliarlo,@ l,". Girdner, Clarence A.
flOll@l]ILI, Garlaiid L. Isdoll, D. i\lurray Nizilboii, J. Ctirtis Payne, and
Fioyd E. liaterficid, ii@.
Nays: Noiie
Absent: Mayor Robert B. Croinwell, Jr.
City Council approved the folloiving Ordiliance upon petition of
John J. Woodard, @lary 1'. I'@oodard, Saiiiiiel I Wliite, Harriet White,
Jailies @IcGoeiii, 11-1,,Ijllc "!CC@ce.i3l, @liscli@i lllafal , blevalin [Zafal,
'fheliti,) J. Kayei,, I)Jiill I)i.ls-,;o a7iti ',T,,tr,y (I. PLisso for a Lhan,
I Disti,ict to A-i
A@ll @)"IL)II@ANICL Uil()N PE'lli-ION OF Z0474022
CLASSIFICATIOi\ 11@O,@,l B-1 Business
Residential Disti,ict TO A-1
Aparti,,ieiit District.
Be it ordained by tlie City Council of tfle City of Virginia Beach, Virginia:
Petition of John J. Woodard, Mary T. IV@oodard, Samuel I White, Harriet
lVhite, James McGeeiii, L,@laiiie McGeein, \Iisclia Rafal, Bevalan Rafal,
Tilelma J. Kayer, Pliilip izusso and @,lary C. Russo for a Change of Zoning
District Classification from B-1 Businoss IZesidential istrict to
A-1 i n certain property beginning at a point 350
feet more or less North of Iiidependence Boulevard, running a distance
of 370.28 feet aloii,, the Western property line of which 220.08 feet is
the Last side of ille,,isure liouse Road, running a distance of 965.4 feet
alon', tho Nortlici,i, li-opoi-ty Iiiie, ruriiiiii' a distance of 770.81 feet
along tlie Eastern propei-ty Iiiie alid running a distance of 846.4 feet
along tile Sotitliorii ,)rop-li-ty line. SaiJ parcel contains 10.7 acres more
or less. (Robbins Corner Area). Bayside Borough.
Approval is subject to the following slipulations:
1. Standard site plan iinprovements as required in the Site
Plan Ordinance to i.nclude a fully improved 50-foot dedicated
riglit of way aiign witli Thoroughg,)od Road and Frost Lane.
2. City water and sewer. (Healtli)
3. l@ecomiiiendecl tl)at tlie applicant be required to participate
in school site purcliase iii tlie amouiit of $6,853.12; this figure
is bZLSed on coiistructioii of 138 al)artiiients and niay be adjusted
at tlie time tlie building permit i.,, issued to reflect any changes.
4. Tlie property, witli tlie exceptioIii of oiie office building to be
constructed oii Pleasure liouse Roa(l, would be used for townhouses
for sale.
th c iice to tlie toiqnliouses f or
sale, wili b,,, tcli I)er @icre.
6. All street@, withiii tlie area will be I)ublic streets, no
privatc streets.
7. Landscap@Ti ca,,3ements will bf.@ provided along the north-
easterii bouiidarv line, i@,,Iiicli is acljacent to the existing
I'liorougligood sui)divisioii, both rc!sidential and commercial,
and along tlie southeastern bouiid@try line where the existing
subdivisioii stops.
The easement will be 20-fect aloitg the Thoyoughgood commercial,
forty-feet alon@ tlie Tlioroughgoo(t residential, and twenty-feet
aloti,,, tlie solitlicastei,ii si,de (tliei,c is a si.xteen-foot lane teat
coi@i,-,@@ out t@) Botiluv:,ce,, a,nd provisiors i,;ill be
iii@)(I for til il "'lie ('@i,,;c;liiclit-,; 'i,ll be clc,@i,oloped into a berill
r t i t
8. Tlie restrictions c.,irr%7 i, fi.ve year limitation on tliem.
If tlie propert), is jiot developed, accordiiig to the plarl, then
at tlie end of five years the civ@c league or the City of Virginia
Beach will have tlie right to reqliest that the property be rezonecl
to tlie catagoi,y of B-1.
15 )9
to cstablish an
t @l c, @-.is ttif-, and
O' t'i k i)t@ivp., (a) ruini?if,, a distance
1 @ zid
of or
tlie si('@e of ';@'orth Road, running a dis-
t@'ice 40,9 Ilcrrl ,@astern ri,on,,-,rty linl, ol@ @.,Iiicti 20r f et i or or I ss is
e@ I e e
tii@, !,.',,?st sicl@ of lioniti(,@, Priv.-, i,Linni@q a dist.,-,icc- of 9t@O feet more or Icss along
C'. e S(@ u t 1,@c r ii pro , c, r ty I i ii,,, , rLi n r, i rg a d i s ta nc e o f 1 9 0 f ec t r@o re or less along the
1'est@rn pt-on2l,t,/ I I - SS C, 0
- it,@c r@rccl c():,itains '!..o rior(,. or le and -xclud s
ro-',.@ion of property lecated on thc, Southv.,est corner of tiorth llitchduck Road
a cont;, C,.4 rii!@rii)@tj @l di@l@,rce of C'O fc.,et r,,-ore or
cross .Drive,
@,yi -,,rop, -,c-, an,!
his@@Orical site
S'i V,Q t s @,i@ cta i 1 e(I infomation are
ava i I a b I in t @fl of Play)
I , (E@oriatic,,i Shores Area). BAYSIDE BOROUGH.
Plar,ning Co-rission Recol-,i@Ic-,ctiitic,-n:
@@flti'ln vias r.,,as@ed unapi;,,)u-',Iy Ly the P13r,r@-ing Col@@,ission to approve this
@Ir. @ierbort Siiiitli, Cliairfli n of tlie tli toric ReView Board, appeared
before City Couiicil tlilinking theiii on belialf of @ir. Ed. lzuffin,
Nlrs. Kathryn @lil.Ler, Nlrs. Swindell Pollock, aiid Mr. W. Russell Hatchett
for appointing tlieni to tlie @listoric Revietv Board.
Oii iiiotion by Couiicilnian Cardner, secoiided by Councilman Isdell,
and by recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilnien 0'ohn A. hauin, IZobert ii. Callis, Jr., Vice Mayor
F. Reid Ervin, Geor e Ill. Ferrell, Charles IV. Gardner, Clarence A.
ifoll.aiid, Garland I,. Is@tell, D. Murray Mall)on, J. Curtis Payne, and
Floyd E. Waterfiel.d, Jr.
Nays: None
Absent: Mayor Robert B. Cromwell, Jr.
City Council adopted the following Ordinance upon petition by
motion of the Virgiiiia Beach Planning Commissioji to establish
as an iiistoric aild Cultural District Old I)onation Cliurch:
i@c it oi@dained I)y tiie Cotti@(:@i@l of tile CLty f)f Virginia ',each, virgiiiia:
Petitioii I)Y nioti@01, c)f tlie Vii-oinil -.'eacli Plaiiniiig'Cojiiiiiission to
estal)li.sli ari flistc)i-ic @iiid (iulturaj I)isti@ict oii certai.n property
descrit)c(i at tiie @@ol@th @iiid Soutli sides of Nortli @vitcllduck Road
East of Catliedrzil I)i-ivc, (,,i) ruiining a distance of 8SO feet more
or less along tlie Soutli sid(,, of Nortli @@itcliduck Road, running a
distaiice of 400 fcet along tlie Easterii property line of which 206
feet inore or less is tlie IVest side of Donatioii Drive, rutining a '
distaiice of 900 fect flicie or I.ess ilon,@, tlie Southern property line,
iuiiiiing a dist@iiice of 190 fect iiiore or less along the Western property
li.iie (s@ii(I I)arc(@l 4.9 acres i@i)re or less and excludes thdt
I)ortioji of loc;il-@@! ()II tilc@ c@)riier of North I%Iitch
@iLick tiid i@@, coiit@@j@ Lji 0 . 1, @icj,cs) ; (1)) running a
c; i,-@ c, of 640 le,,)-,) t ]i si(lo of inortli
@i distaiacc of lls
1 o,2'@ i,@i i- c, or I,:, liilc ruiaiiing a dist@iiice
of 610 feet inorc oi- ],,-s @il@)iig thc@ @"oi,tlierii I)i,op,-@rty line and ruililing
a distaiice of 140 fcot i@tore or less al,)iig tlic Fasterii property line
(said parcel coiitaiii,.,, 1.83 acres i,,iore c)r less) and to classify the
I)ropei,ty known as Oltl I)oi-ia,tlioii Churc-li located at 4449 North Witch-
(luck Ro@id as an Iii-storical site dcoi!ted dusiral)le for preservation.
Plats witli iiiore dctiiIeLi iiifoi-iiiation ai-e avai.lal)le in tlie Department
of Planiiing. (Doji@ition Sliores Area). llayside Borough.
I'his Ordinaiice shall be effective from the date of passa.@e.
f I
. 0
est@i@,i,"sh an
o@l cr s
i 11 t CT, F.
- : @ , nst ii @ve@lu(, "@rt@) of '(),71-ithan
(:otjrt, rui@rii@@,i a 3f 350 i@,,,2t i ore or ilong 'Iort@,.,@rn prorcrty
I-I!i@ ,nd of 3") f,-cc riore oi, lfss aloi)(i th(, Sou'lli@rn pro-
f-,(,rty line (sii(I parc(@l is irrCQLI lar ir, silar)a) to cll,,,sify the property
k,ii,)@,in as as an hisl(iricil site deemf?.d desir,,tble for preserva-
tion. p i t'i i, @ot--e--(I@,+niled i.-,fc,rri,ition circ, 7viilable in the Department
of Planning. (Ponibroke flanor Area). BAYSIDE POPOUGH.
Planning Commission Recorncndation:
A inoticn was passcd unariir@otisly [)y the Plannirg ColTmission to approve this
0,1 i,c@tioii 1)", Couiici secci ])y Cc)iiiicililiaii Holland,
@iiid l@),
cs (Ioiiiic i liiieli ) ,!iii N. l@ l@cb (2 i@ l@ ii. @Ial 1 i s , Jr. , Vi ce Mayor
!Z(@ id L,rv i ii , Geol-@@,: K. Fe i i,e I I , Cla Lti ics l'o'. Gardne r, Clarence A.
liollaiid, Gai'laii(i L. tsdell, 1). llurrav ,\Ia.lboii, J. Curtis Payne, and
Floyd E. -@Vaterfield, Jr,
,Nays Nono
Absent: Nlayor Robert B. Cromwell, Jr.
City Council adopted tlie follolving Ordin@ince upon petition by
inotion of tlie Virginia Beacli Plaiining Coiainission to establish
as aii lfistoric aiid Cultiiral District Pembroke Nlanor:
Be it ordained by the Council of tlie City of Virginia Beach, Virginia:
Petition by motion of tlie Virginia Beach Planning Commission to
establisli an Ifistoric ai,(l Cultui-al District on certaill property
described as located at tlie intersection of Hinsdale Street and
Constitution Aveiiiie Nort]l of Joiiatlian (@ourt, runiiiiig a distance
of 350 feet more or less along the Northern property line and
runniiig a distance of 3SO feet more or less along the Southern
pi,operty line (said parcel is irregular in shape) and to classify
the property known as Peinbroke Manor as an historic site deemed
desirable for preserva l@oll. Plats with more detailed information
are available in t'ne Departnient of Plaririing (Pembroke Manor Area).
Bayside Borough.
Tliis Ordinance shall be effective from tlie date of passage.
ITEM #6996
Petiticn by iiiotion of the Virqitila Beach Plantiinq Comnission to establish an
Histoi@ic and Cultural District on certain prop@ri,, (ioscribod as located on the
East sitic of Parisli Poad Club Circle and @,liorounhgood Drive, running
a @!isti,,nce. of 500 feet alotig ttic E@ist sid(-, of Parisli road, rtinniiig a distarice
of -)90 f(,,et alcr,,g tl@(! S(iu'L@i si(lo of Tlic;rcuriliticod Dr-ive, rutitiiiiq a distance of
480 fe(@t along tht, EListern I)rc)l,erty liiie ai,.d rt@nnirig a dist-3nce of 340 feet
aloiig tlie Soutlic@rn pro@)(,,rty I iiie of k,iiicii 240 feet is the' r;orth side of Club
Circle (said parccl contairis -).4C acrcs i@iore or and to classify tlie pro-
I)erty 1"not,.,n as 11C)II@@ loc@!tpd at 1(,36 Parish Poid as an liis-
torical site deciiie(i (lesira@)I(, i@or prosei,val,ion. Pl;t-ts v,,it@) more detailed in-
foi-i@i,itic,n are available in t@,L i)c,,I@ari;ilic!nt o, Pli@iring. (Tiioroughqood Area).
Plan.,iir,,( Co:@,r,-,iss,'o;-,
.1 I
A i@iotioti vias pa,;S(@(i [,v 'L-@(@ Pla.,@nir!!l Coi@4ii,--!7,ion to .,Ppr()ve this
Oil liiotic@ii 1)1, Couiicdlil,i@in Gar('ji(@r, seccjidc,,d by Cotijicilirian ifolland,
,tiid by recc)rded @@oto as follows:
Ayes: Coujiciliiieii Jo)in A. Bauiii, Robeit 11. Callis, Jr., Vice Mayor
I,. Reid Ervin, George-, l@. Ferrell, Cliarles W. Gardner, Clarence A.
liolland, Garland L. Jsdell, D. Murra@ Malbon, J. Curtis Payne, and
Floyd E. @Vaterfield, Jr.
Nays: inone
Absent: Mayor Robert B. Croinwell, Ji.
City Council adopted tlie following Ordinance upon petition by
iiiotion of the Virgiiiia Beacli I'lanning Comyliission to establish
as an Ilistoric aiid Ctiltural District A(lilfl Tlioi-ougligood liouse:
t,N @'l@TiTiO@@ BY Z0474025
l,loTIO,@ 01@ VII(ili'@IA BI-@ACil
Be it ordained by tlie Council cf the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia:
Petition by motion of the Virginia Beach Planning Commission to
establisli an fiistoric and Cultural District on certain property
desci@ibed as located on the East side of Parish Road between Club
Circle and Tlioroughgood Drive, running a distance of 500 feet along
tlie East side of Parisli Road, ruiining a distance of 390 feet along
the South side of T'lloroughgood Drive, runiling a distance of 480 feet
aloiig tlie E-astern property lijie and runniiig a distance of 340 feet
aloii-. the Southern property line of whicli 240 feet is the North side
of Club Circle (said parcel contains 3.48 acres more or less) and to
classify tlie property kiiown as Adam Tfioroughgood liouse located at 1636
Parish Road as an historical site dee@qied desirable for preservation.
Plats with fliore detailed iiiforniation are available in the Department
of Planning, (Thorougligood Area). Bayside Borough.
Tliis Ordinance shall t)e effective fro.9 the date of passage.
1TEM #6,)97
Petition by motion of the Virninia T,,(,ach Planninci Cc@,,@lission to estiblish an
Ifistc)ric ard Cul-ural Districi on certain pror)ertv described as b(,ginning at
a roint 520 feet ri-.ore or lcss East of Donation Drive, running a distance of
270 feet :iiore or less ilonq the SOutli side of Wisliart Road. running a distance
of G60 feet more or less alotig the EastLrn pror)erty line, runnin(i a distance of
50 feet more or less alonq t[le Southet,n property line and runnina- a distance
of 670 feet more or less Ilonq the li'estcrn property line (said
parcel contains
2.9 acres more or less) and to classify the property known as the klishart
liouse located on Wishart Road as an historical site deemed dcsirable f-or
Fc-,@@C,rvation. Plats viith r,,or('- detailed inforiiiation are available in the Depart-
P,ient of Planning. BAYSIDR@ BOROU@-,il.
Planning Coinniission Recornendation:
A notion viis passed unanimously by the Planning Coreiission to approve this
Oil i @)II I)Y C:o@iiic il ))l@iil Ii c-IIan ct, sc@co!id(,d L;@- C ouncil Iii @i il Water f iel d,
aiid ])y recor(Ic,-d vote zi-,, I-ollows:
Ayes : Counci linc,,ii ioliii A. Bauia, Robert ii. Cal I is , Jr. , Vice Nlayor
i,. ]Zeid I:rvin, Gcorge IZ. f-errell, C:Iiarles IV, GirdTier, Clarence A.
liolland, Garlajict L. fsdell., D. Nlurray i@lall)on, J. Curtis Payne, and
1,@loyd E. Waterfield, Jr.
Nays: None
Absent: Mayor Robert B. Cromwell, Jr.
City Council adopted the following Or,linance upon petition by,
motioii of tlie Vir,,,iiiia j"'cilcli Plaiiiiing Comniission to establish
as aii Iiistoric si.te fiolise:
(Ji@1)' PI-" I'IJON BY Z0474026
1 'il@i' 1,@LACii
TIZIC'I' WISliAR'f ii0t,!SE
Be it ordained by tlie Coiiicil of tlie (ity of Virginia Beach, Virginia:
Petition by motion of the Vi.rginia Beacli Pialining Conimission to
establish an Historic aiid Cultural District on cortain property
described as beginniiig @it a point 520 feet more or less East of
Doiiation Drive, ruiining a distance of '70 feet more or less along
the Soutli side of ivishart lload, rT-Inllill a (listarice of 660 feet
inore or less aloiig tlie l@.astei@n propelt,/ liiie, ruiining a distance 6f
50 feet more or less aloiig tlie Soutjiciii I)roperty line and running a
distance of 670 feet niore or less aloi@@, the We@tern property line.
(said parcel contailis 2.9 acres more or less) and to classify the
property known ds the @Iiisliart fiouse located on IVi.shart Road as an
iiistorical site deciiiod (@esirable for Freservation. Plats witli more
detailed inforiiiatioi) are avail.able in tlie I)epartrient of Planning.
Bayside Borougli.
I'Iiis Orcliiiaiice shall be effective frc)@@- tlie date of passage.
ITrM 169(18
Petition by niotion of tiie Virqinia r@each Planrinq Conr@isslon to estadlisn an
Ilistoric Cultural Dis@Irict on certain r)ror,@irt,v descril)t,.d as beginning at
a point 43"@'.G9 feet rorc@ or lgss ',:ost of Sale !!i@ivo an(I t,ui-.ning a dis"ance of
200 fee" r@orp, or lcss alorg ti,e 1!2st side of @(,u@,h Crestline Drive, running
a distance of 300 fe-t iiiore or less along the riorthern prot)erty line, runnin
a distarce cf 550 feet incre or Icss alonq tlie ijestern pror)erty line and running
a distance of 280 feet riore or less along the Sout[)Prn property line (said
parcel cotita@ifis 2.2 acres mor(, or less) ard to classify tlie property known as
the Thomas i'(jrrav lious(@ located at 3425 South Crestline Drive as an historical
d---- i@o
sit dc,@r,,.(@d esira -' r preservation. Plats viith more detailed infor-mation
are availal)l(,. in t@,e Dc,,Partrient of Planning. (Elizabeth River Shores Area).
Plannirig Co.,.iriission Pecor.D,.Iendatioll:
A inotion was passed unanimcusly by the Plannin@, C(xmission to approve this
On niotiu@i by COLIIIClilliall s@,--oj @,,d by ',,G-uiicilmail Fei@rell,
aiid by i-ccorded vutc, as folloi@s:
Ayes-. Couiiciliiien Jolin A. Bauiii, Robei't 11. Callis, Jr. , Vice Mayor
F. IZeid 1--Irviii, Geor@,c R. f-,cryell, C:Ii@ I-I,CS W. Gal-diier, Clarence A.
flolland, Garlaiid I,. Isdell, D. Nlurra) Nlalbon, J. Curtis Payne, and
Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr.
iNays: None
Absent: Mayor Robert B. Cromwell, J)@.
City Couiicil adopted tlie following O,dinaiice upoii petition by
motion of t)ie Virpiiiia Beacli Planniii@, C(,iiiiiiissi(Dil to establish
as aii his@oric sitc tlie 'flioj,.ias @luri-@i@ 11C)use:
AN 01@l)l.,\TANC:l@ JIE,"I'T'F"O@',! llly Z0474027
Be it ordained by tlie (7,ouncil of the City of Virginia Beacii, Virginia:
Petition by motion of tiie Vir,.,i.nia Bt@,,icii Plaiiiiiiig Cor@imi@sion to
establisli aii Historic and Cultui,al 1);stri@t on certain property
described as begiiining at a point 43".6@) feet iiiore or less West
of Sale Drive and -uiining a distance ()f 100 feet niore or less
along the West si(le of South CrestAii,e Drive, 1,uilning a distance
of 300 feet iiiore o.,, icss along thc@ @ot@tlierii l@roperty line, runnil)g
a distance of S50 fcc-,,t liiore ol- les@; @,loiig tho l@estern property line
ajid runniiig a distlilico of 280 feet ir(@ro or less along tlie Southern
prol)erty line (said coiit@iin@ ..'.2 icres more or less) and to
classify the proporty known as tiiu I'I!L)jrias Nlurray flotise located at
3425 Sout'l Cresti i!i,, !)i-ive as: aii his-- or-icaT-site-(T6e-med desirable
for preservation. lllats with more d(@tai"C@d iniormation are available
in the Departr@ient of Plann;-ng. (Llii.tl)etli River Shores Area).
Kenipsville Borough.
Tliis Ordiiiaiice shall I)c effective fr(@iii tlie d,-ite of passa-e.
ll'EM @(,999
Petition by notion of the Virginia B@@z;ch Planni,iq Comission to establish an
llistoric and Ctiltiurl) ')i,,;f@rict on cc@rt@iiri l(@@catcd on the Soutli side
of A6am Keeling Road, b@nirnina at a 1,,)int 3700 @rc',t irore or less I'@est of
Great fleck Road, runni@iq a (listancl of 200 folt i'i'ong the South side of Adam
Keelir,.g lzoad, rlinninq a distarice of 5 fect more or less along the Eastern
property line, running a distance of "@O feez t,;cre or Icss ona the Southern
property line and ru@inii,ig a distance of 325 fcer. i@,,,)re or less a'long the
l' stern property line (@@lid parcel contains ).(,3 6cres iqore or less) and to
classify the property Vi-,Oiiii as Ad.@,ri f'-plino located at 3157 Pdari
d for rreservati n. Plats
K(,c-ling Road as hislr,)ric,, s 0
%,@liti) i-,@)re detai-i,,d infor.-@:),tir)ii are available in t!@c@ Dr-@@)av,t@-.ient of Planriing.
(c,reat @leck Poirt Pirea).
Planning Commission Recoffrendation:
A riotion was passed unaninously by tl,.e Plai,.ning Col,llission to approve this
oil flIOtiOll I)Y COU]icil.riaii '\Iall)oll, secoll '0(1 I)Y Cotilicilmaii (lardnerp
aiid by recordod vote as foijolvs:
Ayes: Councilmen Jolin A. Batilli, Rol)O.I,t 11. Callis , Jr. , Vice Mayor
l@. Reid Erviii, George R. Fcrrell, Cliat-les IV. ('@ardner, Clarence A.
ifoliajid, Garland L. Isdoll, D. Murray \,Ialbon, J. Curtis Payhe-, and
Floyd E. tvaterficid, Jr.
Nays: None
Absent: Mayor Robert B. Cromwell, Jr.
City Couiicil adopte(I the following Oruinance upon petition by
inotion of tlie Virginii Beicii Plaiiiiin,@ Corir@iission to establish
as an liistoric sit@, 'ciie Acl,,ii@ i,"oflin,@ I @@L1,;e:
,@ - f@,[TI@@@' BY Z0474028
Be it ordained by the Council of the Ci.ty of Virginia Beach, Virginia:
Petition by niotion of the Virgiiiia Bea.,Ii Planiiing Commission to
establisli an iiistoric and Cultural District on certain property
located on the South side of Adam KeelLiig Road, beginning at a
point 3700 feet more or less West of G-cat Neck Road, running a
distance of 200 feet along tlie Soutli s@(le of Adaiii Keeling Road,
running a distalice of 2.@5 feet inoie or less alojig the Eastern
property liiie, running a distance of 2@30 feet lilore or less along
the Southern property Iiiie and running a distalice of 325 feet
more or less along tlie Western propertx, line (said parcel contains
1.08 acres iiiore or less) aiicl to classily the property known as'
Adam Keeling flouse located at 3157 Adapi Keeling Road as an
-istori-cal @ite e-ei;ied desirable for 1))oservation. Plats with more
detailed information are available iii tlie Department of Planning.
(Great Neck Poilit Area). Lynnhaven Boiougli.
This Ordinance shall I)e effective from tlie date of passage.
ITEM #7000
Petition by r@iotion of the Virginia Beacli Plannino Commission to establish an
liistoric o,..nd Cul+uril Distr-ict on certain property described as beginning at
a point 2600 foot rore or less I-lest of Air Statio'n-Drive, and 430 feet more
or less North of Potters Drive, runninq a distance of 890 feet more or Icss
along the Southern property line (f!orfolk and Sout!iern Railviay Right of I-lay),
running a distance of 12@10 fcet nore or less along tlie Eastern property line,
rurini@ig a distance of 1250 feet more or less along the florthern property line
and ruiining a distance of 1190 fect r:ore or Ic,,ss ilong the @!,@,stern J)roperty
line (said parcel contains '0.25 acres rore or less) and to classif@ the pro-
perty f@ro,@in as the Unrfr !!ci@if@n3re f!otise locatcd at 2040 Potters Road as an
Iiis@orical site deem-c-,(l-(fcs-I-Fa-1, c@i@G p@rcservation. I)Iats t-lith r@orc, detailed
infoi-i7atiori are available ir, the L)cpartiment of Platining. (Oceana Naval Air
Planning Connission Re-coplTlendatiorl:
A notion vias passed utianiinously by the Planning Corriission to approve this
Oii ii)otioii by (IOLIIlcillll@ill @lilbon, secaiided by Councilinaii Gardner,
aiid I)y recoi-dod voto as follows:
Ayes: Council.Dien Jolin' A. Bauifl, Robert Ii. Callis, Jr. , Vice Mayor
F. Reid Erviii, George R. Ferrell, Charles W. Gardiier, Clarence A.
floll,ind, Garlaiid L. Isdell, D. NIurray Malbon, J. Curtis Payne, and
Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr.
Nays: None
Abselit: Mayor Robert 13. Cromwell, Ji.
Citv Coiiiicil ,idopted ll)c. folloiving Oidiiiai,ce upon petition by
i@iotioli of tll(,, lllztii,iiii, Coiiii@lissioil to establisli
a,; ijli Iiistoi,:ic site tli)ror re IIOLISC:
@10'1'lOiN OF THI-', Vif,,GINIA BEAC14
Be it ordained by the Couilcil of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia:
Petition by motion of the Virginia Bc@ach Plaiining Commission to
establish an [listoric and Cultural District on certain property
described as begiiinirig at a point 26(0 feet iitore or less West of.
Air Station Drive, anJ 430 feet moi,c or less North of Potters
Drive, running a distance of 890 feet more or less along the
Southern property line (Norfolk aiid @,outhern Railway Right of Way),
runiiilig a distance of 1220 feet more or less along the Eastern property
line, ruxinijig a di,-;taiice of 1250 feel more oi, less along the Northern
property line and running a distance of 1190 feet more or less along
the Western property line (said parc(@l contains 30.25 acres more or
less) and to classify the property kiiown as the Upper Wolfsnare
House located at 2040 Potters Road a@ an liistorical site deemed
desirable for preservatioii. Plats wdtli more Lletailed information
are available iii tlie Departmert of P"anning (Oceana Naval Air Station
Area). Lyniiiiaven l')orougli
This Ordinance shall be in effect from the date of adoption
ITEM #7001
P(,titio-n of Laura il,. ll?,rness and Jessie 0. llarness for a Chan(le of Zonina District
Cl,.ss if fro,@,l I!csi@itntiil Dis"rict to 0-1 01 f ic@,@ii t@i-ct on-cer@rain r)ro-
p@rty loc7@tcd at thc t@ortt,,.Ilest corner of South Lynn@iaven Road and Ansol Lane, r6nn-
ing a d'i@tiy)ce of 150 f@c.,t @lonq tlie Iiorth sic,e of Pirsol Lp-rie, rurnina a distance
of fcc,.t alonq tb.,? sid(,- of I-louth Lynil,avf-,,-i @oad, rLnn4,rq a distance of
1C,0.83 f@t along Fo!it@i,2rn nr,,i,,)f@rty linc,. -In@' a distaiicl, of 203.46 fc-ot
-Iloiic til, (Lynnhaven
!!@stern rro,@,rty claid pircr,,l coiitains O.G acre.
Village Area). LY@@@@iL,'AVEN BORCUGII.
Planning Copnission Pecormendation:
Pt i-- tion tias passed utiaiiir;lously t@, the
.@O Plaiining Cor!@ issioti to approve this
l@ric A. !ILIIISCY@ -tr Y, t L! tlie a-)I)lLciiit.
oii iiiotion by C:ou)ici-Iiii@@;i ilalboi), .iccoridcl by Couiicilrian Waterfield,
aiiti I)y recorcled vote @i.,; follo@qs:
Ayes: Colljicilinen Jolin A. B,,jurn, l@obei-t 11. Callis, Jr., George R.
l@crrell, Cliarles W. Gat(iiiei-, Clareiic(! A. tioll,an(j, Garland L.
Isdoll, D. Nltirray J. Ctirtis llayiie, and Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr.
Nays: None
Abstain: Vice @layor F. Reid Ervin
Absent: Mayor Robert B. Cromwell, Jr.
City Council approve(] tlie follo@,!iiig ordiii,,ince upon peti@ion of
l,aura i%l. fi,,ii-iiess ail@] 0. f@)i, a Chai-ipe oF Zonir),,
FROM R-8 Residential District
l'O 0-1 Office District.
Be it ordained by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia:
Petition of Laura M. Harness and Jessie 0. liarness for a Change of
Zoning District Classification from R-8 l@esidential District to 0-1
Office District on certain property located at tlie Northwest corner
of So@th Lynnhaveii Road and Ansol Lane, running a distance of 150
feet along the North side of Ansol Laiie, runiiing a distance of 145.43
feet aloiig the West side of South Lynnliaveii Road, running a distance of
160.83 feet aloiig tlie Sou"hern property line and running a distance of
203.46 feet along the Western prop6ity liiie. Said parcel contains 0.6
acres. (Lynnhaven Village Area). lyniihaven Borough
Approval is subject to the following stipulation:
1. Dedication of right of way forty-five feet from the center-
line of South Lynnhaven Road (-LS-foot dedication) and a ded-.
ication of ri,,ht of way twenty-five feet from the centerline
of Ansol Lane (S-foot dedicatic,n).
ITEM #7002
On motion by Councilman Ferrell, seconded by Councilman Isdell,
aiid by recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilnien John A. Baum, lzobert Ii. Callis, Jr., Vice Mayor
F. Reid Ervin, George R., Ferrell, Charles W. Gardner, Garland L.
Isdell, D. Nlurray Maiboii, J. Curtis Payne, and Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr.
Nays: None
Absent: Nlayor Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., and Councilman Clarence A.
City Council approved the following tax refunds in the amount of
y y
-2 9 -74
Da t(, 3
Subj c.@c t: Application for Ta@@. l@@LC-Unds
TI-Le follo,,)ing 2pplications @@or r@-fund of taxes totaling $ 1,100.26
and certified for payment, as set r-orth bc'ow:
V. A. Etheridie
- - - - - - -- - - - - --
S Reid 1972 20/'O '4 - l') -'7 4 14,2@
1st & 2tid
1973 l@E 1/2053231 2075 2-13-74 10.1'
1st & 2nd
andra Alene 1974 CD #59974 1-30-74 7.5(
lordon oliver 1973 CD #TR-5243 3-5-7@ 55.0(
""(@rnon K Turner 1974 CD W42042 -1-4-74 7.5(
-rnestine Keys 1974 CD #39692 '-i-25-74 15.0(
f,arnett Stanley 1971 RE 2675 2027 4-4-72 19.53
wina G. 1st & 2nd
1973 RE 2882 2029 (@-20-73 19.20
1st hilf -38.7@'
rliza- 1973 l@, @'13388
'T 2002 '-4-73 4.4,'
@-tl) Pcll@er-I 1st half
@@'lest, Victor M 1973 RE #55521 1956 6-20-73 39.08 39.OE
Parbara D.
@,angham, Jerry 1973 RE #30402 1760. 6-18-73 816.41
c-tux etal 1st half
'-"dmond F Collins 1973 ACB @i2O325 11-29-73 6.50 6.5(
@@chwa--tz -Matthew 1973 P@E, Y@46152 2039 6-20-73
& Bet,,-ie j 1st & 2nd L2-5-73 85,6@
to t
V. Is. D.,i tc@ Al-Ir@il 2, 197/i
F,Li'o cc t t%pplic4ition for Tzix l@(-@fun,,Is
Thc- @@or refurid of tn@@cs tot@iling $ 351. 79
and certified for paymont, as set for'l-h I)elow:
V. A. Etheridg'e
J,o L,3 1
I 3 .
Cliarles Boyette 1974 CD 5i-)7@5,6 1-30-74 7 . 5
P@obert Fladcr 1974 CD It l'o ).-8-74 15.0
l@,enneth Nelson 1974 CD 27777 1-25-74 15.0
lqillinm Snov,,don 1974 CD 35692 3-29-74 15.0
Robert Taylor 1974 CD @i T-10416 1-23-74
Samuel Mobley 1974 CD i@t 46985 1-14-74 7.5
P,qtrici-,i L.
i)radsli@3w 1974 CD 51344 1-10-74 7.5
ries Donnelly 1974 CD 46249 1-11-74 7.5
F)-ora Electric 1974 CD T-1841 1-31-74 20.0
Carolyn Skinner 1974 CD 560C,8 1-25-74 7.5
E. C.@Miller &
Son Inc. 1974 CD T-8609 3-28-74 15.0
@,. C. @liller &
Son Inc. 1974 TR 4253 3-28-74 20.0
Lei.;is Campbell 1974 CD 72141 1-28-74 7. 5
nc@vnolds Frances, 1973 PP 83821 10394 12-11-
73 75.7
l@I)ov @ll) lor reful-ici o@.
taxc,@z; @II)i)roveci. I)j
@@l@ove totil.i,ng A,.)Prov(,c] I)y C@
11)", t
I'f L-NI @ 7 0
Nlrs. Thoiiipkins api)cired iii favor of tlij.s ordin@ince.
Oii niotion by Couiiciliiiaii Payne, seconded by Couiicilman Waterfield,
ajid by recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilinen Joliii A. Baum, Robert 11. Callis, Jr., Vice Mayor
F. Reid Ervin, George R. Ferrell, Cliarles W. Gardner, Clarence A.
Holland, Garlaiid L. Isdell, D. Murray Malbon, J. Curtis Payne, and
Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr.
Nays: None
Abseiit: Mayor Robert B. Croinwell, Jr.
City Couiicil. approved ori seco3id readill@,, the folloiving Ordinance to
aiiiend ajid reordaiii Section 17-S of tfic Cocle of tlie City of Virgiiiia
Be.acii rci@itiiig t(, fct, violatif)i,,s of Article I of Cliapter 17
ciititled garbage ic@i@IFO alill C)LIIC@L iia@tc i-.@@iterials:
Rc,qu(-,st(-,d I)y: Cc)unc-.tli,,i,'Iil Cai--laild lsj,,Il
AN 0-T)-jl,'%7.,,-I,,@,'
BL IT !,,y Of,'
I-I'l- CIT'Y O? VIrGl-@4!A
of- Vi.ri_iiiia Beacil is tin-d rf@(,rciain,-@d tc) rcad as @ollows:
Any person, fir,@ii or ec)--por@@.tio,@l vic)]-,-ting any provision
of tliis Articl.e sliall, 1)c@ pulisil,@
a fiii,-@ of nc)t less
than @50.00 nor more than $1,000-00 or confinement in
jail not exceeding 12 rionths or bv both sucti fine and
An emergency exists and this ordinance shall be effective from
and after date of passage.
1st Reading: April 1, 1974
2nd Reading: A pril 8, 1974
Adopted by the council of tlie city of virginia Beacli on the
cl@iy Of @A rii
On iiiotioii by Councilniaii Isdell, seconded by Councilman Waterfield*
aiid b), recorded ,,ote as follows:
Ayes: Councilnien Jolin A. Baum, Robeit Ii. Callis, Jr " Vice Mayor
F. Reid Ervin, George l@. Ferrell, Cliarles W. Gardner, Clarence A.
Holland, Garlaiid I,. Isdell, D. Nlurray Malbon, J. Curtis Payne, and
Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr.
Nays: None
Absent: Mayor Robert B. Cromwell, Jr.
City Council approved on second reading the following Ordinance to
amend aiid reordian Section 22-32 of tlie Code of the City of Virgini@.a
Beacli proliibitin@. puttjii,,, of glass, etc., oil streets or highwavs:
22--)2 O@' C J' T'( I
C@F' 'If,, IA
ON STIZ@,11"i'S OR IliGi'@'@,'@,YS
@l c, 1) 01: ar,,,
glass, boti:le, nL-I'-!,;, L@ici@S, c@@lis or othr-,r @;uL),@l,-ance lil@ely to
injure any porson, or ve@Iiicle Lipc)ii sucti street or highway'.
b) Any person N-71-to drops, or permits to be dropped or thro@'M upon
any street or high@.7ay any destructivc or injurious material shall
ininediatel.y remove the same or cause it to be removed.
c) Any person removing a @7recked or dainaged vellicle from a street
or Iiighway shall reniove any gl ass or ot@ier injurious substance dropped
upon the street or higllX,7ay from such vr-,)iiclo.
d) Violations of this section shal,l constitute a misdemeanor
and any person convicted for a violatj-oii of th-- prov isions of this
.se.ct:ioli be pui-iishcd. L-y a fine of iiot 1.@ss clollare@@
iiur iiioi:c tliai-i @l.,000, or confiiiciaeiit iii jail iiot excc.,ed@@ng 12 li',ol-it7,ils
or by both such fine and i.iTiprisonircnt.
An emergency exists and this ordinalic-c shall be efr-ective from
and after date of passage.
First Readi
Oli moticii by Counci.Iiiiaii Feri@el.1, seconded by Couiicilman @Ialbon,
aiid by recorded votc as follows:
Ayes: Couiicilnieii Jolin A. Baum, Robeit Ii. Callis, Jr., Vice Mayor
F. Reid Ervin, George R. Ferrell, Charles W. Gardner, Clarence A.
Holland, Garland L. Isdell, D. Murray Malbon, J. Curtis Payne, and
Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr.
Nays: None
Absent: Mayor Robert B. Cromwell, Ji.
A regional. inasStraii!-,it stud), has beer completed for the Virginia
I),-partiiicjit of I)y Caiiiei and As-,;oc-i.ates. Virginia
Beacli has agreed lio I)Iiv its fair sl),,4i(, Df tlie cost of tlic $16,000.
Stild@ to tlie L@istTict Coliiiiission.
City ar@l)ro-ved tii(-- tr@iiisfei- of $1,870 from
iZeserve for Contingoi)cies to Co@atribt,tioii to Soutlieastern Virginia
Planniiig District Comiiiission for tlij.@ purpose.
II'L@l #-1006
On niotion by Councilman Gardner, secc@nded by Councilman Isdell,
and by recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robeit 11. Callis, Jr., Vice Mayor
F. Reid Ervin, George R. Ferrell, Charles W. Gardner, Clarence A.
liolland, Garland L. Isdell, D. Nlurra) Malbon, J. Curtis Payne, an'd
Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr.
Nays: None
Absent; Mayor Robert B. Cromwell, Ji.
City Council authorized the City Nianager to sigii a standard three-
party sewer agreement among First Viiginia Bank of Tidewater, the
City of Virginia Beacli ind Priiicess i',nne Utilities relating to the
cost, ownership and operation of a pioposed sewer system.
ITEM #-,007
On motioii by Councilman Gardner, seconded by Councilman Ferrell,
and by recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert H. Callis, Jr., Vice Mayor
F. Reid Ervin, George R. Ferrell, Charles W. Gardner, Clarence A.
liolland, Garialid L. Isdell, D. Nlurra), Malbon, J. Curtis Payne, and
Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr.
Nays: None
Absent: @layor Robert B. Cromwell, Ji.
April 15, 1974, is a legal lioliday*, tlierefore, no meeti-,ig will
be held. City Council will hold a regular meeting on the fifth
Monday in April, April 29, for the conduct of all regular business.
*@Ir. Scott stated, if necossary, he .,ill send a notice to hold
a Special inlectiiig on AI)ril. 15, 1974, to iiieet with representatives
froni tlie Fiftli Naval District.
ITf,'M #7008
Mr. Roger M. Scott, Cit), IIziiiager, recluested Couilcil to meet witli
the Staff to discuss tlie pi,oposed 1974-7S budget.
ITEM #7009
On inotion by Couiicilmaii Gardiier, seccnded by Councilinan lfoliand,
and by recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: CouncilmQn Jolin A. Baum, Robeit H. Callis, Jr., Vice Mayor
F. Rei.d Ervin, George R. Forrell; Charles W. Gardner, Clarence A.
liolland, Garland L. ls(lell, D. \Iurr@iy illalboji, J. Curtis Paynei aild
Flo),d T@. Waterfie'.(I, Jr,
Na),s: None
AL)F,ent: i\layor @ll-olliwell, Ji.
City Council approved tlie request of the lioliday Home for the
Aged by allowing theni to follow a staridard deferred payment contract
for tlie installatioii of seiqer. The total ai;iouiit of the sewer
charge is $6,2SO, and lfoliclay ilomes lias sent a certified check for
City Couiicil furtlier apprc)ved the request that the balance, based
on a staiidard agreeinent with the City of Virginia Beach, be paid
over a four (4) yeai- period with standard interest rates.
ITENI #7010
The City of Virginia Beacli lias been iiegotiating, for some time,
with private utilities withiii the City to acquire these utilities
into a public systeiii. Sonic licadway has been made into establishing
a value aiid method of acquisition foi tlie Aragolia and Princess Anne
Tlie method tha@ tlic Staff is working oii would not require any of
the cost of the acqliisition of these utilities be borne by the tax
payer, but it would i)e pui-cliased, if @iii agreen,ent can be reached,
througli revenue boiids, and the entirc cost of tlljs acquisition would
be taken out of tlie reveiiu(- froin tliat system.
On motion by Councilmaii Gardner, secorided by Councilman Holland,
and by recorded voto as follows:
Ayes: Couiicilmen Jolin A. Bauni, Robert fl. Callis, Jr., Vice Mayor
F. Reid Ervin, George R. Ferre.11, Charles l@. Gardner, Clarence A.
fiolland, Garland L. Isdell, D. Murray Malt)oii, J. Curtis Payne, and
Floyd E. lvaterfield, Jr.
Nays: Noiie
Absent: Nlayor Rot)ert B. Cromwell, Jr.
City Couiicii autliorizeci the City Manager to proceed with tile
ncgotiations witli Aragona and Princess Anne Utilities.
I'FEI,l h 7 C@ I 1
@Ir. R. A. Poiiits appeared befoi,e City CoLincil regardin.o non-resident
bi.isiiiess tax.
Mr. Points stated that with the restrictions that have been placed on
future buildiiig, there is going to be a slow down in building and
Couiicil needs to protect the contruction man who has opened his
buSSiness in tlie Virginia Beach area.
Mr. Points recommended tliat not only (@nforce our existing laws, but
to enact more laws sucli as a charge to tliese people who come in'from
out of the area with iiien and machines and reap the profits and take
the money home. These people should ltave to pay an additional tax of
soiiie kind.
Councilman I'latorfield stated tliat if ito permits are being issued it
niii,lit. be a goo(I idc,@@ to ciieck i.nto tli.s for future income for tlie
Councilinan Ferrell requested Mr Scott to clieck to see what the
Cities of Chesapeake ajid Hanipton are (toing with regards to this,
and if they are chargiiig other contra(@tors then we should look into
The Vice Mayor suggested to Mr. Point, that he get with the City
Mana.-er and inform him of what is beiiig done in other cities so
the Couiicil will have som& inforniatiOlL, and perhaps duplicate what
is being done in the otlier cities.
Councilman Isdell stated that when a f,usiiiess exceeds $2500 in any
City a license is required in tliat (Iii,y; also, each contractor has
to post a bond in tliat City in order to get a permit.
Mr. Scott stated he will look into th@s inatter and also check
with tlie Commissioner of the Reveiiiie.
ITEM #7(112
The City Manager stated that the Stafl has discussed with Council
a list of actions that the Staff feels are nece@ssary in order to
iniplemeiit, at the carliest possible date, the restoration of bus
service to the City of Virginia Beacli.
Mr. Scott further stated ihat in order for the Tidewater Regional
Mass Transit District to move aliead it would need a tentative
approval by Council for the routing a@ proposed; secondly, a
tentative agreement, to be confirmed by formal contract, is needed
for the City to subsidize net deficit cost, if any, that will result
from tlie bus service over the routes that are selected.
Councilman Isdell stated tliat the areas around Indian River Road,
Kenipsville Road, and Providence Road also need bus service.
On motion by Councilman Gardner, secoi,,ded by Councilman Isdell,
aiid by recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen Tolin A. Baum, Robert 11. Callis, Jr., Vice Mayor
F. Reid Ervin, Geor@e R. Ferrell, Cliailes W. Gardner, Clarence A.
fiolland, Garland L. Isdell, D. @lurray Malbon, J. Curtis Payne, and
Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr.
Nays: None
Absent: @layor Robert B. Cromwell, Jr.
City Council voted to approve the tentative routing and to proceed
aloiig tlio liiies indicated iii tlie teiitative agreej,,icnt.
I'I'EM #7012
On inotion by Couiicilinaii Gardiier, second( (l by Councilnian lfolland,
and by recorded vote as foll.ows:
Ayes: Councilmen Jolin A. Baiini, Robert 11. Callis, Jr., Vice Mayor
F. Reid Ervin, George R. Ferrell, Charl(s W. Gardiier, Clarence A.
liolland, Garland L. Isdell, 1). Murray Nlz,.Ibon, J. Curtis Payne, and
Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr.
Nays: None
Absent: Mayor Robert B. Cromivell, Jr.
City Couiicil indi cat( tliat 'it teiitati v( I,), aprrove@t tlie prol)o-,;ed
ull(lerwri t i TI of tilo
'LI]C stibijlj.ssi.on of
det,iiled jilans.
ll'ENI #701';
Councilman Gardner requested informatioii on the refuse pick-up
during the summer seasori and asking if ihere were any plans to
increase this pick-up.
Mi,. Scott stated that no increase, as ol today, has been discussed
wit'i him. Mr. Scott further stated thal the City is operating
on 72% of the gasoline t@iat was availab-le to us in 1.972, and if
the City had the gasoline t@hen they wou,,tl be willing to pick-up
trasli twice a week.
ITEM #701,@
OTi niotion by Councilmaii PayTi-, secon(led by Couiicilinan Ferrell,
and by recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilinen Jolin A. Baum, TZobert 11. Callis, Jr., Vice Mayor
F. Reid Er@,in, Geor,,,e R. Feri,ell, ('Iiarl(,.s iV. Gar-dner, Clarence A.
Holland, Garlaiid L. Isdell, D. Murray 1%1@ilbon, J.-Curtis Payne, and
Floyd E. tiaterfield, Jr.
Nays: None
Absejit: Mayor Robert B. Cromwell, Jr.
City Council will hold a closed mee,iiig on Monday, April 22, 1974,
for the purpose of discussing items 1)eriiitted for discussion under
Section 2.1-344, subparagrapli 2, 6, and 7 of the Freedom of Information
Act of the Commonwealth of Virginia.
ITEM #701@c3
On motion,by Councilman Ferrcll, second(@d by Councilman Gardner,
aiid by uiiaiiimous vote, tlic ineeting ad-joi,irned.
on, ty or Reid I-.'Yvl@ , Vice Maybr
City of Virginia Beacii,
April 8, 1974