HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPRIL 29, 1974 NTI,NIITES OF TiiL@' HONO,@3LE CITY COU@NCIL OF TIIE (@"TY OF VIRGINFA VIRGI@@rIA April i9-,'4 The re.,ular m--eting of the Council o,' t'lt-- (,ity o@. Vir.,Inia Beach, Virginia, was held ir@ tlie Counc:il Cliamb--rs, in tlie Admiriistration ,6uildiii@, in tlie Boroug'n of Princess Aiine, on i\,Ioiiday, April 29, 1974, at 2:00 P.M. Tlie invocation 1/2,(as ,iven by tlie Roveren-d Albort J. Sclirador, Scott @,leiiiorial Methodist Cilurch, Vir.@iiiia .3eicli, Virgitlia Councilmen preseiit: Jolin A. Bauj,,i, l@ob@rt 11. Callis, Jr., IN[ayor Robert B. Crouiwcil, Ti-. , Vice @layor F. Rcici Ei'vill, George R. Ferrell, Ciiarles W. Gardner, Clarence k. 11olland, Garland L. Isdell, D. @lurray Nialbon, J. Curtis Pa,7ne, and Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr. Counciiinen absent: None ITENI '7018 Oii iitotion by Couicilpian Gardner, seconaecl by Councilman Ferrell, aiid by recorded vote as follows: Ay,-,s: Council@ne@i Jolin A. Bauri, izob rt i. Callis, Jr., @@lavor IZobert B. Cropiwell, Jr., Vice Nlayor F. Reid Erviii, Geor,e R. Ferrell, Charles 14. Gardner, Claretice @k. liolland, Garland L. Isdell, D. Nlurray ',Ialbon, J. Curtis Payrie, and Floyd E. @Vaterfield, Jr. i@ays : 14one Absent: None City Council approved tiie Ntinutes of tli,2 regulai- riieetiig of April 22, 1974, aiid disdens--d witlt tiie roiding o@ said 1%liliutes ipasT,iuch as eacii (,oujicili@,.an liad a c@)@)v c)f Llie sijbject Iiiin I I ' 7 0 z 1 9 Petition of Mrs. E. S. Garcia for a Chance of Zoninq District Classification from R-1 Residential Dis-@rict to R-6 Residential I)istrict on certain property beginning at a point on the South side of Colony Acres 1490 feet Southwest of the inter- section of Colony Drive and London Bridge Road, running a distance of 1841 feet ro.ore or less along @Lhe Eastern property line, running a distance of 1830 feet more or less along tlie Soutliern pro,nerty line, rurinirg a distance of 1450 feet more.or I-Iss along the l@l-Istern property line and runr!ing a distance of 1570 feet more or less along the P,,ortiiern property line. Said Darcel contains 69.5 acres and ex- cludes a parcel of land begintiing at a poin@L @-250 feet South@,iest of the intersection of Londori Bridge Road and Colony Drive containing 43,654 so'uare feet. Plats with niore detailed inforr,,ation are available in t@-- Departrent of Planning. (Colony Acres Area). PRINCESS AN@IE BOROUGH. Planning CoTmission Reco,.MP-rdation: A niotion i-ias passed unanimotasly by the Planning Corrmission to approve this request subject to the folloviing r @quirements of the administrative staff for 'Lhe informa- tion nf ttie aDolicanti--,-- 1. Standard site plan and subdivision requirernents to include: a. A 300-foot drainage easement cen@Lered along the canal where the canal traverses the south@,iest corner of this site; b. The entrance road north of Colc)n,/ Drive on London Bridge Road is to be a flilly iiiiproved 90-foot rig@',it of tqay and is to extend in a southwesterly directio,, tiirough the site for ftiture street con,-iectio,l to the south@,iest. (Engineering) 2. City wa-Le- and se@@i r. (Healtli) 3. No water or gravity sewer; a 42-irich force main is located a short distance Dlorth of the site. (Public Utilities) 4. Revision of the recreation area necessary; will be reviewed at the time a subdivision of the property is submitted- 5. Floodway along the eastern and southern boundaries shall be delineated and protected. (Soil Conservation) 6. Recommended that the applicant be required to participate in school site purchase in the amount of @800.50; this figure has been corrected subsequent to the Planning Commission [,'teeting to reflect participation in school site purchase in the amount of S44,507.80; this fiqure is based on construction of 278 three- bedroom houses an@ may be adjusted ai the tirr,. the building permit is issued to reflect any changes. "Ir. Grover C. Attornev, i,,,present-ld the applicant lr. Go rr),, AL L c.,rn y i-es c iito ciI i)ioperty owiiers iii the a-.,@, Oii iiiotion by Couiicilpien Payrie, secoidk!d 'i)y Cc)Lincilitian l-elrell, alil by recorded vote as follows: Ayes: Counciinien George R. Fcrrell, (@iarence A. Holland, Garland L. IsLIell, D. @Nlurray ',Ialbori, J. Curtis P@ivne, and I;loyd E. lvaterfield, Jr. I Nays: Councilmen johii A. Baum, iZobLr-,@ Ii. CalLis, Jr., Nlayor Robert B. Cromwell, Jr. , @lice %layor F. fl@eid i rvin, aiid Charles 111. Garciiier A'o s e ii t: Noiie City Councii approved tfie foliowiiii; C),,,dinance upofi peti.tion oF .Nlrs. E. S. Garcia for a Clian.e of 'o,,@,,i,,,Distri,t Clas,ification from R-1 Residential Dis@ict to R- dential Dist i t.- ORDliNANCE UPON PETI't-IOiN OF ilRS. Z0474036 F. S. GARCIA FOR A Cl@iA-NGE OF ZONING DISTR.ICT (:LA@@SIFICATION FRO,@,,l R-1 IZesidential District TO R-6 ResidentiLil I)istrict Be it ordained by the Council of the t@,ity of Virginia Beach, Virginia: Petition of Mrs. E. S. Garcia for a Clian,.@e of Zoling District Class- ification from R-1 Residential Distri@-,t to R-6 Residential District on certain property be.@Lnning at a po@iit on tlie Soutli side of Colony Acres 1490 feet Soutlltqest of the intor'soction of Coloiiy Drive and London Brid.@e Road, running a distaiic(., of i841 feet nore or less along t'ie Eastern property line, running L (listance of 1830 feet more or less along the Southern property line, rtiniiing a d@stance of 14SO feet more or less along tlie l@estern property Iiiie aiid running a distance of IS70 feet more or less aloyi,,, the inortli--rn 1)roperty line. Said parcel contailqs 69.5 acres and excludes a parcel of l@iqd beginnin, at a I)oint 22SO feet Southwest of the intersection of Loiid()@,i Brid(,o Road ard Colony Drive containing 43,654 square feet. Plats @vitli more detailed information are available in tiie DepartT.-lent of Plannill@.. (Colony Acres Area). Princess Anne Boroug'@i. Approval is subject to tile followin,,, tipulations. 1. Standard site plan and subdiiisioii requirements to include: a. A 300-foot drainage casei.tent center--(l alon@,. the canal where the canal traverses thc, southwest corner of this si-Le; b. Colony Drive sliall he cu@ de-saced. 2. Ci.ty water and sewer. (licall ii) 3. iNo water or gravity seiqer; a 42-inch forco niain is located a siioi-t distaiice inorth of tlic site. (Pul)lic Utilities) 4. Rovision of the recroation atea necessarv; will be reviewect at tiie -Iiiiie a -subdivisiol of tho !Droperty -. LS submitted. 5. Flooctway aloii-. the eastern ar@l soiithern boundaries shall be cicliiioated anL protected.- (SoiL Coiiservation) 6. Recominciii tliat the applicajit !)e r quired to pirticipate in scliool site purchase in the amount of $800.50; this figure lias becii corrected SLibsequent to the Planning Commission Meeting to reflect participation in school site purchase in tiie anount of $44,507.80; this fi,ure is based on the constracti-on of 278 three-bedrooii houses and may be adjusted at tho l,iine tlie buildin.- portrit is issuect to reflect any clian,es. 7. 'Ffiis or(,Iinance shall be effective upon satisfactory compliance with tlie conditions i,@iposed in this riotion, and it is un(ler- stood and a,,,r--ed to by tlie apr)licant that the official cli@in,e on the zonlng @laps ivi-1-1 not be na(le unti.1 such conditio@qs are s,,it i s L@ @ cd. ITE@@l #7i)50 Petition of Mrs. E. S. Garcia for a Chanqe of Zonin_q District Classification from R-3 Residential District to R-6 Residential District on certain property beginning at a point 1,490 feet Southwest of the intersection of Colony Drive and London Bridge Road and 244 feet North of Colony Drive, running a distance of 1475 feet more or less along the Eastern property line, r,unning a distance of 1742 feet more or less along the Western property line, and running ii distance of 1570 feet more or less along the Sou@Lhern property line. Said parcel contains 29.7 acres. (Colony Acres Area). PRINCESS ANNE BOROUGH. Planning Commission Recommendation: A motion was passed unanimously by the Planning Commission to approve this request subject to the f6llowing requirements of the administrative staff for the informa- tion of the applicant: 1. Standard site plan and subdivision requirements to include: a. A 300-foot drainage easement centered along the canal is required where the canal traverses the southwest corner of t[lis site. b. The entrance road north of Colony Drive on London Bridge Road is to be a fully improved 90-foot right of way and is to extend in a southiejesterly direction through the site for a future street connection to the southwest. (Engineering) 2. City water and sewer. (Health) 3. No water or gravity sewer; a 42-inch i@orce rrain is located a short distance north of the site. (Public Utilities) 4. Revision of the recreation area necessary; will be reviewed at the time the subdivision of property is submitted. 5. Floodway along the eastern and southern boundaries shall be delineated and protected. (Soil Conservation) 6. Recommended that the applicant be required to participate in school site purchase in the amount of $27,537.20; this figure has been corrected subsequent to the Planning Co issi m,,n on fleeting to reflect participa-Lion in school site purchase in tlie amount of $18,891.80; this figure is based on constructioll of 118 three- bedroor,l houses and r,,ay be adjusted a-u the t,"me th- building permit is issued to @-eflect any changes. Nlr. Grover C. liright, Jr., Attorney, represented the applicant !,Ir. J. Gorry, Attorney, represented tlie property owners in the area. On riotion by Councilman Payne, second@,,d by Councilman Ferrell, and by recorded vote as follows: Aycs : Councilhien George R. F--rrell, (:lai,ence A. liolla.1d, Garland L. Isdell, D. Murray iNIalbon, J. Curtis Pz@.yne, and I;loyd E. Waterfield, Jr. @@ays : Councilineri Jolin A. Eaum, Roberl ii . Cal Lis , Jr . , %Iayor Robert 8 - Cromwell , Jr, , Vi ce Nlayor F. Re it" l@ rvin , and Cliarles @V . Gardner Abseiit: None 'City Councii approved tiie followin,., Oadinance tipon petition of @,lrs. E. S. Garcia Cor a. Chan,e of Zonin@ District Classificatic)n frcjy,.i R-3 Residentiil District to f@ 6 Pesid--ntial I)istrict: ORDINAiNCE@ UPON PETIIION OF NIRS. Z0474037 L,. S. GAI@CIA FO@@ A (IIIANGE@ OF: ZOiNliNG DISTRICT CLASSIFICAT10,N FROM R-3 Resident@al D@strict TO R-6 Residential l@istrict Be it ordained by the Council of thc City of Vir,,inia Beach, Virginia: Petition of Nirs. E@. S. Garcia for a Chan,e of Zoning Dist@ict Class- ification from R-3 Resiciential I)istrict t'o R 6 IZesidential District on certain property be.@inning at a point 1490 feet Southwest of ttie intersection oE Coiony Drive ind Loridon Brid@e Road and 2,14 feet :4ortli of Colony D-ive, runnin, q distarice of 1.47S feet inore or less aloii, t@,I-- Eastern property iifie, i-Ltnning a distance of 17it2 feet inoro or loss alon, tiic iiestern pro-)ertv line, Iii,l runnin,-, a distancc of l.",/-O feet more c)r Icss alon., lie @@out,@?rn --rtv line. Saic' arc 1. Standard site plaii and subdi,:ision requirer.,ieiits to inciude: a. A 300-foot draina@,e e@i@,e@ient centei-ed aloii,@ the canal is rcq,,tired tvli@re tiie, caii:i i'@ivec,-,e-,s ilic soLitii@,@st cornei- of this site. b. Colony Drive sliall L)e cu'@-de-saced. 2. City water and 5ewer. (ifeal.1h) 3. No water or @ravity setver; a 42-inc'n force main is located a sliort distance north of site. (Public Utilit'es) 4. Revision of tlic recreation a,ca iiecessary; will be 1 vie@ied a'@ ti'io tiila th. --;iLbdivis;@@@@ @,F 1)i-ope;,ty i.@; stibilli,tteci. 5. .2loocl,,;iy lil-)itg iii,,, eListct,ii I)ouid,,.ries slia I be delineated and protected. (@,oil Conservatioii) 6. Recommended that the applicaitt be required to participat! in school site purchase iii tl@e amount of $27,537.20; thil figure lias beeti corrected subsequent to tlie Planning Commission Nleetiiig to reflect participation i-@l school site purcliase iii the ai.Tiount of $18,891.80; this figure is based on construction of 118 three-bedroom houses and j.'Iay be adjuL,,-ed at the tiine tlic, building poriiiit is issu--d to reflect any cha,@es. 7. This oi@dinance shall be effective upon satisfactory conipliance with the conditions imposed in this inotion, and it us under- stood and agreed to by the ar,plicant that the official change on the zoning maps ivill not Lc,, -uade until such conditions are satisfied. ITT-i%l "7051 Petition of tlrs. E. S. Garcia for a t'hanqe of- Dis-Lrict Classification from R-3 Residential District to A-1 AQartpent District on certain Droi)erty beginning at a point 1280 feet rore or less North of Colony Drive, running a distance of 215 feet more or less along the tlest side of London Bridge Road, running a distance of 2660 feet more or less along the Northern property line, running a distance'of 605 feet along the Western property line and running a distance of 1710 feet more or less along the Southern property line. Said parcel contains 34 acres. Plats with more detailed information are available in the Department of Planning. (Colony Acres Area). PRINCESS ANNE BO, D IOUGH. Planning Corimission Recormendation: A motion was passed by a vote of 10 to 3 by the Planning Commission to modify this u -te t request to R 9 Re@idential To@.,inhouse Distric ra'lier than A-1 Apai rr n District as requested subject to the following recluirements of the adminis@-ative staff for the information of the applicant: 1. Standard site plan and subdivision requirements to include: a. A 300-foot draindge easei,,ient cen"cred along the canal 1/2,ihere 'he canal traverses the south@,iest corner of tliis site; b. The entrance road north of Colon ,y Drive on London Bridge Road is to be a fully improved 90-foo-- right of viay and is to extenct in a southi,iesterly (,irection througli the site for future street connection to the south@qest. (Engin,-erit.@) 2. City @-iater and sewer. (Health) 3. No via-Ler or gravity se@ier; a 42-inch force main is located a short di @tance north of the site. (Public Utilities) 4. Revisioii of the recreation area nece,ssary; @,jill be revie1/2@ied at the tirr.@ a subdivision ot, site plan of the property is submitted. 5. Floodway along the eastern and southern boundaries shall be delineated and protected. (Soil Conservation) 6. Recommended that the applicant he re(juired to participate in school site purchase in the arrount of $21 844.32; this figure is based on the construction of 408 apartment units and may be adjusted at the time t@:2 building permit is issued to reflect any changes. Nlr. Grover C. '@Iri,lit, Attorriey, represeiited the applicant t%lr. J. Gorry, Attoi,ney, represented tfie property owners in the area. O,-i niotion by Councilman Payne, seconded by Councilman Ferrell, and -ecorded vote as foll,ows: Ayes: Councilr@ien Geor,e R. Ferrell, Clarence A. Holland, Garland L. Isdell, D. @lurray i%lalbon, J. Curtis Payne, and Floyd E. lvaterfield, Jr. Nays: Councilrie ii John A. Baum, Rol)ert Ii. C@ilIis, Jr. , imayor lzobert B. Croniwcll, Jr. , Vice ',Iayoi, F. Re @d l@rvin, and (@,harles ;V. (@,ardner, A'o s e ii t: inone City Council approved the following Ordinance upon petition of Mrs. E. S. Garcia for a Chan,@e of "oning District Classification from R-3 Residential District to R-9 Residential Townhouse District (this is a modification from the A-1 Apartment District zoning): ORDINANCE UPON PETITIOi,4 OF MRS. Z0474038 E. S. GARCIA FOR A CIIANGE- OF ZONING DISTRICT CLASSIFICATION FROM R-3 Residential District TO R-9 Residential i'ownhouse District Be it ordained by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia: Petition of @Irs. E. S. Garcia for a C@iange of Zoning D;Istrict Class- ification from R-3 Residential@ District to R-9 Residential Townhouse District on certain property be@,innin,, at a point 1280 feet r@lore or less North of Colony Drive, runnin(,, a distance of 215 feet more or less along the @Vest si(le of Londoii Br@dge Road, runnin,@ a distance o- 2660 feet more or less along the Nort@iern property line, runnin@ a distaiice of 60S fect along the Westera property line a@ld running a distaiice of 1710 feet more or less alon,, the Southern property line. Said parcel contains 34 acres. Plats with iiiore detailed information are available in the Departm@ent of Plannin,@. (Colony Acres Area) Princess Anne Boroul@h. Approval is subject to the followin, stipulations: I . Standard site plan and subdivision requirements to include: a. A 300-foot drainage easeinent centered alon@ the canal where the canal traverses th,2 southivest corner of this site; b. Colony Dri,ve shall be cul-de-saced. (En.,ineering) 2. City iratcr ancl sewer. (Ile@il @h) 3. No water or ,ravity se@qer; a 42-inch force mai-I is located a siiort distaiice north of tli,@, site. (flublic Lil;lities) 4. Revisioii of tiie recreation acea necessary; ivill be reviewed at tlie tiiiie Et subdivisioi or site plan of the p-roperty is stibinittecl. 5. Flood@vay alon,,, tlie eastern ajid southern I)oundaries shall be dolineatod Llid protected. (,;oil Conservation) 6. Recomiiiend Lhat the applicatit be requirecl to participat-- in school site purcliase in tiic @imount of $21,844.32; this figure is based oii the construction of 408 apartment units and may be adjusted at the time the I)uildin.@ permit is issued to reflect any chan.@es. 7. Tliis ordinance sliall be offec:tive upon s tisfactory compliance with the coiiditions inposed in this inotion, and it is under- stood and @i,r-eed to by the a[)plicant that tlie official change on the zonin, itiaps L,,ill not L-,e made until siich con@litions are 8. Modify this request to R-9 fZes.Ldential Townliouse District rather ttian A-1 Apartment Dis"rict 9. Subriissioii uf Li lettcr by t',Io, property owiier, properly signocl and notorized, ccrtify@n., to an(I coitipli,,ince @qitli specifi.catioiis set fortli iii tlte Ordinaicc; letter to I)e file(i iii tile O,t-@i(:Ic c@f tilid Citv the, miiiii-les of tlie Couiicil @leetii-i@ at @,iiiic@ll @lic jr,,iiiai,.cc ica,-- coiisidered, agreeing to liniit tiie nujiib rof uiiits to be constructed to 619. ITENI Y7(52 Councilman Gardner stated he can se-- @@liere every application that comes up for Multi-fainily dwellings the argument can be used tl,,t tflis is to promote and provide housin,,i for tiic Navy. Councilman Gardner stated further that Council needs to know some- thing about what kind of requireineiits tht2y do have. Mayor Cromwell stated that after Council's last @neeting with Admiral Anderson, Commandant of the Fifth Naval District, and Admiral l@ialker, ijidications wore that cien now after tlie construction of Camp Pendieton tiiere will be a shortago of some 3,500 uiiits. Councilman Gardner stated he was talkin@ about price-wise. What price units have to be I)uilt iTi orcler to' coeie un(lor tlie requi.retpents they have. Councilinan Payne stated that he understood tliat the Navy was experiencing some difficulty in the risin.@ costs and were possibly planning to develop Fort Story. I'rL-',%i @7C53 COIJ.%'CILM-,k.'4 CAI,LIS 1,EFT TITI- COUNCIL On ,iiotion by Counciiiiian @.iolland, secordcd I)y Couiicilmait lll;aterfield, @iii(i I)y recorded vote @is follows: Ay,-,s: Councilmen Johii /@. Baum, %Iayoi, i'lobert B. Croinwell, Jr., Vice @,layor F. Reid Erviii, George R. Forrell, Charles @'i. Gardner, Clarence li@. llollaiid, C@ariaiid L. Isdell, D. i',Ial@I)oii, J. Curtis I'a ne, ard !:loyd i3. @V-,it--rfield, Jr. "ays: None Absent: Councili,,ian I'@obert ti. Calli-,;, Jr. City Couiicil adopted the followin-. l@es)lution requ--stin,@ -tlie Vii,ginia Alcoholic Beverage Control Board to alqend the time for tlio sale at retail of alcoholic beverages in the City from 1:00 ,t. rn. to 2:00 a.iii. durin, the tourist scason, fron Memorial Day to Labor f)ay: Requested ]-,y Couqcil-@-.Ian.: Clar@,-Ic.@ -,k. 'folland A meeting of the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, was held in the Council Chambers of the Ci-Ly On the 29th day of April 1974. O.,i motion by @,,Ir. Hc)lland and seconded by Mr. Waterfield the followina. resolu@-ion was ado,pted: R E S 0 L U T I 0 N in the opinion of the Council of the City of Virginia ,,@REAS . leach the public coavenience would be :3erved by the sale at retail n of alcoholic bevera-a--s to 2:00 A.M. du@ing the tourist season, i@ieniorial Day to Labor Day; and the iiours between wt,,ich ;uch sales may be made are @,@ih--REAS I e,@tablishad by -,'Lle -\,'@-rgiiia Alco,-iolic @,;P-vera,e Co@-itrol Board and, can be al-@ered or amended thereby. r'low, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUINCIL OF THE CITIZ OF VI,-,tGINIA BEACH, Vi?,@-IiNIA: 1. That the Vir,.in4a Alcoholic 3@vera-e Control Board is her--@,.)y respect.@ully r--quested to amend ',-ha time L-or the sale at rc@L-ail of alcoi,-,14,c bev@ra-les in tLie C!Ly o@@ Virginia Beach -@rom 1:00 A.@t. to 2:00 A.-@l. c!,-iri-ng the Lourist season, Me@@orill Day to La'Dor Day. 2. That t'i2 Citv Clerk be hereby authorized and dlrected to SCL'I(,@ a certified cop,,, of th-- resoluti-on to the Vir-inia A'-coholic Bc,iera@,e Control Board. JDB:er I 3 4 On motion by Louncilman Ferrell, seconded by Councilrian Gai,dner, and by recorded vote as follows: Ayes: Councilmen Jolin A. Baum, Nlayor IZobert B. Croi,,iwell, Jr., Vic-- %layor F. Reid Erviii, 111. l-errc,li , (-,Iiarlcs !i. (,a-rdn--r, Clare-@ice A. f I o 1 1 an d, Gi r 1. an s d o I I,, J . ('@ i r't i ; P @ty n c,, , @in c] Fl o y d F . @V a t e r f i e I dr i@ays ; Naiie Abstain: Counciloaq D. Murray i@Ialbori Absent: Councilman Robert H. Callis, Jr. City Council approved on second reading the followin., Ordinance to ar@iend and reordain Cliapter 20 of the Code of tho City o@@ Vir.,inia Beach by adding tliereto a new Section, number 20-144.1 pertainin@ to retail merchants-niotor vehici-- ---quested by City @@@,lanager Atl OrDIN.@iiCE TO OIEND AND PL,'ORDAIN CHAPT-ER 20 OF T14-E CODE OF THE Cli-Y OF VI-PGIiNIii BEACH, VIRGINIA, BY -ADD- INO- TIEDT"TO A SE'@TIO--N @ll,,@B---R 20-1-/-14.1 PERTAI-@iiiNG TO P@ETAIL ',f,-RCMNTS - MOTOR VEHICLE DF-@LERS BE IT OqDAI,\T,--D BY 'fdE COUNCIL O@7 CIT-Y Or- VIPGINIA BE@'@CH, VIRGINIA: That Chapte-@-- 20 of the Code of City of Vir@i-,iia Beach be amended and reordained !)y adding tiiere-@to a neT,,7 Section 20-144.1 to r--ad as follows: Sec-Lion 20-144.1. R--tail '@lerchants - Z4otor Vehicle Dealers Cross Sales speci--fied in Secticn 20-144, app-'-icable to a @4o-@or Vehi-cle Dealer, -@y be comouted after --onsiderati-on of a@--@@owa@-ices for cash discounts given ar,.d used ve'LI4-cles @-al,cLn -n trade. When used or seconc'_Ihand vehicles are sold, t.-'i2 ori-ce rec,-ive@- t'O.erefor- s'Llal-L ;De cc)ns-@@d2-,ed as salp-s. First readin-: April 22, 1974 11-lond reac-lin,: April 19, 1974 Adopted by the Council of t,,ie City of Vir-inia Beach, Virsinia, on the 29 day of April 1974. Lo 7 C)i 0 y !-c, 3 s or-7 -co v re 1 P, v.;-ola o,-l oti,- i- s Ca-r F, r- i o Vr,-, ',--i Bez,.c'.-i oq ITL,NI #7,@56 On Motion by COunCilman Gardner, seconded by Councilman Waterfield, and b-y recorded vote as foilows: Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, @layor Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Vice @layor F. Reid Ervin, George R. Ferrelt, Charles W. Gardner, Clarence A. @'lolland, Garland L. Isdell, D. Muray a bo J. Curtis Payne, and Floyd E. Waterficid, Jr. Nays: None Absent: Councilmait Robert ti. Callis, fl,. -1 City Council approved on secod readiitg th followin@. Oi-,@'inance to aniend and reordain Cliapter 37 of the (:od, 0 thc CitY 01- ',Tir.,inia a n--w Sectio, 37-30.1 pertainie, to privato Beacii by adding tliereto f firc protection systoms: ,"ity Council deferred E-or oiie wee@ s--cjii,@l to amend aiid reurdain Article Ill o@ "hap-@er i ol@ t,'i@ "'od@ o-L@ 1-ii-- @@Lv 01 Vir,inia 'each to Lnii,,iais @in(i owl: v L 57 !T !@Y T (,'o @-i i", C IC !"Y 0-@' i aG-l T F@ TA: A-ticl@ El o@ C4- -@y C)@@ ;.r@ T@ 13 0 P"D Sc,.c@,*@cj,-, 5-10. Lo Pr2-i:,ni @e- N,,,) persoii s i o-rrii-L E-ro,,,i -Lhn C,L@-,/ r,-! !,2ep, or iia-,7@@ cuslo.-'v -1- @iC)Z ov r,)- a,,,P-. U,@D c);-i r e s ,2@ 1 @j i-on@ o f- a c '-2 r t --ic a 4-,2 0 @l@iy c 2@-- si-@ I I ip-..-3-ulatio,-. or as provi@l-,@l b,,T Sor@ -15, e -ial -1 --. 5 a -@,it sL J-- 0 @ h_ be i-ssLied foil )a-,; -4 e J y 2c @l@ E L I - - -%- -E -- -,v 197z,l L@.e S C ',l @2 @l "-l !'2 S @t 1 @IDT)I": (a) For eac*@-i iial@. do,, .... . . . . . . . . . 8 5.00 @(b) For etc@,@ -@al . -1@)" . . . . . . . . . 5 . 0,@' (c@ For -, ci - @- I -i . . . . . . . . . . 2. O-u For 9- C, 0 C) V-2 t:@,ieLl@-Y 5.00 c)r 2 . . . . . . . . . 25.c)c) S:2c Linii 5 -1.1. 'fc,@ria (11- A p@r@-,Iit:, siia'Ll L'n@- 9 7' u a.--Id L3,,) 2ac h I-I.-s@ c)L@ (2ac'.i ,ear aid U4 -[l -3 L: cto@-,s sliall 'L)e due a@ d n@-iyai as @'JIIL) @o-r,@ 'ha i ;--s'l- da,,,@ o J.@tiiiar-,, t,-ot @L;)tar o- o - o 7-,L i o ()Id ill pay aD@@-:L--' L,-ee @Ls i)rescril)e@ iq If a oj 1',D ---o c s 0 'i 1 S, 2-on oE ai,@ t"': c i, 2 r c-' 1-L 7jl y- Fl, 4 -i L-t"@7; til t: 0 2 . (c) if a -!o@- o-@ C) ci @io O@L oi -t i,. L2,1 1- r r) i Ll D 1: @3@ o- j@o,@ I 7 I: @ip oF o t7- :L 1 Li o,-i 5 - 14 F. 0 c t: o Li i@ I i r o p I y T', a y i I m u e a n 0- -tiarv o-- a@@- -j 0 ',@l cla@ cl-i6posad o- -u or sc:'e oL:h@r o t the disposi- ic e 2: ;@l L iij ri lL2 c)-f @@'Lle of tlie @le or fce alro-ac!.V du2 L Sc@ct-4@-)-.i 5-1-5. a 2,@- t o --o su@i- i, -,o s c)L- L!-12 @l-)-3 sLibseQ,,i@nt to a, si-, ons -Lo aodear D@Lo---- a couri-- -,.D i-i e L.@ clD so t'i --- 'ci-,n- r@Q,,iiro-d s,@all n-ot ro in -'-roii t;,a ponal@-ies Drovided. Scctio:t 5-16. of i-no@-,Ilall-ion or va--cir,a-@i-,T-l ri@D4-,as pl-cr@-qiisiL- L:o issua,.Ac,2 of lic,2-lse ta- liccrs@, s'l-a'@l l@-- this 4a' 7 -or a,.iy aiiin@il j, 4 0:@ F ',Io, L -iir:i@il !i-s, o-@ vaccipat:ed t: s 7i su,-'Il 2, -i,, t: rab 1 c, s a t'--i2 Se:!@ic@is 5-20 a,,-@d 5 - 'Z'l -)-17. o d c) to @l- a.-f @.;ith ta, 1: y --l r @D U,- ce,-is@d an@l ii i: of Lh f-c@ Such Lio- @as riol rc-uu'@-fed to @,7ear a ti-, at ch6- s'o-all bo oq o@,rtt@r o-@ clo, 5-13. P--r-,i-L ALiv r)erso,:,. s@@Iall a sL,- i-n or-l,,-2r to secu.-e a I--ss t@nari $1 y 5 - l) . ,Iat:e -Y l@!,L:, ;,l -L c,0 01- j,,i a-] i c C) u,-l c 0 @)Y I Cl- a ii c OF @@7v 0 @'C i i 1 -:I- C4 4 ff'O -c 12 c"a;,s S c-) 5 etc. i,@ c y i f:) -t o ,Lp 4 14 0 -,i or ii,,)L @,@,3ar i 2 c a icor @,-i e 4 @-a zo r @2 4 I@ r cly 3 s i-, c -i q@Ly Socu-@-,,2 o!-- b s'ri@ 'In a, ,2 7) @ie ti@,i@ C, r) -7 L i r-@ c,, 3 @iv 113 L, @s o J,-2 - 1 i-T t-S O-,,- 34 s - s Od o C)-.- cul-,Il@0 t@12 p :),5 a s ic- Li 4 -,-l -0 L- 5 - 3. A' Ll L:o L@ si,a@ -it all -L: -1@.7 n@)L oa t,,@,2 or i,,i 01 pcr, 3r).-I c @3 C) p@ @i c i - 1- i,c -ra l@) -,-i s VaCC4 !)s o 1- L fJ L o@ 7ri 2--- ,-,ii Li!-all Lo L SL' L @O @l- C2 i-i 'L i aO-c),i,'- 1: c -L,a y a no 3 S c c si-L Lo r,, O,--1 s o- b@i7ii,-,- -,-abid, et:@. a Zl Li i@, Li Li y co@@S2 ia OS 0-0 -Zll@OCIC - 'i@n --*L - -'-i @ -, L, @ :211L -- 11 n t',i,, y -ctol:, -in -_r@ier-ency idar L LL-ICreC)@- @ii- to a s e L7, c, 1: -a s L o L',ie t, a @l Z: 4@iie i n t@.-L' c o-,_- s uc', i pa-- Ls -,-lay '@)'2 so a.L-.T-- c c CL , a l ci al'L dc)@s -Lo tlie o@ineris o-. !-o i:ho son, su,.c- in SLC,@t o- -Cor Lne 6u-fation o@ ,2ncy as IS S re7-ain 4ii @ull E-,)--ce -L)y ",--,d. N. 4gy s S, -11---,.ial Control 5---0 :I,- o r c n r- oD.i- v i L, i @Dy A 4 'D@ -L)V t'Li-- @,U-feati C@ pr C)V, i s -),n A aT@-1, Sticit cit:-v r,)!Ilc r. y 1, c, s C', 70 0 i-, C, ,)@7 -,'i S-' or 3 S@,cl-@4on L L,,; L o it shall -0 L@ I-. 7i-, 1O,- n y p n o-. 7 n l 1 la coL-'-rol oP ll-ly rlD,,; o--- co,- C-j@--Ly '--o s,-ic:@,l eo?, C)r ca@ t:o p@v havin con@-rol ol-- or y st:cl-i cla- o@- ca-L c,-n- h2@ c@tt: wi'@i-1-7-ii t@lic c---- -uc) -11-i-- os i-- c -o ti-ic ,3-e"lsr2 c)-- cit on 'c'- S@l,,, L -2 @--o 7L@@,2n L@Li su -1- rI s o,@-- c Li s -,,D ci i- -, @ !y a rOS o-- iii I c L,oh Li s Li 1,, (2, 0 r ()i: r as 17: ci: C-.)-, @l s itc aiid azi,, ,-soti o CLI a.,iy pi- c @.@l -3 C( o@ oii or @ DC, i 7L)y :3 i.@l V4 C) L 'I 1) C rl,,@, ri( r C'. @l C)-,- cl ti i i L L! ILt' @L' D!, @l ci @i@ i-a 1 1. r) @v ji $ @or t:h2 d@v ail $6 for eLC, 1,2 -L71 -,ay C) f 3 s i El'a 1,1 D o) 0- 1: i-,l s C:) r c F, [D'? Lc) any adii 1-iai,-7i- to c@@ @e f o -r ':O- or @, a L u lo ol@ A-.iii@Ial o,- ,l of @,r@.50 to C(.)v?r r,,)s of 1 7 u an --@ c -@ -i: 2 o t'i -- or c at Such p e s c) 7, -5 - I 0 1 0 e@ a,,, 0-1 y p l@-,'- i io7lS o@ 5-31,,. ojE 30 -,'I--ou@it 33 Se--t-Lo,ns 3@, 3-), sit,all to c@ts, pet--s, ard a'-l- oL,i,@r ol-@ @.-Lqy 4 @i ;cate,i or L, c'@ o u 1-1 c -, p 1- i '- L Sec--i,,Dn 5-35. @e,i-a@Lt:y i,-)- )E S2ctiol 30 ai at: lar,,el o -i 1- 0 @ -F i- c @ r (i - p C) C) c L r "', i L l@ 11- @ @, o @, @ -, r o a @',Ie 07.7,12r a o O@ L 5 - 3 07,qqLr to ,xercis.@ ca-re an--, con,-rol@ of to )reve@.L @'hen @ro-,.i 13y, at,a, u:D ,ia -C -4C Is, t-, o s cI or '3L!Ch @-C) c@ a i -i@ S,2ctio@i @,-37. o- c)- c@i -u-i-i, or nL,;i ril 1-@, ()r li@ri-2r -?I'- S c C) L' L: or caL co@ a o (1c)@@ o@ -C . @n, c, a,:C LlOfl 5-4-1. I.j ....... 1¢~ L~On ...... ~-~-,]& may !a:;fu!i./ ~ ' . . . . . -- cl ...... o called to view the 7_~) ,_:n.tl_L ~( k' a. nv ~.o~[.L.J purpose~ and ~' '' ~,,~zl L a thir~ and S~acion 5-42. Cruo!ty to Any [-~s n who k.L) ov:l]:ri~es~ o-;~:--~-; ~:'s ov:~r].oads~ tortures, ill .... .~. oona ride ' :, -4 Un~ .... ~ ..... ~.: , . - ~ -- 1I ..... e:.u]_.~.~ uO~ Or cruelly ' - t,~_ o;gne¢ of sttc[l on ..oo,..~ ins~: ~ - - c:ue!~y co any ~ a ....... , or (3) sepal c;.::r~ or c~use to b~ carried in or uoou a. nv vehicle or ~ao_l or o~n=r,z..: _. ;,~}, auimai in a cruel, brutal, sh't]} be guilty oF a mo-o,~,_~a:,mcr; cu ....... ~3d to prohibit rh.:~ '-' · uL .-~"~ 3-43. ~""," ~ ...... (a) it shitll be' u:}!a.;:t:', for e~.}' p .... :,no ..... ar,, bavins control of or [~m:~)c)r]ng any ::oq Lo caul,, ::;u:F,,~ )r p~r:nit. :uch crc~ to i~ - i-~ ( , ' --~- '~' ~: A ........ '" ' ....- '" - 6 - "equ--sted by Ci-ty @j,,anare@ "irmuni.t@y Services Ai@ O@qDI@N.ANCE TO @-ND AIND RR-_ORDAIN CH-k.@,ER 37 OF THE COD-@ OF THE CITY OF VIAGINL,@ BIZ,,kCH, VIRGINIA, BY ADDI@IG THERETO A N:-7i @3ECTION 37-20.1 PEIT,AINI@,NG TO PF.IVATE FI@E PROTEI-ITION SYSTE@is BE IT O"@DAI@7@'D Bv 'LiT@' 1,Duliciil O-., Gl'@rY O:,' VI'GIDIIA ViaGINI@%: That Chapter 37 of -,he Code o--- the City of Vir--inia Beach be a,-,iended and reordained by addin-- tilereto a new Section 37-20.1 -@o ad as S--cl.-ion 37-20.1 P@iva@--- fire protec',-ion systems. iNTO C4-ty s'-iall be used @-or private fire protect4-on systems unless the cusLo,,.qer ins-,alls, at his cost, a detector check valve and bypass meter ol@ a type and at a -,-ocation approved L)y -Lhe division of i)Ui:)Ii-c ut:i-litil-_S. T'rie cus-Lomer siiall pay tlie cost of all labor and T',IateripI z-or @n.riv i-acility installed by the divisi,)n of -,)u'olic util-ities in ol:der -Lo accoi@,oda-Le a pri-vat,2 fi.@-e p-rotec't-i-o.,i svs-lem il,7 enty-fiv-- p--.-cent. No person sLiall use water irom a T)rivate fire T)rotection systea ot',ier than for extio-uishin- a fire @iithout the written consent oz- n L, L,' il4 ti_ S tiie clivisio of p @,)Ii-c I-@ X,7ater C-ro,-,i a private fi.-e pro- 11-act-@on systeri is used in a r,,anne.- n,,)t autborized 'tierein, all @,7ater so-,-vi-ce saall ') 2 c,-i:- oL-,,-i I e S S @-' @'- t-i L 1-' L' us-- is t@,rpi-@Inatcl 4 @ediately uoon no-ice fro@:,i th- divisioti o,- pu@olic i-i--4-1-ities a,-id is -matie L@or a]-! water sD use@IL . ,Nlo ctiar,,-- sc,,all bo @@@,d-- f or Lised to @5.00 per quarter se-@vice fec is i,,@posed fo-c reid@-n@ ind -.ieters ancl. insoectin, ttic@ systems. This ordinan--e sii,-Il 7:)-- in efl@ek:,- f-ron, -ind after clate of i-Ls adoption. First readin-: Febrtiary 25, I Second rea(I-I@n-: April 29, L97,1 Ac-1c)ot@id Lkie Co,incil of the Ci-tv c)f Vii:,,ini-a Beach, I 0 5 7 COUNCIL@v@N CALLIS RETURNED TO CO[JNCI r, CfIA[%IB-L@'RS On iftotion by Councilman Callis, secc,nded by Councilman 11-Iyne, and bv recorciecl vote as foiiows : Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert 11. Callis, Jr., @layor Robert B. Cromwell, Jr. , Vice t%,Iayor F. Rei(i E-,,vi@-i, Geor,,e R. Ferrell, Char] IV. Gardner, Clarence A. 'folland, (JLLI I.a,icl L. Isdell, D. i%lurray Malbc)r J. Curtis Pavne, and Fl-ovd @. @v,,,itci ' iel,,I, fl-. Nays: None Abseiit: None City Council approved the followin-@ ordii,,ance authorizirl,. the vacation of utility and drainage easement on certain property in the Virgiiiia Beach Borou.@h: ON ORDI@NTANCE ilUTHORIZING TAE VACATIOINT OF UTILITY AND DPAI,Lk-@E ON CEP,T.AIiN PROP-WRTY IN VIPGINT-A BEACH BO@OUGH, VI'IGINIA -SE.ACH BE IT OPDAIN-,-D Bv. THv- COTJLNCIL O,' T' CI-IY OF VIRGIINIA BEACH, ,!@-RCINIA: @vYnereas, a fi-fteen (15) E-oot u@--iliLy and clrainage easement as s',qown on that c--rlain plat i@l 1,Tap .3o,)k 90, at- Pa,e 11 in the Clerk's 0-@, fice of the Ci-.cuit Court: o.@ th2 C:;ty o-C@ Virginia Beacil, Vir@inia, @@7,as dedicat,-(a' to ttle City of Vir@inict Beacll, Vi:-,-*nia; and Whereas, it has been deter-@nined that the above said easement is no longer of any use to the City and t'lle sa@ne should be disposed of and vacated. Now, T,ierefore, B2 It Ordained By The Council o@- The City or i n ia B L- a c'.-i , V iii i a That, the '-r-if-Leen (15) foot u-@4-li-ty @,nd draina,,e easemen-L as si O@7n on that ce-i:-Lai n T)la- entilled I Plat S' owili@ I,Tater LinE! wasemerit ,l - I L @l - -fo Be Dedicated To Tile Ci-Ly of %7i,@@i-@lia Beacia, Vir@inia And U-Lility Drainage Easerqent To Be Vacated For Oceans Condo,-iiniun Vir-inia Be @l)-,acLi BoroLi@h - Vir@inia ach, @lir--;n4a S-ale l" = 100' February, l@)74 @!arsli and Basgi@-r, Inc., P.C." said i)lat beiii, at-L-@ched he-reto @)e -,tid the sar,-.o is liertby vacared and the ten (1.0) foo-@ wate-. line ease,aent as shown on said plat is 'iaereby a--c,-pted. Adopted b@r tlie Council of the CiLy of Virginia Beacli, Virinia, i t Lie 2 9 (@ay o@ it 7'-, . P/. RCFL z S4,@,,5N, 90 Dote:- D,Ilcfo, of C,ty of V,,g@,,o Be@ch, V,,gi,i, PLAT SHOWING WATER LINE EA@-EPilENT -rO Sc- OEOIC.4TED To 7,@E CITY r,)F Vt,'@Gli@1'4 BEACH, Vi,@Gli%'t4 UTILITY 4@JD L) 4fivAGE E4SFI-;IEN7 T.) L,3@ V14C4TF Febrij cr y 7-@ i c -SUf, I? ETI:',l @7JS3 Ci-v Council deferred for sixty davs rh@ l@ollowin, street closure -recll-rdiria Indiaiia Avenue also knowii as @)en i.ane in the Kempsville Bc) rc)ii gli. I14 THE MA'I'I-EF, OF: CLOSIITG, VACATIN- all(i@ DISCOI-@-,-iT@3-- TIT 1- ST ,'ET T.S DF,N 1,2,-14E, CO' li@l S I'll C- T'i.E,: BOUi@IDI@@RIES OF LOTS 32 throligh l@), BI,OCI' 48, 'AS ON PLAT OF @@-IUCLID PLP@C:7, @-IHICH 11 H, PLAT IS RECOI@J)-'D Iti 'j' E CL,'P S O@@FICE 01,' TFIE CIP,-@UIT COUR2 OF TliE CE'l@'@ OF VIR-@INIA BEACH, VIRGTNIA, liN I'IAP B001", 4, ,-,T PAGE 63. P E T T " I 0 N TO: The MPYOR AND THE MEMBERS )E,' Tj'E COUNCIL OF T"IE C:FTY OF VIRC:INIA BEACII, VIRGIL@IA. Yc)ur Pc@titi-oner, KE@177 SVILL@- BUILDING MATERIAT-S, resPectfully represents Is folic@-,,is. 1. That pursuant -10 the provisions of Section 15.1-364 Of the 1950 Code of Vir(jinia, as iL-,ended, the Pe-@itioner applies for the vacating, closing and discon-@inuince OL- a certain portion of an undeveloped road or street, which is more particularlv described as @-ollows: Beginning at a poill-,, %@71lich is the Southeast c(-)rner of l,ot 32, 131o@,k 4 , ()n th, Pi,t o i7 1,7 Euclid Pl@ice, and r,"lin'lng in a direction and cc)rriprising tlic-, @',as@@-ern bound,,i,, C- Lots 32 tllrO'Igli :L9, tllcri tLi7iij-nc., .1rc)m tiie @lortile'ast Corner of Lot 19 and rurin@.nci Ez's-l-erly Fifty feet to tlie i@.'oj-th,.,,--st coi.-P@r T@ot 3, '31ock 49, then turning and runtaing in a Sc)tlt@1,7,rly clirection zll--,ig a line cOrT'pri:;'@ncj tiie 1)(-)@in(lari-es of Lots 3 throu@h 16, 13lock 49, @inci @,h ii @-ui-n4 .@.ncj ctt the South@,,,e,,-@ cc)rner of Lot 16 an@, 11,@nnii-i(j Uaster-L@, Fifty (50) fe-t - to the -ion _@-nnin@T. IL b(-,,j.iig a por, of -Inciiin,@ Avc@ni-ic@, 113c) I:nc),,,in aS Dcn LIlie, which l@3 s'llc)wn on thzL c -t l@-n IJI @'t O' I,:uclid @lace, ii@ade I & 7,llgin(-@ers, o@' t4orfolk, Vircrinid, -@,!,ircli 190, :1- ci Plat i-s recorded in the C]c',ri@'s (:)f Fice of tilc '-'ircuit Court of thct City of Vi.rcjinia B-acli, in i'a) @@@C)OK- 4, It page 63. 2. Tlia-@ n(@ incoiiv(,nL,,r@ct, @,iill result to an@, persons by rc2@lson of s;,@id clo@;@n-T, @LI(l Cli.,Cr)ntinii@inco of siid ORDTLN@,@C2 APPOI@iiING VIET,,IERS VIIIE@IAS, KEMPSVITTE BUILDING MATERIALS, INC. hds given duc-, and proper notice, in accordance with the sta -Ites for sucli case iii.,i.de and provided, tt,@it iL will, on 1974, apply t(-) the City Counci-I of tl,.e- City of Virginia Be, h, Virginia, for the appointment of Viewers to view the below described property and report i-r, writing to the Council whether, in the opinion of said Viewers, any, and if any, what, incon- veniezice @7otild result frotn the 6iscontinuing of the hereinafter describc!d undc-,veloped portion of street or road, and has filed such applicati-on witli the -aid C'ouncil; Now, Therefor, BE I-. ORDAINED BY TIIE CO-1-iNCIL OF THE CITY or VIRI-I@41A BEACII, VIRGINII,, Tliat G-orpe L. lianl)urv Cliarles C. CF@-f ri iii"toll and -Vli-!Iiani 1,1. Jr. are hereby appoin@@-ed to view thc below described property and report in @@iri.ting to the Council on or before 1974, ,h@ther in their opinion any, and if any, what inconven- ience would rc-,s@ilt from the disc-ontinuing, closing and vacating of a certain unimproved street c,r road, located in the i'lempsvillel Borough of tlie City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, and more particularlv descril)('-cl as follo-,,s: Bogintiing at a point, @iliich is the SC)ul_,'Ieast corii(-,r of Lot 32, Blo(,' ', 48, on ti-ie Plat of Euclid PlEice, and runrLin,3 tn dl.rec-,-ion aii(I come)rising the- l-'a,-Lern bc)ijno,,iri.es o@ Lots 32 tlarou@jli 19, Lheii tiirnincj 'T--om tlic-@ -C\c)rtlic@ast corn-er of. i,ot- 1.9 and ruliniilg '@'aL;@erly -i -@ty (50) fec@t to th(! '@ortt-i@-iosi- coriic2t (,f i,ot 3, Pl cl@ 49, theii tiai-ning zinci runni-19 ii t Sc)utlierly clirect4-on a]-ong a lin@@ tiic, ile@t-.crn I)ct,iiciiri-es of I,ots 3 tilrotigii .1.6, 49, iiic@ L'ic2ii turniiig at thc)- c,,oy-r@cr of L(,L 16 aild ruilning 1.@"astorly fc@('Ii to ti@( T)@)ii-it or. @e(jinti@ng. i b P i n @j i p L:@ c) n o f I ii i a rii A voi u a 1. s o kn o,,,n Li s F).-, 1-1 L r,,, i-@; @3jio,..,n on tlilit pla" of Eticlid PI-ace, Pi.,-ide I)y 1),-iy & Foster, of 511 1 AIIII Ill 17 !,,Tc)l-to.Ll:, virgi,-Ij@j7i, @ind @,iiii-cti l@ IAII IDL,ti- is Y-c-,c-or(1,2Ct ii@ of- ii street or road, and the Pe'@itioner prays tliat tliis Honorable Council ippoint Vie%,7ers as provided by law to view this undeveiopel, street or road proposed to be closed, and to repor@l- in i-7riting LU Llie @c)uncil on or before -,he day of 1974, wliciiter in th,@ opinion o,@ saicl Viewers, an,,,, and if any, what, inconvenielice @iould re@;,,Iit fro,-@t the cliscontinuance of said I streel or road heretofore descri-bed. 3. Tiiat on the day of 1974, !Notices of the presenting of thi-s Ap'plication were posted at the !Courthouse of tho Circuit Co,.irt of the City of Virginia Beach, 'Virginia, and on the premises t,D he closed and at the City Hall Annex, 19th Street and Arctic @'ienue, Vi-rginia Beach, Virginia, las evi-denced by the Affidavit a'itached hereto, and a copy of said 14otice. 4. That the Pet4-tioner is the fee siir['Dle owner of all Iland along and adjacent to ard t-f@,cted by said undevelopp-d s"i -t or road to ho closed, and C,,ons--(Tuently your Petitioner is the !sole landowner afl-ected by Lhe Respectfully submi-,ted FEL@l@ISVILLE BIJILDING 14'ATERIALS, INC. 1-Y Attr,,@y ITE@l #70'39 On riotion by COLInCilman f s(lell, seconited by Councilman Ferrell, aiid by recorded vote as follows: Ayes: Councilinon John A. Baum, l@obert @l. Callis, Jr., [Nlayor Robert ii. crontwell, Jr. , vice ',vl@iyor F. Reid :Yvin, George l@, Ferrell, Charl@ Iv'. Gardner, Clareiice A. tiollaiicl, Garl:and L. Isdoll, D. i%lurray 1%lalbon .f. Ctirtis I)ayno, and Floyd E. Iliaterfi@id, Jr. Nays: None .kl)se-,.it: T@oiie City Council approved the foll.owin, street closure relative to a f Providnce t@v@,nLy-foot portion 0 !Zoad in the Kenpsville Borou@h: AN ORDINANCE CLOSING, @IACATING AND DISCONTINUING A PORTION OF PROVIDENCE ROAD, KEMPSVILLE BOROLi@H, CITY OF VIRGINTA BEACEI, VIP(3T@,IIA WHEREAS, proper notice that the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, would make application to th@ City Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, to have the hereinaft--r portion of Providence Road closed, vacated and discontinued as a public road of the City of Virqinia Beach was duly posted at th-- Court- house of the Circuit Court of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia and at two public places in the City oE Virginia Beach, Virginia on the day of -, 1974; WHEREAS, the land proprietors aff(@cted thereby have been duly notified; and WHEREAS, said application was madc@ to the City Planning Cowxaission and to the City Council and pursuant to the statutes in such cases made and provided, the cc)uncil appointed Viewers who have reported to the Council that r,o inconvenience to the public or to private individuals would result from su--h closing, vacation and discontinuance; and WIJEREAS, the City Planning Comniission after proper -.,.otice and hearing, has reported thereon to -,Ile Council; and WHEREAS, it is tlie judgement of tl,-- Council that siid portion of Providence Road should be closed, vacated and discontinued; no@v therefore BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF a'HE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA: Section 1. That the certain portion of said road described as follows in the Kempsville Borough of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, is hereby closed, vacated and discontinued as a public road of the Citv of Virgi-nia Beach, Virginia, said certain portion of said road not being needed for ptibli-- use and travel: ALL THAT CERTAIN portion of Pro\7i,-Ience Road designated "20' STRIP BEING COUVE= TO PROP@RTY OWNER BY THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH," containing 0.074 acres, as appears on that certain plat entitled "PLAT SHOWING PORTION OF PROVIDENCE ROAD R/W BEING VACATED AND CLOSED BY THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, SCALE: 1"=40', JANUARY 31, 1974, KEMPSVILLE BOROUGH, VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA, DUNCAN & JOHNSON, LTD., ENGINEERS & SURVEYORS, 305 BIRCFIKOOD PARK DRI\IE, VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINI.A" and recorded in the City Clerk's office of the Circuit Court of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia in Map Book 102 at page 18 and further described as t-ollows: To find the point of beginning, start at a pin at the intersection of the southern right: of 1/2'7ay of Indian River Road and the northern right of way of Providence Road and proceeding North 440 46' West along the said right of way of Indian River Road a dist:ance of 317.50 feet to a pin at the western most property line of now or formerly Robert Thomas; thence turning and proceeding South 331, 51' W--st, a distance of 165.38 leet tc@ tlie POINT OF BEGINNING; -,hence proceeding South 3311 51' WE@st a distance of 21.56 feet to a point; thence turning arid proceeding North 770 40' West a distance of 160.16 feet along the dedicated right of way of Providence Road tc) a point,- thence turning and proceeding North 32c' 13' 41" East a distance of 21.34 feet to a point; thence turning and proceeding South 770 40' East a distance of 160.81 feet baclz to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Section 2. That 30 days after this date a copy of this Ordinance, certified by the Clerk, be spread upon the pub',ic records in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of th4@ City and indexed in like riianner as a d--ed to lands. Adopted by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, on the_ day of 1974. o@ CL,' 1, V A@,-,-' D f SCO'@q-, !F'Ui G @ Pol@'f -LON O'@" P E T I T I 0 N PROVIDENCE ROAD TO-. THE MAYOR AND THE MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACEI, VIRGINIA: Petitioner, City of Virginia Beach respectfully represents: 1. That pursuant to the provision:3 of Section 15.1-364 of th6 Cod-- of Virginia, 1950, as amended, the said petitioner applies for the vacating, closing and discontinuing of ;l portion of a certain road situate in the Borough of Kempsville, City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, and described as follows: ALL THAT CERTAIN Dortion of Provid,ince Road designeted "20' STRIP BEING CONVEYED TO PROPERTY OWNER BY THE @--ITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH," containing 0.074 acres, as appears on that certain plat entitled "PLA'P SFIOWING PORTIO@, OF PROVIDENCE RO-AD R@l BEIIITG VACATED AND CLOSED BY THP- CTTY OF VIRGTNIA BEACH, SCALE: 1"@40', JANUARY 31, 197/1, RT,MPSVILLE BOROUGH, VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA, DUNCAN & JOHNSON, LTD.,ENGINEERS & SURVEYOR@3, 305 BIRCITWOOD PARK DRIVE, VIRGINIA BEACti, VIRGINIA," ind recorded in the 'City Clerk's Of,@ice of tlie Circuit Cour-I of the Ci-ly of Virginia Beach, Virginia, in map B@3ok 102 at page 1;3 and further describ--d as follows: To find the point o@@ beginning, st;art at a pin at the inters@ction of the southern right of way of Indian River Road and the northern right of @,iiy of Providence Road and proceeding North 440 46' West il,c-ig the said right of wiy of I,@diin a dist inco o@' -117.50 fee-, to a pin at the westcrn most F)rc)p--, tv c)f now or foi-inerly Rcbc@rt th-nc,-, tilriing ani proceed@-ng Soutit 330 51' West, a distance of 165.38 fcet to tli-- POIN@- OF BEGIN'NTNG: thence pi:@ceediiicj Soti'@h -13" 51-' WeE,7t l @,@-St@Inc(@ of 21.56 fec,,t: to @t I)c,itit; tllc,-c,, -1 irt,ing a-.-I @forth 770 40' West @i distaticc,@ o. I @l(-,ct aloiij dc,,clic-@ited r-ic;llt C)f @,)@LY -)f Pr,,Dvi(I ri,,,@ lzc)@ifi La poinl-,- tiirn-i Ti,f 13' (list@in@@c-, ol- 21.@14 f@,@t to i lDc)j-tlt, tucni,l,,, pr.-oc,:@@cliiicj '@,Di-ii:h 77' @10' zi cli n, 2. That no inconvenience will re@;ult to any person by reason of the said closing, vacating and discontinuing of this pc)rtion of said road, and petitioner prays tliat: this Honorable council appoint Viewers as Provided by the afo3-asaid st:atute to view the portion c)f t@iie @,ijct roa(l L,) l)- in ,,ritin,@ to tliis Council on or venience would result from the discontlnuing of this portion of- said road. 3. That on the day of 1974, notices of the pres--nting of this application %;ere posted at the Courthouse of the Circuit Court o@- the City of vi,--ginia Beach, Virginia, and at t@vo other public places within thE- :;aid City, as evide-nced by the affidavit attached hereto, and a copy of said notice, and the land owners along and adjacent to said street desire and request the said portion of Providence Road to be clos--dl as shown by -@he attached letter. Resp--(itfully suhmitted, CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH DEPAR'-;I,IELNT OF LAT9 By- ORDINANCE APPOINI'ING VIEWV-RS WHEREAS, the City of Virginia Bea(-,h, Virginia, has given di-' and proper notice, in accordance witli '.he stattites fc)r siach cis@@ i-aade anC,- provid-%d, ,:(-,Ulcl ni, @ Ii @, ci,@y a,, .01 y to the City Counci-I of th,,@ Cit:v of Beac@il, V*-rginia, fcr the app,')i-@? ment of Viewers to view Lhe below described property and report in writing to the Council whether, in 1-he opinion of said Viewer any, and if any, Wnat inconvenience woiild result from the dis- continuing of the hereinafter describect portion of Providence Road in the Kempsville Borough of th-- C'ity of Virginia Beach, Virginia, and have filed such. application with the said Council. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF TIIE CITY OF' VIRGINIA BEACEI, VIRGINIA: That, Geor@e I,. ilanbury, Charles C. Carrin,,,ton, and iVilliani W. Fleriirig, Jr. are hereby appointed to view the below described property and report in writing to the council on or before whether in their opinion, any, and if ztny, what inconvenience wo@ result from the discontinuing, closing and vacating of that cerf--,- portion of Providence Road, located in the Borough of Kempsville, City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, and C@--scribed @is follows: ALL TE121@T CER'I'ATIT ido,-tion of PrOA7ic@,nce Ro,@cl desi.gnited "20' STPIP CO',IVE,T,@D TO PROPI@@ITY OWNER BY TEIE CITY OF VIRGINIA containing 0.(,74 acres, as appears on that certain plat eritit]-od: "PLA5 SIIO'o7ING POR'FION OF PROVIDENCE ROPD R//',l BEING VACATED AND CLOSED BY TIIE CITY OF VIRGINTIA B17ACff, SCALI@: 3"=40', JANTJARY 31, 1974, KEMPSVILLE BOROUC;ll, VIRGINIA 13EACE, VT,@GINTA, DTINCAN & JOTINSOIT, LTD., F@l(,-Il,@EEPS & SU@iVil@YCt@, "05 13IRC-@vIOOD PARK DRIVE, VIRGINIA BEACII, \IIRGINIA," @ind recorded in the City Clerk's offic,@ of the Circuit Court of tlie City of Virginia Beacia, Vi.1-@ginia, in fIDp F -)!@ 102 at page 18 and ftirther descri,l),--,d @t-, foll.ow!-,: To find the point of beginning, start at a pii@ at the intersection of the southern right of way of Indian River Road and the northern right of way of Providence Road and proceeding North 440 46' West al.oncf til-D said right of %,,ay of Indian River Road a dist@-nce of -117.50 feet to a pin at the western nios'- idrc)pertv lin oC m e or for. e)-ly Robert S(-)Ut,tl 51' W,@st, Thorn@.i@,, thenc,-,2 P a dis'l-aiice or 16 .33 O'@ proceeding Soi-iti,@ 3"o 51 a 21 .56 I a poin-1.7 th--nce an@i Pr,3(., 7170 Z, est a distance of 160.16 feet alorig d,@,dicE,@'@ec.1 ricjht c)f way of Providence Road to a point; ther,,e turning and proceeding North 32c) 13' 41" East a distance of 21.34 feet to a point; thence turning and proceeding South 770 40' East a distance 0-1 160.81 feet back to the POINT OE BEGII@LING. ITEi',l #7)60 On iriotion by Councilman Malbon, seconled by Councily@ian Ifolland, and by recorded vote as follows: Ayes: Counciliaen John A. Bauift, l@oberc fl. Callis, Jr. , Mayor Robert 13. Cromt,,ell, Jr., Vice Mayor F. Reid @@rvin, George R. Ferrell, Cliarles IV. Gardner, Clarl-nce A. Holland, Garland L. Isdell, 1). 14urray @ialbon, ,J. Curtis Payne, and Floyd E. Waterl:i-,Id, Jr. iNays : inone Absent: None City Council approved the @ollo@,ring tix re@lunds in the amount oE $574.99: To: Dale BiTson City @t:tornc-,y !:ro,@: V. A. E-Iheridge, T@-ea@u-@-er Dat:,-,. April 23, 1974 SLlbject: App!iL:a@iL)tt for Tax Refunds The following applications for re-@und of taxes totaling 478.69 L I a .nd cc@r i@ied for p yment, as set forth below: V. A. Typc2 T,, z,, T,2 x o-E Tic,<et Lion ,l Z7. 0 lInLerl @,L@otzll b o e) @Tax 2r i ci E L, s e. cst: Grace Marilyn wing 1974 CD 44584 .-8-74 7.5'0 illiam L Boyd 1574 CD It' T-4408 -@0-74 10.00 Wesley W Shephe-d 74 CD 64605 1-9-74 7.50 Jack Williams 1974 CD 74973 1-31-74 7.5( .Ioward T Carr 1974 CD F-129 '2-6-74 7.50 Lorna E. Bridenstine 1974 CD 39632 -3-25-74 15.0(, H, CD 61529 1-4 -7zi -is W Cooley 1974 7.50 Fran-es B 114gil s 74 CD 11203 z@-8-74 15.00 Harry S Conboy 1974 CD il 75992 2-1-74 7.50 Waterfield Irving T. 1974 CD ij@ 20332 1-2-74 7.50 Patsy S Dooley 1974 CD @r' 73984 L-'10-74 7.5 C Henry M Sch@van @cl952 RE Court 1949 333.69 Bruc,2 G. Murp'ny thru Order Co-Aci-,iiiuii-,strato@.,ik970 Estate of Cecil I,il ,',d,im D @@iiller 1974 CD T-6355 1.-4 -74 7.5C T'Liomas E Snead 1974 CD i'@ 2443 1-15-74 7.5C T, Jc)ltn @liowar 1 74 CD Y@ 56275 t-28-7/i 7.5f @larioii C CLillin; 74 CD 4@ 47256 1,-14 -74 7.5C Granville @i Johiis CD if 63945 1.-9-74 1-5. O( J@ll-ic B. - 1974 Above applications E-or refunci o@@- taxe,@@ Ipproved. Date Dale l@bo@@e ii),)tements tot,31ing Ai)proved by @-itv D@ 'Fo: @r . D n 'L e 'l' c) i C @@ ILY Attornc-y @Ir. V. A. Lc,,,eridge, Tre6surcr Date April 22, 1974 S U'L),i e c t Applicat-ion @@or Ta- i@e,,2unds -@O Tlie follo@.)ing applicel-ions for refund of tnyes totaling $ - 92'. ,ind ccrt-@ f 4 @ed fo.- payrient, as set forth below: V. A. Etlier-lcl-,a 14:, of: c I o tzi 1 T t,/ ies t @ct T@x @'.D c, Judy A Sp--ncer 1974 CD D-7734 -1 --t4 1. clo Cecil H & @,lilliam Bertell 1974 CD Yf 31601 1-30-74 7.50 Irene H Boyce 1974 CD 8923 1-30-74 15.00 E. B. Turner 1974 CD T-8565 4-5-74 7.50 Hancock 1- West 1973 RE #021939 2C)72 '6-15-73 46.80 46.80 1st Half Diana A Coile 1974 CD 1,@ 3@,981 2-21-74 7,50 Albert W Foste.- 1974 CD 53424 1-21.-74 50 E cl@,I)in L t@@nrlis 1974 -,-'R TI),-4755 4-5-74 3.50 A"Dove applicat4-o-,ls 'l-0 @- re 0 tax cs zi p:) -o,@i-,d . (//. C-1@cy tr-lorney Above ab@tcmeiits totaling @\p-@roved I ci i,-@ r d C@ii@; Cle i( ITE@l @70011 01, iriotion by Councilrfian Payne, secoiide,d by Councilman and bv recorded vote as follows: Ayes: CouricilEien Jolin A. 13aurq, fzobert 'fl- Call@s, Jr., lavor Robert Crorii,,ell, Jr., Vice Mayor F. Reid irvin, Georgo IZ. Fer'rell, Cliarles Garditer, Clarence A. Holland, Ga,l@nd L. Isdell, D. I'lurray i"lalbon, Curtis Paviae, and Floyd T-,. @vatorfi(ld, Jr. @@IV -15 \Ioiie @i@I)sen t inone @,lr. V. A. Etheridge, City Treas-urer, requested an adc'Litional $15,ooo ar)propriation in Iiis FY 74 budget for data processing. As thi8 is liecessary due to the revision in the City decal system and a change iii the proced,,ro for recordin, and distributin.@ tax bills associated witli tlie 1973 ,ener@Ll reassess@illeii-1, City Council approved an appropriation OF $is,ooo to b'ucl@et code #4020-0212A, and fur-t'o@r approved t'@lat tliis ,-ir)[)ropriati)n b funded by an increase in cstimated revenue from the ,S- ate by $7,500 and a cliarge to unappropriated stirptus of @/-.500. i, ll'EM #70(,2 on i,,iotion by Counciiman Gardner, secon(ted by Couri(zilman Holland, and I)y recorded vote as follows: Ayos: CounciliTien Jolin A. Baum, l@obci,t ii. Callis, Jr., i,layor Robert T . Crorawell, Jr., Vice ',Iayor F. Reid L@f-vin, George R. Ferrell, Charles @l @@. Gardiier, Clareiice A, Hollaiid, Ga.l,lalid L. Isdell, D. Murray italbon, J. Curti.s Payne, and Floyd L. WaterfieLd, Jr. i@ays : i@oiie Absent: None City Couiicil adopted the followin@ !Zes l.ution conc-erriing the acquisitioii of ri@,ht of @Nay and tlie coilstriiclioi-, ;iiid improveme-@it of t,,ewtow-@i IZoaci, it@iy,,,ood Ro@id, tie,;I,@va@@ [)t,ive an(] Diamond Springs o a,-, R E S- 0 L U C@. W@-PEt@S, c)n 'i',,arch 26, 1973, tlie City co,,Inci-i aqproved a @'2soltitioo. requesti.rg til- Virgi-ii@-a ol- fligh@,)ays ar..d Fed--ral B,-,reau c)@- Poads to p@c)cira,,n tiic, acqLlisi.L@-on o@- ri-g-lit O'- %,jav and cotistruction ol- the itap7-ove:,,,ent o" Road/ ,@,a@,rcood Road (Route 652) -@rom Virq -nil Beach Boulevard "o if-S i-'@ersection @vith in,,Iependenc-- Bo',l evard; ancl @i=REAS, th@. V-i:cg@-nia Departm@@nt ol- Higliways has acc--Ptp-d improvemart c)- Road/@ia,7good Ro-cid as an urba-- project, and Wl=@REAS, the Ci-ly ol- Virginia Beach has included in its Five Year Ca.oi"al. improllem--nt Prog -a,:,,, the constructio.,l o@@ Di-a-@.or.d Sp-rings Poad I-rom Ne@vto@)n !load -@o it,',7 col,-nection- @.)ith -@-c)rtharp.ptoTi T3oilevard; and WIIEREAS, tliz! Cit,/ lt,@s assi.gn (@ a cc)nsult.ant to do -,he Di-a,-,iorid Springs izoad Projec-1; anct WIE,P,EAS, tlle City's a-@id Stalle s cotisul-ant, ill atl-i@p,i-.ag 1- @o design an iritersection for th-se 7@)o major roads, determi-n--d that the traefic Dat@,@rn nc--clod s.@i-.Lotis sttidy and analvsi.-.; and 1,7@,P-EAS, as a reslilt of @@,@ludy and. inalysis, it has b2an delerminad by the Virgini-a Del)--Irtm@@@ f T4;cTh-,,,,@yF, t,,,,It a I I 'Lill c'Lc)v s.-I,@@ici 1, (7onStr-LIC,-.eO,; zind t@le Vilg@Lrt;al D,@@)it: r@, i ,L O@ llas u r) c,, 1,-1 0 "'i , T E R, @: F O,' 1 T I @,E S 0B @ T f C) -i -'T -- I L 0 CICY OF VIRGINIA That, the Vi.-ginia D@par"m@nt OF fiij L s a -a@ , V @ld th@ Eled@ I @-,@ir--au of Roads ai:,-, hereby req,,i,@,st2d -c) incl@l@-,-- the aCL71lisiti-on o- right of @ird ol- che -F(ili- t'IL !!c) i,3,/,;-favcfDc)@l i'rD.,,d @-@,Du@le 652) BE IT FURT@R @ESOLVED, tha@ @he City o@' Virginia Beach construct Diamond StDrinas Roai -rom the a@@orewentioned cloverleaf northwa.-d to i--Ls conti--c-ion @vitli Northa-@no-o-,i Boulevard L at the City's sole expense. AND BE IT FURT=R RESOLV-'D, t'iat th-- City 01- Virginia Beach @.,,ill also construct @,,7esley-@n L-ro,-Li the ,,iestern end of th-- aforemen-Lioned cloverle,.if to its C,),-Irect:ion @,ji-t:h B,-ker Road at -Lhe City's -iolc! exqense; ALN'D BE IT FTiRTII:,,',R RESOLVED, L7i-at -,he Cit--y of Virgi-ni-.a L--ach agrees to construct Diamond S@rina.@ Road and I,,-,esleyan Driv-- so -Lhat th--ir completion is generally concurrent %qit'@q the completion ol@ the irpprove-@nen-L of Ne@vto-wn Road/Haygood Road Urban Project. ITEM #7C63 Oii motion by Coitncilman Payne, seconded by Councilman Ferrell, and by recorded voto as follows: Ayos: Councilmen Johii )k. i3aurfi, Rob rt 11. Callis, Jr. , \@,ayor Robert B. Croriwell, Jr. , Vice '@layor F. Reici Erviii, Gec)r@.e R. Charles Gardner, Clarence A. ilollaiid, Gar] z iid L. Isdell, D. @\'urray @,talbon, J. Curtis Payne, and Floy(i E. @iater,@ictd, Jr. ,4ays inone Absciit: Noiic (I'Lty Couilcil appi:-oved tiie Low bid o[ @l,. 3. Nleredith,ll, Iiicorporated, i,i tho aniouiit of $1,133,000, for the construction of the Central iiigli@vay and Utility YarcL on !,,-,idLowti !'load, and further authorized the CLty Niaiiager to execut, necess.,iry docuitients for tlie construction OF 1-1,4 Fufids totalin., $829,000 liave pre@@(@ fo, this I)rojc@@, and it is @iiiticipatod tliit @-,,e re-mainder @v@ll be tii tho 1974 bond issue. I TE @ll7( 6 4 1 Oii iiiotion by Couiicilinaii Payne, second(:!d by Councilinan lioliand, and by recorded vote as follotvs: Aves: Councilmen John A. Baum, Konert ti. Callis, Jr., Mayor Robert Croiiiwell, Jr., Vice i,4ayor F. Reid llrvin, Geor,@e R. Ferrell, Charles Gardner, Clarence A. Holland, Garl@,,nd L. Isdell, D. @,lu-rray Nlalbon, J. Curtis Payne, and Floyd E. '@Vaterfi(,Id, Jr. @,ays: lione Absent: Noiie City Council authorized the City @lana@er to enter into standard water and sewer a@.reements for Harpers Square Apartments and Derby Run @lobile riomes projects. ITL-@l #7(,65 Oii riiotion by Councilman Gardner, secorded by Councilnian Callis, and by recorded vote as follows: Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum Robert H. Callis, Jr., Mayor Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Vice Mayor @. Reid Irvin, George R. Ferrell, Charles !q. Gardner, Clarenco A. Hollaiid, Garl@ind L. Isdell, D. i%lurray Malbon, J. Curtis Payjie, and Floyd E. Waterfi(-Id, Jr. Nays: @4one Absent: None City Council approved tlie request of i"ir. Cliaries C. Carrin@.ton, Director of Plannin-, by transferrin., $1,700 frori Reserve for Contingencies to b.d,.et account 91301(-02200 (Travel E--KDenses). I'Iiis transfer is a 'result of unanticil,ated expenditures which were iiicurre(I in our recent maiiaged gro@vth research. ITEill #7066 On iiotion by Councilman Malbon, seconc-ed by Councilman Waterfield, and by recorded voto as follows: Ayes: Councili!ten Jo'ia A. Baufn, Rob rt Ii. "@allis, Jr., Nia@or Robert B . CroiTiivell, Jr. , Vice i@,layor F. Roi d i rvin, George R. @@err 11, Charles Gardrier, Clai,ence A. liolland, Gai,lz-ild L,. Isdell, D. @lur ay [NIalbon, J. Curtis Payiie, aitd Floyd 17. 1,@atcrfitLd, Jr. i\ays f@one Absent: i@one City Council reappointod the Follo,v@Ln@. persoii-s to tli-- Virgii-ia Beach iii,,ht,iay Sa:Eety Corqmissic)n, for a torm of tlir c yoltrs beginniig iNiay 1, 1974 and endin-. April 30, 11)@7: Scrgeaiit K--iinctii A. Doctor E. l@ricke.11 @Ir. E. @V. Titniions Doctor Ilobert Waddell ITE@l '7),-)7 City Council deferred consideration of ttvo additional appointments to the Tidewater Re.@ional Ifealth Planrlin,. Council. Tlie appointments are iieeded to fill the unexpire(! Lerm of @Ir. lirydges iiho has resigned (Nlr. 6rydges term would have expired on P,Iay 30, 1976) and one to fill a membership for a three year tcrm, which is authorized by our increase in population. Both of those candidates for membei@shlp j,,lust iiieet tlie criteria of being a consuiner (as opposed to a pro,,ider), as set forth by tlle Tideivater Reoional @lealth Planniii,, Coiiicil. ITE@,L #7)68 Vice Mayor Ervin introduced a delegat@on from the Aragona Viilage area of the City. Tiieir spokesperson was 1NIrs. Dot Henderson, who presented petitions to the City Cotinc@l iibich are on file in the office of tie City CleTk. Mrs. Henderson stated tfiat a resoltitik)ri was unanimouslv passed by tlie Aragona Civic League to ask the CLty to be,@in active negotiations to purchase the privately owned sewac,(@ coippany, Araona Utilities, and to purchase the ottier private utility companies in our City. The Aragona Civic'League recommended @lie following acti-on: 1. The immediate appoi-ntme:it of a coT@,.mittee - includin.@ at least one Councililian 2. liave this committee jripif.,diately make a fair and reasonable of,@er based upo@i the report prepared for the City by @@ViLey and Wilsoii 3. Proceed @v@th condeninatioii if tiie offer is refused. ,Nlr. Scott stated that the City is now involved in active negotiations for the purcliase oE botti the Ara.@ona litilities and the Princess Anne Utility Compafly. Mr. Scott further stated that the Staiie Corporation Com ission did postpone their decision, and it is oui- hope that ive can secure a ivritten coiiii@qittment tliat tliey will coiitinue to postpone tlieir decision until these negotiations can be brou.,Ilt to ari end. ITE,%,l #7(169 Vice illayor Ervin stated tliat in Couricils' future delibc7---tions they need to takc advantage of tlie iri\cntory featlire OF -he "Plans for Pldnning". By the tise of that in@ontory it would heip our docision makin-. process. I'I'EM "'070 @layoi- Cromivell. stated the press haci a@l@od hiin to annouiice that there is going to be a bus along Shore Drivc, on a trial basis, to @et the response. It is not, as of notv, kqo@vi@ the schedule of when or how tlie btis will ruji, Tfic City %Ianager ineormed Council ttiat a target date had been set for Nlay 1, 1974, but it hinges on tlle contract tliat iras presented to the (@ity of Norfolk and i,eturned to us as accepted or with sug.,estions. I TE@@,l '@ 7 0 ' I On i@iotion by Councilman Callis, secofid2d by Couiicili-!tan 1-iolland, and bv recorded vote as follows: I ,kycs Councilrnen John A. Bauin, Pobert Ii. Call Mayor Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Vice i%layor F. Reid 'L'rvin, George R. Ferrell, Charles Gardner, Clarence A. liolland, Gai'la.ld I,. Isdell, D. @,lurray i@talbon, J. Curtis Payne, aiid Floyd E. lVaterField, Jr. i@a),s :14one Absont: 14one City Council ivill hold a closed FIeetin, on i@londay, @lay 6, 1974, for the purpose of discussing items perr@iitted for discussion under Section 2.1-344, subparagraph 2, 6, and 7 of t@le Fi@eedom of Information Act of the Comn@onwealth of Virginia. ITEM @'7072 On motion by Councilman Ferrell, seconded by Couiicilman flolland, and by unaniraous vote, the meetirig adjourn,-,d. -Richard i (I ebbon, City Cle@r la City of Virginia Beach, Vir.@inia April 29, 1974