HomeMy WebLinkAboutMAY 20, 1974
OF T'll-',
(,)F \71RGINT,@ VIIZGI@,\'IA
'Fhe regular meeting of the Council of the City of Vir@inia Beach,
Vir@inia, was held in the Council Chambers, in the Administration
Building, in the Borough of Princess Apne, on @ionday, Nlay 20, 1974,
at 2:00 p.m.
Tlae invocation was given by the Reverertcl izobert Bradford, Thalia
Trinity Presbyteriaii Cliurch, Virginia Feach, Vir@.inia,
Councilmen present: John A. Baum, j%layor Robert B. Cromwell, Jr.,
Vice i%layor F. Reid Ervin, Geor.ae R. Ferrell, Charles W. Gardner,
Clarence A. Holland, Garland L. Isdel.1, D. Nlurray Malbon, J. Curtis
Pay,ie, and Floyd E. tvaterfield'Jr.
Councili.qen absent: Robert Ii. Callis, !r.
ITE,NI #71@'4
On motion by Councilman @'laterfieid, se(:onded by Councilman Ferrell,
and by recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen Jolin A. Baum, Nlayor l@obert B. Cromwell, Jr.,
Vice Mayor F. Reid Erviii, Geor@.e R. Fei-rell, Charles @V. Gardner,
Clarence A. Holland, Garland L. Isdell, D. Nlurray @Ialbon, J. Curtis
Payne, aiid Floyd E. Waterlield, Jr.
,Nays: i@one
Absent: Councilman Robert H. Callis, Jr.
City Council approved tlie Minutes of tiie regular meetin., of
Nlay 13,- 1974, and dispensed witli tiie r,!adin-- of tlie said Minutes
iliasinucli as each Counciiiiian liad a copy of tlie subject intinutes
before iiim.
ITEM #712'D
@"p@L.ition of Fred D. and Hattie G. HollGway for a Chanqe of Zoninq r-@istrict
Cl@ssification from R-5 Rk-sidential District to 0-1 i@)ffice Pistric n certain
property beginning at a point 650 feet more or less .,lest of -@d%4in P)rive, ruining
a jis@.anc---of 100 feet along "he Sou@@h side of Holland 'load, running a distance
oF '-126.89 feet along the Eastern property line, running a dis@-ance of 100.97 --et
al,)ng the Southern Property line and running a distance of 21?.92 fcet along the
'.@iestern property line. Said parcel is known as Lot 3, Subdivision of Tract 43,
" I 0,1
;,. 14. Cornick and contains 0.5 acre more or les,;. (ilolla-id Terrace-Larkspur Ar s).
Planning Cormission Reconmendation-
otion was passed unanimously by the Planning Commission to approve this re-
(,,,jest conditional upon the dedication of righl. c,,f way @05 f.?et from the c,@n*-erline
of 'he gxisting Holland Road (3q-foot dedication).
For -, information of the applicant, prior to the issuance of a building )er,,iil@,
1-iie @Ollowing will be requir@ by the administrative staff-.
1. City water and sewer. (@lealth rlept.)
2. Standard site improvpments in accordance with the Site Plan Ordinance.
On !qotion by Couiicilman Isdell, second-@d by Counciimaii Ferr@ll,
iiid bv recorded vot-- as foilows:
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Bauin, i%layor Robert B. Croinwell, Jr.,
Vi,--e '.Iayor-F. Reid Ervin, Geor@.e R. F@rrall, Charles @V. Gardner,
Ciai-ence A. Holland, Garland L. D. @,iuri-3y @tal,bon, J. (,urtis
Pziyne, and Floyd E. @iaterfield, Jr.
,@ays: None
Absent: Councilinan Robert H. Callis, Jr.
City Council adopted the following Ordinance upon petition o@,
Fred D. and liatt-@le G. ilc)lloway for a Iiian,,e of Zoning District
Class@fication from R-5 Residential Di--,tri@,, to 0-1 0 tice District:
D:Lstrict TO 0-1 01-fice District
Be it ordained by the Council of the (:ity of Virginia Beach, Vir.@inia that
Petition of Fred D. and iiattie G. Holloway for a Change of Zoning
District Classification from R-4 Resi(tential District to 0-1 Office
District on certain property beginning at a point 650 feet more or
less West of Edivin Drive, runnina. a distance of 100 feet along the
South side of Holland Road, runnin., a distance of 226.89 feet along
tiie Eastern property line, running a ctistance of 100.97 feet along
the Soutnern property line and runni@-l,l a clistance of 212.92 feet alon@
tiie @Vestern p-foperty line. Said parc(!l is known as Lot B, Subdivision
of Tract 43, A. W. Cornick and contaiils 0.5 acres more or less.
@@liolland Terrace-Larkspur Areas). Kei:il)sville Borough.
This Ordinance shall be effective upon satisfactory compliance to the
conditions imposed in this i,@iotion, and it is urderstood and al,reed to
,l a
by t'e appiicant that the officidl cli n-,, On tile zoning riaps will not
be made until the follo@vin,, condition is sati fied:
1. Dedication of rigiit of way 55 feet from the centerli,, f the
existin., liolland Road (35-foot dedication)
For the information of the applicant, prior to the is ...... of a
buildina permit, tlle applicant shall adhere to the following require-
ments 0 fthe adn@inistrative staff:
2. City water and se@ver. (Healti)
3. Standard si-@c inDrovements @i, ac@ordaice ,vitli t -e Site I)Ian
I TEIT 9 7 6
of Robert and Mary Reid for a Chanqp of Zoninq District Classificalion
fron) R-5 Residential District tO ")-l Off ce Di@t ict on crt, , p ng
a@@ a point 7r.0 feet more or less West of Ed,.'Iin Driv,@, rArnin a d
-olla.-id Poad, rurning a distance of 212.92 fp-et along
feet along the South side of P
the Eastern property line, running a distance of 100.97 fe@t
L- of lgg.gc, feet along the 14estern property
property line and running a distanc . alona the Southern
lina. Said parcel is known as ! -ot C, Subdivi,;ion of Tract 43, A. W. Cornick and
co@,itains 0.5 acre iiorp or less. (Holland T--rrace-Larksour PrPas). KE'r'PS71LLE
"I@anning Commissi6,-i -,-.-.z@ndation:
,A !,.otion was passed unanimously by Commission to ipprove this re-
f"lies-@ conditional ii7ct the dedication of rie-inr @.- @@, -,-, f-@l' centerline
u@ t.71a existing Holland Road (35-foot dedication). I
F,)r the infomation of the a.o,Dlicant, prior to -@he issuance of a bljilding pp-m,;',
ti'ie @ollowing will be r--quir-d by the administrative staff:
l@ City water and sewer. (Health I)ept.)
Standard site I vownts
,%tr. Grover C. Wri.@ht, Jr., Attorney, r@@presented the @ipplicant
0,-1 motion by Councilman Ferrell, secon,ied by Councilman Isdell,
a,@d by recorded vote as foll.ows:
A@,cs Counciliiieii j@ilil 4,1@ ,LLUIT[, %Iiv(,r lob(@i't 6. Cromwell, Ji@.,
Vice Nlayor F. Reid Ervin, George R. f7e@,rell, Charles @V. Gardner,
Clarence A. tioiland, Garland L. Isdell, D. Murray Nialbon, J. Curtis
Payne, anci Floyd E. 1,Vaterfield, Jr.
Nays: None
Al,)sent: Councilfnan Robert Ii. Callis, Jr.
City Council approved t@ie following ()rJinar,.ce. upon petition o-E
Robert and i@lary Rci(i I (, r a Chan,.,e @- Z ),l i-n,,, Di FtTi ct Classi fi cation
fTor.i R-5 Resid-Iiitial I)i@;tric,l to l)- i 1) @ f I @--E, I)istr i,ct
Residential Distri@t To
0-1 Office Distric7
B-- it ordained by the Council of the CLty of Virginia Beach, Virginia that:
Petition of Robert and Mary Reid for a Change of Zoning District
Classification ftom R-S Residential Di,3trict to 0-1 Office District
oii certain property beginning at a poiilt 7SO feet more or less West
of Edwin Drive, running a distance of 100 feet alon@ the South side
of Holland Road, runnin@ a distance of 212.92 feet alonu, the Eastern
property line and runnin@ a distance oC 100.97 feet aloig the Southern
property line and running a distance oF 198.96 feet along the Western
property line. Said parcel is known ai Lot C, Subdivision of Tract 43,
A. W. Cornick and contains 0.5 acres more or less. (Holland Terrace-
Larkspur Areas). Keiapsville Borougli
Tilis Ordinance shall be effective upon satisfactory compliance to the
conditions imposed in this motion, and it is understood and agreed to
by the applicant that the official chaaae on the zoning maps will not
be i-,tade until the following condition is satisfied:
1. Dedication of right of way 55 feet.from the centerline of the
existing Holland Road (3S-fooL dedi@ation)
For the information of tlie applicant, prior to tlie issuance of a
building permit, the applicant shall a,-Ihere to ttle followin,@ require-
iitciits of tlie administrative staff:
2 . City ivater and se@ver. (i leiit @i)
3. Standard site ijtiproveitients @n ;iccordaiic-c iqith ----@e Site Plan
ITF@M @'71'7
@ti (@ion of Roy A. and Elvin 0. Peid for a Chanqe of Zoninq District Classifica-
@lion from R-:-) Residential District to 0-1 0 @ce bi-stfict-on rtain pro.perty
@t-ginning a'@ a point 850 feet rore or less @4est of Edwin Ilrive, running a distanc--
r,,4 100 feet along the South side of Holland Road, running a distance of 1118.015
feet along the Eastern property line, running a distance of 1!')O.97 fe@t along
the Southern property line and running a distance of 1',15 feet along the Western
property line. Said parcel is known as Lot D, Subdivision of Tract 43, A. W.
Cornick and contains 0.45 acr-. more or less. (Ilolland Terrace-Larksl)ur Areas).
Planning Commission Recomendation-
A -otion was Dassed unaniymusly by the Planninq Commission to anprov? this re-
quest conditional udon the dedication of right of way 55 fept from t,iL- cente-rline
of the existing Holland Road (35-foot dedication).
r,r the information of the applicant, prior to the issuance of a building r)errit,
.,.,e following will be required by the adminis-Irativ:! -7taff:
@r. (Irjver C. @Vright, ir@ , At-@orn-ly, I-1 Z) --,q d " 11 ZLPP 1 i @ant
@)ii itiucion '3v Couiciima@,i Isd--li, secc)ii, 2d bv Cuu,,icilmaii Gard@i--r,
a@,id by recorded vote as follows:
,@yes : Councilrien John k. Baum, @ta),or @@oll)e rt Ci-ornwel I , Jr.
V@cc 'layor F. Reid Erviii, Geor,.e ',@. F( ir,31j, (@liaries iv. C3a,dner,
"@larence A. Holland, Garlaiid L. Isciel-l' , D. @,lurray Nlalbon, J. Curtis
Payne, and Floyd E. @Vat--rfield, Jr.
.,4ays: None
Abseiit: Counciliaan Robert H. Call@-s, fr.
City Councii approved the followin@. Oi@tinarice upon poti.tion of
Roy A. aiid Elvin D. Reicl for a C:ha@i,-,-- of Zoniii@, Di-,t,-ict Class-
if--ication froin R-5 Rosile.,itial J)istri('@ to 0 1 (,,fi-ice I)istrict:
FRONL R-5 Residential District
TO 0-1 Offi-ce Disti@ict
Be it ordained by the Council of the (@ty of Virginia Beach, Virginia, tha
Petition of Roy A. and Elvin D. Reid for a Change of Zoning District
Classification from R-5 Residential District to 0-1 Office District on
certain property beginning at a point 850 feet more or less West of
Edwin Drive, runnin@ a distance of 100 feet along the South side of
liolland Road, run.in- a distance of 198.96 foet along the Eastern property
line and running a distance of 100.97 Eeet along the Southern property
line and runni.n, a distance of 18S feet along the Western property line.
Said parcel is known as Lot D, Subdivision of Tract 4a, A. W. Cornick
a,-ld contains 0.45 acres more or less, (liolland Terrace-Larkspur Area
Kempsville Borou.@h.
This Ordinance shall b-- effective LIDort satisfztctory compliance to the
conditions imposed in this motion, aii(t it is understood and agreed t@:)
by tlie applicant that tlie official cliaige on the zonin., maps will not
be made until the following condition is satisfied:
1. Dedication of right of way 55 feet from@ the ceriterline of the
existing Holland Road (35-foot dedication)
For the information of the appiicant, prior to the issuance of a
building permit, the applicant shall adhere to th-- folloiving require-
inents of tlie administrative staff:
2. City ivater and seiver. (Ft e a @,- t ii)
3. Standard site improvements ir accordance with t.ie Site Plan
ITE,kl .171'@8
Pet4@tion of Cornell and Casandra Freeman for 3 C@,.ian4ie of L--oninq District Classi-
l@i-@a+,ion from R-5 Residential District @o 0-1 (-)@f c@DiTtrict on ertain pro-
D@@rty beginning at a Doint 1,1-30 feet norf! or less t4est of Edwin Driv--, running a
c,listance of 110 feet along the South side of liolland Road, running a distance of
135 feet along the Eastern property line, running a distance of 111.07 feet alon_q
the Southern property line and running a distance of 169.65 f(-et along the W--stern
@)roperty line. Said parcel is known as Lot E, Subdivision of Trac-@ 43, A. W.
Cornick and contains 0.45 acre. (Holland Terrace-Larkspur Areas). KE?,IPSVILLE
Pl-,innina Comission Recommendation:
.,A - -@on was passed unanimously by the Planning 'lomiscion to aporove this re-
, .iot,
quest conditional upon the dedication of riqht of way 55 feet frim the centerline
of the existinq Holland Road (35-foot dedication).
For the lnforination of the applicant, prior to the issuance of a buildinq permit,
t@l,- following will be r--quired by the administrative staff:
',Ii,. Grover C. @liri@,ht, Jr. , Attorn,@,@, i @-pr-.sen'L@d t@ie applicant.
On i,lotion by Councilman Isdell, se(:on((@d by Councilman Ferrell,
aiid by recorded vote as fdllows:
Aves: Counciln@fl i @iii .,@. Baum, @%la@ !c i'lobe,-t b. Cr,,)mwell, Jr. ,
Vice Mayor F. Reid Ervin, George R Ferrell, Charles W. Gardner,
Clarence A. Holla@lid, Garland I,. iscl,e@,11 , 0. j@lurray Malbon, J. Curtis
Payne, and Floyd E. @@qaterfield, Jr,
iNays: None
Absent: Councilman f@obert H. Callis, Jr.
City Council adoptecl tfl@ Followill,,, 11/2ccliri@irIce upon petition of
Corriell aiid Casaiicit.-i l@i,ceman for aIjlige uf Zoniri,., 1):istrict
Classificatioii Troni I,,,-S Residential to ")-l Offi.ce
CLASSIFICATION l,'RO@,l R-5 Residential
I)Istrict to 0-1 Office District
Be it ordained by the Council of titc@ City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, that
Petition of Cornell and Casandra Freeman for a Change of Zoni,ng
District Classification from R-5 Residential District to 0-1 Office
District on certain property begini@ing at a point 950 feet more or
less @Vest of Edwin Drive, running a di!;tance of 110 fee-L along the
South side of Holland Road, running a (listance of 18 5 feet along the
Eastern property line, running a di,staitce of 111.07 feet along the
Southern property line and running a distance of 169.65 feet along the
@iestern property liiie. Said parcel is known as Lot E, Subdivision of
Tract 43, A. W. Cornick and contains 0.4S acres. (Holland Terrace-
Larkspur Areas). Kempsville Borough
This Ordinance shall be effective itport satisfactory compliance to the
conditions imposed in this motion, and it is understood and a@reed to
by the applicant that the officiai change on the zoniiig maps will not
be nade until the following condition Ls satisfied:
1. Dedication of right of way S5 feet from the centerline of the
existing Holland Road (35-fool: dedication)
For tiie inforination of the applicant, I)rior to tlie issuance of a
building permit, the applicant sliall a,lhere to the followin@. require-
ments of the adininistrative staff:
2. City ivater and se@,rer. ('rie"Lltli)
3. Standard site iiiprovements in accorda:ice wit,i the Site Plan
ITEM #712@)
P,,3ti@ion of t@,obert and 'Iildr--d 0. Perry for a Change of 7oninq L@istrict Classi-
.-ication from R-:-) Residential District to 0-1 f ice j@istr c-, 0 certaln proo--rty
beginnina at a point 1060 feet ,iore or less West of Edwin Drive. runninq a d.istance of
117 feet along the South side of Holland Road, running a distance of 16@.65 feet along
'he Eastern property line, running a dis-uance of 117.71 f,,-et along '6he Southern pro-
perty line and running a distance of 162.3 feet along the Western property line.
Said parcel is known as Lot F, Subdivision of Tract 43, A. W. Cornick and contains
0.45 icre more or less. (Holland Terrace-Larkspur Areas). VE'IPSVILLE BOROUGH.
Planning Commission Recommendation:
A r@-otion was passed unanimously by the Planning Commission to approve this re-
quest conditional upon the dedication of ric7ht of way 5i feet fmm the centerline
nf thp existing Holland Road (35-foot dedication).
@or -,he information of the applicant, pri,)r to the issuance of a bijilding perTtit,
!hL following will be required !)y the ac*inistratiVL. St,3fr..
'@ir. ]rover C. ;@ri-hll, Jr., @ikttorn.-y, rcpr@s--nt--d the @IDDlicant
@)n i,.Dtion by Couricilman Isdell, second'-d by Coun(zilman Ferrell,
i.lid )y recorded vote as foliows:
s Councilmen John A. Bauifi, i%layor '@'obert B. Cromwell, Jr.,
Vic-I @-layor F. Reid L-@rvin, Geor.@e R. 'r-eirell, Cliarles W. Gardner,
Clarence, A. liolland, Garland L. Isdell, D. Murray @talbon, J. Curtis
Payne, ancl Pioya L. IVaterfield, Jr.
i\lays None
AhseTit: Councilinan IZob-.rt H. Callis, j,.
City Council adopted -he follo@,ring Ordiiiailco upon petition of
Rob--rt and i,lildred 0. Perrv for a Cli@,n, of@ Zonin@, Dtstrict
Classification frot-,i -@-5 i@es@de,,ILial. i)i,',.rict t(-) 9-1 I)fEice
CLASSIFICATIO-\i f@RC@%t R-S Residential
Dist-rict TO 0-1 Office District
Be it ordained by tfie Council of the (ity of Virginia Beach, Virginia, thal
Petition of Robert and Mildred 0. Perry for a Change of Zoning District
Classification from R-5 Residential District to 0-1 Office District on
certain property be,inning at a point 1060 feet more or less IVest of
Edwiii Drive, runni.- a distance ol@ 117 foet along tlle South side of
tiolland Road, running a distance of 169.6S :Eeet alon-@ the E,astern
property line, runnin@ a distance of 117.71 feet along the Southern
property line and running a distaiice o@@ 162.8 feet along the ivestern
property line. Said parcel is known as Lot F, subdivision of Tract 4.
A--@V@ Cornick and contains 0.45 acres riore or less. (Holland Terrace
Larkspur Areas). Kempsville BorOLI-1h
T-@,.iis Ordinance shall be effective upon satisfactory compliance to the
conditions imposed in this motion, and it is understood and agreed to
by the applicant that the official change on the zonin.@ maps will not
be made until the following condition is satisfied:
1. Dedication of right of way SS feet from the centerline of the
existing tiollazid Road (3'3-fac,t cledication)
For the information of the applicant, orior to the issuance of a
buildin.@ permit, the applicant shall @id'nere to the followin@. require-
n,ents of t'ne administrative staff:
2. City water and sewer. (licaltli)
3. S-@andard site iinprovements irl accordince with --,e Site Plan
I'F E ',l @l 7 1 -) 0
Do-ition of Clarence L. an(i Elaine B. Walke for a Chanqe of Zoninq I)istrict Classi-
fir-,ti@ fro. R-5 Pesidential District to ')-l OffiFe i)-isfr-icf-on certaii prolerty
I-,eginning at a point 1177 feet more or less '.lest of rdwin Drive, rurning a dis-
-atce of 120 feet alon th
@.1 q e Sou*h side of liolland Poad, running a distance of 162.3
@@0,-t along the EasL-ern proper@,/ line, runni?iq a distance of 120.16 fpet along t6--
Sou"hern property line and running a distance of 163.91 feet along the Western pro-
perty line. Said parcel is known as Lot G, Subdivision of Tract 43, A. W. Cornick
and contains 0.45 acre. (Holland -lerrace-Larkspur Areas). Kr-f!PSVILLE BOROUGH.
Planning Comnission Recommendation:
Af.,-,o--ion was passed unanimously by the Planning CormlssAon to a,oprove tiis re-
quest conditional upon the dedication of riqht of way 55 fc!et from the centerline
of t@.e existing Holland Road (35-foot dedication).
For the information of the applicant, prior to the issuarce of a building permit,
",a @-ollowing @-iill be reouir--d by the administrativf! staff:
'@@i-over C. '@,Vrigiit , Jr. , Atto rney, rc )re son ted the appii cant.
on r,,iotion by Councilman lsdell, secori(l(t Councilinan Ferrell,
and bv recorded vote as Eol,lows'.
Ay--s: Counciirnen Jolin A. Baum, @,layo,, 1ot)ect B. Cromwel@l, Jr.,
Vice Nlayor F. Reid Ervin, Geor@,e R. l@--i iell, Cliarles W. Gardner,
Clarence A. Hollaiid, Garland L. Isdel-L@ D. @lurray Nlalbon, J. Curtis
Payiie, -,i Plo-,i T@. IVaterfield, Jr.
@lays: None
Absent: Counciliiian Robert H. Callis, r.
City CoL,.iicii. adop-@ed tlic Fol-lowin,,, :,,l !I,)On petitioii of
Clar---,ice L. and Elaiii-- 1,@@alke f(@r of Zonin.a I)istrict
Lis - , - j F C
@fi,,-LLtiop, 'L@ s @ (I,,I@i r.,'l tC,, 0 i e I)i@tric,,t:
R-5 Residential I)i,;trict TO
0-1 Office Districi@
Be it ordained by the Council of the Ci-ty of Virginia Beach, Virginia, that
Petition of Clarence L. and Elaine B. Walke for a Change of Zoning
District Classification froin R-S Resid(@ntial District to 0-1 Office
District on certain property begifining at a point 1177 f,-et more or
less West of E(Iwin Drivo, running a di@@tance of 120 fee- along the
Soutfi side of fiollaiid Road, running a klistance of 162.8 feet along
th-- Eastern property line, running a d-istance of 120.16 feet alon,
the Southern property line and runiiin@ a distance of 168.91 feet
aloii, the Western property line. Said parcel is knowri as Lot G,
Subdivision of Tract 43, A. @V. Coriick and contai-,is 0.4S acres.
(ilc)lland Terrace-[,arkspur Areas). @oilll)sville Bo-rotigh
This Ordina,-ice shall be effective upon satis@@actory com-,Dliance to the
coilditioTis imposed in this motion, and it is understood and agreed to
by the applicant that the official chaii.,e on tlie zoning maps will not
be made until the following condition @s satisfied:
1. Dedication of right of way 55 feet from the centerline of the
existiiig ilolla@id Road (35-foo@ dedication)
For the iiiformation of the applicant, l@rior to the issuance of a
[)uilding permit, the applicant sliall alhere to tlie followin,@ require-
i'llents of the administrative staff:
2. City iv@iter and se@vei-. (Ifealt i)
3. Standard sito @utprovements in accor(lance with the Site Plan
@12'@ition of Metro Center Associates for a Chanqe of 7onina Oistrict Classifica-
4on from B-2 @,@nity Business Distric-, to @'- FJ-ffic,--@isFrict-on clrtain pro-
perty located in the Southwest quadrant of the intersection of Centerville Ti-irn-
pike and Indian River Road, running a distance of 423.rj6 feet alonq the Soutli
si@'ie of Indian !@iver Road, running a dis-Lance of 190.54 fc,,-t alonq the West side
ol@ @-enterville Turnpike, running a distance of 50-7.79 f@et along the Southern
property line and running a distance of 271.88 feet along the Western proderty
line. Said parcel contains 2.721 acres. Plats wi(@h more detailed inform@ation
arp available in the Department of Planning. (-Uolleqe Park-Level Green Areas).
Pl,inning Commission Recommendallion:
A r-,otion was passed unanimousl,f by the Planning Comission to a-@iprove this r,?quest.
r the information of the adplicant, prior to the issuance of a buildinq oemit,
-1-@ I Ilowing will be reouired by @he administritlyp staff:
James S@qa@@ford all Li @,ir. @Vai-Ler "@o@,i,Lliali @ippeared -op-,,seiitin-. t'lie
a@p I iCLLnt.
Oii motion by Counciimaii Isdell, secon,,Ied by Councilman Waterfieid,
and by recorded voL@ a@
Ayes: Councilmen Jolin A. Baum, i%lavor Robert B. Croniwell, Jr.,
Vice inlayor F. Reid Ervin, Geor.@e R. 'C-(@rrell, Charles W. Ga-dner,
Clarence A. floiland, Garlafid L. fsclel , D. @lurray i'4albon, J. Curtis
P,ayne, and Floyi E. Jr.
@Nays: None
Abseiit: Councilinai Pob,-,rt 11. Callis, Jr.
City Council adopted the fol.lowin., Orctiianc-- upon petition of
iNletro Center Associates for a Clian@.e oE Zonin, District Class-
ification from B-2 Community Business District to 0-1 Offic-I
ORDIN@4CE UPON [Tio@@ Of; Z0574050
Community Busiiies@ District
,ro o-I office Disirict
y rginia Beach, Virginia, tha@
B-, it ordained by tlie Counc:il of tile (:it Of Vi
petition of Metro Center Associates for a Challgc Of Zonin,@ District
Cl@issification from B-2 Coiinu itv Biis@Iness District tO 0- 1 office
r n quadratit of
District on certain property located i.ii the Scuthiqest
the intersec-Lion of Centerville TurTipLke and Indian River Road, runni
a distance of 483.66 f--et along the S,)uth side of Indian River Road,
runnin., a distance of 190.54 feet alo;ig tll- Vi-st side of Cent-rville
Turnpi ',e, rulinin, a distance of 567.73 feet alona the Southern property
line and running a distaiico of 271.88 feet along the ll,estern property
line. Said parcel contains 2.721 acr--s. Plats ivith more detailed
in,@ormation are available in the Departnent of Planning. (College
Park-l@evel Green Areas). Kempsville '@orou.@h.
Approval is subject to the followiji., stipulatioiis:
1. City @qater aiid sewer. (fleal@ii)
2. Stanclarcl. site ii,iprovemeii--s i@@ accordaiice ivith the Site Plan
ITEM '71-)2
P,@'@ition of ,!etro Center AssociatP-s for a @lhance of Zon4-,-@ -,@strict Classifica-
tio,-i from H-1 '@lotel District to 0-1 Offic@ -er:tain property located
iii the Southwest qliadrant of the intersect4.on n- - -,,cer/ille Turipike and Indian
';@iver Poad beginninq at a point 190.54 feet - 1--0 of Iridi3n @iver Poad and runn-
i?i-, a distance of 950 fept more or leq- @ @;ia the ?,Iorth side of fenterville
i@,r,ipike, running a distance oF T,--.c alon(i the tiestern property line, running
a distance of 450 feet more r,- --,@s along the @@orthern property, and running a
distance of 567.73 fepi- the Eastern oronerty liie. Said parcel contains
9.9 acres. Plat@ ,IO@ detailed information are available in the Department
of Planninn ,r@@ileqe Park-Level '@reen Areas). KE@,PSVILLE BOROUGH.
Commission Recommendation-
-,oti@n ,jAs passpd unanimousi,,, t),- t@- Planning Commission to apl)rove this request.
For the information of the applicant, prior to the iss'-Iiance )f a buildinq pernit,
the .qill be required by the administrative stafl-:
1. City,,vater and sewer. !t;,-,alth Dept.)
2. Standard site imorovemen,- in accordince with the Site Plan Ordinance.
Nir. James Swafford and @Valier llorialian appeared representing the
Oii i,@iotion by Counciiiiiaii Feii@ll, se(:ond--d by Councj.lman Isdell,
aiid by recorded vote as follows:
,,%y c 5 :Councilinen John A. Baum, Mayor @obert B. Cromwell, Jr.,
Vice i@layor F. R,-,id Frvin, G,-@orge T@. Fe,rell, Cliarles l@. Gardner,
Clarence A. Holl,,ii,,J, larland L. 1,;J,@ll, 1). @Iiirra,,, llal.l)on, J. Curtis
P@v,-ie, aiici FloyLt ". @"'a'-,-,rfiuld,
il,tys Noiic
Absent: Councilman Robert H. Callis, Jr.
CiLv Council adopted the following Ordinance upon petition of
,\,--tro Center Associates for a Chanae of Zonina District Class-
ification from H-1 'riotel District -o 0-1 Office District:
District TO 0-1 Office District
Be it ordained by the Council of the City of Virginia B--ach, Virginia, that
Petition of i%letro Ceiiter Associates for a Chana.e of Zoning District
Classificatioii from H-1 Hotel District to 0-1 Office District on certain
property locatect in the South@vest quadrant of the intersection of Center-
ville Turnpike and Iiidian River Road beginning at a point 190.54 feet
South of Indian River Road and running a di-stanco of 950 feet riore or
less along the Noi-th side of Centerville Ttiriipike, runnin., a distance
of 500 feet along ttie ;Vestern property line, running a distaiice of 4SO
fcot more or less along the Northern property liiie, runnin@ a distance
ofS67.78 feet along the EasteTn property line. Said parcel contains
9.9 acres, Plats with iiiore detailed information are available in the
Department of Planning. (College Park-Level Green Areas). Kempsville
,kpproval is subject to the followi-Ti, stipulations:
.L. City water and sewer. (Healtli)
2. Standard site ietorovemen-@s ip acc,,)rdanc-- ivith the Site
Plaii Orditiaiice.
ITEi@l 't7l33
P,@@ition of Metro Center Associates for a Chanae of Zonina Distr4ct Classifica-
i,Dn i@rom-B-2 Cor.,nunity Business District @o@)- @f ice District on certain
property loca-ed in the Southwest quadrant of the intersection of Centerville
-iirnpike and Indian River Road beqiininq at a point 1140 feet @,@lest of Indian
.@iv.-r iload and runninq a distance of 555 fee!t more or less alonq the @lorth side
,of Centerville Turrpike, running a distance of 750 fee*. more or I--ss along thp-
@orthern pr-operty line and running a distance of 500 feet nore or less along the
'@lestern pronerty line. Said parcel is triangular in sliape and contains 2.5
acres. Plais with i-iore detailed inforration are avail,3ble in -(.he Department
of Planning. (College Park-Level Green Areas). KC@."IPSVILLE BOPOurH.
Planning Commission Recommendation-
,,\ notion was passed unanimusly by the Plinning lonnission to approve '@his r,2,,itiest.
For the infornation of the apolicant, pri-or to the issuance of a buildin,7 pem..it,
the following will be required by t@,le administrati @- staff:
1. Ci@'y water and sewer. (Health -t)ept.)
2. Standard site improvemnts in accordance tiith +,he Site Plan r)rdinance.
@ir. James Swafford @iiid ',ir. @Valter kloia@ian appeared representin@- the
Oii iiolion by Councilman Ferrclll, secc)nded t)y CoLincilman Waterfield,
and by recorded vote as follows:
Aycs: Councilmen John A. Baum, Mayor Robert B. Cromwell, Jr.,
Vice Nlayor F. Reid Ervin, Geor@e l@. Fe-,-rell, Charles @l. Gardner,
Clarence A. @iollalid, Garland L. Isdell, D. ,Iurray i%lalbon, J. Curtis
Payne, and Floyd E. iiaterfield, Jr.
ays INOIle
,kl)scjlt: Col@11CLI1,@iai @ob,-@rt [r.
City council adopted the followin, Ordinance upon petition of
Ncletro Center Associates for a Cliange of Zoning District Class-
ification from B-2 Community Business District to 0-1 Office
Coinmunity Bu.5ipes,; District
TO 0-1 Office Dis',-rict
Be it ordained by the Council of the (@ity of Virginia Beach, Vir@.inia, tha
Petition of Metro Center Associates f()r a Change of Zoning District
Classification from B-2 Co7,Lnunity Bus--iiess District to 0-1 O"fice
District on certain property located Ln the South@qest quadrant of the
iiitersection of Centervillc Turnpike @Lpd Iridian River Road be@.innin.@
at a point 1140 feet @Vest of Indiai, River I'load and runnin.- a distance
of S6S feet riore or less alon.@ thc Noftli side of Centerville Turnpille
runnin@ a distance of 750 feet iqoro or less alon@ the Northern property
line and ruiiniiig a distance of 500 feet more or less along the Western
property line. Said parcel is triangiilar in shape and contai-@is 2.5 acres.
Plats with riore detailed information zire available in the Department of
Planiiing. (College Park-Level Green i@reas). Kempsville Borough
Approval is subject to the follotvin,-, @;tipulatioiis:
1. CiLy water and s-l@ver. (lie al ,h)
2. Standard site iiqproveinents i@i Lccordaice with the Site Plan
I TE,%l @4 7 L 3
"el,il-ion of " t C-nter Associates for a C
I e ro - _,hi@e of Z,,)ninq District Classifica-
-ion from 1-1 Liqht Industrial Oistrict lo 6-2 Comunity 1-@usi,,iess District on
ci.,r-lain property located in the Southeast quadran" of tiie intersection of Center-
ville TLirnpike and Indian River Road beginnirg at a poiit 190 feet nore or less
South of Indian River Road, running a distancl, of 2443 f@et alonq the South and
la,t sides of Centerville Turnpike, running a distance o@ 1389.33 feet along the
C @ I
'@-outhern property line and running a di3tance of 1340.42 f,-et along the Eastern
p-operty line. Said parcel is triangular in shape and contains 36.7(1-9 acres.
@"iats with more detiiled information are available in the i@e.oartment of Planning.
("ollege Park-Level Green Areas). KEMPSVILLR- BOROUCH.
Planning Commis!;ion Recommendation-
I motion was passed unanimously by the Planning Ccmission to approve this request.
For the inforrmtion of the applicant, prior to thi, issuance of a buildinq permit,
@,-he following will be required by tie administrat've S*Iaff-
1, City tqater and sewer. (H;@alth Dept.)
2. Standard site imdrovpment; in accordance with '.-he Site Plan Ordinance.
i,ii-. Jaines Swafford and @',Ir. @,,@alter @,lo,,al Lin appeared representing the
on .,iotion by Councilman lsdell, seconded by Councilman Ferrell, and
I)y recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, @layor Robert B. Cromwell, Jr.,
Vice @layor F. Reid Ervin, Geor@e R. t@eirell, Charles W. Gardner,
Claroiice A. ifollaiid, Garlaiici L. Isd,,,Il , D. @,lurray @ialbon, J. Curtis
. "i @ -fic,,Id, -Jr.
P@iyne, aiid Floyd E te@
,lays-. inone
Absent: Councilniaii Robert 11. Callis, Jr.
City Council adopted the followina. Oidinance Lipon petition of
i,letro Center Associates for a Chaiige of Zoning District Class-
ification from 1-1 Lia.ht Industrial Di.@trict to B-2 Community
Busitiess District:
IndusLrial District TO B-2
Coj,.munity Business Di.strict
Bo it ordained by tlie Council of the Cit@, of Vir.@inia B--ach, Virginia, that
Petition of @letro COT,@ter Associates for a Change of Zoning District
Classification froiii 1-1 Liglit Industrial D@sLrict to B-2 Community
Bitsiness District on certain property located in the Southeast
quadraiit of the iiitersc@tion of Ceiitorville Turnpike and Indian River
Road be@inning at a poii,.t 190 feet riiorl,, or less South of Indian River
Road, running a (listanc-- of 2443 feet alan@, the Soilth and E-ast sides
oE Ceiiterville 'Furnpike, running a distance of 1389.33 feet along the
Southern property Iiiie and running a distance of 1840.42 feet along
tlie Eastern property line. Said parcel is triangular in shape and
coiitains 36.780 acres. Plats with inore detailed information are
available in tlie Department of Plannin,,. (Colle-,e Park-Level Green
Areas). Kempsville Borougli
Approval is subject to th-- following stipulations:
1. City @@ater and se@,--r. (ife@iltl)
2. Staiidard site iiiiproveiiients in accor(latice witti the Site Plan
I T @,- 1, II # 7 1 -7, 5
,Ietit-ion of A. Gordon Stephenson and Elizabeth S. Sills by "rover C. @Iright,
A'.---'.Drney, for a ha@n e of Zoning District r-lassification from R-6 Residential
-islrict to A-4 fpartment District on cLr cated on thk- 'lorthwest
cor,ier of [iilltop 'load (Linkhorn nrive) and Pacific Avenue, ri3nning a distance of
@12.41 feet along the !,lest sil!e of Pacific Avpnue, running a distance of 411.93 f,,et
@ilr)ng the 'lorth side of Hill'LOD Road (Linkhorn Drive) running a distance of 185.65
distance of 173.11 feet alona the
-1,2et along the @-lestern property line and runnin(I a
@'arl-hern property line. Said parcel contains 70,315 sqliare feet. (Princess Anne
Planning Commission R--cwm-ndation-
.1 r@,,otion tqas passed unanin,.ausly by the Planning Comission to approve this r--quest.
For ,he Information of the applicant, prior to the issuance of a buildinq permit,
followirg will be required by the administrati,t@ staff:
1. St-landarrJ site imT)rov."vnts in accordance with +.he Site Plan Ordinance.
on fund in the amount of ')3,105.32.
@"Ir. Grover C. @Vriglit, Jr. , At-loriley , ---pres,-,ntc@,d the applicarit
On niotion by Councilman Ferrell, so@-,j t,-,cL by Councilman Baum, and
by recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen Jolin A. Baum, Nlayor Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Vice
i@layor F. Reid Ervin, George R. Ferrell-, Cha-rles IV. Gardner, Clarence
A. llolland, Garland L. Isdell, D. Niur-ay t@Ialbon, J. Curtis Payne, and
f,'Ioyd E. tvaterfield, Jr.
i\lays :Nc)iie
Abseiit: Cotiiicilr,.iari f@(j@--rt 11. CalL@@@, @Jr.
City Council voted to ref--r back to tlte Planning Commission the
above petition of A. Gordon Stephensoii and Elizabeth S. Sills by
Grover C. Wright, Jr., Attorney, for @t Change of Zonin,@ District
Classification from R-6 Residential Di.s-frict to A-4 Apartment
Dis@rict on certain property locatod on th-- Northwest corner of
Hilltop Road (Linkhorn Di-ive) and Pacific Avenue, running a distance
of 412.41 feet alon, the @Vest side of Pacific Avenue, running a distance
of 411.93 feet along the North side o"@ Hilltop Road (Linkhorn Drive)
ruiiiiing a distance of 185.66 feet aloiig the ',@estern property line and
running a distance of 173.11 feet zilojig the Nor-@hern property line.
Said parcel contains 70,316 square fe(.,t. (Princess Anne Country Club
Area). Virginia Beach Borou.ah.
ITE@l t7-L36
On motion by Councilrian Ferrell, seconded Councilman @Ialbon, and
by recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilnien Jolin A. Baun,, Nlayor @ol)--rt B. Cromwell, Jr.,
Vicc Mayor F. Reid Ervin, George l@. Ferrell, Charles IV. Gardner,
Clarence A. liolland, Garland L. ls(lo@Ll, 1). Nlurray @,lalbon, J. Curtis
Payne, and Floyd E. @Vaterfield, Jr.
iNays: None
Absent: Counciliqan Robert fl. Callis, Jr.
-ity Council approved on second readin, an appropriatior, of $7,800
from unappropriated surplus bud.-et account "01720 in the bud.@et of
tho Commissioner of Revenue for extra @ielp in completin@ the State
ITicome Tax work and to complete the proofii[l, of @-h-- real estate and
o,-,i@sonnel idrol)erty tax books.
ITEM #7137
Oii i,.iotioii by Couiicilrian ,%Ialbon, s--coiid@@,l by COL'.ncilman Ilia-lerfield,
alid by recoy'ded vote as follows:
Aves: Counciliiien John A. Baum, Nltyor @lobert B. Croriivell, Jr., Vice
i,la),or F. Reid Ervin, Geor,.c P,. F--ri,ell, Cliarles @@. Gardner, Clarence
A. liolland, Gariand L. Isdell, D. @,lurriy @@lalbon, J. Curtis Payne, and
Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr.
"'ays: None
Absent: Councilman Robert ii. Callis, Jr,
City Council approved on second readin,. the transfer of $16,100 from
u,-ia,,)propriated surplus to Iii.,hwav Divi;i.on btid,.et account 006310 (Re-
olacement of Automotive Equipment) aiid the use o@ $3,900 iii residual
luncls in that budget account for the pi.irchase'of a center line truck
i@iourited paint iytac,iine it a bid price o@ $60,000.
On inotion by Councilman Holland, secoitded by Councilman Gardner, and
by recorde(I vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilrien John A. Baum,,. Mayor Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Vice
Nlayor F. Reid Ervin, George R . FerT,eli., Charles W. Gardner, Clarence
A. Holland, Garland L. Isdell, D. j%lur3ay @Ialbon, J. Curtis Payne, and
Floyd E. iiaterfi,21(i, Jr.
,'4ays : ",@ o n e
@k,L) S - ii tCo@,inci i@',ot,ert @l. C@,,il
City Council approved on second readiiig the local. contribution to
tne Southeastern Virginia Planning I)i.,;trict Commission of 20cts per
capita in the FY 17S operating budget
ITENI #7139
,,Irs. Elbert Cox, Clairman of tlie Mayoi-Is Committee oii Aging, appeared
before City Council to urge Council to take necessary action to assure
that reduced rated be offered to sciiior citizens during the off-peak
iiours. This is in connection with the Tidewater Transportation
District Commission. Nlrs. Cox-offere(i the following suggestions:
1. Senior citizens @.iven bus tickets that would be Datterned
after sci-iool bus tickets. 'f'hese tickets woul(I D-e used
during non-rush hour only.
2. Honor tiie SEVAMP identificatioit card, whicli is presently
bein@. used by some 2,000 senio-@@ citizens for discounts.
Council requested i,lr. Gec)r-.e E. Tiiine@;, Assistant to tlie City Manager,
to study ivirs. Cox request and so advi,;e the Council iiow this can be
best inpleriented.
ITENI #7@39 (a)
On riotion by Vice Nlayor Ervin, seconded by Councilman Gardner, and
by recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Counciinien Jolin A. Baun, @layor Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Vice
@,layor F. Reid Ervin, George R. Ferrell-, Cliarles IV. Gardner, Clarence
A. "iolland, Garland L. Isdell, D. @ltirray Nldlbon, J. Curtis Payne, and
Floyd E. @laterfield, Jr.
,@ays: None
Absent: Cou@acilman Robert @l. Callis, Jr.
City Council approved oii secoiid reactiji-. Vir-.inia Beach's sliare of
Tide@vater Transportatioii District CoiTii,iission's first yoar capital
pro,ran_of $84,630. Tlie coinbined i-oul--city siiare is $604,000, and
@@ill eiiable TT,)C -Lo iiiatch $3,425,SOO @n State funds @ind $/,120,000
iii Federal funds, for Li totil f.irst y@,@ir pro,.rain of $11,ISO,000.
@7 40
Ori inotion by CounciliTian @,talbon, -secoii(tod by Councilin@,tn Isdell, and
by recorded vot-- as foi.lows:
Ayes: Councilinen John A. Baum, %Iayor Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Vice
Nlayor F. Ei@ -@tor@- -1. @-,@el[, Chari.es IV. Gardner, Clarence
A. tiolland, Garland L. lsdell, i). (',irtis Payne, and
Floyd E. -Jr.
';,iys :
ikl),; cnt: Counci liian Robert 11. CLllis , Jr.
--Lty Council approved on second readiii -i I i-Lins fer of $2, /-00 E-r(,,m @Zeserv--
Ca@zai,l A. T. 4icholson, USN (,@"F) S C.e ar e, a a ,i-
r t v 0 [@l ii,
wav As5ociation, appeared b--fore C@--y @ouncil Coun ii
to [)@'iceed with tlie iiecessary ziie arcai ',Dot,,@een @Jliver's
"o@n-I aid Aifri-ends Trail. Captaiii Nocholsoii slal@ed tlia@ the City
ilad @i.,reed to clear a chaniiel to t'ic Yes@ern Branch of the Lvnniiaven
@)li @re r .
Ti'ie City t%lana.-er, ilir. Ro.,er i%l. SL:o@-@t, -stated tliat so,-ae difficulty has
@triseii due to a nisiriterpretatiori. Tile arca on the irap that is hatched
iii dark is the area that has already beeii dred,ed. 'Ehe area that is
in white has not been dredged, ald tlie ri'sundersta---'@-r.; --f -'-- is
tliat part of our staff assumed that what had to be done was only that
area silting up.
Mr. Scott further stated that t'le ori,,,inal permit to the Corps of
Eii@iiieei-s only slioivs tliat area ill !)Iac!@. It lias no@v been dredged,
I)ut tliere is soizie indicatioi t@,qt ari ailieitd.ed )ermi.t tliat
iiad slic)wn the balance ol@ tlie ar--a.
Tiae staff is noiq tryin- to invosti,ato aiid if that is the case then
ive will certainly try to develop some i,,iethod to fullfill our obli@ation.
In t'ne meantime we are going to attempt to make a channel in there by
tlie use of a tugboat, until we can ge'@ a dredge in there.
i@'layor Cromwell i-equested the City Plala,er to keep Mr. McCarthy or
Captaiii Nicliolson advised as to what progress is being made on this.
ITEM #7142
of Fllzabeth 'Ailliams Eierett @.y Attarney@, fnr-
C@-@av,(Ie of Zoninq District Classification from R-4 @@esidential District to A-2
i1/2par@-F District on caf@in proper, eginning at a point 632.61 feet West
o@ Birdneck Rcad and IQ-7 feet Eas" of i,@ockingbird '@Irive and 50 i-eet 'forth of
t-Fli@---r-front Drilie, running a distance of 110 feet along t@.e Southern pro'Derty
1-ine, running a distaiice of '1751.16 feet alorci i,-Ie -LastLrn Property line, -un-
a distance ol@ II;" @,et tlie lrLe @-ird rtinning a
d4@s@-a-ce of 365 f,,e@, along the @.les@4arn pr-.pcrt,,/ I ir,.e. 1-7aid parcc-.1 con@,,31*ns
i!,.ore ,r 1,2ss. f,',! ",@,reck I y 1, i,;, 1, ill,@i @;,i
Planning Comnission Recomendation:
A ro'6ion was passed by a vot:2 of 7 to 5 by the Planning Comission to deny this
racuest because of the oo sition of the residents of the area wlio irdicated "hat
ere is a traffic uroblem on Waterfront Priye @which additioral apartments @uld
Z@'r--ase and -,qould -31so add to an already ovemrowded school si'@ua'rl'on.
Geor,e Darden appeared before City Council requestin@ a re-
consideration of the above petition of Elizabeth Everett, which
was denied on April 22, 1974.
Councilman Baum made a motion, secoiided by Councilman Payne, to
reconsider ti@le petition oi: Elizabetli Everett- for a Change of
Zoning District Classification fror@l t@-I Residential Dis,-rict to
A-2 Apartment District. This is in thi@ Birdneck Acres-l@atergate
Apartmeiits area in tlie Lynniiaven Boroul,h. Tlie recorded vote is
as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen Jolin A. Baum, Mayor @zobert B. Cromwell, Jr., Vice
;,Iayor F. Reid Ervin, Charles W. Gardnec, Clarence A. Holland, J. Curtis
Pa),ne, and Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr.
iNays: Councilinen Georl@-- R. Ferrell, Girlap-d L. Isdell, and D.
Niurray Malbon
Absent: Councilman Robert H. Callis, Jr.
City Council voted to reconsider the al)ove petition of Elizabeth
Everett for a Change of Zoning District Classification from R-4
Resideiitial District to A-2 Apartment District.
ITE,%L @7142 (a)
"@ouncilman Gardiier riade -,i motion, sccoi-ided by Councilman Payne, to
refer the petitioii of Elizabeth l@,verett foi- a Chan,.,e of Zoning
District Classil@ication froni R-4 IZe-sidantial L)istrL ,t t, @_2
Apai'tiTiont District bacr to tlie Plaiiiin@. Comiiiissioii. The recorded
vote is as follows:
Ayes: Couiiciliiieil ,%Iayor Robert B. Croiii@eil, Jr., Vice I-layor F. Rei-d
L-rvin, Charlcf, @@. Gardner, Clarence A. ifolialid, 1). i,lurray Nlalbon,
J. Curtis Payiie, ancl Floyd E. WaterfieLd, Jr.
i'@',iys: CouiiciliFien John A. Baum, Gcorge IZ. l@errelt, and Garland L.
Absent: Councilman Robert ti. Callis, Jr.
City Council voted to refer back to the Plannin, Commission the
petition of Elizabeth Everett for a Change of Z@iii,-ig District
Classificalion from R-4 Residential District to A-2 Apartment
F)IS-trict. @l'iiis is iri ttie Birdneck Acr--s-;Vator,late Apartments
Area in the l,ynnhaven Borou-1h.
I -I'L NI @@ 7 1 l 3
@,lr. Riciiard J. @Vebl)on, City Clerk, stated as a matter of record -@hat
he had received tlie foilowing report oi the Registrar of Elections
--,-n,-Ii-A-ates elected in the i@lay 7, 1974 Councilmal@ic election-
ABSTRACT OF VOT-LS cast in the City of Virginia Beach, Vir.-inia
for Couicilrien, at the election held on May 7, one thousand nine hundred
FO- T1-7
Gaynet:-@e recf@ived rl-c -,,7ed n4---- thoLsa,-,,'-
F C,
Dr. j. !l---.ry
Reid Er-vin received ten thousand seven twen-Ly-eight (10,728) votes
Jo,in P,. Griffin rece ved t-,;elve thousand one t'nirty-eiglit (12,130) vo-Les
i'lovd Wa-Lerfield, ir., received s,,-Y,-Lee-,i -Ltiousand -Lhree f@,E@t -si (I',^
@vc@ one (i Vo-Lc
Jolin T. Atkinson rece;-ved (withdrew)
Sandy Bolin received two thousand ove- lit-,nered six (2,106) votes
Rober'L: D. Cro-,C,7ell, Jr., received received ten thollsincl eighty-one (10 O'cl
Peter Raymond joy received seven huladred ell,,,t-lf--Y-ni.ne (7,@9) v c's
Dr@-,7ry Little received six htlnd@-ed si-Ly-t@qo (662) vo,C@
I-'.P. Lyn.,@ on@ ttiousn7,1 @ive '@aund3-ed th.-ee (-.L,50-)) 1.1,3
c i l@ @, ',',Ice,)Jlllc,, t@,,,, - -@qo (2,7)2)
.,even nine-Y-'
...... r,-ce,',-,Ie(@ --E'ven t'liOL:sin(3 OT,,e hua(ire(i (7,100)
Joel Spith received two thousand three t@ienty-two
(2,322) votes
Sg". -:@obe-rt- @@D-arrow rec--ived o@-,e ttiousand seven eleven (1,711') votes
s Z2 t 7, C.
of@ric@@,nl records ,-e of, c.,! t he -r
o I,-e --Cri, c)f t ci cu
d or ay 7, .9-'4, do heredy -'-Ie
of t'n,_@ elect@.or, e- @l certi@'V tha@
*-s a a-.! corr@ct o c s c,-, c. s a el e c o F- r- -
tn2-@ t 1, r., he
nur,.,@oar of ve-les cast sa4-d clec-lior,:
-,Iolland, D,-. J. Henry ;,CCoy, Jr.,
Joiln Flo-@(-q E. J.-., Robe.-t
Jr. nnd I,. Stanein-,,
cast for -Lhe ol@'---*-ce ol- Cou,@ciliii2ii.
G 'r,,3-,ids -Lh-@@s 9-L'i day of l@iay, 197-',,.
L-,,)Secre-@ary o-, the Electoral Bovrd o-'
City Of-- Vir-iTl',q Be@qcil.
@ --c,,- '-, @-y
-c, CL -1 s C't c c- 0 2
c-'o -s l Lr.,Io COP'7 o@@- t"C@
s C.--cc,, ()n
s '-o (-'cc-
0 t@
of Fici-,Il c)f tl)@ E-lec-@(@l:@il 'I'@oir(l.
IT 7 l 4
Oii iiiotion by Couiicilman Gardiier, secojtd--d by Councilpiaii Payne, a@ld
by recorded vote as foliows:
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, @layor Robert B. Cromwell, Jr.,
Vice Mayor F. Reid Ervin, George R. FE!rrell, Charles W. Gardner,
Clarence A. Holland, Garland L. Isdel-', D. Nturray Malbon, J. Curtis
Payne, and Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr.
Nays: None
Absent: Councilinan Robert [f. Callis, Jr.
City Council approved the followin@ Oi@dinance to amend and reordain
Sections 34-7, 34-8.1, 34-13, 34-50, @4-52, and 34-56 of Chapter 34
of tlie Code of the City of Virginia BE,ach pertainin.@ to taxi-cabs
a,@i,l @@or-hire cars:
A -)',l I' T 0 A,' D D C),O D.@ !,-N
E,@-TIONs 34-71 31@-8.1, 31,-10, 34-13,
1 @D 'I 3
A @i,:) 3 4 --'-,F 4
T71E I -- OF VID,-T?,-IA
C'DE OF T.14@, CT-l"
VIRGINIA PE?T.A-.';T@'@" To T-A@@ZI-
That Sec'lions 34-7, 34-8.1, 3'--Il',,, -)4-13, 34-50, 3/4-)'21 ard
of C,iapter of -(-ie Code c)@ tlii, C@ty o@ -@eac'ci,
ar,-- a,,icl r-ordai, @011r)ws
34-7. lo
It s'liall -fr)r any Der@@,,Dn Lo ope,-a'--e o,-- cause @o b@
t*rl,- c@@y, any taxi-ca", or For-'nT_-r,? car uiless a
)f CI)71@Vl-,ti'Lenc@ aci(i @las @i)een
o t' 2 i:'Lle-@eOf In aCCord@ @ic- t@,ie i)rovisions o@@
c !-la p t c-, r . coiL-ai nell hera @ -i shall pro', i-, @,t a ta-.@icab or
ca-, duly ii anot'liar @,ity or c@,)unty r-ro-n d,@liverin-I
a 7,,qss--nger Lo some lDcaLiori in to.@-s ci-ty, provided t'@ie passen,ar
,vis pi-cked uo ciLiLside t,-ie limits of ti,@ City of Vi-rgi-n@.a Beac and
pr(),jided furt'.'Ier --,ie taxi Meter is in operation @,7LiilE-, a,.iy
is i',l operE-ti,)n ii t@,-ii-s c4-t7.
S@c-lion 34-8.1. Required financial in@.-Ormacion.
7-very person, corporation or busi:iess entity applying for a
c L @@icat e @3f ti", --tic aii -ce ti l i-@iclude a
:3 :-,-l " @,-ie Li L C)ssi I -)f-- i a-id
o,-o@,ises incl-udin@ detailed informa,-ioli oe.operatirig revenues
(includin, s@pecifi-cally @he item -@ross fare revenue) and expenditures,
and a statement of change in financial posi-lion wit-h the Provision
t.iat @iny incon@ or a,<penses w,iich have been allocalled from a related,
cont--olled or aF-Filiate @n-uity nus!-- be disclosed; or in t'ae event
t@(i,at such applicant at -,@@le tine of aoolication 'Llas not been il
ooeration r-o-r a full @iscal year, t,i--n for suc'r. period o-F time that
t',,-ie applica-,i-@ 'Lias b2e7i ;-n operation; or ii the eveit tha-, such
aopli-can-I has no-u I)revi@),-,sly 'I)een iii 31)eratio-'I, ttleri a 't)eginnin-
s'-ate.nen-I of assels and liabilities, atid a sLatemenL of iicome and
exoe-,ises and a sta-loiient of ccia,.i,,Ie in Eiiaicial position, estimated
liDr the fiscal year Der4od subsequent to the time of application.
All fi-,ianc4-al statements required by -,his section must be
p--?ared 'Dy a pu,alic acco,,lni-,lrit in accordance wit'-l
@,-,enerally acc--pled ac--ountin., princ4--) @s cc)v2rirl, the of
sijc.i person, corporatioji or bus@Lness for
@iscal year; but such statement ieed riot be certifi2d.
S.e--.ti-on 34-10. W'Lien issued; term.
A certi@li-cate o-F pL,'Dlic conveni,-@@,-,e and Liecessi-ty issued urider
-@his article shall. "oa issi-,ed @lro-,n -cirst da7 0.@ .14ay of eac','l year
for a period o'-: olie y@ar or until r@vc),,ed by the Ci-ly Council.
Application @@or said cert-'Ificate sball be filed by the first day ol@
March of each year.
S@c-,,'-on 34-13. License prer-qjisite to op@ra,14-on.
It shall b,2 uilawflil to oo----at2 (,r cai,,7r2 to 'rie operat@d,-@oiitl,-iin
r'-ie city, ariy C,?.xica-0 or ca-c a zurren- cif--v Ii-c,--nse
-or ha @o2,@, i o N@t,iii- -o-Lita,'.-i-@d
i,@ r a -s -i ;sst,,e@] tc) L!I- @L -
shall l lax7-ab or (-,ir duly lic2nse,@' in
a,i,,Dt'lier city E-RDM delivering a passen,@,er to some location in t,@is
@ty, -i
c-@ provid@d passen-er was pi-cked up outside the 1-imi-Is of t:he
City ol@ Virgini-i Beach, and provid--d -.'urt,ier that ti,-e taxi meter is
operation any taxicab is -*,i i,,i t@Llis city.
S:@ction 34--)0. iqaxi,,ium rat-- o@- far,,2 -i-)t: tdX'caD.
@No par3O,-l Oll-Ili-lig, o-- drivi,,@ a !:a-l@ica@o
cit-Y st-iall cllar-,- an amo!t,,i'l@ t3 e,%,ce--d ctie --ates
(a) !,',)r L-i-- Firs@- 0-ic-f-iltLi or fracli-oi t'.Iereof ..... 80.'OO
(b) For Lach siicce,--diri- one-fi@t'c,, itiile o;- @racl.ion tL'ier@of.. .10
L pascen@ers into t',iis
!)rovid,@d owever, tat taxicaos
from @ @:lall ch-qr,e t@n@ r@it,,,s by -Lhe c,--Iy or
c,- 1) I I
c, @ulity i-n -L,,iey ar,,a licz!ns,-ri.
Any applica-Lion for a fare increase undar secciori shall
-ide ju;Lifi-ca-@.;-o-,i f,,)r sa,*Ld -are iiicr:,a and stic,i financial and
;nfornati,:)n a@, may be r2quested by t,ie City Mana er. y
F_@ ci,
s@l-qll loL,' a publi,. '@l@arin, acl- i Li, o-@i a@iy stic'Ll
f@o-- --, @@are i,,icc@2iise.
Section 34-52. @laxinum rate of far- f,,, for-hire car.
No person ownin,@, operatin-@, cant,-ollinq or driving a for-hire
car within the city shall c,iarl@e an amount to exceed five dollars for
the hoijr, ()r -rraction @,,i @)[le lc)llar for c@ach
h a t:
hira cars brinl,ing passen@.ers into thi3 city from @,iithout may chara.e
t'ae rates provided by the ci-ty or county in which they are licensed.
Section 34-56. Required
All taxicabs op--rat--d i-,i Lhis cit,v shall 'oe equipped with a
t--@a@<@@,neter whicn sLiall 'L)e in operati-@Dri luring t,-i@ time w',Ien passen@.ers
are transported, and shall ',)e used to compute all fares.
This ordinance shall be effec-live apon adoption.
-Adopte,-' by tlie Coan--il of Che 1-it,@ oL- Virginia Beach, Vir-inia
on th@ 20 day or- Nlay 1-9 7 4
Ort inotion by Counciiiriaii Gardner, secon(led by Councilman Ferrell, and
by recorded vote as follotvs:
Ayes: Couiicilmen Joliri A. Baum, Mayor @obert B. Croinwel'-,, Jr.,
Vice imayor F. Reid Lrviii, George R. Fer@rell, Charl--s @@V. Gardner,
Clarence A. Liollai,.d, Garland L. Isdoll, 1). ',,Itirray @talbon, J. CLirtis
Payii--, aiid Floyci L-. @llaterfield, Ji-.
Nays: Noiie
Absent: Couiicilniaii Robert 11. Callis, @r.
City Council approved on second readin,., an Ordinance establisliing
tlie tax levy on real estate and tan,.,ible personal. property an(i other
property for the 1974 tax year:
"a.aes Echardt, hapler Board -.td "ir. th-- "-ju.-I@
of Civic Or@anizatiozis aooeared beiar@- Citv Coun@il re,,ardin@ tqe
-1 IJ @, 119/ -@ 'i " - I
ci y Budget @or @ile v,-,ar iii u'v 4 L. d e n,,
J!tne 30, 19/-5.
Ori riiotion by Councilman IsdeLl, sec-)nc td blv Couji@ilma.n Gardn-@r, @,nLt
I)v recorded vo-@e as foilows:
i@yes Councilinen Jolin A. liauin, \Iayor !)obert l". (,roilwell, Jr. , Vice
,\Iavor F. Reid Ervin, Geor,e R. Ferrei,, Charles @,V. -oardner, Clar--nce
A.' tiolland, Garland L. Isdell, D. @turi ay @talh(,n- @f. Curtis Payne, and
Floyd E. @Vaterfield, Jr.
@',@@tvs :
Abselit: Councilman l@obert H. Callis, Jr.
Cilly Council approved on second readiil,l an Orclinaiice i,,iaking appropriations
for t'tie fiscal yoar !)e,-,-iiinin,., ftily 1 , 197,;, aiid ciicliilg June 30, 197S,
in the suni of one hundred twenty oyie iiiilic)il, fiv@ ltunclred fifteeii
tliousand, four hundred sixteen dollar,; ($121,31S,416) and regulatin@.
the payment of money out of the ci.ty l@reasury:
Ti!@: FISCAL YFAR BEGI,@,-@NING @IULY 1, 1974,
ANf) E,@DING jUi@@E 30, 197,-@, l@T T@IE Sull OF
T@,"E,14TY O,%E, FIVE
DOf,LtTS ($121,5L@,Z-16) l@!,!D PEGULzVfl,@"(;
Till@'. PA""a@l.'T OF MOY,,Y 0!11' O'@' TfiL,' CITY
I,IHEREAS , the Ci L5, @l@i tia,.,er iial; he R-ILO 1 I'rC' SL'l)l@i-rt:cd to the Oc)Lt@,c4-1
E)_- Annual Bud,,ot- for L lie. Cit y for th,@ I ; s, al y --ar be,, inr, in, JLtly I
L7d eiding June "DO, 1975, and iL is iieces@@ary rc) apqropriate sufl-ici-2.:,,t
--@7ids to cover said bud@.eL.
Section 1. ThaL the arrol@nts hereen t@amed aggregalin-, 0-@t
e as
-,DITD SIXTEE-@' DOLLARS ($121,515,416) or so inucli ther of may b- cessa
as se-@ forth in the Annual Budget for Lhe @@iscal year 1974-75, s,_,bmitted
.oy Llie City @Tana,.@er on the- clat:e of AI)ril 1, 197'@, are IIE're'L)y
subject to the conclilion,; herea.fter set Fc@rth in this Or@,inan--e, frc)---,
revenue of ttic City, as lereinafter sc,t- forrl-t, for Llie yoar 197@-75,
Eor the use of tlie clepz,.rtmc,-nt:s zlnc'. ,;[,ecially dc,--i--nat:ed ---unds
of tl,.e City Go,,@rp@.-iit, @tid for Llie p@,r@,c),,c-s lieretft(,r @,itioned, a-S
s@t lortli in said 'IiirtLal BtidEot, for Lli@@ liscal year be,.in'-Ii,.@
-@,,Iy 1, 1974, and cndi.n, June 30, 1975, a@
@llunLcip,ql Co@@,ocit 260,109
FLFtl@D: (Contitiued)
132, 707
to' I 9
Infor-7.aLion Systezi@ 49, '05@,
Data Processizi-. - Ce@ttrtl l@iles 100, 987
Tot,t] @ 375,965
CiLy $ 162,003
4. Fiiiap-ce Dc,.-@rtuient:
Com-.Tissioner of the ReventLe $ 403,336
Board ol- Equalizatiol 8,66(J
Cit:y Real Estate Assessor 313,823
Special Tax Adrqinistrl, iol, 13,020
Treasurer 443,146
Dirc,cLor of Finance 45!@,olo
Purc:'Iia@i-,i,,, Divisioii 81,63!+
Indep.-@,@clc,nt: Aucliti-,i,- 22,000
Employee's P@eLirerent ,nd
Bcaefits 1,287,500
Total $ 3,027,129
-bir ctor o@@ Per@;0-11.qel $ 158,166
6. Jud c-@,a@Dc@pa t:nent:
Circuit CourL 146,568
DistricL CourL 147,111
Jui,@c;, I Le r,,d Dop---stic Rcl@LioLis
CoLiLL 56,780
Pro',)-Ltion 223,984,
f,unacy Co:ic@@ission 6,00r.)
A--L7.or,iey 157,200
11@7, 74,.-3
ci( N, i 1 297,38S
25, 00'@)
'['ot @t! 5 2 I,,- 6
(Coil t iii! [@, @1)
It@'i,i oE E:.,:Dep-diture 19 -1975
FLND: (Coi,LitiueO,)
Eve illclicille 4 C, 'o
tlt a,id @'ot @r@l@Lt
L'il i L 6 5) 1
Co-iLDre@ie,-,siv,,a llei@@LL1 @'c,litli
Co:T,prel,e,@sive Dru@l, Trca ip.L@n@
Pro,. ar,,
Dru, Abuse "Out--e;2rli Cc!itLer"
Toral- 950,377
Social Ser-vic--s Del),qrL7!ent
Director of Social Services 8 1,589,163
Pu'Dlic Assistance 4,1@l-.!-,ooo
flospitalization 1-Z-D-,ooo
ToLal $ 6,168,163
0. Pu artwenl:
blic Sa@et:y DaT).
Police Div@.sion $ /-,484,074,,
Auxiliary Police 9,0'17
Ani.@@al, Concrol 169,568
Coroners 3,600
Fire Dep-,rtzi--nt 1,89i-,600
Voli-i,te--r l'ire Depirt,-.@itLs
Radio Coi-,iu-,Licati.oiis -
Forestry 3,900
Fire Inspactions -
Fire Hydrants -
Civil I)efense UniL 96,705
To@al $ 6,658,484-
Co=u,@it,,, Scrvi D2 trtr,@nL:
Director of ConLnunity S(,rvi-ces $ 212,506
Dred,le Operatioris 125,838
Iii,.I,@qay Division 4,788,238
En,-,ineerin,. and Tra-fl@ic I)ivlsiot 611,201-1
Rel@use Disposal 385,53"
Pel,ise Collectioii '),490,38-i
T r,, )E@C i s 305,-155
@ -11 0, SE@-,-ViCC,
con"'L@pc,r PrOLCcLio,, c, r\ i c,@ @s, 67,L,91
ilciL,Sin,., Codu @ z
-50, -,,,g
l,'ac@, I'@zy Satt llarer 25,@'161
F.r,,!;ioil C:o iis"IC)I-
'I',, 9 , 8 2-i -9
@pc,,t!@@ L ure 19YZ,-1975
Pqrls RecreaLioi@ f)epartmenl:
I)LrecLor ol@ Pirl@s anci l@ecreatiOE-@ b6,579
Rccrc,aLiott 643,503
@rid PlailiLe,@ance 762,962
1',ii,Lcil,al C;olf Co,ir@;e 164,lo5
i@)al T,@arinq - @@l,,,@ Creel, 7/@,35ri
@i:l- coqcc@ @ic, s 17, 694
f@ 1, 747, 75 9
-.2. Libr@,r@, Department:
Vir.,inia Beach Libr-,ry $ 668,047
'-3. Pla-,inin- Department:
Direct:or of Plannin-- $ 340,264
A.@ r i c u 1 t@t,rc,-:
VPI l@:xLensio-,i Service $ 111,962
F-,r,q2rs' Produce @larlet 19,769
Total $ 131,731
-,5. Ecoiic):-ilc Developrnenc
Dii-o(:!or of Ecojio-,,iic DC,,,-JopiReiit
Civic Ce-,iter 90,56'--
To,,iri-sL Advertisirl,. 391,23'0
inciLisLr,ial Aclvertisi.iig 80,500
Tot,t] $ 759,083
o@ Cener@,l Services:
DirecLor of Ge-,ieral Services $ 103,097
BL!i-!Clillll @@.@ainLen,-nce 903,619
Grou,.ids @lainteiance 264,236
Total $ 1,270,952
l'Ic,n,:(j oE 2,80r),
----10, 6--@O@
zi 117, si@,
B e L
@7,!) c, r ILe@71 -01- f,,@@lercliLLire @19 il -IC) /5
C, F@-P Al, F U@ D
11 - 1), I L -,ten t,,l 1
is,iralice s 499 C)00
Tr@t,is@le,s to OL!i@r Funcls: $ 25,272,249
1'e.serve for Coitin@ Lici@s:
Salary Adjustuie-,iLs $ 1 , 000 , oo-D
"ass '!'r,@nsit Operat:io,@ 150,000
@lanal-ed Gro@itli 250,000
F,ier,.;y CosL AcljusLuiencs 200, ocn
Re@.,ular 197,81@3
ToLal 8 1,797,843
TOTAL t,FLNERAL F-IIND $ 61,765,72'0
@,.@-kTER @'D SEWER Ftj-.\D:
20. DeT)@-r@7ie-,it: of Corrmu S-- v@ce,,i:
Publi.c lJtilit:Les Divis@o t 1,018,951
Source o@ Sttpply 2,811,006
Tran.5@,,.issio@, ancl Di,sLrib,iLioi
l,tai,iLe-,ia,ice aiid OpcrLiLio-i of
Plant and Pump Statioii; 186,826
Transfers to Other Funds: 2,"O",127
Reser-ve for Corii: 300,000
TOTAL IIIVEER A-NID SE@,IEP, Fll-@@Ll $ 8,0-DS,799
12. Dep@ir,@,enL of Edi,cation:
Adu,iinist.ration 59'@',63),
Research and Public litforiii@',ic,ii
Instr,,icLion - le,ul,.,r D@,,, Scil@,c,l 2S@31"),200
OLiic,.r IiistritcLic,@ial
OLi'rier litslr@ictioti,l C:of@L 4'@- 1 5
OF Sclic,ol i'i@ii' 3,13@),342
llaint-(2itzi@tce. o, Scl),c)l I'l !.,it I , 9 12, y@l@
Fixecl C:l@ar@@,@@; 1,207,26C)
St,,@er Scitc)c)l 2'@-)O,507
BL!CI @e t
o E E@ @eElcl-i Lure 197L-1975
OPEF-IVCI't@C: FU@,'D: (C:O-,icluclecl)
of l"Citicat-ioLL- (@:(,nclttdcd)
A@lulL Educctt 1.@ $ 88,0-59
(1, t I t !'(1 Ltc-- a L i o, 51, 15
Vo, t F i I A@, L@ I t F, cl i@ @-' L i 1-15, 3 5-/
TO@"AL SCI,OOL Opl,:@l@L[tNG FUIND $ 42,102,2115
12. l,ibr@iry:
La@,7 I.ibrqry $ 7,500
9. Del)arr@:i--nL of Public Safetv:
Paid FirE@ DeparCmE!nL $ -
Tran-Sfe.rl; L,) Or'@ler Funds: 120,435
Sl',@ICIAL RI@IVF@llut,-, Fui,'D $ 120,L35
7. 7@c-@tiL_ of @@leal th:
DrLi,- @'Duse Outreacli Cente,- 85,008
25. Deb@ Serfice 397,1.,-35
BO!'@O-UCI,ITS SC-,,-t,c.),,)T, DI"B@@
Dc,!,'@ S@, i e, 21,SO3
D@!')@ S--,j icc
E,-, cl ,, -a
Ite,ii (@f EKoenditure 1971,-197-@)
C-E@L,@kf, DEBT FL@C.D:
25. S,,cvice 8 145
Dil"@'u I
25. Do@bL S@,rvice 7 5 D
Resc--rve for ConLin@,,('.,@i-E,
l,eserve for Capi-tal Pyojocts 8
TOTAL BITD-@ET $121,515,416
LESS: INTERF@,@D T@'\TSFERS 27,69,@,811
NET BUDGET 93,819,605
Section 2. S@tbjecL to the provi@iois o@ ChapL(ir 2, Art:icla II-L,
ol@ the Virginia Beacli City Code, tll,- 3-ics @,iicl traL;C-,s s--.t I-or"',l i-o-
detail in said Annual Budget, are liereby authori.zecl .1ii(q @ixe-I as th-
maxim@-a coripensation to be paid for servi ces renderecl.
The positiorls, except in the labci- ( 1 ass in cqses tllc!
nur,iber thereof is noL under thE@ coi,,t:rol ( L@rie se,- a-- ii,-la
items in said lirlnu-,l BttdgeL, sliall be. Llic ol- pusttio-is
au tharized for Llie v-,r EC)Lts det@ar Lt@iLnL@, @L@IC! -lion S C,
City durin-. said fiscat y@ar, ind t-'te --e
increasee, clurin- said fi.@;cal yo@qr
"ilic -lity @lanl,,,er i@I,@y t:irn,, L,) I i@-
I I( or
ii@i77je.r of posit-ioris ill Llic, l@lf)c,l- clt@;@@ th@
@or s@icli slial I n@t ,,.c, -d L:@iE, i
Ec)r. Tlic, C@ -,y lian@i@,--r is auL'Iic)ri.7.ed L,) i,ial-e sucti rearran,.e-
o@@ positions it, o se,@eril clc,.P,-rL,@ tit@q named as iiiay best
tlic u@,e,,; all,', of Cli,@ Cily,
S(,cti,@ii 3. At! c@ll,,Li of C@Ly LAXLS sitall. I)E@
to thc, 'Lrc,L'-L,rct.
Section 4. All cc,ilcLi-c,,is of lc)cal ta.,,,es teviccl sl,all Ic-
c,,ud.,@.Led to the Cei@cil F,,in(I Df- tlie City. Trans'ers shall. b@ nade
re[-, tha General F,ind t:o L.lie respective @pecially desi,.nated. flnds
or @,ii.ch a lcvy is 7@i tlic rlspective @,ounts leviect foi.- eac,@
sLic'.a spc,,cially clesi,-TlaLP(I @-un(l.
Section 5. All tax ibatemerits atid tay suppletuents date-cl
stil)seqL,-ent to Dccei@Dc!c 5, 1974, for tli-- 1971@ tax year shall accrue
4,o t'le General FLnd o- Lli,@ Cit:y.
Sc,ctioii 6. All "LIa@ic s of tbe ipp-,-opi-ii-tic)n.,@ payable out
oF cacli funcl of Llic Cit)r Tre,2E;Ury unciicuribered Z',t the close of
on tlic t@nirt (JOLI)) day o@ Jut L@, 1975, excol)t: a@; ot:har-
@:is(@ proviclc-,d for, Pi@e hefeby declared Lo t,-- lapsee, into tlie surplus
c),@ Llie respective, fL,@s, excep,-- School Opell-Lin@. FLind @l',Iich shall
lanse into the G--neral Fuad Surplus, iiicl sl,all b-- used for the.
a,' the %@Iiicli iii@.y tc i,lacle in the aT)I)ropriation
ordi.naace for Lli,@ fiscal ,,C,,Lr bc!Ein,,Iill_ JLtly 1, 1975.
,@ctio,@ 7. t@'c, bL!rCILI, .1@- @ICY 01: iii@iv@-(Iual rece;-v3@ng
ri.aLio,@s o@ tlii@ orditll,icc@ stiatl e-@cc,,-d
OF i ts or
t 11E, C L L
i,rovi(I-c! t i c,@ L ,II:; t, [Ii tc, Lll(,
1 t L'i-O c,' @'ic t-o tli,-@
Sectiuq S. in tilis b, cons-rued as
'Iny 7edLic,-ioi t:c) be iiia(le it,
t'llis or,-Iiii@-,Icc @or tlie i@a L C', i@l t c iL Ic @l S
@i e n I or o,,--,
c,d dc.@bt c, - t Ly Go%,c@ ii tCIL I [lt f(' L-i i",,' i@@ll i
o- @7ir-
I B(@'Cli
Sectioii 9. Allo%7E,.tices OUL of I@y 0 LpplprirLions
by a-iy or al I o@ L@@ic, C@ ty clep@!r,-i,.unt , b,-@@OE!US
Lii-s ordinance
@r a.-e-,icies, to any of tlieir officers an, em,,)Ioyees @c)r
o7i account o@ tlie us@ by such officer@; af,ct ol- tl-LeT,
oersor,al automobiles iii the discharle @),@ @heir ol@,@ici-a-,- dut:i--s
@--ial-I not exceed t@qelve cents (12) per mil.e of actual @-raxal.
Section 10. All trave'in,. expenje ziccount:s shall be sub@,-@-tee
-@:i for,-as and a--cordii@. to re,.ulatiots i,rCscribL2LI or .1p@rov--d b-@ t"i@a
E,-cli accotipt sl, til ;hoi,, t:@f,c cla-t:e@ e@p-@@ises
@)-"--rector cf Fin@q,7,ce.
--ere u iies ti@LVC@lcJ; @@,-Ctllc)c 0-F
incurred ci7 paic]; n it-,Dei Of 7
-_oLel expenses, P.,,eals, ii@ciclet@tLl
elephone calls, etc. l@'tie Directc@r ol- @'inince i,; spec*@@-icall-y
eirected to %7ithhold the issua-,ice ol@ chc-cl@ in pay-,ne-@it ol- e,.-Ip--nse
accou,its submi-tted for "lu@op-sum" amolnts, e.NcepL in c,@5@:, oF
@--:)Ioyees of the School Board.
Section 11. l@,Lt if a,,iy part or parls, secLioL or secL:i.0,F,,
@-@--,ite-,ices, clause or phrase of rltis o@-dit@ai-ice is f-or rz@,,Sq-
L--Clared to be LtrconstitttLio,ial or ir,,vilirl, @;LICII Cle-Cisi-o-i
-fect Ii idily of I -15 I -
.-ot- a,. t F val- tl@e o@ L,i@ (,r
Sectiop. 12. @-lic City
__isfers of @'Ll\ or
"roi@. or L(, S,@ltry @TI,
e-,:ceed $1,C@@11).Oo in @-,ty Sil'@lc,-
-@@d Lc@ e'-@ urus f rc,,@, i [i@@ for co Ii', ii,--. encies
7-, @lol!nt tiot to (@ CL@(, $1,000.00 ir, an,i singlo. transactioll.
S@-@c@-ion 13- 'fi,al this ordiiicnce be iti e'Eect from- aild
AN 0,@l@iA-jCE IIST,@LISlil-@TG 'I:IIE Tpa LEVY
BE IT 1"y '@li]E C['FY @711,',(;IIITA
OF LE7,'Y 0,@ PEAL ESTi'CfE.
nere shall 'oe levild and collecled @or the, 19714 tLx year o@. all reat
as@ate, not e.,-emot from- taxation, on Each one laundrp-d dollar. ($Ioo.oo) f
assessed valuation therea@-, the followin,:
General Six-B@)rou@.iL Special @1c)squiLo Total Rate
Borough Gov--rrLmenL- Schoo! De.b.@. Reveiiue Control 1974
Bayside $1.52 $.O'4 $- $ O/-, $1.60
Blacl,@.iater 1.52 . @34 - 1.56
,e,-iosville 1.52 .1 .04 1.60
-@-a-,ibaven 1.52 . - 0!,, 1.60
1-i-nccss Anne 1.52 o4 - - 1.56
Irincess Aine llosquito 1.52 .04 - .0!4 1.60
?u-,igo 1.52 .04 - - 1.56
lun,o lelosquito 1.52 . olt -
.04 1.60
%7ir,inia Beach 1.52
.14 .04 1.70
The real property t:,ix lierelo@@ore imp )sed a,-ld for i,,Iiich tlie r,-te hos been
-Drescribed, shal.1 I)e applied on ttie ba,,;is O,- 6f)% ol@ Llie fair rLiar'--et value.
Tliere sliall be levied and coll,c,c,-cd Fc)r ttic, 1.974 tax tanri'oi,@
-@@rso@al proparty, iiot cxoiipt fro;ii t:;i\aLi@)a, si@, dollai:,,-, on e,:,c@
-,ne hundred dollars ($100.00) of asse,,@@;,,cl vcilLi@t,-io,,, tiereol, Ic)r generc,,l
-7-,,rr@oses. 'riie pers,)L-ial I)ropert:y t@X JIL@rCL-,)Eorc, ii'li,o,@cd trid for -,,,nicii t:[ic,
-a e has been prescril)oci, I be @pl@l't' I Oq i lie Of 0
-,,alt,e o @- sltc-,i per-soli@il properl@ .
(Coil L i LIL,e(l)
sec@iort 3. ATIC)L'\'T OF 1,EVY ON 14ACIII@@T@.'!@ iV,,@D TOOLS.
Tliere shall be levied and collecle, for the 1974 tax year on
.,ac,inery ai,,d tools, not exempt from la alion, one dollar ($1.00)
on eac',l one liundred dollars ($100.00@ @issessed valuation thereol@,
-or @..-uneral purpo-,s. Ttie i,,iacliiiie,2:y ta@ licroloforc, impc)sed
Li-iet for i@@nich i-ate liac; been pre.,@ sliall !)e appli.c,-d on the
,),-sis of 35% of i-&Lr itiarl@et value. of @uch macliinery and Lools.
There sliall be levied and collected for the 1974 tax year on all
boats or iiatercraft under five Lons bL,rt:@ien used for busi.ness or
pleasure, six dollars ($6.00) on each one hundred dollars ($100.00)
of assessed valuatio,@ thereof for general purposes. The personal
property tax heretofore imposed and for %@hich the rate has been
prescribed, sliall be applied on tlie b,,si.@ of 35-/ of the feir mark-et
value of such personal properly.
There sliall b levlcd aiid collecled [or titc, 197!@ tax year on all
-eiiiclcs @vitlinut rqolive po@,ier, used or d,2si,nated to be used as mobile
ho-,,es or offices or for otlier meacis of h.abitation by any person, six
dollars ($6.00) on each onc hundred ($100.00) o" assessed valuation
@h--reol- for .,eneraL ptirposes. Tlle persoital property tax heretofore
i-,.Posed aid for tli-- rate lias beori l,rescribed, s,iall be -,pplied
2,, thc, bisie; c,F 35-/ oF t-],c, Cal.r mart@el v@ LttE! o,' sL,c@,i 1,@,rso@1,11 propcrt:y.
@')?ction 6. CO.,ISTITLTIOL@,@@z@T; ETY.
Tliat if aiiy p-ti:t or parls, sce.Lioti (@i7 seclior)s, wiitencc@@,,
cl@iL,@;e or plir,@@sc@ ,- tiii.L; or(IL-,iance is -loi a,ty re@,@oit declire@, to be
up,coiistitutio,,.al or invalid, such (lecLsi,)@l sllzLI1 tiot a'@ect the
valiclity of tlie re-@oainiii,l port:ions ol@ tllis aro@@llaT'-Ce.
This orciiiiance sh@ill lc, iri c@,@fL@c@ f oin ai,j i'l@ cl-ate Cf it,@
@ir. Aubrey V. Watts, Personnel Directoi-, appeared before City Council
r--,,,arding the followin@ Ordinance.
On riation by Councilman Ferrell, secon(led by Councilman Watertiei(l,
and by recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Council@men John A. Baum, MayOT @@obert B. Cromwell, Jr., Vice
N'@ayor F. Reid Ervin, Geor-.e R. Ferrc,,',I, Cliarles W. Gardner, Clarence
A. floiland, Gariatid [,. lsdell, 1). @lijt iy @llilbon, J. Curtis Payne, and
Floyd E. IVaterfield, Jr.
Absent: Councilmaii Robert H. Callis, Jr.
City Council approved the following Ordinance to amend and reordain
Chapter 2, Article III, Division 4, relating to personnel procedures,
providing for a personnel board, appoiiitment, qualifications, terms of
of,@ice, compensation, etc., of nien@bers: dcsi,.,nation of members of tlie
uriclassified service:
tB Tt C) E@tBE-1
E@ S S 'L-@@3@ATI "" OF S CF THE
Tliat Serti-ol 2-43.1 of -,he Code O@- the City o@@ Vir@-inia Beach j,
h2----by amended and r--ordained to read as follows:
There shall be a Personnel Board consistin.@ of five (5) qualified
voters adpointed by the Cou-,icil for a term o,-@ three years. of those
f,'-r-@L adpointed, one shall be appointed tO se-ve for one year, two
@or @@Tio yea--s and t-,,@io for t'i'@ee years.. Tliareafrer@ ,ienbers shall be
a,D,)o-@nted. for i-@2rm o-- three v--ar@. s'@,all be fillcil
If)v t',Ic, Counci-I I)y a,)Pointt-.,Iclrlt for tl-2 u@i2@@T)ire@d portio,l cf the ter,,,.
oc C,i- looara shall al7@7avs b@- :t c'-as@f-Ld
as ',-,l S@ctioci 2-e@3.1i. '@@C)ard @,'fiall --@lo@ose oie oE
i@.l@-,Yoers -Lo t)- oi@ -lo 'uL,
,-or a
lern Perso-i-,i,21 oirci a@, -Ijopt rui--s )f-:
p-@o--edur-- ',:or co--iducti,--i,. 2,ar3c)nael B),,2trd Eiear@,n@'S. T'i-, Directo-- o-@
7@@--rson.-,iel or his desi,.nee shall serve a3 S-@r@-tary t(i the Personnel
';o@ h o voti-,i- privileges. A
ird and shall attend al.1 ne-@tins wit n
7--illariL:y or- LI-ie --@')Oard sh.111 constitute a qu@-u,-l. of t:lie board
s a'-l -,t--ceiva s,-1c;l co@erl3at@@c)n as ma,,@ .)e by -!Le overni-,,
Section 2-43.2 is ',qereby amended aad reordained to read as follows:
@'lhe Person-,iel "loari shall hafe the. power and sllall be reqt-, !-r@-d to
aopeals of @ri--vances of all classified c4lty employees who have
I -
C-I,IDI t' -,ir pro,),a-ioiar,, oar4ad as p-ovi,'eci i)l Sec-ioi ?-L?,.4
_h e
r--@a@din@, Lh-2ir emoloy-,.qen,@ t'n@ ci: Vi-,,-,@-a ieac',l co-@n-
Dla4l-i-.s or dispates concernin- condi-@ions of er,.ploy-,nent a,reed to by
the employee and those concerni,@i, ne@otiatio@is o@@ wa@es, salaries and
e@-iDloyee benefits. The rulings and -@indings o-F th-- Personnel Board
either sustainin-., r--versing or modifying the disciplinary action
appealed shall be final in all cases except in appeals pertaining to
dispiissal, demotion or suspension for n,ore thal five working days.
,.@-rsonnel Board rulins and fiadin,,,; to dismissal, demotiori
or suspeasion for n@or,-, than ifive wori@i-i-,:- cia-7s ,3',Iall be su'oje@ct 110
rL,view aiad adjustaent by "he City ",Ia@ia-@r. All rulin,,s a@-id @-iiid.in@s
o. ie board may be r--viewed by City Council only where expenditure of
7'luni-ipal funds are involved. T,,ie board's rulings and findin@s shall
not be inconsi-stent with the Gonstitution a-id laws of the United States
or oF this Stat-- or local laws.
The authority of L,ie Perso-,inel. Board s!.Iall be limit--d to reviewing
t'@,,e appointin- authority's action concernin, -,he City's or appointing
authority's policies, rules and reaulations. The Personiel Board shall
clave no au-lhority -lo add to, delete or amend the City's or appoiriting
a--,tl,.ority's poli---ies, rule3 a,-id re,.ulall;-ons.
Section 2-43.3 is hereby amended a-ld reordained to read as follows:
T'@,ae servi-ce of Lt,,e -lity is d.ividp-,,' iii-lo unclassified and classified
services. The uicl@qssifi2d ser@iice shall consi-st of:
a) ilenbers of the Citv Council and all other elected of@@icials.
b) Consti-tutional o@@4-7i.cers aid t:beir employees; Judges of the
General District courts and emdloyees of these courts.
c) -@,le,-,ibers of the -@,oardi ald Commiissions, oft-icers appointed
by th2 Cou7.cil aad person3 aDpoiit--d -nv th2 Jud@es of the
Cou-Its of ilecor-1.
d) F.@-nployc-,,s o-F @'la Healch iDena,---l.,Ieqt. (s-late a@e.,icy)
e) Employees of Lh,-@ Farm and tio7.i2 D@,mo@istration Departme@it:
co,nDensalled. by Lhe Co,,@-,Ion@,,ealt', oE '@irginia.
f) oL@ riil- Sci-,ool Board. (state agancy)
E,.lploy2--i of DcpartmeLit: o.@ Socia'@ Se---vices.
h) The Geii2ral Re@ist:rar, As-3is-LaTt Gp@,ic-ral Re-istrar aad
Assist.an'L R,2'is-Irars.
Section 2-1@3.1@ is bereby ameiided aad reordai'led to r6ad as follo@gs:
The classified service shall coripl-ise all positions not specifically
in@-,Iuded by Section 2-43.3 i-n the unclassif4-ed service. All ori,,,inal
appo4-ntr,ents shall be -Cut a probationary period the conditions of whic',-t
sb.all be governed by the rules established by the City @IaT-iager. ',lambers
of the classified service s!-lall be 3u@Dject to such disci-plin-1--y action
includin- removal, as -La,, b-- ordered or aT3T)roved by Lhe offi-cer 'Liavin@
the po@@er of aupo4-iatnent to tbe Dos-@-,-i@)n i-ie@ld b,, t,@e i3ersoi to -I)e
disciplined. Prior to the conclusion ol@ -@he probationary period of
anv e-,iployee, his service may be terminated by suc"i ol@ficer, if in the
opinion of such officer, -,he emplovee does not possess the qualifications
required by -,he position to which he was appointad. Upon -,he conclusion
of the probationary period. no member oL@ t,ie classified s,2rvice shall be
su3pended for more than r-ive ,vorkin<-, d.ays, reduced in rank, reduced in
rate of pay or removed, exceot after notice in writing of the grounds
ol- the proposed disciplinary action and a-@l opportunitv to be heard
Lnereon by the @lersonnel Board as provi-ded in -@ection 2-43.2.
9'his ordinance shall be ef@@-c-live I-ro- T n 1 1
1 in U e , 1074.
Adopted by the Coun--il of the Cit@ ol@ Vir-.inia Beach on the 20
,Jay of Nlay 1974.
5 - 74
IT 1 I 3
iJiL riolioii by Cc)uncilfnaii by (,ouiiciliiiaii (ia-,,'ner, @17id
@)v rocorded votc as follows:
-1kyos Cot,ncili-.@@,,i. Joli,,l @,". l@@Lum, I),,@rt ii . Crorii@,fel 1 , Ji-, , Vi c,,
.\!ayor F. Reid 1'rvin, lcorge IZ. l@errl-lt, C;iarles Gardner, Clareiice
A. liolland, Carlaiici L. Isdell, D. @1Lt7r@.v Ntalboii, J. (@LLrtiS Pavne, @iiid
Ulovd L-. @iaterfield, ir.
i@avs: None
Abse ii t: Couiicilrqan Rober-u ti. Callis, , r.
City Counci.1 accepted the following oi,@Lnince to ai-,ien(-l Section 13-1
oC t'@ic Code of tiie Clity )f Virginia 11,@@ c-li to cliang-- tiie votin@. place
o[ Electioii District 8, Loidon Brid@,@, i,yjinhaveii tiorough from Lo,-i(lon
iii,icl.,e VoluiiLeer Firc,, I)e,)@irtment to l,ol@dc)n Pi-idge Baptist Cliurcil, ,ts
sci@))i-titted by tii(3 La,,v ai,,,i @i,ltlic)rize,l tlic@ Citv Cle,,rl( to
pul)lish ttie proper notico for public li@,aring iii t'@@lo matter prior to
adopti6n of tlie subject Ordinance:
AN OR)IZLLNCZ -.0 k:,E.ID 13-1 OF TFY,
LO'@4DOX BRID(JE VOLL@IT-=,,,?. 7@- TO
'i@,,.iat: @,cti-on 13-'L o@@ the Code o-- o-@ Iir@iiiia Beacil i3
al.laiided and reordained to --ead as fol@Lows:
Delete "London Bridge Volunteer Fire Department" and substitute
tl,.erefore "'-ondon Bridge !3aptist Churc'ti.@'
'L-hi3 c.-dinanca be --ron da'--e ol-F a@'e:)tion.
Adopted by L*,aa Courcil of r-i--y --E- Br2ach oc, tie
d.ay o I,) 7
ITT-',-',l @@7l'!9
Ori motion by Councili,,tan iolland, seconded by Councilman Ferrell, and
bv recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Nlayor Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Vice
Nlayor F. Reid Ervin, George R. Ferrell, Charles W. Gardner, Clarence
A. liolland, Garland L. lsdell, D. Murray Malbon, J. Curtis Payne, and
Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr.
iNays: None
Absep.t: Coitncilriian I'lobert H. CalLi@, Jr.
City Council approved the following Appointment of Viewers relative
to closing a portion of Cleveland Street in the Bayside Borou.@h:
Petitioner, Coley K. Dunbar, respectfully represents:
1. Tliat pursuant to the provisions of Section 15.1-364
of the Code of Virginia, 1950, -is amended, the said Petitioner
applies for the vacatina, closing and discontinuance of a
certain portion of Cleveland Street, si-luated in the City of
Virginia Beach, Virginia, and dt@scribed as follows:
A portion of Cleveland Street situate, lying and
being in the Ci-ty of Virginia Beach, Virginia,
as more particularly described on a certain plat
entitled "Plat of Cleveland Street R.O.W. Closing"
dated March 10, 1974, made by Duncan & Johnson,
Ltd., Engineers & Surveyor@3, a copy of which is
attached h--reto, marked as Exhibit A to be read as
a part hereof.
2. That no inconvenience \,jill result to any person by
reason of the said closing, vacatinq and discontinuance of
the said portion of Cleveland St:reet, and Petitioner prays that
this Honorable Council appoint \Iiewers as provided by the
aforesaid statute and view this Portion of Cleveland Street
proposed to be closed and report: in writing to this Coun--il
on or before tlie day of 1974, whether,
in the opinion of the said Viewers, what, if any, inconvenience
would result from the discontinuance of the said oortion of
Cleveland Street heretofore described.
3. That on the day of 1974,
n@Dtices of the Dresenting of this al)pl@Lcation @.iere posted at
the Courthousa of the Circuit Court of -,h .1 I @. . 1.
WHEREAS, Coley K. Dur@har has given due and proper
notice, in accordance with the statutes for such cases made
and provided, that he woulcl on Lli:i@s doy ap,,)ly to tlte City
Council of the Ci-ly of Virginia Bedch, Virginia, for the
appointment of Viewers to view the below-described property
and report in writing to the Council whether, in the opinion
of said Viewers, what, if any, inconvenience would result
from the discontinuing of the hereinafter described portion
of Clebeland Street in the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia,
and have filed such application with the said Council;
That G. L. iianbliry, l@. Fleplin@. & C. C. Carrington
are hereby appointed to view @lh:? below-described property and
report in writing to -,he Council on or before
whether in their opinion whal-, if any, *,!iconvenience would
result from the discontinuing, closing and vacating of that
certain portion of Cleveland Street, loca-led in the City of
Virginia Beach, Virgi-nia, and d@scribed as follows:
A portion of Cleveland Street situate, lying
and being in the City of Virginia B--ac@a,
Virginia, as more particularly d--scrib--d on
a certain plat entitl;2d "Plat of Cleveland
Street R.O.W. Closing" dated @larch 10, 1974,
made by Duncan & Johnson, Ltd., Engine--rs
& Surveyors, a copy o@ wliich is a-Itached
hereto, marked as ExhLbit A to be read as
a part hereof.
City Hall Annex, Bulletin Board, 19th and Arctic Streets,
Virginia Beach, virginia, as evi.denced by the Affidavit
attached hereto, and a copy ol@ -,aid notice, and the land
owners along and adjacent to said portion of Cleveland Street
desire and request the said portion of Cleveland Street be
closed as shown by attached letter.
R,2spectfully submitted,
ITEi@l #7@150
on motioii by Councilman Isdell, seco,,(ted by Councilinin Ferrell, and
by recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Councili,,ian John A. Baujii, @layoi, Robert B. Crom@vell, Jr. , Vice
@,layor F. Reid Ervin, Geor@,e R. FerrelL, Charles IV. G@irdnl-r, Clarence
A. Holland, Garland L. Isdoll, D. Nltir@,,ay inlalboii, J. Curtis Payne, -,.Lild
Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr.
Nays: None
At)sent: Councilman Robert It. Callis, Jr.
City Council approved the followin, S@reet closure relative to
parcels 4, 5, zind 6 of Providence Road in the Kempsville Borou,h:
WHEPEAS, proper notice thit th,, ('i L@y of Virgin.ia Beach
virginia, would make appliczitiori to l@li(@ C'ity Cc)ul',ci-I of the
City of Virginia Beach, virginia, to h@ive the hereinafter portion
of Providence Road closed, vacated and discontinued as a public
road of the City of Virginia Beach @,as duly posted at the Court-
house of the Circuit Court ol- the City of Virginia Beach, virginia
and at two public places in the City o4 Virginia Beach, Virginia
on the day of 1974;
WHEREAS, the land proprietors affe!cted thereby hav-- been
duly notified; and
WHEREAS, said ap,@lication was made to the City Planning
Co.mmission and to the City Council and pursuant to the statutes
in su--h cases made and provided, the Council appointed Viewers
tvho have reported to the Council that no inconvenience to the
public or to private individuals would result @-rom su6h closing,
vacation and discontinuance; and
WHEREAS, the City Planning Co=ission after proper notice
and hearing, has reported thereon to the Council; and
WHEREAS, it is the judgement of the Council tha-, sa'.@- portion
of Providence Road should be closed, vacated and discontinued;
no,,v therefore
Section 1. That th-- certain portion of said road described
as follows in the Kempsville Borough of the City of Virginia Beach,
Virginia, is hereby closed, vacat--d and discontinued as a public
road of the City of Virg3.nia Beach, Virginia, said certain portion
o@@ said road not being needed for public use and travel:
ALL THOSE CERTAIN pieces, parcels or tracts of the
now abandoned and fo=er right of way of Providence
Road in th-- Kempsville Borough o" tne City of Virginia
Bz@ach, Virginia, and being more particularly known,
numbered and designated as "PARCEL 4,, PARCEL 5 and
PARCEL 6," as shown on that certain plat entitled:
with the exception of a thirty-live (35') foot Permanent
Utilities Easement reserved by -,he City of Virginia-
Beach, Virginia, designated as "35' EASEMENT" also
shown on said plat, which is attached hereto and
intended to be read as a part hereof for a more
particular description of the said parcels-
Section 2. That 30 days after this date a copy of this
ordinance, certified by the Clerk, be sdread upon the public
records in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of this City
and indexed in like manner as a deed to lands.
Adopted by the council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia
on tha 2 0 day of May 1974.
ITENI "7151
Oii @iiotion by Councilman Payne, secondect I)y Councilman Holland, and
by recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: CouTicilmen Jolin A. Baum, Nlayor l@obert B. Croinwell, Jr., Vice
@-lavor F. Reid Ervin, George R. Feri,ell, Charles IV. Gardner, Clarence
A. flolland, Garland L. Isdell, D. inlurriy i%l@ilbon, J. Curtis Payne, and
Flo@,cl E. Waterfield, Jr.
iNays: None
Absept: Councilman Robert H. Callis, Jr.
City Council approved the followin,.@ tax rcfunds in tlie ainount of
-0: Dale Bir,@son Ci-@y A-@to@, ey
@ r o,-, i: V. A. Etheridge, Treasurer Date May 8, 1974
Subject: Applicariori for Tax Refunds
The @@ollowing applications for refund of t,3xes total@@ng $ 3,405.54
and cert--.fied for payiaent, as set forth below:
A. Etheridge
Typel Tax xoner@
l@@me Tax of Ticket tion ])a te Pen- '.t.]-
Year Tax Number 0. !laid .3 1 t'7 le,, t
tate of Cecil 1973 RE 056568-8 2021 9-11-73 32.26 1.61 33.87
lliams c/o 1st half
ce ivurphy
L@te '
of Cecil 1972 RE 55525 2033 5-26-72 61.28
lliam c/o 1st & 2nd 12-4-72 61.28 122.56
ce Murphy
tate of Cecil 1971 RE 53111 2034 12-6-71 58.43 2.92
lliam c/o 1st & 2nd '12 -6 -71 58.43 119-78
ce @turphy
rst Colony 1973 PS TP-12 6-20-73 2,216.31
-iIephone Co.
r" Colony 1973 PS tP-13 6-20-73 640.02
Ic,-.tone Co.
rlyle L Burns 1974 CD iF 55578 1-24-74 7.50
rlyle L Burns 1974 CD 55579 1-24-74 7.50
ow Waite 1973 PP 67444 1-16-74 210.00 10.50 220.50
undry Inc.
omas E. 1974 CD Yr' F-155 2-6-74 7.50
Idersleeve, Jr
hn Parson 1974 CD 37498 2-@-74 7.50
o,-nas P Hjrdle 1974 CD 52560 I-L8-74 7.50
M. Boohar 1914 CD Y@ 62468 1-7-74 7.50'
1 W Edwards 1974 CD i'@ 44016 1-8-74 7.50
Above applic@tions'fc)r refund of taxes approved,
.til)ove 9'oater,,ents totali ey
ng Approved by
City Clerk
ITE.,L #7lS2
On motion by Councilman Ferrell, seconded by Councilman Gardner, and
by recorded vote as follows:
Aves: Councilmen John A. Baum, Nlavor [@obert B. Crom,.,ell, Jr. , Vice
@Ntayor F. Reid Ervin, George R. f@errell, Cliarle-S IV. Gardner, Clarence
A. tiolland, Garland L. Isdell, D. illurray Malbon, J. Curtis Payne, and
Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr.
Nays: None
Absent: Councilman Robert H. Callis, Jr.
City Council approved on second readin, the following Ordinance relati
to the advertising or conductin., of "Going out of business" sales exc(:
by a petmit to conduct sucli a sale and to prescribe to certain regulat@ions
tiaerefore, and to establisli a fee fc)r issuance of said pern@it:
Requested by: City Manager
Section 1. It shall be unlawful for any person to advettise,
or conduct, a sale for the purpose of discontinuing a retail business
or to modity the @vord "sale" ii any advertisement wirh the -,,7ords
it@.oi-n@- out of business" or any other @,7ords w',Iich tend tO insinuate
that the retail 'Dusiness is to be discontinued and the merchandise
liquidated unless such person obtains a permit to conduct such sale
f-lom the Consumer Protection 0.@ficer of the City of Virginia Beach.
Section 2. The Consumer Protection Officer shall issue permits
to retail merchants -or special sales as required in the preceeding
Section uoon the application of such merchant and shall inspect the
advertisement and conducting of such sale to insure tha-, it has been
advertised and conducted in conform4-ty with the required permit.
Section 3. All applications for special sale permits shall be
accompanied by an inventory of all goods which are to be offered tor
sale during the sale and only tlie @oods specified in the inventory
list may be advertised at a reduced price or sold at a reduced price
during the sales period.
Section 4. Each special sales permit shall be valid for a
period of no longer than 30 days aad an,7 extention of that time shall
constitute a new special sale and shall require an additional permit.
Section 5. The Consumer Protection OLaticer is authorized to
Section 6. Any person who snaii aavertise, represent, hold,
conduct or carry on any sale of the character herein mentioned without
having first obtained a permit as herein provided or w,'Io shall violate
any of the provisions h--r--oL- or sliall @iiake anv tals-- statement in th8
aforesaia@ appli--ation s!iall 'oe guil-@y @)E .1. rii@,,derieanor aild P-acit days
business in violation of the provisions ot this Section s'nall constiture
a seperate offense.
T',iis ordinance shal-1 be effec@-iv:@ fro.,n date of adopt4-on.
First Readipg: Nlay 13, 1974
Second Reading: May 20, 1974
Adopl@ed by the Counc-@@l of the -@4-ty ot Vir@.inia Beach on the
20 day o-@ May 197L.
On Piation by Vice Mayor Ervin, seconded by Councilman Gardner, and
by recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilnien John A. Baum, @layor t@obert B. Crol,,iwell, Jr., Vice
I,iayor F. Reid Ervin, Georl@,,-- R. Ferr-.11, (,haries tv. Gardner, Clarence
A Holland, Garland L. Isdell, D. @@;lalbon, J. Curtis Payne, ,ind
Floyd E. Waterficld, Jr.
Nays: None
Absent:- Councilman Robert 11. Callis, Jr.
City Council approved the follo1/2qijig Oidinanco to ameiid and reordain
Soction 6-33, Paragraph (d) relating to where surfina is permitted:
Requasted @Dy: Citv ',.,Lana@.er
That Section 6-33, para@.radh (d) i-s amended and reordained as
(d) In the areas nor-,h of the nor-lhern line of Camp Pendleton
to the southern boundary o@- Fort Sto--y, betrqeen the hours o,4 sunrise
and sunset, except that between the period 'L4ay 15.through September
30, surfin@ is not permitted between tile hours of 10:00 A.M. and.
5:0,') @.M. Sur-@i--.,i-, is permitted in the area b--tween center-line of
4th Street prolon@ated eastigard extend4-.l- north to center-line of
Street prolon@a-ed eastward and in the area 300 feet south of
th2 southern jettv o-@ -Rudee In'@@--t betw@en suaris-- and sunset.
Aa emergency exis-Ls and -@Iiis ordi@,,ancc- s'lall 'De e4@7f--ctive froin
da-le of adoption.
Adooted by the Council of t:l-te Cit,, of ',Iir,inia Beach on the
20 day of i@lay
I'FE%cl #71:;4
On iiiotion by Counciliiian Gardner, secon,led bv Councililaii Payne, and
by recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilinen John A. Baum, Nlayor illobert B. (@roinwell, Jr., Vice
,\Iayor F. Reid Ervin, Geor.,e R. Ferreil, Charl--s li. Gardner, Garland
L. Isdell, D. Nlurray @@lall)on, J. Curtis Payne, and f@loyd E. Ivaterfield
Absent: Councilirien Robert Ii. Callis, Jr., and Clarcnce A. Holland
City Council apl)roved the following Ordinance to amend and reordain
Cliapter 6, Article II, relatin.@ to water safety provisions by pro-
hibiting the launchin,., and landing of @a;lboLts or motorboats in the
area 4orth of Rudee Inlet to ceiiterlin,-@ )f CtvLilier Drive prolon.aated
eastiiard and to require sounding of air @iorn when landing or- launching
sailboats between Cavalier Drive and F@)r-- S-@ory:
Reques-led by: Cit7 Mana@.er
AIZ,,@ --F !NL@-'I' 'i'@3 7-';T @' OF
CA,I- L-, T, 111,C)LON 7 @STI,IA!tl) AND TO
t'F Al-
@l T-
lection 1. It shall be unlawful 1-@or any person to launch or land
a sailboat or -notorboat ir, -,he area north of Rudee inlet to the center-
1-@Ine of Cavalier Drive prolon"ated eastward.
Sect@@on 2. It shali- be unlawful for any person to launch or land
a sail@Doat from t'@,ie centerli,.e of Caialie- ))rive pro@@ongated eastward
to ForL Sto--y @vithout havin@ on boa-rd i,,i ii-r horri. -3aid air lior,-i sli-all
be sounded udon launching o-- landing.
An emer-.ency exists and thi3 ordinal;,,e s',Iall be eefec--ive from
date of passaae.
.kdopted bv @he Couicil o.@ @'he '--icy o- Vir-.i@iia Beacli oi tt'le 20
day of iNIay 101-74.
ITEM #71)S
On niotion by Councilnian Payne, secoiided by Councilman Isdell, and
by recorded vote as folloiis:
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Mayor lzobert B. Cromwell, Jr., Vice
Mayor F. Reid Ervin, Geor,.,e R. Ferrell, Charles Ili. Gai,dner, Clarence
A. Holland, Garlatid L. Isdoll, D. Mitrrty Irlalbon, J. Curtis Payne, and
Floyd E. l@aterfield, Jr.
,@ays: None
Absent: Councilinan IZohert Ii. Callis, Jr.
C!Ly Council approved an appropriation of $3,600 to the Clerk of
Llic Circuit Court's budcl,et account 060 11 for the plirchase of 100
,dee(i books,
On motion by Councilman Malbon, s--conded by Councilman Holland,
and by recorded vote as foll.ows:
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Mayor Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Vice
Mayor F. Reid Ervin, George R. Ferrell, Charles @l. Gardner, Clarence
A. Holland, Garland L. Isdell, D. illurray Malbon,. J. Curtis Payne, and
Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr.
Nays: None
Absent: Councilman Robert H. Callis, Jr.
City Council approved the appropriation of an additional $1,846 to -
City Council budget account OS210 to permit Virginia Beach to make
its final quarterly payment to the Southeastern Vir@inia Planning
District Commission. (An appropriation of'$31,379 had previously
been approved by Council as Virginia B--ach's per capita contribution
to the SVPDC).
ITE?,l @7157
On motion by Vice Mayor Ervin, secondell by Councilman Payne, and
by recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen Joiln A. Baum, Nlayor Pobert B. Cromwell, Jr., Vice
@klayor F. Reid Ervin, George R. Ferrell, Charles W. Gardner, Clarence
A. Holland, Garland L. Isdell, D. Murray Malbon, J. Curtis Payne, and
Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr.
i@ays: None
Abse@qt: Councilman Robert H. Callis, Tr.
City Council authotized the Purchasin.@ Agent to issue a purchase
order to the Tidy Corporation for 16 DLamond Reo trucks @or a delivery
price of $32,343 per unit (a total of @'@517,488). The cost of this
equipment is less than tlie amount bud,.@(@ted for this purpose.
ITE%l "'7158
The City Manager stated that the Birdneck Point seiver project first
avoeared in the Capital Improvement Program in 1972, and the Trantwood
seiver project first appeared in the Capital Improvement Program in 1973.
However, the Trantwood sewer project ivas expeditied due to some very
strong letters from the Virginia Beach Health Department indicatin@ tliat
serious pollution problems were developing in the Trantwood area, and
putrefactioti in that area was very ovident, and based primarily on the
request of the Ifealth D-partinent we -expedite the Traritiiood scivor
'Elie plans for the Birdneck sewer proj-@@:L have been comploted aild the
target date for construction is 1976.
Adiairal Cruchfield stated that he questioned the whole matter of
priority for sewer installation in the City of Virginia. The methods
by which they are set and who makes the decision. Birdneck Point signed
up well in advance of other areas, and the prople of Birdneck Point don't
understand the shiftin,. of prioriti-S particularly when it's not in the
public inter--st.
Admiral Cruchfield stated he would like to roquest that priorities for
sewer, in the old part of the City, where people have signed up and
agreed to pay for sewer installation be made public w,ith the dates when
tiie people signed up, and that teasons for the ciian.@es be made public.
Vice @layor Ervin stated that one of the confusions that has resulted is
that ivhen we initially, and up until a few years ago, didn't have such a
list of projects as those we now@have. Tliis Coulicil has made a
conimittment to the problems of pollutioii abatentent. But in many instances
when you get to the point that en.,ineers have codipleted their plans there
itiay be a problem with purchasin.@ se@,fer pump station sites. Many factors
enter into this and change the scliedul@ng of projects as we go from one
to the other.
ITE@l @7158 (a)
On iaotion by Councilman Gardner, seconded by Councilman Ferrell, and
by recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, i%layor Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Vice
@@layor F. Reid Ervin, George R. Ferrell, Charlos tl. Gardner, Clarence
A. ifolland, Garland L. Isdell, D. NIilrrty Malbop., J. Curtis Payne, and
Floyd E. Viaterfi--Id, Jr.
,@@ays None
Absent: Councilman Robert H. Callis, Jr.
City Council approved the reallocation of $550,000 of exi-sting Federal
Revenue Sharing futids to the Trantwood area for sanitary sewer facilities.
ITEM "'71-)9
Tiie City i%lanager stal@ed t.ia-L Fire C'@@i.e,- Diezel recommended the
coiitinuation of the L)aii ori -lireworks.
The City is usin@ as justification the enticement of @Fourists and makilig
tourists' stay niore exciting and more enjoyable by the selling of these
devices, aliCL YeL the State law states that they can only be ignited or
utilized on private property, witli periaission from the property owner.
If Council decides to ld.ft the ban on Lhe sale of these devises, the
City iAIanager requested that Fire Chief Diezel be allowed to draw up
rules and regulations for the testip,. ind control of the sale of these
i toins .
Coulicilinan Gardrier state tliat riiaiiy c)[ CI)ief Diezells recoinmendations
were directed toward the explosive type. Tlie question that has been
brou@ht up several tines is on the use of sparklers. Has Chief Diezel
had tlie opportunity to look specificalty into this?
The City Manager stated that there are several non-explosive devices
that can prove dangerous if not properly handled.
Tliere being no motion on lifting tlie b@in on fireworks, the present
baii would stay in effect. Council did request the City Manager to
liave Chief Diezel prepare an Ordinance for Council's consideration.
The Ci-Ly Manager stated that he would liave Chief Diezel prepare a
r--port for Council on this matter.
1'r@l #71(jO
City Council deferred for t'nree weeks the presentation of a report
coiicerning beach equipment rentals a.'Id provisions on lifeguard
ITF@NI #7161
The City Manager reminded Council of the meeting with Mr. Bill Love
of the Hampton Roads Sanitation District Comriission to be held at
6:30 p.m., Wednesday, May 22, 1974, at the Black Angus Restaurant.
Tliis meeting is to brin@, Council up to date on fiRSD activities and
future plans.
ITEM #7162
On illotioii by Counci-Iiitan Ferrell, seconled by Couiicilman Baum, and
by recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen Jolin A. Baum, Mayor [@obert B. Cromwell, Jr., Vice
,,Iayor F. Reid Ervin, George R. Ferrell, Cliarles IV. Gardn,r, Clarence
A. iiolland, Garland L. Isdell, D. @,lurr@ty i@Ialbon, J. Curti-s Payne, and
Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr.
.Nays: None
Absont: Counciliiian Robert 11. Callis, Tr.
City Council approved a raffle permit Lo the Anierican Association of
tho University of @@Vomen. Tliis rafflo @s being held in order to raise
inoney to send the state winiler from Vo--ational-Technical Scliool to the
'4ational Skill Olympics.
ITEill 71
Op- iiiol-ion by Councilman Ferrell, seconlecl- by Counciliiian Gardner,
and by recorded vo-@e as follo@vs:
Ayes: John A. Baum, Nlayor Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Vice
Nlayor F. Reid Ervin, George R. Ferrell, Charles IV. Gardner, Clarence
A. liolland, Garland L. Isdell, D. Murriy llalbon, J. Curtis PayTie, and
Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr.
Nays: None
Absent: Councilpian Robei,t 11. CalLi-@, Jr.
City Council appointed ttie folioivin@, p,,Ysons to t@ie T@liniinum liousin@.
Board of Appeals. This is for a terii @@f one (1) year beginning
@,lay 20, 1974, aiid ending 1%lay 31, 197@,:
Mr. John Kordulak - replacin.@ T,lr. Stuart Buxbaum
Mr. Earl @l. Tebault - replacin, @Ir. Lloycl Murden
ITF@i%l @',@7lo4
On motion by Councii@nan Payne, seconded bv Councilman i"lalbon, and
by recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Mayor ]@obert B. Cromivell, Jr., Vice
Mayor F. Reid Ervin, George R. Feri@ell, Charles IV. Gardner, Clarence
A. liolland, Garland L. Isdell, D. Nlurr@iy Malbon, J. Curtis Payne, and
Floyd E. Ilaterfield, Jr.
@@ays :
Absent: Councilman Robert 11. Callis, fr.
City Council reappoiiitod the folloiqlng persons to the ;Nlinimum Housing
Board of Appeals.
Mr. Donald Reicl - I year - i@lay 20, 1974 to May 31, 1975
Mr. Donoval Sanderlin 2 year-,; - llay 20, 1974 to @"lay 31, 1976
Mr. Gerald 0. Verdon 2 years - @,lay 20, 1974 to Nlay 31, 1976
I'f'ENI @'71(@5
On rpotion by Councilman Holland, secon(led by Councilman 7ardner, and
by recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Mayor l'obert B. Cromwel--,, Jr., Vice
,Nlayor F. Reid L-rvin, George R. Ferrell, Charles W. Gardner, Clarence
A. liolland, Garland L. Isdell, D. i@lurr@Ly -,%Ialboii, J. Ctirtis Payne, and
FLoyd E. Waterfield, Jr.
@'@ays: inone
Absent: Councilman Robert Ii. Callis, ,r.
City Council reappointed the followin@ persons to the Library Board:
@Irs. Evelyn Diggs - May 20, 1974 to May 31, 1975
Nlrs. Thomas McPartlant - Nlay 20, 1974 to May 31, 1975
Nlrs. Jo Sadler - inlay 20, 197,1 to Nlay 31, 1975
Mrs. Nlargie Sliirley - May 20, 1974 to @lay 31, 1976
@Irs. Roger Oberndorf - @Nlay 20, 1974 to Nlay 31, 1976
i@irs .R. J. Vellines - Nlay 20, 1974 to,,',Iay 31, 1976
@-Ir. Stanley A. Phillips is a newlv appointed inember of the Libriry
I', -i @t rd. N[r. P]iLIli,,3s' term is frorq 20, 19,@4 tc) @l@qv 31, 19-1@7.
ITENI #7166
On i-,iotion by Councilman Ferrell, sec@oncled [3y Councilman Waterfield,
aiid by rocorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Counciljiien Jolin A. Baum, Niiyo( !Zol)crt B. Cromwell, Jr., Vice
Nlayor F. Reid Ervin, Geor@.e R. Ferrell, Charles @V. Gardner, Clarence
A. Holland, Garland L. Isdell, D. Nturray i'4albon, J. Curtis Payne, and
Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr.
iNays: None
@kbsent: Councilman Robert Ii. Callis, Jr.
City Council voted to abolisli the Law Library Board.
ITE@,l #7167
Oii motion by Councilman Gardner, seconded by Councilman Baum, and
by recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baun,, i%layor Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., George
R. Ferrell, Charles IV. Gardner, Clarenc:e A. ilolland, Garland L. Isdell,
D. @lurray Malbon, J. Curtis Payne, and Floyd E. Ivaterfield, Jr.
Nays: Vice i%layor F. Reid Ervin
Abseiit: Councilman Robert H. Callis, Jr.
City Council vot--d to appropriate $25,000 Eor the Shoreline Erosion
Control Corporation.
ITEM #7168
Nclrs. Shirley Marlow representing the Little Neck-Lynnhaven Civic Lea@ue,
Iiicorporated, and Nli,. @@ierndli representing the Kings Grant Community
Lea@ue addressed tlic@ City Council- regarding the decision made by the
Circuit Court in tiie natter of Dalby-@@Iiite vs thr-@ City of Virginia Beach,
w,iicil was decideu' a,.,aiiist the City of Virginia Beach.
iiie representativos urged t4c City Couiicil to authorize the City
Attoriiey, Nlr. J. Dale Bimson, to prepare the necessary papers for
ail apl)eal to tiic Supre@ne Court of Appeals of the Cor@imonwealtli of
Vi.r-iiiia. i'leiiibers of City Council asred Nlr. Bimson Iiis ooinion regardin-@
tiie appeal. It was noted that inir. Birrson liacl previousi)@ indicated that
iie ciid iiot feel t@'iat tliere had been sufficieiit evidence at laiv to press
tiie iliatter in tiie CircLi@L- Court, oven tlioul!li tlie City did proceod irith tlie
klice AIayor Ervin j@iade a iaotion, seconded by Councill',Ian Gardner, to
appeal tlie Dalby-t'lliite case to-the,State Suprene Court.
A'I-Ler considerable discussion, Vice Mayor l@rvin witlidrew his motion
in order tliat outside legal counsel can be obtained in this matter,
a,.;ain, it was noted tiiat @Ir. Grover C. lvright, Jr., Attorney, who had
repr--sented the City in the Circuit Court had at one time been employed
by contra interests.
It 1/2,,@as finall-5@ c,@,reed to have City Attorne>- 13iiison obtain legal advice
aCter tlie court order @,ras filed, regarding the Dossibility o@ appealing
tiie case to tile Su-Preme Court. No specific dat@ was set for the return
of recommenclations to the City Catincil.
ITEt',l '17169
Ori riiotion by Councilman Pavne, seconded by Councilman liolland, and
by recorded vote as foliow@:
Ayes: Councilinen John A. Baum, "layor L@obert B. Cror@lwell, Jr., vice
i@layor F. Reid Ervin, C@eor-e R. (7liarlos Gardner, Clarence
A. flolland, Garlailcl L. lsdeli, D. @@l@ilboii, J. Curtis Pavno, and
Floyd L@'. I;aterfi.eld, Jr.
Nays: None
Absent: Couiicilman Robert H. Callis, Jr.
City Council will hold a closed ineetin,, on Monday, June 3, 1974,
for the purpose of discussing items permitted for discussion under
Section 2.1-344, subparagraph 2, 6, and 7 of the Freedom of Informati,,
Act of the Commonweaith of Virginia.
ITE,ki # 71 7 0
On iqotion by Councilman Gardner, seconded by CouncilTqan Baum, and
by recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, @layor Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Vice
lvlayor F. Reid Ervin, George R. Ferrell, Charles @V. Gardner, Clarence
A. Holland, Garland L. Isdel-1, D. Nlurra ?Ialbon, J. Curtis Payne, and
Floyd E. IVaterfield, Jr.
Nays: None
Absent: Councilman Robert H. Callis, Jr.
The meeting adjourned.
City of Virginia Beacli,
1,Ly 20, 1974