HomeMy WebLinkAboutJUNE 24, 1974 OF TffF CITY (',C@U@@CII, OF l'ill CITY OF VTRGINIA BE@CH, VIRGINIA June 24, 1974 I'lie re,,ular meeting of the Council of tlie City of Vir,@inia Beach, Virginia, was held in the Council Chaml,ers, in the Administration Buildin@., in the Borou,@h of Princes--, Arne, on PIonday, June 24, 1974, at 2:00 p.m. I'lie invocation @vas giveii by the Reveici@d I:inory S. l@llmore, Princess Anne @iethodist Chtircli, Vir@liriia Be,,i,-I), Councilinen present: John A. Baum, Robc@rt H. Callis, Jr., @layor Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Vice inlayor F. Reid Ervin, George R. Ferrell, C]-iarles IV. Gardner, Clarence A. tiollantl, Garland L. Isdell, D. @lurray @Ialbon, J. Curtis Payne, and Floyd E. I,,aterfield, Jr. Councilmen absent: None I T E,%l @l," 7 2 (, 5 On motion by Councilman Isdell, second(@d by Councilnian Holland, and by recorded vote as follows: Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert Ii. Callis, Jr., Mayor Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Vice i@layor F. Reid E7-vin, George R. Ferrell, Charles IV. Gardner, Clarence A. Holland, Carlalid L. Isdell, D. i'lurray Malbon, J. Curtis Payne, and Floyd E. lvaterfield, Jr. Nays: None Absent: City Council approved the i'@iinutes of tlie re@.ular meeting of June 17, 1974, and disenpsed with the readin, ol@ said minutes inastquch as each Councilman had a copy of tlie subject minutes before him. ITEM #7266 City Council held a public hearing on Nton.day, June 24, 1974, in the City Council Chambers, in the AdmiT@istratioii Building, so that tlie Tidewater Transportation District (:ommission could gain citizens views on regional ownersliip and operation of the area's bus system. As Councilinaii Callis is Vice Chairman of the Tide1/2,7ater 'F@ansportation Coinr,iission, @layor Cromwell turned t',,Ie @'lavel over to hirl. Councilman Callis read the followin-. stateinent: "fhis is one of a series of c)fficial Tidclqater Transportation District Corqriission's pul)lic hearings, upoji applicatioti to the Urban Mass Transit Adniinistration for l@,-,deral Assistance, under the Urban Nlass Ti@ansil@ Act of 1964, as amended, Eor acquisition, consolidation, expansion oE public tt-ansportation oF tlic Tideivater Tr@ins- poi-tation District Commissioil. Tlie Coj,,ifnission is coinpose(-' of the Cities of Cliosapeal,-e, NC)rEolk, PortsMOLtL!I, aiid Virginia Be@@ch. Tlie purpos-- of the project.i.s to acquire private bus companies to continue pLihliC transportation iii our -,trea; buy neiv busses to replace obsolete oncs; up,,,rad-- maintenance; l@uy ard ilist@ill no@'i rider shelters; and bus stol) signs co ii,,iprove -service. iii addition, t,lle formal not@ce of tliis !)ubiic liearing was published irl tlic@ newspaper-@, ancl an@i u in i- COLincilman Caliis introduced the follo@,iiiig nkenibers of the Tidewater 'Fi,iiisportation District Commission: Mr. John Sears, a representative from the City of Norfolk, and a former mernber of the House of Delegates. Mr. Irvin B. Hill, a representative from the City of Norfolk, and a m-Trber of the Norfolk City Council. Vice Nlayor F. Reid Ervin, a representative from the City of Virginia ]3each, and a member of tlie Virginia Beach City Council. Also present were Mr. Ja,-nes C. Echols, Executive Director, Tidewater Transportatioii District Commissioii, and Mr. Core, Attorney, for the Tide@vater Transportation District Commissi.on. @'he Eollowing persons spoke on the Tidewater Transportation District Coyitinission's public liearing: ,Nlrs. Jean T. Kaplin, President of the League of Women Voters of Norfolk and Virginia Beach. Tlie lionorable Owen B. Pickett, Member of the House of Delegates Vice Nlayor Ervin stated he wished to thank the other members of the Tidewater Transportation District Commission ivho have worked so hard on this project, but particularly he would like to thank Jim Echols, who -qade the almost impossible a real,ity. ITET,l #7267 Peti tion Financial-Corp., by @.,B.,Pickett, Attorney. for a Chan of Zoninq Dfstrict ClassificatiOnfrom R-8 Residential District to A-1@Apt Ul-strict on@certain property begirning at a point 440-te4t more or less Sc South BiT-dneek-@Road, runni@ stancelof 1664 feet more or less along@the West si of Gen is 6f@ 32S@ feet mra @ or - Southe of-1365.Wfeet@along-th perty line- I 9.31@.-,,feet@-al@ the-Northern .Said parc contains 8.5 acrmlmore 0 less MKESS ANK BOROM Planninq Comissi on Ri A motion b3 a ve 3 by, th* Planning,,i, Comi ssi on quest ina t tmffic 00.1@,@anct@n" @Ir. H. @a@lvi-n S -p'a in ,Att r-n@ey, represejited the applicant. On r@iotion by Councilrfian Payne, seconde(I by Councilman Fei@rell, and by recorded vote as follows: Aves: Counciln@en Robert H. Callis, Jr., Nlayor Robort B. Cromtvell, Jr., Geor@e R'- Ferrell, Cliaries IV. Gardner, Clarence A. liolland, Garland L. Isdell, D. Nlurray Malbon, J. Curtis Paviie, ,ind Floyd E. l@aterfield, Jr. Nays: Councilmen John A. Baum, and VI(@e i"layor F. Reid Ervin Absent: None City Council voted to defer for ninety (90) da,,Is the above petition of Commonweath Financial CoTporation, I)y Oweh- @. Pickett, Attorney, ft)r a Change of Zoning District Classification from R-8 Reside,tial I)Lstri t to A-1 Apartment Distrct n certain property beginning at a point 440 feet more or less SoLlth of Soutli Birdneck Road, running a distance of 1664 feet more or less along tlie Ivest sidc., ot General f3oo-1h Boulevard, running a distance of 325 feet more or less along tlie Southern property line, running a (iistarice of 136S.34 feet along ',-Iio @Vestern property line and running @t distance of IS9.31 feet alon, tli-- @orthern property line. Said parc(@l contains 3.5 acres ,,Iorc or less. Princess Anne Borough, of Zoninq District Classificat-lon @ron R-', Distric" A-' Apar--s,:it 0 1 -1@ - Ul-s-tr7ct on certain property Eeg-inning at a pc,@int 470 fl-et more or less Souti, of South Birdneck Road,,rlunning a distance of 2100 feet along the Western property line o@-which 1642; feet is the East side of General Booth Boulevard, running a distancel.lof@860.:78 feet@along the Southern pmperty line, running a distance of 2492 Illfeet along the Eastern property lirit, F, id riinning a distance of 1234.23 feet along t@te tiorttieri-i pr-opl@rty I ine of t;. t@ie SoLth of South Birdneck-i@Road. Said parcel contains 47.2 acrt@., and excludes a parcel containing 2.3 acres-@proposed for.. B-1@ Conmrcial@Residential Zoning. PRINCESS AN,@IE BOROUGH. PlannirtlvComission Rec@ndatioyi., A iorr,-Wms,pas &'of 8 to@ 4 by,the P7anning Cond ss i ort to deny this rL--, uest facilities.,i e.. traffic,, schools and_fire,protectiofr,,,,.W, @Ir. 11. Calvin Spain, A@ rnev, rel)r tlie adplicant. O,i iii ot -,i 1) y CoLtn(: i @ iiAaII i',,Iv .@-ie , ind f@v rec:orcled vote, c) I I L)@@s Ayes COUnCilrIOTI jul]IL haulit, @s Ji-. , '@layor ROI)ert B. Croiiiivell, Jr. , Vice @4ayor F. Reil l'ivin, Gear-- l@. Ferrell, Charles Gardner, Clarence A. [lo l.land, (@ai I @i id L. Esdel I , D. Nlilrrav @Ialbon, J. Curtis Payne, and Floyd E. Watcr[ic d, Jt-. Nays: None Absent: None City Council voted to dofer for niii ---v (90) days the above petition of Commonivealth Finaicial Corporatioi, by Owen B. Pickett, Attorney, for a Change of Zoning District ClassiFication from R-8 Residential District to A-1 Apartment District on certain property beginnin.@ at a point 470 feet more or less Sbuth of South Birdneck Road, runnin.@ a distance of 2100 feet along the @Vestorn property line of which 1642 feet is the East side of General @looth Boulevard, running a distance of 860.78 feet alon.a the Soutliern propei,ty line, running a distance of 2492.11 feet along the Eastern property line and running a distance of 1234.23 feet along thc NDrthern property line of wlich 200 feet is tlie Soutli side of South Bit@dneck Roact. Said parcel contains 41.2 acres and excluses a parcel containing 2.3 acres proposed for B-1 Commercial Residential Zoning. Prince@s Anne Borough. ITF,@t l@72@-)9 Petiti@ ial by:, @7 B.@@.PiiketV@@'Atto for,& Cfii of zoni@instrict Ctass@tiow@'frm R-,8 Residential District, to B-T Ce ]W$ en a] @istrict on ce ft property begi nni n4 it -a- point@ 1460 feet@n South of,-South-Birdnec@,Road and,]IS feet more or less East of General-Bc vard, running a distanc of T75 feet more or less along the Western property line running &-.@distance of 444 feet more or less along the Northern property line and running &-distance of 344 feet more or less along the Eastern proderty line and running a distance of 342 feet more or less along the Southern property line. Said@ parcel contains 2.3 acre-smare or less. PRINCESS ANNE BOROUGH. Planning Commission Recommendation: Due to a vote of 6 to 6 by the Planning Commission, no action was @bm on this r-@est., 1. Nlr. ii. Calvin Spain, AttorRey, repro,-50flted the al)plican'.. Oii motion by Cotincilman Payne, seconde:l Ly Courtcilman Ferrell, and [)y recorded vote as follows: Aves: Councilmen John A. Baum, Rob--rt 11. Callis, Jr., Mayor Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Vice ,',Iayor F. Reid Ervin, George R. Ferrell, Charles l@i. Gardner, Clarence A. liolland, Garland L. Isdell, D. Murray Nlalbon, J. Curtis Payne, and Flovd E. lvatorfield, Jr. Nays: @ione Absent: None City Council voted to defer for iiiiiety (90) days the Ibove petition of Commonwealth Finarcial Corporation, by Otqen B. Pickett, Attorney, for a Change of Zoning I)istrict Classif.-ication from R-8 Residential P,l@trict to B-1 Com,,nercial Residential Di!@--r@Lct on c-rt,,iin prot)ertv b--(.,innin-@ at a point 1460 feet more or less Soutli of South Bir(Inec@ ,o@Ld @,nd 115 feet mora or less East of (:eneril Booth Boulevard,