HomeMy WebLinkAboutJUNE 28, 1974
Oi' T'll-
A Special @leetin, of the Council of the City of Vir@inia Beach,
Vir@inia was 'neld iii tlie Couiicil Cbaiiibecs, in the Administration
Bz,til(Iiii@., iii the Borott,.;Ii of Ilrinccss AII)CI oii Friclay, Jup-e 28, 3974,
@it 9:00 a.m.
In accordance wilh t--he Code o@ tlie Cit-y of Virginia 3each,
Section 2-9, Tlie Hanorable Robert B. Jr., IIayor,
requosts that a Sp--cial IIeeting of th(@ Council of -Lhe Ci'-Iv 01-
Virgi-,iia B--ach b-- bold in Lhe Council- Ch-,n',j--rs,
Building, r;lunicip@il CciiLe.,,-, Princ--@s 2,,ine SLaLion, Vi-,gini-a
Be,@ch, Virgini-,, aL 9:00 a.m., Fri-dz-iy, June 28, 1974, -o-r
purpose of considering a second readii,.g of an appropriation
of $83,000 to Shoreli,@e Erosioii conlrol Corpora'@ion.
Y(,Il vcr, @i IV.',
c@i ty t-lanicjc-,r
Mayor Cromwell inquired of the City Cleck as to whether all Councilmen
and the press had been properly notified and was assured that they had
been properly advised of the special Tq-.-ting.
il,layor Crom@iell then requested assurance from the City Attorney as to
ivhbtlier all legal requirements had been cojiiplied i,,itli in the matter
ol@ tlie s@ecial m-letin-@, ancl ivas assured that they liid been.
The @@layor then call--d for a roll call o@ the Council.
Councilmen present: John A. Baum, Robect H. Callis, Jr., Nlayor
Robert B. Cro@nivell, Jr., Vice Nlayor l@. l@eid Ervin, Clarerce A.
lfollaiid, Garland L. Isdeli, D. @lurray il.tlbon, J. Curtis Pa),rie,
and Floyd E. lvaterfield, Ji@.
Counciluien absent: Goor@,c l@. Ferroll aiid Charles l". Gardie-rl
COLIII,Cilman Payne noted tliat Councilinaii l@ervell had beeii discharged
carly in the niorning froi-,,, the liospital xiliere he had under.,one a
iniTior operation. It ivas announced tlial Cotinciliiiait Gardner %@as out
oF the City attoilding fiis soiis, iredding.
Tii,- City Clerk rcacl tlie followin,., iten:
'ThE City Council is requ--st--d LO approve o,,l
s--cond readin@ a payment oE $Sj,ooo froia tlie
General Fund Surplus to the Sh@)reline Erosion
Control Corporation in full and final payment
of a Contract for beach crosioji equipment
---to on November 24, 1972,
Consid--rable discussion ensuled during which Councilman @Ialbon
requested the City Attorney, Nlr. J. DaLe Bimson, to render an
opinion as to ivhether a newspaper sior),, which was publi.shed in
tlio iiiorning paper indicatin@ that a cotisin of Couriciln@an ?-@Ialbon
liad a minor fiiiancial in,@erest in tlic ';Iiorf-,li.ne Erosion Control
Corporation, which ivould prohibit (-oul(@ililan @lalbon fror@l votilig
0 11 t ii ii@att--r as boi-ii,-, a violatioii @)f flie Sta-Le (@,oiiflict of Interest
City Attorney Bimson stated that the question should be directed to
the Commonwealth's Attorney as it was Ytatter of state statute. However,
under direct questioning, @Ir. Bin@son no-led tllat he did not think it
would be a violation as the statute provided certain specific relatives,
linore particularly those residin.@ in thc@ same household.
Counc:ili,.ian Malbon then stated that as l@is participation did not
app--ar to be in conflict as advised by the City Attorney then he
i,rotild vote on the question.
ITEM #7291
On mo-@ion by Councilinan Baum, seconded by Councilman lVateTfield,
ai,d by recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Couiicilme-@i John A. Baur@i, Clarence A. Flolland, Garland L.
Isdeil, D. Murray Malbon, J. Curtis Payne, and Floyd E. lvaterfield, Jr-
@Nays :Councilmen Robert H. Callis, Jr., Nlayor Robert B. Cromlqell, Jr.
and Vice ilayor F. Reid Ervin
Abstain: None
Abs--nt: Councilmeii Geor.@e R. Ferrell and Charles W. Gardner
City Council approved on second reading payment of $83,000 fron,
Gene-cal Fund Surplus to the Shoreline Erosion Control Corporation
in full and final payment of a contract for beach erosion equiprient
entered into on NloveTp-ber 24, 1972.
ITEt%l #7292
Oninotion by Councilman Holland, sccoridcd by Councilmar@ Isdell, and
by recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmeii John A. Baum, Robert it. Callis, Jr., Niavor Robert
B. Jr., Vice @layor F. Reid L,'i@vin, Clareiice A. @@,z,@iland, Garland
L,. Isdell, D. Nlurray PIalbon, J. Curtis t'aync, alid Floyd E. ll,aterfielcl, Jr.
i%ays: None
Absent: Counciljiien George R. Ferrel.t aiid Charles Gardl-ler
ci journed at 9:32 a.iii.
or 1',Olerl B. Cro-@,ell, Jr., @,I,,y.,
CitN of Vir.@inia Beach,
Sp--cial %Ieetin.@ - June 28, 1974