HomeMy WebLinkAboutJULY 8, 1974
01; TilE liOiN(j,lz\JILIL- Ci'i@y (@OUNCIL
OF 'I'I!L-'
,July 8, l@)74
The regular meeting of the Council of the City of Virginia Beach,
Vir-inia, was held in tlie Council Chamt)ers, in the Administration
Building, in the Borough of Princess on @londay, July 8, 1974,
at 2:00 p.,@ii.
Tlic ijivocation @vas u.iven by the Fatlic Paul Cau-.han, Stir of -Ille @-ea
Cattioli,-, Chui,cli, Vir,,, 11 Vil,,,Li;ia.
,inia Beac ,
Councilinen present: Jolin A. Baum, Robert B. Croinwell, Jr., Vice
Nlayor George R. Ferrell, Charles W. Gai@dner, John [Z. Griffin,
Clarence A. liolland, J. liency McCoy, Jj,., Mayor J. Curtis Payne,
Patrick L. Standing, and Floyd E. IVatel@field, Jr.
Councilmen absent: Robert if. Callis, @r.
ITEt%l 11 73 17
On motion by Councili,,ian Gardner, secon('Led by Councilman NIcCoy, and
by recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert B. Croriivell, Jr., Vice Nlayor
George R. Ferrell, Charles W. Gardner, Jolin R. Griffin, Clarence A.
Holland, J. ilenry NIcCoy, Jr., i@layor J. Curtis Pavnc, Patrick I,.
Standing, and Floyd E. Waterfield, Ji,.
Nays: inone
Absent: Councilman Robert H. Callis, .[r.
City Council approved tiie minutes ol@ Li@e regular meetin, of July 1,
1974, and dispensed 1/2,Tith the reading ol said irinutes inasnuch as
eacli Councilinan had a copy of the subjc@ct minutes before him.
?etition of Slizab*th William E-veratt by George I)arden, Attorney,, for a
nangs of Zoniag District Classification f.-on IZ-4 Residential District to A-2
4I.oartment District on cer@-ain property be,,,Inning at a -ooint 6-@2.61 @eet @@lest
@)f 34-rdneck Poad and 137 @-et ,-,a.,3t of @'lockin
1- gbird -:)rivR apd 5') fe@t O'
;,it:@r@ront @-iTniig a Iisl:ance o@ li@ @3et alo,.i-I "',za Sout-tie-,n o@orerty
-line, running a di3tance o-@ 372.16 feet along -,he '-7a3lar-. ?ro,oart7 14.pe, ra-,i-
a diatanca of E:!er -along ti@ or-her,-i l@-L,,e lrd r,@nn',--I@, -1
i@n,@ance o; "@,5 lion3 -'I-@e -:7,),ne-ty )arce'- --or,.,.a4-@13
i icra more or l@3s. (-Iir-inec,@ Aoirtmen-13 !'@r@-a). 7 y@ r,
,@iotion Iqaa T),-a.4,4ed u-,iauizously b7 -',ae :"ann@ng co-mis3ion to loncove t@i-a
cubjeet to city @@,iter a,.id sa,,ier.
"Ir. Gordon Darden, Attorney, represept@!cl the aor)licant.
@ I
I'lie follo@ving persons appe@red in oppo@;ition to tlie above- petition:
@ir. Michael Weeks
i,lrs. @largaret Robertson
@Irs. flelen l@ruff
On jiotion by Councili-,ian Standing, secoiided I)y Councilman N[cCoy, and
by recorded ,,ote as follo@vs:
Ayes: Counciliaen Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Johii R. Griffin, J. lien-ry
@,IcCoy, [r., i-layor J. Curtis Payne, Pati@ick I.. Standin@, and Fl.ovcl E.
lays: Councilinen John A. Bauri, Vice @layor "loor@le IZ. Fer@-el.1, I 0
City Council voted to deny the above I)etition of Eli,abeth Williams
@verett by George Darden, Attorney, for a Change o rict
Classification from R-4 Residential Distric-t to A- is r cl
on certain r@operty beginning at a poiit 632.61 feet @Vest of Birdneck
Road aiid 187 feet i-'@ist of l@lockingbird I)rive and 50 feet North of Watei
front Drive, rlinning a ciistance of 110 feet along the Southern property
liiie, running a distance of 372.16 feet along the Eastern property line,
i,uniiiiig a distance of 110 feet alort,., the @4orthern property line and
ruiining a distance of -)65 f--et along the Ivestern property line. Said
parcel contains I acre more or less. (Birdneck Acres-lVatergate Apartments
Area). Lynnhaven Borouah. The petition was denied as it is in C R 3
and also due to inadequ-ate sewer facilities.
ITEM #7319
:'2ti@-iOn 014 Smith and 14juiame F or om
I un al H 0 Inc., by ii. calvin S
-or a from pain, Att@ey,
,,)-i i)f a-5 Residential District to
@,o.ad, the
,Test side O' Prince a A
I - a
r,,inain more or lass 'iorth of Braadywine Road and
the Eastern property line of which 183.28
Road, running a distance of 407.43
t,e Sol feet along
ist3ace of 179.43 @eet along the Western pro-
nerty '+87.3 f3et along tile @forthern nroperty line.
Said ?arcel contains .969 acres. or-lark Do,,ns Are'as)- K--fp@LLE
.O?OUG@l. .4an
?Ianii4-ng Ccmmission lec ,@ndation:
-,Otion was Dassed unanimously by the 'lannilg C ,@,ission to approva this request
to the following:
I -
1. This ordi-,iance shall be ef4@ective upon satisfactor7 c-Pliance to the condi-
imposed in this -tzotion and 4t i3 understood and agr@ to by the appli,,nt that
officla change on the z@ng maps @l not be made mtil right of way along the
10--tl'v"t bounda" for Baxter Road Extended as may be required is dedicated.
r the information of the applicant prior to the isaua,2ea of a building permit the
,rill be req,,4r@-d:
City water and 3ever.
2. S-landard gite 1-11@r--@ts In accordance with t"a Site Plan Ordinance.
lir. H. Calvin Spain, Al@torney, i,epreseni@ d the applicant.
Nti-. Carrington stated h-- received the following letter fi-om the Real
Estate Department statin.@ no dedication of right oF way ivas needed:
On r@lotion by Vice Nlayor Ferrell, secoiide(I by Couiic@linan Iliaterfield,
aild by rocorded vote as follolrs:
Ayes: Councilmen Jolin A. Baum, lzobert B. Cromiiell, @r., Vice @,layor
Geoi-ge R. Ferrell, Charles IV. Gardner, John l@. GriEfin, Clarence A.
ifoiland, J. Henry %IcCoy, Jr., illayor J. Cartis Payne, Patrick L.
Staii,-Iin.,, and Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr.
,';ays: None
,Ibst,,nt: Councilman Robert H. Callis, Jr.
Citv Council approved the followin, Ordinance upon petitioli by
Smitii and ivilliams Fuieral Home, , ncorpoi-ated, by fl. Caiv4@n Spain,
Attorney, for a Chan @ of Zonin, District Cla from R-5
i@esideiitial Distric-t
Calvin S@aL-i
nox 21')7
j a
na-@t@-r Road '@Ixtendzd
--il Aga@-@-a @--ly
-@orti-on -.i>f @arrel sz),
r!. V.
n r, -n@ r i zt t- -.:2 --,Z:
a:iia-e di@c@,i
T'3- ac,.,
i @o @:i
ORDI-N'ANCL-' UPO@N PL'F' TIC-N BY Silli'l'f4 Z0774061
ik-ND @'iILLIAlvIS FU,@E@l@L HO@',IE,
LLA@611-iLATION FROM R-5 Residential
District TO 0-1 C)f@7ice District
Be it ordained by the Couicil of the C-ty of Vir@.inia Beach, Virainia:
Petitioii of Sniitli and @@lilliams Funei@@] @.ioi@le, Incerporatcd, by H. Calvin
Snain, Attorney, for a Cliati-.,e of @7 01) @ i[ f)@strict -1lissification froin R-S
R@siden-uial District to 0-1 Office rict oii certaiii @r@op--rty located
oii the @Vest side of Prijic-ss Aiiiie @it a noint 1344 feet
i,lore or less North of @D)randywine Ro@ict @ind runnin- a distance of 1.110.OS
feet along the Eastern property litie o@L.- whicii 183.28 fe--t is the Illest
side of Princess Anne Road, running a iistance of 407.43 feet alon.@
the Southern property line, running a Iistance of 179.43 feet along the
Western property liiie and running a di,stance oc 487.3 feet along the
'@orthern property line. Said parcel c,)ntains 1.969 acres.
,Nlanor-Lark Downs Areas). Kempsvill,-, B,)rou@h.
For the inforeiation of tlie applicant prior to tlie issuance of a building
permit the following will be required:
1. City ivater and Sewer
2. Standard site improvements in accordance with the Site Plan
IT-F,M #73-'O
1,@ition of Carl icunzman 'or a (-hang2 of @-istrict Clasc,3ification f-om -2.-,5
3identi rt
-il Diztr c, to 3-2 7LI3--,eS,.3 -49,-rict o-i ce ain @roperty be-,inn-
il'3 at -@ POint '&47.9 fzet ;@a3t of @'e-,itown Road at -,he Soth,!rn xtremity of I-wirence
D-li-,.re and on the Sout)i side of Coini-@ :,ana, runnia3 a distance of 691.54 feet along
@qe Northern Dro,3e.-t7 line of -,4hich 30 @@eet ig t'ne South s4-de of Connie Lane, runn-
in, a distanea of 664.1 @reat along th-@ @@'astar-" pr@@rt7 linp, running a distance of
'o36.8 feet along tlia Southern -?roDert7 -'-iie ,,,id -;i-ining -i distance of 0'59 @-eet alon@.
Eastern pro!)ert7 '@ine. Said parc ', c3T)t,,i;-ns 2.7 'C-23. (-@14e@wsome Farm Aria).
@-lanqing Commis3iDn aecomre,.idation:
70tioTi 'W@is pa33ed unan,'--Mou-31-y @,)y th@- tc) .iany this p2-itior, ci,
@.in,,iui,la-;3la acc@ss "o t'@ie Dro,@rty I@ tr-2se.1t a c.-',13ni3@@ of zoning at t.'Iia
location is premature.
On iiiotio,-i bly Cotiiicilrian ilolland, sec,)ii(,,3d b@, Cc)urlclman @roMwell,
and by recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen Jolin A. Baum, Robort i3. Cromivell, Jr. I Vice %Iayor
G-or,,e R. Ferrell, Charles W. Gardiier, John R. Griffiii, Clarence A.
iioiiand, J. Flenry McCoy, Jr., Mayor T. Curtis Pavric, Patrick L.
Stlinding, aiid FIoyd E. l@@,iterfield, ii-.
@4ays i@one
Al)scilt: Councilmen Robert H. Callis, ii-.
City Council voted to deiiy the above pe@ition of Carl H. Kunzman for
a Cliange of Zonin Distr@-ct Classification from R-6 Residential
D i @, t-r -, munit), Busi ess Distr@ict on certain property
bc,liiining at a point 1847.9 feet East of Neivtown @Zoad at the Southern
exti,ei-,iity of Lawrence Drive and on tli-- Soutli s,*-de of Connie Lane,
ruiining a distance of 69i.54 feet alorg the North@@rn property line of
@@iiicli 30 feet is the Soutli -,;ide of Corinie L@Lne, riinniii@. a distance of
31)1.1 faet alori, tlie @Vest--rn prol)ert, s @l @ @ f
iip@e, i di ta c
656.8 feet alon@l, the Southern property Iiiie and rlinnin, a distance of
@@59 Fe-,t alon@. tlie Eastern propertv Ii-e. S@ii(I p@ircel contains 2./-
ITENI #7321
On inotion by Councilman Gardner, seconde(i by Vice Mayor Ferrell,
and by recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Vice Mayor
C-or@e R. Ferrell, Charles @V. Gardner, John R. Griffin, Cla.rence A.
I-ioiiand, J. Henry NIcCoy, Jr., i@layor J, Curtis Payrie, Patrick L
Standing, and f@loyd E. 'vvatorfield, Jr.
2@ays: None
Absent: Councilman Robert H. Callis, Jr.
City Couiicil approved on second rea.ding a transfer of funds in the
aiRount of $875 frain Civil Defense budget account #02420 (Insurance)
to Civil Defense bud@.et account #09130 (Alterations and Additions)
to provide the necessary funds for the purchase of a 4,000 gallon
av@-ation fuel stora.-e tank, at a total cost of $1,400.
ITE,Nl 97322
Oii niotion by Councilman Cromwell, seconded by Councilman Holland,
and by recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen-John A. Baun, Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Vice Mayor
George R. Ferrell, Charles @V. Gardner, John R. Griffin, Clarence A.
Holland, J. Henry iNIcCoy, Jr., Mayor J. Curtis Payne, Patrick L.
Staiidin.@, and Floyd E. Viaterfield, Jr.
i'4ays: None
Absent: Councilmaii Rol)ert ii. Callis, Jr.
City Council approved on second readin,, the request of the Clerk of
tlie General District Court tllat $732 be transferred within the General
District Court budget for the purchase of a movie projector for the use
iii the traffic school. The necessary transfers are detailed as follows:
$382 0'0016-08010 (Officc ]:quipment C, rumiture)
100 - 06016-08030 (Books)
2SO - PC)O-,@6-C,,@040 (Tr,liinin,, Aicls md 1,;iipplies)
To I)e, trap,-,;'-orre, t to:
c@,r@ -I)h@c I'quip,7ent)
I TL,NI 7 3.! 3
O.,i iiiotion by Couiicilman Gardner, secon(led by Councilman 111-folliwell,
and by recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen Jolin A. Baum, Robert i@. CroiTiivell, Jr. Vic:e i%layor
George R. Ferrell, Cliarles @v. Gardnei-, Jolin R. Gi@iffin, Clarence A.
iiollaiid, J. lienry NlcCoy, Jr., Mavor J. Curtis Payne, Patr'lck I,.
Staiiding, aiid Floyd E. Waterficl@, Jr.
i@lays: None
Absent: Councilman Robert H. Calli-s, lr.
C@ty Council approved on second readin,., a request riade by the Jud.aes
o@ tlie Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court and the Chief Probation
Officer for three additional positions I)e established in orcler to iieet
tiie State's new minirium standards for -@"4-hour intal.,e, and t,@ansferred
$1@6,640 from Reserve for Contingencies to Salar@, account in the fy'73
btzd et.
ITE@,l IF73,4
f@,ear Adiiiiral R. l@. CrLicii,@icid, of thc l'irdneck Point
Coniiiiunity Lea@,ue, appear d beforc Cou.,icit rel,ardin,., tlie lack
of sewerage disposal iii the Birdnecl,, Po@nt area.
Admirai Cruchfield s@ated tfiat i" ,@6,,ieering tiork for Birdneck
Point is not 100% complete at this tiple;
i. IViiat is coripletion date specified in tlie
Contract with Lan@.1ey, @Ict)onald and Overman?
2. il@'lio is r--spoilsiblo for [c)llowijlg tip oil
contract coi-,Ipleti-on'
3. lvhat has bee@-i doiie iii tliis re.@ards, to date?
Adniiral Cruchfield requested the followin@, action be taken:
1. Establish an overriding piiority for Birdneck Point
because of an existing and documented healtl,l hazzard.
As was clone by Council in the case of Trantivood,
Trantivood Shores, Southern Points and Britney Estates.
2. Inclucie funding for Birdneck Point sewers in the 1974
Capital Projects appropriations to tlie maximum extent
that such funds can be titilized. Do the same for
subsequent years.
3. Direct the City Nlanager to have the 1974-79 CIP book
corrected to sliow for Bi,rcliieck Point that:
a. Engineering was starte(I in 1973-74
b. Project has been authorized by City Council
C. There has been a prior autliorization of funds.
Nlr. George L. rianbury, Assistant City %Iina@er, stated that Birdneck
Poiiit is a large area aiid it is ,,oinc., to require a substantial investiqent
fron tiie City for this se@,ier project.
@Ir. Hanbury stated he liad requested a letter from lIr. Nlack Owens of
the fiealth Department re@.arding tlie health probleiiis in Birdneck Point.
After receivin.u the letter from Nlr. Owens indicating that there indeed
@,,as health probleiris, tlie City lias atteiiidted to ex,,)edite the engineering
plans in Birdneck Poipt.
Counci-li@-ian Gardnet, asked ',,Ir. fian@@)Lir,,, i-- tliere .,tas any wa,@ to -xpedite
tliis ten to twolve moitli tiiit-- schedule, as fztr as pumpin@, staticiis?
@@Ir. lianbi-try stated it COLIld be expedit(.,d if tlic City wa@ --o Stop
tiie existiii., acquisitioiis of right of @.Tay, COnStTUCtion ' and draivin,,s
in areas tliat the City lias alread@, becii committe(I to aiid are under
coiistruction; also,in t'tiis t(,,n to t@vel,!-o inoiit)is it is olir assumptioii
tilat tlie City will be al)ie to acquir I)Llmping station sites.
@Ir. William IV. Fleming, Jr. , Director of Corimuiiity Services, stated
tiaat Langlev, NlcDonald @ind Overmar) liav(, conipletecl tlie pi-eliminary
tvor'l-, atid tliey say it will require at ieast four ilionths to col@.plete,
t@fio engineering dra@vin-I aeter tlie puiiip@ng station sites are deterr@i@iied
aiid acquired. The only thing we coltld expedito is tli-- puinp statioji
sites. 'I'liere is iio tvay @4e can do tlie (,n,@ineering tiork, assuming @ve
got the pump station sitos @vitliiri tliirly days. We still ivill not be
iii tlie positioii to aivard a contract foa tliis particular pl@oject unti,'.
tlie next bonding year.
Adi-.1iral Cruclificid staled tic didn'@ re(@uest funds [)e placed in the
CIP tliat caiiiiot be utilized. Adniral (@ruchficd did request tiiat
Birdneck Point be handled ir- the same ;@ay as 'I'rantivood a,-id Trantwood
S@iores. tic also re(lu--sted that tile Cfl' hook I)e corrected so it will
(@;t@, Coii@icil requ--sted tlie (litv @[Ltna,,,L@r, lfr. l@o@,or .11. '@coLt tio lia,,-e
ITENI 47325
On niotion by Councilman @Vaterfield, seconded by Vice Mayor Ferrell,
and by recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen Jolin A. Baum, Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Vice Nlayor
George R. Ferrell, Cliarles W. Gardric.r, Johri R. Griffin, Clarence A.
iiolland, J. Henry NIcCoy, Jr., Nlayor J. Curtis Payne, Patrick L.
Staiiding, and Floyd f:. @qaterfieid, Tr.
@ays : None
Absent: Councilman Robert H. Callis, Jr.
City Council reappointed Mrs. Diane M. Davis as Deputy City Clerk.
ITEi%l #7326
,Nlr. Bud Ramsey appeared before City Council regarding the use of
i%fount Trashmore Park as a flying site Eor hang gliders.
iNir. Ramsey requested that one side of one slope be designated as a
hang gliding area for occasional. use. Nir. Ramsey further requested
the slope on the Westerly side.
Tli-- City Manager stated that from the City's point of view we are
more concerned for the safety o-f the people at Mount Trashmore. The
.,liders ac'nieve considerable speed and could be dan@erous to anyone
in the path of the glider. Therefore, the staff recommends against
tlie use of hang gliders at Mount Trashiiiore. However, the City will
consider, on a short term basis, the u@;e of i\lount Trashrnore for @lidet,
for a liniited use.
City Council requested Mr. Ramsey to meet with Mr. George L. Hanbury,
Assistant City Manager, and Mr. George E. Tinnes, Assistant to the
City i@lanager, to discuss this matter.
ITE,vi #7327
,',Irs. Vivian Wood, representing the DoyLeway Civic League, appeared
before City Council re@.arding sewera.,e pro@l)leins in the Doyle l;ay
lfrs. l@ood stated tliat there is raw scw(!ra@e in the ditches, and there
are quite a few families in the area wlio cannot drink the water. Mrs.
ivood requested tliat someone froni the 11(@alth D--partment c,,,,ie to the
area and look into tlie probleil.
Tlie City Manager staled that the Healtli Departnient made tests on
50@l, of the homes, and there was iio bacieria in anv of tlie ivells.
Plans are now being drairn for tlie iiist@tilation of sewers in the area.
Cit>, Cotincil recluested \Ir. Nlack Oweiis to re--,urvey the are@t and report
back to council.
ITEM #73'L8
A delegation of citizens residing in the Trantivood area appeared
before City Couiacil appealing for Citv assistance in replacing a
dirt dam in Trantwood Lake, which ha@ tqltshed out during the previous
@veek, permittirig th@ watcr level of 'lic lake to recede four feet
causing loss of aquatic life and a s-l-clicli. Unlcss efforts
are iniinediately made -@o -,LlLeviate ti,@e probl,-,m lar,,e loss of valu-- to
lake front property riay result to,.eth-l@ witli it po,;sil)lo iiealtli Ii-,izard.
Ilr. Geor.@e L. flanbury, Assistant City i,ana,.ei-, made a report iviiicl@i
iiadicated that the lake and the dam propertv arQ privately oiined by
-,lie Trant estate, even t@iough as a n@atter ol@ public safety assistance
in repairiiig the dam had been rendered by tlie City in 1964, wlien the
dam washed out.
The report indicated that no responsibility resolved upon the City as
tlie lake is in effect a part of tlie iiatural draina,,e waterbed for the
area including that area east of Great ',@eck Road, and that the dar@i had
beeii recoiistructed in 1964 to provid-. L@ii adequate irargin of safety,
possibly not sufficient to resist a 50 year storm occurrance. It was
iioted that the construction o@E homes iii the area liad resulted in the
destruction of trees and under@,r6wtll, i,'iiicli did absorb some run-off.
Councilinan John R. Griffin nade a moti(,n to have the Ci-@y take the
necessary stops to reconstruct the dari.
Couiicilman Robert B. Crorwell, Jr. questioned as to how the cost iTas
to be apportioned betiveen the property owners, the developers and the
City, as there is a le.,al question re.,,@rdin,l tlie propriety of expendin@,
public funds on private property.
"Ifter discussioii i%lr. 'iVilliar,,t W. Fleniinl,, Jr., Director of Community
Services, was instructcd to provide a cost estiriate and to work iii-@h
otliers in obtaining a commitment regarcting wiilin@.ness to contribute
to ttie cost of replacing tlie dam. The report is due July 15, 1974.
,Nlr. Griffin withdrew his iiiotion.
ITENI 73 @9
Coiisideration of appointment of viewer,3 relative to the closing of
Avenue A and Ocean Avenue in the Lynnh@iven Borou@h was deferred for
one iieek.
), -k'LiD OCEA-LL .@Iv-,LLqUE
Petit4-oner, City of Virgi-,iia Beach, respectfully represents:
Ttiat pursuant to tlie prov'siois o_c- Secti-on 15.j.-364 oL@ the
Co,@'-- of Virginia, l9jO, as amended, the sa4-d Detitioner applies for
t',ie vacating, closin,- a-Lid disconti-,iuin, of a portion of certain roads
s@-tua-@e in the Boroug,i of Lynniiqven, Ci-ty of Vi-rginia Beach, Virginia,
and described as follo7.vs:
?,6-RC--L I, Avenue A (Southside Siore Drive) Lynnhaven Beac'n
All of that parcel of land located on t',ie Sol-,Z,,A
side oj' U. S. iloute 60 (SLiore D--ive) in Lynnilaven
Borou-h -,-i LLie C4 y of
V@@r-!nLa Beach, Vir@inia,
a-,id bein@. nore par-licularly bounded and described
as follo.,7s:
Beg@Inning -,it a point loc-ated at t'cie point of
in-lersection of ttie Nort@.a ri@-ht of way line 01:
Holly kvenue witti the Eas-L bou-,idary line of B@ock
I as sho4n on the Amended P@Lat of Property of
Lynnhaven Beach and Park Company, @,qhich pla-- is
recorded in t'ne office of th-- Clerk of the Circuit
CourL of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, in
Map Boo',- -), at Page 71, aid i-rom sa@ld point of be-
ginning running LNorth 09@19'-)2" @,,,'est, @Llon@ t'Lle
-aforc-s,-ii-,! -r-as" ',Dc)undary line of the aforesaid
Bloci@ 1, a dis-@a-ic-- of 457.47 I-eot to :i i)c)int
locat2,l in the afores-iid boui@ary line oE
the aforeiaid Blo--k " @vbich potnt is -als")
loc@a-led in tlie So,@tLi rig@it- ol- way 1-ine of U.S.
Rou-le 60 (Stiore Drive); t'qen--e turni,'Ig and run-
nin- Norl",q 811@39'00" E-ist, the aforesaid
SOUL'@l -@7-',Llt Of @,,7ay li,,ie OL t' ie S-lid U.S. '@,ouLe
60 (Slio.-e T)ri-ve) @i dist-an--e )'E- 4.91-, @eet to a
point- I-ociLe@l in @lie -i]Et)r@2S@a@d SC),It-@ r:-'Lit of
4ay Iiiie of U.S. @oute ')O (-D-Lore -Dri-ve); ther.-,,
run,i4ti, NortL'i S'o@@47'41" Eist tile
So@,it',i rigcit of wiy line c.'C- U.S. ',@ol-ite Jo
Dri-v,,) q dislance of 69.1@8 f@et to -a nt locateci
in L,ie aforesai-d Soutn -ig,iL o@L w-. @Line of the
aforesaid Route 60 (S,io@-e Drtvr@,'thence runn-*Lng
Nortli 84@39'00" E@ist, alori@ L,L@ south rigLit of
,day liiie of U.S. -@ioute r3(@ iore- Drive), d dis-
tance of 118.00 @eet t- .1 polnt located i'l tile
aforesaid Sou@--,Ii o@@ way line
60 (Stiore Drive) -Lid which - is also located
in the @,'esr ',,- ..@-,ar,, ' 7;i- c)L- Bl-c)ck I as sllo,,m on
..ie abo plat; th2nce turnin- and run-
E;-tst, I
05'21'0(@' alc)rig the a-oresaid
of)undary line of Block 1, a distance of 49-8.72
t() @a T)Oi@,it IL)c@ated i-,i tie @3.@oresaid Nort--h ri@-ht
of way line of Lhe aforesaid T.Iolly @venue,
-lbence turning and running South 80@08'00"
@,jest alon-. the t-lort',l right of way lin(Z! of
the afo-@asald ',iolly Avente, 2 distanc@- 31@
160.74 feet @lo a point IOCdLed i-'l the ae-ore-
said NortLi rig-ht o-E w--Ay liri- of tri@- aforesaid
Hc)lly AV_-nLe a-ld -,q!-iicil poiit 7's also loca',-ed
i@-i the aforesaid East bouidarv line of @3!ock
I as sLiown on the aforesaid plat and is al@so
the point and place of the begi-Lining of tqis
description, all of which is also sho-in on
-,hat certain plat entitled "Su'Ddivision of
Property North of Blocks B, C, D, E, F, C,
and H, Lynntiaven Beach, Property of L-al,,e
Geora-- Oorpora-ion" dated @,lay 20, 1974,
m,qde 'oy Harold C. @,larren, Jr., C.L.S. duly
r--corded i-,i t@,ie of-fice o@c Lh@ Cler,, of the
Circu4lt Court of the City o@@ Vir.@in@a Baac',I,
PARCEL !I, ,@-venje A (Northside Shore Drive) Lynnhaven Beach
All that cer'la4-n lot, pieca or Darcal of land,
lyin@, situate and bein-. iq t'-ie Lynnliaven
Borough of the City of Vir,iiiia Beach, Vir-inia,
a,ld bein.@ the portion of ocea-,i ,\venue lyin,
North ol@ t,@-- no-@tlierly ri@'cit of way of Shore
Drive and South of the sout@tierly rig'Lit o@@ way
line of Ocean ,'@.venue I as in Map Book 5,
Pa@-t 1, Pa@e 7..L, a,-id descr,@-bed nora parti-cularly
wit'i to tlie plat ellitied '!SuD,@'ivis:,-on
of Proz)erty @,qo@-th o-l- i-,, F, G,
and H, Lynnhaven Beach, ProDerty o" La'@@e Geor@e
Corpordtion" dated May 20, l@i74, made by Harold
C. 1/2,4arre@i, Jr., duly of record in the Clerk's
0.@Lfice of the Circuit f@ourt of the City of
V@rginia Beach, Vir-.inia, as DroDarty t'Llereon
lqarked "Cobo Corporation, @,ic-nue A lyin@ Norl@h
S' -ire Drive", sail p@i-cel oF land re-
o., 11 - -
f8rence to Lhe plat e@'Itit:'-@,d 'Subeii@7.;.si-on of
,@-o.oarty Nortli of Blocl@s -0, C:, D, E, F, C and
Be,,in,iin@ at a poiit at rlie rtDr@'@12rly ri,'Lit
th- satre .@Ls inL:!r-
way line ol@ Sh@)@-e Driv-- @7[ier@ -
s,@ctod by -l,ie eastf-,rly pL-o-)-,,'--y Ii-ne of 3lock 1-
as shown oii t'@a Map enti-Ll2d l'-@U'DjiViSic),l Of
Prope-@ty @N,)rt'@a of Blocks @-,, (1, l-, E, F, G arlr'@
H, Lynnhavan -Deach, Proper-,v o@' Lake George
Corpora'L-ion", and 'L@rorq sai-,-i [)Dint or place of
then--@- iqortli 09'19'9-2" ',,Iest
-,Io-i- t,,-ie east:e-r[y properly I ;-ne of Bloc',- I
alcoresai-d, a d4-stanca ot' 500.1)2 feal -Lo a ooi-nt-
in t,ie soal",ierly rig@t 0,7 q@iv liie o-E @..7,as
for,x.erly shc),,@m as ocea'l Aventle, @Map Booli,
Part 1, Pa@-e 71, th--nce t:i-lrnin-. and ru@in@.n,-
@iort'a 84'39'00" East a distance of 235 feet
,along the southerly right of @.lay line 0117 Ocean
Avanua as shown in @Map Book 5, P.-irt 1, Pa@e 71,
to a poinl w,@ere the sout,ierly ri,.ht of lay ii-ne
of ocean Avenue is marlced by the int,@rsection
therewillh o-f the westerly botindary I*Lne o@,
BI-OC'I- A, as shown on the plat en-@itled "@",ubdi,,rision
?rgper-@-7 o@ 131@cis D, nd
H, Lynnhaven 3each, -121-operty of L-Ike Cearge
CorporaLi-on", thence turning and running South
05@2l'OO" East a distance of 500 feet along the
westerly property line of Bl,ock A. aforesaid,
500 fee-L to a po4-nt in the northerly right of
way 11-ne o@@ Shore Drive; thence turning and
runnin- South 84@39'00" @est along the nortli-
erly ri@,',qt of way line oL@ Shore Drive a dis-
tance oL- 200.27 feet to the Doint and place
of beginni.ng.
PARCEL III (Portion of Ocean Avenue)
All t'ciat certain lot, piece or parcel of land,
bein, sqown formerly as Ocean Avenue, but now
the p.-operty of Cobo Cornorallion, lying North
of Avenue A and the right of way of what was
formerly Ocean A.venue, as shown in Map Book 5,
Part 1, Page 71, said parcel of land being
described with reference to that plat entitied
"Subdivision of Property LNortli oL@ Blocis B, C,
D, E, F, C and H, Lynnhaven Beach, Property o_--
Lai@e Ceor.-e Corporation", beginning at a poin-
thereon where the southerly right of way line
of @,7'@iat @,7as formerly shown as ocean Avenue is
4@ntersected by the westerly property line of
Block A, on said pla", and from said point and
place of be.@innin.@ runnin, thence alon@, the
southerly right of way line of Ocean Avenue,
South 8413910011 /lest a distaice of 135 feet
to a poin-@; thence turnin., and runnina across
Ocea,i Av2nue alon@ the line of the property
now or r-ormerly Bailey Parker, North 05@2l'OO"
West a distance of 100 feet to a point in the
northerly right of way line of ocean Avenue
as sho;vn in Mao Book 5, Part 1, Page 71, and
plat entitled @'Subdivision of Property North
of Blocks B, C, D, E, F, G and H, Lynnhaven
Beach, P@-operty ol@ Lake Geor@e Corporation",
thenc-- turnin.@ and running South 84@39'0011
Ti'est allon- the northerly rig-it of ,lay line of
Ocean @venue al'oresaid a distance of 185 feet
to a thence turnin@ aid running South
05 2i?00" EasL a distance oF 100 feet to the
point and place of be-innin,, said Darcel o4---
land being s,iown t)n the olat enti-tled "Sub-
division of Property North oE Blocks B, C, D,
E, F, C and H, Lynnhaven 3eri@2',I, Propp-rty of
Lake Geo--.@e Corporatioi: '..)y ;--'re caption "Ocean
,,Ivenu@-, as slio,,,n in B-.),o'@ 5, P-irL 1, P-l-e
71" and de3ignated to D- cla@3ed by action of
City Council by an ,irro@@ poi7itin,,,, thereto, slid
property lying, nortq of @,,,as forrierly @,venue
PAI,ICEL IV (Northern 40 feet of Ocea-n Avenue)
All that certain lot, piece or parcel of land,
lying,s4-tuate -and being in t@ie Lynnhaven
Borough of the City of Virgiiiia Beach, Vir@,inia,
and beln- more particularly the northern 40 feet:
of Ocean @venue, runnin- in @i westerly direction
from t'ie property now or forlerly belongin@ to
David @. Levine to that portion of O(,ean Avenue
closed bv the 3oard of Super,iisors, Septenber 22,
1965, North of Block B on the plat a@loresaid,
said 40 foot strip of land lying in the northern
40 feet of the right of @'lay sho@,in as Ocean Avenue
in @lap Book 5, Par-@ 1, Pa,.e 71, in the OEfice of
the Clerk of tiae Ci-rcuit t a -- tlie City o@@
Vir@--,ini-a 3each, ViT-r@inia.
2. That no inconven@1-2nce ,Ii-ll ill,- to any p--rso,.i by r--ason of
'Lie said closing, vacati@-,ig a,@id disconL'-,iui.ng o@@ t-his pol-Lion o@@ sa-.d
road, and petitioner prays that this Hc)-,iorable Council appoint Vie@.Jers
@s provided by the alcoresaid statu-le to view the oortions of the said
roads to be closed and report 4-n to .his Council on or !)efore
197Z@, in I.h-- opini,)n of t',Ie said
Vie,,vers, any, and if any, @vhat inco-rivc-@iience ,,7ould result from the
discontinuin@ of these portions of sai@-I roads.
3. T,iat on the _ day of 1974, not'-cesof the
i-D@-esenting of this appli--ation -aere p@-i@;-Ied at the Court'nouse of the
Circuit Court of the City o.@L Vir@-in@-@i @ieach, Vir-i-ni-a, and at t.,Io other
public places witliin tha said City, as avidenced by t'ne affidavit attachei
'ier@to, and acopy of said Botice.
Pssistant City 'riaiager
',,7HEREAS, the City o@ Virginia Beach, Vir@inia @as given du- and
proper notice, in accordance with th-- s"atutes for such cases made and
provided, t@Liat it f"ould on this day apply to t,ie City Council of the
City of Virginia Beach, Vir-inia, for the appointment of Viewers to
to vie@q the below described property and report in writing to the
Coun--i-l whether, in the opinion of said Viewers, any, and if any, what
inconvenience would result from the di3continuing of the hereinafter
described portions of Avenue A and Ocean Avenue in Lynnhaven Borough
of the City of Virginia Beach, Vir@inia, and have filed such application
the said Council.
are h@--reby appointed to view the belo;v described property and report in
writing to -Lhe Council on or before , Tvhether in
their opinion, any, and if any, -..,7hat inconveni-ence would result from the
discontinuing, closin- and vacatin@ of those certain portions of Avenue
A and Ocean Avenue, located in the Borf)ugh of Lynnhaven, City of Vi-r.@inia
B:@a,--,i, Vir-inia, and d--scribed as @ollo-,,fs:
PARCEL I. Avenue A (Southside Shore Drive) Lynnhaven Beach
A,ll of- that par--el oi: land located on tL'I-- Soilf-@,,
side of U.S. Poute 60 (Shore Drive) in Lynnhaven
Borou.,@l iii t'ne City o@@L Virgiiiia Beaci, Virginia,
and bei-ng mor- par",@,cularly i),)u,,ided 'Ind- d,@scribed
as follows:
Beginning at a point located at the point of
inter,-,ect-*Io,i or@ the North ril-ht of @,,@ay line of
Holly Ivenue ,,7ith the East boundary line of Blo-ck
I as shovn on the @mended Dlat or- Property of
Lynnhaven Beach and Park Company, which plat is
recorded in the Office of the Clerk o:E the Circuit
Court of the City of Virginia B@ach, Virginia, in
Map Book 5, at Page 71, and froti said point of be-
oinning running North 09*19'22" West, aloig the
aforesaid 7ast boundary line of the aforesaid
Block 1, a distance of 457.47 feac to a point
located in the aforesaid East boundary line of
the aforesaid Block I and ,ihich point is also
lDcated in the South ri-,,,@t ol- @,,ay li',Ie o@ U.'-'
Route 60 (Shore Drive); tllen e turnin,- and ril
r@in-I @for:h 84@39'00" Cast:, alon@, tiae a-@oresaid
south right o-E @,fay line oi-: the said U.S. Route
60 (Shore Drive) a distance of 4.94 feet to a
point located in the aforesaid South ri@.ht of
way line of U.S. Route 60 (Shore Drive); thence
running North 83@47'41" East aloi-. the af,,)resaid
Sout',i ri,.qt o- @,,ay line ol-- -J,S. Ilolite t@)O (Shore
Dr,@-ve) a distance of 69.18 fe--t to a ooint located
in @.he afor--said Souti ri,@'rt of wiy line of tne
aforesaid Route 60 (Shore Dr-'-ve); thence running
North 84139'00" East, along che south ri,'Llt of
way li-,ie of U.S. Route 60 (Shore Drive), a dis-
tance of 118.00 feet to a point located in the
aforesaid South right of day line of U.S. Route
60 (Shore Drive) ard whicci pt)int is also located
in th-- '@'Test boundary line o@@ Block 1 as sho-,.,7n on
the above described plat; thenca turnin@ and run-
nin., Sout,'l 05@2l'OO" E--Ist, along the aforesaid
@@est bou-,idary line of Block L, a dista,-i--e of
428.72 @leet to a point lo--atf2d in the aforesaid
North right of @.,7ay line of t',ae aforesaid Holly
Avenue, thence turni.ng and running South 80@08'
00" TIest alona. the North ri@ht of way line of
t'ie aforesaid Holly Avenue, a distan--e of 160.74
feet to a point located in the aforesaid Nort',l
right or- way line oL@ the a,-'oresaid Holly Avenue,
and w,iich point is also loca@ed in the a@Loresaid
East @Doundary line oE Bloc',,, I as saown on "ile
aforesaid pl-at and is also t"i,-- poin-L ao-d place
of ttie be,innin@ of -1h@@s descripl@-io-,I, all of
wliich is also sho-,,m on ttiat .--ertain plat entitled
"Subdivision o.E Prooerty ',,forth of Blocks B, C, D,
E, F, G and H, l,ynn'tiaven Beach, Prop,-@rty o-E Lake
Geor,e Corporation" dated -,Ial 20, 197z@, @,ade by
Harold C. 1,11, arren, Jr., C.L.S. duly recorded -@n the
Office of the Clerk of the Gi-rcuit Court ol@ the
City of Virginia Beach, Vir.@i.-iia.
P@,RCEL II. Avenue A (iiorthside Sh@3re Drive) Lynnhaven Beach
All that certain lot, piece @)r parcel of land,
lyin,, si,luate and being in -he Lynnilaven Borol,-gh
@ tho City of Vir--inia Beac';I, Virgi-nia, and bain-.
tqe po-rt4-on oE ocean Aveni-ie lyin,-7 'Tort'p- O.' the
nort@,cr"y ril-,it oF @,,ay o@ S@q@)-e TIrj-v? an@ Soul,@
o@- tlie southerly rig',at of -,.,,a,/ line o-C Ocean A,,Y---,iue,
as sho@qn 4-n Map Book 5, Part 1, Pa@e 71, and cies-
cribed rnore particularly 1/2,7ith ref-2rence to tl-i@-
Dlal- entitled "Subdivisiori o[ Property North oL@
Blocks B, C, f), F, C and '!, Lynti'ri@'-Iven Beach,
Prop@,r-@y C)@@ U-eorge C,)i:p.)ration" clated May 20,
1974, made by Harold 0 . T J,,-., Iuly of re-
cord in the Clerk's OL@fic@-, o" t,ie Circuit Court
of th-- City of Vi-rginia Beac@i, iii-r@ini@t, as property
ther-@o,i marled "Cobo Corr.)om Lion, Avenue A lyin,.
@Nort'i oE- SLiore Drive", sai -d parcel of land v7ith
re@erence to -,he plat entitl@@d "Sul)divisioi of
Property 'L\Iort'@ of Blocks B, @,, 0, E, F, G and H
Lynnhaven Beach, Property of Lake George Corporation".
B@l.innin@ at a point at tfle northerly right of
way line of Shore Drive where the same is inter-
sected by tie easterly property 14-n2 of Block I
as on the map en-Litled "Subdivis;-o,-l of
Property @orth of Blocks B, C, D, .@F, C and H,
Lynnhaven Beach, T-Iroper-Ly of La,<e Geor,,,e Corpora-
t,',)n", ,ind from q-aid Doinr o- be@innina
running thence North 09@19'22" West along the
easterly property line of Block I aforesaid, a
distance of 500.02 feet to a point in the
southerly ri.@ht of way line of what was for-
merly sho@gn as Ocean Avenue, Map Book 5, Part
I Pa@e 71, thence turning and running North
84-391?00" East- a disrance of 235 feet along
the southerly right of way line of ocean Avenue
as sho@qn in Map Book 5, Part 1, Page 71, to a
point where the southerly right bf way line of
Ocean Avenue is marked by the intersection
therewith of the westerly boundary line of
Block A, as shown on that plat entitled "Sub-
division of Property North of Blocks B, C, D,
E, F, G and H, Lynnhaven Beach, Property of
Lake Geor.-e Corporation", thence turning and
runnin@ south 05@2l'OO" East a distance of
500 feet along the westerly property line of
Block A aforesaid, 500 feet to a point in the
nortLierly right of way line of Shore Drive;
thence turning and running South 84@39'00"
West alon@. the northerly right of way line
of Shore Drive a distance of 200.27 feet to
the Doint and place of beginning.
PARCEL III (Portion of Ocean Avenue)
All that certain lot:, piece )r parcel of land,
bein@ sho-,;n formerly as ocean Avenue, but now
the property of Cobo Corporation, lying North
of Avenue A and the ri@-ht of way of ..ihat was
fo=erly ocean Avenue, as sh,)TM- in Map Book 5,
T.'art 1, Pa.@e 71, said parcel of land being
described with reference to that plat entitled
"Subdivision of Property North of Blocks B, C,
D, E, F, G and H, Lynnhaven Beach, Property of
Lake George Corporation", beginning at a point
thereon where the southerly right of way line
or what was formerly sho;.,7n as ocean @venue is
intersected by the wasterly property line of
Block A, on said plat, and from said poi-nt and
place of beginning, runnin@ thence alon@ the
southerly right of ,,7ay line of Ocean Avenue,
South 84'39'00" 7jest a dis--ance oL@ 185 feet
to a point; then--e turning and runnina a--ross
Ocean Avenue along the 14ne of the Propert
now or formerly Bailey Parke Tool,
r, Nort"i 05@9-1
i,lest a distance of 100 fep-t I:o a point in th--
northerly ri-.ht of way 1*lile ()f ocean Avenue
as shown in Ma'o Book 5, 1.3art 1, Page 71, and
plat enti-lied "Subdivisic)n oi@ PCO;32rty tiortl-i
of Blocks B, C, D, E, F, G and H, Lynntiaven
Beach, Property of Lake Geor,,T@- Corporati,')n",
thence turnin@ and running SoutLl 34@3910011
V@est along the northerly rigbt of @,7ay line
o-L Ocean @@.venue aforesaid a distance of 185
feet to a point; thence turnin@ and runnin@
South 05@2l'OO" East a distance of 1-00 feet
to the point and place of beginnin@; said
parcel of land bein, sho;m on tae plat en-
titled "Subdivision of Property North of
Blocks B, C, D, E, F, G and 11, Lynnhaven
Beach, Prooerty of Lake George Corporation:
by the cadtion "Ocean Avenue as sho-wn in Map
Book 5, Part 1, Page 71" and esignated to
be closed by action o,@ Ci@-y
arrow pointing the--eto, said pr,3pe-ty lyinql
:io@th of 4hat Vas for-,,ierl,7 \ienlie
P,-A-RCEL IV (Northern 40 feet o@@ Ocean 4venue)
,@ll tliat certain lot, piece or parcel of land,
lyin@, situate and being in the Lynnhaven Borough
Of the City of Vir.@inia 3ea--'@l, Vir.-in@@a, and being
more )@ir-@i-cularly tbe nort',,ieri 40 feet of Ocean
A,/anu@, runnin, iii a direcl:i.on -Frani t,ie
propert37 no,,q or @orrierlv to Davici 1. Levill@,
to tb@i-I portion ol@ Ocea-i Avaiue closed 'oy the Bo-ar@@
o-F Sup3rv-'Iso@-s, S,pt@ ' - o@@ B
MO , 1- I
on the p!aL aforesaid, s-aid 40 :Eoot: s@-rip of
lyin@ in tiae northern 40 -Feet of the riaht of ;,,ay
sho,7n as Ocean Avenue in iyap Book 5, Pa.-t 1, Dage
71, i@i tha Office of the O@lerk of th2 Circuit Court
of the Ci--Iy of Virginia Beac@-1, Vir@.ini-a.
AdoPted by the Council of the Olit@ oL@ Virginia Beac,i, Vir-ini,-I,
on the_ day of 1974.
'Dily /cj
ITEM '@'7-)30
Oii iiiotion by Vice NILyor Fei,rell, s--collded by Counc:tlr@iaii
and by recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, RobeTt B. Cromwell, Jr., -ice @iayor
Goorae R. Ferrell, Charles W. @ardnet, John R. Griffin, @--@Larence A.
liolland, J. Henry McCoy, Jr., @,layor J. Curtis Payne, Patrick L.
StaiiLling, and Floyd E. IVaterfield, Ji,.
N@ays: None
Absent: Councilriiaii Robert 11. Callis, fr.
City Council approved tlie folloiving Ltol)ointment oE vie@,Ters relative
to thc closing of Reon Drive in the "@eitpsville Borou@h:
notice, i-,l accordance with the statutes for such CL5es made and provided, thz
they will, on 1974, apply to the City Council of the.
City of Vir.,inia BeacK, Vi,-ginia, @or Lhe appointment of Viewers to vi.ew the
below describ-@,d property and report in writing to the Council whether, in the
opinion o@@ said Viewers, any, and if any, wtiat, inconvenience would result
from the discontinuin.- of the her--inafter described undeveloped Fifty (50)
foot street or road, and has filed such application with the said Council;
That Ilr. Georg.- L. iianl)ury Mr. C. C. Carrin)zton
a,id @Ir. W. W. Fleriin,,, Jr. ara h--Teoy appointed to view the below
described property and report in ivritin.@ to tli-. Council on or before
, 1974, @vhether in th@ir opinion, any, and if any, what
inconveni--nc(,, toi-ild result froii rhe discon@liiuinv, closing and vacating of
a certain unii,.,@pr,.)ved fifty (SO) foot s,reet or road, located in Kempsville
Borou.@h of the City of Vir@.inia Beach, Virgiiiia, and nore particularly
described as follows:
ALL @rnat c-.rtaiii und--,ielooed road or stree-I be-inning at
a i)o@-Pt Piarkin., the intersection of the Southern Right-of-
IVav line of Indian River Road and tlie Eastern Right-of-',qay
iiiie of Reon Drive; tlzance alon.@ the Sotithern l@ight-of-Way
lir,, j@ Tidiai Riv,@r izo,@id @'@Drth 55" 191 50" @lest, 60.62 feet
13 1 ,
to a poi-,it on the RL.@ht-,)r--@lay line ol@ Peon Drive; thence
Soutli 000 15' 00" IV--st, 118.27 feet along sLid R;-,@11-1-of-Way
to a point on tl,,e Nort,,iorn Ri.@ht-of-iiay lire of the
Nor,@Olk-Southern Rail@vay; t@ienc:e @L'O-'Ig said Ri.@,i@-of-lVay line
610 44' 00" '@Vest, 56. )O feet to a poi.Tit on -,@e
F,a,;tci-Ti iin- o@ Reon Dri,,,,-; thence alorg the
ELis-,.em f@igiit-.Df-;Iav Ii,-ie oE Ro,)n Drive Nc)rth 000 IS' 00'0
;Vest, 56.84 feet to tl,,e 1)oiit of bo,iiniii,@. It b--iig a
port;o,i oE Reon Drive as sli,)tqn ulic).-I a certain map entitled
";ioodliaven", w!,ic@@ r,,-,ID ;@s r@@cord,2d i, tli,3 Clerk's Office of the
Cir,--uit C,)urt of tlie (:it@, o@ Virl,inia B-ach, Vir.-inia, iii
Niap Book 36, pa@.e 30.
"E@. SIAIL Al@ L@L@
@illA @@ 21,152
IN T'iE i@IA77ER OF:
POINT IN 1',fE SOUT14,@-ItN RIG@i'r-OF-'VAY'
118.27 feet 'FO THE @Ol@TtiEtN RIGHT-0@-@4.,Y
P E T I T T@ 0 i\
Your Petitioncr, PP.OPERTIES CO,',!P,@NY, respectfully
represe-@its as f,)Ilows:
1. @-at pi@suant to t,i-- I)r,),,isio-is )f S--ction IS.1-364 of the
1950 Code ol@ Vir,inii, as aiiian(il-(!, "r,,? Potition--r applies for the vicatin@
closin., and discon'liiiuance of a certaiii ;-indeveloped road or street, @@hicl,,
is more particularly d--5cribed as follc)ws:
All that certain Lmd--veloped road or street be@inning at
a p,)int -,iarki@ii, the iiitersecti-on of t@o Southern
Right-,)f-@Vay line of l@idiai Rii@-3r '@oad and the Eastern
Ri@-,ht-of-Iliay line of R,@on thence aloig tlie Solithe-,n
Ri,,,,',,it-of-ili@ay line of fridiz,.n River Road North 5SO 191 So"
f,-,et to ii ')O@-,Il On til,@ "ll,@st,@rn R:i
lin@ of Dr-ive; @OuLh '@0" Ii' 0011 ivcs,, "Is.27
leet alop,,, said Right-of-'Ia@, I-In,@ t,) a poin'L or, No tli@rii
line of th!@ ticrfolk-SoLithern thence
I 001,
il,)n@ 3,,iii !Zi,;ht-of-IV--iv Nor-,h 611, .@4 t,
511.90 f--e@, to a poi,,It on Eastei,,i Ri,,ht-of-1vay lilic of l@@on
Driv-; along tli-- Fas@e-r- liti@, of
D r ilirt!i 000 15' 00" l@est, 5f,),S4 f,-et to tlie poit'.t of
It b@Iiii,@ @i portiop. o@ @l'-3 sli,-)@vn Lpon @l cortaii
n,ap ei,.til@.Led "',q,,)odhuvci", iiap ;s -.ecorded i,ii
Offico of.@ Llie CLr(;ui-@ Cour, of tho Clty of Vir,li-,Iia B@,ach,
Vi-rgi,.ia, in @l@ip Bo,)k 36, pigl @0.
2. -iliat no ificoiivenienc@ 1/2iiil res,,il' to @iny ii--rsons
of s.-iid closing, vacation and discortinuance of said ;treet or road, and t;ie
Petitioner -jorays that tliis tionorable Council -,ippoint %iewers as provided bv
-@EIT, IP@l@l LYLE
@IT.I.IYS @T LA' la,4 to vie@q this uidev@loped str--et or cold I-rop,@qsed to be c@losad, to
report in i@rit4.nl, f-o the Council o,-i or 'iefore tl,@ @lay of
i974, iv@,ather in ,)nin;.on of s@lid Vi@wers, @ihat i:iconv@,ni--nce, if
3. That on the day )f 1974, Notices of the
presenting ol@ this Application were posted at the Courthouse of the Circuit
Court of the Ci-ty .)f V;r,,inia Beach, Vir-ginia, and on the pre.@@ses to be clos,
and z4.t the Ci), @nex, 19th Street and A-cti,- Avenue, Virginia Beach, Vir-
.@i-,iia, as evidenced by the Affidavit attached liereto, and a copy of said Notice.
4. 'rhat the Petitioner is the fee simple owner of all land
along and adjacent to the affected by said undeveloped street or road
to be closed, witli th-- exception of the Norfolk-Southern Railway, in the
Co,-nmonwLalth of Virginia, and consequently, your petitioner is th-- sole
landowner to adv--rsely affectad by the same.
Respectfully submitted,
By -7 p -
l,li'llia-m R. Wahab, Attor-,iey
iVilliam R. IV,,ihab, Eso
Pickett, Spain @@ Lyle
P. 0. Box 2127
Vir-,inia Beach, @'irlinia 2-)452
iNIr. Edward Hudgins, Attorney, appeared on this street closure.
On niotioiy by Vico Mayor Ferrell, secon(led by Councilman I-lo@Lland, and
I)y recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilnen Jolin A. Baum Vice M;tyor George R. Ferrell, Charles
l,i. Gard-Tier, Jolin R. Griffin, Ciarence ,@. @lolland, J. Henrv P@IcCoy, Jr.,
i@lavor J. Curtis Payne, Patrick L. Stan(tin,., and l@.Loyd E. l@aterfield, Jr.
:1 Llys: i4one
Abstain: Councilman Robert B. CroinwelL, Jr.
,@\-bsent: Councilinan Roberc @f, Callis, [r.
City Council approved tlie following street closure i-elitive to an
tiiinamed plat of Weaverville, in the Kempsville Borough:
WHEREAS, proper Notice that J. M. ROGERS, MAVBELLE E. ROGER,,
)TIS BISHOP and ANNE BISHOP would make application to the City
,ouncil of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, to have the herein.
@fter described unnamed street closed, vacated and discontinued, wa
luly posted; and
WHEREAS, application was -,nade to the City Couricil and, pur-
'uant to the statutes in such ca3-S made and provided, the Council
tppointed Viewers @,,ho have reported to the Council that no inconven@
.ence to the public or to private individuals would result from
uch 6losing, vacating and discontinuance; and
WHEREAS, it is the judgment of the Council that said portioll
f the aforementioned unnamed street should be closed, vacated and
NOW THEREFORE, be it ORDAINED by the Council of the City
f Virginia Beach, Virginia:
1. That the said unnamed stre--t located be::ween lots froin
lempsville-Courthouse Road, now kiio@,m as Princess A-ine Road, is I
lereby vacated and discontiniied a.3 a public thoroughfare of the Citi
(f Virginia Beach, Virginia, said unnamed street not being needed
or public use and travel:
TRAT certain tinnamed street located between Lot 16
and 17 on the Plat of Weaverville, located near
Kempsville iii Princess Anne County, Virginia, which
Plat duly recorded in Map Book 32 at Page 30, said
street running in an easterly-westerly direction
between said lots from Kempsville-Courthouse Road,
as sho@qn on said Plat, now kno,,m as Princess Anne
-@ND liT,'DGI@NS
AT L,-
2 That thirty (30) days after this date a copy of this
rdinance, Certified by the Clerk, be spread upon the public records
I,n th.e Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of the City of Virginia
each, Virginia and indexed in like manner as a de6d to lands.
ITENI #7032
On motion by Councilman Gardner, secon(led by Councilman Cromwell,
and by recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Vice Mayor
George R. F6rrell, Charles IV. Gardner, John R. Griffin, Clarence A.
Holland, J. lleilry i@IcCoy, Jr., @layor J. Curtis Payne, Patrick L.
Standiii.@, and Floyd E. ivaterfield, Jr.
,Nays: None
Absent: Counciln@an Robert if. Callis, .1r.
City Council approved the follo@vin- lit-onse and tax refunds in the
amount of $217.26:
A-..-, A,
i@Ir. D,-,Ie Bimsoa City Atto@-rey
2 r,,) r, L@r. V. A. Et:he@-idge, Treasurer Date Jtine 27 1-9i!i.
S-,il)j ec -1: Application @or Tax Refunds
Ti-,e @@ollowing applica-@ions for refund o-@ taxes totaling 120.26
a,-,o certi@@ied fo.- payment, as set fo---@h below:
A. Ethe-ri@ge
Typol Tax
Nanie Tax of Ticl@et Total
Ye,2r TZ3X 'I\'U,-@',D e r "it, s
lzichmoncl Bgttery 1974 CD #53916 1-22-74 7"
Ti,nition Corp.
,,!alter S Bevel 1974 CD i@TR-371 3-4-74 1.7
Jam,es 1-@' Arthur 1974 CD #30727 1-29-74 7.5
Douglas French 1974 CD iiTR-684 1-11-74 1.7
Charles Carter 1.974 CD #34272 '2-4-74 7.5
Suburban ilone 1974 CD it'T-38Q6 1-22-74 7.5
Inprv Inc
E I T-racy 1974 CD #36557 6-6-74 60.0
K@nneth D Caffee 1974- CD #72732 1-29-74 7.5
@,!all Furman 1974 pp Y@76651 11111. 5--30-7'4 5.2
Gresham Jr.
Bal@er A Dewitt & 1973 RE #02274 2109 6-20-73 14.0
@larguerite S. 1st & 2nd 12-5-73
Above applications'for r6fund 0 taxes aoproved. Dat
IIjcve ibate,@:,,,iits totaling Adproveu "@t:y cotnc-.@l
ITENI #7333
On motion by Councilman Gardner, seconded by Councilman Holland,
and bv recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Counciimen John A. Baum, Rob,-,rt B. Cromwell, Jr., Vice Nlayor
Geor@e R. Ferrell, Charles IV. Gardner, John R. Gri.ffin, Clarence A.
Holland, J. Henry iNIcCoy, Jr., Mayor J. Curtis Payne, Patrick L.
Standiii.,, and Floyd E. @Vaterfield, Jr.
iNays: None
Absent: Councilman Robert H. Callis, [r.
City Council approved the folloi,,ing ordinance, and referred same to
tlie Planning Commission, to amend and reordain Section 1114(d) of the
COMDrehensive Zoning Ordinance relating to buffer zones:
That Secti-on 1114(d) of t,ie CZO is amended and reordained as
(d) Creation of buffer zone3 w',Iere tlle Planned
Development-Housin@ District adjolns an existing or platted
o-,ie family residential district without a-n intervening col-
lector or art2rial street or partnaient open space at least
one qundred (100) feet. Tie Di--ector 6f Planlin_a may @.gaive
buffer -@cquir,2ment i- 4t is c'@earli d2monstrated that
t',qe R--siden-lial PD-H Distr-Lct seclion does not depart from
zoni-@ig and subdivision re_-ulation3 applicable in t@,@ adioinin@
one-family residential di-str-*Icl,-.
Adopted by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia,
o,-i t.ie 8 day of July 1974.
7-:'- 71,
ITEi@l #7334
On motion by Couricilman Cromwell, seconded by Councilman Holland,
aiid by recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert B. Croi@livell, Jr., Vice Nlayor
George R. Ferrell, Charles W. Gardner, Jolin R. Griffin, Clarence A.
i-iolland, J. fienry ilc(@oy, Jr., Mayor @'. Curtis l@ayfic, Flatr@ck L.
Staiiding, and Floyd I:. I'llaterfield, Jr.
Nays: None
Absent: Councilman Robert H. Callis, Jr.
City Council approved the following Ordinance, and referred same to
the Planning Commission, to amend ancl ieordain sections of the CZO
relating to ice skating rinks:
That Section 801(c) is amended 'oy addin@. a subparagraph (6) Ice
S-1@ating Rinks.
Tha-, Section 805 is aniended by --id@!in.- a ri2w subparagraph (rti) Uses
permissible under conditional use permi.t shall coi-ply with the off-
s-Lreet require,,nents specified in Lhe condit4lonal use permit.
Tliat a new Section 229.1 is added -Lo read as -@collows:
Section 229.1. Ice Si@ating Rinks.
!,.i @iddi@lio-i to or ii, l@,-@-u of fol-lowin,@
special reqiiire@nents shall apply to icc skatiig rinks in districts
they are -en--rally permitted:
(a) Mini-mum lot and Yard requ@LrL@ii,,-ncs.
The lo@- s@Lall @oe 30,C,@00 s@l,,iare fcet @,li--Lh
a riini@num lot t,-'-dth of 150
(b) M-I-.@iriu-,n lot cov@-rtge.
T',i2 iraxirium lot coveraac s'Liall 'D-- (4,',)) ?ercent c)E-
th@ -Lc)tal area wi-thin lot boundaries.
Adopted by the r-ouiicil o4-7 the Citv o@ ilir-.inla Be-ich, Virginia,
-1 I tLle8 diy of Julv ;@)74.
ITEM #73-55
On motion by Council@nan McCoy, seconde(l by Councilman @Vaterfi.eld,
aiid by recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Vice t'4ayor
Goor,e R. Ferrell, Cliarles W. Gardner, John R. Griffin, Clarence A.
ifolland, J. Henry McCoy, Jr., Ma@-@-. T. Payne, Patrick L.
Standing, and Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr.
Nays: None
Absent: Councilman Robert Ii. Callis, Jr.
City Council approved the application of the Lighthouse Chapter of
the Ainerican Business Woinen's Association to conduct a raffle.
ITEM #7336
On motion by Vice @layor Ferrell, seconded by Councilman Gardner,
and by recorded vote as follows:
A,,,es: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert B. Cromi\tell, Jr., Vice Mayor
Georde R. Ferrell, Charles R. Gardner, John R. Griffin, Clarence A.
Holland, J. Henry @IcCoy, Jr., Mayor; J. Curtis Payne, Patrick L.
Standin@, and Floyd E. @Vaterfield, Jr.
Nays: None
Absent: Councilman Robert H. Callis, Jr.
City Council authorized the City Mana@er to enter into -,he following
standard water and sewer agreeiiients:
a] Virginia Beach Campground, Incorporated
CKOA), Princess Anne Borough
b] Lake Cliristopher (formerl@ Indian Lakes
South), Kempsville Boroug.1
ITE@,l #7337
On motion by Councilman Waterfield, seconded by Councilman Gardner,
and by recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Vice Mayor
Geor,e R. Ferrell, Charles 111. Gardner, Jolin R. Griffin, Clarence A.
!7iOlland, J. Henry @IcCoy, Jr., inlayor J. Curtis Payne, Patrick L.
Sta,-iding, and Flovd E. '@Vaterfield, Jr.
iN@ a y s None
Abseiit: Councilman Robert H. Callis, Jr.
City Council approved an additional appropriatioii of $30,-)3S from
Reserve for Contin@.encies to perniit th-, purcliase of tivo bud,eted
fire appdratus, which are presently on tlie assembly Iiiie, ot-herwise
a(-I(Iitional expense will be incurred due-@ to tlie rising prices of the
equipi,,ient. Lotv bid for the equipiiiliit I)y the Fire Equipine-.it Company
(,'@cagrave) was $i24,335 for which $94,f)00 was buct.-eted.
ITENI @'73@8
Councilman Clarence A. Ifolland made re@erence to a letter from
,%Ir. Cliarles @V. @N-emble, President of Ar@i@ona Civic Lea.,ue, re.,arding
abandoned service stations in the Arag,)na Village Area.
Cc)ullcilinan Holland requested getting iii touch tlie distributors
o@@ the larger oil compaiiies to solici.t their help in keepin., tlie area
aroLind the abandoned statioiis free of @lebris, @ve-eds, etc. Fioivever, if
cainot get the cooperation of the cli-stril)titors clin @qe dc) this
Tz c (@it @%lana er stated tilat tlie Cit v
-iolland s-lated -@:iat on
-IJProved the z it Louncil
Onin., chang@
area, 3 P l-' L: 0f[3rope I)c bi s
Oil a r
in t,@e ays@d-- Borou,,!', f"Oni B i
Apartment District. @@lsilless District @10
i"le Property ifoLlId be used fo, tolv,
fo,, witil c ,e OXCOptior,
a, on-, Offic:e I)Uildin., Lo I)e constrllctcd on PLeasure House Road. f@o,,,er,
@,liell the property ivas rezo,-ied, COuncil rezoned it all A-1
S0 ii
S S @-ri
ti tc, E, II
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c@ u -s 1C,,s
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J . Ka),e,,-, Plt,@so RLisso for ZL CIall,@o ol@ Zonirt,
D.i.st,i,j-ct c)ii @rol@i B-1 i'iis Roside-@icial- Y@@sty- c@t to
A !)j.s @i:@ c,@ oil cert,-,in -y I)el,iiinin., all a point 350
fc,,ct: I'@torc or lo,-;s runiiin@ a disL@Lnce
c)f 3170.28 @--ot ()f 220.0 fe--t is
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Therefore, Councilman Holland made a inotion, seconded by Councilman
Gardner, tO reconsider the actions ta@en by Council on April 8, 1974,
Item number 6993, on the above petition of John J. Woodard. The
recorded vote is as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Vice Mayor George R. Ferrell, Charles
@V. Gardner, Jolin R. Griffin, Clarence A. liolland, J. @lenry McCoy, Jr.,
-',Iavor J. Curtis Payne, Patrick L. Standi-ng, and Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr.
.@ays inone
Abstain: Councilrqan RoberL J3. Croi[i@,rell, Jr.
Absent: Councilnian Robert H. Callis, Jl,.
City Council voted to reconsider at tlie next Council riieeting, July 15,
1974, the above petition of John J. lvoodard for a Change of Zonina
District Classification to allow an office buildin@@ to be consta-ucted
oii Pleasure House Road.
ITE@F #73i@O
Councilman Holland stated lie took excel)tion to an article that had
been iiritten in one of the local paper@;.
Councilraan Holland further stated that the action of Council at the
tilae it elected its officers was very well-founded and of men that
it is felt are of the highest character and the highest ability to
to serve this City.
ITEM @73,11
On niotion by Counciliiian McCoy, seconde(i by Councilman Gardner, and
by recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Council.men John A. Baum, Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Vice Mayor
George R. Ferrell, Charles W. Gardner, John R. Griffin, Clarence A.
Holland, J. Henry McCoy, Jr., @layor J. Curtis Payne, Patrick L.
Standing, and Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr.
Nays: None
Absent: Councilman Robert H. Callis, Jr.
City Council will hold a closed meetin., on Monday, July 15, 1974,
for the purpose of discussing items permitted for discussion under
Section 2.1-344, subpara@.raph 2 and 6 of the Freedom of inforr@lation
Act of the Commonwealth of Virginia.
ITEM #7342
Oii ,iiotion by -louncilman Standing, socoiided by Councilman Griffin,
and by recorded vote as follows:
Aycs: Councilyqen John A. Baum, Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Vice Mayor
George R. Ferrell, Cliaries IV. Gardner, John IZ. Griffin, Clarence A.
Holland, J. lienry i%IcCoy, Jr., Nlayor J. Curtis Payne, Patrick L.
Standing, and Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr.
iNays: inone
Absent: Councilman Robert fl. Callis, Jr.
Ci-ly Council adjournod the meeting.
Ri@clard J. ebbon, Citv Clerk J. Curtis Payne, Mayor
City of Virginia Beach,
July 8, 1974