HomeMy WebLinkAboutJULY 15, 1974 MINUTES OF THE HONOIZA@ CITY COUNCIL OF Tlll:l CITY OF VIRGINIP@ i@[:A-'Fl, VERGINT,'K ,Tul-y I L )7z[ The regular meetin., of Lhe council ol (@@ry of Vir.,inia Beach, Virginia, iqas lield i(i ".ie @Duncil Cl@@,@ i.ii thc Adininistr@3.ti.or, Building, in the Borough of Princess oti Monday, July 15, 1974, at 2:00 p.m. The invocation was given by the Rever(@tid funitis Foster, Thalia Lynn Baptist Church, Virginia Beach, Virgi.tii.a. Councilmen present: John A. Baum, Rol)(,,rt H. Callis, Jr., Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Vice Mayor George R. F:errell, Charles W. Gardner, John R. Griffin, Clarence A. Holland, J. lf(,(iry NIcCoy, Jr., Mayor J. Curtis Payne, Patrick L. Standing Councilinen absent: Councilman Floyd l@. Waterfield, Jr. ITEM lt7343 On-motion by Vice Mayor Ferrell, secorided by Councilman Mcl--oy, and by recorded vote as follows: Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert H. Callis, Jr., Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Vice Mayor George R. Ferrell, Charles W. Gardner, John R. Griffin, Clarence A. Holland, J. Henry McCoy, Jr., Mayor J. Curtis Payne, and Patrick L. Stand-ing Nays: None Absent: Councilman Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr. City Council approved the minutes of the regular meeting of July 81 1974, and dispensed with the reading of said minutes inasmuch as each 'Councilman had a copy of the subject minutes before him. ITEM #7344 PLtition of Century Developers for a Change of Zoninq District Classification from R-5 Residential District to A-2 ApartmeiFt District on certain property lo- cated on the Southi,4&s-L corner of Old Harris Lane and Pleasure House Road, running a distance of 400 feet along the South side of Old Harris Lane, running a distance of 175.93 feet along the Eastern property line of 1/2,lllich 82.30 feet 's the @iest side of Pleasure House Road, running a distance of 417 feet niore or -iess along the Southern property line, and running a distance of 158 feet along the 14estern prop2rty line. Said parcel contains 1.457 acres. (Bradford Terrace Are'a). BAYSIDE BOROUGH. Planning Commission Recommendation: A motion was passed by the Planning Commission by a vote of 11 to 1 to approve this request subject to the following: 1. The applicant has voluntarily agreed to submit a letter stating that the pro- perty will be developed with a maximum of 22 apartment units rather than the 26 apartment units that the proposed A-2 Apartment District c-lassification would allow. For the information of the applicant, the following will be required by the adminis- trative staff p!-ior to the issuance of a building permit: 1. City water and se%,ier. 2. Participation in the school site acquisition fund in the amount of $1,392; this figure is based on construction of 26 apartments and nay be adjusted at the n es. The Hondrable Donald H. Rhodes, Attornev, represented the applicant. On motion by Councilman Cromwell, secon,led by Councilman Holland, and by recorded vote as fol.lows: @;kyes: Councilmen Jolin A. Baum, l@obert ii. Callis, Jr., Rob-rt B, Cromivell, Jr., Vice Mayor George R. l@e@rrell, Charles W. Gardner, John R. Griffin, Clarence A. Holland, J, flenry NlcCoy, Jr., Mayor J. Curtis Payne, and Patri.ck L. Standin,@- Nays: None Absent: Councilman Floyd E. Waterfield,, Jr. @ity Council voted to defer for three weeks the above petition of Century Developers for a Change of Zonin.a District Classification from R-5 Residential District to A-2 Apartment District on certain property located on the Southwest cornei- of Old Harris Lane and Pleasure House Road, running a distance of 400 feet along the South side of Old Harris Lane, running a distance of 175.98 feet along the Eastern property line of which 82.30 feet is the West side of Pleasure House Road, running a distance of 417 feet more or less along the Southern property line, and runnina a distance of IS8 feet alon@ the lqestern property line. Said parcel contains 1.457 acres. (Bradford Terrace Area). Bayside Borough. ITEM @,@1'345 P@tition of Nelson P. and Mabel C. Brock for a O@hance of Zoning Di@ict Classifica- L..on from AG-1 Aqricultural Distric-I to 8-1 Bus ne s- -@identi@l DistriEt on cer@ n property located on the East side of Princess Anne Road @inning at a point 910 feet .,zre or less South of Indian River @d, running a distance of 300 feet along the I:ast side of Princess Anne Road, running a distance of 190.39 feet along the Northern property line, running a distance of 286.26 feet along the Eastern property line and running a distarce of 190.89 feet along the Southern property line. Said parcel contains 1..132 acres. PIJNGO BOROUGH. Planning Comission Recomn*ndation: A mtion was passed by the Planni" Comiss4on by a vote of 11 tO 1 tO aPProVe @his r@t. For the in@rmtion of the applicant, prior 10 the qssuance of a ,@uilding permit sta@rd site plan improv-K*nts will be r-pquired in accordance -1 @4,illh the Site Plan Ordinance- Grover C. Wri,,ht, Jr., Attorney, represented the applicant. On notion by Councilman Callis, second--d by Vice @llyor Ferrell, and by recorded vote as folloivs: Aye-,;: Councilmen John A. Batim, Robert Ii. Callis, Tr., Robert B. Cro@nivell, Jr., Vice Mayor George R. Ferrell, Charles W. Gardner, John R. Griffin, Clarence A. Holland, J. Henry @IcCoy, Jr.,-Nlayor ,J. Curtis Payne, and Patrick L. Standing Nays: None AbsenL: Councilman Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr. City Council approved the following ordinance upon petition of Nelson P. and @label C. Brock for a Ch@inge of Zonin,@ District Classification from AG-1 Agricultilral Distric-, to B-1 Business-1,@esidential District: ORDINANCE UPON PETI'FION OF INEL'@SON ZOi74062 P. @ND I,,LABEL C. BRC'(]K FOR A C@IANGE OF ZONING DISTRICT CLASSIFICATION FROivl AG-1 Agricultitral District TO B-1 Business-Residcntia@l Distrj-ct Be it ordained by the Council of the (Ii.lv C)f Virgiii@a B(-,ach, Virginia: petition of Nelson P. and Mabel C. Brocb for a Cliange of Zoning District Classification from AG-1 Agricultural District to B-.l Business-Residential District on certain property iocated on the East side of Princess Anne Road beginning at a point 910 feet more or less South of Indian River Road, running a distance of 300 feet along the East side of Princess Anne Road, running a distance of 190.89 feet along tlie Northern property line, running a distance of 286.26 feet along the Eastern property line and running a distance of 190.89 feet t',on@, the Soul@tiern property line. Said parcel contains 1.282 acres. Piirt,,(@ Borou-h. For the informatiorl oE tIAe applicant, 1)@@oi to tlie i-,;suaiice of a building permit standard site plan imprc)vements will be required in accordance with the Site Plan Ordinaiice. ITEM #7346 Petition of A. Gordon Stephenson and Elizabeth S. Sills by Grover C. Wright, Attorney, for a of Zoninq District Classification from R-6 Residential District to A-4 Apartment District on certain property locate--d on the Northwest corner of Hilltop Road (Linkhorn Drive) and Pa(,ific Avenue, running a distance of 412.41 feet along the @lest side of Pacific Avenue, running a distance of 411.93 feet along the North side of Hilltop Road (Linkhorn Drive) running a distance of 185.66 feet along.the Western property line and running a distance of 173.11 feet along the Northern property line. Said parcel contains 70,316 square feet. (Princess Anne Country Club Area). VIRGINIA BEACH BOROUGH. Planning Cormission Recoirmendation: A motion was passed unanimously by the Planning Commission to modify this request to R-9 Townhouse District rat'her than the requested A-4 Apartrrent District. it is unders'@ood that the official change on th-. zoning maps will not be made until right of way 25 feet froni the centerline of Hilltop Izoad (Linkhorn Drive) is dedicated. For the information of the applicant, prior to the issuance of a building permit the folloiiing vjill be required: 1. Standard site improvements in accordance with the site plan ordinance. 2. It is recommended that the applicant participate in school site acquisition fund in the amount of $3,105.32; this figure is based on A-4 Apartrnent District zoning and would be adjusted at the time the building permit is issued to reflect a change to R-9 Townhouse District zoning. COUNCILMAiN WATERFIELD ARRIVED IN COUNCTL CHAMBERS AT 2:40 p.m. @/Ir. Grover C. IVright, Jr., Attorney, represented the applicants I ,,Ir. Arthur Winder appeared in opposition to this petition. Councilman Callis made a Tqotion, seconde(I by Councilman @Va--erfield, to uphold tlie recommendations of the PlaTining Commission the abo@e petition of A. Gordon Stephenson ajicl Elizabeth S. Sil-Is for A change of Zoning District Classification from R-6 Residential District to R-9 Toivnhoi-ise District (a nio,lification froin A-4 Apartment District. The recorded vote is as follo@vs: Ayes: Councilmen Robert [f. Callis, Ji-., Vice MIyor Georgc R. Ferrell, Clztrence A. flolland, J. Henry McCoy, Ji,. , and Floycl F. lvaterfield, Jr. Nays: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Charles tV. (@,ardner, John R. Griffin, Mayor J. Curti,; Payne, and Patrick L. Standing. City Council voted to deny the above motion. 47@547 Application of Alice S. Goode for a Coriditional IIse Permit to construct a duplex on certain property located at the So*theast intersection of Cypress Avenue, Holly, Road and 26th Street, running a distance of 70.46 feet along t,he East side of Cypres!r Ave,.nue, running a distance of 98.57 fp-et along the Sr.,utheast side of Holly Road, ard running a dis-@ance of 140 faet along the @last--rn oreperty line and running a distanc-- of 70 feet along the Soutl,.ern r)rcperty line. Said oarcel is k-@iown as Lots ""l arA 32, Block 12i, @;-Ia@o ':0. 6, 1/4rginia Beach Development Co., and contairs 7-1-@,O sc@uare feet r.,ore or 1,,ss. I I -l, I 1,,1 BEACH SCROLGH. Planning @ssion R ndation: A r@otion was passed unanimously by the Planninq Commission to approve this request. For the inforntion of the applicant prior to the issuance of a building permit the following will be required: 1. City wat.-r and sewer 2- Standard site impro@nts in accordance with -Cie Site Plan Ordinance. Mrs. Barco appeared on behalf of tlie applicant. On motion by Councilman Callis, ec,,d,d by COUncilman Waterfield, and by recorded vote as follows: Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert H. Callis, Jr., Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Vice Mayor George R. Ferrell, Charles W. Gardner, John R. Griffin, Clarence A. liollad, J. Henry McCoy, Jr., flayor J. Curtis Payne, Patrick L. Standinlu, and Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr. Nays: None Absent: None City Council adopted the following Resolution upon application of Alice S. Goode for a Conditional Use Permit to construct a duplex: RESOLUTION UPON APPLICATION OF R7740012 ALICE S. GOODE FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT A DUPLEX Be it ordained by the Council of th, City of Virginia Beach, Virginia: Application of Alice S. Goode for a Conditional Us@ Pe,,it to construct a duplex on certain property located at the Southeast intersection of Cypress Avenue, Holly Road and 26th Street, runnin@ a dista-ice of 70.46 feet along the East side oE Cypress Avenue, runnin@ a dis"ance of 98.57 feet along the Southeast side of Holly Road, and r-unning a distance of 140 feet alon,@ the Eastern property linc and running a distaice of 70 feet along the Southern property line. said parcel is kno@v,-l as Lots 30 and 32, Block 126, klap No. 6, Virgiiii@i Beach Development Company, and contains 7500 square feet illore or less. Vir,,inia Beach Borough. For the information of tlie applicant, prior to the issuance of a building permit, the following will be required: 1. City watcr and sewer. 2. Staridard site improvements in accordance i,,ith the Si@.e Plan Ordinance. ITE,%l #7,)4(, (a) Councilman Standing made a substitute motion, seconded by Councilman Gardner, to approve the above petitiorl of A. Gordon Stephenson and Elizabeth S. Sills for a Chan@e ot Zoning District Classification FTOM R-6 Residential District to A-1 Aparti(ient District (a modification from A-4 Apartment District. The recorded vote is as follows: Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robeil@ B, Cromwell, J-r., Vice Mayor George R. Ferrell, Charles tV. Gardner, Joliji R. Griffin, Clarerice A, Holland, J. Henry Mc:(@oy, @Jr., @layor J,, (tirtis Paylic, Patrick L. Standin(,, and Floyd IVi t F,, ., erfield, Jr Nays: Councilman Robert H. Caliis, Jr. Absent: None City Council approved the following ordillance lipon petition of A. Gordon Stephenson and Elizabeth S. Sills for a Change of Zoning District Classification from R-6 Resi.dential District to A-1 Apartment District: ORDINANCE UPON PETIf'ION OF A. Z0774063 GORDON STEPHENSON AND ELIZABETH S. SILLS FOR A CHANGE OF ZONING DISTRICT CLASSIFICATION FROM R-6 Residential District TO A-1 Apartmen@, District. Be it ordained by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia: Petition of A. Gordon Stephenson and Elizabeth S. Sills, by Grover C. Wright, Jr., Attorney, for a Change oF Zoning District Classification froni R-6 Residential District to A-1 Apartment District on certain property located on the Northwest corner of Hilltop Road (Linkhorn Drive) and Pacific Avenue, runnin@. a dislance of 412.41 f-@et along the Illest side of Pacific Avenue, running a d@stance of 411.93 feet along the North side of Hilltop Road (Linkhorn Drive) running a distance of 18S.66 feet along the Western property line and running a distance of 173.11 feet along the Northern property Line. Said parcel contains 70,316 square feet. (Princess Anne Country Club Area). Virginia Beach Borough. The official chan@e on the zoning maps will not be made until right of way 25 feet from the cetiterline of Ililltop Road (Linkhorn Drive) is dedicated. For the information of the applicant, pi@ior to the issuance of a building permit, the follo@ving ivill be required. 1. Standard site improvements in a(:cordance with the site plan ordinance. 2. It is recommended that the appILcaiit participate in school site acquisition fund in tlie amount of $3,105.32; this figure is based on A-4 Apartment District zonin@ and would be adjustod at the time the buildin,, peritlit is issued to reflect a change to A-1 AI)artmeilt D-istrict zonin,@. ITFM @7i48 !,',Dolication of Willtam Albert Crosby for a Conditional Use Po-mit to construct a duplex on certain property loca@ on the Southwest corner of i3th Street and Parft Avenue, runnirtq a distance of 50 feet alorm the West side of Parks Avenue. running a distance of 125 feet along the South side of 13th Street. rurm- ing a distance of 50 feet along the 'Jestern property line and running a distance of 125 feet along the Southern property line. Said parcel is known as Lots I and 2, Block 117, Plat of Lakewood and contains 6250 square f2et. VIRGI@IIA BEACH @CROUGH. P';anning Commission @eco@ndation: ,@tion was passed unanimously by the Plannir@g P.,omission to approve t'nis ,-equest. For the information of the applicant, prior to the issuance of a building permit the following will be r--quired: 1. City water and sewer 2. A @re detailed site plan will be require-d to assure compliance to the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance and standard site improvements in accordance with the Site Plan Ordinance. Nlr. William Albert Crosby appeared for his application. On motion by Councilman Callis, seconded by Councilman Gaidner, and by recorded vote as follows: Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert H. Callis, Jr., Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Vice Mayor George R. Ferrell, Charles W. Gardner, John R. Griffin, Clarence A. Holland, J. fienry McCoy, Jr., Mayor J. Curtis Payne, Pa.trick L. Standing, and Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr. Nays: None Absent: None City Council adopted thb following resolution upon application of IVilliam Albert Crosby for a Conditional Use Permit to construct a duplex: RESULUTION UPOIN APPLICATION OF R7740013 IVILLIAM ALBERT CROSBY FOR A COiNDITIOiNAL USE PERAIIT TO CON- STRUCT A DUPLEX Be it ordained by the Council of the C:ity of Virginia Beach, Virginia: Application of William Albert Crosby for a Conditional Use Permit to construct a duplex on certain property loca-ued on the Southwest corner of 13tli Street and Parks Avenue, runiiiig a distance of 50 feet alon@ tlie !Vest side of Parks Avenue, runiiin, a distance of 123 feet alon@- tlic South side of 13til Stroet, runnin,T a distance of 50 feet along the @@'estern property line and running a d[staiico of 125 feet along the Sou'L@iiern property line. Said parcel @s known as Lots 1 and 21 Block il7, Plat of Lakewood ana' contains @u2@@O square feet. Virginia Beach @orougli. For the information of the applicant, I)rior to the issuance of a i)uilding permit, the following will 'O-- reqllired: 1. City iiater and sciver. 2. A more detailed site plan will be required to assure compliance to tlie Comprehensive ZoniTi.@ Ordinance and standard site improve- ments in accordance with tlie Site Plan Ord4.nance. 6 V l@HI, I Delete tiiat portion (0. 867 acre) as desci-ibed belo,@, -f @l,-- 10 7 -acre tract of land approved as A-1 Apartment District uf@on Petiton of John and Mary Woodard, et als located at Pleasure House Road and independence Boulevard. Said petition was approved at the City Clouncil @vleetin- of April 8, 1974, Item #6993, Zoning Ordinance #ZO474022. Beginning at a point 350 feet rnore or less @@orth of Independence Boulevard and running a distance (,f Z25. 75 feet @1(in,, @l@e !@-ast side of Pleasure Kouse Road, running a distance of 197. 46 feet along the i\[orthern property line, runnin@ a distance of 252. 48 feet along the Eastern pi-operty line and running a distance of 196. 45 feet along the Southern property line. Said parcel contains 0. 867 acre and shall remain B-1 Business Residential District. Plat of said parcel is on file in the Department of Planning. (Robbins Corner-Thoroughgood Areas) BAYSIDE BOROUGH. On motion by Councili@'tan fiolland, secorided by Councilman Callis, and by recorded vote as follc)ws: Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert ii. Callis, Jr., Vice @layor George R. Ferrell, Clarles W. Gardner, Clarence A. Holland, J. Henry McCoy, Jr., Mayor J. Curtis Payne, Patrick L. Standing, and Floyd E. IVaterfield, Jr. Nays: None Abstain: Councilman Robert B. Cromiveil, Jr. I City Council adopted the following Ordinance designating fractional acreage consisting of 0.867 acres of the land described below as B-1, said 0.867 acres beiiig a part of a 10.7 acre tract of land approved as A-1 Apartment District, upon petition of John and Mary Woodard, Samuel and Harriet IIhite, James and Elaine @IcGeein, Misc-la and Bevalan Ral@al, Thelma 'A'ayer, and Phillip and Mary Russo, located at Pleasure House Road and Independence Boulevard, and approved in e-ror by the City Council on April 8, 1974, Item #6993, Zonin.@ Ordi-@-iapce #ZO474022: AN ORDIi\iANCE ANIENDING ORDINANCE Z0474022 (A) NUi%IBER Z0747022 l,'@ TiiE PETITION OF JOHN AND @IARY '@VOODARD, S,'-MUEL AiND !IARRIET @'iiilTEi, JANIES AND ELAIiqE ',ICGEEIN, @4[SCf[A AI,4D BEVALAN R-,%FAL, THELNLK KAYJ;R, AND PI-IILLIP AND NIARY RIJSSO FOP A (@HANGF, OF ZONING DISTIZICT CLASSIFI(:ATION FIZONI A-1 Apartment Disti-icl- TO B-1 BLisiness Residential Distr ct Be it ordained by the Cozilicil of tlio (:i,l, of Vir@,i@lia Beach, Vir@,inia: Petition of John J. IVoodard, Nlary T. Woodard, Samuel I. tvhite, ilarriet @iiiite, James @@IcGeein, Elaine NlcGeein, Misclia Rafal, Bevalan Rafal, Tlieli,@ia J. Kayer, Phillip Russo aiid i',Iary C. Russo for a Change of Zoning i)i-strict Classification froin A-1 ADartnt,Tit District to B-1- Business IZesidential Disti@ict begilinilig at @ poirtt 350 feet iriore or less North ol Independence Boulevard and runnin,, a distance of 225.75 feet along the East side of Pleasure House Road, riinning a distance of 197.46 feet aion, the Northern property line, runnir,.@ a distance of 252.48 feet along the Eastern property line and runpin@ a distance of 196.45 feet alona tfie Southern property line. Said parcel contains 0.867 acre and shall remain B-1 Business Residential District, Plat c@@ said parcel is o-.1 file in the Departmont of Plannin@. (Rcl)bins Corner-Thoroughgood Areas). Bayside Borough ITE@l ;173@O @.1r. fierbe-t Kranter, representin, hiijis-,If a-i(i other home builders, addressed City Cou.,ic-ii re,,arding all adparen-, anibi,uity in the COI'Iipreiiensive Zoning Ordinance regird@n-- the set-back of a buildin., co-li5tructed on a street corner lot. fhe interpretation of the (iescription in the CZO severely Iiinits the available space on.Ln@ lot for the buildin@ as it requires a set-back from both the front and side street. Relief from the r--quirenient had been granted by the Zorling Board of Appeals, which is not believed to be the proper r-.ietliod. After discussion, Councilmaii Standiilu ftiade a inotion, seconded by Counciln,an IVatcrfield, tc) refer the a:)plicable portions of the CZO back to the Plannin., Coi,.iniission for r-@vie@v, stucly, aiid possil)le aneildment. The recorded vote is as follows: Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert ii. Callis, Jr., Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Vice Nlayor Geor@e R. Ferr--Il, Charles W. Gardner, John R. Griffin, Clarence A. Holia,@id, J. Henry iNicCoy, Jr., Mayor J. Curtis Payne, Patrick L. Standin,., and Floyd E. I'@aterfield, Jr. ,@ays: None Absent: None City Council referred the applicable portions of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance back to the Plannina. Commission for reviciv, study and possible amendment of those sections causing the problen. It was suggested the ordinance previously in force, irhich requited tliat a house on a corner lot should conform to the set-back require- iqents of the zoning from tliat side which lias determined to be the 'froilt' and provided that the side or end of the building should ali@.n with the structures on the 'side' street. ITE,NI "t@7'i5l On inotion by Councilman Callis, secondect by Councilman Gardner, and by recorded vote as follows: Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert ti. Callis, Jr., Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Vice Mayor George R. Feri,ell, Charles W. Gardner, John R. Griffin, Clarence A. fiolland, J. Henry McCoy, Jr., Mayor J. Curtis Payne, Patrick L. Standing, and Floyd E. IVaterfield, Jr. Nays: None Absent: None City Council approved on second readitig the request from tH- Commonwealth's Attorneys office for a tiansfer oE funds in the amount of $480, from Reser@vo for Contin@)encies to Salary Account iiumber 01050. ITE,N,l @'73:')2 On motion by Councilman Ferrell, seconded by Councilman @Vaterfield, and by recorded vote as follolqs: Ayes: Councilinen John A. Baum, Robert H. Callis, Jr., Robert B. Croinwell, Jr., Vice Mayor George R. Ferrell, Charles tV. Gardner, John R. Griffin, Clarence A. Holland, J. Henry McCoy, Jr., Nlayor J. Curtis Payne, Patrick L. Standin.@, and F-!.oyd E. ivaterfield, Jr. ,Nays: None Absent: None CiL,,, Co@incil approved on second readin, -,In a@lditio,-ial @ip,)ropriatiol of @30,-)3S from Reserve for Contin,@encies to permit the I)urchase of t@vo I)ud@@eted fire apparatus. Lo,v bid Cor the equip,,nent ',)y the Fire Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robeit ii. Callis, Jr., Vice Vlayor Geor,e R. Ferrell, Charles ',V. Gardne@@, John-l@. Griffin, Clarence A. Holland, J. Henry McCoy, Jr., Mayor J. Curtis Payne, Patrick L. Standing, and Floyd E. Waterfield, fl,, Nays: Noiie Absent: Councilman Robert B. Cromwell, Jr. (-it,, C,)uncil approved on first readii@,, the following ordinance to amend and reordain Section 37-4 of the Code of the City of Virginia Beach relating to deposit fees for water supply: AN O@RDI,@'iC-v TO A,14END AND REORDAIN SECTION 37-4 Ov- TdE CODE OF TIM CITY OF VIRGINL@ B CHP 'RGIN-IA VL P@@TING TO DEPOSIT FEES '@-OP WATER SUP7LY. BE IT ORDAliNT-@D BY 17@L COUi4CIL @j@' TliE CITY OF VIPGIliL,@ BZACH, VIP,GINLA,: That Section 37-4 of the City Code is amended and reordained as lollows: Section 37-4. Deposit Fe--s. Any, person %qho is not and who has not, for a per:iod of tjaree mont@ immediately prior to application, been a consumer of iqater from the i,7ater system of the city shall at the time he makes application for wal--er sbpply, d--posit cqith the city a sum, :zs- indicated in the schedule belo@-i of deposit fees, for eachl premise to be served by the city, and water shall, not be supplied to such person until said depbsit is made; said deposit to be held by the city as security for the payment of water service supplied such person. The schedule of deposit fees shall be as follows: a. T,cts7enty-five ($25.00) dollars fot each sin@le family residence or.lot. b. Ttienty-five ($25.00) dollars @'or each separate &7ellin@ unit of an apartment or other multi,@f-amily d@,,ellin-, house served by one meter, no-" to exceed $300.00. c. @7enty-five ($25.00) dollazs for each occupancy unit of a motel o-- hotel served by one meter, not to exceed @300.00. d. Oxe hundred (@100.00) dollars for each co@-nerc-@-,'-- or business viat--r service connecled to one meter. e. One hundred (@100.00) dollars for any a-Lher water service not classifi6d above iihich is connected to one meter. Upon discontinuance of the servicc,., if the account is nb-@ current and -@he denosit has not been refunded as hereina@@ter Drovided, the final bill shall be computed to the date ol@ (!iscontinuance and deducted from tti-2 dedosit and any balance in excess shall be refunded to the consumer. I@- -,he account o@@ a customer to 7hom wate- service is provi-ded shall sho-,i no deiinqu--.,icy for si:, consecutive quartars o-@ payment, -@len t-,pon- p--esent--tion by the customer of his cleposit receipt or other proof of pay-,nent, the customer shall have his d--posit money re@-unded. It shall be -liie sole responsibility of the cust=er to ef@@ec-luaL-e th-- return of e-r in it@-s deposit by noti@-yin-- t*ae Office ol@ the 1--ity @l-ana.@ 'iis intention to iiav,@ @,iis @epos4-L i - cl First Reading: July 15, 1974 Second Readin@-: Adopted by -@he Council of the Ci-Ly of Vir-inia Beach, Vir-inia on -Lhe day 01: 5 1974. ITENI #73S4 On motion by Councilman Gardner, seconded by Councilman McCoy, and by recorded vote as follows: Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert @t. Callis, Jr., Vice Mayor George R. Ferrell, Charles W. Gardner, 'ohn R. (@riffin, CI.Lrence A. ltolland, J. fienry McCoy, Jr., Nlayor J. (:urtis Pavne, Patrick L. standing, and Floyd E. Ivaterfield, Jr. Nays: None Absent: Councilman Robert B. Cromwell, Jr. Citv Council approved the followina ordinance to amend and reordain Section 2-132 of the Codc of the City of Vira.inia Beach relatin@. to street nanies and to provide for chan,,,cs of names of existing streets: @,,Iuested b,,7 Ci-ly Council @,l OR,,DI@'4@ICE TO @NF@-ND A@-4') REO.UAI@L SECTION 2-132 OF T'@ COD-@-' OF T@ I C!-L-7 --'T VIIGIIILK BT@7kC-.l TO ST.@i,7,ET NA',ES AND TO F@)R C L@.,TG7S @.@ l' 'CS C;@- E @l" 'IN" -T-@E.,7@TS 3E IT ORDAINED -DY T-@7 COUiqCIL C)F CITY OF VIPCIINIA BEACH, That Section 2-132 of t'iie Code of tie Cit,7 of Virginia Beach i-s a-tid reor@allied. to read aS 1-c)llowL3: Tt iS the responsibility o@ t.ie 1)4rector of P!aT-Ini.-i@ to review that no conflict exists ,.,e na-,nes of proposed new streets to ensure existing Or Drevi-OU31@, approved. street natq--s. T'le --lames of stree-'s slial'L be as they iave i)e,2n or rrom ti--,ie to time -.iay ')e chaa,,.ed 'Dy the Director of-7 P',,-nning after notice has beerl l,iv-@-T,i to the adjacen@ property otvners. Aopeals shall be directed to I Cou,@icil (3(i) -@ro-a ':i-io d.ate of notifi-cation. An emergency exists azqd this ord.@-natice shall be effective from dall-- or- adopt-*Ion. Adopted by t,',ae Counci-l- o@L ti-ie --i-Ly oF -.Iic-.in;-a Beac'i o-i the is d.a-1,7 o-l- Julv I 1,@ 7 @', . ITET,l 1,73@'S On jitotion by Councilman Gzirdner, secoride@t by Councili,,ian I-loiland, and I)y i-ocordea vote as folloti-,;: Ayes: Councilinen John A. Baum, Robert 11. Callis, Jr., Vice Nlayor C@--orge R. Ferrell, Charlos W. Gardner, Jc)liii R. Griffin, Clarence A. flolland, J. Henry McCov, Jr., Nlayor J. Ctirtis Pavne, Patrir-k L. Standin@, and Floyd E. IVaterfield, Jr. Nays: None Absont: Councilm@in Robert B. Cromwell, [r. City Council approved the Following ordi.nance to amend and reordain Cllal)ter 22 of the Code of the City of Vii-,a'nia Pe-@icli re,-.ul@iting motor vehicles and traffic: ORDIN.ANCE TO @@ND @ND REOUAIN CH-@TER 22 OF T,iE CODE OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA, RECU- L.ATING @IOTOR VEHICLES kND T@,FFIC BE IT O.RDAINED BY THE COUiiCIL OF T'iE CITY OF VIIGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA: That Chapt--r 22 is ar,,-ended and r2oz7dained as @@oll.lows: A-ITICLE I. In general. Section 22-2. Definitions. Add thb following as a second para-,raph to the definition of the terrr@ motor vehicle: Any tr,,cture d adt, @@d r ma4- L'a ned p;rimarilv to be .ge3 o. or o a motor v _glz !e t. ovide a mobile dweriing, S-fEii ace, ottice or commerciai gpace, snaii be considered a part ot a -qotor vehicie. Chan@.e the definition of an'lique motor vehicle to read as follows: Every motor vehiclei as herein defined, which was act all@. -nu a oi.desi-:ted by the manufacturer 'Es 'l Ta ctatcurtue@@@d tj .3ar year not less than a t.wenty-five years prior to January one ot eaci calendar year and is o-4nea solely as a coilectors item, and is u@@e for participation in club act4viti-es, --xhibits, tours, parades and similar uses, but @In no event used for general transportation, may be classifi--d by the co,i=issioner as an antique motor v,?hicle. Amend the definition of the term "school bus" by deleting the words "S-lop, State Law" and by adding a final sentence as follows: school bus e manufactured r Lo J,,17 nineteen hun- S' t. LO,) , @ t@ ras dred sevenly !:our, may cont .,u State Law" in biacl-, l@tte,7,, of specified size on tH@ -@ont and rear. IRTICLE II. S4-gns, Si.,nals and Marker:;. S2ction 22-41. Signals by lights or s,'@r,-anhores. sentence: .nend Section 22-41(b) by deletilig the liThe use of a fl@ashin@- am'Der indicites th-,it traf !-ric inay turn in Lhe direction th-at t',ie arrow is pointing only ,,Iith caution and shill yield to in,'7 vehicle in the inter- S@ction or so close t,iereto as to (@onstitut-- an i-iimediate hazard." ,@inend Section 22-41(c) by placi-ti,, t comma after the last word "inter- section" and adding the following words: .,ind t'ne use of a flashing -amilpr indicates that traffic @p@-oceed F,,lcti sl@nal i nder the circu-mst-inccs. .n re-isollaile ca e u A.mend Section 22-41 by adding a new subsection (f) to read as follows: (f) @7hen lane direction control signals are placed over Eh@ individua anes ot a street 1 -1way, ve icular traffic may travel in any @@ne over ich a @reen signal is but shall not enter or travel in any lane over wfticft . is shown anU snaii vacate as soon as possible any lan@ over ;which an 4-s sho,@n. @RTICLE V. Operation of Vehicles Generally. Division 2. Driving Automobiles, Engines, etc., Tqhile Under the Influence of Whiskey, Drugs, etc. So-ction 22-84.2. Use of chemical test to determine alcohol in blood; implied consent; procedure; qualification and liability of person with- drawing blood; costs; evidence; suspension of license for refusal to SU'omit to test. Amend and reordain Section 22-84.2(n) by adding on the phrase: p@ovld hat if the defendant shall plead guil ty to a v,.l t@d t tr 1- t Section ZZ-@ , ttle court may cismiss warrant. Di-vision 3. Reckless Driving. Section 22-90. Specific Instan--es. Amend Section 22-90(5) by deleting the word "only" and the word "printed" in the third sentence; and between the present third and fourth sentences add a new sentence to read as follows: This subsection shall also ap@ly to school buses which are equi ed with war?,ing devices as prescribed in Section Z@IZ3-illi ind ,4E ti are painted yello@,, 1/2,7ith Ehe worcls "Sctiooi Bus" in black letters ,-t least ei@ht inches fti@h on the tront and rear thereok. .,@mend and reord-iin Section 22-90(@) as follows: (9) Drive or operate any automobile or other ,notor vehi.cle upon any dr-*ve-,jay, or premises of- a church, or school, or of any r2creational @jCilit4,@S or ol@ any busi- ness prop--rty open to the pu'olic, or orl @he premises of any in,@ustrial es@Labl,'-shment -Drovid@@ng parkin@ space for customers, patrons or employees, or upon any highway un er construction or not yeL open to tfte public, reckless-ly or at a speed or in a manner so ds to endanger the life, linlo or prop--rty o.L@ any person; or Division 4. Speeding. Section 22-98. Maximum and minimum speed limits; postinq, etc., of school zones. ,A-mend and reordain the first three sentences of Section 22-98(f)(1) to read as follows: (1) Twenty-five miles per hour between portable signs, tilt over signs, or fixed blinkin@ signs placed in or alon- any hi@hway bearing the words "sc,@ool" or ,'school crossing". Sucli word or ,,Io-@js-rhall indicate that school chiidran are preseni: in @'he v4-cini-ty. Any si@ns erected zinder -his section shall be placed no-, more than t.qree hundred feet 4-'.-om the limi-@s o'-' the school property or crossin-. in the vicinity of t',Ie school, which is used by children -oina to and from the school; provided, that "school crossing" sians e location where an en ,nee mai be p tin establishes 'Iil t IPg- .,n trati@ic. @nlv:rtai@ya a @e ke etor and the divis-Lon o- highways or the City c?unci approves such crossing for such signs. Amend Sect4-on 22-98(h) by deletin,@ the T.Vords: "Provided that such minimum speed limit shall not apply to a school bus carrying children." Section 22-103. Ch--cking on speed witLi electrical devices. Amend and reordain Section 22-103(al) as follows: (al) In any court or legal ?-oceeding in whi--h any t question arises about Lhe calibration or accuracy of any radio microwave o-- otLier electr;---,,il dev4-ce used to --heck .the s@eed of a2K@motorcevehi 0le, a certificate, executed and si@ned by _Ll rs calibratin@ or testing such device for its accura--y, and stati-n.@ the tin@e of such test, y@pe o@- test, and results o(': testing -ahen such cer- tificate is accompanied by a certificate, or a true copy thereot, showing the ca-Iibration or ac--uracy or rri speed- ometer ot any venicle employed in caiibrating r testing such device, and when and by whom such speedome er ca i- bration was made, snail be admissibie wften attes e DY one such ottice-r who executed and sio-ned it as evidence o-@ the @acts tti--reii stpted and t@,e results of such testing. SecLion 22-1.04. Speed Limits not applicable to certain vehicles under circumstances. @,mend Section 22-10',-(b) by -Det-,,i---.2n t@,ie @,ic)rcis "at least" g -ie ,,7ord "Lhoisand" Lhe wo d3 @.,;-ily-f*lve", anl su,idsti u in therein the words "one hundred"; --in,,-i iil onL-,,) tti@ end o.@ tlie @@irst ser,cence the words: -in any one accident:, qnd-sub,ject -lo the limit for one person, to a limi-t ot ttiree tau-,idred thousand ars- because ot bodily injury or death ot two or more persons j--ti anv on@a @3ccident, and to a Ii-,lit of ten thousand dollars because o@ injury to or destructi@)n ot property o@@ otihiel-rs in an7 one accident. Division 5. Rules of the Road. Section 22-124. Ri@',It of way @,lhen vehicle tl:rns left. .Amend Section 22-1214 by deleting ,.he words: "in an intersection and turiing to the left across the I.ine of travel of vehicles within or approachin@ the intersection s'nall yield the right of way to such ot',ier vehicles" and subsritute tnerefor t@ie words: Intendin,-,@c,o turn t, th@ l@ft ic@@in an intersection or 't. Y, privata road or driveway, siiall yield tHe I to any vaiiici-- ap,)roacning trom tiie opposite I 0 (i,rection ,,7ciiza :Ls so close- as to co,.@st:lt-ute a liazard. Sec@-ion 22-123. Exemption of police officers and others from regulations iLi certain emer@.encies. Amend City Code Section 22-123 by deleting in the last paragraph the words "twenty-live tliousand dollars" and suDstitute therein the following: one hundred thousand dollars because of bodily in i urv to or death of one person in any one accident, anci S-Ub- ;e.c,t,.t,o tt@.e.limit tor onebeperson,otto a limit t three 11. sand dollars _, e bodily injury to or death ot two-or or:apaers ons In a"y one accident, a-nd- t--o a limit ot Fe -n 3.llarr, r,.cause ot injury to or destruction o-t property or ottiers in a ent. A'l@TICLE VI. Stopping, Standing and Parkina Generally. Section 22-137. Stoppin,@ on ',iighways - Generally. mend SecLion 22-13-/ by deletin@ @,,4at is now printed in the Code as an incomplete second para@raph and substitute @@ereL-or the rollowing: No vehicle shall be stopped at or in the vicinity of a fire, vehicle or airplane accident, or other area of emer@ency, in such a manner as to dreate a traffic hazard or 4nter@ere with tiie necessary procedures of police, firemen, rescue workers or o-lhers W-hose duty it is to deal @,iith such emergencies. An)r vehicle found unla@gfully parked i-.i the vicinity of sucti a fire, acci- dent or area of emer.-ency may be r--moved by order of a police at -@he risk and exdense, io@ to exceed L,genty-fiv-- dolla--s, o.@ .he owner s,ic*,,i vah4-cle creates a traffic @hazard or iiterf--res -.Vitti th-- necessary 1)roce- dures of pol:@ce, -@ir2ii--n, rescu-- @vorkers or others @,qhose assigned duty it is to deal wittq sucia emer@encies. Vehicles boin- used by accredited @,nL@o-matio-,i services, such as press, radio ard tel--v4-sicn, w4en bein@., used for th-- o-P new-3, shall 3e ex.@@mDr -C-rori the provi-sions of this section, excepl ,71,,en actuo.Ily obstructing the police, fir--men and rescue workers dealin@ with such emer-encies. ordain a new 3-ectioi 22-1,-)7.1. I.TDediii- traffi-c. Section 22-137.1. ImDedin@ traf'-Pic. (a) It shall be uniavful for any person: (1) to inte-,itionally and wilfully stop the vehicle of another for tle purpose of impeding its pro.@ress on the high-,7ays, excep,- iii the case or- an --mer@ency or -4- mechanical breakdown; (2) to intenti-onally and wilfully block the access to and from any premises of any service facility operated fo-- the purposes of seiling fuel fo-- -@iotor vehicles, o@ performing r--pair services o-,i mot4Dr vehicles; (-)r o-- firriisL-iin_@ food, rest or aiiy other conv@-ni-ence for the us2 ol-- lersons op--rating motor ve',Iicles enga.@ed in intrastate and interstate cravel upon the hi@hways; (3) to intentionally and wilfully daina-.-- any vehicle engaged in commerce, or threaten, assaul.t or ot,ierwise hart--l the person of any operator of such motor vehicle engaaed in the operation of such motor vehicle bein, used for the transportation of property i:or hire upon the highways of this State. (b) The provisions of this seclion shall not apply to any law enforcement officer, scliool guard, -@i-.--eman or member of a rescue squad, when they are engaged in the oerforriance of their duties or to any v--hicle owned or controlled by the V4rinia Departr-qent of Highways @,',iile en@,aged i-ii the construction, recidnstruction or na-*@ntenance of hi-@hways. Section 22-149. Removal and disposition of vehicles unlawfully parked on private or city property. orddin a new section 22-149.1. Removal of vehicles obstructing prooerty. S@-ct4-on 22-149.1. Removal of veh4-cles obstructinq property. Wi,enever any motor vehicle, tra4@l-,--r, or semitrai-ler or other conveyance or machine of @vliatever nature, or pn-r-- thereor-, i@ fouid to o'ost:rucl, or interfere iqi-.Ii L,ia fre2 ing,-ess or egress, or the nover4ent on, any preinises, driv@@vav or parkin@ area, wit@io-,it tlie pa--mission of ti-ie ovner of such promises, drivaway or parking area, a - State or local police or olher peace officer discoverin- or having a report of same, may remove it, or have it removed to @he nearest storage garage for safekeeping, and that fact shall be immediately re- ported to the Division or some officer or agent ol@ the Division and to the o-wner of stich motor vehicle, tra4-l2r or semitrailer or o-,her vehicle, conveyance or machine, as promptly as oossible, and such owner, before obtaining the possession of such property, shall pay to the parties entitled thereto all reasonable necessary costs incidental to the removal or storage of 3uca property @,:I'rI,--LE IX. Brakes, liorns and Ot,@e@ i@lechanical Equipment. Ordai-,i a new section 22-187.1. Brakes on motorcycles. Section 22-187.1. Brakes on motorcycles. (a) Every motorcycle manufactured after July 1, 1974, and operated on any highway shall be equipped wilh E@ither a split service brake system o.- two independently acti-vated servi-ce brake systems which shall act on the front as well as the rear wheel or wheels. (b) It shall be unlawful for any person to operate on a highway a motorcycle, which was originally equipped @,7ith a servi--e brake system on both the front or rear @vheel or wheels if the service brake system has been altered by removing or disco.'In@ting any of the brake system co,iponents fron, any of the W"le,21s. Section 22-197. @lirrors. .A-Mend and reordain Section 22-197(a) as L-ollows: (a) No person shall operate upon a highway a motor vehicle whica is not equipped with a mirror so located as to reflect to the operator a view of the highway for a distance of not less than two hundred r-eet to the rear 0,@ such vehicle. Section 22-205. 0-leats, etc., on ti@-es, chains. Amend Section 22-','O@5 by deletin@ t,ie lasl oararanh and substituting therefor th-- foli-owing: The -use of such studded tires shall be i)ermiss-'@'!,-e fro@n 0--tober 15, 1974, to @Dril 15, 1975, and fro-. October 15, 197D- to @,pril 15, 197@o. S,2--tion 22-208. Requirer,-.ents fo-- signal d2vices. Aiuend Section 22-208 by dele t4 from the !:-@,rst paragrapli "he words !for to stop" and the words "exceot th,-It a stop si-gnal need be visible only to L'@ie rear." ,NRTI-LE XII. Size a,7@d @,7eight; Combinat4-ons of Ve,iicles. Seci:i-on vehicles - G@2nerally; special pe,-m4-ts. A-mend Section 22-226 by deletin.- from tne ninth lie tne wora "thereon" and substicutin.@ therefor tlie words: that exceeds twelve inc'Lies; and by adding onto the f4@nal @;--ntence the wards: a,id provicled firther, that tlie Passenger buses ma-,7 exc--e@ the i,-nicatio@ ,Ihe.-i su--ti --.@<cess iengtti is caused b r 3 ccion ot a froit safety bumper or a rea- sa@oumper or bot-'I. Sucti safet-Y bum@er shall not cause the length ot t e us to e,,_ ceed ttie ma,@im,,m legal limit by mare than one tooe- in the tron t anU O., E. ot in tfte rear. "Safety bumpers" means any evice whicii m -t:te on an existing Ic rep aces ttie bumper a-i is so con- .r .I, e-ated or manuta--tured so it absorbs @'.Iergy Section 22-231. Vehicles havin@ more than one trailer, etc., attaclled thereto. Amend Section 22-231 by adding betdeen the words "two saddle mounts are used" and the ,,7ords "and such use" the folloidi-ng: or when three saddle mounts are used not in& @@i,i Td n length when such riotor :xicees being the interstate system or- highways or is enroute from its point of depar@-ure to ttie interstate system ot A@ITIO-LE XIII. Protection ol@ Pedes-.-.'Ians. ordain a new section 22-247.1. Pedestrian Control Signals. Sect4-on 22-247.1. Pedestrian Control Signals. Whenever special pedestrian control signals exhibiting the words ",'@,7alk" or "Don't @;',alk" are i-,i place, such sl_@nals shall i,.idicate as (a) ,)ed--stri-ans facing such si-gnal may pro-eed across t',ie '@aigh@vay in the direction of t.qe s4l(,,nal and sliall 'oe 4@ven tlie rig',it oL- @,7ay by the dri-vers ol@- P-11 ve',ii-cle-@. (b) "Don't D@o peJ@s@ri@in siall start Lo cross t',Ie highw-ay bit any pedestrian ,Iho las partially ,,i the direc-@ion of su--h s;-,,nall co,-.Dleted his crossing 0.,1 the s i @nal shall proceel to a sidewa- or safety island while tha "Do-: L: signal- is sliowin,@. @,iT'@CLE XVI. Operation of Motor VehicLes @@ Privat,- ,L tlublic Property tJnci@-r Certain Conditions. ordain a new sectio,-, 2)-274.1. @iti :is. -7- Section 22-274.1. Violations. Where any officer arrests any person and charges him with violating the precedinq paragraph, he may seize the vehicle and deliver the same to tie Chief of Poli-ce, who snall h,,@'kd said vehicle until the charae is d4sposed o@@ by the court havin@ jurisd:-ction. Provided, however) that s,-,4-zure shall not be made of any vehic@e operated on private property u-,iless the oAmer of such property complies with the requirements of Section 22-27D'. In disposing of the charge, the court shall order the vehicle returned to its owner. When any person has been convicted of a second or subsequent violation of this ordinance, the judge may order such vehicle held by the Chief of Police for a period not-. to exceed ninety days. Amend and reordain Section 22-275 as follows: Sec-lion 22-275. Postin@. required. The ow-ner of anv privately o,.qned property desiring enforcement upon his property of any provisions of this section shall notify the Chief of Poli-ce in -@.@7ritin@ of his desi-re and the owner shall also post noti--es on hi-s property that operation of such vehicles upon that property is unlawful. An emergency exists and this ordinance shall be effective from the dat8 oL- its adoption. Adooted by the City Coti,,icil of City of Virginia Beach, Vir@inia, on the 15 day of Juiv @1'73'16 Oii :itotion by Councilman liolland, seconcle(t by Councilman Cardner, alid by recorded vote as follows: Ayes: Councilmen Jolin A. Baum, Robert ii, Callis, Jr., Vice Nlavor George IZ. Ferrell, Charles W. Gardner, folin R. Griffin, Clarence A. @iollaiid, J. flenry McCoy, Jr., Mayor J. Clirtis Payne, Patrick L. Standing, and Floyd E. tvaterfield, Jr. Nays: None Al)-,;enc,: Councilman Robert B. Croin%,fell, .[r. City -ouncil approved the following ordinance to ani--nd and reord,'Ii@l 22, Sections 238 ,,tnd 238(ii) of tlie Code of tl,,e OF Vir@,.i-i.1 Beacii regulatiiig motor vehicles ,ind tyifilc: AN ORDIN.ANCE TO A@ND AND @UORDAI@N CH.,%PTER 22 OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA, REGU- LATING MOTO-1 VEHICLES @IND TIU-FFIk-, BE IT ORDAINED BY TK@ COUINCT-L. )F' THE CITY OF VIRGI-NIA BE,@CHI VIRGINIA: That Se--ti-on 22-238 ol@ the Code of the City of Virginia Beach, Virg4.nia, be amended by ordaining a subsec-lion (al) to read as follows: (al) -Special permi-@s. Special permits to operate or move a vehicle upon the highways of a i,,eifht exceedi-@i, t@-ie rraximum specified in this title will be granted iqithout co3t where the vehicle is hauling or carryin@ containerized car@o in a sealed, sea@oing container bound to or fro,,n a Vir@inia seaport and has been or will be transported by nar4-ne shipment, provided the single axle wei@.ht does not exceed twenty thousand pouods, the tandem axle wei@ht does not exceed thirty-four thousand pounds, and the gross weight does not e;(--eed seventy---i-.,it thousand pounds; and provided the conte,-lts ol@ su--h s--o,-.,oing container are not changed from the time it is loaded by the consi.@nor or his a@.ents to the time it is delivered to the consignee or his agents. That Section 22-238(b) of th-- Code be a-,nended by deleting the word ,land" on the fourth line, and by substitutin-. t,-,e word "twenty" for the -i Lhe fifth a.-id 4 -ute -he ,q,-rd "eighteen" o, l@n@s, and substil "four" @o- t, @ie word "two" on t!-.e si th line. An r--,-,aerg,-@ncy exists ani] th;-s o,-dinance sqill be ef'-,-ective from -,he cj;a@-e of its Adopted by --he Council of the Cit,7 of Virginia Beac'Ll o@-i the l@@ diy or- 1974. ]@iotion by Vice @%layor@ Ferr-11, @;ecofilied t)y Counciiman i@IcCoy, aild i)v t@ecorded vote as follows. Ayes: Councilmen John A. Eaum, Robert H. Callis, Jr., Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Vice Mayor Georae R. Ferrell, Charles W. Gardner, ,Jolin R. Griffin, Clarence A. itoll,an t.. 1. 11(@Tkt'Y mccny, Jr@ , Mivor .1. Curtis Payne, Patrick L. Standin@,,, iiid @;],oy(I E. IVaterfield', jr. Nays: None Absent: City Council approved the following ordi.nance to amend and reordain certain sections of Chapter 7 of the Code of the City of Vir.@inia Beach relating to bicycles: @%iN ORIDINANCE TO ANIEND AND REORDAIN CE'-T@,II@q S-@CTIONS OF "@':tkPT@-R 7 OF T-T-E COD-@ OF THE CI-LY OF VII@GINIA BEACH PELATIING TO BICYCLES. BE IT ORDAITTED BY TH7. COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH VIP,GINIA: That the follo@gin- sections oi: C'@iapter 7 of the Code ol-C the City of Vir-.inia Beach are amended and reordained as @ollows: A new Section 7-15.1 is ordained as follows: Section 7-15.1. Carryin.- Articles. No person operatin.@ a bicycle upon any highway or street shall ca2:rv any packa@e, bundle or article w,iich prevents the driver from keepin- at least one hand upon the handlebars. Amend and reordain S--ction 7-21 as i-ollows: Section 7-21. Keeping to right hand side o,, roadway; ridin.- abreast. (a) Every person operatin@ aIDicycle upon a highway or street shall ride as n--ar Lo the right sic'Le of tile high- @gay as practicable, exercisin, due care when passin@ a standin-, vehi--le or one proceeding the same directi-on. (b) P@-rsons ri-din-, bicycles upon a hi@ilT,7ay sliall 'lot ride t@,7o or aircast e,,cep-, on parts of hi,@.ways ser aside @'or the L,--Iclusi-ve Us-- o@- bicycl--s. (c) Wherever a usable pat,i for bicycles has been ilrovided adjacent to a road,,qay, bicycle -iders shall I-,se suc@. path and shall not us,-, -Lhe i:oidway. A,@,,iend and roo@--dai-n Section 7-22 as -folloT.7s: Section 7-22. Brakes. Every 'Oicycle wheii operated wit:liin tile cily s',Iall 7De equipp--d @;ith a brake whic.i @iill ena'ole t@ne ope-cator to make the bra<ed 1,7heels skid on dry, level, clean paven,ent. An emer@ency exists and tliis ord 4 iiance @'liall ',)e effective @EroR dat-- of passage. 7 -) 5 3 on motion by Clullilman Ga,dner, seconded by COurlcilman Ho la d, a d by recorded vot, as '-Iiuws: I Ayes: Councilmen JOhn A. Baum, Robert H. Calli,, Jr.@ Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., vi@? Mayor George R. Ferrell, Charles @. Gardner, JOh- R. Griffi,,, iarence A. Holland, @!. Henry McCoy J- Curtis Paylle, @atrick L. stariding, @nd (I "'t Jr., @layor Nays: None Floy E, TV erfield, Jr. Absent: None City CO@"Cil approved o,, first reading h, f @llend Cnapter 19 ,f the Code O_ t and r@?rd@ining Arti,l t the Cit., f o""win O,. dinance to 19-10-1; by amendi g Se I of c Virgilliag Bach by amending adding hat)ter 19, anci by add theieto Sectio, a neiv Articl ection 1.9-36 Of Ai-ticl-- 80 i"clusive, e ill containin II f ing e Cha pter 19; and by pert,, 9 sections 'nillg to housing: numbered ib-75 through 19- -IGINIA 3Y A@-D IIEO?,DAI,NI@IG @RTIT-LE I 0,@! C"LAPTE2, -'19, BY I@DING IIE,,--O @ECTION SECTIO 19-3, OF A'TIC-L@-;' I-IL OF 3Y i@DDIi'iG A 1,1-@_'w ART!'-LE III CON-IAIN-L-."I'l S'@-,CTIONIS i\TLP,,LBE-@ED 19-75 TIE',OUG'Ll 19-80 Iiqu-LUSIII@- P-@T@I@ING TO !IOUSING. Br- IT O-,@, -'IIFH-D BY TIIEI COUNCTT- OF T-@ CITZ OF VIPGIINLA BEACH., VIPIGI@TIA: That CliaPL--r 19 o- tLie Cou@.e OF L!-t,- C-il-7 oy- @@--L--,inia Beaci be 'oy 1-ni-n- i o-@ Ch-a,-dter 19 and by adc@Li-,-i-- therel:o Sect--@o,-i 19-10.1; -Dy au,.en,14-n.- Section 19-36 o@- A-rticlp- II of Chapter 19; and by addin-. a riew Aa:-Iicle III, containing Sections nu-,abered 19-75 19-80 inclusi-ve, all as follows: ,@RTIC- LE I. In Gener,-l Sec-@ion 19-1. Del-initions. For t,ie purposes of this c'@iapter, the -follc)1,7in@ words and p1/2rases shall have the uieanin-s respectively ascr 4 'Ded to t'nem by this section: ACC7-TSSO'-@IY SI-iU-IT-L,-FE. A detached structure located on or partially an any pre.@ise -,,7'iich is no-u used or not int--nded to be used for livin- or sleepin- by human occupants. APPROa,ilATE AUi-HODII-LY. That person wi-th--@n the governr,,ental struc- ture of the -municipal corporation cha-@.aed v7l-t'ti the adr,@,nistration ol@ C-iao-@@-er 19 of -Llie Code of the r-i-,y o@- V-@r@inia Beach, N7ir@inia. B-,@S Any portion of a bui'L-lin@ located under,,-round, but liavin- less t,-Lan 1-ial-L o@- iL-s h2i-ht b-21ow tb-e avera@e -Y,id-- o@- th-- -,cljoiniri- @-,-ound. BOA-PD. TLie Housin- Boqrd of -!kppeals created in this chapter. BUILDIk,'C. A structure adapted -Lo permanent or con-@inuous occu- pancy or uge for public, instituti-onal, business, indus-@ial or stora-e i.DL-,rTDoses. CELLAR. Any portion of a 'Duildill@ located partly or-x,7,iolly ur3der- S--o,ind, @Dut havin@ E,-.ore than hail: o4-7 :!-rs Z-Ioo----Lo-ceilir,, hei-h-@ @oelo@@7 t'r,e avera@e rade o-f tlie adjoi-ning gri3und. COI,R,EP,-UT@'@L BUT 01'-S. Any b,-,ild:;P.@ L-,s-d@ o.- Tri-enc:,-d -o -ne use(! L i,!-, L for any purpose 'L-han livin- or :3!eepin@ b3,- 1-iL,-.an occupants. DETE'@1,IO7-,@iT!ON. Thc ol- a buildin- or part thereof c@@ar- aCte--iZed by 110leS, D@-ei!@s, ro-@, crLl:-i,@)lins, cracl@ir,.,,, p@alin,-, rus-Lin, C)3- evi-(2ct,,--e o--@ p';Iysic,-al ci--ca-,7 O--- lack o@- nance oi. C::cossive use. 1) 'Iny usccl I-o-,- slcepin- ou-,-posos T)Y DOI'd@LTOT roo-,l in L or - I - no;:e un-,-ela'-ed p-rsons. enclo-@ed soace -!-S @@tially O-(: par'L-ly used o,-- -@nl-enr-@@ed Lo b-- u@seci --or ii-vi-nl-l o]: slec@pin- 'Dy ilu-,ian occupan-Ls; p-@ovided -,-y ii, as cla@iL,@@l slall no- bc re-a-@cd as Any -,--oo-,,l o3: -ro,-,p oE -foo7.is locat:ed 7, i t'Ltin a d,,@iellir,,, an@" :Eor-ain@ a sin@le II,-'Dit:a',)Ie unit @L-aci-li-ti---s i-7li-Lcii -re L-,secl. e ..ct,. n C) @ i co ',in and @,atiri@. --,!--'Vices Di-vision s'@iall be tIC71-- en@o7--cin- a-ency @-ol: the pro-visions o-- t@kais ciiaptzr. E-IUIli@,@TION. The and eii-TainaLiori o-@ insects , 3:6@ents@, I Des el- iral-in-, -h,i, 'ca-@bc)ra,e olaces; b-,, -,--ciiovin- or L e4r C)OCI; by :)Oison stl!r%,e @'S Lf'@ T s n-,, C)- @i-i@7 C S ate aiLio-@4LY !,a-,,* pi ovo,@, loc-,l o t i@'@.d,rrLY. "i,-i in-li-,7idLal o@- two or rqo-.-@c D--rson@ relaled 'Dy 'Dlood, or -,dootion, or under a,,)p-roved foster care, ol-- a -roup of nz)'@ than I-ou-,-- pe--sons (includin@ servan-Ls) no-L zqlated by -t)lood o- livin- to-e,'Lizr qn,-l slia-,,,in, Ii-,7in, areas In a ch,7ellin- uni-I. L, F T@ E I ZliaD . (a) A-,iy C'evic-- o--- cor,,d_4t:ion -,lay 'I)e consiciered likely to c-,ti,s-2 f-;-re anc-I x7Tiicr, -*Ls so -.iLuateL@, -s ,-o be poten--ially dan-erous to ei-Iii pe-.--sons o-.-- property. (b) Tiie crea-Lion, nain-@enance or con-@inuanc-- 0 anv p' tlysical cond.@---@ion by reason of i-7.1-ii-cti ti-iere e,,@,i.s-Ls a use, accu,,nulation oi stora@e Oi- -o-,nbustible or el--Plosive mate-rial in amou@i-@ o-Z so located or 4-n such a ir-ann--r as to put in ieopardy, in t'Lie even-@ o@@ -@@@nition c@ersons o-- propel:-Ly. Tile -Lo oi: o-i- fire escapes, ladders i,7hich may be useJ -fo-@ escape, stai-]:wavs, aisles, e.:i--LS, doc)rs, wind@,7s, passacev@ays, c)-,- h@,lls VIich i-s iii@ely in the event o- fil-e to hinder t@le o-,)erations -ire or -C c ii-iy @,e-ca-,- men- o- ttie sa@e-,v and -eady e@ress of occupait-. G-e,,13AGE. -@ll 7@iLc,ien re@@u-se o@- -fcs-*@dences, hotel s . restauran'-s J- L o ot:li--r plac--s -Food i-s p-,-epar-C- fo]: JiL:-ian consu-,?@ion and all 0 a -,. Z- -r-- o,-, f i- s 1 i ac a n cl v 2 e -L a 1 D I e =iL -- 1: c -L s a n -' a s u c I i o -@ la e r v e @_ e -L a'De or-_,-Iiic suos--an----s tliat are suo@1--cL-. to i=iedia--c decay. I - CU,--ST, Any person iho sha-,----s a C-@7ell;n- uni-t in a nonpermanent S-Latus -for not riore -Lhan @JO days. ILkBIT,,',BLi-i POOI@l. A I-oo--,i or enclosee i-loor soace used or ititented to be used @-or livin@-, slee!-Ii-,I-, COIJI-:@n or e,,tin- purposes, e-%cludin@ batl@oocis @gater closed coapartr,,en-@s, laundries, @-urnac-- -.ooms, pantries, ,@i--;--cbe-Liet?es an@@ btil@ty roo,-.is o@ lese; than 50 square -ce-, foyers, or L I - E co,@--un4.catin- scai-,--@.iays, closets, S-Lora@e s',Daces, anditoi:tr- hob'oy a,-ici a--eas i-il L.iiscaler-I c)--, @arts oL@ s---,-uc@u-re belOI7 --OLI,,Ie, 0-1- @*-,i HO-LL-L. Atly c)r structur-c, -,@iiere sle---.)' in@ C--COI-=D-4 L]-ONS 'ded :Eo s r, F r -1 r P-@- 0 v p@rsons in(' @,7hc,@-a a c'tlar,@,e i -ade '-O SLI--'t ocLupancy. 'l-h2 @7ord i-s Lse@ in -L,-.is c@@lapz:er it shall De const,,-u--d to i--nclucle aicl "tlotel." HOUZ-)EI-IOLD. A ano./oi: on-- oi- [,,o-@-e )-@rsons, w'Llo c),-,ii@ o-,- all o iLs coo'-in, anci ca-;-, S'@', L 0 L',ie SaT,-.,-- (Y@7-- i_n- anq uses tlian t@7o -oc)arc'e--@s. s--zvants and liou-IN@G ii-sp@CTO@. Tlie Inspa-l-ic),l Services or his O,,rt -L,-ie @-i o.--ce,,ieriL o@- t,iis c@,,-pte-. I@@@EST-,ITIO@l. The presence ol- in,;ecLs, roLlen--S, v----m,-,i o--- ot',i--.-- 0,-1 -L'c@e P:,e,@@iises a aza-,-d. -@@ITCI-E-N. @@@ny room con-lainin, any or all of the follo I w, n eclT-,' p- o--@ a--ea of a room 7i-Lhin 3 -Ecet: o@@ suc,i equip-aer-L: i-n ari(i/ o@- devi-ce :1--or o-Iti@17 @l(@vi.,,-,e 1--c)r coolciri,-.- re '@ri----i-ation o-,-- oL@h---@ device for cc)-)' s'LOra'7@ ci: food, ca-oir.--Is -,rid/or sa2l,,7es fo@- s--ora-e o'L equiprlen- an-,' u-,--nsiis, an:i cointer or La'ole @o.- KITCIE-i\TL-TT-@. A srtall !,,ii:cqen oi- @q@i alcove coit,14-nin,, coo,@7i@i- i:acili-Lies.. OC@-UPzUiT. An.yperson, ove-- 1- year o.L- a@.@e, livin-, sleepin-, c o o'-, n or ea-Li-n-_ in, o-- ac-Lual-i-y '@,-avin@ I)OS.@s"34on o-, a u@,.;t or a C) @- i)e @n occupant. OPEP-,@,TO-',. Azi person w@ o has c cai:c, o-- cont-rol o- a p2:e,-,@es or a part thereoi -@'Li or @7-*L l,holt the 'L-iio@.7led--e and consert: oL@ 01',DILT@PY CODI !TIOijiS. A -Leal@erature 10- belo@,7 the hi-,h--s-L reco-.--ded temperature in t'ne locali-Ly i:o-.- -Lhe prior ten yea-- p@-@--iod. '-DITIO@@ - - - the lowest OPDIK,%P%Y @,lIi@isR COIN to-.i-,Darature 15@ F. aoov- re--or-led -eLp-ralu-e in t,i- locali-y -o-,- ti-ie p- L - @ I - L @ - -ior ten year period. A-iiy pei:sori, fi-rn, corpo@al'-@@-on, associa-Lion or organizption 1-@oldin_- -Lhe le@al ti-L!--- t:o a-,iy d@.7e!!iL,.- or ei;--Ilin- unit ;,7@-t@-n the ci-@y -esen-@a-Live truslee, com@i-L-Lee or guardian having and any person-al rep- cha-,-@e, cal-e o-, cout-isel oL@ any or E@7ellin- unii:. In tl- evenl- --.-117 proceedin-s und---@ tii-- provisions o@-- -Lilis chap@--er are i-ns---i-tu-Led a-ains-- any O@@ Lh-- -iiot bavil-ig cc)-,iple-Le cha@-e, ca--e or control a- o--@ sucli d@.7elliLl- o- d@.iellin, unit, sucii T) ty @,ay -L-ile aL-, a-fidavit s@.atin,-, the na-,,ae a-,id addr--ss C)-F tile part:y or p--2:ties having chax-e care or conti@-ol o-@ such or dT,7elliD-, and Ih- proceedin_@s L th2@s c'f,,ap-Ler scal-I loe a@ainst L'Lle pa--f--Ly or parti--s na-,ied in -L,ne t: t c n a@@@-i-d,aviL; provid,2d, lia- the @ilin- oa-: such affidavit s.@all no o sti- tL,te a --et-@e,-ise to p-,--oceec'_Ii-n-s u@ider sect-ion 19-17. P SSIBL--@ T-ne ol@ persops parru'tted to resi-@-e i-n a d@,ellin, u-@ii-t o3: roonin- L.,iiL. PE@SOiq. Any i-ndi-,ii-dual, 1-irm, coi:po.-atio,-i associ-at-i-on or par-@nershiD. All p-@ovided as pipes and --as-burnin@ equip-,aen-L, Nqaste pines, x@7ate--e pip--s, @@,ateLr cIC)se-Ls. lavatories ba-Li-Lubs, catch basi-ns, clrains, vents and any o-Lhe-@ p::ovi-Cled fi:@ture togL,-Liier T,7it-.'l -L-he T)i--oper connections -Lo -U'ri2 i7a-Ler, se@ie-r aid -as lines, garba-e di-sposal U,-)i-@s, ins-Lalied Ois7i@,7as@,i,2i:s ar,,d ins--alled cIO-Lhes @,7asLie-_rs. -T PREi,[ISES. A lo'@, plot or p--rcol o-f land includin L! OLlildi@i-@ and s-L-,--uctures th--reon. ,@I,OVIDED. Furnisiled, -,pplied or pii-d for by o,-- unde-- Lhe control o@- t, r,e o@7nei:. P,ATP@@OOFING. A for-ri o--- cons-LrUCti c) n @@'n i --'L-i @7i!l tlie i@-i,-,-css o-,-' C-,.2:ess OL@ -,--aLs Lo O-,- a -ivc,-n ST,)-'ICO 0-1- l@,uilclin-, o-z a--ccss Lo @0C)c@ o-.-- na@'Do-@L-e. It coiisisls o-@@ Lhe c,-osin- and [@eepin.- closed o@- every op--nin- @--n -Loundations, cellal--s, o o @- s s L i s , n -,,7@i 1 1 s , o,,j ni! o 1: o o @ s I -a-Licl pl-ices t:@ial PL-oy 'oc, i-rid C,'I-,--rc!d -@y S L) '-i@ at-@ials .-aLs by clir@,)in-, -oL]r-.-o7iLl@ C)- o-Lhe- 7 y t.- Lise o-i- c- -Lo --aL @nLi@,@i-n- aric' otiier moL:i-ioa's z,,p-,)rov2o-@ by LT,,.e app-,-oDr-@--at:e P,00@ITS. jkn enclos--d space containin- one or Lo;-lets o-r uv-i-nals an,-l on-- or mo---- I-avatorics or s--rvin- a si--,nilar our.pose. @-,OC)L@LT.NG HOUS@-. Any di,7ellin- o!: L',Iat pi-1--t: c)@@ a,-iy dwelli-ng coritairl- in, one o-- raore roo-iin@ uni,-s a-nd,/o--- -o-iie o-.-- Tpo-.,e do--@@tory -oo,@. I P,00@-f--LNG @i'!T. Any room or grot-,,,) o- uziiL- Ls--rl n- i.nt:-n@ed to 'L)e Lised L-or li--;in,@ ard sleepin-, @Du@- noL coo@-,-@LnZ purz)oses. .-UBBISH. All co,.,@' ustible and nonc@us--i@ole i.,asto materi-,d:-'excep-t @a-@-ba-2 and includ4n- the ifesi-due froa bu.--n4-n-, c)f @,7ood, coal c oice d '-@,7er co@usti-L)@le -Iia-a-.--ial, pape--,, @--ags, carlon boxes, iioad, e-cel- a@l C)@ siol-@ r,,I'oDer, lea@--@ner, tree bl--anches, y;ird tin cans, rne-als, L L y Cus- @a t e,@- Lass, Cl:jc, L . ST:7,UCTI,r,E. @'-Liv cot-li@:Di-naLi-o.,i o--C @l..iy -@-,,,aL-crials w--Ie-lier @i,,ed, porta- i L aol-2 or a 'Ouillin-s. TEILPOI@Y HOUSIi@1G. Any tei-L, trai-ler or other struc-Lure used fo-@ hu@P.-i shelter which is desi-ned to be -L@-ansporta'ole arid-@,7@@l-ich is not attaciied to the ground, t. another s-L--ructure or to any utilities sys-lem on t.i-- same p--eL@ises @@or more tban th4rty consecut-i-Ve days. VENTILATION. The supply o@- re@--qoval o,,: air to and Irorq any space by b al naLu al- or mec-a,-ii-c (po@,7e-.- driv-n) (f.-evices. W@,,Ienev--r th-- @7o@--ds "d@velling," uiit," "roomin- house If It i: C, 2 unit@ Dre,.-,iises" O-- ,SLrUC-LL,--e" are used in this chapter, tliey s'@qall be cons-@-,--ued a-@ thougli-@-hey are lollowed by the woras "or a-@iy p,-rt thereo--F." Sec-@ion 19-2. O@@@-i--ial -Lil-le. T p-OV4SionS 0- this chap-Ler s'..-lal.1 -ons-itLte ancl be d-si-nated "Th@ Vir@inia Beach @l-Tinimum ,lo-asin- Co@-ic! and may be so ci f- --ed. Sect4-on 19-3. Purpos2 o@@ c@-apter. -Ile pUrpoSe Of tl @le p-- o-, i S 4 0 S 0 cap e n f L:I-i 3 o@ t r is to p-lovide @aini- mu,q s-Landard8 and requi--,--ements -1@o--r and o-Lh,2r strL,--tLi-res in tb-e city, anci in ttie even-L any law or othe-. ordinance o@- -Lhe city requires hig.iier standards or rio--@e req U4 -eaents than are required 'Dy ttlis cliapte-@, the provisi-ons of such law o-r ot'@ler oreinance shall prevail. Section 19-4. Hous,*-n-@ Board of Appeals -- Crea-Led; meM'DLrship; ap ment -. co,,ioensation and quaiii@--cat-ib-,is o@. r-e,='Ders. poin- T'li--re 4-s he-zebv created a boa--d o-f appeals to consisl o@@ s@., ers to be az,,Dji-rit-ed -j)y L Lile COU:l@il on -he of tha ciLy r,,aia@er anl 'L-o se-@--ve as suc@t-I cc)--,3ens-, ion. Ore o@ -,.-e L- L iall be 'clic u4lC@in,@ oi:i-:i_cia@@- s'@Iall liold o,-fi-e cluriii@, th-- "r S tenu@--a his o-@-Fi-cial posi-Lion. The i:ive shall be l@iio@7D. as citi-zen St-i-all no o@- proc-i-t a-L the ti@e appoiit.-q@n-I o-l- elurin- L'L-ie Le-@7-1 a@ o: 19-5. Sa:,-c -- Term oL- o@-i:ice o@@ me-@,.)e@s; ol-- v-@cancies; oa,-h o-P 01- the i-,2,@ioers fi-@-st a-,)oo7-nred, t-,=ee shall be a tere,. o-@ c)r-.2 ycir and @7io @-c)r a te-,-ro. ol@ -Lwo years. SLI,I)SCCL,.en-L C-i-LiZE,-Li siiall -i)e fo,-- -1@io y--ars. ,%,ny vacaicy sliall @D-- @-ill--d by appoi.-itmen-- -Lba Unaxoirer-I terc,. Eac@ti !Ieflber be@-ore ente-in- oy LT,-- counc4-l k@o- u@jn duties ol@ b,@'s s'@.iall- and subsc--ibe -Lhe oal"li pro- vi,'.,,,! '!)y tlie Cla-@t@r for city TLio s'liall 'De subject to c)r rc,r-,aoval by t@ia counci-,-. S----'@4@on 19-6. Sam@- -Ciiai-rc.,an and vic---,-b-airrran; qLo--ura. Tlie board s@iall -@l@c@- @Ls OT17n C@@,@.i , i i:Lce-cl,-air -ma@n, and all includin- -L',i@ C"i-ii:,:7,-an an,@ vi-ce-cliairman, sliall be enci-Lled to ,,3Le: e7ccep@l-, 'c,,ie L),Liildi-n-@ o)-:f ic,,i-al@ s,@all 'oe eI-Lit:1(2d to vo-L- c oni, D 'L- 71-10 eX7-rt: Of a t-ie a,-io,,i, -L'n@- quorl,.m shall coisis- 0. ii-@ e e -.-.iember s 19-7. Sanie -- lleatin-s; proce--Iu--e; t--sl@i-xony; vo-Le r eq-?@ I --@ e d- fo-i- ac-Li-on. c@,111 OLF@ -he c'i:i a i o--- vic,--chair,@ii a-nci Z'@iay P--@escri5e it-.,; o-,.ii-i i.--iiies D@ lDroccdl-i--@e. It:s sLiall @LDO op@-n --o L-,Lle @ublic s@ni@l@L b-- i\l o s@?O 1-1 e stiall be requi::cd and the s'La l,-, ineLiLs ni-(Ic, b--fore t,lz2 @@oa--rd, t,iose a-@- any c)@@ -@iae 'ooazd, sLl.--ill no,-- be reoor-Led or -@ranscri'Dpd e,,.zeot at the request and e-,cpense o- tlie m,7ne- or occuoant involved. Exceo'L in cases of -,natlers OL procedure, the.a@f-firmative vo'--e o@- a-L least three "@em:,Ders of -Lhe @ooa-.--d siall be reqllired for tb-e Do -Lo act on -ny r.,@t-Ler. S---ion 19-@. Des4@naLi-oi ol: un@-it d@@iel-lin-s; conde,-.-inati-on procedure. Th-- C'esignation o@- rl,,;el!4-n,@ o-,-- dii--]!.in, u-nits as un@@it T-or hunan ha-oi-'L- -, -Lion anci the pro--edu-,--e :@@or tlie cc),IdcnLnatio.'l and placardin- of su--Ll un-@it diTellin-s or d@.7ellin, units s'ciall 'oe ca-ried oLt in co@.-,ioliance -Lqe follo@iin- requirements. (a) Any dwellin- or d@,7--Ilin@ uni-, @7'@-lich shall be fcund to have any o- t*Lie @-ollo@qin,@ de@@e---Ls s'iiall be condei-.med as un4.7i-L L-or 'luman habitation s,iall be so ancL p@Lacareed by tilp- 1-IoLsin,@ -i-7ficer: (1) One xi'@iich is so da:-@c,-ed, clecayed, di'l-apida-Led, Lnsani--Iary, unsa.-e or ver@@n-in@-es-Le d -1 b-,a -Lit creat-s a seri-ous hazard to the 'iealth or s-n2-:ety of -Lhe occupan---s or OL- t@,ie 2 *)' One x7',-iic.1 ',IacL@s venti-la',-ion or sanitati-on P-dejuat-- -o protec- t@ie healtli or safety of tli2 occupants L L [)r 0 Lie PUD -,,C. (3) One 'Oecause al its ,ene--al condi-tio@. or location is "t@y or othe@,--wise ean@erol I uns-,n s to tLie 'qealth or sa-et-,7 o- the occupan-s oa: of the pub!-ic. (b) -@ny c!@qelling or d@7ellin- un-*@-I condemned as un@@i-t-- for human ha-oi-tation and so desi-na-Led and placarded by the housing officer shall be v-,cated wit'nin a reasoiable time as oi-dered by the housin!z o@@ficer. (c) i@ia d,@ielling or d@,7ellin@ ur@it N,7',Iich has b--en coidenned and -iiabitati-o-,i a-ain be L ,D L -- cc! c das L,,n--Fit for 'riu:-.an ised i7or I-iu,--an -ita L- .,7E --ci aDp-oval is s-cii-@ed @,orli an' su-' Diacard is r.raD-- --ion un-il T iLL CL -il r- 0,@r-i-,er shal-l- reeqove such ,-i,@oved by the housin@-, officer. T'Lle noull3in, D!-icard L e cLe;-2ccL@ or de@-ec'L-s ui)jn w'-ii-c'.,i the ai'd @laca---din- action @fei:e -jas,@d ilave been eliain-,teel. (d) ro person shaii @,el-acc or re@.ove tlie placard frcm any d@@qellin- un4,--L as unl--it @@C)r liu.@@n T)Iacardad as sucLil as prov,*-C,,ecl i-ii su7)s2ct:i-on (c) of t-Llis (e) I,j'il.en any OT Ltnic has b--en dlclared unfit for D-L c 1-isin@ Of,@icer, 'Lie ray in Lii-- intci:est of pu-L)lic Li'l, i-atic)rl 'i)y tii lio and sacel:y reqt-ii-,-(, O-,7ner to close such C,@,fellin or Cl@72!lin,, ui7,i-L ',)y 'ooa-rdin- up -@ll op@nin,s in such Cviellin,, or d@7e@Lli-n-- unit iLl Dase,-ienL and on the -@4-i.-st i:loor. T'll@ o-,7ne-- ol- occupant: of any d;@7ellig- C)r un;.t @,iiii-cii L--,ari declarc,,@, .,Ln4:it Fo@ i-iLiL@n 'na,)ita-ion may -,equ,-st @,7it',Iin tc-Li days 4 SUC, a actio-,i by -Lhe 'Liousi-,I@ OF-ic-r a,,id shall be @-ant-ed a on t-;ie ,@tter beeore ne inspe4--Zion se@-vices adm-@@nisl.rator. si-,--'ii heari-n, sloLIL' ary o@@ine---@--L)CCupanL stiii b-a a--ricve(a@ 'DY -ion of Ll,,e @ns-Daction se-i:ilices -@,,aini-stra-Loi:, he may @--equLs-L ac- Iten cavs tiie h,@arin- L)y tile irispection services in4-st---q-@or and s,iall 'oe -@ran-ed a by tlae board, L a e- C, -arin@ -he 'ooard sLiall ac- as -.3-,:ovided iri chis cliap-eL. slic -La- L L S@c--T-C),l 19-9. t:o a@@at:e c@l-t:y r,@y aba-Le o@7rie-. fail- to @-o so. n, any 0-7 -Loe provi--Sic)L-is of- -LhiS chapte@- , @.,@henever in u@, @,,,,2nt oz- t,ie itisp--c-@i-on se-,--vic--s adirinis@rator -'Llare e-ists upoi L a n.7 L-,nc-l or p@--CMI@ses or in any 0 -ieition -,'iaat constilutes -1 P'j I ",@@@@eandcsal L s ucn a nui-sance or rLena,-ice to healt'ti -Lety that tlie same siioul@ 'De -@e@died, a:)ated or reuovec' @@unediately, it s'Liall 'oe the duty o -@ -L@--le 'aousin- of -4 Cer to se@-v- no-ice on the parson i,7ho -glaced the malter .L -- L ---:-,e te,- trie nu-.saice or, if he cannol be ascer-Lained, upon tlie occupant ,'-ha o;qn2r -Lhereo-F -"o caus-- suc,i nuisance to be ab ed r suc t-e or at o Ii Ma L r -L o LDe ----.a@oved lanl@ or pre', ', Se@; @,,4 -h i- -L i--,i for-Ly-eiS',l-L ',iou-@--s, or the sal-@.12 77@1-11 be done b @he city at tlic C:,-.)ense of such Po--Sol or o@@ y I oc--Up--,@t c)-,-- of the as -,tie cas-- riay be. Ic dc),-ie at tile e-@t,)--nse of th-- 5 til-- @-7-ID,2ns--s ol@ sucti abaLe-aui-I or r--L@,,oval- be a Ii-en upon 1-an@- or pre.@4-ses --.-id slia'Ll --De @-eC, 'L-o -,il2 c-',@-v t@casurer , @,7hc) collect: t'-ie sa,@-- i-r, -L,ie ;.n T7@L@ich c@--ly La@les levied upon real e-@Lci-@c are au-Lhol--i-zed to i)@- uc'Lt e-- @,-isp- s',ia'! b,@ *@n c-, looolc lcept @or that purpose in @,O t,r,-- 0-c- tLl-- ciL-7 al-id 'cli,@ r)ar,,e of tcie p2rson 1 077ilqo,- SL,.--b es-.atc or iqna' at @--ille l@@en o---c,,irred. o]E- s.jcil L-"]C)Ccupic@l I-ai,@d o@- p-c--.L@ises is not a resieen-- o@ -1@,ic --iL:y and do--s t@ol- 'Lia,,7e --,n -@',ie ci-ty upon sL:--h no-Li-ce f,i-ay oc -iven, nol.i-ce @y -i)e ii-,,en 7Dy fo-i: noL- less t-zian Y-iv, dziv@s in any d-qily ne@,s:)a,)e--@ t',7-- c@@'@-y, IneL tb-e cosi: ol@ suci slial-t- col,-ecl-cd --s a t-',C Q-- SecLi-on 19-10. lnspcc-@i-oii s---rvices ad-.i-nistrator -- %utiorizeE- @-o --qat@e ne--essa2:y -.--Lies and rezulations. T'Lic ins2--ctior,. se-.---vi-ces aciminis'@--raLor i-s ii2reby aut,-torized t o m-a'@ e a,i6 @c':oot such @-ules ;a,-id re-Lla-L-*@o-,is -,s iie ipa dee,-,i necessary for @@iie y acL-.ai,ii-sLration and e-@i;-o-@--anient of rules and rc-ula- ti-ons shall no-@ be i-o o@ .7n o- ally o@ th2 p--o-visions O@- th.-Ls Cilap-1--r. 02CC-1-011 19-10.1 Sa,-@a L-o CODC71L-,CL !lo -- i t y ins )ns -@oi: t' a VOL 0--@aris @,cl-@i ni sLrl@-' @-i Ii Tee -Lo !D@ p-,id. @l 1-1.2 insp-ction cos y cotcl-,ict lo@-,E-IL pl-,ni@n- L T-la -i 4t@ inSp.2Ct::Lol-l- -o@ eac' -, - @7 - - -7-1 TL,,c lee 19-11. Sa@a-- -- "ILI'l-,,IorizeLl ;--o sh7-p cas2s. T L L i-ns)ec-ion adm-;-ilisi--@aLc-c r,,ay, -lie adproval o.-@ the 0-,1 ori o@ or o,@c@,,-)ant n ' a.-y o- LL-i@ provisif)ns o, tilis c,@al)-2r i-ss tLiaTi co@,)Ii-a ce @7i-L'I ins-)2clioll -nd O' -he x,L-L--,n @Tn rrie 7 !Doa-6 @-@ull i=e-li-at.:, compli-ar,.ce @,7c)uld oT)e-rat:e a-, an u-,Irlua 'I 19-12. Sie -2 nc I P s - insoaction services adi@nisL-rator --Finds that n-n e-mer@,,encv i-s Cocl-- X7,,iic'@i requi-@es due to non6-o--i?@iaice @,iicl acl-i-on -lo p--o-L --ct the pub!41,- I,,2altli or safe-Ly, it s'tial@ 'De ',Ii-s Clu-1y -Lo Serve noti-ce on tile person r--sp--,isj-ble o-@, he cai-,ic)t-.'oe on @-',ie ox7n---. -@o tai-,e sLl,-'Ll i.@a diale action as tlie housTn,7, riee-S nec2ssary to corrcct o- a@a-e Lho cond J- L ,ia cis'-, o- --Facil- @-,C i-O s ov; C- -@l -I)y 2--- ty- t cc)--,-oc:' ic)ii c)-@ a--,aLcm--,IL o.' silc,-L c o C) i s t L cz -t 4--01, O'-@ -L@@ie i-n s t: --i s c,, i!s o at)al-e o@ iDo -r emo@,,e Secti-o,-i 19-13. Sar-ie Pol4.CC PC)@'7.-rs. The inspection s@-rvices admi-nist:-,--ato--@, holsin- office-@-, and all inso2cLors o:c t@te ousing olreau are tieredy sucti police as a-re necessary :--or t:[i-@enfo-@ce,.-,,ant o@- -L,iis chapter. Secti-on 19-14. SaT-i-- -- r@i-lit o@- entrv. T'rie housin@ ofr-icer is h--reby aulhorized qnd dire--teci to make i-n- sp--c-Lions o-eL: e --Li@ne the CC)@-idition o- dwellin-.S, @,,v7ell*n- u,@iits, roo.@ir,@- ur,i,--s a@id pi--emi-ses loca-U--d wi-Ilhin -Lhi--s c-*@ty in ore-er that he may p----form 'nis @uty of safe@uard4@Ti-@ Lhe health -,nl safety of the occupants o- such d@@7e!lin,s and o-F t,ie _-ene-.--al public. Fc)r t'@ic pul-pose o@- sucLi i-,ispec--i-ons t,ie housing officer is authorizecl to enter, e-,,a@,ne ar,cl su-.--vey b--t@7e-, L@aa "lou--@s O:E- 8:00 @i. @,l. aild 5:-jO P. M. all dT,@7ellin-S, uni-ts, roo@-iiing and pi--c,-qi-E;es. The o-@7ner o--- occupant of evea:y E,@7elliri@, and u-,iit o--- th-- pa--@sol in c'Liar -e @-b.ereoE- shall -ive the liolisin@ of@-ice-@ access to such E,@,lellin@ d e..-urin- suc@.i ti,-,.e :-[or Urli- or -,Oo- an I Lin, c pu-,pose of such on alnd su-@,,7ey. Sucli inspection, e,,a:n@na-L '10n O-- SU----Vey sii,-Il no@- h,-v-- @@o- iLs pur,,,)os2 the Lir,@due ii.-Irass-ra--LI.-- o-F suc,i owne--@ or o--cupant and sucli i-nspecti-on, exar-,inati-on or su@-vey s',Iall so as to cause th-- least anioun-I of inconvenience to such 014ner o@- oc--up,-n-@ consis-@ent i-7i-t'ti an effi-cienl- pe-,--forman--e ol@ th-- du-@ies of the housi-n@ officer. The pu-,--pose o@@ such inspactio@-i, e,.a.,,Iinatio.,i or survey sl,iaii not be the procL,-.e,@,ent o-r ev4-den--c to 'De used in a,-Iy criminal pro- NDtliinS i-n t,iis section s'fiall -De cons-Ll:ued -Lo p-.o,'Ii-bit the en-L-.--y o-f -@he housin-- o-@---fi-ce-- at any -L @,7hen an ictual e--qer@ency tendin- -@o cl--ea-@e an i=a-4i5L-e da-,i,er- to pu@Dii-- safety e:<ists or at any time .,7hen st-,--Ii an -7-nspec-Li-on, e:,.am4-na-li-o,-i ol- @@ay -bc requas-ler-I bv suci o@,rri--r Sect:io-,i 19-ID-. ilo@-ice o@- violatio-,is bv insp@c-Lion serv 4--s a@irii-@ii-s-Irator t'le C'oL---@r,7-n2s tiiit -@'iero are rcaso-ria@Ole ,I:OLI@-i@'s -@o- 1)0-Liei tiic!-ze has b--2n -viol-,@-ion o-l- apv P-rovisio@-i C),@ t',ii-s or ol@ any rule o-, iclop'Lc(l- pu-,:suan-- t,,qer2to, b-e @ivo n @ slic@i -aile i)-rson or pe---Sor,,s s' O-Licc OL _ed vi-o!aLior@ 'Lo L'o.@ @ - as Su--h notice s@LL,-Il: (,i) Be T),- t n (ii) Inclu@e a sta-@er,,.22t oi- tL-ie -.--,--.tsons @,@,iy i-L is isst-,ed; (c) a -,--easona-Dle L:iine fcr ti,e of -any ac-I that it (d) B-- servec@ Li,)on o,71ler o@-' Ll;-s -,,,,ent o- tt,,e o--cupal).L as t'lil-I I caso -ia-,- p-,-ovide(Z@, -'@-LiaL suc'ii s',I-,Ii 'L)a deeL'.e@-I to 1.)e -i - - se--ve d- U-,,DDn suc',- c)r oi: t-ipo@i such occu?ant i@, a co-,)y is ser-ved upon personaLl,,, i-F a copy tileroo-@r is sen-, b-,7 -,-e,,-@4scered m, i Lo @nis las-L 'LDown a CODY i-s PDSL,-, In aCOriSp-Lubu@ ,lace i-Li or a'Dout the afl@ected by -@be notice oi: ',ie i-s sp-rved Su--,,a LID-Lice -L),@7 @i-,iy o,-'ne-,-- -,na-l@C)d au-LLIC)rized or -,-eqli.-@oc: ljrLler la-,.;s o@ th- stat-. 19-16. Coi-,-@nts. SLie'll noL-1--ce sh,--LI co@iLa@@ti an i:--,@.ecii-al ac-Lion @ecL 0 17i-!,, t@,-i- @rovisious o@ -1-iis cliat)-er and @Til-I e.L@ cornplia ce L L L i:ul--s and -e-ula@-ions adc)P-Led pu@-s-iant -Lhe-,--eto. Sec-@ion 19-17. Sa,.qe -- Ficarin-1. '@ny person a-F--ected by any no@ice @i,iich has ' eL-n issued i-n connection D n-Force@@ient o-F any p-ov-*sion o@ -'@lis ch-,p-er or of any rulc or L-,-i e - - 1- - L - L ze-ul-,ti-on adop'L-eCi TDursuan-@ tli-ereto ri-.a,,7 requ,2s-I -qnd sball @oe granted a on -Lhe @@att--r b--@-ore tlie insdoc@-ion services ad--,iinistrato pro- vi@cr-I L,iat such pe-rson s',aall file i@ t@ie oitice oE tile inspection se-,vices aci@-inis-L,,--a-lor a @@itten Pat@'--Lion requ@sLi.'I- sucii '@lear4-n,- an(i settin- orti a D-@ i enL- of t'Lie -rou@ids x@iit:l-ii-n ten days after -,he day L-ie @ioti-ce ii--s s,-rved. Upon receipl of such pat-ti-o-ii the inspect@@on se-.-vices ad@.-,iistrator shall se-L a ti-me and place for suc, @ea a2d it-Len noti-ce tilerefor. At su siaaL.L give ttie pei:=ner -Ii @a@-,-n Lhe --i-t:i-one-@ sh,,ll be iven a-@i opportuni-v to be heard and s, D@ y sucti not@Ice s'nould be riiodi--Fied or ,,7ittidra@,in. Tiie hear-*@n,- shal-1 be co,,=-en--ed noL- latar ---',ian ton days after the day on i.@,hich the oetition i-7as filed; p--@ovi-e--d, tha-L upon aDplicat4-on of the oe-Li-Lioner the i- -'on s vi' c' 1 4 ns@,2easn.,61:rt-Ir ae' i-ils@ra a li@ @or riay pos'Lpol,.e dat.:2 oi-- L-he iearin- foi- a t in Lii u _-.enL the pe@-itioi2l: lias submiL--@d b@yo,ici @L, en d-@y oa-,--iod '-s j d,- ,a c)c)e, and -or s t-, c'n secL@,-on 19-18. Sa-@e -- Inspection o@L p.1--em ses; -ralit o-f additional time to correct condition, a pe@-iod oz- ten days followin@ the n,2ilino or delivery of the no-Lice p.-ovi-ded for in secti-on 19-15 tae inspe--tion services adz,.!-nistrator shall cause an inspection to be made of tFe ci-@,7ellin@ unit in question anta iL- tl-i-- condi-ti-oris o@C),ie--ted to have been remov--d abated or rer.,i--died no action shall be tall-en !-n -@he In t'ne disc.@etion o-f the Ins-@)ec-li-on so-,--vi-ces Ld,-qini-st@ator . addi-@:4-c),,ial tirp.2 -L-ay be @ranted to I-ov-, abat- or r-,.-,i2Cy sucft condi-ti-on. Sec-@ion 19-19. Sa,-Lie -- Yotice -lo appea-- 'L)eforc boa-rd i_-c ,----ndi-lion not: correct--d. At -LLie e-Di-@a-Li-on oi- tlie o2ri@l o@-- -Len days or at tlie expi---a-Li-on o@@ c-..-----,ision thereo@-, i.@- the conditioii@; ol,)jectc-,@' i--o have riol b-en :c,-oved, inspoction serv4ces adi-,ii-nis@allor s',iall- caase a,,i c,,@l c) e r,-, e d i e C' I *1 or to su--@@l @,C@----i-onal rioti-c,@, t:o 'oe o@,;D(2i: or occuparit:, the or occupan,@ of suc@Ll ('@iel-l i-n,-, d@7011i'l, Lini-t 01- rool 1- u.-:] .o ip,)ear ',-,c!fo---- L:Ic @aolisin@ boa---,i of ai:)rdcals -,t SUC@ 4 r, :L a , c@L p @ts 'De sp--cil-ied in sL-, eii-n L)-ce c-- slo-117 CILuse@ iE any be can: I (a) I.Ttiy a -,io-@ 'oe i-,;suecl reqLi@i-n'T suctl or occup.int to appear be.L@o-.e ttie police iuci,,e Oi: Lie c-@t@ -o s'llo@,7 cause ,iLiy i-i-- s',Ic)L:j-d no-, 'L)e 1-icied @-o-z violatin@ th@-s chaTD@or; I-Pty, is an h@ s'rioulci no@. be re-luir--d to vac-,-Le t,ie un@it fo- '.iuran o-cupanc@7 a -.a@nac2 'L-o iic@alli and sa@@-ety; I (d) @%s aii @itiy boa-,--d no-L re@-cr tlie -Lo -Lii@- 1 iLlbpe,-,LL)-r 'L-o tal@e su--@ll actioi L,ie @nousill- cc3cle o@, t'La-- r-;i-t:y a3 -De 4 4 iLl to iii-s or in @q,@-iip-u-nt: as sale hi cl-iapte@, and, -coun o@- a. w 's e:, -s---d L)e.-ore t:!-ie T),-Ssa,,@- 01-@ t s C) n @i, P 0 ne]: @,i a,) -Ly to Obtai-L-1 or la@or due to -o7,7e--,nL-iiental or he is u.,ia@ol-e to rp-,!@e or insta@!! su@-h ciian-es o-@-- ae,@.i--@ions his L, @ailLi---e to comply iiilh ti-1--s clicp---r s@-La@,] L not: be a violation 'cher@-o@ 19-21 Po,,,7e-- s o:-L- 7,)oard at '@iea--in@. ,i-@ a@-iy lie-,-d L)Y -L-ne o-i c,.,ap a.1.9 i,3ursuan-- -Lo the 'S sell -F-o-.--Lli @@n secL-o-,i 19- !2t o-l-@ not 19-26 to 19-74, i-t siaould @De t-q@ o-@@ the board t'lle 07.7ner or occupan-L i-n ou2stion -qas -vi-olated the p,-ovisions o@@ -Liis c@aE)-Ler, tlie boa-@d Fii-,y: (a) Gran-I sucli addi-@lional tiri@ as -nay in --'Lie judgmeit o-r- --he 'Doard De ne@-essa-1-y ol-- p@-opar i-n o--der -Lha'L- sic!Li o--,- occupa-it lay remc)v-- --:)a'--- or -@etledy the cond4@-Li-ons o@2Djp---ted L:o by t'c,.-- insp 'C@ ri __C 4 0 se2:vices prb4vT-d--@, --hatf sijc'A o@,7@ie- or oc--uparit i-nd@,---a eC, tias 1,71-ii-@n,-,ness -Lo cor-iply -Lll,- o--@ovisio,@s ol@ @L-hi.s cba-,)' -; o ('o'j Direc-L th-- i-tisp-2cti-o@l s---,-vi-ces aci.-@.ii- -i 4 s-ra-or -@o cause a suT-,,aons L- L to @@2 i-ssued sL,,--ii o-,.,7ne-i: or occupan,-- to a@pear b--fo-,--e L-'Ll-- police ju@@c O-L tlie city to S'@-10,,7 CaLlse 17ily '!I-- s@ioull-ci i-ic)@ :)-- fincc-,' -L-or vio'Latin_- t,L-1 -,, S c-ftap-Ler; o-r (--) i-,equ--s-L --he city mana.,--r to direc-L the city atto@-n--y to institu-12 t',ae necessary cour@- proccec'in, in til@- na,,ie of -Lhe ci-Ly in proper cases to ha,.7-- L@he owner or occudan'. or both restrain--d @@rom ren-Lin- or occup,7in- or bo-Lli sucli ctwelling, Llri@t or voomin- unit until sucb I -L time as th-- sa-7ie is ria(le -la co,,iply i7itti Lti-c provisi-ons oF -hiS chaoter and fo-,-- s--,cn at'.q--2: anC! relie-- as v-,-,y ')e proper; al: (cl) R--qu,*-2:e tne -E)Lli-].diLi-- inspec-@br, pursi-,ant -Lo ti-ie Bjild4-n-, Code of L -,c- L to -al:e -ion suc',-i as inay b@ la-,L7; or (e) Di-sm-ss -@tic oroccedi.n--s. Sec'@ion 19-22. E@fect o@@ c-@apl----r upoi a-reLqcnt:s T@@@ p-@-ovisions o'-- -Lili-s c@,ap-Le,@- s@,,ia!L @io.'-- a@--@-ect F-rly o@Dii-ai:T-on, I q,-Iy a,@y o-7ner @l- -es :o any suc buL no suc'p, 22CL -ln7l OCCUOant Oa: ti - P-irti 'Li a-'ec,-LnL, S,iall any slich o- occupaat o-- t'iie rosp2c@Li-ve duti-es, incl 'L-,Lloil @[)V Lila P7:0',7i_-@iozs C)@@ t ',,i s (-- ba p r . -1 En LLIC jud,@menL ol- any cou-@-L o-@ co,-.i@D2t--nL luri-sdicti-on --he --Cailur,--, C)l: th,,2 p-@ovasj-ois o-@ t' is chapt:er c,@, nalec-, -Lo ')-lo 7)@-ly CO-,--,)Iy 17i_a n rms o any leas-a o-@ verbal Lleemed a nLii-sar.--e and violat-ic) o tlie @e n ri,-- a-re@-men-, and sL-,ci @ailu-c. i:cl-7ujal o-- ne-lect by the occuoan-- L I - 4-n any @i--t:lon by t:l-te o@,,ner, and sucli --Fai-iure, s@,ali @c)2 -,roL2nds @or BV4 Ct:4 of, ric-lecl ]-)y tle oivnlr o--- oc,--,-,i)anz: Slail be ---@--ovrds for the can--ella-Lion o.L@ suc'o. leas-- or 4,,e--,Dal -:-eii-lal -,,-reer,,enL in In ac-L2@o,-i 7L:)y -Llle PL' @-Y nOt y SecLion 19-2-J, Con@-l@-c-- OF c',iaD--r ol-lier o-@@inances. I,,i a,,iy c@-s-- i ,)--Ov;-Sion O,--, Z:ii,--s chap@---r i-s fourid to @@3e in --ctv or ' eal-tii Du di Li@ @7i-Ll,, a p@.-ov4-s7on OL zon4 rl,,- o-@ @O@e O@ y s- OF ti@,I*s -!e -)V4 SiC) @7',iicl c-, s,-- a'L) @L fo-,-- i:',Ie pro@io.- tL PrL @ r 'L-i-oi-i -,nd T)--otec-Lion of til-- healt-Li av.--' s@L-@e-y of -L-i-le peopl,2 s"lall prevail, L I,,i 2--ny case a piovisi-on o@- tLiis ciiap-Le--r i-s L-oun@l to 'De in co,-ir-li_ct: a p-@ovisi-on oLF -iny otlier oifdinadce or code o.@ -Lhe c-@@ty existing on the e:c-,--cctive clate oy- tEii-s cliaD-Ler est--Diishes a lower st--ndard for fe L@qe -,?---o,.@aotion ard p-,--otection o-L -L,ic liealt'Ll -nd sa- '@-y o@- r-he peo ple, t,ie P-1-0@;i-si-on ol-@ -"ii-;-s ctiaplc.- shall be de,2mc@d to p@evail ana su--Ii ottie@- or coe-es are here-by declarec', -Lo be repealed to tqe e.-,ten-@ -Lhat i-lq@y be I-ound @@n con-@l-icL wi-t',i C'aap-Le-- . Sec--@@on 19-24. Inte-@-rerence i7it:li --@nspecLio.9 services aciministratoi:, etc., -P,,-iy p2zson @,,io s'@-iall obs-Lruc-L or @@nter,.@ere the inspec-Lion servic--s o:,: al-ly, insoector ol@ tiae ',iousin,- bureau in t'Lie per-zormance ot tli8 cluty o-@ i--,i any iaa-Lter -ce'@aLin@' t,,-Laret@ s'@,al-L ne guil-Ly of a mis- @-@-,ec.nor and upon conviction thereof s-nall be pupis'@ied by a fine o@ not less t'iqan -,en dollars nor ,qore than t,7o liuna@red dolia.-s; Drovided, -Loat a re'UE,al Of entL'Y l@itiic)ut -, sea@ch -gs prov4ded i-,i section 19-14 1 sha-L! -,.io-L 'oe consl-rucci as 19-25. 'O- --re@-use or An-,, o-,,7ne2: oi: occ!,,oant as h--reii de@Li-ned sliall fail I I ne,'Lect to promptly co,-q,,Dly in all rcSo-cLs it7'th tlie p3:ovisioris of tiie -ch,-,)tcr sliall udon conviction thereol- 'De dee-@--d @-uilty o@- a riisdemea-Lior ar,,-' s@@.all be fined no-L eyceedin@ one hunired dolla-@s. Each violation, fa-*@l-ure, refusal, o2! ne.-l---ct P-nd each e-ays con-Linuarice -Lhereof beyond a reaso-Ll,,'Die p@-rio,--', fo-r co,-@pliance shall cons-Li-lu-L-- a sepa-ra-Le o@-r-ense. ATITICL@-- II. Dutie,., arii Standai--ds '-2ectio-,i 19-36. Sa,7-e -- @icile-L facili-L'*-C'I. In and incL!u-It-r4-al ui,*-t:s I-liere s,iall loe prc)-,711-ded or attac*Lied di-rec'cly t'L-Le-,feL-o and c)penin@ tLie-.-,ei,-i anp-.--oved @-oilet: f--Cilities tliat-- q-f--Fo--@d P-ro',----c-L-^Ion -,,-,insL tlie are -@lyti,-ht @-nC'L p,--operly li,,-Ilt-2ci ana@ vo-ti-la-LL,(l- ir, a r,,.anner ipp-.-oved -)y L-hc 1-iousin.@ o@L-@@icer. in everi-@ any p,,--cmises havii- a co,-Dnercial or indcs-1--ial uni-L t h.2 7- C2,) - -ceL o- a sanit-,ry se@,ior oE- usa'lc L, 4S no- i7ith-I n or,.e ' un@.@e ' f ifly -C 0 I n or a pui'Dli-c supply raal-n o-j: pip-- -@@n any puDli-c -illcy cr or adjoins -Lie lot or Da-@cel St @;- - ic' -lie u@ri @-,:-s-s L t'@ie requi o@ tiiis T)r i c 0,1 3-- d, P. tc)il.2-- IDi-o@,7i@,ed, t'-Iat the sup!:)Iy an@ ,ioLI'lod o-C s(,@,7a-e d@-st@osal s',Ia-1-1- @D3 a@-)P-.-ov--d i)y 'Li,-al-L'ci cic 20,TICT-E III, Le-,Cl base 1)a@l-,it:. Se@,--@,-o,-i 19-75. De-4ni-ion L@S @,,ords and P'L-,-,--ases ,--a .-S r@S7,)ect:@vely ascri-oed to t' ,2- th@ . 1-iln@ ii @l ',iy section: (a) Lead Pai-n-1. ,@ay oil-Men-@ed, ii-qui-d SUb3tance applie--' to su-@fa--es Ioy ,)rush, -.collei:, sp-.ay cr th-- to-,al rion-viola-@il-- i@.@i-ec2i-pncs cont i a -i more tli,,n one-,ial@@ P-@ cen-um (,5 of lead by C-li'cu!aLed. as -i-eac'L r,---Lal --i-ther as a I'@qui-d or as e.--,ied fi-lu@ al::eady ao-),-i-ed. (-o SuDstance. S@,iall iiicIL-1 @e Z)O, C, irii@c-cl to lea@ 7 c. i:) ear j- n,- ,7 cc-@a,@cs T), Su-.---@-aces @,i -4 1-1 c 1 Li L@ -i) o slic,i L,--eas as s C(-,ilir,-s, -,gorches, 17; sil@ . wi-ndo@,7 -a,,.i-s. doors, c-loof c wall-s liaidrai-Is. anc@ appL,@--@ena.L-,c--s o--Fa Sec'@-.@Lon 19-76. Pro'p@ibited use o-L leacl pai.nt. It shall be unia-v7-@ul -L-o-@ any pezson i-n tLie ci-ly to use o@- apply or causc to be used or --IDpl4-cd le-qd pain@@, as de-ine-l' i-n -@Iii-s a-@-Li-cle, or e.ny s-,I-,)s-Lanc-- lead iTi e@c,@ss of one-iial-@- T)--r cen@--um (.5%) by @7e-7@' '- -o int-,-ior sLr:,@ ' @@o -ssible to Ll- L aces ancl L su_--@aces acc- i. L y p - 0,@ S e S , dC7e-,- 1- in- @@,72 i L, -,ii -L , r o unit or @@ac cti-L- o@ an o c c,-- c ri or use--' -Dy S--cl--@@on 19-77. I-laza-,.-dous coL,.di@--*.oLis ind noti-ce aIL)a-Lezient. @Tiien the i-nsp--c--i-on services -dr,-i-ni-st:rat:or nes t'-ia,. the L leaci @oeaTin.- substan--e Upon aL-@y P.-re@ises @D-1--escace 0 , crea@.--s a healt'i @, za,,-e-, tc) children o-l- ot:iier p--rsons he Slall issle'a ten -lay notice -Lo tlie oi@7ner or occuo-ant to eli-TLii-na-le -L'Lle hazaxd, LIO'..Tever, 'isc -,-a-o,-, additionai a L-:Ie Cl-- --et@l-on o@ tLie servces ado-ini-s'-- L @iay b- @rante(a' to -- e-- v,- @co o-,- -, e-Lq--cLy sLc conr-@-ion, L--ad pa@-n@-- sliall !)e coridletcly re-@oved @-ro@ @n@, surface @,iLiica cai be ch@@iee, or e,a t 12 --i 'o -1@ , c h i- @@- c 1 -,-- o I0 0 s c c',, e d , 1, d@ , p -- e 1 i n - I e @l d @- i n -L c- oL@Ic--- acccssi-@Dle @Lon-cl su'L)sLances sh--!! 'oe co-,ni)-ictely xemov.-,a@. o.L@ a:er,,.ov,-l c)@@ lead pain!--, a--c@ssi-'Dlc@ suri-7,aces sliall -i)e co-,7c-z--Cl @Ti--Lli an a,-)proved, C-Lra'ole, p-,.-otecti-ve Tiie m--@-hocis used @-o,-- tlie I-e,--io-val of lead pain-L sliall not p-"esent a hazai:d t:o hea'L-L',i --Fu,,Ies, clust or vapo-rs @Dy in'@i-@lation or abso-@ption t-,17-ou-h -LI@ie S!;:ig or aucous me,-io-,-,anes and s7@-,all be i-ri accordance %7i-Lh all, ap-L)I@--ca@L)le I-qi,7s, ordinan--es, re@LlIaLi-ons and sa@@e-Ly s-Laneards and practi-ces 0-@ L:le City o@- Beach inc-I oi s@L@l@-c a-Li@, @-cclei:al a-elc4.--s. C-, cj,-- b-v 19-78, P@:ooib4t4ori o- o- c ,a landiorcl. iNo 01,7ner o--r -lo @De in viola'L-io,,i o@' se4.@@-i-on 0 -,7 1 C o,--cu@,an-s x7it' childrc,.n -c)r tlic oa: calise to 'D-- ev;-c,L-ecl, L n ,@a 4 of avoicl-7-Q- correc-live ntenance by the ir@soection colll-,t or ity --o e a c, s L, i c, i c, -z e Li sLl a I @s. to call.'-- @IL-,UC ti-iei--z occut,,Da-,i--y ir-, acco-,-c-lnnc,2 @7i L'@l lease o-- p c:i - -1 a,,c -P e-nanc e i-l:- --CL.3n-I Lt--C' P-c i or to -o,-re-t@,ve t 0 19-79. pulol-ic health oL-1@icial, L),iysi-cian, or director o@- a la'Doi:atory,. tiosoi-Lal or other Lreatmen.-L C-aci-14@ty x.7.io dia@noses o-.-- sLisp-2c-Ls --Tie L c 4 o- lea-I poi pe-son sliall i=eciately no-Li@-y, i-n -sonln- in a-,iy n lie in3n--ction ser,,,ices ad,.@inist:-rator o- -act:. \Ioti-ica-iori L? L L IIC u@. a@e acd aSe ot Liie it,,clivac(-ia: na,-@,-- of pal--@nt:s (o-@ e:,.T)Ioyer -,d--Liss 12 In additio,.i to any other sanction or remedial procedure.. any landlord, o--cupan-L o-@ other persc)n @iho shail viola-@e any Dro- visi-o,,i of this UDOL conviciion ther,-o@@, s@all be fin6d-'not less I-li@,n r-if'Ly dollars nir -@iore -Ihan -Five hund-red dollars or be con- fiiierl in iail no- c@,cceedin, si:< r,,Dntlns, eith-,r or -L)o-@h. Each d-ays I c c) oF a vol,@tio, Of i-Le z S-par-@ite First -@eadins: Jttly 15, 1974 Second Readin-: Adopted bv the Council o-@@ t-he O@ity o@- Vi.--inia Beach on tlie day o@@ 1974. ITEi%l "7@5S9 on iiiotioil by Vice i\IaYor 17erroll, seCOTld(,d by Cotincilman ifolland, ancl by recorded vote as follows: Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert 11. Callis, Jr., Robert B. Cromiqell, Jr., Vice Mayor George R. Ferrell, Charles @V. Gardner, John R. Griffin, Clarence A. liolland, J. Henry NICCOY, Jr., Mayor J. Ctirtis Payne, Patrick L. Standin.1, aqd Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr. Nays: None Abseiit: None Ci-t), Council approved the followin@, aPPointmeTit oF viewers for Avenue A aiid Ocean Avenue in tlie l,ynnhavc,,n liorough: 01@l T' Vir@@@rja, has given du-- and p- ,-oper lioLiCe, in zocordance I.Ilith ti,@@ :ltitucc,,s !--or sucl,-i cases miclc and pi.-.ovi-c7te(l, LtidL iL c)i-, Li,j-s d@@-iy to t'l(l City of tile i I C!-Ly of Virgil-@ii f,,)r @lpj)C).*r@'C',I-2nt ()f Vie-ers to vie@,7 the be!D-.,; dr-,scribecl p.-,c)pertv, --,iid repor,-- ir,. to t'ne Coi:.Licil wliether, in t'tie opiriion of srli(i Vie@.,iers, any, ,ind if any, i@,iconvenience would result fron the of the hereinafter descr4lbed portions o-F Avenue A. and Oce,@-L, lventl-- in Lyn-,ikiaven Borough of the C!-ty of aid have file(-l such applicati-on %.,,ith the said Counci-I. THP-REFORE, I.IE !T Bv TiiE COUNCTL OF THE CITY OF V'LRCINIA B-@'ACII, VI,ZGINIA: That Nlr. CPnrf-. T. llr. Charles C. Carrington, ancl @ir. -@Villiam VI. Flemilig, Jr. are hereby appointeci to vie@,i Lhe belo@j described property and report in -v,,riting to tLie Co-,Incil ol or be@-or@2 @7hether in thcir opinion, a@iy, @incl if any, @,,hat in-@onv--nien--e @,7ould result from the disco-,itinuin.Q, closin,., and vacating of tho@ certain portions of Avenue A and Ocean Avenue, located in the Borou-,b. of Lynnhaven, Ci-ty of Virginia Bel-Ich, Vi-rginia, and d--scribed as follo,@s: PARCEL I, Aven-ae A (Sout"isi-('e- Shori2 Drive) Lyrin-liave,'l Beach All ol-@ that parcel O.L@ lar,,cl or@ ti@e south sie,c of U.,@. 60 @'Silc)r,' i,yririlll-,ive,,l Boro,Li,,',@ iii tit,? City o-@ P)each, Vii:,ip-ia, anc' bei,)-, r.,,ore p@.rt-,'-cul-,irly ID,)tiii@,cci -,tn(j clescri@,,-,4 a,@ at a )C)int locitec', @it pc)irit: of itiL,@rSE,Ctioi-l OF the of oc HD,I.Ly %,'iLh t:h-- 0 T'l,ock I as @,ho.7,-l oii Ll,,(-, c)f I)ror)(--rl-y ot C' t recc)@,e@! iii h-- 01-.f-j.c(?. o-C OjF- t"I'@ Gi-Lv ol-- in al,"4 t)e- -ii., "if,. th@ i@.47 t,,) ii t t[!f, ilso 60 r (i T 0 Po 1-@l C, C, l t: 1 -z !:1 o way ti c) r-- D 2 e r u n n c) r 7 4 L S o i-, OL @IL", DriVr :1 (11 a o -F 6 9 I'@' ice ro a p@)inl --@c-ated _S t r.-_,_ ill @S o f- f-,Ll-- afore-aid @ou,,2 S @, c) L ;- v e F,'ast, Of C)f U.c @oi-,.L:e I I)c)-e 11 - i- v,,@ I d 1- s - t,inc,- c, L@ 11 8 . 00 f t C) L o-F I OT- c,, @-', L c 60 is @-liso in o.- 31occ .1 Os sho.@n o,-i the abc)v-- descri',)--d pla,@-@ --@id run- ni-ng Sout'Ll 05@21'@-01@ E,-,s@-, -,!oL-ig t'[-ie ofc)@-esaid Ilest bot-,iidary '@iiie of Blo;--', 1, a 01: 428.72 L@eet to a po4-nt in t',Ic, Nc)rt:h riE-,,,ht ol-@ ,7ay lit-le o; t'@ie aforc@siid I'loily Avenje, tlicn--e ti,rnin,., an@, sc.,3--@-L O)o@08' 00" 1.10st ifortLl r@@,,Itt of iiay li-n@ DC the a]-o--c,,said i@ve(iu@, ,,i dist-i-O.--e (3f 160.71, feet to a poirit I.oc@).ted in t:@-- al-orc@srL-I-(! Nort:il right of @;ay linl- o@@ Ll,.e al@-c7-@said Ftolly Avanue, and w-.-IicLi point is Ilso 10--@@r-ed in t:@,-Ie afor--said East bouni,-iry Ii-Tie of Blo--'@ I as sho,"I,-i on the afores-,id plat and is also t@l- poi-lit: I'I(l plac@- of the becli-nnin, o.-L this C'z--@criptio,.i, all of is @ilso on c--rtain 1)'@ar ent-'@tled '?Subdivis4-on of '-,@rcDal-ty T,-,DL-It-t of BI-ock,@ B, C, D, E, F, G aiid 11, I,,,,-@inli--ven @-@@:cll, @rop,-rl@y o@@ L:il@e Geor,,@ dat--d "L@7 20, -m@id-e by Harol-Ill C. -;Iarren, Jr., G,L,'. cluly recc)rded in the Office of th-- Cler" of t'tlE-, (@@-rcuit Coiirt of ttic, City O@L P@,RCEL 11, @,veiL@,ie S@c)r-- Drivr-@) -L,ynn'Llaven Beach All thp-t certain lot, piec-- or parcel ol@ land, lying, situate and -1)2inf, iii @@-he Lynnhaven Borou,@lh of the C@lty of Vi.rinia Beac@ll, Vir n an in F_. i d 'De- g the pc)rti,,)ii of Oce;in Aven,:e lying North of the iiortherl,,, o',- .,7ay of S'@@ore Drive and Sout',l of t.@ic, solll",ierly 1-4-,@ t o@ -,,.-ly line o@ Ocean Avenue, @h as slio@n iii Boo!, 3, ilar@@ 1, Pa,@le 71, and des- crib-ccl )-irticulari@; Lo tbp- plat 2ti@4 -'ed "S@,7-1(li.vis*@or'@ C)'@ @r,-)Pc-@ty @lort@'ri o' I Bloci@s B, C, 1), F, G -,fi, Bc.,Icl,, Prope,--Ly o:L Lal,@(, CcorF-,,e clated 1,@,av 20, 1974, by C. Jr. C,@,uly ol@ c,,-)rd i-ii C-.- cc,,iit co,-- of tti@@ VLr,,,-iiil, aF, proL',c@rty i oL-i, Av 'y tl,lerc-,o,,i @nii j ill Norti-i c)lr i'L-@, C)f D, E, C ,-nd 11, -o Cc,oi:g,2 Ct-)rporiti(-)n". il@ ;z P,)iciL i'@ i,,C)rt'Li@rl-,7 ri@ht oll-- --y ino o@ I)rive the is ii-i-Ler- C-'Lec3 by tii@2 -Lv iiii,@ c)f Bi-o@". as @'7 Propi,rty c),@ @L,,)c@@:, C -,nd 11, Lyn,-il,-Ivc-n @i, tion' poi-,IL L o@- fc@L @o a C)o-@IL,@ il'i t-h@- Mel-Ly sLlf)@vzi L@ (Icean nap 84 @9'00" iEdSL alor,,, the n. C)i- OC,'2@,n L PO.Ln i r,-, C)i- @j@y t'@, r f-, '-is on divi-s-@Lon o,'@ Properly @,@o:7t!i ol'- Bloci@s B, C, 1), E, F, '-- iiid H, LynL-illava,,l Fie@a( 'n, Pro,,)el-ty of--- Lake Olorpo@@l-,,.itiori': , thc:rce Cur ii,,ig and runiiin@ South 05@'@'I'OC)" l@',;,st a di-stl,-.ice ol@ 500 fo@t- 'Ilong ti-i"L W,2sr(,rly f)@-op-rty line of Blocl-I A afores@iid, 500 feel to L po@TIL ill t"le nort@l@.@rly r--T glit c,,-- l@,;-,y ii-T@ c@@- @ltc)re Drive; theri--e ttirnini, rLinpj-,il,, Sc!uth 8!,@39'00" l,'esL ,ilon- t',Ic@ northerly rig!.--t ol@ 1,@ay line t, of St-iore I)rive a c)f-@ --100..'@7 feet to the po4lnL and place of baginni-ng. Pi@P,C-@L III (Portion of Ocean @venve) All t',aat corta@-Ti lo-L, p4@--ce or parcel of land, bein, sLio,,.@n i:orinel-1-y as ocear, Ave-,iijc,, but i-io-,; th@ proper-Ly of Cobo Corporation, lying tiortia of Aveiije A and tli-- ri@ht OE- -,,lay oi: ..,Ilat 7as for,nerly Ocean AV,@tiua, -@s in P,', p Book 5, Part 1, Pa,e 71, sai-d parcel of land being e@escr;-b--e, -'Itb- refc,-@,n--e to t'El@it t@l-at entitled "Slibdi,iision ol- Prop@.rty of l')lcc't@s B, C, D, E, F, C and Fi, T.ynn',Iavc,,-i E,-,ac'Lll Property o.@ Lake C@2orge Corpoi.-,z-Lion", 1)@,Finning @,t a poi-nt thereori @,7"Iere the southerly right of .,7-qy line of ,7h@at wps fo,,-m--rly sho@7n as Ocean A,venue )'-S intersected by the westerly property line of Block A, on said plat, and from siid point and place ol- runnin., t@lei,.ce a]-on th-- so-,itlierly ril,,it of @@7ay o@ Ocean Avenue, South '@'!+@39'00', a disi:ance of 185 feet to a po4-@-iL; th--rica tu L,,Id rulli@-r,-@, icross Oce,in alc)T,., t:hc-- c),@ t,'I-- pro-,)-,rt,, nol-7 o- t7 e,,t: a (Itiscance of 100 c) a iri L'rlr@ iiorthoi-ly rigti-I o'f- kiay I-'Ln,@ o-F oc--ziri I'venue as s;ao@,,ri iii I,,Iar) ]3oo", 5, ll)ji,-t 1, P@l,-(! 71, and pl,it ciitit@led ol@ Prol)@i-t:y IlorLh of Bloci@.- ii, C, -1@, E, F, C 11, B(2,icii, l@r,@pcrt--y o@L" @le@iL the ()f @liy of oce"Iti fect t,) @'i "lic-,Elce @ri(i So,,iLli O@)@2@['00@' a cl i 1: , n o L@- i2 C2 t t 0 Poirit ,;,)j of p,-ircel, oC l@tzicl oil pl@t- -r,- BI ocl@s P, C, 1), E,- l,', C IT, L@,r,,Ilivc2ii Beac'Li, I)copcrt:y of. L@ille by CZII)Lioi Boo"@ -5, P@trr I -/'l." to IV T@ L p "i 0 f L lie t y 0 f v 3- V i r @l I-,, E,-.oj.-e P--Licul@i@-@, n Or- propC@rL,, no,; or @-c)ri,-,,Irly @D-'VT-v-@ n- to ttl,,-,t i o ,l0C)-(,:Ill Li- -o,@ y t:hr c,,a r d oE Sill) rv@sc)--@@, 0 o C,'B 1, j, 4 C) 71@ i,@i til"3 of i-: iof @ci,@o t!,@, C'Ircuit Court ()f t',16@ C-*--@y ol@ Virgi-nia AdoPted by t@Ll,@ Col-ii-icil of tt-le CiL,,, c)L- Be@ich, Vir@.inia, on Che _ day of 1974. pyly/cj 7-2-71@ f'II 71 TO: TIIE T'IE 01" 'I'@ '--T7,@T A 1. T(iat to t: p@ of C,)Je of Virginia, 1950, as atn--nded, @--pplies for vacating, closi.n,- @9nd di-scontin@@ll-@@l,, of oi@ certain roads situate i.n the Borc)-@i,,'@l of Lynntilven, '@-'@-Ly Of Vi.i:-i,-iii --,@ac!7., Vir@in,,a, and described as follo,,7s: PARCEL I. Aveiii;@ @., (S,)llll-hside S(!-,.-e Drive) T,,@nn'Liavei Beach I All of tliat oarcel of lar,.,j l@)cat--cl 0-1 tlie SOUL-11 side oi: ',J.S. Roull-e 60 (Shol--,-, D--ive) Ly,-iiliav@n Bo.-oug',i ii, the City of EcEic@i, Virgi_,I-ra, -,nd bei-n-, i,.iore p@4rticularly @,)undet' @ltiu' dc-sc,-@@-@oed as follo@7s: Beginnir,g at a poinl- locate.,,' at tile poin'l- of iritersectioii of tlie NorLh ri,@ht o- 7 y r @, --- 1-i-ne of Holly Avenu-- @,i;-th the East b(,tindary lir,.e of Block 1 as shown ota the @,mcnded Pl;,t oL@ Property of Lynnl-iaven i')aaeli arii Park plat is recorded i-,i t@ic o-@ice of L' I .t-.!: -ii, Clerl-I o.- L'Cie O.j-rcuit Court of Che Ci-ty of Vir,.inL@, r--ach, -@Tir-;nia, in Map Boo'& 5, at Pa@e 71, and i-rc,,,,n s@iid ,-Oint 0-@ be- ginning runnin@ Nor-Lh 09@Ic"",@2" T@'est along the -idary Ii-,ie of the a-@oresai-d aforesaid East boti L Block 1, a distance or- 457.1,,7 L@eet to a point locateo' in the a.Co-eslid boundary 1-@Ine of tlie aforesaid Blocl, I qnd @,7hi,ch point is -,ISC) lo--ated in l,ile Soutli ri-ght o@- ii,!y o.@ U.s. Rc),Ite 60 /,S'-lore D-1@-ivo) tul-nii@;-@, run- niii, LLie s 0 t L r @'a I r, c C) i-@ s @l L! 0 L I t-. o 60 c, t: u o ,i poi -nt iL-i tlie aFor2,-@i@i Souti-I of WI@y lin? c.i@- IJ.S. 60 Driv-) @lortli T Sol,t:ll o@L l@f@ly 14[l@ 0 Dr-ivc,) a of r),@. 1"' @l'c to P')i.lit I.oc:i,-Pd LlIC2 ol@ 1:11@- 61) (,,,r( N c., r i S r) I I L u 17 IJ @')Cl a (Ii t,i r@ 1, I 0 L t IlL L,-) t L(i i@ri L"I" 6C) @i,,; Ftlo,,jLl c)n iiil,,r 0 5.;l 72 Sl.o( fc.-r t.0 -l iri L! @,o r i r of @@7 line 'Aforc@a tol-@L@ tile tc) 't saici ri )f afcr ,2, o sa icca@e in tlc,,- ci a S tlie D t a@i (),r C; t'nat ontitierl o Propei-ty @corth o@ @.I.ocks i'@, @,, 1), J,", r, C, ,and Ii, Tyn,,i'@-iav-n Beach, pi,-op--rv or T,,,',-e (3eor,- Corpora-4C)I-.,Ii d ted 2 7Z made 'oy fl@irol(i lla--rci, 3r., C.L.S. Ciulv @k Lr@@ he recorcl,@,-l i@-1 Cl,' 0 t Circli'- t Cc)l irt o City Beach, Virgil, ia. P,ADCEL I-1, .@velue A (i,7@)--Ltaside SnDre Dr!-va) Lynnhaven Beach @,11 that cortai-La IOL, piece or parcel of I-ancl, lyinE,, S4tuate @.nd bci-n- ii-i L(ie Ly,'clll-iaven Borol'IS'@L oc- tLie Ci-Ly of V@-r,iaia BeacLi, Vir@inia, and b@-,in,, tl,,e c)f Nortli of '[)-c vorL!--,rly ric,T:,L- ol- @7py o@l: S@.ore Dr-'@ve and Sout'-@ o--- tIL( so,-il-;%,-@- Iv C)r @qay line of Ocean tvcnue, as sl-lo@7,1 i,-l Book 5, Part 1, Pa@@le 71, an,! C'escr@'l-@@@ci trore p.-:irticulLrly @,iit'n r--L-a.-ence to t@ic-, plat: c;iLi-Lieci of Propa, Lli o-c- -Dlo ',s, @l, @", Pi, E, f , G, and H, Lynnhaveii of Cileor@-@c Corpor,,tt-ioLi" cia,Lc@(I 20, I;_,7L'@, fila@,,,. -by H,-irol@,l C. '-,'@trren, Jr. . du.-!y oE r@.cc @--d i,'.l LI),- Clerl, 's ol@fice o@ tlie Circu-I-L Court o'@2 t@,-- of Virginia -F)each, %li.r-.i-nia, a,. pro,,)er-Ly t-hereon inari@ed "Cobo Corporntion, l@enile A, ly4ng inorth OL- S@iore !)rivc@", sai@l parc,-,] of lanci @,;@Lth re- ference to C,@e pl,al er,,,iti2c. !'Su-odivisic)n o-L Pro,,)erty I\Tc)rt'll )f !,IC)--ks B, @@, D, E, @, G al'id I Propert- of La',-e -@eorge I,ynniav--,i Beach, Corpora-@'Lon@'. ,it @ pc)-*Iiit @t oi- W,qy li.n@ o@@, Sitorc )-)rive '@s secto,l li,Y- t,-,e c)f Bloc'@ as C)Il t',,e il@@p D, l@', l@' of- L@l-C;@c)r e C2 frc),g _T) Li 'L@, v L-) r o 1- B! r)cll- I "i 11-@o r Li .02 ILct: to Li pc),nl C', f Ly c, L) P,ir L i@,@ r I i, El P; I,,, or t l C! L:, I L I'-"'0 @-eet a.t c., i Sol o Oc ii f-- c, i-,s e. c t- :i o" iL i" C , C, OL 0-@ a !)Oillt ill t'Lle n@)r@.lierly D'f Shore Driv-; t@ Iellc,2 turnin, .Ind runni,i@, soiltil P.4@3,' Jo .7@St -1 n- nor@-h- C, 10 erl,y r ht of D,-;-ve @i cl-@ls- y 1 i- r, ,f: 200.27 fec,,L t) t',Ie I)oi,,L --qncl pizice- of P!I"CEL (T@ r F 0, 0 t: C) @0_ a@l '-s )cOar, @v@ilue, bu- no Pro@)-2r'-Y c)f Co-o C rpratiot lyiil- Of @v@@,iue lnci the ri@,liit of of w,iat @gas former.ly occ@an A.Ve Ue I in 'i p Z S S, i, ap )o(-)k 5, P,arL 1, Pa-@ 71, said Darcel-o-F lind beii,g ,e clescri'---(3 r,,-,fe,.-crice Lo Iat e. itled I'su,0(4,ivi.s i-oii o@ ProperLy @lort"' of Blocks B D, E, i, , C @nd H, Lynn@iavcn Property' of Lal@e Ceor,e Co@pc),-aLion" It a P,)int ti-iereoTLi @ihcre u.[-,@e soul:@l2@ly -ricl,ht o-F ",ay line 0 f wi-i a t@,7as f,)rr,,crly S 11OV7n as ()ccan Avenue is interse--ted by the @,lesterly prop,@rty Iiiie of Blocll- A, on sa-'@d olat, and @rom said point and place of be runiizi@ th@tice along the soutli--rly of l@lay Ii @'venue Sou'@-'cL 84@39'6'0" ",,,est d4s--@,,@20 OF 11,15 fe--t to a point; then--e tur@iiia, rur,@iin, qcross Oce@t@.,, ivenue a--Lozi, th@ oE the property no@7 or fori,,,--rl@7 Bailey P@iri-er, Corth 05@2l'OO" l@@esi- oo 0'2 t )a DC)int i-n the n o r 'l- h-@ @- 1- y, ri of @,7ay Ii, oF OcL-an /@venue as shol. ii i-ri r-,oc)k 51 P1,13-t !-, Pac@e 71, and pl.-at r-,n',-itlccl- @,@,,I,,)(livision of Propert-,j North of Blocks @", C, D, E, F, -- @,n@l Ii, I,yn-'ihaver@ Be,Lc,'i, T-Irop2r,--3, of Lake G c)r-@, Cor-,iorat-ion", thence turn'Ln- aiid runniri- SC)II@.h S4'39'00" T@Test aloiig the tiortherly rigtit: of @qay line of Ocean 4venue aforc@said @l of 185 feet to q poi-@it; -Ilience turninl-, an,; running Soutli 05@2l'OO" E-@st i distaoce ol@ -'00 feet to rhe poi,it a-id pl,.@,ce of of land s@io-.Iin o-,i L@,ie divisio-i o'c @-or2r,-y Nc)rt; of "I c's B, C, D, E, F, C -1, L,I,nohavLn PP-,-ic"ll @i.-operLv of ",,)cean !ven,,i,-,, @,@3 iii @-12L Pc-)'@ Par- -L T), L 71-11 ZiLl'i b,-, ci,)@,c@l I)y @iction of Cj-ty Cc@ii,,icil- by i,-i 'irro,j f)L@ ; n, i 'I- -'Lic, -c L, 1: 0P,, I I prc)l)erty ly@,1117-, al- -)fl@icrly Avent,,. A. P'T),C@-,'L IV 40 fe(@i: oi: of i, ri-,-i /1 0 @@nd ti, I!l@ 1) i i- L L c. i i 1. r I,, r, 1,@ L: of o-t- 1,7 1),! Lo t-o l,iiit cif I I)Y r(-l o @-- S t: r v io r L; , p r 2 @,C) C) c r@ 40 i@ cj cz2 '@o@ilc 5, @lif L 1, t 2 7 1 @"t- ci,, o Vi @l V,L i: i 2. T@r.-iL @io @'Liconv(l@@, i-. "1411 i i:L, @@ii,It L() i-,,i '@)Y rc,@sor, of t'n@ s,,@@@cl v 11 "i, ro d, aru' as prc)vidcd by ifores '-d st:atiL@@ -@'i vi@@@i L,iL porl@;.ops of Lli-- said roa6s to ba clos--d "'ind roport-- ii-i to L'Lli-s Co,,i,-i(L@@l on or b(@fore 1974, r, i,-.1 L'cie opi.iiion o.F. the said Vie,..,,ers , -nny, acil iny, @ncol - 1- -i, @r'lellco @,70uld resilil.t froii the discontir,ui-n.- c)@@ thes-- parl@-oils of s-:i@ld .-oads. 3. T'Qat on -tie day of 1974, noticesof the L - -- I presenti-p@g of t!iis applica'L.i-o-@i @,7er@ 1)c@sted at tti Coul-thouse o.@ th(-, C4-@CUit Co,,rt C)@ @1,2 Cit--y o@ virsir!i-i -ind at t@.,o of--'ner pi-,blic pl.,ices @i"l-Iii-Li tiie s:,,*d C@l-ty, by t,,.e af-Lidav4-t attachr-@d 1-1 - ho-ce-Lo, ari,-l a copy o:F s@,4,cl n,')ti.c@-,. "C@@@PC',CL@@'i-Ill-Y Sl-lbTliLtc-,ci, CI'UY Cl@' VI-IGI',II,@ B,,, Pssist-ant Cit,/ @lanager ITENI "7360 @@fr. Bruce B. Attorney, appeared tefore City (,ouncil re.@arding tlie following street closiire. On ipotion by Vice Mayor Ferroll, secondecl by Councilman NIccoy, and bv recorded vote as follo@qs: Aves: Councilnien John A. Baunt, Robert 11. Callis, Jr., Robert B. Croi,@i@,1011, Jr., Vice Nlayor George R. Ferrell, Charles W. Cardrier, John R. Griffin, Clarerice A. Ilolland, J. fienry 1NIcCoy, Jr., Nlayor J. Curtis Payne, Patrick [,. ,tandin-,, Lind Flovd E. lvaterfiold, Jr. iNavs: None Abs(@nt: None City, Council approved the following ordinance closin@, Old Baker Road in tlie Bayside Borough: AN O@iDINAiiCE CLOSING, VACATING AND DISCONTINUING it PORTION OF OLD BAKER ROAD. WHT-ZREAS, proder notice that the City of Virginia Beach DeveloDment Authority would make a-Dplication to the City Council of the Ci-ly o@- Vi- inia 3each, Virg4.nia, to have the .9 hereinafter portion of Old Baker RoEid closed# vacated and discon- tinued as a public street of the CitY of Virginia Beach was duly postedi and WHEFC-AS, the land proprietors affected thereby have i been duly notified; and WHEREAS, said application was made to -@he City ii Planning Commission and to the City Council and pii--suant to the statutes in such cases made and provided, the Cou-,cil appointed Viewers who have reported to the Council that no 4@nconvenience to the public or to private individ-.ials would result from-such closin_-, vacation and discon-@inuance; and WHER:,:AS, the City Plf3.nning Commission after -oroper notice and hearing, has report--d thereon to the Council; and WHEREAS, it is the judgement of the Council that said portion of Old Baker Road should be closed, vacated and discon- tinued; now the,-efore BE IT ORDAINED BY T@, COBNCIL OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIAT Section 1. That th-- certa,,n portion D-' said street described as follo,ms in the Ba,,vside Boro,,I-h of th,@ -@ity of Vir,,,inia Beach, Virginia, is heraby closed, vacated and discon- @inued as a -oubli-c s-@reet o@- the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, said cer--ain portion of said strf3e-- not bein-- needed for public use and travel: ALL THAT CERTAIN portion of "OLD BAKER ROAD", som--timeg referred to as "OLD COUQTY ROAD" as shosn on that certain pla-b entitled, "SURVEY OF PROPERTY FOR T.@ CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY IN THE CITY OF V@1:1,GINIA BEAC"K, --A SCALET 1" = 100' JULY 16, 1973 LANGLEY, McDONALD & OVERBIAN CONSNTING ENGINMRS VA. BEACH, VA.", duly recorded in -.he Circuit Court Clerk's Office, City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, in Mao Book 101, a-- page 54, said ri.,ht of way to be closed bei-ng more Darticularly bounded and described as foliows: BegLnning a-. an iron Din in the wes-@e--n ri@ht of way line of Diamond Springs Road (-,/A. RT@Z NO . 13), a 125 foot ri--ht of ivay, at its intersection with the northern right of way line of the Norfo-Uc -Oouthern Railway Company', runnin- thence N. 80 35' 49" W, 89-51 f-at to a point; thence N 70 45' 16" W, 881-33 feet to a point; thence along a curve to the right having a radius of 1,476-39 feet and an are distance of 157-32 feat to the TRUE PBINT OF BEGINNINGI thence a@-id from said TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING the following courses and dis- tancest S 6,0 1 131 23" W, 1036-52 feet to an iron pin in the eastern right of way line of Baker Road; thence N 70 211 37" W, 30 feet to an iron pin; thence N 610 13' 23" E, 1,036-52 feet, more or less, to an iron pin in the western right of way line of Dia,,nond Sprin_-s Road; thence along a curve to the left havin- a radius of 1,476-39 fee-t and an are distanc-e of 34.0! fee-@ to the TR-LTL- POINT OF BEGINNING, said ri--Iht o@- way b94-ng desi,-nated on the afore-me.,i'-@ioned -olat as "OLD BAKE'@I RO.AD". Section 2. That 30 days after this date a copy of t@ Ordinance, certified by the Clark, be spread upon the public records in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of this City and indexed in like ma-nner as a deed to lands- Adopted by the Council of --he Ci-ly of V@ginia Beach, Virginia, on the - i5 day of fuly 1974. ITF,;',l it7-'Ol On iiiotion by Vice Mayor Ferrell, seconded by Councilman Standin,.,, ayid bv recorded vote as follo,Vs: Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert 11. Callis, Jr., Robert B. Croili@'Tell, Jr., Vice Nl-iyoi- George R. Ferroll, Cliarles IV. Gar-dner, ,Jol,@n R. Griffin, Clarencc, A. Holland, J. fienry DIcCoy, Jr., %,Iayor J. Curtis Payne, Patrick I,. Standinl,, -inl Floyd E. lqaterfield, Jr. Nays: None Absent: None Ci.ly Couricil approved the followin@. t,,ix refunds in -,tie amotint of 8 0 4. 5 0 V. Da tL Julv 2, 1974 -,C !@@)plication for Tax Refunds applic@,tions for refund of taxes totaling $ 804.50 c@--l- 7L fo.- payment, as set for-,h below: V. A -ntheride reasurer Typ -Lie 12 x o T T i @et tio,, I)a te Pen Inter Total C! I 0. Ilcid lbase @,31ty est ye.! T@, x LNUIN- r I I S Jonc-s 1974 CD #32171 ].-30-74 7.50 !i,c'-c,y Leon 1974 CD #MC 1584 3-22-74 1.50 i,at 1. Fisl@er 1974 CD MC 405 1-11-74 1,50 es 2 @,hi,tfiel@d 74 CD Ii 29804 1-28-74 35Oi8 2-22-74 15.00 ary @IcDonald 1974 CD 34336 2-4-74 7.50 hester 11. 1974 CD 21020 @1-3-74 7.50 orcliester G. Butler 1974 CD #39888 l@-3-74 7.50 osepli N Moore 1974 CD @l 5848 6-1-8-74 1.00 avid A O'Connor 1974 CD Yt' 25571 1-15-74 7.50 oan E. Byrd 1974 CD it' 1358 1-4-74 7.50 elene Pohlman 1974 CD 29219 1-25-74 7.50 olin P. Gray 1974 PP 29222 11170 6-10-74 28.86 riT,,s C! eld 1974 PP 08712 11172 5@-23-74 70.86 70.86 rvil.le P 'ilp.ier @ a M 1974 PP 17 56043 11125 6--10-74 Bfi.10 ITi I I i & A oyre Ceie C Jr 1973 PP 63589 - 126 6-'10-73 33.60 33.60 r 0,N PA (2) AI)ovo applications i-:or refunci o-',- t:axes a I)pa-oved. Di t: ,y @'c t:o r,-iey Aliov,, @jl,)at nents totaling Apii-oved b@ 7-@-74 V. ,ibj ec,-- A,,Dplication for Ta-.' Tlie follo@,;ing apolzlcations fo-- refund OIL- and ce-rti@@ied for payment, as set tor-,h belo-@: V, A. Et'neridge Tre;isurer Type Ta-@ ,te Nlame Tax C) f T i c ", o t Total Year Tax ,\' i-,, er @i-cl Basc, zi.er Mary 1973 RE I,,']-4483 10-18-73 25.44 1.27 26,71, 1st half kiss Mary C 1973 PE # 0203 2107 6-8-73 1st & 2nd 12-3-74 1-62.86 ills Eleanor 1973 RF- 1'r' 5901-14 2415 6-20-73 21.60 1st & 2nd 6-20-73 21.60 43.20 critage Seving@ 1974 RE #2649 3603 6-10-74 280.81 280.81 Loan Assoc. 1st half A'i)ove sl)plications for jz taxes apnroved. Date D31c Bimson, City Attorney I@'ov,, ib:itements tot, 14, Api)@-ove(I I)Y i ty t'@c)"Inc i C i tf C' e,-!@ ITENI N7362 Nlr. Giles G. Dodd, Assistant to the Ci.ty ?,Ianager - Finafice, appeared before Council on this item. On inotion by Vice Mayor Ferrell, secorided by Councilman Griffin, and by recorded vote as follows: Ayes: Councilr@ien Johli A. Baum, RoberL [i. Callis, Jr., Robert B. Croinivell, Jr., Vice Mayor George R. Fc,,rr@1.1, Charles W. Gardner, John R. Grififiii, Clareiice A. tiollanci, T. Iteiiiy j@,IcCoy, Jy-. , Mayor J. Curtis Payne, Patrick L. Standing, and Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr. Nays: None Absent: None -odch year it is necessary to make certaiti budget adjustments prior to the closing of the City's books, and, as in previous years, some departments will require adjustments to the 1973-74 budget prior to the closing of the books, City Council adproved the followin,@ transfers and appropriations: .-50, L City Council also approved the follo,vin,,, buroaits request for transfers from salaries to otlier expeises: 05 r) I --- $13,100 0 O'@, 7 7,C)OC) T G @,01@ City Council further al)proved thc) roquest of the Scliool B-,,ard that a transfer i%,ithin the Scliool Operatiiig, I)udget of $247,00@U +@o School Construction Fund be iiiide as well as transfey-s froin salar@-,.s to other exl)enses fo-r the Eolloivin," categoric-, @qjtl)irl tlio School Operating, liud,@)et: 1 2 0 1 0AdTainistration $ 7 7 , 0 0 0 12022 Othor Instructional Costs 515,000 12061 Nlaintenance of School. Plant 256,000 @rotal $848,000 7 ; 6 On niotion by Counciliiian Gardner, second,3d by Councilman Waterfield, and by recorded vote as follows: Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert Ii. Callis, Jr., Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Vice Mayor George R. Fer,ell, Charles W. Gardner, Jolin R. Griffin, Clarence A. Holland, J- fienry McCoy, Jr., Nlayor J. Curtis Payne, Patrick L. Standin.@, atid Floyd E,. Waterfield, Jr. Nays: None Absent: None City Council approved the funding for tlte Division of Justice and Crinie Prevention (approved on June 6, 11)74), Grant h73-A2-)09 for the Training and Education of Law Enfor(-ement Personnel in the Police Division. Fundin,@ for the program will be as follows: Federal Share - DJCP $ 9,897 State Buy-ITI 550 Local SliaTe - Virginia Beach 550 Total Pro.@rani ]@udget $10,997 ITENT #7364 On motion by Councilman IVaterfield, seconded by Councilman Holland, and by recorded vote as follo@vs: Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert H. Callis, Jr., Robert B. Croinivell, Jr., Vice Mayor George R. Fe-rr(-'Il, Charles W. Gardner, Johii R. Griffin, Clarence A. fiolland, J. Henry @l,--Coy, Jr., @@layor J. Ctirtis Payne, Patrick I,. Standin,@, and Floyd E. IVaterfield, Jr. Nays: None Absent: None City Council accepted a Federal Grant in the amount of $8 '463 for a summer pro.@ram servin@ the economica.Ily (lisadvantaged youth of our City. Tliis grant is for recreational an(! cultural activities and is funded through the Department of Labor aitd the Southeastern Tidewater Opportunity Project (STOP). No local coiitribution is required. ll'EiNi "'73oS Oii motion by Councilmari @Vaterfield, secojided by Councilman Standing, aitd @i)y recorded vote as follows: Ayos: Councilmen John A. Baum, Roberl Fl. Callis, Jr., Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Vice Mayor George R. Foi-rell, Charles W. Gardner, John R. Griffin, Clarence A. Holland, f. fienry McCoy, Jr., @layor J. Ctirtis Payne, P,,itrick L. Standin,,,, @iii,l 17loyd I:. IVaterfield, Jr. N,LYS : None @kbsent: None City Council approved the water extensibit to Wid@eon Road in the Sandbridge area. The estimated cost of this extension would be approximately $7,500, and the immediate i,eturn to the City from those property owners si@ning agreements would be $6,800. When all property owners along this line connt@ct to City water, the total estimated return to the City will I)e $13,200. ITENI #7306 Mr. David Gourley appeared before Council on this item. On motion by Cbuncilman Gardner, seconde(t by Councilman Holland, and by recorded vote as follows: Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert H. Callis, Jr., Robert B. Cromivell, Jr., Vice Mayor George R. Ferrell, Charles W. Gardner, John R. Griffin, Clarence A. Iloll@qnd, J. flenry @4cCoy, Jr., Mayor J. Curtis Payne, Patrick L. Standing, an(i Floyd E. @Vaterfield, Jr. N@tys: None Absent: None City Council approved the extcnsion of sztnitary sewer Iiiies to the Hilltop Manor area. ITEM #7367 On motion by Vice Mayor Fel-rell, secondec. by Cotincilman McCoy, and by recorded vote as follo@vs: A),es : Councilmeii Jolin Bauni, lzobert If. Callis, Jr. , Rol)ert B. Cro,,P,@qell, Jr. , Vice -Pla)@or George R. Forrell, (:h@irles IV. @ardner, John R. GriEfin, Clareiice A. fiolland, J. Itenry McCoy, Jr. , Nlayor J. Curtis Payne, Patrick L. Standin,.,, @incl Floyd f@. IV@tterf4@@@ld, Jr. N,tys: None Absent: NQne City Council autliorizod tlie City Mana-el, to eiiter into standard water and seiver agreoments for the Acredale Resubdivision, Sections 14 and 15, Indian Lakes, in tlie Kempsvi.Ile BorOLI@,h. ITEM "'7,,68 Oii motion by Councilman Gardner, seconded by Councilman Bauin, and by recorded vote as follows: Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert l'!. Callis, Jr., Robert B. Cro,nwell, Jr., Vice Mayor Geor@e R. FerTell, Charles IV. Cardner, Jolin R. Griffin, Clarence A. Holland, J. Henry @IcCoy, Jr., Mayor J. Curtis Payne, Patrick L. Standing, ai@(I F71oyd f@. IVaterfield, Jr. Nays: None Ai)sent: Nc)ne In April of this year the City Council authorized the City Nianager to proceed with the design and relocation of the Farmers' Produce Market from Diamond Springs Road to the Princess Anne Park area. Therefore, City Council authorized the City Nianager to enter into the necessary agreements with Evan @IcCorkle for the architectural services necessary to implement this relocation. ITEM #7-)59 On motion by Councilman Gardner, seconded by Councilman Griffin, and by recorded vote as follows: Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baula, Robert H. Callis, Jr., Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Vice Mayor George R. Ferrell, Charles W. Gardner, John R. Griffin, Clarence A. Holland, J. Henry NIcCoy, Jr., Mayor J. Ci,irtis Payne, Patrick L. Standin-@, and Floyd E. @@aterfield, Jr. Nays: None Absent: None Citv Council authorized the City Manager to enter into an agreement with the Norfolk Southern Railway Company for the construction of an 8-inch sewer main pipe li@ie Li.,ider tlie Norfolk Southern tracks at the nortli end of Yoder Lane. ITEM #7370 On motion by Councilman Gardner, seconded bv Councilman Callis, and by recorded vote as follows: Aye,s: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert 11. Callis, Jr., Robert B. Cromivell, Jr., Vice @layor George R. Ferr,-,Il, Charlcs IV. Gardner .jo',iii R. Griffin, Clare,-,cc, ,k. lioliancl, J. Itenry @IcCoy, Ji@. , @layor J. Curtis Payne, Patrick I,. Stinding, ail Floyd E. IVaterfiel-d, Jr. Nay@i: None Absent: None City Counci-1 voted to hold a public hearing on JLtly 29, 1974, at 2:00 p.m., iii the City Couiicil Clianbers, for the purpose of cc)nsiderin@ the 1974 Charter Bonds and for the Fiscal Ycar Revenue Sharin.@. City CoLi@@,-il further autliorized the City Clerk to advertise this public h ct ITE@l @7371 ",@qens froia L' e Virginia Beach Department state(I @-liat 35 mor- samples taken from th,@ @-@.i.s of the residen@ th,-, Doyletown area to check f,)n the contaiai;,,'.',)n. T@venty-nir,.@ ciiecked n--@ative for bacteria io:,-, ,Nlr. C)@@ons recoi,,ime,. -iiat tlic residents in the -'rea use a water soft" .- --,!@ian CroTwell sta-1--d that lotincil i'i@id reqite-,3ted the City Attorri--y to cli--ck into lot assessments for public improvemen-'s, such as water and so it ma%, -@xpedite so,'.Ie of t[ie prol@Lems. ITEP,l " 7@72 City Council received a Special Counci,l Committee Report ifith recoimnendatiosn concerning the D@lental HP-,alth and Nlental Retardation Services Board (Cliapter 10 Board), and t@he Atlantic Mental Health Center Advisory Board, Incorporated (Advisory Board) City Council accepted the report as subntitted, to-ether with letters from Mr. Kirig E. Davis, PhD, Director, @tental 1-feal'th Clinic, and. Centers of tlie State i)epartment of I liealtli and Mental Regardation @ind a letter from Nir- Aiison B. HaLigliton, Pro.,rani Constiltant. After considerable discussion, Councilj,,taii Holland made a motion, seconded by Councilman Callis, to direct the City Clerk to iinmediately transmit copies of the Special Committee Report and letters to all meinbers of the Chapter 10 Board and tlie Advisory Board. The recorded vote is as folloivs: Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert f]. Callis, Jr., Robert B. Croiiiwell, Jr., Vice Nlayor George R. Ferrell, Charles IV. Gardner, Jolin R. Griffi@,i, Clarence A. liolland, J. flenry McCoy, Jr., Mayor ,J. Curtis Payne, Patrick L. Standing3 and Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr. @ays: None Absent: None City Council directed the City Clerl', to immediately trans-',Iit copies oL the Special Committee Report and letters to all members of the Chaoter 10 Board and the Advisory Board. ITEM #737-) CotinciliTian Holland stated that it has been br@ou,,ht to his attention, by (levelopers who liave swimming pools, t@ie requirement of the s@vimmin, pool ordinance, Cliapter 32(a)-4, re@l,ardiii.@ the requirement of a four fooL fence being erected betiveen the lar@-,ei, swimming pool and the wading pool. Councilinan Hollan(f stated that this has created some problems for the lifeguard trying to cover both areas. Tliis does not apply to any establisliments under the supervision oE @he Bureau of Tourist Estab- lishment S@initation, private residential sivimmin@ pools, and single occupant t@inks and silowers used exclu-siv(@ly foi, therapeutic purposes. Cotincilman Flolland requ--stod brin-.inf, t'flis ordinance back before CoLiiicil on the iiiformat agenda, and iC pc)ssil)le, an ordinance be preDared, after discu,,isioii, witli the 1)o-@,;il)ility of strikin@ out tlie i@or@s "separated by a fence of allly adj,,ic(@nt pool'*,' After consi(.Icral)le discussioii, Council rc,(Iticste(I the Citv @-anaaer to 1)1@ice on his inforinal a,.,en(la, foi, the iitc(,tinp oC July 22 11-974, tfie si@tflimin., pool ordin@inco; ancl further r(.'qiieste(i Nlr. Mack Otqens or a rc,,[)rosentative of tlie %ii@,ini,,i Beacli floajth D,-,parti,.ient to be pl'esent. Cotirici.Iman Bauifl requested i.nformation oti tho recent court case of Stevens vs BayclifE, re,,,ardin- siltation in a small lakc similar to La'rle Trant. Councilman Baum further requested tlie Cit@@ ManaE,'er to place tliis itent on the informal a.,enda of July 22, l@)74. ITE"'I ', 7@@7S i,lrs. Doxic, a resident of the Croatan Bt@zicli area, appeared before City Council regarding the surfin.@ problein at Croatan Beach. i%lrs. Doxie stated that the surfers do go beyond the 800 feet at the @North end of Croatan beach and beyond ttie limits of (:amp Pendleton making it quite dangerous for the bathers in the area. This isn't a case of surfing and driftin.@, but a deliberate encroa.ciiiierit. As sug@ested by @,lr. Tyler, the residetit,; call the police to report tlie surfing violations; only once have i,hey iiitncssed any ticketin,@. Doxie furth--r stated that the rosi,lents of the areq can only cor,qe to the conclusioii that tliis Tie@v sLti-Cing area ejicoura-les more and niore surfers to use all of Croataii l@each.. i@Ir. R. Scott Tyler, Assistant to t'@le Dicector of Community Services, stated that tivo of the problems at Croallan were trasil and parkin.@. The Departments of Parks and Recreatioii aiid Refuse Collectio,-i have been to tlie area to clean the parkin', and beach areas, and also left several @trash recepticles. C. Wright, Jr., Attorney, sttted that it is not the fact i%lr. Grover -@liat tiie residents in Croata,,i Beach are anti-surfin,, because their ciiildren surf also. But the people iii (:roatan feel tllat they are bein.@ treated as second ciass citizens. T.@ie residents dolilt mind havin@ regular surfin, hours, but the policv of unrestricted surfiiia on tlie first 800 feet and then -@00 feet inside Cai:ip Pondleton, but i%,ith the parking foi- that -300 feet inside Croatan, the residents do object to. Tiic City Nlaiiager stated tliat tliere is sL,Eficient area for parkiri- Tii--re aTe, in the staff's opinion, plil,lic stre--t e.,ids that r,-,n frolli Atlantic Avenue to the pul)lic beach tliat they can ,et to the beacli @v@-,iiout trespassing. i@ir. Scott also stated tliat lio did not bclieve Croatan Beacli .vas being ciicroaclied upon to any extent greater t'nan soeie areas ii Vir.@inia Beacli tiia-@ are far more iii,,hly developed. IT E@.1 "' 7 @-) 7 6 On iio-uion by Councili,,ian Gardrier, seconci(@d by Vice @layor Ferrell, and bv recorded vote as @Eollows: Ayes: Councilnien John A. Baum, Robert 7ti. Calli,,;, Jr., Robert B. Jr., Vice @,,Iayor George R. 1--li@irles ',i. Gardner, ,Joiiii R. Griffin, Clarence A. ilolland, J, ilenry iN!cCov, Jr., Ilayor I J. Curtis Pavne, Patrick L. Standin', aild Floyd Water,@;--Id, Jr. ,@z,-ys None I A',)s :i-u: inone City Council ivill liold a closed iiieetiiig oii @,loliday, Jtlly 22, 1974, foi@ tlio purpose of discussin, itenis I)cri!iitted Eor discussion under Soction 2.1-344, Real Est@ite and Le@.al @%@@Ltters, of tlie Freedom of Iii Fori@iation Act of tli@ Col@irqon@,,ealt"i of @ ir,-,iiiia. ITP,@4 '17376 Oii i@,otiori by Councilnan @IcCoy, seconded by Counciliaan Griffin, and Ly t4iiaiiii-@i ous vote, the meeting adjourned. RicTlai- J. @@ebboTi, Cicy Cler C-It" PIY@0, "It.,Y., C@l-,@ of Virgini,'l