HomeMy WebLinkAboutAUGUST 19, 1974
August 19@ 1974
The regular meetin,a of the ckr l@le City of Virgi.nia Beach,
Vi-rginia, was held in the Council Ch@,,(itb rL@, iri the Administration
Bui-lding, in the Borou.@h of Princess Nnne, on Nlonday, August 19,
1974, at 2:00 p.m. I
The invocation was given by Mr. Steve Spangl&L, -V;@@Lwvvd Hill
Baptist Church, Virginia Beach, Virainia
@lou.qcilmen present: John A. Baum, Robeit H. Callis, Jr., Robert B.
Cro-,mwell, Jr., Vice Nlayor Georae R. F@T-e.11., Charles W. Gardiler,
I larence jk. tiollai6,, J. Henrv @,IcCoy, Jr. , Mayor
'John R. Griffin, C I
J. Curti.s Payn--, P@it-@'Ick L. StandiTI" ai@,d E. Waterfield, Jr.
ITEM #747-;
On motion by Vice Mayor Ferrell, seconded by Councilman Callis,
apd by recorded vote as folloir-:
Ayes: Councilmen Joh n A. Baun, Robert fl. Callis, Jr., Robert B.
Croriwell, Jr., Vice I'layor George R. Fer-ell, Cha-rles W. Gardner,
John R. Griffin, Clar--nce A. Holland, J. iienry 'NicCoy, Jr., I.Ilayor
J. Curtis Payne, Patrick L. Stapdin@., aiid F-loyd E. Waterfield, Jr.
Nays: None
Absent. None
City Cotinci'L aoproved Ilh-- iiiirutes of th- r,-@i;lar mee-ling of
August 12, 1974, and di-spersed with @Lhe -eadii-.,-,, ol@' said
r@iir,utes inasmuch as each Councilmal had a copy of the subject
minutes befor-- him.
ITEM #i478
@,lr. Illhite introduced the foll.owing -_X-ll'.ange studel@.ts:
Alberto Cadoppi frDA-,i Pe.,gj-c) Emilia, !-Laly
Jacques Chabassol from Tours, France
Philippi Harl-lin @@om Compiean, Y@rance
Ciiantal Nloy f rotp. Sain*. Brieuc, France
Jean-l,ouis Touati from Pacy-Sur-Eu-e, Frapce
Tlie above student-i ar-- w;th the Lioris cl- V@-rgi-nia - Youth Exchan.,e
i,iayor J. Cu.-t3'.s Payne proseqted ezich student witb an e,@olem of the
Ciry of Virginia Beach.
7 4' 9
@ati tion oll nd,3rm"T" Prciier4-',es Co. for a Chanqr! o@ Zoninci @,i-trir-t Classi-
fica,',4c,n @m R-6 llesidential r-is'@rict to B. 4ness 1)@trict cn
-operty located on tha corncr of Providenca Poad and Kemps-
ville Road, running a dista,ice of 1,470 feet r,,,ore or less along th3,SOuth-Sid,@
o,' Providence Read, ru-ining a distar-ce of 1,140 feet more or less along t-h--
@t@,st side of Kempsville Read, runniig a distance of 7@@O feet mc,- Or les,@ @ilong
1L.he Southern pro@Y line, and running a distance of 1,4z-)O fl'et more or 12S3
along the Westarn property line. Said parcel con,ains 33.7 acres. (Havm
i'stal,cs - BellatTrl @',anor - Strallford C@ase - Acre,-,ale Areas). KEMPSIIILLE "@OR-
,Ilanning Ccmission Recol,,-i, nd tion:
i e @
A r@lotion was passed by th* PIP-nning @ssicn by a recorded vote of 13 T@lith 10
-it r
,;o@-'Ing for tlie :ldtion and 3 arainst the r@;otion t,) deny this reque as the S* cet
sys-Lems in this area are inadequate to accommdate this ctA,.,iemial zoning. A
r--cent sU* of this ar-,a by th'i Pla t--iff indicates that t-.he comm@ercial
owi@ig appeared tor ttie aopiicar-,-ofi:
H. Calvin Spain, Attorney
@,lr. Douglas Talbot, President of Talbot Associates
The following appeared ill opposition to tlie above pet;@tioTis:
Doctor Marshall MoTrisson
Mrs. Elizabeth Vogner
Councilman McCOY made a motion, seconded by councilman Gardner, to
ition of Wi.,idermere "roperties company for a Change
d--ny the above pet on from It-6 Pesidential District to B-2'
of Zo,-ling DistriCt Classificati
cov.i,,nunity Business District.
vice Mayor Ferrell c)fie-r--(' a substitute motion, seconded by Councilman
e - --re lDe r
Callis, to appro@e t-ria at)(.,ve ptitic)n of: Winderm Pro ties Company
for a @lhange of- Zoniqg Di-strict Cla3si fro@"i R-6 Resid--nti@il
siness The recorcled vote is as
District to B-2 CoiamunitY Bu
Ayes: Councilmen Robert H. Callis, Jr., Robert B. Cromwell, Jr.,
Vice Nlayor George R. F--rrell, John R. @ri-.@fin, Clarence A. Holland,
Nlayor J. Curtis Payn@s a-,id Floyd E. Waterfi-eld, Jr.
Nays: Councilmen Jolin A. Ba,,im, Cliarles IV. Garcire-r, J. Henry McCoy, Jr. ,
and Patrick L. Standin@.
Absent: None
Tlie substitute moti-on i@as carried, therefote, city Council approved
ition o-@ W-'Inder.,r,-Te Properties Company
the following ordina,@ce upon Det
. t Class4-'@7icat-iGP -rom R-6 Resiclential
for a Chap-ge of ZOrling 'Jistric
District to B-2 Com,-nu,-Ii-ly Biisiness
ORD-'Ii'LNCE UDON PETI-'I@')N OF i@@l,,'@IIER.@,IERE Z0874075
DISi'RICT CLASSIr-I(]A".TCi@ 6 Resdential
i)istric-I TO B-2 i-i;-ss District.
Be it ordai-@ied b) I the o @c t,, I i @ y o Vi, ,,,nia Beqch, Virginiz
Petition of Winde--ere Pr,,@perties @@or a Chai@ge of Zor-ing D;-strict
@.ial Dist
Classification from R- I ric+ to B-2 Community Business
District on certain Prooer@-,,@ located on the Sou@'hiqest corner of
Providence Road and Keql)slrill-- Road, runpirt7 a d';stance of 1,470
f--et more or 1--ss -@,'Ie South 3ide cf prc-jil-,-e,,@ce Road, runnin,@ a
d;stance of 1,140 fe--t or I-ess tle West si-de of Kempsville
Roacl-, running a distan---@, ,)r 700 fe-@t rlore or le.'s alor-,@ the Souther@l
an,l ru-@l-,IiTlg a distance of I 4SO feet acre or less alona
PrOI)erty line,
rt,7 line. Said par@el co@itains 33.7 acres. (Haven
th Western prode
,@,states-Bella@ly-@,,Ianor-St-ratford @l,-as-,!-Acredai-e Ar--as). Kempsville
This ordinance sh ',-l l-,e ef4lective uT),)@i sa -4 slactory comd@iance to
the conclitions imposed in this it is understoc)-" and agreed
to by the appli-ca-rt t-hi-it the c)f@lic;-aL chaiiee )@l the zonin@, ipaps
i;ill not be n,,ade tt.,iti! a dedicati,)n )f righ-L c)f @,i,@y 7S-feet from
the of Road; r,locatioq c-@ Kempsvilie Road
as i.ndicated o-q tlie @l-,ster Trarispo -t @tion
For the infoll,.atL-,ii o@ the applica:,t, prior to the issuance of a
buildin, per@.qit, -ile "c)llowi@-ic., iiill- '.De i,e@.,,iiire(i by the aclministrative
stal@f: I - 1-
1. Drainage -equireinen-'s, stree@ alid -.@ight o@, tiay
improvements will be as spec;-fi--d during si-te plan or
subdivision review.
2. (,ity @qater and se-,,rer.
Petftfdn of WiMermere Omper+-ies Co. fbr a Chanqe of i Ilassi-
;t to A@5a-rtre ZOBI;G D',Str ct
fication frm R-4 Residential Distri nt tr;rt n certain
property located on the Soull@-i side of Prov' Road. beginning at a point
1,470 feet more or less @t of Kempsville Road, rutining a distance of 600
feet mre or less along tiie South side of F'rovidence Road, running a distance
of 1,150 ftet nore or less along the Eastern profprty line, ru@-ining a distance
f rr(i feet more or less along the Soutliern proper,y line, and runnina a dis-
tance of 1.790 feet wre or less along the Western property line. Said parcel
contains 20.5 acres. (Haven @.stalues - Bellamy flanor - Stratford Chase Acre-
Plannlng Conriission ReciAtfwnda@@ion:
A -P@tion was passed by the Plannlng Ccmissior@ by a rec,)rded vote of 13 with 8
,voting for t.@e mnti@Dn a,,Il .r, dp,).y .,Is retitjest becati,,e
oF the generally inadequate iacilities In i-@@is rapi,-qy firowing arl-a,
Mr. H. Calvin Spairi, Atto'rney, represented the applicant
Mr. Douglas Talbot, President, Talbot@ Associates appeared in favor of
the above application.
Doctor Marshall Morrisson appeared in opposition to the application.
Councilman McCoy niade a motioii, seconde6 by Councilman Gardner, to
deny the above petition of @Vi-@idermere Properties Company for a
Change of Zoning District Classification from R-6 lqesidential District
to A-2 Apartment Distri-ct.
Vice Mayor Ferrell of@ered a substitute iiotion, seconded by Councilman
Callis, to approve the above petition of I,,Iindermere Properties
Company for a Change o@L Zoning District C'ass4l-@ication from R-6
Residential District to R-9 Townhouse Distric-, (a modification from
A-2 Apartment Distri@t: Th-- recorded vote is as follows:
Ayes: Coancilmen Robert 14. Callis, Rob-Irt B. Cromwell, Jr.,
Vice Mayor George R. r-e-T-eil, John R. Grif.@i-n, Clarence A. Holland,
Mayor J. Curti-s Payp-e, Pat-rick L. Sta-tiding, and E. Waterfiell.d, Jr.
Nays: Councilmen Joh-,i A. Bakir,, Ciiarles @l. Gal-dier, and J. Henry
ililccoy, Jr.
Absent: NoTle
The substitute n@otion ca--ried, therefore, City Council approved
the following ordinanc-- -,poi petition of Windermere Properties
Company for a Chan@e (,,f Zo-@i@g Distric, Classifi.z,,.t@-on from R-6
Residential Distri--t "o R-9 'ro;qnhouse Distr4-ct (a modifica-Lion
from A-2 Apartmen-t Distric@l:
D4stri-ct TO R-9 Townhouse District
Be it ordained by the Cou-..icil of tile City of @lirlai-nia Beach, Virginia:
Petiti-on of IVindermere P-operties Compaly for a Charia.e of Zoning
District Classificatio.@i from R-6 Residential District to R-9
'Poi%rnhouse D@-strict (a mo(lifi--ation f@-oip A-2 Apar-Lme,@t District) on
c--rtain property located on the South side of Provideice Road,
beginnina at a poin-L 1,470 fe--t more or less tv--st of Kemlmv-ille Road,
runnin- a distance of 600 fee-L more or less aloria the South sije of
Providence Road, -runni-ng a distance of '-,ISO @ceet more or less alo-.ia
the Eastern property line, riina@n, a distanc-- of 650 feet more or less
along the Southern property line, ajid runn4-.,lg a distanc:e of 1,790 feet
more or less along the Western pronerty line. Said pai-cel contains 20.5
acres. (Haven Estates-Bella@ny Nlanor-Stratford Chase-Acredale Areas)
Kempsvi-lle Borough.
or din ance s iiall b F-.C --C:t i\,,- Oil -ac7-s clic @ory co lipliiice @o
conditiofi-s iinposed in thi-s 1:10t;-,Ofl iz is anderstooci and a@reed
-,he appiica -1 t a i:
a h t the o icial :han,@e on t@'-Ie zorl.-Lng -naps
-4ill not be made until the following Q@ondition is met:
1. Relocation of Kempsville Roa(l as indicated on the Master
Transportation Plan
For the information of the applicant, prior to the issuance of a
building permit, the followina will be required by the administrative
1. Drainage requirements, st-eet ties, and right of way
improvements will be as speci-@ied during site plan or subdivision
2. Applicalit be participated. in school site purchase iri the amol
of $19,756.32. Tliis figure is based oi construction of 369 towtih S6,s
a,@id inay be adjusted a-t t-fle 'li:,,.ie @he build3,n, pern@it is issued to
reflect any chanaes.
3. Ci-ty water and sewer.
ITEM #7481
PLti,tion of Windermre Pmperties Co. f-or a Ctan,,e ,@f'olo7 Iittrir-I Classi-
4s'rict to ii-9 To-yin.@o
fication from R-6 ResideWal D. L 6n certain
property located o,,i the West side of KensvilIL- Erad beginning at a point 1,140.
f,-et rmre or less South of Providence Road, rnning a distance of 2,05.9 Ieet
nmra or less along the f:astern property line o.' tihlch cj'60 feet irore or less is
the West side of Kempsville Road, running a distance of 630 feet rmre or less
along the Southern property line and running a (iistan,--:-i of 1,730 fen- m..ore or
less along the Western prorc.,rty line, and runni-g a di-.-Lance of 1,050 feet rrore
or less along t,@e Northern pr-@.Derty line. Sal,-' parcel contains 34.7 ac7-es.
C!iav,,n Estates - Bellery @ia.-or - Stratford C'i@se - Pci@.2dalo- Areas). 1-@-r!PSLIILLE
Plan,iinq Comission Recm.=,endation:
.A riotion was r)ass,@d !)y f'tarnirr,, -o--.Iissirn i rec@,r(lcd vote of '13 t'lith
voting for @." @i,,)tion ,,ld 4 to request
tN genera3ly f-acl ',-Ies '@n t,,ils r a.
(irc@ rig a e
Mr@ H. Calvin Spai-n, Att-@'ric@v d tlie ,irDl@icant
P,lr. Douglas Talbot, Prestder.-L, Til.bot )@,ssocia-@ef, appeared in favor
of the above petition
Doctor Marshall Morrison appeared in ot)position to the petition
Cc,,,[,icil,nan iAcCoy made a riotion, seco,-ided by Coii-nci@lman Gardner, to
deny the above petition of IVirderm-ere Prol)erti--s Cci,,,pany for a
Ch-@,ige of Zoning Di-stric" Classif'--ca'@-@@(@n @r6m R-6 -lesidential District
*@o R-9 Townhouse District,
114-c-- Mayor F-.rrell o:Efered a slibstitute motion, seco-nded by Councilman
Ca'Llis to approve the above petition of liindermere Prop-@-lies (-ompany
for a Change of Zo@ning District Classification frorq R-6 R@-sidential
District to R-9 Townhouse District. T@.e T--Corded vote is as follows:
Ay,-,s: Councilmei Robert H. Callis, Jr., Robert B. Cromivell, Jr.,
Vic-- l@layor Geoi-@e R. Ferrell, John R@ Clare.'Ice A. Ho'lland,
i%iavor J. Curtis Payne, and I:Ioyd E. @Vatorfield, ir.
Nays: Councilnea John A. Baum, Charles W. Cardner, J.' Henry NIccoy, Jr.,
aiid Pa-@rick L. Standi-Ti.,
Ilbsent: None
Th-- substitute riotion carri-ed. there@or@. Ci-ty Council approved the
following ordin-ance upon petition-of iviridermere Properties Company
for a C@ange of Zo;iing from R-6 Residential District to R-9 Townhouse
c @ 0,@ A aF
R-6 Resi-deiitial Di@3trl.ct 'FO R-9 Town-
house District
Be it ordained by -.@ @ :i, @ o, Beach, Vir-,.,iiiia@
P@-tition of Wiidermere Properties (@c)[III)a,-iy for a Change of Zoning
I)istrict Classification from R-6 Re,,,@ deiitial Distric-, to R-9 Townhouse
District nr lertql.n property locate(I on the West side of Kempsville Rod,;
bec.inning at a point 1,140 feet -TRorc,, or @-ess South of Providence Road,
ri_il@-ii_ng a distance of 2,050 fe--t ac- less a@long the Eastern property
Iii-ie of which 960 feet more or less is -@@le @lest side of Kempsville Road,
runniri@. a distance r,)f 630 if--et mo,-e f)r ttsf, along the Southern property
and runnifig a of 1,7-@(@ i!tore or less along the '@,lesteril
"i '-,,,et mc.,--e cr icss j,lo,,-@g
pr perty !.in,-,, j
t@,a iN-97thern
L@, Si i 3 3zl acres.
I'l-@as). r) , v i c,,
i, -, L. 0 ugii
Tlii-s ordinance shall be effec-tive -tti sfactory compliance to the
conditions imposed in th@'s motion; it i@; ui-.ders'lood and agreed to by
Llie applicant that the o@-'-ial chai,,- o.1 @-he zonin.@ maps will not be
r,iade until the followia., corditior, is
1. Dedication ri-,,,,,ht r) L- @@@iy 7z-,- the centerline of
Kempsville Road
2. City irater a@@id
3. Ai)plicant r--quested "o parti-cipate i-n schooi site purchase in the
amount of -Ihis fig,,re is based ori construction of 312
totinhoi-ises and ,.@iay 1)0 aiji' isted at t"ie tirr.@e tlie bui-ldin.@ permit is
issued -lo re-@l,-,ct @).ny ciil,ngel-;.
4. Relocatio,@i of Keiros !@,@)a@' ris i,, tlie ilaster Trans--
portallio,i lilaz,.
7 4 @13 2
r-@f Ar'@lur 6, a Cl@ln.(Ie nf !.,,;'rict Clessificpjtion
-1 c
partm n "P@c al
A e t Di-',4, er,@,a!7, pro@-rty
berTi -.,,7) ng at apt)in-- "41,'o f@o'. of 4-T.,ress Avenue, rurrir,,i ) distince o-r- 60
f@c-L aloeig t@e Souti@ si(fe o,O Pis@' running ad4f,,tL-n@-,e of' 130 feet alonl
EaSLOrn property ri@nninn a (listrce of 60 fnet alonq the Soutliem prop-
f-,rty @ine, and run,)I:,,,., c-? -@30 fL,@t a'cnq the rrl-pert!f .11ne.
c.aid riarcel is knm,7 a,3 ',l P-.,@d 20, bloc!, 4@, !l ',' , 6. Virr;inia P3each De-
v-lop.-ien'@ ro. , and @quare f@t. VIRGI,@'A'A
Comission rLia,@lon:
.1 @las passed @)Y @he Comissi,:),i b,Y a recorded vote of
'i -o apdrove th's
@l-ir ',re f@-iforffmtiin -)f @he f5)11,,Prign %@iill @,e required L,,l '@lie admili-
lstrati@ie s"aff prior to the issuancl' o,-, a i I (' i tig PC,-mi
I '@y wa tc@ r 1-@ s f-?ejp- r.
2. Site p@an requ@irad 1,1 ti@, t,.xistirq --,sidence is to be con-
@@42rci@d "o a us-a c-ti 'l r
-A 20--foo@ al3ev allong t.@e soiitkT,", i)ro@r'@,@ I'@iie --Is to be fully 4..mroved.
nt-ied @hat the aipl@cant b,- @ues@c,l t.3 pirticipat.e In school site
i,, e c 0 r,7. -c
in the aillmu@it o? $321.24; '@tiis figijre is V,@s-,d c.1 cc,,rstruc+.@c,'l of r,;,%
and ray L@- @@@,usted at c@E' 'L-,@ @l,f-rnit 15, Issued,to-
@r,y cl@ar(J"s.
@,@l Oii by co uaci ln an Cii Iis , 2d by 6ar--@ la r, an d
1),7 -c@,--orded vo@l-, a@ follows;
Ay--5: Councilineii John A. Baum, Robert H. Callis, Jr.i Robert B.
Croiiiwell, Jr., Vice Nlayor !Ceor6e R. Pe@-rel'L, Cliarles W. Gardner,
P,, Griffiii, Cl.arenc-- A. 1. 11--riry @icCoy, Jr,, ',Iayor
Curtis Payne, Patrick @L. S-laficii.-il,, iiid Floyd Waterfi@-ld, Jr.
Piays : @ione
Absent: None
City (.@ouncil approved the t-@)liowirg ord4lnan--e u-oon petitionof
Ar-,.'Iur B. Carte-, j.-. fo,- a ol- Zonin(-, Iii_31,rict Classification
froi@,i A-1 Apart@--@,@t CD:,imerci@,.l District:
z "@lNG ID.fS-,.RTCT @l-LAS@i@-ICA'1'10,N I:RONI
A-1 Apartment Distri@, TO B-4 Resort
Commerciall- Dis-@r@@c-@
B-- it ordained 'r)@, tlie @-,ounzii f of @@lir@inia Beach, Virginia:
Petitio,@i ol@ Art@@'lii-L J-, '-','-ian-e of Zo-Tli--,Ig District
Classificatioii fr(I@-I to B-4 Rcsort Con,.nercial
Disti-ic'@ o,-i certaii pro )E, r-,, aL a r)o@,Tit 190 feet East of
Cypress Aveiiue, 37tirii,@ii,,g a ,Iistana,-- @-;O feet along the South side
of 21st Street, a istance of ',30 -1cet al.ong the Eastern
propc-rty line, runqirg a d;-stanc-- ::f 6,@ f,--et aloiig the Southern
property line, aiid a of i-,'f' feec along the lvestern
pro,,)erty line. S-A@d pai-,-,@i is kno,,ii a3 T
I i,ots 18 1-in@l 20, Block 46,
i%lao @4o. 6, Beacii a--.d contain-5 7,800
5q-t,are feet.
For "he inforilial;.,,@, c,, 1, T)Iic,@@c, t-c I f a
isfua@ice c-)
bLi'@-laing permi@., -11@ 1) -(C" I -C@"t the a(lmin@-strative
s ta f
2 Site i) @laii i@ -,xistin, residence
is to be .1 i.tz;,-, ot@,ar t,ian i-es@kle@iti-all
3. A 20-foo-I tlie southern pronurtv line is to be
4, be r--(i@ieste(I to partici-pate
iii ir. li@, ,)L 3@l@'-?4; this f-t,ure
is bas--d c,,ii -@i,,ct may be adiiisted
at t;,7@@ @-.10 i t) i-eflect anv chan,es.
,,i @,loti ofi by @-juiici lmaii Ir-@- se c,3!1,.@'C, Ol,' !-man @oII aid, .,Ll@,d
@y recorded vo@le as r-oliows:
Aves: Councilmen John A. Baum, Rober-, Ii. Callis, Jr., Robert B.
croinwell, Jr., Vice Mayor George R. Ferrell, John R. Griffin,
-1 T @
Clarence A. liollaid, Herry McCov, T! @ @,I,-,yo, T, Ciirtis Payne,
Patri-k L. Standing, aiid Fi,oyd L. l@ t,(1/2@ ,r.
Nays: Councilman Cliarles W. Gardnei
Absent: 1'4one
City Council approved the following ordina.'Ice, with stipulations,
closing, vacating and discontinuing portions of Ocean Avenue and
Avenue A in the Lynnhaven Borough as sliown on t',Ie plat of property
of Lynnhaven Be,7,--h and Park Conipany., V -ginia Beach, Virginia.
Subject plat bei-ng recoi@ded in lvlap ]@@:)ol@ S, "art 1, "age 71. The
adoption of the aniended itai) preparel b,, Harol,,d (@. Warren, Jr.,
Va. CLS @955, da@ecl
a:, @@it @if,ie,,Icle@l'subdivision of tl)e
subject property is approved subjec" to tlie following stipulations,
wilich are hereon made a part of the Ordinance of Closure, Vacation
and discontinuance of portions of Ocea)) Aver,.ue and Avenue A in the
Lynnhaven Borough:
1] Title to two acres of land mot,-- or less to be deeded to
the City of Virginia Beach on the south side of Shore
Drive for recreational area pul@iping station sites as
shown on the aiiiended mar) of L'.,nrha@rep- Beach and Park Co.,
prepared by Farold C. Warreii, ir., VA. CLS #955, dated
August 21, 1974
2] Title to the City of Virgiiiia Beac@, tc approxi.,nately four
acres of land on the waterfro-,it a@itii-, the Chesat)eake Bay
to be used as a public bathin, I)t,@.ch, as shown on the amended
map of Lyiinhaven Beach ar@d Park properties prepared
by Harold C. Warren, Jr., C',F, 19SS, dated August 21, 1974/
3] The d--dication of six-25 funt --a..-@,,iont@ to ti,.(, City of
Virginia B@ach for ingress aiid eg-,uss tlie beach for
public use as shown on tlie ameilded @-)f Lynnhaven
Beach ar,.d Park, pr,,)L)erl-@@es pr,@,)arc,,@l @c); [l,,-irold C. ',Varren, Jr.
Va. CLS 995S, dat(@,' Au st 21, 1974.
1 _gii
41 Title to tlic southe,-n portion of O,-e@ii (-,)resently
uiider private ownership)) ha,,i@t,,, a ,ridtli @f sixty feet
and extending 2135 feet more or less on tile south line from
the abutti@,t@ prc)perty of Da,.,id T. I.evin,-, et al, liesterly
to that portion of Ocean Alreni,.e ci(),-(-d by Princess Anne
County c-epteniber 22, 1955, as si-,ok@Fii , i,@ t]! amen-ded mar) of
Lynnha,.ren '@,-,acl@ and Park Coinpan,7, prepared by
Harold C, Wzirren, ii-., Va. CL@ ALi@gilst 21, 1974,
shall L)e -,'--(Iicated i-o th-- City o@@ Vir@,.@nia Beacli for street
51 As shown on "he a7ended plat, d@it,-,,,l 211, 1974, of
Lynnhaven Beach and Par@-- Conp,@.iiy, propel.-tics pi-epared
by flarold C. l@arrei,, Jr. Va. CLS "9@35, @l'itlo -lo tlie followin@.
ei,,Iity foot strects shall be giv(.,it to the Cit,,, r-,f Virinia
a] Great @.i,,-,ck -,Zoad f-oni nortli Iiiie (,f Si)o,@o I)rive (U.S.
TEute 60) to the south iiiio o' ()cezt,i Ave@@itie.
b] EbL) Ticle Ro@i@' fi,om the ilo-tli 1 :@ tic@ o fSli@)re I)r4@ve
(U.S. Route FO) to tI, c: sci!itli of Oce,-Il Avenue
c] Red T'--de Road from tlie iio rt!. LiiiL, c, fShore i)rive
Route 70) to tlie s (: ittli I ,-nc ol occari @irenue
d] Seashell Road fro,@ the no---th line of Sliore I)rive
(IJ.S. Foute 60) to the soiith line of ocean Avenue
t) (i I @II.Lil MU , L I @" "'. @" L
U.S. @oute 60) to 'L,@lle sol,-n line of "cean Avenue
f] Starfish Road from the north line of Shore Driv4
(U.S. Poute 60) to the sou-h line of Ocean Avenue
6] In,order to clear title to property iillich the City of
Virginia Beach had sold to Wayne NIcLeskey, et al, for
th6 proposed development of a inarina in Rudee Inlet,
the City wi'.'@ receive cic-- lill- from the previous
Dr@ivate ownership who claimed a certain portion of the
4ubject land in Rudee Inlet, tbe ultimate ownership of
which would have to be determined by the Courts and thus
d6lay the development of the I)roperty from which the
City anticipates considerable r(2vel-@ue.
WHE-UAS, proper notice that application would be made to the
City Council or- the r-'ity of Virginia B ach, V-@@g-i-nia, to have the
he@-einaftet described partions of Ocean Avenue and Avenue A c'@osed
vacated and discontinued was duly posted; an,-,
WHEREAS, applica-lion was made to the City Plann4-ng Commission
and to the,City Council, and pursuant to the sta,@-utes in Such cases
inade and provided, the Cot.,n--i-l who have reported
to the Couzicil tliat no iiico.,iven4ence t..) tle or to private in-
dividuals woulci result r-ro@-ii stic,@
and discontinuance-
@'HEREAS, it is tlie jud,-5ment of the Courici-l- v@.at such street or
@oad shoulcts@be closed, v@icat-d and dis--ontintied;
Section 1: TIlat the sa4d po-
-ti.or,,s of Oceir, Avenue and Avenue A
described be-,@ow, located i-n the T-ynnhaven Borougli o-@ t-t,,e Citv O.-- V.Lrginia
Beach, Virgi.-,iia,,is ber--by closed, vacat:ed and discontin,-,ed, s-,i-d street
or road not beii@ needed for public use:
PARCEL I, AventAe A (Southside Shore Dri-ve@) T,yrinhaven Beach
All that parcel of land lo-a@@d on ti7,E- lqcuth
side of U. S. Route 60 (.Sho-,2 rr;-ve) i:t i,ynn-
haven Borough in the City of Beach,
Virgini@i, and being m..ore pa-1-4.cularlv bounded
acid des--ribed as folloi.!s@,
Beginnihg aL a po4-@it locate,'@ at tbe point of
intersecti,in of the North right of wav line
of Holly Avenue with the Easz boundary Ii-ne
PC Block I as showti on the Amender. Plat of
Property oE Lyinhaven Beach ind P@irk Cc,,mDany,
ivhich plat @-s recorded @-n the OFF4-ce o,@ the
Cle--k of the Circuit Court of -,he C@cv of
Vir.-inia Be,ich, Virgi,-IiA, in '4ap Book 5, at
P,age,71, and F-rom said point of beoinning
running north -j9*19'22" ,!est, along -,he a-core-
Oaid East boundarv line of the aforesa 4d Block
a distance o-4 457.47 feet to a poi-n-- located
runni,r-g North 84'39'00" lil@,@', , @.ilong the afore-
said 5o,ith right of way )i,tie of the said U. s.
Route 60 (Shore Drive) a di,stance of 4.94 feet
to a point located in the aforesaid South ri-ght
of way line of U. S Route 60 (Shore Drive);
thence running Nort@ 8-0-4@:4.L:: East along the
aforesaid South right of way line of U. S. Route
60 (Shore Drive) a distance of 69.18 feet to a
point located in the aforesaid South right of
way line of the aforesaid Route 60 (Shore Drive);
thence runni-ng North 84@39'(iD" East, al-ong the
soutii rig@@t of@ way line of U. S. Rcrute 60 (Shore
Drive), a distance of 11.8.0(@ -@eet to a point
located in the aforc!sii(i right of way line
of U. S. Route 60 (Shore Drive) and which point
is al-so located in the Ilest bouhdary line of
Block I as shown on the above described plat;
thence turning and running South 05*21'00" East
along the aforesaid West boundary 14-ne of Block
1, a distance of 428.72 feet to a po4-nt located
in the aforesaid North right of way line of the
aforesaid HoII7 Avenue, -Lhence turning and running
South 80'08'00, est along the No.-th rigt of y
IV h wa
line of the aforesaid Holly Avenie, a distance of
160.7'4 feet to q point lo--ated in the aforesaid
North right of way line of t@,,Ie aforesaid Holly
Avenue and w'q4,ch point is al,,,-,c) loc,-ited in the
aforesaid East boundary line of B'L(,ck 1 as shown
on the aforesaid plat and is also 'L-Iie point and
place ol@ the beginning of @'his d@,scription, all
of whi.c,i is also shown on @lhat c@@rl-@-in plat en-
titled "Subd4l,;i-sion ol- Prope---Ly of Blo--ks
B, C, D, E, F, C @@in,l H, Lynr,-@.1ii7--,ri Beach, Propertv
of Lake George Corpo-
Al-,gust 19, 197z,@
made by Hal-old C. li@irren, Jr., C.L,S, du-@y recorded
in thp- Oi-:fice of the Clerk i,-t Court of
OF t-l@ C-@,@14
tl,,e "ity o-@ Vir,--,inia Bea--h,
P.ARCEL II, Avenu-- @ (:iort,iside Sho-re Drive) Lynn',aaven Beach
All tha,, certa4-n lot, piece, or p-ircel of land,
lying, s.i-tuate -lj:,,d being in the I,ynnha@' en Borough
of tie Cit-q of Vi--ginia Beaci, Lind I.ying
Nort'i.i aL@ the n,,)rt@erl-y right of way l@l-ne of Sllore
Driv,,@@ and Sout,i o-@ -L,-ie sou"herly of @,/@y Ii-ne
r- ocean Avenue,
o as shovfn in Map Boo@@z 5, P;-art 1,
Page 71, and desc-ibed more 'Darticul-.irly with re-
ferenc@a Lo rLe pl-it enti-,!(@d "S,-,bdivision of Prcperty
North of Blocks B, C, D, @@, @-, G and H, i,yrnhaven
Beach, Pr)pertv o3c- Lake George (-,orporation," dal-ed
Augl-,st 19, '@974, iiiade by H,,:,rold C, t,.Tarren, Jr. , duly
of record i-n the Clerk's 01@,@@ce o-- the Circuit 0-ourt
of the City of Virginia Be--lc,@l, V4rginia, as property
thereo,i -,narked "-Prop--rty Be-,It)nging -lo F-@@w4-n B. Lindsley,
J--. , AvE!,ii-,e A 1-17'*ng r-orth of -hore Drive@', said parcel
o-@ land with re erence to tn,@ plat enti-,'-ed "Su'@,,Iivi-
sion of Prop@@-@y t,orth of Bl,)cks B, ,-, D, E, F, C ani
H, LynnhaveTi Property o- LaKe George -lorporation."
Beginning at a point at the northerly ri,ht of
way line of Shore Drive where tlie same is inter-
sected by the easterly property line of Block I
as shown on the mao entitled "Subdi-vision of
Property North of 3locks B, C, 1), E, F, G, and
H, Lynnhaven Beach Property of Lake George
Corporation", and from said Point or place of
beginning running thence North 090 19' 22" West
along the easterly propetty line of Block I
aforesaid, a distance of iGO.02 feet Lv @ fLIll'l
in the southerly ri-ght of way line of what was
formerly shown as Ocean Avenue, @lap Book 5,
Part 1, Page 71, thence turning and running
North 840 39' 00" East a distance of 235 feet
along the southerly right of way line of Ocean
Avenue as sho-@ in MaD Book 5, Part 1, Page 71,
to a point where the @outherly right ol@ way line
of Ocean Avenue is marked by tlie int:ersection
therewith of the wesl-erly bourdary line of Block
A. as shown on the plat entitled "Subdivision of
Property North of Blocks B, C, D, E, F, G, and
H, Lynnhaven Beac',I, Property o@L Lake George
Corporation", thence turning and running South
050 21' 00" East a distance of 500 feet along the
westerly boundary line of Block A aforesaid, to a
point in the ,iortherly right o.@ way line of Shore
Drive; the'.Ic-- turning and runn-@@ng South 840 39' 00"
West along the northerly right of @-lay line of Shore
Drive a di-stance of 200.27 feet to the poin-I and
place of beginning.
PARCEL III (Portion of Ocean Avenue)
All that certain lo@--, piece or parcel o@ land,
being shown :ormerly as Ocean Avenue, bl.- now a
portion ol@ the property of Ed@,lin B. Linds'Ley, Jr.,
lying Nor-,h of Alienue A, as in 11.@r) Book 5,
Part 1, Page 71, said parcel o@ land
described with reference to tliat pla-, entil-led
't Subdivis4lon of Property Nor@-h o@- Bloc'@,s, B, C,
D, E, F, G, and ii, I,Ynnhaven Bcach, Prone.@tv of
Lake George Corno.-ation". beg@-nnin-. a-@ 1-@,@int
thereon where t@- southerly r 4g 't 0 way n
of what was fornerly shown as Ocean Ajenue is
i.ntersected by t'ie westerl-y boundar7 line o-l@
Block A. as shown in Map Book 5, Page 71 and from
said point and place of begi-nning runnin.@ thence
along the souther!,'1 right of wa7 line of Ocean
Avenue, South S?@o 39, 001, tTes,: a d4-s'cancF-, of 185
feet to a point: thence turning and running a--ross
Ocean Avenue along the line of the propel-ty now or
formerly Bail-v Parker, I,,or-@h 050 @9@' CjO" West a
60 @eet to a I
distance o-@ I Poiat in t'-e no-therly
right of wav line al@ Ocean Avenue as shown in Map
Book 5, Par@ 1, Page 71, an4- ola-, entitled "Sub-
division oF Property North of Blocks B, C, D, E,
F@ C. and H I Lynnhajen Beac@a, Property of Lake
George Corp@.-ation", thence turniig ai,.d r,,nni-g
North. 840 39' 00" E st along the northerly ri@ht of
-way line of Ocean AvenLie aloresaid a di-sta"ice o,-@ 185'
to a point; thence turnin@ an4- runnin- South
05@2l'OO" T:@ist a distance of 100 feet to the
point and place of beginning, said parcel of
land being shown on the plat entitled "Sub-
division of Property North of Blocks B, C,
D, E, F, C and H, Lynnhaven Beach, Property
of Lake George Corporation" by the caption
"Ocean Avenue, as shown in Map Book 5, Part
1, Page 71" and designated as closed by action
of the City Council of Virginia Beach, Virginia,
August 19, 1974, and shown by an arrow pointing
thereto, said property lying north of what was
formerly Avenue A.
PARCEL IV (North6rn 40 feet of Ocean Avenue)
All that certain lot, piece or parcel of land,
lying, situate and being in the Lynnhaven
Bor-ough of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia,
and being more particularly the northern 40 feet
of Ocean Avenue, running in a westerly direction
from the property now or formerly belonging to
David I. Levine to that portion of Ocean Avenue
closed by the Board of Supervisors, September 22,
1955, North of Block B on the plat aforesaid,
said 40 foot strip of land lying in the northern
40 feet of the right-of-way shown as Ocean Avenue
in Map Book 5, Part 1, Page 71, in the Office of
the Clerk of the Circult Court of the City of
Virginia Beach, Virginia.
Section 2: That thirty (30) days after this date, a copy of this
Ordinance certified by the Clerk, be spread upon the public records in
-he Clerk's office of the Circuit Court of the City of Virginia Beach,
lirginia, and indexed in a like manner as a deed of land.
Adopted by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia,
on the Nineteenth day of August, 1974.
Pet4ltfon @y Resolution of the Council of the @'Ity of V4r,,Inia Bftch for a @,anfie of
Zoninq District Classifiratiov frum H-1 Hotel !jistrict to 8-4 Resort c@rc@ai-rTs--
@r ct-on certain property begirning at a point 529.18 feet West of Woodland Avenue
aiid r-inning a distance of 260 feet along t@@I s!-lo of Laskin Rm , running a
distance of 346.87 feet alon(J the Western prop(@rty lir@e, r!-lnning a-distance of 26C
-,If@et along the Southern property line, and ru,,ini@ig a distance of 347.10 feet along
thp- Eastern proper+-y line. Said parce'l contains 2.07 acres. (Laskin Road Shopping
Ccnt,-r Aro-a). LYNMAVEN WROUGi4.
PIDnn4,ig Comission Rec@dation:
fi,),'Llon -,vas passe@-A unanimousl,,l by th.9 PAannin-,, @Ucmmission bv a recorded vote of
;ij t-0 r,,Qdl,@y ',)Is 4@iest to 6-2 in accordance with
.@a surrf)u@,,dinq zonir,
-@e @,no rr44 ,Ii i? nny bui I di ng permi t,
y wa @ n r @e u i r 2.j
@ .:@ @ff.
-lie applicait
!r, J. Peter H,,)@laiid, e,,,
Nlr. Frank Atkinsnn, property owner, a.ppeared for his application.
Councilman Callis made a motion, second-(i b-,, Counci.Iman Cromwell,
to approve the above petition Ty Resol,ut@o@-i o-@ tqe Council, of the
(:i-@y of @,,Iirginia Beach f')f .1 (,-,aiig@ OL .-nlrg r);slrict Classi-fication
fr,)m Ft-1 Itotel D@sti-4.ct f-,) l'-l Res(,,-@ (-@:)Tpi,.iercial- I)istrict. The
rccorded vote is as
Ayes: Co-,,nciliiief, t@cb--rt ii. @.all@ s , .3 [Z@3bert B Cromwell, Jr. ,
John R. Griffin, J. @,icCr,)Iv , @r, , ai-i--' P,@tric'K L. Standing.
i@avs CouncilT37, John A. Bauri, Vi,---c i@ia,,()-f C,,eor.,e R. Ferrell,
Charles W. Gariier, 11-1-aro,,ic@, @,. Holland, j@ CUTtiS Dayne,
,ind Floyd E, @Vater-@ield, Lil.
City Council vot--(l to @l@,'Iy ttle al)ove r--solution of the
(louncil of the City o-@ or @i of Zoning District
Cla,sifi--ation 't',-om If-l- @i(,t-L I)istrict -lo B..'! "c@ort Conmercial
District oi @C 'i I @'I 1529.18 feet West
-c- o@ 0Feet along the South
of ',,Ioodland :7,
)f Las@Kiii @i "@et alon, -,h,
t@,rr, pro@el-ty a Ois-L-aice o,- @O '@:-eet along the
LS01,1@he-ii prc),-,Ort,, -'L-ne, !7,1,1-,Iin@ a (listapco of 347.10 feet along
th,-, Eastern prcp-rt,,- Sa@,d i),arcel co-,--aizis 2.07 acres. (Laskiri
Road S,@oppi,-lg Cent--r Area) 11,7n,@liaveii Boroligli, Ti-@e property is to
remain H-1 Hotel
IT--:@,l #74@4
A, and P-izia B,@7s r@odley Soudel' fOr a Conditional Use Permit
rr!Vlte T@-.C7-ationa' ii-o h
-a a building for ' e StOr3qe O@@on
5!3 rls of P,,-Incess Anne Road
rcper,y at a poi,"-, 3,325 f@,a;- @,mre or le
,c ON Pul,)Iic Landing Road,
ar.,i rtir.,Iing @l dis,,,2nce 0, 1,@L), fooll alcng the South S!dF' i
running a distanco Of along the Wetern prc,@@r@,y line, running a dis-
ta,@ce '3f l@),') fe@@'t doz,(l @@e outi@prn proparty line, and ,t;n@ing a dista-.?ce of Ir-7.20
tht! Ealt@rn - pro Said pirc-,l 0.36 acre. (Back BaY
A Itction 'Jas pa;s,@d uiaAi;rcusly by the Planning COnnisslon by a recorded vo'Le of 13
the following:
,@j approve t,)Is r,--qziast subj'ec@, to
1. StandArd sice i,-@iDrov.@nts as rpquired by the Site Plan Ordinance.
ri7,@t of way 25 feet from t@he C-e
nterline of the existing
A dodl,,@ation Of
4LI-fc,Dt rtg,@t Of 'iay along the 100 foot rwre or less frontage cn Public Landing
Road (5-foot dedication).
3. pavemnt widening, curb and gutter, stom drainaqe as recessari and side-
v,.aiks are mquired along Publ-ic Landing Road.
4. A@iy and ill iqaterfron- PeTT-lits must t-e acqu4red through the @.rtinent
5. This site 15 not appr,)ved for seotli-- tanks.
@alph A. Sounder ar)pearld on his a-oiication.
On motion-bylcouncil@an Waterfield, seconded by Councilman Gardner,
and by recorded vote as r-ollows-.
.kyes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Vice Mayor
George R. Ferrell, Charles W. Gardner, @@ohn R. Griffin, Clarence A.
Holland, J. Henry McCoy, @r., ,,Iayor J. Curtis Payne, Patrick L.
S"ar,ding, and Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr.
Nays: None
Absent: Councilman Robert H. Callis, Jr.
City Council adopt--d the followiii.- @Resolution ugo-,l applicalli-on of
Ra!Dh A. and Anna B-ss Godle@, SoiAde- @or a Use Permit
for a privat-- rc-,creational -i--a '@-or i b iildi@i,,, the s,-Ora,,e of
Be it ordained by the Council @)f t'nl- Ci-'y of Vi-,cg@-nia Beach, V4rg@nia:
Application of Ralph A. Lnd @%nna Bess Godley So,3der for a Conditional
Use Permi-6 for a private recreational area fo- a bu4-'-.ding for the
storage of boats on ce-tain propetty be;,'Innj-.-IIT at a point 3,325 feet
r.iore or less Eas-L of Prirkcess Anne Road and a distance of
100 feet alon@ the Sou-@@@. s i cle of Publ@ -
Road, r,-nnilng a distance
of 155,40 feet al.on.@ tbe oropef-y -,@unning a dis-apce of
100 @@eet along t'oe Soil-th(,rn i)lo,-oerty 14iie, ai,@ a distance of
157.20 feet aloiig 'lie @a,;terii p(-OT.)ert,,
@@i parcel coqtai-Ps 0.36
acre. (Back Bay Ar--a) Pi-@-@.)
'Approval is subjec@, to tlie
1. Standard si-t@ as -.lie Site !)IaTi
2. A dedication of @,,i@-ht of i-ray 2S feet tl,- c-nterline
of the existing 4i@-i-@)c)t ri.@ht of ,r@ly along, 'clie 100 foot ipore
or less frontage on Piiblic -Road .oc)" dedi-catiG@1) .
3. Pavemen" wideni-,,,, curb a.-,d gu-ter, s'--:,rm ciiii@ia.@e as Ti--cessary
and sidewal@, Iir-- pl 1 I-aiidinc@ Poad.
4. Any ancl al@, @,aterfcc);it u,,e-mits Pus" be ,i--qiii-red the
r t 4 n e n C) v i,, i r,, es .
S. This site is noL for s--ptic tlnks.
Hijnt C"til. for a Condil@ii,,nAl USL, c,
to rite an L1.1-
d@or r--creation area '60 lnclu@le 3 sport,@rF-i ee n7
, sk t ra e,
in,joo,- srall bore r;,nre, ac"i@flties, fi-rc.)rns instrL:cl-i-,Is for
yc,,j!igstcrs on cernin prope,--,@/ -,,ined Dis',ric:- b--gi n-,4 ng
a po;r@u 2,,'@15 @c)rth of [3r;d@?,2 running a distarc,,- of
fe nc of-' 41 1.87
e- along the Eas@ o? rreek t :,d,
rtinning a dlsta
a - 44S.10 feet al t,@
i,,et aiong the pr.)Pert,/ lipp., running a dis-@anc o.- V-lq e
,@-P.stern pr,),jerty Iii-,e, and a dl,s-Lance of f-et along t-;i, Sou--'iierr
property line. Sai-I parcel contain-@ 15.2.5 acr@s, P",@IGO
Planning Connission Recm"ndation:
A ,mtion @tas passed unan4liiiousiy @y the Plannlng Ccnissio-i @y A recorded vote O' 13
Lo approve this request f@xcluding the indoor smll bora rE!rge suhirzct to the followinc!:
1. A dedicallion ol- ,,iqht of 33 feet froi t@,c, cen@c-rline of the existlnri 30-
Fcot riqh-@ cf aiong '@@@e 4@,,I.61 @ont mor,-- o-r less @,@,ntage o-.i '@uddy @,-,!ek i-oad
(!B-fooi d.,@dication).
2. Approval must be obtairt,.d @,rnri the liet'ands Board prior to any cons'-ii-lion
Ducley aooear--u to.- t,@e ar)o!.@c .tijn
Lavra aDo--ar--d in oonosition -0 '-ii3- i-@que-st I.-ores--nt--d n
:)eti ;o S)
Gragor- appeareJ in oppositio,,i to this request.
O-,i i-,@otion by Councilman IVaterfield, s(,(-c@ ided by Vi,ce i@layOT Ferrell,
!)y ---ecorded vote -i@
ly,es: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert H. Callis, Jr., Robert B.
Jr., Vice Nlayor Geor-ae R. -vorT-11, Charles W. Gardner,
Jo.4-ii R. Griffin, ClareTice A. Hollari, T. He,,,-y 'tv!cCoy, Jr,,.Nlayor@-
J. Cur-Lis Payne, Patrick L. Standing, and Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr.
i@,Tay5: None
Ab s --, -.-i ,lone
Ci4@-Y Col-t-,icil votcd t.(:) (l,-,Iiy th@ of@ 'Cid-,,'(,,-ter@Hulit
area to include a sporL.51-,I-il's iod@,,--, fishiiig,, -sk--et raT,..@e,
-iiidoor small bore range, year-round faTti.Ly activities, firearms
instructions for younasters on certain. p,opertly currently zoned AG-1
A.,ricultural D;-strict be.ainning at a poiiit 2,42S fee-, more or less
,4 orth ol@ Gum Brid.ce Road, running a disl-,ance oi- 480.61 feet along the
East side of Muddy Creek Road, runnin, q distance of 1,413.87 feet alona
tlie North--rn property line, r,,inning a di.@;-Iance of- 448.10 feet alon.@ the'
Easte@n proper-@y lide, aid ruTin@@n,, a dis-a-@ice of i,628.74 feet alona the
property 1-i-ne. S@iici parcol co@l',iins 116.26 acr--S. Puno
Bo The application -,@as d--nied die @lo the opposition of t,'ie
resid--nts in the area. I
ITE'4 v'7486
t)f Sldml A. 'Llenny a@nd E. Barco -:-or a Cnnditioral us? p it to
an outdoor -ecreatlon a@a - gol-@ cil@in @-@erty located
on t@2 E313t Side Of 'P!ollapd Road a--ross Road, ru,-ming a distance of
670 far,,t ,@re or I-,ss alo,-Ig 'Giia East s'ide of Pol-iand Poad, ru,ning a d4stance of C,20
r-@o-,2 or less al-Ing t.@.e Scv,,thern p,-ope@,y line, ,l -ii@rce of E"15 fcet
r,-or-- z)r less along p,-n,@-rty jine a-,' i,cnnirq
d-s'Lance o@ l@@75 feet
@r less alon-I Northern Ii-,e. Said pa-,el -,n'Ll i -.1 S -@.-3 P,--rL-s r@.ore
ol- ilss. PRT@P@@.3
tl roZ4ion ,4as passed upari=US3,,,, ',he Planniig ccmissic.!,. LY a recor'.@- vote of !?
to approve this r--@,uest s;,bjec,- t,) 'the follo,,iing-.
7. A d@cat4on of r-sghll of i-1-1-@@@ 45 fc-ct frm. til@e centeriire of t@L' existing
oil liolland
2. necessary. i@e.@ce of to ,--even@, '@lls fmm
lan,d4ng @n adjaczit as det@,, red t)y t,e Plar,,iiig S- @ at t@p- @ir,.-- o,
a,f site
cy cne rar,,.ni3 soace rer,t,.e ar--a.
r sep!, n%s.
T@i.1 s sie il, rot approved )o .i - -a
"el of a s!-ty f@@t of zi@@
f @s@ cor,@.-@r o-? th@s si@.
ist,,wn @cad
R. Denny
Sidi,@y z-,)i)eared @o,- li.@s ip
On iiotiori by Counc"IT,,,-i '@@;ate-f:;old, [)Y Counciilan
v@ls: COLI-,IC.ilMen "ohn A. BLLU[-,, I'lobert H. (,@@illis, Tr., izobert B.-@
Jr. , Vice t%fayor Geo-,,@ R. F@,rrel;
Ch,-rles Gardqer,
D,'In Grifr-in, Clare-qce A. flo@lland, J. H-@irv @ic,
,,3y, Jr., @,lavor
,J. Cil-t.is Payne, Patrici@ 'L. sta,,-Iiiil l@1c)yd E. @V@ite-field, Jr.
Ci"-)r adopted the Followin, Resoluti-o,-i upo@l @ip,7,--icatiorl cl-
!)enny and ',Iiilliam E. Barco @'or a Cc,-iditiona'- Use
to an outdoor rec-reatior, e,
PHiIN41T rO OPE.Rk'l-@ @N ("u'r@DOOR
Be it ordaine@l by the Council of t-h@@ City of Virginia Beach, Virgini,a:
Application of Sidney R. Denny and William E. Barco for a Conditional
Use Permit to operate an outdoor recreation area - golf driving range
on certain property located on the I:ast side nf Hnlland Road across
from Landstown Road, running a distance of 670 feet more or less along
the East side of Holland,@Road, running a distance of 820 feet more or
less along the Southern property lirie, running a distance of 535 feet
more or less along the Eastern property lile and running a distance of
1075 feet more or less alon,@ the No,th--rn property line. Said parcpl
contains 8.8 ACT,@S more or less. P@incess Anne Boroug'n
Approval is subject to the follolqi7li@ sti,')ul@itiol-is :
1. A dedicati,on of right of way 4S feet from the centerline of
the existing centerline of Holland Poad.
2. If necessary, periphe,-al @ence of sufficient height to
prevent balls from landin,@ on adjazeat property a-% determined
by the Planning Staff at the ti-me of site plan review.
3. Provision of oie parkina. sliace per tee area.
4. Adequately sized drainage (@asement is required along the
ditch on the northern property line.
5. This site is not approved f@ol- septic tanks.
6. The lighting shall be in a(@(zordance with the Site Plan
ITE@l "7487
Posolutir,n of the Council of the Cl@y of @llrginia cle!ich to a.,rend @ind reordain
Article 1, Sec-,io@l 102. P,3rarir,@,,)l (b)(1) e.,itit.led Amendrients to th@.
Official Zoning of the Camrc,,hensive Z,-,n;pq v---a as -OTTO s@..
(1) On the effect-ive d3te t)f an,i min amendn--nt or u@,D'l the satisffic,ory con-
pliance@, iii@h the concli@ e' chan57,.- shaIT-b@,cs-te7 on @We z-oni@,,@iag
I'll ion5 th
ty n@o P-iiarni@,.g P@erector a.,id rL,-@or,-Is accomnanyinn 'Gi)e rmn shall iden'Lif-/ -U.Ic official
EIC' ion !)y which such anend,@i2@it was rzde, t@e da@le of slic,'i ac-lic.-i. the area involved,
i,,-id the (4.ite of
Planning Commission 4'zecmwncl@'Iticn:
P., v,,as Fasse@,i UP.I'imusly @-Y the Planning @Dy a recorded vote o@
@l to app-ove this uest.
On motion by Councilman Cromwell, s@@conded by Council.'Ian Gardner,
aiid by recorded vote as @@ollows:
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert H. Callis, ir., Robert B.
Cromwell, Jr., Vice Mayor GeoTae IZ. Fer-ell, Charles ',V. Gardner,
John R. Griffin, Clarenc:e A. Hollan,l, J. fleiil-y McCoy, Jr., ilayor
J. Curtis Payne, Patrick L. Standi-,i,;@, and Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr.
Nays: None
Absent: None
City Council adopted a resolution ol@ tlie Council of the Citv of
Virginia Beacil to amend and reordain Article 1, Section 102,
Paragraph (b)(1) entitled Recording Amendments to the Official
Zoning Nlap to read as follows:
(1) On the effective date of any map
a,,uendmerit or upon tlie satisfartory
compliance-wit@t @co-nUition@ imposed,
fhe-change s@all7-p p ste on the zoning
map by the Plannina. Director and records
accompanying the all identify the
ITENI #7488
,@tion by the Plannins Comission of the City orvirginia Beach to arwnd and reordain
Article 2, Section 216, entitied Outdoor Adve-tisinq Structures. Billboards. Sinnboards,
and Poster Panels. Paraoraph (f) he s@ve@n ri@@tF@nce s a@n e@c
@e) ain to rea@ as follows:
(f) The following streets, highways, lnter'states, ard expressways shall. beqinning
with the effective date of this Ordinarce, be designat-@l heva Special Sign Restrict-
Ions: Northampton Boulevard, Independence Boulevard, Shore Drive (u.s. 60)-, First
Colonial Road, Great Neck Road, Little ieck Road, Virginia Beach-Norfolk Expressway
('@A. Rt. 44). General 13ooth Boulevard, U.S. fiiters*late 64, Sandbridge Road, False
Cape Parkway and aven @w
Planning Comission Peccrmvrrlation:
A r,@lotion was pas@ unani=usly @,y the romission by a recorded vote of 11
to approve this request.
On motion by Councilman Gardner, seconded by Councilman Callis, and
by recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert t@l. Callis, Jr., Robert B.
Cromwell, Jr., Vice Mayor Geo.-ge R. Ferrell, Charles W. G4rdner,
John R. Griffin, Clarence A. Holland, J. Heilry McCoy, Jr., Mayor
J. Curtis Payne, Patrick L. Standin@., 3iicl Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr.
Nays: None
Absent: None
City Council approved the above motibri bv the Plannin.a Commission
of the City of Virgini-a Beach to amend and roo@-dain Article 2,
Section 216, entitled Outloor Advertising S-11-tictures, Billb0ar4.5.
SiRnboards, and Poster anels, aragrap t e CoTTpreE e.@.,ve
Zo@ing Ordina-nce is amen ed and reordained to read as follows:
(f) The follow;-ng streel@s, highways,
interstates, and expressways s'liall,
be@inp-ing with the effective da-e of
th@is Ordinance, be desigrated to' hav--
Special Sign Restrictions: Nor"ha@-,iptoq
Boulevard, I-'I@'Lependence Boulevard, Shore
Drive (U.S. 6n,,,, First Colonial Road,
Great f@eck Road, L'@ttle Neck Road, 'iirginia
Beach-,@4orl@olk Expressway (VA. Rt. 44), General
Booth Bouievard, U.S. Interstate 64 Sandbridge
Road, F-,Ise Cape Parkivay and Parkway.
ITENI r'7489
by the Planning Commission or the city of Virgin4la Beach to a.Tcnd and re-
ordain Article 2, Secticn 216, an"ilsed Outdorr P@@ijertis'inq StrftctLires, Billboards,
SI(inboards, and Postcr Piragr@@ (f@. o@ti-,-Coii,.prei-,ensiv@ Zoning Or(linanc,,,
,,,s amended an-r @rcFaTn d@to read as f6lict-ts:
-I)e following stree'@-s, highways, 1-itersta'@es, and exprc-,Sc-r:iys s@all,
beginning i-iith th- 04fc,,ctive date of t@)is Vrdinance, ba designa-'ed to have
Special 51-n Pestric'@ir.),-@s: For--@amt)t@n Boulevari, iiidpnen@encc Bouleviml,
Sliore Driv@ ([!.S. CO), Firs" Colonial Road, Great @@'ccf@ P@oad, Little t'eck
Road, Virginia Beach-,Iiorft,)I@, F','rr--Ss!,vay IVA P,@ 44), Geieral Booth Boule-
vard, tJ.S. 64, Sanli@riege 'oad, Faisc! -al@c, Park,,i:,.y, Lynnhaven
Parkvfay, erosville Poad and Proijidence
Planning Cornission RL--cnmnda'k. i o,,i
A wtion was lassed by thc,, Planniil Cor@nission by a recorded vote of 10 with ? vo@ling
for the motion and one igairs" the motion to approve th4s reques-1.
@a motion by Vice i%layor Ferrell, seconded by CoLincilman McCoy, and
by recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert H. Callis, Jr., Robert B.
Cromwell, Jr., Vice Mayor George R. FarTell, Charles W. Gardner,
John R. Griffin, Clarence A. Holland, J. Henry %IcCoy, Jr., Mayor
J. Curtis Payne, Patrick L. Standin,a, aiid Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr.
iqays: None
,@bsent: None
Council approved the above motion by the Planning Commission
of the City of Virginia Beach to amend @tnd reordain Article 2.
Sec-.ion 216, entitied Outdoor Advertising Structures, Billboards,
Signboards, and Poster aneis, P,,ragrap.-i (17, o-- tfte Comprehensive
Zoni-rtg O@in n@e is@amende and reordai,,eL4 to read as follows'
(f) The following streets, highways, inter-
states, and expressways shall, beginning with
the effective of this Ordinance, be designated
to have Special Sigh Restrictions: Northampton
Boulevard, Independence Boulevard, Shore Drive
(U.S. 60), First Colonial Road, Great Neck Road,
Little Neck Road, Virginia Beach-Norfolk Express-
way (VA. Rt. 44), General Booth Boulevard, U.S.
Interstate 64, Sandbrodge Road, False Cape Park-
way, Lynnhaven Parkway, K(@.,,ql)svi-lie Road and
Providence Road.
ITENI #7490
V;otion by the Plannin,.7 '-'ormission of t,@e City of Vir,,i4nia Beach to ac*nd and re-
or,lain Article 2,' Section 215, f@-nti-led Outdoor Structures, Billboards.
and Poster Panels. Paragraph (e), o@ Zqn,,r OrdinancL-, is amende-d
an@ Teor-daine2 to-r--ad as follows:
(e) Outdoor advertising s'6ruct-,ir,-s, b@Iltoards,, sicr,[)oards, off-site
directional signs and poster panels which are disr,,Ia,,Ied on a rcn,6al,
lease, or oll@ier '@asis are pro;nibited fr,,m beinr, erec"ed along or
orientL-d toetard @,trLets or pnrti(,ns thereif been designated
by the gov@rning body an(! delineated on the map e@iti'lled "Streets Having
Special Sign Postriclit),ns" Recorded June 7, l@,71 with -,he Clerk of t,@e
City r,ouncil, ar@d as
Plar.ning Cormission R(,cr@.-,!mndation,
i@ riotion was passed b- t Plan
y he nin@ L,.y a recor,"ed votc! of 10
to androva. this requenz.
On Y:,totior. by Cou@ncil-rian Cromwe@@l, secorded by @oun,:ilTnan Gardner,
and by record--d 1.11lote as follo@is:
Ayes: Councilren Jolin A. Baum, Robert H. Callis, j@-., Ro@---rt B.
Cro..-nivell, Jr., Vi-ce Mayor George R. Feirell, Charles W. C-nrdner,
John R. Griffin, Clarence A. flolland, J. Herry ,Icl-oy, Jr., i@layor
J. Curtis Payne, Pal@rick L. Standing, and Floyd E. Wat-Irfield, Jr.
Nays: None
Abs(,,nt: None
City Council approved the above riotion by the Plinnin.a Comm'ss-io-,i
ol@ the City of Virginia Beach to amend and reordail Article 2,
Se-Ition 216, entitled Outdoor Adve-tisill@ Structures, Billsboards,
and Poster Panels, Para ap (e), c)+/- tl-.@e Coqp.-ee,.isiie Zoning
0@(Li,iance, is-amended and reordained to read as follows:
(e) Outdoor advertisi-n.@ structures, billboards,
si@.nboards, o@@f-site directional signs and
poster panels which are disolayed cn a rental,
lease, or other basis are prohibk--ed from beiig
erected along or oriented toward streets or
por-@ions thereof vi'iiich liave been desi@nated by
the ,overning body and delineated on the map
entitled "Streets Having Special Sign Rest-rictions".
Recorded June 7, 1971 with the Cl--rk of the C@-t
Resolution of 11,1/2 Council of the Cit@ )f -Ilrwlinia Beach "o and @,ordain
Article 1, Soc*.'.on 107, Paragraph (f), U,? th-e cmr--hensive Zoning OHinama,
entitled nts:
Unless the proposal ts withdrawn by 'ietter or other foriml notice before
leqal i)ublication of the heari,@ date. the hearinq shall be held at the
titm and place announced. Following the hearing, councii may make ap-
propriate changes or corrections in the propo@ anendments, Provided,
however, that no additional land nay be zoned to a different classification
than was contained in the public notice and no land nay be rezoned to a
less retrictive classification without ne,.-t notice and bearing. Where such
changes or corrections are of a stibstantial nature, the modifications way
be transmitted to the Planning for rev-@eti and report prior To
final passage by Councll. In w4-@@-h sucii ac*lions, the Planning
Comission may hold public hearincs 4b'@@ it d@enn such hearings appropriate,
t,tith nolice suiling the circ!jmsta@ @e@ G" t@,c,@ ca,,e. An affirmal-,ive vote
of a r;,ajority oi all members of City ','kjt':nCil shall be required to amc,,nd
the Ordinance.
Planning Comission Recomendation,
A motion tias passed unanfmously by the Plann-;ng Commission to defer,action for a
.period of thirty days to allow tire for the Comission to confer with the Law
'Departmt regarding this riattor.
On motion by Councilman Gardner, secc)ri(led by Councilman Callis,
and by recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen Jghn A. Baum, Robert H. Callis, Jr., Robert B.
Cromwell, Jr., Vice @'layor George R. Ferrell, Charles W. Gardner,
John R. Griffin, Clarence A. Holland, T. Henry iIcCoy, Jr., Mayor
J. Curtis Payne, Patrick L. Standing, ;ind Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr.
Nays: None
Absent: None
City Council deferred, in order for the Planning Commission to
make recommendatiois, tiie rollowing Resolution ol- the Council of
the City ol@ Virgi-,iia Beach to amend. and reordain Article 1,
Section 107, Paragraph (f), of the Comi)rehensive Zo@iing Ordinance,
entitled Am--ndments:
(f) Ci-ly Council Hearing; Action following hearing.
Unless the proposal is withdrawn or other formal
notice before lega!hpublica tion of the hearina
date, the hearin '11 Be Held at the time anct
T)la z@ nc ecl. Foiiowing the liearing, Council
may make appropriate changes or corrections in
the proposed amendments, provided, however, that
no additional land may be zoned to a d@-fferent
classil@i-cation that was contained in the public
notice and no land may be rezoned to a less
res-urictive classifica'@ion without now notice and
hearing. Where sucli chailges or col-rectior-5 are of
a substarltial nature, tlie modification in@ be
transmitted to the Planni-ng Commission for reviell
and reporl, prior to E4.nal passage by Council. In
co-@inection ivith such actioT,.s, the I'lanning Commission
may hold public hearings if it deems such hearings
appropriate, iii-tli notice suiti-P..-a tlie circumstances of
the cas--. An affirmative vote o.: a majority_of all
memb-rs of City Council sliall b(@ required @o amend
tlie Ordinance.
of Virginia Uach to aii@ and re6Hain
0 on to Conditional
Res luti of il Of thp g
-A " ivL- Zoning ordinance, relatir
Article 2, Part C. of t @s
Uses and Structu-,
d,new Section 236 is added to read as follo%is:
236 Ice Skating Rinks.
In addition to or In lieu of general requiremnts. the
following special requirements shall apply to ice skating
rinks in districts viliere they are generally perr-itted:
(a) Minimum lot and yard requirerents. The minimun lot
shall be 30,000 square feet with a minimun lot widt@i
of 151 feet.
(b) Kaximum lot coj?.ragp. The riaximum lot coverage shall
be forty (40) percent of t@e total area within lot
Planning Comission R ndation:
A Tmtion was p&ssed unanimo!jsly bY the Planning Commiss'@Oll by a reco@e4 vo@@e of 110
to appmve this r,-quest.
on motion by Councilman Cal@lis, secon,',--,l by Councilman Griffin,
a,id by recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert H. Callis, Jr., Robert B.
Cromwell, Jr., Vice Mayor Geor-e R. Ferrell, Charles Iv. Gardner,
John R. Griffin, Clarence A. Holland, J. i4enry iNIcCoy, Jr., Nlayor
J. Curtis Payne, Patrick L. Standin.@, aii,@' Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr.
Nays: None
Absent: None
City Council voted to def--r in"Lefinitely above Resolution of
tlie council of the Citv of Virgipia Beach to aTnc-A- a@@d reordain
Article 2, Part C, of 'L-he ConDrhensive Zoning Ordinance, relati-ng
to Conditional Uses and St-rLIctures as folloivs:
That a new -Oectio,@l- 236 is added to read as follows:
236 Ice Skating Rinks
In addition to or in lieu of general
reqtLirei,,ients, the following special
requirements shall apply to ic-- ska-Ling
rinks in districts w@llere they ,re geiierally
(a) %14-lnimum lot and yard requirements. The
ininitpum lot shall be 30,000 square feet
with a minimum lot iqiclth of 1SO feet.
(b) Nlaximum lot co@,,erage. The naximum lot
coverage shall be forty (40) percent
of the total area within lot boundaries.
ITFM @f749i
Resolution of the Council of the City of Ilirlinia Bach to a@ and reordain
Articis 8, Of ttte @hersiV*.Zoning Ordinance, relating to Ice skating, rinks
is a by adding the following:
That Article 8, Section 801 (c) Is amerided by adding a subparagraph:
(6) Ice skating rinks.
[hat Article 8, Section 805 is ariended by adding a new subparagraph:
(m) Uses permissible under conditional use pem-it shall comply
with the off-stree- parking reitiirerents speclfied@in the
conditional use perr@.@@t,,
Planning Comission Recomwndation:
A mtion was passed iinanimously by the Plam@ing Comission by a recorded vote of
10 to approve this re@t.
url mOclOn DY uoimcfrman CaI-lis, s6c6ficT6d by Councilman Gardner, and
by recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert H. Callis, Jr., Robert B.
Cromwell, Jr., Vice Mayor George R. Ferrell, Charles W. Gardner,
Joh@-i R. Griffin, Clarence A. Holland, T. @lenry McCoy, ir., Mayor
J. Curtis Payne, Patrick L. Standin-@, and Floyd E. ig-aterfie-ld, Jr.
Nays: fqone
Absent: inone
City Council deferred indefinitely the above Resolutio, of the
Council of the City of Virginia Beach to amend and reordain
Article 8, of th- Comprhensive Zoning Ordinance, relating to
ice skating rinks amending by adding the following:
That Article 8, Section 801 (c) is amended by adding a
(6) Ice Skatiig rinks.
That Article 8, Section 805 is aine@ided by a nei,, subparagraph:
(m) Uses permissible under conditional use permit shall
com-ply with th6 off-street parking req.ulrements
specified in the conditional use -3ernit.
Resolution of the Council of t.@e Ci@y of Virqinia t3each to amend and reordain
Article 11, Part S. entitled P@anned neve!oDrent - Hc.,using Distric'. (Pr,-@ll.
SL-ction 1114. Pv"i-aph (d). of@t e UMreiiensive zoning Ordinance, relating
to buffer zones as follows:
(d) 'Creation of buffer zones where the Planned Oevelovment-ttmsing
District adjoins an existing or Platted one-family residential district
i,rithout an lntervenint; coll-@to or arterial street or permanent open
spar-e at least one hundred (100) feet. The D'@rector of Plann
ited tFr
waive the bu .ni if it Is cL @ I -tw
Resi2ential ;fuc--rg P'Stulr7cr@ section does not decart from zo@inc,,:,nd'sub-
division rpguiations applicable,in I.-Ile adiolging one-@aml 'ti al
is rict.
Planning Co=ission Rec @ndation:
A -wtiog was passed unan@otiously I-,,y thp Plarning Cormlssiori by a recorded vote of
10 to aoi)rove this request.
On motion by Councilman Holland, seconced by Councilman Standing,
and by recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert H. Callis, Jr., Robert B.
Cromwell, Jr., Vice Mayor George R. Ferrell, Charles W. Gardner,
John R. Griffin, Clarence A. Holland, o@. Heiiry-,%ItCoy, Jr., @layor
J. Curtis Payne, Patrick L. Standi-,ig, aiid Flovd E. Waterfield, Jr.
Nays: None
Absent: None
City Council approved the above Resolutioii of the Council of the
City of Virginia B--ach to amend and reo-dain Article 11, Part B,
entitled Planned Development - Housin.@ District (PD-H), Section 1114,
Paragraph , of the C@mprehen ive Zoning Or in n e, relating to
buffer zones as follows:
(d) Creallion o-@ bul@fer zones iq@-ere the Planned
DeveloT)inent-Housing District adjoips an existing
or Led one-family resideiltial distri-ct without
an interv---.iing collector or arterial street or
permaner.-L open space at '.east one hund-red (100)
feet. Tlie Director of Planning mav wa.ive the buf-@er
requireie,it il- is clearly @@rstr--,e fhat the
Re@idential @D-q Plst7ict sec-Lion does not@epatt
rom zon", ai=su ivisio regula i@ons apt)licable
Yn-th@a- i@oiti-n deiitial lsttict.
g. one- amily resi
ITENI #7495
On motion by Vice t,,Iayor Perrell, seccnded by CoL.,ncilma-,t Gardner,
and by recorded votl- as follows:
Ayes: Councilrqen Johr, A. Baum, Robert H. Callis, Jr., Robert B.
Cromwell, Jr., Vice DIayor George R. Ferrell, Charles W. Gardner,
John R. Griffin, Clarence A. Holland, J. fienry t%!cCoy, Jr., Nlayor
J. Cur-,is Payne, Patrick L. Standing, and Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr.
iNlays :l@one
Abseiat: None
City Council approved on second reading an appropriatio;i gf.--$S,300
froin Reserve for Contingencies to the legal aiid expert account,
Engineering Division, Department of Community Services, and
further authorized the City 'ivlanager to sigi an aureement with
Baldwin and Gregg to perform the constructiori drawings for the
renovation of th-- spillway at Lake Ti-ant.
@.,:i iiioti ori by "oun ci lyra@i @-i 1) i Ll'ic ;- -,n an i o I l@ aa d ,it rid
recorded vot as foiiows:
Ayes: Councilmen John A@ Baum, Robert H. Callis, Jr., Robert B.
Cromwell, Jr., Vice Mayor George R. Ferrell, Charles W. Gardner,
john R. Griffin, Cl,arence A. HollanLi, .@. Henrv Mc(--oy, Jr., Mayor
J. Curtis Payne, Patiick L. Staildin..,, @in(-l i;lo)@,i E. l@aterficid, Jr,
@Nays :
Absent: None
City Council approved on second reading the extension of wate'r
lines at the north end of Bobolink Drive, Birdneck Point, Lynnhaven
Borough. Tlie extension is approximately 300 feet long and will cost
approximately $1,200.
ITEivl -,'4(-?
on motion by Councilman Callis, seconded b y Councilman Holland, and
by Tecorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert H. Callis, Jr., Robert B.
Cromwell, Jr., Vice Mayor George R. Ferrell, Charles W. Gardner,
John R. Griffin, Clarence A. Holland, J. Henry McCoy, Jr., Mayor
J. Curtis Payne, Pat,-ick L. Standing, @ind Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr.
Nays: None
Absent: None
City Council approved on first reading the following ordinance
authorizing the issuance of eleven million, si.x hundred thousand
($11,600,000) General Obligation Bonds o@@ the City of Virginia
Beach, Virginia:
1. It is hereby determined to b-- necessary and expedient for
the City of Vir.@inia Beach to construc-@ and imp-@ove various @ublic
facilities and improvements, all of wliich.will promote the development
and public welfare of the City, and to borrow mbney for such.purposes
and issue the City's general obligation bonds therefor.
2. Pursuant to the authority of L-he Charter of the City of
Virginia Beach (Ch. 147, Acts of Assembly of 1962, as amended), and
the Public Finance Act, as amended, there are hereby authorized to
be issued Eleven Million Six Hu6dred Thousand Dollars (@11,600,000)
Public Improvement Bonds of the City of Virginia Beach to provide
funds, tocether with other funds that @y be available, for the
following purposes:
Improve and extend streets and highways,
C,onstruction and extention of surgace drainage
system 300,000
Bulkheadin@ south of ex-;-sting boardwalk along
oceanfront 75,000
Comprehensive rrapping program, includin- aerial
photography, engineering and drawi-ng work ioo,ooo
Site improvements for community college 600,000
Plannin-, construction, site improvements,
enlargements and equippin@ of muni-cipal buildings,
includin@ a paint and welding snop, heating plant,
public safety buildina, produce market and site
impyovements to Norwe@ian Lady statue
Planning, purchase and construct4on of parks
and recreation facilities, includin- purchase
of @ark land and plans for co-,muni-ty center 525,000
Improve and e:ctend 1,7ater and sewer facilities,
including storage tank, pump stations and lines 5,322,000
Plannin-, construction, site improvements,
enlargements and equippin- of school facilities i,ooo,ooo
Total $11,600,000
Any amounts not needed for any of such purposes may be used for
any other of such purposes.
3. Thp bonds shall bear such dale or dates, mature at such
time or times not exceeding forty yeii@@ -JuLn their dates, bear
interest at sucli rate or rates not exceeding the mximum rate,
perr,atted by la@17 at the time the @ire so',d, be in such
denomination and form, be executed ;a skicti inanner and be sold at
such time or tiiiies and in st-,ch manr@,.@,. a Lhe Cotinc:i.l. shall hereafter
provide by appropriate resolution or resolutions.
4. The bonds shall be -eneral obl,i.gations of the City of
Virginia Beach for the payment of pi:incipal of and interest on which
its full faith and credit shall be irrevocably pledged.
Adopted by the Council of the Ci.ty of Virginia Beacti, Virginia
on the day of 1974.
First Reading; August 19, 1974
Second Reading:
!TENI #7498
On ,notion by Councilman Callis, seconded by Councilman Gardner,
and by recorded vote as folioivs:
Ayes: COuncilmen John A, Baum Robert H. Callis, Jr., Robert B.
Cromwell, Jr., Vice @,layor Georg'e R. Ferrell, Charles W. Gardner,
Jolln R. Griffin, Claren--e A. '-iolli,-Id, ,. NJ
J. Cu@-tis Payie, Patrick @IeT'rY @!cCOY, Jr. ,a,,r
l@, Standing, @trid Floyd E. @Vat--,r,@ield, Jr.
k4ays.. None
Absent: None
CitY Council appi-oved on fir,t reading tlie follow@-ng ordinance
inakiii, appropriatiotis OE i,,t-r,,t earne(,' on general revenue sharing
funds and general revenue sharing fu@@cls expected to be received for
'I I forty
fiscal year ending June 30, 1975, in tile suM of folr ii ii,,,
three thousand, seven hundred thirty dollars ($4,043,730), and
regulating the payment OF money out ol@ tho "@ity Treasury:-
ENDING JUNE 301 1975, IN T@TIE SU@f OF =
'@Ti" @')OLT @'@'S ( S'4 , 01@ 3,
HI,INDt@EJ) THI. A 730) -*ID
WIER:@:AS, tt,,e C4.ty c@ V-'@--rginia Beac.1 has re--eived interest totalinc,
$515,000 from inv--s-Iment of general r--venue sharing funds on deposit;
WHEREAS, the City of Virginia Beach expects to receive $3,523,730
from general revenue sharing for fiscal year ending June 30, 1975
That the amounts herein named aggregating four million, forty three
thousand, seven hiindred thirty dollars ($4,043,730) or so much thereof
as may be necessary and received are hereby app@-opriated for the
foll@ng capital imorovements fo.- f4-scal year end@-@ng June 30, 1975.
High,,qay Projects- $1,373@730
Building Projects; 910,000
Parks and Recreation Projects: 195,000
Sewer Proiects: 1,565,000
G @ D TOTAL $4,043,730
All balances of the aop--opriations unencumbered at the close of
business on the thirtieth day of June, 1975 are hereby carried forward
to he expended for the pu--Doses set @Lar-1h.
No department, bureau, agency or individual receivin-. appropriations
under the provisions of thi-s ordinance shall exceed the amount set forth
except with consent and aoproval of City Council fi-rst being obtained,
bu-, it is expressly provided that the restrictions with respect to the
@@@penditure of the funds appropriated shall apply only to total amount-
.for types of projects set forth in this ordinance.
This ordinance shall be effective from and after date oF.- adoption.
l'irst Reading: Au@.ust 19, 1974
S.-@cond Readin@,:
TTP,@I '7 @99
Ja i-.1.,Dtioii by Counciiman Holland, seconded by Councilnan Callis, -and
by r corded vote as follows:
.@y--s: Councilmen Johii A. Bauin, Rober@ T, Ca-!Iis, Jr., Rober-L B.
Jr., Vice Mayor George R. Feri,@ll, Charles W. Gardner,
;ohn R. -@riffin, Clarence A. Holland, T. @'lenry McCoy, Jr., Mayor
,J. Curtis Payne, Patrick L. Standing, and Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr.
Absent: None
Cit--,,, Council approved the @@ollowing oj(-i3.)ap-ce to aniejid and reordein
S@,,c--on 5-7 of Coc!e o@@ (,ity relatin@ "o the
of @,anct--,ar@es @s-,
Requested by: Co,,incilman Clarence A. Holland
Ccu-,c;-@Lman l-,o'nn R. C,-i-ffin
That Section 5-7 (c) o@, the C,)de cl@ -'ie C4-@--y oz- Virgilia Beach,
Vir@.inia is amended and reor@,i,@red as follows-.
ADD: Subdivision known as Aragona @i-illage in
Baysi-de '-zcraugh.
That Sectio-ri 5-7 (,-4) o-,@ Code o-f the ril-y of Virginia Beach,
Virginia is amended and reol-dai-,ied as follows:
ADD: Subdi,l@isio@--i ,,znc@m as Great LNeck Estates in
Lynnha,@en Bcroiiah.
'An emer@eac,; exists atid -his ordina7@e s',-Iall be in ef@@ect from
or- adopti-on.
Adopted by tli-- of tlie -ity c,f Virginia Beach on L're
19 day of August 1974.
On :6 - :-on by r , 3 --,: )@l j@l '-@-.iar, 'irid
Ayes: Counciiiiieii jonn A. 3aum,DRobert @i. Caliis, Jr., Rob--rt, B.
Cro,nwell, Jr., Vic2 Mayor Gebrge R. Ferrell, Charles W. Gardner,
Joh.-i R. Griffin, Clarence A. Holla@id, j, Hen-y McCoy, Jr., t"layor
J. Payne, Patrick L. Standiii,.,, F'@-oyd @-. @qater@@iejd, Jr.
Nays: None
@@ 7 @n t: None
City Council aDcroTed -@he .@ollowing ordi-nance to repeal Article I, II,-
and III of Chap@ler 8, Sections 8-1, 8-3, 8-5, 8-6, and 8-7 of the Code
of the Citv of -@fi-@inia 3each relating to F@r-- Di-st.-icts, The Building
Code ard -,lie Nlechan@@cal Code:
Requesl---d by-@ Cl',,,, '@@na!.-?r
Ill OF C'@'.rER 8, !"ECTION@ ' 1, 8-3, 8-4,
3-5, 8-6 AIND 8-7 Gf THE COD@ OF T.HE CITY
1,F@ C @i I A L -, "j'f) E
That Arti--le I, II a-.id Il'@ of Cliapter 3, Sections 8-1, 8-3, 8-4,
8-5, 3-6 and 8-7 aze r,-,pealed.
Th4-s ordir@aic,2 sliall !)e effect:4.ve cn iiid a@-1--e@ September 1, 1974.
Adcpted by @lle @i-P th,-, I-lit-,7 :)4' -,2ach on the 9
day O@@ Au-;,s- 1,) -@'4 .
ITU,i@,! #75'@)l
On n,-otion by ;e,:on('--d by Courci-lnan Hollai@,,
aii 'oy i@ecoroed
H. Calli-s , ir. , P,,@bert B.
e i I o- C@ia,@ies W. Cardner,
@r4 n _I-
A. ifoiia@qd, ,@c@cy, Jr., @layor
J. P"i@iicl, '.,. S"andin@, :t,-td Floyd E. Jr.
@ I
(,',ity @louncil appro,-,,@,' '@-,-)Ilowing o-r(@@l,narl,- epeal Chal)tor 15,
Section 25-1 '@hrou.,@@ ?S-3 -l.aclusive, @@ t.o(le oi: the City of
Vi-r,-@inia Beac@, t,,) Pluml)iji,, ari(I Gas:
Requested by: City Manager
That Chapter 25, Sec@-4@or, 25-1 -;s
he-@eby repealed.
This ordinance shall be effective oq and after September 1, 1974.
Adopted by the Council c@ @it,; )-@ r--;.rl-inia Beach on the 19
day of August 19
On iiiotion by Council,@.ian- sec.)Tldee, Cromwell, and
by recorded vote as f- 1,T S
Ayes: Counci'-,@ien '0@n A. !3aum, c@ll,_--,, '@Zobert B.
Croni@qell, Jr., -1@@-ce @@Tay,- tardTiLr,
Joli,i @@. Gr'ffil, FteT,,-y %ic-c)@r, Jr., %,Iayor
J. Curtis Pay@le, Da@@- --@7ater@;
e@d, Tr.
Nays: Nlone
Abse-,it: None
Citv Council adp,oved the ord'@,lance to reneal Article 1,
Ii, f!!, and IV, CliaTiter 1-@-I th,ot,-',,i lq*-6@@, inclusi-,,e,
Of -L@'ie Code of t@.e ,-L@y Li@ .9eac7.,@ ro@.a-,-itg to
a.,id requirements o@@ Lhe Elect,-@.cal Cod-o:
Requested by City Manager:
That Article I, II, III and IV, CbaDter 14, Section 14-1
through 14-65, inclusive, is hereby repealed.
This ordinance shall be effective on and after September 1, 1974.
Adopted by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach on the 19
day of August 1974.
ITE,%L #7503
On motion by Vice D@layor Ferrell, seconded b,@ Councilman Callis, and'
by recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Bauni, Robert H. Calii-S, Jr., Robert B.
Cromwell, Jr., Vice Mayor George R. Ferreli, Cha-rles IV. Gardner,
John R. Griffin, Clarence A. liallard, J. Henry Jr., @layor
J. Curtis Payne, Patric'@- L. Staiding, and Floyd ';Va-Lerfield, Jr.:
Nays: None
Absent: None
City Council ap?roved on first reading the following ordinance to
adopt the Vir.aini-a Uziiform Statewide Building Code by reference
providing for construction, altera-Lions, repairs, removal, etc.,
o@ all buildings and systems necessary to all buildings within
the City of Virginia Beach; and to establish a Building Board of
Adjustments and Appeals; and to establish requirements and @ees
@or building, mechanical, plumbing, -lectrical and gas permits;
I -
and to provide penalties for viola-LiOnS of the Code; and to establish
a Board of Plumbing Examiners; and to establish a Board of Electrical
Requested by: City l,lanager
Section 1. The publication entitled, "lirginia Uniform Statewide
Building Code", 1974 Ac--umul-at-*.@i@- Si.IE)plement consisting of:
1) The BOCA Basic Building Code/l'-,'170
2) BOCA Basic Building Code Accumul.ative Supplement/1972
3) The BOCA Basic t.echa,'-ical Code,/1971
4) BOCA Basic Plu@.libing Code/1970
5) BOCA Basic Plumbi-ng Code Accumu@lative Supplement/1972
6) One and @7o Fa@,lily Dwelling Co(le/1971
7) One and -1%7o Family @@lli-ig Co(le 4,ccur-.U]..ative
8) National Electric Code/1971
9) Electrical Code fo-- One and Two Family D,,vellings
which has been filed wit'i the city clerk, is hereby adopted as an
ordinance and shall all matters concerni-,@ the construc-.ion,
alteration, additi,.c@n, -@epair, rcmovall demolif--ic)n, iise, location,
occupancy and ma@-atenance of- all buildings, and all. -tlie?, activities
iqhich pertain to the installa-lion of systems necas-@-ary to all blii-ldings
and structures and th--i-r service ecui-pmen-I as d--fi-ned in the aforesaid
codes and shall aoply to all existi-.ng and proposed buildings or struc-
tures ,Iitii-n the Ci-ty of Vir-@inia Beach.
Sect4@on 1. Supplementary regulations.
a) Unsafe buildines.
All Buildings or structures which are t-,nsafe, unsanitary, or not
prov4-ded with adequate egress, or which constitute a fire hazard, or
are otherwise dangerous to human life, or whi-ch in relation to existing
use coilstitute a baza.-d to safety or heal@-h by reason of inadequate
main-@enance, diladidation, obsolescence, or abandonnient, are severally
in conter@?lation of -@his section, unsa-P-- buildings. All such unsafe
buildings are hereby declared ille@al and shall be abated by regair
and reliabilitation or bv demolition in accordanc-- w4-th the fo'llowing
14henever the Building Official shall find any building or struc-
ture or portion thereof to be unsafe, as defined in this section, he
shall, in accordance with established procedure for legal notices,
give the o@gner, agent, or person in control of such buildino or
stru--ture written notice s-lati-ng the de-Pec-Ls thereo-f-. This notice
shall require the o@er, within a stated ti@e, either to cor.,plete
speci@@ied repairs or improvements, or to dei7-oli.sh and remove the
build4-ng o-- structure or portion thereo-P.
If necessary, such notice shall also rcquire the buildin@, struc-
ture or portion thereof to be vacated forthwith and not reoccupied
u-,itil tne specified reoairs and improvements are coripleted, inspected
and approved by the Buildi-,ig Official. The Buii.ding Official shall.
cause to be posted at each e,,trance to such bui-idin, a notice; "THIS
T[iE Bl"ILDIN-- OFFIV-IIA,@." Such -notice shall rer,,.ai,- T,@,3sted urt4-l- the
req,,,ired repairs are made or demolition 41-s comol-e-led. It shal'. be
unlawful for any person, firm or corpora-@i-on or the4.r agents, 0r
servants, to remove such notice without wri-tten permission of the
Bu;-J-dir,.g Official, or lor any person to eiter ti7c b-..Iilding except for
t p Lirpose of ma@,,iiig tie rcquired reoa4-rs ,-r o-r,deiiolishing same.
The owner, agent o-. pe-son in control sb-all have the right,
except in cases o@@ eiiergericy, to appea@L i7ro.-n @Lhe deci-sion of the
Buil-ding @fficial, as orovided hereinafter, and to @opear bel@ore the
Boa7d of Adjustmen,@s and Anneals at a specified and pla@- to show
c_lul;e why he should not complv with said noti-ce.
In case the owner, a@-nt, or person in con"rol cannot be found
witzi-',-n the stated tine limit, or, if such own8r, agent, or person in
con,-rol shall fail, neglect, or refuse to comply 1,7i-h notice to repair,
@@lit te o-@ -@o de:noli-sh and remoi7e said bui-l-din@ or st---uc-lure or
ba,,inc, --sce-@ta+-ned the
no---ioa thereol--l e I d @- n @- 0 f f i c i a
cosc, s@iall caUSe SUC'L -bUildi,-Ig or st-,UC'@:i-,re or Po--t'_C',n tiereof, to be
secured or to rc,,-m-a--n vacanf.
lecrolished, I
The decisio-,i of tLie B@-@il.ding Of,@ic@-,@l sha]Ll- be final i-n cases of
erie--er,cy which, in hi.s odiziion, involve in,.,.iinei-@ da-.iger to human life
or He shall n.-c,,mp@ly cause @ouil-ding, structure, or portion
"'P@creof to be made sa-@-- or removed. For -,his p,,irpose he may at once
enter stich structure or l@,,id on which it c-tards, or ab-'Utting land or
strLic-li-i.-es, wi-Lh such ass'@stance and at cost @is he mav doem necessar,,,.
may vacate adja--c-,nt stri-icttires aid l@rot-ect tho public bv appropri-ate
lence or such other means @s he may deem @,,-essary, and fo,@ this purpos(
rp,ay cl.ose a public Cr priv,@,-e 1,7ay.
Costs incurred under Section one shall be cliarged to the owner of
the prcriises involved and stiill be colle(--ted in {@i-ie mpnner provided by lat,7.
b) Ordinary repairs and minor construction; limitations.
The exemption of ordinary repairs from the building permit require--
ment contained in-Section iO2 ana 113 of the Building Code sh-@ll pertain
only to the o@qner of any building or premises and shall not anply to
any contractor or sub-contractor engaged I)y the owner to perform such
The reolacemen" of more than 25 pcrc(,nt@ of any rDofing or siding
on any building shall not be considere(.1 a@@ ord'@nary repairs.
c) Minor construction; c@xc,.mpt pc@ruiit reqtliremerit.
Certain minor construction shall be exempt from the permit require-
ments of Section 113 of the Buildin@, Code. Such exemption shall not,
however, have the effect of i-7aiving any working stresses or fire resis-
tive requirements specifically covered i.n the Building Code or violating
accepted engineering practice involving pliblic safety. Exempted minor
construction shall include:
(1) The erection, relocation, or rerioval of interior non-bearing
partitions by the owner of a building.
(2) The installation of storm doors and windows, non-combustible
insulation, exterior doors and winclows not required as a means of egress
and miscellaneous paving such as patios, @,7alkways, and drivei,7ays where
such installation is located entirely on the premises of the owner.
(3) The erection of a single detached all rpetal pre-fabricated
utility or garden building having a floor area of 100 square feet or
less and located in the rear yard of a sirigle family dl,7elling not
closer than allowed under the city zoning regulations.
(4) The erection of a pre-@abricated wadin@ pool of a depth less
than two feet and not directly --onnectc-,,d ,-.o any water supply line or
(5) The construction or erection of a detached building designed
as a child's playhouse having a floor area of 100 square feet or less,
not exceeding a height of eight feet, located at grade level in the
rear yard of a sin.@l-e family dwelling, and complying with the city
zoni-ng regulations.
(6) The construction or installation of portable sheds and trailers
for the sole purpose o-f storage of constrtiction site. Such sheds or
trai-lers shall b6 re-,P-oved udon the comple-lion of the construction.
C) Fire districts; establishment.
In accordance with the provisions of Section 301.0 of the BOCA
Basic Building Code adopted in this ordinance, there are hereby estab-
Ii-shed limiting districts designated Fire District No. 1, and Outside
Fire Limits.within the corporate lirlits oF- the city.
(1) Fire District No. 1; limits.
The limits of Fire District No. I are described as all land con-
tained with the boundaries as established and recorded in Map-Book 97,
Page 32 in the clerk's of,@ice of the circuit court of the city.
(2) Outside Fire Limits.
All land within the corporate limits of the city except that land
contained in Fire Di-strict No. 1 shall- be designated as Outside Fire
Section 2. Board of Appeals
a) Establishment
There is hereby established a Board of Appeals as provided for in
Section 127.0 of the BOCA Basic Buil.ding Code, the SSame being: part of
the Virginia Uniform Statewide Building Code adopted by section one of
this division.
b) Appointmert of inembers
Members appointed to the Building Board of Adjustments and Appeals
in office prior to the effective date of this ordinance shall remain in
office with the Board of Appeals until his term of office shall expire.
C) Membership positions; qualifications
In conformance with the requiremencs of subsection 127.22 of the
BOCA Basic Bui-lding Code, the qualifications of each membership
position are hereby established as follows:
(1) One member shall be aState registered professional engineer
currently engaged in the design of buildings and structures.
(2) One member shall be aState registered architect currently
associated with a firm licensed to do business in the city.
(3) One member shall be aqualified surveyor or land planner.
(4) One merrber shall be amember of the building materials supply
(5) One member,shall be a-State registered General Contractor
licensed to do business in the city.
d) Term of office
O@ the members first appointed two shall be appointed for a term
of three years, and thereafter they shall be aopoint-ed for terms of
four years. Vacancies shall be filled for an unexpired term in the
manner in which original appointments are required to be made. Coi-
tinued absence of any member from regular meetings of the Board shall,
at the discretion of the Chicf Appointing Authority, render any such
member liable to imediate removal from office.
e) Quorum
Three members of the board shall constitute a quor-UM. In varying
the application of any provisions of this code or in modifying an order
of -he Building Official, affirmative votes of the majority present,
but not less than three affirmative votes shall be required. No
board member,shall ac@ in a case ih which he has a personal interest.
f) Records
The Building official- shall act as Secretary of the Board of Appea
and shall make a detailed record of all its proceedings, which shall se
forth the reasons for its decisions, the vote of each member participat-
ing therein, the absence of a member, and any failure of a member to
The board rules and regul--tions for its own pro-
cedure not inconsistent with tn@ 1-@o,7isions of this code. The board
shall meet at regular intervals, to be determined by the Chairman, or
in any event, the board shall meet withirt ten days after notice Of
appeal has been received.
h) Time limit
Whenever the Building Official shal.1 reject or refuse to approve
the mode or manner of const.-uction pronosed to be followed, or Mater-
ials to be used in the erection or alt@.-ation of a building or struc-
tL,rcl or @,7'nen it is claimed tlia,,t the of cocie clo n(,t
apply, or that an equal'@y good or more i:Oriri of construction
can be eirplayed in any specific case, or wtien.it is claimed that the
ICrue intent and@meaning of this code or any of the regulations.there-
under have been misconstrued or wrongly iriterpreted, the owner of
such building or structure, or his duly auf:horized agent, may appeal
from the decision of the Building Official to the Board of App@als.
Notice of appeal shall be in writing and filed 1,'ithin 30 days after
.the decision is rendered by the Building Official. -A fee of $10.00
shall accompany such noti-ce of appeal.
In case of a building or structure whi-ch, n the opinion of the
Building Official, is unsafe or dangerous, the Building Official may,
in his order, limit the time for such appeal to a shorter period.
Appeals hereunder shall 'De on j@orms.provided by the Building Official.
i) Variations and nodif4-cations
The Board of ApDeals, when so appeared to and after a hearing,
may vary the application of any provision ()f th4@ code to anv parti-
cular case when, in its opinion, the enforc@ement thereof wouid do
manifest injustice, and would be contrary to the spirit and purpose
)f this code or public interest, or when, in its opinion the interpre-
-.a-Lion of the Building Of@@4-cial should be riodi-@4@ed or reversed.
A decision of the Board of Aopeals to vary the adplica-ion of
any provision of this code cr Lo @odify an order of t@e Building
Offic4-al shall specify in what manner such variation or modification
is nade, the conditions upon which it is made and the reasons therefor.
j) Decisions
Every decision of the Board of Appeals shall be final, subject,
however, to such remedy as any agarieved party .4 ght have at law or
in equity. It shall be in writing and shall indicate tile vote upon
the decision. Every decision shall be prorrptly filed in -Lhe office
of the Building 01-:ficial, and shall be open to public inspection; a
certified copy shall be sent by mail or otherwi6e to the appellant
and a copy shall be kept publicly posted i-n the office of the Building
Official for two weeks after --Filing.
The Board of Ao
,peals shall, in every case, reach a decision with-
out unreasonable or unnecessary delay.
If a decision of the Board of Appeals reverses or modifies a
refx-,sal, order, or disallowance of the Building Official or varies
the aoplication of any provision of this code, the Building Official
hall, inmediately take action in accordance with such d-@isich.
k) Jurisdiction of the board
Board shall also act on any adgeal snec,-@@L@ically provided for in such
othcr building regulations- a,,,- -n, ay be es-@,iblishc@rl j.,i thf@ Of the
City of Vi.rginia Beacti.
1) Requirements not covered by the code
Any requirement necessarv for the @,-rentli or stibi-li-@y of an
existing or proposed building-or strucl@ur,?, or i-cr the s@@fety or health
of the occupants thereof, not ,pecifical-17 cove,-ed by this code, shall
be determined by the Building Official- stibject to aooeal to the Board
o@ @ APpeals.
Secti-o,i 3. Application for permit
a) When required
Any owner, authorized age-,it, or cort:ra-tor desires.to construct,
enlar@e, alter, repair, move demolish, of chan-e th-- occupancy of a
building or structure, or to erect, or construct a-sign of any descrip-
tion, or to install or alter fire-extin,u4shiT.Ig anparatus, elevators,
engi-nes, or to install a steam boiler, heater, in-inerator, or
other heat producing apparatus, or Other appurtenances, the installation
of -,@hich is regulated by this code, or tc cause any such work to be
done, shall first make application to the Luilding Official and obtain
the required permit therefor.
b) Engineering details
All drawings, specifications, and acccr@-panying data shall bear the
name and address of the designer. In the case of buildings or struc-
tures exceeding two stories in hei-.ht o@- ,;000 souare feet in a@-eal
except one and two family dv72'@14-ngs, such desi.@ner shall be an archi-
tec-I or engineer legally regisl--ered under the laws of this state regii-
latinQ the practice of -irc',,,it@,-ture or ci,ineerin@ ind shall affix his
oftl:iclal seal to said drawirl,,,s, specifica t4 ns and accompanying data.
C) Contractors license and bond required
It shall be the duty of every contractor or builder, who shall
make contracts for the erection or cons-'ruc-Lion or repair of buildings
fo@ which a permit is ,-equired, in the ci-@y, and every contractor or
.der rnaking such contracts and sublet,@4-ng the same, or any part
thereo@L, to pay a Ii-cense tax as provided in the general license ordi-
nan--e, and to register hi-s name in a bock provided for that purpose,
wi-th the Building Inspector, giving @ul@i -ial,.e, residence and place of
Dusiness, and in case of --emoval from one place to another in the city
to have made corresponding chan@e in Efa4@d re-isl-er acco-din@ly; and it
si-@a@Ll be the further duly of every sucli p,,rson coritracting @@or work to
ive good and su@@fi-cient bond in the sum )@@ five thousand dol@s
F/@'5,000.00) to be approved by the Ci,-y At:,-orney, condit@-oned to con-orm
to tlie building regulat4-ons, ttie regulati-,)ns of this sectio-,i, and ollher
ordi-i-,,inces of the city i-n r--ference to I-Iliigs.
d) Suspension and revocation o.f con@:rictor's bond
T'ie Buildin- Official andfor the Board o@- Appeals shall have the
0 -
authority to suspend temporarily iny buil(lipg contractor's bond for
fail,-iro to correct falilty work, doing con<;@-rtic-L4@on V.-ort@ without a
permit, or for any good other sufficient @,'Itlse.
The Board, upon the affi-rmative vote of tiare-- (3) of its members may
revoke or annul any contractor',g bond for repeated failure to corlplvwith
instruct-ions of the Building official for repeatedly undertaking @o-nstruc-
tion @,,r)rk withotit a permit or other violation of this ordinance.
e) Suspension and/or revocation not a bar to prosecution
Nothin@ in this divis4on shall bc@ is a bar to prosecutioi,
for ariy violation.of -he Virginia Unif-Orr), Statewide Building Code or
@,ie Code of the City of Virginia Beach.,
Section 4. Enforcement
a) Required inspections, building code, exceptions
In addition to the provisions of "'@ection 111.0 of the BOCA Basic
Building Code, a bui-lding insoector upon noti.fication from the
permi-L holder or h4-s a-.@ent make th@@ inspections of buildings
and such other insoactions as ma), be and shall either
approve that portion of the conslructi.cii as completed or shall notify
.the permit holder or his agent wherei-n the same fails to comi)ly with
the Building Code or other building regu-.Iations:
(1) Foundation Inspection: To be made after trenches are
excavated and forms erected.
(2) Framing Inspection: To be made after the roof, all framing
fire-blocking and bracin@- i-s in place and a"l pipes, chimney, and vents
are complete.
(3) Final Inspection: To be made after the building is completed
and ready for o--cupancy.
No work shall be done on any part of a build4-ng or structure
beyond the point indicated in each successive inspection without first
verifying that a building inspector has approved the work in place.
No reinforcing steel, structural frame work, plumbing, electrical
wiring, gas piping, standpipe or sprinkler system piping, duct-work,
or reqaired insulation or fire prool@ing material shall be covered or
concealed in any manner whatsoever without first verifying that such
work or materials liave been inspected and approved by an inspector
employed by the city authorized to perfor-,l such inspection, unless
such inspection has been N,7aived under the Controlled ifaterials Proce-
dure established in Section 128.0 of the BOCA Basic Building Code.
(4) Any inspection required under this section may be waived by
the Building Official under the following circumstances:
Where industrialized building units, mobile homes, travel trailers,
or @-ecreational vehicles have been previously inspected and certified
under Lhe provisions of the Virginia Industrialized Building Unit and
Vobile Homes Safety Regulations, or
Where prefabricated cons-'ruction has been approved under the pro-
visions of Section 1904.0 of the BOCA Basic Building Code, or
Where farm buildin@s not used for residential purposes, or other
buildin,s of a I
vilue less than one thot-isa@id dollars are bei--g construct-
ed outside of fire limits, or
Iq@ere construction 4@s exempted from the requirement r-or a Building
b) Required inspections; plumbing code
The inspections required under the provisi.ons of Article 18 of the
BOO-A Basic PlUmbing Code shall be performed by a plumbing inspector
upon notification from the permit holder or his -@gent. Such inspector
shall either approve that portion of the plumbing work as comoleted or
shall notify the permit holder or his agent wherein -,he same fails to
comi)ly with the Pludoing Code or other building rcgulations.
Completion of a final inspection of the plumbing system wi thin a
building shall not constitute final adproval@of such system where
sanitary sewer or septic tank system connections have not been inspected
and approved, or where the public sanitary sewer serving.the premises has
not been accepted for service by the Department of Community Services.
Any inspection required Linder Article 1,8 of the BOCA Basic Plurnbing
Code may be @,iai-ved by tlie Buildina OfficiLl u-ider the @-ollowing circuin-
Where industrialized building units, mob ile homes, travel trailers,
or recrealional vehicles have been previously inspected and cettified
under the provisions of the Virginia Industrialized Building Unit and
Mobile Home Safety Regulatioes, or
Where prefabricated construction has been apptdved under the pro-
visions of Section 1904.0 of the BOCA Basic Bililding Code, or
Where in the judgement of the Pluinbing Inspector certain inspec-
tions are not necessary because of the scope and type of plumbing to
be installed.
c) Required inspections; electrical code, exceptions
Inspections of electrical i-7ork covered by the Nai--ional Electrical
Code stiall be perfo.-Imad by an electrical inspector upon notification
from the permit hold.er or his a,.ent. Such inspector shall either approve
that portion of the electrical work, as completed, or shall notify the
permit holder or his al@ent whel-ein the sa.-72 fa4-ls to comply with the
Electrical Code or other building re@.Ulations.
As a minimum the following inspections shall be required:
Rough inspection: -10 be made after all wiring and electrical
equipment that is to be covered or concealed has been installed.
Final inspection: To be M-ade after all@ electrical work is complete
and ready to be connected to an elec-Iricity supply system.
Additional inspections may be required by the Electrical Inspector
where in his judgement such inspec-lions are necessary because of the
scope or complexity of t,ie el.ec',-ri-cal @,rori@ ro be installed.
Any rough inspection required under this section nay be waived by
the Electrical Inspector wher- in his jud@ement such iisoec,-ion is not
necessary because of the scope and type o. electrical work to be
Inspections s*,iill not be required of electleical @7ork as may be
installed withou-@ an electri-cal permit under the exemptions listed in
Section 1505.1. ol-- t@ie ECCA ]3asic Building Codo, or suci'l electrical work
as may be installed in industrialized buildina units, itobile tiomes',
travel trailers, or recrealional vehicles -overned by tlie Virginia
Industr;-alized Build4--,iL,, Unit and llobile Pome Safety Regulattoqs.-
d) Certificate of Inspection; electrical %,Iork
Tho Certificate of Inspection reqi,@l---,-! uf Section 1505.0 of the
BO('A Basic Building @lode shall be i,..,-,ed by the Electrical Inspector
or his au-Lhori7-cd representative. One cooy of such certificate shall
be furnished to the permit holder and one copy shall be 1-unlished I:o t'le
Virginia Electric and Power Company.
wftenever the Building Official shall gran" Dermission f@r @h@
temporary use of electric po@,7-r under the provisi.ons of Section 15@@...O
of the BOCA Basic Building Code, the temporary Certificate of Inspe-,,-
tion shall be furnished to the owner of the prerii.ses concerned. and
shall contain a speci.fic condition ancl (@rder tha.t such ter..iporary u.@e
shall not permit any occupancy @,ihatsoeit@r of a,),, T)uildin,@ or struct:lllr(,-
covered. by such tet@porary certificate. Notice of the issue of sucia
ter.porary certi,ficat.- sliall be -iven t@o the Virginia Electri.c and
Po@,@;c,.r Conpany.
e) Required inspections; mechanical code, exceptions
The inspections required under the provisions of Section M-115.0
of the BOCA Basic Ziecha-,lical Code or anv inspections required under
Section 1103.0 of the BOCA Basic Buildinc Code shall be performed by
a mechanical inspector upon notification from thQ permit holder or his
agent. Such inspector shall eithe.- approve that Portion of the mechan-
ical work as completed or shall notify --he permit holder or his agc,-@it
iiherin the same fails to comply with the Mechanical Code or other
building regulations.
A final inspectior. of any mechanical work to which gas service
has been furnished in connection therewith, shall include a verification
that an outside shut-off valve has been installed at or near a property
line in accordance with Section 1129.5 of the BOCA Basic Building Code.
Additional inspections may be required by a mechanical inspector
wTiere in his jud@emen,@ such inspections are necessary because of the
scope or complexity of th-- mechanical- work to be installed.
f) Certificate of -inspection; gas piping
A mechanical inspector shall issue a Certificate 6f Inspection
after a final inspection has d.etermined tlat all gas piping on any
premises has been found to be in conpliance with the mechanical code
or other building regulations. One copy of such certificate shall l)-.
furnished to the mechan4@cal permit holder and. one copy shall be fur-
nished to the Virginia Electric and Power Co#any.
9) Other rcqiired inspections
The Building Of@--icial shall prescribe such other inspections as
riay be necessary to secure condliance with the Virg4-nia Uniform State-
wide Building Code, the Virginia industrialized Building unit and
Mobile Home Safety Regulations, and such other regulations as shall
@roperly fall within the en-Forcement responsibility of the Division of
h) Duty of permit holder to arrange for required inspections
It shall be the duty of every person to *hom a permit has been
issued under the several provisions of the Virginia Uniform Statewide
Building Code to ar--ange for each insnection as may be required. Such
person may desigiate an agent in his employ to notify an appropriate
inspec-lor that specific construction work is ready for ilaspec-tion.
Rec(-,ipt of such noti-fi-cation or request for a specific type of inspec-
tion shall be taken to mean that stich @fork to be inspected has been
completed to the degree required for such inspection and that reason-
able access to the work has been provided to @-he inspector.
i) Additional inspections; service char,.e
Whenever the Building inspector, El(@ctrical Inspector, Pluml)ing, Inspec-
tor, or a niechanical inspector shall determine that inspections in additiola
to those '-@t this division are necessary o-@,ving to the fail.t@@-e of a
contractor to prop@rly correct faultv ilork-,or whcre a contractor 11--
requested an inspection before the work to be inspected has been coF.-,pleted
to the degree required, or where the inspector cannot obtain reasor.,-c@ll,le
access to the woric to be inspected, he may assess a service charge of
three dollars for each additional inspection visit. Such charge shall
be chargeable to the holder of the pe3:,@it covering such work and shall I
paid to the city at the Div4-sion of Inspections prior to final approval.
such work.
Section 5. Violations, penalties
a) Virginia Uniform Statewide Building Code; prosecution of
violatlons, procedures
The provisions of Sec-lion 122.2 of the BOCA Basic Building Code as
amended in the 1974 Accu-,nula@live Supple@Ton'. t-o th6 Virginia Uniform State-
wide Building Code s,liall govel-n the prosecul.ion of viola-li-ons of said
code as adopted in Section lC73 OL@ this @hapter; provided however, that
the Building Official or any person assi.gned to the Division of Inspec-@ions
who has been appointed as a special police officer shall have the author-
ity to serve a written notice of violation and to order the abatement of
such violation. The Buildi-,ig Official or any such special police officer
are each hereby granted the authority to issue a sumons to the General
Dis-@ric-@ Court to any person in the ci-tn, @@@tio shall i:ail to obey a lawful
order contained in such notice o@@ viola@ion.
b) Other buildi-ng and zoning regu"@ations; prosecution of violation
The Building Official or any person assigned. to the Division of
Inspections who has been apnointed as a special police officer and has
been given the duty to enfo-.ce other building regulations se-, forth in --iis
chapter, and the Zoning Ordinan--e set forth in Appendix A of the Code of
the City of Virginia Beach shall have the author3.ty to serve a written
notice of violation and to order the abatement of such violation. The
said Building Official, Zoning Administrator, and special police officer -
are each hereby granted the authority to issue a suTLmons to the General
District Court to any person in the city who shall fail to obey a la',7ful
order contained in such notice of violation.
c) Violation penalties
For the purpose of this section, the term Basic Code shall be taken
to mean the Virginia Uniform Statewide 'l-uilding Cod,.e as described in P.,Irt
A of the 1.974 Accumzlative Supplement of -,he Virginia Uni-i@:orm Statewide
Building Code.
Any person Niho shall violate a provision of the Basic Code or shall
fail to comply with any of the req6irements tbereof or who shall erect,
construct ' alter or repair a building or structure in violati-on of an
anproved plan or directive of the Buildi@ig Official, or of a permit or -
certificate issued under the provisions of the Basic Code, saall be guilty
of a misdemeanor, pUn4S hable by a fine of not more than one thousand dollar
($1.,000.00). Each day ti-,at a violation coiil-inues sliall be de,e-,Ped a
separate offens--.
Any person who shall violate a provision of tlais chapter, or shall fai
to comply with any of the requirements thereof or Vho shall erect, construc
,alter or repair a building or sttucture in violation of an approved plan or
directive of the building official, or of a permit or certif4-cate issued
un.der the provisions of this chapter, s,iall be guilty of a misdemeatior,
pun4-shable by a fine of not more 1-han one thousand dollars ($1,COO.00).
Each day that a viol@ition continues shall be deemed a separate C)ffense.
Any person who slial-I coritirua any w(,)r',c in or il'@@@,@,@',@ l@@l
a tcr liaving been served with a s p or,:!@,r, excepl
directcd to perform to rettiove a viola-lion o,- unca,'--k@ s2lail
be liable to a fine of not more one t@ho;,isand @ll: i @i rs
d) 'Abatement of violation
The imposition of the penalt@l-es he-:ei.ri p:,escril@ac',. -1h.@-11 r,..o-@ pre-
clude the City Attorney -Fro--m insti@ut.@-,i, .1I "@ctic@@i co )rcvr-@nL
unlawful construc-lion or 1--o .-est,-,@in, -, )r)-(.,c:' or a -,,,i-ol-,tion, or
to prevent ille@al occLip---,icy of a I)u*,@ CiinEil, p7f-,-.ises or
t'D stop ao. ille,,,Il a@c, c-,)i@diict, b@
structure in or about any premises.
Section 6. Schedule of permit fees
a) Permit fees
Permi-@ fees are hereby establi-shed i.n @,,cco-rd.,@nce with the provi-
sions of Section 113.0 as amended. ol@ tt,,@ U-.iform St,,ttewi-de
Building Code:
b) Building permits
The minimum fee for any building perr,.i.*L,,- s!-,all be $4.00.
For the construction of any buildin@ or ad.dition thereto where
the floor area is increased, and for th,2 ins-@all.ation o@- erection of
any ind.ustrialized biiild4.n@ unit, tt,.-- fee be based an the
floor area to be -@onstru@-ted as cop-,-)@-@Led fro-:Yt exte,-c,*-or buildiyig
dimensions at each -'[-Ioor.
(1) Residential
For 100 square fee-@ uD to and inclidin- 1000 s,-Ii!.are feet, the
fee shall be $5,00 per hund-@--d sqijare feet or frl-ction thereof.
For fee purposes on'LN.- attached garages, carports, and porches
are not c@uted in @,e@ermin4.ng the square footage i-ri reside,.'@-.-'-al
For 1000 square f--et un to and including 2000 square feet, @he
fee shall be $56.00 for the first 1000 sqiia.-(-' f,,3et plus $4.00 per
hundred square feet or fraction thereof.
For 2000 square feet or rore, the L@ee shall be $90.00 for the
fir-.t 2000 square feet plus $3.00 per hundred squa-e feet or @-raction
thereof, without limit.
For 100,000 square feet or more, the fee shall be $3,0-)0.00 for
t@ie first 100,000 sqjare @@eet plus $2.00 pe-@ li.L,@lired squ@-e feet or
fraction thereof, wi-lhout limit.
(2) Business ind merca,-itile
For 100 square .4cet up to and incll-,ding 1,000 square fe--t, tlie
fee shall be $5.00 Der hundred square feet or fraction th--rcof.
For 1000 square feet up to and including 2000 square feer, tile
fee shall be $50.00 for the first 1.000 square feet plus $14.(JO per
hundred square feet or fraction thereof.
For 2000 square feet up to and including 5000 square feet, the
fee shall be $90.00 for the @@irst 2000 square feet plus $3.00 per
hundred square feet or fraction tt,ereof.
For 5000 sqtlare fcet -Ip -o and i.noludin@,@ 1.0,000 sq.uare feet,
fee s@,all be $1,30.00 for tiie first 5000 squar- -@t Plils $2.00 pei--
huridred squire fee-@ or fraction thereof.
For 10,000 sqti@!re feel u,-) to and i,-icluding 20,000 square feet, the
fee stial'@ be $230.00 @irst 10,000 square feet plu,-, $1.50 per
hund.red square feet or fract4-on thereo.E-.
For 20,000 square feet or more, tile @@c-6 be $430.00 for the
first 20,000 square feet plus $1.00 per hundred squa..-e feet or fr--ction
thereof, xiithout lit-,i-t.
(3) Schools ediicati-c)nal
For 100 square feet: up to and inc'Li,,clir,.- 1,000 square the
fee sliall be $5.00 per hundred square fcet Or '-@.-a--tion thereo@r-.
For 1000 squar@, feet up to and i ncl,@ldi-ng 2000 square feet, the
fee shall be $50.00 r-or the first 1000 square feet plus $4.00 per
hundred square feet or fractio..l thereof.
For 2000 sauare -Leet dp to and incILidi-r).g -@000 square feet, the
fee shall lie $96.00 for the L@4.rst 2000 sqtiare f,2e!: plIus $3.00 for
each hundred square -@oet or fraction th23-eoi-',
For 10,000 square feet@ rie fee s',-ta',! be $-@'CO .00 for the first
10,000 square feet plus $1.00 per-liundr'2d "'eet or f.-action
thereof, without Ii-mi'L-.
(4) Institutio@is
For 100 square feet t,,r) -o a-nd in--Itid 4 7
IC,@C) sql!are feet, the
fee shall be $7.00 per h,2ndrad sciua-re f-c@r-@t or irr,-,cLion th--reof.
For 1000 square feet ii@) to @ind including, @,OCO square feet, the
lee shall be $70.00 for tbc --ir-t- 10rO sqt,@arc,- @-et rius $6.00 per
h,indred square feet or therco@.
For 2000 spitare fe,@'@ to and incl,,tdi -nS,, '-IOO-i sqi-,are feer, the
fea shall be $IjO.00 for tl-.-@ fi.rst 2000 s@,,,iare fect plus $5.00 per
hundred square feet or fraction thereof.
1 47C
For 3000 sqttare feet .iD to and including 500-1 sc7i.are @- c., the
fee shall be $180.00 for thc f4lrct 3000 scuare @-cct F@@,@us $4.00 per
hundre," square fe@t or J@racti@)n thereof.
For 5000 square feet up to and i-,icluding 10,CCO square feet, the
fee shall be $260.00 for the first 5000 square feet plus $3.00 oer
hundred square feet or fr--ction thereof.
For 10,000 s@uare Cot-,t u,@ to and incltjding 20,000 square feet,
th-- fee shall be .410.00 for Vhe first LO,000 square fee'@ nlus $2.00
per hundred square feet or fraction thereof.
For 20,000 square L@eet or more, -1h@ fee shall- be $610.00 for the
first 20,000 square feet pliis $1.00 p,-@r liundred @,quare feet or fraction
thereof, without limit.
(5) Assembly
For 100 square feet up to and i-n--Iudin,@ 1-000 square feet, the
fee shall be $6,00 per hundred square feet or @@raction thereof.
For 1000 square feet up to and includ@..n,,, 2000 square f,@,et, the
fee shall be $60.00 for the first 1000 square feet plus $5.00 per
hundred square feet or fraction thereof.
For 2000 square feet up to and includinl 5000 square feet, the
fee shall be @)110.00 for the first 2000 square feet plus $4.00 per
hundred square feet or fraction thei,eof.
For 5000 sqtiare feet or more, Ii gh2il $230.00 for the
firs-, 5000 sqtiare feet: ril.us $3.00 l@i-,r sqtia.re feet or frq-ction
thereof, without
(6) Storage
For 100 square feet up to and includin@ 2000 square feet, the
fee shall be $j.00 per hundred square feet or fraction thereof.
For 2000 square feet uo to and including 50OC"scluare feet the
fee shall be $60.00 for the first 2000 square fe-t plus $2.00 per
hundred square feet or fraction hereo@-.
For 5000 squai!e feet tip to And in,-,luding 10,000 square feet, the
fee shall be $120.00 for the first 5000 square feet plus $1.50 per
hundred square feet or frac'@ion thereof.
For 10,000 square or more, the fee shall be $195.00 for
the first 10,000 square feet plus $1.01.@) per hundred square feet or
fracti.on thereof, T.7ithout 11-mit.
(7) I-@idus-Iri--l
For 100 sq!,,@ire feet up to and in--Iu@---@n,, -9@-jOC square L-eet, the
fee stiall be $@.00 per hunired square feet or f@@@ction thereof.
For 2000 square -@--et: t:o to a,-d i-,icluding 5000 square feet, the
fee shall be $80.00 for tlie first 2000 squ,,@re fc,?,. plus $3.00 der
hundred square feet or fraction thereof.
For 5000 square feet up to and including 10,000 square feet, the
fee shall be $170.00 j@7or tLi@ first 5000 square feet plus $2.00 per
hundred square fee@- or 4-'raction thereof.
For 10,000 square fcet or more, the -@ee -,nhall be $270.00 for
the first 10,000 square feet plus $1.0,D per @i@ind-ed square feet or
fraction thereof, without linit.
(8) Hazaradous storaae or occuoancy
For 100 sqtiare @eet uo .o and in--Iuding 5000 square feet, the
fee shall be $@.00 per hundred square feet or fri-,,ction thereof.
For 5000 square feet up to and inclttdi-ng '@0,000 sqtlare feet, @he
,@'ee shall be $150.00 for the first 5000 square feet Plus $2.00 )--r
hundred square feet or fraction thereof.
For 10,000 square feet or more, the fee shall be $250.00 for
the firsc 10,000 sql-iare @@eet- Plils $1.0-0 per liund-,ed square feet or
fraction thereof, wittiout limit.
(9) Alterations, r@pairs, private piers, installations,
greentiouses and accessory build4.ngs
Where the valuation does not exceed $@@00.00, no fee shall be
roquired, unless an 4nspection is necessary, in @ihich case there
shall be a $4.00 fee.
For a valuation over $100.00 t-lo to ,,,.rid inclu@ir,-g $15,0'
@,O.GO the
fee sliall be @4.00 p,,r thousand or fraction the ,f.
For a valuation over $15,000-Ov up ro and incl.uding $100,000.00,
the fee shill be $60.,,)0 for tiie first $15,000-00 plus $3.00 for each
additional thousand or fraction thereof.
For a valuation over $100,000.00 up to and includina $500,ooo.oo
the fee shall be $315.00 for the first $100,000 .00 plus @' .25 for each
additional thousand or fraction therlof.
(10) A @Lee of $3.00 shall be paid for any reinspectiorl
(11) A fee of $5.00 shall. be chargeci for demolishing a building.
c) Moving of buildings or.structures
Fee for movi-ng building@ or structu-es of over 144 square feet in
area shall be $250.00. An additional fee of $25.00 shall be charged
for each day, or portion Lhereof, such b,ii-lding occupies any part of
any street in the citv, over '@4 hours ar-;.-t2r movir.,g is begun.
Fee for moving buildings or structures of less than 144 sqllare
feet in area shall be $10.00
For buildings or strucl-ures being m,)ved outsic'e the c4.-ty limits
on trucks or trailers, thc fee will be @25;).OO for over I -44 square
feet in area and $5.00 for: icss than 144 feo,'u- in area.
d) Si.gns
Fees for permits @@or the erection, lainting, placingreplacin@,
hangin-, or rehanging of signs not othen7ise specifi-(,d in this section
shall be as follows:
Under 25 sqii-@re L@eet . . . . . . .s 4,.00
25 to l@9 sqijare feet . . . . . . . 6.00
50 to 7/@ sqliare feet . . . . . . . 8.00
75 to 99 square feet . . . . . . . 10.,Ul)
100 to 2019 square f--et . . . . . . 20.00
300 square feet and 6ver . . . . . 25.00
The fees for pe--.nits for signs o-@i the roofs of buildings shall be
$20.00 @'or each si@n so erected.
Fees for perrr4-Is for the repair of each billboard shall be $5.00.
e) Penalty
if any construction, alteration, repair or other work requiring a
permit under this ordinance is comenced before sdid permit is secured
and fee paid for same, a penalty of 25 percent (25%) shall be added to
the fee due. Si.ich penalty shal.1 not be less than $25.00 per uni -t.
Payment of SSuch nenalty shall not in any TYay relieve the violator of
any @-riminal prosecution.
f) Exemption
No fees will be requil-ed for permits for churches, and buildings
u-@ed for governmental purposes, nor for ccrtificates of 6ccupancy.
Section 1. Fees
The minimiim fee for any mechanical or gas permit shall be $5.00
ivith the exception that the fee E. r tli,, inst:,,'-lation of Rls outi,ts
for a gas pioin@ sys-lem shall be $5.01,) pi-u,, 0 0 e
outlet over @i,7o4' $2@O f r h addili.onal
.,or tlir@ irista-,@ioc:ic)ri o,,.@ of r@cc@li@t,,-Iical systems, cr
ejuipment, the fee sh-all be aL the r-ite of $4.00 per tilousand dollars
Of the currcnt value of all s-,rvice, labor, matorials, and equipment.
DIT,'lSlOi4 IV. PL"'@l '!'l
--tion 1. rd of Plumbing Examine--s.
a) Thei shall be a Board of Plunbing Examin@@rs lqhich shall consist
of tht-- direci r of public healtli or his de--ignated rcpresentative, the
pluaibing inst ctor, one licensed and re@i.stered master plumber holdina
a ccrtificat, of comp--tency as such, an(I one i.icensed and registered
journeyman p.iimber holding a certificate of- cor.,o--tcncy as such, and two
ci-tizcns not )ther@vise associated wi-lh 'he of thc City and
not c,.ngi,.ed '@i the plumbing trade. The master and j,)Urneyman
plum,ber appo@ ited as ,ne@abel-s shall be appoirted b-,,, tii@-mbe.-s of the City
Council for i,rrn,@ of tT,.;o y-oars, and shall be licensed and registered,
erployed in the installp--
holding cert:.,-icates of co--i,,petency, reg
tion or supe--',Iision of sanitary plumbing -@In the City. The citizen members
shall be appointed by the City Cotncil for -Lerms of two years. The terms
of members first appointed pursuant to this section s'tiall e3-lpire on July
31, 1975, and ttiereafter, th-- terins ol@-- -@ll Tiembers subsequen'l-ly appointed
shall expire at t'Lie end of two yea-rs fron th-- effective dato of their
appointment. Tlie Board o-L Flumbin-, Examiners shdl-]- elect it@ aiin ch-irman.
The plumbing inspector shall, ex officio, b,-@ secretary oi- the Bolqrd
of Plumbing Examiners.
b) Compensati-on of ^-ppointed members.
The compensation to he received by tbe r.@crnbers of the Board of
Plumbing Exatniners shall be @live dollars @or each mee-uing of the Board
attended by them; providcd, however, that i.n no case stiall they receive
more than one hundred and twenty dolla.-s e@,-b for any one year.
c) Jurisdiction of the Board.
The Board of Plumbi-,,,-,, iv, @iereby ei-,ipo@,..,-red to examine
applicants for certifica;@-,-).,l ?,s pli-@L-ibers in acco-dgnce with the re ul
Art 4 ClC
tions set forth in this 1- -,he -@oard si@al-,i. its author@ 7
within stich limitati-ons as @,,iy be no@,,i or herel@-.',-er e-@3-Lab 1ed by thc,,
S-@at<-, Board of HolLising i-n i)rorrulgiti-on c--@ the V@-rgi--,)ia Uniform Statewide
Building Code.
d) Powers and duties generally.
Th-e Bbard of Pljmbin.- Examiners shal-I have all the po@qers and be
subject to all restric-lions provided by t,qe state t@e provisions
of this Code and other ordinances oi the city and shall have such other
duties as may be designated from time to til,-.e by the city council.
Tio@iaver, nothing in this c'@iapter shall be construed as giving the Board
(i Ilumbinc Examiners any Dower or al-,thority over the public sewe--s of
the City, or connect-ions therewith, beyond the curb line o@ the streets.
e) ileetings. and notice ttlereof,
The Board of Plumb4-ng Examiners shall mee-1, at such times as may be
fixed by.the Board, for tbc purpose o@, e),amini-ng those persons who have
filc!d applicati-ons Eor certieicates o-i- competer.,cy as mas-@er t)luribers and
journeyman pltimbe-S. l@otice o4-P any siich rreeting shall be given to all
such applicants at least three days before thc date of such meet4-ng.
Three members of the board shall conslitute a qi;orum to act on any
application or examination for certi- L@ r-,g. t i o n
f) Journ,-,Yi.,iaii pIL)mber'S CC I C)f
ApplicanLS for a jot-,rneyr-rian i-3l.LLitoer's cc--- tificate of competc,)cy
sh,all be ---mined as to their k-,iow'Lad@e of tac practice of -Lhe trade
of plu;ll@'oi-r,@-. Applicants shall hove@ served vep--F -apprenticoship.
at thc olumbin- trade. Renewal of a certifi-..qteIof con@peren--y sliall-
made -,nnually on or beiore ti-le first day oz-, january upon pa@q,--L-it,.
of a reneival fee.
bit f
p@--cr@uisite t(i e-xaminqv, ici@
The Boar 0 L, El S i a,.-,i:i.n@ &in y @l D D -Lic
a riister plur@-,ber s cer-@ificatp ot conipe-lency u.@lless such apdlicar@t s@iall
have exhibited to tile Board a staLerr.--,iL from the pl,,imbing irspector
certifyina that si-,ch applicant has comdlied i,7i-l-ti al.]. the requ4-reTc.,-nt-s
oer-Laining to sucil examilation.
All applican,@s fbr a m@-st--r pluziber's certif4-cace of competency
s,,,all not be less t,ian t;7erty-one years or age
I -,-citizens of the Unted
S,Iates of A@,,eri.ca, and s@,iall have servec, ona yea@- as a lice-,ised journey---
i,ian Dlumber in the ci,@y urder a duly reg;-stercd Liaster pl-umber, or
equivale-,it experierce.
h) Ex,-mination prerequisite -Lo gran-I
A master nlumber's cartificate of cor.-Letcncy shal.1- b-- granted by'
t',ie Board of Pi_umbin., Ex@--,iners a-Fll--r an e.,a-rpinal-ion as P--ovided in
Scope o- examina-ion
Appli--an-Ls for a master plu-,@b2-r's c@ri--ifi-.cate of cc@petency sh-@,11
be e%-ar,,ined as -Lo knowledge of the prp-c-Li,-e of the -Irade al-: plumb-
ing, tl-.eir O-lE tb@e gcverni7-,- the i-.sLallati-on oF
;>IumDin@ in the city aii- @@--ir kiowled,- of phys4--s a-,id -7-echa-,iics insof@.r
as t,@ey apply @o the a,@i desi@nin@. -OL@-h appl-4-@-P-ts shall P.1s.-i
be --lzm-nined -as -lo tlie--'-r abil-il--v -o lay oit@ and si---@E!rvise pl-urLbir.@
x,;ori-, and th--y sl*-ia@@--L @-.2@or,.strata to @@-limbing Ex-
,-,,iiners their fi-@,iess prop--- !-y ard intelligently to con,@-I the business
of the master plumb2r i,.l th-- cit-y.
j) -Grani-- an,!
Upon sg-lis@@actorily passin-- -1@,ie renuisite oiver, 'r)y tli-e
'3c@rd of Plum@bin@- in a:o.@lic,,int a inas'l-e@ t)@--,ibe-r's --c--tifi-
z's Z,-
-.,D condii-I @ilsioess O@ iTi 2ity
k) Re-exi@ni-naLion
,-n case o-L thc! Z-ailure o@- an aopli---int for a ir.,is-le-z 01-,--.nber's
c-2rti-ficaLe oF cono-@-le7,lcy -@o T)ass th-- -iv--n 'ov t'ne Boa@d of
Pl.u,-,ibing Exa-,nine.-s, Fe b-- cliplible for re-exar.4-nil.i-r,,i at the ne-l@
sc',,.eduled examiiiatio,-i,. Such m--iy not t--I@e L'-@a,-i "wo
exaninallions i-n any
1) Rena@,7al
The holde-@ of a 01-- comr)2te@-icy @s l mas-@er plur,,.ber ',!,lo
co@tiiucs in active b,2si--ess or o--cuoatio--i shall anru-ally, on or IcFore
L'ie fi--rst day C)@ Ji@iuar-,7 reriF--,.7 si-,.ch
A renewal certificate of c-ompotency @3 q ri,.--@ster be
granf-ed upon written application, filed wi.tii Boa7--rl c,@
Examiners showing that tLic perso,--ial. qualifi(,.,-@'l-ions o-'C-
the certificate of competency in questio@l- uiich,.@',
is made to appear by affidavit filed with th@- Board
applicant is no longer competent or enti-llcd -lo such
cate, in which event the renewal cer-@ificqtc shall not be 'I'Itil
the P-pplicant sliall have undergone the
provided, however, that the holder of the c-r@if;c,.@te i-'l
have written notice oL- the filing of sucT.1
of the Board held for the considerati-or of tb-c
shall have the ri-ght to be lie-ird.
m) Effect of failure to renew wit@,-iin sixil-y da,,s
If any certificate of competency as -1 IP ster is 3-on--I,7ee@
by the holder within sixty days after expi-rjtion, toe p'LLI@-iber Lc- t,-Iiori
same was issued shall not eiigage in busi-,ics-@ as a mast,, r plun'oer, nor
shall a certificate of competency be issti--d to him unc@-I he 'iiav-
made application to, and t,pve been eyariined by ti,,e Bo@?,rd of
Examiners. The fee for st7ch examination shqll be @ snrie -iee provi.ded
for an original examination.
n) Revocation
Any certificate of co-mpetency as a ri-r,-cr plumber may be rcvoked
by the Board of Plumbing Examiners at anv t@Lill@2 lipon the filing, in
writing and under oath, with the Board, o@@ @,ilfficient charges sho.@n,,
the holder of the c@@rti.fic,,ite to be 11-hcn i,,Icc).-a,,atent or guilty o-C- a
willful b,-each of the rules, regulati-ons or --cqu"rements of the Board
or laws or ordinances relating to o,@- other @,@-ouncls suffi-
cient for the revocation of th-, certificate in questiol. The holder of
the certificate in quest-Lon sli4ll have vrr-itten no@.ice ol' such charges
or grounds and, at a rtieelin- of the BoLrd held i-or the consideration
OL such revocation, slial-,- hqve the ri-ght to be
o) Certificate o,-c cor-pecency; transfcr, lo@ss, display
No certifica-@e of competency as a plumber shall be transfcrred,
loaned, or used for any pu--pose whatsoever except by the person to x4hom
such certificate has been i.ssued. It shall b-- tho ('.uty of each certified
plurqber to have his certificate in his possess@lon iqhenever he shall per-
form any plumbing i-n the city and to permit a p"timbing. inspector to
exauiine such certificate upon request. It shal-1 also bo t,'Ie duty of
each certified plumber to promptly report the lo,.-s of hi-s certi-.-Licp-te
and to apply for a duplicate.
Section 2. Board of Plumbing Appeals.
a) There shall be a Board of Plumbing Appeals whi.ch shall cons-ist
o-C six members, as follows: one licens--d --,,id registered architect, one
licensed and registered engineer, one licensed and registered bui-iding
conttactor, one liceiised and re@gistered master plumber holding P, c(@rti-
ficate of competency as such, all of whom sin 11 be appoi-nted by tlie ci-ty
council, to-.ether with the building inspector and the plumbing inst)ector
who shall be ex officio r,.embers. Tho j@irst four aboven-qm@@d rtier,,,b@-rs st,@1.1
be appointed to serve in the first instance, txqo for tlie term-o@@ one 3 tr
and two for the term of two years, respectively and thereafter for tel
of two years each. A merib(@r appointed to fill a vacancy on the board
shall serve for the unexpired term to iihich he is appointcd.
b) Conipensation of men@oers
The members of the board of plu-,-nbi.ng appeals shall serve 1,'ithout
c) Quorum
A quorum of the board of pluinbing appeals shall consist of a
majority of the appointed members.
d) Secretary
The btiilding @t-nspector shall- @ict a,,, ,c@cretary to the bc)arct of
plumbing appeals. Tfie s(@cr(,tary's'@iall kecl) minutes the procceciings
of the board.
e) Procedural rules and regulations
Th- board of plumbin@, appeals shal.1 adopt from tim-- to tinie, with
tbe appr-oval o-L tl-,c City Coun--il, rules an@- regulations for its pro-
f) Meetings to be public
All meetings of the board of plunibing appeals shall be publi.c.
g) Posting of rulin-.s or orders
Any ruling or order of thc board of plurr@bing appeals shall be post-
ed for public inspcction in the office of the plum,ning inspector.
h) Appellate procedure
Any person tal.,.ing exception to a rulipg of t,ie plumbin,,, inspector
as to the method of construc-Lion or use of materials not specii:ically
covereci in this ch--oter may appeal therefrom to t'ie board of plumbing
appeals, and the board may rc@74e-,,,7 any order or decision of the plumb-
ing inspector relating th--r--to. The board shall hear the intervention
of any interested person.
In a specific case where there are practical difficulties of con-
struction or arrangement in tle v?ay of carrying out @he strict letter
of any provision of this chap-uer or where there is a reasonable doubt
as to the exact meanin@ ol- any section theroof, as applied to a specific
case, or where unnecessar.,,, hardship would thereby rcsult, the board may
in arly sucl-i speci:Cic case, after due hearing, tecom@Tend variance in the
provisions of this chapter so that the intention of this chapter shall
be carried out and subs@antial justice dor@e. The action of the board
shall b-- final.
i) Fees
Notice of appeal shall be in writing and filed within thirty (30)
days after decision is rendered by the pILl-mbing inspector. A fde o-P
$25.00 shall accomdany such notice of --ppc@,al
j) Variations and modificationa
The board of plumbi-ng appeals, when so appealed to and after a
hearing, inay vary the ai-)plication of @,ny provision of this cod(., to any
particular case when, in its oninion, the enforcement tlicreof X.701-li_d
do manifest injustice, and wouid be contrary to the ,piri,t and purr)ose
of this code or public intercst, or when, in its opinion, the intc'rpre-
tation of the plumbi-ng inspector should be modified or reversed.
A decision of t'n,2 board oE plu@c)in,, @,,)peals i,@c) v-,ry -Ilc
O)- ar,.y provision o"f Liiis codc-, or to moc-ti 1 y an of t-h-2 r).7
i.i-i,@-i)--ctor stiall speci-L@Y in nianiie-j: SLICLI var.;n
I @_on or
is made, the conditions udon whicti it is r@,,ade ari@ thc, reasf-,-;@
k) Decisions
Every decision of the board of plu@..)')inQ. shall 'V!fa fi
subject, however, to such remedy as any i-grieved I)ar-,y MiF,,,I'@: e-
la@,q or in equity. It shall be -i-n E-tiid slirl indic@@.@-. Lhe
decision. Ev-?ry dl-cisi-on shall I-ilcd iri -[-!e o.i:@'-
of tii6@ plun@,@--n- ins,@,-,ctor and -!.-tall be
cer-Lific2d ccpy sliE,,Il be sent by r@qail or I,-, r-l@L so t l@-le
and a copy shall be Iccpt publicly posted -in th@, of,-ice of
'inspector for two weeks after @-4,ling.
Tlie board of plu@Din, appeals shall, ever@' case, a deci-
sion withou-@ unreasonable or unnecessary dc!lay.
If a decision of the board of plumbin,- C.,7)pea-@3's reverscs or
modif@,-es a refusal, or of t,-,- irspector,
or varies the applicatiori of any provis-*Loq of th-@@..-I co,"r-,, thc pILml-,ing
inspector shall imrqediately take ac t4
.on :@n ).ccord@,T-@ce i,7ith such
Section 3. Suppleirentary Regulations
a) Plumbing and gas piping; installalion b,,.
Nothing in this chapter shall be to prevent tbe o@,mor of7
any single family -@'Welli-i-ig fa:om perfor,.iiin,, adcli t alterations, or
repairs to the plumbing sy.-Ilem or house @@as pinin,,, cr to install a
plumbing fixture or gas applicancr-, in -Ltic! wbich lie residc,,;;
provi-ded however, that such shall first deni,-,nstrate his knowleoge
of and familiarity with the plumbing or mechanic@@l code as applicable.
It is further provided that such o@,mer shall o"-ain all requ--*Lred perr,4ts
and shall make all requi-red tests of th2 --c@rrp',-e-Led before appr,,)%,@l
of the i,7ork is @ran-Led by a pilur@-bing or r,,,cchanical ins?ector. No such
plumbing or gas pipik,,-, installation shal'@ be put into service pri-or -La
final approval by such i-nspector.
Section 4. Viola-Lions and Penalties
a) Virginia Uniform Sta-Lewide Building Code; prosecution of
violations, procedures
'Ttie provisiors of Section 122.2 of t'no BOCA 1,as,@Lc Buil,l-@n, Code
as amended in the 197z@ Accumiilative Supplem.(,nt to tilt, Virgiiia.Unifbrm
State@-7.ide Building Code shall govern the @)rosecution oL@ vioj-alions of
LhiS code, provided, ha@qever, that the BuLldi-ng Oificial or ary person
assi@ned to the Inspection Services DivisLor, @,yho l@@is been appoirt:ed Is
a special police officer shall have the aithority tn serve a @.,@ritten
notice of violation and to order the abat@,E,7ellt oz- violitions.
The building officizil or any such special. r)ol-ice officer are c-l-ch
hereby granted the authori-ly to issue a s@lmmons to th Ceneral
Distr@@ct Court to any person i-n tli-- city ivtio shall fail to obey a
lawful order contai-ned in sucli notice of ii-olation.
b) Pcnal-ties
For the purpose of ttiis scction, ti,- term l'-.@-ic CodL-. be
tal@on to mean the Vir,,,4-nia Uniforri StaL,2@,7ide Buii,':ing Codc --s descr.i@.l@,-@')
in Part A of Lhe 1974 i@ccumulativc Stippl.ement to the Virgiiiia Unifo),:@i
S-L,-,,L:c-,,Yic;e Tiu.*L@@d.@Lr,6 Code.
Any person who shall violate a provision oE tlie Basic Coo'.e or
shall fail to comply with any of the requirement.-, tliereof or @.,ho sb@-1.1-
be in violati-on of an approvcd pl-an (,.r c@l the btiil.ding
or of a permit or cei--tifi.cate issued lin,.,Icr prc)vq-E,,!-ons a- tlie Basi(@
Code, stiall !)c guil-Ly of a ljy a f ir)c- oL@ not
mare than one thousand dc)llars that
con-Linues shall be dce,,@ied
Any person who shall continue aiky iior,,,, iii or about the buildin,@
a@@ter having been served wi-th a sto[- order, (.'-@cept such worlc es he :@s
directed to perform to remove a violation oi- utisafe conditiois,
be liable to a fine of not more than one ttiousand dollars ($1,000.00).
c) Abatement of violation
The imposition of th-- penal-lies herein prescrill@-@' shall not precl-ude
the city attorney from insti-@u@@ing appropriate --cl:ion to prcvent unla@-,@til
construction or to restrain, cor.-Oct or abate a vi-olation, or to prevent
illegal occupn-ncv of a build4-ng, strticture or preq, .
-:.t;cs or to stcp an
illc,@al act conduct, business or use of a or st clure in or
about any premises.
SectioTi 5. c):E permit fec--s
a) Permit fees
For issliing cic,i perrl4lt or one filture $5.00
In addit4-.on
Eacti plumb 4n@ @Lix'ure, floor dr,@in or t-ap 3.00
Each house se@@.,er -onnection 5.00
Each house connection 5.00
Each sept4.c or drainfield perm-it 5.00
The ininimum fee for each mechani--al permit 5.00
The minimuri ft,.e for each gas permit 5.00
For each additi.ori-al gas outlet over two 2.00
Exam fees
Master's Exaii $50.00
Journevman's Exam 25.00
Renei,,,Al fee - 'cl@ister 10.00
Rene;.iAl fee - Journeyman 5.00
Re-examination fee 25.00
Reinspection fee.4 3.00
b) Sewer connection -@ces
The sewer li.ne contiection fee shall be as are from time to time
p@escribed by tlie local governing body.
c) 14ater connection fees
The watcr connection fees shall be as are from time to tim--
prescribed by the local gover7iin@ body.
d) l@oint of coilliectioll
authority. lesignated by the proper municipal
PLII)Ilc sewer ap-d -ter main at a poirit ? h
.!,uilditig sewers and wlter service pipes shall connect t, t e
Section 1. Definitions.
For the purpos-@ of this chapter, thc foll.oi@.,ina ond
shal-I have the meanings respectively ascribed IL.o them b@,I,3 s c, c-,
Electrical contr;,ctor. "Electrical contl--ai@tor" 3 a
,-i, pers
firm or corporatioi (.-@n-ga-gin-, in -Ihc@ bt@i,@iness o)@ clectric,.-Ii
Electrical ir,,s,,2ctor. "Elcctr'-@t' irclu@-,cs
ai.ithorized -asi@sC@LTL@
Electrical @,7ork. "Electri-cil @%,ork" all i@iorl-- @!id
used in inst@ir3.ng-, main-Laining and extcnclincz 0, syc@tem of--
wi_ring for light, heat or poi@-rer and all @T7,@iratus i-.- cquip-
ment used in connection ther6lvith, inside of or ii,) any
or structure, lot or premises.
Electrici.an. "Electrician" means a [,,Crson is en,,,aged iT) -L'@e
i-7o is quali@@iocl iin(ler
tr--id@i-@l)-us@in-e-ss of electric-al constructioli in,@ ..l
the provisions of this chapter.
Journeyman electr-ician. "Journe)-,a-)n electt@ician" r:-,@a-@is a per,,@,n
T,7ho possesses the necessary qijalificati-ons, training and techr,7.j,c@-1
knowledge to install electrical wirin,,, adparattis or eau-@pm2nt for
light ' heat or power and who is qualil@ied un@Lr the provi-sions of
this e-haoter and is capable of doing electri-cal @,;ork E,.ccording to
the plans and specific-lt4ons furnish--d to h4-m in 7@ccorcrLrice witli. t'i:ie
provisions of this c@napter f,,overning installations in this
city, subject to supervi-sion of a Tila-,t-.cr el-ectrician.
Maintenance electrilci,-In. electri-cian" -cleans a person
@ci nc!@r-C.@e provisions of t@ii-s chipter aii wi-io is rc-gillar-
;,,ho is qua ii e u d
llv employed to maitit@-,,irl ani male ninor repairs Lo the electrical wiring,
apparatus and equi-oment 4-s installed, contai-ned and used upon pre-
mises or in buildi-n@s owned, occupied or conlroilrd by the person by
I -
w',iom the maintenance el.--ctrician is er,,ploy@d.
Master electrician. "@laster electrician" mcans a person who possesse
the necessary quaTiLj--cations, training and technical knowledge to olan,
lay out and supervis-- the instqlla-LiOn of electrl--cal wiring, appnr,-tus or
eqtiipment for licl-,Iit, heat or power and who is q,,i.ilified under the prov4--
sions ol- this cliapter.
Section 2. Sunplementary Pegulations.
(a) Every person doin@, business as a TP.-istcr electrician or journey-
man electrician in the city sh-ill regist@-r at the office of the electrical
inspector giving full name, residence and place of business. In case of
removal from one pilace to another in the city, sich person shall have
requisite change made in the record.
Upon sucii registr@ition, tlie electrical inspector she-11. ass;@n
a re@istrition number to t-he roaster electri-ciin or journeymtn el-ectri.cian
so registering.
(b) Each master electrician doing electrical T,,orkwi.thin thc cit,
shall give a bond of t@,7o thousand dollars, in the form approved by the
city a@-torney, payable to the city witli sure-@y conditioned to indcmni,@@),
and save harmle@,s the city as @,@ell as '-'ny other person from 0.11 cypens@s
and damage that may be caused by any negl.iFent, defecti.ve or inadecluit:e
work done in the city under the certifi-cl@tc of co,-npetency issued to iiim
iinder this chapter and to secure the payinent of inspectiin fees an,'
,-%,-rmit fees.
(c) li@hen any electrical work (ion(@ by a rLi@,Fter el(-,Ctl-i-cian or
person wor;King for him shall be dcei-,cd dc,'@ective o-r inac1equate by
t'kio electrical inspector aid tLie mas@(-,- (-@lectrician s'n-@ll @@ail to
revise or put sucli ..7ork in [)--Oper COE@,@LtiDn to i:l@e s,?.ti-f@,ction ol@
the electrical insp@c,Lor witliin ten d-iys afte.- written nolice fro-,n
the city ellctrical i-nspector so t7n do, the bond filed as required
slilill be forfeited and Lhe principai and surely all such bond shall,
ipso facto, be li.-@blc for and shall pa,,, so oti account of@ sucti
bond as m.@y be necessary in ordcr to pt,rfect such work aid, in id-
dition thcreto, shall pay any aild all (.Iamages @.;Ilich may be occasioncd
to any person by re-ason of sucti defecli.ve or inaciequate work.
(d) Nothin@ i:i this chapter.sl-t,,ill be coistrued to prevent the
01.1,Tllcr of @itiy holil-e in tbe cl.ty from -hi-s o@iii elecrri.c--:,,! work;
provided, ho@iever, that sucLi hom2owner s,,',-,cess-Fullv an ex-
amination demonstrating his knowledge of, and far,,iliarity i@ith, thc,,
provisions of this chapter and F,,oad wirinf, practice; and further pro-
vidi-d. that an electrical pei-mit is ob-ained and the work done pursuant
thereto meets all requirem--nts of this cli,-,,pter .,.-,-nd is approv--d by tbe
electrical inspector upon co,.,,,r)letion. Si-,ch person doing his own worl,,
shall pay the pernit and inspection @@c,2s proviieci in this chapter.
Such examinations shall. be .,iven i-ii-lho7-it cli-Il,r@-3 t6 the homeowner. All
provisions of this chap'ler governing r@-e,@aiainall-i-on shall be applic;able
to such owner of a bduse desiring to d,) his ow-n electricil work.
(e) Every vehicle used by an electrical contractor in the conduct
of his business shall have p.-ominentl@y displav@d on each side of the
veliicle in a prominent place, the na,;ie of the elecll-rical contractor
and the re,.7,istration number assigned. The na-.c of tile electrical con-
tractor shall be in letter-, not less til-in foi-it ilnches high and the
name and registration number of the ria"@-cr cicctrician shall be in
lettcrs and numbers iiot less than two LncLi,s hi@.,Ii. Bold letters ol@
a color sharply contrasti-,ig @@jith the b,acklround color of the vehic-LOS
shall b-- used.
(f) This chapter shall not be co-.istrued to n-Pfect the responsi-
bility or liability of any person owni-,ig, operat@,@n@., control.ling or
installing any elect.-ical cqijipmcnt, for damages to persons or propert,
caused by any defect tt,.,erein. The cit7 c.- any of-@i.cer or employee of
such city shall not be held to assume such liabi-l@@ty by reason of the
inspection or reinspectioti -iuthorized in this chapter or by reason or-
the approval or disopproval of any equlpment under the provisions of
this chapter.
(g) Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, any person
violating any of t!12 provisions of this division shall be punished by
a fine not exceedin,@ one thousand dollars or by irr)risonment in jai-1
not exceeding twelve months or by both such fine qnd imprisonment.
Each day any violation of this cbapter sli-all continue shall constitute
a separate offense.
Section 3. Board of Electrical Examir.@rs.
(a) There is hereby created a board o@@ el-ectrical examiners, which
board shall be co-@nposed of the following:
(i Tne electrical inspector.
(2@ A representativc, of the Virpiiiia Electric and Pox,7er Company.
(3) Three certified master electricians.
The certified master electricians and the representative of he
Vir-ini-a El.ectric and Power Company shall be qppointed by the city council
Tli(@ terins of the mombr--rs, c),cept for the electric--! ii-ispector, shall bc
two years.
(b) The compensation to be c,@,,,,Ii of th
electricians npi),-)inted to ;-c:il i-nc-rs s'.. I @ 7L)@
f4@ve, (loilars @,)l eaci-i of I)oard at:tended by suc:h
electric;-a-,i; provi6--d, ho@-lever, @t;i ilo clse shall ,) m@).st--@r c-le(,-
trici.,@t,,i receivc,. iiore th,2n one and -@@7enty dolloi:s 4-'or @-,n, one
(c) The board of electrical ex;-ri-:,-'ners sli,-,Il. ha-ve. tlie authority
to interpret the provisions of thi-s chapter or tlie I,'-'L-ic)n,-,l Electrical
codc, and revic-,@.7, upon t@rle reque,"t c)f P-civ , 5-,,)-icved p@rty, tlie d,-cision
of the electric,-.]. inspec-Lor is to tlie i-n of this cliITJ@,-r or
the @,',@tiocial Eleclzrical Co.@7c-, so ipt@-(3.
(d) it sh-all. l@.- T-or iny pe..-@@or! to Cio ap.@, elccl--@c;-l -,,,oLk
in the city unless he is qual.ified un(,,er th4-s chap-Ler P.-nd unll--s@@z ]-ic shrll
have obl-ained tlie appropriate certificate o.E conpctcncy as a m@-stcr elec-
trician or journeyman el.ect@.-ician, as ,)rovid(@d in this article; provi@d,
hoi@ever, tbat ttiis provision shall not be cons,-rued to apply to a p6rSSotv
@,7ho ii, employed by a certif-'@ed mast(.,,r electri.cian so cualified and @@,orks,
accordin,. to directions and under the @lirect and person-al supervisionlof
a qualified and certified master electrician or-of a journeyman electr@L-
cian working for such master electri---.iqn.
(e) The person in charge of the electri.cal instal-lations for any
person, firm or corporation engaged iii busine@s Ps an electrical con-
tractor shall have qualified as a master electrician according to the
provisions of this chapter and shall possess a certificate of cortipetency
as a master electrician.
(f) It shall be unl.awL@Ul @or any ox,,,ner, i-essee or agent or any
person having any at,@.horill-Y or duty in coz,.necL'o-i with q-ny buildirF, or
premises to eidoloy any p--r,.@on, @-i:@m or corpor,-i',:i -or, to cio any electrical
@qork in any such bLii.ldin-. or premi-c2s ,inless tt-i@ elect.-ic-al work donc
by such person, firr-i or corporatio-i is Lhe or- a inp-ster elcc-
trici@tn, holding a certifical(? of compl-tency as c,-,7cb.
(g) Applicants i:or ei:aTi;-natiori foc a cc,)--t,*,Ficate of compct:cncy
as a master ele--trici-@n s,illi. b-- Pt least twenty-one ycars of age n@d
shall have had at lecist fi-ve years of experience in electrical -,,7orl@
and shall have held a certificate of co,-ilpetency as -a journeyman elec-
trician for a period of at least one year. Such I.nplicant urast be
employed bv or oper,@-10 an electricql coitractin- t)usi-nes, licensee, by
the city @,t the time 0-@@: ?pP!ication.
(h) Applic--nts fo.- e,,ami.nation for a, certi-f-'Icate of competen--y
as a journeyman electrician shall have [i.-qd four yc;i.rs of exp--rience in
electrical i,;ork P-nd havp- a ti.,.orough uncierstan@-@,-,!@. of el.octrical instal-
lation and the provisi-ons of this chapter.
(i) Applicants @or e@-.aniination for a certificate of com-etencv
as a maintenance elec-@rician shall be reFLilarly employed to @,"I.Liltain
and make minor repairs to the el-ectricl-I @,7irl.ng, apparatus and
ment @,7hich is installed, contained and used on t:lie prer.,.@,-scs or in
buildings o@.7ned, occupied or controlled by the person by U,',Iom tno
mai-ntenance electrician is employed.
(j) The board oE electrical exa,,iiiners shall examine an,, Ippi-icant
for examination for a certil@@icate of ccmr--t:Lr,,cy ;,,.q a mastor, journc@ym,,q-n
or maintenance electriciin and pass upon the Proficiency of such appli-
cant as a master, journeyman or r..iainten@ince el.cctr4.cian.,
Every person desiriril@ to obtain a certificate of compet('.ncv
as a master, joilrneyman or maintenince el(2ctrician shall m-ake writt--,@-i
application to tb,-- board of electric--l exa,.ii-ners for an eximination as
to iiis proficiency and capacity to do suc@ worl,, @ind, if i,@pon eximi@i-ation,
tlie applicant shows himself coripetcnt and qual'-fied to do electrical work
i.n the manner requircd by t:hie; chapter, t',,-, boar,] of electrical c-.imine@-r
shall deliver to such applicant a certificnte oE competency to hat cffc-,ci@
Thc- 1).@,-.-Lrd of e l@c -Iric s'c,..,-iII P -@et q@-irt --rl
,i tii7@@ to be @j-;:ed by ti@ c:bairr.,,.i of- the oo-r purpo,.-,c 0,@
appli(,an,@s fol- ec2rt:i of -s TIac,,.:.a!-
or ri-iinten,,iiic@ i,,i Taree s
n-,)ti,--e st-ia-11 13@ @ive-n applic@@nt c@@l- .@'ll exn,-Lna-
tions 1,@,-ld by tLic board sh,.tll te@,.'-- the of tlie alpli-@nt,,;
as to both the theo,-y aiici the of ilst,-Il-l:,L,.ons.
Si,.ch examiiation sliall b@ bascd oi ,-L@.e T@ati-o@i@il ELectr-'Icq.1 Code, ancl
t'Lie ordinances and regul:.,.tioiis -)f t'ri-a city, !now or f,,,2reafter ii.1 effe-t,
governing tbe installalio-@l of electrical wiri-n-,, fixtil,req and
(1) Appl-i-cancs @or i7or a of conl')C-tcnc,@ P,
a master electri(@ian stzlJ. l@,@ is to th,-,
tice of electr@cal Llil-@ir e@l-le n;- go,:ernir.@ t'Lle
insLallation oc 1-1,3i--Ii@ty t,,
l-,@, oiit and plqn elec tr 4.C oJ: pl-t),s@cq a--c! T@e-
.21 wor',C, iii -@-r k,@o I - I
chanics inso@ar is ttiey aopi-,' tD cleclrical @.n@i const,-Lcl-in.
Such ;-,pplicants sli-all board of electr,@-cal
exr,miners their fitncss and Lo carry on tile
bt-isiiiess of electrical ln(l, t't-- or direclin- of
electricians in L@,,ac city.
ii-i) The fc.,e for first for certificatc compe-
tency as a master clec@ - rician
acco@-npany the app.@@c-aticn for L-t-- '-Ic ])o-ir(A' o)-:
ine.rs. T' ce i
as a ic)urne,7min electriciin or Tiaintcrkcrce shall bc2 @eii
doll@i@s, iihich fee shall ac,,rompan-,l
(n) Any applicant f@Dl- a-Li boird of electrical
c-,imin--rs @.iho f,-iil@d to a cc)"@p@tc-,):icy I-IT,,On Iiis
first: oxauiination r,.ay -1@'tioii at tii-.-@_
after three nion,-hs, -@tit a cJ-
fee will ba rec,l,iii.-Od @C)f oiE s-,lch
re-examinati.on, the appli.,-.; p:,y thp-
E,-,es as est@-@)-@-is@,.ed to '-:or
(o) The fo-- 4@ -@@ic-,znan and mairto -ic e
.; I -i,
electricians sh@il-i bp- ye3r, thc,. fii:,., ci,,-,, of ir_.n-@,-rv t-"I -2,f,ti
C c@-tc of cr)T,petency
the thirty-first -ay 'Eh , i: ir s r. c @4
shal-I ba dated the d-@y c,,- r-ha ni,-,nth i-, an aoplicant for
certi.fication shall s,,-tisfa--torily 11-i-ass tlie nxamilalion , @s
provi(lcd in this
(p) A cer"ificat-2 6F co-npetcapy issued t,-hi-s articl-- r,,---y be
,innually renewed. T';e ho'u'cr of an@, such 0r- coTnr.,c@-cl7icy de-
siring reiiewql file. a-,i thcref--r i.:-!-th t@'te bo--,-d C)'-
electri.cal examiiic,rs. Any siic'@i ce-.--ti-fi-cat-e of
lapse for a perioa ol@ @-'nirty 6ays s,ia@Ll no": be renewed, and @ netl certi-
ficate shai.1 not be issled E-or and f-@E.0 p.'.).ssi.',-I'
of exam:i.t-tation, as req,lired i-,-i titis
(q) I,,pplicatio-,-i r-or rene@,7a!. of a f)f c,--m@@ntc,-icy i@-suecl
u,nder this arti-le sl,-all ac-.co-,-,ipat,.i,@d by a fc,,,- ton dollars En.- a
D:i el(2c:tr.; cill@,
ccrtificate of c,@- pet@ncv ,s @ster d five cloll.-irf. @c)@-
cclrti@@icate of 'k- 3. io@ircLeT@gin ,r m-!
which f6.es st-i.-,-Ll l@e to -@ic Llie certil@ic,,c;o@,
(r) Plo certir@icate c,!- comp@teLl,-, 4-,,SLcd to ml-,@,"tor,
@,is article be tr--nsi--orrcc-.@ @-,ied
ai.- Tiainteninc@- el,ecLrici;@ii ii.- I
or extended t:() c-t)jc@r 01" .: d-f-i: i)y an-@ s o,@
I.Cil @lor'tc, don -c o-,- cci@ e 0
ot!ipr tl@lan ttic, o'L (:Ii@ @In
The board of eleccrical tn-y siispend or --evolc Ir-r
Proper cause any ccrtic-@-cate of competE@ncy isst,-d ur,,Cler th-@s ar-licle,
to any mastor,-jourtic@,nan or maintenl-,ice eleccri---ia-o.
(t) Tiie board of electrical exa-T-iiiers, upon the @I.Ffirriative vote
of three of its members, may re.,voke --ny (-,lectric'@@ni
coinpetencN,, - s cc!':t-*,jEicate of
issLIed under this !e, fo-- repeated -,tiltirc, to conl)]@y
with instructions of the elecL):ic-,], lor repeit,,-,(Jl
y und(,.r-
t,i'linl-l electrical ,qc)rl< a @S requil7Cd by thq.@ cha-ptr_,y
or for any ottier v;-olatioll o@E
(u) Tiie- insl)ect:or or ttic! boar(] of' elect--7(,,-1
.@ 1. . . exani-ners
m.iy suspend temi)or,@,rily any electrici@cti@s certi -f'icate oi. C,.(,!.Ipetency,
issued under tti.-Ls article, for fa,*Ilur@, tr) corrcct-- faulty doin@
el.ectrical @.,ork witliout a pcrmic, as i@,@qu@.red by chis article, or
any other good sufficieiit cause.
Section 4. Elec'L-rical inspector.
(a) There is lierebi,, creited in tLie irsp--ction servic,,2s di-vision an
office of tiic electrical inspcctor,
(b) The eleccrical inspector sh-@ll 1,7) aopoi-nted by the inspection
services adiiinistratcr i-7itti @ic al) L
pro%,- tzhe cily mana ir.
(c) T',I@- p@rson chosen to fill c).C-Fic(,- of elecl--ical inspector
shpll be of good morat character. @li2 F;-@, l'-r.ossess suc'i e,,,ecutive
ab@Llity as is .-equir,@,i -or the porforma.-I@.@e o-@ his dtities - s 11
have a thorou@h of I:h@
i r-atcrials cnd matt-iods tiFc,@3
in the instalia-ioii of .-FT.IrInt. Fe sliall be @,7ell verse(4.
in the approved niethods O,L- cons-,-cuct:,@Icii safety to perso-,i -ind prop-
erty and the @7,ltj-onal Code. Fc sh .-, I
al' have had -L least
three years' expe,-i@-n,-2 c.@3 @n clQc'L-ricql or in tt-ic install-,-@-
tion of electrical o7.-, in ',-ieu o,: sucli experi-ence, shall be
a graduate in or Dcclicnical eniTineerif,,@ of a recognized
college or i-iniversi-ty ar.,i liavo had t@,,o years of p-actical electrical
(d) There siai'L be such assistant electr*@cal inspec-Lors @is may
be authorized by tt-i@
(e) No person sh--II be appointed is a,-i electricil in-
specCor who h.,.s not hid at @eas-L thrce icars7 prncti-cal experien--e or
I -
tec'iinical traini7ig in electrical insre-tion or cc)nstruction.
(f) Tiie ele,--trical 4-.nspector shall heep @ complete record of all
permits issued, ilispections and reinspections mado and ol@ other offici,-.1
work perfo-mccl in accordance witti the provis4-o@-is of this ,,I-7.apt:er.
(g) I@ shall b-- unla@i;@til for the electr@@cal inspector to engo,@0-
in business as an electric@,l contrlctor or "o havc financjpl inte-est
in any concern etigaged in t:he salc-, or inst,,ill,,il.ion of c@
ic,,,trical eqlip-
n@ent in the city, @2t any i7hil(, holding s,@,ch office, @s proi,,ide(.',.
for in tkiis chaptcr.
(h) It shall be the. dut@ ', of th-- el-c-@ctri'cal inspectgr to-eriforce
the provisions of -!iis cl-iipter aid to mil,,e inspcction-@ of clectri-c-I
inst.illatioiis as provi-dcd by ciiis cliapter.
(i) The electricil inspector have @@ree and uno,,)structed
access to all buildings, premises, !iiholes, subwlys or to climb ,inir
pole for the purpose of eximininf, i - te@tinE, thp elect:ric,-,l i,7irin@-, or
aoparatus therein or ther@on.
(j) It shall be unlawful L-or any person to obstruct th-- electri-c@l
inspector in the performance of his dut;-cs. Any person viol,,icing this
section shall be punished as provided in section 101.
(k) In case of emergencv or where necessary for the s!,-Fcl,:y of
pcrsons or property or where electrical t-quipment n,.@-y interfere t,7ith
the work of tne fire deoart.-@ient, the elect,-ical inspector rpay immedi-
ately disconnect any electrical equipu,-ent or discoinect all electric
Section 5. Per..nits, Inspections.
(a) it shall be unla%,;ful for any persori to install or alter an,,
electrical system without first having obtained a perrrit therefor fr"om
the c@lectrical inspector, as provided in this article, ,,hich permit @.!ill
be in additlon to any other permits provided by t"n-- provisioiis of this
Code or other ordinances of the city. Tilis section shall not be con-
strued to requii:e a permit for the replacemeiit o@@ devices with an ap-
pro\7cd duplicate nor tne connectio-,l of po-@table appl,*-,-.nces, havin@-
api.iroved cords and attachment pi-ugs, to perinanently inslalled receptacles;
provided, hoiiever, that ai-r co-@iditioners and appliances ratcd at one
thousand five hundred watts or more shall not be co-.s4dered portable.
Each electrical contr-actor wiring or conliecting any equi-pmen-L
shall have a separate permit.
(b) Any person desiring a pernit shqll file an applicati.on therc-
for wi-th the electrical inspector, settins forth such inform@-ti-on as may
be required by the electrical inspector.
(c) An ipplication fi-lc--,d shall be @c--orni)anied 1),, such pl,'Ins and
specifications as inay be req-aired c)r design,,ited by tic electrical
(d) Upon the approval of an application ard uron the pa@-,Ient of
the requisite fees, as provided in t-his division, the electrical in-
spe--tor shall issue the requisite permit.
(e) The electrical inspector may make inspections as often as may
be necessary during the consti:uction o@@ v,,ork done pursuant to a pe-mit
issued and may visit the btiilding in question and inspect the X,7iring
and electrical apparatus.
(f) The electrical iiispector may require that t,7irin@ -,nd electrical
aoparatus inspectej be made L-o conform to t'fte requirements of this chapter.
(g) Upon completion of an electrical installation, the Person milcing
the installation shall notify the electrical inspector who shall inspect
the installalion as soon thereafter as prqcticable.
(h) Subsequent to inspection thc electrical inspector shall make,
or cause to be made, a reinspec-Lion of the electrical iq;-ring installation
or system iii question, whenever he deems it necessary in the interest oL-
public safety.
(i) In the event that an electrical installati.on inspected by thc
elcctrical inspector is al)provcd by tilin and found to be in acc-ordance
with the provisions oL- tl-ii-s (i-t.vision, 1-ie sh-ill iss,,ic a @,7rittcn certifi-
cate of inspection and approvil with reference to t'ne work ill question.
(i) It shall be unlawful for any person to connect, or pormit to
be connected, any electrical wirini, or equipment to any source of elec-
tric current o.- supply before receiving .4 W---itten certific,'.Ite fro-T@l the
electrical inspector.