HomeMy WebLinkAboutSEPTEMBER 3, 1974 NIINUTES OF THE HONO',@ABLE CITY COUCIL OF '('HI: C@'TY OF VIRGINIA VIRGINIA Septemb@,,i 3, 1974 'File re@ul.ar meetiii@ of the Council of -@@he City of Virainia Beach, Vir,iiiia, was held in the Council in the Adminiscration ,-,tLildina, in the Borough of Princes-,i Aline, on Tuesday, September 3, 1911", at 2:00 p.in. Ti,@-, invocation .,ras given by the Re@,,eT-e,,id Emory S. EI.Imare, Princess Aii;i@ A. B. Jr. , Vi,:e Hr, r@@ @IcCoy, Jr. @lavc)r J. Curtis Patrick Standiii-., and 71ovd E. Waterfield, Jr. Councilmen absent: Robert iT. Call@.@ Jr. , and Charles W..Gardner IT@il #7517 O-,i by Vic-- itayor Ferr--Il, s--(--(),IJed by Co@inciln@an Griffin, a,id by recorded vote as folloivs: .A-,,,es: Councilmen Jo'nn A. Bauri, Robert. B. Cromwell, Jr., Vice Mayor Geo-l@e R. Ferrell, John R. Griffin, Clarence A. Holland, J. Henry ing, aid Floyd .IcCoy, Jr., ilayor J. Curtis Payn-e, Patrick L. Stand E. liaterfield, J-r. Nays: Non-- A'Ds--n-1: Councii,-qen Rober-, H. Callis, Jr., and Charles -@,. Gardner C-*-tv Council approved the ninutes of "he rea.ular meetin.- ol@ Au,ust Z6, 1974, and dispensed with the readina of said minutes i;iasr7,,,jch as each Councilrian had a copy o@@ the subject be.@or-- hi-m. (a) T'@,I-- City Clerk stated that a correctioli was needed in iinlites of Auaust,-.19, 1974, Item number 7506- The incorrect da-e-had been i@ laced. imlithzlt@, iten- No mation was -rieeded. ITENI #7549 Oil irotion by CoLncilman Cror@i@qell, seco.'Ided by Councilpia-..i :-olland, ar,d b,@@ recorded iote as follotqs: hn A. Baun, Pobert B. Cro;l-,i--'I, Jr., ayor Council,,--n jo i@e I,[ G-or-e R. Ferrell, John R. Griffin, Cl@irence A. Flolland, Henry c c)y, Jr., %Iayor J. Curtis Payiie, Pat@ick L. Standin,.,, .--.d Floyd @"a@erfield, Jr. Navs: None b s o n t Counciliien Robert H. Callis, fr. , aid Cliarles C-ardn--r Council approi,@(1- oi se@uilci readi,-i,,, a transfer of $'o,o!llo fro,.q l@oEuse Collection Account 063L'. (IZ--placerqent ol@ EqLl@pmen@) to- OS3'10 (AitoaotLve Equipment, and further approved on sec-Ond i:eallin, ot- $2,0t)O EroiTi Refuse Coll--ction 0'0310 f Au-Loriotive 'c-ouipTient) to 08310 for tlie p@-Lchase oc L@nree (3) a,l,l i@4,o-,ial Elephant Vac Street Cleaner,-@. I TE',f @' 7 i @ 9 l@,,o@ion by Councilman Hol-la,@CL, -3_-coiide(i by Councilma,-t N and bv recorded vote as follows: Aves: Council.meri John A. Baum, RobFri B. Ci,onitrell, Jr., Vice Mayor G-or,,e R. Ferrell, John R. Griffil, C -'arence A. Holland, J. Henry ,@tcc@y, Jr., i@layor J. Curtis Payne, Pairic',- L. Standing, and Floyd E. @"@ @q te r-@ 1- A- T - '\ra),s None Absent: Councilm--n Robart H. Callis, Jr., aid Charles IV. Gardn-_r City Cot,,-,icil ap:,Drov--d on second readiri, an -a@-)propriation of $S,Ooo to -Iii-- @%liniT,,ium Hous4lnu- Iiid.-et in ordel to cov(@r the cos" of the o,@. a-.L ITE,14 @'750'0 On notion by Councilman Waterfield, seconded by Vice Mayor Ferrell, and by recorded vote as follows: 5 Cou--ci@.P-aq Jo',qn A. BauT,, Robert B. rrom@v-e -@ce Mayor Jr. 1, Georc-- R. Ferrel@l, John R. Gi-il"fiii, Clarencl- A. Hollaiid, J. F,--nry @fcco @r., ';Iayor J. Curtis PaNne, Patrick L. Standin, and Floyd E. tiiterfield, Jr. @4-ys: None Absent: Counciln@en Robert H. Callis, Jr., and Charles -@V. Gardner Ir order to es"ablish the positioq of Special Investi@a-or within the Commonwealth Attorne@'s office, Cillv CouRcil approv,@- on second read@-ng the follo@lfill.,: a] ]k transfer of $9,500 fro@n Dolice Divis@la.1 account 01180 to Coiiriom,,ealth's Attorn@-@ll-is account 01250 ITE\f i"75@l ,in iao-liori by Councilman Holland, seconded by Councilma,@l '--omwell, and by recorded vote as folloivs: Ayes: Councilmel John A. Baum, Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., --@-ice Mayor Geor,- R. Ferrel", John R. Griffin, Cl@irence A. Holland, Henry .%!cC,ilI1, Jr-, Mayor J. Curtis Payne, PatricR L. Standin, Plovd F-. ',ater,@ield, Jr. s ei-, t Counci I,,qen Rob e r t 'i. Cal I i s c. , and Charl e s L, rd.,Ier Ci-ty CoLtncil approved on second Teadin,@ tite St@ite-Local @-S,)italizat:ion c@).itr-acts fo- fiscal y--al- 1974-75. -1d, On ;otion by Councilman Holland, seconcied by Councilman I'laterfi- and by recorded vote as follows: ikyes Councilmen jolin A. Baum- Pob@;lt b. Cromwell, Jr., Vice Nlaya-f Geo-@,e R. Ferrell, John 'Z. Gri@fin, Clztrence A. Holland, J. Henry ,\Iccoy, Jr., tlayor J. Curtis Payne, Pat,,j,ck L. Standina, and Fl.oyd T, Navs: None Absent: Councilmen Robert H. Calli@@, .,r., and Charles IV. Gardner C,'Ltv (,c)Lincil approve(i on second -eacl(n,, 1111- fo-LIC)@,fing Ordiiiance to 'li@tc@cl section 33.2.1 of Lh-- Code o@ C-i--)r of Virgi.iiia BC!ach r,D @i 'T --o r-@il ,Icl rjy: A,@T OIRDIi@'4Cr- TO AkIE'i4D SEC!TION 33.2.1 OF T'IE CODE OF Tzr-- CITI OF VMGI.ITIA BT:ACI@i R--UTIIIG TO ?T@7V'- ES@-KTE EX=IONS FOR THE ELDMLY 3E IT OaDAI@l-D 37 TE POT@,'C!T- G-- @';-iE CT:-Z CF VIRGII@@ BET.CH, V TI.-,; !!k : i-hat Section 33.2.1 of tqe -Code i-s amended as folio-.qs: S-c-@ion 33-2.1 (c) D21ete -,lie ;.fords "four thousand @ollars" and 7o--ds 'rs4-- a-, '-0.1 @J3-2.1 sc' - 'ule and sLi' s-,tute !,-icoza S---a:-:c-s 00,@.00 @- o 8 r) r" 111). 0 0 1 0 o", 2 30,01.0,9 --,o @ y 0 @, @'D . (D 13 80% 31001.OC) to @@000.00 60% 4@001.00 -Lo 5,000.00 40% 5,001.00 to 6,000.00 20% F4--zst Au.,ust 26, 1974 Readir.@: S--pteriber 3, 1974 @on--ed @oy t@.2 CC)LInci-I ol@ @-!,a Cit,, o--, V,-- ---in-@a 3--a V@---inia, 3 I T E t" I ;! 7 5 OTi -,,TioLion by Couricilni@in Croitt@q--Il., soco@ide(-l ')y CoLiricilr,,iap, @--Cov, anci by recorded vote as Eollo@,is: t,y --' S Courl-ciliiien Jc)lin A. Baum, Rob--rt B. Croi.-i,,@e'@l, Jr., Vice @1,Lvor Geor,,e R. Ferrell, Jolin R. Griffiii, Cl@Lrence A. @foll@ind, j. Ifei,.rv C,)V, @,layor J . CtLr'-is Payne Jr., St@t@d@n,, @LELD Flo,i(i i:. i4,@tt-erfielct, Jc. Nor,,e A@i) s @- @,i - C o un c i I iii e n -@Z ob e r t H . C a 1 1 i s , f r . , a ri d C ],, a r I e s W. C, a r d n e r Ci-Ily (.'ouncil ai)oroved the -@a.,c ref,,irds in the afqount ol@ To: @ir. Dale B@@rrson City A----orney Z,lr. V. A. E-@heridg-2, Treasurer Date Applicat-'@on '@or Ta.< Re- nds zu The @@o-s-lowin@ app'.ications for re.L@und oL@ I @axe otaling and c--rtiL@ied for payment, as set Z-ort.1 below: V. A. E'Lheride Treasurer Tax o id PC lq7A rn i. I 1) Picbar(i r-,riswp7a 1974 CT) i@JAIIa 7-2A-74 'P - 7,;z 7.Si 7q-3ri R-Ln@-@r) lq74 P '1797 1 12?.6 0- - n- 7 t@ 10.92 I C) q P Above 2-,@lications@for re'-'Und of taxes a-oprove orney I Approve y .A'C)c)v.,a aba@-erL-entG tota 1- D.@ Ric'nard -,Webbon, City Cler@.c IT--,@1 #7SS4 On ftiotio-@i by Councilman @liaterfield, seconded by Council.-.,:=-i Holland, and by record--d vote as follo,.qs: ,jo[in ClzirefLc:e @'Tollaiict, i@iccoy, Jl-., @fayor J. Cui-t i-s Pavn--, P@ttri,ck I,. S-L-andii,,,, ani c@loyd f,. Jr. @@a, s Counci-liia-@i JohTi A. Bauri e ri t: ColAnciti,--Tt PC)I)crt: [i. C'Lll@s, Jr- , ancl ('.Iiarles I'@7. Caroner ('ity Co,,incil @cl-opted the t@e@olut@on rectuestin.- tlie CoiiiiTio,i@,iealth of Virl,inia and the Unit.@d St.-,tes Departl,.--nt of -cior to coii trti-t q t@;o-laie @icce-@s roa@l th@ou i, --Il-- Lc Ise (.ape State PLrl-: Fay N4ation,-ii ',e u,e -o [@@L D7: C E. ('OUIcil 0 L -,ha @li-t:y oz- 3 da-,7 Septe,-@i-ner 19 7L. and s2--o,-idad by "Lr- Holland, a-4ooL--J, ac: .-I-a-,i tha@ -7-@lude3 t:i, C-p S a"@e @ar!<T,,7ay; a.@d tl,.@ Back -Day Wi-ldli @p T-,,e i-s an asset to tf,,e -@c vi as ,a th--re is a iiead to constr,-,--t a t@qo-i@al-le acc@s road --'nrougq 3@- @4a,--i-a @; i -11 -1- c)n 1 -Ii-Fe -La False C,,p,@ St:at@ @l, TiTi,--, --- ORE, E -rT aF_'SOL-')--D -V 0'7, T-@ 7 @'T C -i C i y i-q af-d th-a 7-,.li-ed States De ar-7t-'I- r -an-a acc2ss roa@, 13ack a o.@@ -.s2 C-aDe Stat-e TT F,@, a -t:7 Clerk --o forT.,7ard -a ec r-- t:,ar7 o F U, i t-d C ,3=i- 3 s a -12 Vi L j@ L L ri j,-t ifiotion by Vice @,t@iyar Ferrell, seconc'ed by Councillqln (-,i-oriw--Il, by recorded vot- as folio,,is: John A. B@Lu@,i, !Zobert B. Croriwell , Jr. LI.I@iyor R. Ferrcll, Iolii R. Grilfin, CI'Lrenc:e A. flolland, r. @leirv Curtis Pcivo@e, Patrick T-. Sta-@ldi-@l,,,, @l:i-cllflov@ '@!cC,,)y, Jr., i',Iayor' J at:er ield, Jr. Abs@nt: Councilmen Robert H. Calli-s, Jr., a-@id Cliar-le@ C;arc'Li,,er C vor--d Lo re@-c--r to th Ill,--iiri-I O,-(4,@nance to an" reord,,.iL-,i L,I,@ Compreher,.sive I-aiin,l Ordinarce of rile City of Vir@a--iai-a 1.@irlinia by addin', Sec"i-on '@05 L@elat4.n@, --,2,ulations for .iajor recrea@-I,3riil Louio,-@iert: by: C,.Dun-ci-lLaai Da-@rick L. Standiq- A-ill t-)@DIDIA.NCE TO A2,E@ID @,ID R-EORDAI@l --,iE C I l@ O@EPREF-LNSIVE ZOLiiiG 0,@,DTl@4CE OF T-@- C!-iY OF VTRGINIA BE-@Cll, VIRGINTA BY ADDT--.iC- S@-CTIGiq 205 @@@TING TO @GU- FOR @,FAJOR EQUI--@IT 14 Iks o r-creal--ona-, r-@pid'y i -ndreasiti@ use oil a \iarie, has --o @ounL-*@-,-i-. a o'-: -LL@-- c4-t:y and -L,;ae b-ealtli, sar-e,.y, riorals a,.-id @eo--ral we@Lfare oL-- its iri@@a-L)i-tants, creatin,@ the necessity for r--ason-al)la re,ula-L@lon o@' th-- pa-,'k@iLl-, stora@,-- a@-d use o@@ major it--ms oL@ sich eqi-,ipment. 3E 1-@ VT,l@-NT BIZ-@CH I'@GI@-iLA: s@ction 1. @@io-- recreati-on-al equiprnent de@@-@@ned. @L@jor recrea-Li-o-,ial equioment, as dei-:ined fo-- the pur7-oses oi-7 th-*.s inclu,4. P-s @ravel tra7-l-erg, campers ol- bDa-s @n,,i 'Doa@ @=,hi'oioLls 4 a aL-,-- case3 or -o-- aqd rec.-ea--4-onal equ4l-pn.,.e,@t, @,7hst@er o--c-dDi-ed by su--@q equipine@t or no-L. it 14 c z z, -clude @qC--I--3 ard i--i exc@@s o- 27 foet. L @e--t:i-on 2. Limi-La-@ions on pari@in@., stc)rage a-@id i-,se. @Ti riajor recreati-onal eqjip,-aent silall bp par'--ed, st@2d or used e:,:cl,@@l-- i-n approv@d loca--ions and t-,nder res!:ricl--iois li.,2itat-'-ons forth, -!4c ,C, 3-nen@ shall b@, o@rk,2d in a-7 ou'3 r,.-- @,ia7 -or @,or-- @-hai r N.0 si-,c-@l Sh-til 'De u,;@d C-) ivi.. sl- '-@l- or ho,dsekeeoi--- pi-irDas,.,s @-,i !(:)Catiocis @staD- -lishad Ir,. A-' ro s'-,c'i sia@Ll be oar'-,--d or sr-or,2d in a-.i,,7 r2q7ii---ed yard adjac,@n-I to a stre@t, 3 i-7@er --o a@iy -,-o-, Ii districts zoned single-fa--niiy, or t@-,Ior -c--creational equidment s'nall b--. stored ()aly as a use accessory to @2 -r4--.lcipal use, and subject to t@e followin@ lim4-tatiolz-. 1) iio such eq@uipment shall, be parked or stored on a',Iy lot ex--eot wit',iin, a bi-i-@ldi.,n@ or 'Oehi@id pc)-@-40 -, k) o a D'-'bli-- -i@ri!-- F@iay be Darl,led anywher-- on the oremises -:Or not to exceed 24 hours durin.- 1-oading or unloading. This provision shall not apply to any lot rcts2cor-@ i orio- to the adoption of C710 wit'a afl existi-r-g @@ri--re ti,-e set-'Dack is I.ess t,ian 10 feet. In co,=.ercial, busi-.iess o-@ industrial distric-@s, @najor recreatianal vehicl--s may be pa--ked or stored as accessory uses t-o pr-'Incipal- u3es suc,-'l as outdoor automob4-@@Z sal--s, trailer o-r boa-, sales, Panufacture a@ld se--Vice, ?arkin-. lots, apd 14.1-,e, subject to the -eneral lim-@@--ations a-,id aoDIvin, -o such or --cesso-@y uses i-,i t,i@ dist:r;.--,@ involv@d. Section 3. r-'on@Llicts At,h other re,-ulations. @i@ere there are co, @ll icts b-tweei tlie provisio,.as of @:--i-s ordinance and o@-li@-r o--dinanc--s o@-r -L@rie -li-l@7 o-@ , @ii-r@i-,iia -aach, tlie set s'.,iall ill, Z:ed 17 r,o c y 7/4 . 1'r-L@t 7 i b Oii Totion by V'.ce i%layor Ferrell, secoiided by Councilrian %IcCoy, and b,i recorded vo:@e as follows: Ay--s: Councilri--n John A. Baum, Robert B. Ci@o,,,iivell, Jr. Vice @,layor G@,oc@,le R. Ferrell, John R. (,r@.@@fin; Clarence A. Hoiland, J. Henry 'IcCoy, Tr.. Nlavor J. Curtis Payne, llatrick L. Standing, an..,i Floycl E . 1,@ 7a terfield, Jr. ,Navs: None A'L) s c ii t Counciliae,L Robert f. Call" )'r. , and (:",iarles ',i. Gard.'L--r City Cc)uncil apptov--d tlie ic)@q b-Ld c) (:@,orry Rug CO,.TL r),iny, in tlie ai,o !-iii @. of $3 3 , 9(10 , f,) r, LI'- TI-5 ti(,fi 1) L' ca.1--t)c t @ IL" i, ri t@@i 2 1 C,@p,--i-ai Dis-C,-i-cL CoLirts buil(li@i,. i@ i.ii accor.(i Ll,-- re--oi:,,iTlendations of the architect aii(i '-i @@,ithin the anount bud-,eted. ITENI '17!)57 On not;loii by CoLtncilman Crom,,vell, seconded by Councilrian Holland, and by recorded vote as folloivs: Ayes: Councilricii -john A. Bauri, Rober!: E. Ciom@,,,ell, Jr., Vice @llayc)r Geor,@e R. Ferrell, John R. Gril@fin, Clarence A. Efolland, J. He@irv I'cCoy, Jr., M@LyOr j. CUrtis Payne, "airick L. St,-ndin,, and Floyd E. -illaterfield, Jr. @4ays: None @kbsent Council-,aep Rober-, H. Callis, Jr., and Cilarles Gardner City Cou-@icil approved the request of the Vi-,@inia Blec-L--,-c and Po,@er Company for an easeneit of ril,lit of lqay to providd service to tlie Providenc-- Road Fire Static)-,i, @s @,ihj,lr,-i on @@IEPt--O i-@ t s R / -i'l 3.i289 and R/;V 31290. ITE@l "7E,3S Po,er @ll. Scot-,, City @,lana.,@-r, statecl that on July 1974, city council requ--sted the Vir.@inia Beacti Development C@..-ncil to i-al,<e a study to determine the feasi@oility of a co@@ve-,-@on ce,-Lter for th-- City of Vir.ainia Beach. N[r. Scott introd-----ed i@ir. Erhard, President of the Virginia Beach Develo-,@ant Co,-,ncil. "r-. Eriiard stated that the Developilent Couicil unanirtious-,,- approved @h,-, s@-udy on t,@ e c:oiiveition center, a-@id introduced Nlr. i :.-,es E. B--r.@doll, ChairrLan of tiie coiaflittee, @,-Io presented tlie I.;,,. @@orl@doll s'---ateu' L,ii-@t -Lhe sludy co,i7.i@@ltee has divic@t--d :s cliscL-@ssion into Eotir areas dealiti, witti eco-@iomic inpqce, -tilizatiori, @naici-@ia and co7@ii-.i;-,nity or)iiiio@l. lp, c;u-r dol,@orations, pri-iar@@ q,Ll e o,-i ,as to ecorior.,t-Lc -LT,.pac@ . titiliz.1l,ion and i- nt ri c 4L l@?Ls b--en - tr]iat .vill a (:o@ivention ri--ari to the City -@-nd to t'lie c i t@@ zoiis ,all tlie citiz,@,nsl OF Vir,illi@t Beacli. '@'or@-,doll also stit--d tlia-L from -Iltir P,-eli-c@tin-p-ry of tliie i-iL,,t@-,rial provi,,Icd by tlie Citv sta@Lf, Liiere is indica@ion --hat a cen'@or co-ulcl (:OntrioLite La t,'I-- -cono,-,iv and broaden tlie pp--ar to 0 L - --a@, bise. Vir,,inia Beach @,iould @L I e an zittra(: iV -16cat;c).,l rc c percerit increase il niotel, )r T-.i--clium sizect coriveritio@-is. Tlie oil ap-d restqurtr,.t tax, as su,,,,-st c-' 'ay th-- (@@ty "laiia,er, adp@ars, aEtoi- prolimirar-y stt,.dy, to have ,Ieri' as a f.',3thod oi iinancin, such lllic;@lity if, i.@ fict, all -,ro,,i-@h L@,id income oc--ur as projected. '!t-. 13--,-,doll s-,.at--d that b--calise tli--re has no@@ b----n time to do t@-e OF ind--ptli feasi'Dility study th@s are quest-*@-Dis -@i.4ich have no,@ bee,., La-5@ieL,@d to tiielr salisL@acz:i-,jr,; ')----ause all tH@ validatin, material @4hich ,@e 1-iave rec,.@iasted @@ro.-i Out o@@ t,',ie c@.t--y 5ourcas i-iati iiot bee.,i t,ierel-:ore, 1)@veiopiiienL study coi,,imitc--e c--s-iec-@uiiy rl3lliues-u that Council defer action ofi this fnatter for one y--ar, G. TI. uf to Coun@@-I re,,ardin@. tlie coriv--rltion cerit--r. DeJardin st27,-Ucd that the Dorie Corporation ;vas riakin@ their otvn independent sttidy, and @,qill make the study available to Council. Al"@_,r LOIL@lu@rILL)@e discussion, Vice i"layor Ferrell nade a j@-,C)tion, seco.-ided by Councilman Crom.@,iell, to ac.(::ept the recommendation of Vir.@iiia Beach Devel.c)pr@ient Council aod defer the riatter for O:,,,-- vear, but to continue @iith the stidy. TIle recorded vo-@e is as fo'llo@is: A@,es Council-i:teii Jc)!,.iL ;',. D-,iuii, Jr., Vice @layor Geoi,,@@c P,, Fer-relf, Iz@ A. J. IT,@itry @ccov Jr., CL:.i,cis [I-L,,,n,-, zk S a@,diii,,, Lllcl Floyd I - 4 L L E. Jr. Nays: None Absent: Councilme@-i Robert ii. Callis, Jr., and Charles @l. Gardner C-Ltv Cou,-icil voted to d--,@er for one year co@-isid-e-ration o4r a ",Df (:Ity al @'@acli, @)u-L to contiiiue ;@it',i the study o.'l the ccnter. ITENI #7559 A prese@itation was Rade by i@ir. @@lelvi-n Spence, architect @-or the proposed ne@i cofrection facility (jail) buildina, propos-@. to be co--,istructed i-@i the lfunicipal Coriplex, for an estimate- cost of fi-ve million doll,@rs, or appro-,cimatel@, $60. ner squaT-_- foot. Qi,esti-o-,is iiere raise(! by the Co,,i@cili@.--Fl re@ardin@ the nl--@d for a @acility of suc alva.:,.ced desig - irL that pr4so,@.ers only to be -@e,.iporarily hou-@--d uiitil trans,@erred to -i--ate acilities for pe@@,an-zit incarc--ration, and instructional@ job de1/2,--lop,-@--nt T)rorans. Council also qu--stioned the @umbe- of ti-ailsi--@,its @iho a@-e being incarcerate(!, ti'ansients b--i,-iv :-sidents o, ot,-ier states. M-. Spence noted that the desi,-,i of th-- proposed build4@7. is the lul-uii,.atel i-@i advanced desi.@n for such facilities and h.@@-- been r-Iceived and approved by the Corr--ctional officials of .,e State. S'ieriff Joseph S.@i-1h, in ansiver to a quest'on by Counci@-:-Lan as to lie appro@,ed the )rooosec'. si-Le location - Lo the outh of t',,I,- Ci-ty Ad,,qinist-a-Lion 3uildin', ilL that SLc-li a locatio@.. --,Tould ree,tllii,e coisid--rable trapsfer ol pr@lsoriers fror@i the to the coj,li,l iDuildi,.,,s, stL@.--d "ha@ @lie qo@ 'i)eeti i,-@f)rned e@- --Ille T)c,)r)ose(i a -i Ti ,3 _ 7 -)--a c Cou@,ic@ 1-@-ien indicated that @Iiiey ti,-it tao citize,@is c)-@ @-@in@a Pea;-L, 1,,fere bei,-i,, ask--U' to 'o,-tild @ind r,-la@n-LLin ,i facility a riore pt@ryitaci,-,T,-t -,la-lurc tlll-,i foi- to,@,Dor@arv qi-iec;tio@,ect i-icreased of sLaL@@ recol,ir,,i-,nled ,i-on, tho oresa-@it tiventv-oTi-- I I staff to til.@ proposed th@rLy-@i@ic iLi:,.',Il)er @-a'-E. E V-,,---- @flyor -Ferrell iqaje a ni tion, secoi,,dod by Cou-ticilri.--in \@--Coy, t,,ILt t@i,D Ordinaice, liereina[Ler @,ade a p@irt o@@ thc, riinutes, prc)v4din for L3suar,,c.-- o@, $S,000,000 of boncls oE- the City Of @,ici@ For ti, nroposed conslructiuri o@@ a nckj j@t@.i facilitv, bo piic@,d tipon tlie @@-aLl-oL of tlie N@oveTqher, 1974, I-lections Eor decision by the vot--rs -r tliey appro,,re or c,-is-ppro'l- t',ie ni@o,-)Osccl issi@tice or- the. ,i@ Lo L @,o@ids for the proposed constrlictiol oE ane@i ii@i r@aci-li@Lv ir, the C@,cy V@z-.7iiia Beacii. Th-- recorded vo@e @-3 @is folloi@s: A@,,o,i CoLiricilmen John A. B,,ium, Rc)@) ert Cro-i@ I T_. (Z 'i@iyar 4e V i Z . T,7 I 1- , j ',)'ri P,. (li@if,2iii, @r.-Il "@,ldvo r @J Cur t i s Payrie , P@i-@ - @c S @nd None-- -ic- Robert i-f. "a@ii5, tzii Coui .1 Cit@- Couacil vo@led to place on the --Noverlber, 10,74 ballot the issuance -,Of)0,000 corrl-ctional Facility o@ the City Vir,,-Ii,.ia 1;1) ;@ct to @he cporoval bv the qualieied voters. AN ORDIIN@NCE AUTHORIZI'-4G, T,iE ISSUAINCE OF $D-,000,000 COR.RECTIOiN,AL FACILITY BONDS OF TLE@: CITY OF VIRGINIA BE-ACH, VIRGIITIA, SUBiv-.CT TO TIE QU.,kLIFI-.D VOTERS BE IT ORDAINED BY TtlE COUiqCIL OF TTIE CITY OF VIRGL@TIA B'--ACH, VIRG@IIA: Ii@- is ii--r2by a -i)L, iiecc,,,s@rv e;@peali---n'l- I for the City of Virginia Beach to construct and equip a coikorehe-ri- siva correctio-@ial @@acility, includin@ a new jai-I with supporting @@czlities, and to bo--row M-onev or such purposes and issue "he Ci-tyls general obligation bonds -Iherefor. 2. Pursuant to the authority of the C@narter 01-: the City of Virginia Beach (Ch. 147, Acts o-L Assembly of 1962, as amended), a-qd the Public F4-nance Act, as arlep-ead, there are hereby authorized to be issued F@@ve @,lli-llion Dollars ($5,000,000) bonds @ll-e City oT- Vir.inia Beach T-or a co@-aprehensive correctio@ial fac----Lity. -,-hc bands may be i-ssued as a separate issl,-e or nay be --Z;7.bined @,ii-Lh bonds autb-orized for olher purposes and sold as -a-rt of a co_ln'oined issue of public improvement bonds. 3. T',12 bo-@ids shall bear such date or dat--s, r-a@re at such o-r tl.-nes no-L exceedin@. forty years J@ron their dat@-q, 'Dear o- -atas nl).- ma-:L=@@ rate p2r,,i-tt:ed by I,-@4 it Llie -Liine tha bo,7ds @-re sold, 'De de-riamination and form, 'De e@@p---L-,Led such manner ar-d ,@- sold at: suc'Li -L L-ne o rtimes and in sucli nanr-er as t[ie Cotinci.1- s@Ela@Ll lip-re- resolut:7@,l or resolutions. .lEt@-r provide by aoproprial- 4. T-!Lc bonds s@,tall ba @eneral oblia-Lio-,is of tlie City c)f Vir@inia Beach @l-or t.'-Le-pay,,nent oi-- pri-Licipal c)f and 2 o- which its full faith and credit shail bE irrevocably pledged. 5. The bonds shall not be issued until approved by a @----jority of the q@,ali@@ied voters @)f tlie City voring on the q,,Iestion (,f L-@ei-r @3-t @li eleCti()TI : C) l'-@ l@Ti Cit:y. 6. T'lie City Clark is herc-.by authorized and directed to cause a certified copy of this ordinance to be presented to the Circuit Court of the City of Virginia Beach or to d judge tliereof in vacation. The Cir--uit Court of Vir-.ini-a Beach is hereby requested to order an election to submit -@o the qualified voters of the Ci-ty the question of the isstiance of bona's pro- vided for herein. 7. This ordinance shall be in full force and c-ffect f--o:a its passa@e. Adopted by t@e Coup-cil of tt-,e City of Virginia 3each, Vir,@i-nia on -Lhe 3rd day c)f SepreL-a'Der, 19-i4. e@l OE G@,--y oj,c- VT----inia 3--ach, Vi-rg@a, as A regul-- o+: @h-' Ci-7 0 a c CF S -a4T COU:L - @e -a J-o,'-il, L . ',!'ayor John R. Clare-ice A. f, i@--,ir7 ?.tcCoy, Jz-., @!ayor J. Cur-Lis -Oav,-te Pa; ri C,@- L.- S-Lar,,,-Iirg , aiC-L t-lc)yd E- W-tl--e@-fiel-d, Jr. @@IES@, iT cou-,q@-- i -Po i) @--r i- 5 , j r . and C@ n -d en@it--Led "?ii Ord@ Authori2:@---@ 2- A -h-a T--si,anca or S OL it7 of a S,@-0 C lo --@;7-, @o-,, ',i e Ql-, a F-,d Vo-e@-11 ,Ti aac-@, L 7qas a d a p t e d 'o y a @a L-: a 7 0 c v 0 t -- 0 d s -r) a x.2--be--rs ol@ 'L@,@Lp- @a,7s be7-- -it -3 o@ the meatin- as E-Olloi4s: VOTE @f3 ER Coi-inci-l:,.an Jo".@ A. B,?,un Aye @- o i i -@ i c @- I,-i a -,i Robec-t -6. cro.r@l@.iell, J - . Ay-- V;-cz! @tayor i@. F--r-reli x 71 -i @-T I C k,ou.ici-1,@,-an j. i r. AyE,, J. Curt,Ls e Ave @our,.c4-lnai,, PL,@tri.cK T-, StLIdir,,T A), A,- 3. At-Lacnad 'i2rn-Lo is a tri-,e e7-@ co,)y o-C- --ore@oL- as -cecorderl @@i,-,u-@es SIIC',I Fieetin-- ard @-is -'a@-n-o-ov@d aa@d LLie s@al. c)i-- City of V@@r-li-aia Bear-'a. th-7-s dL7 O.E- 7 S EAL) T T 7 3 30 T4@ City @,tanal@er s-uated that Council i,as pre-ian-@,,d several -,qeeks @'i0 L proposal r@-,Garc-linu. %lLil-ici,,Dal l.nforr,,,ati,)n The CiLy iiaia.@er reqt-,es-@--d -,u-L@Lan@e Ero:-.i Couicil is tc) to proceeci @@;ith @IAIN if there i-s a necessity or AI c)t- to abandon the proposal. Col-i,icil ti-@--@y i@ished to de@@er action for sevei-al mo-tlls until -Li problems liav- b(jen r-solved. s ver, TTE@l "7@61 Payne stated tli-@L lias !lad hfl @vo i@s @Loes no-, , @n s o,@ifiion , vio Lli, of @@iayor Payne furtl-ier stated he @vill inj--iate a-,)pointTp.--nts to corqrtitt--es to --stablish coinmunications iqith varicus o-u.her Boards a@id Co,@missions, SUCIL as School Board, Plannir@g Commission, Higli Constable and also City R--al Estate Assessor. ITE@,l F75'02 iio-@-c)n 'Dy Lv "o@@i-,ici-lilian a,-.ii by recorded vote as follotqs: Av--s: Councilr@i--n John A. Baum, Rober- B. Crom,@vell, Jr., Vice Georg-- R. Ferrell, John R. Griffin, Clarence A. Hollar-d, @'. Henry N!cCoy, Jr., @lavor J. Cur-@is Payre, Patrick L. Standing, @--.id Floyd I E. @1,Taterfield, Jr. -N,-ys: inone Abs--iit: Councilraen Pob--Tt H. Callis, Jr., and Cliarles l@'. Gardner ci ,,, Council, after dlie C--Iiberatiori ol. ,-d(.1itional info--ation recei,Ted subseq,,.--nt to th--ir actio.1 o' Au.@ust 2'0, 1974, -,-- @vhich -lir@ie th--y adopt'-d an ordinance provi@.i-,i-, for the closurc o@@ the ivesLern thirtv @'-)O) feel o-, Cli--rry Place (a/',-/a/' '@-,:-ry Place), vc)-od. to hold a pu@11----c: oTi 16, 1974, @-'i -@:00 r).rit. ublic e,-rina, in --ed th- City Clerk to advec@ se for t'-'Ie p i7.atter of Harbour- Gate Associat--s. IT-P@l c,.ti,,-ilr@ian McCc)y stated tha-@ sev-ral residen-s ,,;is'led tc -iddress lord Dunrlore Road. C,,)@,@rcilnan liiccoy stLted @-haL n,.osl of lle r--siclepts in -a-Irfield @rant--d Lo-cd I.IoacL as i t,,,n-@,iay -s,-reet, --here are I @,C) Tl,:L:I- ! -1, ad -,s a, o , - I -e@ f-s lo@i@iciliRan i\IcCov f@irtliel- ii-- ircet ;vith th,-, 0,-,1 ts o f L@ic ir--a after til- cou"Icil HolLand slated hz,, iva-uld -Lli-- @tosqui--@o Control i.-Iltensi@v tlieii, sl)ra@,in, o@ irlosqkL@co.;, 7 5 6 5- by Couricilnan Holland, secoided bv Cc)unc:ilman "llaterfield, -litd I)y recorded vote as folio,, 15 Couacilm--n Join A. Baum, Rober-- B. Cror.11rell Jr., Vice %Iayor c;Lor,,,- R. Ferreil, Jo@.n R. Griffill, C!,arenc:e. A. Hol'land, J. Henry @'IccoY, Jr. @layor i . Cur-,is Payne, Pa, ri.ck L. Standin@, and 'elayor J. Curt;-- ,@av5: @14 o n Absent: Cou-@icil@men Robert H. 1--allis, Jr., Ifld Chacles I'l. (3ard,e, C;@Iv CoLtrlcil V-o@,-,d to jr-,,,,,ardin,@ a pLt@Lliic fiearin@ bei-n, held by tbe fn C)D COrPOr@itiO, Com issi - on S, -) @ - " i@ I l@, 1,977, @ 1,@ '- i L:@ ;-, i ;L . appliC@LLiC)I', ': ,' - i ,, @, I-; , i pc)@i,@r by piovidj-n,, a tei@iporar,, increase ill tile Company's rates to the consu.,,iei inter-est of the citizens of Virginia Beach; and furtli-er authorize- @@he Cit@, Attorney to attend @'llis public hearing. A 7,.eeti-ti@ o COU-ICil 0 f r, D 47 -- T k,---y - 3eacb., Vi-r,inia '2 . - - --i a ,i -- i- @@ @- --i --- " - - L -n@rj ci, 3 @.ay c)L- SP 1974. -1 -D, l@- ,n io-iot Holland a-ld secoqded 'Dy P,lr. IV,,-Ierfield the resolutioi @,,as adopz:,2d. R E s 0 L U T I 0 N on Saot@,-,i@D@r 13, Sta@- Co@.-porat4-cn C;c)-,missio7 a publi@- to @ieLerm,*--Lie V4-r@.i-,iia ElecLric ald Po,,7er Co:aDa@-y'3 applica@--*@on -or relie)- by prcvidin- a t--,apo-ary -In-rease in -c-17)any's rates -o L@ha co,, su:n2r i t L, re.,3 c i s a- Beacli, vir@i @:,:AS7 tha th-- Ci@y Vir,-i,-Iia 'Deach 4@-4 duly concerned tE r-'Ia rate i@Icrease af7Fecti,,, ie the c@tizens o,7 t.,@ Ci- 0- Vir.,i-ia @urin- this in io!,!. @!---cionar7 per ',:1 T-P @-SOT -T, VI:7) 3"' C CUN(, T' C;! o-F e -L Z? -3 @r)y d a t !T BY T,@l- f")@lil(',TL OF OF -71 T- LT ,,,a@@ t'Lie OF t'lla Co=orl@,,Ealth Df Vil -inia aL heari-n,, Co=ora,-io.1 Cc)-,nmissic)ll; a@a C,*.,,,. is di-@--21-@,.-i @lo L v to -r, C 3, 11 '3 0. L CouncilmaniStancii.,iu :5tated- he, Counci-.--naii Gardner and Ilayor Payne a,-.-@-,:,d--d a zith Sena-Lor Sc:Dtt on '4avy Housi.@@. ia Ft@-L-@ Story- Counc@@l-,zaai Stal-.dino for t,4eiT- -Lliis ITE't,t ',-7 7'0@ r--quested riont,ily @xpenditure sheets f-r')M ,\Ir. Giles G- Docid, Direc-tor o@ Finaic,-,. iltr. Dodd stated thAt lias been lo noticabl-- drop i@q r@!venue ancl irL his opinion t,i--y have inc-reased. ITE@r i i@8 O., b,@ @lic@, bl@, CoLlr,,--;-Iman @lolla.,Ld, A,.,- es Councilmen JohiL A- Baum, Robert B. Cronwell, JT., Vice Mayor I c -rence A. Holland, J. Henry ,--or.,@-, R. Ferrell, john R. Griffin, Cia @iccloy, Jr., Mavor J. Curtis Payn--, Pa@rick L. Standing, a-.Id Floyd E. @,laterfield, Jr. @-,,i s None Abs--nt: Councilmen Robert H. Callis, Jr., and C'tiarles l@;. Gardner C;@t--v Cou-,icil lqill hold a closed meetin.@ on S--pteriber 9, 1974, for t'-i - @ -. purpose of discus.5ing items perriitted for discussiol' ',I'Ider Se Ct4 on 2.,1-344, subparagraph Z'Real ]-.state, 3(Personnel), and 6 (Leal Matters), of the Fre--dom of Information Act of the Commonwealth Of Vir.@inia- ITEi@l "7@'09 On rqotion by Councilman Griffin, seconded by Councilnian and by record--d vote as follows: @"ys Councilmen John A. Baum, Rober@- B. C-ror,,well, Jr., kfayor G--or@,e R. FerreLl, Jo@,qn R. Gri@@Z@in, Ci.arerce A. Holland. Henry llco-jy, Jr., @klavor J. Curtis Payn--, fla-rick I.. Sta-,iding, --,d Floyd I E. Ilv7at--rfield, @r. @iays Non& Absenu Council,@en Robert H. Callis, Jr., and Charles Cardr-er Tii-- :@qeetina- adjoarrled. Ci'y o:,' Virginia Beach, Lit -La 6.@pt.-P.ber 3, 197A,