HomeMy WebLinkAboutSEPTEMBER 9 ,1974 i%IINUTES OF THE HONOI,@LE CITY COUNCI'- ot-' l'IIE CITY CF VIRGINIA VTIZGTNIA September 9, 1974 The regular meeting of the Council of the City of Vir@in@a Beach, ' I Virginia, was held in the Council Chambers, in the Adminis-Iration Building, in tlie Borough of Princess Anne, on @,londay, September 9, 1944, at 2:00 p.m. 'rlie v ocation was gi,,,en by the Reveiend Robert Rose, Community @llftholist Churcli, Virgini.a Beach, Vi@.uir,il, 0 present: Joh@i A. Batim, Til)e,t @l, C:allis, Jr. , 'Robert @c ull@. 13. Cromi;ell, Jr. Vice @@llayo,-- C@cor&,@ ol -,!,,arlcs ','I. Gard:ier, Jolin R. Griffin, Clarence A. fiolland, J. lfenry i%IcCoy, Jr., Mayor J. Curtis Payne, Patrick L. Standin@, and 5loyd E. Waterfield, Jr. Councl'lmen absent: None ITEM #7570 On motion by Vice Mayor Ferrell, seconded by Councilman Cromwell, and by recorded vote as follows: Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert H. Callis, Jr., Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Vice Mayor George R. Ferrell, Charles IV. Gardner, John R. Griffin, Clarence A. Holland, J. Henry McCoy, Jr., Mayor J. Curtis Payne, Patrick L. Standing, and Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr. Nays: None Absent: None @@@ity Council approved the mi.nutes ol@ tl.-- meeting of S&ptember 3, 1974, and dispensed witli +h- I - @-@ading of said minutes inasmuch as each Councilnan had a copy of subject minutes before him. ITEM #7S71 Petition by resolution of the Council o@ the City of Virginia Beach for a Change of 7onin,@ District Classification fro @m B-Z Conirnunity Business District to 0-1 Office District on cert-,iin property beginning at a point 800 feet more or less V@est of Hutton Lane, riAnni.,i,@, a distance of ZOO feet along the North side of Virginia Beach Boulevard, running a distance of 170 feet. Ilong the lllestern property line, runriing a dist,-tnce of 200 feet aiong th-- I,!orthern property line and running a distance of 1-(0 feet rnore or less along the Eastern prot)erty I.ine. Said parcel con"ains 0. 77 acre. (17,-,reka P-ar@-J-onclon Bridge Areas). LYNI,IiIAVEiN BOROUGII. Pl,,nning Cornrission Recommendation,. A raotion was passed u,-i.-inirnou-,Iy by th-- Plai-i ling Cornrnisgion b,/ a recorded vote of 11 to approve thit3 req@iest. -or the information of tlie appl;cant prior to ttle iseluance of a buildin@ permit the following will be requirco. by the adminiit,-.-Itive staff: - - - - -- - - - -- - - - - - - - as 'ell John i@. Bauii,., Pc),-)ert H. Call.is, Jr. Robei-L .i Cro,@i Jr., Vice i4ayor George R. FE -rell, Cliarles t'l. (,ardlier, Joiii,@ Gri,f-@in, Cla-rence A. HoIlLtid., J. Henry ,,IcCoy, Jr., i%layoi, [,d 71 @ J. CLtrtiS Payne, Patricl, I,. Sta i tnd '-Ioyd E. @Vaterfield, Jr. ;N'zi v s :iqone Absent: i@one City Council approved the followitig 'Jrdinance upo@ll petition by resolution of the Council of the Cit,l of Virginia Beach for a Clian@,e of Zonina District Cl.assific-@-i'tior, froi i3-2 Coinmunitv Business District to O-'@ Offic-- District: UPC)NT @l-PI RESOLUI'lo" Z0974079 OF T@iE THr-- CITV OF VIRGTNIA BEACff FOR A CHANGE OF ZONING DIS-RICT CLASSIFICATION FRO@@F B-2 Community Business District i'O 0-1 Office District Be it ordained by the Co@incil of the C@tY Of Vir-ginia Beach, Virginia: Petition by resolution oil the Council @)f tlle CitY of Virginia Beach for a Change of Zoning Dis-Lrict Classi-ication f-rom B-2 Community Business District to O_l 0 ffice Distri,:t on certain property beginning at a point 800 feet more or less West )f Hutton Lane, running a distance of 200 feet aloiig the North side of Vi-,@i nia Beach Boulevard, running a distance of 170 feet along the Wes-lern proper@y I.ine, running a distance of 200 feet alon@ the Norther.11 PrODertN aid running a distance of 170 feet more or less alopg the East--rii proper-@y line. Said parcel contains 0.77 acre. (Eureka Park-Londcii Areas). Lynnhaven Borough. For the information of the applican-, pl@-o-, the i@suance of a build;n.u permit the followin., will, by the adniristrative staff: I.: Standard site plan Te@,iew a 150-fo,t drainaae easement fro-,n the cen@l,-rlina of Bridge Creek. 2. Necessary permit For constT@ictioTi in t a ds. we I n 3. City water and 5a,,qer. Petition of Mrs. Russell D. Jone3 to-.r C ?z L T,aidscaoin,, !,Ic. , for a Change oE 7,oninq District Claaf3ific-,ition f@-orn B-1 Business Rt--,i;d@-mlial District to B-2 Comnaunity Business D,"strict on cer'a;,,i prope@-ty bef,,ir,-iing at @ point 2180 feet rnore or less Eagt o@ Diarnont3 S,')-in,9 Road, runnizi@ a d;s-@ance of 213 feet along the South side of Si,ore Drive, ri.,lning a ciistance o@' 375 feet n-,ore or leas along the Li3ter.,i propcr,@/ rurnirig a d@stance of 360 fp-et rnore or leas along the Soiithern pronerty and runn'ng z, distance of 600 f@et r-iore or leas along the V@@-,aterii p,-opert-i SIid parcel is kno%vn as Sites 13 an-d C, Plat of No-th ard cott.-Aino 2. 8 @icres. (@ ake Smith- Little C@-eek Amphililous Base Ar--as). BAY'O'IDE BOROUGI-I. Planning Cornmission Recornmendat@@on: A rnotion was passed by the Planziing Cornrniss;on by a recorded vote of 11 ,,vith 7 voting for the motion and 4 against the rriotion to approve this request subject to tlie following: it is understood and igreed to by the applicant that tho change will not be made on the off;cial zoning rnar)s until atich time as a dc-dication of right of way 80 feet frorn tli@@ cent@.rline of Siiore Drive is acquired. For the information of the applicant prior to t!7.e i3suance of i building perrnit th@ followinp,, will be requirtd by tlle ad.@nidtrative 3taff: 1. Standard si'c plan -eview. .1 City @l',Ierk, he h@i@' receivtj,-' a let,@@ IZicli@iT@,L J. Viel@bon rroi,.i @Ir. Dt-@nale E. l,oe, J,-., .;\ttorn(, '-o , the :il);, Tit , L-,@CIL] e i zi defer -al of tt@e cat: @ oii of @,lrs ',',us se il D. Jones On motioii by Councilr.-.an Hollatid, secoiided by Councilman Cromwell, aiid by recorded vote as follotvs: II Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert H. Callis, Jr., Robert B. CroTr,@vell, Jr., Vice Mayor George R. Fc,rr,@ll, Charles IV. Gardner, John R. Griffin, Clarence A. li@illand, J. Henry IIcCoy, Jr., Mayor J. Curtis Payne, Patrick L. S-@and:in@., iiil Floyd E. l@aterfield, Jr. Nlays: None Absent: None City Council voted to defer for thirty days t,1/2e above petition of Mrs. Russell D. Jones for C & L Landscaping, Incorporated, for a Change of Zoning District Classification 'l-*rom B-2 Business Residential District to B-2 Community Business Di.str;.ct an certain property beginning at a point 2180 feet more or I--ss East of Diamond Springs Rotd, running a distance of 2i3 feet alo:ig th-- South sic,Le of Shore Drive, runping a distance of 375 feet mo,,e or less alon.@ the Eastern prope@-ty line, runnin@. a distance of 360 r'oet jrore or less along the Sou-lhern property line, and runnina a dstance ol@ 600 feet more or I-ss along the lvestern property line. Sa@ld parcel is know.1 as Sites B and C, Plat of North Lake and contairs 2.8 acres. (Lake Smith-Little Creek Amphibious Base Areas), Bayside Boro,i.h. II'E@l '@7S73 Petition by rnotion of the Planning Comn-iission for a of Zoning District C,Iassifica.tio.n from AG-1 Agricultural District-to r,-Z C,)-,--@=unity Business Dis- trict to correct an error on property originally -.on@,-. ',@ --(-neral Cornmercial District (C-G 2) on June 12, 1967 on certain pro.Dei,. -,ated at the I\Iorthwest corr.er of Princess Anne Ro-,d and @,lo@-@h Sto@@c '-'Lnnin@ a distance of 305 feet along the North side of Yorth Stc)-,vc- Po,@,], i-,,Ining a distance of 415 feet along the Wei3t side of Princesa Ann-- Road, ruir,,in@ a dis"ance of 255 feet along the Northern property line inL' runnir.,-, a i@tstance of 400 f--et alon@ the Western property line. Said parcel co'.Itai-ns 2. S acres rnore or less. (Back Bay Area). PUNGO BO-@OUGH. Planning Conunission R( -comve,-.da@*tol-i: A niotion was passed --I'Ianirnoiil@y- 'ly the, Plannii@ Comm;seion by a recorded vote of 11 to approve this recuest. For the information of the p--o@,,-rty owner, @3,-ior to the issuance of a building permi" standard sito plan irp@-ovemerts will be required by th-- adrninistrative statf. on rlo-@joil by Councililzin se.-c@-,@lcd by Vico @layor Ferrell, ajid by rccorded vote as follokvs: Ayes: Counciliiien Jolin A. Ba-,tin, Rc),)ert If. C,Ilis, Jr. , Robert B. cromiqell, Jr., Vice Playor l@,, Ferrc 11, Cliat-les IV. Gardner, Jolin R. Griffiii, Clai@e,-ic:o liolland, J. @ienr), Coy, Jr., Nlayor J. Curtis Payne, Patric',- St,,-Iiding, Zill( Floyd Jr. Nays: None Absent: None City Council approved the following Ordinance upon pe@@-'@inn by motion of -the Planning Commission for a Cliaiige of Zonin@ District C',,@@-@i,@ication fro,.a Ag-I Agriciltural I)istrict to B-2 C@)IImunit-), Bitsiness Distri-ct: I C,- !j LY @3@j ZOI-)@ l@ll(, SS 10,@ CIIA""GE O'C '@',)Nl,'4G IFICATION TROi%l Ag-1 ."@,ricultural District TO B-2 Commlini-ty Business Be @t ordained by .he Couii,--ii cf the Cit', of Vir,,,'Iiiia Beach, Virginia: I P--ti-i-on by motion. of tie Planni,,ig Commission for a Change of Zoning Distcict Classification from Ag-I Agricultural District to B-2 Community Bu,@ii,-,ss District to correct in error on property originally zon--d to Goilc@t'al Commercial District CC-G 2) on Jine 12, 1967 on certain property located at tlie Nortliwest corn,,-,r of Prip-c-,ss Anne Road and No@-th Stowe Road, rtinnin,u a distance of 305 loet aloig tlie No-th side of North Stof:c Road, running a distanc, o" 415 Ilon,., the IVest sicle of Pri.TICCSS Aiine Road, running a distance o'- -155 ilong the Northe-n pi-o,,)orty line ai-id rtinnin., a Iist@,ric(, of tl,e Western prc)i),-,rty line. Sa@-d parcel con-@ains 2.6 riore or less. (Back 'Bay Area). Pungo Borough. For the information of the property ownet-, prior to the issuance of a biiilding permit standard site plan imp-ovemepts 'gill be required by tlie administrati-ve staff. ITEI,l i@7574 City Council deferred one wee',, -,he fo-lio,.iinl,, reso@lution ratifying .the offer of $2,200,000 for the purchase of @ripc--ss Anne ard Aragona Utilities Corporations: 'A meeting of the Council of the Ci-ly Vizginia Beach, Virginia was h--Id i-n tlis Council C@oezs on,the day of @974. On motion by Mr. ana secon@@ec-@, by @r. he followina. resolution was adopted. E S 0 L U T I 0 -4, .,@,ini-a -@each off--red to I MME.A.S on July-5 l@i the purc',iase Princess Arne Util-.tiLs @lid Ara@,c ina Utilities Corpor- ation for an a-.graaate Amount of $2@200@ol)o, .oi-th a 20 year. amo@zation schedule at 5@47. subject to proner c--n-,rac-- doc,-,,r@-nts bei-r.&-prepared and being reviewed'and approlyed -b -d counsel for City; and @-IIERFAS, on Jtily 31, 1974 i-ot,.n Ara@cna, of Aragona Utili@-ies Corpo,---tion and'Prq-ncess Arne U,-ilities Ci,,r6ora-,Ior, respec--ively accepted the o@@fer o' ti-ie C;-y of V4r Beactt.und---r s c- @er and u mz con,-Iitions set forth iri the of J,,Al-y 5, 1974. TH-@ORE BE !T R,ESOLIF,--O BY TIE CO@,-ik-s-L OF TH-z CIT-Y ()F VIRGINT-K BF-,%(@ti, VIRGIIIIA@ That the Council ratifies and confirms the o-Ffp--c of jullv 5, 1974, stib-,2ct to the ter,@ and condi-t4-ons sat forth therein. Princess Anne Utilities Corpora-lion @Lnd Aragona U-li]Lit'@es Corpora- tions, and their assi@ ssczzi i,@ if anv, aT,73,:ove the and confirmation @Z t:his. agreeirent a& set for--6- by ex6cuting this document in -heir names Lad tl,,eir s--@tl@@ tcy be affixe--' aid attested b7 fluly autho-ized Oil iiiotion by Vice Nlayor F,@rrall, sccoiided by (c)uiicill,,tan IlaterEjoid, and b@, recorded vote as follo@,4s: Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert H. Callis, Jr., Robert B. I-raiTiivell, Jr., Vi,--c, @,lavlor George P,. (@liarles IV. CareAjt(-rl Joliii R. Griffin, Clarence A. fiolland, J. Henry McCoy, Jr., Mayor J. Curtis Payne,.Patrick L. Standin@., and Floyd E. Waterfiel.d, Jr. Nays: None Absent: None City Council approved on first reading t.@e following ordinance to amend A@-ticle II of Chap-Lor 37 of tlie Co@l- 'if the City of Virgirlia Beach by adding Secti.ons 3-11-30.1 and i,elatin,@ to I.ine fee exeinptions for certain elderlv and fiii (lisadvantaged persons: RD 1,@7 AN 0 11,@eil4C- '-rO tdal ,D A 37 OF Tli-v CODE OF T@, CIT-F OF VIRGINLA B E.Pt C Ii AYD 37-30.2 BY ADDII\TG =, @E-To SECTIOZ;S 37-30.1 RELATI,@'G ',I'O LINZ FcE IOS FOR CEIT.'%Itl ELDERLY AM FIDIANCIALLY DISADIIANTAGED PERSOiqS A Nv-, CIL OF T'IE (@l@ 0-Y VIRCIZIIA BEACH, BE IT ORD Ii D BY Ti @OUIT @y Vll,'GINIA: ed by ordainin- the Taat.Art7'cle ll,,Cl-,apter 37'is hereby amend th---iollowiag additi6nal Sectiong: tection 37-30.1 Lilie fee examplions fo-- c,-,rti-i-n elderly persons. (d) Line fee exemption is provided f@,: -ertain prcparty ol,7ners TY'no quali4LY under subsectioh (b) o@@ The exemption it to be administered by the cit@ -,ra,.iaaer @.)r his atithor,'-zed delegate, herein referred to as the ad@nistra,-,ir, admin;"Lra-.or is hereby authorized and empawer6d to prescr4-b--, adopt and enfdrc-- rules and *regulations, including the veq@-,Irement of answers under oath as may b. 'reasonably pecessary to 6eter@ne quali@-ica-L4-ons for exemption. T'a eadmini@trator it,-ay rcquia:e tile productic-,i a.@ c- ti4- --d tax returns and apidraisal renorts La establish income and fi-nancial -@orth. (b) Exea?ti-ons b,2 f-ranted subjezt to the -@o-@---owin- nro- "-'i-ie @o pl:ope):-y -nr -a'-, a I i- I !-, L i,s souaht ri-.zct be a-iolicpct at or pa @;-,Ily d-a-@e of least 120 days the installation, co-,nes fi-rstl of -@@2 watc-r aid sewer 2) T@o.(, owner of the ti-,!c or par-,i-al title i-s 65 years of a,e or old--r @it least 120 days or sc@duled da@-e of ins!:alla-@ior.,, -,;h4 C T. ir 0 water and se@,,7er lil!e. 3)' Th-- d@,7el1iii- to be cor,@,cted trie water and sewer 4@-ari@ claiming the exemoti line is the sole dwellin- of -he appl on. o@,7 4), Tie total co@-.bined inco-.ia os-: 1-h le-. aid the owner'@s relatives Ii-ving in the housel-,old dUr4l.,I the year iumediately precedin- the installation-sliall be detc--mined by the administrator n ex e 13.X @housand d ;Ir ot"to c@ d 5) The"rat comb:'Lrcd @inancial worth of thp,.oo7ner or awners ..:;3hall. not exceed $20.,000.00 excluding the fair market v;ilue of a ew' ue 'Net' the hakisi3 td.be connected tb the v),ater nds er n lc6mbined fina cial wotth shall include the val6d of alL assets incliidin& equitable interests, of -Lh@ oi,7ner or mners and of the spouse of the o@,7ner or ownerz, (c) The persons,applying,for linc, faa exemption must fil6 with Cfidai the admitistrator a line fee exemptioh a. v t set int forth, in a m%ner prescribed by the admitistrator; thd'location ind value oi the property to be cannectea t6 the line; t@le names'of. the @sons reiated-to the oiirier and occupyin- the dwellita; th6ir gross combined income and theil- net co@ined financial N,7orth. (d) @ Wher-- the petson clai in-i n- exemption conforms to-the standards' and does ncit exc--ed the limitations contaircd in this o=dinance,- the line fee exemption s@ll be as shown ci following sciaedule: TOTAL'INCOTNE ALL SOT.TRCES EI%EMPT .00.00 2,000.00 100% 2 001 00 - 3,000.00 80% 3:001:00 - 4-c@00.00 60% 4,001.00 - 5,000.00 40% 5,001.00 - 6,000.00 20% (e) If. wit@@ain t3valve months after the wa-"er and @wer iine is ob-"ained @li,2 @,,Inlicant's fi-,iancial positio- should cban!ze sj t@a- its --ffect would be to re-aove the. aerson lioldin!z tho exenpcion froa within the limits and standards of this okdinance, @:2en the person holding the e,,,Ietr!)tior shall re@Lund the amoLPt: of the;exe.T.,@tion to t'Lie city a.4 Vit-inia Beach. (fy Any person or persons fals--Iy claiming an exe=i,3tion or vio- latin@ any provision of this ordinance shall 'De guilty of a misdemeanor aaZ,@ conviction tLiereo@L shall be punish--d by a fine not exceedin- one thousarid dollars ($1,000.00). or con-Linement in jail not exceedin- ti-lalve (I?) months, bt both. Section 37-30.2 Linp cer@ai-n L peizons..- (a) Line fee e-@-emption is provided for certain 7E!nanciall3r d;-sad-va@lt-.aged PI:CDeTty -3 T"'ba urder subsect:io-n-(b) of- this, ordiiiance.. T exam:;@.-. is: by the cit7 mana,-,er r his aut-',-@@@zed ed to as the.admin.- istrato.r. tfi--: I.,-, hc- a 7-,@, dand ermowered to prescr:Uoe, adopt --iici enfo:c--e rul---s 2;@ I-e,tl-i.'-'t:4-ons,.includin- the requirem--,'-. of aiiswars und@a.- cat'a,. o i,-@-Ay @D-, -,c:isonibly.necessar7 tO date@,no qualifications @@oz -dmini strator may require the productionof cartifie@l -i:,ax and a-,@-aisal reports to. e@-ablish income -,,id finano-i-:-,l N,7o@ (b) Exemptions @nall b.- r,@.lb4 e-t to the fo-i @lowin-. ,Drovisions:' 1). Titl e to the pz,op@rty which t@ne line e e-Itemption is sbught. must be-heldv or pa-zc-. n-'Lly. hel@, by the aDplicant at least 120 days prior to tt.2 jrst or schp- e-ed da-a of d installation, whicliever r-,cmes oi-: the Tiater and sewer Ii e. 2) TkLe to b-- the water Pnd sewer C- El- c@aimin@ @he exempti line is the -oio 3) T@@rte tot:al cair'oir,@ ii@c;= th-a o@,-ner dr.,-4 the s relatives 3. ediately 3.,n the household du-"in- the yeat ..=n precedin- th,@ installation shall be d,@tzr@ned by @He adnc,,n- strator not to e-Itr----,O f,-)lir tiio@isind eLo@l.lar,3 v '-inancial iiort*,L oL@ tlie "net a ners 4) Th-i co'.17jiri@-d r 0,7 Ot)0,00 fii sriall not e@co@.@l 0 @-ar@,e@ value of the house to b@ conn2cted to @,,,all-er and s.@we 1 r ne. DTet combined fin@--iici-di worth shall include the -value o@ all assets, includin7 equitable.4-n-Lerests, o@@- the 01,7ner o r o@Tners and of the spduse of the oT.Yner or o@@7ners. (e) Tbe pers,-,ns applyin,@ -For line fee exeription must fil.e wit,,, the administrator a lina fee 6):ernDtio,-i affidavit settino, forth a manner prescribed by th2 administ.rator; tlie location and value of the property to be conne c--2d --o the line; th,-- names of the persons re@@ated Lo the o;qn,2z and :pyiny -he @ross combir,@l.- income and their net COT--7tnec :Einan@i--! e.,empt-on confor ms to the standards and does not the I -,tations contained in this ordinance, the line fec @@tiall be os sha,,n-i on the follo%,iing schedule: TOT@\-i, S 0 EXEMPTION 80% 3,00-,-.Oe@ L'@,ooo.co 60% (e) :@,L-or -L, La i,;ater and t-,ewer line el pnlicant's financial position should chan-e .cemptibn 18 ob-Lai,-IF-@d,.the a so that i-.s e@Lf@cl.- wolild be to remove the person holdi'ng @he exemption andards of this ordinance hen the person f ---om witlAn thc- ts and st holdiba the e,,,eziption shall refuhd the amount 6f the exemption to the City of Virginia Beach. Any perso--n -or persons falsely claim*na, an exemption or violating any provision of this ordinance shall be.guil-ty of a mis- demeanor and lipon -onviction thereof shall be punished oy a fine not exceedin-.one tliousaiid dollars,,(@1,000.00), or confineT-4.nt in jail not e.,tceedinc tvalve (1.2) months, or both, out rir6t readiv,-: September 91 19 74 be tirr .Second readin-: Adopted by the Council of the City a-F Viz-lnia Be= @a, Vir--i -C 1-nia, clay of-: tj 97 ori the 4. ITEM #7-376 On iliotion by Coujicilinan IVaterfield, seconded by Counciinia@@ Griffin, a,,icl by record--d vote as follows: Ayes: Coiincilme,@l john A. Baum, Robert !!. Calli-s, Jr., Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., vice i@iayor George R. Ferrell, Charles IV. Gardner, ,John R. Ferrell, Clarence A. flollind, J. Henrv NlcCoy, Jr., I'layor I J. Curtis Payne, Patrick L. Standing, aid Floyd E. ivaterfield, jr. Nays: None Absent: None City Council adopted the folloiqing resolution requesting that firemen of the @'ity become eligible to par-@icipate in the Virginia Supplemental Retirement System: A meeting of the Counc@ll of the City of Virginia ile-ac',.I, virg*lnz, @7as held in the Council Chambers on tl-@e 9 day o@@ September 1974. On motion bv Mr. Waterfield and seconded by @ir. Gri,ffin the following resolution was adopled. R E S 0 L U T I 0 N NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED B'7 THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, 1,TIRGINIA: That the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, a political subdiv4-s4-on currently participating in the Virginia Supplemental Retirement System under provisions o'-' Title 51, Chapter 3.2, Article 4, of the Code of Virginia, as a-mended, acting by and through its-Council, does hereby elect to have such of the employees ol- "he City w@rio are employed in positions as full time salaried firemen and whose tenure is not restricted as to temporary or provisional appointment, to become eligible, effective October 1, 1974, to be provided benef4ts in the Virginia Supplemental Retirement System equivalent to those provided for State police officers of the Department of Stale Police, as set oi-,", in Section 51-111.37, in lieu of the benefits that would other,;ise 'oe provided, as such Drovis ins have been or may be amended from time to --i-me, and the C4-ty aarees tc day its cost for participat4-oTl Of such emplo@rees becoming covered hereunder. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Roger M. Scott, City Manager, and Richard J. UTebbon, Cl--rk, be and "hev are hereby authorized and directed in the name of the City to execute any requi-red contract in order that the above described employees of t'ce (;ity may becorpe e-,ititled to retire- ment benefits equivalent to those pro@iided for State po!4@ce officers o@@ the Dep-artn,.ert of State Police. In e:,ecution of any coritract @@7hich may be required, the s--al c@ City s',@@,a--l be a@@fixed q-nd attested by the tlie City 't,, and they are h-reby autl-iorized Clerk, and said officers ol-7 and directed to do any other thing, oi- things, incident and necassary in the lawful conclusion o-F this mattc@!:. The Treasurer of the City I and he is hereby authorized and dire--ted to pay over to the Treasure7 o@@ Virginia from t4-me to.time such suris as are due to be paid by the City and its employees fo- this purpose. JD,3/cj 9-5-/,4