HomeMy WebLinkAboutSEPTEMBER 30, 1974
C i
ill tiic, (,@it
0 r s ive
@s- Ciiuccli,
J T"' L]l I 'd iejcfi,
Cc,iii(:i Liiiun pre.@,@,Ttt: Jolii. A. lil,iui!i, 111c)",@l-, Ii.
Ji., Vice ,;Cc)r,@,,c i".
i@. Cr@fFill, CL,
1, J
c) t, i,-- @i::t,@ ,a,,) s o ii I'LtLric" L. St@ii@ilin,-'
,,)I-, iilolioli Vice P@"a),Ol
ai,,,' 't)@, recorde(i -tolc,,
@@v CC)l@,iici-Li@ieii TC)@Ill @l. Czill
jr. , V!Ce @IZIVOI. (@ii@irLes @),7.
1", Ciif] i.ii, A, '@ic v , @r.
aiic@ IL@lo)-Li t,.
"all's .@oiie
Ds cii@ Couiiciiiiiaii PLitrLcl,,, ].I. Stai,@ct@z,,,
Cit%' "ouiicil ipprovoci til'-' T@tilititcs ol- t re@,ular ()f
@-,I@l-li,tber 16, l@,)74, aiicl cli,@L)ensed @,itit reaciiii@. of saici
tllo it c
.,iii,,-ut-s iiiasmucl! is 0,Licli Cot@ncilinLii ii,,i, @l co,)y of L j e t
.;ii nut -- s
Pe@@itioti of Common@qealth Financial Corp., b,, O,ien B. Pickett, Attorney, for a Cfia.,ige
of Zoninc
,L District Classil'ication from R-8 RE,,Sideitial District to A-1 Apartm,2nt
District ol certain 'D-i, o p e r-ty inning at a Doin'L- 440 feet more or less South of
Sou-uh Birdneck Road, running a distance of 1664 @eet rnore or less along the @iest side
of Gener,,l Booth Boulevard, running a distance o@ 325 feet more or less along 'Ghe
Sou"hern property line, runniiiq a distance of 1365.34 feet along the I,,Iesteci Pro-
perty line and running a distance of 159.3i fe@t along the @!orth'2rn prodert,y line.
Sa 4d parcel contains 8.5 acros itiore or less. IRI@@CESS BOROTICH.
Planning Co,,Ti,-.Iissio@i Recomn-.nd.;itiol:
,A T@ @ @
ozion 1/2@ias passed by a vo@U2 ol@ 9 to 3 ',y t@,e Plan,,iing Cof-,mission to dery this re-
Q.@@es@, because of i@iadeq,.,ate @.:zc4li-lies, 'raffic, schools and fil-,- Dro-G2@tion.
@-i,ce i,lavor Ferretl iTt,,i@le i,iotioii, @eco,) le@', 'uy fl Ilail(l,
l@oi @rt
, (,@ll li@ , ir.
l' O;fl@@ C', 11, Vice "i@iyol Geoi@-lu l' . i: i'@ c,@ LI, Cli@ir L-@
o 1, Li I- t i- Pi 110, @,n@,
(:!@ir (ic@@ A. i[oLl@Liicl,
o), Tr.
CoulicilijiLlil IT. ilelliv @icco)-, Jl-.
@ilt @lc)ullc@iiiiaii P,,Iti@i c'@ L
(.Ii L@,, Counc@i vc)@ @i Lo@." t@,e i,itlidra@,i@! 1 01- tl,e a',Iove petiti@-)ii
o@ Coliliqol-i@vc," (:orpoi@atioii b@, B. Pickett, Attorney,
ific, Li
C ii"! of I)i-,;tr@ct Class iOil 117oiii l'-,q l@o-iident-@Ial
oA L rir I)istrict oii ccrt@l i,,l pro,,-.rty begiiiniii@, -t
ot@ less Soutii C) f BirdTieck IZo@id, runniii@.
t aiice c) ]Lore @)r ].'s tli-, Wost sido oF General
L -,i tlil C 0 of 32j- [,ot rt,r, or i--ss tlon,.,
es rn pi,ol)L z7tv ii
@ii(@ a
L @fill f-C) Li ',i
Petitiori of Coviirionwealth Financial Corp., by C,.,!en B, P4ckett, Attorney, for a ClIall(l@
of Zoning Distric@ CIISSif4C tio@
I frol7i IZ-8 Resiclential District to A-] Aoartrpent
Distric-L. on certain proporty beginning at a point 470 feet riore or less @outh of
Souti, Birdneck Road, rLInnitlg a distance o" feeL alona t@ie i'lestern prop--rty
@,,,h4 ch 1 542 ee-@ 4 - S ;i
distance of 860.78 l@Le-u @ilcyig the SotA@u,'Ierr@ @rC))erty 1-in@,. i-urilir@(i a di@,@Uinc:-, cl@
2492.11 feet aloiig the !-:,istern property line a@ld rl,,nning a dis ance of '234.23
feet along the Northern property line of @-ihic;l 200 @cet is the South side of Sou@ti,,
Birdn--ck Road, Said parcel contains 41.2 l,c,@c,@ @ird exclud,-,s a parcel- co.'Itain@rg
2.3 acres proposed ,or B-1 Co[rmercial Residen@uial Zoning. PPI"I"IESS B'IRO!j',H.
cllan-,iing Co@,nrnission Recoi@.Menda@Giorl:
T@ nio@@iori tjas passed by a vo@le of 8 to 4 by th6, Planning Co@:irgission to clen.y this re-
quest b,ecause of inadequa'Le facilities, i.e., -raffic, schoo'is and fire prot-ction.
i@. Calvin Spain, Al@l.oi,n@@ Led tllc,,
Cot.i,icilr@ian Gardiier Piaclo ,i iiiotion, sf2cc)i@@l,-,d i)y C,)uticiliiiaii i%liCov, to
tlie above petition of C:oiii,,uoni@ aill, l@@iianci@ii Cori)oi:atioii for
a C:',Iari.@o of Zonin@. !)i.@trict CL@Issific@it ioii froift R 8 R--iicie@ii,-ial Disti,ict
"o -@ I Apartniexit L)i,;tt,ict. I'-tic i-ecoi,@lt @,o'le is a,; f()Ilo,.q-,;:
-3 : Councili,-icii Joliii A. Ch@itle@ aiicl J. ilenrv @;cCov, Jr.
iN a), s : Counciinien RoberL 11. Callis, Iii-. Ro,)ert B. Cropitvell, Jr.,
Vicc %Iavor Georg-- R. Forrel.1, Joi,i ',Z. ( t"i-f-fin, Cl,-trcncc @,k. ifoll,,inl,
Ilavor J. Curtis Pa),iie, iii,, l@ioyd E. i"',I'L(,rEield, Ji,.
Ab s --nt Couiiciliren llati,ick L. S@.ancliri,
T,ie itiotion to (ieiiy tfio al)ove potitioii (,E
Corporation i,,as lost,
l,@76@./- (a)
CoLliicilr[tan liolland iiiade @t iiiotioii, s;-,@oi:@@ed I)y C,-)iiiic-@Iiiiaii C@zillis,
to allo@i ivithdra@val of -,,lie )etiLioti oF Fiiia,,.ci@ll
Corporatioii. Tlie r--cord -l' votc is a-,; @'%)IloT.vs:
r 01 1 c I I , i r. Vi c c @,ii yo r Go o i- i2 i C:@ ar -1 c r ,
-tis l@ trld
Gri@Ci3i, Cl@ti-ctice A. ItolICLIL(l, @or C,,i t --Tic
s (2, i,, COL',IlCill@,@ill i cT,@ L . Sta!idili@,
Ci tv c@ouiicil to alloi,: Llie of tlie, ,Il)ov-- J)eticio.-I
o 41- Colliiitoiii,@,-@ ii (,@oi-por@ttioil, [)y C)@vuii 11. Pici@ut', Attoriic@
f or a ,- e of CiLtssifi(7,-ttic)il IZ-8 Rc-,sideiitial
to j@-I @pl-li'tiiieitt I,)rol),-@r-L,v be@,,iiiiiii@ a-L
a!)oifit 470 feet iiiore or less @ou@@, i)irdi'@--ck @loal, i,unnin,
al clistailce of 2100 l@eet @lk@iig tile Illio of i;iiicii 16,,@2
ii i ii,, a dis,-@,.,,Ico
!@ot is tiac L-ast @ide of I c
47 0 F@ ot @t @@oil" @,@e Sout'lel-ii i)l-c, dis 1-
1) rc -Y
)L 1234.23 foet a!-ui@,@ til ri t
,@lic L@oLith sicto of SoLitii
la@ 11- - L.2 acr@@;
'ttid c@xcludes @i parcol coiitaiiilri,- li-I Commercial
;'@,@id iltial Z)Ilin I)r.i iices.-; Arip,
of Commonwealth Financial Corp., @"y Ovien B. Pickptt, Attoiti@y, -Ui@
of Zoning District Cl,-tssification frcii@,i ilc@iiential District to B-1 ConTnercial
Residetitial District Oil operty begirining at a point IP,6n feet more or less
South of Soutli Birdtiec,,, Road aiid 115 fe,.t P!or'.@ or less East of Gezl(,ral Booth
vard, ruiiiiing a distarce of 175 fee-G more c,,r less alo,,i@j t@ie @lestern proper@'y line,,
running a distance of 4,','- feet i@iore o@, along thL, @@orlliern prot)erty line and
ruiining a distance o,r @)44 feet i,,.ore or le@.s alo,,,g the Eas@lerti ptol,),-@rty Iiiie ancl
rutining a distanc2 of feet ir.-ore or le,,,s along the So@i@he-rn property line. Sai cl
parcel contains 2.3 icr s !-,,.ore or lpss. PPl @i-@LSS 1)'Ol@Ol@JGH.
Pla@ining Coiflmission @ecofrrrendation:
Du2 to a vote of 6 ilo 6 by the Planning r,.o action was taken ori this
,@ir CalviTi Sp @iin, At torricy , , ep r,@,: (-,;i t@@(1 til o af)p L i caiit
C:OLIIICi Iiiiaii Gardiler riade a iiiot ioil , s eco iiQle(I bv Cottilc i IPi@Lii (roill-,,ie I I
to al low t,,i t'flclra@,iai of tho ab ovc pet @ t i ii o C' (:oriiiiioii@qe@i I tli 1, i nan ci al
Corporation. 'I'lio recoi-ded vote is @l,,; I-c)l l@ c)i@ s:
Ayes : Coui-icilitieli fo@tili A. 13auri, Rob(,rt It. lis, Jr., lzobert B.
Ci-orii@,Tell, Jr., Vicc %Iayor Gc)orl,e I,. l@e r i- i I ,Ciiai'les W. (@ardner,
lolin R. Griffin, Cl@irence A. @follatid, @a@ or J. CLirtis P@t%@ne, ancl
l@loyd E. Waterfiold, Jr.
@,,@tys : Councilinai J. Henry @@IcCoy, Jr,
Absent: Couiicilinan Pati,ick L. St@ilictin',
Citv Council voted to alloiv the @qitlidrj@val of t'@le ibove petitioli
OL Coitinoiiwealtli Fiiiancial Corporatioii, 't)), (-,,,,-en B. Pickett, Attorlicy,
for a Chaiige of Zoiiiit,. I)istrict Cla.@si Ficatioii froi,@i R-8 1'esidepti.al
i)istrict to B-1 Cojiinercial l@osiclojitial I)ist,rict oil ccrt"i Lp- Proi)--I,ty
bc?,.i.niiing at a poi@-it 1460 f7eet nt()re or les,; Sout-ii of soutli P)irdiiecl@
Iloacl and 115 @e t ,o
o r-, or 1,2ss E@a-@t c,[ Booth Boulevard,
rui,niitg a distaiice ()f 175 feot iiioi,e tr Lo@,s tllo lies'@eryi pro,.n,-,rt@,
liii(2, running a dislaice of zl44 fe t ino.,e ol. less alon,, tlie Nortliorn
,)roi)erty Iiiie and ruiiiiiii,., a distance of 344 lec@- i@tore ot less aioTi,,,
the hasterii property Iiiie and runniii,, @i distaiice of 342 feet moro or
less alo-@i-@ tile Sk)utlic2rn i)rol)cr,ly lincil. Saj,l I),-ircel coritaitis 2.3 cic--c@s
liio re or less. @,orou,.,Ii
A v Couiicilill(211 Io@iii 13@Llin, 'lot)ort. li@ Jr. 'PO!L)crt F,.
(:r iit,,@eil, Jr., Vicc @llivor (@cor,o R. Chirlo-,; G@irtne@-,
Joliii [?. C@riffin, (@iLtroiic,2 A. lio.l.lin(l, J. ficrir@@ @@ic(:oy, Jr., l,lavor
J. Curtis Payiie, aitd I:Io@'cl E. l@zitorciel 1, Jr.
:11@avs i4one
@i@I)SOlit co(liciiiii-,Ill '.ILr i ck St;@iitcl i iL,;
(:itv Couiicil Lll)l)rovocl oi, t@,2ad*Litg t I (,SOILitiOll cov(,i@in@ El
frolii tiio (@:riiiie Oilifii!@ii, @,iiid Safc,, S:@rect:; Act 1)@-ovidir,,@, 'F'ecterLl
furi,d,- for trainiti,, i@Ltli@it tilo Coinnioti@ie@@'tli's Attorii,2y's ofeice. @Flie
c,,s'Lii.qat-,l cost o[ tlie @-,i S4,900 it'i Li lc)cal c(Diitril)utic)ri
totaliitg ')?-45.
O@t l@iotioll I)Y !)Y
Liiid rccoi,dod voto a-S I-ollolvs:
yos Cou-,iciliitcn jt)llil
is, izoi)crt B.
Ci,oift@,oll, Jr., Vico 1
IZ Clia
ej er,
Griffiii, C',I@,@i-eiice A. flo.1 I,,
iii@l, @ '1' C () Y , a
ti-tis PLIYFI--, Flov@l 1". @vEttcl,;
I L t C,) Li n c i i P r i c f
v Council a,-)provc@.t oii -,;e(:ond ru@tl iii:@ till- fol lo, i
11 oi,,ii @@aeice -o
a,ti@,iicl aiid reor@ain oi,,,iii@iiice iulltl c@r
5 c, 1, @,,t o vi t@ j llj
StLit-@@ide Buildiii,, Co,,Ic; C) ri-!
A@\T Oi TO A
c: 0 i)
,IE -LT @Y T'P V
T',iat D;.vi-3io,-i 1-,1, 1 U,,rti in,
5, para-r,,i, a) is
reorda4@n--J r@ad I.,) is
,acli plii@lb4-nF@ fl@,)or c)r
-@eadin,@ Septei-,tbor 1 6 1 9 7 4
i;,iotion by @lice ';ccojl( e(i by Coulicilr@,tan Call@s, aiil
b, recorded ,,ote as
Aycs Coulicill@i--ii Jolil) 13@luill, I'lo@ci Kc)bei@t 1,
(Ii,ot.,,@qell, Jr. , V@ce ',!,iyot, @@or@,,12 l@. F@l,l Cl',,,trlc!s Cai@dner,
.jc)illt l@. Griffiri, Clareiice A, IfolL@incl, lio.,Irv 'ICCOY,
J. (:Lli,tis Pa>,n(2, aii(J
LIV s None
Ab-setit: Couiicilii,an I.. Staiidiiip, 11
(@itv Council @i[)t)rov--cl clie @@ollo@@in,- r(@flip,@ls ill Llle '@tl,,IOLlrl'. oL
-7 1
0 Dale Bi,-Ison C--L@-y %@-ro--ney
V. i%. Treasuror !)a 21@, j-1174
Si @b @pplicat:ic)@i @or T@a-,: '@--un's
o i c L] rC) -,-i s @- o r r @- @L u 7
a--! for poyl-,--aL, is SCL,
Ty P,@
of Ticl@at tio 1-
ell-s 974 !,-'O'9037 37 17 f--10-74 9 9
Lornas 1st 'nil-f
@,@e,@tletan co.
uller oo,7 E Jr. 1974 RE I,-'019593 37-)4 'C,-10-74 ')4.'16
'%'atl,,erine W I.st half -
tiliel- Roy E 1973 PE @@059630 3733 111-19-73 64.77
2nd @,ialf
rc),,-n Svstems 1974 RE 0 3723 (,-10-74 11,6, 93
Corp 1st 'nal@l-
@4 Rr)use
let-, James S 1974 RE 0 -) 6 5 'o 7 3731 r'@-10-74 3.64
C)114-tl@3 S 1973 -10 P 14770 1136/4 11.-2-73 105.00 5.21-; 1-10. 25
Above anDI-icaL4,ons Eor rerund of taxes @pp,:oved. Da,
@@l Birison, City
@'oite,7,en-.s to-@ali-
-C)V.?d ci @t,-icI
p i)y Ci
-i , I@i -1 ; -
" ; , -, . T @ -
c, v
L@a to Seotember 12, 1974
V. A. EL, 2 i Tre-3sur,2r
S A plica-Lic),l -,-c)r
-@ol'Lo@,)4-n, -@pplicat:4-c)ns @or rc-,U.Uz,.d of t:olalirg $ 291@
foz payn@r,.t:, as sel- bclow:
A. ELheri.(,'-.c
iyp@@ T x
1970 ',IT,] 20@3 2 5-71- 39.93 /-.00 75
1st-. & 2-,id -,L-0-27-72 39@018 2.00 3 9113
1971 IL 19533 208? 1.-3-72 39.98 2.00 2
1st & 2cid e'@-21-72 019.98 2,OCJ
1972 RE 20204 2081 @;-29-73 1,1. 93 2.10 1,29 218.22
-C)Ck, Allen W 1974 @F@ 0061-53 3.')25 !@-10-@4 57,32 57.32
ienall iNT 1st half
2r,.nin@s 1973 RE 026654 3i22 @i-20-73 2.40
7 E, Priscilla Isr- & -nd 1-2- 5-.73 2.40 4.80
C-)Ionia @-,r,)up Irc
@,@ol-ris 1974 RE i@', 023372 3621 @-)-10-74 2.40 2.1,,0
7 .-r4-sci@lla i 1st halr-
7c'@,,,rn;-tt EIL--N Nl 1974 R-n ir' 048850 3617 t@-10-74 2.40
Group Inc 1st half I
'c@r.mitt El-!en i@ 1973 04'012 3618 @@-20-73 2.40
'@2-5-73 2.40
lolo,ii-al G--oup inc. 1st & 2,-id 4.80
sc'@,itfoart F@-ed- 1974 RE 0&3930 3732 10-74 4.80 4.,SO
@.-icl@ J Jr l@t half
!,-Dove -Loi: re@@u-,id ol@ t-axes @@Dproved. Dat@- .7,yl
City Atto-zn--3r
@'@bove @'Z)ate,-ients totalin, cil
Ilic'ciard j.,/
:,,lo ioii @)v iii@t;l (@@i c@lil i-, V o r
i-ecordecl @,,ott, ,is col
e - : I
C:ol.llci J(,@iii A. O
Jr X'ice ot' (@uor(,c
Jr., @,l@ivoi,
CLII'ti@; PLlylle, @ilicl FIO)@,[ L@.
Cotliicilii@iii @"LLt'j@k I,.
IN THE ,I-8,TTER OF' (:LOSINI@-;, -JPC@\'T"i I c
BLVD. VIRGTNEA BEACH BOIIOLJC,-,I, '-'I'--Y - - - - - - - -
PROPEP,TY BEIN-1 BE'PTL@,7 DESCRIBED r)@4 - -- - - - - - -
Petitioner, SHIRLEY JACOBS, respectfully represerits:
(1) That pur,,uE)nt -c the provisions of Section 15.1-
364 of the Code of Virginia, as ainended, the said Pe-litioner
applies for the vacating, closing and disc(Dntiiiuance of a certain
portion of Olci Rudee Boulevard, situated in Virginia Beach
Borough, of the City of Virgini-a Beach, Virginia, and described
as follows:
THA'I' PORTION OF LAND in Virginia Beach Borough,
City of Virginia Beach, Virqinia, beginning at
a point in the existinq southe--n right-of-wav
liiie of Old Rudee -,@c)ul-evard, betw--en Lots 13-&
14, in Block "L", as sh(@wn on plat of "Rudee
d,],ly of recol:d in the C'@erl@'s 0.@-f-i.c@
Beach, Virqinia, iri Map Book 7, page 1.69; thence
from said point of beqinn@-ng rii-,ining along the
Rudee E@:)--,Ievard a C.Urvc to the
left, having a radiiif :,@- @:;,J.00 feet, an arc
distanc7o cF i.-,e@ to a point dividing Lots
12 @,,(i 13, of Bloci@ 1, on the aforemention--d pla@l;
thence turning and running alonct the dividing ii-ne
between Lots 12 and l@3 exi-ended in a riortherlv
direction N 26@45'51" W, a di.'3tance of 7.59 feet
to z@ @oint; thenc@ Lurning and running N39@59'18"E,
a distance of 46.81@ f,@et, to a point; thence along
la ctirvo to the right, having a radius of 20.0'D iee'l-,
an arc distance of 23.93 feet to a point; then
along a curve to the left, liavin(g a radius of 65.('j
fe-t, an arc distance of 17.40 feet to a point;
thence turning and running SV '11'51"W, a distanc,,@
of 18.06 feet to tli(:! poinl of beginning; the said
Parcel describod h,@r,-,in c,)iiLaininq 1624 square feet.
f()rmerly a portion of 01-d l@uc-le@
a stre@@- cre,ited by the Cit,7 of Virgin-,-i
O-RTION OF LAI@'D in Virginia Beach Borc)ugh,
City of Virgini,,t t3ca,,h, Vii-ginia, beginning at
a point in the exi-stiricj southcrn right-of-wi-v
1:Lne of Old Rudc@?, Bo@,-Ievird between Lots 12 &
13 in Block "l,", as -it-iown on plat of "Rudee
ifei.ghts" dtill, (Df r(-,c-)rci in the Clerk's Office
o@ the Circuit Court of the City of Virginia
1,7i-r@ir@-i, -Li,. -;a,3 -@o '@ 7, ,,)a(je 169;
from said po@-fit of t.ie beginning and running
along tlie southern riqht-of-@qay line o@- 01-d
Rudee Boulevard alon,j a curvc-, to the left, havinq
a radius of 330.00 ff2et, an. arc clistance of 18.94
feet to a poirt; Lhe@ice turnirig and running
a dista,ice of 20.61 feet to a pol-nl;
thence turning and ri,nninq along the dividing
Lin-- between Lots 12 and 13 extended S26@45'51"E
a distance of 7.59 f(@eL to a pc)int in the soiitllern
righ-l-of-way line of Old Rudee Boulevard, the poirit
of beginning; the abc)ve described Parcel containing
70 square feet.
SAID PROPERTY BEING lormerly a portion of Old Rudee
Boulevard, a street c:reated by the City of Virginia
Beach, heretofore put to record, and thereafter
vacated by -@he said ('ity.
(2) That no inconverience will result to any person
by reason of the said closing, @acating and discontinuance of ti
said portion of Old Rudee BoLile@ard, and P--titioner prays that
this Honorable Council appoint Viewers as provided by the afore-
said statute to view this por-@ion of Old Rudee Boulevard proposed
to be closed and report in writing to the Council on or befcre
the d.y of 1974, wh--ther, in the opinion of
the said Viewers, any, and if an@_7, what, inconvenience would
-@esult fro,-R tlie @l-gco-,itiniial.c,@ o- -@he siid p,-)rtior, o@, Oici Rl,i(ie@-
lBoulevard heretol-ore described.
01 @@,2 c Lo@ ,L@ @i o,,,7@i,@ci by
lPetitioner hereiii, -,I- -@lirl.ey Jaco!Ds.
(4) T,iat on the day of 197 4,
inotices of tl@e presenting of L-.Iil@; a.r)plication were posted a-, th@
,Court House of the Circuit Coirt of the City of Virgi-'Iia BE@ach,
"fooRE, BBYDGI,',S Virqinia, an(-' oi the premises to be closed, and at the Ci.ty lial@l
Annex, 19 th Street an(i Arc Lic A,,i Virg i nia Bcach, Virginia,
i as evidencecl by thc, Af f iclavit j t- li,?r('tO, Inc! a (-,op@, 0 F
said Notice; @iiid
This is
li(,r Att
Nathaniel J. Cohen
Attorney for Petitioner
2413 Pacific ,,venue
Virginia Beach, Virginia 23451
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- -
------------------ ------------
WliE@EAS, SHIRLEY jAC()-3S, lias given due and PrOI)er
notice, in accordance wj-'-Ii. -h-@ @;tati-ites fo, s!-Ich ca,@e.,3 I,, d an
provided, that it will, on tli.,i day, apply tc) the C-ity Coi.tiic-@l
of the City o,' Virqinia B--ach, k'irginia, for the appointment o@
Viewers to view the below-described E)roperty and repart in
writing to the Council, whet@icr, in the c)idinion of said Viewers,
any and if any, what, inconvenic,nce would result from the discon-
tinuing of the hereinafter describ--d portion of Old Rudee
Boulevard, in Virqinia Deach Bc)iouqh, of the City of Virginia
Beach, Virqinia, and has filed @luch application with the said
That, George I,. Cliarles C. Cqrriiigton,
and @lilliam Fleiiiiii,,, Jr.
are hereby appointed to view the below-described property and
report in writing to the CoLtncil on or before
whether in their opinion any, and if any, what inconvenience
would result from the discon-@l-nuing, closing and vacating of
ha-- cectain of 01-1 1,@l@ loca-@@@ in t.,,e
Borough o-r Virainia Beach, Citv )f Virginia Beach, Virginia, --nd
TIJAT PO@TION OF LA@@D in Virginia Beach Borouqhl
City of Virginia Boacii, Virginia, beginning at
a point ir e:ci,,@Ling southern ri-(Tht-of-way
line of Oi,,-t IZudee floulevard, b@,,-,,.,een 13 &
14, in Block "L", a-@ shown on plat of "Rudee
ileights" dui-y of roc-@rd in the Clerk's Office
c)f the Circuit Court the City of Virqini-a
Beach, Virqi-nia, iii Mip Dcok 7, paqe 169; therce
froin said point of bejinning rul-ining along tlie
-\IOORE, soutiliern riqht-c)-f-way line of 01-d Rudee Boulevtrd
S 67@45'00" W i (-Iisla-ice of 44.00 fec,,t -o a point;
k Al L,A@,
thence continuing al(,ii(j the qoul-herii ri.ght-of-way
line of Old Rude,-, 13c)i-ijc,\,aid along a curve to @hC!
lel-t, havi.ng a rad@i-,s of 33"'.00 @lee,-,, an arc-
distance (if 26.00 fc(,,' t-,(D @i T.)oii,t div:i-ding Lot-
12 aiid 13, of Bloc@ on the@ afc)rcneritioned r,'aL-
tliotice turning aiid L@i@-iiii.nc, tl,.e dividing Li.ne
-w-,-c,,q T,ol's 32 in' l@, a
di,coction L4 26@4-) ' ii" , a o@, 7 .59 feel-
tc) a idoint; thence tu,niri@, incl @-@innii@q
a distance of 46.80 to a I,)oint; the-nce A-!c)ilg
a curve to tlie ri-ght, li@iving a raclius of 20.00 feet,
an arc distance of 23.93 fe(@t t,) @ point; th--n
along a curve to -@he 'eft, havilig a radius of 65.00
feet, an arc distance ol- 17.40 --eL Lo a poin-;
tnence @-urning aiid runniiig @@,03@11'51"W, a distai,,c(,
of 18.06 foet to tlie Do!-nt of beginniiig; the sai,d
Parcel described li,@re@n containitiq 1624 square @-eet..
SAID PROPER'f.Y BEING f)ri(ierly a portion c)f Old Rudee
Boulevard, a street crE-,atE,(3 by t,he Cit@, of V-L.rgini.a
Beach, heretofore put to record, and 1.@,ereafter
vacated by the said City.
THAT PORTION OF LAND @n Virgini@i Beach Borough,
City of Virginia B--ac@a, Virginia, beginning at
a point in the existiig southern right--of-way
line of Old Rudee Boule@7ard between Lots 12 &
13 in Block "L", as silown oil plat of "Rudee
Heights" duly of recocd in the Clerk's Office
of the Circuit Court of the City of Virgi.nia
Beach, Virginia, in M,ip Book 7, page 169; thence
fro,m said point of th, beginnin@, )nd running
along the sout,iern right-of-way line of Old
Rudee Boulevard along a curve to the left, having
radius of 330.00 fe@it, an arc dista,-Ice of 18.94
feet to a point; then,-,e turning aiid running
N39'59'18"E, a distan,ie of 20.61 feet to a pc)inl;
thence turning and ru@ininq along the dividin@.,
'line between Lots 12 tnd 13 extended S2614511@@,"if,,,
a distance of 7.59 fc-,i@t to l point in -,he sot,,":@icrn
right-,Df-v7a-,7 ILn@ of ',10,
'-hc, d--@cr4l,,@,l
70 square feet.
vacated by the said C@;I:V.
IC)ORE, 1311',D(,ES
%17 A; 1.@,
A F F I 1) V I T
1, NATHA@NIEL J. CCHE-@', j@Ltc)rney for S@IRLEY JACOBS,
being first duly sworn, depo@,,e say:
(1) Tliat I am an At,-c)rn--v at: La%,7, and reoresent
(2) That on the day of 1974, I
posted Notice of the applicatio-,i to close a certain portion of
Oid Rudee Boulevard on behall- c),'- SI.IIRLEY JACOBS, for the appoll.,
men-, of Viewers, and saicl I'loti-c(@s ,7ere Fost,@d at the following
(a.) COUR'PHOUSE - Cil(-,uit Court (:)f the City of
Virginia Beach, Virgiy-lia Bulletin Board.
and A ctic Ai@ite, V rq-n a ch, Virginia.
in Virg] ough, City of Virginia
Beach, Virginia, beginning at a point !-n the
existing southern righ-l-of-way line of Old
Rudee Boulevard, between Lots 13 and 14, in
Block "L", as s@own on plat of "Tzudee Heiqhts"
duly o-F record in the I-lerk's Office of the
Circuit Court of the City of Virginia B--ach,
Vi-,gj-iiia, @-n ',,la, B,')O@@ 7, pag-2 169; thc,-nc@
from sal-d o i-n-- )f runi-,in,, alo--- -'-ic
sc)u-Ilic-,rl-i rijhL-CD,L-way ii@ie oiF Oid Ru(lee
varcl S 67@45'0n" W a d@-stance oc 44.00 feet to
in arc (ii@i-aiic,-2 o,@: i-e to a D,
divi-ditig i,o@'s .12 and 13, ol- Block L C)n tlia @if,)re-
menti-oned plat; tihence turning and running alc)l@,
the dividing linc-- bet-,ieen T@ots 12 an(I 13 extc-,.nded
in a northerlv d!-rc-,ction N 26@45'51". a distance
of 7.59 fc-,et Lo i point; therice turning and
riinning N 39@59'18" T,, a di-stancr-, of 46.80 f@,ot
to a point; tlic,,n@e along a cu.rve to the right,
havin,-j i radii3s )f 20.00 feet, an arc a dist,@iic@-
of 23.93 feet to a point; then aloiiq a curve to
the left, having a r@idiiis of 64.00 feel, an arc
di.stance of 17.4,@) feet to a point; thence turinT
!OORE, B',I@DCf@.S
COtiL'N and ranning S 03@ll.'51-" W, a distance of lB.c6
feet to tlie point of beg@nning; the said Par,7,@l
described herein containinq 1624 square f--et.
a i- i 0
v s
(,it@- Council 'Il)P i-oveci ttic fo 0 r (i i i[,Iflcc ziutlic),,:iziii,,, the vacal ioii
c) t@ LL port ioil of @t itt @L t @ty @iii(i Li "iscliTI,@.i,,t oii (:crt@iiii propet,tn, j.j,
A,@ ORD-@'@@,CE Aiill'14(,) r@-, T@@fE
A PC)lz'!'IO,'@ OF A UTILI.,
T NT ':z c, E A
BE IT ORD"I@@D BY T.@- CI'P-J C@ O@' T-ill, CITY Oi--' VIi:ll
W=REAS , a t@)enty (20) f @)o I ity a.,id drainage caseii--nt- ,;a.s
dedicated as s'Alo-,ji ()n tliat cartiii plal roco?-ded @-n Map B,')ol, 93,
at Page 27, in the Clerk's Office c)f the Circuit Court of -@he City
of Virginia Beach, and
WI-IEREAS, tlie City of VirgiriiL B--ach %@acated a ton (10) fc)ot:
portion of the aforesaid easem--r)t, and
WEIEREAS, it was aet--rmin--'- tlat an additional five (5) -fe2t
of said easement is no lonqer of Eny @isa to the City and the
should be disposed of and vacat--cl.
That the wester-c,,Ic)st fiv-- :--@Lon of the utili'y
and drainage easemen-@ as descrlb--,@ on LL-hat pLziL entitled
5' C)F 'C', B7- VIC
),,a iaL pll'--
AUGUST, 1974, @.IAR-@EI & BASGIER, 11,1('. P.C. ENGI,@L:ERS-SURVI,--YOS-
PLANNERS", wliich plit being atL-ic,-I.@@d h,@ret,-), !)e and the sime is
hereby vacated.
This ordinance shall b-- ef.@ective I-rom date o', adoption.
Adopted by the Council of the City of Virqinia Reach,
Virginia on "ho 30 day of S@@i@teiT,,ber@ 1-974.
9,'2 5 @'7,'.
SIT", ro @c cx!s,,,G zo- c@SE,i,r
(@313, P2')
August, ;'9,14
@44 RSH o,d B4 S(-,IEl C,, P. C.
Etiri@ VEERS SI)RVEYOQS @'i Ill@iE@@s
,-),i @'otiori [)N,,
cc)[,,i@ CA I)v j 1
.1-0cor cl@,d i-oto @ts 1-o 1
Av A.
J r 1, c c ),(2 11 I Lo S
Lt I c ii c c A. iic) I lail , j . I
d foil t@\- '@iay()r
CLii,tis Pavile, aitct yi
Co@incLliiiaii !)zitrick- I,. S L;,
C @r co u ii c i I ap 1) i, ov,,,[ o,@l 0 C,
t rc! acl @@:T Ii I-(, 1 1 o r@t 1 C)
I oildi--,Iilic6 c, 0 Ti
i L
Sel)terol)er 30, 1 9 7 4
U@i .,-otion by Vic,-, N!Ltyor Coulicil7iii GLr(InLi-,
@)v recorelod vote a,-@
0 s : Couiicilllioil fol!li I'lob-r@ 1. (,allis, Jr., Robert l',.
cl,oi:i,,voll, Jr. , Vice ',I@tyor (,'Cor,,o IZ. 17eri-eii, Cliaries "';. Gai@dn,2i-,
J@,iiii C@lLircrico A, lioll@iti@l, ..J. lienrv %Ic(:ov, Jr., '@!,INIC)r
,T. Curtis Payiic, l@loy(I
.1@l,,@s @,o n e
L) s 0, i i t CoLiiiciliiiaii il@iti,ick L. Stiii(fill,
Councii t,@O follo@vjrl, I)i,@iiiiance to ai-@iend aiid reordz@.i;L
22-85 oC tii,, ('od', of, Llic CL t c)i Virgiiiia B--,tch, pertainill,
to blood:
0 1
ILi any -f,)r l t'@e
r7.,@ al.cD,-tol @In al 1
--2, 3a as -3
-i 2
t 1,
111) Il- 13 or- alco,@,1!1! T)17
PC a@@@; iC T 71i-'
rce,, - Du,
@)@l- 01
7 j'.
@f'iie C i. ty @i@tlla g,@r @tate @l tii@it tlie Vi r(11 ;it, Li Iio,@,ic It Fe, @j L i@i,al
i'lo,it @,,as t)ie bo,,;t i,,-i tli,@ paraclo, 'ITICI tO it mor,-, so @'Irs . @jo@ i.o
I rviii, Nlis s (7,wc,,]l il e iiI.e@, , a vi dB@i iir@, 'k@i-.Ictcr @vei-C pici@ecl- to i@@-
for tlie,
'Dy COtil,cill@l@iti (:,Illis,
a,L(I 1)@ recorclecl v,,)L,(2 L@@, f()IIO@@S:
Croir,lqei'@, Jr., Vice '@i@iyor "@cor-C -oil,
Jo@Iiii l@. GriffiTi, Ci@ii--,,tcc A. Pollaii,", jJr., @la@lor
T . C, rtis P@iyiie, iiid
@@ziys Noiie
Abscnt: Couiiciljiiaii ilati-i.r-k Stan(l@i@,,,,
I)u-- to a- iiicre@@3e ill @VOrk.1-@Ld, (lit@, (@o cil @iuthc)riz('(]- tlie, employm--nt
of part-tirie secrttariql assiatanco; @i;i fui,tlier @.;ppro,,,od a traiisfer
c)f $2,730 froin AccoiiiiL itur@ibor 02130 @i-@id I'xpei't Services) to the
followiii@, accouiits:
Accouii'L, !:01700 - $1,875
Acc@)ti@-it ;108010 8 5 5
T'I'L@,l #763,@
@'@Ir. l@-rank lli. KellaiTt, ChairITtaii of the Vic,,inia Beacli Iiiclustrial
D@-,velopiiient Autliority, appeaced before, ',ity Cotincil to famil@irize
-Iiic Couiici-lifien ilith tlie -.cc)iioiiiic oF the Autlior@.ty in coinection
witli the request I)eiii- iiizid-- for a lo@iii )f $688,00 to prox,@cle -@ r-se,,-Ve
fuiid, @qliich the Autliorit), m@-Ilit drai@ tir) @ri to iiiect cu3,reTit obli,atiofl,-
pep.din., tiie receipt of furids from tlio sile atid d--@,eLc)pnient of tlie
v@irious industrial I)ropertic,@ undei@ tlie control of the Atitlioritv.
@Ir. Kellam noted that til,-, AuL]iority liic, fullv ar,,ortizod tlie 850(),0,00
bo-ro,,ved from tlie Vir.@iiiia -,Iatioiial iqll Lch iTas used to ptircliase
tli,2 laiid developed as tll,, Ai-rport ln(l@istrial Park, aiid that onlv that
portion du-- tlie Citv of Virginia B--acii cemained to be 1)@lid. \Tr. %ellam
iiuted tliat tn-. Autli@i,it), tiad paid SSO,O,DO to tlie Cl'@y, and in 1970 lia,,l
i,,-,Cuiidc!(!, $25,000 to th-- ('ity. 'n@ 0 @t I:; @) iore@ that c,,-@rtiin of t'tie Dublic
iii;.,)ro%re,ment5 ilicl,,icicl in tlie $4,442,0@),') c)'[- ii-@tpi-ovelq--iits riot--d -i,n tlic
i t s t I -v i i,, s c@ i f
@@,rea reside.-.Its i Liiidt@
tiiat lliiid fori,.i,-,riy a@.sc,,ssc,l @is EIriji I -il@
)er ci,- @@a,
L;, Ilo,
o-.1 the -@ a,-, book@s atI, 2 0 0por @icro , @,,n so f @i a, ;ri tliree yeat@,-;
ciglit n@Oiltlis ii iodtic--d al),)rox@i'la, @ 1 ?200,000 @n t@ix revenue.
Coiinci Iiii n Ci-oiii-,v,-, Li iiid (@arclr, - ,IndiC@,Lt.,,d tliat in Forriatioii o@, tlii.,3
iiaturc siiotild be i.,ioro Eut I , isperseJ t,) t'le, gelei a I pul-)Iic @vhicil
a licii, ptib I ic uii(lor,, t,i,,idiii,, ci- tlic of forts bc@,i n,,
,@c)@ild rtateri Ily
i,@a(le by all to l@t-olido jc)[),@ C@)r peoplo ,iiici tax rcvoriue to
-LIJ)'@Ort the Ci t),
@Jpoti t-lie conclus@on of 'L Coiincilman
@otiricilman fli,(Ij,,,velt, inovet tile adoptio,". n@@ the
AS, it tli at t.,ic @ 'L @h , @,c-l i-,2 , Ll'(I 0 t@@te rl @,
@lcv lol@@ncnt of "!ic (:i--y of Virgiriia !'cLi(:h tlie, tr@iTl,--,Eer of
fuii,@'s as a loaii tc -Ito Vir@,inia liiu'ijstrilil I,)evelop@-,en'@ ALitliori.tv
to lirovicle a resei-@Tc,, fuiid foi, tlie o[ curr@iiL oblic.,aLions, alicl
tlie L)roniotion of inj'ti,;trial actiriL!(@@ to pi,ovi(le jot)-, for people and
t@i.K reveriue for tlie (:@ty of Vir,-;iiiizi l@c@icil,
@@o' , I PHLPEF,)IZI@,, tipoi@ riot 0,1 v '@oi c i l@iiafi @'@CLLcr 'i old, secoricled
!)v Councilmaii Cr(@iiiwelL, aiid by v@@te a,,@ folloi,,s:
A@, us -IL)unciliii,@ii ior)Ti i@aui;i, 1111. C,,ILI@.s, Ill'., i@o',)oi@ E.
Ci@oi-itvcll,- Jr., Vico @,t@iyor Geor.,,,- P.. l@ei i-cll, Cliarlc-,, 1,. Gardiici,,
Joliii ',Z. Criffin, -Clareiic A. @iolLa@-i@, .@ . liciiry @"cCoy, Jr., Nlayor
J. CLirtis Payne, anc'L !71ovd "@. 11,@atet,ficicl, )r.
q y o n
Ab s e ii t Councilr@taii Pati-icl@, L. Staii(iii,
City Cotiiicil auttiorizcd Lll(' City to pern,,it addi.tional loalls
totaling $688,000 to tlie Virginia Beael lidLIsti-ial Autliority, to be
nacle on notes of tlie Authority bcziriti, intere-@t at -@he curreiit
in-,erest rate for 'Doncl.-, a@ 'ir@'Licited iii "he Bond Buyers
l,idex on the dates oP t.he I.oa@-is.
On inoLioii by Vicc ?l@iyor Ferrell, s cond d by Counciinian Gardner, Ind
by recorded voto a-,; folIC)ivs:
Aves: Councilnieii Jolin A. Baum, Rob i:t It. Call.is, Jr., Robert B.
cfo-q@,T@ll, Jr., Vicu i'la),or Geor-.e R. F,'errell, (@liarles Gardner,
Jo'lllL 17, C@riffin, Clacenco A. flollaitd, ]. Ilenry @.lc(@oy, Jr., @,,Ia),or
J. Curtis Payne, ancl I:Iovd E. tVate.-fie1j, Jr.
,\bs@,iiL: Councilinati Patri-ck L. Staiadiii,
Cit-,, Couiicil appr6veci the i,cqltest of -@h2 I)irector of Persoiinel,
,@@ibi@ey V. lvatts, that tlie inc,,:.Iber-@ of Llic Pf-,r-,;onii--f Board be
coi@ipeiisated at a, i-at(3 o@@ $50 pcr jrcel,iiig. 'I'Iiis @v,)t,.Id requil'O no
fulid@ a,- t:Lc t)rc,,,-;cjit
-)ii[icLI furtiici, @tu'@-lioi,i-led ti@o i)@,,,,,c-o,- c)f t,) iii@i'l-C
-1--nts .
i,, Ptot@c)p, by Cotiticjljjil,,n t-licl,], -,icc,)nd.-d 1)), C,)Ilncil,lir,. Ifollind,
@,iiid !)v recorded vote @,,s fO@L-
ye.,; Cotijicilineii Jo'liii A. Bauiq, l@o@, 'i. Callis, ir., Iloliert Ii.
Jr., Vi.co ',Iayor Geor@,c [@. I:(-!, 11, Cliarlc@s IV. (@ardlier,
.Jc)lii,, 111. Griffiii, Cl,@treiice A. lic)llarici, J. @l, illcCoy, I'l,llyor
J. CLirtis Paync, @iT,(! 71o>,d t:. l@atur'i-@el(l, Ji.
@1):- Councilii,,,iii PLtrick L.
C@I@@, C,)Ltiicii api)rovect til,-, fc)lLo@,iiiig @).iri(l,o aiicl/or I)aEflf, ;I,rf'.iit
@@)t7 L I 'F
bi C ,-j L@,iii C-)@
c] 0 c-i LI@)nat@o,,i (@liurc'it
i ri@.%i @@' 7o @1
C)il i:iuti(-,Il Dv vic(2 "otiril
L",@ i,c,,co -deci vote L,.s i o I
Ayes (:OLIIICiliiieii lc)liii ;@. @@aui,l, Rot)ei-, Ii. (,al Ii ii-., 13.
Ji-., Vice t%ldvor (7,eoi,-e IZ. (@liarles @V. Gll-cliei-,
'Tollil IZ. Griffi@ll, [follaii(l, T. ileitrv Illc-(] v, Jr.,
,J. Curtis 1)@iyne, aii@,, I'Lo)-(l l-, lliatert-i@,l 1 T
Cou,-icilr,@i@t@i llcitr;-(-k I,. StaTICill.1
r i
i@ Elo-soiine@L Bo,,,.-rd ,-Gr l O!, c,!-,
VeLr,;, 1
7 4 a ii,@ ? x pi !-i.,
O@l ii@otion 'L@y Couiaci Liii@irt Bauiii, (:OLlnc i Iiii@iti (@zill i s, aii(I
by rocordod vote as
Av,,s Councilrieii Joi,@iL A. Batti,,i, Rol)erl@ 11 . Jr, !Zolei-t B.
I -
croill@tvell, Jr. , Vice A'.1a),or Goorole R. I:ei- cl @l , (:Iiarics (jzi3,ci,ior,
Jolin !Z. Griffi.ii, Clarencc A. tiolland, .J . liciiry ;IcCo),, ir. , t\layot,
j. Curtis Payiie, aii(i l@loy@, E. l@ateil@jc@l 1, Jr.
,@@ a), s :None
Absojit: Couiiciljiian I'atric", L. Star@dLfi@,
City Council reappoiited @,,Ir. George A. @'ooct)@ to the Inclustrial
l)-vc,,lol)-@nent Autlioritv for a torin of E()u ),oi-rs , be@linnin, Septeinbei, I
1974 aiid expirip.,.@ Ati,ust --il, 1978.
ITE@@l "70@'
City Council deforre(I oiie @@eck consicloi-,,tion of replace;,.cnt to
1-ill I I
I the unext)ired t r;@, of @kir. D. @l,@ilbon on tlie S()utii-
c,@-,;@ern \,ir@Iii-iia I)istrict
ITE@Ni -7644
@l)i, lll,)t i 01, I)v co"ITIC 1 Liilii@ C illi-@ , -@ ecc-)7i@lel i)\' C:ou,ic .qa--, C,@,!
@)v -@-,@,,)rcled vc-@- ,Ls @o L n,,,
ikves Counciliiieii To-i,,-i A. I)aLIl',I, Robert CLl Iis Jr. Robert B .
-@b--;eiit: CoLincili;ian P@itricl@ L. Staii(l@ii,,,
Cl.t,,, Counci-I il)poinle(I E)oc@or J. @li-Co),, Tr. t,o leplace Nlr. F.
l')@,,Ld FrVil'. oii tiie Tide@qL,,t,,,r l@r@ilispol,@1,L@i )ri I)istrict (:o,@,.I,-@iission.
CoLinc,-l oiic, @@o--k tli,-, coliSiCtOr,Lr!Oll ot- @L roplacorq--nt
[I ti Ill,ai'l-@@ [i. (@url to tlie @lelfaro,
O@i i@to'@ion bv CC)uiicil,@ ;e,( oz@, @,l 1) @, (1@@ un,-, i I.i;ian '@'V-at l' Fi 0, I Cl
,ii, cl L)@, reco i-dcd V(, , @ ,is C,) 11 c)@, s :
Jc)iiii A. ,:iuiii, Ro@1),-,it i@. Jr., 1110!)C,,rt B.
Jr., Vice !,!,Iyol, (@(@or-o I', l@c,3 roll, Cl@arle-@ 11. Carl,le-i-,
(,rifEin, CII@ii,,@iicc A. lioltan!, tioiirv Jr., @@l@ivor
J. ('Itzi,ti-s Payiie, zilid I"IO.I-@t l@'.
@i@, s o n c
nt: Coii,,icill!l@iii
Cit)r CC)Ullcil reaul)oilltccl "Ii-. 1 I to tlic
AU,USL 31, 19
6 7
CoLincilR,an tiollapcl tlie to Iirect !)octor Jo@n
A@-cock to responct tc) Cr'ovcl, Jr7s. -.L,-Ittor o'l- Sef)"e;@II)er
2@,, -1974.
1 Ti@ @,l "i 7 6 8
Oii i,.iotion I)y C:OLliicili,@iaii ilolizi,iid, c@d bv @@atci:fielcl,
a,-icl by recorcied vot-- as follows:
Ayes: Counciinieii Jc)l)it A. Baiiiril Rol)ct,t 'i. Callis, Tr., Rc)bert B.
CroT,,i@oll, Jr., Vic-- ',!ayor or,@,e P. Foi i,ell, Chai-I.es '@i. Garciii 1',
Jo@i,i P,. GriEEin, C!,,-.rolice iic)llind, ,. \IcCoy, Jr., ',t@iyor
J. Curtis aicl FIC)Nld 1'. @1,7ateri@(21(l, Jl-.
@.,:ays @4one
A',) s -- n Counciliiiati Pa'@rick L,.
Citv Council will !,.oLd a closeci ricet@T-i, on @loji(ity Octol,)cr 7, 1974,
,oi, ttie purpose of itciiis p-,,?!iitted "or (ii.scussior, Linder
S ction 2.1-344, subl)at-a,,,rapli 2(Real. "@-@ate), 3(Por.,;onnel) and
6(Le,@@,.! i@latters), of tiil@ Fi@eedoia oE Iji@oriiiatiori Act of the Co,,iinc)il;veiltli
I @f'F- !,l 7 6 @' 9
Ti@l @l, re c o t-,! -, c! @,,o t,-, @ @s o@,,
A),es Couiici liit@ ii JOILf' B-'U!ll, ii. Cal Li.s, J,,., IZo'Dort
I1 T@-
iN one
Absont: Co@iiicilrTiaii 11 t 1- T,
Citv Couiicil a(Ijourfic(l.
ki cl@iar J on, C:i-cy Cilerk ui@t s I)Liyne,
Citv 01-
Vi r",@ L !Ii Lt