HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPRIL 22, 1974
OF Tlll;'
"I@ 'G@@NIA P,@ @ll(-@ I @ I
April 22, 11)7
'Flie re.@uiar meeting of the Council of the City of Virinia Beach,
Virainia was held in the Council. Cliar@iL)ers, in the Administration
Blildi,ig, in the Borou@ii of Princess @nne, on Ilonday, AT)ril 22, 1974,
aL 2:00 p.in.
@lhe invocation ivas ,iv(@n by the S,,ric,@land, Jr.,
Bow Creek Presbyteriati
Counci"i@ieii prosct@. Iiil l' @l k@l@ , iI t I , lavor
Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Vice @layOT F. IZeid Lrvin, Geor@e R.
Ferrell, Cliarles @V. Gardner, Clarence A. Holland, Garland L.
Isdell, D. Murray ?,Ialbon, J. Curtis P@,yne, and Floyd E. I'laterfield, Jr.
Councilmen absent: None
fTEM #7016
On motion by Councilman Malbon, secoti(led by Councilrian I'@'aterfield,
and by recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Roberl H. Callis, Jr., Mayor
Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Vice Mayoi F. Ried Ervin, George R. FeTrell,
Cliarles W. Gardner, Clarence A. Holialid, Garland L. Isdell,
D. @lurray Malbon, J. Curtis Payne, anC, Fl.oyd F. ivaterfield, Jr.
iqays : N-one
.@bsent: None
City Council approved tl,le i@linutes of tlie re@ular meeting of
April 8, 1974, and dispensed with the reading ol@ said I'linutes
inasmucli as each Councilman had a cop@ of the subject @finutes
before him.
ITE@l #7017
On motion by Councilman Ferrell, secorided by CouncilToan Gardner,
aiid by recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Pobert H. Callis, Jr., @layor
P,obert B. Cromwell, Jr., Vice @@layor F. Reid Ervin, Geor.ge R.
Ferrell, Charles I;. Gardner, Clarence A. @iolland, Garlald I,.
Isdell, D. ?,Iurray @,lalbon, J. Curtis P,@yne, and Flovd F,. i'iaterfiel(,', Jr.
A!3sep.t: None
City Council approved the @wlinutes oF ifie special j,,ieetin.@ of April 1S,
-@d i
1974, and dispensed with tfie reidtng (,F sal Itinutes inasriuch @is
eacli Colinciliqan had a copy of tlie sub-ect 'linutes before hir..
I'FLM f,7,@18
Petition by res'lution of the CounCil of the CitY of Virginia Beach for a
Chanqe of Zoninq District'Classification from 0-1 Office District to B-]
rusin4 in property beginning at a point 665
feet 'lorth of Na"agansett Driye, running a distance of 520.03 feet along
@'he E@st id, f lilland Road, running a distance of 305.08 feet along the
@@lorthern proderty line, runn@Ing a distance of 400.60 feet along the Easterri
property line and rinning a distance of 233 feet along the Souther7 property
lir.e. Said parcel contains @.465 acres. (Pocahontas Village Area).
Planning Comission Recomendation:
A rmtion was passed by Planning Comissiort by a vote of 11 for the motion wilm
ojie abstention to aD r eis,r uest.
D ov th . eq
on motion by Councilman Isdell, second(@d by,Councilman Ferrell,
and by recorded vote as @ollows:
Ayes: Councilmen Jo'fln A. 3aun,, Robert Ii. Callis, Jr., Mayor
Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Vice i%,Iayor F. Reid Ervin, George R.
Ferrell, Charies !V. Gardiier, Clarence t@. Holland, Garland L.
Isdell, D. Murray ivialbon, J. Curtis Pa@,ne, and Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr.
Nays: None
Absent: None
City Council approved tiic! followin Or(@inance upon peti-@i-on by
resolution of the Counci.1 of the City of Virginia Beach for a
Cliange of Zoning District Classification from 0-1 OEfice District
to B-1 Business-Residentlai D trict. -
0-1 O@ffice District TO B-1
Business-Residential District
Be it ordained by tlie Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia:
Petition by resolution of tlie Council of the City of Vir@inia Beach for
a Chan.,e of Zonin,@ District Classification from 0-1 Office District to
B-1 Business-Residential District on certain property be.@inning at a point
665 feet North of 'Jarragansett Drive, runnin-, a distance of 520.03 feet
along the East side of Holland Road, runni-ng a distance of 305.08 feet
aloiig the Northern property line, runniiig a distance of 400.60 feet along
tlie Eastern property line and running a distance of 233 r--et alon, the
Southern property line. Said parcel contaiiis 2,465 acres. (Pocahontas
Vill.age Area). Keiripsville Bo-rougli.
ITE?@l #7019
Petition by Resolution of the Council of the City of Virginia Beach for a
Cy'@anqe of Zoninq ),Strict Classification from H-1 Hotel District to 3-2
or,muni@y Busin;si; i),@trict on certain property located on the South side
of Sfiore Drive, beginning at a point 300 feet more or less West of Inde-
pendence Boulevard, rurming a distance of 150 feet more or less along the
South side of Shore Drive, running a distance of 240 feet more or les3
along the Eastern property line, running a distance of 150 feet more ()r
less along the Southern property line and runninq a distance bf 240 f@et
ri,ore or less along the Western property 7ine. Said parcel contains 0.83
acre more or less. (Lake Shores-Little Creek Amphibious Base Area). BAY-
Plarrrir,g Co"ission Recomendation-
A -,notlowwas passed unanimously by the Plannlng Comission to appmve this
On notioii by Counciliaan Gardner, so@@on(lect by Councilman liolland,
ail(' by r c,,idoc;
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert ii. Callis, Jr., Nlayor
Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Vice inlayor F. Peid Ervin, Geor,e R.
Ferrell, Charles IV. Gardner, Clarence j@.;Holland, Garland L.
Isdell, D. Murray Malbon, J. Curtis Pa),ne, and Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr.
Nays: None
Absent: None
City Council approved the followin., Or(linance upon petition by
resolution of the Council of the City of Virginia Beach for a
Change of Zoning District Classificati()ii from 11-1 Ifotel District
to B-2 ComriiunityBusiriess District:
H-1 Hotel Distric,@ TO B-2
Coi,.,,@-,uiiity BLtsiries,; District
Be it ordained by the Council of t'lic City of Virginia Beach, Vir.@inia:
Petition by Resolution of the Council of the City of Virginia Beach for
a Chan-@e of Zoning District Classification from 11-1 Hotel District to
B-2 Conmunity Business District on certain property located on the South
side of Shore Drive, be,.inning at a poi.nt 300 feet more or less Ivest of
Independence Boulevard, running a dist@Lnce of ISO feet more or less along
tlie South side of Shore Drive, runnin., a distance of 240 feet more or
less alon.@ the Eastern property lin--, runnin.@ a distance of 150 feet
more or less along the Sou-@hern property line and runnin.@ a distance ol@
240 feet more or less along the WesterTi property line. Said parcel
coiitains 0.83 acres riore or less. (Lal.c Shores-[,ittle Creek Ai7.phibious
Base Area). Bayside Borotigh.
I TE@ i@l @'7 ( 2 0
P,@i,@ion by Resolution of the Council of the City of Virginia Beach for a
@;iafi(,,e of Zoning District Classification from B-2 C@nity Business 'L)Istrict
@n 1.4.-1 I-!otel District Fn-c rtain property located on the South side of Siiore
"rive, beginning at a point 450 feet more or less Ilest of Ird p de. Bou e-
e en rc e l
vard, runnin( a distance of 150 fpet more or less alonq the @outh side of Shore
i'rive, running a distance of 260 feet more or 1,--ss along the Eastern property
line, running a distance of 150 feet more or less along the Southern-properi(y
line and running a distance of 267.34 feet more or less along the Western pro-
per'@Y line. Said parcel contains 0.91 acre more or less. (Lake Shores-Little
Creek 'Amphibious Base Area). BAYSIDE BOROUGH.
Pl,innine Commission Rec@ndation:
,l notion was pas@ unanimously by the Planning Coumiss@n to approve this
.On motion by Councilman Holland, seconded by Councilman Malbon,
and by recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert H. Callis, Jr., Mayor
Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Vice Mayor F. Reid Ervin, George R.
Ferrell, Charles IV. Gardner, Clarence A. Holland, Garland L.
Isdell, D. Murray Malbon, J. Curtis Payne, and Floyd E. 1,Vaterfield, Jr.
Nays: None
Absent: None
City Council approved the followin.@ Ordinance upon petition by
r--solution of the Counci-I of the City (DE Virginia Beach for a
Chin e o :1 lon,.ng District Classificati,)n from B-2 Community Business
_tfi,t to
D H _l ,Oto, D, strict'.
Business District TO H-1 Hotel
Be it ordained by the Council of the CLty of Virl,inia Beach, Virginia:
Petition by Resolution of the Council of the City of Vir,.,inia Beach for
a Cliaiige of Zoning District Classificatton Frojq B-2 Corb,,iunity Business
District to H-1 Hotel District on cert@tin property located on the South
sid-- of Sliore Drive, be,.,innin.@ at a point 450 feet more or less West of
Iiidependence Boulevard, running a dist@ince of ISO feet or less
along the South side of Shore Drive, ritnnin,,, a distince 260 feet
moi@e or less along tlie Fastern propertn, Iiiie, runnin, a distance of
150 feet inore or less along the Southei,n property Iiiie and running a
distance of 267.34 feet jyiore or less along the Ivesterri property line.
Said parcel coiitains 0.91 acres more oi- less. (Lake Shores-Little Crc
Aiiipliibious Base Area). Ilayside Borou-,It.
ITEM '7021@
tition by Resolution of the Council of t@@ -ity of Virini each f r a
@-hanqe of Zoninq District Classification from @@-3 ,Iesidential @District to
E-2 Cc7mni@y Gu@TneSS L-J'S r ct on c@rtain 'Ic,,cated i@@n -@'ie South
side of Shore Drive, beginning at a point 730 feet niore or less Idest Of In-
dependence Boulevard, running a distance of 365 feet more or less along the
f,lorthern property line of which 50 fl-et more Or less is the South side of
Shore Drive, running a distance of 370 feet more or less along the Western
property line, running a distance of 785 feet more or less along the Southern
property line and running a distance of 395 feet more or less along the East-
ern property line. Said parcel contains O.to3 acre rrore or less. (Lake Shores-
Little Creek Amphibious Ba3e Area). SAYSIDE BCROUGH.
Planning Comission Recommendation:
A r,,otioyv was passed unanimously by the Planyting Comission to approve this
On motion by Councilman Holland, seconded by Councilman Gardnef,
and by -recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert 11. Callis, Jr., inlayor
Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Vice Mayor F. Reid Ervin, George R.
Ferrell, Charles W. Gardner, Clarence A. Holland, Garland L.
Isdell, D. ilurray Nlalboii, J. Curtis '@layne, and Floyd F. llaterfield, Jr.
Nftys: None
Absent: None
City Council approved the following Ordinance upon petition by
Resolution of the Council of the City of Virginia Beach for a
Chan f Zo',lng District Cla,,,ifi,ation from R-3 Residential
l@st@ t to B 2 Community Business District:
CLikSSIFICATIO@l FRO@L R-3 tzesidential
District to B-2 Coiiiiiuiiity Busiiiess
Be it ordained by the Council of the City of Vir.,inia Beach, Virginia:
Petitioii.by Resolution of the Couiic@l of Clio Citv of Virginia Beach for
a Chaiige of Zonin, District Classification fi-om R-3 Resideiitial District
to B-2 Community Business ])istrict on certain property located on the
Soutli side of Sliore Drive, beginniii,., at @i point 730 feet more or less
l@est of Tndependence Boulevard, runiiln,, a distance of 86S feet more or
less along the Northern property line of wliich 50 feet more or less is
tlie Soutli side of Shore Drive, runniii,, a distance of 370 feet more or
less along the @Vestern property line, running a distance of 785 feet
more or lcss along the Southern property I.ine and running a distance of
39S feet more or less along the Eastern property line. Said parcel
contains 0.9-) acres more or less. (i,ake Shores- Little Creek Amphibious
Baso Area). Bayside Borough.
ITEM 1022
@etition of Elizabeth Willi@ Everett by George Darden. At@y, for a
C@anqe of Zoninq District Classification frm R-4 Residential District to A-2
-,a@rtme-nT Ui@ict on certa-in per eginning at a point 632.61 feet West_
of Birdneck Read and 137 feet East of Mockingbird Drive and 50 feet North of
.4aterfront Drive, running a distance of 110 feet along the Southern @rty
lirp, running a distanc.- of 372.16 feet along the Eastern property line, run-
r@-,in a distance of 110 feet alonq the ciorthern property line and running a
distance of 365 feet along the Western property line. Said parcel contains
I acre irore or less. (Birdneck Acres-Waterqate Apartments Area). LY@INHAVEN
Planning Commission Reco tion-
A rotien was passed b,y a @/ote of 7 to 5 @y the Planning Comission to de-ny this
r,-cuest because of the ot)position of the residents of the area who indicated that
there is a traffic problem on Waterfront Drive which additional apartuents wottld
i,crease and would also add to an already overcrowded sc@col situation.
Mr. George Darden, Attorney, represent--d tlie applicant.
@Irs. Elizabeth ',Villiams Everett appeared on behalf of her application
@Irs. i',Iargaret Robertson appeared in ol)position to this application
On motion by Vice Mayor Ervin, seconded by Councilman Malbon, and
by recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen Robert H. Callis, Jr., Mayor Robert B. Cromwell, Jr.,
Vice Mayor F. Reid Ervin, George R. Ferrell, Charles W. Gardner, Clarence
A. Holland, Garland L. Isdoll, D. Murray Malbon, J. Curtis Payne, and
Floyd E. Waterfield, JT.
Nays: Councilman John A. Baum
Absen-@: None
City Council voted to deny tho petition of Elizabeth Wi@llian@s Everette
by George Darden, Attorney, for a Chan,e of Zonin.a Distri--t Classification
from R-4 Residentiai District to A-2 Aoartment District 4,n certain profertv
bo,,iiiiiin@ at a point 632.61 feet 'v@est if Birdneck Road qnd 187 feet East
of Mockingbird Drive a-Ld 50 feet Ilortli of Ivaterfront Driv--, ruiining a
distance of 110 feet along the Souther-,i property line, runnitig a dist@ le
ol@ 372.16 feet along the Eastorn property Iiiie, runnina a distance of 0
feet along the Nortliern propert), Iiiie :ind runniiig a distance of -)65 fc
aloii,, the IVestern property Iiiie. said parccl coiitains I acre more or SS.
(Birdneck Acres-Watergate Apartments Area). Lynnhaven Borough
Denial was due to the opposition of the residents of tlie area who
i-ndicated that there is a traffic problem on @Vaterfront Drive which
additional apartments would increase aiid would also add to an already
overcrowded school situation.
ITEM #,-O-?3
Petition of C. Ray Scroggs, Delma W. Scroggs, Ronald 0. Morrison and Anna .1.
"iorrlson for a Chanqe of 70ning District Classification from 8-2 Cmmnity
Business District to I--T Liq@ I ustr a str ct on certain property begin-
'i ing at a point 287.05 fl-et r@ast of Hutton Lane and 212 feet North of Virginia
@@,,!ach Boulevard, running a distance of A.81.66 feet alona the Western property
!,@-e -o Oconee Avenue, runninq a distance of 234.78 feet along the South side
o@"C,Co'nee Avenue, running a distance of 412.'04 feet -along the Eastern proper'lly
'i@ne. Said parcel conlains @'.309 acres an(i is known as a'Lortion of @-ite 9,
,,@lat of ')conee Park. (rlconee P;irk-Lon(lon
Planning Commission Recommendation:
A rotion was passed by a vote of 8 to 4 by the Planninq Commission to approve this
request conditional u.pon the dedication of the entire 50-foot right of way for the
r--Iocation of @liutton Lane as well as a dedication of 30 feet frcrm the centerline of
Oconee Avenue (Byrd Lane).
For the inforrmtion of the applicant, the administrative staff will r-.quire standard
si@le plan Improvements in accordance with the Site Plan Ordinance.
Mr. C. Ray Scrog@s appeared on beliale ) iiis application.
on motion by Vice Mayor Ei-vin, seconded by Councilnan Malbon, and
by recorded vote as follows:
,@),es: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert H. Callis, Tr., @lay(Dr
Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Vice Nlayor F. Rei(i Ervin, Geor.@e R.
Ferrell, Charles W. Gardner, Clarence %. Holland, Garland L.
isdell, D. @,lurray @ialboii, J. Curti-,; ila,,ne, and Floyd F,. Waterfield, Jr.
P4ays: Noiie
Absent: N-one
city Council approved tile followin- ordinance upon petition of
C. Ray Scroggs, Delma IV. Scrog@s,
Ronald D. inlorrison and Anna J.
Morrison for a Cfange of Zoning District Classification from B-2
Con@munity Business District to I-1 Li@ht Industrial District:
Coinn@unity Busiiiess I)istrict
TO 1-1 Liglit Iiidustrial Disti,ict
Be it ordained by the Council of tlie City o@ Virl,inia Beach, Vir.@inia:
fletition of C. IZay Sci-og,.,s, Delma 1,@. Scrog,lis, l@oiiald D. ',Iorrison, and
Anna J. @,lorrisoii for a Cliati@.e of Zoiiiii(l, 1)@strict Classification from
JI-2 Cbmmunity Business 1)@strict to 1-1 l,iglit Iiidtistrial District on
certain property bc,.inniiig at a PO@Tlt 87.05 feet East of @Itttton Lane
@@t,,id 212 feet P4orth of Virginia Beacli Boulevard, runnin(., a distance of
481.66 feet along tfic lvostern property line to Oconee Avenue, runni.ng
@l distaiice of 234.78 fcet along tlie SoLitli si(te oE Oconee Avenue,
i,tinnin., a distance of 412.54 feet alon, the Eastern property line.
Said parcel contains 2.309 acres and is knotvn as a portion of Site 9,
Plat of Oconee Parl-,. (Oconee Park-London Ilridge Area). Lynnhaven
i\pproval is subject to the followin@., stio@,ilations:
1. D--dication of the entire SO-foot ri(.,ht of kvay foi- the
i-elocation of Hutton Lane as well as a dedication of 30-feet
Iro,,@i -Ii,3 c--nterline of Ocgne-- Av-nue (Bvrd l,arie)
2. Standard site plan improvemen'@s in ziccordance vith the
ITEiM @# '024
Alopl icati-- J;,-- G.- and Marilou Kollar for a Conditional Use Pen@,it to
operate an animal hospital@and clinic on certain property ocit-ed n the
@@orth side of Holland Road beginning at a point 3700 feet more or less North
of Princess Road, running a distance of 109.74 feet along the North side of
Hollard Road, running a distance of 1237.37 feet along the Eastern property
'ine, runninq a distance of 334.61 fl-et alo" the Northern pro rty line and
I ne
rtinr)ing a distance of 9-07.64 feet along -@tie Westprn procerty line. Said par-
cel contains 4.7 acres. (Kellam Hiqh School Area). PRI@ICESS ANNE BOROUGH.
Pla,i,iing Comission ReccNmendation:
,A rotion was passed unanimously by the Planning Comission to approve this r@
quest subject to the following conditions:
I . The dedication of right of way 30 feet frorn- the centerline of Holland
2. City %,iater ard sewer are required; not approved for septic tanks.
('n',2a]th Department)
3. Standard site plan impmvements as required in the Site Plan Ordinanr-e.
Honorable Doiald H. Rhodes repres,-nted the applicant
On motion by Councilman Payne, seconded by Councilman Viaterfield,
apd by recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert H. Callis, Jr., -@,itayor
Robert B. Crom@,,ell, Jr., Vice l@layor F. Reid Ervin, Geor@e R.
Ferrell, Charles W. Gardner, Clarence A. liolland, Garl@and L.
Isdell, D. i%lurray Malbon, J. Curtis P@tyne, and Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr.
iN,ays: None
AI)sciiL: None
City Council adopted the following Resolution upon application of
,Jai,ies G and Marilou Kollar for a Conditional Use Permit to operate
aTi aiiimal liospital and clinic.
B-- it ordained by the Council of tlie (i,ty of Virginia B@ach, Virginia:
AT)i)lication of Jaiiies G. and Nlarilou Kellar for a Condit@,3nal Use Permit
Lo operate a anlinal hospital and clilii,@ on certain prope,--y located on
tlic North side of flollaiid Road bei.nr,,iii,, at a point 3700 @-eet riore or
less @@orth of Princess IZoad, runnin@, a distaiico o@ 109.74 feet along
tlie ,%Iortli side ol@ iloiland Road, running a distance of 1237.87 feet along
the Easterii propei,ty Iiiie, runnin,, a distalice of 334.61 feet alon@ the
,Northern properly line and running a clistaiic(,, of 9S7.64 feet aloi@ the
i,vesterii property I;-no. Said parcel coiilaii-is Z,!.'I- acres. (Kel.lari High
Scliool Area). Princess Anne Bo-rougli.
,kn@roval is subject to tlie followin- stipul.ations:
1. Tiie dedication of right of ivay 30 fe--t from the centerline
of Holland Road.
2. An approved system of water supply aild se@vera@e disposal
approved by tlie Heaitli Departm--nt ari.d lioakup to City @vater aiid
se@ve,- when available.
3. ';tandard si-@e ptan improvements is required in th,@ Site
@lan Ordinance.
,v~ttae~of'the Plann~n§ C~,~.fsMon of the City of Vl~cJ~nia ~each to amend
the Cemprehensive Zoning Ordinance, Article 4, Agricultural District,
Section 401 (c) Conditional uses and structures, to include 'Lodges for
fraternal organizations".
Planning Commission Recommendation:
A ~tion was passed unanimously by the Planning Commission to approve this
amer~ent.~o the Coml~rehensive Zoning Ordinance.
bit. Grover C. Wrigh&, J~., ACtorney, appeared on this item:
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert H. Callis, ,Ir., Mayor
Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Vice Mayor F. Reid Ervin, George R.
Ferrell, Charles W. Gardner, Claren(e A. Holland, Gar]and L.
Isdell, D. Murray Malbon, J. Curtis P~,Ine, and Ftoyd E. Waterfield,
Nays: None
Absent: None
City Council approved the motion of the Planning Commission of the
City of Virginia Beach to amend the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance,
Article 4, Agricultural District, Section 401 (c) Conditional uses
and structures, to include "Lodges fo~ fraternal organizations".
I T[ibl #7027;
blr. George Darden reappeared before City Council, in connection with
Item number 7021, requesting Council to reconsider this application.
Council stated that as the people in opposition to this
have already left the Council Chambers it would not be
to reconsider it at this time.
fair to them
n, #7028
On motion by Vice Mayor Ervin, seconded by Councilman Gardner, and
by recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert H. Callis, Jr., Mayor
Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Vice Mayor F. Reid Ervin, George R.
Ferrell, Charles W. Gardner, Clarence A. Holland, Garland L.
Isdell, D. Murray Malbon, J. Curtis Payne, and Floyd E. Waterfield,
Nays: None
Absent: None
City Council approved on second reading the transfer of $1,870 from
Reserve for Contingencies to Contribution to Southeastern Virginia
Planning District Commission as its fair share of the cost of the
regional mass transit study that was completed for the Virginia
Department of Highways by DeLeuw, Gather and Associates.
ITEM #7/29
Mrs. Joyce M. Barry appeared before City Council and presented
petitions, which are on file in the office of the City Clerk,
requesting that the Thoroughgood subdivision, in the City of
Virginia Beach, be designated a Bird Sanctuary in conformity with
the Virginia State statutes providiug for the establishment of
Bird Sanctuaries.
Councilman l[olland made a motion, seconded by Councilman Isdell,
to accept the petition, and also requested the City Attorney to
draw up the necessary documents, explaining the boundaries, and
to have it brought back to Council for formal action. The recorded
vote is as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert H. Caltis, Jr., .Mayor
Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Vice Mayor F. Reid Ervin, George R.
Ferrell, Charles W. Gardner, Clarence ~\. Holland, Garland L.
[~de!l, D. bIurray ?,!a!bon, J. Curtis Pa/ne, and Floyd Ii. Waterfield,
>Jays: None
,] r.
ITENI 47@30
'@Ir. Ja:k Rc)ehm of tlie V@r,,inia Bea(--@i levelopment Council preseiited
til(@ followin, Resolutioii, adopted by the VLr,inia Beach Developnent
Co@,iicii on Tuesday, ;Iprii 16, 1974, tc the City Council of the City
of Vir,@inia Beach, Vir@.inia:
I'he following Resolution i@,,,is adopte(I by tlie Virginia Beach
Development Colincil O'@i AI)i 1 16, 1974:
@.-riere@ts tho Vi,@;@ i@!
a study
of ti,c City o@ Vir-.inia piblic. tra@lispr@rtation jiceds so,-,,-:! F,.ontlis
ago and;
lfliereas th'-s stuc,y lias loci tis to -Iliat tho bcst sol-@--lion o,'
Vir@ini,a B--ach's pu',)I@c trarislic)rtu'@i-o:t n,@@,-Is c throu,,, a u, it d
01-ort ,,iith N orfol", Pc)rtsi@!OU',Il, Ciic-,, a'- --, and pcr'@ia,)s o-ii--r TiO.@-@.iater
(:iti-,,; and;
1',-hoi-eas --,trilcLtircs liav@ 1)2_- T! for7,i-@l to init@,I-@ -Iii-@
ri-)re ul",Cn-, tl,-- -iced tc)
the to p@-C)v@clc., 1)UL)li-c Ira,-i,;po3-ta@icin iii tliese
Citics, l@e, tlie;eforo, sti,)port tlie @,-fort 1-nd Lic-c that our
(-ity stiporl, and coc),)@i-ate flilly tfi@ 'ric1c@,iator Citl---s to
to -he citi,7cn-,; c)f tltis 1.(@@iorl L ;b@o ),:I)Iic
Ls sc,,)n 1),)
L i T) 0 11 iii o t.i o ii It I Io I I ri c i s t o 1) 0 s e 11 t tIlL,
-OCI to T@,
(:i Lv t:o@ilicii on j@I)i-il -12, 197,1, evicencing tlie suppoi't
of \'ii-i@illia T@O@ICII Colilici 1, i,ii 5,01@-ill.fl tllis ti@@insl)or-
A.oplication of 0 & N Marina @or a Conditional Use Permit to operate a marina
and related facilities on certain operty ocit-ed est of t,@e intersec*@ion of
Lynnhaven Avenue and Vista Circle, running a distance of 531 feet mor-- or ]2ss
along the Northern property line, runninq a distance of 189.68 feet along the
@listern property line, running a distance of 430 feet itiore or less along the
z@ @'hern'Droperty line in,i rAnning a distar@@, ',@@et @,,iore or less alonq the
!,4-s'@ern proper@y line. Said parcel is known as Lots I @Lhrouqh 3 inclusive, 6lock
1)1, Dlat of Lynnhaven Shores, and contains 2 acres rore or loss. (Lesner Bridge
,@ I
Planning Commission Recommendation:
A !mtion was passed unaninously by the Planning Comission to approve this request,
subject to the following requirements as specified in Article 2, So--ction 231, of
tlie -Lomprehensive Zoning rjrdinance:
1. Launciiing r,aipps, '.-ca'@ r,@pair facili@ies, -,-jcili-Lies for sale of '@oating
s,-@Dplies anid fuel, clti'o@uses, @.Ind parkina -in(, ,.irf?as 'Or lacat storage on
i @iich L to '-@e open for ,,ise 'oe,@,qeell ,@e ;uk, o-i, ai)d 7 A.@@. sr,@al, I @@@e
4 , ar,
a@ least three hundred (300) feet from the nearest lot line of any lot on @-ihich a
r2sidence is pemissible. If any such areas or functions are not open between the
hours indicated, the distance may be reduced to 150 feet or if parking areas and
ar2as for boat storage on land are enclosed by a solid masonry wall at least six (6)
feet in height, the distance -my be reduced to 150 feet.
2. A minimum of one (1) off-street parking space per boat slip shall be required,
--rovided that where launchinq ramps adjoin the uarkine area, the parkin spaces all
@-@ave a minimum dimension of twelve (12) feet b@y forty (40) f?et.
@%lr. Davis appeared on his applica-ion
On Yflotion by Vice Mayor Ervin, seconded by Councilman Ferrell,
and by recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert H. (:allis, Jr., Vice Mayor
F. Reid Ervin, Geor,.e R. Ferrell, Cliarles W. Gardner, Clarence A.
flolland, Garland I,. Isdoll, D. Murrzi,v 'IlLilbon, J. Curtis Payne, and
Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr.
,Nays: None
Abstain: Mayor Robert B. Cromwell, Jr.
Absent: None
City Council adopted the followin,, Resolution upon application of
D & @l Marina for a Conditional Use Per-,iit to oderate a riarina and
related facilities:
Be it ordained by the Council of the City of Virgiaia Beacii, Virl@inia:
Application of D & iM i%larina for a Cond@tional Use Permi-I to operate a
i.qarina and related facilities on cettain pi@oi)crty locatc,-- @vest of the
intersection of Lynnliavep. Avenue aiid Vist@L Circle, rutining a distanc--
of 531 feet more or less along the @orthcrn property line, runping a
d@istance of 189.68 feet along tlie L,@!-st-@rn I)ropet,ty l@Tio, runnipg a
distaiice of 430 feet more or less alon, the Soutliern property line anct
rLiniiin.@ a distance 175 feet Tqore or le-;s alon,l the l@estorn PI.op--rty
line. Said parcel is known as l,ots I throu@Iii 8 inclusive, Block 22,
Plat of Lynnhaven Shores, and coiita@ns 2 acres more or less. (Lesner
Bridge Area). Lynnhaveil Borou,,h.
Approval subject to tlie folloilin,. stipilatioils:
1. i,aunching rar@ips, boat repair facilities, facilities for sale
of boating supplies and fuel, clubhouses, and parking areas and areas
for boat storage on land whi-ch are to I)e open for use between the hours
of 10:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. shall bo at least three IiitT,.,Ired feet from
,'lie neares@, lot line of any lot oii wliich a reslidence is permis.,;ible.
If any such areas or functions are not open b6tween -he hours indicated,
tlie distance may be reduced to ISO feet or if parkin,, areas and areas
f-(.,r I)oat stora@le on land are enclosed ')y a solid i@las,)nrv wall at least
six feet in height, tlie distance i@lav t)2 @-edliced to ISO eet.
That Section 401 (c) is amended and reordained to read as
Add Subsection (10) "Lodges fo @raternal organizations."
This ordinance is effective i-ro-i da-le of adoption.
Adopted by the Council of th-- City of Virginia Bea--h on tile
22na@ day of April, 1974.
I -i'l I @'@l 0 3 1
on motion by Council.,,qarl Gardner, secoiiied by Couiicilinan Isdell,
aiid by recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmell Johi A. Baum, Robert H. Callis, Jr., Nlayor
Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Vice i\layor F. Reid Ervin, Geor.@e R.
Ferrell, Cliarles l@. Gardner, Clarence ;%. liollan(l-, Garland L.
Isdell, J. Curti.s Payne, and Floyd Iiatct,field, Jl,.
il.' ay s :IN@one
Absent: None
City Council approved on first readin@ the followiiig Ordinance to
antend and reordain Chapter 20 of th-- Code of the City of Virginia
Beach by addin., thereto a new Section 20 1,@4.1 pertaining to retail
merchants motor vehicle dealers:
c,, C,
B E I T 0 I L)
_T-l C;" VI -T A 'C!
Ti, -
c @n
Grc-,ss C"ciles L@-@c7I 2 -C@1,Dle tc) a.
DPI- i
i-lc),-Or Vci-licle Dca-,l-c2r, 1) e
Aprii 1-2, 1974
lidop'c,cd b" tlie ol- ti-te Ci-Ly c)@
or-i tl-to clly OL 1-9
ITF,',l @7,)32
Mrs. J. W. Sills appeared in favor of the follwinv ordinance
@%,Irs. George E. Tinnes appeared in favor of the following Ordinance
il,i@-s. Gene Poole appeared in oppositiod to the following Ordinance.
On n@otion by Vice @lavor Ervin, se@orided by Couicilman Gardler, and
by recorded voto as Collows:
i@yes : Counciliiien It)lifi @l,. Baum, Rol)eit 11. (-@allis, Jr. , Mayor
Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Vice %layor F, Reid Erviii, Charles W.
Gardner, Clarence A. Holland, Garla.nd L. Isdell, D. I'lurray Malbon,
J. Curtis Payne, and Floyd E. IVaterficid, Jr.
Nays: Councilrflan Geor@e R. Ferrell
Absent: None
City Council approved on first readin,, the following Ordinance to
a-.iend and reordain Article III ol@ Chapter 5 of the Code of the
City of Virginia Beach pertainin@. to @Lninals and fowl:
A'; IT': i,
v f
BE IT C c u@ I C, T C IT-Z 01@- VII@,i:;I@ilA
1 1 A
A -ici@@
Ti y
S@ction 5-10. Per@.; L, Perrr.-i-t foe
C'- c,a
L 3L r),
or S a p
:i tic-, ci fc)@
il; tlie f o i (j i-@,
(,i) ro @- (-,,Icll
(1)) For c-acli
. . . . . . . . . 5. Ok)
(e) o . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . 2.00
I!ZO i . . . . . . . . . 25.00
O,,otion 5-11. 0 d-,ic -,,id
A I)ermit, i-E c Li 1 1 r
i L C,
ol- bel@o-.--c the f-Lrf;t, oi- Jr,-.iu--r,@ -o,.nd 1,-tcr
t'tio- c!.ay oi- Janu@i2-y @yc@-,r, ti-ic O,-I,7,i@- C)f a-@iv
,i,onth,@, o'Ci or ollier @i
Sec'c@,oii 5-10.
(b) oi: @i C, or C,)@,,
p 0 0 Ti 1) C,,' t
ii I)v
t i: ;i L! c, of se
If @;!i,,13- ale 03-
c I c, I i @l ,iI
s u a c L t
5 - 1,
i a ,i ue r s
a E-, t:,, r i CC)'LILLr, "L i-ID @,,l
aq ci, -ie ir C, Ud@ c r
f iss e. i--,Ials
cc)'Ll.ars o -r t i-Is -t ti,@.es when the anirial
is ol@f "he pre7,@l-ses o-P ti-,,2 c @L er. T,i -@ C L T-e-isurer sli-all
c@ r,,@card of t'lie o p e t c-, @2,,i ar.,-i s' all t7.al@e tl-iis
O,: @L3
rolati L--Le C)I- t!Li@ P@@,ii-t @-,L, requirc@d
IDy la-,7 L-o be p-,id ol rior Len dolla-rs and be requ4.red
to obtain p.-op2-1 Tc@rmi-L :in," ual.ess the fine aad Dermit fee
is paici, ti-ia! co-,irt sliaii- orJ.2r -Lhe dist)osed o@
b-v the Bureau oF A-Lii-na@ Cor.--@rol or so@-.2 oth--r o-C-ficer, but t'tle disoosi-
tloii of such no-- i:e.-Li-eve tl,c, o,@,ier C)..f- th-- p@iyr,,ei-it o-@ t,.-tE! fine or
p@ri-:i-I'l- fee alrc@ac'_,,, due.
Sec--ion 5-15. @-riyraent c),7 E@e to su,@@-ons
P@iyr,,ient of- t,,-!o pe.-fT,,4-t fee oq co-S s-,a'D,I,e I,--ilt to @l su-.mons to-appear
b@,fo-e a cour-I for --Failure to eo sc@ t-*,
re(.. 4red sho.11 not
ope,-,ite to reli.eve Lhe o@,,a--r in qjc@st,@@or. -@rom t'@le penalties provided.
Iectic)n 5-16. PI-esertat@-on of EA,,@-,'-rce of inoculatiol or vaccination
--t o i@,suarice ol-: 1-*.cense tag
a S4 e t
L@or an-,7 ani@!lal
,\Io license ta., sli@ill- 're iss@i2 ul-,ider ri,,*@s di,,4Si(,_
ur@lp-ss @-,n@re i,-@ to tlio eviL!ence, sati-sfacto.-v
to I,i.ml ShO@@7ir.,,,, (,,r vaccinatc@,
;t rabies @,j.t:hi-L-i aiic@ -is p7.e@,,cril),2d by 5-20 a@-,
Section 5-17. oE f,,,j-lure o" (2,og L-c) igear coi-lar tag
Atty clog not: collar b2,arir,@ a license ta.- of tt,.e proper
calendar year shall, pici.i,-a @-@,c4.e, -De Cleci,,ted -Lo ',)e unlic@--nsed aci--, @In
a,,iy pro-eedin@s under t@,is divisioii, 't),,lrcL,@n c3E prcol@ of the f--c--
tli,il@ stic'ia dog @i-is l@-co@-ised, o-@- is not reot-,ired to w(-ar
a ti, it tlie sL-iall be 0,1 t'@t,, oT,.T,.@r o@@ t-.he clo,,.
SecLion. 5-1-3. False s'.atem,,@nl: to S2--Ltre per--it
Ati-,r r@a'@E, , r L-
, f.,, 7 j_ll C) r-
Lo 1,1@ o@c,- nc-@' I-s,;
nor !,iC)-@e t@ "I@)
5-19. T--et)or@s-, o--- Di-recto,-- CF Fin,-n-o
Ci-t,, 1 it @@alE@s i:,@- rct, ti-i@ clate
'J.1@ cl@ L"i-
cL Lt,e
-i@ s L-ir v St:rai.ii) -,,v ci P,
1L',- C) r
alth, ti,@,
(D@ t@7O.Lve
T,F, t a c c
ii si i f v r@ni ti,-,@
n---c, t-lio -Yn s! @s i-o it, tlie ci ty
ti-lan @ja@@s
S.,@ction 5-20, o@ Pcr
l@,iy cloc, fo,-ind 41--i c rof-- @@ed
SecL;-c),i 5-2',)) .in t" L r!,: c iclir'l , L, a f-@ ro v d c! a
,-@or @In Section 5-2-'), !)e c@@,-ged with
0 -C ,-,L 1) r j e r' , s or-,or of arty
L,og ina@r sL,,ci-,re r,,31eas(- ..-.s -c), @)y
oi- by li@ivi-rL@,
kjc,,- pro@,,)erl,, ri C, a- i,, c c,-, la t d @,, -@"L t'- 4 n
of tlie of c C) and cirir).,
s, c'@-i A4- o@ o v T) E-,, 'o@, n, L
@L" a@ciy s o
by c' s o,@ i L3 1, f, os-i c, y 4 t 4-rito
t,),' o,-- a@,i.,,T Eor t,,qf-, cost o,@-
vacc-,-ilatioi,, anc'l s C) clo--
a Ct
C t It, 4 ViS
,i 'TI s
Sec'@@-(@n 5-23. Attachm@ ol- t-o do@is collar
A vaccination ta- shall be fir,@ly atLIcrie,,l to t@@e dog',,; collar aild@
s,-i,-!! be @.7ori at all t-'-i,,.2s @ihen -Llie i-s iiol@ or, tlie p@-opert- of tlie
c,@,T,ior or custoi.ian o,@ (:Io@, or 4,@ co-,iti:ol aE some
respoTisil)le pe--@son. rJ . P,,, . 4 S
s(@--tion 5-24. IssuLa--r2 cif oi-- certi@-icate
dc,- ro [)e ,ir,3 r,2quirc2d
or o or
4 r, or
4 C)
5-25. Of
o fL- tn I-Li@! (,ity
o@l,il,,,.- C) @i.@ 1) -i@ @l; @c: r
is i.it 1,@@l U 0
c,,,i a r,, (i i i,, i-) i-- (i 17 p c ti
Soc@- Li -l c C) L'
o-z @i n @,,a Is
!,Ij- anir,,,a-ts o-@- hua,.an ',)(-,in-s ol-
s e pl- ,-ce (2. ur,@cr c,,uarancin@ I-o- a r)e,--@od o,-
ten a-@ s T,ie -ii:,2a co-,idi-ti-o-,iLi o ciua@car,,':@ne st-iall be desi(Tnated
by Director o@F i-ioaltl-i or dlily clepu-Ly. 1,7@iien
suita'@,le quar-Intiii-- c--nnot b-- ro@a@LiLa-j,)Ld 'Dy @ilc o@,7ner, ti-i2 anir,-,al siall
be removed to a a,-id the-.-e be qua-ca,,it d
(Or Cl
S. 3.)
i-@ OE etc.
-r y 2 L-,iacc c, n
ttic, SC7-.iL)ed C,,2 cl Li T-,. r a i e o a i@l-,@-n-l-ala-'@
o t@iii:ty days.
Scc'L-ion 5-?-8. Q@aran-Li-n-- in evetil ci- eter,ency consequent upon
Wtien ii-i th-- jud,r,.,-,nt o@@ -,lie Ci-ty @lealt'i Dii:cctor an emer-ency
sl,iall D(-, (I,-c,@ed to e@:ist in the ciL-,, o@-- r,-,iy !,?-rc -Lhereof du-- to a
N-iicl--siDread z-qbies eD,*@-zooti-c' lo-,-- tl,,- of tl,.e i)ublic, the
Cit,l ilealth Dir--c4L-or T-ay 6--clare a q@jira@-itine in tlie c-*@'t:y or slich part
as iray b.@ so a-,icl, re,,-rict Ill- dc)c-s --o tlie owner's
I L I -@ @ t:' e
,)--o.--iises or to cLis@c)(:-,, c)@ so-.e --esi)oisi@,)Ie -,)erson, (-, 11 r
2- s uc'i
I,,@ i o n o -- : ency
@i@ 21
c) i) o l@ h o r i-s se - @rth in sL:cLi
o d r- i: f o,,- qllaraiit:i.iie z',-riy slich s'@iall- rer.,.ai-n in ful-I force
,lr,)Cl e-F- c- Lil !'Y L!-i-- Ci-L:y -,Tea'L-Li-i D-'@,--ector. 'Ord. N. 48 S 3.)
---Lo L Ur-
Sc-,ction 5-29. '-,y Bur--au o@- Ati,@,:,.al Co@it-rol
Tlir-@ nrovis*Lor,.,,, oF- tlii-s cli-vi-sinn @;,,all be enforce,@A by -Lho Bureau
Cc)ntrol aii,l sucl other ocL-Licer@@ as t'@le cl.t,, c,.,inci
r,@ay p-.--cscri.be. I (O;-cl . i@. l@", ,6 .
D'Lvision 3
Section 5-30. Perriittin- do,-s or ca-Ls to run at large.
It shall, 'oe for any o,,,7nin,,, h,-avin@ con-rol of or
any @io@ o--- ciL: i,7ithil,, C'@ t:y -Lo sucli do, or ca-L -Lo
rt:.ii iat I.,ar-e @ho c-T-Ly. @ry ,,av4n- control o@- or
1-iar'oo-4p.- any do, c)- Ca-
I @ @tiiin c'-y -h-,Il 'L,:Cep sLacL-1 do- or ca@- con-
to tlie T)rcf@isc-,s o'L SL,,Cj,.,i r).2rsc).-i . Tli ,iorcl@, "cor.,-'@ned to th-@ Oren-Ls--:
o tc) r-,--an suc@i @o@, or -a@ !-iall lo@-- 'L@eot cn -'Lic
is o-- cus-o in @'i-12 oi a resToi-,Sj.,,)IL
Of it" Llic caso of iiin-@in- sticii ci,)- is L-indor tt-i@ co@-Irol o@-
T'Li- ILICI d o. @y perso,'l @,@no '0,3,
in 11,@4 as it:s anc@L
or cL@- t Oii or
cI f-, or CaLs ,*.n viol-@iti-ot-i o@- Sec.@--IC)f@
5 - I ti c',-,J clo,@, o-@ ca@ rol r-,
IL sliaj.i 1", i.- 0, @@l C)@@ '@ll @7ilO
ii vi o@ S(-,CL4011 L:C)
or caL:
o-i- cz-1,t il,--C) @n(i ;i r(-,co c@
c! c -i.@
4,,1,2 y 2 c-,@,,, P@ c@, 1
i\,O. LIL ys i-@,il c, 3-C
!lo i,@) 1 r)er? 0:@ r e @,t C)
Co,, trol or by aii 1 L L c@ ee r ,3 l@l t
Scction 5- 32. Sil-@112 c, f o r r,,- L,, i, 1"@. 1 1
C) @ "n 0- 17 1. l@ $1 0 ,
PI @o
Clo,-,, C),c c@@ t: U-11
Co,-it,,-ol- 'if) ,,7.--Itten
notice i,s sE@rv,-c' 7ltDc,,,i c) r 1)erL;,)ti l@-,ivin& ! i)r,)r,2rty
f,i,@i li-Ilies --o c@-z"l-e I-or o,- t,.)ac',e 'L:o
Burt,,,iu (:)f- c,,, o@ Lo cc)ver
tll,- t of aii-I. c::- c 0 etc), o-j- Slic'Ll
CL4(,.@- 13 L:Iiiii Ici @i 0
p-,7ov,--ic)ns _IC) @74 0
st-,cil Lr@iiisfcr .
SecLi-o,n 5-3@@. /1@,-pi.ical)il-2.ty oE- trl,-oLl.,h 33
Secti.ons 30 tiarc)Li@"', 3@l, sliill- 1-1ppl@, to cits, pete;,
C@o-s' l,iil all 0-tl,@r Ln4lT,
an) h@ld
Sectiori 5 35 Pena@@lty J@or c,F C,'@, t@o.D- 30
i-, o, ci i t i C) , i t o ;.. r@ r@ L n i 1 f i j , i ri i i. -r t I i ri 1'.
j. L
Col-it,-ol OL--F-i-c@-z c, 4 pc)i.i,-.o c,, @,-icer i i@ e ,i CE- sucl,
Such sti-@TOrls th,@ o,,,-.icr a !)er),-,Ity
S --c t ion 5-36. liui@--apce d--fined
c) oxjjicr ftil- t:o ind cq-I-Ltrol of li4-s
t 0 p r 0 v @,-, 1 1t'l'_'7 @l f fc,, Til bc Cl ri s Einc @.xc e S,3 i -v c
u k:- i- es
@-cs, s c 'ci
or in si.,c.ti is i-C)
Se-- @ion 5 - @17. o c cc,
0 C- 1-
'11)@i c,I
01 C) 1.1 TI
C, IT@
i@ it 110 ilij:IT @i 1
11 0
11 v J,,-2f @i @as a p,--ize
t(D r -L
-i or ot',--
or i,-i Lo a f L,-Iuson,,ept; c)r
su,-@h verte@c)r-,,--e as a,@ Lo --Ii,,Lo qily I)usiness
@,_@reei,,,,eiit i.;hereby -Lie o-F'fe-c @,7,As for purpo-le t)f actr-actin@. trade.
Section 5-40. lijured ani-inals iii cu3-@od,,, of 'Di,roau ot Aniiial
0 @l
C cj@@a L! 1:@D C
Section 5-41.. Dest-@-ucLi-on cer-lain etc., anir,.als
Notviit@ist--ndiiic-, Sc@ctioEi an@, ol@ficer oL@ the Bureau ol- Anin).al
C,),,.trol t,,iay @La-1.1l.Irtill-y dest--oy, or caLi,-,--, t:o 'f@e LleE,,troy-d, er,.y arimal ir,,
@lis cL-iarge or fou,,d o- ),jL -oi)erly clred for, l@7hei, in t-he
o,, sucti o'@ @icer ail@,@ @,.,To ciliz-@iis cal@l-ed to view tlie
in Lii-s suc'll @'o b@ -,@,.-avely i-n.-lured, disah)led,
diseased., past re--ove--y or tor u@eful -..3,irpose, ar,.d should the
t@,,o ci-tizoiis cal-1c,'@,. j-r,@ -,s aDove they s@@,11 se-,---cL a third anci
lil*.s dccisi-on ShLll !)e fi-rial.
se,ct4lon 5-z@2. C-lu--Ity to ani-rt,,,i-Ls a
Ar,.y persori @71!o (I-) overri,-"e.,3, overloaes, tortures, ill
y 4 t3 ill'
LP.,ii-,-y or plin rot coinec-Led
Nl,it'Ll I)ona Lcieriti-Lic o-.-- rcriicaj- to, o-. cruellv o
ii-,.-i,,-iecess,tril,7 b@ats, riutil-,tes, or l@i@Lls i,-,y an@@.mal, @,7hethe@-
b,-,]-c)ii.-ing -Lo or or a-,iy LLii-l.,iai o@' il@---essary
o o G7' o- ()--@ , - L
SI.-@; @eliance, )ro;D-r Ti,orec,-ion trorli th@
c)r cius,@,s i-.v o-F L't-le a@Ll'ove- or th-, o-.,,,Eier o@- such
permits such a--ts to be Liorie by anorh2r, or (2) -@.@ill@-ully se+,-s
0-,1 fc)ot, insti,,ates, ep.,a@es iii or iii any way turthers -,Py act of
cri-iolty to arly aii,.r-al, nr 1.3) s@ll-,il carr,, or cause to @e carried in o-r
@,poii any venicle or v--ssel or o-Lti2r@-ii-se @-,ny anim@1- in a cruel, bri-7.tal,
or i@.!iuma-,ie 2ianner, so @3 to D--od@uce tor@-ure or ur@recessary sufferin@,
bo guilt o--F a i-n this section shall be
con@;,,-rt.ed to tL,,e
Section 5-43. Do,s prohibited on bcact,es uring certai-n Dart of
(,@i) It shal-l- be :Ecr an@ oc@i:@;on control or-
o- liar-borin- do@,, to )r p@-,rciit -itcli do,, to I)e ori til,@
s@ind 1-5 Scr)
ot @i c'tl v ,i r l tlie "seasel--- @',<c2iDL i@i
cl c@ n t: -i- di,-It:r7ct: su@@Ti 1 t@
-ILrc)l ol@
C@, L P-
--- ci
i n@ ol@ or , (lo@
SUL,;.(2@: 01- -IlCl@"i :klci-i "c') y
-j e
@i I c @it @@;iy Lir--i r oLi c, i i
o o i-, -i j1) I i ci
L )Y ctj 0 C)
-a y
3-11 all Ll:lli@,,!!L
L4 0, I)y SI"IA
C)f-- Seci-io-@ I-,2@ c,,t-c.
llt-lTll.-q7le OL- tho- Sec@'@oti -!'C@).I-.217, Co,ie of
Virg,iiiia s'Liall 'Dc-@ ve,,;t:c,d tL,e L',IIL]Iorit-v of etiforcin,, Sect-io[i 54- 2
ol@ t'iii-,-- s ic)il.
--s @,2 z;i April 22, 19 7 4
Adopted by t',-@c, 'o-,incil- of tlie of V@..r,,-@Iiiia Beac@ on the
day of 1 7 I,,
IT F,,',l it@ 7 0 -3 -5
Nlr. Thomas C. Broyles, lkttorney, appeared on this ordinance regarding
Oceans Condominium Corporation.
@Irs. Elizabeth Johnson zippeared iii ol)pjsition to this Ordinance.
On motion by Councilman Gardner, seconded by (@ouiicilman Callis, and
by recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilin--n John A. Baum, Robert 'i. Callis, Jr., Mayor
Robert B. Cromivell, Jr., Vice Mayor F. Reid ErviTi, George R.
Ferrell, Charles VV, Gardner, Clarence A. fiolland, Garland L.
Isdell, D. i%iurray Malbon, and J. Curti@ Payne
iNavs: None
Absent: Councilman Floyd E. @Vater,@iell, Ji,.
City Council approved tlie following Orliiiance leasing -lo and grantin',
permission to I,,Iortgage Investors of @Va;hii,,ton, Inc. (Oceans Condiriinium
CoTporation) permission to construct, Dperate ajid maintain a brid@e across
Atlaiitic ovenue just nortli of 40th Str@et in tlie City of Virginia Beacli
upon certain coiiditions:
1. That perri4-ssion be hereby --ranted @.o Mort.@age Investors of
@..ashington, Inc., ha--einafter referred to as the Cornoration to con-
struct, operate and @-aintai-n a bridge ac.-oss Atlantic Avenue just
!,forth o@- 40th Stre--t and -lo that extent encroach thereon so as to
p-rovi.de access to and from buildin@.s owned by Mort@age investors of
',,,'ashin@ton, Inc., in the conduct of its businass upon t@le followin@.
terms alid con-l-@@ti-oqs.
a) Tiie br@@d-e shall be of a Lype and shall be so constructed
so as not to interfere urireaso-,ia'Dl-/ wi-t:h LhP- public easement of trav,
iii Atlan-Li-- Avenuz! ari-d s'lail -,io-L h ve less than a clearance L-
feet, a,-id the IL)r*ld-le s@iall io,- --o-.1@-ain @3r Iiave placed thereon
any name, letterin,. or device intended for identificaL4-on, advertising
or publicity purposes.
b) T,iaL t@ne coc,.s-Lruction, reconstruction, repair, D?eration
and maintenanc@2 of tLie brid,-- s'@iall @ID? done i.n a ma-Liner satisfactory
C,) Che Director o-L -@OmFiuni-ty S2rv4-c--s and @he Bu,*.]-di-., Of-ficial and at
sulc'ti elevati(:)n a-@ii @,7ith suci-i r,,,aterials as arL, substantial-ly in accord
t'lle bluep.-Liit copi-@s ol@ th@ ol@ars iiad-- by l@,li.llia'.Is & Tazewell &
Issociates, Inc., A,,--Cl4tects a,-icl En-,*- att:acl,,.ed to Lhc draft o'@
L..'.S ordinance. T,t- T,@@ 1-k oc(iri@, -Lri-,ction, -c--conz3tructiol, repa-Lr,
:aaintenance or r2,moval of t'.,Aa shall riot b,-, corqmerl--,ad until t',i-
or perriits thereo@@ hav2 be--n iss,,Ied b7 tqe DirecLo-- of Commuc y
S,2cvices and t'Lic- Building Inspec--or in whlc'@a pe--Mits the Dire--tor of
Co=unity Services and the 3uildi-ng i-Lispector s'Liall have the right to
-cevoke the same ii event that the constriiction, recon3trucrion, repair,
maintenance, op--,-ation or removal of L',Ie @-Drid-,e shall lot in all res-
9----ts conform to t,@e provisions ol@ this and all otn--r ordinances of tl@ie
City relatin- therelz) and the Of tie Director of Cor@imunity
Services and tne Building Inspector.
c) That -,he CorDoration s@clall a,-- all t-imes l@--ep the bri-d@-
i-@l t)roper -,!.)air atici s',-a-L I L
@qaka su,,ri th2--t,-) Eroin tite Lo Li@
S! !chD'-r,2,@i-or L)E sp@-ctor d,@ em.
ne--essary for the safety of persons and orooerty usin- the public streets
of the City.
d) T,ie -lorporation s,iall restore and replace such portions of
Atlantic Avenue a,-id any public utili-t,, of Lhe City disturbed by reason
of the constl-uctiol, reconstructioi, i---pair, riaiitanance, operation or
removal of the b-.id@-e in a manner satisfactory to the Director of
co,-,n,unity Services and t@ne Buildiii, T,@spector, a-,id TRith materials ap-
proved by tLiem and when 'oac-,use ot-: tlt@, -,iai-nte.-.iaLice, oderation, coistruc-
-,i-on, reconstruction and repair, ex4st@ence or removal of the bridge, the
safet:y of i),el,.icles o-@ Dersons usi- screets of the City in
opinion of th-- Di-r--ctor of Con-pun4ty S--rvices and the Building
I-aspector ----quir--s --,ia-@ @%Llaril-ic A-,iL@-@@@;@ -r aiy ptiblic utilit4-.es o@l- t',Ie
City therein be replaced, restc)red or r-eoaired th-@ Corporation shall
restore, replace or repair tne street or the utili-ties therein when
required by sucii Di-r---ctor and i-n a maii@-1,-2r with materials that are sa-Lis-
fa--tory to T,,ie -,@,ork of resr,,)riti-, repairici@ or replacing Atlantic
-Av--nue and any pablic utility of t@-- (:ity th@rein, the work shall not be
c@)=@nced i-,ntil the permi'L- ther---@or@ 'kias b@e,.i issi-ied b,,, ttLe Directc).- of
'.@om-,iunity Serv@-ces iii @itiich permit Lh:, Director saall reserve tqe right
to rcvole -Lne sa-q-- -;n evenl tliat- ,@ie @,ic)rk o@- resto,-i-nl,, re?airing,
-i - - 1: I --
oi: t'L -- s rr,?el@-3 @)r util@ ti@s -Li,) t i,'l all resp--t7,
i,nclu,iin- i--iaterials fc)r tci-- r,@quir,--,,ieiiLS of Ll,,-- Director of Conununity
S2rvices, w@@iereuoo-@i @qor',4: oC r@-,@airing or replacin- a street
or utility shall be loia by the City -i-,id L'I@, costs thereof shall b-- paid
by Lhe Cc)rpora@ion.
e) 1,4hen th2 cause of tne c-)-istruction, recons-ruction, repair,
@.-.a4-ntenance, operario,-,, -,-cistence or --2moval of tt-ie brid,e the public
utility o-f a corporation that has b@ i -,rante d @i franchise or permit @)y
the Council of the Cicy of Virg4-ia Beach tc) ii-P the streets of the City
for its purposes 4.s disturbed or any way affected th--reby the Corpora-
tion shall reconstruct, repair, repl@ace such utility in a manner
sat@-sfac-@ory -lo and undel- tlie supervision of the corporation to whic
frarich-*Ise or 'L,.as been to operale the utility affected.
f) The Corporation shall 1)ay to the City annually for the
privilege herein g@-anted a sum equal to One Dollar ($1.00) for each
square foot o@L area over Atlan-lic Avenue occupied by the bridge which
shall become due and payable on i-irst day of each calendar year the
bridge is in existence.
The .o--poration s',aall -1-ndemni@@y, reimburse and save the
City harmless frori all char-es dama,es or costs the Ci-ty may be re-
quired to pay or other,,vise sustain bj reason of the construction,
reconstruction, reoair, maintena,,ice ind operation of t@,le brid-,e and
the existence or removal thereof by -eason of any person, firm or
corporation bein- injured or dama@,ed Ln any way in person or properl
as a result of tii-- construc-Iton, r@@c3nstructi-on, repair, maintenance,
1 4
ooeral.on, existeqce or rel,,,oval o@, LAe bridge.
h) The Corporation sha@Ll furnish the City certificates of
insurance indicatin@ that tLie CorooraLi-on has in effect Comprehensive
General Liability Insurance with Stardard Endorsement Number Glll
executed, namin.@ Lhe City as additional -@@nsured, to i-ndemnify and re-
iin'Durse the City -,or all charges, danag-@s O-- costs that tliey nay be
required to pay or other-wise sustai-,i by reason of the construction,
reconstruction, repairma,*-ntenai-ica, operallion, existen,-e or removal
f- t'ne bridge. Such co t It
o n ract of i-.-isurance sh-,Il 'oe @.7ril en by a
Com.pa ny approved by tL,@e City At@@-orri--y, and t,i-- li@.,iiits of cov--rage
for suc,i Coripre,qensive General Liability Insurance sliall. b-- $1,000, -0
Bodily Injury Liibi-lity, each occurrence, and $'-150,000 1.1roperty Dar, ,e
Liability, eacn occurr--nce. T'Iia Ccrporati-on stiall pay all premiums
chargeable for the acquisition and i,.ai-itenance of sucli liability in-
si-,rance, and shall keep the same in ftill force and effect at all times,
during the existence or removal )f t:he brid.-le. The co-@itract of insuranc
s'iall contain a Prov-:si on tba@ i;@ s'zal !,. n,),, be Lerminated or otherwise
-01 days after writte@l e o
allowed to exoire prior to siyty IC)t c r
,he effect is Qiven to the Director o@ Comniunity Services and Director
of Finance of the City.
i) The Corporation shall f,irnish the City a bond wit'i
corporate suretv a?p-@oved bv tlie @,i@y A-,-@orney, in tie s,,,-,' of Ten
'Fii ous and --O-llditia,-ie@3 r,@-ioval o' th,2 brid-,e 'Dy the
tly upon being orde-@ed so to do bv the r-ou-,icil of tbe
r.orporatio,,i promp I
City or upon t,la repeal or- this ordinance or upon the failure, refusal
or neglect of the Corporation to comply fully and in all respects to
t',ae provisions of -,hi-s or any ot@er ordinance of the Council of tne
City relatin- thereto. TLie Corporation s,qall pay all premiums charge-
able for the bond ald shall keep -Liie sa-,ne in full force and P@Lfact at
all times during the existence or rerloval of th-- brid-e. The bond
sl-,all contain a provision that it sliall not be -Lerminated or otlie--wise
allowed to expire prior to six-Ly (60) days a@@ter written notice to that
effecL is given to the DirecLor c)@ C),@,,au,,iity Services and t',,a Director
of Finance of t'ne City.
T'@i4-s orainance l@s a3,3,F)r@@c-. r),,irs,-,ait to the power @ra-'Ited
the Council ol@' the City of Vi-r,-Iin;a 3eac'@i pursuant to 515.1-37'0.1,
Lo I
Code of Virginia, and su'Dject to all francciises, and permits hereco'Lore
or hereafter granted by -11-- Cou-Licil @l-o use the public streets of the
o@itv. it is noL !-ntended by L'Lle ad@-pt:io@i of ordinance -@o offer
c)r @.@-an" a franc'.aise and the Council 'a@reby expressly reserves the
-i, t at any tiqe or repea t,i's ordinance. Upon -,tie rp-peal
,j- th; s ordiiance or ,ipon the of st:c"i ,l I -
.L @- -4 o%-- 'o- i'din,s
v,'Lai-ch-cv--r sLiall ',iappei first, t,ic Corporq-@ion shall :@@-@--love --'-ie 'Drid,le
@l"Ic" re,,)air, o,- restori2 a,-i-,i ),,)rtic), of Atiait4c Ave--l,j2 acid
flublic utililies therein dama,.@ed, d@sLurb@-d or aes-roye-,' t,,iereby in
@i man,,ier, T--at,2--ialS @@lli t) sa,isf@ac,lio.--i o-@- t@Lle Direc"or
ol@ CC)n-,il-,klity S@-rv4-ces. Upo-@l tl,12 ap,?ndnent of C)r,,Iir,,ancc, @.-he
Corporation shall, ;-,L-i all reso@@cts, co,,.qpl,,f th-2rp-wtt,,. Upon t,ie r--sor
lijtion of "he Cor@oraLion or the revocalion or forfeiture of their
@ailuro- of t,@e Corp,,Drat-ion to co-i@inue to en,a,,e i-n
charters or t@i@
t',i@ business i-i t:'@iat U-orporaLion '13 ;::iow en-aged or scil-- or
conveyance of the property connected by the brid@.e or either parcel
,:,@reof or the failure, refusal or neglect t:o keep the liability
insurance contract and bond in full force and effect at all times
durin- Lhe existence of tlie bridge or thc- Corporation will remove
tb@-,- brid-e and repair, replace and i,-estore any portion of Atlantic
,Av2nue or any public til
ities tiier,@in darqa,,ed, disturbed or des-
troyed thereby in a manner, with sucn rlaterials, and to the satis-
fa--tion of the Director or' Communit@i Services. Upon the failure,
refusal or neglect of the Corporation to-comply with the provisions
of this paragraph tae City shall have the right to perform the
Corporations obli@@ation hereunder aL the cost and expense of the
Corporation without liability to the Corporation for damage sustained
by the Corporation on account tnereof.
k) Any failure, refusal or neglect to con@@orm fully with
provisions of t',Iis ordinance or any amendment or revocation or
@-epeal hereof bv the Corporation sball constitute a @-n4-sdetpeanor.
R-ach days failure, refusal or shall constitute a separate
2. This ordinance shall@ not become effective until the Corporatio@
s',iall, within a period of six (6) months after the er-fective date of
this ordinance, file with the @lity Clerk an acceptance in writin-g of
each and eve--y provision of this ordinance in form satiseactory to t,ne
city Attorney which shal-I consl-itut@@ ai agreement on the part of the
Corooration to b2 ',)ou-,i--' tiaereby an(i to comply with t',iare,,Iith. T'Lle
Corooration shall not exercise the privile,-es ,ranted in this ordinance
until they shall havo fu-Ini-s'Liad th%@ lia@oility and il-,;-.@rance coitract
and bond as orovid,,2,,l i-n Lilis
3. T'Lais c)rdinance shall bE-, iLi full force and effect fro-,n its
Adopted 'Dy L'@le Counc4-l oE tLie ci-ly o@, Vir@inia Beaca an tqe 22
day of 1974.
iDB/cj 4 - -L 8 -
ETF',l :f7,)34
On motion by CouRcilman Payae, secoridel I)y Counc-ilr@ian lsdeil, aiid
by recorded vote as follo@vs:
Ayes: CouiicilTIllen John A. Bauni, Rob--rt 11. (@ailis, Jr., ,Iayor
l@c)bert B. Croiiiwell, Jr., Vice @layor l,. l@eid Erviii, G@corge R.
Ferrell, Cliarles @l. Garciner, Clarepc:-- P". Holland, Garland L.
Isdell, D. Murray Nlalbon, and J. Curtis Payne
Nays: None
Absent: Counciiman Flovd E. Waterfield, Jr.
City (@ouncil approvecl tlie followiii,, A;Dpoifitment of Viewers relative
to a street clostirc -. p@Lrc--ls 4, (i ilrovido T ce Road iii the
Ke-lpsville Borough:
WHEREAS, the City of Virginia Bea(ih, Virginia, has given due
and proper notice, in accordance with @he statutes for such cases
made and provided, that it would on -@h@ls day a-oply to the City
Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, for the appoint-
ment of Viewers to view the below described property and report
in writing to the Counci-I wliether, in -he opinion of said viewers,
any, and if any, what inconvenience wo,ild result froro the dis-
continuing of the hereinafter descr:Poe(I portion of Providence
Roa5 in Kempsville Borough of the Cl.ty of Virginia Beach,
Virginia, and have filed such applicatlon with the said Council.
That, Mr. Geor@,-@ L. Ilanburv, @l, IV-
Nclr. Charles C. Carri.n@ton
are hereby apoointed to vioa the b-low describecl propertv -,nd
report in writing to the Council on or before
@,ihether in their opinion, any, and if iiny, what inconvenience woold
restilt f@om the discontinuing, closing and vacating of that certain
portion of Providence Road, located in the Borough of Kempsville,
city of Virginia Beach, Virginia, ana (I(-scribed as follows:
ALL THOSE CERTAIN pieces, parcels or tracts of land,
a portion of @vhich consists of thE@ now abandoned and
fo=er right of way of Providence Road in ",he Kempsville
Borough of the City of Virginia BE@ach, Vir@inia, and
being ric)re particularly known, nunibered and designated
as "PA'ICEL 4, PARCEL 5 and PARCEL 6," as @hown on that
certain plat entitled: "PLAT SHOWING STPEET CLOSURE
RIVER ROAL), DATE: 2/22/74, SCALE: 1"=50', E'iGIL\fEERING
VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA," witb the exception of a
thirty-five (35') foot Pe=anent Utilities Easement
reserved by the city of Virginia Beach, Virginia,
designated as "35' EASEMENT" alsc@ shown on said plat,
which is attached hereto an
cl int@nded to be read as
a part hereof for a more Particular descript-',-on of
the said parcels.
ITE,Nl @",7035@
,On motion by Councilman Ferrel-1, secoiided by Councilman Malbon,
and by recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Cbuncilmen John A. Baum, Roberi@ H. Callis, Jr., @iayor
Rob--rt B. Cromwell, Jr., Vice Mayor F. Reid Ervin, GeoT@.e R.
Ferrell, Charles W. Gardner, Clarence A. liolland, Garlaiid L.
Isdell, D. Murray Malbon, J. CUrtiS PLyne
Nays: None
Absent: Councilman Flovd E. IVaterfield, Jr.
City Council approved the following AI)pointment of Viewers relative
to the street closure of Gi@een Ilill Road in the l,ynnhaven Borough:
Petitioner, City of Virgin'@a Beach, respectfully represents:
1- That pursuant to the provisions o@ Section 15.1-364 of
the Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended, the said p--titioner applies
for the vacating, closing and disC,D',-)-,i@,Uing of a portio-'l o@- a certain
road situate in the Borough of Kempsville, City of Virginia Beach,
Virginia,and described as follows:
ALL THOSE CERTAIN' pieces, parcels or tracts of land,
a portion of which consists of the now abandoned and
fo--mer right of way of Providence Road in the Kempsville
Borough ol- the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia and
being more particularly known, nuiibered and designated
as "PARCEL 4, PARCEL 5 and PARCEL 6," as shown on that
certain plat entitled: "PLAT SHOWING STREET CLOSURE ON
VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA," with the exception of a thirty-
five (35') foot Pe.-manent Utilities Easement reserved by
the City of Virginia Beach, Virginiadesignated as "35'
EASEMENT" also shown on said plat,which is attached he--eto
and intended to be read as a part hereof for a mor--
particul.ar description of the sail parcels.
2. That no inconvenience will result to any person by reason
of the said closing, vacating and discontinuing of this Dortion of
said road, and petition@-r prays tliat this Honorable Council appoint
Viewers as provided by the aforesaid statilte to view the portion
of the said road to be closed and redort in writing to this Council
on or before 1974, whether,
in the opinion of the said Viewers, any, and if any, what incon-
venience would r--sult from the discontinuing of this portion of
said road-
3. That on th-- day of 1974, notices
of the presenting of this applicati.on were posted at the Courthouse
of the Circuit Court of the City of V@rgi.nia Beach, Virginia, and
at t@,7o other public places within the said City, as evidenced by
the affidavit attached hereto, and a c,opy of said notice, and the
land owners along and adjacent to said street desire and request
the said portion of Providence Road tc) be closed, as shown by the
attached letter.
Respectfully submitted,
1,7HEREAS, F. Patrick Kavanauqh has given due and proper
notice, in accordance with the 3tatutes -or such cases made and
provided, that he would on tliis da-y apply t(-@ th-- Ci.ty Council
of the City ol@ Virgiiia iirgin;-a, fo; t@he- appoint,,ient of
Viewers to view the below-descrlbed property and report in
writing to the Council whether, in the opinion of said viewers,
what, if any, inconvenience would result fron@ the discontinuing
of the hereinafter described portion of Green Hill Road, in the
Borough of Lynnhaven, in tlie City of Virginia Beach, Virginia,
and have filed such application with the said Council;
That Geor.@e L. flanbLIrv, Vi. "i. Floming a@ld C. C. Carriigton
are hereby appointed to vi@-w -Ili@ b--low-described property and
report in writing to the Council on or before
whether in their opinion what, if anv, inconvenience would
result from the discontinuing, closing and vaca+--ing of that
certain portion of Green Hill Road, located in the Borough of
Lynnhaveh, City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, and described as
Parcel 1:
A portion of Green Hill Road, said Gr--en Hill Road
being more particularly described on the "Plat of
Green ifill Farm Subdivision," recorded in Ma'i Book
93 at Page 9 in the Clerk's Office of the C@-----uit
Court of the City of Virginia Beach, virgin:-@-, being
that portion of the said Creen Hill Road,
beginning at a point at the intersection of the
Northwest boiindary of Green !fill Road with -,he
Northeastcrly boundary of Great -@4eck Road, thence
running along the arc of a curve with a radius of
20.00 feet, an arc lengl-h of 33.42 feet in a
Northeasterly direction to a point shown on said
plat and designated thereon as number eight position;
thence running N381 32' 52" E 1,303.56 feet to a
point; thence running iii a Northeasterly direction
along tlie arc of a curve uith a radius of 505.64
feet, an arc length of 139.23 feet to a point;
thence turning and running S 41' 08- 09" E 73.36
feet to a point; thence turning and running in a
South,qesterly direction al,ong the arc of a curve
with a radius of 694.35 feet, an arc length of
125-02 @-eet to a point; tlience running S 38' 32' 52"
W 1,31'.56 f,3et to a point; thence running in a
Southeasterly direction along the arc of a curve with
a radius of 20.00 feet, an arc length of 29.68 feet
to a point; thence turning and running N 461 281 28"
W 80.06 feet to a point; tlience turninq and
running N 45@ 411 58" W 40.72 feet to the said point
of beginning.
Parcel 2:
An easement running parallel to and along the
Northeasterly boundary of (3reen Hill Road, said
road being more particularly described as "Parcel ill
above and as shown on the "Plat of Green Hill Farm
Subdivision," recorded in Map Book 93 at Page 9 in
the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of the
City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, said easement
being 1,100.04 feet in length and being more
particularly described on said Plat, and designated
thereon as "Ten foot drainzlqe easement."
Petitioners, F. Patricl, @@"a,,7anauqh, respectfully represents:
1. That pursuant to the pcovisions of Section 15.1-364 of
the Code of Virginia, 1950, as imended, the said Petitioner
applies for the vacating, closiqq and discontinuance of a
certain portion of Green Hill R(Dad, situated in the Borough of
Lynmiaven of the City of VirginLa Beach, Virginia, and
described as follows:
Parcel 1:
A portion of Green ifill Road, said Green Hill Road
being more particularly described on t-he "Plat of
Green Hill Farm Sublivisio.,i," recorded in Map Book
93 at Page 9 in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit
Court of the City ol- Virgiiia Beacli, Vircjinia, b--ing
that portion of the said G-een Hill Road, beginning
at a point at the intersec-@ion of the Northwes-I
boundary of Green Hill Road with the Northeasterly
boundary of Great Neck Road, thence running along
the arc of a curve with a radius of 20.00 feet, an
arc 1--ngth of 33.42 feet in a Northeasterly direction
to a point shown on said plat and designated thereon
as number eight position; @hence running N 38@ 32' 52"
E 1,303.56 feet to a point; thence running in a
Nortiieasterly direction along the arc of a curve with.
a radius of 505.64 feet, an arc length of 139.23 fee-,
to a poi-nt; thence turning and running S 41' 081 09" E
73.36 feet to a point; thence turning and running in a
Southwesterly direction along 'he arc of a curve with a
radius of 694.35 feet, an irc length of 125.-2 feet to
a point; thenc-- running S 38@ 32' 52" @'T 1,3-@-11.56 fe--t
to a point; ttience running in a SouLheasterl-y direction
along @-he arc of a curve with a radiiis of 20.00 f--et,
an arc length of 29.68 feet to a point; thence turning
and running N 46@ 28' 28" @ll 8@1.06 feet to l point;
thence turning and running N 45@ Al' 58" @q 40.72 feet to
the said point of beginnin-3.
Parcel 2:
Kn a e@nent running parallcl tc) and along the
Northeasterly boundary bf Creen Hill Road, said road
being more particularly described as "Parcel 1" above
and as shown on the "Plat if Green Hill Farm,
Subdivision," recorded in ,lap Book 93 at Page 9 in
the Clerk's Office of thc Circuit Court of '@he Ci--y
of Virginia Beach, Virginia, said easement being
1,100.04 feet in length and being more particularly
described on said Plat, and designated thereon as
"Ten foot drainage easement."
2. That no inconvenience will result to any person by
reason of the said closing, vacating and discontinuance of the
said portion of Green Hill Road, and Petitioner prays that
this Honorable Coancil dppoint Viewers as provided by the
aforesaid statute and view this portion of Green Iiill Road
porposed to be closed and repoi,t in writing to this Council
on or before the day of_ 1974, whether,
in the opinion of the said Vie,,iers, what, if any, in--onvenience
would result from tlie discontirtuance of the said portion of
Green flill Road heretofor-- desc-ribed.
3. That on the dav of 1974,
notices of the presenting of tllis application were posted at
the Courthouse of th-@ Circuit ('ourt of the City of Virginia
Beach, Virginia, and on the promises to be closed, and at the
City Hall Annex, Bulletin Board, 19th and Arctic Streets,
Virginia Beach, Virginia, as eTidenced by the Affidavit
attached hereto, and a copy of said notice, and the land
owners along and adjacent to s'lid portion 0-1 Green Hill Road
desire and request the said portion of Green IIil'@ Road to be
clos--d as shown by attached letter.
R(@spectfully submitted,
Jahn lace SuInms, Attorney
for F atrick Kavanaugh
On raotion by Councilman Payne, seconded by Cotincilmari,Holland, and
bY recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baura, Rober,@ fl. Callis, Jr., Nlayor
Robert B. Cromivell, Jr., Vice @layor F. Reid Frvin, George R.
Ferrell, Charies @V. Gardner, Clarcri@--c A. fiolland, Garland L.
Isdell, D. klurray ililalbor,,, J. Curt@i.@, !Iiyi-,t@, anJ l@loyd E. '@Vaterfi.--Id, Jr.
,Nays: Norie
Absent: None
City Council approved the followinc., t;ix refunds in the amount of
$ 2 8 5 . 7 2 :
To: vr. Dale @lin,,son City Atto-ney
F@-ofn: Yr. V. A. ELheridgc2, Treasurer )ri! 10, 1974
S,,ibjoct: Appl-ication --or Tix Refunds
T'lle follo,,?in, ipplicallions for refund of taxes totaling 285.72
and certified for paylent, as set forth belo,4:
V. A. Ethc!rid,,2
lo tzl
Dernaio Pobert M 1973 PP ,@,r,14 C, -'8 3 -73 11.49 12.(
!,,Iarner Brooks F 1973 RE 054774 2()62 6--10-73
-@ June S 1st & 2nd 12-5-73 174.@
t@Tisser Robert 1973 PP 079860 6-6-73 23.S
0 1-2z@-74 7.-
@ay,7,ond E Brattoi 1974 CD 55481
'@laomas W Pa@-ks 1974 CD 5913 1.-18-74 7.-'
K Lewi-s 1974 CD 7@'- 40@575 1-2-7/i 7.@
,3yi7io,@-icl W Spruil- 1974 CD Irl 1. 7 8 1- 1-2-74 7.5
irbirt T-,or,@n--o 1974 CD @k 24260 1-11-74 7.5
t-I Cill.ie 1974 CD 39852 3-29-74 15.C
Ed@@ard 1974 CD 41-323 1-3-74 1.5.C
cliia t,,i--ss Jordan 1974 CD i" 76767 -74 7.5
is or r(-,-@und ot- @ipj@rove(l,
ITE@,f @ '037
On motion by Counciliian inlalbori, seconded by Councilman Holland, and
by recorded vote as foliows:
Ayes: Counciimen John A. Baum, Robett H. Callis, Jr., inlayor
Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Vice @layor F. Reid Ervin, George R.
Ferrell, Charles W. Gardner, Clarence A. Holland, Garland L.
Isdoll, D. Nlurray @taibon, J. Curtis Payne, and Floyd E. Wat-orfield, J
Nays: None
Absent: None
City Council approved the iow bid of N!. E. Wilkins, Incorporated,
in the amount of $628,026.10, for Phase I for the gravity sewer
facilities and force nain for the Trantwood Shores area. Partial
furids are available for the project and it.is anticipated that the
remaiiider will be provided in the 1974 Bond Issue.
ITEM 97037 (a)
On motion by Councilman Nlalbon, seconded by Councilman Cardner,
and by recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert H. Callis, Jr., '@'ayor
Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Vice @layor F. Reid E-rvin, Georc.-- R.
Ferrell, Cliarles W. Gardrier, Clarence A. Holland, Carla-d L.
Isdell, D. @,lurray Nlalbon, J. Curtis Payne, and Floyd E. IVaterfield, Jr.
iNays: None
Absent: None
City Couiicil approved the low bid of S,,tburban L@'quipment Rentals,in
tlie amount of $279,380.60 for Phase 11 of the gravity s-,@,ier facilities
aiid force iiiain for the Traiitwood Shores area.
ITENI #7037 (b)
On motion by Councilman Baum, seconded by Councilman @ialbon, and
by recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen John A. BauTq, Roi)ert ii. Callis, Jr., i@layor Robert
B. Cromwell, Jr., Vice @layor F. Reid Ervi-n, George R. Ferrell, Charles
@'i. Gardner, Clarence A. tiolland, Garlarid L. Isdell, D. ',Iurray Malbon,
J. Curtis Payne, arid Floyd E. I,,aterfield, Jr.
Nays: Nolie
Abscnt: T@one
City Council approv--d tlie low bid of V,.in de Riet Constructioii Company,
in Lhe amount of $64,200, for the constructiori of a puntoi.,i@, station
iii Trantwood Sliores. Tliis is Pliase I-A.
ITEM #7037 (c)
Oii niolion by Couikciii-.Iziii @%,alboli, @L)y Coliticiiiiari Callis, aiid
by recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert ii. Callis, Jr., @Ntayor Robert
Ciomwell, Jr., Vice @layor F. Reid Ei,vin, George It. Ferr-11, (@,liar @'i
@V. Gardner, Clarence A. liolland, Garlaiid L. Isdell, D. inlurray Malbon,
J. Curtis Payne, and Floyd E. Waterfie-@d, Jr.
@lays :
City Cotincil approv--d thc Ic)@,r [)id oF V@t@i de Ri(,t C nstruct.lon (,ompaliy,
iii the amount of $64,200, for Phas-- iB of the I)umpin@. Statio@l.
ITE,@l #7037 (d)
On Diotion by Councilman Ferrell, seconued by Councilman Malbon, and
by recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert H. Callis, Jr., inlayor Rober-L
B. Cromiiell, Jr., Vice @layor F. Reiti Ei-vin, Georg-- R. Ferrell, Charles
W. Gardner, Clarence A. liolland, Garl.aiid L. Isdell, D. @turray Malbon,
J. Curtis Payne, and Floyd E. Waterfie-id, Jr.
iNays: None
Absent: Noiie
City Couiicil approved the low bid o,.' V@tn de Riet Construction Coripany,
in the amount of $63,500, for Phase 11,@ of the Pumping Station.
ITE@l 70-18
On T.@iotion by Councilman llalbon, secoiicl,!d I)y Councilman Gardner, and
by recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Counciln@en John A. Baum, Robert ii. Callis, Jr., @,layor Robert
B. Cromwell, Jr., Vice Mayor F. Reid Ervin, Geor,e R. Ferrell, Charles
W. Gardner, Clarence A. liolland, Garlaiid I,. Isdell, D. @Nlurray @Ialbon,
J. Cfjrtis Payne, and Floyd E. Watery-ie'd, Jr.
Nays: None
Xuse,it: None
City Council approvod the loiv bid of Sletfart Co,,istructio@l Company, in
the amount of $387,551.86 for the consiiruction of the Gr--at Neck
Manor .,ravity seiver facilities.
ITEM 7038 (a) @a)
Oii ifiotion by Counciliiian 'Ilall)on, secoiid(@d by Councilinan Payne, and
by recorded vote as folloivs:
Ayes: Counciimcii John A. Baum, Robert ii. Callis, Jr., @layor Robert
B. Cromivell, Jr., Vice Mayor F. Reid Ei-vin, Geot-ge R. Ferrell, Charles
@V. Gardiier, ClaTence A. Holland, Garlziiid L. Isdell, D. @lurray Nlalbon,
.j. Curtis Payne, and Floyd @. tv@tterfic d, Jr.
@,4ays :
Ahsent: None
City Council approved tlie low bid of Crowder Construction Company, in
tlic amount of $114,75O, for the constrilction of the pumping station in
tlie Great Neck Manor area.
q'7 )39
,%Irs. Frances Eirod, Director, Departinerit of- Social Services, requested
a transfer of funds in the Public Assistance category, from General
Reiief t- '--are. Since this transfer is totaliy within the
category of Public Assistance, no Council action is necessary. However,
because General Relief receives more participation from the State
(62-1/2% State - 37-1/2@l, Local) than Foster Care (50% State - 50% Local),
Nlrs. Elrod has requested that the City Council reduce anticipated reve
iii Public Assistance by $25,768.
Also, durin@ the past tliree (-)) months, ttie iiumber of applications for
tlie Food Stan@p Pro,.ram liLL5 increase@,! ',),v 200@. Mrs. Elrod anticipates
iio i-eduction in the near future due to the rise in food prices and
other economic conditions. Tlierefore, Mrs. Elrod requests approval
to liire tivo eligibility workers and on-- account clerk on a temporary
basis until June 30, 1974. Funds for these positions are available
in the 1973-74 Social Services Bud.@e@
Oii -,iotion by CouncilEian Ivaterfield, seconded by Councilman Baum, and
by recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmeli John A. Baum, Robert fl. Callis, Jr., Mayor Robert
B. Cromwell, Jr., Vice t@layor F. Reid L,'rvin, George R. Ferrell, Charles
vi. Gardner, Clarence A. Holland, Garland L. Isdell, D. @turray Malbon,
J. Curtis Payne, and Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr.
Nays: None
Absent: None
Ci-ty Council accepted the request of @@Irs. Frances Elrod, Director,
Department of Social Services, to transfer funds in the Public
Assistance category from Geieral Relief to Foster Care, thereby,
reducing the anticipated revenue in Pu@)lic Assistance by $25,768.
City Council further approved the Iiiring of two eli@ibility ivorkers
and oiie accou,-lt clerk on a temporai-y basis uiitil JLlne 30, 1974. Funds
for these positions are available in tlie 1973-74 Social Services Budget,
and this situation will be re-evaluated prior to July 1, 1974, as to
any increase or decrease in personnel and equipment.
ITF,M #@'040:
O,q motion by Councilman Waterfield, seconded by Coancilman Gardner,
and bv recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilrien John A. Baum, Robcrt [i. Callis, Jr., Nfayor Robert
B. Cromwell, Jr., Vice @layor F. Reid Ervin, Geor@.e R. Ferrell, Charles
l'!. Gardner, Clarence A. liolland, Garlatid L. Isdell, D. il,!,-,rray i"lalbon,
J. Curtis Payne, and Floyd L'. @@aterfield, Jr.
,Nays: None
Absent: None
City Council adopted tlie follo@vin,, IZesolution and al-itho@i-zed tfle
City i%lana@er to make application to tlie appropriato State a@.encies
for tlie forinulation aiad approval of futidiiig to provicle l@l Radio Pager
under the Crime Omnibus and Sale Strcets Ac:t of -L968.
ITEi@l 1-7C,41
i,.iotioii by Couiiciiiitaii
and by recorded vote as follo@vs:
Aye5: CouncilKien John A. Bauin, l@obert [i. Callis, Jr. , Nlayor Ro]Dert
B . Croini,-! I , -J-, , Vice ',Iayor F. Reid E:@-,rin, Geor,e R. Ferrell, Charles
IV. Gardner, Clarence A. iloiiand, Gal-lalid L. Isclell, D. @,lurray @talbon,
J. Curtis Payne, and Floyd L@'. WaterfieLd, Jr.
,4ays Noie
Abse@it: NOTI--
Ci@y Cotijicil roa,)poiiitcl -Lh@, Coilow@r@@@ lo t@lie l'icloiviter Reionl-tl
liealtli Plan@@ing Couiicil for a teri@i u@ iiiree (3), begiiirin.a April 22,
1974 and ending April 30, 1977:
iNIr. George M. liolmes
Doctor Robert J. Robertson
ll'E@@l il@7042
Oii motion by Councilman Gardner, sec-oii(led by Councilman Malbon, and
by recorded vote as folloi-is:
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Rob--rt ii. Callis, Jr., l@layor Robert
B. Cromwell, Jr., Vice @layor F. Reid Ervin, George R. Ferrell, Charles
@;. Gardner, Clarence A. Ilolland, Garlaaid L. Isdell, D. Nlurray Nlalbon,
J. Curtis Payne, ald Floyd L. Waterfield, Jr.
Nays: None
Absent: None
City Council reappointed P@Ir. Johii Arcliitect, to the Board
of Plumbin-. Appeals for a term of ti@o i@2) years, be,.@innin., April 22, 1974
and ending April 22, 1976.
ITEiNI f,71)43
City Council deferr--d for one (1) week appointments to the Vir,,inia
Beach Highway Safety Col,',Mission.
I TE@ NI i, 7 (! 14
Councilmaii Cliarles IV. Garciner made LL motion, seconded I)y Councilrian
Callis, to authorize t'@le City Mana.,or l@o proceed with tl,,,- @lana,led
C@roivtii Pro,@rain as outlined oii page 26, part 2 of tlie Plans fo-
Plaiinin@., and to inake recomirendations '@o Council as soon q-s possible,
but no,later tli@iii si-,c jitoiiths. The recordecl vote is as follows:
A),es: Councilmen John A. Baun@, P@obei't Ti. Callis, Jr., I.tayor Rob--rt
,3. Croiiiwell, Jr. , Vice @%iayoi@ F. Reici El-vin, Cliarles I'l. Gardner, Clarence
A. Efolland, Garland I,. Isdclll D. @l,,irr:iy @,lalbon, J. Curtis Payiie, and
F@loycl E. @Vaterfiold, Jr.
ays Counc@lr@liii C,',-,or.,c l@. F--rroll
Abso,it: None
City Council autliorized the City 1\lalll.@(-,r to proceed with the @lanaged
Gro-qth Prograni, subject to tlie briefing of the Pi.anniiig Commissiori,
as @)utlined on page 26, part 2 of the I'lans for Planning, and to
ii,,@iko recom,-@i--ndations to CoLiiicil as soc)it as possible, btit no later
tfian six iiionths.
ITE@'vl # -045
@,ILLyor Croinwell stated, for tlie benefit of tlie public and the press,
tliat tlie headlines that appeared in one of our newspaper has resulted
in a misconception of the employees involved in the FBI investigation.
@layor Cromwell further stated that there is absolutely no evidence to
support that allegation. The investigation is a localized one. The
City @,lanager lias been authorized to perform an in-house investigation,
aii@l -eport iiis findin,,,s back to Council.
ITL@,Nl #7046
On motion by Councilman Callis, s--conded by Councilman Ferrell,
aiid by recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert H. Callis, Jr., Nlayor Robert
B. Cromwell, Jr., Vice tvlayor F. Reid Ervin, George R. Ferrell, Charles
W. Gardner, Clarence A. Holland, Garland L. Isdell, D. Murray Malbon,
J. Curtis Payne, and Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr.
@4ays: None
Absent: None
City Council will hold a closed meeting on Monday, April 29, 1974,
for the purpose of discussing items permitted for discussion under
Section 2.1-344, subpara.,raph 2, 6, and 7 of the Freedoi- of Information
Act of the CoT@imonivealth of Vir.,ini-a.
ITE,@l @7047
Oii iiiotion by Councilnian Ferrell, seconded by Councilman Gardner,
aiid b unanimous vote, tlie meetin(., adjotirned.
Ri"cliard i n, City Clerk
Citv of Vir@inia Beacli,
P,pril 22, 1974